Legals 06.26.19.Indd
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4P WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 2019 THE MISSOURIAN WWW.EMISSOURIAN.COM North Front Door of the Court- souri, to-wit: house, City of Union, County of LOT SEVENTY-ONE (71) OF Public Hearing Franklin, State of Missouri, sell EAGLERIDGE ESTATES, A at public vendue to the highest SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF IN THE CIRCUIT bidder for cash the following de- UNION, ACCORDING TO THE COURT OF FRANKLIN scribed real estate, described in PLAT THEREOF RECORDED COUNTY said Deed of Trust, and situated IN PLAT BOOK P PAGE 303, OF STATE OF MISSOURI in Franklin County, State of Mis- THE FRANKLIN COUNTY RE- PROBATE DIVISION souri, to-wit: CORDS. IN RE THE MATTER OF: LOT 12 IN BLOCK 5 OF to satisfy said debt and cost. SOPHIE GRACE KLUESNER, ROBERTS SECOND SUBDIVI- MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., Female, 12-11-17 BEGINNING AT THE IN- NORTH LINE THEREOF 655.60 SION, ACCORDING TO THE Successor Trustee Minor Child. Trustee’s Sale TERSECTION OF THE NORTH FEET TO A POINT IN THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED 612 Spirit Drive Estate Number: LINE OF MAIN STREET WITH CENTERLINE OF THE PICK- IN PLAT BOOK D PAGE 41 OF St. Louis, MO 63005 19AB-PR00214 THE WEST LINE OF STATE LES FORD COUNTY ROAD, NOTICE OF THE FRANKLIN COUNTY RE- (636) 537-0110 STREET, THENCE SOUTH THENCE WITH THE CENTER- NOTICE OF HEARING TRUSTEE'S SALE CORDS. File No: 163850.070819.393234 For default in the payment of debt 77 DEGREES WEST ALONG LINE OF SAID ROAD SOUTH 2 Notice to all persons interested to satisfy said debt and cost. FC secured by Deed of Trust executed THE NORTH LINE OF MAIN DEGREES 19 MINUTES EAST in the person and estate of So- MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., NOTICE by Thomas J. Easter and Darla M. STREET 56 FEET TO THE 267.50 FEET TO THE INTER- phie Grace Kluesner, minor: Successor Trustee Pursuant to the Fair Debt Col- Easter, his wife, dated December 23, SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE SECTION WITH THE CENTER- You are hereby notified that 612 Spirit Drive lection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. 1985, recorded in Book 277, Pages VITT (BORBERG) PROPERTY, LINE OF A 40 FOOT ROADWAY, there has been filed in the Pro- St. Louis, MO 63005 §1692c(b), no information con- 262-265, re-recorded in Book 1024, THENCE NORTH 4 DEGREES THENCE WITH THE CENTER- bate Division of the Circuit Court (636) 537-0110 cerning the collection of this debt Pages 55-58, Office of Recorder of EAST, A DISTANCE OF 104.3 LINE OF SAID 40 FOOT ROAD- of Franklin County, Missouri, at File No: 197993.071519.400251 may be given without the prior Deeds, Franklin County, Missouri, at FEET. THENCE NORTH 85 WAY SOUTH 61 DEGREES 14 Union, Missouri: FC consent of the consumer given di- Union, the undersigned Substitute DEGREES 30 MINUTESMissouri EAST MINUTES Press WEST Service 187 FEET, Petition for appointment of NOTICE rectly to the debt collector or the Trustee will on Monday, July 22, 2019, A DISTANCE OF 59.9 FEET TO SOUTH 65 DEGREES 31 MIN- Guardian of said minor and the between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 802 Locust Pursuant to the Fair Debt Col- express permission of a court of A POINT IN THE WEST LINE UTES WEST 140.30 FEET, court is satisfied that there is 2:00 p.m., approximately 1:00 p.m., Columbia, MO 65201 lection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. competent jurisdiction. The debt OF STATE STREET, THENCE SOUTH 54 DEGREES 58 MIN- good cause for the exercise of ju- at the North door of the old Franklin §1692c(b), no information con- collector is attempting to collect SOUTH 4 DEGREESPHONE WEST - 573-449-4167A UTES WEST 323.50 FEET AND risdiction as the matters charged County Courthouse, Union, Missouri, cerning the collection of this debt a debt and any information ob- DISTANCE OF 96.1FAX FEET - 573-874-5894 TO SOUTH 67 DEGREES 55 MIN- in said petition. sell at public vendue, subject to any may be given without the prior tained will be used for that pur- THE POINT OR PLACE OF BE- UTES WEST 135.30 FEET TO The Petitioners are Joshua and unpaid real property taxes or special consent of the consumer given di- pose. GINNING. A POINT IN THE WEST LINE Monica Beadles, and the attor- assessments, without regard to race, rectly to the debt collector or the Publish in The Missourian June 12, 19, at the request of the legal hold- OF SAID QUARTER QUARTER ney is: Jill Groff-Rosloneic, 104 creed, color, sex, age, or national express permission of a court of 26 and July 3, 2019. er of said note who has elected to SECTION; THENCE NORTH 1 S. McKinley, Suite B, Union, MO origin, to the highest bidder for 10% Ad Code: WashingtonEASTER competent jurisdiction. The debt non-refundable certified funds with declare the entire indebtedness DEGREE 18 MINUTES EAST 63084. collector is attempting to collect the balance payable in secured funds due and payable, and in accor- ON SAID WEST LINE 678.72 TRUSTEE’S SALE Judgment by default may be Ad Size: 1x5 a debt and any information ob- within 30 days of the date of the sale: dance with the provisions of the FEET TO THE POINT OF BE- IN RE: Margaret A. Rob- rendered unless an answer or tained will be used for that pur- Lot Forty-six (46) in Tutterrow said Deed of Trust,Pub the underDates:- GINNING, June 26,ACCORDING July 3, 10,TO 17, 2019. bins, a single person, Trust- other pleading is filed or unless pose. Subdivision #4, Sullivan, MO. signed Trustee will on MONDAY, PLAT OF SURVEY MADE BY ee’s Sale: you otherwise appear and defend Publish in The Missourian June 19, 26, within 45 days after the date of JULY 22, 2019, between the KIRBY R. ANDERSON, REG- July 3 and 10, 2019. For default in payment of debt Located at: 116 Mervin, Sullivan, MO hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., ISTERED LAND SURVEYOR, and performance of obligation se- the first publication of this no- 63080 sell said property at public ven- DURING THE MONTH OF NO- cured by Deed of Trust, executed tice, and all persons interested due to the highest bidder for cash VEMBER, 1978. NOTICE OF by Margaret A. Robbins, a single are hereby notified that said peti- to satisfy said debt and costs. at the Southwest front door of the to satisfy said debt and cost. TRUSTEE’S SALE person, dated January 25, 2008, tion will be heard by the Probate Division of the Circuit Court of Franklin County Judicial Center, MILLSAP & SINGER, P.C., For default under the terms and recorded in the Office of the CONNIE A. RIGG Franklin County, Missouri, at 401 East Main Street, in the City Successor Trustee of the Deed of Trust executed Recorder of Deeds of Franklin Substitute Trustee Union, Missouri, in the Judicial of Union, County of Franklin, 612 Spirit Drive by Ginger L. Wehrle, a single County, Missouri, as Document Center at 401 East Main, Union, State of Missouri, to satisfy said St. Louis, MO 63005 person, dated March 21, 2016, Number 0801820, the under- Phone Number: Missouri. note and costs. (636) 537-0110 recorded on March 21, 2016, as signed Successor Trustee, at the (636) 528-4113 Ext. 4 In Witness Whereof, I have SALE WILL COMMENCE AT File No: 197887.072219.400028 Document No. 1603923, Office request of the legal holder of hereunto set my hand and affixed Publication Dates: June 26, July 3, 1:00 P.M. FC of the Recorder of Deeds, Frank- said Note, will on Monday, July the seal of said court on June 12, 10, 17, 2019. FMB TRUSTEE CORPORA- NOTICE lin County, Missouri, the under- 8, 2019, between the hours of 2019. TION Pursuant to the Fair Debt Col- signed Successor Trustee will on 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., (at the BILL D. MILLER, Clerk BY: /s/ Rise Shofner lection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. Thursday, July 11, 2019, at 10:30 specific time of 11:00 A.M), at the NOTICE OF /S/ Alexandra Wiltfong, D.C. Rise Shofner, Vice President §1692c(b), no information con- A.M. at the Main Front Door of North Front Door of the Court- TRUSTEE'S SALE house, City of Union, County of Publish in The Missourian June 26, July Trustee cerning the collection of this debt the Franklin County Judicial 3, 10 and 17, 2019. Franklin, State of Missouri, sell For default in the payment of debt Pursuant to the Fair Debt Col- may be given without the prior Center, 401 E. Main St. in Union, lection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. consent of the consumer given di- Missouri, sell at public vendue to at public vendue to the highest secured by Deed of Trust executed bidder for cash the following de- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF by Christopher D. Yocom, a single Section 1692c(b), no information rectly to the debt collector or the the highest bidder for cash: concerning the collection of this express permission of a court of Lot 5 in Block 11 of BLUMEN- scribed real estate, described in FRANKLIN COUNTY, person, dated November 2, 2011, MISSOURI recorded in Document No. 1116770, debt may be given without the competent jurisdiction. The debt THAL’S ADDITION to the Town said Deed of Trust, and situated PROBATE DIVISION V Office of Recorder of Deeds, Franklin prior consent of the consumer collector is attempting to collect (now City) of Pacific, a subdivi- in Franklin County, State of Mis- County, Missouri, at Union, Missouri, given directly to the debt collec- a debt and any information ob- sion in Franklin County, Mis- souri, to-wit: JOSEPH W.