The Union and Journal: Vol. 21, No
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* # .iOTflfe Vi /roxTiJ!) 3(ivjy AND FOF THE PUBLIC LIBERTIES. AND PROPRIETOR. J. E. BUTLER, EDITOR BE TRUE, AND FAITHFUL, VAEIANT NUMBER 10. VOLUME XXI. BIDDEFORD, ME., FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, 1865. once waa The rankf of the robels were broken, and and Answers relative Bo SpAWLiUM, "Oh, jou most haveVraie name." I said. walking arsenal. More than ho Interesting Questions Importnnut*. once he scattered back toward their abatis and to the 7.30 U. 8. Loan. "What did call you at home?" quite walking arsenal. More than they I was in at in th they jt sitting my idy, engagod Tho will induttictt the of a biq um his firo and if at tho thick woodi on their but tho offi- opinion* *'( altera come wi'out call in*, Hut when waa seen to arm*, long right; o( a aormon for the ooroing Sab Mb. Jat Cooke, of Philadelphia, who for so preparation much rooro (ban tho the will. it with tho beat of cers retained their ground, endevoring to in- opinions JMrj^ I thinned along kinder alow, aometimesdey'd range, was, nevertheless, oi bath, and had determined to have the tim long a time had the management (he popu< Paan for an* their men their own oxaraploi, and When a man turns blmeelf from ovll hab- Viotory. aing out,'Nig! aometimoa'Little Nig!' intentions. spirit by 1m 500 million 5.90 Loan, has just been appoint delusively to myself, when, patter, patter, I saw Little rush d—d I'll bet It ie truo he bad hie foibles, and bravely. Starlight a its. bo does himeelf ft tarn. ■T EDWXED t. 110WILL. den agin,'IIjar, jou Nig!' grave fighting od by 8bcikta.*y Fesskxdkx the Gkxkbai heard pair of little Foot, I knew in which good at tho man to whom he had direct- mtn'r ? Yah ! ! I'to a awful once. Ho waa a natural-born thiof, and my heidlong Aoknt to of tub only fopclab Loam direction the too* wore and I they did, yah diapoae turned, preaaet When !• a bonnet not a bonnet ? When Hhoul, Shunt! the tiding* o'er ed attention, and I could hear hii ahrill rii: cu«, 1 b!" ho continued, hit mint failed to my now offend for sals by the Government, and a The UmI from ihon to thorn. twinging imprraive sermonising totally my lipa together, gave nod, sayinf it bccomee a woman. biro the of his fault. lie cheer como to mo on tho wind. He the "8KVEN-THIRTY." All ahntl b« tree ! arma gleefully about and shuffling hia conrinoe him of gr»vity floating mentally,'Til not let him in. I though soemed to be but half the site of hia In entering upon hie duties he desire* to ans- Davia baa found oil la Rich- Thn Knlghta of Bondage blond, foet at if a breakdown. seemed to consider himself natural! y antago- whon 1 ait down I would not, and I wil Air. lately contemplating depraved, dai< Habnlllon'a rnnk» mot with a shook which seemed wer plainly the largo number of questions mod*, •'Silence!" roared tho who acted aa and waa therefore compla- nist, yet they not." and aai< mond—that is to aay, turm oil. Major, philosophically and to him, so that hii Patter, patter aomebody Oar nnui triumphant lend on both sides. The offioer evaded the ly hourly propounded at tame time cent with his admonitions equal outaido the door. I knew wb To preaiding officer, tho knitting sin, meeting my may all understand whal "papa" juat What dress ahall a in order rletory1 of his and struck out fellow-countrymen ladj procure to concoal the with his usual "f'ao a awlul cuss, mass'r I bayonot puny foe, me. hia browa furioualy laughter this "Seven-Thirty Loan" ia—what are its po- it wna, but ho must not diaturb to keep her wardrobe elean ? A faundreas. All hnll tho glorlonj light! aa could with bis sword ; and I saw the blood which almott ohoked him. 'Silence, or I is." In my heart,aearch I would I sharply ouliar merits,—bow they oan subsoribo to rot "Papa." ColumbU't martial might out from tho But the Was it the Machine" that find less hlame than for him when I nogro's neck. obtain the fcc. am "Sinfer Sewing Traitor* aetounda! will commit you for contempt!" pity spring notes, I ran my flngera through my hair, next instant closod the Loan callsd the "Tho of the Shirt"? Mr Freodom*e valiant hoit Somewhat atartlod the vehemenoo of of the criminal noglect which must they ; rushing bayo- Ift. Question. Why is this tried eang Song by thought • toatudy. Una allenood bonat, not the broast of tho offioer. and ho 'Seven "Loan T Slavery'* thia injunction the little fellow remained ai- have attended his bringing up, with that of gored -Thirty' "Papa." fn general, thoee who do not annoy you Along Beoeeela'a coast. rolled to the Twioe—thrioo I saw Answer. It bears Interest, in ourrenoy, at off hia bin mat the rest of his and unfortunate race. plain. and I knew eome And her bonnda! lent, and taking cap, atrokiug wronged I heard the latoh rattle, with oonetant faults, bore you with insipidl* through tho into the air, and the rate of Seven Dollars and thirty cents, each of a head in a atrioua manner, which waa Besides, the material effects of his thiwing flashing bayonet leap woa on to reach it. on hundred dollars; making the in- body raising tiptoe ti- Ood grant wo aoon may ton flash down the man ; year, every more than bia mirth. were not considerable. There was not so again upon prostrate a I once loat Wil comical terest as follows: remembered gold pen by Kndnrlng unity. and then with a louder than beforo, lt has been aaid in behalf of eeoond mar* 1 returned, "whero do much to steal in the first and when whoop lie's hand—broken it in the ta And ahontho Uto aword »— "Well, ray friend," place, One cent on each SO nota. by sticking on farther into the per day 9 riagea. that wedloek it like wine—not to b« o Iboanen did miss worth a Starlight sprang fight; " " " not take m Our onntry'a hlltd, jou como Irom ?" anyone anything retaining, Two cents 100 ble like a scratch awl. It did was shut from of till the eeeond Keoeaalon'a quailed, and and tho whole scepo my M " •• •• properly judged glass. apirlt "No wbar ob lute, man'r. I'ae been tight clutch upon Starlight's windpipe vjpw Ten 500 as to think as it does to write, or yoi atnoko of atrlfe long Tho dispelled. ths for the breese had «« •• " out Yer aeo I'ao a awful a few throats would by gathering smoke, 1,000 to now. A book is entitled to ho examined na- And Peaoe roatorod. aleepin' recen'ly. preposterous gonerally Twenty rend it good died away. •« •• cuaa, I it. Yah ! yah ! I*ae— cause hiin to "shell out" the missing article, One dollar" 5,000 •♦Papa, papa." turedly. It shouldn't hare croee examina- Union'* banner Tho was soon over. The robels wero can b« Than bright was And it fight %i. When and how they "Silence!'! roared tho judge. if it really in his possession. Question. A thought flashed into my heart, not mind tion. Shall herald Frnedom'a light driven far hack into the thoir abatis obtained? maaa'r. Yah ! seemed conceded that bis virtues 'woods, tears came On ahorn and aea. "Sartin, aartin, yah! generally and into my eyee. Quickly and and wo in of At and ac- ia a while her fin- I reaumed. mora tban counterbalanced bis foible. For captured held, possession Antwtr. They are tor sale, par, Why lady, deoorating And Uenren*a benignant raya "\Yho do you belong to," opened the door, and olasping the child t tho field. interest in what I had wft- crued interest, by ftll 8ub Treasuries, National gen, liko one in diatrae? Booauae ahe'e Illume tho Nntlon'a daya,— "Yah ? I ain't none. Yor toe his band was as to a wounded My I was to its lira !yah got ready support Bro« my bosom, willing gratify neased was so and other and all Bankera and her hands. Our hanrta ascribing pralae, as was intenso that I immediately Banks, wringing he'a gwine away, ho ia." roan to an ambulance it at rifling the wants, for I was going to preaoh on in Orcat Ood, to Theo ! hastened to tho ken. pie wan master's name 7" a fallen foo. ground. an When we are to do a let us "But what your the pocket of When ia the Interest portnnate prayer, and thero was illnstn ready thing, Our low had been inconsiderable, but that 34 Question. payable There was one alone which almost it as do it Let us not wait for time or tide; "Cunnel Billy." thing and how oan it be collected T tion. I took providential. Break. of tho was Their doad and Break, Bmk, that was his enomy large. never us. "Billy what ?" redeemed him in my oyes; and Antwtr. The Coupona or Intereat Ticketi Are we rot Clod's "little children "? Th they wait for wounded in all directions. 1 found the 11IITNI< "Dun'no. Yer see dis chicken wore left desire for freedom—his enthusi- lay are due the 15th of February and 13th of Au- as passionate John much, iv. 4.]- a in a en- Apoetle says fJohn is man who stakes his money offioer with whom I had seen oan bo ont off from the Why behin* wid old minus an' de wile Mas- astic dovotion to the causo under whoso ban- Starlight guni in each year, and cover our Bmk, break, bmk, gals, Tbough gray hairs heads, yet lit house like a star? Becauao he's wore of a rebel to llo the insignia notes, and will be caahed by any 8ub-Treaaurer, gambling On thy cold gray atone*, oh 8m ! s'r gwino to do war way up Richmo'.