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°U BUSHED EVERY THURSDAY,. Vweefe|V0OjA60J200)250)SCO)37!) Ot:/. tiCo7*3 BY 2 w*ka[ 1 SO) 2253 '3 00{ 3 753425) 625)7 C,- ■ i i ,J 3 w’fcag 1 75) 275) 3 75) 425)i!4vc3 A 75J 0oso, &0j 0ai-e tij s„ ■■■•> .;,■; JOHN G. HOLMES. 4 w'knj .2 00) 3 50) 4.50} 6 253 6 00J SSO^IOOO 14 * 6 w’kej 2 50jj 4 75; 0 00) 7 00) 8 Mill 00-14-00.10 It. ' T e > r » » 9 f - 8 0 p o x - Y e a i v 3moa.j 4 00g 600) 7 50|850>0 00.1300117OQ'23 CO; If- i Omo3.|io 00,10 oo,;i3 oo;i6 oo;i7ooXo oo;26 oo;2s”co5 eo ti jja rF ilty Oenta deducted if paid Yearly In, A dT an co.*^ 9mos.fi8505130037 OOffO OO^SOO i7~M.3KS0ffl0CTjrr36 l-i , Ifopapec continued after the, expiration.of oneyear unless paid forv -jgUMBER ^ 1 ycftrjjlO Pops OOffi Q0|240028 00 33 O0'45 COjCO OO^CO O Y*olume ^ BUCHAN AK, MICH., THURSDAY JANUARY II, 1877. Business Cards o f flvelines or less, $S p:>i a>;anc'? . OYYIOB—Itt“ Recoi:d Brick Building,,Tnortti stfloot Legal advertisements otsbitnterotrs. V. SrontStreet.fQUTdoorsQftstof jilaih* Sranslentadvortisicg payable in advance, •1 Veorly advertising poynbleon demand. Matter .in local eolmnea, ton cents per lino er.c.’f 1 ed, and Jack yyaa sarcastic, and al­ be seen a bright light, scarcely mov­ WILDER SPKI««rKS’ DAUGHTER. ‘Heigho, Levison 1 Surprised^ to Insertion; lint no local t alt on for lcsstban $1.00. Poetry; Obituary Notices—more fhnn tbonuncalircnunt—u j ; ways on the contrary side,* and the ing, it seemed, but those’ anxious see m e: How are you, old fellow— be clmrged for at tlio rate oTfiV' costs for r"rb Ifc-c, girls avoided him, aa they always watchers knew it was approaching at ’Ttvas on a beauteous summer morn, how are you ?” Advertisements not accompanied with direction, cut. THE TRASH*. When thiDgs were up and cornin’, timo, will be inserted until forbidden, and tiLnrgtdic. should such a man. lightning speed. Mr. Levison stared a second, then accordingly. And nil among the pumpkin-vines, Donble column advert isemontt charged at shcrtcolcn, c Yes I done it—there’s ycr chicken ! "We all expected that ill would come Patber and daughter looked at each The bumble bees were hummin’ ; greeted him warmly. • rates. We Have, the Largest and Best Selected Stock of Tough, but make good iricassee, I took an early half-mile walk, Short notices of meetings, 25 coals. Lots o’ gravy—nothin’ bettor to George, from Jack’s bad blood other. “ Bred W illard! Where, in the Yearly.advertisersallowcd four changes ttilboni exit t r ! As e'verybody’d orter, charge. *- - ... * h H Fur a growm’ family. • against him, and wo warned him more The truth was evident:. Por some When in the cowpath I was met name of goodness, did you spring Wrung his neck to save you trouble— than once, but he always laughed, and reason the train from Golosha was By Widder Spriggins’ Daughter. . from? Why, I thought you were BOOTS & SHOES, Nothin’ small, you know, 'bout me. reminded us of the old saying that ten minutes behind time, and it would not to sail from England for a good A Student o f IMvialty. Her eyes were black as David’s ink, Say, just keep your dog oft", will yer ? “ barking dogs seldom bite,” which is not reach the siding at Dering’s Cut Her cheeks were red as fury, six months yet. Old boy, bless you, A minister who does not believe in 'fielse yer want his tooth kicked out. true in the main. until tho pay train had passed beyond And one smack o f her luscious lips I ’m glad to see you, although for the H ATS AMX> GAPS, Colt’s revolver ? pretty weapon t immersion for baptism, was holding a, And, as tho time went on, until on to the single track. And then ? Would bribe a judge or jury. instant, I confess I was startled^—you Le’s look at it.—Wot you 'bout! I bow’d— she curcheyed just the way protracted meeting, and one night he Let up on your cussed foolin' 1 two, three, four months had passed Why, there would bp another item for Her nice-old marm had taught her ; are the living image of your brother preached on the subject of baptism. CLOTHING, I ain't thought o’ diggin’ out. H since Kirke’s promotion, and nothing tho morning papers, to read under tho She smiled—and oh ! my heart was gone Wilson. W e’ve been discussing ghosts, In the course of his remarks, he occurred, we forgot all about our ap­ head of “ Appalling Railway Disas­ To Widder Spriggins’ Daughter. you know—” ------A J N JL>------County jail ? You’ll have me locked up ? said that some believed it necessary Go it—I shall feel at home. prehensions of evil, and if wo thought ter !” and a few more homes would Says I, “ My dear, how do ye do !” “ ‘ W e’ is good, Lev. You mean to go down into the water and come ’C/D Trot along, I’ll fo’Ier meekly— of the matter at all, we concluded wo be rendered desolate, and a few more Says she, “ I reckon finely my pretty little sister-inlaw, of course? Much preferrin’ though to roam. out of the water to be baptized. FURNISH I:NG lG 0O DU* had wronged Halliday by our susph hearts would be made to mourn. Says I, “ Of all the gals I know, I know she religiously believes in ’em. Say, old feller, when you get back You look the most divinely.” But this he claimed to ho a fallacy, Make my compliments at home- cions. Father and daughter looked at each I snatched a kiss—she slapped my face, I know I am impatient to see her— for for the preposition “ into” of the scrip­ It was a dark night in November, other in dismay. - In fact, just .as-she’d orter; the first time since Will’s funeral.” EVER BROUGHT TO' BUCHANAN,. Wha’d I do it fur ? That question tures should he rendered differently, I Argufies a feeble mind. with considerable fog in the air, and “ Is there time?” asked the old “Behave yourself, bow dare you, sir!” Mr. Levison had been looking as it does not mean “ into” at all times. AND ARE: 8ELDTNO AT Cried W idder Spriggins’ Daughter. Not o’ ’count o' hunger— oh, no ! strong appearances of rain. man, tremblingly. thoughtfully at the embers glowing, “ Moses,” he said, “ we are told, went Jes’ because I felt inclined ;— I was at Golosha, the -northern “ Selim can do it,” said Ploss, Just then an old rampageous sheep, Jes’ fur lark’s, you know, to see if like melted rubies, behind the silver up into the mountain, and our Savior W ho had been feeding near, sir, PRICES TO SPIT THE TIMES. County jails was hard to find. terminus of our road, looking after quickly. “If I can’reach Leeds five bars of the grate; now he turned sud­ was taken into a high mountain, etc. some repairs on a defective boiler, minutes before the train— yes, two Squared off, and like a ton of bricks denly to Ered, and laid his hand per­ i WE ABE SOLE AGENTS VOR Hungry, is it? Some folks reckons He took me with his head, sir ;J Now we do not suppose that either Tramps has turtle soup to cat, and I was going down to New York minutes— all will be well. Do not I landed in a pond, chuck full suasively on his shoulder. went into the mountain, hut upon It, Turkey, terrapin, and beefsteak, on the 7:50 train— Kirke’s train. stop mo, father !” as he laid a hand Of frogs and filthy water, “ See here. Fred ;■ you are a friend And then she stood and iarfed and larfed, So with going down into the water; Burt’s Siloes and BaM wiu’s Boots, n Finger-bowls and all complete. (Vbout seven there came a telegram on her arm. of mine, and I am about to put your Oh, yes, when we gets right hungry That Widder Spriggins’ Daughter. it means going down close by or near WHICH ARE WARRANTED TO GIVE: Kavens bring us bread and meat. from old Whately, whose summer res­ “ But you must not go ! It is dark friendship to the test. I want you to to the water, and being baptized in idence was nearly midway between and dismally lonely ! No, Ploss!” I rather guess I crawled out quick, do me a very great favor, will you ?” Picked up my hat and mizzled, the ordinary way by Sprinkling.” Well, my swallcr’a getting rusty— Golosha and New York, and the old “ I shall go, father ! Selim knows Ered laughed. ENTIRE SATISFACTION. It quit work so long ago. While love’s bright torch so lately lit, Ho carried out this idea fully, and When I chasseed up to your house heathen had not yot forsaken it for only me, and you could not ride him. Out in that frog-pond fizzled. “ W illi? Of course I will. What’s in due season and style closed his I was pitched particular low. the city. The telegraph operator I have ridden darker nights;*and he Well, she was married yesterdav, up?” discourse, when he gave an invitation $ CalF’and Examine! No Charge lor Showing You- They remarked they didn’t feed tramps A lawyer chap that got her ; came into the engine house where is the only horse in the stable ! Don’ t So, I’ll forget, if not forgive And Mr- Levison turned the keys to any one who felt so disposed, to G o o d s! Then I helped mvself, you know. Kirko was at work— for he was al­ you remember? The others were sent The Widder Spriggins’ Daughter. of the doors, and the consultation rise and express their thoughts. . Walk up, now, and get a square meal ? ways at work— and read it to him. to town yesterday.” lasted until the housekeeper rung the Well, now, that’s a genial start 1 Quite a number of the brethren f Ii.. P . -& a . W , F O X , • Say, no jokin' now, ole (oiler—* Kirke made a note of it in his pocket- Before old Whately could stop her, HOW SUE CAME TO HAVE HIM. dinner bell._ arose and said that they were glad Me and jokes has had to part. book. she had ordered the hostler to saddle Eive hours later the moon was just they had been present on thin occa­ You’re in earnest? Sir, I thank you, “ Pay train on the line. Will meet Selim, and she was already buttoning creeping over the tops of the trees, From tho bottom of mv heart. BY MARY REED CROWELL. sion; that they were well pleased you just west of Leeds, at 10:15. on her riding habit with rapid, ner-. making a perfect flood o f Bilver-gold with the sound sermon they had just Better days ? Suppose I tell you, Shut on to the siding at Dering’s Cut, vous fingers. glory on the quiet scene, and Mrs. Im. You won’t credit what I say. “ So you won’t nave me, Nellie? heard, and felt their souls greatly Every tramp can tell a story and wait. . W i i a t e l y .” The horse camo pawing to the door. You are sure you won’ t marry me ?” Willard, with a fleecy white zephyr blessed. Finally a corpulent gentle­ fglREMpOT HOUSE, Bno anan, Midi. Of some better, happier day 1 Kirke’s watch hung on a nail be­ Ploss sprang into the saddle, leaned shawl and her brown hair, was A firot-claaa liouso in, every respect. Free Hack to Pretty little Mrs. Nellie Willard crepe man of Teutonic extraction, a stran­ and from. House tO' ail trains. City Hack fare twenty Every one has had n house once, side the clock. It was a fancy of his down and kissed her father’s fore­ standing at the kitchen door, on her SPENCER & BARNES, five cents- B. A. &G.AU Santa, Proprietors* Maybe far enough away. looked meditatively out of the window ger to all, arose and broke a silence _ always to hang it there when he was head. return from a tour o f inspection to that was almost painful, as follows: Manufacturers o f and J) I’ll be movin’ on—good day! smoked our after supper cigars, and cied that he knew, his mistress was on “ When Will Willard won the prize looking upon a bona fide ghost— a could pelieve dat. PELKG ARKWSIGHr. by the time we were through it was ■Sk'&StS = i l l ? £2 ® ~■ x © *2~-i B an errand of life and death. The all we fellows were striving for ! So veritable inhabitant of the land of “ It alvays seemed to he a peeg = 0 -S 5 ® » c 5 time for the train hands to be getting Business Directory, lights of the station were in view— you liked me then, Nellie, and you eternal shadows. fish story, put it ish all plain now ; into their places. Both the dock in Storv. nay, she even saw the station-master’s like me now ? Then why won’t you “ Will 1” she said, faintly, with her he vas not taken into de whale’s belly the engine-room and Kirke’s watch white lantern as ho strolled up and hand tight on the handle of the door! A WHITS, 3>nxggist and iApotlx- c3 Sag=l5.-5.5 e'-S -•5=1 marry me ? You’ve been a widow for at all, put shust shumped onto his " o e&s a = a indicated 7:40. ecary, south suits o f Front Street. Buchanan, down the platform— the white lantern three years now. Isn’t that long “ Will, is it you ?” back to ride- ashore. Oh, I vas so ichigan . "S Kirke was putting his watch in his TEN MINUTES LATE. which was to signal the approaching enough to mourn the virtues of the • Hi3 voice, was precisely as it had glad I vas. here to-nigat! And now, B. PBXTITT, M. B.. Homoopathie r S b| 1 ! I 11 1 - pocket as he said: train— to toll them to go on, for all been in the old days— mellow, musi­ Mr. Preacher, if you vill shust ex­ PH a 2 = S S = ® f.§1-2-3: Si. s.^' A*%s~ : 5 departed ?” B * Physician and Surgeon. Special attention paid to A. u - 5 ' ^ r " . S . * ©■• e- 3 “ Garth, are you going with me on was well. On to their doom ! cal, a little domineering— Will’s, un­ «brouio diseases. Office and residence v illiii.O .T m c r , In ’52 there wasn’t a likelier fellow “ You wicked man '? As if three plain two more passages of de scrip­ o «? s= r —• ® - a ** s —S1 ? ..-c — w2.*ss o **• t a the Ply a way V” Bridgman, M idi. +3 fci o.^. — - *^45; ©' ^ O o "S.-3 B O 3 on tho line than George Kirke. She dashed across tho railway track, hundred years could ever teach me to deniably, unmistakably. tures, I shall be so happy dat I vas o s =! h r ° 1 t a i l i n g ; U t “ No, thank ye,” said I, “ I get flung the reins to an amazed bystand­ S i 2 4 He was the son of a poor man, and forget poor dear Wilson.” “ Who Bh'ould it be hut I, Nellie, here to-night. Yon of dem ish vete T. MOELST, star foundry. All U. g S '5 r »5S- 2; *-S -2. ® «• - 5 enough of that sort of thing in my er, and, striking the white lantern * kinds6fcaat1ng,auchttaplowpoints,augarkettly8j his mother wa3 dead. His father was and come on purpose to communicate it says, de vicked shall pe cast iatad§ B g Her bright eyes reproved him leigh. shoes, Ac, Iron turning and job workdoneto 3 every-day life. I am going to do a from the hand of the astonished offi­ with you.” der. Old metal taken in or chan go for work. Portage a confirmed invalid of the rheumatic sharply, and he accepted with good lake dat purns with fire and prim- o *■ S' -* —: s —• _ *5 S'H B S a little swell business to-night, and take cial, she seized the ominous red lan­ “ Yes ?” she gasped; but what for? rftet.nearfche depot. 38tt Z 5 a “ > 2 5 £Sr~ order, and George played the dutiful grace. stones alvays, 3 = =_^3® OOoSSQ'BO passage in tho palace car. Want to ■52k“ I'BA'SS§'__b S2 = «S|7 _ = t._ 5 a_____ ,:* .3 :- son to him in a way that would aston­ tern from its hook, and springing up­ ‘ ‘Granting the truth, Nellie, that I have tried— I have done everything “ Oh, Mr. Preacher, shall I be cast ^BUS.—Georg© Bird -will :£=RS&Ios?3ego­ rest my back. Good-night to ye, and his 'Bug to and from the Railroad trains and Hotels, CCS § ? s i ? ! t| if 1 l l l i I ! I ! i ~is ish the young men of to*day. on the track, waved it in the very that I thought you would wish. There into dat lake if I am vicked, or shust so to any part o t the village. Fare only 25 cents, in- s' »-• E.3: > .s C,r-« « 03— g. * a a *■ your deceased husband was a good fel­ o *5 « 2 g*g-sR 5* - U 9 j= i~ 5-^ c hold her in well round Bocky Bottom teeth of the coming train. 'v... tiding baggage. Somehow, nobody knew exactly low and a loving partner, I still can­ is nothing wrong, Will ?” close py or near to—shust near enough >* M ~ js a *s fefe-?« e * ®« ifSS*g2«*S-£a 5 fc a-J2 2 ~ o s ' curve. The road-bed’s a little shaky.” Two sharp, short whistles told her how, George had managed to pick up not see why you refuse mo. That is The pale, moonlighted face, the to pe comfortable ? Oh, I hopes you." “ Aye, aye, sir!” responded Kirke, C. SMITH, E D.,, Physician and a good education, and he had polished that her signal was seen, and a mo­ the subject under consideration at speckless black suit-, the^spotlcss lin-' vill tell me I shall pe east shust by, B a Surgeon. Office over "Emery & Smith’s Drug Store and swuDg himself to his position on ment later the train came to a stop, Residence north side o f Galien, Hick., it off, bo to speak, by a two years’ present, Nellie 1 W hy won’t you en, the very same in which he had good way off, and I vill he very glad\ | the Plyaway. and the officers rushed out to learn course at a Commercial College, which marry me i been buried, the low, familiar voice— I vas here to-night. /1H A S. O. COI/IiINS, dealer in Amor- what it all meant. they tell me is a school where they The bell rang— I scrambled to my Then Mrs. Willard’s face grew a it almost paralyzed Nellie, and yet, “ The other passage ish dac vhich lean, and Italian Marble, Monuments, Headstones* compartment in the Pullman, and felt Ploss told them in a few brief words, Tablets,Ach o f latest designs. Office and works,Murray teach people something as is practical, little paler, and her plump, fair hands aided by the very material contact of says ‘Plessed are dev who do dese block, 2d street. Kilts, Mich, You will find it to your .and ono of the men at the station went advantage to give Mr, Collins a call. Ho is also prepared and not them Greek roots and Latin horridly out of place among tho silks trembled. the door-knob, she stood her ground commandments, dat dey may have c, to clean and repair niarhlo, restoring, old: dilapidated: forward to confer with tho train from folderols that is drilled into young and broadcloths and smells of musk. “Because, Harry, because Wilson and listened. right to de tree ox life, and enter in atone to its original beauty and texture. S2yl*: Golosha, which had not yet been tele­ men’s heads in our universities. But I was in for “ first-class,” and Willard made mo promise never to “ Nothing is wrong with you, Nellie, through de gates into de city.’ Oh. B . CHURCKXXiX., dealer In Oloofes, Kirke began on the Stony Hill made the be3t of it so effectually that graphed from the next station beyond. marry again.” but with me, I can’t rest in my grave tell me I shall get into de • 'Watches, Jewelry, Spectacles, &c. Also, repairing five minutes after Gibson, who* fan­ The man waited fifteen minutes knowing the wrong I unintentionally done; to. order. A ll work warranted. Store; fourth door railroad when he was about twenty- “ Stuff and nonsense ! What if he rot shust close py or near 1% north o f the Bank, Main street, Buchanan. M ich. before Kirko’s train slid on to tho one or two years old. Birst he was a cies he owns all creation because he did ? A bad promise is better broken committed in binding you to perpet­ near enough to see vat I h- siding, and it was then known that brakeman. This railway business is has got a silver coffin-plate on his than kept.” ual widowhood for my sake. I come and I shall be sa-happy dat’ X v . YJE FXEIiD HOUSE, Berrien Springs but for the decision of one young girl, Shis old and favorably known Hotel is still under a regular succession, and, generally breast with “ Conductor” on It; had “ I know it is,” she said, slowly, to.revoke my decision, to give you my to-niglit!” . ' he management o f Mrs. BeField A Son, who willspare shouted: “ All aboard !” I was sound - the J,wo trains must have collided four full permission to marry Horace Lev-, no efforts to maintain a first class Hotel at: the County speaking, a man has to work his way “ but” — Ho sat down with the imprest, Seat. miles beyond-D.ering’s Gut. up. It ain’t often that he; gets right asleep. Mr. Levison looked earnestly at ison. Promise me you will do_it,'and made on many minds present, that When told the whole story, Kirke up to the dignity of a conductor at What occurred iu other quarters to her. I will rest peacefully forever'.” would do to take the Bible for only ^Kf|s S. DODD, H i D., pRygioian & avir- looked at his watch. £ , geon. Specialattentiort given tochroniediseases.. MIDWIFERY! one step, with tho chance to pocket affect the fate of Kirke’s train, I * - • Yes^— ‘but’ what. N ellie?. .Tu-aJl- ... “ Oh, W ill ? I f you’ say so—if you what it clearly says. KS© Officofirst floor of “Record Brick." Residence on Bay's Tho man from the station looked at think it best— yes !— yes, I will 1” Avenue, eastside, Buchanan. Mich. stray ten-cent scrips, and tho privi­ learned afterward. . respeet I say it— poor W ill is dead his. % § | p MRS. MARIA DUTTON, lege of helping all the good looking Old Whately, the superintendent of and gone, and you’ve been true to his Her face was pale enough now to A photographer gives the following M . PLIMPTON, attorney & ootm- - Kirke s was ten minutes behind have passed for a -ghost herself."- IVUPWiFE: AND NURSE. and well-dressed ladies out of the cars, the road, as I guess I have already memory all these long years, and what directions to his customers; “ When a E• sellor at Law,and Solicitor!!! Chancery.. Office on tim e! “ Go look at the big clock in the jouth side Front Street, over Redden: A Graham's store, Particnlar attention paid to the diseases of women and and letting the homely ones, with said, had a country residence in Leeds, has he to do with you now?” a lady sitting for a picture would Buchanan, Berrien Co.* Mich. children. You want to know how it happened. dining-room, Nellie, and see if it is Residence ouFront Street,^near^tho corner of P or tag ft babies and bandboxes in their arms, . on a mountain spur, which command­ “ I know,” she said agaid, medita­ compose her mouth to a bland ant street, Buchanan, .Mich, 40rl -Certainly 'y o u must have guessed. near'the. stroke'of'twelve.” . stumble out as best they may. ed. a view of the surrounding: country tively, “ but^-but, Harry, be made me serene character, she should, 'just be HOTJEI/, Berrien Springs. Halliday did it. A man was found She went dumbly, mechanically at I (near the Court House} having changed proprietors, George; did his duty so well that he for more than a score of miles. • The solemnly promise never to marry again lore entering the room, say, ‘Bosom, has been newly'furnished throughout. The utmost care ;the next day who confessed to having his behest; and when she came back, will be taken to provide for the convenience and com- Harness' Makers, Boot Makers, was soon promoted to fireman, and line of the railway could be distinctly under penalty of his everlasting dis­ and keep the expression into, whicl, ’' ~ ijlo f guests. A good stable in connection with the after he had learned the workings of seen in each direction fifteen miles, seen Jack tampering with the time­ he was gone, and the moonlight jo te l. Otis R eed,P roprietor. Manufacturers & Bnilders, pleasure. - Andr—don’t be angry with tbe mouth subsides until the desireiBiS:,. pieces in the engine house that night, shone in on an empty room. will find all kinds of the machine he was made engineer and Whately was wont to say that his me, Harry; will you ? But I almost: effect in the camera is evident. If but he had thought nothing of it, he Then the reaction followed, and TP & A. M. Summit Lodge No. 192 and given an engine. lookout was worth more to the safety know he would appear to me !” on the other hand, she wishes‘to as • bolds a regular meeting every Monday evening on LEATHER AND RUBBER GOODS, This engine was one of the newest of trains than all the telegraph wires said. Nellie flew up to her bedroom, and or before the fall of themoon,in eackmonth. B5LTIKQ AND BUILBIKa MAXaBIALS, The lovely blue eyes were lifted in sume a distinguished and -Boniewhai Rnwnt Moeqas, TT. M . B^.B. H arper,S ec. Jack? Oh, he left town, and was locked the door, and covered her head and best on the line, and was called on the line. such, piteous appeal to - his, and the noble hearing, not suggestivehf iwee last, heard of in Australia. His little with a shawl, and sobbed and cried At J. S. Tuttle’s, Niles. M ich. the Ply away, and George was mighty Whately was a^ rich old buffer, kind pretty little widow made such a ner- ness, she should say ‘Brush,’ there & A . 3d.i TR© regular communioa; game was not a success. hysterically, until her over-wrought * prions ofBuckananI.odgeNo.68 are heldst Masonic proud of her, you may well believe. enough in his way, but sharp :as a fer­ vous little nestling nearer to him,- that suit of which is infallible-. I f sh Hall in thia village, on Friday evening on or before the ■■ And Kirke married Ploss Whately, nerves found relief in sleep. I tell you, sir, your true engineer ret in.looking after the road hands, it was the most human thing in the wishes to make her mouth Ig otjm a l Jail. o f tho moon in each m onth. else this Btory would not have been The next day Mr. Levison sent a Seiit Smith, 7Y. M. J*P , Bissb, Sec. MONEY TO LOAN, — one as is out and out for tho busi­ and determined that every man should world for Mr. Levison to put his arm she must say ‘Flip,’ hut i f theitaout ..told; because what would a story be little noto over, apologizing for his ness, and feels his responsibility, takes do his duty. . ! protectingly around her and assure be already too small and'nedSk ''er|g!_ H . MeLXN) RX. B«, RomeopatRic AT 9 PER CENT., worth that did not end with a wed­ seeming discourtesy-in not coming to as much pride in his engine as the He had but one child, a daughter; her he was not angry with her. larging she must say ‘cabbage * Physician an d Surgeon. Special attention palcLto On long time, in Bums o f not less than $1.000,^|on farm ding? chronic diseases; Office and; Residence onPortageetroet and City property. jockey does in his favorite race-horse, and Ploss Whately was the belle of bid her good-bye on his sudden de­ second house south o f Front street. “ So you believe he would haunt she wishes to look mournful,' shd mus Apply to - and would sit up nights, or neglect the country. She was brave, beauti­ parture for an'indefinite. time, and • A very curious case recently re­ you, Nellie, if you broke your prom-’ say ‘Kerchunk;’ if resigned she mm /iAIiIEN HOUSE,, Gallon, MicRr his sweetheart, to keep the brasses ful and spirited, arid more than once telling her that her,'cruel decision GEORGE & PFLE'GER, ported. from St. Mary’s Hospital may isc? A sensible little woman like ejaculate ‘s’cat: ” *— * - Z. *4. P.A... R;Reddi^o, proprietor; Under entirely now and filigrees of his machine so's you when her father had been 'away, had never ,to marry again had been the management. Every arrangement made for the conven- Atly’iUU haw. K O T O ! BEND. INB serve as a valuable caution to early you to veritably believe in such super­ eat and comforof guests.. Chargesreasonable. could see your face in ’em. she assumed-the responsibility of di­ cause of it, and: that they might nev­ risers and to consciencious publicans. stitious fol-de-rol! And after having A young housekeeper: wa§: muc- There was another man wanted recting the trains, and she had always er“meet again, 'etc., , etc. ~ O. O, F.—TRo regular meetings of This man, a cab . washer, ; had. com­ waited for you ten years of your mar­ surprised the other day upon, answe George’s chance. There’s generally acquitted herself with credit. To which Nellie, all pale, alarmed S 9 Bnchanah LodgeNo. 75 are hold at their hall, in pletely lost the use of his upper ex­ ried life, and three years of your ing a ring at the door-hell - to vfroffn Buchanan,.on Tuesday evening of each week, at 7 ALBXANDRR, more than one after every paying job. Old Whately was very proud of and crimsom with coniusioD, penciled o’clock. Transient brethrenm good standing are cordi­ tremities, while his voice was reduced widowhood, you condemn mo to hope­ from a small hoy 'a package.-.whit ally invited to attend. Jack Halliday had been waiting for her, as he had a right to'be, and he lessness for the sake of such chimera--— 'an- answer, . assuring him she had J.. VT. Smith, N., G. A. 0; Hows, Sec* Justice of the Peace, to the merest whisper. On being proved to he a large red lobster; ’( some time to be engineer of the Ply-- kept all the young fellows .at a dis­ changed her mind, and begging him questioned, he stated that, as he usu­ for the sake: of such ;a shadow as your having been cooked), with N otary Public, away, and when he lost it he was mad tance, until it was said thathedntend- come over to lunch, to see her, and Y M . W ILSON, dentist. Offico first ally finished his1 work just as the- husband’s ghost!” . - pinned around one leg, stating xy o i * ? ■ door north of the Bank. Chargos reasonable and enough to pull hair. H e was a brake- ed keeping-his'daughter sTngle-till the. meet her brother-in-law who had only ntisfaction guaranteed. Insurance & Collection Agency public houses opened, he'always, had And Nellie: looked imploringly at husband wouldlike to have this hro: Represents a number o f the londingand most: reliabl man, likewise, and had been on the Czar of all the-Russias came' on to him again, and her lips quivered, and ju3t arrived from abroad. Fire Insnranco Companies in the United States. A1 the very first glass of beer or gin' ed for. hi3. dinner.' , S h e k n ow ' h YOHN V/EISGEBBS2t, manufa cinrer collections attended to and-moneys promptly remitted road full two years longer than Kirke, marry her. ■ • Of course Mr: .'Levison came, and ^ of. Lumber. Custom, sawing dono to order,, and at that was served in the morning— that the-tears? stood in -grear; crystals on husband was partial to broiled rUea^ Office in Howe's Block, south side o f Front Street and it would seem that the chance This night in November, old Whate­ it didn't take two minutes to settle it, reasonable rates. Ceeb paid for all kinds of bolts, Mill uihntiAQ, Mich. 21tf is-to say, the liquor that - remained :all her long lashes. , but not having seen a lobster be on South Oak Street, Buciu»uan„MicU really belonged to him, but he was a ly and Ploss were out on the piazza; nor did he laugh at her when she sol­ night in the draw-pipe in,contact with' “ Oh, Harry, how cruel you are! ehe really, couldn’ t conceive how su quarrelsome, disagreeable fellow, with of their country home, peering through emnly related,, her'experience of the j« VAH RJBSli, Attorney and lead.-. His - gums -showed the well- Ybu.ftH02«-I love you-better than all a hard, horrid-looking thing could J • Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor In Chancery. ‘ Col fFR IflTl N gPRES SEStrqm %ln>330. independence enough to have set an the gloom and fog for the signal: night before. *’ known blue line indicative of lead the- world, only—I ndare notdmarry cooked in any way, much-less broil lections made and proceeds promptly romitted*1 Office- 1 f -^SEN D IO CT S.TO #5-. emperor up in business and still have lights of the Golosha train, which was “ For it was his ghost, Harry,-just ocond floor* IIowe'e.Block. Buchanan. Mich.: W.viDWflR0S.36CHURCHS^fJE¥/Y0RiC: poisoning, and other- confirmatory again 1 D on ’ t be angry— please don’ t hut he must be pleased if it was p< had some left. nearly due. be angry with; me 1” as true aa l am alive and speaking-to HAM ILTON, licensed n.nctioue«r. symptoms exisited which may not be sible to do it, anaso all the cook-hoc When Jack realized, that .George “ I t ’B devilish strange it doesn’t you 1” ■Ve, • Willnttondto allcallB promptly, and soil at ns detailed here. Some o f the gin And Mr.-Levison looked down at" (she had & small library o f them) w raasonablonttes as any other good auctioneer iu the had got the inside track of him, his- come in B igh t!” said Whately, laying; ~ “ A jolly old— I mean a thoughtful, zounty. RouidouceandP. 0 .address.Bncbnimn.Mich.v TEETH ONLY $10. which he drank every morning hav- her lovely face,- and assured her he taken down and examined,: hut anger was at a. white heat. ’ He curs­ down his night-glass in diBgus’t. “ It; -irig- been procured and tested, gave 1 never could: be angry with -her,, and ,paiqs;taking. .spirit, Nellie ; -Bless his receipt could be found for brplli EED HOUSE, O*. Reed, Proprietor. ed Kirke, and cursed the company, is hard .on to ten now ! They, ought to. - 430th of- a grain per fluid ounce. He ;then went away; heaping silent-male gho8tship, ’ we’ ll " hold ’him in eternal anything that resembled Hys, Fin | B flerrion. Springs, Midi. Good livury^m connection and old Whately, the superintendent,: show their light round; Spruce;tEorid with the houso. ’ was ultimately the- use of dictions oh' thd'head . o f the ' defunct remembrance;” ' ly, being at her wit’ s: end; she.dtes; and things generally, until it seemed by this time.” . • , ; iodide of ’ potassipm -andi. galvanic "husband who had been .tyrant enough ' Nor did his countenance change a it up. in. doll’s clothes - arid, ssf ifc E D D E N & GRAHAM, dealers in to he a pity that* there was not some­ “ You telegraphed .them, father ?, R D ry Goods and Groceries, Front; StreQt;.Ruch»nnn, baths :— Jj6ndon,;Sanitary~Iiecord.. to burden his lovely young wife with feature^ evenrwhen-he;and Nellie and her. husband’s, chair at "th o dinner- thing else to, curse, he was in such Mich- You let them: know the pay train was such a promise;-. Fred Willard ^discussed the marvel­ ble,“ where that man- found it when -fine cursing order. ’ on the road.?”- asked Ploss. ” f - - v ^ T, BAEFRrHillwriglit and Build- l ‘.‘There ! that ^explains’ .where .* The’ last sunset rays were flinpjng ously obliging. kindness .ofiitHe depart­ -camehome,- the jokebeingconsp’ 9 S There was more than one thing “ To be sure: ; A nd good heayens ! m • or. o f Tarbtue lTatoc WJieola warranted, in j»ower my clothesline, went =to !”• exclairiied their golden ^and; scarlet .pennons on ed:*; , ” - turned upon himself." equal In any other wheels in neo. Reeldenco^akertowu. which made Jack 'Halliday down oir there -is the --head-light—of -the^pay . Post Offlco adilrcs*. 8ucbanan.'Mick. D r. CARMER. Dentist, Ohio woman, as.she found her'hus- the pale, blue gray sky whenl-Mr >. Nor.>,did ,:;pretty,. ,blooming' :MrsT George Kirke. ; George had been his train mownow !~See ! "mqt^ten-milea naway,- urav . lias permanently locatod at Bridgman, Mich., to prao -'band.'han'gin'g itfithe, stable. ? Levison opened the door- of his cozy Nellie '!eveE».iforr.ia hmo.meriF^43rsam T...Convince-ajria.n th a th e js a -fJj & W . W . S M IT H , tlce^ers in staple ticola all branches or the profoariou. With a large o i- rival in many respects,? and particu- < and rurinirig "like' ItHeildevilj -aa iit al­ perience, he warrants hfe work to compete with any Dou.- .sittingiroom,f;atr.home;r to-besmefc’ by .that- her/.visitantj^w.aa^-Fred-himself, .’and jthe chances arc he"will becoma S • and Fancy Groceries, Picvitioi b and Crockery. larly where, the fairer part o f mreation ways does!” ”'' ^ „ . CentralsBlock, Buchanan; ... •-* tistEntfLor Woefc. A full Upper or Lower Set o f Teeth Some men-keepftsavag'e dogs around Jn.iiffhinnr !ftf

■;S33*- •VS-’

’ The , Berxien ' County Record^ \B?i

Michigan In Congress. Tho contest was hot, for the prize was drink have no hindrance, There are Silver Coin in; Circulation. . em m dazzling, and each contestant was heard. In the Heu30 of .Representatives too many who "will, for the liquor, ’ W ashington, Dec. - 28. — The 8“©, ■’S’gii CJoing to .Paint? i on tho 6th inst;, an amendment to ;tho backed by an army o f warm personal “ hold tho bottle to their neighbor’s amount of silver- disbursements from A deficiency bill to pay ■ §G00 to a clerk friends. Mr. Ferry won the prize, lips.” . W e' need strong hands and the Treasury to date §25,511,509.38, BUI TVTTT ;-rrsn=R S P S .O S . JOHN; G-. HOLMES; Editor. and save onc-lMrd the cost ~ . „ >» K K M - . n. « f as °f paintinj, and get « for work performed for the Committco and the people of Michigan have nev­ hearts and measures, but we shall of which §15,395,512.62 was for re­ The Berrien County Almanac piint that ia much, hand- O S' KS p g* R B O || jj KS g jom^r,»cd will 1'iat tm'cs er regretted that lie came off victori­ continue to need aa now appears. and Reference Book aston/jag any oilier paint. H, O g 8 B. M a s 6S M gw H Js prepared ready Tc.r ate THURSDAY MORNING* JAY. 11.1SW, of Ways and Means in the absence of demption of fractional currency, and iu white or any color -’o w a V** .5 . S s t doc a F* M h a B glrod. Id ou many ihon- the regular clerk, being under discus­ ous. No more useful member ever Youvs, &c., §1,011,996.76 was silver paid in lieu for 1877 eami ef HieTuitiet UnllOiii^e ol tho country* imrav t-f whicli have lieon ’^minied bix yeura, and now lorV: a- well a, ■■■•..... ■ ■■■ . —■ . v—" ' ; ■ ■■— entered the halls of Congress than J. K. Deering. Is nearly ready.1 Bo sore yon get a copy before they are wliee Hr.!, p -itited Thia OM KM CCAL PaXNT hes token First Premiums ut twenty of the State Ka-re ot the Uoloa. sion, the following passago took place of notes and checks. all gone. The edition Is limited and the book is worth StimpU cards n r coto-s sm t tree. Address. 33yl Greenbacks have arisen to 94 cents Mr. Ferry, and no Michigan interest many times the small amount It costs. It- is full­ ilIlLUCii FftOS., 109 Water St., Cle vela nil, 0. or AT. Y. EJV’AMEL PAIIfT CO., 103 Cliainbers St., AT. Y. per dollar; Tho highest they have between Messrs. Conger and Wood, teresting* reading for every one,* of New York.: was ever allowed to suffer whore he Vanflcrbilt’ s Will. been since the close of the rebellion. could lend a helping hand. Chosen The Oregon elector matter stinks History of Berrien County; Geography or Mr. Conger — Does the salary of The will of oho late, millionaire and of corruption, and the corruption is Berrien County; Statistics o f Churches, Schools the regular clerk go on during the to preside over tho Senate, on the and Societies; State and County-Officers ; Cal­ railway magnate, Cornelius Vander­ traced to the pure Democratic party, endar Tables prepared for this locality; Official It toolc §S,000 out of Sammy’ s time that this man is paid ? I f not, death of Henry Wilson, he has shown THE NEW WHEELER WILSON bilt, has been already published, and too. Considerable quantities of the Vote of-Berrien County; Electoral and Popu­ k a knowledge of parliamentary law and “bar’l” to pay for the Oregon vote that money can he paid to his succes- is now a public document open to dis­ contents of that bar’l have been traced lar Vote for President; Railroad Time, Fare and yet vras a failure, but Cronin is sorin office. keen judgment which has gained him and Distance Tables; Population of the County, Fam ily Sewing MaeMne, No. 8 * the admiration of the ablest body of cussion, It will occasion a very gen­ there, §8,000 of it being traced to and plenty of Fun,— §S,000 ahead in the speculation. Mr. Wood, of New. York—I am eral feeling of surprise, that, notwith­ Pelton, Governor Tilden’s private not advised of that. men in tho new world. The fairness of his rulings have never been ques­ standing bis fortune amounted to over secretary. ALL FOR 15 CENTS. Mr. Conger— I f the regular salary DAPCMTQ While tho childron at school are learn- Hon. James G. Blaino was nomi­ tioned, not oven by his political oppo­ sixty millions of dollars, bis wife re­ r Auull I Oi ing all abont the history and geography did not run on thon I am willing that of the world, don’t let them neglect' the history and ge- nated to tho United States Senator- nents. ceives by the will, as originally draw n, ship by tho Maine .Republicans in the his deputv shall be paid. I speak of STATS STJ'lMe. T ri plirpQ ography of their own county, when During the war circumstances wore §500,000, together with the family I CAu nCnOj they can obtain both complete for only Legislature, without a dissenting it because I am reminded, by this de­ The gas works nt Greenville were 15 cents in tbe Berrien County Almanao aud Reference such that he could not go into tho mansion and all its appointments, to Book. ficiency bill of the very eloquent ap­ burned January 4th, Loss §1,000. voice. army, but ho Was always the soldier’s which he adds in a codicil 2,000 shares fl n C Valuable information for every member peals of tho gentleman from New of railway stock, equivalent to §200,- No insurance. I * U« Uf I* of the order iu the Berrien Coumty AIJ York [Mr. Wood] and other gentle­ true friend, and spent means liberally manac and Reference Book for 1877. 000 more. This peculiar . disposition The Paw Paw Courier says ; Wood MAQdNIP E^ery member of our Order should-' There were over a thousand deaths men on that side of the House for to aid the Union cause- His charity lYlftduillln have the Berrien County Almanac and of his property, however, is in accord is worth but §1 a cord now, and we Reference Book for this year. hy violence in New York City last excessive economy and retrenchment was not confined to State bounds. ance with (t marriage settlement mau'e know of contracts being made for 18 Statistics of the Churches in tho year, the list including 152 suicides. at tho commencement of the last As an instance, the soldiers’ fair at MINISTERS______County In the Berrien Oounty Alman­ iu due form before marriage with his cords for 815. ac and Reference Book. Of the persons committing suicide 117 session of Congress, and of the great Chicago, while the war cioail was second wife, by which she agreed not Always have a copy of the were males and 85 females. darkening the land, found him tin* Elk are found just now in consider­ Borrien County Almanac on parade that was made before the to claim her lawful interest, the com­ hand.BUSINESS MEN at»g»B8B«aanCTBKMI country by the gentleman and others largest single giver, as the records of able numbers; usually in the most pact being made in view of his ex­ FARMERS- Don’t forget to obtain a copy of tho About 100 prisoners in tha Colum the sanitary commission will show. vnacessible places. Swamps that were ) Berrien County Almanac before they are of the design of the House, not only treme age at the time of the marriage, all gone. As an instance of his just business scourged by the great cofingration of bus, Ohio, penitentiary lately showed to diminish the salaries of the clerks the Commodore being then over 70, See that your folks have a eppy of the Ber* symptoms of poisoning. An investi­ dealings, Mr, Ferry, on the morning 1871, and are now a tangled mass of BOYS, rien County Almanac for this year. o f committees, hut as for aa possible and of the additional fact that she gation showed the cause of the trou- after the great Chicago fire, mane dead trees and bush-wood seem to be to reduce the number, and it was her­ had nothing to do with the accumula- -iarThe Berrien County Almanac and Reference Book bie to bo some baking powder used in alded through the country with a known his determination to sell lum­ their favorite haunts, though they are can bo obtained at J. H. Roe’s, Buchanan, at tho Post •tion of Iiis fortune. To five of his Office, Berrien Springs, or by sending 15 conto to tho making the bread. great blare o f trumpets that the Dem­ ber at ante-fire rates, thus breaking frequently mot with among the pines .Publisher.- ." '** up a ring of selfish speculators and living daughters he bequeaths §2,- W ILL L. DUDLEY, ocratic party were going to reduce the and hemlocks. ST. JOSEPH, MICH. saving the city unjust exactions from 500,000 : to the sixth, the interest Our Mexican neighbors are getting expenditures of the House. I recall For the 10 days from December 19 speculative combinations. upon §400,000 in United States considerably warmed up. It is esti­ that now, that, after the election is to December 29 there were shipped (tiOIXAA A agents wanted on He is of fine personal presence, a 10-403, the principal to go to her frfr our Grand Combination Prospectus, A NEW machino with STRAIGHT needle NO SHUTTLE TO THRESH mated that over 60,000 men are new over, we may compare the two pro­ hairs; to the seventh, the interest on from this station 734 dressed hogs, representing The work runs buck from the ■*” porator. Doob not oil ihe thread or goods modest, genial gentleman, with no It lias a take-up, pfovontlng the thread from br^ak- No expense from wear Ofshuttlts. under arms in. that country and ready cesses by which appropriations are §3( 0,000 of the same class of bonds; which in weight aggregated 167,498 ______D IS T IN C T ______now made for a deficiency which was put-on-airs o f superiority, and what­ wanted everywhere; Tho DiffffQSt Tiling; Ever ing. it is tho simplest and .e&sfolt to handle, ruue easily for action. and to the eighth, the interest upon pounds, or about 194 pounds per Tried. Sales made from this when all single Books It Will eew tho heaviest or lightest goods, and from quietly and rapidly. Jtla without a rival for the fatuity then created by political effect. ever he has to do is done with a quiet fail,. Also, Agents wanted on our MAGNIFICENT FAM­ §500,000,— the total sum to the head.— Coldivater Republican. ILY BIBLES. Superior to all others. With Invaluable ons to the other -without change ot tension cr the workshop. Mr. Wood, of New York — My persistency which always accomplish­ NEW WITEESjESt WILSON C JiACHUfE fa recommended for Leather work daughters or their heirs, two or three Illustrated Aids and Superb Bindings,:- These Books beat The Michigan Southern Poultry friend from Michigan [Mr. Conger] is es the end sought. In the extempore Mr. Uren, a prominent citizen of the World. Full particulars free. .Address JOHN JE. i * ’.r Leather work aud Tallorinc—espccla-lly for Tsuloriug, of them being dead, being §3,700,000. POTTER CO.j PnblishersvPinjLADEL- Association will bold their first annu­ always very suggestive; hut, so far debates of the Senate he has proved Houghton, tried to kill himself Dec, PHIA. s«-. To his son, Cornelius J,, who borrow­ FARRAR & WHEELER, al exhibition at Three Rivers, com­ as the compensation of this person is himself equal to the ablest men of 22, by shooting through the head with .<5 ft week in your own town. Terms and *5 outfit ed so lavishly of Horace Greeley and ■’ free. U. IIAhLETT & CO., Portland, Maiue. X 5 5 State Sti-eet, Cliica^o. mencing Monday, January 22d and concerned, I will say that he has that body. The Legislators o f Mich­ a Spencer rifle. Mental aberration 2*'* closing Friday, January 26 th. All never repaid it, and who has been General Agents for Illinois,1Mnfliana) Iowa, Michigan, fllinnesota, AfebraslTa, and Western Territo­ faithfully and laboriously performed igan showed true wisdom* in making was Supposed to be the cause. He djKK $ a Week to Aeents. Samples FREE. ries. monies received as entry fees will be considered tho black sheep of the tp < ( P. O. VICKERY, Augusta, Maine. the entire clerical service of that com­ his nomination unanimous, and wo was alive at last amounts. given as premiums in the different family, he leaves only the interest on mittee on the important questions repeat what has already been said: A t Saugatuok, snow is now about The Little Rock GOOD AGENTS WANTED, classes. “ It is a deserved compliment to one §200,000 of 10-40 bonds, which is which that committee brhjgsbefore the amply sufficient under the circum­ thirty inches deep on a level. There and Fort Smith House. I say further that that com­ of Michigan’s ablest and most faithful stances. Then follows a long list of are hundreds out of enployment this THE Commodore Cornelius Vanderbilt mittee unanimously recommend the public servants.”— Lansing Republi­ winter, though there is some shipbuild­ RAILWAY EXOELSIGB can. '. smaller bequests, which are pretty — -HAS— — was laid in his final resting place Jan­ adoption of this amendment, and I liberal, especially in the case of grand­ ing. uary 7tb, with all honors due a rich hope my friend from Michigan will jE 'o m ^ jfL 3 d : m d sons by favorite children. This brings Saginaw county has voted her Cir­ man, and now everybody is busy pre­ withdraw his objection. Farming Land*, Grazing Lauds, Fruit Lands,Vine-Lands, us to his favorite son, William H. cuit Judge §1,000 in addition to the Coal Lands, Wood Lunds, some Prairie Lauds, Bottom paring bis eulogy. Our part of it is Mr. Conger— The gentleman from Ohio Correspondence, Lands, and Uplands, on terms to suit Hie pur* Vanderbilt, who has had the respon­ salary allowed by ihe constitution. ciiuser* Six per cent iutereSt on deferred pay­ to say that other men have died who New York has so often before object­ ments. Ten per cent discount for cash. For ;ull BEST AND CHEAPEST P e r r y s b o k g , Jan. 3,1877. sible charge of his business for many particulars, uiapa aud pamphlets, apply to W* ®>. ed to paying two salaries for perform­ Ingham county pays her Judge of PRINTING INK IN THE MARKET. did not possess such a fortune, but Ed. R ecobd. — We are entering years. In the will, as originally St iOlf, Lund Comuiissiouer. Little Rock. Arkansas. FOB. 1877* ing one service for the Government, Probate §1,000 ; Treasurer, §1,000 ; IS ISnrelay Street, - NEW TOKK. were just as worthy of praise and upon our new year with a winter so written, he left to him abou?'§50,000, ©■] Q A iiay at home. Ageuts wanted. Outfit and rs3w4si: Clerk, §800, and Prosecuting Attor­ kP-L^ terms Jree. TRUE & OO., Augusta, Maine commendation as he. or to paying two salaries to two per­ different from last, we are quite will­ 000, but in a very inconsiderate and sons for performing the same duties, ney, §1,200. These amounts to in­ ing to replace our ’76 with *77 and heartless manner he appends a codicil SPECIAL, CHRONIC & OBSCURE | TUE representatiye that I thought it sufficient that I clude all expenses for lights, fuel, Diseases of Young, Middle A gtd, or Old Men and Wo-1 The railroads have returned, to the almost think we have fallen upon a which takes away §11,500,000 of this mew,.heredi tary or acquired, treated success fully in a S 1MARR1.ASE GUIDES stationery, postage, &C. m old through passenger rates from should call his attention to his former new latitude and another climate far amount nnd bestows it upon William STRICTLY’ B remarks upon this question to see if and scientific maotier- Immediate relief; speedy aud k Chicago East; The rata to New removed from that to which we have H .’s four grandchildren. Such urn A young man named Daniel ICeeley, perfect cures. A successful experience in over 30, g 1 o Tho Physiology of Marrlago.. he remembered them. been used. Even to those who have 000 cases. All communications confidential. Call or § ] A reliable Guide for the married, p iiwsPAPii. York is §22. From Chicago to Syr­ fatherly conduct as this in reducing employed at the lumber camp of John address, with sfamp, for circular, J. H.DYE,M D., i | and those eoutaupiatlng marriage, fc mm j onits duties and disqualifications. | In the course of further debate up­ poor memories it may not he difficult No, 9 Washington Avo, Detroit. Mich S (tho science of reproduction, and § acuse §17, old rate §1 2 ; to Roches­ his favorite son to about §40,000,000, Larkin, near East Saginaw, was killed 5 tiie effect of early abuses and ex- § on the deficiency bill, Mr. Conger to recall what a beautiful New Years ! cesses, with an extensive treatise on p Establislioil; ter §15.40, old rate §11.40 ; to Buf­ especially when that son has but on Saturday by a falling tree. ^ K EXTRA FINE Mixed Curds, with name, 10 cents, J the>*arious£rivatoandChroniet' said: we had to U3her in the Centennial, so post paid. L. Jones A Co. Nassau, N. Y. • Diseases of Youth, Manhood and W omanhood, C Tlis ’Woelily in . 1839 falo §14, old rate §12. The rate for 00Q.000 in his own fortune, and leav­ 3 with the latest treatment, the on ly w o rk gfr in g p re - c I agree with the gentleman who a Bcriptiona In fu ll, embracing everytniug ou. the S second-class to Buffalo has been fixed warm and fine, and spring-like, and ing him to struggle alone with the Men to e&U to Merchants. 3 Generative System worth knowing, aiia worth alls Tito Uaily in 1S35. has just spoken as to the propriety the weather was such not for a day §90 a month and travelling' \ the cheap books combined—250 large double column (f at §11. vicissitudes of this rough and inhos Figures are What is Wanted. expanses paid. Gem Mfg: Co., St. Louis. Mo. I pages, and 200 plates and engravings scut under seal o WANSEB son receipt o f $1,00. g and justice of paying for services only, but much of the same sort con­ ; A Private Medical Treatise on Sexual andS pitable world, especially in these try­ N ot election majorities, but such as in­ A HONTff to Actlvo Men aeliipg our I Chronlo Diseases, Seminal "Weakness, Impotence, K actually rendered to committees or to tinued for weeks. No snow, air as Letter Copying Book. No press or water ing times, is a sad comment upon the terest the great army of American pro­ I Catarrh, Cancer, Rupture, the Opium Habit, &c., scut g The close of one of the most exciting and The National debt less the amount the House, hut: I had hoped that these used. Sample copy worth $3 00 free. *I under Alodical seal for Treatment 30 cts. and ndrice, personally . or .by t£ mild as May, overcoats useless and want of charity which has always ducers, Twenty-five years ago the eight i letter at this old and reliable Institute, which has been g hard-fought political contests known to recent of cash in the United States Treasury i operatedmanyycars under a Charter from tho State | questions would come up at some time fires uncomfortable, while we could characterized the Commodore. counties of Missouri now traversed by the American history finds the Republican party December 1st 1876 amounted to §2,» | Legislature. Address, victorious, but under such circumstances, and when it would be proper for me to in­ sit in our dwellings with open doors Old Reliable Haunibal & St. Joseph Rail­ “JACKSORTS BEST53 Tho Hediotil and Surgical Institute, 089,336,099,42. A t the same time The family is very well provided S W E E T N A V Y Milwaukee, W ise. | with such a d o s e result as to call upon it im­ quire why persons who have been em and windows. But this winter all for. None of them are likely to die road were nearly a wilderness. To-day, [Triulemark peratively for the exercise of the greatest cir­ in 1875 it amounted to. §2,118,297,- by a late census, it is discovered that CHS w m a . T O B A C C O ployed by this House and whose en­ our old appliances for winter are in the poorhouse or to he compelled was awarded the highest prize at Centennial Exposition . BEST IS" m W M P f S M cumspection, the highest wisdom, the most sa­ 211.40 and in 18764 to §2,13S,938,- tire livelihood at this inclement sea­ again in vogue. W e have all the these counties produre over one-fourteenth Sept. 27,1875. If you want the boat tobacco ever made gacious foresight, and the broadest statesman­ 334.14 making a reduction in two to tramp'for a living. But read the of the entire wheat crop of the Stare, over ask your grocer for this, and see that ‘‘Jackson's Best” is ship- The dissatisfaction o f the people with son of the year depends upon the snow and blow and cold we need to on every ping. Sold by all wholesale dealers. Any one much that has occurred in its .Administration is years §49,602,234.72. will all through, and see that ‘ of all o f the corii crop, and over can get a saniplo by applying to O. A. JACKSON A CO,, continuance of such employment— remind us we have not “ lost our lati­ these millions not one penny is left Manufacturers, Petersburg, Va-' unmistakable. Their demand is for a genuine why maimed and wounded soldiers tude.” one-ninth o f the oats,. The same growth Reform, and it will brook no further evasion or for charity, for religion, for literature, of country >s now being repeated iu Kan­ A MONTH received by our graduate. delay. The anarchic condition o f the Southern who have been serving as officers of I t is not true there is “ no North, no Studeuto wanted. Salary paid while -.Gen. John A. Logan was nomi­ art, science or education, for the re sas, Nebraska, Colorado, and New Mexi­ $50 * 111 p racticlng. Si tn a tl oi i s fit Mi isli' States, the joint result o f ignorant suffrage on nated by acclamation in the Repub­ this House have within the last two South.” We have a North unmistak­ lief of the poor, or the good of man­ co, and the immortal Greeley had this eri. Address N. W. TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Janes­ the one hand and 'bitter and growing hatred of or three days been discharged from ably with all its proper characteristics. ville, Wis. the equality of all men before the law on the lican caucus for the Senatorship of kind. With the exception of the identical route and section of country in other, demands some adequate remedy which the: State of Illinois, January 5feh. employment and their places given to We are of the North and must be­ amount bestowed upon the Vanderbilt mind when he breathed those stirring G-reat Republican Newspaper. eaUDot long be withheld with Safety. The The election will be a little more others. ; This, may not be the proper lieve in It. All this climatically, but University at Nashville during his words of wisdom, “ Young man, go West.” prostrate business energies o f the country must time to raise the question, bat the politically we scarcely know which Therefore, it is but natural that parties $ 2 0 , 0 © O be revived by some stimulus that shall give closely contested, as the Democrats life-time, owing to the importunities employment to idle labor and no less idle capi­ suggestion of justice and equity by we have, north or south. Take up a taking this advice should desire to pass and Republicans are nearly equally o f a wife whom he married when over AND OTHER TALUAP.LE PItBSaUJfS, DOLLAR WEEKLY TRIBUNE. tal. The problem o f readjusting our financial the gentleman on the other side re­ political newspaper of one persuasion over a road that has done so much for a Oivcu to tltoso who system to the changed condition of the times a represented and for either to secure 80, not one cent has been contributed calls to my mind the fact that a one- and we are sure o f one thing, when State, (especially as it offers the best fa­ WORK FOR THE TIMES. presses for some comprehensive, just and safe the election must depend upon the to any object that did not minister to solution. The use of governmental power for armed soldier from my own State, we take up one of another we are cilities) and see for themselves. B y the rp-KE CINCINNATI WEEKLY TIMES IHB BEST PAPER FOR TEE Mi" vote of the few independents.: It is the convenience, comfort, or business Hannibal & St. Joseph R. K., through Jn pubUsbed for 33 Years, lias a national character and the chief, or even largely incidental, promotion who has been long a door-keeper sure o f the opposite. That is if we be­ lufiaenco with patrons: in every State and territory in the of partisan ends has met with popular condem­ supposed that the Democratic caucus aims of Cornelius Vanderbilt. The cars are run from Cleveland and Toledo, TJoion, and of all aUades of politica. Farmer, Mechanic, Ranker, Merchant, nation, and most cease.' % will select some Republican or Inde­ of this House and a faithful officer, lieve what we read. But in this re­ Every s>ftiroii of tiie Times is presented, free narrowness and selfishness of this be and through connections made from Cin­ of cha go, with an. Illustrated Year-book of valnabla in- Politician, Family. It is under such circumstances as these that pendent .for their candidate. Both has been discharged from employ­ spect it seems we could never believe quest appear in their proper ligh cinnati and Indianapolis, via Quincy, to formatioa, for IS77, alone worth the price of the paper. the scepter of rule is once more placed in Re­ ment within the last three days for no A sample copy of the Times, with onr Illustrated List parties are confident of success. less o f what is published for us to when it“ is considered what a vast St. Jo., Alchisou and Kansas- City, and of Premiums, and other documents, will be sent free on publican hands. The high trust Is coupled with application to conditions that must be fulfilled or the certain assigned reason except that his place read, if indeed it can be suspected amount of good might have been ac­ from Chicago to Kansas City without CINCINNATI TIMES CO., was wanted for another. PROSPECTUS FOR 1877. loss of all that has been gained is only a ques­ that any should believe it. It must be complished with but half the amount change. W e are about to issue, in con­ 62 West Third St., Cincinnati, Ohio. tion o f b rief time. Frederick May assaulted James confessed, uncertainty is all we have that was left to William H., and the nection with Our own, a county map of djK 4-rv ^>0 f\ per day at home. Samples worth $1 THE DETROIT TRIBUNE is oae of those Colorado and New Mexico, giving valua­ b U V free. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. thatbeieve that these demands made upon the Gordon Bennett, of the New York really, vet both sides claim with all loss of which he could never have felt. Senator T. W. Ferry. ble information as regards lime tables, Twenty Weeklies for 820, Postage Paid. Republican Tarty— the party o f its first choiee H erald, on the street, a few days confidence and apparent certainty, that He might have erected new seats of —Can be and must be met, It rejoices still routes, distances, altitudes, &c., which we L E C T U R E further in the fivith that our jast-e’ected Presi­ since,, and now the New Yorkers are The renomination hy acclamation of the result will beas they wishifc. Mean­ learning that would have sent his A expecting a little dueling for a settle­ U. S. Senator Ferry, on Wednesday while we wait and every day we wait will be pleased to furnish free, upon ap­ ’ T o Y ou n g Mlexs.. dent, Rutherford B. Hayes, is governed by pre­ name down to grateful posterity, or plication in person or by letter addressed PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. cisely the principles, and moved by exactly tbe ment o f the difficulty. night, by the Republican caucus o f makes it more certain we shall all Just Published, in a Scaled' Envelope, P rict six cents strengthened exislting institutions. to T. P enfiei.d, G. P. & T. A., A lectnro on the nature, treatment, and radical euro of The country bus passed through a fiereiT detCi’mination, that will enable him to rise to - The Times says : The May-Ben- Michigan Senators and Representa­ acquiesce like good citizens in the de­ He might have furthered meritorious 48tf Hannibal, Mo. Seminal Wonkne'B, or Spermatorrhoea, induced by Self- Presidential ■ contest, and the result has been the height of the present troubled and compli­ nett affair has ended in a duel, the tives, without a dissenting voice, was clared result, be it as we wish or not. AboBO, Tuvolnutary Emissions, Impotency, NorvousDe left in a dangerous and unsatisfactory shape, cated situation, and to devise Such wise meas­ schemes of benevolence and enlarged bility, and Impediments to' Marriage generally; Coa- ures of relief as shall restore public order and particulars of which are as yet, un- an honor of which any man might be The people are not going to destroy jqmplio'n,’Epilepsy and Fits; Mental and Physical Inca­ ou account of the unprecedented closeness of the scope of other usefulness. He pacity, &0-—By ROBERT J. CULYERWECL, Mi D, the election, the angry disputes as to the votes confidence, abolish existing abuses, and con­ SI nojm in this city, save to; a very few proud, and an incident almost with­ tho Government because every one author of the “Green Book;” &c. vince the people that the party which canied might have brought relief, like George The world-renowned author,-in this admirable Lecture, of certain States, and the failure'of the Con­ o f the principals, and up to a out parallel in the political life of a cannot have his own choice who shall Jan, 4tU, 1S77, at tlie boms of tha brido in Bnchanan, clearly proves frbm hia owh experience that the awful stitution to provide any tribunal to solve out-country through the dreadful scenes of a Peabody, to thousands of deserving by Hev. J.3?,, Bartmess, Mr. EtM.ON J. CASE and Miss consequences Of Self-Abuse maybe efFectually removed doubts; or decide contested' points. civil war, which has struggled earnestly with last night -these gentlemen distinguished man. The choice was administer it. On the whole, we poor men, by giving them opportuni­ EMMA A. V001UIEE3, both of Buchanan, Avithout medicine, and without dangerous surgical opera­ the exceedingly difficult problems of recou- them. It was learned tions. bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials *, pointing GOT. HAYES ELECTED. struCtiou, which has labored seriously, though not made because Michigan has no think the last will prove one of the ties of acquiring homes for their fam­ out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by other men fit to fill this exalted posi­ best general elections we have ever which every sufferer, no matter Avlmt hia condition may From the best light before it, The Tribuse with little avail as yet, to restore our finances ^ s e v e ra l frie n fe -s l-^ - B ennett, ilies. He might have bestowed char- Be atlis. he, may. euro UlmBelf choapiy, privatoly andradically. believes that Hayes has received 1S5 Electoral to a normal and healthy condition— that this Waver, that Mr.. May hacT1>5SB-§e£h- tion, but because the people have had. It will show how strong our ty upon widows and orphans ^tyho t ^ T h i s Lecture will prove it. boon to thousands and votes against 184 for Tilden, and is therefore party is competent to conduct the affairs o f our Snsly wounded, but that Mr. Bennett' ^ ie d Mr. Ferry in many offices of Government is. What a strain it can l)icd, January Slh, 1&77» at hie residence iu this thousands.Sont under seal, in a plain envelopo, to any addrees entitled to be inaugurated President on tbe 4th great nation in times o f peace, and is animated would have risen up and Called, him place, Mr.* DANIJSEj TOTTEN, aged 65 yours, 10 months o f March, 1S77. The highest good o f the by a spirit of humanity and justice that seeks puT5Hs-,trust and he has never been bear and not break. Bui we trust on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps; has escaped unscathed. blessed. He.couldliave built a mon- and23 days. Address South, as well as o f the North, would be best the well-being of all classes and conditions in ' found whetiag.— His p rivate life is our Legislators will take good care it JHcU. January 6th, 1S77, in this place, of Consumption, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO„ promoted by his occupancy of the Executive the community. Bisaene'to'his memory that would have Hiss. JENNIE LANG, aged nearly twenty years. 41 And St..Now York: Eost Office Box 45S6. Chair. spotless, and his public acta havexiev^ -lajasyer anbjeoted to anpther-.gksRa.r. THE TRIBUNE will therefore give its ener­ ■In Pontiac they are having a bit of endured to the end of ’ time in the She spent all of her short life in Buchanan. .She was DANGER OF ANOTHER WAR. gies and its influence in this Crisis to still advo­ er been tarnished by a suspicion. His W e believe we shall escape, “ by the cating Republican principles and upholding the trouble with an Insurance Company thankful hearts of men and women, converted about eeven years ego, under the labor of the But there are grave apprehensions that a Republican; organization in a just, law-abiding life is a worthy example to the youth skin of our teeth,” from a political and that would have held his namq in Rev. J. It, Berry, and united with the H. E. Church, of ruffianly, ravenous crowd o f office-3eekers may in. Chicago. It seems that several and self-respecting maintenance of its rights, of Michigan, for. few men have lived a state of affairs which would not be which sho was a faithful member until called from the resort to lawless and violent means to induct parties in that vicinity had insured everlasting remembrance. Never had seeing in that direction the path plainly marked more useful or busier one than he. good for us. Church militant to the Church triumphant. She, by the the defeated candidate into the office o f Chief with this company, contracting for man greater opportuntics, and never sweotuess of her spirit and pAtieuce iu her prestrated magistrate. A ll peace-loving and law-abidiDg out by patriotic duty. It will strive to g iv e s broad aud intelligent view o f political affaire, He was born on the island of Macki­ Everybody is Saying “ what a fine ' did man more completely neglect sickness, won many friends who now mourn her loss, but men, irrespective of party, must stand together five-year policies, and giving their and will place before its readers the most com­ nac in 1827, and from the humblest winter we are having.” Good for their low is her eternal gain* May we emulate her in this crisis, and Crush out the incendiary notes for yearly premiums, payablo them. After a life of sixty years plete and the earliest information obtainable spirit and, meet, her in Cost, demagogues who are threatening to light the walks of life has raised himself, by business, a little hard on fruit and from all authoritative sources. W e intend that each year in advance. The insured spent in grasping and clutching at torch ot internecine was, which would bring its regular dally and weekly compendium of po­ integrity, perseverance and industry; provisions, but favorable for all class­ wealth, and after having acciimlated ruin and destruction upon the country. , ■ parties have become dissatisfied with litical intelligence Shall be of the fullest in to the second office in the gift o f the es who have anything to do, and The coming year promisis to be the most the conditions o f the policies, surren- a fortune at the rate of a million of ■ Collins and Weaver Hall, point of scope and freshest in point of time. eventful apd, exciting of any since the “War. American people, His educational makes work and employment and so dollars for ever year of that time, he In- short, T h e T ribune’ s readers will be kept - dered them to: the company and re­ . POSITIVELY ONE D AY ONLY. The Tribuxs will do everything in its power to fully abreast with the ever moving current of -privileges have been only those offer­ bread for numbers who otherwise die3 with only one charitable act in have the new President peacefully and lawful­ fused to honor the notes. The com* events. ed-poor. boys in pioneer settlements ; would he idle. ly inaugurated, and to restore harmony and Ipany is now taking measures to, col- that life, and that one inspired by Monday, Jan. I5tli, As to GENERAIi NEWS in all its various his schoolmaster such as trained Hugh W e have not had so much sleighing confidence ih the future. Let us nover despair • lect the notes;, In one case judge- his wife. The end is that his name o f the Republic. departments, we propose to furnish a variety l ment was given in favor of the com­ Miller for science and Abraham Lin­ as the R ecord announces in Mich,, will soon pass away and be forgotten. TWO PERFORMACES DAILY. that shall meet all needs and tastes, and make coln for law. We first hear of him “ 29 days in Dec.,” we had perhaps AFTERNOON ac 3, EVENING- at 8 o’clock. A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER, THE TRIBUNE a welcome visitor in every p a n y , and the case will be carried to The lesson is that few men can- devote SSSgg Boors open at 2, and 7 o’clock.- W hile The Chicago Tribune is a Republican as a mail carrier with his brother, half that, and now it is excellent, SYLVE3TER ...... Manager office, counting-room, workshop and manufac­ the^higher • courts'of the State by de­ their lives to the. piling up of a great Tho Great Original Renowned newspaper, and contributed as much as any tory, and a doubly-welcome friend -at every fendants. paddling a canoe to Grand Rapids about snow enough to make smoothe fortune except by living coldly and other in the United States to the success of its fireside. Our collection of MIOHIGAN NFWS and back during the season of naviga­ tracks and easy passing. GEN. TOM THUMB • AND WIPE, party, it is always independent and fearless in by a large corps of paid correspondents, by- selfishly for themselves alone. In Togeth er with the In&uitesmal This space belongs to the expression of its views, and aims to be means of telegraph and mall, we intend shall tion. A little later at work: on a We saw the meteor and heard its is not impossible that the vast fortune right rather than partisan; and while holding remain unrivaled. Our AGBICULTURALDE­ B oston, Jan. 5.—The Board of MISS MINNIE WARREN, farm in summer, in the spring and report though Ohio is not credited itself may be largely frittered away Aud tho Skatorial Phenomenon and Com Is Genius, DR. E. A CURTIS, party high it holds the country higher. PARTMENT will continne to completely out­ Trade to-day adopted a report taking fall pulling lumber out of .the waters, in your enumeration as among the OF DOWAGUO. GENERAL CHARACTER. strip all others, and form a feature o f the paper in litigation, since already a legatee MAJOR NEWELL, that will be worth many times its cost to the * strong grounds against the adoption Look .for more next week. The general character of The Chicago Trib­ and in the winter engaged in a shingle States which had this favor. It was has stated that the relatives, outside Will appoar in a variety of great Agricultural interest of the State. Our o f a silver basis, and petitioning Con- NEW AND PASOINATING PERFORMANCES, une is too well established to deserve recapit­ shanty. Two years he stands behind clear and sharp and well defined. The of William H. 'Vanderbilt’s family, Consisting of SONGS, DUETS, DANCES, ulation. . ia its news department it is Second MARKET REPORTS will be, as they always fgress to appoint government commis­ DIAXiOQOE3. GOMIO ACTS and LAUGHABLE have been, prepared with the most conscien­ a counter in Illinois, afterward keeps sound was like the rolling of distant will never let the will stand as it is.—1 : SKETCHES, to no paper in the United States; Tie Week­ sioners to meet the European commis­ In. addition to their attractiveness, as the most perfect, ly Edition contains a carefully prepared sum­ tious care and pains-taking, so that they may Jbooks and sells goods at home in thunder, while the light of it in the Chicago Tribune. by absolutely relied on as giving the latest and sioner to consider the question of re­ refined and intelligent mary of:the news . Of the wpek, brought down Grand Haven. It is needless to en­ heavens was the most brilliant and Ladies and Gentlemen in Miniature, to the hour o f going to press. most truthful accounts of the' movements and monetising silver as a fixed relation ter into full details of his subsequent startling ever witnessed here. We Literary, politi cal, financial, social; and ag- prices of all the great staples of trade in which The Mexican Confusion. •in existence, their Entertainments are unequalled for the people of Michigan are interested. Our Si of value to gold coin, and asked the business career. It. is sufficient to expected ere this to have read many SENTIMENT, FUN AND'FROLIO! ricutural topics will constitute, ns heretofore, leading features of the Weekly Edition, aud LITERARY columns will contain the best sto­ "President to invite the European Gov-^ explanations and theories accounting From San Francisco we have tho At each entortainmont the Ladies will wear several ries and choicest poetry that can be gleaned iii say that he continued in the employ now and elegant Costumes, magnificent Diamonds, Ac. no pains will be spared to increase its attract­ ernments to participate in such cosid- of his father, until he became a part­ for this phenomenon, but the savants announcement that President Lerdo, iveness in these departments. Its market re­ a very wide range of selections, while our Admission only S 5 c . minor items will cover every variety of topic, eration; The report embodeis a peti­ ner ; that he remained Buch until his seem reticent thus far. We feel anx­ of Mexico, and staff, are now in the ports are unsurpassed, embracing all the in­ Children (under 10 years), 15c; Reserved Soats, 5Cc. formation which farmers require for the intel­ amusing, instructive and suggestive. tion that silver coin shall not be made father’s death in 1867, when an ex­ ious to see it explained. The time State of Jalisco, .(one of the wealth­ Children (undor 10 years'), to Reserved Seals, 25o. Thus we shall aim to make THE DETROIT Ladios and Children are considerately advised toattond ligent transaction of business, both ns sellers a legal tender for any sum larger than tensive business fell largely under his was when it would he deemed the iest in the Republic), and that Lerdo the Day Exhibition, and thus avoid the crowd and con* and buyers; TRIBUNE FOR 1S77 more complete in all its departments and more valuable in its contents, six dollars. control. • precursor of some calamity, hut we has with him nearly one-half of the fusion of the Evening Performance* The W eekly Trihune is a large eight-page . ■ ’ GEO. PECK, Agent. . sheet, o f the same size as T he D aily Tribune; than ever before, and thus continue to win to His first political office was that of have got beyond having our fears ex- Mexican regular army, commanded consisting of fifty-six columus of closely print; it an ever-growing constituency of steady and attached supporters and friends, to .whose wants ong ranch county clerk. In 1851 he served in icited in that direction.- We know by skillful Generals. His programme ed matter, and, as a Fam ily. Newspaper, aud L B , N. J.,- Jan. 7.— • Administrator’s Sale. and wishes it shall be our pleasure- to "minister. The transatlantic steamship Amer- the lower House of the‘State Legisla­ .enough not to he; frightened, hut we is to risk a battlo with Diaz,, and if iii its .general- makemp, is- unsurpassed, by any- • B y ; viVtue of license .to-sell real estate,, paper in’ Uio land.- TERMS OF THE TRIBUNE. |.iqne, hound, from; Havre for New ture, receiving his nomination not are anxious to know more, we want successful to regain the capital. * - - granted-tq rae, the undersigned, by thoProbate GRE AT REDUCTION OF PRICE.. D a il y , per year, postage paid by us ...810 60 only1 without his asking but absolute­ our inquisitiveness met and our in­ From Brownsville we have, tho ac­ Court of Berrien County, Michigan, and dated York, came ashore at Seabright, about T ue T ribune- will be furnished, postage paid, For six months, postage paid by U3.- 5 30 January 8, 1S77, .1 will, in front o f Howe’s four miles north of this place, at 3 ly without his: knowledge. In 1857’ quiries answered. We. hoped some knowledgement that the rumor that during the ensuingjcnr, at the -following rates, For .three months, postage paid by ns 2 65 .-store, in -Buchanan-, nt 1 o’clock, P. M., on-Sat- Escobedo was snot is- false. The iffie GTAH. THS. WES.T., payable in advance : . T r i-W e e k l y , (containing all tbe news of .'o’clock; this morning. There were he was elected to the State Senate. would he wise enough to do it. urday,- February 24, 1877, expose for sale at li.ilf a cewlury o>n -In. AM iuLrrtJiK,*Vm Cnivcr- Saliam riiould siibscrtlie I'ur.tlJO scini-Ccnieiftiui) year; Weekly Tribune, per copy...... 1.25 two dailies and a splendid paper where ■* He served eight years on the Repub­ Our schools are having their winter Brownsville report declares that Es­ public auction,, to the highest bidder, the fol­ three cabin, 51 second and fourth Ib will shine for ALl«. Eight pui>cs, weekly, all the Club of t e n .,...... 11.00 something more than a W eekly and cobedo is with Lerdo at Mazatian. lowing described property, to-wit: “The north -News.Markets;etc. Lnrpeportraitc:I .TOIlN M OU­ class passengers and 162 officers and lican State Central Committee. He vacation including the holidays, ac-. RAY, free to all subscribers for 1877; Tends,' §2,50 Club o f twenty (one d otep et- copy). , . -.. 50.CO Jess than a Daily is desired) per year, half o f the; north-west quarter, of-section- six­ ei* year, postage:: paid;-. Address; Wij.i.iaaIso.N; & •crew on board, all of whom, with the was a delegate to the'’National Con­ complishing a double object, rest and Diaz had advanced on the army sup­ BANTWKbLi.PuBMSHiNO’ Co..' Oinciimati,.O..v‘ .' Daily Tribune, per month...... l.cO postage paid by n s ;. . . . - ______5 80 teen, in -tbWii seven, south o f 'range eighteen, Tri-Weeklv, single copy.., .. ,— G.t'0 T b i-W e e k l y , lo r six months, postage [exception o f three of the crew, were vention in Chicago, in 1860, which amusement. But we find the holiday porting Igleslas, and the latter had wrest, in Berrien Couiitv, -Michigan.” paid by us...... 2 CS ’ Terms;-cash. Tri-Weekly, olub3 o f five...... 25.00 [saved. Soon after the ship struck,. nominated Abraham, Lincoln, and was season becomes not unlike visits of retired from Queretaro to Guana­ 1 ; Tii-Weekly,' per month...... go For three mouths, postage paid by us 1 35 THOMAS K. MARTIN, one of the"* Vice- Presidents of that. which we used to hear, they make the juato. ' % T- V ,‘S Sunday issue,.great double - sheet, litera W e e k l y , (a splendid eight page paper, ; |the: captain ordered a small boat with ’ Administrator o f the Estate o f James Swift, l > i h c W o > k ir t f f ’C lassi - ^ are now, prepared - having eight columns more o f reading ry and religious, per y e a r . . .___ 2.50 Convention. In ;1864 ho. was>elected favored ones “ twice glad,” their com-, ' I f Lerdo has an army with him, it deceased-' ’ r. -■ to.furnish all classes with.constant employment at homo, matter every v x d s than any other paper la’ crew composed of officer Brillauing tho whole of the tlmo or- for their spuro momenta. Busi- Saturday issue, 12 pages,- splendid paper, is safe to infer that the line ,of States Dated'January llth , 1877.’ - 4Bw7 - land1 11 men. to carry information Representative from his district to ing and not less their going. “ Let ,us •mwa new, light and profilable.. 'Persons o f citber aex per y e a r . . - ...... 2.00 - in Detroit) per year, postage paid by easily oarn -from 60 ccnis to:$5:per'ovoninE, and a propor- u s...... 2 0 0 Isshore; and obtain " assistance; The" the 39th Congress; ‘ and was re-elect­ 'have peace.” . - * • mentioned in a previous article are tiooal sum hy.devoting'tiioic. wliolo time to'ihe businesH; , .Specimen eopies sent free. ^ - ,u A .Great Redaction in . Prices of W e e k l y , in clubs of ten or more, post- was only 70 yards from the; ed to’jthe 40th, '41st, and 42d, by con­ He have no special interest' in our Btaking their fortune in returning ;the Roys and girls earn nearly^as. miich aa men’i'T h a t all ‘ Give Post-Oflie address in full, including steamer who soo this nolico may send .thoiraddrossj.-and test tho State and County; age paid by us.....----- ...... 160 President to’ the -capital. The fact business wo make; this -unparalleled roff^r ; • To suclVua Fpr coinmissionsito agents, - or any other in­ each.^ The boat-, struck the beach, stantly ^increasing1’- majorities. Six churches. No extra services, and GraS3EYOLYERS,&c. Remiltarioe may bo'inade either,by draft,;ex-. are nofc well satisfied ,wo will sondx'ono dollar toc pay for formation, address the office. Direct all orders when we need wery much a revival that' Lerdpte movements havo been the trouble o f .writing:-, ^ull particulars,' finmplefl' worih press, :P6st-qffie’e oyder, Prdnfiegisl.ored letter's kt tHe yindertow and floating ice to­ years' ago-' he Entered ’the 'lists as a -^Prices redaced.from 20 to 30 porcent; WriteforJllas- .•andJetters t o ...... gether* thereYbeingm^ the'lat* candidate for. U> S ;.Senator, against and increased; activity, we-Laye^none secret,-' is not- t’o'be' acceptedsaslevi-- - trated Catalogue, with reduced prices for 1877. ^Address; several dollars to commence work on; and a copy o f Ilomo at our-risk. C - - and Fireside, one of- tho largest Illustrated Pub-- - Address ^.''THE -TRIBUNE "COMPANY,' - - T H E T R I B I D N E , her. and^tbree of the crew the two in: the 'cause of temperance. The denceAthat’-his -cause 'is.weakjAal?; dRSAT WEETKKN

g u i l cx/un LIST. M r . W . W. R ea, of Three Rivers, Locals. Scarcity of Money. BUCHANAN TRICES CURRENT. § e m e n J j k ? . R e c e n t To subscribers for tho R ecord we formerly of this place,' is in town on a There is no doubt but the pi-esant con­ morning fo r tfu can, furnish roading matter for the en­ short visit. Happy Influence of a (Jrcat Specific. dition of all kinds of business and industry KlNYONdt VZNQKJYT,Dealersin Oroccrtssand Pro• is fearfully depressed, and it behooves visions, Buchanan, Mch . THURSDAY MORNING, JAN. 11, lS'i'l. suing year at the following exceeding­ F or the preservation or recovery of* Thtstjxgurcs represent the. prices paid by dialers, units every lamilv to look carefully to their ex­ otherwise specified. ly low rates: health and strength, the diet should be wren A few weeks since, Mr. Charles penses. W inter is coming on-when chil­ To. Advertisers. wholesome and nutritious. W hen it hap­ Wheat, white, per bushel...... 1 2 0 CHEAP F an CASH. VRIOE. RECORD. Roe and family went from this place dren are liable to Croup, W hooping, Whonfc, red, per bushel...... 1 15 pens that the alimentary processes are dis­ The “ Record.” is the. best. Advertising *Godej?s Ladies Book...... §3.00 §1.00 to Crockett, Texas, to spend the win­ Cough, etc. Coughs and colds will pre­ /lou r, white, per barrel, soiling:...... 7 00 Medium in South-western Michigan, hav­ *Demorest’s Monthly Magazine.. 3,00 8.75 turbed by improper-or half masticated food, Flour, rod, per barrol, selling...... 6 50 ter, and to attend to some business vail everywhere, and Consumption, with Backwheat Flour,soiling...... S 00 ing the largest circulation of any other ♦Peterson’s Magazine. . . ___. . . . 2.00 8.00 the best remedy for the evil results of other throat and lung diseases, will carry Glover Seod, perbushel...... 8 00 paper in this part of the State. Harper’s B a z a r . ____. . . . . 4.00 4.75 Mr. Roe had In that place. On Wed­ abusing the digestive organs is Hostetler’s Timothy Seed, .per bushel...... 3 00 WOE WIDY SELL YOU MOKE “ Weekly...... 4.00 4.75 oft" many. These diseases should not be Corn, now j per bushel...... 30 nesday o f last week Dr. J. M. Roe Stomach Bitters, a most agreeable, prompt Oats, por bushel...... 35 ** Monthly Magazine.. . . . 4.00 4.75 neglected. Doctor’s bills are expensive, Bran, por ton, soiling:...... 12 00 .&ice='ts- . received a telegram from there, stat­ and gentle remedy for dyspepsia, and for ScientificAmerican...... 3,20 4.25 and we would advise our people to use Pork, live, per hundred...... 6 25 f: Geo. Pi Rowell & Co., 41 Pavk Row, N. Y., LitteR’s Living Age.. 8,00 S.35 ing that his brother was dangerously the bilious and evacuative irregularities Pork, dressed, per hundred...,.,,...... 7 00 S. M. Petliigill, SI Park Row, N. Y,, and The Christian Uuion...... 8.20 4.00 ill, and asking; him to come imme­ B osohee’s G erman Syrup, It never Pork, moos, per p o u n d . - ...... 10 H u U U U ) Rowell & Cbesraan, St. Louis, Missouri, are which result from it. The liver and bow­ Cora Meal, bolted, per hundred j selling..2 00 American Agriculturalist-----— 1,00 2 6o diately, which he did, but arrived in els, in common witli the stomach, experi­ has failed. One bottle at 75 cents will Plaster, per barrel, s e l l i n g ...... 1 75 one authorized agents to contract, for advertis­ Inter-Oeoan. Weekly ...... 1.65 3.65 keep your whole family well during tbe Hay, tnmo, per ton...... 8 00@10 00 ing, at our lowest rates, for tho coiumus of the Crockett on Friday evening, a few ence its beneficent influences. The refuse Hay, marsh, per ton...... 5*Q0@6 00 •' r‘ Semi-Weekly...... 8.80 4.00 winter. Tw o doses will relieve any ease. Salt, fine, per barrel, selling...... ,...... ,.,...,, * 1 80 Berrikn CorNtY R ecord.* “ “ Daily...... 10.00 10 50 of the system is carried off through its hours too late to geo his brother alive. Sold in all towns in the IJuited States, Salt, coarso, per barrel, selling...... 2 60 Chicago Post, Weekly...... 1.00 2.15 So near as the doctor Was able to natural outlet, a healthy flow and secre­ Roans, por bushel...... 1 go *“ “ ’ Daily..'...... G.S0 6.75 and by your Druggist, J. H. Roe & Co. Wood, 18 Inch, per cord.....*...... ,.,.... 1 50 learn, Mr. Roe’s sickness was caused tion of the bile is promoted, and a power­ Wood,4 foot,por cord...... 3 00 For $5,00 than any other store in the County. Come in and see for Chicago Tribune, Weekly------1.50 2.50 ful impetus is given to assimilation in con­ Batter, per pound...... 20 Chicago Times, W e e k ly ...... 2.00 8.00 by over work during a recent fire in A Splendid Hair Dressing and Eggs, per dozen...... ,...... :...... 20 sequence of its use. I t healthfully stimu­ Restorer Combined. Lard, por pound...... n yourself. With our large Fall Stock, we will give NOBLE! NOBLE! Detroit .Free Press, Weekly... .. 3-00 3-00 their town, causing inflammatory Tallow, perpound...... Detroit Post, Weekly...... 2.00 3.00 lates the bladder and kidneys when they W oods Improved Hair R estorative Honey, per pound...... 18 rheumatism, and affecting the brain. Green Apples, per bnshol...... 30 Detroit Weekly Tribune...... 2.00 " 3.00 are inactive, and by its tonic and regulat­ is unlike any other, and has no equal. The Cincinnati Weekly Times...... 2.00 8.60 A motalic casket was procured and Chickens, per pound...... 8 ing notion fortifies the system against Improved has new vegetable tonic properties ; Brick, por thousand, selling...... g 00 - T O SSIiX.- The Household...... 1.00 2 8o the remains shipped to this place. Hides, green, per' pound...... o@6 On goods than ever before. Michigan Parmer,...... 2.00 3.15 malaria restores gray hair to a glossy, natural color ; Hides, dry, per pound...... 10@1S Western KuraT...... 2.00 3.00 The family reached home Tuesday Pelts.....*.,...... 50@1 50 Overcoats for everybody at L. P. & restores faded, dry, harsh and falling hair; Maokerel, No. 1, per pound, soiling...... 1 2^ Youngfolks « . . . . . ------... 1,00 2.85 evening, and the body arrived on *Wcd- S.' F, & C. C. HIGH. G. W . Fox’s, cheaper than at any reetroes, dresses, gives vigor to the hair; re­ White Fish, per pound,selling...... 10 -Prank Leslie’s Ulus. Newspaper. 4.0Q 4.60 nesday evening. Potatoes ...... 60@75 BOOTS! BOOTS! * - “ Chimney GOrner.. 4.00 4.60 Other store in Berrien County. We stores hair to prematurely bald heads; re­ * “ Ladies’ Journal.. 4.00 4.60 mean business, • moves dandruff, humors, scaly eruptions ; re­ “ Boy’s and Girls__ 3.50 8.50 moves irritation, itching [and scaly dryness A PAPER POR HOME. - •' Popular Monthly.. 350 3-50 Hurt in a.Scuffle. Sewing M achines for @ N o t ic e .— The Farmers’ Mutual Fire No article produces such wonderful effects SII0E8! SHOES l <■“ “ Ladies’ Magazine. 850 4’f.O Lev'. Hull, of Buchanan, Mich., got * “ Boy’s of America. 150 2*60 Insurance Association will hold their Try it, call for W ood’s Improved Hair Re ^ Ail first-class machines and fully warranted. If you want a good * u Pleasant Hours... 1.50 2.60 hurt at the billiard room at the Cen­ animal election between the hours of storative, and don't be pul off with any other News j Story, Sketch, Toctry. Machine, I can sell you one. cheaper than you can buy a poor one. It * The Day’s Doings...... 4.00 4.60 tral Wednesday night in a drunken twelve and four p. m., on tho first a rticle. Sold by ail druggists in ■ this place ^Ihe Young American. — . . . . 2-50 3.50 will cost you nothing to try one. All kinds of repairing done. Em­ * die Jolty Joker------1.00 3.25 scuffle with Del. Smith, of Niles. H e Saturday in February, 1877, at the and dealers everywhere. Trade supplied at Toledo B la d e ...... -----3.QQ 3-60 fell, or was thrown, against the bar, Secretary’s office, two miles south of manufacturers’ prices by O. A. Cook & Co., broidering, fancy stitching and stamping done. Address Other periodicals furnished at low­ laying open bis forehead over the Buchanan, for the purpose of electing Ghicago, Sole Agents for the ^United States EARS! TALK, HOUSEHOLD TOPICS, COR­ RESPONDENCE, GUESS, F, B. EAGLESFi ELD, Agent. than ever est club rates, upon short notice. right eye with a cut about three inches one President, one Secretary, and the and Canadas, and all Wholesale Druggists. m m m PUZZLES. ETO. P . O. B ox 331. Front Street, B uchanan, M ich. Those marked * are accompanied in length. • Ho must have struck usual number of Directors. Try it by all Means. with great force, as the cut cleft to with either chromes or steel engra V Charles F. H owe, Secretary; The Great English Remedy is. with­ E verybody Ijikes l-fc- the skull, making it bare to the width j m k h b s ; lags. 48 w4 out doubt the best expectorant ever, o f at least one inch. Dr. Wrlgbtsman Elegant cashmeres in plum, navy offered to tho afflicted public. War­ re You Croing t@ Paint? T he-M. E. Church, of Dayton, are was called and found it necessary, blue, bottle green, and brown, for 45 ranted to break up the most trouble­ THE DETROIT FREE PRESS is regarded wherever known aa distinctively the best type A after a proper dressing of the wound, T h e n B u y th e N. Y. ESTAifiTEIi PA IN T A nd still it snows. endeavoring tTo raise funds for tho cents, at Ilivh’s. some cough or cure the worst form of ot the American home newspaper. Its fame is purchase of an organ. The first so­ to take six stitches in closing it up.—> abroad in the land, its articles are quoted by A LL persons knowing themselves to throat disease in an incredibly short T his is. the time fan a general settling cial gathering for that purpose was South BencL Tribune. time. There is no medicine that can all periodicals, and the paper ia a fresh surprise AND SAVE ONE-THIRD THE 0O3T OF PAINTING, and get a palut that is MUCH HANDSOMER, and Wm be indebted to Redden & Grabman and delight in thousands o f refined and culti­ lis t TWICE AS XONG as any other paint. la prepared ready for uso in WHITE or ANY COLOR desired* Is oa of account for the old year. hold at the residence of Mr. Haw­ show more evidence of real merit than vated homes. Though already believed to be many thousand of the finest buildings in the country, many of which have been painted six years, and now look as are requested to call at once and set- well, as wheii fir8t painted. This QHEMXOAL PAINT has taken FIKST PRHillUMS at twenty o f tho State M r s thorn, Wednesday evening. the Great English Remedy for colds, in most respects one o f the very best journals o f tbeUnion. SAMPLE CARD OP COLORS SENT FREE. .Address. 83yl THE C9UNTF PRESS. tlc- issued, the publishers are constantly making N. Y. ENAMEL PAINT CO., 103 Chambers St., N, Y. or MILLER BROS., 109 Water St., Cleveland, 0. M onday night was the coldest of coughs, sore throat, asthma, consump­ I’ se G.vttTTON.— I n calling for that improvements and endeavoring to make T h e T h e grocery firm of Kinyon & Vin­ [New Buffalo Independent,] tion, etc. Caution : Do not be de­ the year thus far. excellent medicine, the Great English P rke P bess still more worthy o f public appro- cent was. dissolved January 5th. Mr., At LaPorte, Ind., on New Year’s ceived. You who want a good medi­ bation. ( Vincent steps down and out, and the Remedy, bo sure you get no other cine see that you get the Great Eng­ T h e E r e e P ress will candidly and fearlessly A bout four incites of light snow night a Negro known as “ Slipshod discuss all question which may arise. Planted ESTABLISKRD XS33. business Will he continued by H. H. palmed off on you. lish Remedy, and you will have the fell in this place Sunday night. Jim, stabbed P. Fitzgerald and se firmly on the platform of broad and liberal De­ Kinyon, ho having purchased the in­ verely injured him, during a drunken The Grand Central Hotel, New best medicine ever offered to the pub­ mocracy, it will to the full extent of its ability terest of his former partner. row in Charles McCarthy’s saloon. York, offers its 650 rooms on the lic, and one that will give satisfaction uphold and advance those fundamental princi­ Bee advertisement of the Berrien ples of Democracy which it believes are the “ new specie basis,” at $2.00 and fully. Remember, every bottle is County Almanac in another column. Berrien Springe Era.,] basis of free government, and will giye a cor­ We learn that the Good Templars’ $3.00 per day. warranted. 48 w2 dial support to the party maintaining them. It A Sunday school institute will be will in all cases address its appeals to the judg­ Dramatic Troupe of this place has ment and reason of men, believing that the T here were three' funerals from held at Berrien Springs, on the 7th The Great English Remedy breaks received a very pressing invitation to cause which it eepouses rests in truth and jus­ the Catholic church in. Niles, on Sun­ and 8th of February ; the programme up coughs, colds, and cures sore Soecial Notices, visit the village of Three Oaks, and tice, and that the triumph o f that cause and day list. committee Is Rev. H. Worthington, throat rapidly and surely. the ascendancy of the Democratic party are repeat their play, “ The Fatal Glass,” G. W . Noble and I. P. Campbell...... MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD. for the best interests o f the country. It will and contemplate accepting the invita­ Yesterday morning, while Jared Ralph Blankets, nubias, and felt skirts labor unceasingly for looal self-government in N iles has an indebtedness of §26- very cheap at High’s. m m every State, for honesty and economy in the tion. was felling a tree, in Boon Bro.’s Tim e Table—Bee. 10, 1870. 000 to an assessed valuation o f $720- general administration, for the reform o f abuses, clearing in Berrien township a limb S trayed. — A two-year-old steer, ♦Mail. *Accom. jNigbt and for a scrupulous regard for the will of the 900. Expres?. people as constitutionally and legally expressed. Dr . J. M. R oe reports six or eight was detached in the fall, and precip­ light red, with white face, a white Chicago...... -Lv. 5 00 A, M. 3 50 P. 51. 9 00 P, M inches of snow between St. Louis and Kensington...... 5 45 4 35 943 It is of the highest importance that the senti­ itated upon him, breaking bis left leg, spot on each flank, one on the top of L a k e...... 6 40 5 23 10 25 ment o f tho Democracy o f the country should T hey have had three cases o f Texas, and in Texas, weather like just below the knee. Dr. Reiter was the shoulder and a White tail, has a Michigan City.... 7 82 6 25 1116 have utterance through journals qualified to New Buffalo...... 7 55 6 51 1140 A ll h e ree r e ss small pox in Nih s. No deaths. that of our Indian Summer. The called in uttendence, and left bis pa­ split in the left ear, was taken up Three OAks...... 8 09 7 09 11 53 give it voice j and T F P , which is is well again. doctor thinks he doesn’ t like Texas Buchanan...... S44. 7 50 unquestionably accorded a foremost place tient as comfortable as possible...... from the public highway by me in Nilea...... 9 00 8 20 12 35 A .M l among the leading Democratic papers in" the Merchant’ s very well, and will be content tj re­ Dowagiuc...... 9 27 8 43 103 land, can be depended upon to work unceas­ Not within the memory of white men August last, and is now at my prem­ Decatur...... 9 52 9 15 1 27 All gratis advice greatfully receiv­ main In Michigan a while, longer. has the St. Joseph river been in the ises, three-fourths of a mile east of Lawton...... 1010 6 35 ingly for the right-. A Liniment 'for ^ Man and Beast. Kalamazoo...... 10 50 10 10 217 The Michigan State News and the very acu- er and used at pleasure o f the receiv­ condition it now is. Over its whole Hill’s Corners, in Weesaw township. Galesburg...... 13 12 2 37 rate and trustworthy Commercial Departments, £ Battle Creek...... 1147 3 35 u Whether fbr use on man or beast, Merchant’s Gargling Oil ■will be found an invaluable er, Thanks. Brother Horn, T h e following officers o f the Paw- length is reported a solid bridging of The owner can secure the above by .Marshall...... 12 45 P. M. 3 49 hitherto so popular, will be maintained and if nent, and 'worthy of use by every resident in the land, w e know of no proprietary medicine or&S •Albion...... 110 4 07 possible improved. irticle now- used in the United States which shares the good will of the people to a greater de-;-^ Waw-Ting Encampment, No. 3, I, O: ice varying from six inches to two proving pronerty and paying costs. jree than this. Yellow wrapper for. animal and white forhuman flesh.1’—iV. T . Independent. J’^sl Jackson...... i*v 215 7 25 A , M. 4 55 A distinguishing feature o f T h e Fr e e P ress IN this county there are seventy O, F., Niles, were enstalled on last feet. 47w7 * Geo. W e . Grass Lake...... ‘ 2 45 7 5? 5 22 . Extract from a letter from G. H . SimmondSj U nionville, la.. JhTy 24,1ST3.—“ l a in spllingm ori^-Sl Ohelsea...... 310 8 20 5 50 is its correspondence. Those letters abound in 4 Gargling Oil than all the liniments pnt together, and JL am keeping twelve different kind*. 8 25 8 37 6 09 sthink it is the best remedy for horseflesh in existence, and can say it withonl fear of sncce?sih.** ■ liquor dealers who have piyed to the Friday evening:: Dexter.*...... anecdote and information, and perhaps the Jcontradiction.” “ » « Go to Lapierre & Brown’s, Niles, if Ann Arbor...... 8 52 9 05 6 28 county treasury $7.0SJ.67. best test o f their popularity is the avidity with Extract from a letter from Shoemaker & Co^T BlOOmlngtonrind., Sept. 17th, 1S73.—“ It IsUu^'r's B. D. Harper, 0. P. Ypsilantl...... 415 9 27 6 43 jopnlar horse liniment in this country.” The new Volume of the Living Age. you want anything in the Jewelry Wayne Junction ..... 4 45 10 00 7 10 which they are perused by readers everywhere. C. O. Collins, II. P . The Agricultural Department ot T h e F ree Extract from a letter from Geo. A . Snell, Braman’s Corners, 2T. X*, Ang. 9th, 1S73. — r‘ I line cheap for cash. G, T. Junction... 6 30 10 45 7 55 iiore o f yonr Gargling Oil than o f all other liniments com bined, and have seen it used on lic»& The number of The Living Age for Detroit...... «Ar 545 11 00 8 10 P ress is suggestive, instructive and fu lly up to S a t u r d a y rad the appearance o f a J. P. Rowlett, S. W. ind cattle with good effect when others have failed.” ^Evening G. W . Rough, Scribe. the week ending January 6th begins Artist’s Materials, at Dodd’s. •JlaU. *Accom. the times. Prof. C. W. Garfield,, o f the Michi­ January thaw.hut tin* next day assurd .Express. gan Agricultural College, contributes every a now volume a and new year of stand­ Detroit...... Lv, 7 00 A.M . 120 P.M . 0 05 P .H . us that our -l.-ighing r-i- not to leave D. W. Smith. Trea3. Ladies’ underwear that is the best, G.T. Junction,...... 715 435 6 20 week to this department, and valuable papers fcil|moro o f yonr Gargling Oil than of any liniment wekeeD.” us yet, C. Cristner, J. W. ard periodical. In this volume Wayne Junction 7 46 5 13 6 57 have been famished by Prof. Beal and Prof. and cheapest in town, at High’s. Yysilanti...... 815 5 50 7 25 Cook, of the Michigan Agricultural College, George MacDonald’s able serial, “ The ...... 612 Ann Arbor...... 8 55 8 00 and O. K. Carpenter, o f Orion. Many men and Merehant’s~Gargling Oil as a Family _ Liniment. S.lsl. of Hei tors. Marquis of Lossie,” will|be’ continued Better qualities of Jap Tea for less Dexter...... 9 00 6 3S 8 23 - It Cork a pretty good \vr r ■ > Chelsea...... 9 18 0 5S 8 40 women of known qualifications contribute to Remaining in the Post Office at Buchanan, from sheets; a short and charming money than heretofore, at S. & W. Grass Lake...... 9 47 7 23 9 06 this department o f the paper. hold down a pair of rubbers os. &.<' Wednesday, January 10th, 1876. Jackson...... 10 20 . SOO 9 301 story translated for The Living Age W. Smith’s. A lbion...... n o t 10 36 The Household Department is unique and sidewalk Saturdsy, Did you try it ? Adams, Mrs. J. Y . Gedsmavk, John .... original. It contains a great variety o f inform­ from the French of Emile Souvcstre, Marshall...... 11 50 11 06 Backer, Falinston Bagerty, Arch Black Alpacas that have the best Battle Crock...... __: 12 20 P . M. 1136 ation upon matters pertaining to home comfort and a sketch by Ivan Turguenief, Galesburg...... L2 55 12 09 A .M , and decoration- Mrs. J. P. Worstell, of New S wdthont stain, are much sought fot^” ^ DeLimberc, Henry Long, jine luster, and the finest in the city, at Kalamazoo...... 115 4 00 A .M . 12 30 * The Nibs L rm oerat says: -The Crowder, Edward Pendleton, Sarah A. Lawton...... : 1 56 4 41 York, is a regular contributor to this depart­ g £^*The Gargling Oil called “ Family Oil,” Although prepared intentlonallv for numin fir C will bo given in early numbers; and 110 jganswers as w ell fo r beasts; vice.versa, the dark Oil answers as well for human flesh, roly it wil. •**» Gray, Hannah Sweeny, James S. High’s. Docatur ...... ___ i 235 5 00 1 27 ment. First Natiovd Bank of Niles has de­ during the new year choice fiction is i gstam and discolor the skin, but not permanently. > Yellow m apper for animal and 'white for L. t ' •> Gardner, Win. Smith,, Katie OowngxRc...... i... 2 41 5 26 2 00 The fashions, and all that pertain to them, gman nosh, ‘ ‘ clared a ,?cini-anr.ual dividend o f 5 L etter H eaps, N ote H eads, etc., Niles...... 311 610 2 35 This list is published free for the information expected to appear from the pens of Buchanan...... 3 25 625 2 50 are regularly chronicled by a lady prominent per cer.t., payable on demand.” — We make a specialty o f this class Three Oaks...... 3 56 7 04 8 25 in the highest literary and social circles in New o f the readers o f the R ec or d , therefore there Miss Muloch, Katharine S. Macquoid New Buffalo...... __ 413 7 21 344 York. Merchant’s Gargling Oil as an Intemal Eemedy. no charge for delivery of letters advertised (author of “Patty”) William Black of work, and claim we cannot be beat, Michigan City...... 440 7 50 4 15 .... All the noted American writers contribute to Merchant’s Gargling Oil is a diffusible, stimulant and carminative. It can be taken T iie; Berrien Springs papers are iiereui. Persons will, ho wever, in claiming any either in quality of work Or prices. Lake...... 5 23 S 35 515 1 when.such a remedy is indicated, and is a good finhgiitntft fny pn??, killers, cordials andaaofljs-"-’.!*''-* u , oe above, call for ‘’advertised letters.” (author o f “ The Princess o f Thule,” ), Kensington...... 6 20 9 40 610 T h e F ree P re ss, and it numbers among its con­ i^or Cramps or Spasms of tho Stomach, Colic, Asthma, or Internal Pain, the dose may " doing a good deal of free advertising Anthony Trollope, and other leading Come and see us when you want work Chicago...... -Ar 7 05 (10 25 6 55 tributors of pithy sketches, bright poems and ■^Jhfteen to tw enty drops, on Btigar, or m ixed w ith syrup in any convenient form, and repeated*.. ' N . H. M e r r il l , P. M. fg^intervala of three to six hours. ^Yellow wrapper Xor animal and white for human flesh. • for each other just now. The diffi- novelists of Great Britain. In Scinece, of this description, and we will guar­ ♦Sundays excepted.- JBnturdoy end Sunday excepted readable short stories, the best in America. The tone of T h e F ree P re ss is unexception­ cultv seems to b<> that neither appre­ antee to give you complete satis­ It B. Ledtard, W m. B. Strono. The Board of Supervisors met at Politics, "Theology and General Liter­ Ass't Gen. Sup’t, Detroit. Gen’lSup't, Chicago able. It is pre-eminently the paper for the OTRCHAlfPS GARGLING, -owe. R the Standard Liniment o f tho United faction. Uesrt O. Wistwortu, Gcril Pass. Agent, Chicago. family circle. The most fastidious cannot take ^established 1833. Large size, $1; medium, GOc; email, 25c; email size for lamiivcso, C. ciates the kind words o f the other. ature, the very important contribu­ |Manufactured atLockport,2T,Y., by M. G. O. Co., aadsoldby all drusgiete. Berrien Springs last week and among effensc at it. The aim is to make it a news­ other business fixed the salaries of the tions to current literature by the You are sure to find first class Jew-’ paper suited to the wants o f the best classes o f- M r . M ayo, of Chicago, who recent­ CHICAGO & MICH. L. SHORE R. R. county officers for tho ensuing term. ablest writers of Europe, and especial­ elry, plated ware, &c., at prices way American society, amusing, instructive and en­ ly visited this place with pianos, fell tertaining to young and old. The salaries are left substantially the ly of Great Britain, will continue to down, for cash, at Lapierre & Brown’s, in Niles, a few days since, and broke H and after Sunday, Dec. 10, 1876, trains wllI tqo same a3 before, with the exception o f be presented in The Living A ge with Niles. 0 ao follows? . How He W as Tempted. his arm again. a satisfactory completeness elsewhere Call at Dodd’s Drug Store and TRAIR3 WORTH. that of Judge of Probate which was Day -Night G. Rapids A new story, by “Kl z e v H a t ,” the Southern set at $1,200 instead of $1,500 ’and unattempted. look at their nice stock of choice •per­ Express. Express. mixed. novelist, whose book was last year received Now Buffalo...... 11 05 A . M. 1150 P. M. 6 00 A. M. with approbation and delight, and warmly com­ The “peanut man” of Niles has o f the Prosecuting A t torney who will The beginning o f a volume is an fu m ery. ♦Town Lino...... G 20 mended by press and people, has just been gone into winter quarters, in the excellent time for the beginning of a ♦Wilkinson's...... 6 30 now receive fees instead of a stated F or S a l e .— 80 acres of land in Ohickamiog...... 6 40 commenced. Readers are assured that the PALACE ORGANS county poor house. salary. subscription, and the publishers still T roy...... 6 55 story will prove one of the Best written and M anufactured Try the Missouri on easy terms. For further *Brown*s...... 7 00 (TRADE MARK.) present to new subscribers for 1877 Bridgeman...... 1135 A .M . 1240 A. M. 7 15 most thrilling romances o f the day. particulars inquire at this office, tf •Morris...... 7 25 M iss Cora S anders, of Niles, has "the six numbers' of 1876, containing LOIUKS & BLAKE 0R 6A IC 6, A good-for-nothing scamp, living StovonsviUe...... 11J6 7 45 SUBSCRIPTION RAIDS TO THE DETROIT H olloway’ s O intmemt.— Erysipe­ •Liocoln...... SOO been visiting acquaintances in this the first instalments of MacDonald’s FREE PRESS: (Of W orcester, M ass. <& Toledo, ©.) about a mile north of Dayton, is mak­ las and all inflammatory diseases 8t. Joseph...... 1210 140 8 55 place during the past week. “ Marquis of Lossie.” To every one Grand Rapids...... 4 20 655 The paper is always sent p o stp a id . Specimen ing himself notorious by circulating yield to a dilligent use of this power­ Maskogon...... arr. 6 30 the false report that he is married to who would keep abreast of the COPIES SEAT FRE E. THE BEST IN THE’ best thought of the time, the ful preparation. In tho foot, hand TRjUXS soitth. Daily, one year §10 60 Our good sleighing has now lasted an estimable young lady living near. Evening Tri-Weekly, “ ...... 5 30 a W O B L O s ■ and neck, their approach should he Matt, Mixed. periodical is in fact almost a necessity. Express. W eekly, “ ...... 2 00 forty-one days, and has been pretty Whether ho does this for the purpose A.M For tiie following’ reasons: With fifty-two numbers o f sixty-four checked at once—i f supperation en­ Big Rapids ...... - 3 50 P. 51. Clubs o f Ten, “ ...... 1 70 thoroughly used in the meantime. of injuring' the lady, or whatever oth­ S OO A . M The only organ, made in which is suecesstuUy con n large pages each (or more than 8,000 sues, danger is imminent, and tbe Mnakegon...... S 50 7 SO Clubs of Twenty, one year...... 160 hlned the following essential qualities ot tone; powe% er reason he may have in thus pub­ Grand Rapids...... 1100 800 St. Jo’s Ao Clubs o f Thirty, “ ______1 50 depth, hiilliancy, and sympathetic delicacy. pages a year) the subscription price knife cannot be employed without St Josoph ...... 2 50 P .M . l 60 A. H.* 0 30 A. M I t Is said that if you rub your win­ lishing himself, is a matter o f conjec­ •Lincoln...... 3 03 665 An extra copy of the Weekly will bo given The most exquisitely beautiful solo effects ever pro* ($8) is low, while for $10.50 the pub­ jeopardizing life. This Ointment will StovonsviUe...... 310 710 to the getter up of a club of tea Weeklies. d u ced. dows with alcohol they will not coat ture. At any rate it would not be Morris ...... 3 20 The only stop-action ever invented, that can not he remove the disorder, without cutting, 7 30 Send postoifice order or draft when practica­ with ice. Another way is to have the advisable for this youth to come, too lishers offer to send any one - of the Bridgeman...... 3 25 2S5 7 40 disarranged by use. American $1 monthlies or weeklies pain, or peril. 25 cents por box or •Brown’s...... S 34 800 ble. The onlv organ made with bellows eapaeityso great windows made double. near the; lady’s father, lest there be T roy...... 3 33 8 05 Address subscriptions to that it requires but little effort with.the feet to supply with The Living Age for a year, both pot. Chikamlng...... 3 46 8 2§ a ll the air desired. an earthquake. ♦Wilkinson’s ...... 3 50 8 35 postpaid. L ittell & Gay, Boston, From W . R . Chisholm, M. D., of ♦Town L ine...... 355 S 45 The b e s t m a d e and most elegant eases in. market. M r . B . H arrington, living about New Buffalo.,...... 405 3 30 9 05 'HE DEMI Fill FRISS Noshoddy ornaments used—noihinefhut solidacood. New Bedford. JSvsri/ Organ fu lly uiarranied fo r five years. are publishers. DETROIT, MIOU. two miles: west of this village, had a he *S!gnal Stations.-—Trains stop only when (here are T Pomona Grange o f this county “ I have employed the P eruvian- passengers to get on or off". t Writ4 to us lor Illustrated Gataloguo ana Price List, new harness, valued at $35.00, stolen Which trill he mailed postpaid on application. Address met in this place on Tuesday and S ir u p successfully in cases of dys­ from bis barn on Monday night. Persons should not wait until health Wednesday of this week. The Bu­ pepsia, chronic diarrhoea, nervous A . O A H U . LORSiNC & BLAKE ORGAN G©* . < . ft is undermined, constitutions impaired, TOLSBO, OHIO. chanan Grange prepared for them a debility, neuralgia, boils and diseases To all who are suffering from the errors and fndiscre* MARK THESE FAOTS. and hold on life made less by some lions of yonth, nerroas weakness, early decay, loss of JSnropcan Office: P ersons walking in a crowd, should, sumptuous feast, of which about of the skin; also, chlorosis, leucor- StO Csiiver St., Xiondon, E n i remember that the lone pedestrian has disease o f the liver, InngB, heart, stom­ manhood, &gm I will send a recipe that will cure you, The Testimony of the Whole World. 160 persons partook. A special meet­ rhea, prolapsus uteri, and in female FREB OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered ach, nerves, kidneys, throat or blood, H o l i o w a y ’s JPill s- ’just as much right to the use of the ing was; called for the second Tues­ complaints generally. As an alter­ by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed A GOOD LIVE AGENT WANTED. sidewalk as you. day in February, at Grange Hall in, before they call upon Dr. V . Clarence envelope to the 4flf&v» Joseph T. I nman, Station JD, Bibit “X had no appetite j Hollowaj'a Fills gave mo a ative tonic, the syrup ought to be H ow t, Ntxo TorJc City. " , S8m6 hearty ono.” .i 'ip ■ l ft1 Berrien Center. The next regular Price, who has for years made these “ Your pills are marvellous.” used by clergymen, editors, cashiers, " l aend for another box, and keep .he house.” General T om T humb and wife meeting will be held in Benton Har­ ailments his exclusive study, and who MDr. Holloway has cured headache that was chronio." Nebraska. Ahead! clerks, lawyers, and others who use PIMPJLES. “X gave one of your Fills to .my babe for cholera mor- bor the last Tuesday in May. not only has the ability but is prepar­ I will mall (Free) the reolpe. for preparing a simple huB. The dear little thins got well in a day.” THE B. & SI. RAILROAD C0*3 XAND81 The Beet and Minnie "Warren will give two en­ their brains more then their muscles, Agricultural, ahd^^ Stock Connery In America I ed with the means to remove such Yeqbtable Balm that will iomove TAtf, FRE0KLES, ^j\Iy nauaea o f a morning is now cured.” tertainments, afternoon and evening, as well as operatives, printers, tailors, PIMPLES andULOTOHis, leaving the skin soft, clear, and *‘Yonr box of Holloway^ Ointment cured me o f noisoa complaints, and restore to health the beautiful; also instructions for producing a luxuriant in the head. Trubbed some o f your Ointment behind the GOOD LANDS IN A GOOD CLIMATE, at Collins & Weaver’s Hall, on Mon­ W e learn, that it is tho intention to shoemakers, seamstresses, and all sickly and debilitated. growth Of hair on a bald head or smooth faco. Address ears, and the noiae has lefc.^ , Low Pricea, Long Credit. Low Pares anti Freights. Pre­ day next. See advertisement in an­ take up a collection in the several those whose occupation confines them Ben Yendelf & Oo., Box 5121, No. 5 Wooster S t , N, Y. “ Send me two boxes, I want ono. for a poor family.” miums for Improvements, Free Pass to Land. Buyers, We know enough of Dr. Price to ,;I ortclose a dollar; your price is 25 cents, but the full particulars, apply to other column. Sunday Schools, next Sunday, for in.ill-ventilated and over-heated rooms, medicine to me is worth a dollar.” !_B. Sc M. R. R. CO,, Burlington, Iow«. feel safe in recommending him as a "geud me five boxes of your Fllle.,? the two children of P. P. Bliss, the who are liable to suffer more or -less TO "consumptives. ‘‘ Let me have three boxes o f your Fills by return mail) candid, honorable and educated phy­ for Chills and Fever.” Wayne is the only county in this great composer of sacred songs, who from nervous debility.” The advertiser, having been permanently oured o f that X.hrtve over 200 such testimonials aa these, but. want of sician, able in every way to success­ dread disease, Consumption, by a simple remedy, 1b anx­ was killed in the Ashtabula disaster. ious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of space compels me to conclude. State that has more newspapers than fully handle any case that he will un­ Wonderful in its Results. Berrien county. In that county, in­ There was a collection recently taken cure. To all who desire it,/he.will send a copy of tho For Cutaneous Disorders, Every dertake. Those who devote their There is no Medicine that has ac­ prescription used, (free o f charge), with tho directions for ______.Soldier G-JJBWirS cluding the city of Detroit, there are in the Tabernacle in Chicago, for tho preparing and using the same, which they will find a And all emptlons of the skin, this Ointment ism ost in dxsabfeSia line of.duty, if by whole energies to one subject are complished so much as S h i l o h ’ s C o n ­ sure curb for Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, <£c. valuable." It does not heal externally alone, but pene­ accid en t or otherwise. A STTLPHUB twenty-four. same purpose, and $10,000 raised, Parties wishing the prescription will please address, trates with tho most searching effects to the very root of M O I N D o f any kindj the more likely to excel than, those who s u m p t i o n C u r e . It has established R et. E. A . WILSON, the. evil. loss of a F in g er or X oe, or which we think should be amply suffi­ .47mG 194Penn’S fc /William shnrgh, New'York'. attend to a variety. It is this exclu­ the fact that Consumption can be cur­ thelossofanJEyG.a ltU P- A Sterling R emedy toe. D iseases and cient for the education of two chil­ H ollow ay’s JPills 'E U R E , i f but slight, gives a I njuries of th e Skin ; A H ealthful A valuable communication from sive attention to these diseases only ed, while for Ashma, Bronchitis; pension. Disease of L un gs ELuntsburg, Ohio, is crowded out ow­ dren. Should such a collection be ERRORS OF YOUTH. Invariably cure tho following diseases: or"Ynirieoso V eins givea R eautifier of th e Com plexion; A that makes Dr. Price so successful. Croup, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous pension. 15 O TJX T Y . —*lf made in this place, we trust the pro­ R eliable M eans of P reventing an d ing to the great number of lcDg, Dr. Price can be consulted upon all and all Lung Diseases it has no equal. A Debility, Promature Decay, and all the effects of Disorder of the Kidneys. discharged for wound,Injuries youthful indiscretion will, for tho sake o f suffering hu­ or rupture, you get full boun­ R elieving R heumatism a n d G out, and hard words it contains. We are very ceeds may not be allowed to go out of manity, send freo to all who need it,, the recipe and direc­ In ail diseases affoettng those organs, whether they se­ ty, «® “Send 2 stamps'for diseases of a chronic nature, on his No Medicine was ever sold on such copy of Pension and Bounty an U nequaled D isinfectant, D eodo­ certain that, to write it must have town, for the reason that there are a tions for mnkiug the simple remedy „by: w hich-ho was crete too much or too iittlo water; or whether thoy bo next visit at Niles, Bond House, on favorable terms. I f it was unreliable cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by tho advertiser a ex- afflicted with stouo or gravel, or with aches and pains A cts. Address all letters to rizer a n d Counter-Irritan t. .... - made the sender sick, and we dare number in this town who aro just as it would be the -greatest folly to guar­ penencecan do so by addressing in perfect confidence, settles in the loins over tho regions o f the kidneys, those P. H. FITSS-EBALB, Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 20th and 47m6 JOHN B. OGDEN, 42 Cedar St., Now York. Pills should bo taken according to tho printed, direct ions,, XJ.S. Claim Agent, Indianap- ’ Glenn’s Sulphur Soap, besides eradi­ worthy and a thousand times more and the Ointment should bo well rubbed into tho small not put it in print least it be the cause 21st. antee1 it. It costs nothing to try; as Oils. Ind. all letters cating local diseases o f tbe skin, banishes de­ of tho back'At bod time This treatmont»wi!l giro almost mark P . O, B ox 5 4 . ^ 1 of his death. needy than the Bliss children. Ex­ it can be returned if it does not give immediate relief when all otbor uieaus liavo iaiied. fects o f the complexion, and. it tend your charity where it is needed NEW BLACKSMITH AND gratifying clearness and smoothness. satisfaction after using two-third of a For Stom achs out of Order. . DB. BOHAKTSAirS and not where it is most fashionable. The “ Iron Trail.” , Jirorriase G uide illustrated S u lp h u r B a th s are celebrated for curing bottle. Call at one drug Btore and WAGON SHOP. .No modicino will so effectually improve the lone o f the with numerous ehgiravlugs The Michigan Almanac for 1877, MARRIAGE!I from life teaclies all the In- eruptions and other diseases o f the skin, as stomach as theso Pills; they remove all acidity occasion­ qulsitive Bbould'kuow on well as Rheumatism and Gout. G len n ’s A spicy sketch descriptivo of a trip get a sample bottle for'10 cents, or a G eorge M unson having ed oither by lnteuiperanco.or improper diet. Thoy roach published by the Detroit Tribune Courtship, hlamage, the \ Sulphur Soap produces the same effects E dw ard, son of Thomas Gaines, tholiV6r and roduce a healthy action; they are Piiysiological -Hysterics' Company, corf,tains the usual amount over the Atchison, Topeka and Santa regular size Fifty Cents or §1. I f completed his new Black­ wonderfully Afllcacious In cases of spasm—in fact they nd 'Revelations o f tlio at a most trifling expense. This admirable SECRETS. Sexual sy stem, how to cu ro o f valuable information, including full aged 13 years, was skating on the ice Fe Railroad, and. of the beauties, your lungs arc sore, or-chest or back smith and Wagon Shop, never fail m curing nil disorders ofth o livornnd stomach. allkind of.Diseases; with hundreds o f valuablo receipts, specific also speedily heals sores, bruises, scalds, HOLLOWAY’S FILLS nro. tho beet known m the who should marry,tho impediments to marriage, their na-. burns, sprains and c u ts . It removes dandruff --election returns of the State, a full in the: river on Saturday afternoon scenery and pleasuro resorts of tho lame, use S h i l o h ’ s B e l l a d o n n a between Kingery’s Mill and world for the following diseases; Aguo, .Asthma,-Bilious tura and cure. Treats on allDiscases, fully cxplainufg llioir Complaint^ Blotches on the Skiu. Bowels, Consumption, causes j, symptoms aod means to cure ; it 1* the only, really and prevents the hair from falling' outTand last, above the upper bridge, when Rocky Mountains, by “ Nym Crinkle,” P l a s t e r , which seldom'fails to give Debility, Dropsy, Dysou lory, Brysipolas, Female,Irregu­ scientific work o i the kind ever published, and is complete, list of State and United States ofS- the Star Foundry, and the firms of in cvcrv respect. Sent securely sealed on receipt ot £0 cts. turning gray. ■ the ice broke and down he went. The the musical and dramatic critic of the relief. J. H. Roe & Co.,’ Buchanan larities, Fevers o f nil kinds, Fits, Gout, Headache, Tndi- Address, l)r. C. A . BOHAHNAir, CIO North-FUth street,* 1 cers, State Legislature, full postage; Munson & Burch and E. H. Beardsley, ’gestioa, Inflammation, Jaundice, Diver Complaints, liUm- St.-Louis.Mo: Established in Clothing and linen used in Hie Sick room, water was about six feet deep. Ho Naio York World, sent free on appli­ Mich. Elsewhere by Dealers ‘general­ having moved into the new building, bago,Files, lUieumatism, Rotontion of.urind, iScrofula o r - is disinfected, and diseases communicable by- rati b, the famous resumption act, &c. King’s Fvil, Sore Thr6iits;-Stono and: Graveli-Tic-Doulou* - contact with the person; prevented by it. caught his bands on the ice but it cation, together, with the San Juan ly- are now better than ever prepared to -reus,-Tumors,. Hlcors; Worms o f all kinds, Wooknosa v AMONTI1—Agents wanted every- Address Tribune Co., - Detroit, with ■from,knycauBo.etcs: - - ... . hwhere. Businesslionornhleami first- The Medical Fraternity sanction its use. broke and he caught again and held Guide, maps and time tables of this Sclass.Particulars sent lroc.Address 15 cents inclosed, and get a copy. “H a c k m e t a o e ” a new and delight­ do all kinds of Blacksmithing' and. :j.„W O im i &,CO.,:St. Louls.ilb. on with his nails, and a little hoy, less new popular route from Kansas City ful Perfume sold by J. H. Roe & Co. Wagon making on short notice and in. IMPORTANT CAUTION. ■Prices—25 and 50 Gents'per b a k e; per than tea years old, named Hugh and Atchison to Pueblo, Denver and a workmanlike manner. A specialty . '.^Nbuo are gehiiino unless •'.tUp/signaln^ Box (3 Cakes),-60c.’ and§1.20. T here will be a reunion o f the Buchanan, Mich.-j elsewhere by deal­ as agent for; tho Hnitcd...Stafesl\ surfcounds ea.oti box of ZELL’S Hughes, slid out on his belly and all points in Colorado, New Mexico, made of wagon repairing “and horse Pills^aud Ointniontf, :A handsome, regard wiU’ bd'giyen N. B.—Buy the .large calces: and -thereby economize. soldiers and sailors o f the Mexican ers generally.’-. . . . , ; ; to;any one rohdorlug...such •information aB may:’ 1 bad:to* * Slid by all Uriiggists.. aejzed him but not having sufficient Arizona and the San Juan Miners. shoeing. 40m3 war of 184G--7, at Grand Rapids, tho de tection o f apy'party. or parties c'ounterfriting tUe EICT C L:'0 P E Di-A. strength to lift him, another boy nam­ The finest line of Pullman Sleepers on Lapierre and- Brown, manufactur­ medicines or . vending- tho: same^.knbwiug thorn! to be' N ew B evised E rtifioii; —11150,00 oVartlclea, • ^HILL’S HAIR ASH. TTHISKER D5TES” January 16ib. Those who are not ing . Jewelers*. 70 Main • St.y. Niles; s p u r i o u s ^ • J - - . ’-X’' "-"-f' ' B.OOO ongravinga.’and 1 8 sifiendid maps.:. The- BEST Black or Brown, 50 Cents. . ed John Primrose, went to hie aid and the continent between the Missouri ***Sold'RtlhQ.rnihufkctorybf?PrbTe Hoitowit & .B00H of- universal knowledge ’in the lauguagej. N ow in enrolled, in the State organization MONET TO LOAN CO;, New^York, an d by nil respectable druggist* and deal-= tours'ebLv'publicatio^-, :8pecimeh''with^iui:p*flnt'T6r20^ Mich., are doing-exclusively a cash ers iu medicioe throughout..the civilizod world, in boxoa rescued him. This is another warn­ River and the Rocky Mountains with­ f. SUMS TO SUIT, on approved. real; Estate, .security eta, AGENTS W a NTBD. . U l’ (!. N. GlUTTEitTOX, Pi-op’ r, 7 Sixth are requested to send their names, business, and in consequence are sellr at 25 cents; 62 cents and’ $L-each;; , ’■ '• 'J • - t ing. Parents, keep your children out change. r from three to- five yean, ^ ‘ CHAS. D.5 DAVIS X CO., PliUadelphla>| Company, Regiment and post-office > •®^Thor© is.considerable;saYing-by taking - the larger from, skating on. the'river, for the ice Address, T; J. A nderson, ing watches,- silver goods, plated ware) ALSO, REAL. ESTATE. AGENT, ■lees.* ^ v * address, to G. H . Bostwick, M. D., is very deceitful. . Young. Hughes - Gf-en.- Passenger Agent, . t &c.,...... a't ...... h'ottem’ prices* forrpftsb.m rGive' HMH LEOOU. - Nevf Troy, M ich, . ' . % (Mm with !« :?.' JJMkafer.lTMt 8tTMt, BvckUM was well rewarded.— Mirror c ' ■ - r.:.. T ofskA^KanV them-i call ^Ttten!in Nilea.X”' ?*, V" M»h '*■ - % * . MM ^ 4 g^^^ge-nfrrriTTw w ii^ia^M The Berrien County Beeoid, Buchanan, Michigan. . Thursday, January 11, i.877.

QUORATE: ORDER*—Stato o r Michigan,-Gouuty of Farm and Household, MORTGAGE SALE. 1 Borrlcn, as.—A t a session o f tlio Probate Court for tho SchcIiclt’H P ulm onic .S.yrwp, Sea W eed Coauty o f Berrien, liolilcn tit tho Probate Office, lu tho CUSTOM MILL, Tokto and MandkakcPills.—These deservedly celebrated Default having been mtido m the- payment o f village o f Ilorrlen Springs, on Friday, tho 20th day of and popular medicines have effected a revolution in the a certain sum o f .money; secured' to fee paid December, in the Tear on e thousand olglit hundred and soventy-sir. healing art, and proved the fallacy o f several mfixima Wastes On The Farsi, by a attain indenture: of Mortgage made and BUCHANAN, 3IICH., Present, DnuiolChnpmnn, Judge o f Probate. which have for yoars obstructed tlio progress o f medical exe e od by Solomon L. Beardsley and Martlin In tlio mutter of tho Xetato of Caroline Wallace, The greatest o f wastes oil the science. The false supposition that “ Consumption is iu* M. Beardsley, hie wife, of the County of Ber­ deceased. KINGERY &'M ARBLE, farm, says the Scientific American, rien and: State o f Michigan, o f first, part, to Ira On rendiug: and filing, the petition,, dnlvverified, of curable” deterred physicians from attempting to find M ery A . Dranoh, prnyieg that administration on said remedies for that dlsoaso, and patients afilicted with it -is, in. not using oar brains; the IVicks, late of tald County, of tho second part, estato may be granted to liorsolf. • DPr’oprie'fcor’s. now deceased, and hearing date on the thirty- Thereupon It is ordered that Monday, tho 29Ih day of reconciled thomsflvrs to death without makiDg an. effort greatest, because at the bottom of January noxt, at 11 o'clock In the forenoon, bo assigned to escape from a doom which they supposed, to be una­ first day of October, in the year of our Lord Ibr tho hearing o f said petition, and that the liolrs at law The mill has recently undergone repairs voidable. It Isnow proved, bowever, tnat Consumption the other -wastes, A little thinking one thousand eight and seventy-one, and re­ o f said docoascd, and. uUotlior persons in torcsted in said and is better able than for years previous to can be cured. and that it ?ias been enred in a very great number o f cases (some of them apparently desperate often saves much labor* After ac­ corded in, the cdllea of the Kogistor o f Deeds, oitate, are appear at a session o f said Court, db all kinds .of work promptly and in the thou to bo liolden at thoProbato Offico in the village of on (is) by Schenck’s PnlmoDic Syrup -alone; and in other of the County o f Berrien; In said State; on tho very best condition. cases by the same medicine in connection with Schanck's complishing any pi'eo o f work, the Huh. day o f August, A. D. 1S72, at I f o’clock Dorrion Springs, oanse,ifany thoro bo, why tlio prayer of thopetitioner should not begranted: Audit Orders for Flour, Mealy Feed, &c., for the Sea Weed Tonic and Mandrake Fills, oueorboth,accord­ most: o f us can look buck ami see how p. m*. In Liber G q f Mortgages, on page 471, ing to the requirements o f the caso. is further ordered, that said petitioner give notice to the wholesale and retail trade promptly filled. on which said Mortgage: there is* claimed to be persona interested in said estate, o f tho pendency or said Dr. Schenck himself, who enjoyed uninterrupted good wo could have improved on it, if We : petition, and tholienrlng thereof, by causinga copy of this J3P“ Specinl attention paid to custom health lor more thau-forty ycani. was supposed at one Hmitygrams.15 had Bat thought. * A * we review our due and: unpaid at the date Of this: notice by oi-liitr ti> bo published la ther Bssnnnv Comrtr SCceoko, grinding. time to be at the very gate of death, hJs physicians liar* the failure to comply with the conditions of a newspnpor printed and cireulnted In said Connty Of FOIJMI lugpronouncod his case hopeless, and abandoned him to crops o f this year; we see how they said Mortgage; the sum of five hundred sixty- Berrien, for throe snqcessive weeks previous to said day his ihte. He was cured by the aforeSAid medicines,and since Ida recovery, many thousands similarly affected S®=“A n Englishman was accosted could have been easily increased, had three dollars and ninety cents: ($568,90), and of hearing. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. [a, a.J DA NIKI, CUAPMAN, Mill on Portage Street. have used Dr. Schenck’s preparations with the'siune re­ thus : “ What would you take to stand We only thought. The ditch v* e dug no suit at law or proceedings in equity having (A trnecopv.) 47wl Judge o f .Prnbatri. Y o u can get; your STOYE repaired. markable success. been instituted, to recover the same or any part l9tf P. II. KINNEY Miller. Full directions accompany each, making it notsbso- all night in the tower of St. Paul’s ? ” ^through our meadow was not done in A ls o , the b e s t SLEIGH s h o e s in the lutoly necessary to personally see Dr. Schenck unless thereof: Therefore, notice is hereby given, patients wish their lungs examined, and for this pnrpose “ A beefsteak and a pint of beer,” was the most economical way. W e dug that by virtue of the power of sale contained market, (new style.) Gall or address he is professionally at hfs principal office. Corner Sixth Sheriff Sale, apd-Arch 8ts,, Philadelphia, every Monday, where all the frank reply. The next one thus too deeply at first, and did not allo w in said Mortgage and now become operative, •indin pursuance o f the statute in such Case made TATE OF MICHIGAN, County o f Berrien* es —By B R C H A l M r letters for advice must be addressed. accosted was a Scotchman, Says for the settling o f the land. Hence a J virtno of a writ qf FieriPirfas issued out or and Scbienck’S medicines are sold by all druggists. and provided, the land dcscribod in said Mort­ under the seal o f the Gircutfr Court tec the County ot B. T. M OULBT, Sandy. “What’ll ye gie ?” Lastly waste of labor. We omitted having gage as Lot number two (2) in Ross & Alexan­ Tterrien aud State o f Michigan, to ma directed and deliv­ ered, agalnet tiv« and chattels,lands and tenements FL0FEING_ MILLS, came along Patrick, and when asked an implement that would have saved der’s third: addition to the village o f Buchanan, 0 5 33xieliana.ii, M id i. in the County of Berrien and State of Michigan, o f Johu Worcls, I did, on Uio 6th. day o f August, A I), what he would take to stand all night nearly its cost in this year's use, until lSTG.levy upon tUo following- described real catate lyhur wilt he sold at public auction or vendue, at the and. being: iu tlio County o f Berrien and State or Michi* BOUGH & PEARSfROPRIETORer in the tower of St. Paul’s, he wittily we had spent much in trying to. ac­ front door of the Court Mouse, in the village gnu, tcKwit; The we*t lialf()4) of tho southeast quor o f Berrien Springs, in said County o f Berrien, ter (^0. o f section two (2> townAilp eight (Sj south range Purifies the Blood, Reno- answered. “ A n’ sure an’ I’d be apt to complish our work wi'houS 5;. Here nineteen (19) w est; nlao tlio cast half (j£ j o f tbo aoulK- T he lik e was ssei/eh K nown @ efore.- wo On the Second Uny o f S.nrcli, A . » . 1S77V read tlio C lr .ciu j;a U ^VeekSy J3tHV, a fino eight west quarter (^ section two (2) lownBlifj7eight(8) south quRB,until, f.irtV-Otirlifortv-ciglit f- enlutncolumn n nunai1paper, independent . 1 S 7 7 , and decide forth oma elves. I t will cost nothing, as Con­ Rheumatic affections, it cannot be excell­ syringing or washing. Even here a At elovon o’clock, in the forenoon, to satisfy the amount Through Trains daily, with Polman Palace Drawiug n c J sultation is free. Yigits mado regularly. Vegetine ed ; and as a blood purifier or spring med­ which shall due on raid Mortgage, together with Room and Bleeping, through to Connell Bluffs- m i Dr. Y . Clarence Price can be consulted at Niles, icine, it is the best thing.I have ever fi@L>Tbis is the season when, as little caution is necessary, for while costs o f foreclosure and sale, and an attorney fee therein JftrvSt, Paul and Minneapolis, Two Through. Trains Bond House, Saturday aiid. Sunday, tbe StOh and 2 lsto f used, and I have used almost everything. daily, with Pullman Palace Cars attached on both trains. provided for* January; A tlap orte, Iud , Myers House, on Saturday I can cheerfully recommend it to any one they fondly linger at the gate, he says amooth-leaved plants: are benefited, .For Green B a y and Zake Superior, Two Trains daily, V egetine In need o f such a medicine. Dated December 2G, 1876. and Sunday, the 17th and:i8th o f February. in tones tremulous with the ecstasy of not only by showering, hut even by with Pullman Palace Cars attached, and running through Patients will address all letters to D r, Y . Clarence Yours respectfully, MANLIUS MANN, Mortgagee. toMarquette. h KOl’.PUINE and XNTEKPERATB H A « m speed, Mas. A. A. DINS4IOBE, J . J . Van R iper, Attorney for Mortgagee. Price, Waukegan, III, with stamp. love, “ Darling, my own precious dar­ washing the leaves with a sponge or P o r Milwaukee, Pour Trains daily, Pullman Cars on £ ily cured : paintess, no publicity, at home and wilhout Vegetine No.19 Bussell street. night trains,Parlor Chair Cars on day trains. Inconvenience. A n antidote that stands on its merits. ling, one fond kiss before we parti” cloth, the rough-leaved plants, like Fbr Sparta cnd Winona and Points in Minnesota^ One Send stamps for particulars. D R . CARLTO N , tSt a W ashington Streep Chicago, III. the Begonia Bex, do not like to have Through Train daily, with Pullman Sleepers to Winona. and a sharp voice from the up-stairs MORTGAGE SALE. For Dubuqut,yi& Preeport,Tvro Through Trains duly, O Vegetine KECOMfitSIfD IT with Pullman Cars on night trains. An illustrated "Work 275 Awarded the Highest Medal at Vie a. window calis out, “ Sarah Jane, you the surface of their leaves frequently i pages, a private counselor Default haying been made in the payment o f I b r Dubuque and ZaCrosse,\i& Clinton, Two Through lARiiAQEia to the married aud mar­ XX. e a x- X i I y . march into the house. To-morrer is moistened. I t would, therefore, be Trains daily, with Pullman Cars on night train to Mc­ riageable on the mysteries a certain aum of money secured by an indent­ Gregor, Iowa. a g a g gfg 01 tnesexualsrsteci, its abuses, Vegetine E. & K T, ANTHONY & 00, washin’ day, and you aint a-going to well, to remove each plant before ure of Mortgage bearing date the third day of Ib r Sioux City and Pimkton, Two Trains daily* Pull­ a e m i s s i s 6 ets., latest discoveries iu the December, one thousand eight hundred and man Cars to Missouri Talley Junction, o c Us: esa science of reproduction; howto 591 Broadway, N ew Xorlt. lay abed till noon, I tell you !” he truly happy in the married relation. Mcleand female, South Bosxox, Eeb, 7,1870. syringing. Take every precaution, Jbr Lake Geneva, Pour Trains daily. young and middle aged should read end preserve it: it Vegetine seventy-five, made and executed by Samuel as (Opp^ Metropoutan Hotel*) Mr.* Stevens; P br Rockford Sterling, Kenosha, Janesville, and other contains information, which 110 one can afford to ue with­ however, be well to prevent the accu Dear Sir—I have taken several bottles Dempsey and Hannah Dempsey, his wife, of points,yon can have from two to ten trains daily. out; on how to preserve the health, and complexion, and Manufacturers, Importers and Dealers in Berrien County, Michigan, of the first part, to New Tork Office,No.415Broadway; Boston Office,No. give to faded cheeks toe freshness ot youth;U » flicuiv bestUCa. andCUU o f your Y egetini, and am convinced it xs )3©--The worst case vet is that of mulation of dust upon the plants only true. STarriagi ’ 2 Guide in the world. Pricc50 cents Vegetine a valoable remedy for Dyspepsia, Kidney William G. Herniance, also o f said County and 5 State Street; Omaha. Office, 253 Pam ham Street; San r Mail and above all, endeavor to screen Pruncisco Office, 321 Montgomery Stroet; Chicago Ticket Engravings, Chromos and Frames. Complaint and general debility o f the a young New York gentleman who State, o f the second part; which said Mortgage m system. Offices r 62 Clark Street, under Sherman House; corner visited New Jersey. He retired at them from, tho terrible inflection, car was recorded in the office o f the Register of Canal and Madison Streets; Rinzie Street Depot, com er Vegetine I can heartily recommend it to all suf­ Deeds in and for said County of Berrien, in W* Hinzie and Canal Streets; Wells Street Depot, comer iiiirafi in nil, fering from the above complaints. midnight, after seven “ hot apples,” -' pet sweeping. It may he well enough W ells and KinzisSfcreeta. JEAAJA3 THS affKOXrNCEiHHS® Yours respectfully, Liber number l l o f Mortgages, on page S97, at Por rates or information notattaiaable from your homo OS THE 4> Mrs. MUNBOE PARKER, and be was found at 6 the next morn­ to kill the old people by compelling , Grraphoscopes; Photographs, Vegetine t6 Athena street. S o’clock P. M,, on which said Mortgage there ticket agents, apply to M urrav Hill Publishing Co* ing standing against the wall trying them to breathe clouds o f dust, but is claimed to Be due and unpaid at the date of W . H. Stbnnrtt, Martin H cqhitt, And kindred goods—Celebrities, Actresses, etc. Gen. Pass. Ag’ t, Chicago. Gen. Snp’ t, Chicago. a Tolm £*. Jcvvctt, OTanagor. send the children into the fresh air to this notice the sum p f forty-five dollars, and no Pukp.uved'bt H. R. STEYBSS, Bosiox, Mass. to pull the mantel piece up round his suit at law or proceedings in equity having m skate, or to snowball, and, screen the Photographic Materials. Vegetine is Sold by All Druggists. neck and complaining that- “ the been instituted to recover the same or any part a DISEASES CnreS. Hew paths marked out to We are Headquarters 'fbr everything :in the way o f clothes” were not lucked in. plants if possible. The essentials of thoreof: Notice Is therefore hereby given, CHROMIC______Health by that plainest ot Success in plant culture are suitable that by virtue of a power of sale contained in ell books—B um H omb T im e jon> Medical Cohjion Sense,which contains nearly 1,000pa qes Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, said Mortgage; and: now become operative, and -a soil, air, light, moderate and regular ot originaTmetter, es entertaining as efascinatiug Being Manufacturers o f tho ggy^“ IIave you any rebutting tes­ in pursuance of the Statute in such ease made & story. Health and long life made easy for the STOP A LEEDLE. heat, a moist atmosphere, regular and and provided,, the premises therein described as learned and unlearned. Crammed foil o f brand MICR0-SC1EMTIFIC LAMTKRM, timony to offer, Patrick ?” asked the situate in the County o f Berrien and State o f n e w Id e a s, which are cheering to tbe rick, and STEREO-PA NOPTtCOJW moderate watering, and freedom from m intensely entertaining to those who arc fortunate justice of a prisoner arraigned for UNIVERSITY STEREOPTICOK, dust and foul gas." Michigan, and known as the Bouth-west quarter o fci) Cv enough to escape disease. It gourds the reader of the south-west quarter of section thirty-two against the pitholes of human suffering, and ADVERTISER'S ST.EREOPTICON goat-killing. Pat scratched his head £ points tho way of deliverance to those who are (32), In town seven (7) south, and range eight­ ARTOPTICOM, — a new light seemed to dawn upon S Pi already engnlphed. By ail means, find ont all A New Sumac. een (18) west, will he sold at public auction or 3 « about it It is fo r yon .*'It’a author, Dr. E. SCHOOL LANTERN, FAMILY LANTERN, It is Petter Y ou L o o k him. “ Rebutting, is it ? Shure ah’ vendue, at the front door of the Court House, $3- b D B. Boom, of 130 ImxmoxoN A venue, K ew PEpPLK’ S LANTERN o e * 3 Yoiut, is consulted by invalids at home and Eaoh style being the best of Its class in the market. that’s just what’s the matter, yer Every one of our readers must In the village o f Berrien Springs, in said County abroad, In person and by letter, and has had the Xjeedle Oud. o f Berrien, on i experience of nearly a q u a rte r o f a cen tu ry Catalogue* o f Lanturua aud Slides, with directions for honor ; the bloody baste butted me have admired thei rich glowing colors 'H i e 2 3 d § m & . o © improved; but nature in one of her “ I have found it to be one of the grandest 'S@=.“ Well, my dear,” said our which sold Mortgage was recorded in the office of the U works of the age." Another says—“ I would hot Register of Deeds.of said County of Berrien, on the 19th J m freaks has given us a new variety, m i bo withontlt fortw ico its cost.’ ’ Similar letters BILL VON VARE. good pastor at Sunday school to a day o f February, AvD . 1872, at 10 o’clock A . if., in ToI. reach the author every day. Contents tahlo which promises to he of great valne. N o. 2 o f Mortgages^ on page GO-l, upon which saidMort- * free. . tow-headed urchin, “ I am glad to hear gage there claimed to be due and unpaid at the date of THE RAVE! PIANO. This new variety i3 a sprout from the this notice, the Bum o f three hundred ten doliars and I bet ish del’ sacKvot vil! do you. you arc getting to be a better boy.” nine cents ($310.09), and no suit o r procoedinge at law or IN STOIhXT; also by latx r a y e n & B a c o n . common one (Rhus Grlabra) and has Dri. F oote. Cheap edi- “ Why, sir,” said little Joe, looking in equity having:been instituted to recover said sum or E.S T E B DISHED 4 6 YEARS. Chicago Cured Hams, not only the glowing colors of the any part thereof:; Notice m therefore hereby given:that ______tion. B vola. in 1, neatly up with grave earnestness, “ gosh, L b y virtue of a pawer o f sale contained iu said Mortgage, bound, $2; in G separate vols. at $5 and $7.50, Wareroonigj 28 E. HlliSt*, Kew York. Chicago Cured Dried Beef, original, but possesses the additional aadnow become operatiYe. andtnparauance of the statute according to binding. Sent by mail on receipt aint been sick.” in such esse made and provided, the lands described in of price. Just tbe thihgforyoungpeoplo. Con- Gilt Edge Butter, &c., charms o f being beautifully cut said Mortgage as:all that certain piece or parcel of land tents table free. HO MORS HIGH PRICES. situate in the Connty o f Berrien and State o f Micliigan, The old arrangement o f charging high prices, and then Nice Dried Peaches, leaved,-—each separate leaflet having known and describedcs Dot number twelve (12) In Block Publications. We can fur­ & nish, Ml of D r. F oote’ s popular throwing off large discounts and commissions,Y\rE HAVE jggy-Some time ago a pupil in a deaf twenty-throe. In A . A. Morley^s addition to the riliago o f f l p much the form of a leaf of the cat­ DIME Dime Publications on health and -DONE A WAY WIT XT. Nice Canned Fruit, New Troy, will be sold at public anctlonor vendue at the and dumb asylum in New England kindred topics. " OLD EYES MADE NEW ," Now we put all our friends on an even, basis, hud deni leaved birch; Plants of it have been trout door o f tho Court Houso, in tlie village of Berrien direetwith all* Nice Raisins, Springs, in Bald County o f Berrien, internauy, and positively cures tells how to restore the sight andotvenp glasses, read a portion of the Rook of Job ; sent to England and France, where On the 3fith day of March, A, D . 1S77. RHEUMAlISM, GOUT, NEURALGIA AND LU.ViBAGO. without the aid of Doctor or Medicine. Half a THS NSW PLAN WORKS WELL* Nice - New Pickles, at the hour o f eleven o'clock in the forenoon, to satisfy SO D BY DRUG’GISTS EVERYW HERE. SEND FOR Cffit million have beealBaned already l “ COOTonT Those who buy of us are delighted with getting a first- when asked to write out his under­ they are becoming very popular, and ______AND CUBE vo n TUB BUTTUEED” is’ .n valuable the amount which shall then be due on said Mortgage, class Piano at a far less price thau they thought such an Nice Buckwheat Flour, standing of Job’s sufferings, he wrote we hope Soon, to see it become com­ together with costs o f foreclosure and sale, and an a'tor HELPHEKST5HE & B E N T L E Y , monograph for thoso who are afflicted with Bup- instrument could be affordod, ney fee thereinprovldedfor.. DRUGGISTS, WASHINGTON, D. C. turb or Hernia. “ PETSioLoaiuAn IasnovEMENT * A ll our Pianos have full iron frames, overstrung baas, op HusUOTrr," relates to the subject of having Nice Salt, coarse and fine, as follows: “The Lord boiled Job mon to this country. It was discov­ GEORGE M , SMITH* Mortgagae. and solid rosewood mouldings. people bom right. “ PBararorooroAn M abiuaOe " seven ered several years ago, growing ia r. J. J . TAN Riper, Attorney for Mortgagee. gives the latest researches regarding the laws N o . J..—-H o a e w o o r i, Octave, Grand Scale, Bound Nice Rio and Java Coffee, Dated January IstjlSTT. 47W1S governing temperamental' adaptation, Ac., Ac. Comers, Length— 0 tt. 10 in- Width-^3 ft. 5 Inr Prict(boxtd) with Stool and Cbrcr1$27o Nice Syrups, deserted field, near Philadelphia, from .±Li fcS U . A St e p .Bac kw aeb, reviewing inconsiderate u legislation concerning the Prevention Of H o * 2,^-Enme as No. 1, with additional’ Waving Mould­ HS&.A resident fisherman fishi whence it was removed, propagated, Conception. " Spekmatoriuicea," or Sem­ Nice Smoked Halibut, Chancery Notice. ing on Base. . - for trout on another man’s land the dissiminated by a Philadelphia nur­ 1S7T. JJK’.V Y O R K , 1S7~- inal Weakness with evidence o f its curability. Price (boxed), with Stool find Cover, $2S5. TATE 03? MICHIGAN, Second. Judicial Circuit, is, Croup, Its causes, preventionand cure,” inval­ NO. S.—All Round Corners, Carved ifo-ldin g Top.of other day, completely silenced the seryman, although several nursery S Chancery. uable -to svery mother having the care o f small Ouse Pull Agraffe. John 'WeiEgerbor. Complainant; 1>9. Ann ft Rldrldge, The difforont editions of The Srar during the children. *■ Coin F eet,” causes, prevention Price (ftoxed), with Stool and Cover, $309. Distressed Yeast That and' cure. Any one of the foregoing Dime owner, who remonstrated, with the men in both this country and in Eng­ John Ti lTisner and Eranklln Muzzy, Defendants. next year Trill be tlio name as during the year ■Ele^tvaail S «stri2 3 g U p r i g h t , ,$ 3 2 5 i Suit pondlngin the Circuit Court for the Connty of Publications will be sent by mail, postage pre­ majestic answer, “ who wants to ca ch land have credited it to Japan, as m that has just passed. The daily edition will on paid, on receipt of ten cents. W ill Rot Stay Down. Berrien, in Chancery, on thi3 21ac day o f November, A your trout? I am. only trying to is done with many other new plants. D. 1870i week days be a sheet of four page3, and on Think of the Advantages I t satisfactorily appearing to tbo said Circuit.Court for Sundays a sheet of eight pages, or &6 broad r ^ r r Publication*. Wowillsnp. Also, tbe best stock of drown this worm.” m E* P i P , S* ply D b . F oote’ s Free Publica- o f securing a perfectlyhew Piam direct from the Factory t — Ohio Farmer. the County o f Berrien, in Chancery, by affidavit on file, columns; while the weekly edition will be a that Anna Eldridge, one o f the defendants in thlB cause, 8 la ls ib uons. “ Gratuitous Advice to the in unblemished condition, and free from the. scratches and is not a resident o f this State, but that she resides in the sheet of eight pages of the same dimensions Sick," abroad as wed as at boms / a circular of dullness Consequent on a stay of, several months in the State o f Illinois. On motion of J . J . Tan Riper; Solicitor and character that are already familiar to our raluo to the sick. “ Evidences qf Dr. Foote's dusty wartrooints o f soma distant dealer. fSsf-“ Man,” says Victor Hugo, Our Fresh Meat in England. for complainant, it is ordered that the said defendant, friends. Success ; " a sixty page pamphlet, f r t t hy mail, WE SHIP DIRECT TO TBE PURCHASER. —Send for them. Anna Eldtidge, and all parties interested, appear and an* The amount which yoii send us includes l i r e P i a n o , “ was the-conundrum of the eighteenth The Suk will continue to be the. strenuous 7 * The Americans appear to be suc­ swer complainant’s.bill, o f complaint on file in this ca^se the Stool, tae Cloth cover, aud tbe B ox in century; woman is the conumdrum of ceeding in their plan of sending over for tho partition of tho weBt half ()>£) of the south-west advocate of reform and retrenchment, and of m which they are s e c u r e l y p a c k e d . This we deliver quarter (}£) o f section tlilrfcy-threo (33) in town three (3) the substitution o f statesmanship, wisdom, and AfiFNTQ USMS&iSSS. into the hands o f the express or ft’ieghfc company, in per­ GLASSWARE, the nineteeth century.” An Ameri­ fresh meat to England. They have south o f range eighteen (18). west, in the County o f B er- H U L I^ I O toent'in tho ealo of the fect order, and ready lo rn journey to any distance. rienand Stato of Michigan; within three months from integrity for hollow pretence, imbecility, and Toregolng pablicationa, and also several others can editor adds, “ We can’t guess her, organized a system under which some tho date o f this order,.and in default thereof that the said: fraud in the administration o f public affairs. published br ns. Head all of the above, and J P n rcisu scv ^ nta distance may send th e ir.O rd e rs bill be taken as confessed b y the soid defendant, Anna It will contend for the government of the peo­ . send forporbcnlars. Address, for terms, outfits, l>y ^ n i i s with the certainty o f receiving tho Name. Queeusware & Crockery, but will never give her up. No nev­ 3,000 quarters of beaf can bo sent Eldridge. A udit is further ordered, that, said complain­ &c., The Murray Hfll Publishing Company, 3.30 ple by the people and for the people, as op­ Prompt* Attention and Complete Satisfaction us i f they er.” over in each steamer, not frozen, but ant canijQ a copy o f this ordc-r to be published within East& 8th Streetf Mcta MbrJe* came to make personal inspection of theTiaaos thoy wish In town. PJease call and look for yunrsclves. twouty days from the date hereof in the Berrien County posed to government by frauds in the ballot- maa BBSSBESaiSSSl to buy. Tho best way is to sondusa certificate o f tho cooled to a safe temperature by air Record, a newspaper published in said County of Berrien, box and in the counting of votes, enforced by Cashier ol any rospcclabio Bunk that' tho amount ol tho and that said publication be continued for six. successive military violence. It will endeavor to supply TlieLadles’ lland-Bookt price of the Pmuo you waut is deposited to our credit, man who advertised for an which has passed through ice-cham­ weeks, o r that complainant cause a copy o f this order to subject to your approval of the instrumeut when it shall bo served: on saidvdefendant, Anna Eldridge, at least its readers— a body now not far from a million of valuable Information to ov ery ^ S ^ reach yon. Tlie Piano yon order will then be shipped us Of you order your goods in a hurry, Smith “ amiable wife,” and has had supposed twenty days before tho expiration of the time herein m bers. The: meat is very good and of souls—with the most careful, complete, and you direct, and you will bo allowed five days in wlnth to & Son have der hosses vot goes clere pefore woman, OLD or YOUNG treasure for one week, expresses him­ “ bright,” and in spite of tho opposi­ prescribed for her appearance. trustworthy accounts of current events, and try it iPad allow your friends to pass judgment on it. I f you starts avay. Dated Notembor2lst, A. D. 1876.* Harried or Single. LADIES / < $ $ ) / * * * » it is unsatisfactory to you, return it* and cake your money self thus obscurely ; “ She hadn’t tion from the butchers; a cargo was IIENRT H . COOLIDGE, Circuit Judge. will employ for this purpose a numerous and from the Bank. I f yon arc satisfied with it, you keep it J . J . T an R iper, Solicitor tor Complainant* 41w7 carefully selected staff o f reporters and corre­ will thank ns for thia / * * * * * and we take the money, uud ihereU great satisfaction all SMITH & Son, been in the house twenty-four hours recently sold in Liverpool at from 6d j a around. spondents. Its reports from Washington, es-’ Hand-Book, and no 'p H o IirtV e ia $ 1 0 0 jP Z a n o , 7 Stops, 2 sots of Reeds. Ish del’ bosses vat shtop in. before the milk soured.” to 8d a pound (12 to 16 cents). The pecially, will be full, accurate and fearless ; motlier. will o l)]e ct/^ f M C b . CHANCERY SALE. and it will doubtless continue to deserve and meat it is said, has fetched Sd per to placing it i n 't h e * l i f c l l eujoy the hatred of those who. thrive by plun­ FOR CiRCULAR. a 33ou’tclo any JJOTIOE is hereby given that by virtue of a decree lin any paper or ^ © » A young fellow eating some pound (16 cents) in Glasgow for some made in the Circuit Court for tho County of Berrien, dering the Treasury or by usurping what the hands of her dough KAVBN. & GO., I papers, until in Chancery, wherein "William G. Hibbard it. al. are law does not give them, while it will endeavor 'VOUS IDUERTSSIMSi■ yougeiOurflg* old Cheshire cheese at a tavern one and does not excite the prejudice complainants and NathlelD. Collins ct, al. are ddfendactr, ters These Hand- ‘JS H u s l I U3i tii-ri'C f, JVe-.v T o r l t "tires it Will coVtyoixuytlilng'dnd will surely sava'you to merit the confidence, of the public by de­ , money. Address, arising from the overcooked condition, which decree bears ’ date tho second, day o f January, A. Books are n oti “ 7jDES.ASfSE- St;Xpuxa.Advertis*ff &Publ’E' Co;, SLl<0uli( Mo. night, exclaim ed“Now, I have done D.1877,1:shall, sell at public auction,, to tho highest bid­ fending the rights of the people against the H iH TSof both A llouv’Pianos are FuHy Warranted for F IV E private treat­ as much as Samson, for I have slain of the Australian tinned meat.— Lun- der, at tbo froat door of the Court House, in the village encroachments of unjustified power. .particularly Y U A US. fl8 r a 0 i of Berrien Springs, in said County o f Berrien, at 12 ises, but don Spectator. o’clock noon of The price of the daily Sun will be 55'cents a f Paralysis, Apoplexy, mv thousands and tens of thousands. MoiKlny* tiny of Febrnary, month or §G.50 a year, post paid, or with the in t e n d e d Epilepsy, and all rier- “ Yes,” retorted the other, “ and with! | g j A . D . 1877, all. tho following described piece o f land Sunday edition §7.70 a year. for gen- fvous - derangements T abby Candy. — One cupful mo­ ti-wlir The west sixty-two (62) feet of the wost the jawbone of an ass.” —N. Y. Ob- sido of lot number four (4) in Block B, Central addition The Su.vdat edition alone, eightpages, §1.20 , 'th eir Cause and Cure. DR. JA M E S lasses,. one cupful sugar; two-thirds to the village o f Buchanan, Berrien County and State of a year, post paid. This Essay will be found •server: .Michigan;described as commehcisg at the'southeaSt cor­ The W eekly Sun, eight pages of 5G broad interesting to all cupful of water, a piece of hutter the ner ot Front and Oakstreets in Bald village, thence rnn- Lock HospHal. ning east slxty-two (62) feet, thenco Bouth seventy (70) columns, will be furnished during 1S77 at the nervous - sufferers BOTH CORNER size of a hickory nut- If brittle feet, thenco west Bixty-two (62) fbet, thenco north along rate o f $1 a year, post paid. • EITH ER'of the foregoing W asliinglon &SF‘‘Never except on one occasion ' when dropped into water; pour out Oak street, seventy (70) foot to tho plaoo of beginning, The benefit of this large reduction from the /HAND-BOOKS sent fkbe to A Pranliliu, was a certain prominent newspaper with brick building throe stories high covoring tho wholo CHICAGO. eekly any address. Address, with on. large plates. Stretch out to the grouud; previous rate for the W can be enjoyed Cliartoml by. tbo Stato man of Norwich known to refuse to Dated Jon. 3d, 1877, by individual subscribers without tlio necessity : vN'/stamp,TI. Y.P.Go..Bedford,Mass. of Illinois for..the ox thinness while, warm. When perfect* JAMES A.. KELLOGG, press purpose of giviug take a joke, and that was the other of making up clubs. At the same time, if any Jmuio.flato relief .mall ly cold, break: into squares. Circuit Court Commissioner- of our friends olioose £o aid in extending out- noon when tho boys inked 'his eye­ J.. J^T an River. Solicitor for. Compltg. 47w7 ■cttsestorpriyivto. Chron­ circulation,, we shall b e ' grateful to tbern, and: ic , nu d urinary d iseuses glasses, and sent him homo .with a every such person who sends us ten or more for. Printers. j li sill ti leir compliba ted A Hew Haven "company is;making. fo rma I tis wel I kuo wh: lantern to. apologize to his landlady' Cnn bo mado by every-agonfovery ihdntii subscribers:from one place will be entitled toijjbrluutv:Somi\nnlH\Vfetvlc!ioHa*v,Dlglifc:lpSsoHl>y bafidrZwith a single bristling row- of horo. .Business pleasant, and honorable^ IVomen, and the; expenses o f paper and printing are barely- - v \. ;5drijLiiis;’pitopIo^oAthA,fftcefib5t;iU;vnliop(V,c boys and girlsido:ns well os ment: .TJ’p wiltfarnJah yon n; repaid; and; considering the size-of the sheet i^hecured;.JLadica>:wftutingithQXmc3tj:dotip^to.attontIou*~ Xti^.“ D'ul you do nothing to resus­ :-comploto Outfit freo.- The busineaa pays bettor than. EXCELSIOR C. B. CHURCHILL, brass .pins set very close ta eacLother, ■ and: the quality o f. its contents, jiye.qre: confi­ ckil Qf^w.ritbi-V^lehsunfcvhome; ito citate the body?” was'recently asked - anything else; ’ TVeryill bear expense^ of starting you. PRINTING' INK' ci>i, '• ‘ tho niilHon- •'Miirrisgo.GuidefiWhlch .tolls yoiLnU nhout -HuafL go6fl.:as'9o^*tnieDtpi‘Tirno-Piecea;vJo^rijy;T8p6 like. the.teeth, of a comb, incthe mid?, c^riicn^ars free^ ■W’r^te 'and see;, .Harmera and mechanr dent the: people ,will consider - Thb. W eekly s i v 'o ______I ^MANUFACTUHEfiSj) .>tlieBe.di8oa8es^-who;ehould'mftrry—£—10,couts lo, tol6sV/&c«^cheap^ti;.Sppcial;;att(jntloiXjgly>h of ivwifnsss "at a coroner’s-3nqu6st. 'ics.’their sons and’dhngHtera; "ana all classes in nood of Sun the. .cheape'st'.^ewspaperrpublish'e'd in. the: ^oodenVAuciunfcand Marine Tiuie^Plecca ^AH'W ork.'T, die t ofi-tthe; .strip, and . worms cannot: %payiog,w6rk;athom>e:subold.wtitius nndlsaru all' about , ..*1= - i-CFormorly oLLokaoni llnfflaud);-. ,•. j /pay>poatago.':>.Dr:->JHme8^is-.60./yoar8 jo f flge, ou
