PAUL HINDLEY I am standing for re-election to the Council after serving on the Council for the last two years. Many communities have been ‘left behind’ by market fundamentalism, which has opened the door to nationalism. Individual cannot thrive if people are in the grip of , social hardship and economic powerlessness. Brexit puts at risk our hard-won workers’ , our vital EU trade links and our ability to combat climate change. With the Conservatives and Labour fighting a battle of big ideas, it is essential that the Liberal rediscover the radical heritage of social . Britain has never more needed an ambitious radical social liberal movement. Advancing Big Ideas: I wrote a chapter for “Four Go In Search of Big Ideas” calling for a new culture of social rights in-order to reach out to ‘left behind’ seaside towns. I am an advocate for , universal inheritance, radical policies, land value taxation, federalism, workers’ rights and German-style works councils. A Strong Record: I have been actively involved in the SLF Council for the last two years. Since January 2018, I have been managing the SLF social media accounts on Twitter and Facebook. I have also written many articles for the SLF Blog and Liberator. A Progressive Movement: I proposed an amendment to the SLF Constitution which enshrined the SLF’s commitment to build a “progressive of people, ideas and campaigns”. The SLF must be the voice of progressives within the Liberal Democrats, while reaching out to liberal progressives in other political parties and across society.

If re-elected, I will be a tireless champion for , radical big ideas and for building a progressive movement to reshape British Politics. Big Ideas. Social Justice. .