German Council on Foreign Relations

No. 2 November 2019 ANALYSIS

Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field? Defining an Effective German and European Approach on Connec-

Dr. Jacopo Maria Pepe tivity Toward China and Russia? is a research fellow at the Robert Bosch Center for Central and Eastern , Russia, and Central Eurasia is emerging as a fluid where resurgent great power politics by Russia and China are marginalizing Europe and the Western liberal order. Despite diverging interests, Moscow and Beijing are linking their Eurasian integration projects, the Belt and Roads Initiative (BRI) and the (EAEU). To avoid the loss of Europe’s trade and regulatory power in Eurasia, the EU and Germany should adjust their Central Asia strategy:

– They should focus on Greater Central Asia and Greater East- ern Europe and define an interest-driven, flexible, and regionally diversified approach toward Russia and China.

– They should engage both powers with a strategic mix of cooper- ation and competition, but also cooperate with third countries.

– Eurasia should be prioritized in Europe’s industrial policy, and more means committed to developing the infrastructure linking Central Europe, Central Eastern Europe, and Western Eurasia. 2 No. 2 | November 2019

Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field? ANALYSIS



ANALYSIS Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field?

The vast space stretching from Eastern Europe to process poses both, a risk and a major opportunity Central and East Asia and from the Baltic Sea to for Europe. It offers the latter, especially when con- the Indian Ocean is turning into a crucial geo-eco- sidering that Beijing’s and Moscow’s interests might nomic chessboard of the 21st century. In this macro not be aligned everywhere across Eurasia. region, Russia and China are laying the basis for an alternative international system that differs vastly The EU Connectivity Strategy from October 2018 is from the current one. a first step in the right direction, yet it lacks clear political ownership, a substantial financial commit- Two major factors have reshaped Eurasia in the ment and the identification of overarching strate- past decade: First, since the 2008 financial crisis, gic goals to shape bilateral relations with China Eurasian trade ties among different Eurasian coun- and Russia in a broader vision for Eurasia. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE tries and regions have increased and diversified. Second, the Ukraine conflict (2014) has accelerat- Meanwhile, the recently approved new EU Central ed and cemented the already growing Sino-Rus- Asia Strategy from June 2019 shows that Brus- sian geopolitical entente. As a result, Europe and sels increasingly considers this region crucial for the West have been politically and economically its interests in Eurasia and key for the implemen- marginalized in the region. tation of the EU Connectivity strategy. However, it still lacks a realistic assessment of its strategic For the and Germany, Russia and options and concrete instruments to engage with China today represent two different challenges: both, China and Russia, in Central Asia. Moscow is increasingly perceived as a short-term geopolitical security threat, while Beijing is regard- Given its pivotal role, both, in the EU and in trade ed as the emerging geo-economic and systemic with Russia and China, Germany should take the competitor of the coming decades. Reflecting the lead in developing a new Eurasian dimension for the different nature of these challenges, Russian and EU’s foreign and foreign economic policy. In doing so, Chinese projects for economic integration in the it should also apply a more geo-strategic approach. region differ fundamentally in scope and nature. This should integrate distinctive bilateral strate- gies toward Russia, China, and other subregions Driven by Moscow’s geopolitical aspirations and like the Eastern Neighborhood or Central Asia with- protectionist agenda in the former Soviet space, in a broader strategic framework which also con- the Eurasian Economic Union promotes a closed siders how the growing interaction between China economic regionalism. It is constrained by limit- and Russia impacts on Europe. Together with oth- ed resources, the lack of economic complementar- er EU partners – especially with Italy, France, and ity among its members, and non-functioning su- Poland as well as the newly elected Commission pranational institutions. By contrast, China’s Belt President, Ursula von der Leyen, and the new High and Road Initiative is a format set to shape a glo- Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, balization that carries Chinese characteristics and Josep Borrell –, Berlin should identify few, key stra- spreads Chinese norms and standards across the tegic goals, develop action plans for the two key countries involved. Chinese experts have identi- Eurasian regions, Greater Central Asia and Greater fied so-called “collapsing zones”, i.e. the less con- Eastern Europe, and design a compact investment nected and less developed parts and sub-regions and industrial policy offensive for Eurasia. of Eurasia, as prime targets for a complex strategic approach that combines acquiring and controlling By doing so, Europe would engage both, Russia infrastructure assets, exporting commercial over- and China, in a strategically smart triangle based capacities and creating asymmetric dependencies on flexible and ad-hoc relations. The course of (“debt diplomacy”). action in this triangle should involve a mix of co- operation, and competition, as well as external bal- In light of the growing economic and infrastructure ancing with third powers; it should weigh up Eu- connections between the two regional initiatives rope’s own interests and means and, if possible, and the increasing geopolitical synchronization carefully exploit latent conflicts and tensions in the between Moscow and Beijing, Europe requires a Sino-Russian relations. holistic approach to both, as Eurasia’s reconnection 4 No. 2 | November 2019

Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field? ANALYSIS

INTRODUCTION: EURASIAN ORDER In fact, this new Eurasian mega-continent is turning AND RESURGENT POWER POLITICS out to be the crucial geo-economic and geopolitical chessboard of the 21st century, and the reconnec- While the West has been fragmenting, Eurasia tion of its economies and infrastructure poses both, has been emerging as a single, yet fluid and un- risk and opportunity, for Europe and Germany. Al- stable playing field in recent years. In this vast though difficult to navigate given its complexity and space stretching from East Central Europe to East high risks, the emergence of Eurasia as a geopoliti- Asia, and from the Baltic Sea to the Indian Ocean, cal factor requires: Russia and China are laying the basis for an al- ternative international system. It is here, that the first and foremost, the formulation of few, clear side-effects of a resurgent great power politics goals to confront and engage with Russia and Chi- are particularly visible. Here, regional military and na, doubtlessly the two paramount powers in this trade-economic blocks are superseding the rules- mega space, as well as a regionally differentiated based multilateral order, challenging globalization strategy to pursue them; and open markets. And here, imperial legacies – from the Chinese via the Russian to the Turkic and Irani- second, active participation in Eurasia’s infra- an – are re-emerging and moving to the forefront of structural and economic reconnection by means of contemporary politics, along with different long-term financial commitment, in order to take understandings of the world order. Although not advantage of the unprecedented opportunities destroyed, theEurope-centred Westphalian state which the continent’s reconnection offers, while system and the Western liberal order are being “di- avoiding the loss of political, economic and com- luted and dispersed”1 as a result. mercial centrality.

While the under the administra- The recent EU connectivity strategy, approved in tion of President Donald Trump is rapidly adapting October 20183, is undoubtedly an important start- to this reality, the transatlantic relations are un- ing point to strengthen the EU’s action across the der increasing pressure. As the Munich Security continent. However, the strategy lacks clear politi- Conference in February 2019 illustrated, this ‘new cal ownership as well as a substantial financial com- normal’ finds Europe and Germany ever more mitment, and the identification of overarching stra- challenged in their quest for a multilateral, rules- tegic goals to pursue bilateral relations with China based world order, and bar of proper instruments and Russia in a broader vision for Eurasia. to stand the growing geopolitical and geo-eco- nomic competition.2 Using the connectivity strategy as a vantage point, and with a view to the EU’s limited resources, Against this backdrop, re-defining relations with this paper sets out possible goals for a smart EU China and Russia, the two major Eurasian powers, geo-strategy in Eurasia which, on the one hand, will be one of the most challenging tasks for both minimizes the risks arising from Russia’s and Chi- European and German policy makers in the coming na’s combined action and, on the other, maximiz- decades. It is even more pertinent as, across Eur- es the chances that arise from the continent’s man- asia, the interests of Germany and other EU part- ifold reconnection. ners, particularly on the EU’s Eastern border from the Baltic to the Black Sea, are affected by the Due to its pivotal role, both, in the EU and in re- growing interaction between Russia and China, and lations with Russia and China, it will be especially their respective projects of regional and continen- up to Germany to develop a new Eurasian dimen- tal integration, i.e. the Eurasian Economic Union sion for the EU’s foreign and foreign economic poli- (EAEU), and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). cy, and to bring to it a more geo-strategic approach. This should integrate much-needed distinctive, bi- lateral strategies toward Russia and China in a

1 Robert Kaplan, The Return of Marco Polo’s World: War, Strategy, and Interests in the Twenty-First Century (New York, 2018), p. 6. 2 Martin Bialecki, Christian Mölling and Daniela Schwarzer, “Nach der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Die Tagung der Angespannten“, DGAPstandpunkt 4, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. / German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) (February 18, 2019) de/think-tank/ publikationen/dgapstandpunkt/die-tagung-der-angespannten (accessed July 18, 2019). 3 European Union External Action Service, “Connecting Europe and Asia: Building blocks for an EU Strategy”, Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank, (September 19, 2018) eeas/files/joint_communication_-_connecting_europe_and_asia_-_ building_blocks_for_an_eu_ strategy_2018-09-19.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019). No. 2 | November 2019 5

ANALYSIS Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field?

broader strategic framework which also consid- China’s coast to its central provinces. As part of this ers how the growing interaction between China and shift, the transport network was expanded to the Russia impacts on the EU. westernmost provinces of Central Eurasia. Above all, the necessity to export liquidity and overcapaci- Accordingly, Germany should lead the EU in devel- ties of goods, created by the package, to new markets oping a new and appealing Eurasian narrative which increased. In combination, these factors ultimately is based on openly declared interests, the formula- paved the way for the launch of the BRI in 2013, which tion of clear political goals, and the definition of re- has, in turn, accelerated China’s economic, financial gionally diversified priorities. Building on this, Ger- and political expansion across Eurasia.6 This develop- many’s diplomacy could define and pursue a flexible ment has significatively re-defined the geo-econom- smart approach which navigates between Eurasia’s ic relations between the three main players in Eurasia two great powers and engages them in an ad-hoc, – Europe, China, and Russia–, and it has had a major issue-specific way, without choosing one over the impact on the countries located in the intermediate other as a privileged partner, or confronting both spaces of the vast Eurasian continent, such as Central simultaneously. Furthermore, together with France, Asia and Central Eastern Europe. other EU partners, and in coordination with the European External Action Service (EEAS), Germa- At first glance, the EU still holds a prominent posi- ny should identify Greater Central Asia and Great- tion in this geo-economic triangle: Trade between er Eastern Europe as key Eurasian regions in which China and Europe has sky-rocketed to roughly to engage Russia and China in a smart triangle based 560 billion EUR since the early 2000s,7 and the EU on flexible and ad-hoc relations. Action in this trian- remains the privileged source of foreign direct in- gle should involve a mix of cooperation and compe- vestment (FDI) and the main trading partner for tition as well as external balancing with third coun- many Eurasian countries, including Russia. A clos- tries; it should realistically assess own strategic er look at the development in the triangle involving goals and means and, if possible, carefully exploit la- Europe, China, and Russia over the past twenty tent conflicts in the Sino-Russian relations. years, however, offers a more differentiated picture.

As the graph in Figure 1 shows, EU exports to Eur- LOSING TRACTION: EUROPEAN asia – here broadly defined to include the Com- INFLUENCE INEURASIA monwealth of Independent States, the Middle East, AFTER THE FINANCIAL CRISIS non-EU Europe, and developing Asia – still exceed China’s exports to this variegated space. However, the The accelerated globalization of the early 2000s has gap is closing rapidly, with a dramatic acceleration led to the emergence of a system of multiple inter- in Chinese exports following the 2008 financial and connecting centres of economic and political pow- economic crisis. While EU exports to this vast space er, which were initially driven by the interaction be- superseded those of China six times in 2000 (EU’s tween Asian energy consumers and Eurasian energy export: 145 Billion USD, China’s export: 25 Billion), the producers.4 Since the 2008 economic and financial difference was dramatically reduced to slightly less crises, Eurasian trade ties have further increased than 140 Billion USD by 2017 (EU’s export: 660 Billion and diversified, largely by-passing the West. USD, China’s export: 522,9 Billion USD). Crucial to this were Chinese companies which rapidly gained shares Parallel to the economic and financial crises, and in Eurasia’s key developing markets and in sectors their negative and long-lasting impact on Western where American and European companies have tra- and European economies, significant transformations ditionally been considered dominant. occurred inside China. The enormous stimulus pack- age of roughly 600 billion USD5 launched by Beijing This trend has particularly affected Germany, the in 2009 helped China to overcome the crises’ nega- EU’s strongest, most diversified, and best perform- tive impact on its economy. However, it also acceler- ing manufacturing economy, in developing and ated the shift in economic-industrial activities from emerging markets. Since the outbreak of the inter-

4 Kent E. Calder, The New Continentalism: Energy and Twenty-First-Century Eurasian Geopolitics, (New Haven and London, 2012), pp. 199-246. 5 World Bank, “Supporting China’s Infrastructure Stimulus under the Infra Platform”, INFRA Update (June 2010) INTSDNET/ Resources/5944695-1247775731647/INFRA_China_Newsletter.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019). 6 Jacopo Maria Pepe, Beyond Energy: Trade and Transport in a Reconnecting Eurasia, (Wiesbaden, 2018), pp. 282-305 7 European Commission, “Countries and Regions: China” (2018) http://ec.europa. eu/trade/policy/countries-and-regions/countries/china/ (accessed July 18, 2019). 6 No. 2 | November 2019

Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field? ANALYSIS

Figure 1: Figure 2: EU and China Exports to Eurasia 2007-2017 Eurasia Exports to EU and China 2007-2017 Aggregated, in Billion USD Aggregated, in Billion USD

1,500 1,500 China Export to Eurasia Eurasia Export to China 1,200 EU Export to Eurasia 1,200 Eurasia Export to EU

900 900

600 600

300 300

9 6 7

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 200 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 200 200 2008 20092010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sources Fig. 1&2: International Monetary Fund, Direction of Trade Statistics, Author’s Graph

national financial and economic crisis in 2008, in- GAINING TRACTION: THE SINO- countries and regions like Russia, Kazakhstan, the RUSSIAN ENTENTE AFTER Middle East, India and Southeast Asia, German com- THE UKRAINE CRISIS panies have either lost market shares or have been confronted with greater competition from China in The Sino-Russian trade turnover has profited from advanced sectors like industrial machineries, the both, China’s deepening ties with Eurasia and Bei- chemical industry as well as electronic equipment, jing’s growing demand for energy: At less than 7 bil- and telecommunications.8 lion USD before 2000 (Figure 3), it reached more than 80 billion USD in 2017 and increased further China, in turn, has been rapidly catching up with Eu- to 110 billion USD in 2018.9 Compared to the Rus- rope for final destinations for exports from Eurasia’s sian-European or Sino-European trade, however, it energy producers, as the country’s demand for raw has remained limited to a much smaller number of materials increases. While Europe has remained the commodities, and highly dependent on the volatile main destination for exports from broader Eurasia oil price. Nonetheless, it has developed fast over the (490 billion USD in 2017), exports to China increased past decade, with Russian trade focusing away from seven-fold between 2000 and 2017, jumping from Europe and speedily progressing toward China. For less than 40 billion USD to almost 320 billion USD instance, China has superseded Germany as Russia’s (Figure 2). biggest single trade partner, and Russian imports from China are now twice as high as Russian imports from Germany.10

While the increase of trade between Moscow and China resulted directly from Beijing’s general re-ori- entation toward Eurasia after the 2008 economic and financial crises, the political and economic rela- tions between the two countries have also been ac- celerated due to geopolitical factors. These were the Ukraine crisis (2014) and Russia’s increasing isolation from the West.

8 Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag e.V. (DIHK) and Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI), “China als Wettbewerber für deutsche Firmen auf Drittmärkten: Eine Bestandsaufnahme” (2015), ressourcen/downloads/dihk-gtai-studie-chinawettbewerb-drittmaerkte.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019), pp. 4-5. 9 TASS, “Russian-Chinese Trade Turnover Grows by 10.8% to 9.2 Billion USD in January - China’s Customs”, February 14, 2018 economy/1044539 (accessed July 18, 2018). 10 Peter Havlik, “Trade Reorientation in Russia: Will China Replace the EU?, Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies (July 10, 2018) https://wiiw. (accessed July 18, 2019). No. 2 | November 2019 7

ANALYSIS Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field?

In geopolitical terms, the Sino-Russian strategic re- i.e. the Eurasian Custom Union and later the Eur- alignment actually pre-dates the conflict between asian Economic Union (EAEU), which could have fa- Russia and Ukraine: Going back to the early 2000s, cilitated trade between Asia and Europe. it has evolved into a pragmatic “axis of convenience,”11 which became even more pertinent after the out- However, while the Russian-Chinese rapproche- break of the financial and economic crises in 2008. ment has a long history, the catalysts accelerating The Russian elite, in particular, seemed to regard the Russia’s pivot to Asia were undoubtedly, in the West, perceived “decline of the West and rise of the rest” the Ukraine crisis and, in the East, the launch of the as an ideal opportunity to realize the post-West- Belt and Road Initiative. The Ukraine conflict not on- ern multipolar world depicted by President Vladi- ly estranged Moscow from Europe even further, but mir Putin in his speech at the 2007 Munich Security it also changed Moscow’s scope of action in Cen- Conference.12 A strategic axis with Beijing would of- tral Eurasia. As a result, the Kreml moved to sign the fer Moscow the perfect chance to profit from Asia’s long-announced gas deal with Beijing in 2014 and, at and China’s economic strength. And, in their view, it the same time, set out to turn the upcoming EAEU could be reached by positioning Russia at the centre into a closed regional block that was to be synchro- of a Central Eurasian customs and economic block, nized with China’s BRI.

Figure 3: China’s Trade with Russia 2000-2017 in Billion US

100 Total Import 80 Export




2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Sources Fig. 1&2: International Monetary Fund, Direction of Trade Statistics, Author’s Graph

11 Bobo Lo, Axis of Convenience: Moscow, Beijing, and the New Geopolitics, (London, 2008). 12 Vladimir Putin, “Speech and the Following Discussion at the Munich Conference on Security Policy”, February 10, 2007 president/ transcripts/24034 (accessed July 18, 2019). 8 No. 2 | November 2019

Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field? ANALYSIS

BRI-EAEU COORDINATION IN this strategy include acquiring and controlling in- A RECONNECTED EURASIA: frastructure assets, exporting industrial production A SINGULAR STRATEGIC and commercial overcapacities and creating asym- CHALLENGE FOR EUROPE? metric political and economic dependencies (“debt diplomacy”). They are applied in what Chinese ex- For the EU and Germany, Russia and China repre- perts have defined as Eurasia’s “collapsing zone,”16 sent two very different challenges: Wile Moscow i.e. the less connected and less developed regions of is increasingly perceived as a short-term geopo- Central Eurasia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East litical-security threat,13 Beijing is regarded as the that stretches between Asia and Western Europe. emerging geo-economic and systemic competitor14 of the coming decades. Despite the structural de- While China also plays a crucial role for Germany velopments discussed above, it is through this prism and the EU as an economic, political and diplomatic that Brussels and Berlin assess Russia’s and China’s partner, its growing assertiveness poses an unprec- projects for regional and continental integration, the edent and unexpected challenge for Berlin and Brus- Eurasian Economic Union and the Belt and Road Ini- sels. Beijing is not only rapidly catching up with the tiative. EAEU and BRI are, therefore, considered fun- West in technological and industrial terms. In recent damentally different in scope and nature, and they years, it has also been gaining an ambivalent lev- are approached separately. el of political and economic influence along the Silk Road countries and beyond. Channelled through the The Russian-led EAEU, which came into force in BRI, this influence is now expanding to include even 2015, is seen as an instrument of Moscow’s geopolit- some EU members, and Beijing is increasing and ex- ical aspirations in the former Soviet space. Its closed ploiting divisions within the Union. The 16+1 forum economic regionalism serves Moscow’s protection- between China and Central Eastern Europe, estab- ist agenda better than an open and free continen- lished in 2012, is the most debated example of this tal-wide integration would; equally, it is less tai- growing influence.17 The recent decision by Italy – lored to the interests of other EAEU members like as the first G7 country to do so – to sign a Memo- Kazakhstan and Belarus. With limited resources, lit- randum of Understanding with China in the frame- tle economic complementarity among its members, work of the Belt and Road Initiative is, undoubtedly, and barely functioning supranational institutions15, a hugely symbolic political and diplomatic success the EAEU hardly presents itself as a possible polit- for China in this regard. ical partner for the EU. Indeed, Brussels has, to date, steered clear of any form of more structured, politi- Against this backdrop, China and the BRI represent cal cooperation with it, instead restricting relations long-term challenges which require a unique and to the exchange of technical information. proactive strategic response from the EU; Brussel can certainly not repeat the approach of ‘containing and In contrast to this rather limited view of the EAEU, ignoring’ it has so far applied to Russia and the EAEU. Brussels sees the BRI as the main instrument by The EU Commission and key member states like which China seeks to establish itself as the next France and Germany have been seeking to strengthen great power and by which it pursues a complex Brussels’ negotiating position by developing a coher- strategy aimed at shaping a globalization that carries ent EU approach toward China. As the results of the Chinese characteristics and imposes Chinese norms latest EU-China summit in April 2019 indicate, these and standards. The tools used by Beijing as part of attempts seem to bear first fruits.18

13 For example: Stefan Meister, Pavel Baev, Pavel Felgenhauer, Alexander Golts, Alexander Kolbin, Peter Pomerantsev, “Zwischen Alter und Neuer Weltordnung: Die Logik der Russischen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik”, DGAPstandpunkt 20, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. / German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) (September 21, 2018) weltordnung (accessed July 18, 2019). 14 4European Commission, “EU-China – A Strategic Outlook”, Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the European Council and the Council (March 12, 2019) (accessed July 18, 2019), p.5; Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie, China – Partner and Systemic Competitor: How Do We Deal with China’s State-Controlled Economy? (January 2019) (accessed July 18, 2019). 15 Rilka Dragneva and Kataryna Wolczuk, “The Eurasian Economic Union: Deals, Rules and the Exercise of Power”, Research Paper, Chatham House (May 2017). (accessed July 18, 2019). 16 Wu Whenua, “On the Predicament of the Integration of Eurasian Transportation and its Breaking-through”, Presentation at the First Eurasian Transport Conference, Astana, November 12-14, 2014. 17 Jacopo Maria Pepe, “China’s Inroads into Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe: Regional and Global Implications for Germany and the EU”, DGAPanalyse 3, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. / German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) (March 23, 2017) think-tank/publications/dgapanalyse/chinas-inroads-central-eastern-and-south-eastern-europe (accessed July 18, 2019), pp. 4-6. 18 Council of the European Union, “EU-China Summit: Main Results” (April 4, 2019) en/meetings/international- No. 2 | November 2019 9

ANALYSIS Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field?

Yet, taken together – and despite the differences Figure 4: Volumes Transported on the between the two –, the BRI and the EAEU make up Asia-Europe-Asia Direction 2011-2017, a singular strategic challenge for the EU, which will in TEU (Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit) require a rather more holistic European approach. And any strategic response will have to take account of a multitude of factors: The geo-eco- nomic transformations of the past decade and 408,000 408,000 the Sino-Russian geopolitical realignment follow- ing the crisis in Ukraine have not only eroded the EU’s geo-economic pre-eminence and political influence across the continent. Especially in the fields of cross-border transport and energy infra- structure reconnection, they have also unfolded a mix of competition and cooperation among differ- 145,000 ent Eurasian players, which the EU has for too long 145,000 ignored. 65,000

15,00025,000 65,000 Of course, connectivity and technological transfor- 3,000 5,000 15,00025,000 mation offer opportunities for win-win coopera- 32011,000 52012,000 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 tion and economic integration across the Eurasian 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 continent. Increasingly, however, the enhancement Source: Roland Berger,, Author’s Graph of physical and digital links as well as trade ties is also becoming an ever more important geo-eco- al trade corridors that do not necessarily end in nomic struggle over norms, standards and rules, as Europe. From the Baltics to the Black Sea and the well as for the control over and use of new supply Caspian Sea, from Central Asian countries to Iran, and value chains, and for access to and trade with Turkey, India, and Japan, countries have developed vi- new markets. sions for enhancing transcontinental trade and con- nectivity in line with their geopolitical and geo-eco- In the transport sector, for instance, new corri- nomic priorities.20 In doing so, they have been turning dors have emerged as economically profitable solu- maritime and continental Eurasia into a complex web tions primarily for certain categories of high-value of potentially interconnected yet also competing goods between China and Europe. Transcontinental transport lines that are increasingly oriented toward transport has undoubtedly profited from the boom the Asia Pacific (Figure 5). In a way, Eurasia has be- in Sino-European bilateral trade (Figure 4): As of to- come a “spaghetti bowl”21 of different regional trade day, roughly 4 to 7 percent of trade between the EU integration initiatives. and China is transported across Eurasia and Central Eastern Europe to the affluent markets of Western In the energy sector, the centre of the glob- Europe. This amounts to an estimated trade value of al market has also shifted toward the Asia Pacif- 22 to 45 billion USD, a huge rise from 2012 when it ic, in a trend illustrated by the increase in exports stood at less than 1 percent.19 from Eurasia to China, which, in turn, has result- ed from the rising demand for raw materials. As While these increases both in services and value are leading producer of hydrocarbon, Russia plans to impressive, it must be noted that the total volume of create a common energy market within the EAEU goods transported across Eurasia remains low com- by 2025, as a first step toward greater coordina- pared to that delivered by maritime transport. In- tion with and toward the Asia-Pacific. As Kirsten deed, its share will probably never challenge that of Westphal and Marina Pastukhova argue, “the har- seaborne trade over long distances. What is striking, monisation of norms and rules, the standardisa- however, is the degree to which the boom in over- tion of pricing mechanisms and the codification of land transport between Europa and Asia has bene- standards and data all relate initially only to ener- fitted the development of trans- and intra-region- gy trading within the EAEU. But the EAEU is also summit/2019/04/09/)/ (accessed July 18, 2019). 19 Jakub Jakobowski, “On the Silk Railroad: EU-China Railway Connections – Infrastructural Challenges”, Centre for Eastern Studies (May 2018) http:// (accessed July 18, 2019), p. 3. 20 Jacopo Maria Pepe, Beyond Energy (see note 6), Part 4. 21 Evgeny Vinokurov and Alexander Libman, Eurasian Integration: Challenges of Transcontinental Regionalism, (Basingstoke and New York, 2012), p. 68. The New Silk Road, part I: a stocktaking and economic assessment

10 No. 2 | November 2019 insecurity in Afghanistan and recurrent political tensions between India and Pakistan. Eurasia: Playing Field Comparedor Battle Field? to the current Chinese funding vehicles and emerging multilateral mech- ANALYSIS anisms, the U.S. commitment has been regionally restrained and financially limited (Grieger, 2016, p. 7; Blank, 2017, p. 209–210). India itself has also aimed at promoting an International North-South Transport Corridor, running from India (Mumbai) via the Arabian Sea to Iran (Tehran), the Caspian Sea and Central Asia to Russia (from Moscow to St. Petersburg) (Boquérat, 2017, p. 58).19 Figure 5:Intentions Energy ofand the Non-Energy OBOR initiative Transport to reach up Infrastructure to USD 4 trillion Corridors in financed across Eurasia, Plannedprojects and are in farBuilding larger than the projects actually in development (as at end-2016), Map 2

Some major New Silk Road projects: a spatial overview

a n c e O Sea of Atlantic Ocean A r c t i c Okhotsk P a c i f i c O c e a n Yamal LNG project A I Chayandinskoe S i l a Rotterdam St. Petersburg Oil deposits S Duisburg S i b Kovyktinskoe i A N r O P E i R Moscow S Tobolsk Sibur project U Kazan Harbin E O N Brest W Yekaterinburg JAPAN I .E T N . rans-Eura U Budapest -W sia Petropavlovsk .C -E Ulan Bator Kiev . E U x Belgrade SEE x p pr r rail axis UKRAINE es e Astana Bar sw ss Dalian ay Aktobe MONGOLIA Beijing Tirana Sofia Beyneu West Airport R Lianyungang M Crimea KAZAKHSTAN e energy Caspian Sea

d Shanghai i Piraeus Almaty [ ] te bridge Urumqi rr Khorgos East an Gateway ea Xian n TURKEY Shymkent China Se X i n j i a n g a Central Sea Asian CASA 1000 CHINA gas (US) Karakorum Highway Chongqing Port Said Ashdod Tehran deposits Suez Canal][ ISRAEL T Karot hydropower dam Hong Kong A Peshawar IRAN (US) P I Kunming N Y EGYPT A u P Zahedan T n n a n e r S RedSea I Lahore South s . K Hanoi A New Delhi MYAN- Chabahar (I) P Dhaka G Mandalay ulf Port Kolkata B. (I) Karachi Gujarat MAR China Gwandar Rural Roads Matarbari deep-sea port deep-sea Kyaukpyu port (J) deep-sea Bangkok INDIA port Sea Mumbai SUDAN Bay of Bengal Arabian Sea Strait of Malacca Djibouti Bab-el-Mandeb MALAYSIA SRI LANKA Singapore Addis Ababa INDONESIA Jakarta ETHIOPIA Colombo Port City Bandung

UGANDA Kampala KENYA Indian Ocean Nairobi


(High-speed) railroad link Deep-sea ports (newly constructed/modernized) Highway or expressway (US), (I), (J) Project supported by the U.S.A., by India, by Japan Oil or gas pipeline B. Bangladesh Electricity transmission or distribution system : in process of exiting the EU (following referendum in June 2016 and notification Major sea lanes (container shipping, MSR) in March 2017)

Source: Authors’ compilation, technical cartographic expertise of Florian Partl.

19 In this context, see also Indian investments referred to below in footnote 25.


Source: Stephan Barisitz, Austrian National Bank, from: “The New Silk Road - A Geo-Economic Assessment and Implications for Europe and Central Asia,” Presentation at “Private Sector Initiatives and Economic Diplomacy in Central Asia,” Brussels, September 18, 2018, with technical cartographic expertise of Florian Partl. No. 2 | November 2019 11

ANALYSIS Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field?

working on its external relations. In Asia, it has en- time also, “member countries of the EEU have the countered interest both among individual states – opportunity to build relationships with China from including India, Mongolia, Singapore and Vietnam a multi-stakeholder partnership perspective and – and from international organisations seeking eco- creating a relative balance of power and interests.”25 nomic cooperation with the EAEU and participation This is particularly true in regard to cooperation in (also financial) in its integration processes.”22 the transport sector: Their diverging interests not- withstanding, the two continental powers have, here, Although it is unclear how quickly this integrated proven able to politically synchronize their initia- market will emerge, any step in this direction will tives and find a balance in shared subregions, such present Europe with a new policy dilemma in its as Northeast Asia and Central Asia. In fact, they have larger neighborhood. The EU has connected, ex- managed to develop balanced container traffic flows panded and synchronized its internal gas market between routes that cross the Russian Far East and and electric power grid. However, it still has to de- those which run across Central Asia. In doing so, velop its external approach to Eurasian energy pro- they have carefully avoided any open competition ducers and markets in a way that would strength- between them. en its own regulatory power without insulating and disconnecting itself from the continent. In fact, the Sino-Russian cooperation today even extends to the EU has largely failed to connect regulatory-technical security and military realm. Beijing and Moscow car- decisions to a clear and coherent geopolitical strate- ry out joint military drills in the Asia-Pacific (Vo- gy, particularly vis-à-vis Russia and the EAEU. This is stok18), while managing their respective security in- manifest not only by the disconnection of the Baltic terests in Central Asia via the Shanghai Cooperation states from the Russian power grid, but also by the Organization. failure of the Nabuccco Pipeline and the dispute over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. All this shows that, while China and Russia have scarcely coordinated their political and econom- By contrast, China and Russia – the two main drivers ic action toward Western and Central-Eastern Eu- of connectivity and regional integration in continen- rope, they have been able to coordinate and manage tal Eurasia-– have done better in this geo-economic conflicts and interests, especially when denying ac- contest: To date, they have been able to manage their cess to or limiting the influence of external Western conflicts of interests and bring to bear even the still powers. Here, they have jointly managed their re- limited and asymmetrical economic interdependence spective interests, both along the southern Eurasian across Eurasia. As a result, they have grown geopoliti- rimland and across Central Eurasia. cally and ideologically closer than in any other period of their recent history.23 THE CURRENT EU CONNECTIVITY Even though the 2015 EAEU-BRI cooperation agree- STRATEGY: A CONCEPT ment has not yet met its economic expectations, it WITHOUT STRATEGIC GOALS signalled China’s and Russia’s combined political will to synchronize the two initiatives.24 And the re- Against this backdrop, the EU’s chances to engage in cent agreement on trade and economic coopera- a triangular relationship with China and Russia seem tion, signed by the EAEU and China in May 2018, has fairly low. What makes things worse – and shows off opened a new phase in the cooperation between the the EU’s strategic vulnerability – is the fact that the two powers. The deal not only “reduces some trade EU is ideologically, politically and strategically far barriers and simplifies customs procedures, creat- more distant from China and Russia than the latter ing a foundation for deeper integration”; For the first are from each other.

22 Maria Pastukhova and Kirsten Westphal, “Eurasian Economic Union Integrates Energy Markets – EU Stands Aside”, SWP Comment 5, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik / German Institute for International and Security Affairs (January 2018), p.4 products/comments/2018C05_puk_wep.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019). 23 Bobo Lo, “A Wary Embrace: What the China-Russia Relationship Means for the World”, A Lowy Institute Paper, Lowy Institute for International Policy (2017), pp. 3-16. 24 Nargis Kassenova, “More Politics than Substance: Three Years of Russian and Chinese Economic Cooperation in Central Asia”, Foreign Policy Research Institute (October 24, 2018) https://www. cooperation-in-central-asia/ (accessed July 18, 2019). 25 Oleg, Remyga, “Linking the Eurasian Economic Union and China’s Belt and Road”, Analysis, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Reconnecting Asia (CSIS) (November 9, 2018) (accessed July 18, 2019). 12 No. 2 | November 2019

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However, it is exactly Europe’s and Germany’s stra- Among these moves, the latter, specifically, rep- tegic vulnerability which makes a holistic and inter- resents the most serious attempt by the EU to build linked strategic response to Eurasia’s great powers up its strategic action and responsiveness via a sus- and to their initiatives, EAEU and BRI, even more ur- tainable, comprehensive and rules-based approach gent: “Vulnerable powers need strategy in its purest to connectivity. In contrast to China’s BRI and Rus- sense, as a set of stratagems or artifices to compen- sia’s closed regionalism via the EAEU, the European sate for gaps in physical capabilities.”26 approach to connectivity fosters win-win partner- ships that avoid debt traps or unilateral dependen- A strategic European approach is important also in cies. Instead, it prioritizes sustainable investments light of the fact that Eurasia’s increasing interde- and the adherence to social, environmental, secu- pendence does not only entail the risk of geopolit- rity, and human rights standards. To achieve these ical marginalization and geo-economic competition goals, the strategy aims to open bilateral and region- for Europa and Germany. On the contrary, it also of- al cooperation in different Eurasian and Asian sub- fers great economic and commercial potential. At regions and with countries like Japan or members a time in which a trade war between the EU, Chi- of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASE- na and the United States has become a reality, the AN). It does so, however, without defining the scope, possible access to new markets in and Eurasia priorities, and details of such cooperation. The EU is an attractive, albeit high-risk prospect. Accord- strategy also implements new financing instruments ing to a 2016 study by Alicia Garcia Herrero and Ji- to spur on public and private investments in addi- anwei Xu at Bruegel, for instance, EU exports would tion to the existing mechanisms, namely the Neigh- increase by 6 percent27, if all announced BRI proj- borhood Investment Facility (NIF), the Investment ects were to be realized as planned. Even today, Ger- Facility for Central Asia (IFCA), the Investment Fa- many’s trade with the BRI-region (excluding China) cility for Asia (IFA) and the Investment Plan for Eu- alone makes up up to 20 percent of the country’s to- rope. Furthermore, it seeks to mobilize a combina- tal trade exchange.28 tion of funding sources by bringing in more private investment. It makes sense, then, that Germany – Europe’s lead- ing economy, and therefore particularly exposed to This new strategy paper and the proposed instru- the effects of the Sino-Russian entente and Eurasia’s ments represent an important first step and a good changing geo-economics – has pressed the EU to framework for action. They certainly exemplify the enhance continental connectivity in recent years. It goal of the EU’s Common Foreign and Security Poli- is now at the core of a number of European strate- cy attempt to employ more geo-economic tools, in- gies and initiatives, such as the 2016 Global Strate- cluding the strategic use of economic integration gy29, the EU-China Connectivity Platform of 201830, agreements (EIAs) and economic sanction regimes.33 and, most recently, the document “Connecting Eu- rope and Asia –Building Blocks for an EU Strategy.”31 Despite this positive direction, however, Europe’s It was presented in September 2018 as Joint Com- connectivity strategy remains flawed. In particular, it munication by the EU Commission and the European lacks three fundamental elements: What is missing, External Action Service (EEAS) and adopted by the first, are political ownership, clearly defined strate- Council of the European Union in October 2018.32 gic goals and political priorities toward China and its BRI, Russia and the EAEU as well as other players.

26 26A. Wess Mitchell, The Grand Strategy of the Habsburg Empire, (Princeton, 2018), p. 11 27 Alicia Garcia Herrero and Jianwei Xu, “China‘s Belt and Road Initiative: Can Europe Expect Trade Gains?”, Working Paper 5, Bruegel (2016) http:// bruegel. org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/WP-05-2016.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019), p.6. 28 8Ost-Auschuss-Osteuropaverein der Deutschen Wirtschaft (OAOEV), “Osthandel wächst im Ersten Halbjahr Schneller als Gesamthandel”, August 23, 2018 (accessed July 18, 2019). 29 European Union External Action Service, “Shared Vision, Common Action: A Stronger Europe – A Global Strategy for the European Union’s Foreign And Security Policy” (July 2016) (accessed July 18, 2019). 30 European Commission, “China Connectivity Platform Short-Term Action Plan” (July 13, 2018) files/2018-07-13-eu-china-connectivity-platform-action-plan.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019). 31 European Union External Action Service, “Connecting Europe and Asia: Building Blocks for an EU strategy”, Joint Communication to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee, the Committee of the Regions and the European Investment Bank (September 19, 2018) (accessed July 18, 2019). 32 Council of the European Union, “Council Conclusions on Connecting Europe and Asia – Building Blocks for an EU Strategy” (October 15, 2018) https:// (accessed July 18, 2019). 33 Kim B. Olsen, “The Domestic Challenges of European Geoeconomic Diplomacy”, in: Volker Stanzel, ed., “New Realities in Foreign Affairs. Diplomacy in 21st Century”, SWP Research Paper 11 (November 2018), pp. 42-49 contents/products/research_ papers/2018RP11_sze.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019). No. 2 | November 2019 13

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Second, it has not set out any strategic regional and mercial ties across Eurasia. This is the case despite sectorial priorities that would be part of any articu- the fact that, geopolitically, the further development lated action vis-à-vis Russia and China. And third, it of relations with Russia and China could also cause is not backed up by the financial firepower required divisions and tensions inside the EU. Ties should be to realize its plans and seriously compete with Chi- extended, specifically, with China, and to a lesser na, in particular. extent, with Russia. At the same time, (new) market shares should be consolidated, regained or won in third regions and countries like Central Asia, East TOWARD A REALISTIC and West Asia, India, Iran, and Turkey in order to EURASIAN STRATEGY: POLICY rebalance any possible over-reliance on trade with RECOMMENDATIONS FOR both China and the US. THE EU AND GERMANY Second, both Berlin and its European partners have an interest in upgrading and extending trade lines of To benefit from the prospects of Eurasian connec- communication and in keeping them open and ac- tivity, Europe thus needs to adjust its strategic ap- cessible. This concerns trade connections, both by proach. This should be pursued parallel to any tacti- land and by sea, across continental and maritime cally motivated, short-term, and reactive diplomacy. Eurasia. To be stabilized, protected and expanded It will again be up to Berlin to urge the EU to devel- at the same time are Germany’s and the EU’s own op and pursue a more strategically oriented, long- supply and value chains, particularly in the space be- term, proactive, and, where possible, triangular di- tween Eastern Europe and Western Eurasia, i.e. from plomacy in Eurasia. Ideally, it should be embedded the Baltic to the Black Sea, and from the Eastern in a more holistic strategy which considers the tools Mediterranean to the Arabian Sea. of the “geo-economic diplomacy”34 as part of a more explicitly interest-driven, geostrategic approach. Third, in pursuing greater connectivity, commercial partnerships and trade agreements, the EU is also The Groundwork: Formulating Strategic Interests, interested in promoting its own rules, standards and Assessing Options for Action norms. Its intention in doing so is not only to sup- port its own legitimate economic and trade interests, Developing a successful new Eurasia strategy will but also to increase good governance practices and, have to begin with a clear definition of the EU’s and by consequence, the attractiveness of its own mod- Germany’s strategic goals, and a solid understand- el of governance. ing of the fundamental interests that drive them. Based on these goals, the political instruments avail- Calibrating the Right Mix of Instruments: able need to be analyzed for inherent risks, and as- Cooperation, Competition and Balancing sessed in the context of the political, economic and geopolitical dynamics at play in Eurasia and among Apart from clearly defining their fundamental goals the powers involved in the region. Possible limita- for a future connectivity strategy toward Eurasia, tions for the EU and Germany itself will equally have Germany and Europe also need to frankly assess to be considered, before determining the best stra- the mix of political and economic tools available to tegic approach and making policy recommendations them. This is pertinent especially in light of their for specific courses of action. limited financial and political leverage vis-à-vis Moscow and Beijing and with regard to the strong Defining Few and Clear Strategic Goals: ideological and strategic bond between the latter. It The Fundamental Interests of Germany and the EU is also important given the United States’ declining commitment to the liberal political and economic As a first step, Berlin, in particular, should clearly order. Weighing up possible instruments, Brussels articulate and communicate its own legitimate and Berlin have three distinct – yet also equally interests vis-à-vis Russia and China, and synchro- problematic – options to pursue their goals: nize these with those of other key EU countries like France, Poland, and Italy. Key interests in this es- Cooperation: This course would involve entering in- pect are: First, Germany and many European states to a triangular partnership across Eurasia by nor- have a vital interest in deepening trade and com- malizing and stabilizing the relations with both

34 Robert D. Blackwill and Jennifer M. Harris, War by Other Means: Geoeconomics and Statecraft (Cambridge, Mass., 2016). 14 No. 2 | November 2019

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Moscow and Beijing. Cooperation with the BRI and asian powers in order to balance off, contain or the EAEU would be elevated from a technical-eco- isolate the other player. Indeed, this option might be nomic to a political level, yet without developing or more promising and therefore deserves more atten- articulating a separate, own vision or narrative for tion. For, while the Sino-Russian bond is solid, it is the continent. Europe would strive to actively par- by no means a fully-fledged strategic alliance with- ticipate in Eurasia’s geo-economic transformation out frictions. As Bobo Lo has pointed out, Moscow’s solely by the force of its own regulatory and norma- and Beijing’s interests diverge in a number of areas. tive as well as commercial power. Apart from their ideological alignment, these include the very perception of the international system, This option, of course, is laden with difficulties: It relations with the US, and the understanding of their would send a dramatic signal of strategic autonomy countries’ respective role in the multipolar order.35 to the US which Washington could barely accept. Furthermore, given the EU’s lim- ited political, diplomatic, financial and military means and the lack of an own alternative narrative for Eurasia, Brus- For Russia, security issues need sels would hardly be considered a ful- ly-fledged partner in such a triangular not be solved but managed relationship. More realistically, the EU would end up being side-lined, margin- alized and, by consequence, also further fragmented internally. It could eventu- ally even be forced to yield its own regulatory, nor- As a matter of fact, these latent but managed fric- mative, and commercial power. In effect, Brussels tions between Russia and China have become evi- could become a rule taker. dent especially in Eurasia. Here, Moscow and Beijing are, indeed, not on the same page in terms of their Competition: This option implies entering a de facto economic, security as well as geopolitical interests: systemic competition with China and Russia, as the EU would develop its own autonomous concept for In the economic field, Russia’s and China’s goals in Eurasia’s future. It would be independent from both Eurasia differ as a result of their uneven econom- China’s aggressive mercantilist approach and Rus- ic strength: Russia aims to diversify its economy and sia’s closed regionalism. Instead, it would be based to develop new markets outside Europe and China on technical goals – e.g. the spread and acceptance in the sectors of arms and energy supply, technolo- of international norms and standards – and on the gy, and infrastructure. However, although the EAEU principles of multilateralism, open markets, and mu- and the BRI now cooperate more closely and the Si- tually beneficial partnerships. no-Russian axis is limited but solid, Russia’s economic weaknesses have left the country hostage to its piv- Although it carefully avoids any reference to China or ot to China. Moscow is increasingly becoming the ju- Russia as possible targets of such a systemic compe- nior partner. As a result, Russia is keen to diversify tition, this is the scenario envisaged by the EU con- trade and transport ties with other countries, both nectivity strategy. The inherent risk in this approach in East Asia (e.g. Japan and South Korea) and else- lies in the fact that the increasingly nationalist and where across the continent (e.g. Turkey and India). isolationist US no longer provides an external anchor In fact, Russia wants to position itself at the heart of of protection that strengthens the European position. the BRI, but it largely wants to do so in order to in- Itself bar of sufficient financial, military and political crease its internal connectivity to its Far East. By con- means to sustain a two-front competition with Mos- trast, it hopes to retain its monopolistic position in cow and Beijing independently, the EU could eventu- the trans-Eurasian transport corridor. China, in turn, ally face a similar destiny as in the first scenario. shares this interest only partially. It seeks to achieve maximum connectivity to Europe across a whole Balancing: Given the limitations inherent in the first range of different and alternative corridors which do two options, a more realistic approach may to pur- not necessarily rely on Russia. Beijing wants to max- suing a partnership with only one of the two Eur- imize its access to resources and boost its economic

35 Bobo Lo, “A Wary Embrace” (see note 23), pp. 75-76. No. 2 | November 2019 15

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prosperity by increasing China’s share of foreign mar- much less negotiating power at its disposal than the kets along the Silk Road. This puts it in conflict with US, and whose relations with Russia are still strongly Moscow’s closed regionalism that is manifest, for in- overshadowed by the conflict in Ukraine. Therefore, stance, in the EAEU. chances are slim for the EU to re-establish ties with Moscow by proposing a new version of the modern- In security terms, Russia and China differ in their ization partnership and, thereby, to leverage Russia’s strategic approach to instability and stability in the disappointment about China’s lack of investments in region: Russia wants to preserve its position as the its economy. Russian-European relations lack trust primary security provider in Eurasia and hopes to and have remained in a deadlock also geopolitical- maintain this division of labor in Sino-Russian rela- ly since the Ukraine crisis and the ongoing, subse- tions in the region. For Moscow, security issues need quent mutual sanction regimes. Equally, there is not be solved but managed. Alleviating its own lack of little promise in attempting to engage China by in- economic and soft power, Russia’s security strategy strumentalizing Moscow’s economic weaknesses, its relies on controlled instability, as this secures a last- aggressive and destabilizing foreign policy, or its ing demand for Russian-provided security in the re- protectionist attitude. Given China’s combined focus gion. China, by contrast, wants stabilization: Its secu- on stability and strategic flexibility, this approach rity goals are to support authoritarian regimes and to hardly offers enough of an incentive for Beijing to solve rather than manage crises. openly isolate or by-pass Moscow, and to embrace Brussels instead.

Whether cooperation, competition or a bal- ancing approach, it seems, therefore, that China’s security goals are to deciding on any of these options – at least per se – represents a choice between a rock support authoritarian regimes and a hard place. However, a smart, region- ally articulated strategy, which navigates and to solve crises between the three and flexibly mixes some elements of all them, could turn out to be the best possible approach for the EU and Germany under the given circumstances In geopolitical terms, finally, Russian and Chinese and at this given point. This involves three important prerogatives also differ clearly: Russia’s number one steps in particular. priority is to consolidate itself as a center of glob- al power. It, therefore, promotes itself as the secu- First, Germany, along with key EU partners like France, rity provider in Eurasia, and beyond the post-Soviet Italy and Poland as well as the EU institutions – partic- space. It therefore also seeks to keep the West out of ularly the new High Representatve for Foreign Policy – the region as much as possible, and cultivates closer should first work on developing a distinct, alternative ties with other powers, all the while without jeopar- narrative for Eurasia. This narrative should signal that dizing the Sino-Russian relations. Conversely, China the Eurasian vector of the EU’s foreign policy is gaining looks to maximize its strategic flexibility and to avoid relevance and political ownership far beyond any tech- open trouble on the geopolitical stage. While manag- nical aspects. In fact, it should state clearly that Eurasia ing Russia and its sensitivities, it seeks to be as in- has become the financial, diplomatic and strategic pri- dependent as possible from the US and to secure its ority of the EU’s and Germany’s foreign policy for the own perception as a universal actor. coming decades.

It is obvious, thus, that the Chinese and Russian Based on clearly formulated interests as discussed alignment is by no means without cracks, and their above, the EU’s and Germany’s new Eurasia narrative differences go well beyond minutiae, instead involv- should include the possibility of political cooperation, ing fundamental economic, security and geopolitical both bilateral and trilateral, with China’s BRI and/or goals. However, despite these frictions, both Mos- Russia’s EAEU. At the same time, it should openly con- cow and Beijing have learned from history, and they sider the option of competition where interests clear- are wary of allowing third powers to exploit their ly diverge. Where the latter is the case, strong coop- diverging interests with a Kissinger-like approach. eration should be sought with key third countries that This is especially true in regard to the EU, which has pursue a similar Eurasian agenda and hold converging 16 No. 2 | November 2019

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interests in dealing with Russia and China. Among the Eastern Mediterranean, via Central Eastern Eu- these countries are, specifically, Turkey, Japan, and rope, where China and Russia have been expanding India. their activities and influence. Including Warsaw and Rome in any coordinated activities toward Eurasia Second, in articulating their new Eurasia strate- would not only make geopolitical and geo-economic gy, the EU and Germany should prioritize action to- sense. It would also reopen their strategic dialogue ward two core regions, Greater Central Asia (GCA) with Berlin and help identify possible shared inter- and Greater Eastern Europe (GEE). They should ests in the field of connectivity. adapt their engagement to the level of available re- sources, and according to the political and economic stakes and the power leverages vis-à-vis Russia and THE GEOGRAPHIC FOCUS: DEVISING China that are involved in any course of action. To ACTION IN GREATER CENTRAL ASIA be maintained throughout is the fundamental co- AND GREATER EASTERN EUROPE herence of the strategy, which includes harmonizing and coordinating the strategic planning for any ac- The two macro-regions at the center of the new tion in the two regions. Eurasia strategy should be Greater Central Asia (GCA), including the five Central Asia countries, Third, in the medium to long term, the EU and Ger- the three Caucasus republics and Afghanistan, and many should significantly increase their financial Greater Eastern Europe (GEE), stretching from the commitment to the Eurasian connectivity agenda. Baltics to the Black Sea and roughly including the This should begin but by no means be limited to the countries of the Western Balkans, the Eastern Part- new Multiannual Financial Framework, i.e. the new nership countries and Turkey. EU budget for 2021-2027. Greater Central Asia: The EU-BRI-EAEU Connec- To reach these goals, cooperation with France re- tivity Agenda and Bilateral Cooperation with Third mains crucial for Berlin: A functioning axis with Par- Parties is is essential to advance any effective common Eu- ropean foreign, foreign economic as well as defense In Greater Central Asia, the EU and Germany hold and security policy, whether at a global or a Eur- less leverage vis-à-vis China and Russia than in asian level. This is well illustrated by Germany’s and Greater Eastern Europe, yet the EU’s strategic inter- France’s joint efforts toward a more proactive Euro- est in the region is growing. The recently approved pean industrial policy based on European “champi- new Central Asia Strategy,36 which comes more than ons”, and toward the coordinated defense and secu- 10 years after the first, manifests not only the EU’s rity policy. However, a solely French and German growing strategic efforts to streamline its financial initiative on Eurasia would lack strategic depth and instruments, ensure more effective action and ex- also have a limited chance of implementation if it did pand its political cooperation with Central Asian not expand to include at least two other EU member countries via Enhanced Partnership and Coopera- states, Italy and Poland. Both have been increasing- tion Agreements. It also shows that, for the EU, Cen- ly difficult partners, particularly for Berlin, as their tral Asia is becoming strategically more and more nationalist governments have grown more and more important as an extended space linking Afghani- critical of certain EU and German policies, partic- stan and the Caucasus. As a result, Brussels consid- ularly on fiscal, energy and migration matters. Italy ers this large region crucial to the implementation recently embraced China’s BRI in a move openly in- of the EU-Connectivity strategy. With its focus on tended to reaffirm its national interests, as opposed sustainable connectivity and regional cooperation, to a more coordinated European approach. Warsaw, and by including the Caspian Basin and Afghanistan, in turn, has been more wary of China’s initiative. It the EU Central Asia strategy doubtlessly represents has also advocated a tougher stance on Russia and a great step in the right direction. It also rightly ad- is vehemently opposed to Nord Stream 2. Despite dresses the changes which have occurred in the re- their divergences, however, Poland and Italy contin- gion in the aftermath of Uzbekistan’s new reform ue to be pivotal powers in the crucial geo-econom- path. ic and geopolitical belt that connects the Baltic with

36 Council of the European Union, “Council Conclusions on the New EU Strategy on Central Asia” (June 17, 2019 media/39778/st10221-en19.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019). No. 2 | November 2019 17

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However, Greater Central Asia could and should al- would help align TEN-T corridors with the northern so be considered by the EU as a possible space for a and the southern trans-Eurasian route.37 Including limited yet substantial trilateral connectivity agen- the Eurasian Economic Commission’s representative da with both China and Russia. In this region, Chi- in the dialogue between the EU and China would al- na, Russia, and the EU hold a number of converging so enable Europe to understand the ongoing in- interests which would allow different connectivi- ternal competition among EAEU members as well ty initiatives to come together on a series of issues. as between China and Russia in the field of trans- Examples could be, e.g. supporting the WTO agen- port, which has been slowing the implementation of da of Uzbekistan, and urging Tadzhikistan to enter a common transport space across the EAEU.38 And, the convention on investment protection. Anoth- finally, it would help Europe to identify opportuni- er possibility would be cooperating on the integra- ties for alternative corridors crossing Central Asian tion of markets, logistics and border management in countries, yet by-passing Russia. the broader Caspian region, including the western shore of the Caspian Sea and, possibly, Iran. In the areas of security and border management, the EU and the Organization for Security and Co-oper- In general, though, the EU-China connectivity plat- ation in Europe (OCSE) are less relevant players in form, the EU-Connectivity strategy and the connec- Greater Central Asia than the Shanghai Cooperation tivity component of the EU Central Asia strategy on- Organization (SCO) or the Collective Security Treaty ly make limited sense, if the EAEU is not included. Organization (CSTO). Nonetheless, they bring along For, many existing barriers to international freight specific experience and the know-how needed to join result precisely from the lack of cooperation be- forces with the SCO and the CSTO as security pro- tween the EU and the EAEU. While sanctions against viders to stabilize borders and control drug and arms Russia and Russian counter-sanctions impede any trafficking, especially from Afghanistan. In this con- major political cooperation with Moscow in the text, the OCSE connectivity platform could thus be short term, the EU could consider enhancing its co- used as a further valid instrument of regional stabili- operation with the EAEU up to a point that goes be- zation, integrated with the SCO connectivity agenda. yond the merely technical yet does not yet reach political levels. By contrast, joint action with both Russia and Chi- na is likely to be fraught with difficulties in some ar- In doing so, the EU would politically recognize the eas: Among these are, for instance, cooperation with role of the EAEU’s supranational bodies, such as local governments to improve sustainable intra-re- the Eurasian Economic Commission. On matters of gional connectivity, and the creation of regional transport, the commission ranges above single gov- supply and value chains in sectors such as agro-in- ernments, including Moscow, as it is responsible for dustry, logistics and automotive. Equally difficult to the implementation of a common transport space realize with both Moscow and Beijing are reforms across the EAEU. Thus, an EU-China Connectivity to support local small and medium-sized enterpris- platform enlarged to include the Eurasian Econom- es, as well as the improvement of the business cli- ic Commission, and thereby the EAEU, could focus mate for European investors, as envisaged in the on the issues of regulatory convergence, harmo- new Central Asia strategy. nization, and the standardization of custom clear- ance procedures for trans-continental traffic. It In these cases, the EU and Germany should join could tackle the coordination of investment policies forces with leading local nations, especially Uzbeki- in infrastructural bottlenecks, in particular, at bor- stan, and start a more structured form of bilateral der crossings between China and Russia, China and and multilateral cooperation. It should be centered Kazakhstan as well as Belarus and Poland. Further- on developing a common connectivity agenda for more, it could pursue the creation of logistics hubs Central Asia which also includes Afghanistan, and in the EAEU countries as well as in the Polish rail- joint connectivity initiatives with Japan, India, and way infrastructure. The former would subsequently Turkey. In light of the EU’s limited financial means also facilitate greater traffic volumes in the regions for this region, the cooperation should involve fi- en route between Europe to China, and the latter nance – in the form of bilateral and multilateral

37 Evgeny Vinokurov, “BRI Traffic Through the EAEU: Current State, Potential, and Barriers”, Presentation at the Workshop “Connecting Eurasia: EU-Russia-China-Central Asia-Dialogue on Connectivity”, Moscow, December 4, 2018. 38 Olga Biryukova, “Trade Integration in Services in the Eurasian Economic Union: Between Myth and Reality”, Analytical Media ‘Eurasian Studies’, May 5, 2018 http://greater-europe. org/archives/4960 (accessed July 18, 2019). 18 No. 2 | November 2019

Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field? ANALYSIS

co-financing projects between the European Bank ny could also increase its political and military com- for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the mitment as part of the NATO Enhanced Forward European Investment Bank (EIB), the Asian Devel- Presence. opment Bank (ADB), the Japanese Bank for Interna- tional Cooperation (JBIC), and the Asian Infrastruc- Second, Berlin should strengthen the coordination ture Investment Bank (AIIB). It should also include among the variegated countries of Greater Eastern joint civil engineering projects which focus on tran- Europe by establishing a regional platform which sregional power grids, the upgrade and expansion of should include the EU members in Central Eastern rails and roads, and the creation of logistics centers Europe as well as the Western Balkans, and the East- as well as industrial parks. ern Neighborhood Countries.

Greater Eastern Europe: Further Engagement in A good starting point could be the Three Seas Initia- Regional and Trans-Regional Connectivity Initia- tive, which was launched in 2015 by Poland and Cro- tives atia with the open support of the US Administration, and is aimed at improving the North-South energy, Greater Eastern Europe constitutes a core inter- transport and digital connectivity among the 12 Cen- est region for both, Germany and the EU. Especial- tral, Eastern and South-Eastern European members ly Germany should, therefore, concentrate its efforts of the EU.40 The recent participation of Germany and on increasing the national as well as European finan- the EU in the Initiative is, therefore, a first step in the cial and political resources that are directed toward right direction.41 Since the US and Poland have been its geographically closest partners – the Visegrad 4 eager to promote their own energy and security in- (V4), the Western Balkan and the Eastern Partner- terests inside the initiative,42 however, Berlin should ship countries. As a first step, Germany should rein- clarify the nature of its diplomatic involvement and vigorate its political ties with the V-4, leveraging the the level of its financial support as soon as possi- EU’s normative and regulatory power, and bringing ble. While the logic of the initiative is sound and very to bear its regional geo-economic power. Employing much in Germany’s and the EU’s geo-economic inter- both, it can tackle the difficult task of finding a con- est, Berlin should seek to ‘Europeanize’ it further to sensus for a common approach toward Russia and avoid the emergence of parallel institutions with reg- China. ulations diverging from the EU’s norms and standards. The initiative should concentrate its actions toward To achieve this, Berlin should consider three differ- logistic, digital and transport connectivity and in- ent kinds of action: clude the Western Balkans as partner countries.

First, it needs to restore trust with its partners in Leveraging its active engagement in the Three Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), which have been Seas Initiative, Germany should also urge the EU diplomatically neglected in the wake of the contro- to synchronize the implementation of the North- versy about the Nord Stream 2 Pipeline. The pipe- west-Southeast transport and digital connection, line is certainly in Germany’s legitimate interest, and that is part of the projects under the Three Seas Ini- a securitization of the project serves less Ukraine’s tiative, with the extension of the TEN-T corridors to security rather than vested geo-economic interests the Eastern Partnership countries, that was adopted of third parties. However, it will be crucial for Berlin by the EU in November 2018.43 This would accelerate to prove that it is prepared to use the pipeline as a the alignment of the traffic volumes along the entire negotiating tool vis-à-vis Moscow in order to stabi- South-Eastern European transport network. In fact, lize Ukraine.39 Berlin should also reassure its Eastern China’s economic and political influence in the West- European partners that it will warrant their energy ern Balkans and in Central Eastern Europe is of seri- supply and their security. In this context, Germa- ous concern, and a long-term challenge, particular-

39 Stefan Meister, “Die Sackgasse der Deutschen Ostpolitik: Wie die Bundesregierung ihre Eigene Russlandund Ukrainepolitik Torpediert”, DGAPstandpunkt 3, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V. / German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) (February 11, 2019) de/think-tank/publikationen/dgapstandpunkt/die-sackgasse-der-deutschenostpolitik (accessed July 18, 2019). 40 The Three Seas Initiative, Priority Interconnection Projects”, Three Seas Initiative Summit, Bucharest September 17-18, 2018 wp-content/uploads/2018/09/LIST-OF-PRIORITY-INTERCONNECTIONPROJECTS-2018.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019). 41 Auswärtiges Amt, “Mit südöstlichen EU-Mitgliedsstaaten eng zusammenarbeiten – Außenminister Maas in Bukarest”, September 18, 2018 https://www. maas-rumaenien/2137498 (accessed July 18, 2019). 42 Fanni Virág, “The Three-Seas Initiative-The Way Forward”, Atlantic Council, November 7, 2018 the-three-seas-initiative-the-way-forward (accessed July 18, 2019). 43 European Commission, “New Trans-European Network Maps to Improve Connectivity with Eastern Partnership Countries, November 9, 2018 https:// infrastructure/news/2018-11-09-ten-t-maps-eastern-partnership_en (accessed July 18, 2019). No. 2 | November 2019 19

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ly for Germany. To date, however, China’s promised the issues of physical and digital connectivity. Rein- investments in this large space vary in quantity and vigorating a trialogue on connectivity with Warsaw quality. So far, they have remained relatively low and and Moscow would be a difficult but needed first are increasingly seen with skepticism, especially by step in this context. V4 countries such as the Czech Republic and Poland.44 As a result of this, the EU and Germany still hold a With China, the EU should discuss expanding, ex- significant competitive advantage which they should tending and aligning the TEN-I and the TEN-T cor- leverage to close the infrastructure gap in the region. ridors in the ENP region, and eventually pursue trans-Caspian intermodal solutions which by-pass Third, Germany and the EU should try to exploit Russia. This would be very much in line with China’s the latent strategic competition between China and interest in developing different BRI corridors, and Russia. As part of this, they should engage Moscow in silently by-passing Russia. It would also corre- and Beijing bilaterally in separate projects which spond to other sub-regional initiatives like the Black are crucial for the two powers but not necessarily Sea-Eastern Mediterranean Initiative, or the Black aligned with their common agenda. Sea Motorway of the Sea project, which is strongly supported by Turkey. It is significant in this context that, unlike in Central Asia, Russia’s and China’s individual action in Great- er Eastern Europe has remained uncoordinated. By THE ROAD AHEAD: TOWARD A comparison, the EU’s regulatory and financial pow- COORDINATED INVESTMENT er – especially in the form of foreign direct invest- AND INDUSTRIAL POLICY ment (FDI), trade and value chains – and its attrac- OFFENSIVE FOR EURASIA tiveness as a political and social model are sustained by and reflected in a broad range of geo-economics Apart from setting strategic goals, assessing feasible tools. These include extensive economic integration options and instruments for action, and geograph- agreements (EIAs), deep and comprehensive free ically prioritizing the German and European agen- trade agreements (FTA, e.g with Ukraine), Stabiliza- da for Eurasia, Brussels and Berlin should commit tion and Association Agreements (SAA, e.g. with the greater financial means to Eurasia’s physical con- Western Balkans), and Association Agreements such nectivity. To safeguard the success of Germany’s and as the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). the EU’s future strategy for this vast emerging re- gion, the budgets involved should go well beyond the In light of this, Berlin should seek to engage Moscow means and instruments envisaged by the current EU in fostering East-West transregional connectivity by connectivity strategy. improving the logistical services between Germany and Poland, as well as between Poland and Belarus, The current strategy is undoubtedly a significant especially at the border crossings of Frankfurt/Oder step forward: It refers to financial commitments in and Brest/Malaschewice. the form of loans, grants, or guarantees to mobi- lize further investments, proposes “an investment Most importantly, however, Berlin should encour- framework for external action”, and prioritizes ac- age the EU to start a political and commercial di- tion in the EU’s direct neighborhood. Nonetheless, alogue with the EAEU that looks beyond the sanc- the document does fall short of true financial com- tions on Russia. This could also include a road map mitments: It cites the European Fund for Sustain- toward negotiations, as recently suggest- able Development (EFSD) as the main instrument ed by the German Eastern Business Association.45 for finance, when, in fact, the EFSD does not spe- While the sanctions will continue to limit cooper- cifically target Eurasia. It primarily serves Africa and ation with both, Russia and the EAEU, it would be the Neighborhood countries and caters for Central wise to explore possible options for dialogue and Asia and the Asia-Pacific region only marginally. Of to exploit any room to maneuver for cooperation in course, the prioritization of the Neighborhood is un- other fields. Using the institutional framework of the derstandable in light of the EU’s limited resourc- Eurasian Economic Union, this relates particularly to es and its interest in its Southern and Eastern pe-

44 Jacopo Maria Pepe, “China’s Inroads into Central, Eastern, and South Eastern Europe” (see note 17). 45 German Eastern Business Association / Ost-Ausschuss – Osteuropaverein der Deutschen Wirtschaft e.V., “Defining Shared Interests – Implementing Projects Together: A ‘New Agenda’ for European-Russian Economic Relations”, Position Paper (2019). pm_pdf/ OAOEV19_Positionspapier_EN-A4_online_0.pdf (accessed July 18, 2019). 20 No. 2 | November 2019

Eurasia: Playing Field or Battle Field? ANALYSIS

riphery. However, even the means envisaged for the It is clear then, that, in the short to medium term, Neighborhood countries remain well below the sums the EU will not be able to significantly increase its required to improve transport networks in Greater financial commitments in Greater Central Asia. In- Eastern Europe. stead, it will need to focus on Greater Central East- ern Europe. To significantly improve physical con- As of today, it is too early to estimate the actual nectivity among its members, its direct Eastern amount of funds that the EFSD will need to mobilize neighbors, and the Western regions of Eurasia, from for Eurasian connectivity. Nonetheless, some data is Russia to the Caucasus and Turkey, however, the EU available to shed light on the gap between the means will need to mobilize much more public and private that are envisaged and the investments that are ac- capital much faster. tually required, particularly in the broader Eastern European region. To achieve requires not only a strengthening and further consolidation of EU instruments, and an in- The EU claims “to look to combine financial resourc- creased participation of the private sector. It will es from international financial institutions, multi- especially be up to national governments to make lateral development banks and the private sector, a greater financial effort in cross-regional and building on the success of the Juncker Plan and the cross-national infrastructure building. In particu- EU’s External Investment Plan [of which the EFSD lar, Germany should overcome its traditional skepti- is part of], which are on track to mobilize invest- cism toward public infrastructure investment, both ment worth 500 billion EUR [by 2020] and 44 billion at home and abroad. Of course, this move should not EUR respectively.” As of April 2019, the Juncker plan, pave the way for an uncontrolled and unprioritized which is directed to EU members, has reportedly wave of infrastructure projects across Europe. To be mobilized 392 billion EUR. However, this sum helped recommended is a mix of debt-financed additional to finance particularly small business as well as re- investment, and a better strategic allocation, reallo- search and development (R&D) projects (55 percent). cation, and pooling of existing national and Europe- It has only partially supported intra-European ener- an means. The EU should, therefore, prioritize areas, gy (19 percent), digital (11 percent) and transport (7 regions and corridors crucial for connecting Europe’s percent) connectivity projects. industrially and demographically rich areas as well as its supply and value chains with Greater Eastern Eu- By contrast, the investments required for the com- rope and, beyond that, with Greater Central Asia. pletion of the EU’s TEN-T core network corridors alone are estimated to amount to between 750 and Starting within Europe, a big push should be given 900 billion EUR for the period from 2020 to 2030, to the completion of the strategically crucial East- and this does not include any additional means West and North-South connections between Central needed to extend the corridors to the Eastern Part- Europe, Central Eastern Europe, and Western Eur- nership countries. Moreover, the EU is aware of its asia. According to estimates, this would, in the long financial gap in the TEN-T infrastructure funding run, require investments of roughly one trillion EUR. scheme, as a large part of the necessary funds is to It would be more realistic to focus on an accelerated be provided by nation states. mobilization of the means needed to complete the TEN-T and TEN-I corridors. Here, priority should be The gap between commitments and required invest- given to the belt stretching from Southern Germany, ments is even more glaring for Greater Central Asia. Northern Italy, and South East France to the Danube Asia will need more than 1.7 trillion EUR per year of Plain, and the Black Sea, to the South, and to War- infrastructure investment over the coming decade, saw, and Moscow to the North. with South-Central Asia requiring the second-most amount of investments, after East Asia. Against this Furthermore, a more pronounced geo-econom- backdrop, the EU’s commitments for the External In- ic and Eurasian component should be added to the vestment Plan – an envisaged increase of 40 billion new European industrial strategy as envisaged in EUR in the budget of the European External Action the newly approved, joint German-French manifes- Service in the next Multiannual Financial Framework to. Ideally, a European industrial strategy should not for 2021-2027, and further funds via instruments like only protect and support European manufacturing the Investment Facility for Central Asia (IFCA) and the and the development of new technologies in Europe, Investment Facility for Asia (IFA) – represent an obvi- but also proactively support their action abroad. The ously important yet insufficient commitment. EU could, for instance, introduce more restrictive No. 2 | November 2019 21

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procurement regulations for non-European compa- rules, standards, and norms, while enhancing good nies and give privileged access to EU or EIB/EBRD governance and the internal and external security of loans and grants for European companies. It would, the countries in Eurasia. In doing so, they should not thereby, allow the creation of European champions preclude the chance of cooperating with both, China and foster the cooperation among highly specialized and Russia, where this is possible. small and medium-sized enterprises. This would in- crease Europe’s strategic assets in the competition Europe will need to cope with its own limits, and with Chinese and Russian companies in a vast num- compete hard, effectively, and pragmatically to de- ber of sectors, ranging from new telecommunication fend, promote, and realize its interests in the broad- technologies, via artificial intelligence, e-automo- er Eurasian space. This paper has suggested that the tive, industrial digitalization, and high-speed trains, EU should engage China and Russia especially in two to include also more classic civil engineering areas, vast sub-regions, Greater Central Asia and Greater such as rail, road and port construction. Eastern Europe. Rather than prioritizing any partic- ular instrument, it should do so by means of a com- plex game of competition, cooperation and hedging. CONCLUSION This will involve weighing up the EU’s interests and resources, as well as its possible political and eco- The rapidly fragmenting world order has brought nomic leverage in order to determine the grade of in- the return of great power politics, imperial lega- volvement and the options for action in each of these cies, economic and political , as well as regions. regional spheres of influence in recent years. This trend has also been eroding the attractiveness of The EU and Germany will, therefore, have to act au- the liberal model of governance as well as its norms, daciously and in an interest-driven way, facing on- standards, practices, and institutions. Nowhere is ly ad-hoc and temporary relationships rather than this phenomenon more visible and nowhere are its stable, value-based partnerships. This course, un- consequences more dramatic for Europe than across doubtedly, represents a huge jump for the EU and the Eurasian mega-continent. Germany, as it transcends their traditional strategic approach of thinking in win-win terms. It also pres- In Eurasia, China, and Russia are emerging as the ents an enormous task, as defining common politi- champions of a more fluid, interconnected but insta- cal goals, coordination mechanisms, and foreign pol- ble world system. However, also participating in, and icy priorities among the EU members is a difficult impacted by this process are the dynamically grow- and long-term exercise – especially in such a diverse ing markets in Southeast Asia and India, as well as and complex environment as Eurasia. The price of the crisis regions stretching from North Africa and non-action, passive reaction, or wrong action will, the Middle East, to include Turkey, Iran, Afghani- however, be increasing external marginalization, in- stan, and Pakistan. They all make up a geographically ternal fragmentation and geopolitical insignificance. contiguous space, in which maritime and continen- tal trade routes increasingly intersect, and instability easily spills over from one region to another.

Following a major political and economic reorienta- tion which pre-dates China’s Belt and Roads Initia- tive and Russia’s Eurasian Economic Union, this vast space has started to cohere, while comparatively, Eu- rope has been suffering political and economic mar- ginalization. It is against this backdrop, that the EU and particularly its leading geo-economic power, Germany, face the challenge of pursuing their own strategy for Eurasia – well aware and in consideration of the strategic interests and concrete involvements of China and Russia in this region. Brussels and Ber- lin should do so confidently: They should more open- ly support, defend and expand their legitimate own economic and trade interests, and promote their own Rauchstraße 17/18 10787 Berlin Tel. +49 30 25 42 31 -0 [email protected] @dgapev

The German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP) is committed to fostering impactful foreign and security policy on a German and European level that promotes democracy, peace, and the rule of law. It is nonpartisan­ and nonprofit. The opinions expressed in this publication are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of DGAP.

Publisher German Council on Foreign Relations

ISSN 1611-7034

Editing Eva-Maria McCormack Layout Wiebke Ewering Design Concept: WeDo

Author picture(s) © DGAP

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