Issue 3

Headteacher’s Message


Dear Parents/Carers, TRUTH

It has been an extremely busy and productive Spring term here at William Lovell Academy.

Our Year 11 Students are working hard to prepare for their upcoming GCSE examinations and I would like to thank all parents and carers who attended RESPECT RESPECT the Exam Success Information evening on 30th March. Hopefully you found the evening useful in helping your child prepare for their GCSE examinations. A reminder that we have Easter revision sessions, open to all Year 11 Students rd th running from Monday 3 April to Wednesday 5 April, please encourage all FORGIVENESS Year 11 students to attend.

JUSTICE Can I please take this opportunity to remind parents who collect their children from the Academy to please wait until the buses have left the site before driving into the car park. This is for the safety of all our students.

JUSTICE As we enter the Summer term, can I please remind all parents and carers that

FORGIVENESS FORGIVENESS students should bring a bottle of water that can be refilled with them each day. This will help keep students hydrated in lessons, can you remind your child that water bottles should be filled before school, at break and at lunch.

th Finally, a reminder that we return for the Summer term on Tuesday 18 April. RESPECT I wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable Easter break.

Mrs S Craig





Visit from Mr Matt Warman

William Lovell Students question MP for Boston and -Mr Matt Warman

On 8th March Matt Warman visited the Academy to talk to our young people about democracy and the parliamentary process. Our Students quizzed Mr Warman on the rite of MP’s and what he believed were the biggest priorities for .

It was an inspirational visit and we look forward to seeing our young people becoming more involved in local issues and politics.


Ash Wednesday Service

Wednesday 1st March-evening time.

Dear Mrs Waiya, your helpers and all the students who joined us in Church this morning.

It was so special to share our Ash Wednesday service with you-it would have been a new experience for some of you. I hope everyone felt welcomed to St Luke’s Church.

Afterwards how lovely it was to see the tables filled up and everyone talking together as we enjoyed the rolls and delicious soup.

This kind of coming together is so important in a world where it is so easy for individuals to ‘do their own thing’ and forget others.

I doubt there are many churches where younger and older met as we did and appreciated one another’s company so much.

In Christian love I say “thank you all so much for coming”.

Angela Brady (Churchwarden)

The Safeguarding Team

Your Safeguarding team within William Lovell C of E Academy

Mrs L Sharpe Mrs K Dunn Mrs S Stafford Deputy Safeguarding Officer Designated Safeguarding Lead Deputy Safeguarding Officer Student Leadership Team:

Our meeting last Friday was to welcome new members Serena Morrow, Jenna Bainbridge in year 7 and Mathew Lupton in year 9. Also on our student leadership team is year 10 Harry Evans not shown in the photo.

The main body of the meeting was to look at different ways in which we can deal with bullying in school in addition to what Saffron Curtis-Easton is already in place. Joe Flynn

The group are now going to discuss this with their forms and bring ideas back to the table in our meeting on the 3rd May 2017.

Mrs Lynn Sharpe

Matthew Lupton Lottie Wood

Jack Melton Jenna Bainbridge Serena Morrow Georgie Mahon

University Visit

Earlier this term, year 10’s embarked on a trip to Lincoln University. The trip was to enable students to see first-hand the opportunities that are available in higher education and the possibilities of going onto a higher paid position.

The day included a campus tour, a presentation on the qualifications available which ranges from astrophysics to zoology and an exclusive chance to attend a typical university lecture.

The day was higher informative and enjoyable and the students left with fresh avenues of opportunity that they would perhaps not have considered.

A big well done to all the students that attended as they did a capital job of representing the school. Mr Keeler


May we introduce our local PSCO officer Mr Wass.

He is a friendly face around the academy and is a fountain of knowledge for our students.

Inspired by the The Great British Bake Off, Boston College has run an inter-school baking competition to show the skills and talents of some of Lincolnshire’s best young bakers. Students had the opportunity to win aprons and cookery books

In November 2016, schools were contacted across the county with this opportunity to enter the competition. The year 9, 10 and 11 students taking part started with submitting a picture of their Show Stopper Cake. Boston College received an overwhelming amount of top quality entries of which 12 students were picked to go through to the Master Class on Friday the 10th February.

The talented bakers spent a fun filled day with Andy Readman, Boston College Bakery Lecturer, and Lisa Howarth an award winning RAF Chef. The students took part in three technical challenges: Sponge cake making, Langue de chat piped biscuits and assembling and decorating their cake using buttercream and decorations. They were then judged on their ability to organize and their attitude to baking and all that goes with it.

After an exciting day six students were chosen to go through to the final held on Friday the 3rd March. I am pleased to announce that out of the six students chosen to go into the Final two of the students were from William Lovell Academy.

In the finals Ashleigh Holloway and Libby Tunnard- Simpson went up against four other students from Boston High School, Thomas Middlecott Academy, St Georges Academy and The Thomas Cowley High School. All the students worked tirelessly throughout the day crafting their Show Stoppers. Judges Steve Cottrell, Boston College Programme Area Manager for Catering and Hospitality and Mike Myers from Myers Bakery were among the judges.

Our very own Ashleigh Holloway in year 9 was later crowned Star Baker winning the top prize. She won a hamper of catering equipment, a Great British Bake Off recipe book, Flavours’ recipe book, a £100 gift voucher for Russum’s as well as £500 voucher for the Catering department at William Lovell Academy. No one left empty handed as the other students were also given a Great British Bake Off recipe book and some freshly made plum bread.

Congratulations to Ashleigh Holloway and Libby Tunnard -Simpson for all their hard work and determination.

Performance in Education

“Steps to Success”

This term on Thursday 9th February our year 8 and year 9 students were lucky enough to see the highly successful Widening Participation programme, “Steps to Success”.

We hoped the programme would raise aspirations and motivate all students to achieve the highest level they can in education and training regardless of their background…. And it did just that!!!!

We looked at the importance of GCSE choices, Post -16 options, Post-18 options and staying on in education until 18 all being delivered in a live, entertaining multimedia performance.

Some of the areas we explored….. Challenge perceptions, preconceptions and myths surrounding F.E and H.E Investigate all of the learning and training options post 16 and how they can lead to H.E Demonstrate the importance of life long learning Increase understanding of the options available to students post 16 and post 18 Explore different learning styles and different ways of learning Encourage students to plan for a successful fu- ture starting with their GCSE choices Motivate students to fulfil their potential in education and training

Our students all thoroughly enjoyed themselves and took a lot from the experience. Miss Allen KS3 Pastoral Leader

To support World Autism Awareness Week and show our understanding of Autism, students and staff from William Lovell will be fundraising by taking part in: “Dress Up Friday” on 31st March.

To help promote this event members of the lunchtime Social Club have been hard at work designing a range of fantastic posters, which are on display throughout the Academy.

Lovell’s Gardening Club Wednesday 3pm – 4pm Starting after Easter

See Miss Allen or Mrs Gosling for a consent form

Rewards Visit

The top ten students from each year group with the most achievement points, were taken on a rewards trip to “Kinema in the Woods” cinema on Wednesday 29th March.

The students were impeccably behaved (as always).

Miss Allen, Mrs Wilman, Miss Aldridge, Mrs Stephens and Mrs Browne.

A good time was had by all . Details and photos to follow.

Prom Fundraising

During lunchtime on Thursday 16th March Alex Borland and Jaden Vines ran a game to raise money for the Prom. Students picked straws out of sand. Prizes depended on the colour on the end of the straw. The game was very successful and raised £50 alongside Tammy Bates, Sophie Wallis and Kim Vamplew run- ning a treasure map game.

Miss Browne

Poster designed by Logan Graves Wacky Tie Day

Mrs Howman winner of the Treasure map competition

This event organised within the Academy by Sam Argyle, for a donation students could wear a whacky tie or come in trainers.

Winners won an Easter egg

The event raised £61.20

Save the Date!!!

Year 11 Prom Friday 7th July 2017

More details to follow

Fashion Show

Many people helped to make the evening a roaring success.

Special thanks go to Mrs Sharpe’s daughters for being great sports and modelling the clothes.

Mrs Howman and Mrs Carr for organising and running the raffle, which raised £191.00

Thanks to the staff that donated prizes and brought raffle tickets Miss Mason for setting up the hall.

Also thanks to Miss Browne for providing the refreshments.

Special thanks go to the Year 11’s who made sure the fashion show ran smoothly.

The event raised £400!!!!!

The prom fund is currently £819.20

Mrs S Stafford

Guess Billy Bears Birthday The dates for Billy Bears Birthday, were chosen at random by Ben Samra and Mr Hopwood.

The winner of Billy Bear and a basket of sweets is Neive Broughton.

Billy Bear raised £19.58

Prom total is £838.78

The Prom total so far is

Diary Dates

18/04/2017 Start of Term 5

25/04/2017 Visitor: Prevent Training for Year 11

01/05/2017 Bank Holiday-School Closed

11/05/2017 Year 7 Parents Evening 17:00-18:00

26/05/2017 End of Term 5

05/06/2017 Start of Term 6

06/06/2017 Start of Year 7 End of Year Exams

12/06/2017 Start of Year 8 End of Year Exams

19/06/2017 Start of Year 9 End of Year Exams

20/06/2017 Sports Day

23/06/2017 Sports Fixture: Tri Golf 26/06/2017 Start of Year 10 End of Year Exams 30/06/2017 Sports Fixture: Tri Golf 03/07/2017 Start of Year 10 Work Experience 06/07/2017 Year 8 Parents Evening 07/07/2017 Year 11 Prom at Boston West

10/07/2017 BASE Day

15/07/2017 Stickney Show held at William Lovell

19/07/2017 End of Term 6

This year’s Stickney show is on Saturday 15th July To be held at school 10am – 5pm. Free entry This really is a fantastic community event for us all to enjoy.

More details to follow… If you would like to donate a raffle prize or come along and help please contact Miss Allen.