Adjutant General
ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF TIlE STATE OF NEW YORK. TRANSMITTED TO THE LEGISLATURE MARCH 10, 1869. ALBANY: THE ARGUS COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1869. STATE OF NEW YORK. No. 100. IN ASSEMBLY, March 10, 1869. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT-GENERAL OF TIrE STATE OF NEW YORK. STATE OF NEW YORK: } EXEOUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ALBANY, Karch 10, 1869. To the Assembly: I respectfully transmit the Annual Report for tile year 1868, of Brigadier-General S. E. Marvin, late Adjutant-General. JOHN T. I-IOFFMAN. I REPORT. GENERAL HEAD-QUARTER. S, S.TATE OF NEW YORK, } ADJUTANT-GENERAL'SOFFICE, ALBANY,December 31, 1868. To His Excellency R. E. FENTON, Governor. and Oommander-in- Chiif' : SIR-I have the honor to present herewith, in accordance with the requirements of law, the annual report of this department for the year ending December 31st, 1868. In the last annual report from this department an attempt was made to illustrate the importance of a well organized Militia, and to briefly discuss its relations to the government, Federal and State. These trite themes have necessarily engaged the attention of succes- sive incumbents of the office I have the honor to occupy, since each has felt the radical necessity of public appreciation and support of all measures in a government which is essentially the direct reflection of the popular will. Though frequent reiteration of this fundamental importance of. the Militia has not destroyed its significance, it is not the present purpose to repeat or enlaI·ge tlpon the theoretical argu- ments presented last year. Since then it has been attempted to enlist popular consideration by practical tre!ttment, and to this end impor- tant reforms have been instituted dtlring the past year, which will be more specifically treated of beyond.
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