2007 Medals & Awards

Rip Rapp the many sources of ancient white marble There have now been eight international in the Mediterranean, Norm worked to find ASMOSIA conferences bringing together Archaeological an analytical technique that was at one end a truly interdisciplinary group of scholars Award objective and at another end required very including geochemists, geologists, chemists, little sample. Norm found that technique by physicists, statisticians, archaeologists, Presented to Norman Herz delving into the measurement of carbon and museum curators, art historians and others oxygen stable isotopes. From the late 1970s who share research interests and perspectives through the 1980s, Norm went on “arduous” on ancient stone. By maintaining a single expeditions to collect multiple samples from session format the ASMOSIA meetings the important ancient marble quarries in promote a true interdisciplinary exchange Turkey, Greece and Italy. Working alongside of ideas and research between scholars from archaeologists and art historians, Norm was diverse academic backgrounds. Since that able to show that many quarries had unique first meeting of 53 participants, ASMOSIA’s stable isotope signatures. Norm was able to membership has grown to over 300 from assign provenance to many marble artifacts over 23 countries. The continued success and address important questions regarding of the biennial ASMOSIA conferences is the use, trade and quarrying of this important an excellent testament to Norm’s vision ancient resource. Norm has consulted on and leadership in fostering interdisciplinary numerous projects including studying the research. Norm saw the need for true marble sources of various temples and collaboration across academic fields long monuments at sites such as ancient Olympia, before multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary Bassai, the Athenian Agora, and Delos. He became the buzzwords they are today. Norman Herz Professor has worked closely on collections from The proceedings of each conference have University of Georgia the British Museum in London, the Ny been published and can now be found in Carlsberg Glyptotek in Copenhagen, The archaeology and classics library collections National Gallery in Washington DC and the around the world. Norm was re-elected Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. President several times and in 2000 he was Citation by Scott Pike and Norm’s work has been published in over 200 elected Honorary President. Ervan Garrison articles. Norm’s exhaustive work and his Norm’s dedication and service to willingness to share his data has resulted in classical archaeology is well renowned. In It would be wrong to say that this his stable isotope database for Mediterranean 1985, the American Journal of Archaeology year’s recipient of the Rip Rapp Award in white marbles being referenced by researchers celebrated its one hundredth anniversary. Archaeological Geology has always wanted throughout the world. In a review of the stewardship of Ashton to be an archaeological geologist. Don’t take In December, 1986, a Penrose Sanborn as editor, only two articles were this wrong, but who had? Even by the time Conference, the first devoted to archaeological cited as “significant events”. One was the he entered graduate school, no one had had geology, was held on St. Simons Island, aforementioned paper by Herz and Pritchett the debate yet on whether “archaeology” Georgia. It was organized by Charles in 1953 which “raised issues that have should qualify “geology” or “geology” Vitaliano, of Indiana University and, continued to be of interest to scholars in should qualify “archaeology.” The two our awardee, Norman Herz. The official many specialties, and only recently have disciplines were worlds apart. Even in his conference title was “Archaeological sophisticated laboratory techniques begun first foray into the interdisciplinary world Geology: Environmental Siting and Material to answer some of the vexed questions of of archaeological geology in the 1950s, our Use.” Fifty-four invited participants, including marble identification.” Four years later, awardee had no idea that his work with the the namesake of our award, George “Rip” in the January-February special issue of renowned late archaeologist W.K. Pritchett Rapp, were in attendance. The presentations Archaeology dedicated to “Archaeology was going to be a major watershed event and discussions at this landmark conference, in the 21st Century,” George F. Bass, then towards the integration of the natural sciences led to the shaping of the discipline we call president of Archaeological Institute of into classical archaeology. This is not to say archaeological geology today. It is a tribute to America, further recognized that Norm was our awardee did not have vision or direction. Norm’s vision, and credit, that he was a key the “first to apply his geologic knowledge He certainly did. Just as it took Odysseus arbritrar in the modern definition of our field. to archaeological problems.” Norm’s twenty years to return to his home, it took our Later, in 1988 Norm spearheaded international reputation was further enhanced wayward traveler nearly two decades to return the organization of the Association for where, in 1988, he was invited to be the to academia, leaving the world of hard rock the Study of Marbles and Other Stones keynote speaker at the 18th International geology at the USGS to take on the Chair of used in Antiquity (ASMOSIA). Along Symposium of the International Association the Department of Geology at University of with his colleague Marc Waelkens, Norm of Engineering Geology where the focus Georgia. convened a NATO-sponsored Advanced of the conference was on the engineering It was at Georgia that our friend, Research Workshop (ARW) in Tuscany, geology of ancient works, monuments mentor and today’s honoree, Norman Herz, Italy. This was the first ARW devoted to the and historical sites. In 1995 the classical established himself as a preeminent visionary Archaeological Sciences in the International archaeology community recognized Norm’s in the nascent field of archaeological Scientific Programmes of NATO. At this contributions to archaeology by awarding geology. Looking to discriminate between first meeting, Norm was elected President. him the prestigious Pomerance Award for

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

Scientific Contributions to Archaeology of the in front of the UGA Law School and running some of their most difficult problems. I was Archaeological Institute of America. in to Norm. The conversation went something fortunate to work also with Professor William The recognition of Norm’s achievements like this: “Hi Scott. I was wondering. I have “Ken” Pritchett a great classicist then also just don’t come from the archaeological a project for you if you’re interested. Do at the Institute for Advanced Study and later community. During his tenure with the USGS, you want to go to Greece?” Despite all his head of the Classics Department at Berkeley. Norm spent six years in Brazil as a research achievements Norm is generous and modest. Together we wrote a paper promoting scientist studying the country’s mineral He seeks to involve new scholars and averts geological applications to archaeology and deposits. Not only did he learn the Portuguese seeking credit and accolades for himself. In published it in 1953 in the American Journal language, he made a significant impact within fact, I was a bit nervous nominating him for of Archaeology. It turned out to be a landmark the Brazilian scientific community. This is this award as he would have to sit through publication, cited in the AJA when in 1985, reflected by his election in 1981 as a Foreign this hazing ceremony. And even though I it celebrated its hundredth anniversary. In a Associate of the Sao Paolo State Academy of have only given you a small excerpt of his review of the stewardship of Ashton Sanborn Science followed by his election in 1991 as a accomplishments you get the idea that this as editor, only two articles were cited as Foreign Member of the Brazilian Academy of award is almost overkill so I will stop talking “significant events”. One was our 1953 paper Sciences. and give Norm his chance for rebuttal. “which raised issues that have continued to be Norm’s great success is further mirrored of interest to scholars in many specialties, and by his ability to win funding for what was only recently have sophisticated laboratory once considered non-traditional research. Response by Norman Herz techniques begun to answer some of the vexed Organizations that have valued and supported On July 19, 1788 Thomas Jefferson questions of marble identification”. Norm’s research include the National representing our new nation in Paris, then This exciting start in classical Endowment for the Humanities, the National in an intellectual ferment with startling new archaeogeology was quickly cut short, Geographic Society, the National Science scientific concepts such as the origin of followed by 18 years with the USGS as a Foundation, the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, volcanoes, the principles of crystallography hard rock research geologist, 8 of which were the American Philosophical Society, the and the origin of the solar system wrote to the spent in Brazil. Then in 1970 I accepted a NATO Science Committee and the National Reverend James Madison back in Virginia: position as department head at the University Research Council/National Academy of “As you seem willing to accept the crumbs of of Georgia, and settled in to a new life in Sciences. science on which we are subsisting here, it is academia. Several years later came the siren’s Norm’s true as a Renaissance with pleasure I continue to hand them on to call from Pritchett to return to Greece now man is further exemplified by his recently you …” that I was free of governmental obligations published historical book Operation Alacrity: I was very fortunate to have worked with and resume a career in archaeogeology. The Azores and the War in the Atlantic. The some great archaeologists and geologists who He posed an interesting problem: many book recounts the top secret operation that handed down enough ‘crumbs’ to enlighten fragments of ancient Greek inscriptions on led to the construction of an Allied airfield and inspire me throughout my career. Thanks marble he felt had been joined incorrectly in the Portuguese-controlled and therefore to them I am here today and so in their names following epigraphical rules—according to neutral Azores island chain that may well I am proud to accept this great honor, the Rip the joiner—and not paying attention to the have changed the course of World War II. Rapp award in Archaeological Geology. physical features of the stone. Could I propose Norm took part in the operation, but until his With the end of World War II which a physical test to check the association of the research he was unaware of the stakes of his effectively cut short a career as an Air Force pieces using a method which needed only mission. The book has won awards including 2nd lieutenant I entered the Johns Hopkins milligram-size samples? the 2005 Book of the Year by the Portuguese University. There I fell under the influence Stable isotopic ratio analysis was tried Tribune. of Professor Ernst Cloos, one of the great and worked beautifully. The results appeared Despite the accolades that are due structural geologists of the past century. His in an article co-authored with Dave Wenner him, perhaps Norm’s greatest strength is good friend Professor Homer Thompson of in Science in 1978, “Assembly of Greek his humility and willingness to share. He the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study Marble Inscriptions by Isotopic Methods” has a biting sense of humor and is respected was director of the excavations of the Agora which proved to be another landmark by colleagues throughout the world. in Athens where, he felt, a geologist was publication; it was translated and published Erv Garrison, his co-author on his 1998 needed to work along with the archaeologists. in the French Encyclopedia Universalis. I Oxford University Press textbook, entitled Thompson despaired of finding anyone, was now convinced that much could be done “Geological Methods for Archaeology”, and having been rejected by geologists and working with archaeologists, that geochemical contributor to this citation, recalls how easy geology departments at Princeton and methods especially stable isotope analysis it was to work with Norm on something as elsewhere who could see no possible might help resolve the most intransigent difficult as a co-authored textbook. They say geological good to come out of such a project. problems of provenance and authenticity if a marriage can survive building a house, Thompson proposed the idea to Cloos, adding of stone and metal artifacts. Today such then, by analogy, the same should be said of that only a ‘rara avis’ would accept the analyses have become routine, databases have friendships and writing textbooks. Norm and assignment. Cloos decided that I qualified as been accumulated, analytical equipment has Erv remain the best of friends and present-day a rare bird and so in 1951 off I went with a been perfected and is widely available, and colleagues at UGA. Fulbright to Greece to see if a geologist really numerous researchers and laboratories are Personally, I give Norm the credit or is belonged on a dig. actively using isotope geochemistry to help it blame for my own professional trajectory. In Athens I worked on different projects, solve archaeological problems. I remember vividly during my first year in many designed to show archeologists how I have also had a large measure of graduate school walking down the sidewalk a geological approach might help answer success disseminating “the crumbs of

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards science” encouraging cooperation between museum people, scientists, and others working scientists and archaeology. Among my together cooperatively. proudest achievements are establishing a Again I thank the GSA for this great flourishing program in Geoarchaeology at the honor, as well as my mentors for pointing University of Georgia, organizing the Center out the way. I cannot conclude without for Archaeological Sciences which brought acknowledging a great debt of gratitude together members of the UGA departments to my colleagues and students for their of Geology, Geography, Anthropology, encouragement and assistance which made the Classics, and Art History, and helping to start way both much easier and more enjoyable. ASMOSIA, the Association for the Study of Marble and Other Stones in Antiquity, an international society of archaeologists,

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

Gilbert H. Cady forming vegetation through time. His most Response by Andrew C. Scott significant contribution is that he has settled Firstly, I would like to thank Jack Award the long-standing questions on the origin of Crelling for his kind words and secondly the fusain and inertinite macerals. He has shown Presented to Andrew C. Scott Coal Section of the Geological Society of that fusain is really fossil charcoal and that America for the honour of presenting me with its reflectance is a function of the temperature the Gilbert H. Cady Award. I feel particularly of its formation. He has also used this proud to be the first Briton and only the relationship to provide data for volcanologists second non-North American to receive the on the temperature of the deposits from award. I am also pleased as Cady spent some pyroclastic flows. Professor Scott’s work time at Yale University where I have just crosses the traditional boundaries of Geology, spent a sabbatical year as visiting Professor. Botany, Chemistry, History and Art. Recently I think that coal geology must be in my he has published a catalogue of 17th blood as many past generations of my family century geological drawings from the Royal worked in the coal mines of Scotland. While Collection, the volume of which was launched undertaking a coal project for the Royal by Prince Charles at Windsor Castle. This was Scottish Museum in the Douglas coalfield the work of Federico Cesi and members of near Coalburn, I spent some time researching the Accademeia dei Lincei and concerned the my family history in the nearby village of origin of fossil plants and lignites. Lesmahagow in Lanarkshire. My family had Professor Scott has been an invited lived there from at least the mid 17th century Andrew C. Scott speaker at a number of international symposia until my father left at the start of World Professor and conferences. First at Chelsea College Royal Holloway, University of London War 2. I discovered that my great- great of the University of London and then at grandfather, great grandfather and grandfather Royal Holloway he has taught courses in had all worked the coal in the exact area I stratigraphy, paleontology, sedimentology, was researching and that the family home of terrestrial paleoecology, and coal geology. 1841 was on the edge of the opencast mine. I Citation by John C. Crelling He has been the principal research advisor to was thrilled by this connection and published twelve Ph. D students and numerous under- This year’s recipient of the Gilbert H. some of my work on the coals in 1999. Who graduate students and post-doctoral assistants Cady Award is Professor Andrew C. Scott of says that coal does not run in the genes?! and fellows. Royal Holloway College of the University I was introduced to geology by a family His service includes organizing of London, England. Andrew has been friend at the age of nine and was encouraged numerous research conferences including conducting research in coal geology for by my uncle Robert Fraser, a coal miner successful international coal conferences almost thirty-five years during which he has himself. As a schoolboy I was enthused to as well as editing important volumes of published over 180 papers including five study geology at London University by Ted invited contributions. His editorial work also books. His research creatively combines Rose, and he not only became my teacher includes serving on the editorial boards of aspects of paleontology, especially but later a colleague at Royal Holloway. Bill the International Journal of Coal Geology paleobotany, coal petrology and geochemistry Chaloner introduced me as an undergraduate and Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, in answering important questions in coal to fossil plants and I followed on as a PhD Palaeoecology and previously on the geology. He has made major research student under his guidance. I am pleased that Journal of Petroleum Geology. He also has contributions in the understanding of ancient he is now emeritus Professor in the Geology communicated coal science to the general terrestrial ecosystems including the role of fire Department at Royal Holloway. There are public with regular public lectures, radio in the fossil record, the ecology and evolution many that I would like to thank: those with broadcasts on BBC and in the production of Carboniferous vegetation, the taxonomy whom I have worked and of course my many of an Open University video for television and evolution of lycopsid megaspores, plant- research students. I would like especially to on his work as a coal geologist. Perhaps arthropod interactions in the fossil record, the mention a few: Margaret Collinson, who has more significant is his efforts in the creation taphonomy and preservation of plant fossils, been a friend and co-researcher since we were and participation in the “Science and the the formation of fossil fuels, including studies research students together and who is now a Media” program (now called “Science of oil source rocks, and he has developed and colleague of mine at Royal Holloway; Jean Communication”) at Royal Holloway where applied a range of microscopical techniques Galtier, who collaborated with me on many students are taught and given practical to the study of fossil plants, including the papers; John Calder, who gave me the chance instruction about communicating science to use of scanning acoustic and scanning laser to work at Joggins and who has always the public and colleagues. microscopy. supported my multi- and inter-disciplinary In summary, Professor Andrew C. Scott His research has shown that the plants approach to coal geology; Jon Gibbins who has made outstanding significant contributions found in rocks overlying coal seams were introduced me to the industrial aspects of in the field of coal geology and he is clearly often different from the plants that formed coal and Ian Glasspool who has been my worthy of recognition with the Gilbert H. the coal seams themselves. His research on PhD student, post-doctoral research assistant Cady Award. fossil plants, especially on paleoecology and now collaborator for the last few years. I and taphonomy, including studies on the also thank my wife Anne and my family for origin of coal balls, has improved our their long-suffering support, enabling me to understanding of the evolution of coal- indulge my various geological passions!

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

My interest in coal geology, of nearly 200 drawings made by Prince Marie Stopes, one of my heroines, was palaeobotany and charcoal from wildfire was Federico Cesi, the Duke of Acquasparta the only other lecturer at London University kindled in my first month as a PhD student, and founder of the Accademia dei Lincei. to be interested in palaeobotany and coal. working on charcoalified plants from the When I initially saw the drawings, mainly of Like her, I worked initially in palaeobotany. Carboniferous Coal Measures of Yorkshire. I fossil woods, it was not possible to identify Like her, I became interested in and published was fortunate to discover the earliest conifer much. However, in the collection there were on the origin of coal balls. Like her, I and only after a year of my studies had a also the oldest known field sketches of the then became interested in coal and in coal paper published in Nature. I should have fossil localities. Over the next seven years I petrology. However, Marie Stopes is probably realized that publishing in Nature is not managed to relocate the sites in Italy and re- best known in Britain for her work in setting that easy, as it has taken 33 years for me to collect fossils. This enabled me to make sense up birth-control clinics, which still today carry have another one published recently, on the of the drawings made for this ancient study to her name. I can assure you that I do not plan Cobham lignite, which spans the Paleocene- understand the nature of fossils. This project to follow in that line of work! Eocene boundary! indulged my interest in geology, history and I am a passionate believer in a holistic My combined interest in coal and art all at the same time! Some of the sketches approach to the study of coal and coal palaeobotany was to have another unexpected showed plumes of smoke rising from the geology, integrating petrology, sedimentology, benefit. I was invited by a member of the ground and in contemporary correspondence palaeontology and geochemistry and I am Royal Household to come to Windsor it became clear that these were from pleased that this aspect of my work has been Castle to examine some early 17th century underground coal fires! I was honoured that recognised by this award. drawings of ‘lignites’ from the Queen’s Royal Prince Charles launched the book at Windsor Again I thank you for this honour that Collection. I was asked to write a catalogue Castle in 2001. you have paid me.

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

E.B. Burwell, Jr., Award Presented to Fred G. Bell and Laurance J. Donnelly

Citation by Allen W. Hatheway To date, 35 years into the Environmental Era, there has been no comprehensive, single-source summarization of the systematic nature of the geologically-based environmental impacts of mining. This book is long overdue and Bell and Donnelly, with their obvious qualifications, have built their assessment by explaining the physical processes of mining as they affect the environment of the host ground and of the ground upon the mineral process wastes are disposed. They accomplish this in ten chapters, each of which offers the reader Fred G. Bell Laurance J. Donnelly British Geological Survey Chartered Engineering & a description of the situation and information related to appropriate Keyworth, Nottingham, Exploration Geologist environmental response. The authors complement one another in nature United Kingdom Halcrow Group Limited and breadth of experience. Bell is known for his outstanding command Handforth, Cheshire, of the literature and of the properties of earth materials, while United Kingdom Donnelly, has had a rigorous career of practice in geology applied to mining, and so adds the dimension of environmental awareness upon the mining industry. The book is well illustrated with images of relevance to the text and with useful maps, vertical sections and in competitive consulting-project proposals, so that the reader will be drawings, along with appropriate references at the end of each chapter. able to show a special understanding to conduct geological planning or The reader will be well served who makes use of the text to identify remediation in connection with mining. physical and chemical parameters and geologic influences that may Mining and its Impact on the Environment, 2006: Taylor & be present for individual projects. A special benefit of the book will Francis Group, London and New York City, by Fred G. Bell and be to help identify and tabulate special considerations for presentation Laurance J. Donnelly, 547 p., hardbound ISBN 0-415-28644-1

Response by spontaneous combustion, fault reactivation, Most individuals today are more Fred G. Bell and Laurance J. Donnelly mine closures, mine effluents, acid mine conscious of their environment than in the drainage, heap leaching, gases, induced past and they are interested especially in We were somewhat surprised and seismicity and landslides associated with those factors that degrade the environment. obviously highly honoured to receive the subsidence also are included within the Mining is one of those factors. Mining refers E.B. Burwell Jr. Award for 2007. As such, text. Furthermore, it is felt that many civil to the process of extraction or abstraction we would like to thank both the Awards engineers, mining engineers, geotechnical of mineral deposits from the Earth. In this Committee and the Engineering Geology engineers, engineering geologists, mining context, it also involves the abstraction of Division of the Geological Society of America geologists, environmental scientists and oil, gas, water and brine from the ground. for conferring this Award on us. In addition, managers, hydrologists, hydrogeologists, Furthermore, mining represents one of we would like to thank Allen Hatheway for utilities engineers, builders, mineral man’s earliest activities reaching back into his citation and efforts on our behalf. surveyors, conveyance lawyers, insurance palaeolithic times and accordingly it has Both of us have been professionally officers, land owners, and planners are not played an important role in the development involved with mining problems and hazards necessarily familiar with the wide range of of civilization. As technology has developed, for many years. Consequently, it was felt ground problems and hazards that arise from so mining has had an increasing impact on the that a book on mining and its impact on the or are associated with mining. environment. What is more, mining, although environment was needed, firstly, because Many urban and industrial areas owe obviously highly localized, is an activity that of the diversity of the different hazards their location to the presence of mineral has and is going on more or less worldwide. associated with mining throughout the deposits, especially to that of coal that With time, the use of minerals has increased world, and secondly, as far as the authors provided the energy and/or acted as raw in both volume and variety in order to meet are aware, there is no book available today material. Moreover, many of these areas are a greater range of purposes and demand that covers this wide range of problems. In undergoing re-development and so those by society. Hence, present day society is other words, no book provides a survey, in involved with re-development are likely to more dependent on the minerals industry particular, of various aspects of subsidence, face some of these mining problems. But than in the past. In fact, it can be claimed of waste disposal, pollution, contamination mining problems are not just associated with that every material thing in society is either and dereliction as caused by different types some urban and industrial areas, they can directly derived from a mineral product or is of mining, together with their investigation occur in rural areas where minerals are being produced with the aid of mineral derivatives and treatment. In addition, topics such as or have been worked. such as steel, energy or fertilizers. Indeed,

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards the exploitation of minerals is fundamental being imposed by many countries to lessen mines close. Hence, mining also can have to society now and will continue to be in the the impact of mining. This is especially the social impacts on the environment in that future. In other words, the mining of minerals case in the developed, more affluent nations. communities grow up around mines and can contributes to the sustained economic progress Unfortunately, many poorer countries, suffer, and even may die, when the mines of developed nations, and helps to alleviate in which the primary minerals industry close. Nonetheless, land that has become poverty and improve the quality of life of is proportionately of greater economic spoiled by mining activity generally can be people in developing countries. importance, are reluctant to impose non- rehabilitated but at a cost. This cost may be It is the working and processing essential restrictions on their principal earners recovered indirectly by the benefit that a more of mineral deposits that gives rise to of wealth and foreign exchange. What is attractive environment brings to the area so environmental damage. This can mean more, the concept of reclamation of a site after affected. that land is disturbed, that the topography mining operations have ceased, has become Consequently, the primary objective for is changed and that the hydrogeological entrenched in law in the developed countries. writing this book was to provide an overview conditions are affected adversely. However, An environmental impact assessment is of various aspects of mining and how they the degree of impact that mining has on the necessary prior to the development of any affect the surrounding environment, and, just environment varies depending on the mineral new mine and an environmental management as importantly, how they can be investigated worked, the method of working, and the programme has to be produced to show how and subsequently dealt with. As such, it location and size of the working. the mine will operate. Plans for reclamation of is hoped that it will be of value to those In the past the mining industry frequently the mine site have to be made. Although the who are involved with the development or showed a lack of concern for the environment. adverse impacts on the environment should be redevelopment of mining areas throughout the This does not necessarily imply that society minimized, some environmental degradation world. was not aware of the environmental problems due to mining is inescapable. Land that has Finally, we would once again like that could be associated with mining. become derelict or blighted by past mining to express our sincere appreciation to the For instance, Agricola (1556) referred to activity can be reclaimed. Mining therefore Geological Society of America and the environmental problems created by mining can be looked upon as one of the stages in the Engineering Division for this prestigious such as the devastation of fields and the sequential use of land. E.B. Burwell Jr., Award. pollution of streams. Today, however, the Mineral deposits represent a finite greater awareness of the importance of the resource, when they become exhausted or environment has led to tighter legislation uneconomic to work, then the associated

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

George P. will find: early (perhaps initial) large off- the pleasure comes from knowing most of shore on-shore investigations; organization the people who have received the Woollard Woollard Award of the Deep Probe investigation of the U.S. Award in previous years. The first recipient of Presented to Alan Levandar and Canadian (longest the Woollard Award was George Thompson, refraction experiment in recent history); who was on my dissertation committee. pioneering efforts in applying industry The second, Manik Talwani, is a long time techniques to crustal imaging; and he is now colleague at Rice, and last year’s recipient, involved in developing imaging methods Ken Kodama, was a fellow student in that integrate diverse seismic data types into graduate school. Among other Woollard a self-consistent image. This latter effort recipients are five people I have collaborated includes bringing people together, as in with, some I’ve served on committees with, various collaborations and workshops, or as and all but two I’ve met at various times. in the long effort toward developing a facility I’ve explored Alaska with Walter Mooney, to image continental crust at a continental traversed most of the Rockies with Randy scale; among other things, USArray, and Keller and Ron Clowes, and I’ve surfed in La hence its outgrowth EarthScope, trace their Jolla with Dave Sandwell. It’s both gratifying, roots back directly to these efforts. I can say but also humbling to be included in the with certainty that it was Alan’s confidence company of such an exceptional group of and persistence that kept the idea of USArray scientists and people. alive for years until NSF finally picked up Someone I never met was George Alan Levandar the idea. All this illustrates a persistence, Woollard, although I roughly knew his Professor patience and eventual success of a single contributions from references in my Rice University individual that I’ve not seen elsewhere. His introductory texts. From web overall influence is such that it is difficult research I learned that he taught at Princeton, to imagine the state of lithospheric imaging and moved to the University of Wisconsin at or understanding of continental processes if Madison in 1949. The UW-Madison Geology Citation by Eugene D. Humphreys one were to remove Alan’s influence on the and Geophysics webpage gives him given Alan brings to the investigation of the field over the last 15 years; his influence in credit for founding the geophysics program Earth a combination of an industry-based many realms has brought our science forward, there. In 1963, he moved to Hawaii, where technical perspective and a science-based oftentimes in fundamental ways. he became the first director of the Hawaii desire to discover the undiscovered, find On a more personal note, I add that Institute for Geophysics. Among other the fundamental and seek questions not I’ve seen many people in our field who have things, Woollard established a standardized previously asked. His accomplishments are made strong and important contributions international gravity network, and an derived from an effort to make real progress in a wide variety of ways. Among them, Antarctic geophysics program. He received in Earth science and this runs through all of Alan’s ambition for accomplishment, joy of a Guggenheim fellowship in 1941, and has his efforts, whether they involve developing collaborative effort and a pleasure in taking, a mountain named for him in Antarctica, new ways of analyzing data, imaging the sharing and reflecting credit stand out for Mt. Woollard. In 1943, he published a paper Earth, defining new directions for science, or the breadth of success fostered and resulting in the GSA Bulletin entitled: Transcontinental serving a leadership position. significance to our field and those of us Gravitational and Magnetic Profile of Much of Alan’s scientific research is within it. North America and Its Relation to Geologic aimed at revealing structural aspects of the For these reasons, I am proud and happy Structure. Earth. Representative works include: imaging to see Alan Levander receive the George Imagine doing a transcontinental crust and mantle structure of many orogenic Woollard Award. geophysical survey in 1943! Even a trip settings (e.g., Alaska, , Venezuela, across the country was a major undertaking then, much less with delicate geophysical Rocky Mountains); imaging environmental Response by Alan Levander sites; developing the wave propagation code equipment. This contribution might be now widely used; developing stochastic First I’d like to thank Gene Humphreys considered the potential fields forerunner to methods of scattering imaging, and for his generous words about my career, and EarthScope. developing migration methods for teleseismic I’d also like to thank the GSA and particularly My wife Caroline, who is an English waves to image the upper mantle. More than the Geophysics Division for the George P. professor, thinks that Earth scientists as a just a list, what is seen throughout this work Woollard Award. Geophysics is a small part of group are very nice people. Despite the fun is a motivation to image physical structures a very large discipline, yet we have an unusual of field work, I think that there is something authentically and address the underlying level of influence on the Earth Sciences if both challenging and humbling about having processes from which the structures not on the GSA as an organization: Where to gather your basic data by traveling around originated. would Earth Science be without geophysics on the surface of the Earth, even with today’s Alan pursues the goals of resolving Earth for subsurface illumination, and equally transportation and communication systems. I structure with vigor and rigor. If progress important, where would geophysics be think that the difficulties associated with field requires organizing the larger community, without geologists to keep us honest? work make Earth scientists a bit unusual in he directs his abundant energy toward this. I’m honored, and of course pleased, the academy. The weather can be miserable, For instance, reflected in his publications one to receive this award. To a large measure the mountains are steep, the wildlife and

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards indeed the natives can be unfriendly, the have the community élan to fully realize its conditions associated with marrying an Earth equipment fails, vehicles break and crash, potential. scientist, but has shown remarkable patience and one can just lose heart at times. I think As a group I’d like to thank you for and understanding along the way, and has that all of this makes Earth scientists both this honor and the pleasure of working always been an inspiration to me. more pragmatic and more appreciative of in Earth science. I’d again like to thank their colleagues’ efforts than one might find in my long-time friend Gene Humphreys. In other fields. Now that we are engaged in the closing I’d especially like to thank my wife EarthScope endeavor, I’m confident that we Caroline, who didn’t quite know the boundary

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

Mary C. Rabbitt in premier journals and in the Dictionary gifts with teaching awards and a Torchmark of Scientific Biography, and presented at Presidential Professorship. Beyond HISTORY OF conferences around the world. Ken’s work Oklahoma, Ken’s hard work and abilities GEOLOGY AWARD has illuminated a people and a period. His have been recognized in a variety of ways. He 1985 paper on “Early geoscience mapping, was a Dibner Visiting Historian of Science Presented to Kenneth L. Taylor 1700–1830” represents a pivotal statement on (1990–91) and he received the Sue Tyler that important topic. Recently, he has worked Friedman Award of the Geological Society with his Ph. D. student, Kerry Magruder, as (London) in 1998. they analyzed theories of the earth and the Aside from the scholarly productivity evolution of geology from 1450 to 1789. and awards received, a key component of As Prof. Claudine Cohen, of the École Ken’s persona is that working with him is des Hautes Études in Paris has noted, Ken so pleasant. Betty Bellis, who typed his Ph. Taylor’s world-class work has helped us D. dissertation back in 1968, recently made understand a ‘crucial and complex moment the point that he was then, and is now, a fine when speculative Theories of the Earth gave individual and a joy with whom to work. birth to scientific geology.’ As of 2007, a Kerry Magruder shared the 18-page file of collection of Ken’s pivotal papers is now part verbal applause heaped upon Ken at his of the Ashgate Variorum series. retirement ceremony in May 2006. Recurring Trained as an historian, Ken is also a themes are integrity, wonderful mentoring, Fellow of the Geological Society of America. and responsiveness. When a student says that Many of you will remember when he co- you are “one of the most civilized people chaired the well-received 1994 Penrose I know,” it is evident that a positive impact Kenneth L. Taylor Professor Conference on “From the Inside and the has been made. In our voluminous contacts University of Oklahoma Outside,” which looked at how historians over almost four decades, I would concur and scientists can work to bridge the chasm with all of those assessments. Given the data between their disciplines. In 1999, Ken presented above, I suggest that the empirical chaired GSA’s History of Geology Division. evidence is in—nice guys can finish first. Citation by Kennard B. Bork Over the years he has served us well in It is a pleasure to recognize Kenneth L. his various capacities within the History Taylor as GSA’s winner of the Mary C. It is a distinct personal pleasure to of Science Society (HSS), the History of Rabbitt Award for 2007. recognize Dr. Kenneth L. Taylor as the 2007 Earth Sciences Society (HESS), and the recipient of the Mary C. Rabbitt History of International Commission on the History of Geology Award. As Oklahoman Will Rogers Geological Sciences (INHIGEO). In the early Response by Kenneth L. Taylor might say, “Better a Sooner than later.” 1980s, Ken was Treasurer of HESS and I was I am very proud to receive the Mary C. Although associated with the University Secretary; in the late ’90s he chaired the GSA Rabbitt Award. I thank the GSA, the History of Oklahoma throughout his professional Division and I was President of HESS, as we of Geology Division, the Division’s officers career, Ken was born in -- hence worked together to make HESS an Associated and the members of the award panel. I am the laid-back demeanor. He was educated Society with GSA; and currently Ken is the honored, and delighted, to have my name at Harvard for all three degrees (bachelors, INHIGEO Vice-President for North America, added to the list of distinguished contributors masters, and Ph.D.). Of course, you can while I am the Secretary-General. Thus, our to scholarly work in the history of geology always tell a Harvard man -- but you can’t careers have overlapped to an interesting who have won this award since it was tell him much. His doctoral advisers were degree—and I can report that working with inaugurated 25 years ago. I. Bernard Cohen and Everett Mendelsohn, Ken is an absolute pleasure. My own path into investigation of giants in the discipline of history of science. When speaking of working with geology’s past was a bit indirect. Something Ken’s dissertation focused on Nicolas institutions and people, we must not forget I learned in college was to put aside my Desmarest (1725–1815) and his impact on that Prof. Taylor chaired the Department juvenile prejudice to the effect that the only French geoscience and technology. of History of Science at the University of truly respectable fields of knowledge are the The discipline of history of geology Oklahoma, from 1979 through 1992. That natural sciences and mathematics. I think I was in its American infancy in 1969 when Ken successfully pursued research and must have been looking for ways to link the elements of that dissertation were published service-to-the-discipline chores while heading methodological rigor and spirit of discovery in Cecil Schneer’s seminal book Toward a Oklahoma’s stellar program is significant. characteristic of the sciences, with the History of Geology. “Geology in 1776” was A noteworthy encomium was given by a concern for big questions about human values the title of another valuable Taylor paper, colleague, who said that, “he wore authority and choices attended to in the humanities incorporated into Schneer’s Two Hundred well.” Innumerable students profited from and social sciences. So I was happy when I Years of Geology in America (1979). Unlike his undergraduate teaching and Ken also found out that Harvard’s History of Science some reprobates (yours truly is a case in mentored about a dozen doctoral students. department offered a program allowing point), Prof. Taylor stuck to his early research A colleague reports that despite his wide students to fuse together science and history topics of Desmarest and French geoscience reputation as a scholar, Ken never neglected in a bachelor’s degree package, without too in the 18th century. The result has been a the department or students at Oklahoma. The much discernible concern about how the strong and coherent body of work, published University of Oklahoma has recognized his parts fit together. To the surprise of nearly

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards everyone, including myself, I was allowed to matter and level of instruction. History of suppose, whereas he had unexpectedly strong continue this experiment in multi-disciplinary geology as such actually occupied only a affinities with antiquarian scholars. It became education in the department’s graduate modest place in my teaching experience. On apparent that I would need to learn much program. the whole this was fine with me since I always more about the broader scientific culture in Although I have only a dim memory preferred to consider myself a historian of which Desmarest lived, and the community of how I decided to pursue research in the science of a generalist sort, although dedicated of savants with whom he interacted. My history of geology, I am quite sure about two in most of my research to early geology. It has effort to understand the world and work of personal motivations lying behind this choice. been very satisfying to teach, and therefore Desmarest—who, incidentally, was also an One was that since childhood I had always continually to learn more about, the historical important figure in technological and industrial been fascinated by maps and geography, by development of the full range of natural developments of his period—widened into the realization that terrain can be represented sciences in Western civilization across three an inquiry into the ideas and circumstances and interpreted. The other lay in the fact that, millennia, from the ancient near east to the guiding the early growth of geological thought although I lacked formal geological training, present day. Over the years, probably about and investigation during his lifetime. I had an inordinate fondness for exposed rock three-quarters of my teaching time was at A second persistent element in my masses like my home state’s Sierra Nevada, the undergraduate level, with students drawn work has been my conviction that it is and the Alps, and had picked up some bits of broadly from major fields in over half a dozen worthwhile trying to examine basic elements knowledge about mountain ranges. This arose of the university’s colleges. Even as a director of the conceptual worlds of my subjects, through my experience in mountaineering, to of graduate research in the history of science, the historical characters whose ideas and which I was passionately if quite amateurishly I was allowed—or sometimes maybe I simply deeds helped establish the new geological dedicated. In any case, I admired what I knew assumed—a certain breadth. Of the eleven science near the close of the 18th century. about the perspectives afforded by geological doctoral students I supervised or co-supervised This conviction is expressed beautifully in the science, and was keen to find out more about to completion, only three did dissertations opening lines of L. P. Hartley’s novel The Go- how these perspectives had been formed. that are recognizably about the history of Between: “The past is a foreign country: they I owe a lot to the facts that the Harvard geological science. It is entirely likely that my do things differently there.” As a teacher for graduate program in History of Science self-conception as a generalist contributed to almost four decades, I have urged this idea on was a flexible one, and that my teachers my modest rate of productivity in published my students. As a student myself, I have made there—especially my undergraduate tutor history-of-geology research; but I think it has this idea one of my main historical axioms. George Basalla, and professors Bernard both widened and deepened my understanding Thus, without advocating neglect of historical Cohen and Everett Mendelsohn—chose to on all fronts, including that of the history of continuities, I admit to seeing historical have confidence in me notwithstanding plenty geology. differences and discontinuities as particularly of reasons for doubts. It did not matter that Let me say a few things about what I important. Cohen and Mendelsohn worked mainly in perceive as general patterns and consistencies It has never been difficult to see my the history of physics and biology; I could in the approaches I have taken in my scholarly subjects as foreign. They are—geographically, pursue geology’s past if I wanted, and was work. Certainly one consistency is my chronologically, and intellectually. To encouraged to do so. Perhaps the most telling ongoing interest in Desmarest, on whom I figure out how these foreigners operate it example of the doctoral program’s flexibility expect to continue working for at least a few is important (and, usually, fun!) to try to in my case is the abrupt change of direction I years more. My first research on this 18th- identify the beliefs and rules underlying their was permitted to take in my third year, shortly century French figure did nothing to call conduct. Of course, you have to expect that after general exams. It had been understood into question his significance as a geological these characters seldom speak directly about that the sphere of my interest was to be the innovator. His reputation as a pioneering field the beliefs and rules guiding their thought. United States. My undergraduate honors thesis observer was, and is, richly deserved. His The relevant precepts frequently lurk partly or had been on American scientific exploration proposals for chronological interpretation perhaps wholly beneath the horizon of their overseas in the mid-19th century, and most of of volcanic landscapes were indeed novel consciousness. It is the historian’s job to bring my History Department course and seminar and influential. However, I did learn some them to light. This involves both detective work had been in American history. As I unexpected things, and drew some modestly work and exercise of the imagination, and look back on it, my mentors ought to have revisionist conclusions, some of which had when successful it yields one of the historian’s been alarmed, or even indignant, when I told historically interesting consequences. The greatest pleasures: getting partway into the them I thought it would be more interesting breadth of Desmarest’s geological interests mind of a distant figure, making the past a instead to work on this 18th-century French surprised me a little. Perhaps my most little bit more intelligible. Thus, one of my character, Nicolas Desmarest. Perhaps they intriguing discovery was that Desmarest’s own rules: Cherchez l’opinion préconçue— were, but mild and possibly diverted surprise volcanological investigations never brought seek out the hidden preconceptions standing was the most they showed to me. They just him to embrace a comprehensively ‘vulcanist’ behind what is puzzling or obscure about the said, well, okay, to do that you’ll need to go to doctrine, indeed he was in certain ways ways your subjects think. France. So they arranged a one-year traveling of a resolutely ‘neptunist’ persuasion. A third point, and the one with which fellowship in Paris. The more time passes, the This observation contradicted parts of the I will close these remarks, is an observation more remarkable I think it is that they were so standard story-line, in which advocates of about how—notwithstanding my professional accommodating. those two views were supposed to be clearly training and identity in history of science as For 39 years until my retirement a year differentiated. It also emerged that the seeds distinct from science itself—I seem to have ago I taught the history of science at the of Desmarest’s geological career had an even done a lot of my scholarly work in a milieu University of Oklahoma. This meant teaching more distant resemblance to modern sorts of that mixes together historians and scientists. comprehensively, as regards both subject geological experience than I had been led to My view is that this cross-disciplinary

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards miscegenation is on the whole quite healthy. is mutual advantage in it; each side has its members for the help, encouragement, For one thing, in a thinly-populated field understanding valuable to the other; this criticism, and advice I have so much needed like history of geology, it helps create serves the advancement of our understanding on so many occasions. I will continue to count the critical mass of individuals needed to of geology’s past. on more of the same for, I hope, a long time maintain a lively interchange. Probably more The GSA’s History of Geology Division to come. importantly, in my experience historians is of course one of the leading institutional Thank you very much for the honor you and scientists who share interests in the past arenas for, and promoters of, the kind of do me, with the Mary C. Rabbitt Award. of geological science have much to gain by mutual interchange I am talking about. I talking and listening to one another. There am personally indebted to a good many of

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

O.E. Meinzer Award The paper discusses a number of evolutions research related to the hydrogeology and histories responsible for the shift of shield hydrogeochemistry of crystalline rocks as Presented to Shaun K. Frape brines toward a Ca-Cl end member chemistry, demonstrated in, and represented by the and sets the stage for subsequent research and cited publications that have unquestionably debate related to brine chemistry and origin impacted and altered the way scientists that continues today. study groundwater flow in crystalline rock (2) Geochemical trends for groundwaters environments, it is my distinct pleasure to from the Canadian Shield, 1987, S.K. Frape present to you my good friend, this years and P. Fritz, p. 19-38, in Saline Water and GSA Hydrogeology Division O.E. Meinzer Gases in Crystalline Rocks, P. Fritz and S.K. Award recipient, Dr. Shaun K. Frape. Frape editors, Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper 33, 259 p.—is part of a classic and highly cited collection of Response by Shaun K. Frape papers edited by Shaun and his colleague Dr. I would sincerely like to thank the Peter Fritz, describes geochemical trends for members of the award committee and my groundwaters from the Canadian Shield. This many friends and colleagues within our work, documented the stark differences of division and discipline. As Ed Harvey has so shield brines from those found in sedimentary nicely put in his nomination, I have a long Shaun K. Frape basins or hydrothermal environments, and standing and ongoing interest in flow systems Professor noted a different origin for groundwater within deep saline crystalline rock. This University of Waterloo and dissolved solutes. Contrary to accepted extends to sedimentary basinal systems and sedimentary basin brine emplacement the impacts of salinity and saline intrusions theories of the day, the paper suggests an into shallow and surface groundwater autochthonous salt source and stresses the systems. Citation by F. Edwin Harvey importance of water-rock interaction in the Many individuals have had an impact formation of brine chemistry as evidenced by It is an honor for me to present Dr. on my research and scientific training. My a lack of non-equilibrium mixing or dilution, Shaun Keith Frape, of the University of supervisors at Queen’s University, Kingston, and Waterloo’s Earth Sciences Department to Dr. Alan Gorman and Dr. Ronald Patterson (3) The Sr87/Sr86 values of Canadian receive the 2007 O.E. Meinzer Award. For taught me that studying hydrogeochemical shield brines and fracture minerals with over twenty-five years, Shaun’s research has and hydrogeological problems was also a key applications to groundwater mixing, focused on understanding the hydrogeology element of the geological sciences. I came fracture history, and geochronology, 1990, and hydrogeochemistry of deep crystalline to Waterloo for one year in 1979 to study McNutt, R.H., S.K. Frape, P. Fritz, M.G. shield rocks and brines and has included the isotopes with Dr. Peter Fritz. I am still at Jones, and I.M. MacDonald, Geochimica use of major ions, trace metals, stable isotopes Waterloo and still learning. Peter taught me et Cosmochimica Acta 54(1), 205-215— and gas chemistry to characterize and trace that persistence and good thinking would demonstrates the use of 87Sr/86Sr ratios to brine formation and migration. Shaun is a usually come out ahead of vast amounts of study groundwater in crystalline rocks. This hydrogeochemist, who like numerous other funding thrown at a problem. He also taught paper presented ratios indicative of water- Meinzer Award winning hydrogeochemists me that funding sure helps the thinking rock interaction with feldspars, and mixing such as William Back, Bruce Hanshaw, part. Peter is still a great friend to this of brines having different origins as well as John Hem, Neil Plummer, and Fred Phillips, day. Dr. Fritz and several early colleagues mixing with meteoric waters. Subsequent to applies innovative geochemical tools to at Waterloo offered me another unique this paper, this method has become a standard understand and characterize complex opportunity. This was to stay at Waterloo in for identifying solute sources and mixing hydrogeological problems in what can only a hydrogeology rich environment with many in not only brine studies, but also in studies be described as unique aquifer systems. exciting professors and to meet two of my investigating the origin of salts in regional Cited in support of this award are three of best friends, Bob Drimmie and Ed Sudicky. freshwater aquifers such as the Great Plains Shaun’s seminal contributions related to the Bob has taught me and my graduate students (Dakota) and High Plains (Ogallala) aquifers, hydrogeochemistry of crystalline rocks: more about isotopes than anyone else I know. for example. (1) Water-rock interaction and chemistry Ed and I are academically on the opposite Shaun’s lifetime dedication to his of groundwaters from the Canadian Shield, ends of the hydrogeology spectrum, but we research has made Shaun one of the world’s 1984, Frape, S.K., P. Fritz, and R.H. McNutt, write together, supervise students together leading authorities on the hydrogeology Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 48(8), and enjoy sharing and expanding the thinking and hydrogeochemistry of crystalline rocks. 1617-1627—which describes his original realm of “what if you could do that”. Shaun’s dedication and loyalty to his students work related to groundwater-rock interactions External to Waterloo, Dr. Fritz, in the and colleagues has made him a trusted and within the fractured crystalline aquifers of the early 1980’s, introduced me to a group in valued friend who is routinely sought after Canadian Shield. In this paper, Shaun used Restin, Virginia that has a profound impact for his experience and expertise. Shaun’s a combination of major ion chemistry along on my research interests. The U.S. Geological extensive body of work has unquestionably with stable oxygen and strontium isotopes to Survey Hydrogeology Division contains some impacted his chosen field and the direction differentiate groundwaters of various origins of the most dynamic and interesting people of research within it. So, these contributions across the shield and to delineate ion sources in our field of research. Dr. Blair Jones, Dr. to the hydrogeological community and his during their hydrogeochemical evolution. Warren Wood, Dr. Neil Plummer and Dr. Kirk

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

Nordstrom have all had major influences on To my graduate students, I would say students and pays me the supreme compliment how I think about saline fluids in the earth’s thank you for the friendship, the hard work of still wanting to work on projects together. crust. I would recommend to any young and the faith in trying to make often intuitive Thank you Ed, for all the hard work. And researcher in the audience that if you can ideas that appeared to be scientific challenges finally, to my family, my wife Nori and my strike up friendships with the U.S.G.S. it can succeed in working. To those that supported children Liam and Erin, I hope the positive be a great collaboration. I would also thank my nomination, Ed Harvey, Ed Sudicky, Don side of being part of my research efforts, my friends and collaborators of the Finnish Siegel, Blair Jones, Kirk Nordstrom, and knowing my colleagues and friends and the Geological Survey, particularly Dr. Runar Warren Wood, thank you; you are a fine group graduate students, has been more fun than Blomqvist and Dr. Timo Ruskeeniemi for of colleagues and friends. Ed Harvey is one problems. Again, thank you to the Meinzer friendship and research stimulation over the of best friends that I could have ever wished Committee, the nominators, particularly Ed last 22 years. for. He continues to be one of my closest ex- Harvey, and the Hydro Division of GSA.

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

International computer at Princeton. This computer involved him on some points (I’ve forgotten which), stacks of paper cards and invariably late night I have to salute him for major contributions Division sessions—the only time the computer was to our understanding of these important Distinguished available for a lowly graduate student. sequences, their significance, and and to the Alan did his Ph.D. in NW Montana on an general tectonics of the eastern Mediterranean Career Award area of overthrusting of the Mesoproterozoic region.. Presented to Alan G. Smith Belt Supergroup. His work forms part of Smith’s several books with co-authors on the foundation for our knowledge of the the fit of continents throughout the Mesozoic stratigraphy in the northern Rocky Mountains and Phanerozoic have proved useful for of this important sedimentary sequence. workers in many fields. The books have been After finishing his Ph.D., Alan returned translated into German and probably also into to Cambridge as a research assistant to Chinese. E.C. Bullard and J. A. Miller, setting up an Over the years, Alan applied paleomag- age-dating program for South American netism to various geologic problems. His work and African rocks. Other things intervened, on the geological time scale includes several however, and Alan became involved with fundamental contributions to global geology. the effort to produce a quantitative fit of For his seminal geological work, Alan continents around the Atlantic. This work was Smith has received several awards, including eventually published as the classic Bullard, the Sedgwick Prize of the University of Everett and Smith (1965) paper on the fit of Cambridge, and the Bigsby medal of the continents around the Atlantic. As luck would Geological Society of London. He has also have it, I was present in Cambridge the day served as a member of several international

Drawn by John Edwards, reproduced by permission reproduced by of John Edwards, by Drawn Cambridge. College, of St John’s The Master and Fellows that he converted his computer numbers to boards and committees including a working Alan G. Smith a paper map. What emerged was the first group of the International Commission on the Professor quantitative map of the northern Atlantic fit Lithosphere, the Commission on Structural Cambridge University and—the “scales fell from our eyes”. It is Geology of the International Union of hard to overemphasize the importance of that Geological Sciences, and a special group paper, as it essentially put to rest any lingering of the International Association of Geodesy doubts about the fit of continents about the focusing on long-term variations of the Earth’s Citation by Eldridge Moores Atlantic Ocean, originally suggested by Alfred rotation. Wegener in 1912. Without a doubt Alan Gilbert Smith’s I’d like to introduce my long-time Alan’s published two papers in the contributions to our understanding of orogeny, friend, Dr. Alan Gilbert Smith of Cambridge early 1970’s, that stand out in my mind. the geologic time scale, tectonics of the University, winner of the GSA International His 1970 Nature paper with Tony Hallam, Eastern Mediterranean, and variations in Division’s 2007 Distinguished Career Award. entitled “Fit of Southern Continents” was the Earth’s rotation make him a giant of his I have known Alan since we matriculated first quantitative attempt to re-assemble the generation in geology. There is no question in simultaneously as geology graduate students Gondwana continents. His 1971 GSA Bulletin my mind that he merits the GSA International at Princeton University in 1959 (48 years ago paper, entitled “Alpine deformation and the Division’s Career Achievement Award. last month). One year, we roomed together oceanic areas of the Tethys, Mediterranean in Princeton’s pseudo-Gothic Graduate and Atlantic” was the first paper to correlate College. I have many fond memories of good spreading history in the Atlantic and Indian Response by Alan G. Smith times, about which we have agreed to remain Oceans with Alpine-Mediterranean tectonics. mostly silent. However, I will say that his I am delighted and deeply honoured It marked a major breakthrough in our witty, understated sense of humor became to receive this award from the International views of the relationship between sea floor more robust at times, and included hilarious Division and the GSA Council. I believe it is spreading, the then-new , and impersonations of assorted professors. We customary for one’s nominator, in my case orogeny. have remained friends and in touch though the Yildirim Dilek, to make the citation, but after In 1965, Alan turned his attention to decades. consulting him I asked Eldridge Moores if problems of the geology of Greece. His As graduate students, we experienced he was willing to undertake this, because pioneering work during the latter part of the the traditional criticism of continental drift, Eldridge and I have been good friends for 20th century focused on detailed studies of then Harry Hess’s doubts about the reigning nearly half a century. I thank them both for problems of Greek geology, especially the paradigm because of new evidence from the their generous remarks. Othris Mountains of central Greece. His many oceans, followed by Hess’s conversion and When I was an undergraduate in publications and those of his students on the distribution of his famous preprint on sea floor Cambridge I had little idea what an academic geology of Greece and surrounding were spreading. Princeton became a very exciting career involved. The first tentative steps were major contributions to our understanding of place to be, as the implications of Hess’s taken as a result of a handwritten letter from that complex area. hypothesis were immediately obvious. Harry Hess, who had the ability to put himself Alan generalized his work in Greece Alan was a pioneer computer geek, into one’s own position and explain why, after into many publications on the general issue working hard to develop skills and computer four years of strenuous courses, another year of Mediterranean ophiolites and tectonics. programs to apply to geological problems on or two of coursework was basically a good Although I occasionally have disagreed with the single available vacuum tube-equipped idea. As a result, I embarked on a Ph.D. in

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards the Whitefish Range in Montana under the working with Teddy Bullard, Jack Miller and and by giving talks to schools, college and supervision of John Maxwell, with Al Fischer Jim Everett. Bullard did not mind how one societies on some of the many questions that and Franklyn Van Houten as other members of worked so long as one “brought home the people have about the Earth, such as its age, my Committee. bacon”. It was from working with him and earthquakes, tsunamis, dinosaurs, evolution— By today’s standards writing a thesis with Jim Everett that I began my continuing the list goes on. in the early 60s was primitive. In my case fascination with global reconstructions, the However, I would like to finish with a it involved using a portable typewriter and commercial interest in which has supported a few words on a more fundamental issue— cutting stencils, with corrections made by small software company for the past 20 years terraforming. Terraforming is the process of pasting over any errors with liquid wax. or so. Shortly afterwards I became a so-called changing the environment of other planets Fortunately, my wife, Judy, whom I met demonstrator (a job description I used to put so that they will permit comfortable and at Princeton, did all this for me, as well in my passport), which started a collaboration free human habitation. In this sense it is still as teaching me how to write. Without her with Brian Harland, leading to my continuing science fiction, but here on Earth mankind constant help and companionship over the past interest in improving the geological time- now has enough terraforming machines forty-five years I would not be here today. scale. (including cars), to change the Earth I was also lucky to have a research Fortunately, Eldridge Moores used itself. Geologists are directly involved in assistantship with Bill Bonini through which to stay with us on his way home from his terraforming inasmuch as they decide where I began to learn computing, something that fieldwork on the Vourinos complex in Greece. and how many oil platforms are built; how has always been invaluable. The Faculty at His infectious enthusiasm convinced me that much coal or ore is taken out of this mine or Princeton were outstanding, not only for wandering around the Greek mountains was a that quarry; geological engineers are involved their open-door policy, which allowed one to much more interesting summer pastime than in deciding where to build dams, or place simply walk into an office and discuss any abstracting time-scale data. Thus began yet waste disposal sites or route roads through scientific problem at almost any time, but another abiding interest, this time in regional virgin territory. On a local scale the public particularly through Harry Hess, for fending tectonics, particularly of Greece and of would like to know the answers to questions off the administration, who wanted us to take Mediterranean ophiolites. such as: will this project increase or decrease still more courses. Harry wanted to give us Geology has become a science in that the risk of flooding or of forest fires where I as much time as possible to think. It is not much of what we see on the Earth can now live, and so on. But on the planetary scale we clear that this led to any new theories, but be accounted for by physical, chemical and have to ask ourselves whether these activities it did lead to an unexpected result hatched biological models. It has been my good are making the Earth more habitable or less one evening by the shores of Lake Carnegie fortune to be in the same department as Dan habitable. This is not a new question and in which all of us there decided we would McKenzie, whose physical models embody there are many people working on it, but in not become geologists: we would become enough of reality to make them interesting today’s world a correct answer is more urgent. writers; explorers; drive a Land Rover from and plausible: they also always lead to new If the answer is less, then what can we, as Europe to India, that sort of thing. However, avenues of research. They have stimulated geologists, do about it? all of my class, except one, became geologists some of my research on basins, most of I am sorry that geography has prevented along with other fellow graduate students that it unfortunately unpublished. Despite this me from serving the Geological Society of included Ron Oxburgh, Noel Hinners, and quantification, the essence of geology is America as much as the Geological Society Creighton Burk. easily understood by school children and of London, but I am absolutely delighted While at Princeton I listened politely by the public at large. One is acutely aware to receive this award. I regard my mentors, to Hess’s ideas about ocean-floor spreading, about how lucky one has been to be paid colleagues, and students, as sharing it because not believing a word of it, because I had out of the public purse for something that they have all greatly helped me along the way. been strongly influenced in Cambridge by is a consuming interest. In academia, we Thank you. Harold Jeffreys’ great book, The Earth. respond to this largesse by serving on worthy On returning to Cambridge I found myself committees, by training research students,

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

G.K. Gilbert Award and laboratory analogue models of fault hemispherical provinces, a southern province development that combine failure criteria, dominated by a progressive thinning of the Presented to Maria T. Zuber models of stress and strain, and observations crust from south to north, and a northern of fault distributions and geometry in a variety province of approximately uniform crustal of planetary settings. This body of work sets thickness. These results constitute key on a firm quantitative basis the interpretation constraints on the formation and modification of many classes of tectonic features on the of the Martian crust and are fueling a bevy of terrestrial planets. follow-on studies by the planetary geology Maria led the data reduction and analysis and geophysics community. efforts of the laser ranging experiment team As the leader of the Laser Rangefinder on the Clementine mission that produced experiment on the Near Earth Asteroid the first global topographic map of the Rendezvous (NEAR) Shoemaker mission, Moon. From that work, in combination with Maria produced the first detailed three- a newly determined lunar gravity field, she dimensional view of the shape of an asteroid produced the first global model of lunar (433 Eros). From the volume and mass of the crustal structure. It is difficult to overstate asteroid has come the first precise estimate the importance of that work. The new models of mean density (2.67 ± 0.03 Mg/m3). From changed our understanding of the extent of the ordinary chondritic composition inferred Maria T. Zuber isostatic compensation in the early history of from visible–near-infrared and X-ray spectral Professor the Moon, particularly during the formation information, a mean porosity of 10-30% has Massachusetts Institute of Technology and later modification of large impact basins. been inferred. The laser rangefinding results More importantly, they elucidated for the also resolved an offset between centers of first time the strongly aspherical nature of figure and mass, evidence for a competent internal temperature and melt production in substrate from regional-scale relief and slope, Citation by Sean C. Solomon the lunar mantle. Before Maria’s work, the and small-scale ridges and grooves thought to preferential location of lunar mare basalt be the result of fracturing during impacts. More than any other individual in deposits on the nearside of the Moon was More recently Maria has employed planetary science, Maria Zuber has pioneered attributed to a crust on the farside that was MOLA data to understand seasonal and the measurement and interpretation of the sufficiently thick that mare basalt interannual climate change on Mars. In shapes of the surfaces of the inner planets, could not rise buoyantly to the surface. The a major tour de force she extracted from small bodies, and satellites and what those Clementine altimetry and crustal thickness altimetry data the extremely small (meter to shapes mean for internal structure and model, to the contrary, showed that the crust sub-meter) changes in the latitude-dependent dynamics, thermal and magmatic history, and beneath the farside South Pole-Aitken basin is elevation of polar regions and showed how surface-atmosphere interactions. What stand thinner than beneath much of the nearside, yet those changes correlated with seasonal her apart are her combination of important the basin is comparatively free of mare basalt variations in the planet’s gravitational theoretical contributions and expertise in the deposits. The origin of this nearside-farside oblateness and the changes expected from development of spacecraft experiments as difference in lunar evolution remains a very atmospheric circulation and CO2 exchange well as the analysis of the derived data sets. active research issue. models. Through her space mission leadership, she As Deputy Principal Investigator for Beyond her towering research accom- has advanced substantially our understanding the Mars Orbital Laser Altimeter (MOLA) plishments, Maria’s many contributions to the of the internal structure and evolution of the on the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) planetary science community include service Moon, Mars, and asteroids. spacecraft, Maria shares much of the credit as President of the American Geophysical Maria’s earliest work was in planetary (along with Principal Investigator David Union’s Planetary Sciences Section from tectonics, notably her development of the Smith) for the superb topographic data that 1998 to 2000 and membership on the 2004 idea that many tectonic features arise from have been returned by that instrument. As President’s Commission on Implementation instabilities in the lithosphere induced by a result of MOLA observations, we now of U.S. Space Exploration Policy. She is in-plane or basal shear stress and that the know the topography of Mars better than we currently the Deputy PI on the Lunar Orbiter mechanical properties of the lithosphere do for any other planet (including Earth). Laser Altimeter on the Lunar Reconnaissance may be inferred from the characteristics More importantly, the data have stimulated a Orbiter, the Team Leader for the Radio (particularly the wavelengths) of these new understanding of a host of phenomena Science Gravity Investigation on the Mars instabilities. Together with colleagues that affect the Martian surface, from Reconnaissance Orbiter, and the Chair of and students she developed a suite of cratering and deformation, to volcanism and the Geophysics Discipline Group for the mathematical models to explore this atmospheric circulation, to the erosional and MESSENGER mission to Mercury. hypothesis, and she persuasively applied the depositional action of water and ice. Maria On the basis of her seminal studies of models to problems as diverse as extension in led the combined interpretation of MOLA the internal structure of the Moon, Mars, and the Basin and Range Province, lithospheric topography and the MGS-derived gravity field Eros; her broadly influential theoretical work shortening in the central Indian Ocean basin, to produce the first high-resolution global on the interpretation of planetary tectonic rift systems on Earth and Venus, and the determination of crustal thickness on Mars. features; and her myriad contributions to the formation of wrinkle ridges on Mars and Her crustal thickness models showed that planetary science community, Maria Zuber ridge belts on Venus. More recent work by Mars can be divided into two approximately is an exceptionally worthy recipient of the Maria and her group has included numerical

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

Planetary Geology Division’s Grove Karl little money that he was allowed to keep he which I have worked helped me to tackle the Gilbert Award for 2007. saved and bought a telescope. For much of right problems from every conceivable angle. his life he spent his days inside the Earth but I also owe a great deal of thanks to my his nights in space. I’ve concluded there is a students and post docs, who usually wind Response by Maria T. Zuber recessive gene in my family that programs up teaching me as much as I have taught I would like to thank the Planetary the holder to explore the universe. Sometimes them. That so many of them are on the path Geology Division of GSA for presenting me I think about what hasn’t been discovered to having spectacularly successful careers with the G.K. Gilbert Award, and also my yet because my grandfather never had the of their own is my proudest professional nominators and letter writers for investing educational opportunities that I did. achievement. I also express my gratitude to their precious time on my behalf. I am greatly In my more formal education I have been the many engineers with whom that I have honored and more than a little humbled. Most truly blessed to have mentors and colleagues worked. Their brilliance and attention to detail people undergo treatment for their addictions, who bent over backwards to provide me has turned dreams into reality. and I am being rewarded for mine. with great opportunities coupled with high Finally, I would like to thank my family. Occasions like this provide a time for expectations that drove me to achieve things Neither of my parents attended college and reflection, about how one reaches the point beyond what could rationally be imagined. they couldn’t understand why anyone would where one finds oneself. In my case there Marc Parmentier taught me problem solving want to stay in school as long as I did. But was little doubt that I would pursue a career and critical analysis and remains a trusted they have helped and supported me every step in space science. From as early as I can colleague and collaborator. Dave Smith of the way and deserve much of the credit for remember I was fascinated by space, reading gave me the opportunity to work on my first any success that has come to me. I could not every book in sight, and spending hours upon mission and we have gone on to map much have accomplished even a fraction of what I hours observing the night sky. People would of the inner solar system; he deserves credit have without my husband, Jack Mizerak; he ask how I got interested in this field and I for transforming planetary cartography has been a dedicated partner and father while concluded after some time that the answer is: into a precise geodetic science that has building a successful career of his own, and genetics. made myriads of discoveries possible. He, he has taught me the importance of balance. My first inspiration was my grandfather, Greg Neumann, Frank Lemoine and others My boys, Jack and Jordan, have helped me George Stoffa, with whom I spent much produced such remarkable data sets that it keep life in perspective. Every time I would of my time growing up building and using has been possible to advance the state of the come home and report that I’d won another telescopes. I used to wonder whether he was art by leaps and bounds. Sean Solomon gets instrument proposal they would cheer about really interested in astronomy or just did it to most of the credit for pushing me to think in another trip to Disney World. There’s nothing help me. But I eventually learned the truth. terms of the big picture, and along with Roger better in life than to be in a situation where He quit school in eighth grade to work in Phillips, Jim Head and many other scientific everybody wins. the mines to support his family, but with the collaborators on the various missions on

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

Kirk Bryan Award for Research Excellence Presented to Marith Cady Reheis, Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki, Richard L. Reynolds, Charles A. Repenning, Martin D. Mifflin

Marith Cady Reheis Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki Richard L. Reynolds Martin D. Mifflin USGS USGS USGS Mifflin and Associates

Not Pictured: Charles A. Repenning, USGS (deceased)

Citation by Fred M. Phillips open a tantalizing question: why was the most maximum pluvial of the western Great recent pluvial episode the greatest of all time? Basin (Lahontan); it was merely the largest It is my great pleasure today to This conundrum was further complicated highstand in the past several hundred introduce Marith Reheis and her coauthors by aquatic biogeography studies pioneered thousand years. There have been at least five Andrei Sarna-Wojcicki, Rich Reynolds, by Carl Hubbs and Robert Miller in the higher pluvial episodes in the past million Chuck Repenning, and Marty Mifflin as the mid-20th century. They and subsequent years. The highest of these (during OIS 16) recipients of the 2007 Kirk Bryan Award for investigators showed that the hydrographic was ~70 m higher than at the LGM. This Research Excellence. The award recognizes interconnections provided by the Last Glacial lake covered much of western Nevada and their contribution to Quaternary geology Maximum highstand were not capable of connected many basins that were previously through the publication of the paper “Pliocene explaining the observed distribution of fish thought to have been permanently isolated. to middle Pleistocene lakes in the western species in the Great Basin. I think it is fair to say that the Great Basin—Ages and connections”, A key piece in solving these puzzles has quantitative understanding of the pluvial which appeared in 2002 in the monograph now been provided by Marith Reheis and her history of the western Great Basin that is “Smithsonian Contributions to Earth Sciences coauthors in the paper cited above. A few presented in this paper constitutes the greatest Number 33”. previous workers had noted very scanty single advance since the original work of The dramatic evidence of huge lakes evidence of shorelines higher than the LGM Gilbert and Russell. The work is remarkable in a now-desert environment attracted the highstand. These were mostly dismissed as not only for its carefulness, attention to detail, attention of the first geologists to visit the “anomalous”. Marith, however, seized on and massive data support, but also for its Great Basin. The earliest major studies of these hints and examined numerous targeted scope and implications. It will provide the Quaternary geology in the Great Basin, in localities across the western Great Basin. At foundation for an entire new generation of the 1870s and 1880s by Russell and Gilbert, many of these she did indeed find evidence work on the Quaternary of the Great Basin. focused on the evidence for these lakes and its of very old, very high lake stands. At many As such, it is fully worthy of the Kirk Bryan interpretation. These were the seminal works sites this evidence consists of wave-rounded Award. that provided the key to understanding the late pebbles on geomorphic benches, but at others Marith and her coauthors have all had Quaternary paleoclimatic and geomorphic it was corroborated by detailed stratigraphic distinguished careers in Quaternary geology. histories of the Great Basin. work. Although such evidence at a single Marith has published over sixty reviewed One curious fact that these early site might be considered equivocal, the journal articles and major USGS publications investigators established was that there was overwhelming mass and consistency of the and maps and is generally acknowledged clear geomorphic evidence for only one data presented in this paper is persuasive. to be among the foremost authorities on the major lake cycle—i.e., that there is a single The result of all this work is a Quaternary geology of the western Great highstand shoreline of relatively young age, completely convincing demonstration of Basin. She is well known for her expertise and little or no evidence of older shorelines. a new lacustrine history that has literally in soil geomorphology, in dust generation, Both Russell and Gilbert inferred, based on lain under our feet, ignored, for 150 years. dispersal, and composition, and in the stratigraphic evidence, that there had been at The LGM highstand was certainly not the neotectonics of the western U.S. I do not least one earlier lake cycle, but this still left

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards have time to recount the contributions of her and confirmed by modern laboratory studies. Andrei would like to add: Although the coauthors, but they have equally distinguished I set out to test an initial hypothesis, based lion’s share (or should I say, the lioness’ share) careers. I will, however, express my deep on one proposed by Marty Mifflin in 1984: for this report belongs to Marith, I am very regret that Chuck Repenning’s tragic death A few remnants of high old shorelines in honored to be a co-recipient of the award. I am prevents his acceptance of this award. the southern parts of the Lahontan basin and particularly happy to be in the distinguished “Pliocene to middle Pleistocene lakes internally drained basins to the south and company of my four coauthors, and of two of in the western Great Basin—Ages and east had been identified in southern part of my mentors, the recently deceased Richard connections” is a monumental contribution the basins but were apparently absent in their Hay and Clyde Wahrhaftig, who were previous to the Quaternary history of western North northern parts. This discrepancy might be recipients of the KBA. The latter two inspired America and I congratulate its authors on this explained by regional northward tilting such my interest in Quaternary geology and gave well-deserved recognition of its significance. that older nearshore sediments were buried direction to my research career many years by younger ones to the north—possibly as ago at the University of California in Berkeley. a result of the passage of the Yellowstone I would like to thank the support staff of the Response by Hot Spot. However, during the first year of Tephrochronology Project and Laboratory in Marith C. Reheis, field work we found old shoreline deposits Menlo Park, Calif.—the technicians, analysts, Andrei M. Sarna-Wojcicki, everywhere around these basins, not just at and computer specialists, who have provided Richard L. Reynolds, their southern ends. Even more surprising, critical support to this activity over the last 35 Martin D. Mifflin, and there were stairsteps of progressively older years. Charles M. Repenning (deceased) shorelines with increasing altitude, and there I think that our study demonstrates Thank you, Fred, for your kind words were many more basins with such older the usefulness of broad and intensive field and for your key role in nominating our paper, shorelines than previously identified. The investigations combined with modern and our sincere thanks to the Quaternary whole story became increasingly complex and laboratory studies, and underscores the need Geology and Geomorphology Division for swelled to encompass the entire western Great to maintain these capabilities in our earth this great recognition. Our paper is a summary Basin…more than an entire career’s worth of science institutions. The practical benefits to of the last project to be funded by a late great potential studies! These results led us to seek society of curiosity-driven science can seldom program within the U.S. Geological Survey, out other researchers to tackle problems on be predicted but are realized with predictably the Gilbert Fellowships, which supported these basins and shorelines. We are proud that high frequency, and justify its support. curiosity-driven research and ended in 1995. this project has, to date, seeded four completed Marty credits Margaret (Peg) Wheat with Intended to be a one-year field-based project, M.S. theses and one in progress, as well as a planting the seed 44 years ago that grew into this study yielded such exciting and interesting successful NSF proposal. this study. Peg had assisted Roger Morrison results that I managed to extend it for several We would also like to note that this in the Carson Desert—Lahontan studies for more years on a part-time basis, and to interest Kirk Bryan award is historic, though Eileen years, and she believed there was more to the several friends and colleagues in helping out— Hemphill-Haley blazed the path with co- Lake Lahontan shoreline story. Marty suspects thus, this multi-author summary paper was author Brian Atwater in 2000. In its 50-year Peg was just waiting for someone to come born. Andrei and the Tephrochronology Lab history, this is the first awarded paper with along who was interested, and he was an easy analyzed, at last count, 117 tephra samples a female first author—and also the first time target. What began as a casual weekend review collected from lake sediments and associated that there have been more than three co- of a few localities evolved into a fifteen-year deposits (only the first 50 or less with any authors of a paper. This is more than a happy study of all of the late Quaternary shorelines funding from the project!). Rich, who wanted coincidence. On a personal note, I would not in Nevada (with a few looks beyond the to help without coauthorship, stepped in to be standing here today if not for the love and borders). In the process, evidence for even help interpret the paleomagnetic data. Marty encouragement of my parents, who never more complex earlier lake histories were was the eminence grise, dredging up memories expressed doubt about my chosen career path, noted in some areas. Peg, with no formal from studies done 20 years before of places to for the challenges from my older brothers, training in the earth sciences, anthropology, or look for possible shorelines higher than those for the tolerance and support of my husband archaeology, interjected herself as a volunteer of late Pleistocene age. And Chuck, despite his and children, and for the stimulation and in field studies after raising a large family in dismay at the lack of microtine rodent fossils companionship of my geologic professors, Fallon, Nevada. She became a close friend in the lakebeds, put aside his distaste for mentors, and friends of the soil circle. Finally, and capable coauthor for both Roger Morrison clumsy large fossil bones from horses, camels, we observe that this paper fundamentally and Marty, and was later the recipient of an and sloths to provide critical age control. resulted from going to the field and making honorary doctorate degree from the University We also benefited from valuable advice and observations of deposits and landforms that of Nevada, Reno for her anthropological work observations passed on from such Lahontan mostly had never been seen or recorded and scientific book on the traditional culture of experts as Ken Adams, Roger Morrison, before, despite generations of preceding the Northern Paiute Indians. and Jonathan Davis, for whom one of our studies of pluvial lakes back to Israel C. paleolakes in central Nevada is now named Russell in 1885. There are still surprising, Lake Jonathan. undiscovered geologic puzzles to be found in Our study is a very good example of these landscapes for the curious and energetic. field-based scientific methods, augmented

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

Laurence L. Sloss achievements in sedimentary geology courses in his department, and he is teaching uncannily exemplify Larry’s career, in terms four sections of it this year alone! He has Award of scientific contributions and service to GSA, served his institution as department head, the Presented to Michael A. Arthur but also as regards the nature and quality of scientific community as editor or co-editor his professional character. of many publications, and the GSA as a Larry was an incisive yet broad thinker councilor and a member of many committees. who brought vision and creativity to a field He has been honored by Penn State with the that was largely descriptive when he started Wilson Award for research, and again for working in it. He animated sedimentary service to the university, and by the Society geology by infusing the study of facies and for Sedimentary Geology with the Shepard stratal packages with his insightful analysis of Medal. In addition, he was recently elected the physical processes that produce them. He Fellow of the American Geophysical Union. dared to think outside the box of his regional Like Larry Sloss, Mike has been a subsurface studies in Montana and extrapolate pioneer in many of his efforts. And like Larry, to a cratonic scale. And then he influenced a Mike has also managed to achieve without cadre of young Northwestern students who ignoring the really important things in life…. went on careers at Exxon and, well the rest is like his family, his farm, his students, his history. colleagues, a good bottle of wine, a quiet Mike’s contributions have a similar dinner with an old friend, or strumming a flavor—he is an extremely broad geological fine guitar on the back porch. He has a big Michael A. Arthur thinker who has expanded our understanding heart and has always been willing to give Professor of Earth History by animating stratigraphic a chance to those who might not otherwise Pennsylvania State University and sedimentologic sections with have had the opportunities he made possible. creative analysis of the biogeochemical In this sense, both his career and his character processes recorded in their elemental and remind me of Larry. isotopic signatures. He was one of the After my interview talk was over Larry Citation by Bradley B. Sageman first geoscientists to apply stable isotopic paid me a great compliment, saying “at least As the result of a recommendation techniques to paleoceanographic and you didn’t embarrass yourself, Sageman,” from my post doctoral advisor to be, paleoclimatic problems, and I can think of delivered with that wry grin of his. If he were Mike Arthur, I was invited to interview at a long list of geochemical proxies that were here tonight I am sure his message to Mike Northwestern in 1991. Mike was well known discovered or illuminated in one Arthur would carry a good deal more praise. … to the department as a result of his long and manuscript or another. He is one of the most something like “damn good show, Arthur” … productive collaboration with Northwestern creative and empirically rigorous practitioners and then he might say … ”now give us a nice faculty member Sy Schlanger, and failing of the multiproxy approach for deep time short speech so we can all go eat.” in their effort to hire Mike as a replacement paleoenvironmental analysis and he has made Mike - on behalf of the GSA, your for Sy (Mike had already agreed to fill the significant contributions to our understanding students, colleagues, and friends, let me offer department head position at Penn State), of the controls on organic carbon burial and hearty congratulations for this well-deserved they asked him to suggest alternatives. I was the global carbon cycle, the expression of recognition of your diverse contributions to thoroughly astounded when, out of the blue, orbital forcing of climate in sedimentary sedimentary geology. they called me for an interview, and I was systems, the biogeochemical cycles of sulfur, iron, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and their very grateful that Mike had recommended me. Response by Michael A. Arthur During that interview I remember Larry Sloss, relationship to the redox state of the oceans the quintessential crusty emeritus, saying right and atmosphere, and many others. I am deeply honored to receive the before my talk that Mike was a great scientist Mike’s scientific contributions span the Laurence L. Sloss Award. I humbly thank the and a good friend, and I therefore damn well geological record from the Precambrian to Sedimentary Geology Division of GSA and better put on a good show. Larry always knew the Holocene, and he is equally at home on the various committees that undoubtedly had exactly how to set a person at ease. an outcrop, a research vessel at sea, in the lab, to make some difficult decisions this year. Having had the privilege of working or behind a computer, modeling geochemical It is also with great affection that I thank with Mike over the years, and of occupying processes. He has authored or co-authored Brad Sageman for his friendship, scientific an office directly across from Larry between over 160 peer-reviewed publications, and collaboration and for his well-spun tale and 1992 and his death in late 1996, I know a contributed to a series of reports for the Ocean citation. little bit about these two great geologists. Drilling Program. Many of the co-authors of In his 1980 Twenhofel Medal acceptance The Sloss Award was created in memory of those publications, with names like Zachos, speech, Larry argued that success “… for me, Larry’s profound contributions to sedimentary Glenn, Pagani, and Hurtgen, attest to his skill at least, … was another case of being with geology and his dedicated service to GSA, as an advisor, and others like Dean, Scholle, the right people in the right place at the right and it provides us the opportunity to honor Schlanger, Kump, and Bralower, speak to his time and that, I must presume, is why I stand others who have made similar contributions strong collaborative spirit. here today.” I can wholeheartedly echo his through their careers. I can say with utter Mike has been equally dedicated to sentiments there. In my view, I stand before confidence that Mike Arthur is a fitting teaching and service—he has long offered you today because of the friends, mentors, recipient of the Sloss award. His lifetime one of the largest introductory undergraduate colleagues and students that I have been so

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards fortunate to have. And, it was not always his life, and received much less attention. The proxies for quantifying environmental through science alone that these folk had inimitable Professor Sloss, unlike many of us parameters has burgeoned over the past their major impact on me. The intrigue of whom he termed “Neo-Neptunists,” was not several decades, as has our ability to use them black shales and pelagic carbonates for me convinced that changes in eustatic sea level in high-resolution studies of global change. was promoted and nurtured by my mentors produced such globally correlative sequences. Our temporal resolution of events and trends Seymour O. Schlanger and Alfred G. Fischer. In papers published just two or three years has improved significantly as well, in part I also learned of the benefits and pleasures of before his death at 80 years old, Sloss because of orbitally induced cyclicity and its wine and exotic foods during field excursions continued to argue that strong synchroneity recognition and documentation in the record. with both of these fine gentlemen. Al Fischer of uplift or subsidence in widely separated Well-trained sedimentary geologists are, inspired a “holistic” view to my research cratonic basins as the result of changes in and will continue to be, in demand in applied early in my career that I have always valued. mantle processes was a plausible mechanism fields, and this will fuel hiring in academia I must also acknowledge Peter A. Scholle for the origin of cratonic sequences. I suspect as well. In particular, sedimentary geologists for encouraging my fledgling efforts to that he would have appreciated some of the will be called upon to significantly improve apply stable isotopes to stratigraphic and later work on numerical modeling of dynamic predictions of subsurface sedimentary paleoceanographic problems, and Erle G. topography that seems to lend support characteristics for exploration and efficient Kauffman for introducing me to the wonders to his ideas. I think that there is much extraction of oil, gas, coal and water, and even of epicontinental seas. And where would I be more to be done in this regard. I admire the for carbon dioxide sequestration. Let us not without the excellent collaboration of Walter fact that Larry Sloss was still captivated forget, however, that most of us were lured E. Dean in all things cyclic and geochemical? by sedimentary geology and publishing to geology by an opportunity (we thought) to My first awareness of Larry Sloss was thoughtful papers in his retirement as well work outdoors and pushed in that direction by through my undergraduate sed/strat course, as serving the profession he loved. Indeed, our curiosity regarding what stories the rocks taught by Sy Schlanger, which used the it is still, for me, fun to go to work every could tell. I know I was, although I have spent venerable text by Krumbein and Sloss (1963) day, and, although I have found many other far more time behind a computer or in the lab “Stratigraphy and Sedimentation.” Much later, quite enjoyable things to do, when retirement than I ever anticipated, and it is continuing I had the privilege of knowing Larry, and comes, I cannot envision totally giving up curiosity about how the Earth works that we even published together—alas, this was the excitement of working on fascinating keeps me involved at this stage in my career. a memorial for Sy Schlanger. Sloss was, as geological problems and collaborating with It is my fervent hope that curiosity-based noted, a pioneer of sequence stratigraphy. His really great people. For my own part, I hope science will still garner substantial funding classic paper on “Sequences in the Cratonic that, late in my career, I too am able to see even while we strive to serve society through Interior of North America” was published in through some self-created geobabble to relevant research. Applied science alone the highly respected ‑ in 1963. For those of provide more incisive analyses of the causes cannot entrain legions of enthusiastic young you concerned with evaluating a colleague’s and consequences of oceanic anoxia or the scientists into our field. impact through quantitative means, note that global environmental effects of large igneous Oh how I envy the wordsmithing Professor Sloss’ citation index is quite modest, provinces. abilities and unabashed nature of some of my but that one influential paper has been cited Like Larry, I do not believe that our geological forebearers. So, with apologies, at least 375 times to date. Few papers in the field is moribund. To be sure, the field of because try as I might I could not improve on geosciences have reached that level. His sedimentary geology is quite robust today. it, I will end my acceptance speech with the work led to concepts of the interplay of sea The application of quantitative methods to following words from Larry Sloss’ Twenhofel level and sedimentation that were promoted modeling sedimentary processes is in its Medal acceptance which are apt today. “I by his students, among others, and though prime. One only needs to note the ongoing wish I could leave you with some pithy sometimes controversial, provided vitality development of a “community sediment aphorism, some trenchant maxim, that would to sedimentary geology and garnered much model” within the NSF Margins Program as make me seem a more worthy role model for interest from the hydrocarbon industry in an example. Ultimately, using such physical rising young geologists; instead, all that runs the late 1970s and 80s. My research was models, we should be able to more effectively through the mind is that a lack of virtue does certainly profoundly influenced by the examine the linkages between uplift, climate, not necessarily lead to a lack of rewards, that resulting emphasis on variations in sea level erosion and sediment yield for comparison to procrastination saves time (the problem may and “global cycle charts.” Who didn’t need patterns observed in the stratigraphic record. go away) and that there is, indeed, a free lunch a global sea level curve to which everything We might even eventually firm up the elusive and I just had one.” Just one thing more—help could be correlated? connection between eustacy and stratigraphic GSA serve our profession and have fun out Larry’s more interpretive and sequences that Larry Sloss eschewed. there! Thank you for your kind attention. controversial work, however, came later in Likewise, the availability of geochemical

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards

Structural reception from stabilists, but it spurred the him as a sounding board on subjects ranging community to test it, and find it near the from giant Precambrian impact structures to Geology & mark. On a similar note, I watched many environmental policy. Though he is never one Tectonics California experts inititally deride his late- to coddle or mince words at work with which 1960s integration of Mesozoic California he disagrees, Warren is outgoing, generous Division Career geology into subduction models. Yet it paved with his time, and a helpful tutor to those new paths for the structure and tectonics with whom he comes in contact. His crisp, Contribution community to integrate plate-tectonic power-packed collegial letters enjoy their own Award concepts and on-land geology. celebrated reputation. His 1979 synthesis of Indonesian You would think that five decades Presented to Warren Bell Hamilton tectonics remains a standard of comparison of huge contributions, membership in the for countless newer studies of subduction National Academy of Sciences, and a Penrose belts worldwide. His Indonesian knowledge Medal would be more than enough for any led to his elegant analysis that subduction career, but Warren shows no signs of slowing drives plate tectonics, and that top-down down. Three meaty and eloquent papers by cooling of oceanic lithosphere produces the him due to be published this month forcefully density inversions that drive subduction. Other argue for top-down cooling of slabs as the contributions provided tectonic syntheses of driver of plate motions and of upper-mantle regions as diverse as Antarctica, the Gulf of convection, for a lack of plate tectonics California, Laramide uplifts and the Colorado in Earth’s first two billion years, and for a Plateau, Cordilleran metamorphic core plume-free planet Venus. Like many of his complexes, and the Urals and a broad range other works, these diverse iconoclasms are of topical studies. Insights into magmatic directly at odds with accepted paradigms. Pay processes in relation to tectonics arose close attention. Warren’s intellectual ability from field relations in island arcs, western to grasp the simple picture from a mass of American batholiths, exposures of the deep details has been stunningly perceptive. Warren Bell Hamilton crust, and much more. He comprehensively This man has been enormously Professor integrated crust-building magmatic processes influential on tectonic concepts, and on Colorado School of Mines and their variations with depth into tectonic geologists. It is a high honor to present to models. His global view has brought us you Warren Hamilton as the 2007 Career concepts of sill-like batholiths, extension in Contribution Awardee of the Structure and volcanic arcs as a natural consequence of Tectonics Division. Citation by Keith Howard subduction, and a proposed new framework for understanding tectonism and magmatic Warren Hamilton’s powerful and heat loss in an Archean world lacking rigid Response by Warren Bell Hamilton innovative contributions to the development plates and subduction. of tectonic concepts have had major influence Thank you, Keith, for that generous Warren’s ability to synthesize sweeping on the directions of our science, consistently account. For 60 years, I have been having a new general insights rests ultimately on his breaking new ground and undermining marvelous time seeing as much as possible appreciation of, and perceptive contributions entrenched old dogmas. of our planet and trying to figure out how it in, detailed field geology. His long-time Warren’s prolific career has time after works. Being honored for the products of that collaborator Brad Myers once remarked to me time presented us lucid and perceptive exciting activity, and being placed with the proudly about Warren’s mapping of the Big syntheses setting forth new and long-lasting eminent prior awardees, is a huge bonus. Maria Mountains that the maps were “full of concepts in global and crustal-scale views of I have always learned from people squiggly lines—and Warren isn’t a squiggly- tectonic and magmatic processes. Warren’s who knew more than I did about many line person!” The highly detailed mapping in current debunking of deep-seated plumes things. From Keith, for example, I learned the Big Maria area prompted Warren’s notions (“they don’t exist”), his proposals for a much about the nature of large-offset of extensional faulting, ductile Cordilleran weak, plateless Archean crust, and his drastic extensional faulting, and about the behavior thrusting, and stunnning 100:1 tectonic reinterpretation of Venus as a low-heat-flow of sedimentary rocks depressed into anatectic attenuation of the Grand Canyon’s Paleozoic planet that preserves its early crust and regimes. My longtime colleague Brad Myers formations—concepts as usual ahead of their impact basins pose only the latest of many was the best reader of geologic maps I have time. bold challenges he has offered the structure known. I have swapped and developed ideas Warren’s communication skills—on and tectonics community. And he doesn’t with hundreds of colleagues, often in the field trips, informal contacts, hundreds of go into these topics lightly, but carefully field, and could not have worked without lectures, and many visiting professorships and critiques, questions old paradigms, and the reports generated by thousands of other distinguished lectureships—have stimulated integrates cosmic and mantle geochemistry, scientists. and influenced large numbers of students. seismic tomography, and reams of geologic I was repeatedly fortunate to be in the He has served as a visiting scientist in many observation into his syntheses. right place at the right time. My first Antarctic countries, and he has been charismatic In 1966, the 100 percent Cenozoic season, 1958, changed me from a silent to mentor, guide, and friend to countless extension that he and Brad Myers proposed an active continental drifter, at a time when colleagues and students. Colleagues come to for the Basin and Range faced a skeptical the overwhelming American view was that

The Geological Society of America 2007 Medals & Awards no lateral motion of part of Earth’s outer shell displease challenged experts. It is difficult interpretations? On the other hand, any work was possible. I was a visiting prof at Scripps to publish, or get a grant for, work contrary that reaches a traditional conclusion should when plate tectonics was brand new, and to conventional wisdom because many be viewed with skepticism. Are there flaws students including Tanya Atwater and Dan reviewers, editors, and managers obstruct or gaps in the logic claimed to support the Karig brought me up to speed before most anything that conflicts with their beliefs. My conclusion that was determined before the landlocked geologists knew anything was own descriptive work sailed through, but the work was done, and could that conclusion be up. My early plate syntheses of continental innovation for which you honor me often did merely a popular assumption? A red flag for geology led to the opportunity to integrate and not, and some of my best work was wholly failed conjecture is special pleading to excuse learn from the onshore geology and offshore blocked. Keith mentioned my three current each misfit of data to predictions, such as now geophysics of spectacularly complex Indonesia major contrarian papers. These are appearing characterizes advocacy of deep mantle plumes. and surrounding regions. This and much more in books with supportive editors because I am Science functions best when we can was made possible by my USGS position now unwilling to probe successive journals for override our hard-wired inclination to blindly (although some of my synthesis was unfunded, possible chinks in their conventional-wisdom defend our clan. The mythology of science and even time for it was bootlegged). Fast armor. Two of these three multidisciplinary says that multiple working hypotheses lead to forward, and I have been for seven years in a manuscripts were attacked viciously, on efficient incorporation of improved concepts. mind-opening multidisciplinary e-mail round personal as well as contextual grounds, by The reality is that ruling conjectures have table with Don Anderson, Gill Foulger, Jerry turf-defending specialist reviewers. Other great inertia, and that much that is patently Winterer, Jim Natland, and others. geoscientists whose work I most admire report false is widely accepted as true. Many current We now know that Earth accreted rapidly, similar personal and topical obstruction of dynamic and petrologic invocations of plate violently, and hot. Nevertheless, popular contrarian papers which ultimately proved to interactions, 40 years on, are of misconceived geodynamic theories are descended from be broadly correct. cartoon systems that resemble nothing on 1950s conjecture that Earth has fractionated So I appeal to all of you, as judges at Earth. Chemical and isotopic numerology only very slowly and incompletely. 1960s all levels, from what you and others write has largely displaced igneous petrology, geochemists hardened this speculation to whom you support or hire or promote, to and impossible magmagenesis is widely into dogma that was accepted by newborn recognize that consensus may not define truth. postulated. Dick Armstrong showed decades geodynamicists, who built whole-mantle Changes as profound as plate tectonics, and ago that isotopic data do not require the convection, bottom-up drives, plumes, and as unanticipated by the majority, likely lie common assumption that the upper mantle has deep subduction from it. Powerful evidence ahead. This awareness should generate both fractionated unidirectionally, but only recently contradicts all components of these chemical positive and negative attitudes. On the one have a few geochemists begun to recognize and dynamic conjectures, yet they are hand, innovative work should be evaluated that he was correct. And so on. now parts of the belief systems of most on its own terms. Do the new concepts The schedule of a roving geologist geoscientists. Alternatives are little considered. provide a viable explanation for the relevant produces hardships for young families. Alicita, The balance worsens as specialties become evidence? What sorts of evidence are cited my wife for those 60 years, nevertheless raised more myopic, expensive, and inbred, and as in support of each, and what does each misfit three wonderful children, and not until they broad approaches wither for lack of financial or overlook? What is required, and what is were all in or beyond college was she able to support. merely permitted, by independent data from widely share in the perks. Enter peer review. Recycled popular different disciplines? What are the explicit Thank you much. It has been a great trip. dogma breezes through, but new concepts and implicit assumptions behind new and old

The Geological Society of America