The Healing Breath a Journal of Breathwork Practice, Psychology and Spirituality General Editor: Joy Manné, Ph.D. Email:
[email protected] VOLUME 3, NO. 3, SEPTEMBER 2001 THE HOLOTROPIC BREATHWORK NUMBER. CELEBRATING STANISLAV GROF’S SEVENTIETH YEAR CONTENTS I breathe for America, a tribute to those suffering after the events of September 11th, by Joy Manné..................................................................................3 STAN by Kylea Taylor..................................................................................................4 To the Jury of the International Sigmund Freud Award from Stanislav Grof 6 The Practice of Sitting in Holotropic Breathwork by Kylea Taylor................10 Stimulation or support: On the Use of Music in Holotropic Breathwork by Wilfried Ehrmann....................................................................................................23 SoulCollage™: An Art Process to Use with Breathwork by Kylea Taylor....28 Holotropic Breathwork: dispelling the myths: A Dialogue Between Kylea Taylor and Joy Manné with Carrie Callahan and Jim Schofield..........38 Some Critical Issues in Stan & Christina Grof’s Holotropic Breathwork: A discussion between Wilfried Ehrmann, Ph.D. & Stan Grof M.D., Ph.D......52 The Healing Breath, Vol. 3, No. 3, September 2001 The Holotropic Breathwork Number. Celebrating Stanislav Grof’s Seventieth Year 1 Book & Cassette Reviews ........................................................................................61 Shakti Gawain (2000), Developing