FR^)AY, DECEMBER 12, 19B8 Average DaUy Net P im Ron PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT For Uio'Week Endlnr The Weather fRanrti^Btpr Sunning l|(ralb Dec. ath, 19S8 Foreoaat of D. S. tVeaUMr B W iu V 12,845 Generally fair, eoaUasied unite About Town Member of the Audit cold tonisbt. liow Mro to 5 abovou Bureau of OtrcnlaUoa Fair, coM Sunday. High tn Me. Manchester—-A City of Village Tlu! Grace Group of Center wwjuwiliuiuiirtiiii Charm Church will /hold It monthly meetln)t Monday at 6:3C In the Robbins roon. A potluck will VOL. LXXVni, NO. 63 (TWELVE PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN„ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1958 (Claaslfled Advertielng on Page t l PRICE FIVE CENTS precede the worship servici which Mill be conducted by Mrs. Rock­ well Haribon Potter Jr. Mrs. Ru­ <;vT> pert Uppling will have, charge of FAVORITE Dulles in Paris the business meeting. The mem­ Judge Hits bers will go caroling at convales­ cent homes and shut-ins.

Sunset Rebekah LTnn.' at.i'le* in tallor- and Lasting Beauty f For car, campus, country, city, laration c^cem ing the NATO ing Khrushchev's Thanksgiving/ The attack on the Rev. Maurice a gift for the grab bag. meeting in Paris, beginning Day note. F. McCraekin by Judge'John H. Rides 600 Miles Up; orl and stone jewelry career. Such a boon to her busy Tuesday. Details of the note The first official meeting of the Druffel came between the time a Dead in Auto Members of Memorial Temple. Kenwood 100% Virgin W o o l...... $14.98 Western Big Three foreign min­ jury convicted the minister and rolora— Ri'e . JMW.flH. life! Smart . . . aturdy . . . prac­ were not immediately avail­ Pythian Sister, will meet at the iiiriiiiliiig new Aiiror/i isters win be at luneb' in the the judge sentenced him to six I West Haven, Dec. 13 (A5 — A Watkins-Wesl Funeral Home at Chatham 100% Virgin W o o l...... $14.98 able. French Foreign Office. They will months in a Federal prison and .levrin. Choose from tical . . . it’s sure to be the env.v I young couple wa.* found dead In a Nose Cone Vanishes 7,i30 tonight to pay respects to| pr be joined later by Von Brentano. fined him $2.50. Mr. McCrackin Four rolorm—R . By PRESTON GROVER i car parked In a West Haven gar- William Brennan, whose sister, i Hoie's Chormhouse 100% Virgin Acrilon $12.95 of yotir friends! Available in T,wecd The U.S. British and French was convicted yesterday of refus­ i age today. Mrs Sarah Miller. Is a member. I iiPi'klHces, lirarelets Paris, Dec. 13 (ff*)— Foreign ing to answer an internal revenue Spvcn rolor%— .M5.D8. foreign ministers are conferring ! West Haven police identified ^ ’ashington, Dec. 1.3 (/P)—The Army flung a tiny monkey or cordtiroy. lOO^ orlon pile lining. first without Von B*vnlano be­ service summons lo discuss his re­ h oHi rnnr-i Htirl pin.*. Also 100% Virgin A crilo n ...... $ 9.99 Ministers of the Western Big [ the victims as James Tutino Jr„ into .space today but lost it in the South Atlantic. Manchester Auxiliary Police will Three plus West Germany cause they represent the countries fusal to pay federal income ta.xes. I 21, of 1136 Campbell Are . and hold a Christmas party Sunday SK rolnrn (IlKhlor IIihp Iho nnr nhnvp)—Rog $1’’ PR. .Iiidge Druffel told the 53-year- Six hours after the monkey liegan it.s journey in the nose Slzn : f'ordiiroy 10-14 gathered today to plan ,what Involved with Ru.jia in thf oc­ Carol Lemoine, IT. of 124 Syl­ afternoon In the auxiliary room at ; pent I*. Halo's Chormhouse...... $ 6.99 cupation of Berlin! old bachelor minister -still gaunt Slica In Twead 8-18 van Ave., New Haven. cone of .a Jupier intermediftte range ballistic missile the Police Headquarters, starting w-itli - Nylon-Ravon BlMiil—IC»*g. OR. to do about Russian efforts from a 15-day jail-cell fast: a turkey dinner at 2 o'clock Tlie When Von Bientano joins the Police- said death apparently Arm.v announced that the search for the little space traveler Hole's Luron ...... $ 4.99 to get them out of West Ber­ three, he is expectei to present "Your pious attitude is more or was accidental and caused by car- had been abandoned. committee Is headed by Gilbert FRICE less of a false face. " Pumals. I Nylon-Rnyon Blpiid—Kor:. SH.ftR. lin. a study paper prepared In Bonn 1 bon monoxide poisoning. * 2 5 . 0 0 giving West German views on the ' Then, after accusing Mr. Mc- The car was registered In Tu- It was the first attempt by the United States to put a 1.00 ,98 Advance indications were that Crsckln of being a "pacifist agits- primate—a higher type of mammal— into space to start a Boy Scouti of Troop 47, South To they would take a firm stand for Berlin situation. *2 lor " and of associating “with those (Contlnunl on Page Eleven determination of the effects of space travel iiiion man. Methodist Church, arc taking m -1 Raady-to-\\'aar Dept. maintaining Western protection of Any decisions they reach will be of overwhelming Soviet sympa­ ders for wreaths, the proceeds to the anti-Coramunist city 110 miles reported to foreign ministers of The nose cone of the .lupiter with its oozv cabin for the Silent Butler Second r'loor. thies," the judge added: be used to finance the troop and A litti* travtUr’t aid ' (ibming" Willi all tl»»' grajc of o\fpiisit# behind the Iron Curtain. the other H Atlantic Alliance na­ "I don t know of any more pious squirrel monkey reached an altitude of 600 miles on its buy camping equipment Orders llaliHti t I aflsniHnship, |f»vH v in polished Secretary of State Dulles flew tions, who are expected lo Join in traitor than that." roaring trip from Cape Caiiavrial, Fla. may be given to the following ) biH.s.s ami fine woofi hanflle. In from Washington at 9:17 a.m. a united front against the Soviet Medical As«n. Everett Kelsey, 28 Aiiliiiiin ,Sl Although he was a court-ap­ The Army reported the 1,500-mile flight was conqiletely A big tim«>tavar for mothar on'the preiidential plana Colum­ move. The regular December pointed attorney who has sen’ed committeeman; Robert V'onOei k $ bine III. Before leaving the U.8. meeting of NATO foreign ministers successful. ,^,i Eva Pr . acoiitmaalei ami without pay. co-counsel Theodore 5.00 capital he had accused Moscow and other officials opens In Paris M Berry leaped to his feet In pro­ Of Rome Ousts Hut, it said, “(here appears to have been a mi.shap in the Doiiglaa Hrialer, 44 I.a>wis SI in Tuesday. Shown here are a few of llip I (Ml's of gift idea.s sou'll of going back on its own pledges test. tricky recovery gear which is carried iu' the cone to atltutlonal representative. when Premier Khrushchev pro­ Berlin was not on the official "As an officer of this court." he find In Hale’w Hou.sewiit es Deptirl m c n l! assist search planes and .ships” in recovery efforts. posed to make West Berlin an un- shouted, “the court la guilty of a Doctor of Pius Brtp. Gon. J. A. Barrlay com­ Dr. Eugene M. Davis was elei terl a-med free city. (Contlnn -i on Page Five) grievous error There is not one mander of the Army mi.sslle co-chairman of Uie (.Tuahing Acad lot;, of proof that Rev. McCrackin By DOMEMC GIORDANO Musical •*.. m' - agency, said observers on naval emy Alumni and Parents Group at ia a Communist." Rome. Dec. 13 (Jt The [lersonal vessels stationed In the target area Test Indicates a luncheon meeting at Hie Statlei- TOPPER SETS Berry and his eo-eoiin.*e1. Pro­ physician of the late Pope Pius XII reported seeing three sections of Hilton Hotel In Hartford iiie.sdnv has been barred from pract icing the Jupiter reenter the Earth's Also present at the affair were Door Chimes fessor Fred G. Dewey of the Uni* versity of Cincinnati, were asked medicine in Italy for selling news atmosphere. But, he said, they George E. French ,Ir., Mrs Neal A \N<'lcomr yr»ur guesl.s with friendly Gotham Newspapers Gravity Free in candy-cane Nylon Immediately after court adjourned paper articles and photographs on were unable to locale them in the Tyler, Mrs. Edward H lilenney jiUi.HicHl (lotti i liimcs Whi'M tlie door la the Pope’s death. .South Allantli'. r»peno> mfvenient. ■■ 'riiis Silent for 4th Day can we do ?" Tall Cedars of I.ehanon will FOR THAT FAVORITE council of the Rome Medical Assri. Washington. Dec 13 -Navy Mmiim' ■ "MfHnD Swoot Hcnir "Hail, Internal Revenue Service offi­ missile, the instrument compart­ meet tonight at 7 o'clock al the LITTDE GIRL ON YOUR LIST last night. He declared the verdict ment containing guidance device* doctors said today information re- Maaonie Temple, and proceed In Hail I hu (.lanj; s AII Moi e," cials presented all the testimony rei-.ed from the rocket flight of for the prosecution; only a handful embittered and startled him. and the nose cone Itself. the Watklns-West Piineral Home New York, Dec. 13 lAh—News., reduction In the present 40-hoiir Galeazzi-L4si said he will "na- Despite failure to recover the a small monkey indicated travel In tribute to William Brennan What could be more smart as Yorkers today face the prospect of work week, one of the Union's of character witnessea appeared in a 'prolonged gravity free state * for the defense. t; rally provide for the defeiAe of monkey from the ocean depths, who was a member. 4.95 a Christmas gift for that spe­ a weekend without local newspa­ original demands in the current my reputation before competent This la a squirrel monkey, described by Capt. Norman Lee Barr the flight provided much informa­ does not produce significant ad­ pers as a deliverers' strike over a negotiations. The entire trial was an off-beat verse physiological change." cial little gir! on your shop­ affair. Through It all, Mr. Me- authorities ” — a mixed board of of the Navy Medical Corps, as the t.vpe making, tlie flight in the tion on the effects of space travel The Past Mistress Club of BOOKS FROM HALE'S BOOK DEPARTMENT new contract entered its fourth ^ The Union last night rejected a doctors and magistrates. He said cone of a Jupiter missile launched today al Cape Canav­ on a higher order of animal. Capt. Norman Lee Barr of tha Daughters of IJberty. No 12.'i ping list tlian a nylon qiiiU- publishers' suggestion that a new AT O U R OAK STREET ANNEX day. (Contit ’Ml on Page Five) hf gave the council a clear ex­ eral, Fla. (AP Photofax I. The radio signala from the nose Navy Medical Corps said this was will meet at 8 o'clock tonight al ed robe, soft and warm for Negotiations between the Pub­ vote on the management offer be cone 1 allying the monkey nick­ the moot significant finding so the home of .Supreme Grand Ml.a Books lurtkf an p.xrollont yifi Vi»u ir suir tn liml snmclliiiig fer planation of his action. He will be those colfi mornings. See our lishers Association of New York taken. "The reaction we want is allowed to practice after appeal named variously "Gordo ” and "Lit­ far in the flight of the squirrel tress Mrs. Annie .Tohnaton. I.’i p v t v y bny and j»irl nn yoni imn.s City, representing the nine big further negotiation, rather than a tle Old Reliable " ronllnued giv­ Hawley St. selection of codon and nylon stubborn stand on the original In"-, nending final rulin'’-. monkey in the nose cone of a 14E« ING IS M \ ...... S'i.OO dailies, and the striking Newspa­ If he appeals be will be allowed ing data on the passenger's reac­ Jupiter Intermediate range missile t a i .k.s ...... RHm robes in sizes 7 to 14. agreement terms,” Schwartz, said. iiriAi) Ai.ot H M nst:iii per Mall and Deliverers Union Coroner Rules to practice pending the outcome tions for 13 3 minutes of the esti­ launched early today from Cape ‘■Opportunities In the Naval Ite NAM 5 DREW ...... R1.00 were to resume this afternoon with The original agreement was ser\'e" will be the subject of a medical association's 14- mated 15 minute flight Canaveral. Fla. I.ANDM.ARK ROOKS ...... 41.05 federal mediators present. reached Monday morning, ending "Thle data when completely public meeting to be held In the an eight-hour walkout by delivery- member council questioned the The iiiforr.iation was radioed A ( IIII.D'S ROOK OI S’lOIIH S ...... Hnr The giant presses of the nine pa­ Mystery Death doctor behind lockefi doors for- StV evaluated. " the Defense I>eparl- Hartford Public l.lbiary tomglil pers, which daily feed 5',s million men. It Included the $T wage in­ back automatically from the fast- from 8:.30 to 0.30. Anyone Interest $ minutes last night before it issued menl said, "will contiihute niste- traveling rocket. 0.98 copies to the country's largest city, crease and bundle reduction in a Its verdict ed is Invited. p 2-year contract. rially to the ultimate flight of man Barr said such information was to have been idle since the Thursday W as Suicide Galeazzi-Llsl brushed by new’S- In spare." Gift Handhaas p Gift Gloves morning editions rolled. The basic prestrlke wage of de­ received for nearly 15 minutes a«nurtinen» in rhiMt.sf Ji^Slip-oii stylr.t in fjibric oi loHlli- men without a word when he left "Little Old Reliable" was a HIS Iriigt Renewal of contract talks was liverers was $103.82 a week after liftoff. freni. tn nianv stylf*i nml rnlni.s Haven. Conn.. Dec. 13 -A the aaaociatioii'a headquarters. tough customer. He won that nick­ GIRIJV DEPT.—Second Floor. recessed yesterday on a pessimis­ Schwartz said "we told them He previously had maintained htif In his statement, Capt. Barr tAliit tolar wllh rnitahfd"iilUlied (('nlf^tUin nlf^UIn ^ i „|,rl, coroner ha* ruled that the mys­ name from Army and Navy doc­ said; Th« Answer tic note. The two sides had been how the $7 monetary package conscience was at rest and he" had Bag* ...... s.-i.iio to .«iti.'f> (iiosc*HIom'n . R'»,00 lo R3.A0 Pr. brought together, for the first time terious death of Eric S. Gustafson tors In pre-flight tests because he Tlie ai cclcraljon of takeoff t * could be made agreebale to mir not betrayed any profesaionai medi­ bore up so well under the experi­ Rambler l,.enlher \\ i««*hatilr riusUin since Wednesday, by federal medi­ members — by reducing the work laat Oct. to was suicide. produced mild physiological change To Your Gift ProMom! Red »4.nn Rngn , and .ST.M.*) cal aecrela concerning- Pope Pius, ments. RI.OR l‘r. ator Herbert L. Haber. week to 35 holirs, and additional Gustafson, a 31-year-old In.siir- who died Oct. 9 At Castel Gan- 111! the monkey I but no significant New Nofthire llRiidlniRn R’t.OO f- “Not much happened to indicate The test from Cape Canaveral to ph’ slnlogical impairment The ^tvle Plug PlBAtlr ( nif JMaMiUu r Palm Drlvinc ance man, shot himself in the spine dolfo, the Papal summer residence. The Ever Popular the strike will soon he over. " a (f'nntlniied on Page Five) Once a pattefij dies, a phyajeian la the target area waa labeled by respiratory pattern a.«sumcd slight iinnribag* .. . S't.SH 1! 0 offer to reduce the weight of school crossing, gave this “for Any survivor or friends of a bundles handled from 53 lo 50 opinion yesterday. pressure within the monkey's lADIIS' HOMI JOURNAL, MtCALl'S family to desire to spare i the (Contlnued on Page Two) CARTS Paper Mate l.adv Capri ...... $'i pounds. "Women drivers are the family) the sigma of a suicide by chamber. The monkey wore a helmet of Bulletins Paper Mate Two Tone ...... SI.!)') * The publishers said the I-njon worst. In my three years of one of Its mernbera, but it 1* be­ 8.98 had revived proposals previoii.sly duty, all my trouble came yond comprehension how anyone molded electrical potting com­ from the Al* Wires At Special F’aper Mate Mark T h ree...... S'i.lf) disposed of In negotiations. This from women drivers," she told dared to as.sume the responsibility Hunted Man Killed pound over chamois It was strap­ t - ped face up In the cylinder, with Ball Point Desk !set ...... presumably referred to a proposed an Inquiring newsman. of calling this an accident nr a Only one of many, many style sweaters suicide in view of the situation." In Fi^ht with FBI Its knees drawn up. This position Esterbrotik Pens ...... S2.9."i you will find in our provides the best resistance to the M.\0 Oi STEIt REPORTED Prices! Gustafson’s body wa.s^found Oct. Taipei, Dec. IS i>Pi — \ report 10 with a bullet .hole in the head. E.sterhrook Ball Pen ...... Little More Brassy^ Gaudy Philadelphia, Dec. 13 (45 ■ An (Continued on Page Eleven from underground agents said 81‘OHTStVEAK DEPT.—RECOND FIXHkR. His death was ruled a •iileide. ex-convict sought for the shooting today the Chinese Communist •-I Corrigan then charged that of a Springfield, Maas . policeman party central committee tn ur­ M someone had washed the body, re­ gent session has decided to re­ moved it to a mortuary and was killed today in a struggle Most of Nation place .Mao Tze-Tung as riiair- A Holiday Favorite Sho Cah Always Usd Drive Aims to ‘Keep burned the bloody bedclothes, all with FBI ag-nts, one of whom nian or heail of the government Contrary to State Ijiw. was wounded. In Red China. Jh e reports, The East Haven Board of Pub­ Weldon A. Walls 22. died when In Clutches of ivlilcli top .Nationalist leaders lic .“tafety later reduced Edward a bullet from hie own .32 calibre said lliey consider authentic, had Ship’n Shore' Christ in Christmas’ Stenham from the rank of Police revolver hit him In the'temple. It tlial the decision was b as^ In •'•i'.LE'd- FBI Agent Irvl.ig Dean, wounded "Gordo” the squirrel monkey waa a passenger In the noae cone of Stinging Cold part on wide dIssatisl'acHon In (Continued on Page Two) by Wall.*, was struggling with this Army Jupiter rocket when It was fired into Outer Space China over the commune, sys- him when the fatal shot was fired. from Cape Canaveral early today. (AP Pholofaxt. that has uprooted family here’s your Bv TOM HEN8HAW '•Luke, Chapter 2. the central theme By THE AHNi __ white and green.-decoratlons and the wil^mess, ia made up of Hen­ man Edmund J. Michele, 32, burst a slashing snowfall buffeted scal- Coiled from AP Wires through a locked door to a West The General .Areounting Office wash-and- lia carols,. g^U off to an earlier ry K. Hall and Henry K. Jaburg. tered areas from the Onlral Plains said today a General Motors and earlier start each year. both of New York City, and Julius Philadelphia apartment to find Into Dixie, CAr-DAK KINO HtZT., Walls naked In bed. Police Foil Abduction t orp. subsidiary got an e.xtr» ' ' X In new fall shades. Arkwright And, each year. It seems to get F. E. Nirkelsburg of Valhalla, N. The widespread cold onslaught, $97,5,000 out of an .Air Force AdNTitiMMi in Ml fillip l.ixinj; iwe- wear shirt % little more. a little more V., and Walter M. Allen of Fresh Alexander Conski, a 41 year old He leaped up. grabbed the pis­ dealing an ley pre-winter hand, > New Britain mtn, who had spent rontract because its cost proved for Y o ij n d H"mrmnkrr« sh^er micro film 400 needle, audy and little bit further from Meadows, N. Y. tol from a dresser and fired at sent early morning temperatures lower than military purchasers BndP5, rlr. ' N . 8ie true reason for its being: The Another Voice, heard for the all but four years of his adult life pointrblank range at the oncom­ Of Wealthy Contractor tumbling to near freezing and Into behind- prison bars, has been givea p\|>erled. A O.AO report to no seam with reinforced heel bltth of the OirUt chUd. - first time this year, is that bf ing Dean. The bu'la’ poased the 20s as far south as the Gulf Congress said unreasonably If you’v e ‘liien thinking those Leonard J. Brummett, who is just freedom. . , The Connecticut State through Dean's thigh and imbed­ tier of states. 3 2 ’ hiRli riojnuNMhlr Kinp-Nir,f Pharmacy Commission has asked ded itself In a wall. Washington, Dec. 13 (/P)—Fouri giani't wife and the couple’s only Across the Northern Plains high prires resulted fn»m Air N and toe for extra wear. uneasy thoqghU lately, you’re in back in America after five years Force buyers awarding a $1 ,- IrayB Full H\vi\r! 3" nihbrr good company. In the Philippines. Gov. Abraham Riblcoff to schedule Dean’s momentum carried him gunmen, one of them disguised as child, Antoinette, 19. upstairs and through the Midwest and into the y a meeting with the State Welfare 791,328 fixed price for their pur- caalpr^ Hmpod niipjMUt.s arul The lay movement called "Keep Writing In the Christian-Evange- to Walla before the ex-cOnvlct a priest, stormed the home of a then hid In a bedroom. Three Atlantic Seaboard. It was even lubvilnr rro.sH brnjrs Urmov- Comniissiofier to diacuao the coat other detectives crouched behind colder. Sub zero rekdings were without cheeking enough Christ in Christmas" Is still arounti fist, the weekly magazine, of the could fire again. The tw fell, to well-to-do building contractor lost ablr clip fin tiHV?* Abnlud and and still potuidfng away at Its an­ of preacrlptlona for W’elfare pa­ living room furniture. common from the Dakotas into the on the costs the. raaniifaeturer Christian Chiircbes (Disciples of tients. the floor and Dean grabbed Walla' wiHild Incur. Btain-irrsijttnni trnv flninh nual; and often embarrassing, Christ), Brum metr tells of the wrist to wrench awa; the pistol. night. They ran ihto a police am- Four patrolmen were deployed Great Lakes region. Arctic-cooled t question: Wtast are you doing carolsrs who wsnder the streets In Seven men Jailed for refusing A he did to, Walla' gqn went off ^ s h and a barrage of bdlets. in scout esra near the house. Intemaltonal Falls, Minn, reported /I • a winter's tale of warmth and baouty about keeping Christ in Christ- to answer questions about the 1997 ' One gunman was kilted. Tu‘o an early -19. CR ASH KI1X8 SPEEDER Rrf. Sprclal $ 6 . 9 5 Compare For the Philippines demanding money Almost four hours slipped by N ew Britain. Dec. IS Oh—Grady ■ nws? for their songs with the Insistent underworld convention at Apals- (Conttnued on Pag* Five) others, their bodies practically and nothing happened. The Weather Bureau issued cold ...... ''C-olIrrlor'^ If you don't have Uia slightest words: ‘.‘Our Christmas, Sir!" chln, N. Y., may appeal their sen­ riddled, were wounded critically. wave warnings for moat of Texas; '.‘ 't "f ***•? .I f ’ ' ' r Quafiiy, Only PC tences but mu*t remain in prison Ih e fourth escaped. "We were about to believe the with heavy snow forecasU in the ” ***■ R^f. $n.r)fi. SpfH'lal * 6 . 9 5 idea what you eim do febout it, the Biaimmett, describing hit Christ­ plana had been called o ff." Scott 4-man Keep Christ In Christmas pending the outcome, . . U. 8. In­ Deputy Police Chief Edgar tame state and Arkansas. morning when the oar he waa mas .In America with raised eye­ said, "when the kidnapers showed driving skidded and smashed into (• f bommittee has compiled a list of brows, writes; dustrial production, aided by s big Seaton Hits Story Scott said .the four* men had in­ In the Central Plain* region. 1 1 up in two cars. They circled the a tree on Corhin .Ave, ^ died rrult" eight suggestions. They are: "We have been surprised at how boost in automobile manufac­ tended to kidnap Feljz Marchegl- Oklahoma'i . worst snowstorm of shortly after admittance to New SpfH'lllI $ 8 . 9 5 turing, toermaed by t per cent last ant, 41. A tip from the F B I foiled block a couple of times before the season—with winter still nine \ • accounts Attend church Services and early the Christmas season has He Plans to Resign parking their cars In front of the Britain General lioapital. A re­ "SKATING GIRL" We welcome charge t GTeeiiji TratMilf^MKrijy^ awifleun with bring others. begun in stores and streets. Hard­ month. ' . the plot,. days away on the calendar pun­ ‘•While Marhlr** to euatomerR home." port of Police Sgt. Edward <1. cash sales and also Orhb pmy account ^within Join the crusade to give early ly had any yellow pumpkins and Sermons denouncing racial seg­ Honolulu, Dec. 18 l/Pi—Fred A. MarcHfeglanl was shot In . the ished the’ state with a pileup as Frawley said Uaiiburtqn lost con­ Rr(f. JKM.05. Sprriiil $ 8 . 9 5 PRINT PAJAMA fifteen (15) days after billing date. emphasis to the true meaning and black witches been put away be­ regation on Birmingham, Ala., shouklei' during the gunfire that Four men walked up to the high ai 7 Inches in some area.*. Seaton returna to Washington to­ front porch. Two carried pistols, trol ef the auto "due to exresslva Thcfir two nunibrj.- )l.(\U htH.'*v af warm brushed cotton knit Tht bttt-p«r(ormance Dacron-Pima blend! mesoage of Chriatroois by urging fore Banfa's face appeared in a buses will be prenciied by M Ne­ day flhniy denying a report that almost wrecked the living room In eastern Oklahoma, Okmulgee s^ieed." the use of nativity billboards and dozen store windows and hit gifts gro minbiter* In Birmingham to­ of his fashionable home In north­ the other two sawed-off shotguns. waa covered with 7 '7 inches while plalrrl lini.-lird 'Itli I'l \ Mini r e Ship'll Shore'!, new Tru\ clnuite* to acconipany nil he intends to resign as Secretaiy rlr;tt baUotl rii.nuol just the thing to enchoni o young dranmer. A window displays. were piled high on wide counters. morrow, . . Asst. Secretary of La­ east Washington. The wound was A gunman dressed as a priest Tulsa had a half inch leas. 'Three ^ FREEZE TO DE.ATH Konn*\Mi>!« the Interior.;' knocked on the door. Marchegiani 8 rlip-nn hnys chormingly pnnied top oiid molching solid color your sepnrnte.s e\rr\'where. Done with a smart Ample Free Parking RtJijr'Wf Stora fibKOuroge and join outdoor “We hear the carols, too, In de­ bor Newell Brown-advlsek farmers - The Secretary said the' 'report not considered serious. to six inches also hit ‘northern A\-enel. N. J., Dec. IS IP — A singing of Christmas carols. to aveid dependence on the foreign Scott told this story: opened it. Oklahoma. During the height of pant. Nice woy lo pleote her mother too. These two-W’ay collar, ami the roll-up sleei cs you love. partment stores crowded with probaWy arose from a mioiinder- family of ll\e were found In their Arrange special nativity tab­ early shoppers. The loud speaker labor supply, . , A federal judge atandlng. He said he told G!harles About 6:30 p.m. the F B I Upped "This Is a holdup,” the Intruder the atorm the Highway Patrol said heatlewe. frost coaled trailer to­ to our prrornt otorU. hoppy Vnits ore machine woshoble, colorfast ond It'i Jiiperlily sudsable, quick drip,;-dr)' and truly leaus in churches and schools. that brings ua ‘peace on earth hoe lifted a temporary strike ban Parmiter, politicsd reporter for the police that a ga-ig would try to said.’ "Where la your money?" thousands of motorists were stall­ day and polire said three of 4 Carter-Set — so they won't shrink out of fit. Place a nativity creche at the ALL CAi.r-DA|i KlN(i HIZL. no-iron! Really t«H> good to has'e just one o f... and mercy naild' Is turned up a bit against. pilots far Amarioan Air- Honolulu Star-Bulletin that he has kidnap Marchegiant Without elab- Jabbing his gun in Marche- ed on icy roads across Oklanoma. them were dead. Otfloere said No Ironing Needed Because They're Knit. bate of your Christmas tree for too loud and Arill. Hie music tuga Upes. but union eaya it has no hn- no intoitlon of pursuing a political oraUng or revealing the source, of gtanl’s back, the hoodlum and a To the east. Pine Bluff, Ark., that Btuarl Keyes, S3 : kte son, so pick a pastel our/ a white. Sizes ilO to 38. your ehUdren. frtende and raUtlvos at the coat olaaves knd pockOl- aeedlate plaas far a wnUtoat. the IntonBatioR, the T B t- said the compaiiion marched the contrac- got a snowfall of nine inches while Btuart Jr., 9, and daughter Caro­ Aquo, blue, a to Ifl yeara M-OO career after IMO and, "I have told Sec tht ntw Shift n Shore no-iron blouses, from 2.98 CORK to jM and adndre. b « ^ of paaaotsby compelling Five persons escape injury iu a repottera that in each of tha 48 gang planned to take the contrac­ .tor up the italrs and Into the a 3-4 Inch topping dotted other line. 4. either frose to dMth or W y or ute> ‘IKeep Clulat In thorn to onter olid look and toy. edr crashes Into a public utility states." tor to his office In suburban Coral bedroom where Mrs. Marchegiani state areas. Were •uffacatod. Another ion. HALE'S SI'OItTSU'EAK DEPARTMENT MAMCHISTER CONH< Oiiistmaa” seals. "Excuse me. For a moment 1 pole leaving a secUe^ of Old Say- Parmiter said Skaton had volun­ Hilts, Md. land force him to open and the daughter had been sent— The bond of snow, triggered by a Sieve, 4. was token to jPerlh Take Elevator to the Seronil l-'lwr. . Buy and send only refiglous tkmight 1 woa oamaselitre else. 1 southward Arctic air surge in the Amboy Hospital, bis legs fmeen. naJIHtltiMcosi I.INCERIF. nEP.ARTMKVT—MAIN FIXHIR, PENTT.R. CORNtR MAIN omI OAK STKEKTS brook without electric pownr io r teered that ka intended to resign hie' safe. smd where the two detectives were Mfiwaiew i COMK- y Christmas ednls and urge ytwr oouW almost sea opefi palms rcoch- more then two h o u rs..R a d io - soon. BCott promptly sent a equeul of lildiiig. Plains, was oxpected to push east­ Keyea’ wile, Helen, 83. woe Men HOUSEWARES DEPT. Mends aag t uslness osaoeiatea to itgr forward: Tm oar# l could hear Television station WIOC hot been . Beaton ridated that what ^ detectives and. patrolmen to Um Tha ofricart. fMring they might ward and omithworff over moet of tokea Jo «be lw »h e l. Felteo a # • do likewiee. »m»km m r. •<)» Ckrlotmid; neM to a group reproaentod by a Marchegionl home. elw woo trooen l i w i Bm Moke thk nativity otory of S t •irl" LouddnVflle, H . T . man. (OwiW ii ete ftigo nine) Tw0 ffstocUvoa took Marche- « I m PBfh Flea) « ea Foge Thiea) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN-SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1968 PAGE m u n PACn TWO IfANCHESTEB BVENtNO HERALD. MANCHESTER. jCONIN. SATURDAY; DECEMBER 18, 1968 ...... ”• P □ o □ □□ □ □ a OD □ □ a table aticks, apple cobbler; Thurs­ Bolton day, chicken chow mein with rice, Most of Nation WINir— 1*80 WTlf>->IOM South Windsor HAVE YOUR CHRISTMAS s and noodles, wax beans, bread and W DRO— 1860 butter, gelatin with fruit; Friday, Daily Radio VVPUP— 1«1* PARTY H€R€I vegetable soup with lu'ackers, pea­ WOOD—11«0 rllAlES^ Sheinwold on Bridge Business Bodies Third Candle In Clutches of EMteni Staadard Tim* W H A t—Vie nut butter sandwich, raisln-apple- CHRISTMAS TREES W K N B -4 4 0 High School —wa have all tha faeillUaa to make your With Chriatmaa offlea parties in^ The committee he heads teaches^ mant'a wholesale division In New aauce cake. Milk will be served party a huge aucedM. children, parents, businessmen and York. with all meals. X a r l y OONOESRION f the oiling, Manchester buslneas- Frosh Cut:—From Canada Tb« loUowint procram schsd*4M Sontli Staler refrigeration engineers about the Lighting Set Stinging Cold WITAY-Racord Hop AVOIDS DANGER TEUBFHONK MI S;141B men will probably be Intereated enU and ar* aubject to WPOP—Jiika Box Sat Kffhl $ g i o x , Sunday Night A preliminary study on the pro­ ' Not long ago we spent a whole Management and Maintenance, a boxes. Youngsters may suffocate Alfred W Cavedon of 27 Pitkin 8:30 and 10 a.m. The Rev. Bernard EMANUEL LUTHERAN Shane# without none#. week on the principle of keeping St., has been elected a vice presi­ the South during the day. Precipi­ WINF—Nawa posed new high school requested ♦ J 5 PLAN TO HAVE TOUR McQraw-Hill publication. when they climb Into the air-tight L. McGurk la pastor. 1;M— the dangerous opponent out of the The lighting of the third Advent' WHAV—Polk. Pkny hy the Board of Education ha. SUNDAT DINNER HERE The magazine advises th* boss boxes and pull the doors closed dent of the' Manufacturer# Asso­ Morning prayer will be held at tation, mainly In the form of rain, WMAY-Record Hon lead. Here's anohter hand of that ______4 AQ 95S candle, that of disctpleship, will CHURCH WCCC—M'«k« Mina Miule WTIC—UConn 'a Boaton Collefta O W r JEAHT to Invite wives and husbands, after them. ciation of Connectlcnit. St. George's Episcopal Church was likely near the Giilf Coast. WKKb—MO Club tVDRC—N y. philharmonic been atarted by Ih. Public Building sort. Patenaiide reports the article Cavedon, who la also secretary take place tomorrow at 5 p.m. at flmrch and Cheatnnt Streeta W TIC-N e.a 4 5 2 4 7 4' praferably by letter; serve food worship in the Civil Defense room WPOP—Juka Box Sat NlEht Commission (PBC). West opens the deuce of dia­ and treasurer of Aldon Mills, United Methodist (Jhurch. The 5 During the early morning, a Rtporur « : S 0 - OJtTJ 4 A Q 9 5 early at a full atomach hdips keep that the . committee'a effort# . are at the school at 10 a m. The Rev. WPOP—N^wi WHAY-Record Hop A report of facilities the board monds. East puts up the king, and bearing fruit—people are taking served as a director of the State o'clock hour Is a new time for the Donald W. Greene will deliver the .spreading snow had coated north- 1:1ft- you take the ace of dismondii and ♦Q942 ♦KI743 “FOOD drinker# upright; plan emeirgency 3 P.M. to 9 P.M. Daily WTir-Mu*lr With a Beal feel, are n ec.ary In carrying out 4 X 4 2 4 K7 off the locks. The association's ac- association for the last four weekly Advent ceremony and has sermon. eni Alabama and extreme north­ WilAY—Pulk* Part; WDRC—N. y. rmiwirmonic look around to aee what the prob­ AVEY’S FUR antertalnment and. If the going WCCC—Maka Mina Music WPOP-Jiika Box Sat. Nlfht Its educstlon.l program waa re­ M K r m gets rough, shut the bar for an 'tivjtiea also include insthiction In years. been arranged because several lo­ f'ongrejcatlonal Notes western Georgia. Temperatures WKNB—S40 Club lem la. EVERT cal people will either participate Y . 4ft— ceived Nov. 21. At I h i. tim e School 4 A K r » • nour. safe working practices for refrig­ Harvey L. Spaunburg. chairman Universal Bible Sunday will be had dropped td'freezing across the 9 A.M.-9 P.M. SaiuNay U'TIC—Rosa Miller W'HAY- Record Hop Too late. Tfou’ve already missed MOOD" in. or attend the presentation of WDRC—Lei p Uecorata Superintendrnt M.rl. B. Wood­ 4 10 4 Z 46 B CENTER VI Start and finish early.- If the eration engineers. • » of the board of Veeder-Root, Inc., obsei'ved at 10 a m. worship at upper half of Alabama as far tVTM' Mtialr With a Beal "The Messiah" In Manchester later WPOP—Temno Bandatajid WDFtr'—N V ' Philharinonlc man.e. .dvi.pd Ih.l .nolh.r ♦ A 10 party ia acheduled to end early, ( ------Hartford, was elected president at Bolton Congregational Church to­ south as the Birmingham area. SOLD BY THE WPOP-Juke Box flat Nlfht You draw trump, and take the 4 1 10 in the evening. U’llAV^ Parade pf M ieir .lem en tary achool would h . needed < chances got grief are substantially Roy Conyers, head of the Con­ the annual meeting which waa morrow. The Rev. Theodore W, The Albania Highway Patrol H I-L E A G t'E m iM» - club finesse, losing to the king. SwMh West NofOi B h I HERE MONDAY, EDDIE REED David Ulm will act as candle- WC.Ti,’—Make Mine Mumc WHAY rter.,rd l|of. hy 10R2 at Ih. In addition reduced. Hold some sort of a finale yers Construction Co. at 21 Tol­ held Thur.sday night at the Hart­ Chandler Jr. will give a message cautioned moloriats about hazard­ East returns a low diamond to 1 4 Fa*» 3 4 PM# AT THE PIANO lighter. The reader will be Robert WJCNB~MU C'luh tv iic M'lalr With a Beal to converting Ellsworth Memorial After the bar closes. The idea is to land Tpke., attended the fifth Ad­ ford Club. on "The Bible Speaks Today." ous driving conditions. WTIC—Roee Miller Wl»nr—N. V Philiiarmonic Weal's queen. Now Weal leads a 4 4 An Paw B □ □ □ DD □ □ U □□ □ Efixon and soloist. Mias Nancy Lee, 4444444444444A44i 4iiiiiiiiiii WDRC—Mridern Uvinf Hig^ School to an elementary □ □ giva employes a chance to soter up vanced School for Home Builders A short congregational meeting ,‘lnow flurries also w ere fore- w r o r —Juka Box fiat Nlfht heart, and East takes two heart Opening lead — 4 2 Gwen Owren will portray Mar\- WPOP- ' ^mpn Bandetand 10 Ift— arhool before the.v sta rt fo r home. at the Unlveraity of Illinois,, held The electronics industr.v share will be held immediately following ca-Bt for tho ea.stern slopes of the tricks. it tM and Stephen Jablon, Joseph. San­ l:4A - WIlAt P.erord Ib-p A letter ha. h..n sent to th. In aplte of these precautions, Dec. 1-ld. of the 1959 missile market will ap­ worship to hear the recommenda­ Rockie.s, the eastern portion nf WHAY —Parade n( Mueir WTI<‘ -Muair W’llh a Beal DoM-n one. awkward bid but can probably jpWGIr b RK i 4RGIr b KGot b P dra and Susan Stitham will be seen \V('(V—MhK'* Mine Mueic Town Planning ami Zyonliig Coni- there Is bound to be a party The intensive course in building proach J3 billion dollars, reports tion of the Board of Deacons on the Great ijike.B, and New Eng­ wr»ru‘—N Y Philharmonic Of course my regular readers as angels. WKNB—t'4u riuh WPOP—Juka Box 8nt. Mfhl niiaaion iTPZCi. Cii.nlh.r Kraus. raise to three hearts. drunkard, and hla prime target is techniques and planning and de­ Electronics, a McGraw-Hill publi­ I the reception of 12 new members land. WTK'—nr•^J^ Miller 10 wouldn't dream of making that (Copyright 1968, General Fea­ Twelve men of the church will A STORM WINDOW WDPi •—Mu.'-ir find Newp P B f’ rlialrrmin aiiid, i.qu ealitig »p- O alwaya the boss. Even though they sign principles was conducted by cation. ' into the congiegation. While the biting cold mass WHAYin - R' - --rd Hop mistake at the first trick. The ture# Corp.), 1 CHIANTI RESTAURANT the University’s Small Homes appear aa the Disciples. They are \V i’( )p—'l>fnr"^ tiatidPirtiid WTIO -Monitoi prov.l of the town-owned properly maye be told off and insulted, the Large-scale production of op­ I Junior Frllowahlp will meet at dominated moat areas, the weath­ Evtryen* Can Afford! right play I* to let East hold the William Coates, Calvin Fish, -Tiiow 1:00- W|»n<;—Monde for Romance on the south side of Ayers Rd. ad- magSLZlna w arns th at company o f­ Council and Division of University erational missiles will be an im­ p,- .13:30 p.m. They are planning to go er was generally fair west of the U IIAV —Parfld- 'f M .mc WPOP—Juka Box flat Nlfht first Irlck with the king of dia­ 2 14 DEPOT SQUARE <4. Ml 3.4195 Frank Ulm, Harold Hoar, la cent to the Wapping School for ficials had better hold their tem­ Extension in cooperation with the portant element of the missile pro­ ’ ‘ caroling ih Ihc community. Rockies, eapeciallv in the south­ U iv i —n'‘c''td Reueu l« 44- monds. This guarantees the con­ Warren, David Sharpley. Robert Club WHAY* Rerord Hop 111. proposed high school site. Th. per. National Association >of Home gram for the fiscal year 19.39, E x ­ The Advisory Council will meet west and the Pacific coastline. tVTP'— Weaiher tract. Builders. Polterlon. Russell Potterton. A LU M IX I'M S CH A N N EL WTfo - Monitor PBr; feels that this site Is centrally As evidence, one boas didn't; he perienced missile and misslle- Monday at 8 pm . in the paiish Readings were in the 4 0 ,b and tVPRC- Mof (*pern WDHO—Moude for Rumanca West Is Rhiit Out Charles Bedford, Robert Boucher, SEI.F STORING pOp— j rtnp'i Baiid^iand loc.led, thus affording saving. In EASTWOOD became angry when beer hit him in Subjects Included In the course (tomponent producers will get room. ,30s m those regions Browns­ w ro p —Juka Box Sal Ntfhl Ha fry Richards and Harold Veal. t:10~ 11 00 - student transportation a. well a. East ran return a diamond to the eye. He gave the culprit a were land planning, market analy­ r ny of the orders. But other MethiMlIat Servleea ville, Tex. and 3'uma. Ariz., both WHAV- I’arad' eif M »mc WIIAY Rerord Hop Elliftb^lh Taylor - Taal Ntwaiaa sis, raanagem'ent, house design, Mr*. Calvin Fish will be organist i ' c ’! M 1 STORM WINDOWS VVCi M •—per^ifd Review I he nhvlou. saving In land acquisi­ the ace, and you draw trumps. You i month-long layoff. But the arbi­ companies, with missile hardware "The Prince of Peace in Our had 64-degree readings at mid­ 114 i.> ' ■ 3 WTK;—Newa WlvNB-k4ii Club tion costa. then take the club flnesae, losing Hart I toi 1r TONIGHT’S I trator ruled agalnpt the company, construction of component parts, Personal Note. WDRi:—Newa capabilities, will be able to get Homes” will he the sermon topic night. UTH'-R'^en Miller tn the king. Al this stage, how­ K THE NIGHT FOR OUR ANNUAL S foundations and floors, heating and Mias Mary Mielke, daughter of f ,p, •... \1,1 (.,,rra WPOP—Newa L«.t Tuesday the PBC met with Cot On A Hof Tin Roof saying it had no business disciplin­ into the missile field for the first of the Rev. Carlton T Dalev St Friday, the enld blast In th* II Ift- ever, West Is shut out. He cannot air-conditioning, color and mer­ .Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mielke nf Special W pr*p-1 -■ iiir''* Pandetand WHAY Rejord Hop Ih. Board of Finance to dlxrii.s the la Color ing a man off the job. especially time. 9:30 and 11 a m. worship service., Northeast caused a record break­ get in to lead through dummy's after supplying the liquor. chandising. Rt. 44A, has passed her state 1-SO- WTIO—Hporta Pinal town's financial position with re­ l:ftft-«:tft>ft:ft« The magazine ati.tes that 40 at United ^lethoriist ciiiireh lo- ing low tem perature for a Dec. 12 So eas.T tn ehange from one season to ao- WMAV Per«d* nf Mueic WDRC—Mooda for Romtnea spect 1o the .chool construction king of hearts. examination.. a* a registered moriow. Mrs. Robert Miirdoi k and V fi T-n-.-rud Review WPOP—Juka Box Baturdav Ntfhl per cent seems to he the best over­ date at Providence, R. I. nther: and so easy tn clean from inallle outlined by School Superintendent If East lead, hrarla, dummy's Plfli Daa Dairy Warren E. Howland, realtor, nurse. A graduate of Walerbury Mr.B. John Chaplin will he in U KNB- ^4u I'luh U 10- I CHRISTMAS PARTY I Price.s will remain nearly stable all estimate for electronics share The merniry zoomed to 4 in your home! UNDERWATER WARRIOR General Hospital Training School WTI' - .Miller WHAY- Record Hop Woodman«.e. "At this meeting, " king will win a trick. If E ast whose office ia at 576 Main St., In the first half of 1959, but after of the total missile budget. It Is charge of nursery during the later the Rhode Island capital, eclipsing WDRC- MM Opera W’tlO-Mnmtor Ih. letter at.t.d, "the commission leads anything else, you can dla- 4:41^1:11 S DON’T MISS THIS DELICIOUS ^ was reelected vice president of the In June. Mias Mielke ia employed service WpC)!'—7 '‘mp^' Rand it and WDRO—Monda for Romanca that some modest rises are likely. based itpon a breakdown of costa at Manchester Memorial Hospital the previous mark of 7 degrees STORM DOORS $32.95* l;4A- WPOP—Juke Box Baturdav Nlfht voted to retain the rard two heart* on dummy’s long Connecticut Chapter of the Na­ Thi.s is the consensus of a recent for earh type of mi.asile, since the Special Choir Behean«al above zero set in 1929. WHAV- Parad-* rf Muair. architectural firm of K.n. and Bl'NDAY TIMRi tional Institute of Farm Brokers Miss Patricia Strickland, daugh­ *Infttfi1lAt1nn OpHonfft. \Vi 1 f_p/rr,rd Rev|r« 11 40— clubs Either way. you M-ill loose roundtable discus.slon of seven government does not have figures Four youth choirs from two lo­ WHAY- Record Hop l■'.lrchlld for Ih . proponed high At the annual election of officers ter of Mr. and .Mrs. Ralph E WKNB- ‘‘4" Club WTIO-M-.nltur only one heart trick. "CAT** t:ftft^:4ft'ft:lft I SMORGASBORD $ |.0 0 | prominent economists, sponsored on the Industry's share of the cal churches will hold a special re­ WTIC Miller school project wh.n th. necessary Dail.v Question held recently. Strickland of French Rd.. was hearsal in the Civil Defense room Tiirllr# l.ifililni Cardrii# r 7 WDRC—Mboda for Homanca *'WABKIOB’* 4:ftft-7:4ft by Purchasing Week, a McGraw- overall gu'.ded-miaalle budget. elected president of the Tolland WpRC Mel Opera WPOP—.Tiika Box Baturdav Ntfhl fund, are appropriated Tlie com- Partner deal, and bid. one The Institute is composed of at the achool at 3 p m. Monday in E-Z TERMS • FREE ESTIMATES \\ pOP- Tempo Bandaiard IJ;84— { ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR ONLY I { Hill publication. County 4-H Fair Assn, this week iiiln.lon feel, that the heat Interest heart. The next player passes, and realtors from all over the country preparation for the community Ankara Wandering tortoises |;n(V~ wrNr—Bin off The experts agree that they ex­ Francis M Anderson. S W She has been a 3-year director of WHAY Parade nf Muaic of 111. conimunlly will thus he you hold: Spade. - - Q 10 6 3; and supplies the members with a carol .Bing next Friday. The Cltan- hearing candles on Iheii' shells Il­ \V< •( •<•—R^rrir'l Review pect no more than a one-to-two Medlar and Louis W, Stoltenberg. the fair aaaociation and has served served, »lnc. the service heart. - K 6; Diamonds J .3; nationwide multiple listing and re­ oel and .lunlor choirs of the Con­ luminated gardens in Turkey dur­ WKNB—S40 Club S DANCING FROM 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. { per cent raise through next June, all of Mahehester. and I^eonard F on iUt premium and judging com­ WTIC—Rnen Miller hy K.lrchlld nn the Pl..»- (3uhs — A Q 9 3 3. W hat do you ferral service. gregational Chun h and the VVeslev ing the Tulip Period in the mid- BILL TUNSKY • Ml 9-9095 w n p r— Met ripera "Looking further ahead, I would DeCaili of Rockville were among mittees. She has also been active .nl Valley .ml Avery Street aay ? Tonight Howland is also Connecticut and Junior choir.B of the Methodist I9;h Century. The eia got its name u pon—ieitipn BandMand Medical AssII. ,4i hool. I. proof nf hi. .hlllly In AKWMRMKISMMgHgMgHglWIWIwA say that you might expect to have 17 employes of motor transport in the local Clevei-Culiera (tub Answer: Bid I m-o rlub.a. If p art­ chairman of the National Institute companies pre.sented eertifleates Church will participate. from the Turkish dcvntinn to tulip WHAY—Parade nf Muaic design qii.llly school building, of Real Estate Brokers. an Increase of one-to-two per cent where she serves a.s junior leader garden.B The tulip was sent from ner can bid two diamonds, you will at East Hartford High School this T eacher .Aides ClirlBlniaa Fair T(«lay W ('cc—Rn^nrd Ravua within the town, financl.l re- in the Industrial price average in Till key to Europe in the Ifilh Cen­ WKNB-k4u Club Of Rome On sis grade 7 will be held In the class­ try two notrump: if partner'# re- FLOOR SHOW! week for completing a course in Mothers who will help at the 3- ITniled MelhodisI Church is con­ snurre., " Frank W. Kopcha of Watkins the second half of 1959." Leo tury. I WTIC—Rnaa Miller rooms, Mrs. J. Alden Harrison, bld Is two heart... you m-111 have an fleet safety supervtsioi). day session of the (Cooperative ducting its Chrislma.B Fair today Advertise in The Herald— It Pavs UT>R«*’-M ei rtpera The Pleasant Valley 16 class­ — plus — Bros.’ sales staff has been award­ Barnes, chief economist of Pren­ w r o r —Temi*n Bandaland church publicity chairman, an­ The course was sponsored by the Kindergarten and Nursery next at the church beginning at 1 p ni. room school opened Oct, 27 has ed a 1100 cash prize by the Eclipse tice Hall, Inc., said. 1:80- Doctor of Pins nounces that games, gifts and re­ University of Connecticut and the week are Mrs. John Harris, Mon­ WHAY- Parade nf Mualc tfifi .tudent*, 17 teachers and "CLUR 21" OrehMtro TELEVISION PROGRAMS Bedding Co. of Boston. His entry Dexter Keezer. vice president freshments are being planned Motor Transport Assn . Inc. The day: Mrs., Ross Hilton. Tuesday: Miuiolient#*r F.venlnp HrraUI B ol­ ■ |t. « Mtu Kevua •Sclimd Principal William Perry was judged one of the beat in a and director of the Economics De­ WKNB—R4n Dub Pupil, nf achool age- should bring EXCELLENT FOOD and certificates were presented by John Mrs. Edwin Hinds, Wednesday: ton oornHApondont. I>orU M. D 'ltal- (Oontiaoed from r« f. On.) Iran.ferr.d In from double shift contest which involved writing partment of the puhllshing com­ U'Tr<"—Mnnllor 2'> L E G A L B E V E R A G E S , . . F. Maerz, executive, vice president Mrs. Howard P. Jensen. Thur.sday la. telfphono MItrhrll WDRf’—Mel Opara ...alon. at llie W.pping School. gift, costing not more than JAM SESSION about "The easiest Eclipse QuIU- pany, thinks that "by and large, through hi. pm f...inn.l .rtlvity." Total HtIpiHted gen.rnl contract of the association. and Mrs. George Metxell. Friday. w ro p —Tempo Bandaland reril* for exchange. AI the same UIMBS4I ft Hartford, iloaa. ress mattress sale I ever made.'' we have pretty good offsets to in­ l-.M — th. roiinnl ..Irt price InclufllMg .11. Im provem ent, Johnny Wolf's UftaBMol ft New Havea. C«aa. The course dealt wilh personnel In the 3-day session. .Mr.s. Ray­ \V[Kr—llanrheaiar Harald Kava lime a party for members of the SUNDAY CbaftftVA 8S Spriaatfeld, Mavt. flation now. Food prices are tend­ l ,S. Top Hfliimi Sourer G.l««j!r,l-l>l.u’ii «rU>i«i, hMrit on was JSBk.ft.'l.’i 27 More th .n 600 selection, fleet safely, employe mond Boyd will assist on Monday: I t:4ft— cradle roll and preniirsery claa.a 8 to 9 P.M. Cluiftiivl ftft New Britala. C«aa. YOUR YARN SHOP The work of Rene Palenaude of ing to go down. Industrial rapacity WINF—Miialo for tha Flra! Bhlft re.ldenl. the .rhool Chaaeel 44 Rftlyekft. llftftt. morale, effective supervision, cost Mrs. Donald Carnell, Tue.sday and ' . hl.ry h. kept whil. .U.iirtlnR will he held In the W est Room iip- (Uae Blaeh Baat el Mala ia abundant, and productivity is Washington The United Slates |;4A- during 'Op.n House' on Sunday, CbaBart ftft Wotarbary (;#aa. Broad Brook in conducting a safe­ reduction, fleet maintenanee. ac­ Mrs. T. J. Crockett, Wednesday. | V« U'HAV —Parada of Mualc thr .trlrk.ii pontiff, .ppo.rrrt alalra in Ih* Wapping Community MICKEY FENDELL 21 Batwaan Oak and Birch) Department of Mines produces all ty program aimed at preventing going up. All these should balance cident analysis and Inveatlgatlon. Mrs. G. Malcolm Francis will help | U C. c - Rretu fi Hevua .bruit 10 rl.y. .fin th. Pop. ili.rl. Nov. 10 Mouse. Mnalc In A Society Fashion „, the helium manufactured In the WKNrB-«40 Club C t u l > children from becoming locked in out any upward forces. " claims and adjustments, preven­ in nursery on Thursday and Mrs. Bom . tt.lin n n .W '.p .p .r. hoiiRht A twin school following the ..m e A carol iin g will be held at 6 (22> FOOTBALL SCOBEBOABD * Art Needlework fiee world It will start con­ WTIC—Monitor plan la rurieiitly under con.lruc- (Formerly Murphy’s) (ftOl NEWS. WRATHRB A unused Ice boxes or refrigerators tion of non-vehicular losses, effec­ Herman M arshall on Friday. tVpRC Mel Opera th. .rllr).. hut I.Irr h.rlrl.h not p.m. on the church ateps with R ob­ SrOBTfi Is described in the December issue C. A, Houston of New Rochelle, struction of its fifth and most ex­ Wju'ip—Tempo Bandaland llon on Avery .SI It la scheduled RED EMBER 991 Main St.—MI 9-8100 ( 8) FHATI BK FIL.H Supplies tive communicstions and traffic School Menu to print th.m ert McClalchey accompanying on of "The Finast Record." published N. Y . a former Manchester resi­ pensive helium plant, costing J12.- “You Can Taatf The Quality’’ ft;0O- With Ih. .rlirl.. .Urrln)t .n up- lo open at liie start nf the next RESTAt RANT •‘Boy’i To«n” regulation at federal, state and Luncheons to be served at the WllAY - Parade nf Mualc the accordion and G. Warren West­ ( A) THK THRP:p: STOOGES * Free Insrnietions for employes of First National dent, has been named fleet aales 000.000. this year in the Keyes school year In September. and COrKTAII, LOI NGE comm ulnty le.vels. •school next week include on Mon­ \^ < t lt» (,i>ro Hevua ro.r, G.l«.r,iil-I.l.i r..lRn.fl .. ill- brook leading the singing. A short <22> WBKNTLiNO Stores. manager for the Twin Cities divi­ natural-gas field in Cim arron WKNB-Hpen Mika Route 44A and 6— Bolton <801 CARTOON TIME * Free Parking The next rourse in the E ffer- day, hamburg gravy with rice, r.r tn r nf |h. V .lir .n H r.ltti S .rv - School authorltle. seem In favor parly will then he held In the Com- Palenaude Is the First National sion of Socony Mobile Oil Co., Inc., County. Oklahoma The plant a WTK’ -Monitor an eveiiliial changeover tn a 6-.1-3 TEL. Ml 9-4446 <40) SATI’BDAV PEBrOBM . 80 OOTTAUB ST.—MI l-IU S live Fleet Institute will deal with green beans, bread and butter, Wpne- Met Opera lr.« Th. m.rtlr.l ...ocl.llnn th.n nuinjly Mouse to which all are In­ anc'p: refrigerator man in the Manches­ with headquarters at Minneapolis. completion next summer will Regardless of Any Weather motor transport rates and larlffa peaches: Tuesday, chop suey. let­ Wprip-Tempo Bandaland .t.rl.rl .0 Invr.lIR.IInn .durational ay.I.m from Ih. pr.,.- vited S:M ( ft) ALL fiTAB GOLF ter area, and is also New England A past president of the Connecti­ I'.S. helium-output capacity lo 4 OV- enl 8-4 a.l-up. Till, would mfaii "A Good Time Every Time" 5:80 (801 FLIPPY THP; CWIWN and will start Feb. 9. Two classes tuce. cottage cheese and pineapple AS POPULAR AS SANTA CLAUS W P;r—Newa Th. .xpiil.lnii w .. Ih. mo.t 'Ural' Church fierx'lres (t:-Mi orr.RA roiiirAxr director of the New England cut Chemical Engineers’ Club, over filO.OOO.OOO ruble feet a year, that g ra m m .r .chool would lu- (58) INDYKTRY ON PARADE (Cslari "Amahl and Ih* will be set up — one for novices salad, peas, bread and butter, 4 10 rlr..lli th. ...nri.tlnn .Sunday School at First Congre- (51) TOrC’HDOWN States Association of Refrigera­ Houston was first employed by So- more than seven times the 19,30 WINF—Mualc with Joa OIrand clud. (Irade. 1 llirough fi, junior DINING ^ Night Vliltori" and one for those with previous cookie: Wednesday, beef stew with rniihl h.v. ni.I.d oiil In U.l..r.r,l- gallonal (Tuirch Mill m eet at 9:30 ( A) JE F F 'S COLLIE ( «-43) I’A ri, WI.NC'HKI.I. snow tion Engineers which sponsors the rony in 1945. His most recent capacity. 4:14- high U rad c. 7 llirough 0, ami (52) TOITHDOWN Oi l* experience. Enrollments will close crackers, bread and butter, vege­ ,.r*4tL-r W1MV-- Parade of Mualc Gl... .n oriill.l .ml .iirg.nn who lii the church The Rev, R. Wln- (.80) FANOrs WP:8TEBNB (iu eili: Mrllla aad Wr- safety program. post waa in the lubricating depart- Ja n . 30. t\’TI' ■ - Monitor tr.Bt.rl Pop. Phi. Ihrnujrhoul hi. senior high grade. 10 through 12. DANCING (ftft) LATE MATINEE . ^ . roads. Waller fiehgrett* SHADY GLEN | tvfipi - Mai Opera throp Nelson m-III preach at both l:M ( I) LO.M-: RA.XUKE t^i'iip l*mpr» Bandaland lO yr.i- ponllflr.l. Adv.iil.g.n nf such a plan they the 9:30 and the 11 a.m. service on • :M < ft) ANNIE OAKLEY “The filleal Veke" cite Include: smaller number, of Marlborough 182) J E F F ’S OOLLIE 4 10 - p.nnitl.. mijfhl h.v. "Real Hop* Through a Living E’talnment (40) SMALL WORLD IU> ORAt ROBERTfi WHAY—Parade nf Mualc b..n r.n.iir. or . I.mpor.ry .ii.- ntud.nt. In high and gram m a r d:M MEET THE rR E68 Sealon Hits Slorv WTI' •—Monitor Word." The congregation Is In­ ( ft) WEATHER. NEWS * t XI 6KV KI.N’O Christmas Special Ice Cream 8 p.n.inn .ch o o l.: hiilldlng. and .H e . do not Evry Thurs.-Pri.-Sof. SPORTS Wl)p<* Met Opera vited In share in the coffee hour TAVERN ( ft) SMAI.L WORIeD mpo Bandaland iSat THK CHET HI'NTLEY delicious ice cream, have come hack again and ft:A0 111. maturing nf cjilldreii lliiil spe­ fo, the first time Hiinday. Mrs. "Charlene" Song Styllat “The Ce«e of the Faery SHOW really said was: He Intend* to re­ WHAY- Rov # Rerord Boom cially trained l.acli.r. ap.clalixlng Fifurea'* again for more. You ought to try it I It's a won- iw David Napper Is llhrsrlan. <88-ftO) PEOPLE ARB ELNNV I It RKfiCI K X By WARD CANNEL turn lo his publishing business WTIC- M-nilor 111 piiplla at till, .g e level are de- On the Rotary Center of Ijl) .SILENT SERVICE pie they've never met - and never M f'!'-' M*i Oprra The Rev. John deSnuaa will be The finest PIZZA ( »-S8) THE DICK C'LARK SHOW (M) COMMENTS hope to ." derfnll.i different combination offruits and nuta. Drama (rroii|> alrnhl. In helping bridge fifarlbornugh 6 Corners Gneata: The Fnar Colaa New York (NEA) -W ithin after I960 and added that in the - Tempo Bandaland guest speaker at th* Pilgrim Fel­ ^tre^ared^ota^ 1;H ( S-4*l TWENTl-SIX MEN Most often, I-asher says, the B 06 111. baffling rhang.nver between Where C.S, Highways 3 and (88.80) THp: PERRY COMO ( Il LASSIE the next 12 months, Americans' past aix years he hasn't been able ('lood to look at . . . better to eat I INI' - New • lowship meeting al 6:30 p.m. 6-A Cross. SROW^Gaeala: Kale Smith. ru Hitoinghi more Rumham, telephona MTIt4ih- 180 Spruce— Ml 9.0459 “Tho Girl with the Platon hand findings in this swindle are' \\ 1 u -♦Ifrirtiv hpofie I'h. pl.y 1. I.n H.v . .ml I,, du Savior I.utheran Church meet lug ell 4-0674. *'Wholn Truth*' Hair" hoods to keep out the noise. tv r»f:r t■onnertb-iii Preaenta i. iimrd.'tr. rom.ily "Tli. **TABAWA*' soon to be released. Look Ahead to ’59 at the Wnppliig f tr .m m .r .School 7;«ft S:U (tt-80) DINAH SHORE SHOW It is also a help, the confidence Console Was $675.00 W r*'P—Temi^o Bandaland ft:AlV-R:(»4 ( ft*5S) JI'R IL E E . V8A. Gaeat: (Color) Gne.t.: Shirley InfomMtIon Defense 4 :P—T« iiir>r> Bandatand I I1..1.I Cnmiminily Pl.y.r., And memherahlp will have a apecl.l 0:00 ( ft*68> LAWRENCE WELR 0:80 ( 8-48) ALFRED HITCHCOCK out, kill the call and try another 4 lA 111. w hoi. pv.ning I. to part In the aervic. There will he a SHOW the situation, the con artists in the number. livery. 90 daya aervice and a PRESENTS: “Tea.Tima’’ W 11A V - vt aahinftlnn Hparlal ( 8-40) GALE STORM* SHOW boiler rooms know that the public writ -Munitoi h.n.fll Ih. M.m’h..t.i- A..nrl.lion corpor.le re.rflnii.t Ion nf faith M(mE STM KILLED ( 8) DIVORCE COt'RT What ran you do to protect ^ ^^ Myslery Dealh (28..80) STEVE C ANYON (M) PARIS PRECINCT will not be Informed—does not yourself? Now 0 2 5 UTiRO- Invitation to Ltarnlnft for Ih. II.Ip of K.i.rd.d Children and the m.iiiher. will then perwiii- ^ T A R A W A • :N (38.30) CIMARRON CITY 18:00 («-S0) THE LORETTA VOTIRO TORO and guarantee. WPOP—Tempo Bandatand Id.Bl for Amfit.iir. ally receive their iiiemhachlp rer- "The Rlaadllae** SHOW “Strange Mosey” want to be informed." "Not much." I.jisher said. “If 1 00 OK TIK lim RM B iA C H N IA D ’ ( ft.40) HAVE GIN. WILL ( 8) KEEP TALKING It is a logical conclusion. Ijish- you’re -going to speculate in the 262 Su. In, (21") WHAt- Siiiifi baranada Th. pl.y i. .11 Idc.l on. for .in.- llflr.te. from the pa.lor, the Rev. TRAVEL WTH"—Motuior Was Suicide (40) HEATH VALLEV DAYR er’s report show* that the people m arket. you should know how I.iir group,. ...h plgy.r I. . rr.l Waller L. Abel The aernion theme THI 10:00 < ft40) GFNSMOKF. (88) THE e ARI.V l a t e «R0W Full IIHF-VHF. Black and White or Color. u f'R' - 1-> • on hporta ( M3) SAMMY KAYE’S MYSIC most often ri'ctlmlzed are doctora, the market works and how to PREPAID r h . r . f l . r nml h.n nn opjiortunity will he. ".lust W hat Doe* fTiurcIi ntuccsT “Thoronghbred." Wpi'ip-Juka Box 8:at Mftht FROM MANHATTAN dentists, clergymen, businessmen' 1 16 In d.v.lop hi., p.rl, Th. Im.. kit Membership Mean " (Oonttniied rram„Paga Ont) 18:80 (8) NEWS A WEATHER check on stocks and brokers. The coLUMDiA pierumft SATTtE 10:ft0 < 8) HEADLINE ( 8-40) WHAT'S MV LINRf —people who should know better. ' W HAY - li '.'fl, V Hour wlllv, in 111. b.«t Ir.diimn of Ih. A new tyulheraiv Inform ation (38 30) BRAINS A DRAWN information la available. But get­ U 1 i' M..nit--i EVIK (81) IIIRECTOR'S p l a t - "And lo make the picture black-1 Kiir Ii.I i liglu I'luu.dy Tti. humor rla.a will begin Sunday. .Ian. II, Captain lo Sergeant and siiipend- ( I) ALL STAR THEATER ROI'SE ting It requires some time and tv ril> ' r,\ e On Npoi la 9O0OHT (40) HIORWAY PATROL er.” Lasher said, “the phony op-j w n M - .I,i«e R.n Sal Nlfhi I. in.Mi The course will co\'.r I he ed him for 30 day# for violation "Vaakee Doodle Daady” energy —and the boiler room men iiol fll.p .tli'k r, . (<.rtHln stewarT shanger - 0 8 (ftft) THE RARLV LATE SHOW THE LATE SHOW Table Model Was $525 1 80 t.Hi liliig. of 111. t’hrl.ll.n faith of alamlard police practices in orators know they have a better | know it." \t IIA V - ;.uiu ei heranada .kill In r.ndmR lln.. I. r.ipilr.d nf niMEDI 11 :N < S) NEWS. SPORTS A WEATH­ “The Atomir Kid" chance to swindle someone who | Christmas tVTI''--MM,,u- I .Hill nitor Koi ni.ny«. Hi. and liifoim the people of the Lulh- haiullmg the i-asc, DONNA REED ER 10:48 ( 8) COI'NT OE MONTE CRIflTO tvr»p'' I pbe^l Nlfht ernii Churcli The cl... will meel I Ir\ I'nrilgan'a atatemeni yeater- < ft) NEWS A WEATHER 11:88 ( 8-48) SCNOAV NEWS SPECIAL has been swindled once before W pop Pl.y.r. h.v. b..n nin.l .uri...- ( f > ITRTAIN TIME 11:18 ( 81 .MOVIE MASTERPIECE Without knowing it." I A A Include# set-up, de- \-.'d 'of* each .Sunday iiioriilng .1 9 111 am ilav tie Hlamed the aulclda par- (U) SATVRDAV NIGHT NEWS 7 16 ful with till, kind of g.ntl. I. urIi GEORGE SANDERS "Top of the World” If there is any consolation In i Fircmcn Set Dale You can be a Chriifmas a.ngel with a checic for a tV H A t , l||•|•e| Hrtenada l.r I*..I nlgtif. p.rfnrninnr. .dd. and will he In ...s u m unlil 10 a m liallv cm family and financial (40) WRESTLING ( 8) w o r l d ’s r e s t MOVIES wW livery, 90 daya service U 7 1- - M .| f,,. Peraoiia Inlercsled and altendliig prrihlema, It :1ft < ft) WORLD'S REST MOVIES "Gardea af Ik* Mooa" knowing how and why boiler' tv r»Fb I pbeai bai Nlfht .nnlh.r p.liii to hlu. ribhoii < ft) SHOCK THEATER rooms operate, I>asher'a report ex- j N o w ^ 4 2 5 and guarantee. bill-froo holiday. You can give the "big" gifts tVPOP- W^^^d rf t.lle .h .in 4 nr. under nn ohlig.llnti either In C.uatafann leaves hi* M-idoM- and "Werewnlf af t.«»adfta'* For Ladies Nigjht (10) THE LATE SHOW p lain s: ' I OA- T h . p l.y h .s f .u l l . It i. inn the pn.loi nr lo the chinch A hahv three children The fapiily Uvea tv HAY - .-‘ renatie m Hlua .lite r will he provided for those al Thompson Avenue here. llilO (ftft) NEWS LINCOLN.MERCURY 1. As more and m ore In form a-1 you've vyan'Ied to in '59 with a SBM Chriitma* WTI<^ t'cvrii B-^Mon rollofa wordy, Tn piil . r r o . . . point th . 18:00 (40) NIGHTCNIGHTCAP EDITION NEWS. Hon about the stock market is Plans are being made for the needing one. tf:4ft ( ft) F E A IT B E FDaM TOPS IN FIXE CARS! tviuRt'"—w ' Id r--'ntfht ..lo r. must wnrk niurli ton h.rd published, and as more And more i To(vn Fire Department's 13th sn- U p o r .lull- Ros Rai Mchl Til. Lullieraii \oulli prsciiciiig "?^ht la Caftablaara" Open a SBM hut Ih .l I* th . .iit h n r . f.u ll ( I) NEWS . people become stockholders, the j mial Ladies' Night dinner- Club if you itart one right now. ft;!5- for 111. nirlslmss skit Mill meet Ir Slaaeheatar They’re At tV H A Y • Herr i i ri v e | e Kxil. .nd .nlr.m-.'. ji..d h.ll.r ( I) NEWS A WEATHER pound for sowing phony seeds dance. to be held Feb. 21 at Gar­ tor prnctice nt the pnstora lionic tVTR’--1 ■^■''■.nll V* Ro^|l^n t'oUef* liming, Ih.y nr. iiiuvM loo loif- MORIARTY IROTHiRS becomes more fertile. den Grove. A committee of vol­ NEW KIND OF tV 1 »Rf!—Woi 1-1 7 omf 111 at I p m, Siimi.y, The entire GMNnS CANALE unteer firemen from the four hose WpOr-.T''e B- \ Sm' .Nlfht, .ml .gain Ih. iiuthor niual ALBA ROOM S U 1 ^ Y SIS Oenlei' St.. Tel. HI t-SIU 2. People are impressed w ith ; S .10- ^ ; YdUlli gii,ni|i. M.Hliier peiiiiUllilg. long-distance phone calls and will companies hag been named to take Christmas WH A y I R.s.iirlie Ni.venn l.k. til. hl.iiir, Unw.v.r, .dor. oiii.l .r i .p l rp«|ioii.ll)||ily for I M ill attemi Ihc annual Chriatiiias *816 Main Rt., Glastonbury ^ It:## ( II AMKRirAX I.RGICND pay attention to what the caller charge of the affair. SNOW FLO W ! Sf f f W Tir—l'iV-’ M 18 Roajr.n OnHefa j play al I'liiimrdla (’ollegl.le Insti­ (881 THE WAY $ 25 C L U l ...... Save 50e weekly tvr»Rt’—N Y rtnihnrmonie Imr. .nd nl.g. pidur... Soni. lHiliaii«Am«rlcan (881 NEWS REVIEW 11:.. ; » ’) naa to aay.'-. especlall.v if he ap­ General Chairman of the com­ tv ro p —Juke Box 8ni Nlfht tute ill Rrmixvllle, N. Y. All Mill. (48) TEXAS RANGERS 1S;4JI ( 8) NEWS A WEATHER peals to their sense of profit-mak- weekly l;4A - .low .pot. r.n l.y In fir.l night m ittee ia A lbert Gunther, Co. 4. Simply lift off the engine- S 50 C L U B ...... Save $1.00 I meel and leave from Hie paalor'a C p D k in ft 18:18 (801 EDUCATION SPEARS 'MSJ! «*»iTAtioH Inx. WIlAY I Mf.airlie \ ti 'ollefa ... . mm h liiiprov.d prodortlon ( 81 WE RELIEVE 8. TTie more laws are’ passed to Co. 3: and secretary ia T h o m u and-hgndleuiiit of thisToro $100 C L U B ...... WDRjr—N Y Phi I ha I nmnir ' M apping Church \ ulr Prngnuu OPEN SUNDAYS ( 81 TEENERS TALK I P pjvem ' securities, the more falae- WPOP-.Hike Rr-.\ S.-vi NiflU Anting Honor. McNally, also of Co. 3. Power Handle Snow Plow $150 C L U B ...... Save $3.00 weekly ' The Flej-iial Void Mill he the Dinner Music 6 t# • P..M, (78) TNE RIG RASGAIJI secure do people feel about I Individii.l .rtlng honor, .hnuld Rev Roy IUilchenn'.s .Sermon Top­ Sunday (80) e t e r n a l I.IOIIT MONDAY Heading up the various ar- and you've got the power $250 C L U B ...... Save $5.00 weekly I go In th. .h..iil nilnd.d vir.r, Dancing Every Hat. Night ( 8) YESTERDAY’S NEWSREEL ^elr Investment*. gements committees are: Frank ic al the Wapping Cor.imiinlty ( M«) ' pl.y.d to th. I.xi fnrgott.n n.m . ( 81 WORLD'S REST MOVIES !iP.>EAr_yrf_ 4. Sucker list* available from “Doc" Scheibenpflug. Co. 4. din­ unit for your choice of 10 5500 CLUB ...... Save $10.00 weekly GENERAL Morahlp service at 10:48 a m Sun­ To Al Uamato anj Hla * * "Hoaky Taah” < ii5 ) about 1,500 firms who specialize I bv K.nn.lh Wh.ldon, to Ih. light day School will he at 9. .lunlor FULL COURSE DINNERS (Mi SCNDAY MATINEE < ft^ ) TOKOB. ner and music; Roy Stratton, Co. | other Toro Power Handle I fing.r.d Pgiil. .Tnhn.on, «nd Strln g a" 1401 KERO 1840 ROW in this kind of trade. 2, tickets; Randall Brown. Co. 3, j P'\’'F M-lll meet from 6 to 7 p m. For RmryAttona Cliattia of Fraah Shrimp Cocktail, Fraah Fruit Oup, <81-80) IT tX> Given these piemiae*. the boil­ TV SERVICE th. fourth g.n.r.tlon-g.nU.m.n- ( 8) IT’S YOrR COMMCNITT B T en refreshments; and Fritz Wilkin­ yard machine*. See it today I and tne Senior group from ^ to 6 MR 8 ClierrjBtoiies on the Half Shall, Aatipaato. ( 8) TWENTTKTR CENTTRT ( #48) M O raliF- -B V JA A TY . er room operators are In busi- D ay . a e a o#u I burgl.r-.nd-rliurrh-wird.n Hom.r (tti ON THE SPOT ( 8-80) THE aCIDIN~ciDiNo ueU« son. Cio. -1, Dowers and decora-1 Clioica at Soap or Juice neas. YEARLY DIVIDEND RATE INCREASED Nlifht. wA.99 Pill. Part. ' r-’oril Bill liU.ttg.n., wlio.. pr..- fiUli (101 JTN10R SCIENCE <’8) NEWS tions. S2.95 A apecl.l Clirial Ilia, program Celery, Ollvea and Garden Salad The first atep is sturdy name |.|1IT on niiy .t a g . .I w .y . .parka . (40) PRO_FOOTHALL RICKOfT ( 848) LIBERACE SHOW Music fo r the evening will be j TEU Ml 8-A48* Mill hr presented in the church Potato nnd Vegetable ( 8-401 PRO POOTRALL (8t> AT HUNK WITH KITTY and a Wall street address to lend M A R L O W lS i H.l nml nil .m il .n r ., m .d . .n .11 at .8 pm . All pnvishonera are (New Yark Glaal. rs. Cleyo- (80) MOVIE MATINEE a front of dignity and stability supplied by the Dubaldo Bros.' fTRBT FOR BVERTTHINOI Depoeiits made during the first loo bri.f .. the Srot- DAISY HAM with laad Rrawo.i (80) BINGO AT ROME Orchestra. j urged lo attemi and other, ar* I pinaoppl* . . . S2.2S (Hi CI-RTAIN TIME ( 8) n i'R MISS RROORS to the swindle. Behind the ad­ .*) buaine.vs days of each V.rd iii.n. Invited lo join vvltli tjiem Guest l : l t (80) PRO RASKRTRAI.I, ( 8-40) AS THE WORLD TtRH S dress is usually a imall ’’execu­ VEAL CUTLET PARMIGIANAARMIGIANi . . . S2.S0 (Syraria* at Delroil) e . month «iil! earn dividends Th. olli.r pl.y.r. Inriud.d singers m-i1I Include Ruth Groman, iiS< 8) STAGE 4 tive” office for receiving and aend- Yke Mark Series a Msetee. 240 •#. In. vi*«)*b.l* .N'nmy H u ...II » . Ih . mol h .r, BTII.ii SUCED TENDERLOIN.OIN A U IPiiMiehi ( 8) OPEN HEARINO (88) NEWS IM ee Celer" eree. IcsreBed SslM ed ' Melliy from (he first of the month. Manchester aoprnmi aoloiat, and . . . $2 JO ( 8) ROLLER DERRY l a r ----Peel N'eninsa (81) POLKA PARTY - (80) JIMMY DEAN SHOW The real operation la often In *M k*a*«M6ri**# liCOtri. |625 WESTOWM of Aliliey Rd Mrs. Eielyti Foater, HAM STEAK, wlHi pinnmpl* ring . . . I 8) ROM'I.INO STARS ( 8) JANET DEAN. R.N. ■■ PHARMACY iv ItolluiH 111 Ih. till. rnl. of th. G Warren Wcsthiook and G. Ed­ nit B«rl hex S2.2S (48) ni.31 (81-M) TRUTH^ D OR R CONS! another building in a low4r rent 469 Harttord Hd.—Ml 9-1WI4B Whit. Sh.rp, .lid Triidl K.rknag.l g ar Weal brook M ill join m a mu­ TORTSLLINI m C A SSER O LE...... 4 8) SHIRLEY TEMPLE FILM •It'KNCES IC ^ r) Section of Manhattan. 3 Cat On A Hot Tin Roof $2.00 FESTIVAL ( #41) Ml'SIC HINGO .. hi. addfd hi. bit sical numhei The Senior CTioIr 8tM “Here la a grubby room,” Laah- ______la £ e l^ MA-aiM-ScU CHOICE OF DESSERT, COFFEE, TEA or MILK (40) CONQI FNT 1:H ( WO) HOt'SE PAHTV Tsatfid, Aijoeted, Delivsreid. OoMwateed, Benired to ni.k. Ih. evening . v.ry pleas- will sing "'I'he Chllde Jesus," a ”Tk* Searek lar s Car* la THIS tS TUC AHSWRB VDU’U 'have to move. Eaah deak The Havings biank of y anchester Christmas carols. While Gifts will pl*y with iinderstnndlngf and w it "Monhunf in H it J n n ^ " haa only a amall card file o f n am ef be presented at the altar, The.v ___ 4;4a4:U OPEN SUNDAY The curtain call, . clever stag e df.- are lo be sent to the Oongrega- and piMtte numbera euid a tale* MAIN OFFICE EAST BRANCH WEST BRANCH Vlce, WB«, w. suspect, her Idea. The tlonal mission service In N#w York BTA«Tfl WKO. IN C e lo ii""™ plMtie. = A L L D A Y = lo.l (,. )(.: M A Aloe,.A1c7/’B»it \ frr Fufi\adt stage waa attractively done under foi distribution among the needy. n. llArdol pBrUUnKt>** MORIARTY BROTHERS "tile aaleamen, timidly etriwed Aio)V) Sf Co/ I t fU> a ' f VVVVi'.f • f '' Ti./MpiH(. the direction of Louis. R.rknggel Wapping Sundav School Chrlst- WALNUT RESTAURANT to their undcrehiria becauae of Potterton^s 24.HOUR lURNER SIRVtCR ______the heat o t too many people In OPCN THUP'tDAY and JCveretl Oambl., All 4n #11, # maa parties will be haiiT D#e. JO at T .W A U rO F ST .— m too amall a apace, a p ^ an an- IVININGS 6 i)' ,3 BOTH FRANCMfS O / f N ftf/OAYS -SUNDAYS good evening's entertainment. It 6;.80 p.m. at the Community RANQiaMiPUiLOII. WS m I ISO Ceater Street Gor. of Charch Street will be repe#t#d tonight #t «:S0. tire working day maung one Jong Church. ThoM for chlldrtn balow c^Md Uondd Adxf. JliCm friRftT.—PMONIMI3.l11i Oalaaeo can afttr another to peo- I ALWAYS FUNTY <9F IM FAt WNft i \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1958 PAGE FIVE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1958 PACT rotm ‘Messiali’ Set Coventry \ Gunmdn Killed in Ambush policy ilfnlflcBnci In thi Wiit'a that thia la Juat the way prevloiia I Wonder* of the Universe. Gotham Newspapers Judge Hits lilanrt^ratpr proipdctlvd handlini; of ttii grow- lee ages began tnd ended. Inf iBlui About Bdrlin. T h i Britiih, W e are Inclined to believe auch ; For Tomorrow Omreh Emphasizes Meaning . Police Foil Sopttin^ ^ rra li theorlea, both about the peat and ‘ Pacifist in Abductioii for InitAnci, Mim wllllnf to go [ PUBUBUKD BY THL Satellites Soon to Haul The traditional performance of pK«rAf.ftrpRtNTiNQ CO., ufc. back to th* Geniva agreement, In the future, because they contain o r Christ in Yule Program II Btutll mr«*l Churches Handel’s "Messiah" will be given the exact kind of Irony which Silent for 4th Day MtnchMMr. Cwin^ which the armament or dliarma- tomorrdw In the Manchester High Of Wealthy Contractor THOMAS r rtlRGCfeN aeema to ua a conalatent part of Tax Issue mcnt of Germany and the unlfica- WALTER R. rERGUBON School auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Special Christmas services to be^meet at 10 «.m. Dec. 20, at the Me PubUlhir* tlon of Germany were linked li- man’s fate. The warmer we get, Commtinity Baptist Church St. .lame* B. O. Church Power Supply Trailers (Continued from Page One) down the aame day, claiming the Four soloists,. 185 choril singers, held at the Second Congregational Kusick home. EoundtJ Octobtr 1. iirtil______Rev. John P. Hannon, Ppalor printera at the News had breached (Oontinned from P»go Ove) (ConUnnei) from Page O M ) aiiei, and have new diicunBioni the closer we are to a new Ice age. 5B8 Bast CVnUr Ht., at the On and 12 musicians will be directed Church in addition tb the regular The Button! and Bowls 4-H John R. Neubert, Minister Rev. Jamea T. CConnell holidays and several other Item!.” an ITU contract appljring to all by G. Albert Pearson in the sixth Blood Unit Offer§ PublUbld Ever/ BTtnIng with the Ruaitani In which the The smarter we are, the more Sunday morning worship during (7lub will have a Christmas party hit one of the family if they op«Q4 BuBdAi* »nd HolliUyi Bm«rM bi ih. Rev. John P. Blancbflekl The Union’! original ,demand! the papers. performance here. U,e holiday saaaon have been an- at 3 p.m. Tuesday at tha home of Crackin remained ’ a ^ n e — and P»»t OffICB II Mlnchwler. Conn i* qiieationa of Berlin, of German iinl- trouble we have. The better our 0:30 and 10:4A a m., Two ilmilar Rev. Joaeph H. McCann B y DR. I. M. L E V IT T centered on'a $10 a week wage and Radio and television stations The four soloists are Miss Elwan ed fire, remained hidden. 6»cond C llll Mill MBIltr ______nounfced. Mr*. Harmon N. Cochrane with silent. He refused to stand in Chance for Living communications, the leas we have Services of Worship. S e r m o n Director, Franklin Inatttuto benefits package over two years. have broadened newscasts - to fill Harbrecht, soprano of New York The gunmen ordered Marcbe- nratmn. and of Ruaala'a natural Bach of the services is planned Mrs. Jean F. Roy assisting. Those court, plead to the Indictment, de­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES to comniunii ate. Tliere always Topic: “The Book That Uvea." /Sunday Maaaea at 6, 7, 8, B, 10:15 Plaianteriiim Philadelphia The suaper.ded papert are the the void. Some New Yorkers are Caty, Miss Francine Falkon, con­ giani's wife and daughter td lie dread of German rearmament In order to help "put Christ back' attending have been aaked to bring fend himself or help his attorneys, An opportunity for early on a bed. Piyabli In Adrinci 9:30 a m . Sunday Church School fnd 11:30 a.m. Watch for an unuaual develop­ Herald Tribune, Mfrror, Daily able to get out-of-town papers, tralto from Bethel. Roger Loucks, Oni Y «lr ...... •’ 5 ' would all be on the table. We. when aeema to be. in otir fate, some bal­ Into Christmas," according to the a 50-cent g ift for the grab bag. \yhile he awaited the verdict, he Christmas giving was sug­ < (O t for children and youth, Cradle Roll ment coming up In apace acience. News, and Times in the morning especially from nearby New Jer­ tenor of 56 Olcott Dr., and Paul “ I ’d hate to shoot your heads Six Montha ...... ancer, aonie reacdor, not always Rev. C. Arthur Bradley, pastor. Hostesses will be Ann Roy and Su­ read calmly from a book by Albert gested today by Dr. John C. Thraa Montha ...... 1 all we deny what happened at Geneva, through High School. Ht. B ridget'! R. C. Church Before long you may aee an and the afternoon Joumal-Ameri- sey communities. . Ukena, baritone of New York City. off.” one said. The first activity is the Church san Cochrane. Schweitzer. Wright, chairman of the Red Ona Month ...... ’ i5J make Hear our own averalon to fu- following any logic or reason auch I0:4fr a.m . Sunday Church A c­ Rev, .lohn J. Deliiney, Paator earth-girdling satellite dragging a can, Post, World-Telegram and A railroad and a ‘ radio station Ten o f the 12 musicians are reg­ At that moment, one of the two Woalily ...... School's presentation of the page­ The P o t! and Patches 4-H Club Only after the jury's verdict — Cross Blood program. , gunmen remaining downstair! Blnfla Copy ...... "* lure negotlatlona and. Indeed, to as can be applied to the cycle of tivity program for children. Cradle Rev. Htnnie.v E. Haatlllo, Aaalatant trailer behind it. Sun, Long Islam. Daily Press and have been distributing' thousands ular members of the Hartford will have its Christmas party after Rev. Dennla R. Hiiaaey, Aaalatant The trailer will be a power Long Island Star Journal. Symphony ‘Orchestra. Four of the ant "The Llttlest Angel" to be reached in only 19 minutes of de­ “ Manchester residents have spotted Detective Sgt. Leonard MEMBER o r am aolution of the German prol)- 11 e Ice age.'i, hut always enforcing \ Roll through Grad* 3. of sheets containing a brief news given at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow at the school W ^n esday at the home of source. It will carry ah array of A fte r the atriike began Tuesday 13 are from the Manchester area, liberation—did he break his silence. a real opportunity to begin Kragh Crouching behind living Itself nonelheleaa. 2 p ni , The paator and others digest. sanctuary, by-children of preschool Mrs. W. Brj'ce Honeywell, leader. The^AMon^e*d^*Pr«',^ir” if’Mi,lv,u lem whlHi la aaliafaclory to Rua- Sunday Maaaea 7, 8, B, 10:1S and .aun-powered electrical cella feed­ n igh t,' they continued to publish, including Miss Cynthia Treggor, Even then, he said only; their Christmas giving Tues­ room furniture. He fired at from the church will be rondurtlng In Pennsylvania Station, the age through Grade 3. There will be art exchange of gifts. .So mu dreama of an ever 11:70: in the chapel 9 and 10:16. ing a continuous current Into the selling copies over the counter violinist. Miss Diane Mather, cel­ "There Is one thing I'd like to day," Dr. W right said, "by Kragh. \ :r“ n;t.'“d“i\.rh” .'’'r;st;ed'm'‘ir o^"'* services at Convalescent Homes. Long Island Daily Prfss and the The Pilgrim Fellowship Will at­ Church Serv’lces say. It is my earnest prayer that As Kragh and the other officers not oth«rwiie rr«dtt«r1 Tp itut rmp^rifmrl thp sUtu.s quo. btit. even if it warmer climale, aymhollied by 3 p.m Fellowship Guild for satellite to power Its aclentiflc In­ a*^ their plants. I ng Island railroa'* combined to list, Leonard Eccellente, violist, giving a pint of bldod to the tend a performance of the “Mes­ The Rev. C. Arthur Bradley will the government will atop its war Red Cross. began shooting, all four gunmert Bnd Alfin th* loCRI n^KiB (M»bll8h<*rt h^r^ , ^ ^ ... , winters prngieaahely warmer, had glrla. Grades 6-8. Bring sand­ Church of the AaaiimpUon struments. The Dally News had to halt pub­ project news on a screen for the an^R obert Johns, bass violinist. use "Christmas.Preparations" aa All right* of r*publlc*Uon of •pBcltl j sucrsed* in doing IhRl, only *1 * 'nte chorus has rehearsed every siah” tomorrow' evening at Man­ preparations and honor the con­ dashed for the door. Police buU belter he abandoned unless we wiches. Adame Ht. and TTiompaon Rd. How practical la such a trailer? lication of Thursday morning edi­ utd’s 100,000 daily communters. his sermon topic during the 11 a.m. “It is difficult to Imagine a dlBpAichf* hrr>ln Are wl»o which decieps th»t thf pvcn- Monday night for the performance chester High School. sciences of those who would stop lets dropped three of them. The 7 p rn , Junior High Youth Fel- Rev. .loaeph Farrell, I’aator This will be determined when the tions when printers, members of In Times Square last night, 02- services tomorrow at the Second nlore priceless gift than the want to |mll a new ue cap down Rev. Francia T. Riitler, Aaelataoit inflatable aluminum satellite plan­ since Nov, 3. The accompanist dur­ The fellowship will hold Its an­ these evils." fourth, an unidentified Negro, e.7- ruii lervlc* clUnf of N E A , tuRl solution of th€ nprniRn prob* low’ship with Billy .Jarvis and tht International Typographical page editions of the Fort Lauder­ Congregational Church. Mrs Rich­ giving of one’.! blood to keep ovei our heads. A winter tike tills ned by the National Aeronautic* ing rehearsals has heen Kenneth nual "H olly Hop" at 8 p.m. F ri­ Before he sentenced Mr. Mc- eaped. '^ruhiishfr* nfpi^n^ntttivBB Ph* !em will be less and less sstisfsr- (.*liarles Romanowskl leading. Union, refused to cross Deliverers' dale, Fla., News were handed out ard Slayton will be in charge of the spark oC life in a fellow ,. . __ a ^aeir>V _ MdiW _ . . . Sunday Maaaea 7, 8, 10:15 and and Space Administration la Miller, a atudeqt at Manchester day at the Church Community Crackln, Judge Druffel disclosed The dead hoodlum was identified Julm, Mnlheat Special Arencv - one, which wdll keep the A relic 7 p m . Senior High Youth Fel­ picket lines. free to passersby by Northeast the nursery class at the Church man " Dr. W right stated. York Chlcaao Delri.ll and B'',tnn tnry to ua The point at wlilc h we | 11:70. launched. High School. House. This will be open to the that only a week ago, at a pre- as Raleigh Morton, a Negro, of fror.en end ua loo. la Just the lowship with Gail Mitchell and The rest o f the papers shut Airline stewardesses. Community House during the wor­ He reported the Red Cross MKMBh.R AUDIT BLREAL OP miKht have awapped In Ceriuan ! The device will be hurled aloft Playing the organ tomorrow public. Round and square danc­ trial hearlng.'he offered probation Washington. CIR|'^;I-ATU).^•S right tP kel. .lane Reese leading. ing will be supplied by a caller ship services. She will be assisted to th'e minister in return for a plea local blood quota may fall far Police said Cross was the gun­ rearmament for a free, united Her- j HI. Rarthninmew'a ( 'liurch In a small package which Inflates night will be Dr. Walter Ihrke, abort this month Tilt hrrsul Prtnllna Cnmpani. Inc, Buckley .School .Auditorium into a 12-foot aluminum sphere. head of the music department at and records with an admiasion by Diana Waahmann anff Gail of nolo contendre. man whose garb resembled that of many '.va.ii iirohahiv the beat liar- ( alvary (-hiipel White. "many have turned down ap­ ASBimif** rto finftfM'ial rB*pfin*ibnilv for , Rev. Fhlllp Hiiaapy, I’aator Then progressively larger spheres Rockville-V ernon the University of Connecticut. charge. But the minister of Cincinnati’s a priest. tvp'*praphir*i frror* •mi^arln* In .oAintnc r>oint ws hRV#* posseRSed, ( .\HNernl»llea bf The Church School will hold a The Religious Education Com­ pointments because nf ship­ The injured were identified at Tartl^Bni^nlB and otliar ra*dln* maitar ______will be launched until a 100-footer Eric S. Anderson has served as St. Barnabas Presbyterian ami 22 \>rnoti Street ping and social activities ,st- in Th*! Nf«nthf“8lar Kvaning n^rald or will poRRFBs. As this possibility .Sunday Maaaea 8, 9:16, 10:30. la finally In orbit. manager for the Messiah Chorus, Christmas party including games, mittee will meet at 9:30 tomorrow Episcopal church refused to have Providence Hospital as Gene C. K. Ia. (histafson, Pastor movies and refreshments from 2 at the Women’s Lounge at the tendant to the Chn.stmaa sea­ Smawicy, 28, and Charles L. Cross, I rrrrdas, nur birgRinlng power will Connerticiit and N. William Knight haa served anything to do with the legal r)i/*pl*v idvartm lns rloBUiR hM ir*: Suppose such a 100-foot aphere p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dec. 20, at the Church Community House. son." 38. both white. They wert) or Mondav— 1 P in mrti*; |rllmlnisli snd' re-writing Oenevi HI. 71aiuice K. ('. Church had about one-quarter of its sur­ Dresser Asks School Board as its tresuiurer. Tickets to the fight. He Is an admirer of India's or Tija.'iflav — 1 pin Mnndav 9 t.*\ a.m,. Sunday School — Church Community House. The Rev. James R. MacArthur "I believe a failure to meet charged with assault with Intent Bolton Center face covered by the type of solar performance are still available. late Mohandas K. Get dhl and his JTnrf '1 V ni Turr'U v :will not SSV€ It. classes for all ages. will use “The Book That Lives," oiir'-quota," he .said, "because to rob and kill. Rev, Bernard .Mctiiirk, Faetor cells now powering radios, tele­ North Co-op Meeting civil di.sobedience methods. jr<^r Thijr!«f1*v — I p n i U > iin ^ 3 d « y . Yankee 11 A ni . Morning Worship. of such ahalliiw rea.sona during None of the police was injured. For Frldav-l nm Thi»r«diiv phone lines and Instrumentg in the Make Cuts in Driver Course Parent-members of the North aa hla sermon topic during the Faced with complete lack of Far 9*fiird*v-1 j> m Frldav 6 pm , t'hrist'a Ambassadors -- Maaaea at 7, 8:.70 and 10 am. Coventry Cooperative Kindergar­ 10:45 a.m. services Sunday at the co-operation by their client. Berry the season when men arP in­ "A terrific and heroic Job." Scott ri« — ifi»d d»adfinr 1^' * m ^*rh By A. H. O. "baby" Vanguard satellite. Hoffs And The Nuraemsids youth servic* Icy Roads Cause ten and Nursery will have a meet­ First Congregational Church. and Dewey baaed almost their en­ spired with good will tetiiaid said. , d*v nf nuhlIrMlon •xerpt SalurilRV— Two thousand watt.s of electrical The part driver education should^Book," by the Rev. David G. Jax- one another is a contradfCtion t s m 7 p.m , KvangHistic SeryK e, Kacrnd Henri Chiireh power would be available for con- play in public school education helmer, pastor. ing at 8 p.m. Thursday at the The Church School will meet at tire case on a contention the aum- Jimmy Hoffs Is running the It tx haul to tell which prodiicKl I A w arm welconie always awail.s Church SI.. Vernon of the truce Christmas spirif. ’ tlniiouR service as long as the was the subject of another discus- Rockville Methodist; Sunday 2 More Crashes basement classroom In the Sec­ 9:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. at the mona which Mr, McCrackln refused Apparatus IndiiHtry Tiny Saturdav, Dereniher lit I'fVsniRtprs I'nlofi supposedly under Ih* girxtrr cliAnxc in Ih* Hon- you at Mie (*hapel! Rev. Ralph Kelley, Faator ond Congregational Cliurch. church Sunday for a White Gift The blood collection will be power aphere were In sunlight. And B.itn by the Board of Education school, 9:30 a.m.; membership to honor was Invalid, that il iva. Tuesday at the .Elks I the Advisory spprovsl of s board of neclioul Houae of R*-piesentalives. Patches of ice on Manchester .Mothers assisting Mrs. Rob­ Service before adjourning for ses­ in roniblnation with rechargeable at Us meeting this week. training claaa, 9:45 am .; worship, Issued by a person without au­ l^idge on Biasell St. from 1:46 Dotroit -One of the key defense KInKtIoin Hall Maaaea at 8, 9:30 and 11 a m. streets are still causing accidents. ert Kingsbury, teacher, with sions at the Kingsbury House. thority to issue it. Re-^^'ri(ing (Jeneva I rnonitoiB. appolnttd by a federal the tinprecedenled Rihlc^rff sweefc balteries, 24-hour power would be Curtailment of the course was nursery. 10:45 a.m.. sermon, "Thy to 6:46 p m . Dr. W right aaid. industries in Ihe United States is JHmviiirii AVItn*Hx*ii availatilr recommended by AssisU.nt Super­ Lyndall Provost. 24. of 'Vernon, classes for the week will be Mrs. Gifts will be donated t' the Christ- While Mr. McCrackin has failed one of the country’s smallest. to see that the union la alac'ting f)emoci Hta, or Mie un- Ht. Francia nf Aaalal (Tiiirch Words are Sight," by the Rev, Si­ The eomfortahie diatorllon of the i J"dge 7 »l .Main Strrrt intendent of Schools Allen L. .skidded into a utility pole on William Kaminsky, Mrs. W. Hol­ programs at Mansfield State even to file income tax returna for There are only alyiut 1,600 acien- prfH adeiited voluidaiV rptiremenl 'Tainted' 4'«Ua mon P. Montgomery, paator. diplomalleOJpinriimn record, toiw n«j»«aiitl •'•••our ''••••Ie ** pleases Pur fifim greener paatuies ahead Aaalalant Fnafor creased Toflay's cells, using high­ nish electrical power for the satellite's instruments. sermon, "The Greatest Gift,’’ by Sunday 4:1ft p m , Watchtower behlnd-the-wheel of the rill, 17, of 31 Green Hill Rd., col­ Mothers assisting Mrs. Burton Uathnllr MasHes trial did not strike at tiie heart of vi.sii to Spam, the Rev. Dr. Fred i ------judged any better than similar tac­ moving to clean up hla union, he But we are Inclined to the view ly ptirifled silicon scientifically Fred A. Sprenger. student aissist- Study Article for ronsideration lided at a slippery intersection E. Moore, teacher, with classes for The Holy Name Society will re­ this tasue. It was corcerned sole­ la moving to extend Its operation that, although tlie Hiincoff sweep Maaara at 7, 8. 9. 10 and 11 a.m "tain ted " with a minute quantity course be dropped, and only the ant; worship, 10:45 a.m., sermon, F ('.oodsell, a retired -Congrega-; tics on the part of anybody else. ■’ResoIiiMon ■' is impractical, however, so we dency t(, slow down and move yesterday. the week of the South Coventry ceive Holy Communion in a Ixidy ly with hia refuaal to arawer (he performed the healMiv aervlce (tf of arsenic and diffu.sed with bor­ classroom phase continued. In this "A Star in the W ell," by the Rev. tional iTUSsiona leader, said Prot­ IIAY'E SUNDAY .W'hen we are caught at It. and it and menilierahip and |mwri- Into must only expect 2,000 watts. closer to the earth because of Provost’s accident was the more Cooperative Nursery and Kinder­ during the 7:30 am . .Mass to­ dernon.sttat Ing tiuil the Connef ti- on, are shuut 11 per cent e ffi­ way a greater number of students Paul J. Bowman, pastor. summona to diacuss his tax estant misalonary work la needed I BREAKFAST AT ARTHUR’S I Ttie I'nlted MelhodUl ( liiirch rkiianiiPl l.iilhrriin Church But hy comparison with other friction with the atmosphere. serious. He was taken to Man­ garten at the Nathan Hale Com­ morrow at St. Mary's Ronsan troubles. la merely Mr Dulles doing It we I " » helda of emplovimTil as ciil H(»uac IS not and never has cient would be benefltted. Dresser said. Vernon Congregational: Church 111 .Spam more than ever before. || • 'The eggs we aerve tomor-l of Kolt<»n C. lirnry .Aiidcraon, Faator power sources, this 2,000 watts Is a On consideration, however, this chester Memorial Hospital at 1 munity Center classroom include Cslholic Church. are not too much disturbed per-! l">''*l'>le ’nie oilier dav the federal been, a rotten imrougii institution, That means they can only con­ The number of students now .■Khool. 9:30 a.m.; nursery, 10:45 In addition to hia pastorale of He aaid the Catholic church there; tow are attll on the farm ! Res-I Corner 44A and Hotilh ltd. tremendous supply. It will make presents only a slight difficulty. permitted to take the course is o'clock by ambulance. Hospital Mrs. Herbert E. Rose, Mrs. Jean St. Mary's St. Germaine Guild hla White-Negro church, he also "haa to a very great extent lost 11 haps to our discredit, we have be­ judge wiio iisfi nriphiallv Hppomted the Zeller lumdiiallon also Imd an TImd Suiidity in Advent, Dlvlnr vert 11 per cent of the sun’s ener­ a m,, worship, 1} a.m., children’s jiaurant open Siindav 8 to 12;S0.f Ii4*\. ( urlton 'r. .Mlnisler operable instruments which sim­ Both satellite and power supply limited because of the amount of authorities say he has a possible F. Roy. Mrs, Robert Robinson, will receive Holy Communion in is director of a church-operated Its ability to meet basic human the nmnltors o\*er Hoffs snd his Influeme only sligidiv less healthy. Worahip and Chun li .School 9 and gy falling upon them into electric­ talk and sermon, by the Rev. Rod- come used to his manipulation of ply cannot be miniaturized suc­ ideally would be hurled to an al­ time that must be spent with stu­ fractured riglit arm. He has not Mrs. John M. Stone and Mrs. Rob­ a body at the 9:30 a.m. Mass at community house In Cincinnati’* need for .spiritual transform ation' M. must be given cre«lit fm (leai- 9 dto n m , (liurch School for 10:70 a m ity. But since 1,000 watts of solar man D. Dart, paator. been discharged. ARTHUR'S the record But wlien f're.sidenl F.l- union heard hiM monitora com­ cessfully. titude of over 600 miles. Thus, dents Individually behind the ert Walter. The Christmas recess the local church. west end. and guidance." mg out of tin* General As.semidv nurseiv. klndeiga 1en, firimnrv and Srrmon. "W it t nca.aea to a Ctirnst- energy falls upon a square yard St, John's Episcopal; Holy Com­ Patrolman Shmuel Mallempo. I plain that Hoffa was Ignoring 1 One Is a complete television sys­ their patch would be in a region wheel. will start after sessions Friday There will also be a Maas si ■anhower indulKr.s in the same some individuals Mie Kilm (»ff aenioi departments iar. I.lfr " Fnalni Andrraon. of surface, then a stjuare yard of munion, 8 a m,: fam ily service, who gave Provost a written warn­ tem. Thia requires a high power in which there ts little atmospher­ Alternate plan.s proposed by with classes to be resumed Jan, 5. 10:30 a m. here, aa well as one thing, we do bei nine uneasy We them, and Issued a new ordar, tell sweep woulfl not biive dislodged In II a in . ( ’liurt ii School for Junior 6:70 p 111 , ITI, nirrting In solar cella can yield almost 110 9:15 a.m.: Holy Communion, 11 ing for speeding, reported Prov­ source to use a television scanner: ic (irag. Dresser were to give both phases Fire .Auxiliary Party at 8:30 a m. at .St, Jo.seph's Roman like to think that he might hold to Ing Hoffa to oi»ev the monitors other words, most of Ihe Republi­ and junior high depattmenis l.iithrr Hall. watts of electrical energy! a.m. The Ven. Maurice G. Foulkes, ost’s car a total wreck. He also a tape recording system to record And, anyway, the trailer must of the course to only as many Mrs, Robert L. Helms and Mrs. Catholic Church in Eiigleville. ihe moral position. W'hen he ■'*'>ie judge Implied' Hint. If Hoffa can legislators uH^i vohmfarllv re 9 10 and tl am Morning W'or 7:70 p ni . "Thr Me.saiah" to hr In the 6.4-lnch Vanguard solar pictures electronically: a computer rector. estimated damage to the pole at tired from noinination tins year be connected to its "tractor." In students as one instructor could Delmar W. Poller will be in gen­ Carol .Singer* doesn't, we like to think he la |'**(*"'1. he. Ute judge, might re- aliip. aet nmn: ‘The Trince of prrarnted in Ihr .Mani'he.vtrr High cells upon the surface yield about and programmer to ready trans- St. Joseph’s: Masses, 7:30, 8:43, $200. Four junior members of Ihe aux­ came from towns wlmii resisted peace in Our Honiea ' addition to electrical pablcs car­ handle, employ anothet instructor, eral charge o( the annual Christ­ ■School aoditoruim. a twentieth of a watt. missions to earth: and a transmlt- 10 and 11 a.m.; the Rev. H. A. Glenney and Morrill collided at iliary of the Coventry American Iperely uninformed, or (laa been In- ' oio\e Hoffa fntrii offi«e the Riiiicoff sweep eiinugli to send II a m , Nm aery, rying energy to the satellite, there or drop the course altogether. . mas party of the Women's Aux­ Sounds small? This Is sufficient tci to send back tlie information Lepak, pastor; the Rev. John Ko- the intersection of Franklin and Legion Post will sing Cliristmaa norently taken In by Mr, Imlles. Hoffa's reply v as t(» pmmlse to Kepublhan legislators. l>ut new ft p m . Advent Candlelighting coukl be a lowing cable of high The board generally agreed that iliary to the Coventry Volunteer North Methndlat Church to power a radio tranainltter re­ clearly. zon, assistant pastor. Goodwin Sts. There are no traffic Carols at the Fourth District ones, to Hartford Veapera .700 Fiirkrr SI. tensile strengtli to connect both the program should be given in Fire Assn, at 7:30 p.m., Instead of ^ Tlte case In point conreins HiV | "nPeal the judge a preaent order laying Information to the earth for Tendenc.v to Slow St. Bernard's:, 7, 8, 9, controls at the corners. Police re­ Legion meeting at 3 p.m. tomor­ SUCCESSFUL CATERING 'Hie itepuirlicHii legiHlaturs w'ho 7 p m . Senior MeMmdlat Y(»ulh satellite and power sphere. Us entirety or not at all but was 8 p.m.. Monday at the Allnavplgh M|p-eeiiient of the (lenevn ('onfer- j H'om one tourl to anotiiei If the Rrv. II. Oago'id Briinrlt, Mlnlater tlie last al.x iiimiths. and will con­ Otivionsly, sticli apparatus will 10 and 11 a.Tu.; the Rev. Patrick ported both driver.s entered the in­ row at Rockville. They are Linda voluntanly r(dired tins year fell Fellowship With ricveinpr.icnls like these divided on whether or not to drop in Slorrs. The group will elect and tinue to do so for perhaps 200 require a heavy satellite. The Mahoney, pastor: the Rev. Terence tersection at about the aame lime. Gronback, Janet Acelin. Judith •nre of in.Vi, at whidi tiie I'res- j )'*dge should seek to remove him into tw(» categories lallirt ckrse to Two anvicra of worahip: 9 and only the imagination of man lim- the course. A decision on the fu­ Install officers for the coming years. trailer will be much lighter tJian Murphy, assistant pastor. Glenney, police said, swerved to Buckley and Janet .Schultheiss. Ident himself headed the Amert-i ^ffir'e, one assumes lie would one another l•'uMt, lliere were The SHlvatltm .\riny to 7(1 a m If the entire area of a 100-foot the sateUile but also, at 100 feet iL« the application of future sat­ ture of the course is expected to the left to avoid hitting Morrill's .year. Murae who, rrver Mie years had leg- 061 Mali) .St. ellites. be made at the next board meeting Sacred Heart: Masses. 8, 9:30 Scout Cookie Makers The meeting of the Junior mem­ by Pagani f^aterers, Inc, can delegation For some time. Mr ] ai>peal that, too and keep on fum - Giirat Frraclirr: Rev. James M. sphere were covered with solar in diameter, much larger. car but skidded into it anyway. No ulailv heen In the Zeller - Hr I’nnan ftlajitr and .Mrs. F. Walter IxainJe Buscli. Jan. 13. and 11 a.m.; the Rev. Ralph Kelley, Girl Scout Troop 71 will make bers scheduled for Wednesday has Dulles has hern si ( u.slng the Uus- Hoidng as jiead of tlie union Ahnul cells, ationl 8,000 watts of electri­ This means tha the power- (oplioles lie .seems In del\, with HeerrmI Mieie were those w liose 10:4ft a in Special bami and vocal 111:711 a hi.. .N’uraery, klndrrgar- 'Bloodhound Lady^ Helps Law ship Hall, beginning with a light Home for Crippled Children. The close l ela t miiHhi p wuMi Mie Zeller rniiaic .Sermon by Majo Ixnnile: trn. gi adca' 1 through 6 include the following Ip. 174:9-4): lunch at 6 p.m. G AR rooms tonight. Scouts have completed a number Pauline IJttle, telephone Pilgrim reneged on Uiai pledge. At iiis last luipumly, oi'ganlr.ation had iiegun with their “'Iftie Heal Meaning of Chrtalma*” .MrlhodiHf Youth Kellow.ship: "The footsteps of thought, rising The program has been planned The Mr. and Mrs. Club of First In Fight with FBI of stuffed animals and doll beds 2-6281, press ((snfrreme. the President' Wliile e (oinlemn )\\h altltuile drllvaiy of voles to Zeller In Mie Hospital visitation by Mrs Klie- 6:70 p III , Junior High. above material standpoints. are To Put on Criminals by the Commission on Education, Lutheran Church will hold a for the children at the hospital. hi mirelf ie)>eated tliis ilungr \».ilh and dephue ids Miicc»*s*t e (Sninrl RapublKuin Hlnle ('mivention '1‘his alielh Wii.Hon and Mr* Major 6 70 p III . Senior Higti. slow, and portend a long night to and will include carol singing, and "White Christmas" meeting at 8 (Continued trom Page One) Salk Vaccine Treatment M p h ' s Suit Oiil|Mit Di|i6 generosity on I heir part apparent­ le/imie at 2 p m. Pia\ ev meeting Hie liHVeler: but Hie angels of His the decoration of a Christmas tree, p.m. A total of 31 persons received the reaull that one of the neus escape, eitlier, tiie feeldig that the presence the spiritual intuitions and the bullet struck him in the ly Inspired tiie Zeller ciiin[» t" pru- h 1." p m, /Ion Kv aiigidlcai l.iitlu'mii f liurch Lexington. Ky. Ol’i Mrs. Clara run afoul of our animals and hern and dramatic presentations. Tlie Italian Ladies Social Club treatments of Salk polio vaccine New Y'ork United Stales man­ papermen pre.sent asked Inin if it for Sll Its gnml piupoMC. has that tell us when the night Is far left temple, feas Idgh thoughts of Miem in re- Fvrniii^' .s'uvuc, 7 .'iO \’oral ao- (7Ilaaoiirl S,viiodl Mullikln runs a bii.sInc.MS that liclp.s I'onvicled nf cnme.s ranging fmm , Nursery and kindergarten chll- will hold its Christmas party to­ during a recent program sponsor­ ufacturers of men’s clothing, oper­ ■spent, tlie day la at hand' are our . were not true thnl.tiie agreemerd Its net k Old In Hits Inst run r liiin. along tlu* line that a Zrdler lo;.*ii, .Mrs M vrllf Mct'm.ih Band tamper and High S.recta iiifion.'ihining In rape. " she .sai,|. i’l dren will help trim the tree with night at the Snipsic St. clubhouse, Walla had been the object of a ed by the Public Health Nursing ating at only 65 per cent of capac­ guardians In the gloom." put crinimal.s out of bu.iines.s. \ a l (ieneva had been lied in wiUi Mete IS tiie federal tiiuil pii v.ct'U y would undouht edi V hi Ing and Songster music. Universal Mrs. Mullikm'.s biggest |ii"li- decorations they' have made. The with an exchange of gifts. nationwide alert since Michele Assn, in cooperation with Dr. Rob­ ity. produced 8,887.000 men’s suits The Rev. Faul (t. Frokopy She la believed to be the only /.^notiier agreement, on tha sulijet t tnarll\ instituted to decide (pies- Miem into some higher public Mihle .Sunday Sermon by Major Faator lem is getting some of her rn.s- third grade will dramatize Christ­ The Married Couples Club of was shot outside a Springfield fur ert P. Bowen, local health rilroclor. in the first six months of this year offlct' tit iiold and liigiiet duty to Center Congregational Church store Dec. 2. Walls’ alleged ac­ Laniie '•(‘hrlst In Fvery Book Of woman bloodhound trainer in the tomer.s to pay up at the Irail’-s en,|. mas stories, and project.! prepared Union Congregational Church will About 25 persona took part in a decline of 21 per cent from the I ftf Fnropean seaiUoUcy Hut there 9 and II a m , tduirch aSchool for I to a 111 .N'ui.acry in the pariah It depend.s on how bad peo­ BY KXPERTS Batchelder, 6 Village St.: John are new .members. The club will I »-la lively .'onsei va ! iv e opei at Ion, 9:16 and 11 s ni.. Church School heart. take the text of tiie agreemerd at i.s an ai gumeni e inlghl i'e m all departments (Youth will meet during chiircti wnr.aliip ple are being. We do notlee we have a pair of used or new mittens, to Canaverl, 41 Haiti Dr.; Andrew L e t ’s ns Hucli operations aometum>s go nur.ulil l»e and coinmumi v singing. The program is expected to con­ Skaggs, 47 Lawrence St. enjoyed, ev en in tlie iiuaginnt ion per or guide es for all ages. dren to help train the dogs for clude about 7:30 p.m. out In a woman's apartment on the CHRISTMAS CARDS j at the ^conference it.self 'niere li | wear n t||»nrts shir t ,And if If does 6 .'10 pm.. MVI- elri lion of of- 4:7U p.m Advent Candlelight one little ginmih k tiad to he ('va am, Worahip Service. sleti thing." Northeast Christmas Program third floor of a West Philadelphia iprinted wifh your | Waa quite (lest that nedlter por‘ I iiave llie right to hy to rtm the f li ei'H \\’e«*lry 11 a 11 .service with .liiiiiii and Senior Y'emon and Tbleottvllle Hews Is ed ‘I’lie fului e commiMSionri s ami .Me.saage by the Pastor. Topic: Mrs MuUikin trains no dogs but That Interpret I'he Pupils of Northeast School will handled through The Herald’s rooming house. a b o u t 7 'M\ pm .\1 a 111 Invs! f'T Mes.siah choira at ( ’ Dulhrran (Jliiirch, "God's Word." Six agents surrounded the lion of the slalenirnt ('mid ha\e j uid(rn. iluougli Its nuisenuud monl- depuly commissioner H had ti* free her own snd sells none of them in present Christmas program to the KnekvHIe Bureau, 7 W. Main St„ only $1.95 Cliorus perfoiniance nt the high Broad and Madiaon. Hartford Wishe.s Of The Kamily house and Hennrich and three bean ln('ludrd uijlmut the tit lirr. | tor s tlicn w r still (piesi Ion whet her tiiemselves from the opeialion of 10:45 a.m. Children’s Church. Kentucky. Sales, however, h:ive Northeast P T A Monday at 7:30 telephone TRemont S-S1S6. school, 8:16 p 111. ".VlniiiPlita 'f Comfoi t" 6 p 111. Youth Service. been made as far afield as the others, including Dean, went In. our agreement to talk ahoni the ' 11 is Io tr \ io exei t ise It. ainl tiie state dual job ban law. whiili p.m. %; wduld pii‘\enl membei M of tin- radio, W H A Y, TV, WNHG. Oian. 7 p.ri. RvangellsUe Serviee. West Indies and In Central and This is the third annual program They found the door locked and problem of FAJropean aerUi Main Street Ing the price we paid for Hussia a | atii king tire net k of the Inu out in nppoinlments, Tliey made the dally Monday through Friday, at "Christ in Christmas." conviction cannot be made on FUNERAL HOME by the teachers. The program in­ who leased the apartment, Dorothy N O R T H E N D agreement to talk about the re nianiiet almoai certain -to ( (tst choice whicli was Mtrategic fm ftllnistcr: Xrnolfl W. algii-off lime. I the evidence of the bloodhound.s West -Ponders Roberta, was questioned by police T ^ L Ml S-68B8 cludes band selections, poetry, Miem, and good foj the state Tliev Concordia Rvangrilral Lutheran alone, but their findings often tip but no charges were placed against Ubthcation of (Jermany, t respei I W hen tiie law sits with a III , Miutung Worsiup and carol singing and a pageant. PHARMACY decidetl not to run again fm Mio 10 HI. hlury'a K|ilxco|uvl Cliiirrh <’hiiroh the legal scales. 87 KAH’I (JRN'rLR ST. her. Furthermore. this diplomntii Hoffa at his desk, it sits at ids CIniich Si lio*il Sermon: “ Kjseklal PAC Children’s Party 1 iCglalat lire. Cliiircli amt Fark Strecta Winter and Garden Hlre«tn "In tlie space of a half-cen: ury. AMBtlLANCR SERVICE Berlin Strategy Walls was on parole after serv­ fparniig over the wording of the le\el and he Hrid.s w«vs of gdlm g And ’Hie WliecI Hapttams. The PAC Club will hold its an­ 4 Depot Sq.— M l 9-4585 Thn Rev. Alfred I. Wllllama, The Rev. Rrlrh Brandt, Pastor more than 2,000 criminals have nual children’s (Thrlstmas party ing time for a burglary In aubur*. I Xis: Geneva itatemenl was an acent ate | mor e ami more fruidllar witli it, 7 p m . .Mnilnr and SenloV High '^Continued from Page One) ban Lower Merlon. Groups will meet at tiie church. Rector. tomorrow beginning at 1:.70 p.m. I., reflection of the policy realit les ! \m ii» irn|Minii\’ It might do belter The Rev. Freaeotl Reach Jr., Sunday, Dec. 14 3rd Sunday In There will be games, singing and A Tlioiiglil for Today agenda for the NATO meeting but which were Involved Russia might 1nBnrMl by th* MBnrh«at«T 43 .Spruce Ml. about 3:15 p.m. A fter he dis­ CniinrII of dbiirrh** The Third Sunday In Advent: 8:46 and 10:16 am. Worship tributes gifts, cartoons and west­ place in the diacussions. Prelimin­ 6f Germany If wc agreed to ahan iiefore the hemdi, and not otliei- Re\. K. f'jiutr Kask. Pastor 7.70 a m.. Holy Commimion. aervicea with sermon, "Prepare BRRASTED ern mpvies will be shown. ary talks within NATO have in­ Anoriinr milnsronn in Hm PAGANt CATERERS' orgoniMHen, Hiis don the rearmament of GermanN ise shouldering iesponsibilitlea • a.m , Morning Prayer with the W ay"; (Nursery in the Pariah WHITE TURKEYS dicated support for a firm stand, \ 4>lel»raUon— Plus Sunday December 14. KofC Activities Soturday, Dnc. 13, when a foriil of 18 bonguots, oN at appreximoto- Junior Choir. Flrat Family aerv- House during the second aervtreI. The Knights of Columbus will by the big powers. aa our own ally against- Russfa uliiih (.mgiil to ire taken up i)\ tlu' 1'htu e s no tt\llie <'ongregatlunet f'hurch Utany for Ordinationa. Senior Rev. W alter A. Hyaako, Fastor Rockville Police arrested three where they have maintained troops Every year, with monotonoui I 111 a worldwide vaiielv of ways, ^ GrcMbeuMS a m H h unification elections in C erm an v I pnssihle melting of tlir ,\ntic he BolM'rt K. Mhlmoda, Minister Choir. Sarnioii by the Rector FRANK HARABURDA persona on intoxication charges since World W ar I I by Joint agree­ regulirity^eich of tn 'celebntei’ ■ H»d the ('luistian.3 ical (di.sciN'- ASH SWAMP RD.. GLASTONBURY TEL. MEdford 8-2415 Both of ns did |dedge to woi k to- |cnp, and Mie pt iunlse of evei 7 p.m.. Rvenmg Prayer with 8:70 a m.. Mass. last night. ments signed by the Russiank. |S only Floritts in Mcmchns btrthdiy. With etch birthday, we anep of I'hnsinuis is md found in Boys' Choir. Instruction on the 10:30 a m . Mass, . Khrushchev gave the West six grow 1 little older. If we i l » grow ward both aini.s. and botii of us.'w arm er wetiMiei which might lie 11 a m . Morning woiHhlp. farn- William A. Sweet. 18. of 159 ^ fnr growing tlinir own MfiRP,’ ankl ninHimaa tiees, not m lly senlce with I'hlldren bringing Fktth and Practice of the Church Prospect SL was arredted on Vil­ months to get out of West. Berlin. J little wiaer, we realiie whit life •linoat Im niediateli. slurwed liiai , uivolved gifts and colm rd lig'hla. not even gifts lor retarded children. Ser­ followa theae aervicea from No­ lage St. and will be presented ifi He said if they had not left In that S poinsnttkM fnr Christ- iniuratKe can do for our future and W# had absolutely no inlenlmn of MelMug Mie Antic down would In (iiiols aiul manger aoenes; mon. “Tiie Ugbt of Chrtal,'* Greet­ vember to GJaatar. Sundnv’e top­ C ity Court Dee. 22. time, he would turn over to Com­ for our familic(. And on each birth- r. ther it is in hta personal ac- 3 mm. Tbnsn bncniHfnl doing so. So neither of us has ^ hr the w ay to bring on a new Ic'e ers, Mr ami Mrt. Richard Clark. ic, "The Bible," Robert J. Jackson, 20. of R FD munist East Germany control of 'day, we would be wine to atk our- replance of ('hnat a* aaving liord, S plants con iro sMn at violated the agreem ent at Geneva , age tl a m.. Nursery In parish houae. Dally: 7 p.m., Bvening Prayer in 1, Manchester, also arrested on Western access to the city. The lelvca a few quearioor: 'Phux. I' involves not the Chapel o f the Nativity. ..and so if SUBURBIA TODAY 7 p 0 1 . Pilgrim F^ellowahlp, Village St., will be presented in West refused to recognize or deal S yoar convMitmcn at "Have my circumuatKei changed m ore than tiie otiier. Hut it could \\'itti tlie Aictic m elted and open. only the commemoration of Hi* Wedneadaya In Advent: 6:.70 and with the Red regime, Court Monday. Walter W. Ander­ lince tail year? Do I now tKtd Indeed lia\e been Ruaaia wltnlivvaM M h . w arm water from Mie .Atlantic ('onilng, but thanksgiving for the fluapel llatl 10 ajm.. Holy Communion tn Na­ t In what has come to be regarded K r a H s • ' Florist and son, 53, of Gerrish, N. H., was ar­ treater life iuiurance coverage? more wilhii,; to keep tli* u hole wliolr of His hii'lli, life, death and 41ft O n ter Ht. tivity Chapel. as ifn annual Soviet threatening ivould start circulating Mirough rested on Prospect St. and la iS G rot nhoiisns on Hart- Had I better ttot do aomething living again ('hiiatma.s is com- note jtist before the NATJO meet­ bADCBln than w* were Riixxln lx Ihf Arctic iTgloMs. putting mols- scheduled for court appearance |E ford Rood. Whoa shop^ about il immiJiMilt before iby age menioratlon. crlebraMon and chal*. SiimUy. 10;S(i B.m., Breaking o( Ftrat Chureh of Christ, Scientist Monday. ing, Russia warned Thurwlay that Itlll wtlllnK to -io Blmoit anvlkiiiK tura vapor into tha air. whUli Irnge to (Munmitment changea again, and any new policy bmul , N. .Masonic Temple . Church Services any Western attempt to cross East S ping for Xmm ploots bn to avoid th* full r*H]>p*nrHn('* of .trad again the wonU of St whicn I uke out provet more would start coming down on Fii l'2;t,7 pm., Sunday School. . 'Vernon Methodist: Worship and Germany without the aatellite ret Germany ax a mllilary power, xml Paul in his letter to the Philip­ sum Hmy " ^bmn cHract eapemive? rope and Asia and America in the 7 pm . (ioapel meeting. Rundny service and Church nursery. 9:30 a.m.; church school glme'a permission would be con­ pian* ichapter 2, veraua b -tli Tucailny, 8 p m , Pr.xyer meet­ School, il might atlll, for all we know. t>e form of Incessant anow whbh and adult Hibia class, 10:45 a.m. sidered aggression against the en­ 3 from Monchosror's Orow- proclaiming that “Jeaua Christ ia ing \\ eilneailny meeting, 8 p.m. willing to twap In Gfnnan unity would eventually pack down into The Rev. Warren Covell, pastor.' tire Soviet bloc. A nuclear war E pr of plants and fkiwnrs. faiisit I css bl Ijord ‘ and muemlier the pt'ornisp Knday, 8 p ni , Hible leading. Reading-ruom hour* at 749 Main could result, the Soviet News tor SGerman neutrality. a new ice age for mu< h of (he now of the Fourth Goaipel that ‘as St„ Tuesday, Friday.' Saturday, 11 First Ehrangeltca! ■ Lutheran; tl Mniei. Sunday school, 9 a.m.: worship, Agency Tass said. W *. on th* other hand, have habitable world. many a* received Him. to them The RucklnBliain CNittfreKRtloBal a.m. to 4 p m„ 'nuirsday. 11 a.m. 10:15 a.m., sermon, ‘The Power The statement only stiffened M fM tlbtM , Bsver been willing to iwap In Ger­ ^ave He |M)w*r to broom* Sorui of ('hurrh to 9 p.m. 8 Such an Ire age would atop W est German reaistance. Chan­ n* We alto have Balaam • aa? man rearmament for anything, al­ Goil. " ‘ I’hlilp Marahman Reae D.D. "God the Preaerver of Man" will cellor Konrad Adenauer met In building It-aelf when It liad fror.en l*aator be the' subject of the Leason-Ser- May your (fhilalmaa be meny Bonn yesterday with West German though lome views liave been that enough niolature nut of Ihe ocean* mon for Sundny, Doo. 14. ^ grave covera, haaketa and heraiiaa yoti have received Its Mayor WUly Brandt. They agreed the only safe and aane use foi Ger ­ to rediU'o M\cir le\»d enougli ao power. 9:.70 am., raxio r'f CUaa. The Golden "Text is from Paalms to adopt a common stand on .the man rearmament would have been 10:70 a m , M oinlnf worahip, (81:11): "H e ahsll give hla angel* P, Personal Notice* hatreatha. that Atliutlic water would no Rav. H. OagiMHi B*mi*tt question. third Advent aermun: "Obataclea charge over thee, to keep thee In tb use It aa a bargaining point, not longer flow northward Uiruugh the to Clu'ialmai Juy" all thy waya." Adenauer had Inalatsd on act- Pasaii Catarars, M B future for Garmany. Card of Thanks Arctic. Tlien the inceaaant anow Chriilian KariiierB 10:.70 a.m, CImroh School, re- Selections from the Bible Include tllng the Berlin question . before, INCORPORATED

- --r-J. i . '

HANI( y S S T B B EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13. 1968 PAGE SEVEN PAGE 8Ur MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1958 High Finishes Strong to Whip Indians, 46-37 Ticket Situation Poor Foul Infested Opener As Giants Await Foes Produces Shoddy Play New York;' Dec. 18 (/F)—-Jimmy Brown comes homie to play in New York tomoirow—to a city where pro football tickets By PAT BOLDUC are as scarce as newspapers. Awaiting him are the New If first appearances are any indication then both slow- York Giants, intent on stopping Brown and his Cleveland movinir Manchester and sluggish Wethersfield are in for a ttammates Sunday and forcing a^>— MANCHESTER playoff for the Eastern Conference long winter insofar as the schoolboy basketball season is con­ MANCHESTER Title. cerned. Thanks mostly to a string of six straight points by A Beauty Gift Certificate "He’s the guy we have to Frank Albert ■ veteran John Pinchera midway In AUTO PARTS shackle,’’ said Giant Coach Jim the final quarter the Eagle.t- Hartford Tfch. (38) VlnklFB ...... 2 4 H 1 incnl In I he evening. work upon request. Make this Christmas a brighter p B F Pti«. only seven points, live by Manche.s- 7 A M. to n P.M. what a beautiful bouquet they and happier one by giving flowers help being worried. The boys are for the Western Division title. They fordshooters w'ere a poor four for lulo ...... - . 1 1 3 ' a Ooraagra , There arc an many fine fahrlfca For the very finest In upholster­ Paint and Wallpaper Store led 24-7 at halftime of . the play­ i Supe?*...... 2 1-2 5 ...... ---- 1 0 3 1ter, were scored In the first five make with the snowy white poms. and letting their glowing beauty CAMPRESS loose though, and I’d rather see 15. 4 D. fliilmpfi. f . . 1 (M) 2 Joining ECAC’--Cutter Ponrhik ...... SUNDAYS. 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. to chnoae from at Mea.aier Upliol- ing at prices that are tnily rea­ 645 Main Street .... 4 4 13 I minutes. The Silk Towners, who If you are going out for dinner say "Merry Christmas" to every­ them that way thah tight. off title game—but lost 31-27. Hartford, sparked by tall Ralph 4 Rryrlrzyk. f .. . 5 u-4 10 Ample ^ ateiy, they (iirry aamplea from sonable depend upon the skilled That was the high point. This 2 Nathi’f. V ...... 1 1-1 .3 Totalii ...... ,.. 14 17 45 i were a poor 10 for 44 (23 per cent) Hcrvires offered by Messier Up­ during the holidays, nothing could one entering your home. Call the 5 So. Main St.—MI 9-2240 Tel. Ml 9-0300 Heinrich to Start Thomas with 12 markers, out- 1 Tomnny, p ...... 2 2-4 6 Hal9 Ray t4$> 1 Parking I S|ievlBllzlng In tho llnrat cold five leading upliolHtery ('ompiinlea season came the decline and the 4 Tliomnii p .... '.*6 (►•2 13 oula and meala In town. holstery. M.aUe a lovelier gift to your Joyce Flower Shop or stop In and ■‘I’m still starting Don Heinrich scored the host club 17-9 In the New York, Dec. 13 {/P)—Capt. Slade Cutter, athletic direc­ R F Pu • which rerlalnly ln*uiie,s a wide ess than this colorful arrangement. make your own selection, either rising boos. second quarter to overcome a 9-5 Bprrrhrr ...... 1 3 6 ’ choice. 'I’liere lire fahilea In the at quarterback and it looks like "I love football, but my family 16 Totals ...... 17 T i5 18 tor at the U.S. Naval Academy, .said today Navy made a lv.»k ...... 1 (1 3 the floor. Triple Track Aluminum daughters start sweating out your will lu eak up. That fellow from the ...... f) 1 1 In ’ (lui n'(|iiliem('ii!H ed with the work at (Community MEMORIAL CO. WINES-BEER the most important thing in this problems, and when they go to Brewster, Carpenter, l^^nfro Parlfic Coast knew what he was Cutter mentioned was Richard ...... 1 0 3 Again In the third quarter the FUNERAL Combination Windows Moat of ua Iiave furniture th at Press. Informals and cards may Oppoetto East Cemetery game. (Stroud haa an injured cart­ the butcher shop and are told their talking about.” Balch of Mas.snchusetts Tech, who Hurd ...... 1 0 3 rivals went over five minutes with­ we find evei- no coiuforlalile. In Doctor Says Fine Printing BEER IN BARRELS ilage in his side). had spoken strongly in support of out a tally. Before committing hla also be ordered In regular print­ FOR AJLL OCCASIONS! father Is a bum because he didn’t Cutler's comments came after J ToIaIb ...... 12 18 43 SERVICE fact a new chair will not fill ing. "All the others say they are OK win the last game. It’s time to get Main Targets for Plum Passes the Navy proposal. Al. Tliomai (tf) fifth personal, Prescott. 6-2 senior Ihe 1)111 and a good upholstering o DELTVERT SERVICE o the ECAC had voted down a two- B F Pla. For those who send out an­ Quality Mtfflorlols and feel great. I wish I did," out." part Navy proposal. Navy had Bdlch, whs said he had watched 1 center, made good on the first of ORMANI) J. WKST, I Juh in the answer to Lhla. So If R-12 la New Vltaiiiln Helping By Community I Fa*an ...... 2 1 6 two free throws to give the Indians $12.95 To Fight I’rrnicinua Anemia nouncements or advertising Oddsmakers alongside Broad­ The 49er fan comes either to sought to ease a regulation ban­ the Pacific Coast Conference dis­ IO'ls«uph)tn ...... I 0 3 Director ItiNtiilhillon OiiUiMiiil ytni have a chair that la angged through the piajl, It Is extremely Over so Tears Ezperlsaoe WEST SIDE way's strike-shuttered newsstands cheer or boo--but he keeps coming. Cleveland, Dec. 13 (Ah —Pete Brewster, Preston Carpenter and | integrate because It went Into too llumpBon ...... 2 0 4 their final lead, 23-22. A fter W eth­ ning payment for pre-college edu- Apnrilo ...... 3 .7 13 R -/ TrrniM • I'rro K*stitimeriod. White hit on a Jump With FInoat FaelllUca Boh llronn and I^harlle Pringle even the color of the paper stock regular season weekend, Pnly sec­ many home games at Baltimore by big part at New York, If the re­ examination.^. B4N-kvlll9 (S7P; GLASS about vitamin,.. For one tiling, proprietors, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harrisoa SL, Maochester ond place in the.Western Confer­ the Colts In their spectacular dash ceivers ran shake loose early members, R F rill. shot to gain a 26-26 deadlock be­ .SO PURNELL PLACE new one., keep being dlsiovered. enters Into the picture. Both Mr. Fort Wayne Moves A cnnstUiilional provision adopt­ Marlin ...... 0 0 0 fore a driving layup by the frii.s- • I'lir Auto WImIshletds Larson, are experts In all fields of and Mrs. Larson are experts In ence generated any other Interest. to the Western Division title. against the Giants, the New York ed in September permits payment "What this vote amounts to la Plank ...... s 1 7 Among llie telallvelv new onea defense won't be able to concen­ ...... 3 0 traled Morrisette and two free • For Store Fronts and all la vilamiii H-I'J. 'I'lil.s vitamin la ea- printing. This has been a par­ this field and If you are contem­ The Chicago Bears and Los An­ for six weeks of tutoring - the an indication that the Ivy League NIrdrrwrrfrr ...... geles Rams, who now share the Closer lo Hawks trate on Jim Brown and the Cleve people don't trust their own execu­ Mari«h ...... 1 0 2 throws by Junior Bill Stewart, a of windows. aenllal for the normal nrllon of ticularly busy Bcaaon for them, plating this type of work why not VIC'S PIZZA SHOP Army plan—but outlawed Navy's Foi»P ...... 0 0 0 flne driver, put the invaders out let them advise you? Unless you Mfssier spot, are both home tomorrow. De­ land running attack, as was the prep program. The Navy amend­ tive cnnimlttee,’’ VtiUcr said. Ivy Btaeki ...... 2 2 $ 6 and 44 20" BICYCLE.S • For Tallin Tops. blood formation by the hone m ar­ but busy or not, you will find them 18S W. Middle TumpUte a 4 front hy three (Kiinta al the bur- row ami for the lieallh of the nerv­ gain the attention of the person troit is at Chicago and Green Bay Sport Schedule New York.^ec. 13 (IP) The Pis­ rase last month when the Giants ment, extending the period to one League athletic directors had been Kupfrrschmld ...... 1 ROYS' nr GIRLS' $29.95 Open 6 Diivs a Week always reaily to assist you. Do Phone Ml 8-S700 at Los Angeles. tons are working very smoothly at beat the Browns 21-17 ser. PACKAGE STORE ous syslrm not hesitate about a small Job, to whom you are seodlng such Upholiitry year, failed when It drew only 47 among the leading oponenta of the Total! ...... '1 4 6 37 Needed Three Stitches 8 A.M. to 8 P.M, Other games are Baltimore at Detroit. And that, means trouble Renfro, who went for 48 yards voles more than four times as Navy plan. 24” niCYtlLES •So far one of Ihe Importiint uses thinking they ni«y not care to material, all the money for the Sunday, Dee. 14 Although taking hut 42 shots ROUTE 6-44 a HOLTON of vlliimln H-F2 aeem.s lo he for work is spent In vain. Make Com­ SpecdaUslBf PIZZA San Francisco and Philadelphia at for the St. Louis Hawks, who are for the winning touchdown on a many ns supported Navy's position ‘The way this amendment Is nOVfl' or GIRLS' $32a50 bother with It, for no Job is too Washington. Green Manor vs Bloomfleld, 7 Wethersfield recorded 16 hoops for Phone MI 0-8324 J. A. WHITE pertiii'loiis anemia This la the form small and none too big for them munity Press your headquarters la SPAGHEHI not flying very high or fast these Plum pass last Sunday at Phlladei- In the Seiptember mail vote. A written, the executive comnHtteq Anderson Upsets The Chicago Cards were at — Verplanck. days. phla, represents the major long- a goonlng Board to eredt the final 2% minutes. New York hla seventh sSaaon with the will not come easy tomorrow, plans whenever a' Wethersfield shooter REAHONAIil.E PRICES a FAONINO maintained. AMPLE PARKING Green Manors led 10S-9S With 2:22 reimaining. Al opened )ast Sunday, whereas the to start a lineup comprising Jim this year. Uiia respect and Is not recom­ and operate a pitch and .putt golf Brown*. lacka Carpenter's speed veteran Townies sneaked past stepped up to the foul line. Thia is FREE ESTIMATE?!! mended for siieh purposes. ' Beside regular printing, raised Clean Used Cars course. A decision was handed Ferrari,,Clyde Lovellette ind Jack Moriarty and-newcomer Bill Elliott Anderson never lost hla service y.viirwV printing Is done at Community OSTRINSKY but has a kilack of getting open. Wethersfield by a close 72-65 mar­ ard only twice came close to los­ not a good pracUve. . . Stewart RT. 8U—WAIT’ING, CONN. vs. down earlier this week. The course McMahon missed hook shots in the at forward. Norm Hohenthal, (13), PInchere (11) and Badiel (10) Actually. It appears that the de- Press This type of printing has R E D E M B E R Body WdrIu Dealers la Waste Matenato He haa IS catches for 282 yards gin. center, and Vinhy Kohen and John ing hla delivery. He had point AT THE RirilFIELU SIGN flclency of vitamin B-12 rarely RTS. 6 and 44A. BOLTON will be located on property at 780 last five seconds. Kenny Sears was and one touchdown. scored best (or the Eagles while become Inerea.alngly popular, and 7SI PARKER 8Y. New York’s high scorer with 25 Originally scheduled as an after­ Precourt, 8t guard. against him for break In first CHILDREN'S exists there Is some associ­ many feel that the small differ­ Texaco Gas .TeL MI-g-57S0 er Itfl-g-aSTg Silver Lane. , In addition to these targets, Mlatretta (10) topped the losers. .. TEU Ml 8-84114 Bloomfield Alexander U a prominent Elaat polnU, two lesa than Bob PettlL will be .aiming at the full- noon game Sunday's tilt was re- .Precourt, former scoring whiz at game of, the opening set and twice Richard was laud^ for hla strong ated trouble with the stomach or ence In coat la negligible In the alated at a later time because, (1) in the third game of the second BOOTERY digestive tract elsewhere. This la Hartford builder. Hurpby man­ mode In leading 8t. Loula' attack. back or inside halfback with flare Bulkeley High School, tallied 18 defensive performance. . . The In­ flnished product. It Is extremely points in the losing batUe iq^alnat scL H Ml 0-4066 probably because soch disturb­ difficult to tell tho difference be­ Adulte SOe— 28e aged the Golf Land course at Tal- Bob Coiisy again waa the big or screen passes. dians are home to newcomer Ma- Mancheiter Moving ances Interfere with absorption of BOOKS cotvllle this psst summer. gun for Boston. He scored 30 The Birowns wound up practice Windsor Locks while, Kohen, a fine loney of Meriden Tuesday night tween the flne raised printing done MANCHESTER H IG H G R A D E outside shooter, and Moriarty, a Read Herald Advs. and Truckirt^ Co. " ir/M T f. the vitamin. here and regular engraving—but points, six of them in the overtime, at league park yesterday and fly HVthrrifield (40> However, large quantities of period. Bill Russell grabbed off 40 to New York today. An afternoon Former Jet Pilot real hustler, each chipped in with Ed Lubanski Rules P B F Pt». hit there la- a coniiderable difference Art Trtosurtd Gifts R E A L T Y C O . 10 ma .era. Buahey anticipates 3 Pincht'ra f ...... 4 3r3 11 vitamin B-12 taken by mouth will In cost. 'The (fame was tied at practice Is scheduled at Yankee 1 Glanriti. ( ...... U IVI 0 usually re.sult In enough absorp­ Get Well Gifts Now at Its now and larger PRINTING - ■ I t Stadium this afternoon. Ties George Bayer valuable assiatance from Elliott, As’New Champion 3 Bpal. f ...... : .. 1 2-3 4 and Wedding InvItatlonSf and anr Shower Gifts :i- a student at UConn via the South. u Walker, f ...... 0 IM) 0 tion and It Is probably in some nouncements are much nicer done headgoarters at Still in doubt la the status of 5 Morniti'tt*’. c ...... 3 $ Qnalily siicli manner that vllqmln B-12 A Book Gift For JOB AND COMMBRtTAl defenseman Bob Gain, who missed Sanford, Fla., Dec, 13 (A5 — A Youthful Bob Carlson, Bill Moz- 3 Strwart. f ...... 4 4-13 13 In raised printing, and builness • BA DART UEAGliE zer, Jackie Hedlund, Terry Cun­ Chicago. Dec. IS (J5—Eddie Lu- Countn" works favorably In pernicious announcements also gain conaider- Every Occasion PRINTING all three days of practice in Cleve­ former jet pilot who once had to 3 Babul, p ...... 4 3-6 10 D o Y o u Have $50,000 -- anemia. 11 Maple St, Bonding TiDuriiament Standing* land with a foot injury. ningham, tall Irv Foster and Gene banakl, the perennial runnerup. 2 Fay. p ...... 0 0-3 0 able prestige through Ita uaa. If bail out of a crippled craft and a. OIANCIIKSTEK This vitamin Is unusual in an­ MANCHESTER Just a tew steps from Msia 8L Prerapt and Etncieat PrisOag W. U If the Giants win tomorrow, they Johnson will be ready to spell the ruled the bowling world -today, 19 ToUila ...... 16 14^4 other respect. It contains a metal you are Intcreated, drtva over lo Fteaty of free parkiag. et AU Kindi massive ex-football player started starters. Of More — To SHOPPING PARKADE Community Preaa and look over s •.«•*,••* 40 25 will .play off their tie for the East­ capping a steady If not spectacular - .Maackealer Invest? known as cohalt which ts found al­ BOOKSHOP For real acUoa call SUNbAY, DEC.1 4 - 2 P.M. ^ Sox 37 28 ern IMvIsloh crown a t Yankee S ta­ the third round of the 315,000 One of the beat scorers In Uni­ P B r pt». some of the samplea oI thia work, Sanford Open Golf Tournament to­ climb that started when he 3 MUlrrtta...... 4 2S 10 most exchialvely in anlrfial foods. ANIHUSWS BlTILDlNa !S 85 30 dium Dec. 31. versity of CX>nnscticut basketball shucked hla baseball flannels in 0 MorlanoB. f ...... OAi 0 It can he obtained commercially there Is no obligation. Monchnstnr Rodty Co. COMMUNITY PRESS day tied for the lead at 135. .. 0 If yo\i are a person of aubBlantlnl meana—or arc olher- «7 E. CENTER ST. iox , , i , , ,,«*«».83 33 history, VIn (Yogi) Yokabaakos la 1948. 1 Fralilrr. f ...... 0 IV2 0 from the growth of certain hacte- Personallaed atatlonary ta a MI S-IOSB Real Estate — lasuraace Uor. Na. Mala and No. Schpoi The cx-pllot is Bob Keller, now the "big" man in the Bloomfield 0 Ualauitky. ( ...**..* .. 0 iVl 0 wisc le.aponKibln for Investing a large sum nf iinmcy—oiir most popular Item theae daya and !rs ...... 31 34 John Kimbrough, former Texas Lubanski, the stocky Detroit na­ 5 Pr4*«('«>u. c ...... 1 5-7 7 rla. Cud-chewing animals obtain M l S-0000 or m S-4S48 ntrerta—Telephone Sf1-#-STn a civilian golf pro at Egiln Air lineup. Yogi caged 26 points in the (Ml 0 InveHlmcnl Advisory Iicpnilincnt may he of Important THRU- whether you chooae your person- MEirS QU^ B y WOMEirS g I 30 35 Aggie atar, ended hla collegiate tive. bolted to the World Invita­ 3- KfUh. c ...... 0 the vitamin from bacteria which Gl ! ...... 29 36 football career with a. touchdown Force Base. Fla., who shot the victory over Wethersflelcf. Sup­ 6' Salmund. p ...... 3 (V-l 4 service to ynn. CHANNEL they have oonslantfy In the "foi'e" allaed stationery tn regular or Jnst nine hole* of his-second round porting punch will be aupplied by tional Game Hatch Championship 3' Roardon. p ..'1...... 1 (Ml 3 raised printing, you will be pleas­ ONEBMl les 26 89 in the Cotton Bowl. last night in the Chicago Coliseum 3 While, p ...... 1 5-8 7 slomach. ONE BALL yesterday in a spectacular 30,.one- John Dennis, formerly of New 1 Rlchara. g ...... 1 5-5 7 Staffeil by e.xpcncni’cd, professionally trained Invcslment BtolalBU putting the last aeven holes and Britain' Teachers College, ' rugged finals'that were televised nation­ Bt«Bl 8UY THE FAINT THATS WORTH THE WORK . 10 '17-36 37 men, the dcpurlmcnt has bad wide experience with the $mZES$ blrdielng five .of the last six. He Andy Kowalsky and veteran Howie ally (NBC). 33 Touas ...... Krough. The trio combined for 37 For the 39-year-oId Lubanski, 8c6re at half. 13-33 tie. special problems that often accompany the Investment of IstPR C C E $ mZES $ had 67. PAINTS Oeorge Bayer, renosmed for hla markers in the Townies’ lldttfter the guy who almost always seenaed large auma. In addition to Indlvldiial ncconnts. the ilepnrt- HIGH IHME $50 IstPB C E B Attention Teonagers! tremendlKni* drives, la the ex- a week ago. to fade In the waning momenta of ment handIc.M pcnalon, profit sharing, and ii'tlremeiit There will be no preliminary con- each tourney, the triumpK waa TV Sports Menu a Dooo aad Dahu Eaainela ta d n U Z E HIGH THRee $25 grtdder and he also had 87 for hit funds in substantial iimoiinU. For complete Information, TOO LITTLE! TOO LATE! KUNNBI.IIP$2S second round, although It was his tast Sunday. sweetened by a prise of 35,000, please contact: will thill be your comment tomorrow T Not If you check a Ottitam Oeloni Snd PBIZE DRIVER EDUCATION CLASS short game 'father iJian his driv­ symbolic of suprem acy over 128 of Today Sid n U l E the country’s top kqglera. with us today for your compltUdnsurancB coveragB. a new Kata Rubber Baaa WaO Faint ing that waa his strong point He fhathitBl Cards vs. Stceirn 1:38 HIGH SttIGLE $10 RUNNKR-UP $15 15*16-17 year okb. Compfet* duMrooa eoone darinR dlon't mias a |» tt under aiic feet One-Bait TournwmeDts EDWARD W. KRASENICS, Manager a Da Peat Heoaa Paints —O M M l 3. ALDO PAGAKI Christnus yacatioiv Dtewo t e 19 to 31. Staadard and One stroke back of the co-lead- BMkethhll—8L Leoia va, Ken- aatooiatic, o(i'thc.road instroetkma, era as Uii field — cut td 83 proa One-Ball Bowling Tountamenta Wesleyan Triumphs OaU an far help < ! next patatlag Jeb. tneky. 3—ObannsI 88. Llfetlma Ahmlanwi DONALD QBNQVBU. AuMiMtB and nine amataun for the find will be bald for both ihen amd AM-Star CMf. 3 Cka— sl 9. women beginning at 3 o'clock Sun­ New Loitfioii, Dec. 13 UP)—Wes­ Storm WIndowa two rounds'— went into the third Hmday S h e a r s o n , HAMMILL 8 Co. iarl/sPrM ng School^ round were Tonuny Bolt and the day aftarnocn fit tha Double* StrttM leyan Uidvaratty pulled away Monchotfor Awning Co. Double Sbik e Alleys atsodlly in the aeom half laat thsItiaW ni^ls vm. Bsowas, 9— WMigif. New Iw4 Sfs4t larteeg. SgJbAaaoBRAINTCQ Jack Eariy> laatniietair-^dr Folly Particnlara veteran Chick Herbert Bolt, with allcyk oa Oak 8L Thres guaran- IM WEST CENTER BT. a 88'the first hay, foUowsd with a toad prlsas (finit plaes, second nlA t to fiafWt tb« Qoaot Guard oAKfim r— < W * i a t ^ 7 5 913 M ain MrtMl. MwiciMBtBr • MMchBlI 1-1 s n Tata^ona Ml t-BOBl T88 MAIN 8T.. MANCHaSTBB PHONE Ml 9-4601 70. Haihert waa old man steady tn fUnoo aad Ugh Uitgls) wlU ha Aeadamy 89-83 for Its aopoBd win ------XH» eeidlng 6 second ite a ls k t 6fi. aurudsd la cub dMskm. In throo bukotboll i u b m . ¥ ' ■ ’-i

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 13, 1958 PAGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1968 PAOB DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE BUNNY OUR BUAKD1N&!.H0 U8 E wUh 51AJUR UUOFLK Household SeTvtees I'HEKE OilGHTA RE A LAW I BY FAGALY and SHORTEN HouschoM 51 Wanted—TB'Oay 58 A BIT NAW I TMEY'D BE TOO VsPULL MAI?C>ER FUPOSV— MAYBE Offereil 13A ANTIQUE! FURNITURB, ailver, TI6HT! j . o o s e / OOPS A SIZE WANTED TO PURNITURB REPAlRmo - An­ M u e . MGLCiNOSM WAMTEO ‘TWe LOCAL m P E R 10 glaas, china, and used furniture “ how does THJ, PECHAPS I VEWV w e ll ! BI66ES Arwwer to Prevjout P u m I* CLASSIFIED B ut now tuere^ a omooce in the o f p n g and Good . used resauthie furniture, tiques restored. Fumituie Repair bought and aoid. FHmitura Rapalr (>/ECSHOE should get 1 6UE5S YOU WOULD VOU MIGHT, r v E ^ r y t m t n s e n t ir e e o t o n t o h e r d au g h ter'* iNELl - CYEN a ONE'LINE fiOUiB It TOO MUCH f aleo tatall upright and spinet Kdreon Kaleidoscope SBrvloe TatcoRvUle. lO 8-7449. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Service, M l 8-7449. FEEL, A SIZE kfNOW BEST BE BETTER! r a l l y 'R^IOND,LAOS.'!TRUST YOUREAU BE ON GOT SO planoe. ,ELMEP?y ^LABGEP HELP ME GET O f THI^ FAMILY OF m WHDM’ F A -ft H A S TARGET, m a n y WEHEARHUBBy FJ-AT FINISH Holland window HEREIE 'n « ANNOUNCEMEKfrOF Three breakfast aeta $90, $40, *80 R iOUCeO TO MOST PlTlFOL CIRCUMSTANCES/ M A 3 0 R ~ FORK ACROSS 4 Shoshonean I FLEW THE COOP.', ‘D 0 N t> O U D A R E 8 cubic ft. refrigerator ...... *60 Watkins Used Furniture ADVERTISING ■hades, made to measure. All MV iMfEClUiA'C. MARBiAGC/OONT ANOTHER SCARS Indian VOULDYOU Simmons Hlde-a-bed ...... $80 MARTHA 15 iSO CONSUMED BV PITY THAT SHE 1 Capital of the metal Venetian blinds at a new CUTA CINGIE «ORO OF IT,'AND CARE 1 0 - PRIMT so MUCH AS OIK BtORO! E x c h a n g e 28 PAWS ON MV 5 Slow (music) low price. Keys mads while you Tw o EManos ...... $90. $60 republic of HEOr* HER b r id a l PCTURE.' PONT lOU PEOPLE HAVE MORE 15 Oak Street IN t h e HAND 0 Drops of eye CLA^8IF1ED ADVERTISEMl M DEPT. HOURS New Slnimona and outer na- SSi'Tfa’.ssw iw ss Korea 9 waft. Marlow's. ^OUU PUT IT ON THE IMPORTANT THINGS ID tWBfTE SHIPS THIS MISHT WREAK ON US FEED BAG, r NOW , fluid 8:15 A.M to 4;.30 P.M. tionaiy advertised mattresses and THAT MY 6 The -,— is FRONTPAGE, AfOUTt ALL MEH'AL wheetberrow tor INDEED rr MI0HT BE MUCH BETTER WOULD f r i e n o s one of Its 7 Canton In BELMONT Rug ClesuUng Com­ box springs, sayings up to 50%. dairy purpose*. Call After 4 p.m., s p e l l Switzerland COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. pany— F o i those who care about O f COURSE/ WERE w e TO PRONlOE MONEY ENOUGH t h in k I'M important M I 3-8178. /VIlASSi rivers 8 Card playing Mf)N THRU nil. lUrSU AJH.—HATIlRnAV » A.M. their ruga— phone M I 8-0012 r W A TK IN S TO SEE THIS LUCKLESS FAMILY, A NEAR­ THROUGH s t a r v ­ SIGHTED. 11 Puffs up term Free pickup and delivery Free USED FURNITURE a t i o n // 9 Son of Seth PLEASE READ YOUR AD estimates given. We specialize In WANTEID—Full aize roll top deak. CHRISTMAS./, FENCING 13 UnruBled (Bib.) 22 PolyiicsiAti 40 Short jackets fumlttire and wall to wall carpet e x c h a n g e In good condition. M I 4-0323. . MASTER/ 14 Mother or Classtned ur "Want Ad«" are taken over the phene aa n eon- 10 Fiddling gesture dance 41 Small islands tng. father venicnoe. The ndvertiaer ahould read hi* ait the FIRST DAV IT IS OAK STREET 1 ^ 15 Suit maker Roman 23 Arabian giiK 42 Youths 24 MoimLnin-----43 Woody plant APPKAKN and REPORT ERRORS tn time 'for the next Inser* 16 Towns (ab ) emperor BOB TITCOMB—sun here at 21 Open Thursday Evenings Rooms Without Board 59 AI.LEY OOP V. T. HAMLIN 12 Condc-iccnd 27 Withered 44 Identical Uun. The Herald U n-aponeible for only ONE Inrorreet or omitted Maple street to service your 17 Drunkard InHertion fur any advertlnenient and then dniy to the extent of a Until 9 19 District stall 13 P ilo t 28 lien pioducts 46 Bargain event washer, dryer, Ironer, dishwash­ bOOk' vVE'RE HAPPV TO bu t if w e re ...THAT FOSSIL IS 47 I t ----- to be “make aiHid" Insertion. Errora which do not learnn the value of Closed Mondays olfleer (ab.) 18 P riority 29 Assistant er, range, water heater. Do it FURNISHED ROOM for rent at \ AID IM VOUC ETWMO- GONG TO DO OVER TEN MILLION called Chosen 20 Neediest ( p r e f ix ) ( a b.) the advertlamrnt will not be corrected by "make fond” Insertion. yourself pump kits. MI 9-1578. SALE 1-3 OFF on wallpaper. Wall 106 Birch SL SO 9-3884. ' HliTOKiOuOGiCAL OREOPITWECUS, YEARS OLD' IT 48 Couches REQUIRES PIN 22 Icelandic talc 20 Wan 3T) Modi'l v tiles 4c a tile. Kentile. from 7c ' PRO jEaS, BUT MOW MG WE'RE GOING TO 36 Number 50 Wander Idly VOUK IKMti'EKATION WILL S A V E 50% on laundering. Wet BEAUnFTJL room, excellent lo­ DO IT RIGHT OR POINT WORK 25 ThrouRh 21 Sperial each. Green Paint and Wallpaper, All this equipm ent aptitude 37 Zeal 52 Conger BR APPKKriATCD ^ F m I 3 - 2 7 1 1 wash, damp or fluff dry. Folded cation on bus line. References ex­ IS unthinkable ' NOT AT ALL. 26 Bewildered at the Green. changed. Call Ml 8-6930. 30 False god and wrapped free. Manchester i Z 1 8 ID Laundromat. 660 Center St gaz I 31 Lower limbj 4 ? Liost and Fnuno Auto Driving School 7-A F U R N IS H E D r 6 o m 7 n ear Main 32 Calf meat oil stove, good condition, R eal St. Gentleman preferred. 9 Hazel II II 33 Units of 1) FOUND MANCHESTER Driving' Academy able. M I 9-8789. St. M l 9-2170. energy Kui Idi ng— C'ont ra rti ne 14 C 3 i ^ i< now offers behind the wheel and STERILIZED recondiUoned used | 34 Against A way to save your back ano heart F R O N T ROOM, heated, hot water, j A l a r m classroom Instructions for 15, 18. ALTERATIONS to kitchens, bath­ T k A m K L tb furniture for every room and sp-1 35 Indonesian of 17 year olds. Call Mr. Miclelte, parking. 4 block from Main. MI [ flu sh e d K i7 le I) Parkway Service Center rooms attics, cellars, porches, or S D lfH ATAVE. pitancca like new. Complete set Mindanao PI 2-7249. 9-7129. .59 Birch St. ? f UP » 3 0 - 38 Bird’s home playroom. Plumbing, carpentry, 21B f. 21*AYE., and individual pieces, including | i([ il electrical and masonry. Mumtmim upholstered furniture, mgs, studio | 39 Fault t!all Ml 9-8093 LARSON'S Connecticut’s first li­ HOHtNDAUQUAfA. 42 Lieutenants aiding. Garages, cottages out­ couch, some refrigerators with NICE ROOM next to bath One U IT z/ z T z T f r i r - i r For a spot on our automatic snow censed driving school trained (ab.) buildings. room addltiors. N'lslde freezer. Electric, gas, combins- minute to Main St,, 17 P ea rl St. removal service Certified and approved, is now of­ Engineering Company, Inc., 34 45 Oversees >) I fering classroom and behind tlon, and apartment ranges, space CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER Oak St. M l 3-1425. FURNISHED room, complete 46 Auxiliary M wheel instruction for teenagers Bond.s— Stocks Mortgages 31 Poultry and Supplies 43 Articles For Sale 45 ^eaters. 40% o ff on new m at­ 49 Spanish w i i 1 tresses. fx)W overhead Keeps our housekeeping facilUies. one block Announcements, Ml 9-6075 kingdom AU. TYPES of carpentry work IA)W COST financing. A 'leuny per BROAD-BREASTED bronze tur­ R C A HI-FI CONSOIJ5, blond prices down. IjeBlanr Furniture from Center. Woman only Call M i 1 I done alterations, dormers, roof y,';v month ft each dollar you borrow keys. Fresh or frozen. Rcafiy any M I 3-65.39. (MOS( lU .A'S POP BY AL VL'RMKKR 51 Oxidizing » n 18 NO FUSS, NO MUSS if vou have oak, 6 months old, original I Hospital, 195 South St., RockvMlle. tng porches, etc Cali Ml 9 6981 Mortgage loans to stretch your time. Schatib's I^irkey Farm, 188 enzyme your home-grown animals Motorcyclts— Bicycles 11 price. M I 9-3473. Open 9 to 9. VOU LOOK L------^ / ^ A 53 Claim 5) 40 Income It's easier to carry debts Hillsiown Road, Manchester, ATTRACTIVE room in quiet homo dics.sed, processed and smoked CARPENTER Experienced In all SIMPLY STUMMING.')-' PAG E 54 Staggered tf you put them all In one basket. Conn. WAIJ4UT CABINET sewing ma­ ■ SHIPMENT OF hassocks just re- next to bath and shower. Free in an expert and economical man­ fields of carpentry. Contract or DOESN'T SME. y-Y OUT OF A 55 Sows jl <5 ? r ? r Dial CH 6-8897 and aak Frank chine, excellent condition. *15. 31 i reived. Specially priced for holi- parking. M I 9-0887. /i- ner at 'ITie Connecticut Parkin g | GIRI.’S 26 ' English bicycle. Call reasonable houriv ratee Ml MP. BOT rs?r ^ V b o o k : 56 Winter i Burke di Mrs Carter how u do It. Princeton St. MI 3-6181. , days. See our window display, M I 9-160C after 4:30. S-07S1 Ft'RNISHED room (or working vehicles jO ■il ({ Company in Bloomfield, Connect! Connecticut Mortgage Exchang j Kemp's, Inc., MI 3-5680. cut. Articles For Sale 45' man, 5 minutes to Main 8t. Free BTDWEIX HOME Im(|rovement 15 Lewis St.. HarUord. l ! DOWN GIRL S WHITE ice ehoe IEI-FXTROLITX vacuum cleaner, parking. M I 3-2822. BOY S COLUMBIA bicycle, 28' USED BU RRO UG H S typing book-1 skates. 1 Clan Co. Alterations, additions g a ­ size 7, M l 9-3265. A t condition. Will deliver. Ml M I 9-0983 after 6, keeping machine, Adaptable for | j 2 Ardor 55 % PcrsonalB 3 rages Roofing and siding experts. Help Wanted— Female 35 j 3-5210 after 5 p.m. FURNISHED room (or rent, heat­ 3 Rowing tools !•$ Aluminum clapboards a specialty. payrolls, payables and receiv­ DOUBLE OVEN electric stove, *85, ed. kitchen and laundry privileges VACUUM CI.EANERS repaired In Unexcelled workmanship Easy SECRETARY—Small conveniently ables. Town of Manchester. Ml 9x20 green mg and pad. *45 Nine- Private home. MI 9-7848, < to 7 niv own home shop Forty years Basines-s Services Offered 1.3 budget terms Ml 9-8495 or TR located East Hartford office. 40 9-5281, E.\l 27. T. Moore, piece white canister set. *5. I.rVTNG ROOM set, good condition, p.m. T factory experience. An makes low 5-9109. hours, bonuses, profit sharing, Vacuum cleaner and carpel nweep- *20 Call M I 9 8821. TV SERVICE — any make- highest SHORT RIRS BY FRANK O’NEAL rates free estimates, free pickup er, *5, M l 9-2972. quality work at lowest pH I HOUSEKEEPER - Mature, cheer­ PEARL FLOOR COVERING Tenements 63 since 1931. Phone M I 9-4537, Pot- ful disposition. fon<5 of children. D R Y OAI. wood, cut fireplace and GIRL'S WHITE ice ekates sUe 3, A MONEY SAVER—1 will cr*er to terton’s. COUGHLIN ROOFING Company. like new, M I 9-7057. CENTER ST. — Six room duplex, Experienced cook. Live in and be­ stove lengths, *10 per load, deliv­ At Route 83 and Allan Road. 3 ' your coming Christmas or New Inc Aluminum aiding, a.sphalt- steam heat, oil burner, one car FIX)OR SANDING and reflnlshlng. come member of busy nousehold. ered Call PI 2-7886. Manchester to Rockville Road, one Year buffet style party at a fair asbestos roofing. Also aluminum, garage, vacant now. McKinney Specializing in old floors. Ml Call Mrs. R. H. Smith. MI 3-5343. mile north of Vernon Orcle. price. Call now. hO 9-2909. galvanized or copper gutters and PRE-SEASON chain saw stieclal. BOY'S HCKKEY skates, size 64. Bros., Inc. MI 3-6060. 9-5750. leaders. Ml 3-7707, Call M l 9-2139. CIjERK-TYPIST for general office Save up 30% on Clinton saws. 12 ft. wide linoleum, 75c a sq. LONG SAM BY AL CAPP and BOB LITRRKRS RIDE WANTED from Brent Road TW'O, THREE and four *x>om HILLS' TELEVISION Service. work. Goqd opportunity (or ad­ New and bsed. Capitol Equipment yard. to Main St., Hartford, hetween 6 RAY'S ROOFING CO., shingle and TABLETOPS for sale. Good for apartments. Cali M I 9-4071, r to 7 RXIR.BRAve HE 5 oerriN® BOTTH'OHOSr Available at all times. Philco fac­ vancement. Apply Box L, Herald. Co.. .38 Main St., M l 3-7958 and 6:30 a.m. Call M I 3-2321. built-up roofs, gutter and ciinduc- ping-pong table, train table or Broadloom carpeting. IS 29 a sq. p.m. only. LAUNCELOr CL0 5 SP...ANP m e n r - H e tory supervised service. Tel MI tor work: roof, chimney repairs. ^ / SNOW BU)WER8-Reo. Snowbird, workbench 9 Florence St. MI yard. BROWN'S RIDIN' CU>SER- HASNTAIOVeP STUDENT SEEKING ride ,to Glas­ 9-0698. Ray Hagenow. MI 9 2214: Ray Help Wanted —Male 311 and Toro Push and self-prof'ellcd 9-5469 after 3 :30 TOWARDS r u e A M U S C L E tonbury High. Leaving f:30. MI Jackson, M l 3-8,325. FOUR ROOM apartment second mu CONNIE’S TV and Radio Service, Capitol Equipment, 38 Mail Ml Vinyl L atex paint *8 49 s gallon. GHOST- V E r.H gS JUST 3-7269. TOOL MAKER.S 20 ' GIRL'S hlrycle. boy's hockey floor. Adult fam ily. M I 8-4751. available all hours Satisfsctlon ROOFING, SIDING, painting. Car­ 3-7958. SETTIN'THERE skates, size * and bunk beds with Wallpaper 30c a single roll. KIRBY VACUUM cleaner. II at­ guaranteed Call Ml 9-131S VERNON—Ona three room apart­ pentry. Alterations and additions. AND W A L L P A P E R S A L E on •icw 19,59 springs. MI 9-0060. WAfTINe... tachments including handy butler Ceilings Workmanship miaran- Telephone TR 6-6124 ment with garage, stove refrig­ LEAVE YOUR rubbish worries to wallpaper, trim and plaatlclzed. and floor polisher. M l 3-5210 afiftr teed, A. A. Dion, Inc. 299 Autumn erator. References. MI 9-2887. W OU&HT TD SEE A b o a o R me' Cellars, sttics cleaned. FIRST CLASS MACHINISTS C. J, Morrison Paint Store, 385 » P-m.______^ St. M I .3-4860. a b o u t th at LARVH6IT1S. Light trucking of all Kinds, for Center St. Bmits nnfi ArccfnwrlM 46 F U L L Stereophonic HI-FI sound THREE ROOM apartment fur­ For work on close tolerance Air­ homes, stores and offices. Norm’s QUAUTY MATERIAL and work­ phonograph for only *79 95. Call nished, parking apace. '?oupie of craft Precision Parts. THREE USED gas ranges, white. Trucking. Ml 3-8905. manship. Any type of roofing and McIn t o s h b o a t c o . Ml 9 2271 (or amazing demonstra­ working men or young married Automobiles for Sale 4 One freezer cablncl Re.isonable, siding. For frfee estimates call 52 O AK ST. tion couple. M I 3-6441. HIGH HOURLY RATES Can be seen at 12 W estfield St. WANTED—Clean used cars. We Manchester Roofing. MI 9-8933 MORTF.NSEN TV. Specialized RCA Will deliver. buy, trade down or trade any­ Now offering all 1958 motors FIVE LARGE rooms, first floor, T M. «•«. U 8. Pal OM. television, service, Ml F-4641. If you don't qualify for one of M u s ifA l Instmments S3 gsrsge, oil steam beat. Near . Bm M I f i thing. Douglas Motors. 333 Main. and boats at tremendou.5 off y IHB hy /)■/) o INI Ijr NtA »ar»ic*. tiT Roofing and rhimneva Ifi-A these positions, please do not ap­ FOR SALE—Bedroom set, *50. schools and bua. Residential LIGHT TRUCKING, manual work, ^ u r ft. wood lathe with chisels season discounts. 1958 Jolir- P IA N O T U N IN G We a rt the only OLX>ER CARS, mechanics specials, ply. neighborhood. Call M l 8-6458, after attics, garages and cellsrs abd motor, and large b.sby crib firm m this area tuning olanos JUDD SAXON 'Now let's not have any cracks about this neighborhood flxit yourself cars, always a good ROOFING Specializing m renal - .MAL TOOL & son motors at cost prices 5. Call P i 2-7013. BY KEN BALI) and JERKY BKONDEIELI) cleaned Reasonable Ml 4-0209 or and bathinetle. For quick sale call electronically Others use the i d- not being zoned for an all-night restaurantl" selection. Look behind our office tng roof; of all kinds a Ib< new ENGINEERING COMPANY wliilc tliey last. BU 9-902,5. M I 9-0279. fashioned by ear method. Ward HEATED four, three and two room JL'lljLriJT^,..N O TH IN G REMOVED FROM STEVE HAS NO REALLY Douglas Motors, .433 Main. roofs Gutter work Chimneys 10 to 9 dally . J I , ( WRIGHT'S APARTMENT, NOR C lo s e FRIENDS, SAXON. e «««> U ,M4 M*. cleaned repaired. 26 years exper­ 291 ADAMS STREET Krause Ml 3-6386 apartments. Inquire 619 North HIS OFFICE. NO NOTES. NO M & M RUBBISH—Offers com­ H O M E -M AD E Jama. Jellies. Potted 8:30 to 5 Saturdays HIS W O R K IS H IS WHOLE I'D HAST TO SAY NEED A CAR and had your credit ience. Free estimates. Cali Hov- M ain St., or call M l 9-0576, 12-1 LOGICAL REASON FOR plete full time cleaning ••orvlce. plants. Christmas cactus in bud. BRIGGS UPRIGHT piano, excel­ LIFE. HE HAS NO ENEMIES DR. LUCAS. BUT turned down? Short on down pay­ ley, Manchester. Ml 8-5361 SCHOOL BUS drivers, 7:30-8:45 Deposits lor spring delivery p.m. and afterf.^! p.m. S G O IN G ANV w h e r e . WE KNOW OF.., Ashes, rubbish removed. Ugh. Miller, 150 Spencer St.. MI 3-5564. lent condition. New bench. 17 SHE t o l d m e s h e ' ' ’'TI.K SPORT B.v KOUSON ment? Had a repossession? Don’t am., 2:16-3:30 p.m. Call M I trucking Metal. cam board accepted P ea rl St, KNOW S MOTHINS. — -J/, !%■ VL— give up! See Douglas Motors, get 3-2414. o drums. Regular service avail­ Heating and Plumhing 17 NINE WOODEN~two*llght double the lowdown on the lowest down able. M l 9-9757. thick panes storm windows with MrINTO.SH BOAT CO. LAKGES1 selection of name brand l L'!2- PART-TIME gas station attendant, CoRtinuMl on noxt |Mgo WHO are HIS and smallest payments anywhere. haixlware. 28x62. Thayer baby 52 O AK ST. ; osnd and orchestra Instruments, CLOSEST 9 ^ S, WATSON, PLUMBING and heat­ experienced and married only, 7 WELL, LET'S Not a small loan or finance com­ ELECTROLUX OWNERS Prompt Telephone Ml 9-3102 urgaus and pianos In eastern Con­ FRIENDS, ing cont••actor. .New Installations, a.m.-12 noon. Apply 488 Center St. carriage. Chrome breakfast t. blc, SEE WHAT pany plan. Douglas Motors, 333 friendly service on your Electro­ two chain. Call PI 2-7566. necticut New, used, renta^ re­ T.MARSHAIl T MU alteration work and repair work. S H E TELLSELLS (f Main Street. lux (R1 cleaner Fbck up anc de­ M I 9-3808. JUNIOR AOCOtlNTAOT - Some pairing. Ward Krause, *7 Walnut A lf. livery Call Electrolu’! suthorized BOIJCNS TRACTOR with snow Uiamoiuls— Watrhc St.. M l 3-5336 i 1958 PLYMOUTH custom vagon, cost experience helpftil. Textile ■ u . sales am. service. Ml 9-0848 or JA blow er SO" lawn m ow er and cord power steering, power brakes, plant. 25 miles east of Ha.tford. Jewelry 48 2-0108. Please ask for Augustli » Writ* P. O. Box 744, Manchester. wood saw attachments. *22.5. Ml I YOU SEE PINK elephanu? » see electric rear window, automatic Mowing—Trucking— Kamienskl Storage 20 4-0307. LEONARD W. YOST, Jeweler, re­ pink pianos! Any color you transmission, many extras, 2.5.000 pairs, adjusts watches o'^'prrliy. choose. Ideal for living or -ecrea- HOWLAND’S miles, still new, sacrifice, 52,.300. NEW SINGER upright vacuum MOVE BY TRAILER van. It's less WANTED Responsible person to Reasonable prices. Open dally. I tlon rooms. Meyers Plano, 285 n ; » I ) i p.r/Ni.N Private. M I 9-3502. cleaner, mgs, chair, carbed. IZ Ii FIjOOR SANDING a specialty. expensive —One load Insteed of shovel snow. MI 3-8436. Thursday evenings. 129 spru^ I M arket St., HarUord. Open 4 fl. C BY JOHNNY HART Call And\ Sobula. M l 9-8919 men's clamp skates. Beautiful Street. 9-4387. 1 p.m. to n p.m., all day Batur^ b e f o r e YOU BUY a used car two or three—E asier loading and Spanish guitar. MI 9-0120. days Have your piano tuned elec- SUCH D E S P A IR ., unloading — Distinctivar dinitfled Sitoatlnn.4 Wanted- BUZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE SUCH DEVASTATING A LESSER FATE THAN WHEN SUBJECTED see Gorman Motor Sales. Buick TYPEWRITERS and office ma­ troiUCBllv. Call CH T-6605. BOV A HOME NOW!! SUCH UTTER WRATH Sales and Service. 285 Main chines renalred Sales and Service. and smart. "The Best for I kiss." Fttnale 36 PRACTICALITY new 82 gallon THAT MEDDLESOME AMERICAN MAVAL AFTERMATH; NO MORTAL HATH, TO A BATH I Fuel and Feed 49-A Street. MI 9-4571. Open'evenings. Ml 9-3477. M l 3-6342. The Austin A. Chambers Co-. 603 Frigidalre hot water heater * 100, b e f o r e YOU buy see my pianos. Check These ATTACHE WRENCHED LOOSE THE WIRING. East Middle Turnpike Ml 8-5187. POSITION desired — Reception­ M I 3-0567. 1 sell o n lv used upright pianos. I HOPE .YOUR EXCELLENCY, I DIDN'T 1950 BUICK SPECIAL four door Hartford CH 7-1423. FOR SALE^Seaaoned namwooa, Mew Listings m W A L L P A P E R SPEdAL-We will ist. bookkeeper o r typist. Switch- for fireplace.-fumace or stove. Completely rebuilt and estyjed WRONG IN ARRESTING HIM AND sedan, low mileage, dynaflow, re­ bodrd. Write Box D Herald .supply and hang wallpapei; ai dnly STAMP collections (or sale. U S G iglio Bros. M I S-.5301. Route 44A, tn colors. Have .vour piano tuned Bolton. Bevaa-room expand* HIS COMPANIONf cently overhauled, motor ‘n A1 MANCHE5STER Package De'lvery $19 95 per room. Up-to 10 single and foreign, $2 and up Lionel Boltop. eleotronicallv. Call Meyer's Plano, able Cape, one ear garage, at* condition. P rice $200. M l 3-8932. Light trucking and package ■"ellv- rolls. Over 100 1969 pattern.': to trains. Teleacope, *3. Photograph CH 7-6S0S, 255 M arket Bt.. H art­ tyactlve lot, fUm' locatinn. of* choose from. Bernard txizier PI ery. Refrigerators, washen-and EXPERIENCED woman desires equipment. M I 8-4XM2. PONTIAC, 1955, top condition. stove moving specialty. FoIfUng baby sitting. Call MI 3-8958. ford. Open 4-11 p.m. weekdays. Awed a t $16,5M . 2 -6 4 5 2 F IR E P L A C E $10 a toad. PI Take older car In trade. Sacrifice chairs for rent. Ml ••0762. wood, All day Saturdays. Valtoy View lame, Vernou. STROLL-A-CHAIR carriage, can 2-6406. for quick sale. BUller 9-3276. NOW IS THE time to have those Situatinn.6 Wanted— Male 39 be made In to bed. Originar price D RUM S 26" nass, Five-room ranch, full basement, extra rooms finished also kitch­ *71, will aell *25. Call M I 3-50.37. attached garage, exeelleat BUICtli Super hardtop. 19.55. radio, SEASONED hardwood for fur­ traps, accessories, carrying cases. ens remodeled and cabinet work Painting— Papering 21 MECHANIC Or service station at­ neighborhood—*$I6ji60. healer, power .steering. Guaran­ naces, fireplaces, etc. Top qiiaJIty. ' Good beginner's outfit, |40. 233 for low winter rate prices. MI tendant. O ver ten years exper­ GIRL'S 16" sidewalk bicycle with teed low mileage, excellent con­ PAWtlNG AND paperhanging. free delivery. Ed Yeomans, PI South Main. M I 3-4569 Baaay View Drive, Vemoa. 9-0279. Jutras 8r Sons, general con­ ience. Hours approximately 4:30 balance wheela. like new, *15, 2-8002. dition. M l 9-9959. Good clean workmanship at rea­ glve-reom ranch, large base- tractor. Free estimate (6 days), p.m. on. M l 4-0775. Chrome youth chair, 85. M I 9-8551. ,« T,.r T.X«„ iM sonable rates 30 years in Man­ meat gan ^. nnusual master O ils building and contracting. Aa?ORD10N 130 bass Like new. 1949 MERCURY, yellow converti­ chester. Raymond Fiske. Ml MUSKRAT traps, all size*. Almost begreoia. fue view, offered at ble, new top. Radio heater. Good Dogs— ^Td^Feta 41 (sfrden— Farm— Dairy Phone 5U 9-61M. M Oim MEEKLE KY DICK CAVAI.I I SNOW PIKJWING - Resident or 9-9237. new hip boots, site 11. Reasonable. $17,000. condition *235. Call M I 9-1498. commercial area. "No job is too Call M I 9-1704 ‘ Produrt.5 50 NEW AND liaed accordions ai great Manoheatar. Btx-reom ranch, JILL SAYS THANKt) FDR SHE ENJOYED YOUR " PLACE SEA R X © , OCJt PAINTEIR and paperhanger, deco­ PARAKEETS-Young birds Just ! OU4U-1 large or too small.'' Nights and savings, also VM.tape recorders. full basemeaL cauntry looatloa, HAVING HER OVER TO SEA FOOD DINNER 5 0 DINNER ON BAKING rating. Good clean Job. reasonable out of the nest. Many to choose. BAUMRITTER Ethan Allen love- A P P L E S and pears, now on sale M.ICKEY EINN weekends. PI 2-7798 weekdays MI Peter Grossl. MI 9-3364. large 'ot, small cash require­ BY I.ANK LEONARD DINNER LAST NIGHT, . price. 8. Yencha, Ml 9-6914 after Will hold till Christmas. Bolton, ■t Botti'i Fruit Farm. 260 Bush MUCH, SHE'D LIKE TO SHEET IN PRE HEATED Trailers 6-A 3-2427. seat. green upholstery, nine ment to qualified buyer — MR5DU(XEV HAVE THE RECIPE (SSO®) OVEN BAKE 6. M l 3-8688. months old, 8135. Castro convert­ H lil Rd. 1 ^ ^ PHIL COULD LET HIM CERTAINLY/ ANOniERLOA^ COOP aeiEF! $17,500. L E A D IN G T H E field ■'46-10.'' ible cotfee-.dlnlng table, ma­ Wearms Apparul— FDra 57 P GO H M El THE PUBLIC NOBODY CARES IS COMING UR s c H w e tT z e e , FOR 4 0 MINUTES...' RED FACTOR male and female THEN EPDie IS GOING YES.' I FIGURE THE I8FE0UPWI------Great Lakes, tw’o bedroom, PROFEMIONAL Exterior and In- GOOD IRISH potatoes. Green Manoheeter. Six-room ranch, ABOUT EPDib MR. ANTENNA/ J /S SWAMFCP WITH \ Hnasehold ServicM cAnarles. 12,60 up. Inquire 26 hogany, M ica tta *75. M I TO STAY IN TOWN PUBLIC WILL DEMAND AN SHOWS -ANI -ONE WAY THem , TOO! i storms and screens *4,400, *3.32 terlor painting Painters ano pa 9-9153. Mountain, mealy and tasty, very BOY’S THREE-plece legging set, ro full hatlM, attached ga­ W alker St. FOR A WHILE 7 INVESTIGATION-OR PROBLEMS OR THE OTHER/ down, Jensen's Ine. (always re­ Offered 13A perhanger avallsble on slion no good baking. The kind children size 5. *15. Girl'^two-piece Icggiiw raged flail bed recreation room, SOMBTHING/ r liable). R olling Hills, Route 44A tice FrSf estimates Bernard Lo­ like to eat. Call Hathaway MI set, size 4, *10. Both like new.tew, M3 large lot, eloeo to eobool, va- RADIO REPAIRS on any make- GUARANTEED singing canaries, zier. Cox-entry, PI 2-6452 TWO TON* OF COKE, $88. Call 9-6488. V^ill deliver to your door. 9-3654. Mansfield, GArfleld 9-4479. parakeets, puppies. Beagles In ean t— 010,000. all amplifiers and phonographs M I 3-2386. and changers. Over 4'7 years total HKTERIOR and Interior painting stork. Hamsters. Ask about our Btriohlaad St., Manchrater. Auto Drlvins School 7>A experience. 90 days guarantee on Oetllnga reftnlshed Paperhangtng Insured parakeets, cages, foods TWO 760-18 White wall tubp-type Ftx-e-reeai ranch, attached gar all work. Potterton's. Wallpaper books Estimates given and accessories. ^Oiristmaa l*y-a- tires, 84 each. Tw o bundlee of ten- rage, coavenleat looatloa, ideal i- MORTLOCK'S Manchester’s lesd- EYilly covered bv Insurance Call way plan. Manchester Pet Center, inch foundaUaw form «palred, ■'Leam-by-DoIng'' at Connecticut’s TWO ANGUS heifers, three roona hooso, two car garage, > 4 FATHeCB, eLUtN. W( USCO TC AttmieHvfi MR. ABERNATHY BY RAI.STON JONES and KRANKt RIDCEWAY IT'S LIKE OLD \ OF YOU ABOUT THS PLAN TO FOUOW men's shirt collars reversed and Oldest Electronics School. Also 'months old.- one six months eld. acres of land, three ream apart­ ,TIMe5.MALM05Tl TIMB WB PLAYBD YOUR MOTHER'S V. THRILLING! Notice to Bidtlers repUz«£d. Marlow's Little Mend­ full-time day Technician training. Call M I 9-3266. 4 - R o i ^ ment rented and producing' a COME SEE OUR 15 FEET TALL.' HOW WE DIDN'T THIS IS ELLEN, I SUMMER STOCK IN FOOTSTEPS ON TH» , ing Shop. Sealed proposals will be received Classes start January .5th. Call good Inronae, only OtMO cash to SNOWMAN, MR. Dip YOU EVER REACH MY PAUOHTEK / FROVIMCETOWN.WEL E,HONEY? HAVE TO, at the Bolton Elementary School. Hartford: JA 5-3406. or write for qaaUfled buyer to assume as- ABERNATHY. HE'S full information. New England THAT H IG H ? IJ-ll j Notch Road, Bolton. Conn, (RFD Living room 11*S" x 1*’ with' Mtag mertgage. Don't wait e« 15 f e e t t a l l .' No. 2-Manchester, Conn.) until 4 Zoriintr Board of Appeals Technical Institute of Conn., Inc., open stalfcaee, imusual fire- this house. . 56 Union Place, Hartford 8, Conn. SEPTin TANKS l^ c e with recseesd UgbUng P.M. December 18, 1958 by the AND PHkla Bt. Area. Older, large Board of Education. Town of Bol­ NOTICE and ranntle to'ccUing mirror. six-room Colonial, needs some ton, for supplying the following Variances. Exceptlons-Granted U rge sunny kliehen, oecemie mederuizlBg, large attractiva ■■ equipment. Albert J. Stevenson, Extension. Refill Herald Advs. ruiaHEB SEWEin tile bath, eneiowd aid* poich, let, exoepUoaal aelghbnrhoo*. A 2-wheeled tractor of at least 37 S tran t St. garage. venMtan bnnda pttoed te eell. «JB H P. Brown A Lynch Florists, Exten­ N i d i i M G ls | | i4 ‘ acreen and atoru windows, Jm ui Rd. 1* location Impee- A 25'' wide snow caster with ex­ sion. 145 M ain St. fleptle Daaka. Dry Jewet located In ’‘A " gMic, Witbui tant to youf If so, here is .vour short walkin* distance to tension up to 30".' Oak Lodge. Inc.. Extension, elist MANCHESTfR Lteee taatolM—Ceilsr Ivntcr^ ■eourtty lor tomorrow. Dellghb- A 30" rotary mower. of .Oak Lodge, south side 'Wilteir pmeang Done. bua, echoai/' -churcb, and ftti nve-raoia Oelouisl Ranch an The tractor to be used with each Cfoss Highway. WHDING SERVICE ■hopping, S aotes o: land (a au area af of the other units. Oak Lodge. Inc., Extension, north FUltNACE ami BOILERS fine hontea Vacaut. May ha Bids wdll be publicly opened and side Tolland Tpke., west of Hock- McKinney nms. Pitefi $15,200 ■apn aay time by.appoihtment, read at the Bolton Elementary r e p a i r e d anum River. ■ SfiWfiraofi DbpoMl'Co. CMatenbury, Large aix-roosa JEEP COBB School at 8 P.M. December 18. Dr. Robert S. Smith, sideline Tfil. Ml 3-2703 THE STORY OF MARTHA WAYNE RY WILSON SCRIU.'OS RY PETE HOKKMAN Tu. Ml 9-I85S—an t-inci IS9-IS8 Pearl Bt - MI S A M The Board reserves the right to variance, 531 -Blast Center Bt. raach, two fail hatha, roasy t 1 RORERT ROAD ballt-hsa in the kttchen. panelai I TEltD TO GtT AWAY.' UOUISS WAOtD 4 mo a s h o r t t im e l a t e r ... VE5!..REGAR0S ) reject any and all blda Chamber of Oommerce, Sign. 139 - tie. roam a-tth fireplace, large . SHE wanted to kill mb . r was bowing FROM FREDDY ' East Center SL ib^i $9i. Attractive six-room Dutch colonial with center entrance. Here A OWE OAR. THE BOAT SWUNG ABDUWD.r St. John's polish National Cath­ hteeseway, two car garage, is a real nice home In a choice location. The first floor has a hceath-taklng x-lew. Prieed he- HER AMD SHE WENT UNDER. I aRABBfD L olic Church, conversion, 19 Oolway large living room, dlni^ room, kitchen and lavatory. Large St. • SEPTIC TANKS lew gepU cement ceiria. Invitation to Bid CUSANED u< INStAUJa* p o i^ oS the living room |dus a small porch off the kitchen. William Tunill, Roadside stand, There are three good-sized bedrooms on the second floor plus a A ^ el the ahem homea Builfiing Custodial 312 Oakland St. ■howa by appolnlment aay tlnw. and Maintenance Work • SEWERS sleeping porch. The bath is tiled. Full attic and lull Arthur Watson, repairer’s li­ basemenL Timken steam hsaL- Two car garage. The lot U Chfit' Sealed bids will be received at M A C a n N V C L F Aia fiD cense. 340 Adsm s St. lOOidBS and is beautifully ahrubbed-. the Office Of The General Man­ Howard Beaupre, New A used A ARREN E ager, 41 Center Street, Manches­ car lot, west side BroMl (south • INlTALUilO^ T h e a sk in g price is quite -aenaible a t $26,500. There la aom e w o rk to he done in the kitchen ahd the Owner will take that tafto!aoo- ter,, Conn., until Deeamber IS, «f-K o. 270 West Middle Tjika.);': S W IA L H ^ ^ 1M8, a t 11:00 A JR, ^ e above will be atfeeUvo Do- si I ws tlon hafore agreeing on the flaal price. HOWLAND Bid forma and tplKdllcatlona are cem bor U , 1058 v Pl< call to Inspect the propOrtgri We hava tha kajr aad can avaUable at tha. OteitroHer'a Of- 'N o tic e filod in o ffic e e( Tows meet you there anytime at your convenience. MLS— REALTOR iioa, 41 O enler S trtet, Manchester, Clerk December 11, 1M8 TeimiilSieeSi Oenn. '078 Mata St, aiaueheeter ZONING BOARD OF APFCADB T. J. CROCKin, Rm Not Ml S

:'4 | (

MAfJCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER IS, 1968 MANtmESTBR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 196S PAGE TEN Houses for Salt 72 ttooM* tor Sal* 72 Re$H>rt Proftity for Salt 74 Apartments— Flats— Wainted to Rent 68 Houses for Sale 72 Honacfl for Salt 72 Hotuts For S$il* 72 Columbia Tenements 6S XXX XXXI MOUNT DORA, Florida — Midtt Test Indicates Monkey in Army’s Jupiter FOUR OR five room apartment 118,700— Immaculata atx room $13,900 - IM M ACULATE ranch, XX lakes, hills and orange groves. Charles Holman Dies, Capa, saraga. naw heating aya- TH REE ROOM npartment, wall- wanted — quiet family. Available Jalouais enclosed breezeway, ga­ VERNON—New six room Colonial AU sports hotels, motels. Free rage. garden, 100’ -frontage. Carl­ EAST HARTFORD -(W h ile they LAR b STREET—New six room CLASSIFIED wall carpet one room. Wall mir­ as soon as possible, writs Box P, tem, park'llke yard, near bua, with studied garage. Bvilt-m folder. Write Box 196. Gravity Free Right Name, Logt After Flight in Space achooi, ahopping. Aaauma 4m ranch. Three bedmoms, sociates. MI 9-8952. Member MulU- throughout the entire period of Manchester Memorial Hospital last ter's Centennial Year. And, as a hastened to the home of their past which the monke.v was strapped. ■ Describing______the tiny paMeAffir, property. Will pay reaaonabie r(»m home In a convenient loca- observation. MON. THRU FRI. 103(1 A.M.—SATI ROAV 9 A M. SENSIBLY PRICED MANC3HE8TER - Beautlfu' six kitchen, dining room, large living pie Listing Service. night after a short illneai, result, he played a large part In president, .Walter Kokoaki .yester­ Thermometers were placed un-. the .Army s'aid: rent. Call JA 7-64*7 and aoR for M ANCHESTER—4% mortgage o room ranch In prims country club i tion. New warm air nil heating "The moat aignifleant finding ao For $12.800—Five room two-story system, full basement, aluminum room. Built-In range and oven. Holman waa an officer of the the celebration that marked Man­ del* its armpits lo record body tern-] "Although not in any way re- FOR R E N T Mrs. Gain or Mrs. Nichols, six room ranch with garage, location 15’x24' living room with ARE YOU CONSIDERING far la that the prolonged gravity day, when a fire call came tn. TO IR i «»OI't.KATIO.N MTU. dwelling. Steam heat oil, full base­ Aluminum comblnatluna, full cel­ Savings Bank of Manchester, had chester's 100th anniversary as a peratiires. Over its chest was a pad, lated to the squirrel, this mOnkey nifll Ml 3-2711 fireplace, range, city utilities. fireplace. Large attractive kitchen. combination. Five minutes from SELLING TOUR PROPERTY? free atate does not produce signif­ Everything was quiet there when RB APPREt lATKH fc/IU" ment, one-car garage, large lot. ^school, shopping and transporta- lar. Close to bus. schools and shop­ headed hie ow'n company, was a t(iwn. of f ^ m rubber containing a ml- ^ e t s Its name from the similarity Modem four rfmm flat , Newly Near school and bus. Vacant. Will Recreation room and den finished We will appraise your property icant advene^ physiological they arrived, and there wasn't even I tlon. Immediate occupancy. Below ping. A real buy at $15,500 R. F. president of the Chamber of Com­ He was a former president of the crophone to listen to the heart to the squirrel in size and tn eolor decorated, heal, hot water fur­ Houses tor Sale 72 take second . mortgage. $1S,.100. in iMsement. Over 1.700 square feet free and without any obligation. change. a trace of smoke. They weren’t For *12,900—Five room ranch market at $12,500. R. F. Dlmock Dlmock Co., Realtors, Ml 9-6245. merce, and served for a number of Manchester Memorial Hospital . ... I. < . J of its coat. It is A Small, active nished Central location, rarage. Clifford Hansen, Realtor MI of living area on a large woodAl We also buy property for cash. "Other physiological and en- quiet however, and the clatter of **4 Three large closets. $93. BUCKLEY SCHOOL Socllon. At­ 3-2453, Ml 9-6793. style dwelling. Hot water heat, Co.. Realtors, Ml 9-5245. yeara on both the Town Planning board of trustees, a position he .m, I 'T 2*’ ,*""'*"®** I tree-hunting gentle ertature with Continued From Preceding Page fireplace, garage, full baaement, lot R, F. Dlmock Co., Realtors. XXXIX Member Multiple Listing vlromental data remain to ba the equipment awakened tractive five room ranch on large STANLEY BRAY, Realtor Commisaion and the Zoning Ekiard held for eight years. He hsd also men IZ *" * a rather bu.shy squirrel-like tail lot Fireplace, Full basement. large lot. with trees. Immediate oc­ MI 9-5245. analyzed. Telemetry (radioed of Appeals. headed the Manchester YMC.A and Kokoski, who works nighla. M I 0-6.111 $11,800.No Closing costs. Attractive x x j u i MANCHESTER- All brick six room BRAE-BURN REALTY Price 116 IMX) Cash required $2*00, three bsdroom ranch, ceramic cupancy. data) from the monkey was re­ the Hartford County YMCA. He She assured them there was no breathing of the monkey. Apartments— Hats— Cape in South Manchester Built __ 3-8273 He waa a leader in the move­ "Phvsicsl characteristics: Av- Ap.qrtmenls— Hats— THREE ROOM aparlmem7 ^ ..rat ! Mortgage .10 year term Madeline bath, formica counters, nm wati r XXII VERNON—New six room spilt ceived for approximately 800 sec­ ment to eatabllah zoning in Man­ was a member of the Center Con­ fire, but where was it ? They de­ The tiny one-pound monkey was Tenements 6.1 For $15,200—Attractive room Tenements 6-1 floor, Meat, hoi water ^And Smith, Realtor MI B 1642. heat, excellent constructloti 100’ 8'4 level. High wooded lot. Caf^edral by Ponticelli in 1951 Aluminum [, To-rTw/-. w .iv-m m , onds after liftoff. chester, and was named the first gregational Church. cided it must be at the Kokoskl's put into his space riding chambe^ ...... V ...... ‘" T ’ ' ranch with sttached garage. Hot MANCHESTER - V e r y nice Cape combinations, large enclosed re a r; Y w IJ a S fiv "It is estimated that 500 aec- former home, now occupied b.v her about five hours before blast off at bushy g r iK T MOniiUN heated three cn ninuc furnl.shcrt Centrally lo-' frontage, trees. Carlton W Kutch- ceiling with redwood beams. Ruilt- chairman of the Town Planning His wife, Harriet Wing Cowles AVATUABLE n o w ApHOm^mv ANDOVER I.AKF. 6,1 feet of candy water heat, fireplace, ail city utili­ with 1400 square feet of living area. porch. Garage and amesite drive. | Howard R HastinIts*^Re^ ond.s of this time were in the mother. Mrs. Ella Meikle, They 4 a m. EST *" fccfi ' ( U> inches long. rofHii Hpartincnt ReaaonHhle rent ratcfl Available jfboiil .Ii-.nualy ins. Ml 9-6132. Floor to ceiling ceramic tile in In range and oven. I ’ j baths large Commission when zoning was Holman, whom he married here in ono **Rrli of f"Ur hIkI fivr. beach three bedrooms. I'ti baths, ties. No basement, large lot. Very nice' weightless state. This far exceeds hastened over there and there was The compartment measured 16 Average weight of the squirrel I ( ’all ,MT n l.',77 after 3 p m ' fireplace. Finished laundrv room. 1895, died in 1949 They had one i Mor» boing < nn.‘;tructrfl > "p tf) re.‘«, inches deep at one end c*Ptlvity for 10 to 15 late decor. Nicely landscaped. R F. Dlmock Co., Realtrrs, MI vives. He now lives In We.«it Hart­ Thoroughly nuM'lf'rn tilou b.nb, ainall Ihrre room heated apart., or Invesiinenl $15.70p, ffllfford i attached garage Owner MI 3-1*33. the above and other listings. 9-5245. weightless conditions." call came from, A chimney fire and 7 inches deep st the other end y**''-''- ii 1* » tropical monkey ac- vi-;i:v f ■n.\\’ J-;NIENTI,Y 'orated ' $15,500. R. F. Dlmock Co., Real­ XXXIV ford. Holman is also survived by .«!hnurr Aii'1 Rf'autifully A thief pMiiii aparlmeni $7* a men! Avniliihle .lanuarv I, $B0 ' Hansen, Realtor, .Ml 3-2453 .MI The army spokesman said the had burned lu eif out before they 1 » Pr®'’‘ded about 7S9 cubit* '’'<*t®med to temperatures around n-6793. M ANCHESTER -Custom built year Phone MI 9-4543 tors, M l 9-5245. two granddaughters, Mrs. Frede­ rf|ijipprrj big kitihonn with gftr four moiit apartment $9.' ’ all; monthlv tnrludlny slove anrl re- XXXVII G)urt Cases rocket was in the air a little more arrived, and no damage was done ‘®'’ bes of space for the animal and degrees fahrenhell. It is ex- bacr di-‘»posn| rrri bir<*h rabJnrla, old colonial with seven ooms In­ COVENTRY-Attractive five room rick C. Pond of West Hartford and SiiffCrs Injury ' recording equipment. Iremely sensitive lo changes In MI 9 Hf.« 1 I frlKeralor Call Ml .1.702.-1, NEWLY REMODELED 8 bedroom ranch. Large kitchen, three bed­ than 15 minutes from launch to -I’lrj formlra thrrr min *12.900 ATTRACTIVE three bed-' cluding four bedrooms. One sere XXIII Two weeks to sell. Priced ’veil be­ Impact. Mrs. Charles R. Newton of Hins­ home. Oarage, excellent location, rooms, nice living room, large lot. Dean Tibbils, 22. Lake Rd . was 1 Tbe chamber w*as fastened lo the 'cn^ratnre, lEPn urilk to public Rnrl uainrhinl Foil RF:NT Three room i part^ room ranch, ceramic bath. hot ■ wooded lot. Only one mile from low today's market for a 3 "ear Curtis K. MacManus. 5.5, Bolton, dale. 111., and five great-grandchil­ admitted lo Windham r^omniunit\ , noae con* about one ‘The aqwirrel monkey haa th# water heat, baaement picture win- | Riii kley Si-hool, on school bus near shopping and bus. Ceramic ANDOVER—Six rixim new ranch. A comfortable home for modest ,*rhoolj« f<^r nnr 'T ‘wn i'hiMrrn inerii uliliMea fumiahed Central Bu.Hiness l/orattons old 5‘ 2 room ranch with large llv- was fined $102 by Judge 'Wesley C. dren. Memorial Hospital .yesterday w*ith i *®<’b ir®®’ ihe ahell. It was 1-waled *nalomicsl makeup as man On hii«. linr in kvUIr tlOO and dow, . 14.5' fronlagc. Carlton W. | route. Many extras tuch as dish­ bath, lavatory on first floor If de­ I three bedrobms, living room • nd living. Priced at only $12,656 R. Iv located Phone between 4 8 MI i dining area. Granite fireplace, ing room, fireplace, three bed- Gryk in Town Court this morning y e rn o n Funeral services will be held a thumb injury on his left hand. * ' 'be base of the <*one lo provide undergoes much the same $110 iranpr frrrzrr wa.^hrr for Rent 61 Hutchlna MI 9-.5112 ! washer, two fireplaces. large sired. Nice lot. MI 3-8568. F. Dimock Co., Realtors, MI 3-528H I I bookcases, built-in range arc oven. ^ room.s, acre lot and ba.sement ga­ for driving while intoxicated. Monday at 3 p.m.. at the Holme.s He caught his thumb in ■ well ***>’ access during the pre-firing en ^ion s .Alightly rxir.i' Hcut and hot rooms. 1', baths. Buy from owner 9-5245. COVENTRY LAKE - Four bod- G IASTO N BU RY- Five room Cape I baaement garage. Nice fiorch. rage. Near Bollon-Coventry line. Judge Gryk remitted *33 because F5meral Home. 406 Main .St, with drilling machine he was operating. i " ‘*® reported that to- water Inrjudrd -'ll fl 1*^24 TH A SIX ROOM lenement to rent, BI'SINK.SS I,0rAT10N for -tore or at *21,500. Call MI 0-0251. 3 Persons Hurt roonia. large living room, Cod. Full shed dormer, unfinished. I acre lot overlooks Andrvei I-ske .$14,900 R F. Dimock b Co., Real- of MacManUa' unblemished driv­ burial in Buckland Cemetery. Young Tibbits, was drilling a well' The box, the instruments and u ")'* 'c-'t was a continuation of HUtoniafir gna for hot water oil nffn r Call between 5 anrl 7 MI xxxin .1 .•>77.' Pine paneled deh with fireplace, IR. F. Dlmock Co. Realtors. Ml I tors. Ml 9.5246. ing record of 48 years. MacManus There will he no calling hours. al the home of Harold Krause In i 'be monke.v had a combined weight experiments with inertial gtlidanca heat All 4 onvrnienrea Inquire at lA tO hatha, garage, trrea. 4'^% mort­ FOR *10,000. 4 'i room ranch plus FO rn RO(-M apartment H#*nt and gage Varant $13,000 nifford garage and large lot. Four-family dark room, recreation room and 9-5245. VERNON—New six room ranch did not the charge. In Head-on Crash 'Village Hill, when the accident oc- ®( 79 5 pounds. It was Insulsted protection and O' Koater St oi phone MI .‘l-T.’HO .^ x x arming systems. hot uatrr furniAhrd A C f'rirk COMM ERf'IAI, huainrsa nr 'fflre Hanaen. Realtor Ml 3-2403, MI house, a money maker. Cal! on work area In cellar. Attached ga­ with attached garage. Built-in Mias Johanna M. Evans, 48. of .16 curred. Krause took him to Wind­ w'lth foil snd fiberglass for 9-8793, rage. brick front. Excellent neigh- XXIV range and oven, fireplace In living St. James St., was fined *2.5 for ham Communlly Memorial Hospi­ teclion against’rapid temperarure ■ <'®®"®>‘f'1 Its Opera- more. PI 2 fi44l> TASTEI-n.I.Y ftirni.xhed three. , spare for rent Up 'o *500 a(|uare this one. New three bedroom MANCHESTER — Here's a nlca One person was admitted and ranches with large lots. from I borhood. Acre lot opposite Min- room and baaement 'Vooded lot, passing a standing school bus. The two others treated in the emer­ tal where he remains as a pa­ changes. I tion Ca.slighl study, " it said, "in r-''*4uu ajiartinent .Main Ht lora- feel Will sub dlvltle. Mam ,SI. I-o- complete aeven room home off roTTA O F ST aparlmrnt o’’ fum- *11,*00 to *12,900. 10% down. Hur­ nerhaiig Golf Course. $17,900. Call NEW SIX room Colonial. $17,900. nice location. $16,500. R. F Dlmock fine was remitted. M isi Evans said gency room at Rockville City Hos­ Obituary tient. "A monkev was selected for the ''®®®»'v''®® 'vl'b this flight to Ob- tmn ?80. heal iniluded Available I aled near Center I’ lenly of pink TO BK SO LD ! Parker Street. Living room with acr* nuloniH'if hnt NVairr hcalrr .lanuarv 1 Tel MI 9 8808 owner MT 9-9724. Built by Joseph Rosetto on Broad Co , Realtors, Ml 9-5245 she was unaware of the law re­ fathnile laullea to Meet experiment in an aliem pl lo use *®^ photographic Ing Phone Ml 0 5229 nr Ml ’’ 7411 ry. hurry more, than 60 listings of fireplace, dining room, kitchen, en­ pital as the result of a two car ac­ mnd^Tii kitrhrn M"! 0 410S WASHINCTON STREET - An all kinds Don't forget Mitten will Street near Waddell School 1'4 quiring vehicles preceedlng in the cident on Rt. 83 in Vernon at 1:30 The Catholic Ladies Soriet.v of an animal high in ths phvlogenetir bodies re-entering th* COVENTRY — New four room closed porch and four bedrixjms. MOOKKN roriina with heal.i olflor ht>mc of aix rooma located 1 work hand and glove vcith you. baths, built-in stoVe and oven. THREE bedroom ranch. Fireplace, opposite direction to atop. a.m. today. Thomoa McCaughey Si. Columba's Cliurch will have I evolutionary I scale whh h might ’^-"'''b " atmosphere. Special »quip- TO R FN T—A lovflv four Paf i Oversized garage and nice yard. hot water at^fVe and refrigerator: blo4 k from Main Street. Ol. heat, (7all the Ellsworth Mitten Agency, ranch, basement, garage, large Completely landscaped. Amesite 10x25 foot patio. 4% G.l. mort­ Other dispositions: Frederick Thomas McCaughey, a native of sa predicted from ground t „ iin g ' I " " ’''®*''*'was Installed »T ('nnvFniFnt *I»>«^tlnn Wrltp Rox M, Hounen for Kent 6.1 Dishwasher New heating system. Stale Policeman William Wood­ its annual Chriatmas party Mon­ funu.ahed ( ’hildren aicepted Can' l2-rnr garage, encloaed porch, etc. Realtors. MI 3-69.10, MI 9-,5524. 1 lot. Reduced. $10,900 for quick drive. R. F. Dlmock Co,, Realtors, gage. Near school and hua. Brandt, 47. of 68 Spruce St., fail­ Manchester, died vesterdav at the survive reentry," the Defense De- "blr* nc"!- the Im- Herald $17,900. R. F. Dimock Co., Real­ ward of the Stafford Springs bar­ day night together with the regu­ be Hern after 8 p m at 71 IxYrk ’ (')ffered foi quick aale at $14,900, I sale. Call MI 3-8026. Ml 9-5245, $16,000. Appointment. M l 9-4991. ure lo drive in the proper lane, $6; Veterans Home lii Rocky’ Hill. psrfment said ' paid area. tors, M l 9-6245. racks arrested Richard Conti, 21, lar meeting. Mrs John Farley and WfMid St F^KIHT ROOM duplox. fotu bod- Properly now vacant and available ELLINGTON -Five room ranch, I.awrence A. Mollov, 43, Hartford, of Hartford, and charged him with He was s Nsvv veteran of World Mra. William Kellev of Andover, *'Xh...... Ill I "The Gaslight team waa pre- ifHjtna, lilr buth up, four imma ' MAINE—Ijikesnore property. Low XXV TWO R04)M funii.ah^d apartmrnt friijJmTnediatc occupancy. fireplace, high elevation, hoi speeding, *18: William T. Rein- operating under the Influence of Charles W. Holman War I. will direct games snd entertain­ U.v K " ‘1 '" 7 '‘ ,'"®®- I pared to measure radiation emitted ( ‘(iZY FIVE rffom flat with rahl-| htith dfiwti. Mofl»»rn kHch#»n, oil I taxed farms and village retire- IN TOWN at Birrb Strool ('all Ml 9 3AR4 water heal, full basement, city holta, 18, Amaton, failure to carry intoxicating liqtiora or drugs and He leaves two brothers. David ment. Members will exchange nroxlmatlnir ih animal * P - ; hv each of the three sections of th* neterl kltihrn, oil lieat alonu win-' hrai niittuiiMlii hoi wntrt rom HENKY STREET Bf.wera I ment homes Business )P'H)'*unl- M ANCHESTER—Seven room ram­ adopted here in 1938. He wa.s ap­ prnxlmutinif tha ecolojfical varia- i hmiter ’ ^ utllilles Vacant *11.900 Clifford Read Herald Advs. 1. BUSINESS TR ANSFER has in­ driver's license and registration. *1 reckless driving after a car he Anderson of Manchester and W il­ i atoil -tlOO prr S< hool ateii, Modern aeven rnont i ties Descriptions S. B, Wallace, bling Cape. I-arge rear pMic and pointed to the Zoning Board of A p ­ gifta. The recitation of the roaary PRDROOM and kitrhon furnlahrd Hansen, Realtor, MI 3 24.5:, Ml terrupted happy possession of each charge: James L. Howard. was driving collided with a vehlolt liam McCaughey of Palmer, Maas. '"' k, ’ The sesrrh team included two aervinp i f»uple no rhlMren (ia- home, Fireplace, modern kitchen, 9-6791. Severance Realtors, Bridgton, attached garage. Paneled dining peals at the same time, and served will precede the meeting, in the spare flight ami reaemhlmg man u.-im ver eaenrie—th. Hue. . . a for two adulta. Inrludlng gaa. month Appiv ownri 39' North 22, South Windsor, failure to driven by Clayton Skaggs, 82, of The funeral w*ill be held at 11 rage range refrlgetator extra. 2*j batha. recreation room, haae- .Maine. room, recreation room, two haths. this choice 19.5.1 Ranch, Fine church proper. Mrs Walter Wheat­ Fl^-rtnritv. brat and hot water Mam St grant the right of way, nolled. on troth boards for more than 10 o'clock Monday morning In St. '"'• 'p i."™ !-'' ‘ "r" th- .hnmvhfn. .nrt th- r W h - ihlp Inquire U ' Ruaaell St , after 8 : ment garage, hot water beat nlus Clasa A neighborhood. $30,000. R. location for youngsters snd 47 Lawrence St., Rockville. .years. on Is chairman of the refreshment Call MI 3 or Ml 9-4f>fi7 MANCHE.STER FIVE ROOM house on Wsshlngton The case of Charles A. Heck. 17, State Police laid Conti was Mary's Episcopal Church, with the many other attractive featurea F. Dlmock Co., Realtors, Ml 9-5245. C R O C K E T T ’S their parents. Price $16,000. committee $1,100 cash down A real sweet­ St. Basement garage, large ex­ of 34 Tower Rd., and Leon A. Honored b.v KIwants Rev. Alfred L, Williams, rector. THREE BOOM apartmrnt with ISHKI) One nr twf) ladle* ] Property now vacant.* Priced at traveling south on Rt. 83 in the Co-Op Mothers ments for survival and eonsclous- ' Suburban For Kent 66 heart Six room Cape Cod. with *4 pandable attic. Call owner,' MI I. SITUATED ON quiet street near Zapadka, 18. of 168 Woodland St., wronR lane when his car collided His leadership role In the cret- offlclsnng. Burial will be In East heat, firat floor with garage $Rf> f»r gentlemen I.lving riMur with ,$19,900 and preaent mortgage of XXVI C o r n e r Mothers who will assist the ness In the primate family, of shed dormer. Three bedrooms, 9-0579. grade school this comfortable fined a total of *4.5 Dec, 6 for rac­ headon with Skaggs vehicle. lion of zoning ordinances to pro- 1 Cemetery Available now Ml .t 0f)78 or Ml fireplaoe hefimorna, bath, kltrh j $13,000 may he aaaumed. lect Manchester properly was a teachers In Columbia Co-operative which man Is a member, during enetle l‘ rrf parking Private en-| COVENTRY New ram h fur ; large living room, open staircase MANCHESTER — New six -oom fam ily home has 6 large ing, was reopened to remit. The Conti suffered a lacerated upper Friends may call at ths John B 9-9015 MANCHESTER Six room Cape factor in the decision of the Man­ Kindergarten next week are: rocket travel; to determine rthe Tolland County iram i* On hua line near fiarkway niahrd. two htMlrooms TR 0-883' I TOLLAND TITRN PIKE U>oklng and fireplace, dining room, large ranch home in Rockledge section, rooms, 2 baths. 2 car garage. esse was continued to Dec. 20, lip and was treated in the emer­ Rni ke Funeral Home. 87 E Center four bedroom, convenient. Utili­ BOLTON CENTER chester Kiwanis Club lo name him •Mornings, Mrs Alexander German. physiological variaiiLa and r e ­ MI 3 8392 after ' r»i all flav A'eek • botw'ren lO-M h m onlv ! ft>r a home with aome land'!* We kitchen with dishwasher. l '2 baths, IH baths, ceramic tile kitchen Price now $13,700, A continuance w-as granted lo gency room. Clayton Skaggi was .''I . from 7 In 9 o'clock tonight and Mrs Henry Beck. Mrs. Arthur full cellar, oil steam heal, over- ties, Tongren, Broker. MI 3-6321. Manchester’s "Outstanding C^itlzen sponse in s primate lo stress fac­ Superior Court FOUR ROOMS in dupirx, |7r> emlN I are offering a aeven room home, counters. Attached gari^e. ame­ The builder la finishing these Justin C. Thomapon, 34. Hartford, examined and then released while tomorrow from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 Cobh. Mrs. Arthur Hall and Mrs. TH REE ROOM NuhuthHii Hpart- si/.erl garage Very well landscaped "Anything In Rea) Estate." t. RARE FIND at *16„500 is this of the year ” in 1948. pm. tors similar lo thitar involved In monthlv Ml 3 1079 I plua barn and other outbuildmga. site drive, full landscaped lot, last two homes and they are charged with failure to set hand­ his wife Linda Skaggs. 28, was ad­ John Him Afternoons, Mrs. John SIX ROOM hfiuae 1'fP . .Main St. mrut vo! v well hoiitod SloVf and lot City water and sewers Don't $19,800 R. F. Dlmock Co.. Real­ full 2-ilory 4 bedroom home. * Holman was born in Tolland in escape from Earth's gravity: and with II nr iea of land. Owner will OWNER SAC^IFICTNG attractive choice. The paper with miirais brake. to Dec. 20. mitted with multiple lacerations of Smith, Mrs Sol Koenigaberg, Mrs. Judge Charles 8. H'buse granted FIVE ROOM arrond floor flat with $9' Three r»)om tenement ren- i tofrigornloi if drairrd Ftilitira miSH thin you can be In for ''hrlst- tors, Ml 9-5245, rooms in all. Good condition, 1871. the son of Judge William D, lo establish a basis for further ex­ I tinauler atihdlvldlng property If six room Cspe Cod in nice -ection leave little to be desired. Wall Court was still In session at the head. Edward BJork, Mrs, Koenigaberg garage All modem improvrmrnia Iral healing 1M Mam St $ " ■ Ini’ludcfi for $80 prr nu»nUi PI mas good street, and a good buy! and Emma J. Holt Holman. He at­ perimental studies." four divorces and a legal sepai'k- le.t.*i land la tlealrerl of Manchester, very clean with press time. Both vehicles were aei-erely and Mra. Wa>’ne Schoppaul. Plume MI 9-'229 between 9 ' ' 2 8228 finva rvcnlnga «rul Sun to wall carpeting is also in­ tended school In Tolland and VVilli- On three previous occaalona the tlon yesterday In a short calendar Inrludlng aunporch, nil heat, nulo wood paneling and built-in up XXVIII damaged and had to be towed from School nosings dnya PI 2 8207 l'4U* further information pleaae MANCHHSTEK REALTY cluded. MADELINE SMITH. Realtor: mantlc, where he graduated from F u n e r a U Army had aiiccesefully recovered matlr hot water, tile bath with stairs, ceramic bath, fireplace, the scene. Superintendent of Schools Georg* session of Tolland County Superior ahow«*r and manv extras AduMa I‘<»FR ROOM rent Two herlrooiua i contart. r o . .Assume 4% mortgage on Immacu- These (Kerns plus such fea­ Natchaug High Sbhool (now Wind­ nose cones of Jupiter rockets after living if>fiin nnrl kiti hen ( ’omen U O iK VIRI.E Four romiiB and' spacious kitchen and dining room. ! late four room ranch in Bolton. tures as 1 ■/] baths, combination MI 9-1612 ' Cliildren Perform E. Graff, has announced that ar­ they hsd soared into apace and Court. prfkf^rred Inquire 4.T Flro Pt or 11 MAPLE STREET ’ Priced $14,900 Phone MI 3-8241 ham High I in 1890, after complet­ Edward Hess lent I'MMllfth Available f»n 1' 1 baUi Kurnarc, flrai floor Im ruiHF.RT .1, SMITH. INC. , Total monthly payments including windows, two car garage, In­ rangements have been made with reentered the Earth s almoaphere. Dorothy LentI of Andover wta phone MI 3 0oa9 after 4 p.m., any lime Sumlay. OFF PORTER ST. 6 room Cape, ing the regular 4-year course in A full mililaiy funeral for Ed­ Rent S7' Plume MI 3 7893 oi MI mr^linir 4mu tipnriry TR 0 2187 .MI 3 0000 or MI .1.4.14* I mortgage, taxes and insurance is tercom, fire alarm, fireplace, no Defendant Argues radio station W TIC and station The first, from a Jupiter C mis­ granted a divorce from Paul Lsntl basement, combination windows, Playlet al School three years. ward Heas, 89 Summer St., waa 3 827:i 0*3 .MAIN .STREET ' under $65. combination alun.lnum closing fees, etc . . . And acre W IL l to broadcast closing of local sile, was picked up after its *pare- of Manchester on the grounds of ANDOVER Extra large four room SOUTH WINDSOR- l>oveIy five Highlsnd Park school section. Im­ His graduation from Natchaug held al 2 n'llock veslerday after­ THREE ROOM apartment atearn : windows, amesite drive, lake privi- lots . . . Certainly terrific values schools because of snow'slorms fiighl In August 1957. and desertion, with custody of on# FFh'K'IFNCY npaitment New 'niRh'.l’i R(M)M hpatlnuMil f« t irnt MI 9 5211 ranch Knotty pine cahinela, built- room Ranch, 2 years old. Large mediate occupancy, $13,900 Call Children of the Center Congre­ Award Excessive followed b.v 10 years that of the noon at the John B. Burke Funeral heat, gaa atnve MI 9 2819 ! legea. $10,700. R. F. Dimock b Co., for only $18,500. or any other emergency during qucntly was shown by Rresideiit child awarded to the defendant v^’ltli kill hen living room. bed AruU»V4‘r (Vivtrr PI 2 7011 m range am) oven, pirliiic win­ kitchen, fireplace, basement rec­ owner, MI 9-2890. gational Church School will pre­ late Fred A. Verplanck. who was Home. The Rev. Erich O Brandt, Realtors, Ml 9-5245. the current school year. The an­ Eisenhower to a nationwide audi­ Valentino R, Flano of Bolton was FIVE ROOM apartment rent room ^'llrnlahrd with alove re BOLTON H ve room split level, dow, haaenienl. I-srge lot Must reation room. Attached garage, We util be on the Job Sun­ sent a Christmas program in the Arguments were heard in Tol­ to make a mark for himself as a pastor of the Concordia Lutheran nouncement in the morning will be ence. It now is on display in granted a divorce on the grounds with garage Weal Ontcj- afreet fiig4*rHtoi aiul heat AH on one HNFnRNIHHk^I > four j tKun yrnr flrepliii e storm windows, recrea. tie seen lo be appreciated. Call extra large wooded lot. High day afternoon If you cure to MANCHESTER-8 room Colonial,-sanctuary at 4:,10 tomorrow after- land County Superior Court yes­ principal of Mancheater High Church, officiated. Burial was In made between 6:.1o a m. and 7:,10 XXXVI built 1951. near school, bus. stores, Washington. of intolerable cruelty from Pa- ('all CM 9 2879 fhxir Stor age Hpai e in tmaeinent 'round homo In (■ov#*nti'v Suit-, lion room, lake privileges. Ixive- CiPHZvmHki Felher Agency Ml elevation. $15..500. Neville Really, come out and look them oyer. noon for families ann taia luu* i*'or twoa only $9' Iiancy, $11.5nn M'l 9-2210. family and a separate four room and you will see our signs. In­ Tree's Blossoming." will bs per­ ed $20..500 to Mrs, Zenta Paups, Holman came to Manchester Henri Pesslnl. Leon E, Woodford only. U should be iinderstoooVKR l•■our room hotjao, ifiix room Cape Cod, beautiful cor- NEAR MANCHE.STER, package ; home. Th two-family is in very cidentally. we have two acre formed. under the direction of 45, of 444 Hlllstown Rd, after graduating from high school, and Ernest Richie. each town operates separately. The elertrtcitv ftimlabed Fnr tnfnrma Mlfldle Tpke , Apt c. MI 3 7091 KUttmiHlu 4»ti furmii p hot wntpr, E.VrUA RUILDING lot svailahle ner lot. Ideal location near scluwls store, 2 bay gas station. Very nice condition Inside and out. lots lor sale there, too. and went to work for the N e w tallied a great eniount of in fe r-' per week support for each child, Green -Excellent Mrs. Kathleen Johnston. The cher­ Counsel for Mrs. Pearl Parrish high school may close and the local tlnn rail M l 9-0279, nr 22 Tnimbull I hHarmrnt, $80 a riumth. ( ‘nil MI with Hix room single home. .1 bed- and shopping Large kitchen, fully gcx>d 7 room house, oil steam Separate heating systems, copper MANCHESTER maiion on Ijiika, a dog fired into | Carol W. 'Yedzinisk of Tolland 8 bedroom ranch, extra lar-e liv­ ub choir will sing. of Andover, defendant tn the case, York and New England Railroad, school may not The technical Ft , Manrheater. I k'OUIl Il(H)M duplex autnniiitle hot 9-1322 rooms, paneled den, opper equipped with dishwasher snd ■heat, 381 feel on Route 44A. excel- plumbing. aluminum combina­ The Rev. Laurence J. Vincent, argued that the award was exces­ now the New* York, New Haven school does not close. orbit around the F-*rtli In Spilt-, waa granted a divorce (rom Carl pliimhing, Timken nil burner, 244 MAIN STREET ing room, fireplace, gueit cloaet, I water healer, gaa atnve. • onven dlspcwnl Mortgage may he as- ' lent income, good reason for sell- tions. two-car garage, convenient association minister, will preach sive. Jtidge Charles S. House re­ and Hartford, as a bookkeeper in Parents snd pupils are urged nlik 11 Ijilka died a short time 1W. 5'edzlnak of "Vernon on lent to achofila and hua Available COVENTRY . New five rnmii fairly priced. S A Beerhlei, Real­ sumed with low down payment, tiled bath, enclosed porch, hot FURNISHEH 4S room apartment ing. For details rail Howard R. location. An unusual package buy at the morning services at 8, 9:15 served derision. the freight yard. Ths*o years later, G)uple Found not to make calls to the radio sts- after the Soviet satellite waa | grounds of intolerable cruelty. She .Ian 1 Phone Ml 3 7872 ‘ etween i-nncli, oil heat iiiul hot water .MI tor .Ml 1-6969 W. R. Smilh, Asao- S A. Beochler Realtor .MI ''.6969. Hastings, Realtor, MI 91107 any for $21,500. R, F.. Dlmock Co., MltcliGlI 315/T -WllWheat. N ew ly'pallUM Inklde O ntrally loraled. |80, Inrludlng and 11 o’clock on the topic "God's The Jury verdict was rendered he joined the Mather Ele.ctrlc Co. llon, members of the school sinff, launched In November 19,57 1 was awarded custody of two chil- heat. Tel, MI 9-8808 0 ami 7 p m 9 *4.511 (laic-, MI 9.8052 W R Smith, Associate; MI 9-8952. lime. Realtors, MI 9-6245. and outside. Doutile driveway, at tached garage, storms ' Weil! Reach for Man." The Senior Choir Wednesday in the case which stem­ He left Manchester in 189.1 to or Board of Educstiou member.s, The United States previously ' dren, with $15 per week support ihruhbed. fenced lot 90x128 feet, I will sing at 9:15 and the Youth med from an automobile accident go to Bridgeport, where he work­ Dead ill Auto concerning the closing of school. has fired three tiny white mice for each child. 5’edzinlak will be al- aaklng *15,9.50 for a quick sale. ' Choir at 11 o'clock. in Andover tw o years ago. Mrs. ed in real estate. But in 1900. Hol­ Gslls have been known to interfere some 6,0(X) mile* over th* Allsnllc : lowed to have the children for two Howard R. Hastings, Realtor. MI^ ------r— -- — Psups. a passenger in a car struck man returned lo Manchester, this (OMtlniiefi from Pag* One) with gelling messages through to in Air Force Thor-Able rockets weeks tn the summer. 9-1107 anv lime by one driven by Mrs. Parrish, lime lo work for the Orford Soap ] all concerned. Then too, such However, their nose cone shells | Margaret Judd of East Hartford claimed to have^^ suffered mental Co., where he eventuall.v rose t o " ® ® * name snd was parked in a calls enn unduly overload the tele­ ( *ere never foi nd Instruments j was granted a divorce from Don- M AN CH ESTER-iO large rooms, Police Arrests and personality disorders as a re­ the position of assistant super- garage in the rear of his home, phone service and prevent urgent indicated that on two flights Ihe aid Judd of Ellington on grounds oil steam heat. -1-car garage, near sult of the collision. intendent. Medical Examiner Lawrence M calls from being made. Usually, nice siii-vlved the blazing reentry of intolerable cruelty. She was ___ SEVERAL SOLD ON OPENING DAY! bua, school and stores. Would the Superintendent of Schools, inlo atmosphere but died after the awarded ruatod.v of three children, T .u Tierney said the engaged couple make good rooming house or ideal George O’Rourke, 28, of 4 1 G ar-,»» j In 1920^is career took another * . Board of Education members and i-ohea sank In the Atlantic. with $10 per week support for each for large family. Asking $18,000. den .SI , was arrested last night rif||*IO W (.jllO rffC S long s.tep^orward when he he- | b*d been dead stxuii five hours school staff are ilslng their tele­ The Air Force also fired two child and $150 counsel fees. H(»ward R. Hastings, Realtor. MI and charged with driving under | “ came ssaociated with W. B Gam-1 before they were found at 5;30 phones for emergency purposes. monkey*, much bigger than the A legal separation was granted % one today, to an altitude of 200.- 9-1107 any time. the influence of Intoxicants. Free mons, who two .year* earlier h*d e.m. by Tutlno's father, James Kindergarten Family Night to .loan Foss of South Windsor On under $200 bond, O'Rourke is due NoHed by Court Parent*, grandparents, brothers 000 feel In 19.5,1 That flight waa grounds of intolerable cruelt.v in formed a tool-manufacturing con­ Tutlno Sr. FOR SALE or exchange for 7-3 or in court Jan. 5. cern. With Holman as a minority and sisters are Invited to a "fam ily is an Aerobee rocket, Itunched an action against Richard P. Foss 4 family house in Maachester—91 Sg . Francis Mt*ta,.o said .voiing from Alamagordo. N M Police reported O'Rourke waa Negligent homicide charges stockholder, the Qammona-Hol- night" In Yeomans Hall tomorrow of Vernon. Mrs. Fos.s was awarded acres on Route 44A, North Coven­ against Charles N. Harlow Jr,, of Tutlno' had told hia parenta about Both monkeys returned safely arrested after a minor collision at man Co. waa qrganittd, and Hol­ at 7 p.m., w'hen the children of custody of two children. $10 per try, 12 room old Colonial house. South Coventry were nolled in 11 p.m. Friday that he and hia the Columbia Cooperative Kinder­ from that filght and subsequently week support for each child and large bam for 40 tie-ups, garage, j Walnut and Cooper Sts. He was |morning Harlow, man wag named lacretary-treai- urer. The firm later became th* fiance* were going to Savin Rock garten will present a program. were placed in the National Zoo $1.50 counsel fees. artesian well, 26 gals, per minute. to recently elected Stale repreaenta Gammons-Hoagliind Co. i for hot dogs. Personals at Wsshlngton. They were Philip­ Frontage on 2 roads. Suitable forjo*!® over night, police said. I tive, waa arrested after his cai Ti llno'a father, awaked by * Mr. snd Mrs. L. \V, .Stimson snd pine .MBcaqup.s. atxiiil aa hlg aa development, Howard R. Hast­ Arrested for passing in a no- j gtruck and killed John Noeke, 66. of Holman sold hi* holdings in the firm to Gammons interests in cell from Mlae Lemolne’s mother, family of .N'uhfei Dr . left Wednes­ a medium sized dog ings. Realtor. M I 9-1107 any time. passing zone was Karen E. Peter 292 Spring St., la NoaRe waa walk decided to check the gerege. day for Milwaukee. They plan to Today's launching waa the 12th Man (]laim.s Hurts ion, 17, of 490 Taylor St. .She la ing in the road near his home Nov. 1932. and later formed hi* own company, the Holman Reamer Co., He found the car in the garage visit thetr families and to return firing o ' A Jupiter mitalle since due in court Monday. 9. home for the t'lirislmaa holidays March 1957. On the. laat shot on In Fall in \^alk HILLSIDE MANOR which was llquidatsd in 1954. with th* doors closed. Dead on Town Court Prosecutor John th* front seal was hi* aon Dead They will also visit friends In Oct. 9, B Jupiter exploded. Earlier, Each Item Ju$t A Yard! Lombardo recommended the nolle. Holman had been a director of on the bark seat the girl Lima. Ohio, while gone. there had been six laiinchlnga Frank O rvin l. 98 Park 8t. 'k MRCCTIONS RANCH . . . ForoiYiost In Faihion! The report of Hartford County Cor­ the Savings Bank of Manchester hat Although the car's motor was considered complel*l.( successful : From MMirh^Btar tak« Rt 83 oner Louis Schaeffer stated Noske'a elnce 1918, and waa elected vie* tn Vfrnnn (""irrlr nn<1 Ink# The fine materiah and craftsmanship in these not running, police said there were Manrbeeter Evening Herald (Vi- And four pArUtUv Aurr^isful I 4. •• An unusunl six-room home that fes- death was not caused by the care- president in 19.11 He attended The Army put * tight security '■'<'»"ed in a (all on Rt 30 fflrnt rijfht). Follow Mill- homes are the result of work provided hy the foh meetings of the bank's board of dl- carbon monoalde fumes in th# ga- lumbla eorreapbndeni Mr*. Donald tures s large kitchen with hullt-in leianeaa or recklessness of Harlow. R. H ittle, telephone AOademv shield around today's firing and I "*• sidewalk m front of Bllah's aidr Mftnnr alRMa for at>nut a Lombardo said Noske waa walking rertora regiilaTly until two months •ag* ilove snd oven and lota of cabinets. lowing subcontractors: 8-8iSA. It waa several minute* after the ' Hardw'are alore at 793 Main 8t., mllf* nnd a quarter Turn laft at Ranch in an unlighted area, wearing dark ago. , Police theorla-d that the couple larg;o alpn to thrra modal The paneled flreplsce wall can be en­ ...... - — ...... ' t Isat Wednesday. Built-In Slove and Oven by: Painting by: clothing and waa intoxicated at the Along with hie buaineaa zettv- may hev* left the cer's motor homea joyed from either the large living Oervini today said he sesk* only rrMim or the dining area. Other fea- Roskin Distributors. Inc. Connecticut Painting b time he we* stnick by Harlow's | lU**. Holman maintained a con- running for a abort time lo keep czr. ' I tinning interest in Mancheater the heater tn operetion. A fter th* medical expensea from the town lure,-i include ceramic hath with van­ 275 Park Ave. Decorating Service and 1* not "looking (or heavw dam- ity, .1 hedrooma. attached garage with Hartford. Conn. 197 Center Street Herlow told police at the time of | civic and political affairs. He waa moloi wa# turned off. the couple Mail Service hy Helicopter the accident that he had not eeen * re g is te r^ Democrat, and in the •pparrntly (ell asleep. sges." $ ame.sile drive and a haaemeni flre- Manchester, Conn. His injuries, he said, included a 16,500 ElectriCHl Work by: the pedestrian before th# collision. 11920s served as chairman at the ★ HOURS FOR place for your flnished recreation Walter J. Zemanek Tutl 0, who had b**n employed wrist injury, a skinned knee, and room. Garage Doors by: Su^fresled tor Manchester I INSPECTION 125 Weal Street Dverhead Door Sales Co. by a W est Heven Truck Co,, turned ankle. He claimed, in ad? N!in1o1 Ilomra will hr i>prn fvn v Manchester. Conn. 3(13 Locust Street leaves his parents, and a brother, — "■ '• ! dltlon, that hi* trousers were ruined Raymond The Exeriiplanes Co of Newi -Sundav from to n m to 8 pm E.xcavating by: Hartford. Conn, Carl F. Schory of 72 Scarbor- In the fall which waa caused, ha f3n Mnndfiy thrtwjgh Snlurday Coventry Misa L6moine leaves her par­ York has ssked the retail division ough Rd,, whose background in- sold, be a section of aldewoDt William Aherle Window Units: of the (Chamber of Commerce to homra will t>r oprn from 1 p m Tolland, Conn. ents, -dr and Mra, Donald dudes more than 40 years in v s r l-' raised about one-half inch higher to 8 pm Ilomra may hr sarn Walker Mill work Lemoine, and a brother, Donald. obtain a "aampllng of l eactlbns" to oils of svistlon. list April than adjoining sections, al othar Mmaa b^ ap|>olntmant SPLIT LEVEL J, Dennis Springfield. Mass. Tutino'a parent* said thetr son a poaalblllty of helicopter mall auggealed the ealabliahment of a Cervinl # notice waa the fifth Rockville, Conn. Shingles and Shakes by: Reynolds Bound Over had been heaping company with service being established from heliport tn Manchester. I document submitted to town* Here a a diallnrlive home that fea­ Drywall by: 'Sondik b Co. Miss Lemoine for four yfara, and Boston and New York to Msnehes- In making the miggeatlon.' rials roncemirig sidewalk ctolms Split turea a cathedral celling through the I. ,eonards Piikmskis 2944 Main Street were engaged to be married, hut ter via Bpadley Field. Schory .said that if a heliport were ; in recent weeks, 480 Woodland Street The requesg waa mad* In a letter ■k living room dining area and kitchen, Hartford, Conn. nfi date had been eet for th# wed-l established here it would mark Notices, or writs. )«v* been FINANCING .Manchester. Conn. reed al the diyiaton's executive Manchester as one of the Htale's.Aied on behalf of Mrs. Kathleen T3\aar modam homra mav ha accented by redwood beams, fireplace In Two Road Deaths ding. Floor Laying and Finishing hy; committee meeting held In the more "progressive" towns, as hell-1 .McGuire. 44 L o rte Rd.: Mrs. pffprhaaad undar ronvpniinnal and paneling. Three bedroom.s and Cabinets by: Guy A. Daigle Chamber of Commerce Building or FM A ntorlffajfra F I ! A. bath have bUllt-ln vanities and lota Risley’s Woodworking Shop copter service could then be estab- Agnes Lcdiic, 61 Edmund St.: Mr*, Level of clo.sets. Lower level provides fln- I-ake Street 234 Ward Street David Rejmolds, 22, of Flanders* night to both couiita arising.'fn>m thla week. lished between Manchester snd Anna Fetko, 702 W. Middle Tpke.: romniltmrnla arc prndtnj; ■lahed laundry room with lavatory Manchester, Conn. Hartford, Conn. Rd., Coventry, was bound over the repeated beating o f h ii wife, The committee members said Bradley Field and other points. . Mildred end Harr.v Schwab, 112 from Coventry Justice Court to He was given anottler 60 day# sua Abmit Town and a separate flnlahed sewing mom Lumber hy: Concrete Work by: they wished to know more about In other action, the executive ; Conway Rd.; and Mrs. Thelma Tolland County Superior Court |!>*-ided sentence and placed on m - or office I.,arge basement area for W H. England Lumber Co. A. Ktvlmae the subject before taking any sc-, committee unanimoualy decided to* I Beaumont of Windsor Locks, future recreation room and garage. 94 Foster Street laat night on a charge arlaing from other alx-monlhs probation. Thla j 3 ^ COceJi*'* MqtKara Circle will tlon, hut, the.v added. If progress hold a Coupon Day .Ian. 15. Only I The Board of Directors Tues**. k 540 Middle Turnpike E. YOUR CHOICE $ Manchester. Cotm. Manchester. Conn. a headon auto collision that took week * sentence and last week's ^oid a Ch^laCmka party tonight at for Mahcheeter could be shown, members of the retail division are] day night will consider fixing a You may pick out thr alyla of 17,990 the life of two people. sentence are to run consecutively,], „*eibck at the home of Mr*. they would endorse the project. Glass and Mirror by; to participate date for a public liearing on an homa you hkr and havr II built Metal Work by: Reynold* pleaded Innocent to a Justice LeRby M. RoberU *u*-lKy,nfc Maim*. 31K Garden Dr, For many months ' the Town J. A. White Glass Co. Tile committee alaa agreed tn j additional appropriation o f 810,- on,a htjfh woodnl lot of your Roofing and Sheet Metal charge of miaconduct with a mo­ funded the sentences on the condi- j, bring a Planning Commission has been 31 Bissell Street sponsor the Washington's Birth-'000 to the town coimsel'a account rhoirr You darula on thr m- Enterprises tor vehicle and waivetl examine tion that Thompson arrange for* - aiiid.ving the possibility of estab­ Manchester. Conn. Rockville. Conn. .EACH gift. day "W hite Elephant" Sale Feb. for the payment of claims and trnor drroratinK aurh aa wall* COLONIAL tlon. He was bound over to Super- i psychiatric treatment and posalble lishing a heliport in Manchester, 21. The same ronimiltee, headed hy ■ refunds. paprr, paint fonulra linolrum. Amesite Driveway by: marriage counseling through his Landscaping by: ' item tor Court on a 86.000 property Legionnaires and Auxiliary but so far little action has been Joseph German, was reappointed The amount ha.i been recoa- rtr , aa wrll aa outaidr rolori- Thomas Colla Co. probation officer. . Angelo Glola bond nhlch posted. memlier* will hold a Joint Christ­ taken on the project. to nm the promotion. 1 tended hy General Manager ■ A two-atory honte that is highlighted 291 Broad Street A charge of violation probation 638 Keeney Street Tolland Cou'nty Coroner Bernard tM mas party tonight at 8 o’clock at Richard who aaid it would by s large living room wRh fireplace Manchester. Conn. was continued pending the outcome and paneled w o ^ wall llial extends Manchester. Conn. J. Ackerman found Reynolds re- the Post home. Each one planning come from unexpended surplus Plumbing by: YAW) of the paychietrlc* treatment. into the dining area Step saving siMMisible for th* death* of Thom- to attend 1* rsmlnded U> bring s left over a l the end of the fiscal Long Hilt Plumbing b Mason Work by: | Other esses appearing before. k BUILDERS kitchen Includes built-in atove and aa Smith. 19. of Flanders lU).. Cov­ grab bag gift. Martin Recommends $4/H)0 year which ended June 30. Colonial Heating Co. John Urtans “ 8151 A bulky cardigan for the little Juetice Roberta were those of F er­ llillNldr Manor la bring'huili hv entry. and Mra. M ary Livio, 46, oven. Ceramic tiled half bath down WHIImantIc, Conn. 6i«ee.-)yt«. nand P. Marsen, 26, of Sheldon, ' Martin said Town Counsel Thr U AR HnuMng (!orp, well East Hartford, Conn. girl from 6 to 8 — ao nice to of Wllllmantlc in a headon crash Alan H. 'fucker.' executive secre­ and ^|JI bath upatalr.s Attached ga­ who was fined $21 for speeding: CJharles Crockett has informed known for thrir .nmiaual i ua- rage fcatiirra a plea.saht siindeck. Pile and Floor Covering by: Concrete by: crochet in her favorite color. Make Oct. 19 on Bagleville Rd.. near tary of the Charter Oak Council, ~- Dainty little toga for toddlers it in heavy wool, using Jlist the Kenneth J. Flanders, 34, Lake at., To Enlarge Hearing Room him the ex'ia approprlatiftr must lom hiult hornr.s aurh aa Rij:a The extedor of this home comhine.a Roy b John Floor Covering Andrew Ansaldi Company ,T.'3hnt are fun to sew. Each Item of School St.. Coventry. Reynolds was Boy BcoiiU of Amei;tca. will speak ^ be made to the account, to which basic stitches. (P . S. A wonderful who waa fined. $12 for passing in * Hrighta. Rfillori FAR hnn in- brisk v ^ e e r and Vertical wood pan- Bixiad Street Bidwell Street - these little clothes needs Just a the driver of a car containing on'"BeeUss. Boys and Bullwhips," $27,000 waa originally appropriat­ rorpof-alril nuinv tualom fra- Manchester. Conn. gift for a special occaaioh). no passing s(xie and William Kel- Tile Board of Directors Tuesday! The enlargement, Martin said, $ Hlag Manchester. Conn. ~ jrard or less o f fine fabric. Smith and Lester Taylor, 19. of at the meeting o f the Rotary Club ed July 1. In addition to the claims 17,400 Pattern No. 3643 contains leher. 27, of N, River Rd,. who night will consider fixing s date would Increase the seating capa®* turra In thrir .liillaldr Ataimr - No. 8151 with Patt-O-Rama ia Pine Lake Shore*, which collided Tuesday night * t • the Coun­ and refund.*! the sijm covers tha homce. crochet directions — aizea 4, 6, 8 waa fined $6 on a charge of failure tor a puHlie hearing on opproprls- Ity of the room from it* present : In aiaea 6 moa, 1. 8, 3 yaars. Size with a car driven by Mra. U-vlo’s try Club. town counsel s aalary. legal sefv- inclusive; material requlrementf; to grant one-half of the highway. tlng $4,000 to enlarge the hearing 45 to between 75 and 88. - 1, drzaz, 1 yard o f 45-lnch; romper, husband. Santo, Livio, 56. State Eldred L. Harris. 18. Kingswoqd Ice* (or to" n departments and :r.T^ yard: alip, 5-8 yard. stitch illustrations. Police laid the car containing the Pvt. William Baver. son of Mr. 1 room of the Municipal Building, It would provide, along the north ... Send 25c in Oo(ns. for this pat­ Trail, was found Innocent of mak­ knd Mrs. Irving Bayer, 14 Stephen General Manager Rlchsrt Mar­ wall, a better sealing arrange-i Model Home Furnished By DORSBY FURNITURB^ 71 Cast Center Street, Manchester - Send 'ililrty-five Cents in coins ymiths was on the wrong aide of ing unnecessary noise with a tern to Anne Cabot,The Manches- at.. has been assigned to D Co. of • Un. who recommends the hearing ment for the Directors and town for each pattern to Sue Burnett, the road as it made a turn into motor vehicle. Harris wa# arrest­ CHICA(K> FIRE KIIX8 8 the 4 th Training Regiment at FL;>>® held Jan. 6 said the Jobirould officials and create spa^e for dis­ - The Manchester Evening Herald, R*>* ^'■®"' School St. ed on the complaint of a neighbor TlileBg®- I*®®. IS (F>—Tkrea Dlx, N. J.. ,for eight weeks o f in- probably be done for $4,000. in- play of maps and charts, he said. : IIM AVE. OF AMERICAS, New AMERICAK NEW lORK M, N.Y. Bfltb ^ynolds and Taylor were who aald that he waa in the haWt, , . tnnsntri werZ killed and aeven Print Name, Addnna and Pattern inlured in the accident. • eluding fees. In the hist town budget, $3,500 -YORK M, N. r. Print Name, Ad- of ‘ ‘revving up his m otor" every,] H e for­ •Umr person* lajared early to- Number Add 10c for each pallem! Robert Thompeoji, 23. Lake It would include moving the was appropriated for lh » job but THE 'dreee with Zone, Style., Number time he paaseti hia house and tusk merly attended Mancheater High ^ wheo a tire raced throogk for for flret-4!le8a mailing. Front Park. *CoVentrtr, who receiv- Setabol and MaaaschuaetU Instf-lnoYth wall outward In to ^ up- bid* taken in June ineesdad that --(Uid Size. Add 10c for each pattern ing noise which greatly disturbed the upper floor* *f a 6-story tute of Tachnoiogy. tUlr# lobby of the Municipal amount. Many Rylander of Man­ irfo r first-clAMr malUng. Have you a copy o f our 18M , c4 a $S0 fiiw. 60 days euapended him and* his wife. oBartmeat buUdtag sevorol Don't mias the new- Fall A Win-: Needlework Album 7 It contains aentence and six month* probotlaa Oaun was rscesaed while Robert* ___ _ Building, improving *c4>ustics, snd chester asked 49,sn and the doaeat of pretty designs tn cro^ The high school Rmind T*M* cutting an auxiliary exit at th* Young And Rloux Woodworking block* Bortbweat of tke l«0 | N rTthf 'S8 Isaut of our pattam etta- on two coipiU of br«aeh at the and the prosecutor went outalds Doseas of tenaat* Red (fit* mi •J dc, Baaic Fashion. Colorful. In- Chet, knit, embroidery and eew: PMC* last week, appeared last and listened to Harris' ear driven Singer* will sing at th* meeting foot of a stairway which lead* Oo. of F,ast Hartford bid $4,885. 9-5245 BBmMBg cold as ItressNB broagbt JOSEPHR. ASHFORD, F. Ml DIMOCK CO. plus direction* for one knit and ilartin asks that on archltact 9-4818 • BARBARA WOODS, Ml 9-7702 • ROHRT MURDOCK. Ml 3-4472 ^ • ROBIRT AONIW, MI3-4B78 informativo with spacUl night SR two mors counts of by a ttste Follreman In a test to of th* Rlwaat* Club ' 'nmraday from the lobby to the ground Ri* Mtra alansi Mb m bb^ -lintBrai, amart enay to ati* atylaa throe crochet itema Only 28* a brtach of ths pMce. MOB Bt ths Msnchsstar Country R eer on tha wsst sid* o f the bulld- ba hired to review thib plans and determlns if th* hoiso was objse- . M R M 'I B b fe a r iM N ' • • w * ■ ' ■ 1, * ■ guUtjr loot caubk i.iiiW - thataBVMdBiRtfiliMR,’.-'’ '

• II SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 19R8 PAGE TWELVE iKanrh^stpr lEorning i^rralb Christmas I; Give Blood 12:45 to 5:30 p. m., at Elks Lodge tcr’0 lln«At with grlni and Inexor* Hartford bad problema Mndiar to ablo dlipafch. SHOPPING t'oa e o f Manchcater right now. About Town Seenif LL Ray OrifRn decided a Board Group Bdt aince then, aaid the com- MJININUM ■hampooing waa In order the other PAYS TO irittee chairman, that town haa Heard Along Main Street Average Daily Net Press Run The. W ither T h « PollBh American Club will night. Probing Int< the medicine CHRISTMAS put what appears to be a aucceas- STORM WINDOWS 4 ltd on Soma of Manchetter’t Sida Streetaf, Too cabinet, he came up with the ah^m> To Report on ful program Into effect, smd pro­ Far flw W oA EikHag Fnreeaet of O. 8. Weather Bureu meet at 2 o’clock tomorrow after- ( Dee. 18th, 1988 noon at the clubhouee to elect offi­ poo bottle and applied a generoua vides "a fast follow-up on dltizen s M DOORS nelping to the Oriflfin locka. complaints.” Manchester's system cers. I Works Study Fair, colder tnaiight and Tnee- Inrorriiptlblp )— A twin-enRine Lock­ Ihal ' I've known those fellowa A seventh grader turned to the Simmons, S99 Center St.; Mrs, Engineering, Cemetery Park, and Sovieta. Mrs. Russell .''milh ire, it was enough to make you Miller Phannaey iured that the western Big cluding Saturday, the stores down there all these years and questioner said indignantly, Helen Gulley. Avery St.; Gerald Recreation Departments, sll of Premier Khniahchev in the Rua- heed plane carrying: at leaat Outlay Billion forget i f « the ( ’hriatmiiH «ea«on. 299 Green Rd.— M l 8-4184 Three will stand fast against will be open from 9 a.m. until they re a good hunrh of fellows." It'll hard to believe the joy wan "They don’t, make It here. That's in Dupont, 76 Cottage St.; Paula which would be Involved In a pub­ I NORTH END ■ian note aaid the Soviet! were four executivea of the John­ Mystlr Review, Women's Bene- ' lic work."i reorganization. 9 p.m. On Dec. 24 the stores ' Rut I don't play golf ' he has flone by children no young they did Wa.shinglon!'' I^aBella, 103 Village St„ Rock­ Russian pressure on West withdrawing from the 4-power oc­ son & Johnson (To. of Bruns­ fit Assn, will gne a Chrislmas The committee was .ormed after will be open until 5:30 p.m. said not realir.e the ronnequenre.^. A Non. ville: Carol Anri and Charles i F H A R M A C r Berlin, the North Atlantic A l­ cupation of Berlin. He proposed wick. N. J., crash'^ed In a rural parly for the pinlors Tiie.sday at (he new Board of Directors took that West Berlin, 110 miles be­ A fter Christmas, the stores And he s standing on pflnciple Linkily cold weather made It Morneau, Coventry; Richard Gess. lies turned today to critical will return to the regular fi:30 p.m. Ill Odd I-ellowa hall j ofnre In November. Its purpose. hind the Iron Curtain, be made a wooded area today in a heavy Senior menihers i^ill hold then' pojijuhle for the Park Department' 26 Little St.; Mrs. Elolse Seeley, i 4 Depot Sq.— M I 9-4888 schedule. In part, is to eliminate "duplica­ disputes within the alliance. demilitarized free city. The Rua- snowstorm. Hopes Fade party at 8 p.m , and each niemher! ’Clothee Make Ihe .Man' to restore akatlng with only one 232 Woodland HI.; Mrs. Earleen Until Dec. 23 there will be Friend.sliip Circle L e s c o, 42 Benton St.; Patti tion of effort, lack of coordination, The agreement yesterday on aiana said regardless of what was Troopers at the scene re­ attending la requested In bring a !j Al Ihe meeting of Ihe Parking j day's loss. Berlin by the foreign ministers of no parklrm meter, enforcement Szegda, Wllllmanllc; Mrs. Con­ and lack of direction" which Cum­ worked out for West Berlin, they ported three dead in the plane dollar gift A snnal period with ' A'llhnnIv Monday night, the mem- mings says exist i iider Manches­ Britain, France, and the United on Main Street after 6 p.m, aa I hers, ill.Hcussed ways of I'liproving Horry, Too l-ate To Attend Service stance Cawley and son, 117 Coo­ were giving the East Germans refreshments will follow, j ter's public works system. He ha.s States led off a week of formal a convenience to the shoppers. and one outside. Two others For Slash Ihe paiking on Ihe east side of per St.; Mrs. Shirley Duquette and control of all communications with I i It waa the p r m r t 1 c e of the railed for a professional public conferences vital to westerrf 'Eu­ The decision not to enforce were unaccounted for. They | .Mam .SI The members agreed Ihe 'riip Friendship riirle of , the son. 93 St. John St,; Mrs. Barbhra the city in six months. The Edgar Circle of Ihe V. .St i .slightly ahaent-miuded Maruhes- works director to bring concerted rope’s future. the parking regulations ■was sfuo es '.rerc adequate. If molorlsis .SBlvatlrm Army will atlrn.t ths Hathke and daughter. Rocky Hill; The western refusal to deal said an initial report that Of the .South Methodist Church j ter resident to gT» out each morn- supervision to the departnierts and A communiqu6i,«after the Big made at a recent meeting of would lust them Mrs. Lucy Russell and son, East with the East Germans apparent­ the Chamber of Commerce’s there was one survivor was in­ In Spending will meet ,Monda,\' iiighl at 7 t.'i i ! Ing aufl start the « aj about If> imtirri Christmas ssrvlcr of Ihr art aa Marlin's "jlgh t hand man." ( COLONIAL Three foreign mihisters met said for a ("hristma.s parlv in .Susan■ I .Mis Kalhenne Hoiirn Ihoiighl Hartford. ly left no alternative but force to retail division executive com­ accurate. i minutes before leaving for work Soiithsrn .Nsw F.nstland division, Before It got a director of pub­ they “reaffirmed the determina­ insure access to the city if the nah Wesley hall. Members are re­ ! the sloie ownera should do some- tion of their governments to main­ mittee and Police Chief Her­ so the vehicle could warm up. \(hirh wilt be rondiicled by Band- lic works, Cummings said. West Russians go ahead with the trans­ ! WashinKton, Dec. 15 minded to bring a .’lO-- eiil grab !| thing to u eli ome Ihe ( decorators tain their position and their rights man O, Schendel. Boston. Dec. IK (J’ l - A Twin- (/P) Ah per schefiiile, he dward .St , m r p,*lienl no ’ errors or TmilSHions ' Kenzie, snd their stiilT from Hart­ Ha mill on .Slandari' will be hosts Berlin. In effect, the ministers south of Logan International A ir­ tialanced hudget calling for In Wtndliani Memorial Ho.^pital, UorMiy (' hiiho Kimilly, unable to .sland It any ford. .Monday lo delegaiea of an organ­ ruled out suggestions that the port. .spending ahout $80 billion Whrn a ]-t-veai old told hia par- RESIDENTIAL Willlmantir. f(he l» ronflned llicrr longer, he broke dou 11 and called •Mrs. Howiard, president, ization chnrgod with planning the West' deal with the East Germans Two hours after the plane was next year. with a broken l^g and v^inild hr ent.a hr t\0(\ their other children to his wife, "It seern.s to me I've reqiiesis all iiieinbers of the of the Western Hemis­ ss agents of the Russians. last heard from bv the Logan w n r going tn make wreatha to phere COMMERCIAL GOP Liberals Ready tower in Boston, there were re­ Spending of that size would Frlendshiii Circle to meet for a pleaaed to hear from her friends forgotten somethmg but I can't The three ministers - U.S. Sec­ compare with an estimated 879.- Hell -••n \hr\ r(»uhl earn money to short session after the ports that a plane wa.s circling for the life of me rememtier what About .’SO high-ranking mcml>ers retary of State Dulles. French 200,000,000 in the flacal year which huv them ('hnalniH preaenta, the service .Monday eveninR Fully Inaured over Weymouth, Just south of It was '■ of the Inler-Aine lean Defense PINE LENOX Foreign Minister Maurice Couvb started Jiilv 1. parenta hearne-erman Weymouth said no signal had been He d foignllen to put on tlie emer- I program. PINE PHARMACY A I ) M I T T F, I ) YE.STF.rU >A Y : or the baaic Issues to be covered in - ' Cooper iKyi; Senator-elect Ken­ received. Ml lIJNM trouble making Ihe wreatha and I gency brake when he started the ' themselves as Liberals voted m CKNTEH ST. their replies. They said they would neth B. Keating and Sen. Jb( oh K. The Civil Aeronautics Bos i d's i j Bridge's, estimate appeared to railed on I»afl fo? .help l»nd helped ( car The unchecked vehicle had (Charles I’ltncv, lOO.T Tolland con.sult with the other N A T O A l­ j unanimously today to undertake a Javits of New York. Frank tni l.son'! .safclv division at Norwood said | daah Elsenhower's hopes for a gen- i rolled ftO feet down the driveway Tpke : .Mrs Minnie Wilson, H lies in the N A T O council meeting I fight for control of the Senate iKansasi, Clifford ,B. Case (NJl. plane.s would be heard over Wey- i eral reduction in federal spending. i and out onto the lilghway aa soon % I’eiirl SI.; Mrs KIslo I.s'lsier. Fast beginning tomorrow and then Senator-elect Hug Scott iPai and J mouth because that Is a holding I Blit Bridges predicted that the aa he reentered the hmp- Their spokesman. Sen, George pliiR, [>oiina and Richard <;ie(*n. Vermont and Prescott Bush ' in instrument wegther . Congress next month will be penefl as a result of the mishap, P ic k era ® CrestrldKO I)i . Vernon; Dianne Fancy Cocktail Sandwiches ON and AFTER MONDAY. DEC. 15 I D. Aiken (R-Vt. l announced that 1 Conn I. Franklin, 2ft miles south of I>i- • r'>A: I balanced. LIGGETT i although the shaving cream on the Seifert, Klllnjttnn; .Mrs. Rose .lohn- | Snowfall Light ! they decided to present "a full gan is a compulsory reporting area Prospects in the current flacal I absenl-nunded one’s fa« e did be­ W E W ILL BE IN OUR NEW LO CATIO N Aiken wg.s asked if he might son, .School St . David'liiKfl, ' i slate o f candidates at the Senate seek the floor leadership. for aircraft on an InStriiment year are for a deflcll of about 812 gin to free/,e as lie made a wild p h o n c M 12(1 Falhnoi Dr . .lacqiiellne CliirU, | I Republican conference in January flight plan In the Boston control billion. PARKADE DRUG I dash si-roMs tho snowy front lawn "I'm not a candidate for any­ But Who Can Rend Like That? Coventry; I’elcr Yellen, .30 Hui lie 281 ADAMS STREET Over Most of I which will be representative of the zone. It is an intersection of the Bridges ruled out any tax cuts toward the car. Harris Catering Service thing, " he said, "and I haven't seen "Yoti ve got to get that shovel dug In'Jiist so if you want to clean the snow off the walk correctly. ltd , Hucltvlllc; ,'Vli.i, Rose, X Republican party as show’n by the northwest leg of the Providence and hinted that the administration and voters tn the last election." any great movement for a draft. " Richard Lynch, 3 ‘ j-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lxnich demonstrated the technique in front may be thinking about requesting CidtiiKe .SI : Floyd Rice, Thoiii|i- Aiken said all , those a t ‘the meet­ radio range station and the aouth- Ilia Mair Wna Clean New England The action posed the prospect of of his home al 117 Delmont St., after the snow stopped falling thla morning. (Herald Pholo by Congress to boost the consumer .siiiivillc, Miiishall (ii'cen, Colum KHl WEIIIHNG.S. IIECEITIONS, BANtH’ETS, ing are strong supporters of Presi­ west leg of the Boston radio range A popular facial cleansing f:ream t e a r OLLIE'S AUTO BODY a fight with Sen. Styles Bridges OAara i. tax on gaaoline. DfAl 7 hui: .Mrs. .Miirniirct Willis, 27 lliBh nrFFKT.s, cnrKTAii, PAimES, , dent Kibenhower, but when asked atatlon. OPEN recently cleaned one of Manrbes- St ; .Miss Tlicrcsn Noel, 200 Main SPEC lA i, .SWEDISH SMORGASBORD TORMKRLY AT 8 GRISWOLD STREET of New Hampshire, chairman of The Senator said he looks for By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS if the Wmte House had given them Airport officials said the plane the general tax structure to re-, SI ; ViiKiiim (iiaut, RnrUvillr. The remnants of a storm which the Senate GOP Policy Committee, any eni^ragemenf, he said: is registered to Johnson A John­ main the same, but remarked there M is l.ucy Iiiinonacu, \H Oak SI , left moderate to heavy snow in the and Sen. Everett M. Dirken (R- “ We;*haven't'heard a peep from Ml l-tStS I SUNDAY son of Linden, N.J.. might be some changes in the .loscpli WiiiU, H2 SI , Rock- Middle Atlantic states, today III), who apparently is Bridges' the White House, but we would wel­ 'tIi.e-jCaasL Guard said Xha cn \'lllc. .Minor Uiuvsun. Mristni PHONE AD 6-1303 choice to succeed Sen. WUIiam' F. Elevates Cushing, gasoline field. H e declined .1^ GENERAL brought light anOw to most of come some encouragement from waa presumed down aomewhiire. ADM ITTI':D TODAY: Dyndall Knowland (R-Calif), a4 Republl-' there." elaborate. ALL DAY PI.EASE ORDER E.\RI,Y FOR THE IIOi.lDAY SEASON was unreported at 11 a.m. Rep. Joseph W. Martin Jr.,, \'crnun 'I’nillcr Cuuil . The forecaster said tempera­ can floor leader. for m i TV SERVICE He also said the movement had Coast Guard boats patrolled fMasa.) the House Republican M IllTII TO D AY: A diiuBhter i tures would range up to 30 degrees '' It also raised the poaaibitity that not been discut.»ed with Vice Presi­ Boston Harbor which iS the ofiiy MANCHESTER IIh.vs A r A Call In .Mr. and Mrs Arsene St, Pierre. I leader, told reporters the admin- in southern New England and up to Bridges himself may seek the floor dent Richard M. Nixon. stretch of water the plane would Cardinal Nights t«£ s 9 3 Plus Parts TOYS A-PLENTY O’Hara to Rank of latratlon'a goal of a balanced ( lliml nnliiii s I SHOPPING PARKADE IS above in the north. leadership if it appears Dlrksen Aiken emphasized his belief that have passed over in coming in to DELIVERY TKI.. Ml 8-M82 budget "w ill depend on the tax DISCIIAltDKD YF.STKHDAY: Chilly air was expected to might he in danger of loMng. the 10 .Senators did not by sny Boston. •Mrs. .Mni'Kiiret (lii.slafson, 2.'i4 : Reg. $5.00 Mirro Aluminum t i o notify the new Cardinals olTl-*of God. have so far yielded to the receipts and a pickup." spread- into . _ New „ England . . . from I Bridges hag ijeen quoted as aay- means repre.sent the strength of Slate Police and Civil Aeronau­ B.V I-TIANK BRITTO elallv of their elevation. | comr Ands of persecutors aa lo " w e ’ll be fortunate If we keep Tuesday night. , , jf ^ jg necessary to avoid the in.siirgenl group. tics Authorities also were notified. Vatican City, Dec. l.’i oV' Pope I FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON SNO-COASTER The overnight storm dropped up : g „.i„ gj ■ (VognanI Also Eletaied „ ] accept sacrllegl ms episcopal con- the budget at 880 billion, " Martin ' Ail\n t i.nrmrnl | The C AA said the plane waa be­ added. "W e were all volunteers today." John X X III today formally ele- 1; The two Americans, Richard j serration fron. which no power tb two inches of snow Coft- , „,,gr*the leadership. lieved lo carry a pilot, co-pilot and Rep. Lea Arens, till I the House nectlcut. he said. "Four others, whose names vated the Archbishops of Phlladel-■ .ig^nes Cii.'.hlng. 63, Boston and I of Jiirimllctlon can be derived since HAVE YOUR RUGS Since Bridges is the senior Re- five or six passengers. Republican Whip, predicted, the COSMETICS State Police reported highways I am not at liberty to reveal, were it was conferred w’lthout the man- ll«*y (iurss lial? ; publican, moat congreaaional ob­ phia and Boston and 21 other Ro­ John F. O'Hsra, 70, Philadelphia deficit would be "much, much leaa” AHENTION LADIES! «E CAIlllV AM, wet and slippery in botany areas. Invited blit could not make it, And A t Newark Airport, It was re- "t Jweniliilyn Rave a pai ty server! feel It would be difficult to man Catholic prelates lo Ihe rank received the word at Ihe .North jlale of the Holy See." than the anticipated 812 billion dol­ TH E TOP I.I.NES ’Ilie tl.S. Weather Bureau at we intend to do some recruiting American Pontifleal College, high mil'll Hii'l lk»* thuiKN hIip Hrrvcfl! defeat him. (Conllnued on Page Keveateen) Pope John asked the Catholic lars this year Immaculately Cleaned! Windsor Locks said the snowfall between now and the opening of of Cardlna.1. on Rome's Jantculum Hill Also IDEAL FOR GIFT GIVING .lUMt ii.slrn til thlH fruit Halatl bishops of the wor.d to arrange James C. Hageuy. tVbite Houm ARTHUR DRUG would end this afternoon. Aiken aaid the group did not en­ the new Congress. I don't think Twenty-three of the -M other notified with them was Amleto , rm klail, Riiffalf) .Mirak. (tonuan dorse any candidates today, hut we will be defeated” for "public occasiohs of prayer press secretary, said the Republi- ' pntato Halail, pirrn .sahul with that The forecasters aaid total ac- Princes of the Church, meeting in Clcognanti. whose elevation ended and penance " lo ueaeerh God to eumulationa would range from two will do so when It meets again There will be 32 Republicans In secret consistory at the Vatican r a i n - w r a p js'uniiny Mhu* ( hU'f'.Hf* (lioM.siiig. ami I'p ill 8 aeatter ruga cleaned with­ his 26-year tenure ss Apostolic "enlighten the minds o those who ’(Continued on Page Tea) Dec. 30. the new Senate. | gave their silent assent to the folidimf'utH! Oh, Su7.y, thf*y out charge with the cleaning nf to four inches. Cairo Papers Delegate to Ihe United States. arc going astray" and to "give Fill,I, l,KN(; ril R.\I,\( (lAT They said a few flurries would He said the group will present Pope's action. conflrniing the ’ writ' nut nf Ihl.s WOlhl Lot'fl net'. FREE! any 9 x 12 nig (nr larger). "W e are in a much atrongep poal- Ta*" In his address tn the Sacred strength nr will' to all the Cath­ WITH ,\ n A( Mi:i) MOOD eontlnue over hilly sections late candidate., for i l ) Republican choices he had announced on ^'ov. llUMc wa.M ililloil rorn t»n thr enh, tion this year than we were two f |4 g’b f » g * g » f | a f ' | V lg a f » a » I College telling of his choices, the olics of CTilna. npirotl crah applr.H. iMmntrv ^filyle into the day. leader, (2) Republican whip or a.a- .years ago when our candidate for 17. I Pontiff called particular attention Keg. $1.00. S1M;( I.M, ■ The forecast for today waa con­ siatanl leader. (3) chairman of the whip got 17 votes." Aiken said. The Pontiff, hlm.'ielf crowned Several hundred peraons. Includ­ ( ut innhrr pii khvs hmiI Hwort pep- 9x12 RUG CLEANED «8 so „ , ' to Ihe persecution of Catholics bv ing U.S. Apibaaaadnr James D. jx’r l•■n| (toM.srrl sho .stu vpeen Jailed and dent priealii. bisliopa and arch­ vamlla li «' i irain hut. rnnu' rlo.s- SLEDS IN 5 SIZES or anow flurries tomorrow. publican .Senators and iftt serfe-j feated for re-election last moith. bership of the Sacred College lo expelled and many arehbishopa FOR FREE PICKUP and DELIVERY High temperatures were expect- tary of the conference. Aiken did not rule out the pos­ 74 and gave the world's half bil­ bishops. were present at the North or Sii/y, I lil.s m w Ih’I p IIu* m*m1 fun BROW.SE TO V O t’ B H E A R rS CONTENT j ! Cairo, Dec. 15 (Aft—U..S. Asst. aiKl bishops, "full of zeal «nd , College to see Cardi- Rlarti'il witli t hpp.sp broad Htirks ed to range in the 20s with the pj those at the meeting was sibllltv that his group's slate might I Secretary of State William Roiin- lion members of the rhtiich their AHENTION MEN! broadest represenlallon ever In ooursge. sre in .inson or restrict-e„„hi„K, O’Hara and CIcog- IXNKSE TICKETS BAN SET iiiid inolha rnimilM nho ^avc us CALL Ml 3-0012 MANCHESTER SURPLUS SALES CO* low from 5 to 15 degrees. | Sgp Thomas H. Kuchel of Call- ^ Include .son^ who are also aiipport- I ties left by plane today for Ragh- 0(1 or lmpo(iof Ihoir pHAlorftl minlRlry " ho RAkd I’M tadtorltioH, frlrd jfia.'^Hlinpprrs | 169 N. M A IN ST.. AT DEPOT Sp U A R E The three new Cardinals sal on nation of the use of loose tickets GIVE HER A JAMES' FlIRNITI RK AND WALL TO WAl-L CARPET CLEANED The outlook for Connecticut fo r ; back Kuchel for the post of R e -1 on that. another upheaval In Iraq. Elevation of the new Cardinals "Tho Horpy Hnd faithful havo aiiil hahv Imm'h ' plush chairs in the huge dining. OPEN DAILY 9 to 9 the next five days. T u e s d a y j ______! Rountree himself faced the broke the limit of 79 set for the bocomo tho larjfft of blandlah- luM been voted by the Greater "Hi'UOHtly, that Owon. wtioi’o ilue.s hall of the College. | Hartford Bridge Aathorlty ef­ g. F A R R — M I 8-7111 through Saturday, calls for tem­ threat of hostile demonstrations college by Pope Sixtus V In l-ftSS. monta. nionac'Wi. phyaira! and mor­ who hiul thoHO illlToioid ffinclN” Al fective Feh. I of next year. A f­ RUG CLEANING peratures averaging about 8 de­ from the powerful Iraqi Commun­ A fter the consistory, papal mes- al torturoa.;’ tho Pop< rontinuod. Responding for all three, Car-: W'olloH l''arm Wannii, Talrotlvlllo, : grees below normal. The normal Will Mink Coal Shed, Too? seogera went out from, the Vatican dlnal C’lcognsm said in Italian: ter that date» it will be neresaary i GIFT CERTIFICATE yt'U know, noar tlu* jjnlf courHo. ' BELMONT COMPANY ist party. The U.S. embassy asked Jn ordor to thorn "to hroak "for those crossing the bridgea to mean temperature in the Hartford "W e renew our dedication and e x -, I ni nil inv way thoio now. wnultl the Baghdad government for as­ th« bond of obedionro and lovo , ^ ^ .... exhibit Ibeir ticket books. ynu idu* to romo with mr? •STOCK Pl.A C E — M ANCIIK.STER area during thla period la 29 de­ surances he woul<) be safe. ■hich links then with the .See of | pression of grttiuiiie. All Amer- grees ranging from . an average i Ics offers Its heartfelt thanks. " I’houKhl I «l pift .Hoiuo <»|‘ thoHO The Washington official told Peter BI.4S SUIT REINSTATED high o f 38 to a low of 20. Con­ Th|T new Cardinals will receive j Ov«n cooking lIuMRs in my husband s slrM'klng.” 1 This Is How to Help newsmen in Cairo he was going to News T id hits Cities Persecution In (ftilna Washington. Dec. 18 (Aft— The I JAMES' BEAUTY SALON tinued quite cold through Thurs­ their red blrettaa sqiisre-ahsp-. Iraq as a friend. "The Iraqi gov­ Unfortuiialelv. " he went on. Supreme Court toda.v retaetotod day followed by a alow moderat­ Culled from AP Wires ed. close fitting hats snd a sym- ' » 143 MAIN ST. — TEL. M> V-5701 is oosy today... ernment accepted my visit, and 1 ‘ 'we have to declare with sorrow a suit by a tnemphla N egro to ing trend. bol of office - St a semipubitc hope my talks there will be as that there are' not wanting some hor enforrement of a Twmesoeo For Christmas | Precipitation will on the aver­ Pooch Put on the Dog who. fearing the order of men fruitful aa those held tn other law rogjulrlag racial eegregsUea age total about one third of an (rontlniied on Page Seventeen) countries." he said. Heven rhlluren die when flames mors than the sscred Judgment on street cor* ood basts. The YEAR OF ENJOYMENT 'Rountree has been touring the destroy their tenant house on cot­ (Oenttaued on Page FonrJ High Tribunal overtunaed o de­ By GENE HANDSAKER The shop offers dog cologne, Middle East. He conferred at ton plantation in Clarksdale. Miss. cision gtven by n apeoiol t - W ITH AN Beverly Hilla, Calif., Dec. 15 (Aft hair bows. English hsir brushes, length yesterday with President . . , Ratabiiarhment of a Connecti­ Judge U.S. Diatriot Court hi —Wondering what to give your chrome-plated combs and dog por­ Nasser and said his talks with cut weather board to promote re­ Te«t Your Devotion .Memphis that the suit had to dog tar Christmas? Maybe he’d trait photography. Ae. sterilized U A R officials were "very useful search Id field nf weather modl- Ite ^sraiased. "This dlsndaaal 1^000 Battling like a mink coat. whelping box for an expectant and held In a friendly atmosphere." S8attan will be reqonmended lo was appealed to the High Tri­ R C A ^ C T O R Custom-fitted, It’s 8475 at an ex-j mother dog can be rented, Undoubtedly Nasser snd his visi­ 1959 Legislature.- bunal by the Negro, O. Z. E ven . elusive canine acceaaorj' shop open-i ‘‘’W e'll even cater dogs’ birthday tor spend much time on the slt- Twenty-fodr occupant! driven Bill of Rights Effective Clock-Raidio Big Brush Fire ; ing today. parties," Grossman said. “ W e’il uat'on in Iraq. to street,- In New Haven Wuen 2- RIBDS C IT E l'.S. A T T A C K . Other coats of felt, flannel or provide a hamburger rake decorat­ One Cairo paper headlined • Us j alarm Sre break* out In four-story Loadon, Dec. 15 (Aft — The wool, lom e lined, moat belted and ed with dog biscuits and dog candy, account of the Baghdad situation I Uiiement building . . . Pravda Hoviet Union necuned the Uaited On West Co^ist . adorned with gold byaid, beads. and napkins, cups and so forth. "disturbances may break o\it m o-: charges that American military 167 Years Ago Today State* toda. of leadliig bnstUe ‘ bells or other trinkets, are offered The _price will depend on how many mentaylly," Another compared, bases, equipped with atomic weap- plane* near Soviet territory aod so’s homo hooting San Juan Capistrano, Calif.. Dec. at 812.75 to 8M, Also available; dogs .are invited." thr situation to that. Just preced- j oni in Japar are direct threat to charged one .Ymericaa ploao POINSETTIAS 50ca„hup '18 ftP) — An eatimated 1,000 men, I to help your dog put on the dog: | Enid deaigned the coats. A team- ing the overthrow of King Faisal I Soslet liMon and other countries. By JA.MES MARIA)\y ♦ freedom for all men living under opened tire on a Ruaniaa f i l t e r our w a y I hampered by turbulent winds,! Solid gold neck chains at 824, stress in the back shop makes by a rhUltary clique led by Brig., ' United States grants freedom to (A P New:* Analyst) their democratic society. They put, over the Baltir. The aeonaattoM ■truggled today to check a fast- *52. *tc | them. They fasibn under the turn- Gen. Abdel Karim Kgsaen. <• 284 iMuier Japaneee war crtmlnols Washington, Dec. 15 lAft The no ban on alavery. 1 were eontained In a Soviet onto moving brush fire racing in moun- r*n leather collars Mt with lOj my-and look like a child’s garment In recent weeks, tehsion has already out of prison on parole... b ,„ Rights--the first 10 amend- That did not come till later.' delivered to the UJS. Bmbwwy You g«t premium quslU; % 5 0 Pot tain country eight miles north- yellow rhlneMones, 80.95; match- without arms. An elastic band arisen between Arab . Nationaiiats M. B. Peterson »tep* oiR into; menu to the Con»tltutlon went Mobilhest with KT-98 . . . the CYCLAMEN many decade* later, after great | In Moscow aad reported by Mos­ east o f this historic mission i *ng leashes. 82.95. .'loops over the tall, Why put a frigid diwn outside his .Salt Lah*:i„to effect 187 veer* ago today. change* in' American thinking. The ' cow radio, meet completely rffeotive fuel town. A dog's wicker traveling bag, cost on a dog? (CoatiaMed on Page Four) City valley home and finds his 2 -1 j, not only guaranteed certain same with the right of alt A m eri-' • -v oil additive In use today. And WREATHS and CEMETERY BASKETS The blaze broke oiit yesterday; painted, with Rover's name in felt "T o irhpiove hia appearance, year-old son. Zachary, frozen to | right* and freedom* but wa* cans born or naturalized— lo vote. I HOFFA’S FOE OUSTED you get premium service. Au- and CONTAINF.RS and quickly consumed JO.OOO acres' letters dotted with rhinestones, mainly," aaid Dick, "protect him death an lawn. j the corneritone for amend-1 By asking youi self a few que*-1 New York. Dec. 15 lAft— Thaoi- tomstlc deliveries . . . « btl> ' SPRAYS o f tall brush — some of it as high r Contains w U er bottle, blanket, a from hurra and dirt and keep him Ca8 EKploAion K ill a American turncoat Richard G. jmenta added to (he ConalitutloD! tion*. you can teat your devotion t o ; as I> Rickey, long an outapokea sneed payment plan snd many $1.00 up as 15 feet 1 leather toy to phew on, two pans warm on cool evenings, Dog* are Cordon of Bast Providence. R. 1., i later. the principle of equal rights and foe of Tesunater presMeat Jame* other extras designed to make $1.00 up t-HtMon Lwvot Al Hopes of early control of the 1 of Ribfco.ff rea- pelled to testify against yourself You m«v hate commuxvism but s Oo w m Iv m Jgwm M a n n camp crew a county, and fine shop fo r doga, ftrhere dogs are a Welah terrier in blue pajam- o f flaming gas .oonrit up thrirniili flaori- te her beri * t executive man­ BROTHERS PottertOR’S in a criminal case; the right' to there is no law agalnat being al" P »l»r • reporter la I M a ^ McCONVILLE GREENHOUSES a la i* writs. Siflfar pamper trades catered to tho>ray piople are ca­ isz. . , the street iis i t t f . fiQui *, bralnR sion' today with tirus infection III trial'by jury; the right to confront Oommunlat. ^ I “ • had 186 boUrionra w «w in i»e. tered to-* " Mrs. Qi'bll Jailer. 147 Ard- main. , . ,. . . Philip Hewea of Avon, who 302 W O O O IR ID G E ST. I 1.10 Cenfer St. Eiut Parkin|L Cor. of Church SL Would you, who pii*G froGdom Hg G>rvwl ao a arttaeas agalnat you. F iih ' beads* .planned to ‘‘bomb'* -Ha loolmd hraoiid five' moatha sley Rd., later turned up' to served ss executivs sscMtsry to of tha.Htoken aad wrriUen word, «*ty o^tar ^ atate *lltac_ Ml 3-5135 'ifehM ata wtOt h iMgota apkittsri t»- tfea* choaf h p n a rio m l location in claim the aalnuO. < ‘ MnfGnu. cmiGing w mKKKps Si !■ the iato Gov. Wilbur Croas, 1986- Olriat B w SlaveiT M y ■ v e a thatho mftamera m e rs oof f the Ona- * WPs WPl WPi WW WPIWR WPl WK WKWKWPll dria tama at awWo a t ^ aad othar Sw told police the dog had M14. fOR o ft Jw rk ofara hadOma. « g m u k f O U i aethaUmra la ajpial