17C bus time schedule & line map

17C Coventry - View In Website Mode

The 17C bus line (Coventry - Warwick) has 3 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) : 3:27 PM (2) War Memorial Park: 3:16 PM (3) Westwood Business Park: 7:45 AM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 17C bus station near you and nd out when is the next 17C bus arriving.

Direction: Leamington Spa 17C bus Time Schedule 37 stops Leamington Spa Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:27 PM Westwood School, Westwood Business Park Tuesday 3:27 PM Mitchell Avenue, Kirby Corner Wednesday 3:27 PM Kirby Corner Rd, Kirby Corner (Gh1) Thursday 3:27 PM Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry Friday 3:27 PM Gibbet Hill Campus, Gibbet Hill (Gh5) Saturday Not Operational Gibbet Hill Rd, Gibbet Hill Gibbet Hill Road,

Cryeld Grange Rd, Gibbet Hill 17C bus Info Crackley, Kenilworth Direction: Leamington Spa Stops: 37 Woodland Road, Kenilworth Trip Duration: 36 min Greenway Bridge, Kenilworth Line Summary: Westwood School, Westwood Business Park, Mitchell Avenue, Kirby Corner, Kirby Common, Kenilworth Corner Rd, Kirby Corner (Gh1), Gibbet Hill Campus, Common Lane, Kenilworth Gibbet Hill (Gh5), Gibbet Hill Rd, Gibbet Hill, Cryeld Grange Rd, Gibbet Hill, Crackley, Kenilworth, Highland Road, Kenilworth Woodland Road, Kenilworth, Common, Kenilworth, 1A Highland Road, Kenilworth Highland Road, Kenilworth, Knowle Hill, Kenilworth, Hidcote Road, Kenilworth, Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, Knowle Hill, Kenilworth Rawnsley Drive, Kenilworth, Shops, Kenilworth, 55 Dalehouse Lane, Kenilworth Kenilworth School, Kenilworth, Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, Villiers Road, Kenilworth, Herberts Lane, Hidcote Road, Kenilworth Kenilworth, Spring Lane, Kenilworth, Sports & Social 1 Fairway Rise, Kenilworth Club, Kenilworth, Church, Kenilworth, Shops, Kenilworth, Lion, Kenilworth, Clarendon Road, Leyes Lane, Kenilworth Kenilworth, St Johns Church, Kenilworth, Ferndale 14 Chatsworth Grove, Kenilworth Drive, Kenilworth, Chesford Crossroads, Kenilworth, Ramada Hotel, Leamington Spa, Leamington Rugby Rawnsley Drive, Kenilworth Club, Leamington Spa, Blackdown Crossroads, 40 Leyes Lane, Kenilworth Leamington Spa, Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa, Woodcote Road, Leamington Spa, Shops, Kenilworth Lillington Avenue, Leamington Spa, Trinity Street, The Wardens, Kenilworth Leamington Spa, Clarendon Avenue, Leamington Spa, Parish Church, Leamington Spa Kenilworth School, Kenilworth 6 Leyes Lane, Kenilworth

Leyes Lane, Kenilworth 11 Park Hill, Kenilworth

Villiers Road, Kenilworth 49 Park Hill, Kenilworth

Herberts Lane, Kenilworth 112a Albion Street, Kenilworth

Spring Lane, Kenilworth

Sports & Social Club, Kenilworth Upper Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth

Church, Kenilworth Church Drive, Kenilworth

Shops, Kenilworth Abbey End, Kenilworth

Lion, Kenilworth 33 Warwick Road, Kenilworth

Clarendon Road, Kenilworth 127 Warwick Road, Kenilworth

St Johns Church, Kenilworth Whites Row, Kenilworth

Ferndale Drive, Kenilworth Ferndale Drive, Kenilworth

Chesford Crossroads, Kenilworth B4115, And Guy'S Cliffe Civil Parish

Ramada Hotel, Leamington Spa A452, Blackdown Civil Parish

Leamington Rugby Club, Leamington Spa Kenilworth Road, Blackdown Civil Parish

Blackdown Crossroads, Leamington Spa Kenilworth Road, Civil Parish

Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa

Woodcote Road, Leamington Spa

Lillington Avenue, Leamington Spa

Trinity Street, Leamington Spa Beauchamp Avenue, Royal Leamington Spa

Clarendon Avenue, Leamington Spa Beauchamp Road, Royal Leamington Spa

Parish Church, Leamington Spa Victoria Terrace, Royal Leamington Spa Direction: War Memorial Park 17C bus Time Schedule 29 stops War Memorial Park Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 3:16 PM Parish Church Stand B, Leamington Spa Victoria Terrace, Royal Leamington Spa Tuesday 3:16 PM

Dormer Place, Leamington Spa Wednesday 3:16 PM Parade, Royal Leamington Spa Thursday 3:16 PM Post Oce, Leamington Spa Friday 3:16 PM 18a Clarendon Street, Royal Leamington Spa Saturday Not Operational Oxford Street, Leamington Spa 44-46 Clarendon Avenue, Royal Leamington Spa

Clarendon Avenue, Leamington Spa Beauchamp Road, Royal Leamington Spa 17C bus Info Direction: War Memorial Park Arnold Lodge School, Leamington Spa Stops: 29 Trip Duration: 46 min Lillington Avenue, Leamington Spa Line Summary: Parish Church Stand B, Leamington Spa, Dormer Place, Leamington Spa, Post Oce, Woodcote Road, Leamington Spa Leamington Spa, Oxford Street, Leamington Spa, Clarendon Avenue, Leamington Spa, Arnold Lodge Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa School, Leamington Spa, Lillington Avenue, Leamington Spa, Woodcote Road, Leamington Spa, Oak Bank House, Leamington Spa Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa, Oak Bank Kenilworth Road, Old Milverton Civil Parish House, Leamington Spa, Blackdown Crossorads, Leamington Spa, Leamington Rugby Club, Blackdown Crossorads, Leamington Spa Leamington Spa, Ramada Hotel, Leamington Spa, Chesford Crossroads, Kenilworth, Thickthorn Island, Leamington Rugby Club, Leamington Spa Kenilworth, Ferndale Drive, Kenilworth, St Johns Street, Kenilworth, Randall Road, Kenilworth, Holiday Ramada Hotel, Leamington Spa Inn, Kenilworth, Church, Kenilworth, Sports & Social Club, Kenilworth, Henry Street, Kenilworth, A452, Blackdown Civil Parish Wyandotte, Kenilworth, Villiers Road, Kenilworth, Chesford Crossroads, Kenilworth Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, Fletchamstead Highway, Green Lane, Coat Of Arms Bridge Rd, War Memorial Thickthorn Island, Kenilworth Park, Beechwood Avenue, War Memorial Park, Park And Ride Car Park, War Memorial Park Leamington Road, Kenilworth

Ferndale Drive, Kenilworth A452, Kenilworth

St Johns Street, Kenilworth 149 Warwick Road, Kenilworth

Randall Road, Kenilworth 50 Warwick Road, Kenilworth

Holiday Inn, Kenilworth 212 Abbey End, Kenilworth

Church, Kenilworth Church Drive, Kenilworth Sports & Social Club, Kenilworth Upper Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth

Henry Street, Kenilworth

Wyandotte, Kenilworth 1 Park Road, Kenilworth

Villiers Road, Kenilworth 58-66 Webster Avenue, Kenilworth

Leyes Lane, Kenilworth Park Hill, Kenilworth

Fletchamstead Highway, Green Lane 44 Kenilworth Road, Coventry

Coat Of Arms Bridge Rd, War Memorial Park 49 Woodland Avenue, Coventry

Beechwood Avenue, War Memorial Park

Park And Ride Car Park, War Memorial Park Direction: Westwood Business Park 17C bus Time Schedule 39 stops Westwood Business Park Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday 7:45 AM Parish Church Stand B, Leamington Spa Victoria Terrace, Royal Leamington Spa Tuesday 7:45 AM

Dormer Place, Leamington Spa Wednesday 7:45 AM Parade, Royal Leamington Spa Thursday 7:45 AM Post Oce, Leamington Spa Friday 7:45 AM 18a Clarendon Street, Royal Leamington Spa Saturday Not Operational Oxford Street, Leamington Spa 44-46 Clarendon Avenue, Royal Leamington Spa

Clarendon Avenue, Leamington Spa Beauchamp Road, Royal Leamington Spa 17C bus Info Direction: Westwood Business Park Arnold Lodge School, Leamington Spa Stops: 39 Trip Duration: 43 min Lillington Avenue, Leamington Spa Line Summary: Parish Church Stand B, Leamington Spa, Dormer Place, Leamington Spa, Post Oce, Woodcote Road, Leamington Spa Leamington Spa, Oxford Street, Leamington Spa, Clarendon Avenue, Leamington Spa, Arnold Lodge Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa School, Leamington Spa, Lillington Avenue, Leamington Spa, Woodcote Road, Leamington Spa, Oak Bank House, Leamington Spa Northumberland Road, Leamington Spa, Oak Bank Kenilworth Road, Old Milverton Civil Parish House, Leamington Spa, Blackdown Crossorads, Leamington Spa, Leamington Rugby Club, Blackdown Crossorads, Leamington Spa Leamington Spa, Ramada Hotel, Leamington Spa, Chesford Crossroads, Kenilworth, Thickthorn Island, Leamington Rugby Club, Leamington Spa Kenilworth, Ferndale Drive, Kenilworth, St Johns Street, Kenilworth, Randall Road, Kenilworth, Holiday Ramada Hotel, Leamington Spa Inn, Kenilworth, Church, Kenilworth, Sports & Social Club, Kenilworth, Henry Street, Kenilworth, A452, Blackdown Civil Parish Wyandotte, Kenilworth, Villiers Road, Kenilworth, Chesford Crossroads, Kenilworth Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, Shops, Kenilworth, Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, Saville Grove, Kenilworth, Hidcote Thickthorn Island, Kenilworth Road, Kenilworth, Dalehouse Lane, Kenilworth, Highland Roiad, Kenilworth, Common, Kenilworth, Leamington Road, Kenilworth Woodland Road, Kenilworth, Crackley, Kenilworth, Ferndale Drive, Kenilworth Cryeld Grange Rd, Gibbet Hill, Gibbet Hill Campus, Gibbet Hill (Gh6), Scarman Rd, Kirby Corner, Kirby A452, Kenilworth Corner Rd, Kirby Corner (Gh2), Westwood School, St Johns Street, Kenilworth Westwood Business Park 149 Warwick Road, Kenilworth

Randall Road, Kenilworth 50 Warwick Road, Kenilworth

Holiday Inn, Kenilworth 212 Abbey End, Kenilworth

Church, Kenilworth Church Drive, Kenilworth Sports & Social Club, Kenilworth Upper Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth

Henry Street, Kenilworth

Wyandotte, Kenilworth 1 Park Road, Kenilworth

Villiers Road, Kenilworth 58-66 Webster Avenue, Kenilworth

Leyes Lane, Kenilworth Park Hill, Kenilworth

Shops, Kenilworth Leyes Lane, Kenilworth

Leyes Lane, Kenilworth 9 Rawnsley Drive, Kenilworth

Saville Grove, Kenilworth 1 Saville Grove, Kenilworth

Hidcote Road, Kenilworth 6 Hidcote Road, Kenilworth

Dalehouse Lane, Kenilworth 61 Dalehouse Lane, Kenilworth

Highland Roiad, Kenilworth

Common, Kenilworth Common Lane, Kenilworth

Woodland Road, Kenilworth

Crackley, Kenilworth

Cryeld Grange Rd, Gibbet Hill

Gibbet Hill Campus, Gibbet Hill (Gh6)

Scarman Rd, Kirby Corner Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry

Kirby Corner Rd, Kirby Corner (Gh2) Gibbet Hill Road, Coventry

Westwood School, Westwood Business Park 17C bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or Check Live Arrival Times subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in . About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved