Warwick District

Personal Details:

Name: Charles BOURNE



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I am very pleased to see that the Boundary Commission has decided to proceed with its own proposals, rather than adopting any of those put forward by District Council or any of the political parties (although some of these were more reasonable than others!). I totally support the objective of the Boundary Commission of creating wards with the least variation from the population average, and aligning wards as far as possible with the County Council divisions adopted following their most recent revision. However, I wish particularly to express my SUPPORT for two aspects of the Boundary Commission's proposals, both of which "correct" very unfortunate aspects of the County Council boundaries: (1) To include the area between the railway line and the in Clarendon Ward rather than Brunswick. I live in this area and can categorically confirm that the community on and around Avenue Road/Adelaide Road identify with and consider ourselves part of town centre and North Leamington (Clarendon Ward or Milverton Ward), and not South Leamington (Brunswick). I am very grateful that members of the Commission took the trouble to visit this area, and affirm their view that hard geographical features separate our area from Brunswick ward. (2) To broaden Milverton Ward across Road so that the ward is coherent, compact and geographically rational. I hope that whatever changes the Boundary Commission might make to these proposals as a result of this consultation, they will not make any alteration to these two elements. I also generally support the revisions proposed for Leamington Spa Town Council. I wish to express my strong support for the creation of a single seat for the Victoria area of south Clarendon Ward. This neighbourhood, in which I have lived since 1994, is a socially coherent and geographically compact area that is ideally suited to separate representation, and this proposal strikes me as well considered and wholly beneficial. I hope the Boundary Commission will not be persuaded to change this proposal by any negative consultation responses from outside the area in question. Charles Bourne, I was born in Leamington Spa and went to school in Warwick. After a period spent away from Leamington Spa I have lived continuously in since 1994.

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Personal Details:

Name: michael Burgun



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I agree this proposal to keep as part of Warwick District Council. The submission that transferred Offchurch to Rugby made no sense and was completely unacceptable

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Personal Details:

Name: Graham Caley



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Our new ward, and West Kenilworth has no sense of identity or common interests. It will ruin local democracy for its Kenilworth resident's.

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Personal Details:

Name: Graham Edward Cooper



Organisation Name: Personal

Comment text:

It appears inappropriate for Lillington St. Mary Magdalene Parish Church to be in Milverton Ward since it more comfortably comes within the new North Leamington Ward (occupying most of Lillington) and it is requested that a small adjustment be made to rectify this matter. In addition, the title of the new ward Leamington North sounds rather clinical, whereas "Leamingon Lillington" will more accurately reflect the area, since Lillington occupies most of this new ward and incorporating the Lillington name is likely to stimulate greater interest at election times.

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21 May 2018

The Boundary Commission for and Wales

Dear Sirs re: Proposed Changes to Warwick District Ward Boundaries

We are most concerned about the proposed change to our Ward boundary and the joining of and Guy’s Cliffe Parish with Parish for electoral purposes.

Whilst this may provide electoral equality and the two parishes are co-terminus it does not recognise the difference in the communities within the District.

Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe has no relationship with Cubbington, which is a suburban extension of the urban community of Royal Leamington Spa, whereas Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe is a rural parish and shares more common interests with the adjacent rural parishes to the south and west, such as Lapworth, Hatton, Wroxall, , etc.

The suggestions presented by Warwick District Council in its recommendations of community between the two parishes relating to air traffic and HS2 are totally spurious. Indeed, HS2 will not impact upon Leek Wootton & Guy’s Cliffe Parish at all and air traffic routes into Birmingham Airport affect the entire district and are not a major concern amongst the population.

The proposed joining of the two parishes does not take any account of community interests and identities and is an attempt to fulfil electoral equalities only.

We object most strongly to this proposal and feel sure a better fit can be found.

Yours faithfully

Lesley and Paul Eldridge

Warwick District

Personal Details:

Name: Alwyn Finney



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Warwick Woodloes should be named as Warwick Woodloes and Emscote

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Personal Details:

Name: Frances Hoch



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I have lived both in Milverton, Leamington Spa, and Lillington. The two areas are very different communities. Lillington is a very old settlement, parts of the Parish Church are thought to date to Saxon times. That an area of Lillington, around the Parish Church and the Manor House should now be included in Milverton makes no sense. This is an area of Lillington which would have been the heart of the original settlement, and will be no longer be considered part of Lillington by the Boundary commission.. For many of Lillington parishioners the Parish Church is a focal point. Although the primary schools in leamington are not formally Church, or Faith schools, both Lillington and Tellford Schools do have stron links with lillington Parish Church.Lillington School have special services in the Church at Christmas and Easter. There is also a 3 day event where Year 3 children from both schools attend an event @looking at Lillington, giving children knowledge and history of their local community. It is absurd to break up an ancient community, that many would consider Lillington to be a Leamington suburb only shows a lack of knowledge of the history of this ancient settlement. I would urge the Boundary commissioners to look again at how their decisions were made.

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Personal Details:

Name: Margaret Hogg



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I support the Warwick District amendment and proposed name change of Warwick All Saints and Woodloes

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Personal Details:

Name: Tracy Kewley



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

The decision to move properties in and around Hopton Crofts into Leamington Milverton Ward is a very sensible one. I used to live in this road and it was of endless frustration to me that I voted in the Kenilworth and constituency when I had no connection to either of these towns.

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None Uploaded Carlsson-Hyslop, Dan

From: Sharon McCarten Sent: 15 June 2018 21:30 To: reviews Subject: Election boundary


I live at the top of I know that the boundary here is about to be given a new name. I am not in favour of the area being called Lillington. Lillington is only a very small part of the area. I don't think that people living in Milverton would be very happy with that.

It would be much less divisive to call the new boundary area North Leamington.

Also, I feel that this is the correct name for the area. It is literally North Leamington.

Many thanks.

Sharon McCarten

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1 Warwick District

Personal Details:

Name: Linda O'Rourke



Organisation Name:

Comment text: hello, We have just been told by a friend that our house ( ) is now to be part of Milverton Ward, also St Mary Magdalene church opposite us. We'll no longer be part of the conservation area of Lillington and we're wondering why no-one bothered to inform us? Is this just someone re-arranging each ward to try to make the numbers equal? Can you tell us what this will mean for us that we're no longer in the conservation area? Regards Graham and Linda O'Rourke

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Personal Details:

Name: Chris Rhodes



Organisation Name: Mr

Comment text:

I live in , off Lime avenue. I object strongly to the proposed changes that will place me in Milverton! There is no historic or demographic reason for the change. I live in Lillington, close to its historic centre, and have no affinity to Milverton. Lillington would be a far better name than North Leamington, and if you use the 1713 map, far more historically accurate. You should be encouraging local community feeling, not destroying it. Chris Rhodes.

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Personal Details:

Name: Margaret Rushton



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

We live in the heart of old Lillington Village, a few metres away from the Parish Church, which in various forms has been standing on the site since Saxon times. It is at the heart of the Conservation Area, and both as residents and members of the Lillington Local History Society, we feel bound to protest in the strongest terms at the proposal to rename this area in order to accommodate voting practices. We would much prefer to be known as 'Leamington Lillington", rather than Leamington Milverton, for obvious historic reasons. Prior to amalgamation with Leamington at the end of the 19th Century, Lillington was effectively a Borough in its own right, with its own Board of Health offices on Cubbington Road. To carve out a piece from the very centre of Lillington, with the few remaining very old buildings such as the Board Office, the Church, the Manor and the Manor Farm House and its outbuildings, seems perverse, to say the least. We hope that the Boundaries Commission will demand a rethink of this sensitive issue. James and Margaret Rushton

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Personal Details:

Name: Diana Taulbut



Organisation Name:

Feature Annotations

1: This piece of "Milverton" should belong to what is currently "Leamington North" but which should rightly be called Lillington.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013. Map Features:

Annotation 1: This piece of "Milverton" should belong to what is currently "Leamington North" but which should rightly be called Lillington.

Comment text:

The draft proposals for the wards in North Leamington, which would combine Crown ward with part of Manor, rightly join much of the community of Lillington back into a single ward, but also perpetuate a serious mistake made when the county divisions were revised, and split off one key area of the community, leaving Lillington parish church, Lillington Manor House and half the old village conservation area in Milverton. Counter-proposals 1. The name “Leamington Lillington” should be used instead of “Leamington North”. A two-part name is preferable to a lengthy phrase, and this conforms to the rest of Leamington ward naming. 2. The old village should not be split in two; Lillington parish church must not be put into Milverton. 3. The boundary should be placed in an obvious position further west where it is easy to follow, which makes Lillington Road a good contender. 4. A small town ward may be required until the county division boundary can be changed again to restore co-terminosity. There are plenty of examples of such wards so this need not be a problem. 5. The loss of the names “Crown” and “Manor” is advantageous from a community perspective, since the divisions have been counterproductive in terms of Lillington community cohesion. While the wards have reflected to a degree the differences in housing stock and type of occupancy, they have also reinforced social barriers which many are working to break down. Please find my document Response re LGBCE proposals for Warwick District wards_DKT.pdf which explains in greater detail the problems with the current proposals and justifies the counter-proposals. Diana Taulbut

Uploaded Documents:

Download (https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/download_document? file=draft%2F1528501205_Response+re+LGBCE+proposals+for+Warwick+District+wards_DKT.pdf) Response to LGBCE proposals for Warwick District wards 1. Leamington North / Milverton proposals

The draft proposals for the wards in North Leamington, which would combine Crown ward with part of Manor, rightly join much of the community of Lillington back into a single ward, but also perpetuate a serious mistake made when the county divisions were revised, and split off one key area of the community, leaving Lillington parish church, Lillington Manor House and half the old village conservation area in Milverton.

The former “Leamington North” county division was split in half in 2017 and altered to include an area known as “New Cubbington”, attached to the eastern extremity of Lillington and outside Cubbington village. To correct the population level in the ward, a piece was taken out of the western edge of Lillington.

This redrew the county division boundary through the heart of the old village of Lillington.

It caused considerable surprise and confusion at election time – as I found out on the doorstep, since I was a candidate for the 2017 county council election for “Leamington North”. People did not understand why the old village had been split off into Milverton, and it caused confusion over polling stations, because people in the “old village” naturally expected to vote in Lillington church hall polling station, when in fact it was in a ward associated with the north-western side of the town.

If this erroneous county boundary is then imposed upon the district and town ward structure, it makes a nonsense of local identity – particularly when this places Lillington’s parish church and some of its oldest buildings into Milverton! This disrespects both communities and causes confusion.

2. Counter-proposals 1. The name “Leamington Lillington” should be used instead of “Leamington North”. A two-part name is preferable to a lengthy phrase, and this conforms to the rest of Leamington ward naming. 2. The old village should not be split in two; Lillington parish church must not be put into Milverton. 3. The boundary should be placed in an obvious position further west where it is easy to follow, which makes Lillington Road a good contender. 4. A small town ward may be required until the county division boundary can be changed again to restore co-terminosity. There are plenty of examples of such wards so this need not be a problem. 5. The loss of the names “Crown” and “Manor” is advantageous from a community perspective, since the divisions have been counterproductive in terms of Lillington community cohesion. While the wards have reflected to a degree the differences in housing stock and type of occupancy, they have also reinforced social barriers which many are working to break down.

The following information provides further explanation of the local identities in the area and justifies the counter-proposals, including maps and conservation area details. Please also find a marked-up map which shows Lillington Village Conservation Area from the Warwick District Council guide to local conservation areas, with the proposed ward boundary marked on to show its effect, and illustrative photograph. 3. Historical background and local identity/terminology

Lillington is of Saxon origin, mentioned in Domesday. The ecclesiastical parish of Lillington extended over much of the area north of Leamington town centre across to Milverton ecclesiastical parish. Every leisured visitor to Leamington would take an afternoon walk up to Lillington to see the quaint and picturesque hamlet, written about by Nathaniel Hawthorne and Washington Irving. Houses were built for wealthier Victorians and Edwardians who wished to live in the village rather than in Leamington.

Lillington stands 90 metres above Leamington town centre, so its physical geography also makes a distinction. Its claim to be the centre of England, and the marking the spot, is also very much part of Lillington’s identity. Until being absorbed into Leamington Borough, Lillington had its own Local Board of Health.

The building of the well-designed council estate in the 1950’s altered Lillington’s identity but also strengthened it. The design of the estate deliberately created a new village centre in Crown Way, providing shops, post office, bank, pub, laundrette etc. and a community centre, library, youth centre and old peoples’ home. New churches were built for Lillington. To some, Lillington became synonymous with the council estate, further emphasising the difference between Lillington and “Regency” Leamington. There are still families living in Lillington who can trace their ancestors back here to Tudor times. Lillington residents especially in the old village and council estate have a very strong sense of living in Lillington rather than Leamington. Lillington has a good community and the village name is reflected widely in the names of clubs, businesses, churches, community groups and facilities. This can be seen in signage and information from around the area – see attached image montage.

Milverton was also once a Saxon village, the church and settlement being at what is now termed “”, still a hamlet separated from Leamington by open countryside. From the 1820’s Leamington expanded into the south of Milverton parish. In 1875 the ecclesiastical parish was divided into “Old Milverton” and “New Milverton”, and the same year the urban parts of Lillington and New Milverton were merged with the Borough of Leamington.

Apart from Milverton Primary school, there is little now to show the area’s identity, the Board of Health building and railway station being long gone. However, many local residents do call it Milverton or New Milverton. There are no businesses or community facilities which take the name of Milverton, and even New Milverton parish church (St Mark’s) doesn’t use the term “Milverton”. A Google search for Milverton produces only one appropriate result.

4. North Leamington / Leamington North

The term “North Leamington” is used to refer to everywhere above the River Leam, although the town centre is often excluded from this definition. The North Leamington Community Forum which is convened by the County Council includes all the wards north of the river, whereas an estate agent would use the term to mean properties in Milverton and Lillington (see examples below). Thus “Leamington North” is as easily taken to mean Milverton as Lillington. South Leamington has its own identities and history (Old Town), but there is no corresponding “Leamington South” ward at any level.

While those who take an interest in ward boundaries understand the difference between “North Leamington” and “Leamington North”, at election time this was confusing to people and no-one I spoke to about it wanted to comprehend and accept “Leamington North” since it simply sounded like “North Leamington” the wrong way round. I even ended up writing “North Leamington” on my election materials since its inaccuracy seemed preferable to the correct term which was attracting derision and bafflement, and it would not have confused other North Leamington residents since the materials were only distributed within the division area.

5. Ecclesiastical Parish of Lillington

Many people know which ecclesiastical parish they live in. This is a map of the ecclesiastical parish of Lillington. It is much more extensive than the proposed combination of Crown and part of Manor wards, and doesn’t include “New Cubbington” which can be seen at the top of the map.

6. Use of ‘Lillington’ in Signage across Crown & Manor Wards

7. Lillington Village Conservation Area

The conservation area will be split in half by the proposed ward boundary.

This photograph was taken in Farm Road in the Lillington Village Conservation Area looking south-west into Church Lane, marked up with the proposed ward boundary position and names.

It can be seen that Lillington Parish Church, Lillington Manor, Lillington Close (and Lillington Road) would be in Milverton under the current proposal.

Dr Diana Taulbut

8th June 2018 Warwick District

Personal Details:

Name: Richard Taulbut



Organisation Name: n/a

Feature Annotations

1: This part of proposed Milverton ward contains Lillington parish church, Lillington Manor House and half of the Lillington Village Conservation area. It should be moved to 'North' to rejoin the rest of Lillington.

2: This part of proposed Clarendon Ward (WCL3) is of similar character to Milverton, of which most of it was once a part. With transfer (1), transferring this area to Milverton respects community identity and gives better electoral fairness.

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013. Map Features:

Annotation 1: This part of proposed Milverton ward contains Lillington parish church, Lillington Manor House and half of the Lillington Village Conservation area. It should be moved to 'North' to rejoin the rest of Lillington.

Annotation 2: This part of proposed Clarendon Ward (WCL3) is of similar character to Milverton, of which most of it was once a part. With transfer (1), transferring this area to Milverton respects community identity and gives better electoral fairness.

Comment text:

These comments relate to the name and extent of the proposed Leamington North ward; and to the extent of Leamington Milverton and Leamington Clarendon wards (my evidence is provided in the attached document). In summary: 1. The proposed 'Leamington North' ward is centred on and very closely aligned to the community of Lillington, and should be named 'Leamington Lillington'. 2. The area between Lillington Road and Cubbington Road (1: on the map) contains a key part of Lillington old village centre and should be transferred to 'North' (or 'Lillington') to rejoin the rest of the community. 3. The area of Clarendon ward between Warwick Place and Milverton Hill (WCL3) is of very similar character to Milverton, since most of it was originally a part of Milverton. In conjunction with the first transfer above, transferring this area to Milverton ward respects community identity and gives better electoral fairness.

Uploaded Documents:

Download (https://consultation.lgbce.org.uk/download_document? file=draft%2F1525692763_LGBCE+review+Warwick+DC+-+from+RJ+Taulbut.pdf) Submission in response to the draft recommendations of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England review of new electoral arrangements for Warwick District Council, published April 2018.

These comments relate to the name and extent of the proposed Leamington North ward; and to the extent of Leamington Milverton and Leamington Clarendon wards; with particular reference to these aims of the review, that the new wards should –

1. Improve electoral equality - No ward to vary from the District average elector to councillor ratio by more than 10% by 2023; 2. Reflect community Identity – evidenced by Representative community groups Common interests Identifiable boundaries; 3. Promote effective local government - Use of an appropriate name.



1. The proposed Leamington North ward joins the present Crown ward to the major part of Manor ward. The remainder of the built-up part of Manor ward becomes part of Milverton ward, with rural Blackdown joining Cubbington and Leek Wootton.

2. Crown and Manor wards were first created in 1968 by the division of the Lillington ward of the former Leamington Borough. Leamington’s other northern suburb, Milverton, also lost its name in 1968, but regained it in 1983 at a previous boundary review.

3. Joining Crown and Manor back together presents an opportunity to recognize the status of Lillington - an ecclesiastical parish and former village in its own right, of Saxon origin and listed in Domesday, now a populous suburb of Leamington - by naming the new ward Lillington.

4. That there is a community here which identifies itself as Lillington is shown by the use of the name by these active local institutions, groups and businesses based in Crown and Manor wards:

Lillington Parish Church Lillington Free Church Catholic Church of Our Lady, Lillington Love Lillington (assistance charity) Lillington Village Conservation Area Lillington Nursery and Primary School Lillington Library Lillington Children’s Centre Lillington Community Centre Lillington Youth Centre Lillington Free Church Table Tennis Club Lillington Juniors Football Club Lillington Social Club Lillington Bowling Club Lillington Local History Society Lillington Community Fun Day Lillington Post Office Lillington Pharmacy Lillington Autos Lillington Express convenience store

5. The name is used for the area on Ordnance Survey and most other maps, including this map published on the review website. 6. Bus routes 67 and 68 from Leamington identify stops in both Crown and Manor as Lillington:

7. The name ‘North Leamington’ is properly used to refer to the whole of Milverton and Lillington together, and was used in this way to name a former County electoral division. Its use referring only to Lillington is misleading, and the reduced 2017 County division so-named is likewise confusing and misleading.

8. The other four Leamington wards are named after a settlement or principal street, not a compass point. There is no Leamington South to match Leamington North.

9. On this basis, I submit that the proposed Leamington North ward be named Leamington Lillington. Extent

10. I have attempted to show that the new ward is closely identified with the community of Lillington. This makes all the more desirable the correction of an anomaly at its north west corner created by following the Leamington North County electoral division. As of the 2017 local elections, the roughly triangular area from Lillington Road to the back of Lime Avenue is in the County Milverton division.

11. Residents of Vicarage Road, and others, have found it difficult to believe that Lillington Church is now in Milverton!

12. Lillington Parish Church, Lillington Manor House and the surrounding streets form the heart of the old village of Lillington and the Lillington Village Conservation Area, but the village centre is now to be split in two between North and Milverton.

It will clearly serve community identity best if https://www.warwickdc.gov.uk/downloads/file/3081/leamington_- this area can be restored to Lillington. _guide_to_conservation_areas I will show below that this can be done while meeting the Commission’s standard for electoral fairness, and without compromising the identity of other wards.

13. The proposed ward boundary behind Lime Avenue and around Lillington Close is contrived and by no means easily comprehended on the ground.

There is no requirement for District wards to be everywhere coterminous with County electoral divisions, and three of Leamington’s new wards are not coterminous.

14. I suggest that Lillington Road forms a clearly identifiable boundary for the west side of Lillington. That this road is an accepted modern limit to Lillington is shown by highway direction signage from Leamington, which ceases at junctions with the Lillington Road. Lillington Road (and its extension into Leicester Lane) is already used as a boundary to the north and south of this area.

15. I submit that the area outlined in green, bounded by Lillington Road and Cubbington Road, be transferred from Milverton to ‘Lillington’.

ELECTORAL EQUALITY 16. The area I wish to see transferred comprises 261 electors in polling district WMN4 plus an estimated 112 electors in the area between WMN4 and Cubbington Road, which I will refer to as WMN5b, a total of 373 based on 2017 data and also in 2023, since no growth is predicted in this part of the District.

Electors in affected polling districts

2017 2023 WMN4 261 261 WMN5b 112 112 WCL3 794 794 17. The effect on electoral equality by 2023 would be as follows.

From (as proposed in the draft recommendations):

Variance from Variance from Electorate Number of Electorate Number of Ward Average Average 2017 Councillors 2023 Councillors (%) (%) Leamington North 8653 3 16.3 8653 3 2.9 Leamington Milverton 7811 3 5.0 7936 3 -5.6 Leamington Clarendon 8015 3 7.7 8611 3 2.4


Variance from Variance from Electorate Number of Electorate Number of Ward Average Average 2017 Councillors 2023 Councillors (%) (%) Leamington North 9026 3 21.3 9026 3 7.3 Leamington Milverton 7438 3 -0.1 7563 3 -10.1 Leamington Clarendon 8015 3 7.7 8611 3 2.4

18. Since the variance of Milverton ward would be at the lower limit in 2023, I submit a further adjustment from Clarendon to Milverton, by transferring polling district WCL3, the area between Warwick Place and Warwick New Road / Milverton Hill / Portland Place West, outlined in green at (5:) in the map below. This area has been part of Milverton in the past, and is very similar in character to polling district WMV4 which it adjoins. It includes Milverton Terrace which would be restored to Milverton. WCL2 to the south will still retain full road linkage with Clarendon ward.

19. Electoral equality then becomes by 2023:

Variance from Variance from Electorate Number of Electorate Number of Ward Average Average 2017 Councillors 2023 Councillors (%) (%) Leamington North 9026 3 21.3 9026 3 7.3 Leamington Milverton 8232 3 10.6 8357 3 -0.6 Leamington Clarendon 7221 3 -3.0 7817 3 -7.0

The effect of growth of population south of Leamington means that this comfortably meets the target for electoral fairness in 2023.

20. The accommodation with Cubbington parish, whereby New Cubbington (polling district KWMN2) forms part of current Manor (District) ward (with which it has much in common), but remains a Cubbington parish ward need not be altered. The proposed Leamington ward ‘North’ should be otherwise coterminous with the amended District ward, and named Lillington on the same basis as outlined above.

21. In order of variance, Warwick District wards based on the 2017 electorate would then be:

As amended by this submission - 2017 electorate Variance from Electorate Number of Ward Average 2017 Councillors (%) Bishops Tachbrook 2289 2 -54 Warwick Myton & Heathcote 5675 3 -24 Leamington Lillington 9026 3 21 Leamington Milverton 8232 3 11 Warwick Aylesford 5402 2 9 Leamington Willes 8037 3 8 Kenilworth Park Hill 7980 3 7 Warwick Saltisford 5299 2 7 Lapworth & West Kenilworth 7032 3 -6 Leamington Brunswick 7843 3 5 Kenilworth St Johns 7825 3 5 2602 1 5 Leamington Clarendon 7221 3 -3 Warwick Woodloes 7385 3 -1 7386 3 -1 Cubbington & Leek Wootton 4957 2 0 Budbrooke 4964 2 0 109155 44

22. And by 2023:

As amended by this submission - 2023 electorate Variance from Electorate Number of Ward Average 2017 Councillors (%) Cubbington & Leek Wootton 6154 2 10 Kenilworth Park Hill 9155 3 9 Whitnash 7684 3 -9 Radford Semele 3030 1 8 Leamington Willes 9083 3 8 Leamington Lillington 9026 3 7 Leamington Clarendon 7817 3 -7 Warwick Woodloes 7922 3 -6 Leamington Brunswick 8034 3 -4 Warwick Saltisford 5369 2 -4 Lapworth & West Kenilworth 8707 3 4 Kenilworth St Johns 8160 3 -3 Warwick Aylesford 5464 2 -3 Bishops Tachbrook 5475 2 -2 Warwick Myton & Heathcote 8228 3 -2 Budbrooke 5670 2 1 Leamington Milverton 8357 3 -1 123335 44

23. In summary, I submit

 That the name of Leamington North ward be Leamington Lillington  That 373 electors be transferred from Milverton to Lillington  That 794 electors be transferred from Clarendon to Milverton

Submitted by:


7th May, 2018 Warwick District

Personal Details:

Name: Richard Taulbut



Organisation Name: Resident

Feature Annotations

10: New Cubbington

1: Lillington (Detached)

5: Lillington

6: Beverley 2: Beverley (Detached)

7: Jephson 3: Beverley (Detached)

4: Jephson (detached) Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013. Map Features:

Annotation 1: Lillington (Detached)

Annotation 2: Beverley (Detached)

Annotation 3: Beverley (Detached)

Annotation 4: Jephson (detached)

Annotation 5: Lillington

Annotation 6: Beverley

Annotation 7: Jephson

Annotation 8: Willes

Annotation 9: Kingsway

Annotation New Cubbington 10:

Annotation Whitnash East 11:

Comment text:

1. Supposing that a previously submitted amendment to North/Milverton/Clarendon were adopted to restore the integrity of Lillington, to avoid confusion with four County divisions which are not coterminous, the five District wards in Leamington may be named: Jephson, Kingsway, Willes, Beverley and Lillington. (For clarity, Jephson is most closely related to Clarendon county, Kingsway to Brunswick county, Beverley to Milverton county, and Lillington to North county. Willes is exactly coterminous between county and district.) 2. The town wards should be in general coterminous with the new district wards. To satisfy the policy that parish ward boundaries may not cross any principal council division boundary, while at the same time minimising multiplication of names and small wards at parish level, the overlaps between county divisions and district wards may be formed as detached parts of parish wards. Four such detachments will be required: Jephson (detached) Beverley (detached first and second) Lillington (detached); And New Cubbington which is part of Cubbington parish, Lillington district and North county. Also Whitnash East which is part of Willes county, Willes District and Whitnash parish. Uploaded Documents:

None Uploaded Warwick District

Personal Details:

Name: Richard Taulbut



Organisation Name: Resident

Feature Annotations

Jephson (detached)

8: Willes

9: Kingsway

11: Whitnash East

Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown copyright and database rights 2013. Map Features:

Annotation 1: Lillington (Detached)

Annotation 2: Beverley (Detached)

Annotation 3: Beverley (Detached)

Annotation 4: Jephson (detached)

Annotation 5: Lillington

Annotation 6: Beverley

Annotation 7: Jephson

Annotation 8: Willes

Annotation 9: Kingsway

Annotation New Cubbington 10:

Annotation Whitnash East 11:

Comment text:

1. Supposing that a previously submitted amendment to North/Milverton/Clarendon were adopted to restore the integrity of Lillington, to avoid confusion with four County divisions which are not coterminous, the five District wards in Leamington may be named: Jephson, Kingsway, Willes, Beverley and Lillington. (For clarity, Jephson is most closely related to Clarendon county, Kingsway to Brunswick county, Beverley to Milverton county, and Lillington to North county. Willes is exactly coterminous between county and district.) 2. The town wards should be in general coterminous with the new district wards. To satisfy the policy that parish ward boundaries may not cross any principal council division boundary, while at the same time minimising multiplication of names and small wards at parish level, the overlaps between county divisions and district wards may be formed as detached parts of parish wards. Four such detachments will be required: Jephson (detached) Beverley (detached first and second) Lillington (detached); And New Cubbington which is part of Cubbington parish, Lillington district and North county. Also Whitnash East which is part of Willes county, Willes District and Whitnash parish. Uploaded Documents:

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Personal Details:

Name: James Thomas



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

I see no logic in the "Lapworth and West Kenilworth"ward. As a resident of Kenilworth i would like to be treated as such xand to be part of Kenilworth, not a sprawling rural area made up of all the villages as far apart as Hockley Heath and Burton Green. It seems a contrived construction.

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Personal Details:

Name: Gary Timlin



Organisation Name:

Comment text:

Proposed 'Leamington North'. Disagree with this as the current plan would cut off arguably the oldest part of Lillington and put this into another ward/area being Milverton. Ridiculous, st.Mary Magdalene parish church of Lillington in Milverton? Some of this area is in the Lillington conservation area, again this plan would cut this part out. This does not respect community's identity but rather attempts to remove the most historic part of our community heart. If one wishes to promote effective local governance surely the ward should represent firstly the geographical area historically known as 'Lillington' and secondly the correct name of the ward for the area it seeks to cover,this being 'Lillington'.

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Personal Details:

Name: Gillian Tritter



Organisation Name: our family

Comment text:

If it aint broke, don't fix it. We inhabitants of Lillington do not want to be 'North Leamington', We want to be 'Lillington'. An we want Lillington Parish Church in Lillington too. Stop messing with our history. You are just a bunch of the worst sort of mindless bureaucrats. Go and play somewhere else.

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Personal Details:

Name: Denise Watson



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Comment text:

I cannot understand why the boundary of Leamington North doesn't carry on along Lillington Road from the roundabout at the bottom of Cubbington Road to the roundabout at the bottom of Lime Avenue - this would seem to make more sense. The proposed new boundary line puts St Mary's Magdalene church, Lillington in Leamington Milverton (where there is already St Mark's church). I feel very strongly that St Mary's should be included in Leamington North - where the majority of the worshippers live - as the proposed changes would mean that there would be no Church of England church in the new ward.

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Personal Details:

Name: Stuart Whalley



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Comment text:

I am not sure if the people who drew the map understand how the communities connect. Kenilworth and Leek Wooton connect regularly, Keniworth and Lapworth less so. I would like to understand why putting the heart of Kenilworth (the Castle) with Lapworth and Hockey Heath is logical, on a geographical, demographical and political level. Mixing St John's Ward with West Kenilworth would make more sense. The combined two would would provide a better demographic mix of housing. I am unclear how people living in Hockley would be interested in West Kenilworth or vice versa. I am also concerned that Lapworth and Hockey would overly influence any decisions regarding new buildings which would result in building to the west of Kenilworth towards . The A4177 already provides a clear boundary that most people would recognise as the edge of Kenilworth area. An alternative suggestion would be to combine West Kenilworth to the A4177 then curve round St John's and link it to Leek Wooton.

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