English Language Books
THE CRÈCHE, A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ENGLISH LANGUAGE SOURCES Abrams, Richard and Hutchinson, Warner A. An Illustrated Life of Jesus New York: Wings Books, 1982 (many paintings of the Nativity) Acker, Helen “The Bronze Doors of Ghiberti” A Christmas Gallery, pp. 42-46 Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1970 Allen, Charles L. and Wallis, Charles L When Christmas Came to Bethlehem Westwood, New Jersey: Fleming H. Revell, c.1963 (“…unique character studies…” of some of the participants in the manger scene) “An Adobe All Aglow” Country Sampler West. December 1993, pp. 34-39 (Christmas decorating with nacimientos) Araki, Chiyo Origami for Christmas Tokyo: Kodansha International, 1986 (Nativity scene is one of 34 origami creations) Arnaud, Linda The Artful Christmas. Holiday Menus & Festive Collectibles Photography, Michel Arnaud Design & Art Direction, Joel Avirom New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang, 2002 (Nativities: pp. 14-15, 18-21, 26-27, 142) El arte tradicional del Nacimiento Artes de Mexico, Revista libro numero 81, Ano 2006 Mexico D.F.: Artes de Mexico, noviembre de 2006 (“The Traditional Art of the Nativity Scene” – A complete English version, pages 81-96) “Artistry and Art of Christmas” Italy Italy Magazine, Year V, No. 9, November, 1987, p. 42 Aspectos de las fiestas navideñas en México: Galería Universitaria Aristos, noviembre 1981-febrero 1982 (Aspects of Christmas Celebrations in Mexico: Galería Universitaria Aristos, November 1981-February 1982) Text in Spanish, English, French México: Coordinación de Humanidades, Centro de Investigación y Servicios Museológicos, 1981 Awalt, Barbe and Rhetts, Paul Charlie Carrillo: Tradition & Soul – Tradición y Alma Albuquerque: LPD Press, 1995 (biography of a southwestern santero) Awalt, Barbe and Rhetts, Paul Our Saints Among Us/ Nuestros Santos entre Nosotros – 400 Years of New Mexican Devotional Art With an essay by Thomas J.
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