Group Actions, Divisors, and Plane Curves Araceli Bonifant 1 and John Milnor 2 Abstract. After a general discussion of group actions, orbifolds, and \weak orbifolds" this note will provide elementary introductions to two basic moduli spaces over the real or complex numbers: First the moduli space of effective 1 divisors with finite stabilizer on the projective space P modulo the group PGL2 1 of projective transformations of P ; and then the moduli space of effective 1-cycles 2 with finite stabilizer on P modulo the group PGL3 of projective transformations 2 of P . Contents 1. Introduction.2 2. Proper and Improper Group Actions: The Quotient Space.3 3. Moduli Space for Effective Divisors of Degree n . 20 4. Moduli Space for Real or Complex Plane Curves. 38 5. Curves of Degree Three. 42 6. Degree n ≥ 4 : the Complex Case. 51 7. Singularity Genus and Proper Action. 60 8. Automorphisms and W-curves. 72 9. Real Curves: The Harnack-Hilbert Problem. 87 Appendix A. Remarks on the Literature. 91 References 92 1Mathematics Department, University of Rhode Island; e-mail:
[email protected] 2Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Stony Brook University; e-mail: arXiv:1809.05191v1 [math.AG] 13 Sep 2018
[email protected] Key words and phrases. effective 1-cycles, moduli space of curves, smooth complex curves, stabilizer of curves, algebraic set, group actions, proper action, improper action, orbifolds, weakly locally proper, effective action, rational homology manifold, tree-of-spheres, W-curves, moduli space of divisors, Deligne-Mumford compactification. 1 2 ARACELI BONIFANT AND JOHN MILNOR 1. Introduction. Section2 of this paper will be a general discussion of group actions, and the associated quotient spaces.