Introduction Computer Graphics Lines and planes Motivations Tekla T´oth Lines
[email protected] Planes E¨otv¨osLor´andTudom´anyegyetem Faculty of Informatics Simple shapes 2019 fall (2019-2020-1) Curves Surfaces Motivation Curves and surfaces I Informally, the curves and surfaces are 'special' subsets of I We can now represent the points of the plane or space by space - i.e. they are sets of points numbers (their coordinates) I How can we define these - usually infinite - sets? I How can we represent 'nice' sets of points, e.g. a line in the I explicit: y = f (x) ! what happens when the curve should plane or a plane in space? 'head back'? x(t) parametric: p(t) = ; t 2 I We seek the answer to this in the Cartesian coordinate system I y(t) R I implicit: x 2 + y 2 − 9 = 0 The 'old school' explicit line Line with a point and normal T I Let p(px ; py ) be a point on the line and n = [nx ; ny ] 6= 0 a vector, a normal perpendicular to the line. I Highschool: y = mx + b I Then all x(x; y) points of the plane that satisfy the following are exactly the points of the line: I Problem: vertical lines! hx − p; ni = 0 (x − px )nx + (y − py )ny = 0 I Two half-planes: hx0 − p; ni < 0 ´es hx0 − p; ni > 0 The homogeneous implicit equation of the line on the plane Homogeneous implicit equation with determinant I Let p(px ; py ) and q(qx ; qy ) be two distinct points on the line.