St. Michael's Parish
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ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: English: 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am Portuguese: 10:30am Brazilian: 12:00pm Week Day Mass Schedule 9:00am Monday Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 7:00am Tuesday and Thurs- day Pastor: Rev. Ronald G. Calhoun Administrator: Very Rev. Marc Bishop, VF x301 [email protected] Xaverian Assistant: Rev. Anthony Lalli, S.X. Assistant: Rev. Adriano Albino de Castro [email protected] Finance & Operations Helena Siciliano x304 Manager: [email protected] Parish Nurse: Mary Ellen Bartlett [email protected] Religious Education Roz McHugh x309 Gr. K5: [email protected] Religious Education Brian Sousa x310 Gr. 6 Confirmation: [email protected] Custodians: Antonio Goncalves Francisco Pinheiro 21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749 Phone: 9785622552 Fax: 9785681761 Religious Education Phone: 9785627662 @stmikes_hudson SǂNJǏǕ MNJDŽljǂdžǍ PǂǓNJǔlj Saturday December 23, 2017 4:00pm Murray “Skip” Buchanan If you have requested a Mass intention and would Sunday December 24, 2017 like to have a family member present the gifts, 7:30am Barbara & Catherine Gilroy please see a Extraordinary Minister of Holy Com- 9:00am Mr. & Mrs. Robert Milliken munion before the start of the Mass. 10:30am St. Michael Parishioners 10:30am Mensageiros de Fatima 12:00pm Brazilian Mass Inclement Weather Notice If there is a delay or cancellation at the Hudson Sunday Christmas Eve Public Schools due to inclement weather, the daily 4:00pm 4:00pm St. Michael Parishioners Mass is canceled! 6:00pm Monday December 25, 2017 8:00am For St. Michael Parishioners 10:30am For St. Michael Parishioners Tuesday December 26, 2017 7:00am Wednesday December 27, 2017 9:00am Edward Berthiaume Thursday December 28, 2017 7:00am Friday December 29, 2017 9:00am Souls in Purgatory Bread and Wine in Honor of Saturday December 30, 2017 9:00am 4:00pm Rita O’Neil Nicholas Maglione Sunday December 31, 2017 Lights and Candles in Loving Memory of 7:30am Antonio C. Sousa & Deceased Relatives 9:00am St. Michael Parishioners Manuel da Silva Melo 10:30am St. Michael Parishioners 12:00pm Brazilian Mass Offertory Collection Bulletin went to print before Offertory Numbers were available. Grand Annual Collection $43,217.00 **PARISH CENTER HOURS** Monday/TuesdayN9:00am3:00pm Thursday/FridayN9:00am3:00pm. From the Business Office The parish office will be closed on Monday, December 25th, Christmas Day and Monday, Offertory Amounts From July 1st to December 10th January 1, 2018, New Year’s Day. Budget Actual Difference $155,831.00 $150,148.00 ($5,683.00) 2 HǖDžǔǐǏ, MA Fr. Ron’s Ramblings Straight From The Horse’s Mouth, again! Uma vez mais directamente da boca do cavalo! Greetings from Uxbridge! Saudações desde Uxbridge! Today marks the Fourth Sunday of Advent as well Hoje marca o quarto Domingo do Advento como as Christmas Eve. Luckily this back to back celebra- tambem marca a véspera de Natal. Por sorte estas tions don’t happen often as they present a real deco- repetidas celebrações não acontecem muitas vêzes du- rating challenge! Thanks to all those who have crea- rante o ano por exigirem um grande esforço nas deco- tively solved this problem! rações. Graças a Deus por todos que resolveram este problema com criatividade! This is the first time in eleven years I will not be able to be with you to celebrate this wonderful feast. Esta é a primeira vêz em 11 anos que não me foi pos- All during these weeks of Advent I have been light- sivel estar presente com todos vós celebrando esta ing our Advent Wreath here in Uxbridge and I have maravilhosa festa. Durante estas semanas do Advento been praying with the little bluebook each day. I have eu tenho acendido a vela do Advento aqui em casa e felt close to all of you as we are united in such pray- tenho lido as orações do livro azul a cada dia. Me sin- er. to muito próximo de todos vós em estar unido em oração do livro azul. Now as we conclude this beautiful prayerful season of Advent, all the expectation and waiting are ful- Agora que concluimos estas bonitas orações do Ad- filled in the birth of our Savior. Each year as we lis- vento, toda a expectativa e esperança se completam ten to the Nativity Old Testament prophesies and the com o nascimento do Salvador. Nativity narrative, the story may be Familiar but it never grows old. The message is timeless and all of A cada ano ao ouvirmos as leituras das profecias do history continues to be transformed by that Child of nascimento no velho testament, a história nos é famil- Bethlehem. iar mas nunca envelhece. A mensagem nunca tem fim e toda a história étransformada pêlo menino de Belem. May the shining star that led to the manger in Beth- lehem continue to lead us to the newborn King who Desejo que a estrela que guia à gruta de Belem contin- fulfilled all the promises of old. ue a nos guiar ao Rei recem nascido que cumpre todas as promessas desde os velhos tempos. MERRY CHRISTMAS! Feliz Natal !!! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Readings for the Week of December 24, 2017 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:15, 8b12, 14a, 16/Ps 89:23, 45, 27, 29 Father Marc and the staff of St. Michael Parish and [2a]/Rom 16:2527/Lk 1:2638 Cemetery wish to thank all the parishioners for their Monday: Vigil: Is 62:15/Ps 89:45, 1617, 27, 29 [2a]/Acts support this past year. 13:1617, 2225/Mt 1:125 or 1:1825 Midnight: Is 9:16/Ps 96:12, 23, 1112, 13 [Lk 2:11]/Ti 2:1114/Lk 2:114 We want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Dawn: Is 62:1112/Ps 97:1, 6, 1112/Ti 3:47/Lk 2:1520 Happy and Healthy New Year!. Day: Is 52:710/Ps 98:1, 23, 34, 56 [3c]/Heb 1:16/Jn 1:1 18 or 1:15, 914 Tuesday: Acts 6:810; 7:5459/Ps 31:3cd4, 6 and 8ab, 16bc and 17 [6]/Mt 10:1722 Wednesday: 1 Jn 1:14/Ps 97:12, 56, 1112 [12]/Jn 20:1a, 2 8 Thursday: 1 Jn 1:52:2/Ps 124:23, 45, 7b8 [7]/Mt 2:1318 Friday: 1 Jn 2:311/Ps 96:12a, 2b3, 5b6 [11a]/Lk 2:2235 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:1217/Ps 96:78a, 8b9, 10 [11a]/Lk 2:3640 3 DdžDŽdžǎǃdžǓ 24, 2017 Christmas Collection Clergy Health & Ministry MeetingsNAll are welcome Retirement Trust Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament every Monday after the 9:00am Mass until noon time, in the lower church. The 590 diocesan priests in our Archdiocese are al- ways there for us, sharing Christ’s good news, per- Catholic Daughters will meet Thursday, January 4th at forming good works, and building strong communities 12:00pm in the Parish Center. of faith. They stand with you during your times of joy Ladies Sodality will host Our Father’s Table at New Hope and sorrow. They have devoted their lives to serving Community Church in Marlboro Thursday, January 4th Christ and his family. Remember priests such as Fa- from 4:006:00pm. ther Ron, Father William O’Connor, and all the priests from Immaculate Conception who have made a mean- St. Vincent de Paul will meet Saturday, January 6th after ingful difference in your life, and consider honoring the 4:00pm Mass. him/them with a generous gift in the Christmas Day collection. You may also make your gift online at or you can donate $25 through your Religious Ed/Faith Formation cell phone by texting the word PRIEST25 to 20222 (msg & data rates may apply). Thank your for your Grades K M 5 prayers and generous support for out priests. Wishing everyone a Happy and Christmas Mass Schedule Healthy New Year!! Classes resume January 7th. See you then! 4:00pmN Christmas Eve N upper church 4:00pmN Christmas Eve N lower church 6:00pmN Christmas Eve N upper church CHRISTMAS DAY 8:00am N Christmas DayN upper church 10:30amN Christmas DayN lower church Children of God to be Remembered in December Colleen Sullivan, Edward Mancuso Donna Cincotta, Thomas Jordan Baby Mary Moran, Baby Michael Moran Robert Robbins, Sr., Maureen Duffy Russo Pamela Mallalieu Genne, David Mulhall Robert Maguire, Mary Hussey White New Year’s Day Mass Schedule Baby James Bigley, Jessica Lesage This year The Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God falls on a Monday and as such is not a holy day of obligation. Our Mass schedule will be the normal Monday Mass schedule which is 9:00am Mass. 4 FǐǖǓǕlj SǖǏDžǂǚ ǐLJ ADžǗdžǏǕ “THE CHRISTMAS INVITATION” It was strange how that invitation came to me as I thought about the upcoming Christmas holiday. The refrain, “Come Home For Christmas” kept resonating Not until 2023 will Christmas Eve again fall on the through my mind. I was thinking about what that invita- tion could mean for meNand for others. Fourth Sunday of Advent. The proximity of these two solemnities highlights the theme of today’s read- N The phrase “Come Home For Christmas” can create ings the revelation of God’s mystery. The biblical tremendous joy as families and friends anticipate reunit- word “mystery” is not about a puzzle to be solved or ing at this blessed time. For those whose family and something impossible to understand. Rather it con- friends will not be together because of distance, strained cerns a magnificent thing that will now be revealed in relationships or the death of a loved one, the phrase can the last days to those who have faith.