ST. MICHAEL’S PARISH Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday: 4:00pm Sunday: English: 7:30am 9:00am 10:30am Portuguese: 10:30am Brazilian: 12:00pm Week Day Mass Schedule 9:00am Monday Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 7:00am Tuesday and Thurs- day Pastor: Rev. Ronald G. Calhoun Administrator: Very Rev. Marc Bishop, VF x301
[email protected] Xaverian Assistant: Rev. Anthony Lalli, S.X. Assistant: Rev. Adriano Albino de Castro
[email protected] Finance & Operations Helena Siciliano x304 Manager:
[email protected] Parish Nurse: Mary Ellen Bartlett
[email protected] Religious Education Roz McHugh x309 Gr. K5:
[email protected] Religious Education Brian Sousa x310 Gr. 6 Confirmation:
[email protected] Custodians: Antonio Goncalves Francisco Pinheiro 21 Manning Street, Hudson, MA 01749 Phone: 9785622552 Fax: 9785681761 Religious Education Phone: 9785627662 @stmikes_hudson SǂNJǏǕ MNJDŽljǂdžǍ PǂǓNJǔlj Saturday December 23, 2017 4:00pm Murray “Skip” Buchanan If you have requested a Mass intention and would Sunday December 24, 2017 like to have a family member present the gifts, 7:30am Barbara & Catherine Gilroy please see a Extraordinary Minister of Holy Com- 9:00am Mr. & Mrs. Robert Milliken munion before the start of the Mass. 10:30am St. Michael Parishioners 10:30am Mensageiros de Fatima 12:00pm Brazilian Mass Inclement Weather Notice If there is a delay or cancellation at the Hudson Sunday Christmas Eve Public Schools due to inclement weather, the daily 4:00pm 4:00pm St. Michael Parishioners Mass is canceled! 6:00pm Monday December 25, 2017 8:00am For St. Michael Parishioners 10:30am For St.