9th Year April 21, 1980 Number 16 Page 2 April 21. 1980 ACTS - Are you listed with us ? Joseph C. Reisinger DWIGHT DAMON ATTORNEY AT LAW Unlimited Entertainment La* - Civil Trials - Immigration For Free Consultation or Appointment Lane Manor, Box 685, Merrimack, NH 03054 Call: 415 472-1050 603-424-3341

OTL JAPANESE TOUR The program for the Great American Three Ring Col. Lucky Larabee, of the Hubert now touring in Japan lists the following Castle Circus, underwent open heart surgery at performers and personnel: a Portland, Ore., hospital early this month. He Ken Miller, warm-up;spec "Circus Fan- and Joni left Portland on April 16th for their tasy on Parade"; on , Wini, Carol, Rose home in Florida (863 Oak St., Ft. Myers Beach Ann, on loops, Laura, Nancy, Pam; Pat Anthony Fla - 33931). and his wild (lions and tigers); The Dol- He reports that he will be ready to go back to ly Sisters, triple wide ; with Fred work for whoever might need him as of July Lavine; Chester Cable, foot juggler, Great Car- 1st. low, balancing, Wayne Trio, ; Baldwin March 23 - Seattle, Wash. - Show girt Sharon Chimps; Clowns with Roger Arroyo; Vino Ven Reinholder, of the Hubert Castle Circus, was ito, sword balancing; Aerial Ballet featuring Lor- treated for strained muscles after narrowly es- elei on trapeze; Dale Harney & Co., illusionist; caping more serious injuries when an elephant Intermission; The Flying Volares with tripe som- she was riding slipped and fell ersaulting Kathy; Clowns with Chris Bricker; Moore's Mongrel Revue; Princess Ming Wong, CIRCUS QUIPS ; The Wainwrights, , Navar- ...by KARLJ. BISCHOFF ro Family, umcycles, Ferges Troupe, trampo- line; Valentino, high wire; "Salute to the Unit- STRANGE... how some show girls want to ed Nations"; Finale March. wear only NEW COSTUMES IN THE SPECTAC- The show's staff consists of: Paul V. Kaye, Ex- ULAR, but will settle for a USED HUSBAND. ecutive Producer and Director; Bob Welz, Ring- FOR MOST SUCCESSFUL circus owners it's master/vocalist; Jack Cervone, musical director; taken about 40 YEARS TO BECOME AN OV- Dennis Delany, percussionist and assistant mus- ERNIGHT SUCCESS. ical director; Ken Miller, producing clown; Car- WE UNERSTAND that some magicians have pi Wright, aerial ballet director; James Nassif, three personalities, that which he HAS, that lighting; Chester Cable, prop and rigging boss; which he EXHIBITS and that which he THINKS Robert Moore, special lighting effects; Jeanne he has. Moore, wardrobe; Lora Patterson, canteen hos- GOOD WILL IN show business is one asset that tess and George Yoshinaga, translator. COMPETITION CANNOT UNDERSELL. SIGN ON ELECTRICIANS TOOL BOX... "Inflation hasn't ruined everything. A DIME Good Canuasman CAN STILL BE USED AS A SCREW DRIVER.' WHO CAN DRIVE - Put up 100 x 30 ft. top and 3 or 4 small grind shows - Good THE CIRCUS REPORT is published each week Salary - Keep you all year round, this by Don Marcks. 525 Oak St., El Cerrito, Calif. -ould be a home for you — Good living 94530 - Phone: 41 5 - 525-3332. conditions winter and summer. SUBSCRIPTION RATE: $15.00 for a year. The Overseas Rate via Surface Mall Is $20.00 a year. BOBBY REYNOLDS ADVERTISING RATES: (P*r Issue on a first 805 - 524 - 3403 come basis): Minimum Ad $5.00; Quarter Page $10.00; Half Pa9« $20.0O; Full Page $35.00 1421 Goodenough Rd. Fillmore, Calif. The Circus Report Page 3

HUBERT CASTLE CIRCUS ... by Mike Sporrer SAM CONSTABLE (63) a novelty and conces- The 1980 circus season is well underway in the sion man who was often seen working bird whis Pacific Northwest and appears to be a 1979 re- ties in San Francisco, died Nov. 7,1979. He is peat. With a Boeing boom underway, the circus survived by a sister in Baltimore. should do well here. Again this year shows are spaced apart which is better and thus they can BOBBY GORDON (65) an old-time hustler, died Sept. 4, 1979, in San Rafael, Calif. He op- draw better. erated Penny Machines on San Francisco's Fish- Again opening the season was the 36th annual erman's Wharf area for the past several years. Nile Temple Shrine Circus, produced by Hubert Survivors include his wife and a brother, Sam Castle and Tarazan Zerbini. The show was held Gordon, of Sacramento, Calif. in the Seattle Center Coliseum (March 21-23) and reportedly drew well despite a small adver- JOHNNY KING (54), a west coast food conces- tising budget. sionaire, died in San Francisco on Dec. 25th. He was a member of the San Francisco Show Folks Helping to promote the circus was Carol Buck- Club. ley and her roller skating elephant "Baby Tar- ra" who made the front page of the P.I. on Mar. SARAH E. WE RT, CFA member of Gloversvitle 20th for their show at Westlake Mall and they (NY) died on March 26th, following an extend- appeared on TV's "Real People" the previous ed illness and hospital confinement She was the night. They also appeared at local shopping wife of Elbert L Wert, former N. Y. State CFA centers in the area • timing was excellent and chairman and District No. 3 Director. She was it was great promotion. well known to circus fans and circus people and This past winter the circus was completely re- was the mother of Priscilla A. Johnson, of Pough- built, with a new center ring using a mesh cage keepsie, NY, president of the John Herriott Tent netting, similar to the Ringling show. New aer- of the CFA. ial rigging, sound system, lighting and a perfor- mer's entrance, plus ring mats were added. The show's colors are dark blue, light blue and Lambertis, Ray, & Yolanda, Sampipn, jugglers; Patrician and Baron, Lippizan stallion; white. The show also has a new fleet of Ken- The Marhal camel and llamas; Gary Thomas, worth trucks to transport the show. Of special note is the prop crew's uniforms, consisting of single elephant, Baby Marie; Baby Tarra and Carol, roller skating elephant; Senor Juan, Se- dark blue shirts and black slacks. nor Felipe, Senor Venicio, head balancing on The program here ran: Nile Temple Band Con- trapeze; Jorge Resell, comedy car; Les Michaels, cert; Color Book Pitch; Pre-show clowning by head ; Martin Lamberti, one finger stand; Gene Randow, Lee M rx. Billy Vaughn; Col. Becky and Miss Maya, sword balance; Toby Bal- Lucky Larabee, ringmaster; Prof. Clement Toca musical director; Color Guard; Space Disco pro- lantine, plate ; Lee Marx, egg ballance; duction; The Space Angels, web girls (10); Pa- Marie France, ; Gary Thomas, elephants tricia, illusion changed into a lion; Tar/an Zer- (5); Intermission; The Zertini's, bareback riding; bini, lions and tigers; The Berans, head balanc- The Flying Vasquez; The Dionnes, ; The ing trapeze; The Brauns, cradle; Miss Stella, Miss Dynamics, perch. The Berans, perch; Mile. Jac- Maya, Miss Debby, Miss Lillian, trapeze; The queline, trapeze; Captain Circus, rocket; Finale with entire cast. Page 4 April 21. 1980 Show Dates ----MAGIC---- Hoxie Bros. Circus Amazing Conklins Aahmes Shrine Circus Apr. 21 Jonesboro, Ga. Apr. 26 Peru. Ind. Apr. 26-27 Oakland. Calif. 22 Carrolltiin Blackstone Magic Show Beatty-Cole Circus 23 Roanoke. Ala. to Apr. 27 Boston, Mass. Apr. 16-17 New Bern, NC 24 Oxford Chiron Magic Machine 25 Guntersvilte 18-20 Goldsboro Apr. 21 Palatka, Fla. 26 Gadsden 21-22 Wilson 22 Gainesville 27 Rossvili Ga. 23-24 Rocky Mount 23 Brunswick, Ga. 25-27 Greenville Hubler Int'l Circus 24 Jacksonville, Fla. Garden Johnson Circus Apr. 26-27 Rock Island, III. 25 Fernandino Beach Apr. 25 San Jose, Calif. Int'l All Sttr Circus 26 St. Marys 26-27 San Francisco Apr. 24 Youngsiown, Ohio Tom Ogden 25-27 Rapid City. SO 26 Washington, Pa. Apr. 26 Philadelphia, Pa. 27 Uniontown Carson & Barnes Circus The Magic Show 28 Martins Ferry, Ohio Apr. 21 Nacogdoches, Texas Apr. 26 Harlingen, Texas 22 Corsicana M & M Circus ----OTHER DATES---- 23 Jacksonville Apr. 22-26 Lincoln, Nebr. 24 Henderson McCary's Shrine Circus The Bisbinis 25 Texarkana Apr. 21-23 Portland, Me. Apr. 25-26 Little Rock, Ark 26 Clarksville 25-27 Bangor Billy Burr's Fun-0-Rama Hubert Castle Circus Sam T. Polack Circus Apr. 21-26 Chelmsford, Mass Apr. 21 Mitchell, SO Apr. 25-26 Little Rock, Ark. Dondi, the Elephant 22-23 Yankton Apr. 26 Harlingen, Texas 24 Chamberlain Ringling-Barnum - Blue Unit 25-27 Aberdeen to June 1 New York, NY '•• James H. Drew Exposition 24-27 Indianapolis, Ind. Ringling-Bamum - Red Unit Apr. 22-27 Greensboro, NC Circus Arts Troupe Apr. 23-27 Binghamton, NY I Firemen's Muster Apr. 23-27 Richmond. Va. Roberts Bros. Circus Apr. 26 Sacramento, Calif. Circus Vargas Apr. 21 Hawkinsville, Ga. | Tony Fossett Family Apr. 18-23 Commerce, Calif. 22 Eatonton, Apr. 24-27 Farmingdale. NY 24-27 Bakersfield Royal Hanneford Circus Gutis Family • Jungle Parody Fiesta de Circo Apr. 25-26 Farmingdale, NY Apr. 21-23 Portland, Me. Apr. 21 Red Bluff. Calif. Royal Lichtenstein Circus 25-27 Bangor 22 Roseville. Apr. 21 Syracuse, NY Kaye Hollywood Elephants Garden Bros. Circus 22 Oneonta Apr. 22-23 Yankton, SO Apr. 21-26 Altoona, Pa. 23 New Haven, Conn. 24 Chamberlain 24 Bethlehem. Pa. 25-27 Aberdeen Great American Circus 25 Baltimore, Md. Apr. 25 Apopka, Fla. 26 Silver Springs The Kursawes • Bicycle act 26 New Smyrna 27 Washington. DC Apr. 22-26 Lincoln, Nebr. Hamid-Morton Circus RicH Legg- Clown Apr. 22-27 Boston, Mass. Shrine Circus Apr. 19 Lexington, Ky. Apr. 22-26 Lincoln, Nebr. Happytime Circus Gary Strong's Circus Apr. 25-27 Napa, Calif. More on Page 25 Apr. 26 Greenville, Ky IT'S OFFICIAL: THE FLYING LANES will IN AL L HIS long years in show business JIM- continue with a three person act including PAT MI E COLE had never seen RBBB in the Garden. LANE himself, and DAVE and PATTY BON- This was rectified by HENRY BUSH who escor- NER. The fourth flying member LESLIE has re- ted the veteran showman to the show. That night turned to Florida (or will soon). Pat Lane, one Jimmy saw "Sugar Babies" as the guest of MIC of the most beautiful new American flyers, is al- KEYROONEY whose father, JOE YULE, was ready being compared to REGGIE ARMOR, to a personal friend of JIMMIE COLE's. FAY ALEXANDER for form and style. The GREAT NICCOLINI BROS, who played BILL and TRUDY blew a truck motor (the the Great Municipal Circus in Budapest in March truck housing their rocket ship) enroute from and went from there to Barcelona, will be head- Montreal to Youngstown and arrived with a U ing for the USA toute-suite. This unusual act has Haul at 8 ayem in time to make the 10 ayem the three brothers performing num- show. Fortunately only the Dalmatian act bers with three chimpanzees. FERNANDO NIC- was booked. Bill said they went 67 hours with- COLINI is engaged to marry a Chinese girt cur- out sleep. The truck bill was two grand. That's rently with her family in Honolulu. And WIL- show business! LIAM NICCOLINI is seeking a girl adept at gym- ONE of LINDA KIME's pigs (and I don't know nastics to work in a special new aerial act he's which) is giving MISS PIGGY some "swinish creating. competition". Linda, who has the pigs filming VISITORS to ED MIGLEY's Circus Odyssey BURT REYNOLDS' "Smokey and the Bandit at Brookdale Community College in Lyncroft Part 2", saw her porky piglet do its scene in on- (NJ) Mar. 30 included FRANK ROBIE and his ly ONE Take! wife, TINY PHILLIPS, LOTTIE BRUNN and BILLY EARL has added a new puppet to his sister, TED CHIRRICK and JOE and ELIZA- vent act. Henrietta, the precocious chicken pup- BETH BAUER. Joe and Elizabeth were super pet, evidently felt that in since all big-name sing- impressed with the show, both saying it was one ers have a stand-up comic to warm the audience, of the most elegant they'd ever seen in she was also entitled to one. The new puppet is the USA, and Joe added: "This man will never caljed SHECKEY BIRD and flies away at the end lose a date." of its turn. (Don't we wish we all could the way NEXT DAY I visited the Bauers at Great Ad- gas prices are!). BONNIE & CLYDE will stay venture where their Circus International opened with All Star until this summer and will then Apr. 3 in the rain and will run (one hopes with play fairs for BETTER BOOKING. They return good weather) until Oct. 28. Talent for the show to All Star in the Fall. includes: the Lemoines, Flying Torralbas, Her- JOINING Ringling's Monte Carlo Unit in Jap- nandez Troupe, Barry Sloane & Co., Renne and an, May 14, are PHILIP ANTHONY'S Hollywood Michele, Fearless Bauers and Dave McMillan's and JOHN BALDWIN'S Charming Chimps fabulous flying tigers. The Bauers' sway poles booked thru BAUER-HALL. Both acts will be are erected high up in the seats putting their boated from California to Japan. Also skedded poles over 100 feet. The arena has been repaint- for the Monte Carlo unit are CRISTIANI'S ele ed and restructured for the circus presentation. phants presented by LARRY and KAREN JEANNINE HALL comes in with her Baboons FRENCH booked direct with Ringling. The rest June 16 to augment the performance. Clowns of the Monte Carlo unit comes in from Australia. are BILL HAMILTON and HOUMAD AITQUA- NOT SINCE the old ORRIN DAVENPORT RAB.and 14 year old SEPPELY BAUER. TRE- days has three rings of riding acts been seen at VOR BALE is the ringmaster. Staff includes: the Shrine Circus in Detroit. Coming together Joe Bauer, producer; Elizabeth Bauer, talent co- at the end were MARK KAROLY in center ring ordinator, and Frank (Joe) Lagravenis, stage with two horses, ditto TIM LOYAL with two, manager. There is a spec with parade wagons of both performing simultaneous somersaults. As their own interspersed with four floats from Cir- has already been itemed in CR, TOMMY HAN- cus Creations. I will file a detailed report on the NEFORD has won back the contract to produce show when I visit later on. the Moslem Temple Circus in 1981. (Continued on Page 26) Page 6 April 21.1980


.... from Tom Hen ricks and Have just noticed a couple of error* in Circus ZELLMAR'S LIBERT ACT in miniature Report that ought to be corrected. The Zenobia Shrine Circus here in Toledo is not — Some Open Time After Sept. 14 — until May 1-4. Here is a projected list of acts to appear in that show: Harry Thomas, tigers; The Interested Parties Contact: Bertini Duo, aerial perch; Myimmba's Baboons; Poppini & Co., tightwire; The Juggling Jewels; GEEGEEENGESSER The Bisbinis, unsupported ladder; the Diano P. O. Box 1654 Gibsonton, Fla. 33534 elephants with Lee and Jeanette Keener; Car- Phone:813-677-2076 men, the Unrideable Mule; The Obando Duo, perch; The Grimaldis, novelty; Cook's Comedy Car; Ema's Chimps; Coco the Clown; The 01- RACHEL McLISH, of Harlington, Texas, won meda Spanish Riding Display; The Young the Women's Body Building Troupe, teeterboard; The Flying Lantonys. Championship, held at Atlantic City, early this Staff for the show will include: Sam T. Polack, month. She's 5 ft. 6 in and weighs 117 Ibs. producer; Ron Kelroy, manager; Boom Boom Browning, musical director; At Dawley, ring- master; Dick Jensen, Zenobia Temple Poten- in Tarzan Zerbini's cage. This is not true. The tate; Frank Saltzgrver, Zenobia Shrine Circus Rix operation is self-equipped and does not Director; Art Mortemore, Zenobia Parade Mar- rely on other acts equipment. The bear act is shall; Nevin Rathke, chairman of ushers. presented in a well constructed arena specially designed for them and was used in Grand Rap- Also, it was reported that the Rix Bears worked ids and at other dates.


to all the good friends who have sent their best wishes for my early recovery.


to Tarzan Zerbini, Irma Dunham, and all the Hubert Castle Show. I'll see you all on the short run next season.

Meanwhile, I'll have the Top Hat and Whistle ready for spot dates in a few weeks.

Col. Lucky Larabee GklPOB nl MiM-.lilmt

aw, •«•* •y *« .- .' -•»;; :=: :| 8

Jay Ray Productions ALEX 626 Charles Road Shelby, N.C. 28150 THE KING OF KOMEDY 704/482-4785 PageS April 21,1980 Trailer Spaces Available Reasonable Rates - Room for Riggings ATTENTION and Equipment Storage - 2 Acres east of Bradenton, Fla. - Also one or two spots in Sarasnta. - 813-755-2723 - DAVE MILLER Former Organist and Electrician on Great American

LUELLA GEAR (80), a Broadway stage perfor- Contact: mer, died April 3rd at a New York City hospital. She made her stage debut in 1917, and appeared ED RUSSELL in numerous stage shows, as well as several mov- ies. She was especially known for her sarcastic, wise-cracking wit. - IMMEDIATELY - MCCARTHY (56) an early child star and most lately a character actress, died April 3rd at 714-797-0232 her home in Los Angeles. She started performing at the age of 5, appeared in movies and stage shows and in recent months had appeared on TV - Have Long Season Ahead - in "Trapper John MO" playing the part of a nurse RED SOVINE (61) country western star, died on April 4th from injuries received in an auto acci- dent in Nashville, Tenn. He got his big break by replacing Hank Williams in the Louisiana Hay- On The Cover ride Show. He wrote many songs, mostly about truck drivers. His most popular song was "Ted- This week's cover picture, painted by Robert B. dy Bear." Survivors include a daughter, three Johnson, is titled "On the Way to The Lot". It sons, two brothers and two sisters. shows the ring stock enroute to the circus lot The time is just about dawn, with the sky get- ting light in the background, making silhouettes of the houses and trees. Of interest is the circus litho on the fence at the left. "A Rare Opportunity"

5 year old chimpanzee. 68 pounds. 38 inches tall. Good disposition. Has never bitten anyone. Healthy.

He is trained to do the following tricks: Somersaults, Handstand, Clapping Hands and Feet, Russian Dance with tamborine in each hand. Needs more work on motorcycle and ballerina routine.

Address: Asking: $3,000

Tony Fossett, 637 Conrad Ave.f Sarasota, Fla. 33577

35 foot, 4104 Detroit 671 engine Greyhound Bus. No miles on completely reconditioned engine, clutch, new batterys and radiator. Separate kitchen, bathroom, bed- room and lounge area.

Sleeps 6. Air conditioned with heat strip. Plenty of room for rigging underneath. Onan light plant. Holding tank. Septic tank. 3 fresh water tanks.

Asking $35,000 or will trade for land or property.

Address: Bart Seavey Trucks Wholesale and Retail 7552 North Highway 301 Sarasota, Fla. 33580 Phone: (813) 355-2101 Page 10 April 21, 1980 general programs of study to enhance their na- tural skills and abilities. The first year is further spent sampling the various specialties open to FAMED - Very Selective them. At the end of the first year a determina- ... by Mike Martin tion is made as to what they are best suited to The only one of its kind in the world, the famed pursue. Officials are quick to add that no pros- State School of Circus and Variety Arts Jn Mos- pective performer is ever pushed into a particu- cow accepts only one in every 40 applicants. And lar field of study. Rather, in most cases, the for that fortunate few, it's a childhood dream wishes of the student and the judgement of the come true. Yet. the glamour and excitement of faculty usually agrees. sequins and spotlights doesn't happen over night The second year is spent in intensive practice Years of intensive instruction and hard work and training perfecting the talents necessary to come first. the chosen specialty. A course of instruction in The school was started in 1926 and called the basic showmanship and the essentials of profes- "Experimental Shop of the Circus Art." Now, sionalism is introduced. 54 years later, it supplies the Soviet Union's 80 The third, and perhaps most important, year in- circuses with most of it's over 6,000 artists. volves the neophyte performer in the artistic Hopeful performers seeking training as acrobats, spirit of performing. That intangible ability to jugglers, clowns, tumblers, magicians and aerial- please and thrill an audience - a "circus pres- is is are accepted on the basis of their physical ence" - is striven toward gaining. Long hours are appearance and development. Excellence in co- put into practice and the routining of the indi- ordination of movement, agility, grace, and a vidual acts. On-the-job training with a working flexible body are prime requisites for admission. circus troupe is experienced. From these work- Once accepted, the students follow a rigorous ing professionals, it is hoped, the artistic spirit schedule of exhaustive training and exercise • in eluding dance, basic acrobatics, tumbling, plus (Continued on Page 23) SEATS AND CANVAS Like New used 6 weeks — Stored in dry storage — 20 sections seats, bevelled edges, sealed, 5 boards high, 36 in. high at back — Jacks glued and bolted — Holders on back of stringers for side poles. 8 sections 6 ft. x 40 ft. of canvas sidewall with net wind holes — Pink and Orange striped with blue scallop trim — Makes 80 ,ft. wide by 120 ft. deep enclosure — No front end. Junction Boxes — 300 ft. 3 wire copper cable — Many other extras — 24 ft. folding unusual ring curb and pad — A beautiful set-up for fairs or shopping centers. Entire set-up needs only anchors on the four ends — No stakes needed for side poles. — $ 7,500 Firm —

ROBERT MOCK 14043 • 24th Avenue South Phone: Seattle, Wash.-98168 206-243-2160 The Circus Report Page 11

GAS TAX HIKE SET FOR MAY 15th JVotice President Carter has made it official • motorists can expect to start paying 10 cents more per gal- lon for gasoline effective May 15th. Anyone knowing the where- The President signed the proclamation early this abouts of Del Graham since month putting his oil import fee into effect and at the same time he has imposed a set of compli- November 1979 please con- cated regulations aimed at placing the entire bur- den of the $4.62 a barrel tax on gasoline users. tact: Carter made the new fee retroactive to March 15 and officials said it should begin showing up at LINDA GRAHAM gasoline pumps by May 15th. The President had announced his "gasoline conservation fee" last 7500 Laurel Canyon Blvd. month as part of his latest anti-inflation pack- Apt. 108 age. No. Hollywood, Calif. 91605 In the proclamation, Carter said the fee was ne- cessary to "counter the threat to the national 213-982-4392 security" posed by foreign oil imports. "The high level of the nation's consumption of gasoline is the single most important cause of our dependence on foreign oil/' Carter said. "Our consumption of gasoline can be reduced Family and Friends are Worried with less serious consequences to our economy

than if similar action were taken with respect to other petroleum products, such as home heating Position Wanted oil." + Apprentice type position wanted Even before Carter put the fee into effect, it had come under attack in Congress by lawmakers with reputable trainer of caged who charged that instead of fighting inflation, animals. Carter's $10,3 billion annual tax would have the opposite effect. + 21 year old man A House Commerce subcommittee voted 17-3 to try and block the import fee by denying the + Degree in Biology Energy Department money to administer it But + 5 years experience at large metro- White House officials say Carter would veto any such attempt to derail the import fee. politan in general While Carter has the authority to impose the care, , fee without congressional approval, the president has said he will drop the program if Congress will and announcing. increase the current 4 cent per gallon federal gas tax to 14 cents and make future increases auto- Contact: matic as the base price of gasoline goes up. KEVIN RATION The administration hopes the 10 cent fee will cut 4253 Snelson Drive gasoline use by 100,000 barrels per day by May 1981, slightly over 1% of this country's total da- St. Louis, Missouri 63129 ily consumption. If Congress adopts Carter's tax (314)487-4108 proposals, consumption could presumably be cut by 250.000 barrels per day within three years time. - Available 1 June, 1980- The 10 cent per gallon tax will mean a $67 per year increase in gasoline costs Page 12 April 21,1980

PARK PLANS THE GROTTO CIRCUS ... by Allen Babcock Pare Safari, of Hemmingford, Quebec, has ex- The 12th annual Zohah Grotto Circus here at tended its entertainment program for 1980. Oecatur, III., was produced by George Hubler, They have built a new 3500 seat arena and have with five shows given on Mar. 29-30. Business remodeled its previous show area into "Bear was good despite a lot of unemployment here. Country. The entire 1980 season entertain- ment program is being furnished by Bucky The program featured: Susan Sheryl's Afghans; Steele and Barbara Tata. the Grotto Clowns; Giovanni's comedy lamp Seven elephants, 6 Asians and 1 African will post; The Cyclonians, unicycles; Scott's Unrid- head the show line-up, with narrations to be able Mule; Miss Olinka, balance trapeze; Davide in Franch, showing the use of elephants in the Zoppe, Rhesus Monkeys; Intermission; Vivian's Circus as well as the way they are used in log- Football Playing Dogs; the Grotto Clowns; The ging camps in the jungles. This would include Laddies, unsupported ladders; Tino Wallenda pulling and rolling logs, harness and team work. Zoppe, high wire; Albert and Jeanette Rix with A large part of the program will be the explan- their mixed bear act. ation and description of the difference in the Tom Henricks, of Toledo, was traveling with the species. Rix family, helping to care for the bears. While Seven baboons, owned and trained by Barbara here he had a chance to meet and visit with Mike Tata during this past winter, will perform tricks and Marilyn Sorrell, Charles Bellatti, Merle Pep- and show natural abilities in a mock beauty per, Bob Phebus, Eddie Backstein, Mr. and Mrs. pageant. Ray Davis and the writer. Five Pigmy goats, llamas and camel trained by Miss Zoppe will also be presented. There will not be a circus atmosphere, and the Three black bears and a grizzly bear will be pre- idea of the presentations is to enlighten the pub- sented by Bucky Steele. lic about the various wild life which will be pre- The park owned tigers, trained by Bucky Steele sented. The public will also be made aware ot will start off with 9 tigers and will be increased the ecological problems of why endangered spe- to 15 animals during the summer. cies can only survive in and must sub- sidize its own livlihood through entertainment All acts and background will be especially de- and education. signed to reflect each animal's natural habitat. Opening in early June the park will run through Elephant rides, something new for the park, Labor Day. will also be on the agenda. Pare Safari is noted for the only bith of twin The entire project has been under construction giraffes. Its own 5 African elephants are expec- since late last summer, by park director, Dave Jackson. ted to produce offspring shortly. Its 750 acre preserve also features Moose which are -almost Commercials for the new extension, under the impossible to display. direction of P. R. man Tom Cummerford, were shot at Seagoville, Texas. Attendance at the park this year is expected to reach 300,000 or better. The Circus Report Page 13

At the Florida State Fair in Tampa was the Ed- die Zacchim Circus and Royal American Shows TAMPA WINTER REPORT Feb. 6-17. Magic Time USA began its season at Barlow on March 2nd, while the Mighty Blue ...by "Circus Joe" VALENCIA Grass Shows played in Plant City. It has been another very busy winter for show Meanwhile Franzen Bros, was at Apollo Beach goers in the Tampa/St. Petersburg areas, with 10 for March 9th, and Garden-Johnson Circus was circuses and other attractions. at Tampa's Curtis-Hixon Hall April 19-20. The The winter season started Sept. 7-8 with the Chi- Holiday on Ice show played St. Petersburg for nese Acrobats, who gave three performances at March 20-23. the Bayfront Center Theatre. Tickets sold for $6.50 and $7.50. On Nov. 7th, the Royal Lichtenstein Circus was CMB HELPS IN NEW YORK at the University of South Florida. Then on Nov ... by Tommy Murphy 11th, cam Hoxie Bros., followed by Beatty-Cole on Nov. 12-14. On Dec. 5-9 the Ice Capades The Dave Hoover Ring No. 61, of Long Island, played at Hilton Hall. Also on Dec. 9th, Holiday Circus Model Builders, set up a model circus Hippodrome appeared at the Thomas Jefferson display in New York's famous Macy's store in high school for a matinee performance (All in conjunction with the Ringling Barnum Circus Tampa). engagement at Madison Square Garden. The display was arranged for the week of April 13. Year 1980 started at St. Petersburg's Bayfront Center with Ringling-Barnum Blue for Jan. 1-8; Arrangements were made between John Zam- while on Jan. 7-12 magician/escape artist Rick oiski, Regional Marketing Director for New Star performed in Tampa. The Royal Lipizzan York, representing the circus and the ring. Show was in St. Petersburg, Jan. 25-27 and the The Dave Hoover Ring will also set up a dis- Circus Valencia (miniature) was at Palm River. play in the Roosevelt Field shopping center on Long Island during Ringling's engagement at the Nassau Coliseum during December. The ring also has a miniature circus display at the West Islip Long Island Library during the month IN MEMORY OF of April.

EUGENE "Arky" SCOTT ANTIOCH SHRINE CIRCUS ... by Alton J. Jones The 38th annual Shrine Circus at Dayton, Ohio, The Greatest Herd Boss of was produced by Hubert Castle for seven days The Greatest Herds and nights, with straw houses most of the time. The program of acts consisted of: The Rodri- guez Troupe; Clowns; Larry Allen Dean, wild animals; the Aerial Lovelies; Cycling stars the A True Friend Antonios and the Enriques; Christopher James, tight wire; Amazing Alain, slant wire; The EJ- kardis, hair hang; Horwath's Chimps; the Diano Died April, 1968 elephants; Intermission. In pan two were the Flying Aztecas; a Clown routine; The Olmedas, Spanish Fantasy; The Gasperrys, acrobats; The Bounding Plunk- ROGER SMITH etts, trampoline; The Oelka Sisters, rollingglobes; Clowns; Juggling, acrobatics and balancing by the Torinos, the Oscarians and the Kolmedys; with the final act being Les Blocks on the high wire, with a three man stand. A FAMILY TRADITION SINCE 1890





BURGER'S ANIMAL REVUE R. D. 1 • Box 431-A Phone: Blackwood, N. J. - 08012 609 - 227 • 5433 Page 16 April 21, 1980

MIDIAN SHRINE CIRCUS K-HMEH ON THE WIRE The annual Midi an Shrine Circus at Dodge City, Kans., (Mar. 28-30) was produced by George The world premier of Fernando Arrabal's On Hubler, with Phil Chandler serving as ringmaster, the Wire, the ballad of the Phantom Train will while Red Gates handled concessions, and Paul open at the Contemporary Arts Center in New McCloslin and Toby Reed working props. Orleans on May 15th. The program featured: Circus Overture; Star It is the story of a man who tries to use an art- Spangled Banner; George Barreda, lions; The form (tightwire walking) as a means of inspiring Thomas Duo, cradle (Paul McCloslin and Cheryl people to be free. The play draws a "melancoly Reed); Phil Chandler & Co., illusions; The Kar- analogy" between Madrid, N.M., a ghost town enas Duo, trampoline (Happy Davis and Karen); in the American West, and Madrid, Spain, which Aerial webs with Dianna Yoxall and Linda Chan to Arrabal is also somewhat of a ghost town. tiler; the Shrine Clowns; Roman and Jeanne The action concerns an encounter between two Schmitt. elephants; Intermission; The Flying refugees from Spanish oppression and the only Lanes (Pat, Dave, Patti, Leslie); the Shrine Cir- remaining inhabitant of the ghost town, an ag- cus Clowns; Paulette's Peerless Puppies (Linda ing coal miner, a former circus tightrope walker Chandler); Sir Chadwick Chase and his Rolls The theme of the play is revealed when, as a re- Rotten (Happy Davis); Joselito. hiqh wire. sult of a tender, mystical transfer of wire-walk- ing ability, the audience witnesses a climatic FOR SALE scene, which takes place on an actual tightwire. -WIZ FLASH- EFFECT: Photo Flash Cube (Magic Cube Type) is tossed or handed out to a member of the audience. Performer's hands are shown to be completely empty. Cube is returned to the performer and with no false moves the cube is caused to flash at the will of the performer. TOP HATS There is nothing to add or palm off. You can shoot all four sides of the magic cube as desir- ed. This bare hand miracle works anywhere any time. Close-up or on stage. ~ TAILS By itself "WU Flash" is spectacular and a puz- zling attention grabber. WHAT YOU RECEIVE: A supply of the TUX^- "somethings" that make it work. These can be used over and over for hundreds of perform- USE YOUR FABRIC ances. Included is a manuscript of twelve stunts, • !• «Custom Made» gags, and magic effects using "Wiz Flash". Fea- tured is a routine where you use the cubes as a mini-microwave oven and bake a cake in a spec tor's pocket. Presented on the Cabaret Show at recent Hol- lywood Cavalcade of Magic. The act received a Al DawJey 0) standing ovation. PO Box i$98 ffl Sent complete via First Class Mail. Tybee Island

FRANK HERMAN SEND STAMPED. Self - Addre»»ed Envelooi 185 - 8th St. West Bandon. Ore. 97411 For Complete Information The Circus Report Page 17 Trampoline KEN "Turtle" BENSON Appearing at La. Purchase Gardens and NISSON 5x9 Mat, complete with 9x17 Zoo - When passing thru Monroe be sure Flat Frame • Clean • In Good Shape. to stop in * Show folks always welcome. $180.00 You Pick Up 24 Hour Message Line: (318) 387 • 1803 HARRISON 6674 Julie St. San Diego, Calif. 92115 JACK KING SEZ In my recent vignette about so-called "baggy pants" comics, just to set the record straight and let everyone know that we are still around and SHOW DRUMMER RIPPED-OFF still capable of working, I overlooked the fact While visiting his son and daughter-in-law, Mr. that one very important former burlesque com- and Mrs. Gaylord Maynard, of the Royal Han- ic is still going strong and is in the catagory of neford Circus, at Greenville, SC, Tex Maynard, being a star. well known show drummer, came up short at That famous man, a very good friend of yours the Hubler Int'l Circus Grotto date at Decatur, truly, is none other than Red Buttons. We are III. all aware of his talents and also know that he is After setting up the organ and drums, Tex dis- an Oscar winner. covered that six Zelgen cymbals were missing. One little known fact is that Red Skelton spent He had to rush out and buy a new one in order only a short time in Burlesque in the years that to play the date. were considered to be "The Golden Years of Tex and Mary Maynard have been working the Burlesque." Red was expelled from burlesque by George Hanneford Family Circus for George an incapable theatre manager saying that Red and Vickie in Florida, as well as a Youth Fair, was not funny. This great genius went on to star- Miami Latin Festival and the Orlando Central dom and certainly made the former manager eat Florida Fair. This month they are working the his words, so to speak. New England dates for Bob Snowden. I have not been in contact with some of my for- If anyone has seen or knows the whereabouts of mer cronies in the burlesque field so I am not the missing cymbals please write to: Tex May- too sure who all is left but be assured that "bag- nard, P. 0. Box 113, Glen Aubrey, NY 13777 or gy pants comics" are still around and we can all call :607-862 -3488- still perform when the occasion arises.

V ' Bullen Bros. Circus, of Australia, set-up on a lot ready for the opening performance - the picture was taken in June 1956. The show's big top reportedly could seat 4,500 people. Page 18 April 21, 1980 ESsEH! BETTY WENDANY'S TOBY BALLANTINE took over the announcing duties with the Hubert Castle Circus after Col. FUNS-A-POPPIN Lucky Larabee suffered a heart attack while in PACKAGE SHOWS TO FIT YOUR NEEDS Portland, Oregon. Box 391, SunUnd, Calif. • 91040 JON FRIDAY will be announcing for the Hu- 2 13-352-427 7 213-352-2454 bert Castle Circus at Columbus. Ohio and for the Indianapolis, Ind. engagements. JIMMY JAMES produced the FireHouie and Reducing gags for the 1980 edition of the Clyde The CRISTIANI Elephants and ANTHONY'S Beany-Cole Bros. Circus. Horses spent some time at San Francisco,in the Cow Palace, while waiting for the ship that was HAPPY BUSTER, the Clown, visited with friends to take them to the Monte Carlo Circus in the on the Kelly Bros. Circus when the show played Orient. Lumberton, Texas, on March 29th. HAL HAVILAND worked the April 10-13 date KEVIN MENARD, magician and illusionist, was Shrine Circus in Manchester, NH, produced by the star of a March 23rd production of "This Is ROBERT V. SNOWOEN. Hal worked his dogs, Magic" show. paper tearing and novelty pony. BOBBY GIBBS was treated to a special tour of the Tulsa, Qkla., zoo when he appeared with the ATTENTION Shrine Circus in that city. Zoo Manager KENNY KAWATA was Gibbs' host. Anyone having contact with, or who knows the whereabouts of Rudy Ja- PAT GRAHAM, a Foley & Burk unit manager, visited friends with the John Strong Circus at cobi, please call us immediately. Pleasanton, Calif, on April 4th. - CALL COLLECT - TRUDY LUVAS' poodle revue was with the an- 702 - 451 - 1839 nual Shrine Circus in New Orleans on April 12- 13, not the dates previously reported. THE ALEXANDERS WASHINGTON TUBBS II The Circus Report Page 19 HAL HAVILAND SEZ WILLIAMS SLEIGHT OF HAND as a specialized theatri cal an has almost vanished, just as theatres where such acts once flourished have almost dis- BROS. appeared. There were plenty of sleight of hand acts around right after World War II. So, a CIRCUS Broadway entrepreneur decided to stage a Sun WE NEED FOR '80 SEASON - Two day Concert Sleight of Hand Show in a Times Clowns, Booking Agent, Working Men - Square playhouse starring such luminaries of the Show opens May 10th. time as Cardini, the Suave Deceiver; Hardeen, Houdini's brother; Al Flosso, the Coney Island WILLIAMS BROS. CIRCUS Fakir; Jarrow, the Lemon King; Al Avalon, the 2635 Norton Road Paper-tearing newsboy Kent, Ohio -44240 Advance promotion was successful. The house was packed and potential payees were turned away as even standing room was completely sold out. A solo tightwire show called "Silhouettes" was The successful event was the greatest sleight presented at Or. O's Medcine Show in New Or- of hand show of the day. Something about the leans on April 13th, and again at the Jazz and show spread to the audience. After the perfor- Heritage Festival, also in New Orleans for April mance, people went to nearby restaurants and 19th. bars and amused each other with revivals of On April 26-27 "Silhouettes" will appear at the pocket magic tricks, recalling stunts, perhaps Madewood Festival near Napoleonville, La. and they'd learned as youngsters. Even the theatre on May 17-18 will be presented at the first New manager decided to try his hand at being a Orleans Rodeo, where a horse will be portrayed sleight of hand expert. on the wire. You guessed it. Before the Finale curtain was Starting in June, "Silhouettes" will return to rung down he took an unscheduled retirement. the 6th annual Encdunter of Balloonists in Nor- He closed the box office for the last time and mandy, inaugurating a performing season in absconded, for parts unknown, with all the both France and Italy. •money - • everybody's cash! By Crane The Circus Report Page 21 clown ahead of a show. He did several 1 V spots as well as visiting radio stations, etc. He also presented Donald Herold, of the Charleston BEATTY-COLt CIRCUS Museum, with several Beatty-Cole lithos for ... by Jack Hunter their circus exhibit. After all this Elmo rushed The Clyde Beatty-Cole. Bros. Circus played at back to the circus, removed his make-up and Charleston, SC on March 21-23, giving seven assisted Gene Hecher, 24 hour man, as he lay- performance? JJ fVui fill! Hfllfstt and three, ed out the lot three-quarter houses. Mary Johnson again handled advance marketing I believe this is the strongest Beany-Cole show for the show. Mary continues to do a superior ever put on the road. Even the circus people job and all of the news media loves Mary as she who are with it feel the same way. makes them feel like a part of the show. For the past two yean the circus had set up on The new 1980 program book was ready for the the old Fairgrounds lot, however, this year the opening day. It is a beautiful color booklet and show moved to a mall parking lot. Upon first circus far' will love it, especially the cnver. visiting theWow one notes a lot of changes. Many new acts appear with this year's edition There is a new ticket wagon and a new elephant and the program tine-up consists of: Dave Hoo- ride, handled by Fred Logan and family. Pony ver, wild animals; Marie Christine, trapeze; Rita ride is still there and handled by Fred too. An and Elba, aerial perch;The Great Vashek, high all new side show offers many new features. wire; The Verdus, rolling globes; Clowns; An- The same big top that has been used for the past tonio and Julio, perch; Dino and Anita, tight two seasons started a third year, however this wire; The Flores Duo, perch; Cemon's Chimps; top is to be replaced in Philadelphia. Then the Miss Bonnie, ; Irma Cristal, hair show will have a new side show top and big top. hang; Senor Valdez, cloud swing; Intermission; Working in advance of the show is Elm Gibb, The Flying Alvarez Troupe; Johnny Welde and who I must say is probably the finest advance his Russian Bears; The Apollos, acrobatics; The Doritas, acrobatics; Mile. Angela, juggling; the Clowns; The Bale Sisters, ; Martin Trio, teeterboard; The Robertos, pole vaulting; The Estradas, teeterboard; The Vashek Duo, aerial motorcycle; Clowns; Beany-Cole elephants pre- IN MEMORIAM sented by Fred Logan; Exit March. If the Clyde Beany-Cole. Bros. Circus comes your way don't miss it By the way, this year's ringmaster is Jimmy James, who does an excel- lent job. MABEL STARK Again my thanks to the Beatty-Cole staff, Mary Johnson, Elmo Gibb and Dawnita Bale for mak THE TIGER QUEEN ing my visit so enjoyable.

Died April, 1968 Acts appearing in the Pyramid Shrine Circus in Connecticut on March 22nd were: George Ross, ringmaster; Count de Mania// and his Magnificam Dolls; Kaymarr, Magic in Flight; ROGER SMITH Jimmie & Millie, juggling/acrobatic comedy/bal- ancing; Bette and Her Hollywood Pals, poodle revue; Lisa Loving, a clown with fire torches; Don Christy, Barnum & Bailey's clown extra- ordinaire; Sabo's Chimps and Tony Bruno, last of the organ grinders, and his monkey Rosie. Page 22 April 21, 1980 Cockatoo Specials CFA TENT RESCUES CIRCUS BEAUTIFUL EXOTIC BIRDS ... by Bob Stoddard for Training and Show The TNT & Royal Olympic Circus left Garden Grove, Calif., for Dallas, Texas, to open their season at the Town East Mall. Lesser Sulphur Crested ... $ 450 ea Eighty-three miles out of Garden Grove, Earl Med. Greater Sulphur Crested . . Tegge, a brand new Chevy Van with less 585 ea than 1190 miles on it, towing a trailer load of White Umbrella Crested ... 550 ea equipment, noticed smoke coming out from un- der the hood. Citron (Orange) Crested . . . 550 ea He stopped to investigate when two Sheriff's Large Moluccan Salmon Crested deputies on the service road began hollaring to 650 ea them to get Louise Tegge out of the van. It was on fire. Large Blue-Eyed Greater Sulphur Crested 1,250 ea They unhitched the trailer and moved it just in time to miss the flames that covered the whole truck. BRONSON BIRDS Most of the brand new equipment was mined. 70 Nagle Street Not knowing about the accident, Time Tegge New York, NY - 10040 continued his journey until he reached a sister's home in Odessa, Texas. Phone: 212 • 942 - 1150 The Tegges called Bill Hooper in Mesquite, Tex,

and told him what had happened and said the WANTED only possible way they could make the date would be with the help of the CFA. PROFESSIONAL PROMOTERS Bill is the national president of the CFA and secretary of the Dallas Tent. He assured the Teg- Work in Midwest ges that if they flew to Dallas, the necessary equipment (including the ring curb they had do- nated to the tent) would be ready for them. So for they flew in and everything was ready for them. The Ed Millete Tent No. 5 of the CFA, is the se- Non-Profit Organizations cond oldest tent in the organization and the only tent that owns its own circus tent and regularly puts on shows for the benefit of handicapped Excellent Commissions children. The week in Dallas was a success, possibly the No Dead Time first time a professional circus did a week on an amateur circus' equipment. Send Resume and List of Now. it's back to Garden Grove to rebuild the lost equipment and then a new season's start at References to: Modesto, Calif., on May 14th.

B P R P.O. Box 1136 Jonesboro, Ark. - 72401 The Circus Report Page 23 FOR SALE WANT 60 x 120 ft. tent • Square End, Blue and White FEMALE WANTED to learn Dog Act. Will have opportunity to leam another act - WANTED: BOOKING AGENTS Equipment available. Call or Write: Write: P. 0. Box 847 FRANZEN BROS. CIRCUS Sarasota, Fla. - 33578 Rte. 1 Box 173, Amherst Junction, Wsc 54407 Phone:715-869-3563 NEW MUSEUM TO OPEN SOVIET CIRCUS (Continued) Charlotte, S.C./s new $6 million museum will of the circus will influence these budding artists open to the public on April 19th. The museum of the future. will display the Polidor and Schnadly Miniature Circus, as one of its featured exhibits. The fourth and final year gathers together all that has been experienced and rehearsed and The circus has been stored for many years in now focuses the student's attention on polish- Harrisburg, Pa., and was donated to the museum ing their labors to a professional level. School by the Schnadly family. Valued at over $100,000 graduates are guaranteed work in the circus, the circus features many tents, wagons and ani- plus an above-average salary, by Soviet stand- mals, all hand carved. ards. However, tike most professions that re- Mr. Donald Herold, museum director, is looking quire strenuous athletic training. Soviet circus for old circus posters, programs, photos and any- performers have a relatively short career - about thing that will help preserve the golden era of the 20 years - about 85% reture at the age of 40. circus. But to the youngsters just starting out, that Anyone wishing to donate material to the muse- prospect is a long ways off. um should address items to: Charleston Museum, It takes four years of intensive study, practice 121 Rutledge Ave., Charleston, SC 29401. Attn: and hard work - aching bodies plus a certain Mr. Donald Herold. quality and creative flair just to gain the oppor- tunity to eventually pursue a career as a Soviet performer. To succeed in a country where au- Visitors diences take their circuses as seriously as they do the ballet or Tchaikovsky, demands even Some recent visitors to Circus Vargas during the more of a performer • constant practice and show's Los Angeles area engagements were: Din- determination plus an overwhelming desire to key Patterson, Wally Ross, Doug Lyons, Chuck succeed at a childhood dream! Burnes and family, Paul Kaye, Tommy Bentley, Chuck Clancy, Jim Parker, Wally Bickmore and family, ZaZa Gabpr, Jay P. Morgan, Jimmy Bris- co, Billy Barty, Virginia Lee Fenton, Chuck Gomes, Parley and Ernestine Baer, Judy Jacobs Kaye, Mia Bowen, Gil Miller, Eddie Howe, Har- mflGKTimeu/fl ry Graham, Herve Villechaize and others. - Wants - ! ALL TYPES OF ACTS CLOWN WHO CAN WORK ALONE Sleeper and Transportation Furnished WANTED - Long Season - CENTRAL VALLEY PRODUCTIONS Contact: STU MILLER 1009 - 22nd St. Sacramento, Ca. 95816 - As Per Route - Phone:916-487-6721 Or Call the Office: 813-746-6577 - WILL REPLY TO ALL - Page 24 April 21,1980 ATTENTION

" *", (A 946N PROMOTERS ...by LLOYD E.JONES DOUG HENNING was a guest on the Muppet Show on March 30th, and his magic, the music and the action of the moppets, especially Foz- /Y Bear with rabbits made it most enjoyable. that will bring your Henning did close-up with sea shells, ala coin as- sembly, the Mis-Made Girl using monsters as as- sponsors back again sistants and subject, with the conclusion being the head of the monster in the middle as the Individual Dates ' * ' trick ended. available f He closed with the Substitution Trunk also us- Nationwide Pfllllff ing monsters as assistants and a girt in the trunk. If you can stand him • you'll be like me - wishing I Morris to see it again!

"THE LITTLE PEOPLE" an illustrated look at fantasy some of the world's most engaging men and wo- men has just been released by Everest House Publishers of New York. Written and compiled by Hy Roth and Robert Cromie, it has an intro- duction by Irving Wallace and sells for $15.95 (postage 81c, insurance 50c). The book is about 8 x 10, hard bound with nu- merous photos in the 173 pages. The book has TOURING no index, but has a long bibliography and a page of acknowledgements. Long relegated to the side shows, dime museums and circuses, today the little people are coming into their own at work and other fields. Histor- ically we wonder if Attila the Hun was a dwarf or that Jesus spent a night at the home of one, and many served and worked with royalty. We 14th also read of Tom Thumb and other delightful people. One wanted to be an Indiana farmer and annual gave it up when he found he couldn't a tour horse without taking all day! KM COMMT1 DtTA/Lt Fascinating photos and text tell of well known^ midgets in show business, but to me the Singer's Midgets and the munchkins in the "Wizard of Oz" are glossed over. I would so much like to GREATER AMERICAN have read more about them. ENTERTAINMENT But there is the moment when Eddie Gaedel CORP 77 COCONUT AVE. came to bat for the St. Louis Browns, little SARASOTA. FLORIDA 33577 people with their own opera company, legitmate Phon« (813) 3*5-3336 actors, so many problems quietly met and to- ••••••••••••••••••••••• day a pan of our everyday life. WILLIAM J ENGLISH, PRES. The Circus Report Page 25 LIEBEL FAMILY CIRCUS

P. 0. Box 998 From June til August Leave Message Davenport, Fla. • 33837 (803)448-3421 (813)422-7481

FIESTA Show Dates DE Lipizzan Stallions CIRCO Apr. 25-27 Portland, Me. Los Latinos - wire act Apr. 25 San Jose, Calif. It's obvious as soon as you approach the lot that 26-27 San Francisco the 1980 edition of the Big John Strong Circus Rolling Diamonds • roller skaters (called Fiesta de Circo) is new and has been com- Apr. 21-23 Portland, Me. pletely changed from the show of previous years. 25-27 Bangor It is a colorful circus with everything freshly painted and no matter where the show is set up Roman Schmitt's Animals • dirt lot. paved parking lot, grassy field • it looks Apr. 25-27 Terre Haute. Ind great. Tommy Scott's Medicine Show The circus is managed and run by Ed Russell who Apr. 21 Curro, Texas also does the announcing. He has arranged the 22 Kerrville midway with the midget horse show and conces- 23 San Marcos sion wagon on one side, while the ticket office 24 Pleasanton and a display of animals is on the other side. 25 Laredo Enoch Brafford has charge of getting the show 26 Eagle Pass up and down and moves it without any prob- Mr. Sensation - aerialist lems. His wife operates a cookhouse for circus Apr. 25 Troy, NY personnel, thus eliminating the need to run up- town to eat, and also assuring show people of Smithsonian Institute Show getting regular meals each day. Apr. 25-27 Washington, DC Sandy Strong has the front door and Ron Per- Harry Thomas- tigers ry operates the midget horse show. Wally Wai- Apr. 22-26 Lincoln, Nebr. lentin is handling the concessions. His salesmen wear hats, white shirts and aprons. The prop half, features: crew is outfitted in orange coveralls. The Hiawatha Liberty Ponies presented by Ma- The circus itself moves on two semis and a deline; Juggling display with Flippo the clown, straightbed truck. There are a number of private Roadrunner Red, The Perrys; Sugar & Spice, vehicles and trailers since performers all have aerial cradle; Schreiber's Shepherds, and Sandy': their own equipment. Dog Revue; Clowns with "The Musician" (4); The big top is set up for a two ring presentation Miss Margo, one finger stand/balancing; Aerial and several times during the program both rings webs with Miss Crystal and Miss Pamela; Leo, are working at the same time. The ring curbs are the dancing black stallion presented by Don orange with multi-colored spots. Seats and poles McClennan; Intermission; The Rianos Duo, are red and the top is red and blue. Lights con- tightwire; Miss Jackie, bounding rope; Phil Ka sist of both overhead and ground lights, operat- vanaugh & Co., Clown Baseball number; Miss ed from a special control box. The sound system Sandra, trained llama, Mr. Bill, trained llama; s new and can easily be heard throughout the Princess Yashmuma, hair hang; Sr. Juan Lopez tnnt Music is on tapes, but live music is expect- on Chico, high school horse; Clowns with The ed to be added by summer. Th Long Distance Call; Baby Neena the elephant, i e program, which runs about an hour and a presented by Maharoni Panjapur; Finale. Page 26 April 21, 1980 BILLY BARTON (Continued) em tour where he caught RBBB Red in Raleigh in the snow, also Royal Hanneford at Greenville DAVE MacMILLAN wonders whether I'd ever (SO.. .CONNIE CLAUSEN and TINA CRIS- known of any other trainer working 22 tigers at TIANI were the guests at a FELIX ADLER CFA once, not one of which is a "seat warmer". I was meet at Tiny's home. Let's hope everyone surviv- unable to answer his question. We all know that ed HAZEL's Merry-Martinis.. .While the Coronas BEATTY worked a large "mixed" group, not Circus is in West Orange (NJ), Hamid-Morton will specifically and exclusively tigers. So, if any of you ptay at Morristown (NJ) very close as the crow animal people know, let us know, okay? flies.. .TREVOR BALE told me a book is being CLOSEUPS: LOTTIE BRUNN off on a cruise written about his life.. .Daughter BONNIE is ta- to the Bahamas where she did only four shows king music lessons now that she bought an organ in two weeks. She went alone. TED being too .. .ELVIN BALE to debut a new aerial act in busy with his cheffing act at a Jersey college... 1981.. .A new circus coming out of New Jersey MIKE CHIRRICK to Circus Circus in Reno for fora five week tour this summer is called KING the season.. .FRANCIS BRUNN back from So. CIRCUS.. .Rumorhazzit the DUBSKY Troupe Africa and appearing at the QUEEN ELIZABETH is to be on the show... .CIRCUS VARGAS did hotel in Montreal.. .Clown MIKE NAUGHTON not, after all, play the Gay Gala Night in L.A. bought property near the Catskill Game Farm this year.. .Young JODY JORDAN was a sensa- where he will run a fleat market this summer... tion in his dad's new motor-drome-globe act at The GUTIS will play the Big E Fair in Springfield Youngstown where Johnny bowed the thriller (Mass) on an outdoor stage for the full 12 day acquired from PETE LUVAS. The globe will be run.. .THE FLYING VALENCIAS and their hung at Circus Circus, which answers my ques- Superloko act will be with TOMMY BARTLETT tion as to how they will put the rigging in that Water Circus at Pigeon Forge (Tenn) for the sum- casino.. .THE GARZAS, living statues, appear- mer, along with perennial aerial thriller DAVID ing first for two seasons on the Texas dates were MERRIFIELD and slack-wire-juggler DIETER the big hit at Youngstown, stopping the show at TASSO.. .TINY PHILLIPS back from a south- (Continued on Page 27) The Circus Report Page 27



Watch for Jewel playing a major role as "Charlotte" in Smokey & The it Ho. 2 Booked for St. Petersburg and Tampa Shrine Circuses April 17 thru 30 Fully booked May thru Sept. 3rd — Available after Sept. 6th and forward with 2 large elephants and elephant ride For Availability and Photos Contact: Amandis Entertainment, Inc. 2236 SHADOW OAKS ROAD SARASOTA, FLA. 33582 Phone:813-371-6605 - 6906 — Fully Licensed and Bonded —

BILLY BARTON (Continued) a rumor. At that moment I could not release the every performance.. and the AUT MORI GRO- truth. Barbara opened Apr. 12 in Brussels with tto Cl RCUS was laden with talent as it is every the Globetrotters. She will tour Germany, Aus- year.. .The PINSON's are doing their cradle act tria, Yugoslavia and Spain, also four weeks in again, played Montgomery for Zacchini.. .GAL- France with a week in Paris. Grace Mclntosh re- leased the foot juggler from Omaha and Lincoln LA SHAWN making Omaha and Lincoln for so the opening date could be made in time. GRACIE and CHUCK... LOU ANN JACOBS, The GUTIS, CYCLONIANS to the Maine dates, HAL HAVILAND is back at EMERSON's in ditto the BARREDAS, Jorge and Joselito..And Newington (Conn) after a tour that didn't work speaking of Jorge, he and the beauteous BAR- out for him in Florida. Thus he had to resched- BARA VAN VOORDEN were seen doing the ule his season. Apparently he will play dates for night spots in the Windy City during the Medin BOB SNOWDEN, HAMID and TIBOR ALEX- ah Temple run. Hmmmm? ANDER. IMAGINE producer's ED MIGLEY's chagrin RUMORHAZZIT ROGER and DENNIS ZOP when the ignition key in the rented truck carry- PE will split after this season with each couple ing his new "show train" was broken in the poc- going their own way. Sorry to hear that ket of BILL GAVIGAN. Bill, who had to rush FRANK & ESTRELETA played the Des Moines to Maryland, dropped the broken key off, which sport show.. JENNY WALLENDA is managing Ed had duplicated only to find that Bill had neg- a new musical group, reports daughter DELILAH lected to tell him where the truck was parked! is enjoying her tour with Vargas. SEE YOU down the road. luvs. LAST WEEK I printed a rumor that BARBARA VAN (Voorden) was headed for Europe. It's not