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E m E R G

N U C November 1980 L



Silvano BONOTTO and Angel a LUTTKE

Department of Radiobiology C.E.N.-S.C.K. 2400 MOL Belgium

BLG 541 s. BONOTTO, A. LUTTKE BLG 541 (Nov. 1980)


Summary. - The authors report a list ot références on the marine alga AcBtabularia and the other Dasycladaceae for the period 1960-1980. The list comprises more than 1100 papers and 5 figures.

S. BONOTTO, A, LUTTKE BLG 541 (Nov. 1980)


Résumé. - Les auteurs reportent une liste de références sur l'algue marine Acatabularia et les autres Dacycladaceae pour la période 1960-1980. La liste comprend plus de 1100 publications et 5 figures.

S. BONOTTO, A. LUTTKE BLG 541 (Nov. 1980)


Samenvatting. - De auteurs stellen een publil


The authors report a list of références on the marine alga Aaetabularia and the other Dasyaladaoeae for the period 1960-1980. The list comprises more than 1100 papers and 5 figures.


Les auteurs reportent une liste de références sur l'algue marine Aoetahu- Icayta et les autres Dasyaladaoeae pour la période 1960-1980. La liste ccmprend plus de 1100 publications et 5 figures.


De auteurs stellen een publikatielijst voor over de zeealg Aoetabuloïyùa en de andere Dasyaladaoeae tijdens de periode 1960-1980. De lijst be• staat uit meer dan 1100 publicaties en 5 figuren. INTRODUCTORY NOTE

On the occasion of the International Workshop on Movphogenes-ùs in Aoetabu- laHa (Berlin-West, September 6-9, 1980), we prepared a list of références on Aoetahulcœia and the other Basycladaoeae for the period 1960-1980. The list extends those previously published by other authors (Puiseux-Dao, 1970; Schweiger et al., 1974; Bonotto et al., 1976). Author names are given in alphabetical order per year. Moreover, pictures of several species of Dasyatadaaeae axe. added to the list with the aim of making known, especially to young students, the peculiar morphology of this group of marine algae.

Although the list has been updated, some références are still lacking, mainly those on fossil Dasyatadaaeae, Therefore, we wish to invite the "Acetabularists" to send us the références not included in the list, which could be reported in one of the next issues of "Aaetabular-ia Newsletter", for the benefit of the entire Aaetabulopia community.


We acknowledge the kind receipt of pictures from Dr N.J. Eiseman (Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc., Florida, U.S.A.), Dr S.A. Moorjani (University of Nairobi, Kenya), Dr I. Shihira-Ishikawa (University of Osaka, Japan)

and Dr H.B.S. Womersley (University of Adelaide, South Australia). We thank also the kind help of the following persons: Dr D. van der Ben ( Institut Royal de Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels ), Mrs M.C. Hemelaers-Gielen, Mrs J. Romeyer-Luyten, Mrs C. Huysmans-Van- baelen, Mrs A. Bonotto-Vanbaelen and Mr G. Bas and Mr H. Fredrix of the

Edition Service of the C.E.N.-S.C.K. REFERENCES

BONOTTO.S., LURQUIN.P. and MAZZA,A. - Recent advances in research on

the marine alga Aaetabularia. Adv. Mar. Biol., 14: 123-250' (1976)

PUISEUX-DAO.S. - Aaetabularia and cell biology, Logos Press, London, pp.1-162 (1970).

SCHWEIGER.H.G., BERGER,S., BONOTTO.S. and FOCKEN,H. - Aoetabularia and other Dasyaladaoeae: Bibliography of the reprint collection of the Max-Planck-Institut fur Zellbiologie. Reports from the Max-Planck-Institut fur Zellbiologie, Wilhelmshaven, n"1, pp.1-81 (1974). Fig. 1. Cap of Aaetabularia mediterranea, which according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature should now be called Aaetabularia aoetdbulvm (L.) Silva. Fig. 2. (above) and Aaetabular-ia ryukyuensis (below) (courtesy of Dr I. Shihira Ishikawa, University of Osaka, Japan). Fig. 3. Cap (above) and group of cells (below) of Aaetdbularia antillana (courtesy of Dr N.J, Eiseman, Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc., Florida, U.S.A.). Fig. 4. Group of cells of Aaetabularia aalyaulus (courtesy of Dr H.B.S. Womersley, University of Adélaïde, South Australia). B

Fig. 5. Caps of Aaetabularia pentaulus without (A) and with cysts (B) and oerstedii at the beginning of the reproductive phase (arrows) (C) and with full developed sporangia (D). 1860

BRACHET.J. - Ribonucleic acids and the synthesis of cellular proteins. Nature, 186: 194-199 (1960a).

BRACHETjJ. - Le controle de la sjmthëse des protéines. Scientia, 54: 1-6 (1960b).

BRACHET,J. and 0LSZEWSKA,M,J. - Influence of localized ultra-violet

irradiation on the incorporation of adenine-8-^^C and DL methionine-^^S

Aoetabular-ia meditervanea. Nature, 187: 954-955 (1960).

BREMER,H.J. and SCHWEIGER,H.G. - Der NH3-Gehalt kemhaltiger und

kemloser Acetabularien. Planta, 55: 13-21 (1960).

CHAUDEFAUD,M. and EMBERGER,L. - Traité de Botanique. Systématique.

Tome I. Masson et Cie., Paris, pp.371-375 (1960).

CLAUSS,H. - Protein synthesis in nucleate and enucleated cells of

Aaetabula:ï'ia. 10. Congr. Int. Biol. Cell., Paris, p. 17 (1960).

IRIKI,Y. and MIWA,T. - Chemical nature of the cell wall of the green

algae, CodiiMTij Aoetabularia and Haliaoryne. Nature, 185: 178-179 (1960).

KECKjK. - Nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions in the synthesis of species- specific proteins iri Aoetabularia. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 3: 56-61 (1960).

NAORA,H., NAORA.H. and BRACHET,J.- Studies on independent synthesis of cytoplasmic ribonucleic acids in Aaetabularia mediterranea. J. Gen. Physiol., 43: 1083-1102 (1960).

0LSZEWSKA,M.J. and BRACHET.J. - Incorporation de la DL-méthionine--^^S dans V algue Aaetabularia mediterranea. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim., 68: 693-694 (1960). 10

PUISEUX-DAO.S. - Le comportement du noyau chez le Batophora oevstedii

J. Ag. (Dasycladacées) privé de lumière; ce que l'on peut en déduire sur la structure des nucléoles. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 250: 176-178 (1960).

SATO.T. - Versuche zur Formbildung bei Aaetabularia. Roux' Arch.

Entwicklungsmech. der Organismen, 151: 586-611 (1960).

SCHWEIGER,H.G. and BREMER,H.J. - Das Verhàlten verschiedener P-Fraktionen in kemhaltigen und kemlosen Aoetahulavia meditevranea. Z. Naturf orsch.,

15b: 395-400 (1960a).

SCHWEIGER.H.'G. and BREMER,H.J. - Nachweis cytoplasmatischer Ribonuclein- sauresynthese in kemlosen Acetabularien. Exptl. Cell Res., 20: 617-618 (1960b).

SCHWEIGER,H.G. and BREMER.H.J. - Zur RNS-Synthese in kemlosen Acetabularien. Gemeinsame Tagung der deutschen, franzosischen und schweizerischen Biochemiker, Zîlrich, Abstract (1960).

SEGAWAjS. and KAMURA,S. - Marine flora of Ryukyu Islands. Biol. Inst. Ryukyus, pp.1-72 (1960).

TAYLORjW.R. - Marine algae of the eastera tropical and subtropical coasts of the America. Ann. Arbor Univ. pp.97-107 (1960).

WERZ,G. -Öber die Wirkung von Dunkelheit auf den Proteingehalt kerahaltiger und kernloser Zellteile von Aoetahularia mediterranea. Z. Naturforsch.,

15b: 85-90 (1960a).

WERZ,G. - Anreicherung von Ribonucleins'âure in der Wuchszone von Aoetdbularia mediterranea. Planta, 55: 22-37 (1960b).

WERZjG. - tJber Strukturierungen der Wuchszonen von Aaetabularia mediterranea.

Planta, 55: 38-56 (1960c).

WERZjG. - Distribution and origin of cytoplasmic RNA and basic protein and their relations to morphogenetic substances in Aaetabularia. 10 Congr. Int.

Biol. Cell., Paris, pp.16-17 (1960d). 11 1961

ALMODOVAR, L.R. and BLOMQUIST, H.L. - Notes on marine aIgae of Cabo Rojo, Puerto .Rico.:--Quart. J. Florida Acad. Sci. , 24: 81-93 (1961).

BRACHET, J. - Morphogenetic effects of lipoic acid on Amphibiari embryos. Nature, 189: 156-157 (1961a).

BRACHET, J. - Nucleocytoplasmic interactions in unicellular organisms. In: The Cell. Brachet, J. and Mirsky, A.E., Eds., pp. 771-841. Academie Press, New York and London (1961b).

BRACHET,J. - The living cell. Scientific American, 205:51-62 (1960c). CLAUSS, H. - Über den Einbau von 35s in Acztabula/Ua. me.cUteAAan

CLAUSS, H. and WERZ, G. - Über die Geschwindigkeit der Proteinsynthese in kernlosen und kernhaltigen Zeilen von Ace

CRIBB,A.B. - Some marine algae from Thursday Island and surrounding areas. Univ. Queensland Papers, Dep. Bot., 4: 51-59 (1960).

DOMANTAY, J.S. - An ecological survey of the marine végétation of the

Hundred Islands and vicinity. Philippine J. Sci., 90: 271-295 (1961).

FREI, E. and PRESTON, R.D. - Variants in the structural polysaccharides of

algalcell walls. Nature, 192: 939-943 (1961).

KECK, K. - Nuclear and cytoplasmic factors determining the species spe- cificity of enzyme/proteins in AceXabuZcuUa. Annals New York Acad. Sci., 94: 741-752 (1961).

MENEZ, E.G. - The marine algae of the Hundred Islands, Philippines, Philippine J. Sci., 90: 37-86 (1961).

MIWA, I., IRIKI, Y. and SUZUKI, T. - Mannan and xylan as essential cell wall constituents of some siphonous green algae. Chimie et physico• chimie des principes immédiats tirés des algues. Coll. Int. Centre Nat. Rech. Sci., 103: 135-144 (1961). 12

OLSZEWSKA, M.Ji and BRACHET, J. - Incorporation de la DL-méthionine-^^S dans les fragments nucléés et anucléés Ac&tahuZa/Ua mzcLUtWumOJX. Exptl. Cell Res., 22: 370-380 (1961).

OLSZEWSKA, M. ,de VITRY, F. and BRACHET, J. - Influence d'irradiations localisées sur l'incorporation de l'adênine-8-l^C, de l'uridine-3H et de la DL-méthionine-35s dans l'algue kcztabuZoÂAM. mzdLtZÂÂjanza.. Exptl. Cell Res., 24: 58-63 (1961).

PROCTOR, V.W. - BatophxjAû. from central New Mexico. Phycologia, 1:

160-163 (1961).

RICHTER, G. - Nuclear Cytoplasmic interactions. In: Physiology and bioche- mistry of algae. Lewin,R.A., éd.. Academie Press, New York, pp.633-652 (1962)

SCHWEIGER, H.G. and BREMER, H.J. - Cytoplasmatische RNS Synthese in kern-

losen Acetabularien. Bioch im. Biophys. Acta, 51: 50-59 (1961).

SIX, E. and PUISEUX-DAO, S. - Die Wirkung von Strahlen auf Acetabularien. IV. Rontgenstrahlenwirkungen in zweikernigen Transplantaten. Z. Naturforsch.,

16b: 832-835 (1961).

SUTTER, R.P., WHITMAN, S.L. and WERSTER, G. - Cytoplasmic formation of the ribonucleic acid of ribosomes. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 49: 233-235 (1961).

SWEENEY, B.M. and HAXO, F.T. - Persistence of a photosynthetic rhythm in enucleated Ace;£a.bu.£at^. Science, 134: 1361-1363 (1961).

TAYLORjW.R. - Marine algae of the eastern tropical and subtropical coasts of the Americas. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 88: 421-423 (1961).

TAKATA, M. - Studies of the protoplasmic streaming in the marine alga

Ace;tabulci'Ua catycuJÙJU>. Ann. Rep. Scient. Works, Fac. Sci. Osaka Univ.,

9: 63-70 (1961).

WERZ, G. - Unterschiede der Protoplasten-Strukturierungen bei verschiedenen Dasycladaceen und ihre Abhangigkeit von artspezifischen Kernwirkungen . Planta, 56: 490-498 (1961a). 13

WERZ, G. - Über die Beeinf liissung der Formbildung von Ac^tCLboJtaAAJl durch Selenat. Planta, 57: 250-257 (1961b).

WERZ, G. - Zur Frage der Herkunft und Verteilung cytoplasmatischen Ribo- nucleinsaure und ihrer Beziehungen zu "morphogenetischen Substanzen" hei Ac2^buZafUa Z. Naturforsch., 16b: 126-129 (1961c).

WERZ, G. and HAMMERLING, J. - Über die Beeinflussung artspezifischer Form- bildungsprozesse von AcztabuZcuUa durch UV-Bestrahlung. Z. Naturforsch., 16b: 829-832 (1961). 14 1952

BRACHET, J. - Effects of P-mercaptoethanol and lipoic acid on morphogenesis. Nature, 193: 87-88 (1962a).

BRACHET, J. - Nucleic acids in development. J. Cell Comp. Physiol., Suppl. 1, 60: 1-18 (1962b).

BRACHET, J. - Les acides dêsoxyribonucléiques (ADN) et 1'infoirmation génétique. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, 11: 246-248 (1962c).

BREMER, H.J., SCHWEIGER, H.G. and SCHWEIGER, E. - Das Verhalten der freien Aminosauren in kemhaltigen und kernlosen Acetabularien. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 56: 380-382 (1962).

BRITTON,N.L. and MILLSPAUGH.C.F. - The Bahama Flora. New York and London, pp. 604-606 (1968).

CESKA, M. - Biosynthesis of ribonucleic acids in Ac.&tabLLta/u.a moditznÂxmza.. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim., 70: 566 (1962).

CLAUSS, H. - Zur Frage der Beteiligung intrazellularer Hemmfaktoren bei der Proteinsynthese von Ace^a6u£a/uól. Z. Naturforsch., 17b: 339-341 (1962a).

CLAUSS, H. - Über die Intensitat der Proteinsynthese von kc.(itabuZcUÜ,a. vor und nach der Hutbildung. Z. Naturforsch.,17b: 342-344 (1962b).

CLAUSS,H. - Über die Synthese von Acyiaulcœia - spezif ischen Esterasen in Aaicyutaria-AoetabulcoHa - Transplantaten. Naturwissenschaften, 49: 523-524 (1962c). de VITRY, F..- Etude de 1'action de la 5-fluorodéoxyuridine sur la crois• sance et la morphogenèse d'Ace/tofaotou-a mddLtZAAOnzoi. Exptl. Cell Res., 25: 697-699 (1962a). de VITRY, F. - Action des métabolites et antimétabolites sur la croissance et la morphogenèse d'Acetaba£aAx.a m2.dJXzJVUliYlza.. Protoplasma, 55: 313-319 (1962b). 15

JOLY,A.B. and CORDEIRO,M. -.Additions to the marine flora of Brazil II. Boletim n'ZS?, Botanica n°18, Fac. Fil. Ciên. Let., Univ. Sao Paulo, Brazil, pp.223-228 (1962).

PUISEUX-DAO, S. - Recherches biolpgiques et physiologiques sur quelques Dasycladacées, en particulier, Ie Batophora, oersted-C-C J. Ag. et 1^Aaetabularia mediterranea Lam. Rev. Gén. Bot., 819: 409-503 (1962).

RICHTER, G. - Die Wirkung von blauer und roter Strahlung auf die Morphogenese von AcsXabaloAMl. Naturwissenschaften, 49: 238 (1962).

SATO, T. - Effect of potassium, calcium, and magnesium ions on the protoplasmic streaming in AcztcÜ^uZoAUM. oatyciUlU). Bot. Mag. Tokyo, 74: 384-390 (1962).

SCHWEIGER,H.G. - In: Acides ribonucléiques et polyphosphates ; structure, synthese et fonctions. Coll. Int. C.N.R.S., Paris, 106: 356-358 (1962).

SCHWEIGER,H.G., BREMER,H.J. and SCHWEIGER,E. - Die Rolle des Zellkernes bei der cytoplasmatischen RNA-Synthese. Excerpta Medica, Int. Congr. Ser. 48, 22 Int. Congr. Physiol. Sci. Leiden, Abstr. 550 (1962).

TANDLER, C.J. - Oxalic acid and potassium in AcotahtutcuUa. Naturwissen• schaf ten, 49: 112 (1962a).

TANDLER, C.J. - A naturally occurring crystalline indolyl derivative in AcOJtahixtcUiLoL. Naturwissenschaf ten, 49: 213-214 (1962b).

TANDLER, C.J. - Bound indole in AdOJMbuZoAlcL, Planta, 59: 91-107 (1962c).

VANDERHAEGHE-HOUGARDY, F. and BALTUS, E. - Effet de 1'énucléation sur Ie maintien de la phosphatase acide dans Ie cytoplasme de AceXabuI.aAx.a mzcLLt2AAa- mcL. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim. , 70: 414-415 (1962).

WERZ, G. - Zur Frage der Elimination von Ribonucleinsaure und Protein aus dem Zellkern von AcetabuZcuUa mzdlt&AAamcL. Planta, 57: 636-655 (1962). 16

WERZ, G. and ZETSCHE, K. - Autoradiographische Untersuchungen an verdunkelten einkernigen Transplantaten von AcztabuZoAia mzdltZAAxmza. Planta, 59: 563-566 (1962).

ZETSCHE, K. - Die Aktivitat implantierter Zellkerne von AcoXabuZoAla. bei aufgehobener Photosynthèse. Naturwissenschaften, 49:404-405 (1962). 17


BALTUS, E. and BRACHET, J. - Présence of deoxyribonucleic acid in•the chlo- rpplasts of Ac2;ÙxbuZa'Ua rnzditoAAonza. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 76: 490-492 (1963),

BRACHET, J. - The role of the nucleic acid in the processes of induction, régulation and differentiàtion in the amphibian embryo and the unicellular alga AceXabuZaAJ.a. mzditOAAcmza.. In: Sjmiposium on Biological Organization, Varenna, 1962, Ed, Harris, R.J,C,, Academie Press, New York and London, 167-182 (1963a).

BRACHET, J, - The effects of puromycin on morphogenesis in amphibian eggs and Acc^6a£a^ta mecU/Éa/uanea. Nature, 199: 714-715 (1963b).

BRACHET, J, - Acides ribonucléiques "messagers" et morphogenèse. Bull. Acad. Roy, Belg., 49: 862-887 (1963c).

BRACHET, J. - Le rSle du noyau cellulaire dans les syntheses et la morpho- gënèse. Nova Acta Leopoldina, 26: 17-27 (I963d).

BRACHET, J. - The contributions of cytochemistry to molecular biology. Folia Histochemica et Cytochemica, 1: 389-396 (1963e).

BRACHET, J., DECROLY, M. and QUERTIER, J. - Groupes sulfhydriles et morpho- génëse. III. Etude biochimique des effets du mercaptoéthanol sur les embryons de Batraciens et 1'algue Ace^ÜofauXo'u.a mecLcieAA-cmaa.. Developm. Biol. 6: 113-131 (1963),

BRACHET, J, and DENIS, H, - Effects of actinomycin D on morphogenesis. Nature, 198: 205-206 (1963), 18

CLAUSS, H. - Über den Einflüss von Rot- und Blaulicht auf das Wachstum kern- haltiger Teile von AaeXabula/Ua. mzcLLt2AAane.a. Z. Naturforsch., 50: 719 (1963).

CRAWLEY, J.C.W. - The fine structure of AceXabuZcuUd. Exptl. Cell. Res., 32: 368-378 (1963).

de VITRY, F. - Etude autoradiographique de 1'incorporation de la 3H-5- méthylcytosine chez AcztcÜstxloAia mZ(iÜt2AA.anza. Exptl. Cell Res., 31: 376-381 (1963).

DIAZ-FIFERRER, M. - Adiciones a la flora marina de Puerto Rico. Carib. J. Sci., 3: 215-235 (1963).

GIBOR, A. and IZAWA, M. - The DNA content of the chloroplasts of AcztabuZoAlOL. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 50: 1164-1169 (1963).

HSMMERLING, J. - Nucleocytoplasmic interactions in Aa2XabaÙXMAM. and other cells. Ann. Rev. Plant Physiol., 14: 65-92 (1963a).

HAMMERLING, J. - The role of the nucleus in differentiation in AcztabulanÂCL. Symposia Soc. Exptl. Biol., 17: 127-137 (1963b).

JANOWSKI, M. - Incorporation de phosphore radioactif dans les acides ribo- nuclêiques de fragments nuclêés et anuclêés AceX:abuZa/u,a mQ.ditQÂÂ.anza.. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim., 71: 819-820 (1963).

KECK, K. - The nuclear control of synthetic activities in AcQÀ.abuiiaJvia.. Proceedings of the XVI Int. Congress of Zoology, 3: 203-207* (1963).

KECK, K. and CROULES, E.A. - An analysis of cellular and subcellular Systems which transform the species character of acid phosphatase in AziXahuÂJxnÂJi. J. Cell Biol., 18: 459-469 (1963).

LATEUR, L. - Une technique de culture pour 1'Aceta6a£a/U.a rnzdltOAHama., Rev. Algol., n.s., 1: 26-37 (1963). 19

NAKAZAWA.S, - Nucleus-cytoplasm interactions in cell differentiàtion of

Aoetabulajcia. Seibutsu Kagaku, 15: 58-63 (1963).

PUISEUX-DAO, S. - Les Acétabulaires, matériel de laboratoire. Les résultats obtenus avec ces Chlorophycées. L'Année Biol.,11,3-4: 99-154 (1963).

RICHTER, G. - Die Tagesperiodik der Photosynthèse bei AcdtabtxÙvUa. und ihre Abhângigkeit von Kernaktivitat, RNS- und Proteinsynthese. Z, Naturforsch., 18b:l085-1089 (1963).

SCHERBAUM, O.H. - Acid-soluble phosphates in nucleate and enucleate Acfctaba- toJujx. I, Paper-chromatographic patterns, Biochim, Biophys, Acta, 72: 509-515 (1963),

SCHWEIGER, H,G, and SCHWEIGER,, E, - Zur Wirkung von Actinomycin C auf KCQXCÛÛVJUXÂÀJX., Naturwissenschaften, 50: 620-621 (1963).

TERBORGH, J. - Studies on the growth and morphogenesis of Ace^tabuIoAla CAZnuZata. Thesis, Harvard University (1963).

VANDERHAEGHE,F. - Role des acides nucléiques dans la sjmthèse des protéines chez Aaetabularia méditevvanea. Bull. Soc. Franç. Physiol. Végét., 9: 65-77 (1963).

WERZ, G. - Morphogenetische Wirkungen von Aminosaure bei Acetabularien. I, Wirkungen von 3-C-Aminosauren und verwandten Derivaten, Planta, 60: 205-210 (1963a).

WERZ, G. - Morphogenetische Wirkungen von Aminosaure bei Acetabularien. .II. Die Beeinflussung der Morphogenese durch einige 4-C-Aminosâuren. Planta, 60: 211-215 (1963b).

WERZ, G. - Vergleichende Zellmembraneanalysen bei verschiedenen Dasycladaceèn. Planta, 60: 322-330 (r963c).

WERZ,G. - Das Femsehmikroskop und seine Anwendung fîir qualitative und quantitative Untersuchungen in der Zellforschung. Z. wiss. Mikrosk, und mikrosk. Techn., 65: 265-278 (1963d). 20

WERZ, G. and ZETSCHE, K. - Autoradiographische Untersuchungen an ver- dunkelten, einkemigen Transplantaten von AaztabuZofUa m(Lciit&AAa.n2.a.. Planta, 59: 563-566 (1963).

ZETSCHE, K. - Der Einfluss von Kinetin und Giberellin auf die Morphogenese kemhaltiger und kernloser Acetabularien. Planta, 59: 624-634 (1963a).

ZETSCHE, K. - Das morphologische und physiologische Verhalten implantierter Zellkeme bei AcztaJ3alaAA.a mzdltZÂAanza. Planta, 60: 331-338 (1963b). 21


ALMODOVAR, L.R. - The marine algae of Guanica, Puerto Rico. Rev. Algol, 7: 129-150 (1964a).

ALMODOVAR, L.R. - The marine algae of Bahia de Jobos, Puerto Rico.' Nova Hedwigia, 7: 33-52 (1964b).

BOÜCK, G.B. - Fine structure in AcztabuZa/Ua and its relation to proto• plasmic streaming. In: Primitive motile Systems in Cell Biology. Eds. Allen, R.D. and Kamiya, N., Academie Press, New York and London, pp.7-18(1964).

BRACHET, J. - Nouvelles observations sur le rôle des acides nucléiques dans la morphogenèse. In: Acidi nucleici e loro funzione biologica. Convegno Antonio Baselli. Milano, 16-18 settembre 1963, pp. 288-315 (1964a).

BRACHET,J. - The rôle of nucleic acids and sulphydryl groups in morphogenesis (amphibian egg development, régénération in Aoetabularia). Adv. Morphog., 3: 247-300 (1964b).

BRACHET, J., DENIS, H. and de VITRY, F. - The effects of actinomycin D and puromycin on morphogenesis in amphibian eggs and AcztabaJL(X/u,a mQ.cLLtQJUumza.. Develop. Biol., 9: 398-434 (1964).

BRACHET, J. and GOFFEAÜ, A. - Le rôle des acides désoxyribonucléiques (DNA) dans la synthèse des protéines chloroplastiques chez AcztabuJLixnyicL mzdlteAAMma. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 259: 2899-2909 (1964).

CRAWLEY, J.C.W. - Cytoplasmic fine structure in AcztabuZciAÂa.. Exptl. Cell Res., 35: 497-506 (1964). de VITRY, F. - Etude autoradiographique de l'incorporation d'actinomycine J^C chez AcztabuZcuUa mzcLùteAAxmza. C.R. Acad. Sci., Paris, 258: 4829-4831 (1964a). de VITRY, F. - Etude autoradiographique des effets de la 5-fluorodéoxyuridine, de 1 'actinomycine et de la puromycine chez Acztabaixi>UM. mzcLLtZAAanza. Develop. Biol., 9: 484-504 (1964b). 22

DIAZ - PIFERRER,M. - Adiciones a la flora marina de las Antillas Holandesas, Curazao,y Bonaire, Carib. J. Sci., 4: 513-543 (1964).

DIXIT, S.C. - Species list of Indian marine algae determined by Boergesen. J. Univ. Bombay, 32: 1-23 (1964).

HSMMERLING, J. - Gibt es bei Dasycladaceen Zoosporen? Ann. Biol., 3: 33-35 (1964).

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SCHWEIGER,H.G., DEHM,P. and BERGER,S. - Culture conditions for Aoetabularia. In: Progress in Aoetabularia Research, Woodcock, CL.F., éd., Academie Press, New York-San Francisco-London, pp.319-330 (1977).

SCHWEIGER,H.G. and KARAKASHIAN,M, - A température sensitive step in a circadian clock. Protoplasma, 91: 227-228 (1977).

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SPRING,H., KROHNE,G., FRANKE,W.W., TRENDELENBURG.M.F. and SCHEER,U. - Transerip- tiónal units of nucleoli and chromosomes of primary nuclei from various Aoetabularia species. Protoplasma, 91: 228 (1977).

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VANDEN DRIESSCHEjT. - Evaluation of the role of membranes in the photosynthesis eircadian rhythm of Aaetabularia. Abstracts in the EMBO Workshop 1976 on oscillatory phenomena in biological systems. Organ: Boiteux,A., Hess,B., Urray,J. and Plesser,T. Compte rendu: Oscillatoiry phenomena in biologieal systems. FEBS Letters, 75: 1-3 (1977c).

VANDEN DRIESSCHE,T. - Contribution à l'étude du mécanisme moléculaire de la rythmicité circadienne. Thèse d'agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur. Université Libre de Brtixelles, Année acad. (1 977-1 978d) . .

VANDEN DRIESSCHE.T. and CERF,E. - Effects of morphactins on the chloroplast ultrastructure. J. Ultrastruct. Res., 59: 140-148 (1977).

VANDEN DRIESSCHE.T. and DELEGHER.V. - The présence of an auxin-like substance in Aaetabularia and its relation to growth and morphogenesis. In: Progress in Aaetabularia Research, Woodcock, C.L.F., éd.. Academie Press, New York- San Francisco-London, pp.287-303 (1977).

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WALLRAFF,H.G., SCHWEIGER,E., CAIRNS.W.L., W0LFF,D. and SCHWEIGER,H.G. - Improved procedure for processing of eircadian rhythm data from individual cells of Aaetabularia. In: Progress in Aaetabularia Research, Woodcock, C.L.F., éd.. Academie Press, New York-San Francisco, London, pp.331-338 (1977). 107

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YAMAKAWA,M., IKEHARA,N. and SCHWEIGER,H.G. - The occurrence of a 5' - methyl- thioadenosine nucleosidase in Aoetabulavia meditevvanea. In: Progress in Aoetabulavia Research, Woodcock, C.L.F., éd.. Academie Press, New York-San Franciseo-London, pp.33-38 (1977).

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ASTAUROVA,O.B., AFANASOVA,L.A., SALAMAKHA.O.V. and YAZYKOV.A.A. - The.isozyme composition of malate dehydrogenase in the chloroplast fraction in two species of. Aaetabularia. 14th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21-30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.471 (1978).

BELYAEV,N.D., GAVRILOVSKAYA,I.N., GORBUNOVA.E.E. and SANDAKHCHIEV,C.S. - Study of viral-specifie product upon injection of tobacco mosaie virus RNA préparations and native virus into Aaetabularia. Mol. Biol. (Moscow), 12: 619-627 (1978). „

BELYAEV,N.D. , GORBÜNOVA,E,.E., MAMAEVA,O.A. and SANDAKHCHIEV,L. S. - Micro injection of exogenous macromolecules into Aoetabularia and methods of the new-synthesized products assay. Izv. Sib. Otd. Akad. Nouk. SSSR, Ser. Biol. Naak, 10: 68-72 (1978).

BERGER,S. and ZELLMER,M. - Alternating polarity in rRNA genes. Cytobiologie, 18: 205 (1978).

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BONOTTO.S., D'EMILIO,M.A. and KIRCHMANN,R. - Recent work on the biological and bioehemical effects of gamma radiations on the unicellular marine alga Aoetabularia mediterranea. 14th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21- 30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.472 (1978).

BONOTTO,S., NUYTS,G., BAUGNET-MAHIEU,L., GILLES,J., DUJARDIN,E. and SIRONVAL.C. - Evidence for heterogeneity of chloroplasts in Aoetabularia: fluorescence émission and protein synthesis. Int. Symp. on Chloroplast Development, Spetsai , Greece, July, 9-15, 1978. Abstracts, p.14 (1978a).

BONOTTO,S., NUYTS.C, BAUGNET-MAHIEU,L. , GILLES,J. , DUJARDIN.E. and SIRONVAL,C. - Evidence for heterogeneity of chloroplasts in Aoetabularia: fluorescence émission and protein synthesis. In: Chloroplast Development, Akoyunoglou, G. and Argyroudi-Akoyunoglou, J.H., eds., Elsevier/ North-Holland Biomédical Press, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford, pp.333-344 (1978b).

BONOTTO,S., NUYTS,G., BOSSUS,A., BAUGNET-MAHIEU,L., GILLES,J. and KIRCHMANN.R. - Heterogeneity of chloroplast in the green unicellular alga Aoetabularia mediter• ranea and effects of radiations on their protein synthesis. 14th Ann. Meeting Eur. Soc. Rad. Biol., Jülich,FRG,Ofctober 9-13, 1978. Abstracts, p.31 (1978).

BOURGEOIS,P., BAECKELANDT.P. and LEGROS,F. - Effect of animal and plant hormones on insulin fixation to Aoetabularia mediterranea, Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim., 86: 708-714 (1978).

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CAIRNS,E. - Translation of animal virus RNA in Aoetabularia, Cytobiologie, 18: 207 (1978).

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CAIRNS,E., DOERFLER.W. and SCHWEIGER.H.G. - Expression of a DNA animal virus genome in a plant cell. FEBS Letters, 96: 295-297 (1978).

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CINELLI,F. - Aoetàbulcœia aoetahulvm (L.) Silva, Acetabular-ia parvula Solms Laubach and Dasyaladus vermiautavis (Scop.) Krass. (Chlorophytaj Dasyatadaaeae): ecology and distribution in the Mediterranean Sea. 14th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21-30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.472 (1978).

D'EMILIO ,M.A. and BONOTTO,S. - Eterogeneita dei cloroplasti in Aaetabularia. Giom. Bot. Ital., 112: 118 (1978).

EISEMAN,N.J., BENZ,M.C. and SERBOUSEK,D.E. - A new record of Aaetabularia oalyaulus from Florida. Florida Scientist, Al: 42-45 (1978).

FRANKE,W.W., SCHEER,U., TRENDELENBURG.M., ZENTGRAF,H. and SPRING,H. - Morphology of transcriptionally active chromatin. Gold Spring Harbor Symposium on Quantita• tive Biology, Vol.42, Chromatin, Part 2, pp.755-772 (1978).

GRADMANN.D. - Green light (550 nm) inhibits electrogenic Cl" pump in the Aaetabula:r'La membrane by permeability increase for the carrier ion. J. Membrane Biol., 44: 1-24 (1978).

GRAVETjC. - Etude macroscopique et modélisation des mouvements de chloroplastes chez 1' Acêtabulaire. Mémoire de Licence, Université de Liège, Département de Botanique, pp.1-53 (1978-1979).

GREEN,B.R. - Synthesis of membrane polypeptides by isolated chloroplasts of Aoetabularia. Plant Physiol., 61, Suppl.: 104 (1978).

HENRY,P.E., BOURGEOIS,P., BAECKELANDT,P. and LEGROS,F. - Relationships between metabolization of carbohydrates and insulin fixation to Aoetabularia in LD con• ditions. I4th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21-30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.473 (1978). 111

HEUNERT,H.H. - Beobachtungen übér die Plasmaströmung der Grünalge Acetabularia, Protoplasma, 93, 477-479 (1978).

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KHOLMATOVA.M.D., MAKHMADBEKOVA.L.M., ALIEV.K.A. and NASYROV,Y.S. - Intracellular RNA transport in regenerating Aaetabularia. 14th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21-30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.473 (1978).

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KOOP,H.U. and HEUNERT,H.H. - Spindelbildung und Teilung des Primarkernes von Aoetabularïa. Cytobiologie, 18: 198 (1978).

KOOP.H.U, and SCHMID,R. - Rhythmische Schwankungen des Plasmagehaltes im Rhizoid von jungen i4cetai>uZ.aria-Zellen. Cytobiologie, 18: 210 (1978).

KOOP,H.U., SCHMID,R., HEUNERT,H.H. and MILTHALER,B. - Chloroplast migration: a new circadian rhythm in Aoetabutaria. Protoplasma, 97: 301-310 (1978).

KOOP,H.ü,, SPRING,H., HEUNERT,H.H. and SCHMID.R. - Continuous observation of the giant primary nucleus of Aaetabularia in situ. Protoplasma, 96: 89-99 (1978).

LEONG.T.Y. - The role of protein synthesis in the circadian clock: purification and properties of a polypeptide tentatively involved in the clock. Cytobiologie, 18: 210 (1978).

LEONG,T.Y. and SCHWEIGER.H.G. - The role of chloroplast membrane protein synthesis in the circadian clock. Occurrence of a polypeptide which tentatively is involved in the clock. In: Chloroplast Development, Akoyunoylou, G. and Argyroudi- Akoyunoglou.J.A., eds., Elsevier/North-Holland Biomédical Press, Amsterdam-New York- Oxford, pp.323-332 (1978). 112

MINDER,C. and VANDEN DRIESSCHE.T. - Changes in the cyclic AMP content during growth and development of Aaetahularia, Differentiation, 10: 165-170 (1978).

MOORE.F.D. and SHEPHARD,D.C. - Chloroplast Autonomy in pigment synthesis. Protoplasma, 94: 1-17 (1978).

PADMANABHAN,U. and GREEN,B.R. - The kinetic complexity of Aoetahularia chloroplast DNA. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 521: 67-73 (1978).

PÂQUES,M., SIRONVAL,C. and BONOTTO.S. - Chloroplast distribution along the stalk of Aaetabularia meditervanea. I4th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21-30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.474 (1978)'.

PRIMKE,M. - Fusion of protoplasts trom Aoetàbulcœi.a. Cytobiologie, 18: 181 (1978).

PRIMKE,M., BERGER,S. and SCHWEIGER,H.G. - Protoplasts trom Acetabulcœia: Isolation and fusion. Cytobiologie, 16: 375-380 (1978).

PUISEUX-DAO,S. , HOURSIANGOU-NEUBRUN.-D. and DUBACQ,J.P. - Heterogeneous differen- tiation of the chloroplasts in Aoetahularia medi-tevranea and its relation with intracellular .streaming. Int. Symp. on Chloroplast Development, Spatsai, Greece, July 9-15, 1978. Abstracts, p.84 (1978).

PUISEUX-DAO,S., HOURSIANGOÜ,NEUBRUN,D. and DUBACQ.J.P. - Heterogeneity of the plastid population and cellular streaming in Aoetabula:ïyLa mediterranea. In: Chloroplast Development, Akoyunoglou.G. and Argyroudi-Akoyunoglou, J»H., eds., Elsevier/North-Holland Biomédical Press, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford, pp.345-352 (1978).

ROGATYKH,N.P., ZUBAREV,T.N., MELiaJMYAN,V.G., STVOLYNSKY,S.C. and YASINOVSKY.V.G. The induction of synthesis and distribution of "morphogenetic substances" in Aaetabular-ia med-iterranea. I4th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21-30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.475 (1978). 113

SANO,U. , IKEMORI,M. and ARASAKI.,M. - Distribution and ecology of Aoetabulavia Qalyculua and Halophyla ovalis along the coast of Toyama Bay in Noto P J. Geobotany, 26: 49-61 (1978).

SCHWEIGER,H.G. - Zirkadiane Rhythmen in Einzellern. Arznaira.-Forsch. (Drug Res.)> 28, 10a: 1814-1818 (1978).

SPRING,H., GRIERSON,D., HEMLEBEN,V., STÖHR,M., KROHNE,G., STADLER.J. and FRANKE,W.W. - DNA contents and numbers of nucleoli and pre-rRNA-genes in nuclei of gamètes and végétative cells of Aaetabularïa mediterranea. Exp. Geil Res., 114: 203-215 (1978).

SCHWEIGER,H.G. and LEONG.T.Y. - The search of a chloroplast protein which is essential for a circadian rhythm. Int. Symp. on Chloroplast Development, Spetsai , Greece, July 9-15, 1978. Abstracts, p.102 (1978).

TIKHOMIROVA,L.A., SALAMAKHA.O.V., BETINA.M.I., YANUSHEVICH.I.V. and ZUBAREV,T.N. - About formation of the multifile nucleoli of Aoetabularia mediterranea. I4th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21-30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.475 (1978).

TRONO,G.C. - Notes on some marine benthic algae of Sta. Cruz , Marinduque, Philippines. Technical Report n°54, U.P. Nat. Sci. Res. Center, Diliman, Quezon City, pp.1 -24 (1978).

TRONO.G.C., SANTIAGO,A.E. and GANZON-FORTES.E. - Notes on thè genus Aoetabularia (Chlorophyta) in the Philippines. Kalikasan, Philipp. J. Biol., 7: 77-90 (1978).

TRONO.G.C. and TÜASON.A. - Notes on some marine benthic algae from Bakawan and Sula Islands, province of Catanduanes, Quezon City, pp.1-19 (1978).

VANDEN DRIESSCHE,T. - Régulation des rhythmes circadiens au cours du développement, Physiol. Végét., 16: 825-826 (1978).

VANDEN DRIESSCHE,!., DOEGE.K.J., MINDER,C. and CAIRNS,W.L. - Circadian rhythm in cyclic AMP content iri Aoetabularia. Abstract. Chronobiologie, 5: 200 (1978). 114

YAMAKAWA,M. - Régulation of the' cleavage of 5'-methylthioadenosine in the life cycle of Aoetabularia mediterranea. Cytobiologie, 18: 209-210 (1978).

ZUBAREV,T.N. and ROGATYKH,N.P. - The nucleocytoplasmic relationships on Aoetabularia instance. 14th Int. Congr. of Genetics, Moscow, August 21-30, 1978. Abstracts, Part 2, p.476 (1978). 115


ARASAKI,S. and SHIHIRA-ISHIKAWA,I. - Distribution and ecology of Aaetabulavia in Japan. In: Developmental Biology of Acetabularia, Bonotto.S., Kefeli.V. and Puiseux-Dao,S., eds., Elsevier/North-Holland Biomédical Press, Amsterdam- New York-Oxford, pp.15-18 (1979).

ASTAUROVA,O.B., AFANASOVA,L.A., SALAMAKHA.O.V. and YAZYKOV,A.A. - Isozyme compositon of malate dehydrogenase in two species of Aoetabulariaj in normal conditions and after nuclear implantation. In: Developmental Biology of Aaetabularïaj Bonotto,S., Kefeli,V. and Puiseux-Dao,S., eds., Elsevier/North- Holland Biomédical Press, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford, pp.259-268 (1979).

BACHMANN,P. and ZETSCHE,K. - A close temporal and spatial corrélation between cell growth, cell wall synthesis and activity of enzymes of mannan synthesis in Aaetabulairi.a mediterxvcnea. Planta (Berlin), 145: 331-337 (1979).

BANNWARTH,H., BANNWARTH-PABST,W. and BERGER,S. - Aaetabularia - ein geeignetes Objekt zur Untersuchung zellkerncytoplasmatischer Wechselwirkungen im Biologie- unterricht. Teil 1: Merotomieversuche. MNU,Der Mathematische und Naturwissenschaft liche Unterricht, Ferd. Ümmlers Verlag, Bonn/ Hirschgraben-Verlag, Frankfurt/M., pp.32:485-498 (1979).

BELYAYEV,N.D., GAVRILOVSKAYA^LN., GORBÜNOVA,E.E., MAMAYEVA.O.A. and SANDAKHCHIEV,L.S. - Biosynthesis of nucleic acids and proteins after injection of heterologous templates into Aaetabularia. In: Developmental Biology of AaetabulariUj Bonotto,S., Kefeli,V. and Puiseux-Dao,S., eds., Elsevier/North Holland Biomédical Press, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford, pp.295-308 (1979).

BERGER,S., KLOPPSTECHjK. and SCHWEIGER,H.G, - Aaetabularia kilneri (Chlorophyta, Dasyaladaaeae)3 another large species of Aaetabularia in culture. In: Developmental Biology of Aaetabularia^ Bonotto,S., Kefeli,V. and Puiseux-Dao,S., eds., Elsevier/North-Holland Biomédical Press, Amsterdam-New York-^Oxford, pp.35-44 (1979).

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BONOTTO,S. - Observations on the morphogenesis of Batophora oerstedii. In: Developmental Biology of AoetabulcœiUj Bonotto,S., Kefeli,V. and Puiseux-Dao,S., eds., Elsevier/North Holland Biomédical Press, Amsterdam-New York-Oxford, pp. 27- 34 (1979b).

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