SCK.CEN 0096329 STUDIECENTRUM VOOR KERNENERGIE m T R LIST OF REFERENCES ON ACETABULARIA AND THE OTHER E DASYCLADACEAE FOR THE PERIOD 1960-1980 T U S. BONOTTO, A. LUTTKE E m E R G N U C November 1980 L BLG 541 144, avenue E. P4asky, BRUXELLES 4 E. Plaskylaan 144, BRUSSEL 4 (BELGIQUE) (BELGIË) LIST OF REFERENCES ON ACETABULABIA AND THE OTHER DASYCLADACEAE FOR THE PERIOD 1960-1980 Silvano BONOTTO and Angel a LUTTKE Department of Radiobiology C.E.N.-S.C.K. 2400 MOL Belgium BLG 541 s. BONOTTO, A. LUTTKE BLG 541 (Nov. 1980) LIST OF REFERENCES ON ACETABULARIA AND THE OTHER DASYCLADACEAE FOR THE PERIOD 1960-1980 Summary. - The authors report a list ot références on the marine alga AcBtabularia and the other Dasycladaceae for the period 1960-1980. The list comprises more than 1100 papers and 5 figures. S. BONOTTO, A, LUTTKE BLG 541 (Nov. 1980) LIST OF REFERENCES ON ACETABULARIA AND THE OTHER DASYCLADACEAE FOR THE PERIOD 1960-1980 Résumé. - Les auteurs reportent une liste de références sur l'algue marine Acatabularia et les autres Dacycladaceae pour la période 1960-1980. La liste comprend plus de 1100 publications et 5 figures. S. BONOTTO, A. LUTTKE BLG 541 (Nov. 1980) LIST OF REFERENCES ON ACETABULARIA AND THE OTHER DASYCLADACEAE FOR THE PERIOD 1960-1980 Samenvatting. - De auteurs stellen een publil<atieli)st voor over de zeealg Acatabularia en de andere Dasyc/adaceae tijdens de p<îriode 1960-1980. De lijst bestaat uit meer dan 1100 publicaties en Sfiguren. LIST OF REFERENCES ON ACETABULARIA AND THE OTHER DASYCLADACEAE FOR THE PERIOD 1960-1980. SUMMARY The authors report a list of références on the marine alga Aaetabularia and the other Dasyaladaoeae for the period 1960-1980. The list comprises more than 1100 papers and 5 figures. RESUME Les auteurs reportent une liste de références sur l'algue marine Aoetahu- Icayta et les autres Dasyaladaoeae pour la période 1960-1980. La liste ccmprend plus de 1100 publications et 5 figures. SAMENVATTING De auteurs stellen een publikatielijst voor over de zeealg Aoetabuloïyùa en de andere Dasyaladaoeae tijdens de periode 1960-1980. De lijst be• staat uit meer dan 1100 publicaties en 5 figuren. INTRODUCTORY NOTE On the occasion of the International Workshop on Movphogenes-ùs in Aoetabu- laHa (Berlin-West, September 6-9, 1980), we prepared a list of références on Aoetahulcœia and the other Basycladaoeae for the period 1960-1980. The list extends those previously published by other authors (Puiseux-Dao, 1970; Schweiger et al., 1974; Bonotto et al., 1976). Author names are given in alphabetical order per year. Moreover, pictures of several species of Dasyatadaaeae axe. added to the list with the aim of making known, especially to young students, the peculiar morphology of this group of marine algae. Although the list has been updated, some références are still lacking, mainly those on fossil Dasyatadaaeae, Therefore, we wish to invite the "Acetabularists" to send us the références not included in the list, which could be reported in one of the next issues of "Aaetabular-ia Newsletter", for the benefit of the entire Aaetabulopia community. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We acknowledge the kind receipt of pictures from Dr N.J. Eiseman (Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc., Florida, U.S.A.), Dr S.A. Moorjani (University of Nairobi, Kenya), Dr I. Shihira-Ishikawa (University of Osaka, Japan) and Dr H.B.S. Womersley (University of Adelaide, South Australia). We thank also the kind help of the following persons: Dr D. van der Ben ( Institut Royal de Sciences Naturelles de Belgique, Brussels ), Mrs M.C. Hemelaers-Gielen, Mrs J. Romeyer-Luyten, Mrs C. Huysmans-Van- baelen, Mrs A. Bonotto-Vanbaelen and Mr G. Bas and Mr H. Fredrix of the Edition Service of the C.E.N.-S.C.K. REFERENCES BONOTTO.S., LURQUIN.P. and MAZZA,A. - Recent advances in research on the marine alga Aaetabularia. Adv. Mar. Biol., 14: 123-250' (1976) PUISEUX-DAO.S. - Aaetabularia and cell biology, Logos Press, London, pp.1-162 (1970). SCHWEIGER.H.G., BERGER,S., BONOTTO.S. and FOCKEN,H. - Aoetabularia and other Dasyaladaoeae: Bibliography of the reprint collection of the Max-Planck-Institut fur Zellbiologie. Reports from the Max-Planck-Institut fur Zellbiologie, Wilhelmshaven, n"1, pp.1-81 (1974). Fig. 1. Cap of Aaetabularia mediterranea, which according to the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature should now be called Aaetabularia aoetdbulvm (L.) Silva. Fig. 2. Bornetella (above) and Aaetabular-ia ryukyuensis (below) (courtesy of Dr I. Shihira Ishikawa, University of Osaka, Japan). Fig. 3. Cap (above) and group of cells (below) of Aaetdbularia antillana (courtesy of Dr N.J, Eiseman, Harbor Branch Foundation, Inc., Florida, U.S.A.). Fig. 4. Group of cells of Aaetabularia aalyaulus (courtesy of Dr H.B.S. Womersley, University of Adélaïde, South Australia). B Fig. 5. Caps of Aaetabularia pentaulus without (A) and with cysts (B) and Batophora oerstedii at the beginning of the reproductive phase (arrows) (C) and with full developed sporangia (D). 1860 BRACHET.J. - Ribonucleic acids and the synthesis of cellular proteins. Nature, 186: 194-199 (1960a). BRACHETjJ. - Le controle de la sjmthëse des protéines. Scientia, 54: 1-6 (1960b). BRACHET,J. and 0LSZEWSKA,M,J. - Influence of localized ultra-violet irradiation on the incorporation of adenine-8-^^C and DL methionine-^^S Aoetabular-ia meditervanea. Nature, 187: 954-955 (1960). BREMER,H.J. and SCHWEIGER,H.G. - Der NH3-Gehalt kemhaltiger und kemloser Acetabularien. Planta, 55: 13-21 (1960). CHAUDEFAUD,M. and EMBERGER,L. - Traité de Botanique. Systématique. Tome I. Masson et Cie., Paris, pp.371-375 (1960). CLAUSS,H. - Protein synthesis in nucleate and enucleated cells of Aaetabula:ï'ia. 10. Congr. Int. Biol. Cell., Paris, p. 17 (1960). IRIKI,Y. and MIWA,T. - Chemical nature of the cell wall of the green algae, CodiiMTij Aoetabularia and Haliaoryne. Nature, 185: 178-179 (1960). KECKjK. - Nucleo-cytoplasmic interactions in the synthesis of species- specific proteins iri Aoetabularia. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm., 3: 56-61 (1960). NAORA,H., NAORA.H. and BRACHET,J.- Studies on independent synthesis of cytoplasmic ribonucleic acids in Aaetabularia mediterranea. J. Gen. Physiol., 43: 1083-1102 (1960). 0LSZEWSKA,M.J. and BRACHET.J. - Incorporation de la DL-méthionine--^^S dans V algue Aaetabularia mediterranea. Arch. Int. Physiol. Biochim., 68: 693-694 (1960). 10 PUISEUX-DAO.S. - Le comportement du noyau chez le Batophora oevstedii J. Ag. (Dasycladacées) privé de lumière; ce que l'on peut en déduire sur la structure des nucléoles. C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 250: 176-178 (1960). SATO.T. - Versuche zur Formbildung bei Aaetabularia. Roux' Arch. Entwicklungsmech. der Organismen, 151: 586-611 (1960). SCHWEIGER,H.G. and BREMER,H.J. - Das Verhàlten verschiedener P-Fraktionen in kemhaltigen und kemlosen Aoetahulavia meditevranea. Z. Naturf orsch., 15b: 395-400 (1960a). SCHWEIGER.H.'G. and BREMER,H.J. - Nachweis cytoplasmatischer Ribonuclein- sauresynthese in kemlosen Acetabularien. Exptl. Cell Res., 20: 617-618 (1960b). SCHWEIGER,H.G. and BREMER.H.J. - Zur RNS-Synthese in kemlosen Acetabularien. Gemeinsame Tagung der deutschen, franzosischen und schweizerischen Biochemiker, Zîlrich, Abstract (1960). SEGAWAjS. and KAMURA,S. - Marine flora of Ryukyu Islands. Biol. Inst. Ryukyus, pp.1-72 (1960). TAYLORjW.R. - Marine algae of the eastera tropical and subtropical coasts of the America. Ann. Arbor Univ. pp.97-107 (1960). WERZ,G. -Öber die Wirkung von Dunkelheit auf den Proteingehalt kerahaltiger und kernloser Zellteile von Aoetahularia mediterranea. Z. Naturforsch., 15b: 85-90 (1960a). WERZ,G. - Anreicherung von Ribonucleins'âure in der Wuchszone von Aoetdbularia mediterranea. Planta, 55: 22-37 (1960b). WERZjG. - tJber Strukturierungen der Wuchszonen von Aaetabularia mediterranea. Planta, 55: 38-56 (1960c). WERZjG. - Distribution and origin of cytoplasmic RNA and basic protein and their relations to morphogenetic substances in Aaetabularia. 10 Congr. Int. Biol. Cell., Paris, pp.16-17 (1960d). 11 1961 ALMODOVAR, L.R. and BLOMQUIST, H.L. - Notes on marine aIgae of Cabo Rojo, Puerto .Rico.:--Quart. J. Florida Acad. Sci. , 24: 81-93 (1961). BRACHET, J. - Morphogenetic effects of lipoic acid on Amphibiari embryos. Nature, 189: 156-157 (1961a). BRACHET, J. - Nucleocytoplasmic interactions in unicellular organisms. In: The Cell. Brachet, J. and Mirsky, A.E., Eds., pp. 771-841. Academie Press, New York and London (1961b). BRACHET,J. - The living cell. Scientific American, 205:51-62 (1960c). CLAUSS, H. - Über den Einbau von 35s in Acztabula/Ua. me.cUteAAan<L<X., Z. Naturforsch., 16b: 770-771 (1961). CLAUSS, H. and WERZ, G. - Über die Geschwindigkeit der Proteinsynthese in kernlosen und kernhaltigen Zeilen von Ace<a6u£a^a. Z. Naturforsch., 16b: 161-165 (Î961). CRIBB,A.B. - Some marine algae from Thursday Island and surrounding areas. Univ. Queensland Papers, Dep. Bot., 4: 51-59 (1960). DOMANTAY, J.S. - An ecological survey of the marine végétation of the Hundred Islands and vicinity. Philippine J. Sci., 90: 271-295 (1961). FREI, E. and PRESTON, R.D. - Variants in the structural polysaccharides of algalcell walls. Nature, 192: 939-943 (1961). KECK, K. - Nuclear and cytoplasmic factors determining the species spe- cificity of enzyme/proteins in AceXabuZcuUa. Annals New York Acad. Sci., 94: 741-752 (1961). MENEZ, E.G. - The marine algae of the Hundred Islands, Philippines, Philippine J. Sci., 90: 37-86 (1961). MIWA, I., IRIKI, Y. and SUZUKI, T. - Mannan and xylan as essential cell wall constituents of some siphonous green algae. Chimie et physico• chimie des principes immédiats tirés des algues. Coll. Int. Centre Nat. Rech. Sci., 103: 135-144 (1961). 12 OLSZEWSKA, M.Ji and BRACHET, J. - Incorporation de la DL-méthionine-^^S dans les fragments nucléés et anucléés Ac&tahuZa/Ua mzcLUtWumOJX. Exptl. Cell Res., 22: 370-380 (1961). OLSZEWSKA, M. ,de VITRY, F. and BRACHET, J. - Influence d'irradiations localisées sur l'incorporation de l'adênine-8-l^C, de l'uridine-3H et de la DL-méthionine-35s dans l'algue kcztabuZoÂAM.
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