Insurance Worker

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Insurance Worker Insurance Worker OCTOBER 2017 1 Insurance Worker 2 OCTOBER 2017 Insurance Worker VOLUME 60 NUMBER 10 OCTOBER 2017 Monthly Journal of All India Insurance Employees’ Association EDITOR: AMANULLA KHAN THE TRAGEDY OF GORAKHPUR TÔüsÉ SãZÉã jÉå eÉlÉÉeÉÉåÇ mÉå AYxÉU qÉælÉå to Japanese Encephalitis in BRD Hospital. MüsÉ ‘aÉÉåUZÉmÉÑU’ qÉåÇ TÔüsÉÉãÇ MüÉ eÉlÉÉeÉÉ SåZÉÉ The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh has cited Flowers I had seen often decorating the coffins unhygienic conditions as the reason for these Yesterday sadly in Gorakhpur I saw coffins of flowers deaths and the spread of disease. Following These two lines of Gulzar speak of the the Gorakhpur tragedy it came to light that pain, agony and anger of the nation at the large numbers of children have lost their Gorakhpur tragedy. It is unfortunate that 60 lives in hospitals in Chhattisgarh and Nasik children died between August 7 and 11 in in Maharashtra. This pathetic situation is BRD Hospital, Gorakhpur, the Constituency of due to the neglect of the health care and the the U.P Chief Minister due to lack of oxygen. misplaced priorities of the government. It was sheer negligence and insensitivity It is common knowledge that the public towards the poor that so many young lives health system in India has totally collapsed. were snuffed out. In the face of the national Large parts of the country do not even have outcry, the blame game has begun. While primary health centres. The obsession with the hospital administration has blamed the privatisation of health services has virtually government for lack of funds, infrastructure killed the public health system making the and non-renewal of contract with the oxygen health services unaffordable for the poor. It cylinder supplier, the government has blamed is a matter of shame that while we proudly the doctors and the administration. The claim to be the fastest growing large economy government has ordered an enquiry and has in the world, India’s public spending on placed some doctors under suspension. But health care is abysmally low. The government what is disgusting is that there is no political hospitals lack both human and other necessary accountability over the loss of so many young infrastructure. It is estimated that public lives. spending on health is only around 1.3 percent The death of young children in Gorakhpur of the GDP while China which is a five time is not something new. Since 2012, it is bigger economy than India spends more than reported that 3000 children have died due 4 percent of its GDP on health care. The World In This Issue Early Days of Insurance Worker 50th Year of Marthrdom of the Chandrasekhar Bose 9 Legendary Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara The Continuing Relevance of the Great B. Sanyal 19 October Revolution aÉæU-oÉUÉoÉU pÉÉUiÉ Shreekant Mishra 12 LlÉ.Måü.mÉcÉÉæUÏ 22 Demonetisation ; Cover page images courtesy: Serious Blunder, Massive Disaster Nina-@rprasad66 -Aug13 via facebook, Santosh Kumar Mohapatra 16 Satish Acharya and Sabrang India No.8, OTC Road, Bengaluru-560002, Ph:080-22211883 Subscription e-mail: [email protected] Cover Design & Lay-out: Annual : Rs. 120 Kriya Prakashana [email protected] M.Ramu, Single Copy: Rs. 10 OCTOBER 2017 1 Insurance Worker Health Organisation prescribes 1 doctor for Sub-Saharan African countries. What is more 1000 people but in India the ratio is 1:1700. disgusting is that girls continue to die in larger It is estimated that there is a shortage of over numbers than the boys. It is time that the 5 lakh doctors in the country. government wakes up to the reality, change It is a matter of shame that India accounts its priorities and focus on developing a strong for the largest numbers of deaths of children public health system. The neo-liberal regime under age 5 in the world. Nearly 10.8 million must understand that privatisation of health children below the age of 5 years died in sector will deprive the poor and vulnerable 2015. This translates to 2959 deaths every sections of the population of basic health day and most of them from diseases that services. Right to health is a fundamental were preventable and controllable. The infant right under Article 21 of the Constitution. The mortality rate in India is much higher than government of Uttar Pradesh and the Central Bangla Desh and Sri Lanka. In Uttar Pradesh Government are accountable for the loss of and Madhya Pradesh more than 50 out of every so many young lives and they cannot escape 1000 children die before they reach the age the responsibility by laying the blame at the of 5. This is worst than Ethiopia, Ghana and hospital administrations or doctors. aÉÉåUZÉmÉÑU MüÐ §ÉÉxÉSÏ TÔüsÉ SåZÉå jÉå eÉlÉÉeÉÉåÇ mÉå AYxÉU qÉæÇlÉå Wæû ÎeÉxÉxÉå xuÉÉxjrÉ xÉåuÉÉAÉåÇ MüÉå uÉWûlÉ MüUlÉÉ aÉUÏoÉÉåÇ Måü MüsÉ `aÉÉåUZÉmÉÑU' qÉåÇ TÔüsÉÉåÇ MüÉ eÉlÉÉeÉÉ SåZÉÉ ÍsÉrÉå AxÉÇpÉuÉ WûÉå aÉrÉÉ Wæû| rÉWû vÉqÉï MüÐ oÉÉiÉ Wæû ÌMü eÉWûÉÆ aÉÑsÉeÉÉU MüÐ rÉå SÉå mÉÇÌ£ürÉÉÆ aÉÉåUZÉmÉÑU MüÐ §ÉÉxÉSÏ mÉU SåvÉ WûqÉ SÒÌlÉrÉÉÆ qÉåÇ xÉoÉxÉå iÉåeÉ aÉÌiÉ xÉå oÉÄRûlÉå uÉÉsÉÏ LMü oÉÄQûÏ MüÐ mÉÏÄQûÉ, SSï LuÉÇ aÉÑxxÉå MüÉå oÉrÉÉÇ MüUiÉÏ WæûÇ| rÉWû SÒpÉÉïarÉmÉÔhÉï AjÉïurÉuÉxjÉÉ MüÉ SÉuÉÉ MüUiÉå WæûÇ, uÉWûÏÇ xuÉÉxjrÉ xÉåuÉÉAÉåÇ Wæû ÌMü 7 AaÉxiÉ uÉ 11 AaÉxiÉ Måü oÉÏcÉ AÉYxÉÏeÉlÉ MüÐ mÉU WûÉålÉå uÉÉsÉÉ xÉÉuÉïeÉÌlÉMü urÉrÉ oÉWÒûiÉ MüqÉ Wæû| xÉUMüÉUÏ MüqÉÏ xÉå E¨ÉU mÉëSåvÉ Måü qÉÑZrÉqÉǧÉÏ Måü ÌlÉuÉÉïcÉlÉ ¤Éå§É aÉÉåUZÉmÉÑU AxmÉiÉÉsÉ AÉSqÉÏ AÉæU oÉÑÌlÉrÉÉSÏ xÉÑÌuÉkÉÉLÆ SÉålÉÉåÇ MüÐ MüqÉÏ Måü oÉÏ0AÉU0QûÏ0 WûÉxmÉÏOûsÉ qÉåÇ 60 oÉccÉå qÉÉæiÉ MüÐ lÉÏÇS xÉÉå xÉå aÉëÍxÉiÉ Wæû| rÉWû AlÉÑqÉÉlÉ sÉaÉÉrÉÉ aÉrÉÉ Wæû ÌMü xuÉÉxjrÉ 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of India case on the issue of ‘the refrain that the poor need no civil and right to privacy. In a landmark judgement political rights and are concerned only with the Court unanimously ruled that the right to economic well being has been utilised to wreak privacy is a fundamental right. The Supreme the most egregious violations of human rights’. Court over-ruled an eight judge bench At a time when the government is intruding judgment in the MP Sharma case and a six into all the private spaces of the citizens, the judge bench judgment in Kharak Singh case Court said ‘all liberal democracies believe which had earlier ruled that privacy is not a that the State should not have unqualified fundamental right.
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