1/47 Curriculum Vitae Note: this document is divided into two main parts. The first one covers the scientific and academic Philippe Pasquier dimension of my scholarly work while the second one (starting page 34) addresses the artistic dimension of Last updated on January 7, 2021. my research practice. This divide, introduced to facilitate reading, is somewhat artificial as these are often in synergy. Personal Data Work address School of Interactive Arts and Technology (SIAT), Faculty of Communication, Art and Technology, Email:
[email protected] Simon Fraser University, http://www.sfu.ca/pasquier 250-13450, 102 Avenue, Surrey +1 778 989 1240 V3T 0A3, BC, Canada Citizenship Languages Canadian, French English, French (fluent) Spanish (beginner) Current Position Associate Professor, School of Interactive Art and Technology (SIAT), Simon Fraser University (SFU). Associate Dean Academic, Faculty of Communication Arts and Technology (FCAT), SFU. Academic Qualifications 2001-2005 Ph.D. DAMAS [Dialogue, Agent and Multi-Agents Systems] Laboratory, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Laval University, Québec, Canada. Fields: Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Sciences Thesis: Modelling the Cognitive Dimension of Agent Communication Supervisor: Prof. Brahim Chaib-draa Date: defended on the 30th of June 2005. Keywords: artificial intelligence, machine learning, multi-agent systems, agent architecture, social commitments, pragmatics, cognitive coherence, dialogue modelling. Graduate Courses: Machine Learning, Multi-agent Systems, Readings in Social Psychology 2000-2001 DEA (M.Sc.) SUPAERO [Aerospace Institute], UPS [Paul Sabatier University], ENSEEIHT [National Superior School of Electrotechnics, Electronics, Data processing, Hydraulics and Telecommunications], Toulouse, France. Field: Artificial Intelligence: Knowledge Representation and Formalization of Reasoning Thesis : Conflict and Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence Supervisor: Prof.