fia pagesTj PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-YOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE », 1900.__PRICE LI how- guns on to Van Wyke hill oml two five way Athletic club tonight. A large condemned. The Tsnng Yemen, HIRCELLAKEOCB. tatter state- inc h guns onto the South WeftafU spur of _ crowd assembled to witness the contest ever, denies the truth of the GAS EXPLODED. Inktmvelo. Under cover of their tire, was offered that ment.” _ and even money Kenney HILLER MOVES. General assaulted all the five rounds FOUR MILLIONS. “Bnt the dentals of the Tsnng LI Yar- Hildyard today would stay of the between Botha’s Pass hod the In men are never convincing. If It be true, spurs Bergs Kenney advantage height and Inkewek>. The attack which was at as a the news must be regarded ns serious. and reach. Sharkey went Kenney well and OlfrM out the man “The American missionary conference planntd by Hlldynrd bulldog at a bull, and bigger for a to President Me with Immense dash the troops — by was on the defensive at once. Shar- today amt despatch put for and as- whom the mountains wen? too out- on and while the big fellow Klniey appealing protection steep, Coal Disas ter in key hung the mlsaionalrra at Pao flanked the enemy, who were forced to re- Mining tried to shake him off the smaller; man serting that Ting other are in extreme tire from their strong there with the of every muscle Fa and places very position. go power that the Chad mission has "I think we did not have casual' Ohio Town. in his and made short work of his danger Tung any body been abandoned, that have ties, and I hope I have obtained a post4 a right hand chapels every antagonist by landing and where been burned and that hundreds of Has at Taken tlon from which I can tender Isiings Nek smash on the It was Sharkey all Boxer Length jaw. Soeiety Large native Christians have lieen massacred. untenable.11 the Yank never exhibited any way. “The serious condition o( atfalrs In cleverness ami the Sal lor reached hint as GOOD ADVICE TO KRUGER. Pekin Is the he plenaed. a reacting upon provinces. Offensive. Powerfnl. The French minister here has receive il Lorenco Marquez, June 8.—United But a that the French eon Stat«*s Consul Hollis, who returned hero )f 200 Mtn Imprisoned All THE WOMEN’S CLUBS. telegram saying sul at ilong Taro and the French agent yesterday fn»m the Transvaal by special at Hun Nan Fu, have both been com- train, had a two hoars' Interview in cl«we Three Released. pelled to retire Iram their posts as the conference with President Kruger at The Selection of Odlcere Feature of viceroy announced that he was unable to Machadorp. Yesterday’s Convention. guarantee their snfety. Later the ltoxers It Is stated that Mr. Hollis was the yesterday burned a Hussion chujs'l at bean*r of friendly desjKitches from the Tung Tlngans, Hi miles north of Pekin. Secured Position West United States government, urging Mr. The Court Suppor ting The director of railways admits that Kruger to treat for peace. to Be Milwaukee, June 8.—The feature of to- the destruction of the Pekln-Tlen Tain These are Known LI of Nek. day’s session of the club women’s con- railway Is continuing, the Tsun Laing’s DEL Uprising. Yameu to It no PILAIt TAKEN. vention was the election of officers, the being powerless prevent Dead. "Sir Holliday MaeArtney, the English result ns follows: Mrs being President, secretary of the Chinese legation In Lon- A tirnrrsl the Kebeooa Lowe of Georgia; first vloe presi- don, says that the action of the Leading Insurgent Acts gently on save the situation In China, dent, Mrs. Charles Dennison of New powers will Captured* that the ‘end of the disturbance second vloe Miss Mar- adding York; president, Is In sight and that soon all will be June 9.—10.50 a. m.—General Kidneys, Liver It is Certain There Will garet J. Evans, Minnesota; reoordtng over.’ Manila, Quito Which lie Can Make Boers Plo Del Pilar the leader has secretary, Miss Emma Fox, Michigan; So Definite Sews As To Fighting By Filipino and Be No Other Fatalities. corresponding secretory, Mrs. George ENGLAND AND RUSSIA. been captured near Manila. Bowels Kendrick, Pennsylvania; treasurer, Mrs. Position Untenable. Yet Received. SCYTHIAN WAS ABANDONED. Emma Van Vrechten, Iowa; auditor, A Proposition That They Act Together r tmeX^vstem Mrs. II. Noyes, Wisconsin; direc- June 8 —-The steam leanses George In Chinese Tronble. Boston, yacht tors, Mrs. Charles K. Fairbanks of Indi- Scythian which was towed in Wednesday „ ana, Mrs Edward Mitehnlter of Ohio, after been burned ^effectually June 8.—Two hun- London, June 8.—The Spectator com- having )>odly interiorly Gloucester, Ohio, ,n rn. r\iiuio nci’i u*»iv>nviiuwi v»t when off Highland has !>een aban- menting on the Chine** difficulty, says It light, dred miners w ere Imprisoned early this Mrs. Mary I as'k wood of District of Co- doned to the underwriters. It is under- mine Mrs. W. J. Christie of Moutana. considers that If the situation becomes • stood she is insured for is morning by an explosion of gas In lumbia, ),000. Mrs. Lillian Stnvter of New Hampshire, acute the alternative to a Euro- more men were about “only Lord Roberts Gives Out No, as many just Mrs W. J. Coml of South Dakota, and Gen. Nieh Was Acting pean concert, which would be for Eng- to enter the mine for work. It was, Mrs. L. H. Prlddy of Kunsas. land and Russia to act In a defl- at first that the loss of life would The long business meeting which occu- together No News. thought * both the and afternoon was With n Ite '1 be but the work of the res-; pies! morning Energy. agreeinent. Waitt and Bond's UAt very large, devoted to in the by- PERMANENTLY that important changes The paper adds: oners wns carried on so energetically j laws growing out of the question of ro- “They alone possess physical power all were rescued by tonight except three. orgamxatlon. As to the side Issue of rep- the now read: near to the scene to be of inune- lCvun John McClelland and resentation, by-laws enough Joseph, less than BLACK3T0NES. for all elubs numbering utuiv line, vuuiu >u vino their That jjiigiimu ,T5B£^°,;>ects Aaron Swanson were killed and shall be through the BUT THE GENUINE WANT E> By fifty, representation her Indian troops.*’ bodies cannot be recovered to- or her representative only. Good probably president ! Continuing the Spectator strongly op- De- Tobacco, the mine Is still on lire. These For clubs nHollering between on and One Thousand Prisoners night, as poses any partition of China, anil think* 100 the representation shall be through Secret Order§ From Pekin Like With SyRVP© men were to watch the large It unsafe to assume that the Chines* Wine, Improves Age. ffo engaged the and one for larger (SURRNIA off all president delegate; soldiers cannot fight. It adds: ported From Waterval. »*• mine at and were cut from one shall t>e allowed for »•«««■ 7A'**. night clubs delegate Is most We havo tho cream of PIR CCTTlU Paralyze Military Activity. “The court of Pekin the kept fOa &JUX BY Au oljuOo RBKI meanH of and their horses perished 100 members. escape every Imbecile In the but It may find our Old ^ The office of state ohairman of corre- world, Fine Havana, bought with them. Williams, also em- a Wallenstein who will not steal his Al>VERTT«KMii.NT8. I was done away with and presi- before the all HEW the had his broken spondence sold iers’ and then Europe will war, refusing ployed in mine, leg dents of individual clubs are no longer powder, The have a new problem to solve. offers to sell at a high price. and others suffered slight Injuries. j vloo presidents of the general federation. | were one We are now this explosion set the mine on fire and the A number of resolutions passed working of them the New Jersey feder- ADMIRAL lias been working with endorsing FROM KEMPFF. June 0—3.10 m.—Gen. stock, and if you are one of rescuing party ation's effort to save the Palisades. An- London, p. This a second re- taken the often the few who do not smoko difficulty. evening explo- other urgisl the protection of women and London, June 0.—Definite returns Has Bent For the Helena or Vessel Buller has at length a The sion occurred and shortly afterward children in the industrial world. the severe between the and he has secured Hlackstone it garding fighting Like Her, give, by manoeuvring Cigars, try one, of fans used Club Wompn of lloston was inode the third in which the systems Chinese troops and the Boxers that was a position west of Laing’s Nek, by is the best 10c on tho official organ of the hoard. Cigar fresh air in the mine was com- he can liuike the Boer to force During the day there were four inter- going on Thursday between Tien Tslng Washington, June 8.—The following which ho believes market. followed a reoelved at Tien he will pletely destroyed. esting sessions by big meeting and Pekin had not been cablegram was received at the navy position untenable. Presumably QUALITY COUNTS. The shaft is 126 feet deep and it was tonight. Tsln when the latest telegrams to reach department this afternoon: Immediately follow up his success. thi to sealed up tonight in attempt Ixmdon were filed. The Chinese troops, Long Ku, June 8.— June 3d landed Lord Roberts bas communicated nothing MISS ROBINSON IN JAIL. smother the fire. however, had killed many Boxers,aooord- forces protect American interests with for three days, nor permitted the corre- F. Martin and ac- on. London's Boston, June 8.—Everett lng to some reports; while another consent of China; llfty-slx Pekin, rest spondents what Is going WROTE AUIUNALDO. Winifred Robinson of this who NEVER Miss city, count had the government soldiery de- Tien Tsin. Nations sent force both cit- inference Is that he is resting, although were arrestod 111 New York city recently feated In an near Poo Ting ies; no so far. British, Russian, he Is possibly disposing his army for j on the charges of larceny from parties In engagement Injury Admiral Dewey Denies a Yam From Botha. this city, were brought here tonight In Fu. Chines*1 admirals and twenty war ships a reach after Commandant Maiill*. | charge of headquarters officers. Young Apparently the legation guards have here. Crops likely to fall causing proba- A blockade of wires owing to crush of Martin was released on one thousand a hand in the but more trouble in the near future. official may uccount for bis former not yet token fighting; bly correspondence Carpets dollars hall, father, police Detroit,Mich., June 8.—Admiral Dewey a .Some tele- commissioner, A. P. Martin, being one they are ready to do so at moment's Our landing force under McCalla, June the scanty press despatches. shown the statement made most critical. Russian force was today by of his bondsmen, and he left at once for notice. The Boxers’ movements affects 5, situation grams filed a week ago are only just landed more the Manila Times concerning an alleged his home In Mat to pan, accompanied by Ofliolole l»egan lighting; llfty men, some hundreds of square miles. have Helena be sent immedi- arriving. Gun. Funstou s men of a Ids wife who was awaiting him at police requested recovery by to Vienna from Pekin aver or vessel like her. I Among these are spirited descriptions headquarters. Martin Is suffering from despatches ately protect interests, of the archives of the Filipino marines Klandsfonteln. Ac- purlieu rheumutism and Is said to be a very sick that the Hoot Is more powerful than* any Consider battalion necessary. of the fighting at Cleaned, which it wus claimed Need as base inside. June Oth were Dusted and Slemued, Moilitt and rvtiel government man Miss Robinson failed to secure In China, embracing no gunboat cording to one of them the streets political party Tien Tsin—Pekin railway cut. Will act Microbe* killed. contained certain correspondence be- ball. llllul with woman and children. Kille less than 4,000,00(1 and manipulated by ooncert naval forces other | and Said Ad- ppwers, protect | wren Aguinaldu Dewey. zealous udrolt men. interests if necessary. Meeting foreign \ shots could be heard everywhere. The M’LAIN'S BODY FOUND. officers Present OKEN HOOTER’S SONS. miral Dewey The representatives of the powers are senior naval today. British soldiers would stop firing and June 8.—The of Alfred Mc- German, Austrian, j BprTUtf "I never wrote a letter to Aguinaldo Bath, body In which English, French, in the chase after chickens. The still uctlng perfect concert, np- Italian. Japanese and American, art j join in life. Whenever I wanted to see Lain, who wus drowned In the Kennebec ! surwndered to one. Kallirs my pcars for the present to give the Chinese range for combined action to protec- burghers any I sent for him. He was employed Thursday night wivk, was discovered Nine the Jewish stores and ANDERSON, ADAMS~<_ him government ample chance to put down life and property if required. went about looting as I em- this noon at one o’clock by Henry hundred men ashore, 36 warships here. and by me for certain purposes, just the disturbance alone. The Tien Tsln mounted Infantry galloped thither. Fire Insurance Agency the and Daniel of Woolwich (Signed) Kempff. ployed a lot of other people among Detchell Herring of the Daily Mall tele- Lord Roberta's army has a new song, correspondent DOING. 31 Street natives. I made him no promises. If in a cove on the shore of Dowell’s grove WHAT GERMANY IS runs thus: Exchange graphing June 7, saysi It there had been ftOO American troops with of Green's cove In Woolwich. just north the whole com- Berlin, June 8.—A German foreign “We’re marching Into Pretoria tint Class Annorlcan and Foreign Companies in the to the city “For the last three days me beginning occupy official made the following statement to It belongs to (Jueen Victoria.” Hokack A.ndkkson. Chab. C. Ai>amb. maintain there would never have of Tien Tsln has been preparing dec 18 luoii. J. I.ittlb. order, TREATY EXTENDED. munity u of Associated Press The Kinross has the following ipeodll trouble.” correspondent ^the Daily been this to defend itself against an expected at- from Pretoria, dated Wednesday: June today: a..__a Washington, Hay a offfco has had no official one thousand who were LETTERS FROM DEWEY. 8.—Secretary tack by the Boxers. There Is continual “The foreign "The prisoners and Lord Puuncefote signed a pro- two from Wuterval were told that today from the communication from China for days. deported ■ tocol extending until March 4th next, the Influx of refugees surrounding be to Lord Vancouver, B. C., June S.—A cony of : Of the two wires connecting with Pekin they were about to .'given up of time allowed for the ratification who are now the city. the Manila Times just received tells of period country crowding one has been destroyed. It is of the ut- Roberts. They entrain,si cheerfully and of the reciprocity treaty with liurbadoes. Gedache. the important discovery of Insurgent This increases the excitement. Nearly most importance to the powers to pre- were conveyed to Noolt other articles which had serve It not to lie diffi- Louis with a rear guard documents anil all the villages surrounding Tien Tsln the other. ought “Gen. Botha, JUNE WEDDINGS. to the rail- of »J00, left Pretoria during the night. been hidden by the Filipinos. ITALIAN LABORER KILLED. movement. cult for the powers Keep open I_ ore joining the Boxer advance on Gen. Funston discovered state docu- way to Pekin. The British guard entering Scarcely anything more appropriate ments most of the archives of Rumford Falls, June 8.—An Italian “Parties of foreigners when approach- “The office does not know of was the very heels of the retiring comprising foreign upon than Cut Class or A Co. laborer, name not known, was killed sworn to on the Haviland the insurgent government and including by ing the villages are driven back by armed any further plans bv the powers to land I Boers. Botha has carry to and from Consul WiJdman und the falling of a derrick boom at the new marines. We have Beard nothing to con- war In the mountains.” China in both of which we have a LOOK in our 10c bas- C letters bands. Yesterday the Chinese troops | Admiral also a thousand shells, mill of the Oxford Paper company today. firm the statement that the At Isjrenco Marques station a crowd Dewey, Empress .. J II rill_I — .. I.-Us a

II* Astouaita Ihr World by III* Won- Outrages by St. Louis % drrfnirarn Without Mrdltlueo. Cc lored Mmm AimmIU Ula Better Half Mob. With Half*. Ha Ihl Cured Mt Pea* oa ■ Publta Taat. * Bo ston, Juno S.—With a Jack-knife in Nothing t.lha It Ever Keen In his hand, George Kakis, a colored oiler Pdrlland. ** on the steamer Prince George, now at Tliroc Wobwb So Treated Long Wharf, in a fit of pasaion, brought The Damon motliod on hy Jealousy, attempted to kill his IS- of healing, originated Yesterday. ycar-old wife, Etta, a bride of three by tbe famous man. months, this afternoon, although falling Prof. S. J. Damon, in- to do this, he wounded her seriously, dorsed by the press, pulpit and public, in and assaulted her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Its wide scope of do- Wilson. ing good for suffering One Given Coat of Green Mrs. Sakls is at the Emergency hospital THINGS in Summer Neckwear for humanity, doea not with seven stab wounds and Is very diseases of only core Paint. weak. Her wounds, however, are not men at the Haberdashery Department. every nature, but i NEW U-lieved to be fatal. Mrs. Wilson was maker it impossible novelties in not injured and was sent to her Cool summery many to exist in I seriously looking T for disease home in Koxbury after treatment at the the human body. This is a fact that has! hospital. styles and shapes. bevond I lie shadow of a Kakis has lieen of the relations b-en proven Jealous I*. K. Stocks with colored Madras tie. doubt by hundreds who have been cured in Possession of which he claimed have existed between fancy City Complete his wife and his brother ami has several right herein Portland. All physicians to worn with kiud t inn s her. This Plain white P. K. Stocks be any and scientists, in fact, all who know that: and Friends. pDOMkltli with af- Strikers teruoon wits Sakis's and if the of circulation, secretion and pay day, daring ties in deliente organs the afternoon, his wife and mother-in- of a tie. Washable Batwing stripes, excretion condition, per- areinporfict j law visited him on Issu'd the steamer,the feet ia a tamed. Prof. Damon’s checks and Narrow made of health | * former to whatever money he was to figures. string ties, without the aid of get treatment restores, give her. ZZZ in color combi- medicine, these organa to their natural Mrs. Wilson remained outside while Madras and Cheviot every possible function and disease is forever banished St. Louis, Juno P.—A mob of women Mrs. Kakis went into the engine room method nation. White lawn ties. White lawn bows. from the system. This great and beat at»d denuded Lena AcoordiBg to Mrs. Kakis her hnsband string toys tonight her cures indigestion.^*11 stomach apples to about her alleged Intimacy dyspepsia, Kaenter. a young woman, who make* Dark blue silk four-in-hands with white troubles, rheumatism, paralysis, iiver. with his brother and liecoiuing enraged navy polka her lunches among a Kidney and bladder troubles, all female living hy piddling hy her answers. grabU-d hu ge jack- street knife and a ntta«k on White China silk without the use of any in- employes of the California avenue liegan desperate spots. Imperials (washable). difficulties, her. Mrs. Wilson hcortf her daughter's struments and all without drugs. Any car lines. When the mob hod stripped colored handkerchief screams ami with workmen on the squares, bright ties, kuowu to man or woman is dan lied her English diseases her to the waist, a woman steamer rushed into the engine room relieved and cured by this most the EGG CANNING INDUSTRY. and a line of ties out for quickly with green paint.the mob applauding where Sakls and hi wife were struggling. WAR BOOKS’ FATE. brought specially golfers. known as the Dsmon marvelous system, and mud at the vic- The latter wits bleeding from several It ia a well known outrage throwing Vilspathic treatment. wounds and had just grabbed the knife How II Carried ea by lb* l aid Mar- fact that medicine often ruins the stom- tim. with her hand when her mother entered. the ■g« VVarihoMiM. ach and produces diseases even worse Two shop girls were attacked by Kakis was infuriated when he saw his at her male Them Fulled to Sell Our stock of Shirts for men and than the one the pationt Is taking medicine same mob an Hbnr later and they also mother-in-law and rushing Most of Negligee boys and have tried medi- several vicious slashes at her, one blow, York for. If you are ill Were denuded before they escaped. (From the New Times.) partly a In her face. Men on the is a wonder. Never before has this mouths or and failed. If cutting gash Well. department cines, years, the When the cold-storage houses begin to have been turned out of the hospi- steamer overpowered Kakis, police you the women were offered such u choice line of them. cool- lose Go ST. LOUIS LAWLESSNESS. were called and two stock up with the eggs In summer they Fresh, tals as incurable, dou’t hope. Sakis's Carried to the hospital. Mrs. such enormous a consultation with that have to buy In quantities in fine auil have great Nnoof|eg, Nronlng aud All Kinds of wounds consist of three cuts* on the Percales, Madrasscs and Cheviots, Prof. Damon, at People Got All the Accounts They that there is naturally a loss in looking New York specialist. neck, one of whioh extends across the groat If he save he can cure ltlotlng. one In delicate and made in the best the u. b. Hotel. throat, thrtx* cuts on the back and Wanted In Papers. cracked 'and broken eggs. handling stripes checks, up a dozon treatments, stand- you In one, two or St. Louis, Mo June 38.—While on the hip. several million eggs a day no amount of as are of the with link cuffs and detachable may lie as sure of it you on the rear of a north bound manner* you ing platform rare could prevent breakage. Indeed, possible Union line car last night, John Ooettllng thousands of them are broken In transit the are within reach of all. will so and not take a cent CHICAGO’S INFIELD. collar,—and prices easy say frankly was is an end. so celc- a twenty-years old, Of making many books there to the and others are crocked In of your money. It is n«»t often photographer, city, shot and wounded at 15th and a tradition to the but br itod a man can visit Portland profes- fatally There’* contrary, moving from the railroad cars to the he does Invalid streets. ever tried liooks sionally, and when every Chambers Poor Work O.vo Ho.ton Ik. Its originator making stores. If these cracked and broken eggs should take of It going and curs were on the war. Some loss advantage by But four operated Ubiiic about the Spanish-American were all thrown away the annual White Silk Gloves for all cured. Yesterday. graduation, lengths; getting Union line yesterday. The conductors of the New York publisher* will envy would mount up into the millions easily also a line of white Suede and Glace were ordered to turn In their cars at the him hla luck. The fate of the war liooks To offset these losses the st wage houses complete but a June 8.—Ruin Interrupted to- sheds before six o’clock p. m.f Huston, has been an interesting commentary upon have invented nil sorts of wavs to utilize Gloves for the same purpose. live In the third Inning. After if one ha* blockade ocourred shortly after ddy'* game modern conditions and feeling, the broken eggs. The most successful so and wu resumed three hits ami some inside. FOUR MILLIONS. o'clock Jit Kith and O’Fallon street* piny watched the process from the far Is to can the broken eggs and sell dumb work the infield gave said a it was necessary to summon several by Chicago “Don’t *»y war hook to me,” them to bakers and confectioners. before the cars runs and the The hit- squads of mounted police Boston five game. well known recently in the as well and in publisher Canned eggs keep just fully could lie moved. The riot commenced of and star catches Ix>we ting Mertes by New York Sun. “I’d rather do the fight- fruit or earnest about eight o’cl<»ck when the oars as long as canned meat, vegeta- MOORE & CO. and Hitmilton were features. Attendance books about It. Mod- OWEN, liegan to move. At this time the crowd ing than try to sell bles. When put in cans that are rendered The score: was liicmiseti by two thousand parsons. 1500. erti ism ha* the market for air there is no chance of rontinnril from Fint Pasr**. journal spoiled absolutely tight were scatterei the air line They along Boston, 00510000 x—6 war literature. The public, while it l* at their It is the air which en- from 15th and Chambers streets to lhth 0—5 decaying. PIRATES TOOK JUNKS. Chicago, 100000 40 fever heat with news- street and ('<*** avenue. When the air* excitement, get* ters through the shell of an egg that steam launch The Chicago, 10. Er- the cleverest men Hong Kong, Juno 8.—A started moving the shooting began. Base hits—Boston, 0; paper atoriea writ^n by causes its moat to decay. This is proved owned Chinese merchants mounted fired in the air and those rors—Boston, 1; Chicago, 5. flatteries— is done un- last night, by police in the profession. The work by the many methods of preserving eggs. here, towing four junks laden with kero- in the crowd commenced shooting into Hints'll and Sullivan; Callahan and der the pressure of Intense enthusiasm Fresh coated with i»ira- sene oil from Hong Kong, for Canton, and stoning the cars. Uoettllng was Donahue. eggs thoroughly la dramatic and direct to a was attacked bv pirates in an armed junk standing on the rrar platform of a car Elsewhere rain. and degree Une and then stored away in limed water miles from Hung a bullet. The mounted at- off Cape Suinmn, eight when struck by that not one man in ten thousand cap will keep for months in a comparatively the the pirates officers the crowd and NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. ©H@P Kong. After looting junks finally dispersed when he Hits down in cold blood to the sheds. tain fresh condition, and their keeping powers Iliads off in a westerly direction with the cars were rnn into the Won. Itost. Per.CC JUN@L6 Club. write a review of the war. to the success in launch and her . A stray bullet, evidently fired at a car literary will in proportion Sif 11 .«!« on the southern electric division of the Philadelphia, “The public has had it* appetite glut- excluding the air. Of course, a certain 21 1« -508 THREATENS TROUBLE. Transit company, while it was pawing Brooklyn, ted the storm of hat tie, and amount of air will reach the eggs even KOREA 23 ill .548 during very near Klausman'fl grove struck Miss Pittsburg, In this condition, and gnuluully they OOLOONG June 8.—More serious from 1» 10 .500 the ordinary writer’s best stuff ha* been Yokohama. Emma Knda Her injury is slight. St. Ixiuis. will show a decaying tendency, although a of view than the rising ran over 10 21 .473 written then. a man who*- person- Japanese point A car on the IdndeJl division Chicago, Only eggs have been preserved for six months in China is the sudden ten- 17 10 .472 of the Boxers a stick of dynamite at Finney and New- Boston, wins readers, or whose litemry in- ami a year. us I he re- 22 .405 ality sion between Japan and Korea about 1U.H0 last Cincinnati, 15 are however, stead’s avenues o'clock stinct is remarkable, can make a success lie fore the eggs canned, sult of tlie of against the New 14 22 .388 protests Japan night. The terrific explosion aroused the York, they are separated, and the whites ami and execution of of a war book after the close torture jiolitical prison- neighbors but the air was not damaged. published an* up in diffen*nt rains. When Korean The yolks put ers by the government. Three officers were shot in vari- At Cross, 1; U. of nf w»r. the hiker or confectioner wants to make refuses to police Worcester—Iloly Korean Emperor absolutely as the results of the 3. a ous parts of the city Pennsylvania, “A few men who ground out wet towel white frothing for his cake he opens TEA grant ail audience to the Japanese Gibbons was hit In the or if he wishes riots. Michael and student lamp volumes, in the early I can of the whites of eggs, minister. • ankle and knee, B. J. Boland was hit in UUAHDIAN OF NEUTKAM1 Y. days of the enthusiasm, found a moderate to make custard for his pie or puddings is fragrant, delicious, and the knee and W. O. Coates in the hack. but nine-tenths of he takes the canned Thus then* RUSSIA BEHIND IT. j sale for their l>ooks, yolks. The latter’s wounds are serious. th* stuff published later fell flat. I’m London, June 9.—A despatch to the not afraid to admit that our veuture* all also. Million Which the ulled Slilci May Daily Mail from Yokohama, describing met a dead frost. Vet some of them were j In the middle of winter, when eggs are Uniform in the refusal of the MAY CALL OUT MILITIA. their ! in these canned Always Quality. the effect ujHin Japan of lit Dntlued to Play. x good and one would have thought souring away up price, an audience to make it for the linker anil Korean Emperor to give St. Louis, June 8.- Gov. Stephens con- chances excellent. Looking backward,I eggs possible the tor- for their failure. to serve ui with cakes, the Japanese minister regarding ferred toduy with the citizens’ committee can see the reasons confectioner pies, couldn’t. I’m not candies and creams at the same ture and execution of political suspects, and the police authorities as to the neces- Looking forward, I price A Washington dispatch to the Spring- that tlx. Our liter- in summer. Thus the says: sity and advisability of calling on the the only publisher in charged storage is ex- was all but our esti- warehouses which have canned the eggs little chests containing ono •‘The finding here exceedingly in Ait ia to help preserve order among field Republicans ays: ary judgment right It Is packed in attractive for the sentiment us save the consumers considerable cltsd. It may not he possible gov- the striking street railway The of the situation at the mate or conditions and public for it 'in It is employes. delicacy better another In the and also the labors or one-half each. ernment to keep check. A was circulate! on the Mer- is some hard was wrong. We’ll know ! winter, lighten ,>ound, pound petition Chinese capitol causing There here that Russian influence is chants’ Gov. Secre- time, Some of the writers made fair of the bakers and confectioner*. thought Exchange today asking ! thinking at the state dennrtment. ■■ --♦» I eh i ml the nffrunt. The tone of the men who sold their books is disagreeable or unpalatable Stephens to order the state guard into tary Iloy is more keenly alive perhaps money—the | nothing is very bitter and grave that Is They wen* on the mar- ulxiut them* canned eggs. Thev are fresh one will as far as Japanese press active service. This petition, signed by than any of his predecessors in the state outright, It is of and pound go are ^ ket. Their were excellent. and swift when canned, and they do not superior quality, developments possible. many of the promlneut business men of department to the importance of Ameri- reputations j Must of them had written good deteriorate in the least, unless the cans of Tea. the city, will be promoted to the gover- can interests in the Orient, and had sev- already 1J pounds ordinary war for and to be in w hich case nor tonight. It is known that Chief of eral consultations today with men fa- stories journals magazines happen Imperfect, We the same as canned fruit or TRANSPORTATION IN THE PHILIP- l*oli<5e Oampliell heartily favor* calling miliar with condition* there. He is de- and attracted public uttenton. pub- they spoil, IN PORTLAND BY: lishers were safe FOR SALE out at least 8000 troops, and that he will sirous, atwve all things, however, to thought they proposft vegetables. PINES. t Ions ami bid each other—to the Iii hot countries canned eggs are used E. A. dy all In his power to prevail upon the | avoid taking any position which cannot against W. L. WILSOS A « 0„ WHITNEY, benefit of the writers and our own subse- extensively, and the storage houses S. Letter In Leslie’s governor to do so. It is reported that be maintained, or which will injure the quite A It. EMEKY, (Manila Weekly.) | cun considerable for JOHIV'ON U.nBEBT, General Bell has begun prepa- ultimate interests of the United States. quent discomfiture. quantities export. S. F. HVNT, Adjutant the in the 4. T. 1141 In That the troops hold tho center of the rations for out the militia. Wide discretion has tx*>n to Mr. “I suppose that the four most successful In some years cheap eggs, E. II. calling given of season aiv Itl tS A UELSEV. VEKKILE, with a books—successful from the publishers’ height the laying .actually which tho railroad runs, Alfred, armed sword, ! the American minister at Pekin, 1 SAWYEK. Z Joseph Conger, A. I*. _ valley through of were those of Richard broken for winning. In hot countries the LITTLEFIELD A CO., led a crowd of .‘100 men and women in a I oca use it is believed that he will lie able view, and also some points In the east und | Davis, Roosevelt, Hobson and | canned eggs will a long time, espeo- (iEO. A UI PT1I.C. charge on a air of the Southern Electric to act on the ground with greater intelli- rointlarding keep as of coust ter- j I sold about ! if stored in cool anil iiiii.. wed. us well fringes the line today. He was captured by a squad and than those removed iSlgsbee., and fancy they just bdly away places, ( OLE BKOI IIEICsouurim gence promptness of cun use thorn as needed. In is hut that the rebels ure of who dispersed the mob. As ! thousand* of miles from the scene in that order. W'e didn’t publish any j the’pcuple J. E. HKonn, »>Mbr«ok. ritory, true, polioe, many countries fresh are as was in- them, mu I can speak without jMvjudice. many tropical eggs Cuiiibi rlaml mils. or even to or far known, nobody seriously of disorder. If Minister Conger should j I,V(|A\ GE(•!' I l-E, conquered, brought terms, j a certain class of dillicuH to secure, and the natives often " “ commit the United States to resolute ac- Daivs’ popularity with now has bell jured. I cannei northern to the A. II. POKTEK. “ that the territory occupied Annie Swex, Annie Klascke, and Mary however, for the of readers and his literary instinct gave prefer the eggs tion, purpose pre- and so-called fresh sold in the markets KMBALL BASTTIA!b, rendered tenable to its remotest oorners Tritanl, three gfrls who on May 80, isir- tho dissolution of the Chinese him his lend Roosevelt’s popularity eggs and Swell s llotels. venting are the so far AI*o served ul (be Slew Fnlmontli is in the assault on Mis* Pauline fame were sure to give him a hearing, The Americans only pejple by our troops during the rainy season, tlcipated j empire or preventing any single power entered into this Hensel, and tore her clothing off because lfobson and Sigsbee had won public at- who have egg-canning not the case. At a conserva- :uid American canned eggs in certainly bhel had ridden on ji street car, were there, he would not find him- tention to an exaggerated degree. industry, I probably had n the South American countries and the tive estimate there are still 20,000 insur- each .sentenced to two years’ imprison- i self deserted by the department at home. “Hobson’s book would have very if he hadn’t killtsi himself ami ! West Indies have no competition from rifles to b‘ accounted for in Lu7.011 incut in the reform scmxu today. The situation In China is so complicat- good run, gent | connected with him, by that i similar goods from Germany, England which has A warrant has been issued for the ar- ed that if com pu rati ve Is not soon everything alone. One of the vital points quiet sweet but or France rest of Saloon Schumacher who, and of Rus Kissing Bee It was a death, luu.n uni ipulr lunrlpprixi mi lit* i*i»- Keeper restored, heavy contingents and tin* funeral was for the Hut sometimes the decayed cloudy it is charged, refused Miss liensel refuge ! sian troops are marched into the heart of expensive publish- lor a clever and are canned. In fact, all that come oently and is now but tentatively taken from the mob. the from Manchuria, some radical ers. It’s a dreadful thing eggs Tender I empire an* over to the Spring brave man to be absolutely devoid to the market handed In hand, is that of rendering the roads for the protection of Auglo- young proposals dinners if cannot lie sold as fn sh will offer its and the which EDUCATIONAL MATTEK FOK Suxon interests in the Orient re- of a sense of humor. they is to be the satisfier our market pat- passable building bridges maybe rotten anil Lamb, appetite lie “The human note was what the public eggs. These cloudy eggs, are necessary now, and which will ten quired. The intimation from London season and Lamb MANILA. wanted. The writers who recognized however, an* never put on the general rons and It is in the times more necessary the moment the that the llritish government is not dls- Today Saturday. early that Hot the ear. ninety nine I market, nor is there any chance of their season starts. We can but look A for bulletins, school to take the initiative in inukiug got public of what the rainy request reports, posed an I lieinir sent to bakers bv mistake. They is but we have the selling people sur- men out of n hundred didn't owe high, reputation forward to a repetition of those terrible of school sta- ; such suggestions, is (not esj>ecially laws and forms for reports tibtin about the conduct of an* can mil for the leather train*, uiul not that it within circumstances which the pirslng to the administration. It is not | strategical want—when want it—and at a price places accompanied tistics, has been received at the office of the war or the questions involved | for the consumptive market In tanning they bringing up of Gen. Lawton’s intended to hike the initiative here, but weighty supplies in but wen* interast- leather anil especially in putting on the masses. This occasion will be uo to in his famous march from 8an Isidro. the Secretary of State, from Captain Al- it Is felt that a situation may be precipi- it, they absorbingly the tearh of the exception I ei hi individual dramatic experience*. fine gloss of expensive leather, eggs have These are known to the people bert Todd of the 6th who is in tated which will compel the United hardly Artillery, want to know about the long boon us indispensable the rule. of the United States The roads were States to all the In They didn't recognized yet. In join great powers Hut are too charge of the educational department and movements of gn*at bodies of men. They articles. good eggs but canals of bottomless mud. The guaranteeing the neutrality of China expensiveto letter he sent to the wanted to know how one man behaved, for the work, ami tanners do not like wheels sank till the carts floated on their Manila, P. I. In the ttie freedom of commerce on all parts of how he and suffered and laughed accumulate .rotten eggs, owing to their flat bottoms, and the carabaos or bulls bureau of education, he states that it its Chinese soil. It Is feared there would fought I and and won or died. Rea 11am odor. had to lie hauled out by ropes. Men desired to form a system there combin- be difficulty in selecting a representative groant*d —that’s the the who The eggs that roach the market in a and hall-fed worked from dawn the best features of the school system of the concert who would be trusted by thing people stayed weary ing home craved realism in individual, or condition are not so 30 to 40 on The amount of the other There be a dis- at and cloudy decaying Low Price till ropes, in the United States. might Ti)8 midnight, pulling powers. far as to have a very disagreea- of the mud. The from the on the of all the to not general. decay'd the carts out bulls died, matter that was sent department position port powers odor. If canned “Davis and R«»osevelt saw that little ble immediately they meaus that we had an to and sometimes the men alone had to take at the request, cannot foil to give the turn to the United States as the safest tanners marked on this lamb opportunity buy fact and their Ixx>ks sold. A good many become no worse. When the the cart or abandon it the way. best of the excellent standard guardian of the mutual interests of all. lie by impression men and writers of magazine open a can of such eggs the odor |may and sell low in to the amount bought. Our by wheels, able to pick to whicti the schools in the state have The sincerity with which .Secretary Huy newspaper largely proportion Unimpeded articles—the two were identical in this a little offensive, but not so overpowering their way brush and forest, pack- attained the *flicient supervision the policy of the open dour upon through through urged that too. The great- as be the case if a few dozen eggs receive the benefit of this purchase. mules can And for their feet of Hon. W. W. Stetson. A similar re- the and the of tnsit- case—grasped fact, might patrons support powers, euuality was a for use in hot weather. 1 est hit of the war time were store! away where vehicles could not go. The lesson was received, some time ;igu. rnent accorded to all nations in.the Phil- magazine quest man’s of how it felt to lie shot, a A can of eggs Is opened only when need- is but it has been entirely dis- from the in Cuba and Porto It is argued, would afford the story obvious, department ippines, vivid bit of The ed and the contents immediately used. is and and instead of having an army assurance of the and enlight- personal experience. Lamb 13c Green Stuff that crisp regarded, Impartiality at it. They would have Thus the cloudy and decaying eggs find Spring Fores, with pifcck-ponios or mules, we ened policy of the United States. Such public jumped equipped the same if it had had noth- a market at prices that pay the cunnern 18o tender von will find here at lowest are drawing much nearer the rainy a mission would not be conrted by the jumped just Lamb Legs. daily to do with our own war. It was and save the tanners’ money. Spring are not much better off—in but it not be ing season anil administration, might pos- The vast of ob- J6o of view realistic drama brought down toindivid- quantities egg-sholls Lamb Loins, prices. the way of lield transportation for sup- sible to refuse it, from the point also sold Spring ual sensation. The rest of tile man "s tained from these canneries are our we were during the last of the advocates of destiny, if it were im -; Ho Wo do not have time to turn plies—than work didn’t attract much attention, but for various purposes. They are lx>th util- Fowl, rainy season That the insurrection is posed by the united voice of such antag- commercial fertilizers in that one he hit taste izedjfor making J Strawberries so not over, that there are armed 1 muds of onistic governments as those of Great thing public Do not that we can furnish you get urery berry It’s a and for manufacturing some of the forget to untie our and France. squarely between the eyes. pity sufllcieut force and besiege Hritain, Russia, Germany that are now on was the basket. more writers didn't understand the game numerous hen foods put with and Chickens. that put into positions the moment the rainy The government of would un- hens you Turkeys outlying Japan —and that more didn't. the market. In order to make the season renders prompt relief Impossible, doubtedly suppjrt oordially any proposi- publishers “The successful war books, 11 lay more eggs in winter it is neccessary is lieyond dispute. The army is oonscious tion which should make the ITnited really count success In have been to feed them with lime-forming food, of this fact, but the authorities are slow States the of the neutrality of you dollar*, guardian the writer for boy* such us clum and oyster- in understanding it, and have not yet the Orient. juveniles. Every green-bone, better knows that he the and shells. The egg-shells are even formed an suitable to skips descriptions engineer corps carry men whe than of for contain the of the technical discussions, so the any these, they out the repairs roads and the ANOTHER SEIZURE. the hens in necessary wrote war stories fur gave them in- exact substances that 'require construction of bridges. I learned only boys, work of The made another seizure last dividual dramatic action—just what the their systems to facilitate 'the a short time ago that this army of GO,000 police So hen food children wanted, you see. nature in producing eggs. men in a country where the work of night. This time they made a sudden ap- big of or EAT "As for the men who think they can that contains a fair amount ground engineers is of vital Importance, has little at at 130 India for stimu- {learanoe Kilday** place sell war books now—well, they'd better powdered eggs hells is excellent over two companies of engineers! After la street and removed a amount of the in reserve for days. lating the birds to greater energies ARKET. a year in the country this state of large keep attempt dog Mercier _ being will oool off the for them. winter* affairs seems incredible liquor. It temperature 1 ■ « % 1 NO. YARMOUTH ACADEMY. THE LARGEST A BID MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF Ondaatien Xlmlm at Oaagrsg— : Store J. W. PETER80N, tleaal Cksnk. ( “Busy and ....OVA...* (tomeras Photographic Supplies * | 177 Middle Street. IN THE STATE or MAINE. The graduation exercises of the rtn- j| dents of North Yarmouth academy were ! Str§ef.” TheBusy Carpet, Drapery and Wall Paper held last evening at the First Pariah Con- I' lor Its Store at Nos. 190 UK, tong known AlHhe fcldn&y select line o! in latest publications (* gregational church. The exercises were 11 goods, large quantities, > and Its success In catering to the needs of EASTERN ARMS AND CYCLE CO., and each ac- well attended participant < People ol Portland and vicinity. can be found on my count- ., themselves In a creditable man- (• ....inspect or*.... Soocaaaora to John P. Lovall Arm* Co., I SO-1 S3 Middle Street. quitted er..(* ner. Disease 11 Spring Slock Now Rcidy. The following programme was carried A full line of Blank J > out! IDDLE STREET. Rooks anil Stationery. Music. CD. •[ Prayer. • ;| J0HHST0H~- aiilLEY Music. Salutatory—A Great Picture by a THK CELEBRATKD A CREAT THOROUCHFARE. Great Artist, ]l Negligee 5hirts. il Sadie 1 jura bee Dresser, West Pownal Oration—Our Future In the Philip- : B. Badger, Bingham STEIN BLOCH pines, Leroy EXCLUSIVE I Class History and Prophecy, 11 Its Attractions for Shoppers. PATTERNS. \ Velma Kldora Skillings, Lancaster, N.H. Mnsio. CLOTHES Prices from $1.00 to $3.50. ___ »»♦♦ < Falmouth. J Address to Hulls and Camps, HOGAN BROS. |! Leno Cecilia Furnish, Machlas. |l ALLEN & CO.’S, Junior Oration—A Righteous Protest; 904 Middle SI. Opp. Falmouth Hotel. Charles'Dudd Crane, Jr., 11)01, \ar- 11 J, month. Valedictory—The Power of the Great

Stone Fact', _ Eleanor Walton,South Portland Mary Mr. A. B. Handlist a prominent VIS & CARTUND CHADBOURN & KENDALL, Singing of class Ode. N. j| buHinasa maa of Koohaatar, Y., 1101 of IMPORTERS Conferring Diplomas. •ay*: AND JOBBFBS OF ^ M lisle. Sell Your great Blood Purifier wij T4. The music for the graduation exercises r*rom mewl'd to me by a friend, for Reliable which h*l bom an- and wal furnished by Chand- Sidney trouble, Woolens ] Tailors reception noying me for tome time. I began Trimmings jlj was of ler’s orchestra of Portland, and •...FOR.... of excellence. At ‘^mta^p4rtSCpm“%r 'rmVnopu. the usual high order find ttfl—r hiM-fi IMrm /nrfour memOti cdl vanished and I am the conclusion of the graduating exerrlscs pain entirely Ladies’, Men’s and Boys’ ,i at well to-day at ever in my life. I 8H0ES&RUBBERS of to all a reception was tendered the members cheerfully recommend them BOOTS, wear. from Kidney trouble. class In the of the tvjfcreri ([ the graduating vestry A. B. Hkxdbix, to B. Main j! NKDUCOTT UNDEKWKAIt. Btrwty church. Refreshments of Ice cream and l Wc Solicit Dr.Williams' Pink Pills for Pair Pmpla cake were served during the evening. lour Trade T 1 he reception was In charge of a commit- b? XO. 239 MIDDLE ST. N Y., postpaid on rrnript of prior, tOo. 11 tee composed of C. L. Marston, Esq., per box, atx boxes, ft 60. j| Ada Florence Ilia Belle Mitchell, A.Gray, ymmmammemmmmmrn Hill, ’77; Georgl anna C. Russell,**; Ma- FOR * 1 MERR rlon Lorlng Bennett, ’85; Mrs. J. D. * Y’Sj: Cleaves, ’70. i Hat and The reception committee was com- WITH BUFFALO BILL. RENTj_ posed of members of the local alumni as- Store under Falmouth IIo Furnishing sociation. The churoh and vestry were Largo <[ ]! A Times Man'* Experience* steel celling, roar entrance, for the occasion and Bamlar tel, tastily decorated hardwood floors 5 Store. With the Wild West Show, etcam heated, the affair was successful throughout. baaement under all. Will be rcDt ed at an attractive price. Inquin | A CAPTAIN’S RECOLLECTIONS. To see how the Wild West show travels Special Agent. for llie Ccle- 1. MIDDLE STREET-EXCHtNOETO PLUM STS. Among the captains who snlk-d from and how the hundreds of rough riders brnied IMinlap Hula. the port of Portland In the days when from all parts of the world spend their J. sl DOUGLASS, • Agent, the West India business was still In Its spare moments, to catch glimpses of stories 297 Commercial St. 237-239 Middle Street. prime, was Captain William H. Gooding. the life of strange peoples, to hear |j Capt. Gooding la still living, his home of exciting adventures in the Great West now being In a town In Northern Maine. and of thrilling moments in recent wars, PRACTICAL HATTERS, uut mr man the Buffa- Me 18 now ft Will ui mrni; cw, a Sunday Times joined Fishing Tackle, »» jj lo Pill t.. I,au n W»dlppn i>rnn>s- j; recollections of the Portland of his youth from behind the are undlmmed by the passage of the years. slon. He saw the show j: We make our owu hats. HAWAIIAN HORSEMEN. one of the and Base Ball To a correspondent of the Portland Sun- scenes, he was great Supplies, We’ll make you a Soft, jj one assorted family party in the day Times, Captain Gooding, day strangely Stiff or Siik Hat to New line just in of Rods, he rode the • i[ Onr Recently Acquired Territory Now hist week, talked entertainingly of his big dining tants, through ault your ideas, and it Reels, Lines. Ac. Also Rase I* recollections of the men and occurrences night on the special train, and of the will not coat eztrx Gloves, &o. Represented In Buffalo Bill's Wild I. you Balls, Rats, Mitts, (I of his In the the sea, refer- many things which he saw and heard West. youth city by Wholesale and Retail at a which will ring especially to the launchings which he has written story appear j [ tomorrow’s issue of the Times. were events on which the whole town Jn ROBERT F.^OMERS & CO., There is not n more welcome visitor turned out and made a general holiday. NOMINATIONS BY GOVERNOR. Red Bat More, CHARLES here than is Col. Cody (Buffalo Bill) This Interesting Interview with the ven- DAY]| noml-: 833 Middle and his Wild West and Congress of Rough erable shipmaster will appear In tomor- Augusta. June 8.—The following Htreet, Heme side as Falmouth Hotel 247 MID OLE ST. Riders of the world. Every year there Is row’s Issue of the Times. nations have been made by Governor plenty in this exhibition to warrant a Powers, June 7, 1900. SUNDAY AT ORB'S ISLAND. Commis- and the new features added always Member Travelling Library Genuine visit, Brunswick. This Steamer Pejepscot of the McDonald sion—George T. Little, prove of educational merit. Bath ami Naval Or- • will Pier Trusts* Military no to and the Steamboat line, leave Portland GARDEN season is exception the past phan Asylum—J. M. S. Hunter, Farm- at 10 00 a. June 10th for management announce many of the new m., Sunday, ington. Wedgwood. Great of Fish—Charles A. from a historical of view. Cousins's, Littlejohn’s, Chebeaguo inspector Dyer, things point Portland. and Orr’s Islands. Steamer will stop Direct of this • The exhibition appears here on Thursday, Inland Fish and Game Worden—Her- importation oan HOSE three hours at Orr’s Island where June 14. you bert L. Pink hum, Palermo. famous ware in Jardinieres, There will be a grand production of get a good shore dinner and have ample Coroners—Fred C. Bradbury, Saco ; Richmond. Chocolate Pots, the heroic charge up San Juan Hill. In time to stroll around the Island. George Newell, Ferneries, OF ALL KINDS. to Prevent Cruelty—Isaac II. be made as Agents !| order that this event shall and etr RECEPTION AT WESTBROOK SEM- Purington, Bowdolnham; R. G. Clough, Jugs, Sugar Creams, realistic as Col. Cody has se- possible, INARY. Monmouth. cured a detachment of Roosevelt's Rough Dedimus Justices—Willis Y.Patch,Ban- MIDDLE STREET—PLUM TO UKIO* STS. Franklin. PORTLAND RUBBER Riders who took in this battle The annual recentlon of the students of gor; Win. E. Bragdon, CO., part Trial Justices—Beloni 8. Dufonr. Van in the Westbrook Seminary and their friends 230 MIDDLE ST. and who will appear pro- Buren; Seth H. Whitney, VussalborD; Burbank, Douglass & Go. duction. Among those who will take was held last evening at Hersey hall, Eni D. Bickford, Burnham; Will C. Hil- and was a most affair. The L. H. East part are Tom Isabel, whose name is in pleasant dreth, York; Newcomb, port; the W. Stearns, Millinocket; William as fired the first shot at nail had been tastily decorated for George history having B. Deblols. occasion and added much to the attrac- Leighton, Santiago, and who received in return Notaries Public—Charles C. Blanch- FURS millinery] wrns to tiveness of the event. Charles L. Hutchinson, eight bullets and thought be dead; ard, Portland; The Best Values for the hast William McGinty, whom Col. Roosevelt During the early part of the evening Portland; Win. T. Hall, Richmond; Stored and Money John G. Smith, Kennebunk; Dana C. IS OUR MOTTO in his article refers to as the students and their friends were form- magazine Douglass, Portland; P. J.Larrabee, Port- Dou’t prices when can to the pay fancy you having showed much bravery, and who ally presented receiving party, land; Virgil C. Wilson, Portland; James Repaired. get the tame article for a reasonable of President H. J. Calvin amount Sailors’ or Plata Braids was also wounded; Bill Cline and Walter composed O. Perry and Fellows, Skowhegan; Knapp, At no other time of the Rough South Charles D. Clark, Port- lu both wide and narrow rims, at 29. 38e, M. a who also scars wife, the various members of the faculty, Portland; Cook, scout, carry John II. New Portland; year can Fur work be 48c, Otic. Walking Hats. We are show- President H. of the land; Bartlett, be«t of Hats from their experience with the Spaniards ; and F. Leighton W. Sumner C. ing the variety Walking Henry Swasey, Portland; done bo economically or and iReady-to-Wear flats. Our Gerald A. who was in- class of l'.iOO. A pleasing order of dances Saco. prices. Sergeant Webb, Parcher, so well as now. 48c to ft.48. I.adies and Misses Trimmed of and jured, will also participate, in addition was enjoyed from 8 until 12 o'clock. Justices the Peace Quorum- Hats, 98c up to 94.98. Char les A. Moody, Biddeford: Fred L. to all of whom took a Refreshments of Ice cream and cake and F. H. BUTLER. many others, Hayden, Portland; Charles H. Field, 1. H. SCHLOSBERG, prominent part in this memorial battle, fruit punch were served during the eve- Beffast; Henry H. Hastings, Bethel; (Wholesale and Retail.) a Free Street. *457 1 -'4 AXD £61 MIDDLE STREET. and all of whom served under the com ning. Elisha N. Jordan, Cape Elizabeth; Cecil L. Frank San- mami of Col. Roosevelt. The entire force Blake, Portland; Wilson, WADSWORTH HALL CENTENNIAL. ford; John L.IIowanl, Mexico (Rid Ion- of the company will be brought together Charles J. vale; T. The Wadsworth House at ville.) Engel, Spring '•-«n ”• in this latest addition to the Wild West. Hiram, Me., B. Stone, West Newfleld; S. S. Locklin, known as Wadsworth was built For the first time Philippine horsemen hall, by Livermore Falls; Charles H. Field, Bel- BATH TRUNKS, Uen. Peleg Wadsworth, in 1800. It is now fast ^Joseph F. Stearns, Lovell; J. G. and women will be seen in their own Lambert, Stockton John T. SPONGES occupied by Mrs. John P. Hubbard, a Springs; style of riding [and sport. The[Hawaii- Fagan, Portland ; James A.Roberts, East BAGS, of Gen. Wadsworth; and 25 and 50c. ans, composed of men and women, have granddaughter Water boro; P. K. Rowe, East Newport; for a centennial observance, with appro- Noah B. Knight. South Portlund; Fran- a peculiar style of riding and whose re- Mrs. Hubbard cis C. Peaks, Dover; Seth T. Campbell, We make a leader of Fine Baih SUIT CASES. is a revelation to the priate literary exercises, ligious dancing Island Falls; Charles H. Cole, Kenne- at this a little Largest assortment In Maine, will throw open the house, June IS, to L. Sponges price, American public. Porto Ricans and bunk; Willis H. Soule, Freeport: A. better in a trifle and lowest lor ■ II n■ in tirmn (Ka Multvu I] iulitpii'nl QVilatv quality, larger prices strictly Cubans, who have fought in different Murch, Lewiston; Charles C. Bogart, in size than usually sold for this reliable goods. to members of the Maine Society of the Mount Desert; Hector Durocher, Lewis- Harrison: I). money. Sons of the American Revolution, and to ton; Alphonso Moulton, man Cuirassiers, Arabs, United States D. Stewart, St. Albans; Burton Smart, members of the of the Ameri- Artillerymen and Cavalrymen, South Daughters Portland: James P., JefTerv, Crawford; H. H. HAY & SON, Middle St J. L. BRACKETT & CO., can with such Charles E. Gurnev. Portland: Samuel L. American on Revolution, together per- Qauchos, Cowboys bucking Janies L. Port- TO CROSS STS. sons os they may Invite. The Maine Bates, Portland; Dyer, MIDDLE STREET—UNION aoa MIDDLiH ST broncos, Sioux Indians, und others. land; Stephen M.Watson, Portland; John •_ft__ft Central railroad will sell a round trip Annie Oakley, mo will do some new G. Smith, Kennebunk. ticket from Portland to Hiram on that tricks In the shooting line; Johnnie To administer oaths,acknowledge deeds day for $1.00. The train leaves the Union and solemnise marriages—Clara Farns- A GOOD HABIT IJaker, who Is an expert marksman, and worth, West LaVerne A. Fos- Station in Portland at 8.50 a. m. The Jonesport; j| the only Buffalo Bill. There will lie a ter, Wlnthrop; Bertha F. Hillman, Troy. OUR HAMMOCKS A good habit to ao<|uir« ia tha using ot iI day cunnot fall to be one of very groat In- grand street parade ont the morning of —ARE— terest. Those who attend will tho exhibition. provide THE WOMAN’S COUNCIL. Merrill's Orris Tooth Powder. Jl themselves with a basket lunch. Should The June meeting of the council will It of the teeth and a PINK TKKK CATHOLIC. the weather, June 18, prove unfavorable Comfort Bringers prevents run-down feeling. But there’s no need Flowers Sc and 10c bunch. pages and is to be published at West- have been for {’ adorned with many pictures of men and to fee like that. Listen to J. W. Gard- 39c. paying inferior, poor the business office Is 6allors, 75c quality, brook, although to scenes of the of ner, Idavllle, Ind. He says: "Electric underwear. representive early period ! a worth fitting be In this Bitters are the thing for a man when Liberty Silks, 39c yard, city, the All are In- just past century. cordially he is uU run-down, and don’t care wheth-1 75o and *1.00. vited. er he lives or die*. It did more to give BASK BALL TODAY. _ me new and than GEO. L. WARREN CO., U. S. DISTRICT COURT. strength good appetite This afternoon the P. A. and West- I could take. I can now eat «•«. and kealth- ^^B r«r»« ■ uud in the toilet or after lor h IhoBroduotola jatej ^ invigorating when r«il artlel* rooking Jary Will R»4« Raalad Verdict w cocoanut now bring aoW urtw tua trad*- M *” pll°’blecdmt nark name of “K if-NIT." This material Which Will Ua Ta Uiaal jary. ;V.t3,:.t.,,ratroU lor « I. a perfect ,up«rs*ler ot bolter or lanl were WEEK every use to which U»o*e sub»i4ncu* and a fruit product of ubao- Oi Vatrh Fired On Uie M and EXTERNALLY ever puf, telng His Bondsmen To Be fold lespon- South June 8,—The coroner*' Birglani USED INTERNALLY lute purity. is pcefcrublu m every point of Berwick, J Jury In the Sprague murder cnee will Wkeehiaa. '.I CAUTION.-Witch Hamel is NOT Pond's Extract.and ]■ i -—AT THE- r0{"P**,*meee ceoaomlcal tkwilarTl, Witch Ha me is sold in ■ much sible- resume Its labor* tomorrow looming »ml a» cannot be used foe it. Ordinary one-halt or 1 wo-third, a, contains >■ as lard, v am- turns sour and generally mcn^ is required to do the same work It Is said by the authorities that this fSljl Jurt. diluted, easily | jo a aud 3 lb. cans, at all Urorsrs. II M -• -which is -n irritant externally, and, nion will be the last one. It Is under- wood alcohol," f? do** not keep It, send na )Wir Extract is your grower taken internally, is a deadly poison. Pond's JMTiiSItSm I name auu adUreaa, with your grUour*a name stood that the will return a sealed \ £ Jury in wrapper. V* i FRANK B. CLARK in buff ai d we will aend you a Si-pug* sold ONLY SEALED bottles.enclosed iy of ho- verdict, which will be given to the grand £%7| | containing receipt* and description Citizens Turned Out and * POND'S EXTRACT 00.. 7* fifth Are., Hew York. ts'uk Corridon Rich Under Jury of the September term ot the Su jBI & psmri Krtrort Oi»lmy»nmr«»lut,Ui«"r Btoadtnt V * BBIOHAM CO., court. PlIr^howrT.-r.rTrTfc, STORE, NcLKLLAl preme Hunted Crooks. N. K. Agents, Bonds. B4XIER BLOCK. 49 Ml M and 52 Chatham Biroet, Boston OBITUARY. mjrMM WBattf 1 * * T ——. Pictures for wedding presents CHARLKS H. PKTKRSON. Bat No at low STAMPS. of Mr. Charles H. Fifty Shots Were Fired very prices. C )NFEDERATE Neely’s Friends Threaten to The many friends who for several has been Writing 10, 15, 19, Peterson, years One Hart. Paper, Him. the Portland superintendent of the Metro- 35 aud 50c a Ko Complete *et of OsnsluOui Pol- Expose 25, pound. politan Life Insurance company, were ■v ■rased ay tki Borusaimt. Envelopes, 35, 3H, 40 and 50c shocked yesterday to learn of his sudden in a death which occurred during the after- CLARION a box, (250 box). "The stock of Confederate money, noon at his home, 58 Thomas street. Mr. 8.—Bur- Woodwoilb’s Perfumes, 25e Mr. North ViuwriUioro, Me., June stamps, slave deeds, etc., Havana, June 8.—Tbs trouble* of Peterson had been In the of bonds, postage enjoyment to rob the store of Meser- on nee. a well-iu- director of glars attempted per has a Unit run out," explained Kates U. Kathbone, former heath as far as known and wus at good & Ford on Main street this morning Hooking Ranges collector of The audi- ver Fountain Pens. formed numismatist nnd jxists, seem to be increasing. his offloe Thursday afternoon. Yesterday but were frightened away after a fusilade curios to a Washington Star man; “that tors’ has thrown out 815,OJU he of unwell Novelties at department morning complained feeling had been fired both burglars Sterling Silver hut there worth of shots liy Arc reliable—war- Is to say, the genuine Issues; worth of vouchers, Including IHUOO ami concluded to remain at home. Ills thoroughly and citizens. It was a little past one Prices. such as twice, results. Cut is no scarcity about the supply of which have been paid condition assumed a turn for ranted to bills, suddenly o’clock when rteavey, a young give right seem to be ns The Fidell Hartley Side Combs—Back Combs— It la, and many collectors most of them at Monloe, lod. the worse so that after noon he have more valuable shortly was on his wheel from They with the counterfeit issues notified that It will lie citizen, returning well sot 1sill'd ty Co., has been took to his bed, and at half past three the than Picture Frames. j lond. Waterville. As he approached vicinity improvements any as the genuine. held on Mr. Kathbone’s o’clock responsible passed away. of the he noticsi a man standing other are made of A lot of Writing Tablets In the laws which of the store, line; large "There Is nothing Mr. Miller, the manager oompuny Mr. Peterson was born In Brooklyn, N. the in the street but paid no attention to the best material obtain- one from such have held at Half Price. prohibits any duplicating and Mr. Kathbone, prolonged and was years of age. him. Y., thirty-two until the latter sprang at and are most econom- several concerns have hail the last few but person able; over the store. issues, and interviews during days Fourteen year* ago he entered the employ succeeded in Bargains all Senvey spurted and use of of manner, an enormous of them. been arrived at regarding oom- Young ical in the perfect June(><14t supply no decision ha* the Life Insurance fuel,.because ■" primed of — ■ ■' 1 —- Metropolitan The latter 11 the stranger’s grasp. g.-- are what are sold to collectors now of the situation. The au- eluding in which are If dealer does These this new aspect, pany, with which he had since continued, shots were they put'togcthcr. your I at once opened fire and four and as they are much cheaper than the contend that the Fidelity Co., Is until shout not have take no but write to the' thorities being promoted step by step one hall passing them, substitute, !| they have found leaily sale. The sent after Senvey, genuine five ago when hs was assigned to was manufacturers. Confederate gov ernment issued in all I responsible. years his trousers leg. The alarm friends Insist that C. of through fchirtv different kin ds of postage stamps, Mr. Hath bone's this olty to All the responsible position citizen# turned who given and twenty or more A full e,,1 leelinn of ireiiuine issues v w iiOToind Mr. Jtathbone, of the Portland offloe. He was the manager out. Then a dash down A ■ells for about three times their, know- began lively Bargain. today without man and one of the Special signed at Neely's request an excellent business were wen dis- face value. The ten-oent Confederates country road. Two forms It is what he most successful life insurance agents In postage stamp Is very scarce, and ing signed. and upon these the men opened under a appearing quoted to collectors at fifty cents, and Corrtdon Hleh has been plamt the country. .. ■ ■ __a. Vi ft xr uhnta to at that. ease. hard get bond as a witness In the Neely Seven months ngo Mr. retewon wjw the de- fjUOO were but no one win hit and ■‘An interesting fact has just been a tired, nn A letter has ls-en received here by married to Miss Harriet Bomnby of 6 PLATED KNIVES veloped by a search in the Post Oilioe burglar* succeeded In avoiding capture. j «0 Unit the government does nut friend of Neely’s saying that, If forced to Mass. Both of the parents of In “ Department Somerville, It Is believed that the robber* went W'03 own a full set of Confederate j show that Hleh is a liar at os FORKS stamps, return, he will Mr. IVterson are living Brooklyn ooruor where 6 j a ul of the direction ol Uetchell's though there ure nituiiitr stamjis as much as he and that the latter received are also two brothers and one sister. railroad. different kinffs on the papers of the Con- they made connection with the dill. Peterson was a member of St. Al- are new of design federate archives purchased by Congrats, (Neely) Mr. A purty ot citizen* kept up the hunt These goods special are in the War He also be- which kept Department. liaii Commandery, K. T. under the leadership ol in a box and as to whether or during the night neatly packed pasteboard The question came up the Portland of Elks. He Issued IT IN CUBA. longed to lodge Constable Hoaooe Thomas. This party wan anted. Just the thing for Island not the Confederate government HOW THEY DO his was a man and and ary twelve-cellt stamps. The papers singularly upright scoured the woods between here and Uotel use. a were sent to the Post Office De- Hrvtn lo Obtain In death will be mourned by far finally Old Spanish Methods untimely Wntervllle and down the railroad as We have lots of other things for the mint ami a was made by that part reply rowrts. wide circle of friends. the track of that It was unable to give a* Uetchell’s oomer. Along cottage. Paints, Varnishes, Hammocks, department Mr. Peterson was held in high esteem foot- answer for the lack of exact informa- the railroad the party discovered any June 8.—Senor Haocarrisse, a been l>een etc. tion. Havana, by the Insurance fraternity, having print# of several persons that hau^. _____ of is certain Cuban agent for a well-known grade of the Maine Life Underwrit- ma le daring the night and It president took train flour, had a matter In litigation. that the men wanted freight recently its’ aHHoclatlon. then* as the foot- THE MAGAZINES. him t hat was on the skiing The clerk of the court called upon in one N. HI. PERKINS & CO., HARRIETT DKER1XG MARK. won* not to be seen except shout print! and Bald that for four centvnes and that was probably where the In the death of Harriett Deerlng Mark, place 8 Freo St- j«7diw The of Art for June lias the ItJO, a decision would bo rendered In men got into a box car. magazine late Gabriel which Cure widow of the Mark, I I table of oontents: The Shrine his favor. 11/- refused and a decision was following loses one laid the mat- occurred on May 28th, Portland A LIEUTENANT GENERAL. of Eros. Uy St Ueorge Hare, R. I.; From rendered against him. He of her life long residents. Mrs. Mark \s-ns the of the Mound, Edinburgh. ter Is-fore Uen. Wood, who advised him .Steps 1815, In Eliza- CAUCUS. and that, V he were born January 8th, Cape From the Etching by Ersink Laing; to appeal suggest-si Miles Gets His Commissi#a «*»** Issues hut soon after her marriage moved I the beth, I he mark C a Head St. Ueorge Hare, again, should FAI.WOI.TI1 slid t'MBKItliASiD. btiulj of Hy approached to the First Oitiers 4s Suck. Dyspepsia! lived detective to Portland, where she up voters of Falmouth and Cumber- R. 1.; The Royal Academy.—I. With money and endeavor to have a Republican time of her death. She has been for many land are invited to meet at tne lo*n House tn illustrations: Atfer Sunset, by H. present to overhear the negotiations. at 8 Four of the Second Jane 8.—In accordance CumucrUud on Saturday, June *.». 1*00, of years a valued member Washington, nominate a candidate for reire- W. B. R. A.; The Little Fishing the secretary of the judge acade- o'clock p. m to Davis, Yesterhay a woman of with the off the military from the class the Cathedral court -all-si upon Baccar- Parish church. She was provisions sen at*ve to ihe stale legislatnro C. A. R. A.; Cumberland. Boats, hy Napier Homy, him that for ten centenes her bill, the President to- towns of Falmouth and rissc anil told wonderful vitality, having retained my appropriation Town t oramlttee, The Colne, David Murray, A. It. A.; would be In Gen. to stomach? Per Order Republican by the apis-al decision given list. She leuves two issued commissions to Lieut. I your I II. MEliKILU chairman. faculties until the dsjr Place, A. An was made ami The Drinking by Stanhope his favor. appointment Nelson A. Miles, commanding the army, Cumberland Centre, Me., May 31, 1*01*. when the sec- sisters, one brother, also two sons, Chas. A. R. Medals Awarded to for another interview and have II Forbes. A.; of Gen. H. C. Corbin, adjutant I And do you retary arrived,accompanied by the under- H., of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Frank R., and Major. Artists, as illustrated by Sir Laurence and rt/MBKRUND. secretary, a detective was in hiding one widow of the army. W. Rob- Fryeburg; daughter, Louise, general of Cumberland rre re- Aluialadema's Collection. By heard the entire discussion and arrested Miles issued his first ordei I to be I The Republicans of the lute William H. H. Pettinglll, who Lieut. Gen. careful of to meet at Town Hall, ?aturday. June erts. With fourteen illustrations ; Mr. the when he was leaving Un- quested sicretar.v new rank. It Is a recital ol at 8 o’clock tn., to transact following with the taking him to died scarcely a year ago. She also leaves today in his 0th, i9uS. p. Frank of Edinburgh. building money, eat? I usiues*. Isiing's Etchings of where and order from Secretary Hoot informing I what you 1 David S. Meklrum With nine Illus- the Vlvac, the tombs Havana, a nephew and niece, Fred A. Mark, an 1st. To chcose three delegates to attend Re- By A who was of the rank ol ■— ss Convention to be held lu Port- the Walters Collection of Ori- he obtained liail. lawyer Kettle Murk Roberts of Taunton, Moss. the army of the creation ■ publican County trations; advised him June 14, i:SJ. ental Porcelain. Cosmo Monkhouse. consulted by Baccarrisse, with an announce- land, By as such a lieutenant general, 2nd. To choose three delegates to attend Re- The Vene- not to have the man arn-st-sl CARL HANSEN. With live illustrations; Early ment of the staff of Gen Miles, Don't be a slave any B publican District Convention to be held in Henri step would be consldensl “unpatriotic,’’ personal tians Newly Considered. By Hnnsen which was Francis Mtchler, 5th I Portland, June 2«. 1*00. would be able The death of Carl as Capt. Our as the Americans .follows: one B ci>oo9e three to attend Re- Frantz. With three illustrations; especially secretary; M Take of these 3rd. To delegates to that the Ciilsms were worse than a brief Illness, caused deep cavalry, military Cap-.Hobart longer. s*tste Conveutiou to be held at Bangor, National Museums and Galleries: Recent say preceded by 5th aide-de-camp publican Artist*: St themselves. This last suggestion was knew and admired K. Hailey, infantry, Green Mountain Pearls B Jans 27,19M). Acquisitions: Our Rising sorrow to those who First Lieut. II. Whitney, 4th A. L. lialdrT. enough, for the Americans ever ami Henry B To organize Town Committee. George llare, R. I. By timely him. The man to within n since the have had good ivu- young up artillery, aide-de-camp. B after It will B PUK ORDER. With six illustrations; Bookblndengs. oocu;»aUon Gen. Miles right eating. Town Committee. tin- was at the barber These olHoers With two illus- son to consider the courts of Cuba short time employed oompoeed Msiv *»•. 1 non. Bv iMss Mary Houston. as senior command B a tone B most courts that exist iu any on York staff major general give healthy trations; New Works, By Mr. Uoscombe corrupt shop of George Tanner street, the rank of lieu- civilized country. Ing, but they now have and en- B John. A. R. A. ;x Notes And Queries; and thd customers ore among his lurgc B to your stomach The custom house fraud oases have tenant colonels. The Chronicle of Art—June. With three his sud- Overalls Linen Col- Is-i-n set down for trial on June 85, but numlier of friends who regret able to your B Railroad 38c, illustrations. FOR ARMOR. U you digest it is generally felt that conviction is Im- den demise and sympathize with the WILL ADVERTISE B contents or the Universal Brother- con- B food. Little Pearly The possible us every judge and lawyer widowed mother. The funeral services June 8.—The navy depart lars 10c. Linen Cuffs 17c. the Washington, hood Path for June are Hymn to Zeus, cerned has relatives or friends among ment about to issut advertisement# call- are in action B were held at the residence of Mrs. Han- is 9 Pills mild The New Jerome A accused. for for supplying face Kli authes, Cycle, Hat' York afternoon ing proposals * sen, street, yesterday armor of the best for till 9 and in opera- B D. & Anderson. M. Workers with hardened thorough C. Cunningham Co., D.; Together Rev. Mr. MacAlllster officiated and u for the pro Broth KKADY TO FIUHT. fiattleships already building; God, Pax Dratiull: The Universal Lovei u*ct«*d cruisers already authorized and foi 40 »iu>wil In choir sang very sweetly “Jesus, erhood Organization, E. A. Nereshelmer; Havana, June 8.— El Culiuno today's the three huttJesblp* nrovUi»*d for in tht For sale by all druggists, 25 cents, of My Soul” and “Nearer My God ti bill. | B Unbrotherliness—The Insanity of the issue says: new naval appropriation Having ■ of mailed B “The actions of the intervening govern- Thee.” The deceased was a young mall been assured that much U*tU*r ternu by__ < «<•••••• J. H.. Frissell; Heaven to Hell, F. smooth words Co! ; Age, ment often contradict the of sterling qualities, the esteem and coukl be extended by the armor com ST. ALBANSJU-iTEDV M Piero : Man s Mighty Destiny, The Cu- which promise independence. if the am tracts were for largt r*«m«REMOVAL NOTICE. T. Life is Jrty, Herbert their words affection in which he was held beliqi {Minies Bj^. Henry Edge; buns are readv to translate amount of armor the will tesl | M. D.: mid the of tributes. department Coryn, Eg pvt Egyptian into acUou and to go into the wouds if shown by a profusion floral in the advertisement* Alexander Wilder, M. D.; this by providing Dynasties, the United States government breaks Its The bearers ware Allle of biis of thm Children’s pall Sylvester, tor the submission Student-- Column; Depart- to deliver the Island to them.” for 10,000 ton* Mirror of the Movement. promise Thomas Ball, Edward O'Brien and Au- classes, namely, supplying OR. R. G. FICKETT ment; of armor, then for 30,000 tons an i tinullj | Murphy. Interment was at Forest The for SCHOOL. TBACHKRS COM- gust lor tuns. W. & Wholesale The contents of Coming Age CUBAN supplying JOHN PERKINS CO., Agent. | j TVC Ml.'Mb' City cemetery. Th»*r« L» ruanoii to believt* that undo June are Christianity in the Occident and the Inst provision at least the oompanlei kjrUMlb, Uy w. V June 8.—'The less that Movid T« Washington, quartermas- matj mLiiJi.vrvi; uauau. will offer to provide armor for Its J The Development of Science Art and ter general has completed arrangements *>00 per ton. It will lie for Secretary to the United A gathering of oner seven hundred i»o their Relation to the Drama, by Walter Wil- for the transportation Ixing to determine whether ligun States of 1,483 Cuban school teachers, pie assembled at the Palace Billiard ha I is reasonable; if not he must build an ar 562 Baiter Block »x Brundje; Love's Uplifting (poem), take ol Ceogress St, who have decided to advantage witness match be- mor t»v G. De Manuel KLieu; Rational Art last evening to the plant. | the summer course of free tuition offered • Prof. John Ward Stinson; tween Mr. Yatter of iHuKoonsilio II. Education, hy them Harvard University, ^ive big Boston, champioi KILLED BY TRAIN. I John Kuskin, l»y B. O. Flower; The by CHILD transports have ben set u|sirt for this billiarl player of New England, and liar Hebrew Prof. Nathaniel June 8.—A chili Trl.plioDf 1004-3. % »prGd3m « Philosophers, hy the Huriiside, McPherson, Mc- P. Cline, the of Presque Isle, young i Schmidt. Ph. 1). of Emerson, by purpose, vey Pennsyl Poems Crook und Fedgewlok. of Samuel Nichols was struck by a trail Charles Malloy; Frances Willard, by Clellan, vania. The game was fourteen inch ball School KoouTDccoru- on the Bangor & Aroostook railroad thl Clara C. Hoffman; INDIAN BELIEF FUND. line billiards, 151) points. Mr. Cliue woi: Walter Oilman Work and forenoon and killed. The chll< tion, by Page; 150 to 143. instantly executlveoom Life, by Adeline Knapp. ! N’ew York, June 8.—The was on the track at the time match Mr. Cline an ex playing inittee of the eoinmlttee of one hundred After the gave The contents of The Parisian for June The lx»dy was badly mangled. on Indian Famine relief met at tile hibltlon of fancy rail shots and Mr.YatU are: The Decoration of the of Commerce Contribu- Frontispiece; Chamber today. an exhibition of linger billiards PUT TO SEA. OID YOU EVER were al- gave BATTLESHIPS Salle des Fetes, Illustrated;—My Terraoe tions of nearly *i01i*J0 reported, of them was ftrmed a The marvellous performances If think there Leonoe de Joncleras; Thu Good though tha committee only Ixnves, Del Jane 8.—The battleship you [poem, Installment of two were up out t > isn’t cure for month ago. A s.-ound $30,- experts enthusiastically and Massachusetts passed any to compare the present Lord's Alto-Prayer, A. de Pontmaretin; after roads. uJO was cabled to Bombay today's plauded by those who witnessed them. *ea at 18 30 p. in., for Hampton those troubles double benefit liberal accident Thief, Illustrated; The The Manuscript meeting. Mr. Mathis the proprietor of the Paluo which are distinctly policies of today, with the Swiss at the Paris Exposition, it’s clear benefit Village went to considerable expense V Red Hot from the Cun \ feminine, old-time limited Illustrated; The Little Black Monk, Illus- SKCBETAKY1HUNT ARRIVES. hall, , you haven’t tried ?etop forms before the trail that hit U. B. .Steadma technical trated, A. de Nittis; The Image-Maker bring these two men here, but the splen Was the Fan Juan, P. It., June 8.—Mr. Wllibur of in the Civil War. 1 t TANGIN. There’s PREFERRED of Keriils, Charles Le Goffio; The Paris did turn out showed that the Port lam l Newark, Mich., ■ of state of Porto no t in the A. H. Mattox: Coun- II. Hunt, secretary Bico, i caused horrible Ulcers that treatmeii nothing Exposition, Capt. Ponce frou lovers of the what h Henri Frlchet; arrived today by the steamer game appreciated j helped for 80 years. Then Bucklen's Ai world like this cillor Stryk. Illustrated, will entered the field. VI. at the Park New York, June 2. He Iuimediate)) has done. j nic* Salve cured him. Cures Cut* medicine for 'ihe Broken Cup; Group Uov pain, begin the discharge of his duties. al Bruises, Burns, Boils, Felons, Corn* Ur. W. J. Tolman; Book Messrs. Yalter and Cline play this nervousness,weak- .at Exposition, Alien leave for the United .-state: cure on earth It I. Better now | may Skin Eruptions. Jlest Pile of the DID IT. Chat. no definite decisioi ternoon from two to three o’clock. In th : ness and all about June 30, but ; i 8ncts a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold b follow » match* l ills which women Frank Leslie's far June has the has been taken. evening Mr. Jline will play H. P. S. Oookl, 577 Congress street an 1 hare — w. all the nthe.-companies • / know so well. We Nearly lng contents: Full-puge Drawing bj of with Mr. Foster th H. U. Starr, Cumberland Mills, Drug the P«.«k»socots- THE NEW CADETS. game pool believe in TAN- NOW been forced by M. A. T, of Portland. gists nelltlon to followllboleadw—Tbs PBKFKltBsU Hugh Eaton, illustrating champion GIN handto June 8.—Adjutant Uen absolutely. -but It stands the Insuring P“hltem Quiller-Couch s story, The Two Scouts Washington, Millions Civen Away. send tbo Th* §*ttKXKXMmI>-- eral completed pn-liuilnar; To prove it, p&troDlio company— Corbin today BATE MARINE. made (Ac rther compani** aive the Legend of the White Narcissus, (poeu>, ] for the execution of tha [ to the a ua a card at arrangements It U oertalnly gratifying publl postal double benefits and liberal contract*. “The President’s > will public Minna Irving; War," section of the military academy appropri Delaware Breakwater, Del., June 8.- to know of uiw concern In the land wh once, and we for the De B, Randolph Keiiu; The Two Scouti ] ation bill which provides appoint Passed out bark Alert, Philadelphia fu r are not afraid to be generous to the need i send you a Free 100 additional cudets. A clrcuiu schooner Malcolm Bax The of Di (story). A. T. Qultler-Couch ("Q.”) luent of Hillsboro. N. B.; anil suffering. proprietor* Sample of TAN- letter was addressed to each member o ^ uo for Portland. New for Consumptioi ■ Samuel ter, Jr., King’s Discovery GIN, together with A Metropolitan Night, liopkim and Colds, have given away ovi The Greatest Passion in Newport News, Va., June 8.—Arrive Coughs a valuable medical Adams; History ten million trial bottles of this greii Juana La Blanche Kacharie ;Barak I schooner Mary K. Palmer, Portland. treatise on the dis- l-oca, for medicine; and have the satisfaction f t The Bath and What Shall We Have Dessert i Comedy, Agnes Kgertot knowing it has absolutely cured thoi eases of women. C. F. DUNLAP, At tile Ends of the British Em arisaa in the ever > ICE CAHK POSTPONED. Castle; This question family ■amis of cast's Asthma, Broi You see how much Hubert K. Before the Kail Jeli-0 hopeless pire, Spear; day. us answer it today. Try N. Y., June 8.—By mutuu 1 chitls, Hoarsen*** and all diseases of th i' we believe in this State Agent, Madison Caweln; Some Tame Pre Albany, (poem,) a delicious mud healthful dessert. consent of counsel on lx>th sides the hear Throat, Chest and bungs are surely cure medicine. Animals I I Knew, Martha Thought in two minutes. No n< set down for tomorrow before bv it. Call on H. P. is. Uoold, 577 Col McCulloch For His Honor’s pared boiling' J ing a.M.SMNSHtCO.’S EXCHANGE STREET Williams; add water am 1 on tin street and H. U. Cumberlan i 86 baking ! simply boiling preme Court Justice Chester, gross Starr, Swccewaorw. / Sake, Manila Henderson Gray; Women boi Mm YmI set to cool. Flavors:—Lemon, Grange motions made in the America! Mills, Druggist, and get a free trial Mo. as Architects Woman in Ac Evi Portlands (American Get a Ioe case has been uu tie. Kegular size 50ots. anil $1.00 tion No. Dans Raspberry and Strawberry. pack company adjourned 4*021 Series, XIX.), Joseph til tbs 18th Inst. bottle or refunded. sgs at your grocers today, 10 sis, ^ ry guaranteed, price Miller. | Isever&l I ■■W ADVMTIMMim vu pbotographad la • group. Ju*b®-' ADTMTli—«m_»«w WESTBROOK. (ore leaving lea craain and oak* were ■rtml ae a favor from Mra. Barry. A vote of thanka waa extended to Mre. Elkina for her thoughtfuinee* and grneroalty which made the day a memorable one An for the chib. backache Exciting. Runaway WOODFORDS. Yesterday.

Two yoking lads had a close call yester- day afternoon at Woodfords corner. White the conductor left nls car to “run Catholic Court of Foresters To Be thl crossiug” of the Maine Central rail- road. the lads lwarded the car on the op- LIMB JUICE TABLETS If you arc going to summer PETITE ANflRIi CAKES 12c lb Organized Soon. posite side from which the conductor per homes on the shore, liy the lakes, Frosted with an icing of crushed strawberries and creamed usually alights. As the conductor board- LEMON JUICE TABLETS or mountains, on a cruise, hunt, sugar, f of 16c each ed the car after crotting the tracks, the 12c per lb fishing trip or outing any sort, remeftiher that our hoys for fear of being discovered and superb system SELECT MARSHMALLOWS of out of town delivery makes It YELLOW MOUNTAIN CAKE driven from the car, attempted to drop lb 15c easy for you to still supply the Same frosting, 12c each To so a close call from Search Circle off and In doing had line of Light HOME METHOD table Ironi the matchless under the wheels. This is a RICH FRUIT OAKES going fre-1 CHOCOLATE ORE IMS gond things carried by these Go To Higgins’ Beach. quent and annoying practioe and keeps 19c lb stores. 16c per loaf the condcutort busy all of the time CUPID CHOCOLATES FRK9H FRUIT TURNOVERS watching for foar of an accident. 29c lb In fresh At the close of the meeting of Kooky SUMMER FRUITS. Puff pastry, selected ripe of held SALTED PEANUTS 12c dozen fruits, j Hill ledge, Knights Pythias, Moorpark Apricot*, 2c each 12c lb Black Ox Heart Cherriea, 13c lb Strawberry, at the Churches Thursday evening, the degree team prac- Pine 2c each The Services White Anna 20c lb Applet ticed the work in the third rank. After FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Riyal Cherries, 15c dez of the Red Clytnan Plums, * For Sunday. the practice work the members 5c MOLtSSE* per quirt Fancy Georgia Peaches, 25c dez COOKIES j lodge adjourned to the supper room where 5c doe ATTBE Early Alexander P< aches, 30c doz per were served. The ice cream and cake DELICATESSEN COUNTER Egyptian Queen Pine*, 30c each rank of knight is to Ik* conferred on a SLICED BOILED Mammoth Florida Pinea. 32c each SEA FOAM COOKIES ? candidate on Thursday evening, June California Ham, 19c lb Indian River Pine*, 18c each A fine lemon flavored mixture beaten into a foam and baked into a delicate Mr. .Tames Trafton of Cumberland 21. Baloga* Sauaage, 9c lb Porto R co Sugar Loaf Pinea, 65c each \ cookie 6c doztn Mills has recently purchased a gentle- Children's Sunday‘is to be observed Salami Sauaage, 20c lb Florida Pine*, 12^c each tasty per men's hors** with a record of -.60 June 10 at the Woodfords Con Cerrelat Sauaage, 20c lb Roman Beauty Apples, 65c pk driving | Sunday, “MARY ANNE" COOKIES i its. church the members of Holland Uerring, 12c lb Choice Headless Orange*. j of Gardiner part | grcgatlonal by Sc dozen ivuhiiu caiuiuea. iu uuc me dozen up per J work is being commenced the Sunday sohool who are to give a con- wjiwcu Preparatory Komi Chicken, Jamaica Grape Frui'e, 12,'a0 each for the construction of a stone retaining cert in the evening. GRAHAM WAFEKETTS whole or half 36c lb New Cocoanuu 3c each Mr. per bird, (bargain) wall in front of the premises of Clark Memorial M. K. church, C.Alex. In a neat half a ( OP MINN. Fiah Balia, 20c dor Extra Yellow and Ked Bananae, package yard long This at MISS LUCY ANNIE HEISER, MINNEAPOLIS, Manning at CumN-rland Mills. Terhune. pastor. Morning worship Salmon Cutlet*, 3&c doz Georgia Cantaleoupe, 12c—trade ac- trained work has been made necessary on 10.30; preaching oil “The Value and Miss Lucy Annie Heiser, a graduated nurse of nine years’ experience, 1500 Baskets of the as GOLDEN GATE BISCUIT count of the lowering of the grade Place of the Little Ones.” Sunday and graduated from the Homeopathic Hospital, of Minneapolis, Minn., writes Halnds, Croquettes and Cut- Fast Express Jersey Strawberries at the At. m. 8c per street. The work is to he done M'ltiml 12 .Inntor l>*jume at 3 30.: follows. lets of all kinds to order. 12c per baaket packet Albert Nov. 8,I899.\ exjiense of the city. Kpworth League at 0.510. At 7.80,Chil- Lea, Minn., (good berriea at leaa price) NEW CREAM CHEESE The Westbrooks and Presumpsoots nri dren’s Day entertain Jient given by the The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio: JAMAICA LIU* JUICE 12,’^c lb at I 9c bottle 25c lb to play a game of ball this afternoon Sunday school. Gentlemen “Although my school does not believe In patent medicines, per Clover Leaf Creamery Butter, This Vermont Butter, 22c lb ANDERSON'S CHICKEN SOUP Warren park at 2.30 o’clock. game found It to be a fact that Peruna la a and valuable medicine. I DIRKS ROOT BEER Dairy have grand 18c lb be contest'd as the Pre- Cooking Butter, Content* of a tin plus 3 half pint* of is likely to hotly MOltlllLLS. known It to cure Mrs. with an Inflamed womb, aggra- 12j*c per bottle have Sampson, suffering water makea a of excellent a from the West- boiling quart ini in pace Ls won gam** after the doctors had failed to her. Another of my vated by malaria, help FINEST CURA 14c aoup. 8!*jc per tin brooks on the same grounds. Choice Old Potatoes, pk of the late Mrs. a of female diseases; she was so OUAVA JELLY West- The funeral services former patients suffered with complication New Potatoes, 35c pk The alumni association of the MINCE MEAT Etta wife of C. Boulter, are skin and but Peruna cured her and she Is to-day In 12J^c per jar Bermuda 4c lb EVAPORATED is to tender a W., Henry thin, nothing but bones, Onions, brook High school banquet for one or two*amall ; to be held this a temoon at 8.80 o'clock that Peruna revives lost Florida White Onions, 6c lb. Enough large on eve- good health and good flesh. Facts prove strength SCOTCH MARMALADE to the graduating cla^s Monday piea, 7c per packet from the late residence, 817 Auburn of life health. ning, June 18, in th** parlors of the West- and restores to the sick that most wonderful blessing Make of Jo* Cairn’#, Paieley, Scotland, street, North Deering. ALE brook church. Mr. Wm. Lucy Annie Heiser."' 15c per pound pot ORANGE GINGER EXTRA TOILET PAPER Congregational were at White The public works department also Past Grand A delicioua new drink from our own Sizable 5c each Morril the new manager of the Mattie B. Curtis, Secretary Legion of of the Public Schools; packet*, work yesterday in gravelling Pleasant CROSSES BLACKWELL'S formula uaing Underwood Water— House is to act as caterer. Women, Hotel Salem, Boston, of IndependentOrder of Good Templars, CHYSrAl.IZED CIINOEK Spring Stevens and Forest ave- Loyal ale with FRESH GRATED HORSE RADISH who has bsen avenue between Dr. received the ginger juat enough orange ayrup Mr. Frank Swan spend- Mass., writes: Hartman following per box nues and on Stevens avenue iu the vicini- 12j^c 'o take the ating from the ginger. Ii'a the 6c bottle at his home on Stroiul- letter: per ing a few days **/ suffered we ever Morrills corner. j amootheat hot weather beverage resume his ty of | Wash. LUNCHEON TONGUE ivater street, has returned to for over a Columbia Citt, 5e bottle RELISH i Frank Waterhouse of the year j offered. per PEPPER school at Provi- Conductor “I can words of the One tender in a tin, duties at the Friends with speak only good tongue pound 4c per bottle Portland Railroad company is moving general Underwood Spring Water K. I. benefits I have had from the 22c dence, weakness and repeated 15c the his into the Patrick house * per gallon by carboy Seed of the Woman*’ will lie family Morgan use of Peruna. OLIVES “The j FANCY GOLDEN DATES Ale CALIFORNIA RIPE on Forest avenue. debility, mani- Champagne GlDger Rider A. H. Kearney’s subject at the 6c 35c dozen 35c fested “Too[constant application to work per pound per per quar Berean Advent church Sunday afternoon especial- In severe last winter caused me to have severe at two o'clock. This will lx? the first of YARMOUTH. ly and head and backache and dragging pains. a series of three sermons upon the general backache neither was topic, “Christ the Seed.” In the evening headache. 1 could not stop my work, KING ARTHUR The lmccalaureate sermon before the there is to be instead of the 1 fit to go on. Reading of the bene- I preaching class of 1H0O, Yarmouth High school, is My physician usual social servi:**. Sunday school at dif- ftclal results from the use of Peruna, I j to be delivered Sunday, June 10th by prescribed 1.30 o’clock. ferent medi- a bottle and within a few Rev. C. D.Crane, pustor of the First Par- purchased the local undertaker j of Mr. J. F. Spear ish cines, none days after using It, began to tee! better. Congregntiona^church. ■ s .1 t. .1___ lias moved into the rooms over F. A. | The 84th annual commencement of the “ I constantly improved and oeiore ino Coir’s jew airy htore on Main street, where associate advised me to try Peruna, as Yarmouth High school is to be held Fri- seventh l>ottle was completely used, ail he will carry on his business as in the it cured her of constitutional headache day afternoon, Juno 15th at the First pains were gone, my strength was re- once ordered FLOUR and stomach troubles. 1 at past. Parish Congregational church. The stored, aud I now seem ten years* The members of the Searchlight circle a bottle and before it was used, felt i graduating class are. to 1*> tendered a younger. -18- 1 lev. and Mrs. C. F. Parsons as 1 with the at Masonic greatly improved. r**eeptiou during evening “If I tired or feel Ternna at contemplate a buckboard ride to **I have taken four bottles and for two get bad, guests ! hall. The affair Is in charge of the fol- deserve Beach if A free from once helps me, aud I fee! you Higgins today pleasant. heads of committees: Entertain- months have been entirely I lowing for such a conscientious dinner is to lx* served anil a gener- these maladies. Several of friends praise placing THE COOK S CHOICE picnic I ment, Mrs. WAV. Dunn, 83; music, Har- my forward to medicine before a suffering public.” al good time is being looked are using Peruna with beneficial results, riett L. Rates, ’87; refreshments, Miss Mrs. Amanda Shumaker. the members ot the circle. in cases of troubles with the by ; Edith L. Cook, ’08; decorations, Louise especially At the Uuiversulist church Sunday at to- Pernna is a for the catarrhal I C. Wilson, *91. The graduating class is kidneys and other pelvic organs, specific -——— the morning service at 10.30 a. m. the with weaknesses to derangements of women. Address The al—L,—————— -.. j composed Of 15, eight girls and seven gether peculiar Kev. Klliot B. Harbour will women.*’ Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohioj pastor, i boys, as follows: ]>ena G. Carswell, on the subj«*et “Convention Mrs. Amanda who for free book on catarrh written by Ur preach Emla Fogg, Jjuura Brown Hall, Mary O. From Shumaker, Kehoes.” Let come. Those S. IS. Hartman. everybody Libby, Anna T. PrnK, Lida Sea bury, has charge of the Grammar Department who did not bring their conven- persons Louise 11. Stubbs, Julia Thoits, Howard tion will please do so this Sun- _—J envelopes C. Bennett, Perez B. L. Bucknam, Os<;ir day. Sunday wliool at 11.45; lesson M. Drlnkwater, Forest D. Lane, Rulph HOT WEATHER SHOE COMFORT. “Death of John the Baptist.” Y. study Seabury, Wilfred Webber, Porlie E. Win- 1*. C. U. meets with the Cumberland hk)W. LOSS This will ho a season of Oxford Ties—more than over before. The time for lay- South Wiudhum. $10,000. County association at shoes is here—and will not bo comfortably or stylishly The Yarmouth grammar school gradu- | ing aside iho heavy high you special cars. until have domicil a of neat low-quarter shoes. We have provided ation exercises are to lie held dressed you pair Thursday, a Ladles'Oxtord Ties in broad, A Catholic Court of the Older of For- INSURANCE $3,000. for your comfort iu this direction with lavish hand. •iUIlt4 mil me ^ m-jiwji lutimu. that sells for *2.00 aro here in resters is to lx* organized in Westbrook at medium or narrow toes—the quality usually great j The of Oxford Is reached in our td.OO grades. variety at *1.50. elegance an early date as the organizers are now tip-top are hand sewed and are made in all tlio new stylish toes. Our Ladies' GORHAM. Often the case. Man was econo- They strictly at work. .) at will ho the talk of the town liavo half hand welt Oxfords, in ltussia call' and black, *2.00, was an on mixing (?) didn't enough There exciting runaway a are so comfortable and stylish. Our stock of Children's Shoos insurance, lfis family is destitute 111 few weeks they Brown strect forenoon. Mr. ]. is in its of and sizes. Splendid values at 75c a pair and up. yesterday Several times recently the residents of now: all of the insurance to W complete variety styles take tiiat and aro Arthur a clerk for J. L. Brown, Our business is increasing—day by day. Good proof quality prices Knight, lligli and School streets have heard ring- pay his debts. If you’ve any prop-

0 -I- „«f.

measure of excellence hr and away above daring U»» whole Minot yw Just end SOUTH PORTLm the ordinary. “The Owl" was rsty lng. Vonng Willard I* deserving of spee pleasingly trad hr Ktta Mabel Woodbury tal prmf sr for he hae to travel a good long STORK OPKN THIS KVKNINQ. and wae brimfull of bright, spicy hlta, distance to get to his school. The man- the qtaat history bring highly entertain- agement at the school, under Miss Cany, ffiMbiito ing. The assistant teacher, Mrs. Char- ably assisted hy Miss Mildred Henley, Graduation Day at the l.ate Bolton presldM moat acceptably at has been excellent, and the results have the piano and furnished nice accompani- been In every way satisfactory, Grammar School ment* to the vocal numbers whloh were ITEMS. ’Twas a these Table members of the class and quick straight passage l>y graduating The olub house of the South Portland The the aroond clam. Inshrammtal ptscse oycllsts, at Higgins' Beach, such a favor- were furnished the Udkt' orchestra of by ite resort during the summer months, is South Portland, who played Made delightfully undergoing many Improvements and with Linens end scored a ancons. ware Was signal They Its flesh coat of paint, etc., will look like Prozramne Verjr Sietmfillj very enthusiastically received, and de- a new building. From Old Ireland, over the Atlantic, through the Oil servedly so. Tom Woodbury Is getting Charles Carried Kaler In a lew well- Boston Custom House to our store. Superintendent Studley s fast stepper, "Temple Hall,” 11 mod'remarks commented on the entertain Into good racing form, and Monday next You a certain Old-World Linen weaver and of the work whloh see, ment spoke good will take the hone to Lewiston to put on been done at this school nmler a Bunch had the the finishing touches. wanted a Prompt-Cash market for Big able direction of Mr. assisted Henley, by The grounds around the grammar school and Towels that Exercises at Miss Bolton. He awarded the of Table Damasks, Nspkins Interesting diplomas, at Willard, presided over by Miss Pills- also the for to prizes Kngllsh composition bury, are being deoldedly Improved by cumbered his warehouse. Other Schools. school whose City certain members of the the planting of trees, trimming of the names were mentioned In a ruoeut issue He knew whereto send them. grass, etc. Let the good work go on of the PKKSS. The benediction was pro- Mr. Fred Allen of New York, Mn. He remembered your thirst for Pure, Dainty, nounoed Rev. Mr. after which by Corey, Frost and Mn. Moulton of Portland have Linens. He them hith- the graduates were showered with con- week at the resi- Dazzling-bleach shipped Social and Personal Items of been guests during the gratulations from a host of attending dence of Mn. R. M. Cole. er; they were shot through the Custom House friends. Mrs. Charles of Is General Interest. Moody Minneapolis last week and here are an invitation AT LIUOXIA QKAMMAB SCHOOL. visiting her sister, Mn. Ross, on Pickett they waiting Mrs. is the Mn. The closing exercises at the Llgonla street. Moody settling to vour homes. Urammar school, Mrs. Alice Taylor, Harriet Moody estate. decade. had a We doubt If another such Linen comes our this principal, were held yesterday afternoon Mn. Eliza J. Pratt has large opportunity way ran' on southwest The occasion* have been Indeed and the room was prettily deooruted with piece of her property the The 8a!e will open Monday morning at store-opening and continue until the lots are when the Union Opera house held an au- lilacs, flowers, etc., while on the walls of side of Pine street plowed and prepared will be dience so large and representative of the the room hung many pictures, the proper- for the planting of vegetables. It sold out. See details below. best elements of the city as that which ty of the school. The following pro- about the largest garden In town. She South is otherwise her greeted the class of 1100 of the gramme was very satisfactorily rendeml Improving property. EYE and FINCER. NAPKINS. For IBc. Port land (jrainiuar school. Besides the reflecting much credit on the pupils and A movement Is on foot to have the Let your eye follow your Anger Four thousand two hundred and eighty Nearly one thousand In this lot, parents and friends 3f the scholars there the teacher as well: grocery stores of South Portland village down these four single columns, end seven of them (4287.) s extra flno finish, choice patterns, closed at 1 o'clock the were to be seen Mayor Reynolds, Judge Quotations. Wednesdays during see if there isn't some advantage to (2 50 anil (2.70 a dozen is the 1 Cs Harford, Superintendent of Schools Kaler Singing—ThoSh K Bella School summer. In this arrival of Table Linens. value. Tliis Male price each, I cMl veiling you The STORY. and other members of the school board Kssay—Winfield Scott, Irving Jones Mrs. Winfield Southerland has secured Hotel proprietors. Housekeepers Mediation, Jennie Gough and House folks aro In- anti not a vacant place was descendble In a position as bookkeeper for Frank Rich- Boarding In the weaving of Napkins there For 17c. Singing—In the Mouullght, K Class vited. Sale Monday morning. the room. In fact so was the audi- ardson the opens are 6 or more large Kssay—George B. McClellan, grooer. always ;i, 4, N Napkins About seven hundred of these left after the dozens are ence that the remark was made that if in- Annie Sturk Mrs. Wellman and daughter Cora, who Damask All Bleached. put up. Napkin*, Double Damask, Large Hughes Table Theso odd have accumu- terest in these graduation exercises con- Hecttatlon, Philip have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Preston Napkin* size. This Sxlo at (each) 17ii the ltobln. School L lated until there are 4287 ot them. to it was a Singing—Chiftits have returned to their home at tinued increase, only question mu Hattie While Ixmgley, Kssay—It. regard, For 29c. We bought them at Half price and of a year or so when more commodious Jackson, Lincoln llavls Rochester, N. H. Kssay—Stonewall on the same Williams less. They are yours quarters .would surely huve to be secured Recitation, Mae Mrs. Fred L. Littlefield of Peaks Island Three styles pure linen Bleached Christiansen terms. TOWELSj Th.> hall wm handsomely decorated H<-cltation, Harry Is her M. Table for Summer visiting sister, Mrv Wilson, Damask, good as A great Factory clear up of Singing—lamely Woods Farewell, School 50 inches wide. This All perfect but not pntstp quite with a Iwink of flowers, ferns, etc Preble street, for a few days. cottages, OQp IJuckabsck, huge Conversation, smoothly as full dozens are. The Towels, Damask, on oars Sale price, hemmed, hemstitched and a few me against the front of the stage and the Jennie Gough, Carrie Teague, Bulla The electric have been bothered by prices are not by dozens but by the Minnie niucn, im'hmc nrunn wearable, 25 platform to welcome the class were the lAunrop, the switch at the Portland end or the Napkin. fringed, large, thirsty, Essay—Philip Henry Sheridan, IL cent value, cannot tie bought in 100 of the Mr. George F. railroad company's bridge, and yesterday principal school, Annie Ham dozen lots less than (2.00. 1 O la Mac rend le was at work For 50c. about with accus- Henley, Superintendent Killer and Her. Recitation, Harry Bimson Superintendent For 8c* This Male price each, I your Mr. Corey. At the appointed hour two Hesitation. Evelyn Gough with a gang of men putting in now This is a price that is a pet of ours. tomed vim? Yellow Dock and Mm* Williams In this extra o'clock the fifteen in Dialogue.Millie Alcerly needles which will set all Seven dinorent designs, pure Irish Four hundred, lot, ('lose onto Two thoinamt of them. Hale graduating class, Musio in the Air. things right Singing—There’s bleached Linen Damask, extra flue good patterns, regular rsluo begun Monday niurulng at S o'clock. (the genuine Morse’s) will number, was escorted to their seats on the Norman again. Essay—McDowell Eggert heavy. 08 inclios wide, loss than Im- $1.25 and $1.00 per dozen. Qa cure all that, put new blood platform by the second class and the Recitation, bixxle Hunnewell LITTLE FIELD BOUND OVER. porter's price. Tula Sale This Sale price each, Ob Reminder. in stimulate the dainty white dresses of the girl graduates, Essay—General Grant, bynla Walsh your veins, Recitation, Bwwie Brown Charles E. Littlefield and Mrs. J. H. 50c In the Half-a-thou- a Keep momory action of organs, bedecked with pretty flowers made most Robert K. bee. For IOc> sluggard Essay—General Gibbs were yesterday before sand .Saturday liargalns in “heady- lilting background for the beautiful floral Eddie Thomas morning 1IL restore your former vigor with The to-wear" aud “Instant uso" tilings in front. After Rev. Singing—Sweet Summer, School Judge Hill, charged forgery. Seven hundred and forty one of and do it without Interfer- display prayer by For 69c. we've been telling you of. Essxy—Admiral Farragut, F. Wilkinson witness for the state were Mr. Ijessnrd of these beautiful Napkins, many Mr. Corey the following programme was There's rare picking among them. ing with your dally habits, Essay—Sherman, Bessie Brown I he Jefferson hotel, and Deputy Marshal Full two yards wide, handsome styles of them. Sale price offered: D. Class without unpleasant effects, Dialogue, Frith. Counsel for the defence was Al- Satin finish, all Linen, good weight, 10c Music. Millie Hecitation, Akerly 3 patterns,. This Sale without rackingthe system. Jack Hall's Boat Race, Custer, Vertie Coyne derman Moore. County Attorney Libby CQn1 MORSE’S YELLOW DOCK. Essay—General price, OwU For ISKc. It is a natural herb remedy Ethel Affa Reed Harmonica Solo, Philip Hughes appeared for the state. Mr. Lossard testi- The Famous Violin Ira Is your blood impure? and and rebuilds Fight, Solo, Eggert fied that Littlefield gave him the forged regulates Oscar Mart in Anderson IV, One thousand four hundred and Singing—America. Haven’t re- you in the proper way. chocks and that he gave Littlefield about fifty six of these, full 22 inch size, you entirely Song, Just before the exercises at the gram- For 89c. assists nature to Annie McCusker 900 on them. Littlefield tola him the extra heavy, good designs. Snow covered from a winter’s Simply mar school, the of the well A Fern Leaf, pupils primary pre- checks were good. Mr. Frith told how Extra Satin finish Irish Damask, drop, pansy, clover, etc., etc., effect a cure. Free Sample Annette a worth a dozen. This Has the left Woodbury Pettengill sldtnl over by Miss Sadler, gave very Littlefield had admitted to him that he two yards wide, 4 styles. $2.00 1 0 I A housing? grip doses if want Even This Shall Pass QQn every day you Away, creditable exhibition. This Sale prico, 03b Sale each, I L b you so weak you cannot get Katherine May Bah ms wrote the checks. 'j them. Music. Mrs. Gibbs took the stand on her own Capture of Major Ant Ire, The Republican club met l$st evening l>ehalf. She said that Littlefield owed her James Frederick Brooks in Oasis hall and adopted articles of In- J. R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY CO. J. R. LIBBY CO. The Blue and the $3U0 and that he told her that he would Gray, and A note will be Martha corporation by-laws. her these checks in Ellen McCusker give part payment. o**^*^^^ sent to each member of the club advising AAA AAA Chorus. The first check he gave her was signed The First New Tree, him of the date of the next at WAYNFLETE SCHOOL. England Apple meeting A E. Noyes, trustee. She supi>osed that Arthur Noxon Baylor which officers will be choseu. Duet. this was Mr. Noyes of the Portland Sav- AND Mr*. Hubbard returned from Chicago WEDDING The Ballad of Sweet P. ings bank. He told her if she woild en- Intrrrstlng Closing Ktrrclses Wcrr D. on F. Martha Modora Wallace Thursday evening to her home .Stan- dorse the check he would get the money Held nt the School Yesterday, FOLSOM, A Little Quaker Sinner, ford street. ENGAGEMENT RINGS. Kf-ssie Smith on it, as she might have some difficulty 511 CONGRESS STREET. Woodbury Miss will to Kent’s Hill today Music. Flagg go In getting Identified at the bank. He A thousand of them, alt styles and I at school on Dunforth to attend the commencement exercises At the Waynflete In own The Cavalry Charge. gave her only $5 and she thought this prices. We make rings oar fac- the ex- Merrill Clifton Manning the academy, of which she is a graduate. street yesterday morning closing on '.he Can make you was part of the proceeds of the check. tory premises. ouy Bong, Mrs. Cole has returned from St. Johns- ercises {were held und they were attend- kind of a Ring you may wish In our own < > Emma Anderson At the close of the hearing the Judge bury, Ver mont to her apartment* on ed by a large and interested audience. factory on ihe premites. We hare over j J The Victory, bound Littlefield over to the September BARGAINS SATURDAY street. The o( the exercises was as 200 Idamond Kings at the oli prices, , [FOR Ecla Front programme May Saylor 1 term of the Superior court in the sum of a > ♦ Music. follows: •to.oo to We make specialty AT BETHANY CHURCH. IIOJO. At last accounts he had not ob- and do the best < School Pajier—The Owl, Hymn. of Jewelry Repairing, About 300 yards of all linen Crash 1 lot of Ladies’ Night Gowns, made of Etta Malx*l This will be the ut Bethany hail. Mrs. Gibbs was of work at lowest prices of Woodbury programme tained discharged. Prayer, [ heavy and absorbent In short lengths, lino quality cambric and trimmed Awarding Diplomas, church at 1 tomorrow in observance Her. Luther Freeman. with haurburg, regular #1 00 goon*. p.m. from 1 to 5 at 10c ntendent — LUKE DONNELLY MISSING. yards yard, Super! Kooltutlon—Proverbs VIII, These were slightly soiled In mu! lug Closing Song. of Children's Sunday: Lnke Donnelly, aged years,a painter, Junior Department. and will be cold for 79c a li. Benediction. Responsive Reading. Sicilian V SO dozen Ladles’ Silk finished black Prayer. whose home is No. 34 Adams street in Essay—The espers, The several were Berenice Staples. Cotton Ifoso with white polka spots, parts very creditably Recitation, Viola Dixon, Elsie Weymouth this has been from home !: city, missing McKenney, wortli from loo to 10c. For rendered and two or thnx* of them had a Class Saturday Singing. June 1. His wife fears that he has Buxton. Ada Isa Pierce since 11c pr. Reading, Doughty, Ballads, THE JEWELER, i Mrs. Norton's Class met with an accident. She is Essay—Jacobite Singing, extremely Tomlinson. BOXES OF (JOLI) Recitations, has Kay dozen Ladies' Colored anxious about him. She four chil- ltecitntlon—The Throstle, Tennyson 15 I'eltidoats, Mildred Ijewls at Klttredge, Arey one and three Monument same as we have linen selling $1.00, Infant Class dren, girl boys. Junior Department. Square. j; Singing, Speaking, marJ84 6Uior8thptf < $1.50 and $1.00. To close at Wc each. leut for Letters About (arapr-Kuts. Reading, Marre Dyer When Donnelly left Portland he went Address, Singing, Sadie On* to lloston on the steamer Governor Ding 930 lioxes of gold and will Florence Walton Awarding of certillcutes to the class of greenbacks Recitation, ley, having bsen engaged to do some be sent to Isa and Bertha Pierce lyoo—Alice Mabel Buxton, Bertha Pear- persons writing interesting Singing, on the and at last accounts MAINE SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF. Flossie Florino Gott painting boat, and truthful letters about the good that Refuting, Aivy, son, Berenice Staples, Huy Tomlinson. Singing, Marre Dyer worked until Saturday noon, when he The school will clone one week from has been done them the use of The were well written und In- by Grape- \Vent ashore and has not been heard from esstfys The exercises to be with yesterday and all the children will go Nuts food. interspersed to res ting and they were read clearly and since. He had about $7 when he left the home for the summer. Miss Harris will singing by a quartette. Miss Buxton’s 10 little boxes, each containing a $ 0 boat. with dignity. May song A CORRECTION. go with a party of small chi ldren as far w later to obtain assistance in finding her The boys are now painting and repair- 300 next liest. A com mitt JPof 3 to make the new school buildings to a vote of the with manifest pleasure. 1 lot of Ladies’ White Skirts mado of 20 dozen with deep husband. She said that he bad never been ing the different rooms in the dormitory, Wrapper*, flounce, decision and the prizes sent on July 8, citizens w;# passed. This was an error, Miss Pearson wus exempt rrom con- good quality cotton with deep hem- yoke and collar trimmed with braid, uway from home before, and had always work which was formerly done by outside the vote No—Aldermen Willard, to the exercises because sh* stitolled flounce and dust rutile. For some made of good quality percale and 1100. standing: been attentive to his tributing family. help. They have recently painted the 50c each. some of lawn. For Ode each. Write sensible de- Scamman, Pickett, Jordan; yes, has taken her flnsl examination for Saturday Saturday plain, letters, giving Spear, She has a step-brother, Charles just iron fence In front of the school and the tailed facts of ill-health caused from im- Alderman Small. Bryn Mawr. The certificates were award- Maguire, a horseshoer, who she believes, job would do credit to n veteran painter. food and explain the imurove- SHUKK ed to the class by Miss Lowell with ap- proper A BUPPEli. lives in East Boston, and she thinks It Miss Taylor, the principal of the ment, the gain in strength, in weight, propriate remarks. Other awards were: There will be a shore supper at Cush- possible that her husband has been look- school, will go to her old homo In Phila- or in brain power after using Grape-Nuts scholarship pin to Bertha Pearson for ing’s Point next Thursday evening from ing for him, as he had often expressed a delphia next Friday, returning the JUth food. highest average scholarship this year. 0 to 8 o'clock, near the residence of Mrs. desire to locate him. The impression that Inst., after which she will occupy her It is a fact that most* ails of Last the was won by Margaret F. D. FOLSOM. profound year pin Pettengill, for the benefit of the Univer- something has happened to him, how- summer oottage at the Cats- until school humanity come from improper and nour- ever, is in her mind, for she feels Thurston: Jane Austen’s works to Mar- sallst society. Fish chowder, coffee, pie, strong opens in TELEPHONE 1006-4. that he would have written to and Walter Braant’s September. ishing food, such as white bread, hot bis- In certainly garet Thurston cake and Ice cream will bo Included her if he could. Jane Barlow's “Irish Of the other teachers. Miss Patrick cuit starchy and uncooked cereals, etc. "London" and the bill of fare. If stormy on Thursilay Idylls" to Woodman for prise will spend the summer at Falmouth, aud A change to perfectly cooked, pre-dl- A were the supper will he on Friday. AGREED ON SALARY BILL. work In English. These awards the Misses Armstrong at their cottage at food like Grape-Nuts, for work done In a state and gested scientifically At a of the school competition Miss Is a neat PRICE SURPRISES CHILDREN’S SUNDAY. meeting committee the Cape. Draper building made and containing exactly the elements were not given by the sohool. Margery which was held yesterday afternoon, the received honorable mention in cottage at Higgins's beach. Miss Devine nature for the delicate Tomorrow at several of the churches Dudley requires building on a amount- the earns com will the summer at her fathers' Ut members agreed salary bill petition. spend lowness, that and wonderful cells of brain and body, special exercises will arranged for the In tile way of should'brinff ing to >119,055. oottage at Atlantic City. Miss Estabrook will a half sick children. At People's M. E. church a healIcstate transfers. quickly change person will be In Massachusetts for a down here for Meats and Groceries. school concert will be at portion you to a well Food, good food, Is Sunday given person. Mary E. Shorey of Somerville, Mass., of the summer. Miss Libby will visit Nature s of defense. U.30 p. m., and unusual pains havo been We deliver to of the strongest weapon to Elsie M. Uarvln of Portland, tar 91, In Providence part of the vacation. goods any part city, Include in the letter the true names taken to prepare a programme of many one-half interest in land and buildings Harris will have her or features which will entertain Miss headquarters at any steamboat landing promptly. and addresses, carefully written of 20 interesting > JUNE of street. on the westerly side Congress In the city. Mrs. Coe, the matron, .will not to whom we can old not less than young. In the morning persons very well, Andrew Johnson of Portland to visit her in Montreal. Lean Smoked Shoulders, 8 to 81 best makes and In 1 iel W. Staples of Purtland, for |1, land Short out Lamb Choi*, pkg. Starch, who has returned from a visit Try for one of the 330 Every one ooinbe, just 1 at Elisabeth. WEST END M. E. CHURCH. 8 lbs. for 10c. 8 lbs. Carolina Bice, 86c. prizes. some ex* Cape New Onions, in Massachusetts will officiate ut the ser- | lines bare , has an show. Don't write Children's will be observed at the 4 new soft 86o. equal poetry, 1 Day Natives Cukes, 6c. lbs. Dates, vices for the elusive patterns, therc- SUMMER SHOE COMFORT. but just honest and interesting facts day. | West End M. E. church next Sunday. Native Spinach Greens, 15o pk. 1 gal. can Apples, 85c. The children at the M. K. C by enubllng cuslumers about the good you have obtained from Knightville The popular footwear for Ladles and All the servlos will be of special interest String and Butter Beans, 7o. 8 lbs. Evaporated Apples, 86c. church will uelebrute the on to avoid the pure food Grape-Nuts. If a man or day Sunday. , duplicatlag. ] Misses this season Is the Oxford Tie, and open to the publlo. At 10.30 a. in., Best Native Potatoes, 60c. bush. Best Pure Bio Coffee, 12'-,0. une IT s woman has found a true way to get well J which means comfort as well as style for Rev. C. C. Whldden will address the WORTHY OF NOTE. ♦-• and keep well, it should be a pleasure to the wearer. You will find an unusually children end a oholr of children will stretch a helping hand to humanity, by | The second primary school on School :: ; attractive line of these shore In the store sing. Patents are specially Invited to at- telling the facts. street olosed for the summer, Friday Geo.H.Griffen « of John E. Ureeue & Co., Monument tend this service In company with their JOHNSON & Write name and address and it is of note that three and the are below children. There will be a concert In the LAMBEftT, your plainly last, worthy * square, prfoes enough on letter and mall promptly to the pupils, Blanche Wallace, Hattie Wallace 099 Congress It what you would expect to pay, to make evening under the direction of the super- 24 Wilmot Street. :"fi < Postum Cereal Battle and Lrster have not mimed even feel It is the to tor all intendent of the Mr. Van U Co., Ltd., Creek, Willard, _ you right place go Sunday school, Mich. Prizes scut July 3. | one day'e attendance or any part of a day yoi^shoe wants. Blorcombe. Y ^ >-»/ > ;; 1 ■x ---- ‘. TTTT f^.w H FOB HALE V ; v ww *avm. SUNDAY SERVIOUL l&ao *. m. 8nml»j school 11.4* a. si. Junior * u *• ■ words Inserted andrr *hU Bead no LET New house, WoedfofA slra*L|( wards Ismi tad wader this head Forty nottm hr* fre edstr**t,8 paid request they BALK—A which I* a I lack near, MAINE BALE or for improved pet. office hi 8.00 p. m. oa the day before pahllea- TOWNS. |JK)It exchange, proper- about 7 weeks old. iu tr * tv a corner lot of land FOR caught Clierryfleld. written legibly and aa briefly as poeatbte ssSli£fc sisurm superior buildlag Mo.' For Information write (o K. DOW. Jenks* tlon, one block from Western Promenade; size Box are hot received or corrected by Chebeayno Island, or 401 CUMBER- “FOUND WHAT?” It««a •IlMttrwt Oatlitntf Oar L«»ii 109. BENJAMIN 8IIAW 9 CO., II 1-3 Kl- Hofei, by LAND BT.. Portland, 9-1 in >t Me._•_ Plains Aval CwrnapwdUMti. ItrmfitirfsaSeS with two story house *i3ouibulldlng« skai+fnt. RHEUMAT1S1.” All Bools' Carwni (Stevens would let the hoase furnished COR BALK OR TO LRT-Furnlsbed roU»ge “A Core for Rev. s. n. at rood repair. Or of the best residences on Dev Is, pastor. Preaching service on the pram- FOR BALK—One r hi Rockland Park. Peaks Island. Address fooled to with vi- Y. for the summer month*, laqulra A r. unob- "I bad It and got perfection 10.48 a m.' Sunday school at 12.18 p. m. Marita's Point bridge, Desttag Highlands, comma ling E. €4 Brentwood nod found that I could neither SANFORD. lias second door beyond structed has* II 8. W., ML, Deerlng Center. rions remedies, P. V. U. 7.15 p. m. AH are welcome, tt views of Portland and couutry, H-l out. At lost 1 tiled A. W. on the stssm rub nor ph)sij It Booth have left._ _*•* rooms and bath. e!* otrlo lights In all, tooled mt Bkthasy Coxa. CuuncB, Portland June *.—The farmer* HOOK VS BKMBDY, and that rheu- Rprlngvale, rrt) leT-hooi* en Cumberland etreet near beat, open fires, artlfielal stone walks, r«0R musical goods, Bev. K. H. Newcomb, pastor. Preaching *.80 H. BALE—Megant pianos, matism and no fuse. Try II and It wilt tool been the post 1 Foregtareoaet 8 flnlehetl rooms, hslh and feet land, first time offered, must sell. W. r boxes. vi« litis, mandolins, and 7 p. m. All are welcome. tt very busy finishing planting music guitars, ^ furr nee. Alea lower rrnt 297 Brackett sireer, « WALDRON 4 CO., 18) Middle street. 9-1 banjos, comets, harmonicas, popular sheet rambrldte week. e rooms, for small family, tilo. F. .U NKIM, violin and S. PABOKS. No. Mssi. 8ALK--A» Old Orchard, bouse, music. Instruction books, superior who has been ill rot Middle street near Monument square, 9-1 FOR boarding call at 414 Why I Mr. Carney, ol the lamp ^F&o,M Walter Kemlck. quite r run- banjo strings. Please HAWKh'S, depirtnijhrof street Rervieesp?af.ory^s at IO.SOX III., 8 *nd 17 roams, finished for All year, hath, Cha lei town. Mass., a bottle for Mrs. Cal'ft- Newbury I Ml. ot got In the afternoon. the Is'able to be out again. between LET—Pleasant house on Brackett street ning wst r throughout, water closets an Congress _9-1 a frlen I ol nts. Blie ti led It, and recom- 7.*o p. m. Preaching aervla* past week, hm. tf (near Bramhall) 11 room*, bath and fur- sewer, all rooms furnished. 13 beds and full of to Mrs of Maldeo. Well, sho All are welcome. J. Smith visited fifteen TO SALE—Black mare, weight about 1025 mauded It Shea, Mr. and Mr*. Austin also fine lower rent 40 Pltsworth street. 7 boarders season; fl>So If takeu be- |?OR and then Mrs. Forrest ot tPIrat nace; every prl;e F good reader and stepper; also bay lave it a irtal advised conches* Squibb Cnuncw Ciilvaran- last Sat- and bate sad furnace. : estate for sale at south praise planing mill, the On a street lined with shade end observed here be cured by FURNISHED—Beroral yery da- pretty never was a tlmo ( HUHUH or CHRiaT—Corner of Congress Memorial Duy wa* duly they may completely ■poB RRNT to school, not far RealPORTLAND—There rn summer mom lit in trees, ladjaeeut High be In Weymouth streeu. Lord's Supper at 10.30 a. and at Sanford. Willard Post of the use of Dr. Pierce’s Pavopte Prescription. slrable houses for Ihs from Normal srhool) Uorhsm village, when such trades could bought South John W. Perkins at 7.30 the western of the at prices ranglug Portland real estate as at preeent. Will sell Co., m. Bible study at 11.46. Preaching Grand went to Sanford at 8.30 and This wonderful medicine is not a cure- part city, attractive convenient nine room cot- Army Ircm to month. Also furnished houses with lots in good AOEKT9, by C. ». Black. Wm. Hwd in the *ep- for diseases |23 8500 per tage In good Mebago water, ce- good neighborhoods asHititod the port all, but a specific remedy cottages on Diamond, Peaks. Cushings and repotrf witlimosr modern Improvement* atlprices far Block. 637 Congre a was mented cellar, large fnrnacei has barni Wholesale Portland, Me. Christ Bclenca Brown'* vices of the The march through the delicate organs. oilier Elisabeth, Falmoutn Fore- below ever offered before. House.Hlgli Druggists, > Miss L. B. Olid day. affecting womanly Islands, Cape abont 1-3 acre, llnssnsl chance for a anything yvAlmi at. service Sunday 7.3 p. nit several streets, the old oemeterv a nd ulcer- side and Decrlng. FREDERICK S. VAII.I. street. 91200; bout-, Shawm ut street, flood a pros All tl It cures, irregularity, person of as tdorafe means deslrons of den. speaker aip pclcoiqf. to the monument for the completely, First National Bank.H bouse. Front street. flOOO; bou«e. Parker lane (loodall’s fields and female weaknesa Agent. • dneatlnc children In a healthy region. Church or th* hit ssiah. cUnlyersallat'i- were held. ation, inflammation lot oflaod, Broadway. flf»; lot at Cash's M. unknown dead, where service* rout, 7 rooms and bath, hot Itallroad fare to Portland lean than one corncr and Italia Sts. Rev. John the enfeebled health LKI—Upper oruer. looxiao ft., 9150. I also have some of congress to vale an excellent and organs 10 and cold water. 21 Douse, a rooms rent mile. IIKNJAMIN Mil A W A f'00; Morning service at 10.80a aa Returning Spring gives flray. per the most desirable building lota at South Port- Atwood, pastor. Grand Army hail, and and hot and cola water, hot water heat. 8 t o., 31 1-9 Ml.JeMdlW Rev. .1. W. Atwood. Bupt. of the dinner was served In vigor. bath, Ksehawge land. the prices ranging from 9100 to 9200. all la j>,i>., great your kindly fTO LET—A nlre tenement of sis rooms If desired. This is a rare opportunity for one Deeriug Centra Sunday Soliool, No. J Brent- Willard and Wm. Reed Poets. Washing- me. the year I found I upper signed by an expert, and built by name, all PERFECT The In- brought During past 1 for smell feinllr. No. 14 Brattle Ht.. no chll- wishing to secure a lot that will li.crease la wood St., Iloegg Block, at x.'HT p. m. ton No. Junior American Me- Was with child and in fling health. I found. A first-class Lost for sals cheap. No. i de- stud- Council, 9, fapidiyfc dreo. another of seven rooms and ha h. No. value each year. The undersigned will. If ternational Sunday sohcol lessen will be wa* formed »t suffered from bloating and (»; PINK BT., city. 7-1 a* e*oort, dreadfully urinary 177 Oral two on ht.. H rooms sired, give 1 he names of parties who have with- All are lavlted. -tf chanlcs, acting was weaker tSL. $13: High ied. to the chtireh, difficulty. I mowing preceptIbly in »he last dozen years made from one to two I. 8) and marcmil llaptlut at times. aud hath taeli. (is and (13. EZRA HAWKE8 BALE-At North Deertng, new two Kr.E* Church. Preaching at 10.4(1 a m and itev. each day and suffered much "harp pain hundred dollars In one on lots that cost but where the oration wa* delivered 1»J done. I A CO., orC. 8. DelAJ.NO, NO. (8 Exchange HI. Foilstory house, finished In wUUewood, open year 7.80 m. school at close ef morning I felt that must be aonght one hundred dollars. The puldie p. Sunday The urooewdon went to something I fol- firs and mantel In 6 acres land little above Powder E. 0.16 m. Week- J. K. Cochrane your advice snd received a reply. place, psrlor, thst in lots at South Tooth service; Y. P. 8. C. meellng p. prompt must remember buying tne usual seiwloe* took twelve bottleaof free from rocks, good stable, beau* Iful loca- nu Tuesday 7.3u IN m. u the cemetery whew lowed your directions and I.ET—One of the most desirable cottages Portland It Is not like going out of town where ly prayer eting the and alao fol- tion overlooking Portland. Westbrook ard sur- were heli. Chandler’* band and Dr. Pierce’a Pavorite on shore. 11 large rooms with hath, some has bought up a farm and AN ELE6ANT TOILET LUXURY. 1 Irst Methodist Kplsconm (huroh. South Freacription. Cap* will be sold at a great bar- speculator furnished line lowed instruction!. I began to improve piazza, beauti- rounding eountry, divided the same Into building lots at a Portland. Kev, K. A.Leith, pastor; residence Rprlngvale male quartette your and furnished, open fireplace, large W. H. WALDRON 4 180 Middle Bt. point and Miss Immediately, my health became excellent, ful slew, etc. Price for season (300, Aadresa gain. CO., removed from stores, post office, church, neigh- of refinement d brans »t. Sunday school 1.30 p. m. Preach- assist**! Mrs. Smith on a 7-1 Usod by people music, by Icouid do all my own work (we live good BOX 413, Portland 1'. bors, sidewalk, sewers and many other privi- service at 2.30. 8.30. lien- ladles served a O._(■• a ing Epworth league Ferguson. The supper. sired I walked and rode all I could, and a resident at South a of farm). — --- nnn Hi I k_VSn« inhurhan naiilAiii'A with leges that are enjoyed by for over quarter century. crul social service at 7.30 p. m. All are web and Mil IIIMW IWI J nil' » «u,‘ GRAY. it. I h*d a short, easy confinement '|U rortiana. ror e*c.. can ou r* n. maiv enioyed x (or mechanical at No*. M. 65 ana * *t%Me and carriage house in perfect repair, plans, T"--- coe. have a boy.” purposes, 5.—Mrs. Grace Small healthy baby 57 II low St. WIH rent the whols or a part, nearly three acre* laud, orchard, grafted fruit,, rOKl>, 31H Exchange street_marl4-tf First Church or CitnisT, Scientist. 4**Mi Dry Mills, June biliousness. she Dr, Pierce’s Pellets cure rent reasonable. Apply to FREDERICK 8. in I>< ft) fe« I from electric cafs. no reas SALK—Beautiful suburban residence. 14 Congress street, opposite Preble House. Servl- has returned to Kuinford Falls, where ermg. OR of YAIU.. First Nation*! Bank Building. frl onah'e filer will he declined. W. II. WAL- rooms nod bath, complete new fur- .. at a. m. Sunder soliool at olose is the mistress of a boarding establish- F~ repair, Women. DRON Si COn 180 Middle St.7-1 nace. lino stable. 13 acres land, highly cultiva- For service. Wednesday even ni meeting mo LET—3rd flat of 230 Mddo tfrlTover the has morning WAJfTKP. ted, orchard, abundance »*f sma'l fruit. 3 Dr. Tnlman's Monthly Regulator brought at 7 «B n. m. Heading Iloom o*en dally escept Small and 1 Woodbine, 6 rooms. *10; and 4th flat, 5 Deer- large women. It is that Mr. Win. SALE—Ten acre* land at North on electric will for happiness to hundreds of anxious 0 to 11 a. 2 tor. p. m. Tuesday aud reported N. 8. GARDINER, 63 Mldd e HL |?OR miles out, line, exchange Sunday m., are soon to remove to YOU WORK POSITIVE room*, $8. s' rook* or ledge, located on a wide located. \V. H. There is no other remedy known m. All are welcome, tf. family of Portland, EVERY HOUR bcuse in old Portland centrally positively Friday 7.30 to a.00 p. 1 Ladies’ in a oue of the high- to medical science, that will so quickly and the home of hi* father, Mr. freeman placing “Allen’s Knshlon Komfort stree‘, good neighborhood, Wald ro n & col ia> m id die at. _r-i First Baptist Church, corner of Wllmot desirable tenon out In the est overlooking Portland, Westbrook safely do the work. Have never had asinglo Small of thli The many friends of Shoe” with con* timers. Instantly comfortable; rTo LET—A very point*, POStS fr'uB SALE—A lot of small and Sts. Rev. Green. paMor. place. 1 rooms and bath, and country, a foroed *a!e. I'EDAK failure. The most obstinate cases Congress Bowley with d imp proof cushion sole; ever wear heel; glove western section, has elrbt surrounding price \y cedar for fcal« cheap on Wldg* Inngestand at 10.10 a. m. "The Rec- Mr. Small are very much pleated week has W. II. WALDRON* 180 Middle St. atzo posts are relieved ip without fall. No olher Preselling Subject fitting; narrowest shoe worn. #36 per electric lights, nicely firnitbed. te'ephono MOO. CO., 7 1 3days Sunday school 13 in. Eve iitlig T-l cry’s wharf. Call on the WHAR1 ENGEK* remedy will do this. No pain, no danger, no ognized Source." the report. • Vary after th* first few weeks If preferred. during the summer reason until Oct. I*!, 1W0* at 7.30. "Naaman." All ate Foster has work on the F. O. H AKrtl liAWkKS Lincoln Park, the ia>j’ Interference with work. The most difficult service Subject. H. W. Is'gun Business permanent, no risk. Pn**esslon glveu June 15th. EZRA SALK Cat boat 19 ft. long. only Two SALE—Opposite w conic. 7-1 lot: must be sold xt once. W. II cases treated corres- e school building at Gray Comer. SON, 6«4 ashlngton street, Boston, & 00 No. 86 Exchange old. a fast saPer and FORbut'ding successfully through St.__ __ F“ORyears very staunch, r the most satisfaction Church—(Unitarian) Con- Is at Mass.^ WALDRON A CO 18u Middle pondence and complete First Parish; John W. Morrill very busy just LET—Two'cottage^ on Coition's Island. Apply to WALTER & SMITH, 183 Middle st. root._i__ in instance. I relievehun- street. KeT. John C. Perkins, pastor. the census. guaranteed every this writing In taking hand safe” medium TO Apply at 71 Beckett St., CH A8. M. HILL. ilrods of ladies whom I neversee. Write for service at 10.30. Sunday school at Mrs. Dora second Sessornlug Mr. Sturgis V. Colley and WANTEI>—Asire and in condition. O. P. further All letters truthfully 12 111. good SALE—Three slory brick house. No. in KNIGHTS OF particulars. Morrill were united In marriage at Gray 671 1-2 St. No.75 Dautorth. PYTHIAS, answered. Free confidential advice in all Chcrch. the CORNISH, Congress RE NT—Lower tenement FORFlue steel, looking on "Longfellow First FhheRai-tut opposite June a. Re- six rooms; 819DOT Odd’Fellows. Masonic, Knights of Columbus. matters of a or delicate nature. Bear fowls Comer, Saturday evening, FORnear High street; price Square.” e even room*, combination heat, private Puli lie Library, Rev. Malveni, pastor. to the nil 1 room by a young lady renovated. BKN- Knights of Golden Eagle,* Golden Cross and in mind this is absolutely safe under children 10 111 freshments were served public, month recently thoroughly sunny and ploasant BENJAMIN SHAW St remedy Children's Day. Sermon to the WANTED-Boardlu private family; best of references alven 7-1 all other Secret Order Pins and Charms. Wt condition and will positively school JAMIN SHAW A CO., 51 Vk Exchange8t. t O., 31 l-i F.xchaogc street. 2-1 every possible r. in. Sunday school at 12 m. Sunday Monday. and required. Terms reasonable. BOARD, make a of these goods and always leave no after ill effects upon the health. By thU attended the fu- 34 Pairls. 7 specialty concert 7.30. Many from place Box 7-1 LET—10 May, 7 rooms. $13; In Fessende h*ve a stock on hand. M’KENNEY THE mail securely sealed, fi.OO. Dr. K. M. TOL- Jane Goff, 1667._ 7 SALH-Klegant residence Oak street. F.lltson R neral services of Mrs. Mary IiO rooms. 913; 33 Dough as, rooms, $lo; one JEWELER. Monument Square. 13dtf MAN 170 Tremont St., Boston, Mass. Friends’ Church, « FORPark, reputedt> be ihe best there, _mai CO., tertlcs at 10. SO. Rev. John lted of Windham, SITUATION WANTED-Book keeper, thor- 46 Wllmot, 7 rooms; 10 Summer, house rooms. Purdy,pas tor. Morning wife of Rogers v' rooms and b.ith, heated by hot water, lau ndry Fessenden she ougliiv double entry book-keep- 910; *0 Ocean, house 8 rooms $19. Particulars SALE—Deerlng Avenue,” W. BoT*r will o cupy tl*e pulpit. last Until very recently competent w i ll shite tubs and water closet. 0 hard wood new nine (9> room house, with Sunday. er will l»e open for engagement about J'lly 1st; FRED’K S. real estate ag’.. 1st Nat. FORPark, ever/ Jo- a resident of She YAlLL. floors aud all conveniences, I »rge loL Free Street Baptist Church—Rev. has always been Gray. well versed u safe miaid best of elty 7-1 modern modern convenience; location unsurpassed, system: Bunk best bargain In Portland. W. WALDRON Price AMMONIA RUINS VARNISH seph Kennard Wilson. D. D., pastor. At 10.10 was a very estimable woman. references furulsheal Address II. A. F., P. O. Bldg._ U, electric cars and lights, baths, etc only Tildeii ol LET—A pleasant tin stair. rent of & 18. D..pastor. Morning service at here and at South rooms on Forest Avenue. Silver 81. giving entertainment* at once; we have several new bouses which we FORseven each, _ on -A Duty ol wOman to Women.’ with slant Notice to Contractors. at 7.3o p.m. IlurpsweU for the past week good will sell low on easy terms, or will exchance Deering district; both in good order, pie New ilglh St, month. BENJA- New Church. success. for good collateral: no fair offer refused; this Is and desirable; price $loper MISCELLANEOUS* ser 6-1 Rev. Samuel Worcester pastor. Morning Paul It. Thomas will begin next week your chance. DALTON & CO. 68 Exchange MIN SHAW & CU..:MVa Exchange St. WANTED $1000.00 IN GOLD. Sublect ot sermou. "Brlnglni proposals for bu'ldlrg about fqpt vice at 10.30. cream for the Turner Centre street.JuueOdtT ff 6 LET—The three story brick house eou- If the readers of the PRESS will get out their street will bo received to the l.otd.” Sunday eohool at 12 m, collecting SEALEDor pipe sewer in Co tie children $ talnlng 10 rooms And bath, No. 17 Pine St., REPAIRING, and all kind* of fine old or silver bring or send it to us, creamery. _ ... WANTED—I must have 26 cooks and 300 gold jewelry at Uio oflice of the Commissioner of Public All ate welcome. ■ close to house In order, WATCH work Is my aud my 20 remit Imme- Yacht Athens, from Boston, was In the f f F and women for table, chamber, Longfellow Sq., good ledelry specialty, by mall or express, we4 will Works. Hall, until Saturday. June 9, l#00, School, In h 11 on Fltt street, girls new furnace, rental with W. F. Todd isga guaran- full as we City Oakdale Sunday kitchen and laundry work, for the mountains, large closets, nearly very yearsrexperience diately monoy or check for value, At li o'clock M., when they will be publicly are welcome. t! harbor lust week. and of tee of best work at reasonable if your Manufac- at 2.45 p. nu All D lands and beach hotels, big wages given, moderate. For price psrtl.-ulars luqulre prices, use it In our factory. MckENNKY,i| opened and read. Blanks on which propo aN Rev, WINDHAM. HENRY 8. 124 Exchange St 6-1 watch or clock needs cleaning or repairing, Monument maredtf PEAKS Island Methodist Cnunrn. great call for help. 25 girls for private families TRICKKY, turing Jeweler, Square, must be made, plans, specifications and further a. bring them to me aud I will put them in fi»*st- Wm. 8. Jones, pastor. 1'reacnlug at 10.30 June Mrs. Charles In Portland, 50 men for the * oods. wages f 2»» to liouse; seven rooms; bath; Information, insy be obtained at the office of P. East Windham, LET—Separate class condition. OEORCE W. BARBOUR. 388 •OOR SALE—House with 11 rooms and about in. aud 7.30 p ni. Sunday school 12 m. Y. two #24 month with board, ( all at MKS. T'O conveniences; double win- said commissioner. Bids should be marked Haskell has Iwen at Casco the past per modern screens, HalL2ft tf a. two acres of land filled with fruit trees. 7.45. Class msrtlng C St. 6-t Congress St., opposite City and addressed to Geo. s C. E Tuesday evening, Mrs. Win. PALMER’rt office, an’JVfc n.rc^s dow*. etc.; fine repair; best location; pr'oo $19; at a Prop sal for Sewer,” are always weeks curing for her daughter, Also house lots adjoining. In East Deerlng. of Public Thursday 7.46 p. nu Strangers call 42 OCEAN ST. ten thousand dollars worth N. Fernaid. Commissioner Worka, Cook, who Is sick. The best dessert, which is Burn- 5-l_ \OTICK—810,000. baigain by GEO. W. ADAMS. 108 Exchange or all welcome. WANTED is of ladles' and cast off clothing who reserves the right ti reject bids, who works In *f < LET to vacate my cottage gents’ Hr. Executor of the estate of the late Bedlamau auy n. (Methodist Folsco Mr. John A. Glantz, barn's Hasty Jelly on, made in a m nute f|M> Being obliged should he deem it for the interest of the city eo Pine Street Churi 1 Foreside on 9. I wish to Want 'd, highest cash prices paid. Address D. Adams. 3 tl 10.10 s Portland, has been without sugar or e fruit flavors. Poland at Falmouth July Jue5Ut4 pal). Rev. K. S. J. McAllister, pastor. At Ijord stable, obliged cooking, No. 17 PearlSL. to do. "The account of and hotels use it. At your gro- let It todeslratdo parties for three months; ROSENBERG, city._G-2_ lots and s. nu Preselling by the pastor. SuFJeet, to come to his home here on Spring leading or SALE—Magnificent cottage j 2 for 25. No IOC size. seven rooms and cedar ; hard wood floors and liver Revealed Christ" At 12 m 111 health cers, 15c, satnp'e L. M. COLE ha* recently re-opened her Is new cottages at Ottawa Park, (Cliff Cot- Sunday __ finish; two water In house, etc.; view nr. ol junior Epworth Try^it. piazzas; MISS on the eastern side of Peaks on Cape electric line, near Cape school. At 3 p. meeting Mrs. Elizabeth Hamblet of Cumber- of the whole of Casco Bav and ocean outside: cottages tage Property) Overcoat tor in. Preaching bv t e aua would like to with Casino. Home of the advantages are good Latest Style Spring la-ag e. At 7.10 p. pastor. is at her brothers, full shore privilege»j 500 Island, correspond any of Wage Workers from land Mills, visiting completely furnished; wish a restful for the summer. streets, excellent car service, Hebago water. Subieci,"The Alieusilon feet from electrics and shore. Inquire at 217 who quiet, place are welcome. Beats free. Mr. Albert Knight. of board to week. Also to let. a electric lights, fine beach, up to date restaurant the Curclu" All CUMBERLAND 8T. Price M $9 per ; Mr. Frank has been planting WATCH REPAIRING. _6-1 furnished of six rooms, with u eol ar- on tlie only desirable parties, no Almost Preble Chapel—Sunday srhool at 12 m. Gilpatrlck cottage grounds, Nothing. two of the week. Mr. of Watcn pleasant whole house. tesian well water. Address L. M. COLE. Box cneap everything strictly first class, at 3 p. rn. by the pastor. the first days past We make a specialty Repairing. RENT—Sunny, cottages, Preaching Monthly his manner, FOR new. amiateu on Stevens Plains Peaks Island,33-4 and plans at our office. DALTON M 7.30 p. m. All are wel- has been delayed with We do your work In the best possible nearly 44. prices temperance meeting Oilpartlck aud district, rooms and 63 street.3-tf on account of sickness. ar.d guarantee Job. We are prompt Aveuue. Deering eight CO., Exchange D. & come. work every electrto* til* door. ¥VE WILL BUY household or store C. Cunningham Co., always have a done when bath, furnace h<»a». pa*s goods FGR SALE—One of the St. Pauls Chusch—Corner Congress and June 8.—Mrs. Read Rogers Job promised. St V v fixtures of or will re- beatopen- Windham, McKEKNEY THE JEWELER, Monument BENJAMIN SHAW & CO., Glfci Exchange any description, J sold 20 Monument Square, Locust streets. Key. Jos. Battel) 8bopherd, rec- late the 5-1 eelve the same at oar auction rooms tot IAUNDRYlngs In New England, fully equipped, whs buried from her residence, Square. Jan26. W. tfoKuli. I1 pnrnpr lot. all modern con* sa oa a m Hu mlav Hphnal lirlpl *f»rvn*rt wltti [ Miss Lida J. Webb is visiting at lug purposes storage. M venlecces and Improvements* very flueiy at 3 p m. Evening service (choral) At* K NTS WANTED. catechising situated. Will be sold $500 less than actual and Blood FoliOn service the week. tt Morse Is at her home for a W 7-1 rpo (It. or six (urnlshed rooms Primary, Secondary Tertiary at 7.30 Daily during Mrs. Ktta GUSTA STEAM LAUNDRY. LET—Four. once. Immediate a. icavuimuiu in value 11 taken at possession v -— A Bleach” cleans straw hats ri iii&mouuj Bail Lott meetings are held at No. 8 Cen- few lor uuuseaeepmg, very CJENT8—"Hat #3 St. It hare taken (leys. WANTED for general homework, good modern conveniences, betli, ■ft- in five minutes: seller out; sam- given. C. B. DALTON, Exchange home under tame guarautee. you tral Wharf every Sunday morning, commencing The Anderson bridge Is betng pushed responsible p.riy, greatest and (till hare aches OIRL aod In a >110111 family. at will let for seeson or longer, write HAT BI.KACU CO., mytkltf mercury, iodide, at 10.80 a. in. All are welcome. tl forward at the present. wages Apply bot water, etc., ple loc; today. Mucus Patches In Mouth, Sore quite rapidly 147 CONGRESS ST.,Thursday, Juue 7th, from between state ami and Spring aud Con- Xenia, a IM and pains, 8t .Paul’* Chchch, (Protestant Episcopal), High Throat. Copper Colored Spots. Ulcers 1 to a p. gress. Address C1-AKK, Ibis FOR. SALE. Pimples, cor. Congress h nd Locust streets. The Rev in.__7-1 office-_4-1 on ot tho body. Hair or Eyebrows WANTED—MALE HELP. lete any part Jos. BattsM Shepherd, rector. Hours u! service WANTED—Girl for house work In email LET—A new 4 room cotisge, built Land and of the Forest fa llmg out, write water, lkw WHIding* __ —10.30 a. m. and 4 p. in. Sunday school at II family, M LAWN 81'.. Woodforde. 6-1 TO last year, high dry laud, pure Com- SALESMAN WANTED by has short walk Iron PORHE^Tr City Sugar Ketiuery, West CO. close ol morning service. AU are welcome, tl rpBAVEI.INO furniture. rreplace, The Store No. SB3 Middle St. COOK REMEDY X established house; us technical knowledge few at CURTIS * Ki rest landing. *mo (or seasoo. ALKX. Specious mercial Street for Salvation Army. 230 FederalSt Meet- WANTED—A moreglrle Uty 338 Masonic Temple, Chicago, III., proofs necessary but all around hustler of (cod V SON CO.’S chewing Bum factory, corner SPEIK8, VVesIbiook, Me.4 I For by Standard We soltolt the most at a.eioept Tuesday. Sunday, simply many year* occupied of cures, capital *500,000. ings every night and address; first class line; spec- Fore nod Deer Sti. between 2 ana 4 p. Tbts consisting ot nearly three cured the worst at 7 and Ilsii., and 3 and 7.30 p. m. Adju- appearance Apply mO LET—Property hid Cumberland SI, corner Clothing Co. Possosaion given April 1, property, obstinate eases. We lhave lal contract; entire lime required; references. acres ot land and several brick buildings, la book free. tant and Mrs. McDouall In charga. AU are i in._ A Elm 9b, 14 rooms. 3 batbroams. arranged 1000. For terms to cases tu 15 to 35 days, loo-page Box 303, Detroit, Mich. H apply located on the water trout, and Is aurrounded welcome. tf for one or two families, line location lor novaiau railroad traoks, aide tracks from which en- blacksmith. all Iront rooms. to M. II. D. F. EMERY. JR., by State Street Conobeoational Chchch I WAVTKD-A ttntclass Apply boarders, Apply ter the so that every laclllty *1 ME. NUT- 124 Pleasant St., near First Natl. Bank Bulldluv, or Ketlnery property, Rev. J. L. Jenkins, D. D. minister. Morning Port and Iron and Sleet Co., FOSTK.', High._4-1 Is offered tor water and railroad transports** m. Soulh Portland.fl-1 I9S Middle St. service at It).So. Sunday school at 12 Eve TKB, An experienced bicycle repair- LET—Furnished cottage at the Care on W. M. Bradley, lion. at 7.30. rpo mar edit maussfwct'ir- niug service bright, up-to-date aollcllors one who understands the use A iron dad Hnfge. first entrance beyood De- Juat the place for some WANTED—Two er, fit. or a warehouse. Second ParishConoreoational Chchch VI to present goo I proposition to ruerobanis lano Park: also bouse No. 3U0 Cumberland Ins Industry Hack to St. Thu is lor sale at a reasonable Congress, cor. Pearl St. Rev. Rollln T. and professional men for reliable and aggres- of the vnlcanizer. Good wages E. (>. HAVVKK8. 31 Cross SIMM Ell BOARD. property Services at 10.30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m Cali tor ME, CON- price. pastor. sive mercantile agency. to F. 0. BAI- LET—In Southport, cottage to Scttool 12 in. Illustrated sermon In th< 9to 1A rixht party. Me., men boarder, For further particulars please apply Sunday VERSE at West End Hotel today, Me Apply TO house, 8 rooms, situated on high land. Bus nuddle-ared evening. LEY & 46 Exchange St., well ol snore to WANTED—Twonn bealthy farm. Andrei, Box Kezar to t avel, CO., trees, water, privilege. Apply St. LawhenceIConobeoational church. WANTED—Twelve men salary E. K. i«3 pearl St., Portland, Fall,, GE0R6E S. HUNT & no canvass- juhdiw OIINK, Me.#T_ CRAM, and Man streets—Rev. A. II, *• jj*i and expenses absolutely Portland, Me. 4 103 Commercial U(. Cor. Congress toy refer- alts.e., for terms, etc.__33 board aud rooms. In a quiet Children a Day—Morning ser ing; permanent position If satisfactory; pleasant dim Wright, pastor. addressed envel- OLET—First class rent of eight rooms al GOOD bume. near the,bore of a beauti- myl« vice, of Children, followed by serrnot ence; enclose self stamped country Uajitlsm 334 Dearborn street, *23 High St. Prloo *23. Inquire of USD. ful pond 1 boat free; one mile from village; three to the occasion, at 10.30. Suooaj ope. COLONIAL CO., SITUATIONS. POR 8A1.E—The Iwell.known story appropriate WANTED C. HOPKINS. 88 1-3 Exchange St, jetdtf piazza,, shale trees, grove, references. For X 12 rooms Iu school 12 m. Children’s Sunday senool concerl Chicago._*-t brick house *3 Myrtle St., KENT—Efoute Not 83 street. Nine terms address UEOltliE N. COLBY, Danmark, 2 tenements, now full of at 7.30 p. m. man to run a fish team; must Gray good repair, good m wanted—A elite hud rooms beside bath and store rooms ; net week, shove first floor for Chimes whl ring at 10.00 a. m. and 7.00 p. vv bauble to lurulsh best of references. Ap- Forty word. InMrtod under FOU balls, Me.__«2_ lodgers, $10 per hot ana cold water, set tubs, furnace Heat; wilt SUMMER BOARDEK3 at White Rock Farm sale at a bargain, furnished or unfurnished. Second ADVENT Church, Congress Plact at once at M2 WASHINGTON AVE, 8-1 week for 143 null, ro.k tu edrenee. ply one room. All In brst class order, En. is twelve miles from fori land; bve at Hie house or KZBA HAWKKS & I'O., Rev. E. P. Woodward, At 10.80 a. m good yard bouse, Apply pastor. 44 DEEK1NO noon oi so street.maygt-tf the "Sterna and girls to write and see quire at ST,, morning, minutes walk from M.O. H. H. station, Moun- No. Exchange Preaching by pastor. Subject WANTED—Boys with eiperlence. shun. Survival of the PIt vr how easy they cau earn money, waleh or WANTED—By My tain division; high loeal Ion, good view, spring The Lite: Its Philosophy—'The II or book- night_»'l ■•Imperial'’ still stands at the head. series.. school all! other Must live within three tion as bookkeeper aasielapt desirable 6 room flat, wltt water, fresh brrrlrs, vegetables, eggs and milk. been teat.’ No 7 lu a Sunday pretty presents. L. Room First Na- LET—Very 1'HKfact that 28 Imperial »heels have m No Write keeper- Address If. B., id, cellar anil For further partiouiare address A. N. FUKIN- m. Christian Endeavor meeting at B.SO p. miles of Portland. money required. TO bath, hot water, pantry, cement told thus far this season, emonasUes the state- a I Address BUSINESS, Press tloual Bank Building. SOUTH TON. White Rook. Praise service at 7.80 p. m followed by Shu for particulars. _M all modern conveniences. Apply Me._ lel-t_ ment that f r quality, style and earn of run- on is Jetut Office. M WOKTII BfiOS.. IQOMiddle St. 7-tt "The rices sermon from the pastor, "Why W’ANTBD—Head waller of eiperlence C l'MMUl boarders wanted at Maples," ning. nor.a belter are made. 1 $2A. $2o* Christ Coming back to this world?” Seats free 11 deelree position, can furulth good refer- XK ASF.-Corner store, centrally situate. & East Sumner. Me., near Antlbogua Fond $30, $31, $35. O. L. BAILEY, 233 Middle poK boat- All are luvltad. encee. Addrees 11. E. Hoi A? on the southerly tide of Commercial St. and "Twenty Mile River,” good (lining, JH. B., 1557,4-1 and Vacuhan st. h. chchch—At 1.30 p. nt. well adtpicd for flour andi grain or any ptbri tug and huuitng opportunities, high ground no tbe coun- modern restdenco, 89 Norlh Send scl ool. At 3 ui. preaching by Rev WANTED—A position by esperlonoed heavy has dockage facilities, BE.N pleasing sceneries, no better place In SALE—Fine 7 p. II Will also recelee business; E. rooms, laundry, steam heat, v. C. Whiddeu: praver and praise servlea 7.8t WANTED IMMEDIATELY, and competent nurse. JAMIN 8IIAW Si CII- MV* EXchaugs 8t. *-t try to rusticate Apply F. B, FALMElt, Fl)lt■Ireet—11 at her home. Call at 69 Pearl ring Bumper, oorucr lot, flue lawn, shade trees; every- p. in. AU are welcome. patients St, KEN 1-Six desirable tenements Me._may'i+-4_ large belL k-t TPOK hpper thing up to date; )u*t the place for thriftw- a fight hand r 8 rooms each: to to VKSTRT Hall. Pleasantdale. Preaching Several flrnt clnsn machine b to prlees (23 pci DLEASANT rooms and good board for sum business man. 11. 11. SHAW, 03 North ol the Church ol Christ month. nf EZRA UAWRE8 ft CO.. 8i young 3 p. m. l-y C. S. Black at Inquire 1 ni-r boarder,, within easy distance of gun- m. moulders. Apply In person street.__ Bible study 4 p. Exchange Bt. __HI ning, ashing aod hosting; table supplied with cash business Id live man- WOODEURDS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH- our work*. fjvO LET—At 103 Feerl St, second bouse front SALE—A floe JEWELRY : REPAIRING all fresh and tl,a Rev. E. P. Wilson, Morning service ai A Congress St., three front rooms, oue largi FORufacturing town, goods pastor. J. W. PENNY * SONS CO., On 4ke Premiers. of no I0.S0. Sunday school at close of morning ser In Our Factory parlor suitable for physlcan or dressmaker kind that don't go out style, competition. for one or tWo 11v# vice. service at 7 p. in. A cordla mechanic Falls, me. furnished or hnfurntsbed, rent low to penuau This Is a flue opportunity Our Fine French Worsted Evening je7eod8t We make this a In our business. dollars. Sea Suits, welcome to alT. tf principal eut parties. sW*ro, gas. oath; also two arnal Price tweuiy-flve hundred W, We the utmost to eteouie your 31-4 VVoodeord's Unitersalist Chchch, Rev take pains room* | house ifiiuer new d-f GRAND VIEW HOTEL Sen.STAPLES, Brlttgton. F*r Me*, from fU to 913.50; worth order whether that be for a Diamond management._ Mo._ K. Townsend, Preaching at 10.41 properly, SALE—A three story frame house. Harry pastor. or the repair Job. Mo KEN- TO LET-A Iso Second-hand aquars large 912 to $18. ul "The Forward Movement of o I LOST AND FOUND. Setting cheapest haiuuci a. Subject. the Mouumout P-iTtsfoS for sale, #80, *43. *73. »loo extri WEST AUBURN, ME. FOR(partly occupied by owner, iv m. All are Invited NEY, Jeweler, Square. ptapps •hurch.” Knud school 12 violin popular mus 0, music books ant divided Into tenements) favorably situated for cornet ah< Jsnjjdtf Strings. Wili.ibton Church, Thomas skiff, O. 0. A P. H. Kendall musical lustrumeuts o( all kinds, on sale bj Overlooking Lake Auburn; beautifully situated securing permanent tenants, can he made in C. D. & streets. Take street car. Rev and land for Cunningham Co., Carroll Spring LOST—Gunningon store riveted through. Return to Mr. Congress for fAmtJy hotel: fine scenery drtves.salmoq pay a good psioen'age. sufficient rear D. At 10.'0 a. m BAVrES. 4)4 itM_ Smith Baker D., pastor. W. 8. TROTT, Peaks Island. Suitable reward and trout Ashthf—none better In th6 state; another house. BENJAMIN SHAW & CO., 20 Monument Square. Subject "Of Buell.” Children’* Day. Gradua ottered,>-l LBT—Good elx room hou*e all by Itself 811-2 Eachauge street.»-l lion ol Sermon Department ana baptism ol chil WE TEST EYES TO large lot, rflU reitonabl*. Brst class loca dren. At 7.30 leeture: toplo, "The young oh 130UND—On Congress atreet above Brews Uon. L. M. LkioKTON, M Exchange street. tennis, croquet, btluaras, pool, bowling and SALE—One ot the most substantial in comer su« mao.” A street, s sum of money. Call at Portland multe | an ldaal place fur chfldreu. A few v,ry FORbrick houses Portland, to', WATCHES. Church. At m 12 rooms s'eam RAILROAD West Congregational 10.30 a. Savings Bank and prove ownership.S-l 7-room lower desirable rooms left. For Booklet and terms all day, aid bath, heak Rev. J. R r*N> LET—Etrii-elaea, rsntTTe St- Tbe kind that wltl pass Inspection. We carry address to children by the pastor. A address as above, stating length of star, num- thorough condition, year central part High At 7.30 m WOUND—A sum of owner hava dibe bath And pantry,*]usj papered, palot a reason for selliuf the largest stock of K. K. Watches i tual Ihe Boardmen. loll wed by baptism. p. money; cap ber Of rooms, etc. Preference given to guests good location for physician, A same and own r BENJAMIk klDd at th. lowest prices, slid we will Sunday sehool concert 12 w. All are Invit'd. by proving property baying for tne season. Reduced prlees for June and Rouee too large for present right Methodist ErtauoriL Chcrci charges. at MIDDLE 8T., between A St. 8-1 you time to pay for them. McKENNEY, Wist End Inquire ft October. ma»aim*sat,tw4sat SHAW CO.. $11-1 Eachauge give a I 1 4 Kl f HJE JEWELtB, MonumentSq. febaiJU —Rev. C. U Whidden, pastor. Preaching and p. aa.

.0 RTKANRR*. M ITKAIBML OH. Tnrpowtuaa ut cwl CHICAGO—Ca- aoutaOcua, eld.sehs Wm Cob* Bed Beach, Ana* Allan. Raw Umm4 all. #7*71 Sfc JnM K B eebOOTernor Ames, FINANCIAL ANDC01IIEIIC1AL Boiled unseed on. 69*7* wneatoNS * «prlng —l No > do B7HK6HH! BEI.PAST-ln part Sth, HAftPSWELL STEAMBOAT C0~ ....— Matt 4 No 2 Bod 73Hc. Corn—No 3 at SB 4* s«dHei Nellie FOR-- i9siSuQjBtsi^ Half bbla lo extra. at »7ei fair to choice malting at 8WH N Bid. eene Julia A Martha. New York; Will MM rofUDDd l*l«r. Por-.lAni, weckrtAy. barley for Cumberland, coal...... *4*0 42c Not Flaxseed and N W Flaxseed t «>: M follow*: IE Ah And 4.00 p. JD. Lonf reh Law- Eaton* Lttaa. Cn’m Si Mi K.S. Haklw S.5- Clin Store and luraaca coat, retail.. y50 Timothy seed 3 3*. s-ess Fork at to 70 KC*5jtMuS^ON-SId 7lh. Gcorgetta Island, Little »nd Ore At cbebdaTgue, In Kffrci June IKH, IUOO. rence. New York. MTU of New Brunswick, Nova Beotia. and Orr’a ; oiaUws of Products in Hit ..■•••• ~ 1186. Lard at B 8oao 97HI snort rlhs aides Rollent. ud .11 lAUnd, So. Harpawell, Haller's Staple north Jth. schs William I'land ami Rrpton. Tha Paa coaLrotall. ... 6 00 8 76 *7 00 ;dry salted shoulders at OYs'tfOH l CHATHAM—Pasted Prince Edward Capa 1 stood. Sirne Mason and Charles Noble slinnvms favorite rout* to and OL Andrew* Trains leave Union K tat ton, Railway 5q tare, short clear Ides at 7 30*7 40. _ Campobello RETURN FOR PORTLAND. _ H loi stations named and in termed late *t*th#ue as leadin' Markets. al oalrle* at FKKNANDIKA-SId Tib. seh D Risers. N. B. Orala uaoaatioaa. Batter steady—ermery 14»18ci Leavo Orr*s Island via. above landings, follows: For Ranger 7.00 and 10.3 a. im, Wul' Coloord, Philadelphia. knmmrr Arrangement. He. schs John S n. m., 1.00 p. m. Airlvs Portland a.30 a.m, 3.8J 1W, l-» and *11.00 p. m. For Belfast 7 00 a CHICAGO BOARD OP fBADX Cheese GEORGETOWN, BC-8ld 7lli. On amt altar Monday, Mar I* eUamoie will quiet 8911'. t or k. b.. 1.20 and llfoo in. For nrasiwick, Dane, Boston OHr«8 ’oOeld, Brag*. New lean Railroad Whart. Portland, on Monday, P p. fbursdar's quatxttom. Eltrgs steady -froth 10H. Dally excursions 22 miles down tbs Bay. nod Hater I lie 7.00 and 10.25 ru 8I.OOO1 JACKSONVILLE—Cld 7lh. »ch Addle P Me- and Krlday at 6 to p. m. tnpuata wheat. Flour—receipts 13.000 hblsi wheat ttetii'eiuar Fare round trip only .*0j\ *»., naja, i.ja, and *11.00 m. For Hath ■ Fadden, Wlamlord. BA Joan, aad Laheo Mom p. bush; corn 288.000 bushi oats 176.000 tmaht Ini. ton batport in 1 Uwiitos via Brunswick 7.00 an« 10.23 Oralaa Onentne CVwIni NKW HAVKN—ArTth. eclia K Waterman. snd KrMA?. SUNDAYS. Maw lark Mock. N«*«f • rye 2.000 hush: barley 23.000 bush. nay m.,*12.36,! 5.10 and *11.00 m. For Rock land June... »7A* 09 123.000 Celala; J O rMaon. Norfolk. ueaau leaned nod baggage «h»*"d Israve Portland for Fo. Ilarptw* II and inter- p. Shipment*— Flour 7.000 hhia: wheat Through >.00 a. m., 12.36 and 5 10 p. m. For Pkswh«* Market Review Hid, seh Wm K Downes, Now York. lo dasttaattoh. received np to itt mediate land I at 10.00 a. in., ZOO n. m. Re hoahi corn 183.000 bushi oata 329,uou bu»b ta~Kreight g* Kan 7.00 s. m.. 1.10 and ll.oo p tn. For F01- NKW LONDON-BId 7lh, sell Chaa E llalch, from no. Ilarp*well 11.40 a. m.. 3.45. tn. ry* 0.000 buam Parlay lu.oou bust* 2 turn p. rroft aml.tireenvlllc 1.20 And IL60 For Carrabelle for Noank. itekote and stcteroom. at tba Plot 5.» m. p.m. COB* P’yii apply Arrive PcftKou ift, p. 7.00 a. tn 1236 and 11.00 m. For DETROIT—Wheat quoted at 7«He for cash NORFOLK—Ar 7th, sch Florence A, Elront, Ticket Offloe Monument or few 3.5c. KucVsport p Trea square, Fare lo Harp* well and return, Sundays, Bar Harbor 1235 and *11 00 m. For ttms< June...... SR** White; cash Red T6Hc; July JSHo. other taformehon at Company • Offloa, Railroad p. 38 V* Other landla,a,2H. villa and Ifonltnn via Oldtnwn and B. July.38V* TOLEDO—Whealactlyr-eaeb at 77eiJunc at ( has P Nclman. Portland; Oraets D New York, June 8.—The combination twTselis b A. K. K. 12.36 m d 11.00 p m. For H ash. OATE 77ci July at 77oi Aug 70Hc. Buclmuan. Pensacola. inure- Oen’l Met. Ington Co. It. K. 12 .15 and *1 LOO p. m. For increment in wheat and bear ...'. •• *1*4 Ar sch Curtis. Red Beach. bull June.. Sill, Mary Jaldtf_ 7.00 A m 1 20 ind 11.00 p. m H lor Portland. 'SSBwsL-*-, Maltasvantkeag ech P is an annual feat- July. 21V* 21H Csitea ilnrkfts Cld, Blackburn., Kor Vaarebors. M. ment in stocks, which 7til, schs Abhie A Era Mtrphen, llonltgps PORK. PKllTII AMBOY—Af Woodstock and M. John 7.00 a. m. and moms of the crop, IBf Telegraph.I Sarah L Thom and Ahble 8 Walker, ore at period growing June 8 Hooper, peon CISCO BIT STEAMBOAT CO. il m, For Ashland, lala, New York. _k*.- Op, Prnqi* Biade its today. The wheat 11 85 NEW YORK—The Cotton market today was Fort Fairfield and Carlhoa via A. St \. K. appearance Sept. Hid, sell H H Chamberlain, Augusta. $' ale 1-1 Be lower; at 816- k. 11A0 p. m. For lovor apparently WHRAT. S MEMPHIS—The Cotton market today eluted bile L Daren- Birch Island at 7.40, Mare Point at 7.45.Bustin'! For Casklng’s Island, ft.45, R.on, 10.30 a,mM Ar Rib, sobs Mary Godfrey and ind Foacroft or bevond BalTgor eaceptto Kl's- harm -has been done to the spring MDcninc. clOAtnr. c. Island at M8.8S, and Cousin’a 2.1% M\ « 13 *»• t» already steady; middlings 842 Bath; Charles H tricksy, Lsnstville; Aon, Uttlajolm’, vorth and Co. It K.. and Island at 8.8a. In Portland at ».3» A m. For Little and Great Diamond Islands. Washington leaving Wheat force during the .. NEW URLEAN8-TIW Cotton markat closed Kiri,irgs Maple Hill, lor Portland. arriving 11.00 p. m. does uot connect to bkow* gained steadily 72HJJJ* leave Portland, tor the Trefethen aud Kvrrgreeu Landings, Sunday July.71 firm; middlings 8He. Marcus Hook- Passed down 7lh, sobs Wm P Hemming, Long Wharf. mgai 1. The which conferva- m. Peaks Island, &.JA (7.00, 8.20, »0 .Da. ill., 12.00 day. report* upon | CORK. Phlktaelphla for Fall hirer; Alma, do lor above landings, at 3 3* p. MOBILE—Cotton market nominal middlings Hood, m 2-00. «.U». *7 0 p. m. IIIVISIO*. reliance were (1.15, WIIITK MOUNTAIN tive judges placed supple- June. 8 13-16*. Booth bay. For Poact'a Island, 5.30, *0,, Newcastle. Dal-Paaeod down 7th, ach Fran- E. A. BAKER, Manager. Landing, Long For llartlett 8.60 a m., 1.00 and 5.60 p m all kind* of rumor*. The fact SS 40V* a. m.. 15 p. m. mented by July. SAVANNAH-The Colton market closed cis Goodnnw. for Salem. Jesdtf 8.20. M,« Kor Brldgtou and Uarrtaon 8 60 A m.. 1 08 _ that the late break in the price* of west- OATS. nominal; middlings 644 c. PORTSMOUTH. NH-Ar 7th. achs Charles ItKTCIt >8. ind 6.60 p. m. For Berlin.tirovetoa, Island June. »•** New York lor Kieter; Van Name and Leave Forest City Praks la- Pond, Lancaster, No. Mtratford and ern railroad shares wa* coincident with Cooper, Landing, July. 2lVj 22V* A nropsan Markets. King. Perth Amboy; Herbert M Rogers, Plum and. fi.20 7.20. R.30. tJB, 10.50, a. m., 1.00, 2^15. Fteecher Falla 6.56 a. m. and 1.00 p. m. For of the committee Island lor u. m. Montreal. Chicago, * SO the deliberation* ap- PORK. (By Telegraph.) Klttery. 8.35, 3 43. 0.30, M.tO L«narnhnrg, RED BEACH—Hid 7tli. seh Wascano, Went- FIVE CENTS. Leave Cashing** Inland, 7.03, 8.15, 11.00 l. 10. and 3.50 p. rn. For Llms Hldge and by the of western rail- 11 *7V* LONDON. June 1 POO-Consols dosed at pointed president* July. 8, worth. а. m. 2.45, 5.35. c. to p. ro. £urbec 8.90 A m. sad 101 11 18 for aceounc. be «»«k road* to concert a plan for division of LA HD. 101 7-l*:formon« SALEM—Ar 7th, schs Brigadier, New York; Tbr (are will 5 CENTS Leave Ponce's Landing, Long Island, RCNDAY6. 697 V* Rebecca M Phliedelpnts. 11.20 a. rn.. 6.55 p. ID. traffic force to the supposition that July. hmlih, lo б. 00. 9.00, 2.50, For Lewiston via Brunswick, Watervllla gave 2 Hid. sens Hammond. Serena H wajr Leave Laud lag, 6 Sept. ■AILING DAriOrOCKANATKAMKRI Lucy Kendall, Kvrrgreeu 15,9,15,113) ind Bangor 7 20 a. m. mid 12.35 p. in. For al the for a settlement Merlon Annie Cue. It a. B 7S5 ro. pro*i**ct satisfactory RIBS. mow •«* Abigail llaynes. Draper. 12.40, 3.00. 4.4% u, Mints via 8k cm began Kenney aud Northern Light. New York; Henry Leave Trrirthen't Uadlag. 0.20, 7.4% east, AugustA except is not very go» d. Coming in combination 6 90 Cymric.New York.. Liverpool.. June 12 FOREST CITY LANDING, 1.00 p. m. July. Laha.NewiYork.. Bremen-June 12 Whitney and Lawrence Haynes, Newark; Nat 9.20, 11.35 n. m.. 12 35, 3.08. 4 40. 7.10, 8.05 p. B. from the wheat crop Susan Great 7 ARRIVAL*. with the bad reports Oceanic.New York. .Liverpool..June 13 Ayer, New London: Hiram. Pawtuokel; Leave Diamond inland, 6.25, 50, Boston Stock List. Peak, Island, m. Montreal this served to break the mar- GaMOtbt.New York. .Havre.June 14 stetsou. Huntington. 9 26, 11.40. a. B 12.30, 3.10. 4.8% 7.15. 8.00 p. 8.23 A tn. from Chicago, effectually Pit Hid sch Ira B Little 9.30, 1 mi North Con* Sales of Stock at the Boston Stock Exchange; K Louise.New York.. Bremen. ...June 14 HAN JUAN. HI, Klleius, Leave Diamond, fi.30, 7.55, Lnuriihurg. Bartlett, went to in the lost NC. and ket and prices piece* bid. Columbia.New York. .Hamburg .June 14 Marston, Wilmington, .ON THF.. 11.45 0. in.. 12.25, 3.15, 4.30. 7.20, 7.55 p. m. way and Cornleh, Harrison Hrtdg- VINEYARD-HAVEN Ar 8th, schs Darld Iom, 835 JU in. UwldOH and Me- kalf hour of the the weakness Ethiopia.New York. -Olasgott .. June IB SUNDAY TINK TABLE. trading, American Bell....'....#06 Faust. Port for Bath; l.lrrle D Small. chanlv 8.43 a. in Watervllle, An- 26Vs Trare.New York.. Bremen.lua* >B Keaulng For Forest Peak* Is- Falls; from the Pacific* and Atchison...• N for New York : M E Port- CASCO BAY LINE. City Landing, insta and Rockland; 11.53 a. m. Beecher spreading grangers, Kms.NawiYork. .Genoa.June 10 Alma, B. F.ldrldge. 5.00 Boston £ Mali.®... land for do: Charles 11 Wolston, Dresden lor land, 8.00, 9 00, 10.30 a. m., 12,15, 2.15, 3.15, Kolls, Lancaster, Fabyaus, No. Conway Into the trunk line* and ... New York.. Liverpool. June 18 wharf Southwestern* Centra! Massachusetts Campenla all tailed). Steamer, leave Cu>tom Home nearly p. in. ind Harrison; 12.15p.m. Bangor, An- fork.. Ixmrtons .. Jane 18 Bridgeport (aud the whole Maine Central .....1&8 Msmtou.New T every hour during th. dav evening For Cnshlng*s Island, 9, 10.30 8. in., 12.15 and specialties and embracing ...New York Rotterdam June 18 Passed, sch Raymond Msull. Philadelphia Rockland; 12.20p.m. Km'gdfr, Union Pacific... Vs Bpuarndam C. W T. OODINO. 2.15, 3.15, 5.00 p. m. Item Is, in or nunnuru £4 New York. Bremen June 19 lor Gardiner. Ksstalugflr Id, Phillips, Farmington, list. Again tarnirgs Union Pacific pfd. K M Theresa Sadie K |u2dtf Uen Manager C. B. S. Co For Little aud Great Diamond Islands, Kauiford Falls, R.W m. £££* York..Liverpool.. Juue 20 Hid, schs.I Henrv Edmunds. Corey, Lewiston; p. o»*nt for the Mexican leutral 4s... Teutonic.New U K'.lllr. I'ltalunif Aria A nisi ansi Kiln Trefetkens and ICvergrssu Landings, Angnsta, Pacific of twenty-eight per York. Antwerp .June 2u Ihowhegan, Watarvllle, Southwark.New peaks Island, L00. 0.00, 10.30 a. in.. 12.15, 2.00, 5.65 m. 8t. John, Bar did not avail to save 21 Crowell. NEW (ORk DIRECT I.INE, dockland. Hath; p. fourth week in May American Sugar Aug Victoria...New York. Hamburg .June j/fil. Filer Crosse .New York. .Bremen.Juno 21 the weakness Porta. For Pence's I,ending, Loug lelanil, Lake and 6.45 in. that stock from prevailing 21 Foreign Bangor; p. Haugrler, Champagne ....New York. Havre.Juiio Maine Co. 10.30 0. 4.20 m. flu in ford of Stock* and Bonds Steamship 8.00, III., 2.00, p. Farmington, Manila. Falla, on the unfavorable crop prospect and it New York Quotation* Menominee.... New York London.lune 23 Cruz 23. schi Gertrude A Montreal Sid fin Vera May V.OII8 Island Sound By Inyll.'hL Saturday only 0.80 p. m.. fnr ell landings, lifwltton; g.10 n. m. Chicago, Furness!*.New York. .Glasgow June 23 Bertha night fell two Missouri Pacific and (By Telegraph.) Bartlett, New Orleans; 24th, Louise, do; Bum direct to Diamond Cave maxing land- ifarbrr, ;uxl all WhWe Mountain ’.mints: l.?5 points. Prince..New York.. Naples.June 28 Pascagoula. 3 TKIPS PER WEEK. f The following arretUe doting quotation* of Trojan i, T Whitmore. on return omitting hvergreen. I. pi. daily from Bar Harbor, Bangor,Bath Baltimore and Ohio showed weakness be- Servm.New York. 23 June ech Oliver 8 Horntlo Hnll and Man* Inga trip Bon*’” .Liverpooo.June Cld at Hillsboro, NB, 8, TIM sieamablp, • Doea not at F.rergreen. and LruUlon ; end 9.50 a. m. dally except Rotterdam.... New York. Rotterdam .June 23 lean Franklin atop fore the break on fears of disap- June 7. June 8. Barrett. Norfolk. Italian sUarnaUvalT Wharf. noon will leave at 12.11 Monday, from Halifax. Nt. John, Ba» Har- general Werra.New York. .Genoa.June 23 soha W and Saturdays only trip New 4s. re*. 1»4*4 134^4 ▲r at 8t Johu, NB. June 8, Rebecoa Portland, Tueedaya, Thursday, HaturJaya ol 12.00 m- bor. Water Till# and Auguata. of the which have been Patricia.. New York. .Hamburg..June 23 leave Instead pointment hopes New 4*. ..*34*4 1344* Huddell. Boston; Sallla R Ludlsm, Saco. at Ip. m. tor New York direct Returning, C. W. T. UOD1NO. General Manager. •Dally. York.. Liverpool. .June 27 Dntur- of dividends. There was a New 4s. re*.H4Mi 1I4H Germanic.New Sid im Montevideo 4 (before reported Pier BL R. R, Tuesdays. Thursdays and dll Gpn p FVA NH, V. P. It O. M. engendered York Mo’ameton June 27 May myl» New 4s. coup.116*4 115*4 8t Paul.New 10th). ship Kdward Sewall. Bewail, from Balti- F. E, BOOTH BY, O. P. tt T. A. relaxation of the on foreign mar- Westernland New iork.. Antwerp...June 27 c traders ace fitted and he pressure Ucliver o* u. 1st .102 102 more for 8*n Francisco. dl"fheee superbly mayddtt York. .Havre.June 28 (or traVS sad .Ford tee most kets due to over the trouble brio gen. 4».. 724% Aquitaine.New nlihed passenger apprehension F Bismarck.. ..New York.. Hamburg...June 28 convenient aud comfortable route between stocks here IIP. Nan.* Tex. 2d*. 08 08 in China and lxindon bought of Rome.. New York. .Glasgow .. June 20 Portland aud New York. BOSTON M PHILADELPHIA. At t'aclfio consols. •,. City Kansas 30 Portland & Rumford Falls to a moderate extent, causing some slight Nav«l*t.11* Luoanta.New York. .Liverpool...June 4. F. LlSCOHRUeoeral Ageev MIUNGS. Ry. Oregon }0® New York.. London... .Juue 30 oeudtf TRI'WCEKLV Texas racinc. L. G., 1st*....i 13V4 Minneapolis.... THOR M- BARTLETT. Act gains in the day. The market closed W de G New York.. 3 early ao rea. 3ds. 66 55 Kaiser Bremen.July York. .Liverpool....July 4 From Boston Turin. In Effect 7. It'OO. active and weak at about the lowest. Union raclllc 1st*.IOoMi Majestic.New 11JIM.. 1 Thursday, Saturday. Tiny HtLonls.New York. .Bo’Ampton..|July 4 ^ Steamboat Col The bond market was very dull and of stocks— 4 Portland & Boothbay DEPARTURES Quotations _ Arrhunede.New From Philadilpbia Moaday, Wednesday June 7. June 8. York..Italy.July 4 1.30 A. M. and l.H) P. M. From Unkiu Station were remarkably small. Kensington. ...New York. .Antwerp.. .July RTKAMKR KNTBRPKIHB leaves East price changes Atchison. 5 ind lor Poland. Mechanlo Falls. Bnckdeld. Gam JfJJ*1 £5 Touralne.New York. Havre.July At 7 a. m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The total sales value were $1,110,000. Atcmson Did... 72V4 <14 .Bremen. 6 Boothbay ton. lnzbeld, Kumtord Fails and licmls. par Bremen.New York. ...July , . Friday for Poithmd, touching at 8o. Bristol, From Central Wharf. Boston. 8 p. m. From Among j m. Ua. m. and 6.13 p. m. From Union s wen* il 8 Life United State bonds unchanged Boothbay Harbor. Fine sued Wharf. Philadelphia, at p. la Che*. Ai Ohio. 27*Va 27*4 Returning, leave Franklin Wharf, Portland, •uranee etfooted at oOloe. Station for Mechanlo Falls and intermediate in bid Bur. dr uuiucv... .lv8Vh 127*4 9. quotations. f/hicaco. III A N11' U it K AI.MA.NK.JUNK at 7 a. m. Tuesday, Thursday aud Saturday for Freights for the Weel by the Penn. B. a and stations. Pen at nud.canal Co.11 Is/* Unas rises. 4 71 AM.. 800 East Booth Way, touching at BoHhbajr Harbor a on lb ferwarded by oeuaeotUig i>. m. train has car, Portland to NEW YORK. Juno 8. Pel. Lack. S West.17U 178 Sun ,.,rt walor ( through 8uo sets. 7 2<»!w'~r \ PM... 8 and Bo. Bristol. rusage 810.04. Trip *14,04 Denver* it. G. 17*4 174% go JUiund Semis. Money on call was steady 1%&3 i>r cent. Length of days.. 15 13 Moon sets. 1 32 Land at Five islands on signal. Meals and room Included. new.1 ootlldtf ALFRED RACK. Manager. For eg te F. r. WINQ. Prune mercantile paper 8% it 4% per cent, brie, freight paesage apply Central Wharf, Boston. R. C. liafflo with actual bus -! Agent, BRADFORD, sterling Exchange was firm, Illinois Central.1>*% •}*% K 3. BAMPBON. Treasurer end General MannjjW^ for de- Weal. 28 27% MARINE NEWS F ake Boeloa, ness in bankers bills 4 87% <£4 87% L»k» Hne A I ! Policies of Life Insurance < Manager. M State db Building, L L. IrOTEJOT, Rgpertziten dent, l ake snore.212% # -- Maes. oottfcitf dtf Rumford Falla Maine. mand aud 4 84% « 4 84% lor sixty ('ays; past- felt corns a nasn. 2';;%78% a position bills 25% PO 2»% Steamer Cumberland, Alien, New vorkl Central.180% tarns, their value is all the > Calling at Movtlle. IS APRIL C.% port and St Joun, NH. EFFECT, 30. IOOO, NorUieru racinc com. 6it% ibarge B1UM. old. 7*% 7«% Tug Waltham, Philadelphia, towing more the FOU hortneru racliic with coal to Portland Iron 4 8i«el Co. \ emphasised by J inc tbs 162% Oxford, etaunsh steamers From RTKaM- Montreal Quebec The follow quotations represent pay Northwestern;.163 hdmaud Pbmuev. Young, Phllatielphia 1 variation. The and elegant In this market] west. *1 86% Barque end ••TRKMONT'* SHU‘8. Saturday baiurday Harrison, North ISi-idg- Inc prices onu a —coal to Peter 8 Nickerson 4 Co. Vessel to J 8 MGOV. DINULEV* LtverpooL Briilgloii, and steers. •.. oei? lb leave Franklin Wharf. Portland, Cow Winslow 4 Co. alternately ion, Weil §eba{o, louih ItridE. Bulls sad sues...... 6j and India Wharf, Boston, at 7.00 p. m. dally, Thu Apr Farmaii 12 May Ti May 8ch Kverctt Webster, Bowen, Philadelphia, *• 1 * event Bundav. Waterford and Sweden. Skins—No quality.....10« »•- coal to Gas Co. 10 May Tunisian 26 26 ion, • ..}i5S }Jf meet demand of •• Noa .8 BLlEaui Boston. These steamers every 17 Numldiau 2 June 2 June A. M. P M. P. M. Sch Nellie F.Colbeth, In 4 old..}*** steamship service speed, •• •* •• No 3 New cement Among modern saTefe, 24 CortniliUu 9 9 Ponitnu Mrmt A5Q l.'ifl B .••2® sch Klla Clifton. Kulleld, Yotk. Tral". leave .. 6c 10 16 so_ falls be raui A oiuana .. C 8 Chase. at Parisian to Wdeueg LoweU. *• 4 44 Hriilgion .Iuiicuul*, 10.10 3.1a tTio Texas •racme. Sch Radiant. Bostou. CTh^^.“ 14June Tunisian 30 3.H 8..U J®J* J5J* Hardy, 44 *4 Arrive Brldgton. 11.13 Market. .. 734* 73V* Worcester, 21 Numldian 7 July 7 July Retail Grocer*’ Sugar Union racinc Soli Caviare, fish. *4 44 11.37 3.10 8.37£ •* 28 44 Corinthian 14 14 Arrive Harrl.oo, Wanaan. Policies AgAlfc 44 u J A. Portland market—cut loaf 7e: confectioners Cleared. THOMAS M BARTLETT. *• 5 Parisian tl 21 myodtf Hknnktt, Supt. Wabash .. -0 194% declOdtt July coffee •* 44 4 at He; at 6c: granulated 6% .... 101, 19 Tuuistan 4 Aug Aug powdered Bo*ton 4 Maine Sch France< M, Hagan. Kennebec and Balti- the UNION Enc. I Those issued by \ erusneu 6c ; yellow 6 % New York and New |Df.. more—Chase Leavitt 4 Co. No cattle carried on these steamers. 206 1 RAILROAD A Old Sell Burr. Philadelphia—Ryan MUTUAL are unsurpassed B. B. Colonv.2p« **6 Mary Manning, BOSTON & ALBASY Wholesale Market. Adam* Express. .116 RATES OF PASSAGE. Portland < 150 4 Kelsey. _ that — ! in all the 8. American Exuress.!*»*» Prince Ulmer, J U features 50 and A reduction of 3 PORTLAND. June 40 ♦« Sch Leboo, Hampden Cabin—$32 upward*. u. h. MU.-e»S. BOSTON ft MAINE R. R. cent is aUowea ou return ticket*. Wheat at was excited and advxnoed »9% 98% J produce per Chicago ] reome .. Sch K Grant.Davis. Prospect Harbor— Second Cabin—To Liverpool, l.ondoa or Train and Car *7'* 2'% Ralph Llfcct OtV Im’I Through Service, e for t lour is strong and we quote ail i'.ciuc Mall. la Ud, to *V. July, 1*2 1“ J H Blake. Londonderry—835.<>0 $45.00. Pullman raiace. NS — M N Unwavering Protection Glasgow, in 1000. grades 10c higher. Corn advanced 2c today ; 1**% Sell Benue 4 Bessie, Ober, l)lgby, bTEKUAOE—Liverpool, lrondon, effect April 20, 8uear, common.116% Rich 4 Co. DIVISION. or $2LM. ut l’ork and Lard have also 79% WESTERN Belfast, lsondonderry Queenstown, and Oats ah Ic. Western union.79% Ciberal Ualues certUlcates #24. SAILED-Steamer Breckfield, London. Union Station, fo Prepaid tarn advanced. Butter easy. Southern Kt life. Train, leave Portland, Children under 12 year*, half f.are. Rates to Profit Seni-boro 10.06 a. in.. B.28 to retire rent the wool, Brooklyn Hanid transit. 69 68% Substantial crossing, or from other points on application The lollowiug quotations FROM OOB rORRKSPONDKNTS. Benrboro Bvnwh, Pine Point, (or llio market; rsaeral Steel common. 33% 33% Utt p.m.1 T. P. McGOWAN, *540 Congress sale prices June 8 — Ar. schs 6. &J0 nu. Old Or Trains BOOTH BAY HARBOR, 1P.00 e. m, 3JO. A p. Two Fast do mo. ««% our Portland, Mr* Float from South Georgie D Loud, ! Details of plans gladly a woo, Keunebunk, 7.00 Room 4, America" .. 91% Nautilus, Amboy; chard, Blridcford, Foreign Steamship Agency, Shore" 75a 3 00 ijy tj»-s New told. MS. 10.00 A m.. 12.80, 3.30. 5.26, 8.30 Port- "North Fuperflnn end low graaes.2 uo pm...... York. First National Bank Bolldlug, "Chcago" L Brunswick, Ga. for ; ; in. bsaitsb>eke.rt 7.00. 8.46. 10.00 Spring WlietfT Bakers.3 10«tJ 36 Metropolitan titreet It R. Bid, sch Fannie Child, p. land, Maine Specal Special 45 Albert Gloucester ior shore a. 12.30, m. 8.11. ar27dtf Spring Wheat parents.4 2da,4 Tenn.coai ai iron. lA Waldoboro; Geiger, m, 3.30. 6.28.. •} «®7* and Horace B do for Rtngp North Berwick, Dover, Via Laka Shore Via Nich. Cea. Miclu aud KL Louis*!. roller...... 3 95*4 10 b. KUDDer. *ov» fishing; Piuta Parker, U. J&J* a. holder.worsk. Mich, and St Louis clear.3 80t£3 1*6 24% .4 Western Banks; Junietta. Bolton for shore i Cite 7.00, 8.46, m„ 3.30,6.25 p.m. Continental IoDacco. Union mutual 3.30 u. m. 3j j Rochester. 7 OO. 8.46 a. in., 18.30. Lv. II.i.ti>ii, 10 15 a. in. 9.00 p. m. Winter Wheat patents.4 20*4 fishing. Divio “ Alton Buy, Lekcpevt, and Northern LINE. 4.10 ni. 7.35 loru aud Feed. ROCK PORT, June 7-Ar. brig Venice. Melan- DOMINION Due Albany, p. lioatun Ntrsen Ion, 8.45 A ci 12 80 p. m. WoreeeOor (via •* son. Port Gilbert. N8; schs Leona, Lane, Boston; Concord .Syracuse, 7.35 11.40 Com. car lots. ®40 June 8. 1100—Tb* following are i Bomerawrortb 7 3)0 a. m. Mnnabeetov, BO**i ON. A della T Car Wall. New York. insurance Company, to a. lots. to62 etou, j and North. 7.00 a. m„ ».su p. m. Dovor. Ran Montreal Liverpool. ltocheBter, 0.40 130 m. Corn.bail u rro.nous, eic.i to-day** quotau j;h 8.46 ** Meal, bam lota.. to60 tor, Rnrcrhllfc Uwisncv Lowclfc 73)0. Buffalo, 11.40 3.25 0 nc"^. RXCHANUK DISPATCH FH. mains. A4.05. 7.00 Steamer. From Montreal. From Dnelwr. Oats, car lots.... ® 32 Portland, A m.. 11.80. 8.30 p. m. Boston, 5.55 a. m. at New York Arthur C Wade, 3.80 p. m. Arrive Boetou 2 in. Toledo, Oats, ban lots. W 36 8prlngu»tsi»»* 4 00*4 GO Ar 8th, barque 8.46 A m.. 12.80. Veoeuuyer, May let Daylight. May Hi. |>. '• 8.15 4 00 k4 40. Slieunan. 81 Croix. 7.26. 10.15 A m.. 12.46. 4.10. 7.16 p. m. I-eave 12U1. » s. m. l-tli.n p.m. Detroit, Cotton seed, car lots.00 00*20 60 Wiuter: pavonu. ....* Dominion. May May » 45 »4 25. Passed out at Delaware Breakwater 8th, sch 9a. m. p.m. II.SO 4.00 p. ra. Cotton Seed, bag lots.00 00*27 oo Clear auu ttraignt. Camtmman. May 19th. May 19th,8 Chicago, I'/vrn_•(.im.r VhIIuW 4 7 rl 47 1 'A e. Malcolm Baxter, Jr, Bailey, for Portland. J.1D p.m. Arrive in Portland 10.10.fll.60 a. ul, Bran, car iota..... »• ..18 00*10 00 Sacked Ar at Juuo 8. steamer 12.10. 6.00. 7.60 m. Karkfri Bran, ban 00 Queensiowif l.ucaula, p. lots.00 00*19 K«w V«trk for Livftrnnol him! nrureeiled. Middling, car 101s.uo&au uu Chicago Live Mock Market SUNDAY TRAINS. Bost;n to via. The Fiuest rullmau Cars will 60 Trunk and Store Liverpool Queenstawii. Middling, bag, lota.19 0«\g20 bear boro Beaeh, Plao Point, Did Or- leeu.18 60aI9 60 By Talegrapn.1 Memoranda. Reynolds’ Bag he run on these trains. Tickets Mixed chard. fcaeo, Blddoford, Konnebnak,North Steamer. From Boston._ Sugar, Coffee. Tea. Molasses, lialslnt. CHICAGO. June 8. 1900.—Cattle—receipts Rocklaud. June 8—A despatch was rocelvcd K water, Haverhill, Ur in Buy your Trunks, Berwick, Dover, m and accommodations to prune native steers 5 10a5 76; here stating that the sch ra. New England. Wed., May 23d, 5 p. granulated. 6 79 1.500; good Tuesday George Bird, reuco, Lowell, Boetou, 12.66. 4.30, p. sleeping Sugar—Standard at 4 00; selected feeders at and Dress Suit cars at Mil* line 6 79 poor to medium 60-86 of this port, Cant Andrew J Gray, is ashore Bags Ainve iu Boalou 6.13. 8.22 p. m. for sale City .Olllce, Sugar—Kxtra granulated.... at 8 73 a 4 cows OF PASSAGE. 5 40 4 40 a 5 00: mixed Stockers 26; Crab Island (Vieques), near Humacoa. PH, and Cases direct of the KaTIS Sugar—Kxtra C. at 3 4 bulls at 3 00 FAsTKRN DIVKinv St., and at South 3 0:ia4 00; heifers 20a 80; Is said to be a total loss. No further particulars Uidde- ReCirw— Washington Coftee—Kio. roasted. 12.415 steers at Boston and stations 0.00 ain. First Cabin—$60.03 and up. a 4 30; caives 6 00.a 7 00; Texas fed have been received. The schooner was built In manufacturer and way Cofleo—Java and Mocha.— 27 a 28 Portsmouth. Newbury •114.00 and up. according to steamer and Station. 4 5t>.0.5 26; Texas grass steers .at 3 7og,4 4o; Rockland in 1883 and registers 223 tons. She foad, Klttcry, Teas— Cnioys. 22*80 save money. IN; 9J0 a. UL, accoa.modal Ion. Texas bulls at 3 20*3 70. had just been thoroughly repaired and was a Salem, Lyuu, Boston, Leas—Congous. 27*60 at 6.00 P. ra. Arrive Boston, 6.57 a. in., Second c'ubiu—$37.50 to $42 53. Return, iloirs—receipts 35.000: mixed and buUhers very fine vessel, as good as new. Hie was owned K»rt,40. Old taken o. in. Leave Huston. 7.34 •71.2ft to $80.75. Teas—Japan. J3aJ8 6 00a6 25; good to choice heavy 5 I6ft5 25: b% Rockland parlies, B a Batter beiug Trunks 12.40, A00. A05 A. S. Teas—Formosa. 80*80 Cap! 7.43 CL Arrive Poll- Siermge—To Liverpool, Derry, London, HANSON, rough heaw at 5 Outgo 10; liaht at 6 Outgo 25; She carried little or no insurance. in exchange for 9.00 A m.. 12.39, 7A9. p. Molasses—Porto Rico. 86 a 40 agent. 19.13. 10 40 m Belfast and Glasgow, $23.60 to bulk of sales — lan.\ n.46 a IU., 19.0J. 4JQ p. Queenstown, myUdlmo PAWM3R. AUKNT Molasses—barbadoes... 32*35 new ones. §25.50 flfenrage on 111 furnished free. Blieep—receipts 4,000 ; good to cnoice wethers Domestic Porta. ( N DAY. Molasses—common. 20«2£ to T. P. MCGOWAN. 420 Congress 4 30: fair to choice mixed at 4 00.84 90: New Apply Kew Raisins, 2 crown. 2 00«,2 25 YORK—Ar schs Hattie Nickersou. Goods delivered Rlddrford, Kltlrry, Portsmouth, street, J. B. KEATING, room 4. Ural Nation- Western sheep 4 60*5 20; > curlings at o 2otf NEW 7ib, 2.00a 947A do 3 crown...... 2 26*2 60 for an eastern bnryport, Nslcm, Lyus, Boston, m., al Bank Building. CHARLES . native iambs g oo a 0 Western lambs McCormick, Morris Rl*er port; where 4 crown. 2 6 86: 50; freeany with- 6.57 a in.. 4.00 street and Hotel, or do 50*375 Kllza 8 Potter, Sawyer, Perth for Salem; 12.43 p. w. Arrive Uostoa, Conerre** Congress Square Loo.*eMuscaie. 6 00aG GO; bpriug 5 Do*r7 25, Amboy a 7.00, ul Raisins. 7Vs*9 Andrew Peters, Brett. (.trials via Providence; in 6 miles cf Port- p. in. Leave Boston, 9.00 til., p. DAVID TORRANCE & CO„ Monties'. Arrive Portland, 12.10, lOJOp. UL. apr2.dll Dry Fish and Mackerel. 0 Amanda K, Dawes. ScPuute. land. schs Wm II Sumner, Yeaton, Peruandlua; Shore. 4 0044 60 Domestic Market*. Chi. A—Daily except Monday. Excursion Cod. large Clara K Raudali, Charleston. Philadelphia. ML Desert &. Mactiias S b. C> Medium buoro llsu. 3 0043 60 We give Porllu , Cheap (By Telegraph.) Sid, schs Atm L Lock wood. c» als; George II trading W. N. A pT DIVISION. 10 anti M. Pollock. 2 26 4 3 60 Montunl, Quebec June 8.1900. Mills. Portland; Helen G King. Boston; BeuJ T stamps. Haddock****.. 2 f o« 2 75 Foot of Preble Street. Friday, April 20th. the lane de Bt aupre und Keiurn. MEW YOKK—The Flour mantel— receipts Biggs. Perth Amboy for Exeter; Eliza 8 Potter, Station j Hake. 2 25 a 2 50 bbls: sales 11,100 CCOMMENCINGJ steamer 13.077 bbls: export* 60,380 do for Boston; Douginas Haynes. Hoboken for Trunks and \N orcestar, Clinton. Aver, Nashua trains June 19th and !>ox, scaled .... 11 4 16 Bags For Going by regular Herrmg, per packages; more active and stronger on the big Gardiner. 7 JO a in. and 12.30 Shore Is.25 00 __ \Mnahaui and Eppingat FRANK JONES until 19th. Mackerel, 001*30 option in Wheat. I 8th. sch Rosa Mueller, 8t John, NB. repaired. good to return July Mackerel, bbere 2s. •Ar p. ra. wUL weather permitting, leavo Portland Flour—Winter uia 3.60(83 90{Winter straights BOSTON—Ar 7th. schs A H Harding, Card, Manchester, Concord and North at 11.00 nr fares between l\»: Hand and ewiston 3 Open evenings. For points Tuesdays and Fridays at p 3 40THB V Ft oni other stations at correspondingly 2 at fob afloat No 1 Westbrook Boneiess. nail bbls. t* 6 60 elev ; No Ked 84*4 spot; Ar 8tb. schsiAnnid L Henderson. Brunswick, ror Westbrook, Cumberland Mills, Gen’l Mgr. G. P. & T. A. rate*. Northern Duluth 79*4c f o u anoal N Harold B Woodford* at 446 a to Lara—tes ana nail tbl. mire.... c*9vs prompt. Gh; Susan Pickering, Fernaudins; CM ICH ESTER'S Junction aud 7.30k ul, for further particulars apply Agents. 1 KNOLI4M npriSJtf _ Lard—us and hall bbbcom.... Gorn—receipts 103.360 busn: exports 281.756 Cousins, Satilla; Willie L Newton, Woodbrtdge 12JO. 3.00 6.30 and 6.20 D- m. bus W Lilian. Portland from Worcester at Lard—Pans pure. bus; sales 310,000 hush] futures; 310,ooo Creek; Charlotte Miller, Albany; Trains arrive at EXCURSION 8.30 a m- U& CHEAP SUNDAY Lard—Pails, comuouau. 7% a 8v* export: spot strong; No 2 at 4oV*c I o b afloat Bangor: Gatherer, I.&nesvillc; Wm Pickeriug, 1.26 p.m.: from Kochester at both from from Gorham at 6.30 and leal. •HMlOVk and 45Vac eiev, Reyport. NJ; Ira Bliss ana Onward, pENNYROyALPILLSAlw»»** and 6.49 p. ra. t 6.40, Lard—Pure, 8AFK. l»rvggl«t PORTLAND to GORHAN and BERLIN. N H„ UL __ ISLAND STEAMBOAT From 0 bush: exports 62,099 River. 10 a 1.23. 4.16. 6.48 p. PEAKS Chickens. 16(4 vsats—receipts ),200 Raritan M CUICUKITtK'S XNGU8U 60 m.. J® No 2 Si L»i|l G. P • T. A. Bostew. bus; sales 75,000 nush snot, spot firmer; Sid, sclis Otronto. Ellsworth; Fannie F.dtth, HKD ml Ould Biwtftlllo boau. **ft.el D. j. FLANDLKa. -AND- and itern*medlatJ stations. Turkevs at 2UV*c; No 3 at 26c; No 2 wuue 28*,*jC28Vii; Hattie S Collins and A H Whitmore. Stoulngtou; IIth b,u* T.k* other. Kobto JolSO Commencing Sunday, J' no 3rd, 11)00, until ld.ulj 26 I D.w«rr«u Hub.tltuUo.ft ft.d _ lteluru at i Hams. HVk4 12 No 3 white 28c; track mixed Western at V* g Polly, Belfast: Glenulien, Harrington: Millie •?* vCj** further notice. Leave at yj a. in, •*““*. Buy of your * Klfclrlc Bhoulders. 28c; track white Western 28g34V*c. Washburn, Boothbay; Mansur B Oakes, Ala- Dnigftst^or Portland A larmoalh Kf.Co AMUSEMENT CO. •LOU l>. Ul. Beet tlrui at 11 00 « 12 00; mess 9 50 Ronucl Parr 91.00. Prod ace. family cbltr*. Underwood at 6.46 Trip* mess at schs Susan For Yarmouth and Spring, 2 40SB2 30 (*10 00; city extra India flG£17 fcO; At anchor in President ltoid8. to and from intermediate points at Beans. Pea. a. n. hourly till 43 p. rr.. then had hourly tilt TABLE, Ratei beef hams at 2o uoqz 00. Stetson. for Hun ingtou; Henry Whit- • TIME Beans. California Pea.2 »‘>6*2 70 Bangor 10.45 m. Additional cars to Uudcrwoo correspondingly low rates.Jefiitf Cut meats steady. and lor New York p Beans Yellow hves.260421G0 ney Abigail Haynes, Baugor every fifteen minutes from 7.onto 9.30 Lard firm: Western steamed at 7 25; refined (ail In for a Spring Sleitiner ALICE HOWARD Beans, Red Klduei.2 50*2 60 barbor). mou.thuasat-tf in. Leave Yarmouth at 6.40 a. in. hourly till continent 7 40; 8 A—; compound at Baltimore—cui 7th. ecu f & t Lupion, p. Onions. Kgy ptlan... <3 00 steady; 11.40 a in., then naif houny til. 9.40 p. in. Leave Portland at 7, 9, 10, ll a. m. Bermuda onions...1 60 6*4. m Bangor. Underwood thirty minutes later. will leave Pier, 8, MCDONALD STEAMBOAT GO. Potatoes v bus. 450 Fork is firm; mess 12 00.812 75; family 13 60 Sid, sch Wm Marshall. Lynn. I, *2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.15 p. m. a clear 13 50 .i 14 60. Bath. SUNDAY*. l*ave View Peaks >ew Potatoes, bbl. 3 76 a 3 OO 14 50; short Ar 8th, sch Youug Brothers. Returning, Bay Landiug. June 4Ih. 1900, steamer* will do and Katherine D Underwood half- 10.30 and 11.30 Bvginning Sweet Potatoes,Connecticut. &3 26 Butter sieauy: Western cremry 16* 19c; Sid, sobs F St T Lupton, For Yarmouth and Spring Island, at 6.26, 7.25, 8.30, 9.33, leave Portland lVr a> t' 3o a. m anti 4.00 p. m. cc mi enn at state with additional fifteen 3 30 .4 5.3o m. Bweets, Vinland. A— factory at 14*1 : 15q,17V*c; Perry. Bangor; OD Withered..Batik hourly. 4.16 V) 9.45 il nL, a. m 1.30, 2.30, 80, p. lor Cousin's, ureal Clieteague. Francis U Bated. Underwood from Uitlvjohn'e. Eggs. Kasteru tresn.. m 15 dairy 16V* q IttVao; docrui c. BANGOR—Ar 8th, sell* minutes service to Sprlug SUNDAYS. Bustln Island and Keturu. leave Bos- Freeport. Eggs. western fresu. m 16 C heese firm; clear large white at 94'«{&0Vfc: Greenlaw. Perth Amboy: Mentor a, Uraut, 1.00 10 8.46 p. m.juebtt Leave Portland Pier. 9.00,10.00, 11.00 a. m., Souih at .0.30 a. m. and 00 p. m. via colored Plnkham. do. Freeport Eggs, neid... (fa grass lingo 9>a9*4c; large 9*4.q9^«c; ton: Leading Breeze, 1.00, 2.00. 3.00, 4.00, 6.00, t>d)J, 7.00, 8.00 p. m. tgm above small (Br). landings. Butter, tanc? creamer. .. 21 4 23 small white 8* a,88** ; colored 8 Vs-a 8*4. Cld, steamer Gladys Edwards, Glasgow; sch RBI URNS. SMALL F01NT ROUTE. Butter. Vermont. « 19 Fell oleum weak. barque Nol (Ital), Vassallo, Palermo; NS (and Leu S 9.30. 10.30, m. for Orr't Island, Cheese. N. York add Ver’mt, ...lOMfelf Itosm quiet. Btomtdoo (Br). Hlues, ( heverie. ala>. GO. Leave Bay View ling, 30, Leave Port and at J.00 p. CLOCK WON'T !la nor easy, Sid, sobs Sarah W Lawrence, Sanford, Balti- 11.30 a. m„ 1.30, 2.30, IL30, 4.30, 6.30, 6.30, 7.30 East Harp.wall. Sebaeeo, Small Polo! Cranberries.$11*1200 Turpentine leave more; John Rose. Vaunam&n, New Yorg; John p. in. and Cuady e Uaibnr. Reiurn Cuuiy's Fruit. ltioe steady. S«Dd or bring It to u». W, do only tba Molasses steady. T Williams, Getchell. Klkzabethport; Hannan F postal Its to Peaks Island Harbor at n.oo a. m via above lanalixs. Lemons. Messina...8 6044 00 boot olwork, snd bm m»do a Only Uae running boats sugar-raw is strong; fair reflnlug at 4*4: Carle ton. Hardy. Providence. direct. j. II. MiOOIiLD, Haa.«,r. OTaneos.i'allforuui ...4 00®4 60 lor nui. AL'work warnntod. MoKtUNKY IM Comuierelal St, 96 test at IV* ; Molasses sugar 8 15- BaTH—Ar 8th. sobs Frank T Stiusoa and 5 cents each )e*dtf OBm » Oranges, Seedlings .8 00.43 50 Centrifugal Monumout 8

v weeks' vocation*: R. H. Hardy, X. T. MEW APV»HTi»«M«lfT»-_j_MKW APVKaTl»»WK»TI._[ BMW ADVERTIMBMEMTI._I_APVMlTIIEWBWTIi THE PRESS. Knight, W. F. Libby end W. O. boring. The. Are committee has made no tour ... TOOA1 of the engine houses ■ ■W ADVaSmaBM** Inspection among A ear- this year, somethiny ordlnarly done 4 I a C. Dwell. ly In Moy.ond soon after the oommlttee’s < 4 H. Llbb» Co. J. organisation for the year. It will prob- (Wen Hooper'. [ Bruit M. Low ft Co. ably come in the near future. Owen. Moore ft Co. Bine. Bro». Co. The donning of summer uniforms by Million Faitmnn Bros. A Bancroft. the members of the Are department has F. D. Foltoui. G*o, C* 8k»f A 0®. been delayed longer than usual this year, If. it Hay A Son. on account of the coolness of tem- II it «r. general Coo. th* 11 MedicinesllP now been ^Patent T. F. Kosi ft Sons. perature. The uniforms hare Schlotterbeck ft loss. In a few Women ordered and will lie assumed John K. Groone a Co. Jir. tico H. Bailey. days. Cottage Wanted. A has been ordered for En- Frank F. llbbett.ftCo. large flag have beam relieved ot use Is of a Johns. B ft Ijnnberc gine 1, whose ensign now In K. T. female troublea Mra. SC Alban Commandery somewhat tat tend variety. by A.MCSKMKM3. A number of Portland p eople will go . Biverlon Fark. 1 OUT ! to Hath when the new torpedo boat auction. about the 10th of Onr Barney Is launched * Jtotnll Our Retail F. 0. Bailey ft Co. Trice. July. ♦ Price. Price. Price. | [ mode New Wants. For Sale. To Get Cost. Fonu.1 Yesterday the llqnor deputies this lounO ox prHdedUroguhJiyllu 1.00 will bo .83 and similar adTOillscnienio at Nos. 339 and 833 Fore, 7 I Pitikbam's Pierce’s Favorite Prescription, f $ bead Heliums Lydia Vegetable ; page m under appropriate a_ Pleasant and 89 Centre streets. t Compound, $1.00 $ .76 Horltck’s Malted Milk, small, .50 .43 5 At the registry of deeds yesterday was If any one doubts the $ Lydia Pink bant’s Blood 44 44 *4 1.00 .83 t BRIEF JOTTINUS. recorded the incorporation of the Crophey efficiency and saoredly medium, Shoe to manufacture and deal 1.00 .75 “ company, confidential obamotor of § Purltlcr, »• “ large, 3.50 3.25 ;; In footwear and similar goods. Capita- It is found necessary to change the date Mrs. Plnkham'a Celery Compound, 1.00 .70 lized at Ccrtilloate methods, Food, .50 .44 ! and place of the Annual Meeting of thi *40,000. approved 1.00 Murdock’s Liquid June 7. write for a book she has {Paine’sGreene’s Nervura, .83 Woman s Board of Foreign Missions trorr Carter’s Little Liver Pills, .25 .16 The Portland Vi-teran Firemen’s asso- whloh Hood’s 1-00 .83 j; June 18th, at Yarmouth, iw advertised, reoontty published 2 Sarsaparilla, ciation will hold memorial services at Schenck’s Mandrake Pills, .25 .16 to Thursday, June 21, at Portland, in oontaMa letters from the Pernna, 1.00 .79 '; their hall Sunday afternoon, June 10th | .25 .16 Hljth stivet church. mayor ot Lynn, tbs post- Indian 1.00 .83 Itrandreth’s Pills, ;; The sermon of the oocasion Is to be de- | Kickapoo Sagwn, For sale, new cash register cheap. Cal and others other Plnkham’s Pills, .25 .19 livered ltev. S. F. Pearson. master, Favorite Remedy, 1.00 .86 Lydia today. K. L. H., Hwett’s Hotel. by 2 Kennedy’s ’’The Old will be who have made oar a- Pills, .25 .20 The Knights of Columbus an* to hold r Young Man,” olty Fellows’ Compound Syrnp, 1.50 1.13 Phenyo*Caffelne the of Dr. Smith Baker’s lecture ful nnd who j .25 .20 big field day iu Portland this summei topic Investigation, Llsterine, 1.00 .79 Beediam’s Pills, from all at Wllllston church tomorrow evening. Pink- j and representatives of the order verify all ot Mrs. Pierce’s Pills, .25 .20 l* ltev. K. S. J. McAllister wlB be the Pleree’s Golden Medical Dis- over New England are expected to ham's statements and 2 the Y. M. C. A. men's meet- William’s Pink Pills, .50 ,40 present. ! speaker nt eovery, 1.00 .83 ;; afternoon at four. olabna. | 1 > Petitions in bankruptcy were filed In ing tomorrow halt-post 1 Mr. attended the Ecumenical the United States court yesterday by McAllister The Plnkham dabna are held in New York William J. Hall of Madison ami Edward conference recently swooping. Investigate will tell some of the that sa- L. Brum of Lewiston. I city and things BRIGHT GOODS DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS. convention of UfOfll* WE SELL YOU FRESH j Hcv. J. K. Wilson, 1). D., preachet transpired at that groat Christian workers. the buccalmreat3 sermon before tht YEARS Prof. Julius E. Ward will not hold THIRTY OFOURES _ Manufacturing Chemists, X | Normal school at Farmlngt on tomorrow any a _ song service nt City hall tomorrow, ar- 501 congress st. afternoon. & Foss Co., a ooca- Schlotterbeck tubs, being mode for grand Quite % number of new rubbish rangements Miss Shaw and Martin Thomas Shaw thi sion which will take a week from will or “hokey pokey’* wagons as some of place Hos worth, Carlo ton street, spend havi tomorrow. j street department men call them, the month of Jnne at Poland Spring, of courteous bear- arrived from New York and are now be- An old gentleman Rev. E. R. Purdy Is attending the New as the j entered the station ing used about the Portland streets. ing, police England Yearly Meeting of Friends now clock struck nine last evening and re- There are now nearly 60 in use. QulU being held at Newport, U. I. n Tv 1IX la Aiuu»ry n. nnmhinr nf new ruhhish bilTels httVc Mr. James II. Heath, of the Lewiston i ...... asked him hi* name the also arrived and have been placed at giv- Thompson Journal was In the olty lost evening. _He took a of paper on which Frank for u few vis- Wanted. en points along the streets. stranger slip took the Jones days' Cottage "What Is Members Interested In the formation ol he wrote his autograph. your it ik uiu- uaruor. the The must be the Spanish War Veterans' association, occupation?” asked turnkey. Mr. John K. Allen, proprietor of Do- WANTED. Furnished, oasily accessible for a minute will meet In the rooms of Co. L>, at the little old man paused fully mestic Engineering, a Chicago trade by cars or boat. Address with full sold: “I that Armory, next Wednesday evening, tc and then guess my occupa- journal, Is visiting In Portland. & particulars, tion Is a night's lodging." He arrange the preliminaries for organiza- finding wait- ffi&ibty ffi.£ibbti& W. B., Box 40, a coinfortable’bod. HARBOR NEW*. Experienced tion Gen. Mattocks, Major Collins und was lead away to It* Cnmbridvrpoi'f, Must. of actions others will be invited to address the meet- Several strangers suspicious also two nnd the Items af Interest Picked Up Along tk resses; boys ing. appeared in the city yesterday " 3 are crooks who Front. At the recent exhibition of the Man- police believe that they Water for work in Fal- Great Good Luck in New -j have come aheou to take before chester, X. H., Camera club, honorable soundings CRAND Portland exhibitors, the Wild West show. The police will mention was given Notwithstanding the showers of yester- mouth Hotel dining take to see that the Is I as follows: Messrs. Thurston, “On the vigilance public day a good day’s business was experi- Edson, “An Incoming protected from these chaps. to Summer Androscoggin;’’ enced by the Island steamers. On some room. Apply Millinery. Silver Ware Sale Peterson, “A Bend of the Pre- Tide;” PERSONAL. of the trips the steamers were well filled Booth, “Portland Head suiupscot;” with people. All of the lines are making * some- and The “mark-down-rates” that We have made a Silver j "Figure special Lighthouse,” Lamson, plans fur special excursions for Sunday. Mr. Joseph F. Wagner, treasurer of the Ware Sale in order to move a largo Study.” was come at the season’s close are here The first lot of mackerel brought times lot of goods we have on baud, and The Portland Odd Fellows have ruised Hollis .Street theatre, Boston, was visiting Mr. Powers, In from Small Point, It amounting to ovor two thousand dollars of new of friends in the city yesterday. at the season’s and f 100 in aid of the suffering people about 1500 opening! Busy Brains, goods purchased this month. We Rev. I. M. Atwood, D. D., of Roches- pounds. Ottawa and Hull lire. The bark Kdinnnd Phlnney arrived between the hours of their servants, many Busy Fingers, believe in selling the best goods at street men ore ter, N. Y., general superintendent of the willing the lowest aro mado The department engaged with a of coni and the schooners prices. They Is to cargo Keed & on Pleasant avenue und Unlversalist church, expected have been newest Paris Hats for by Barton, Win. Rogers, in grading lay- Everett Webster and Radiant also ar- 9.30 and 12.00 noon. copying at Church of the to- Rogers ,1c liro. Star Brand, Rogers new sidewalks on Dec-ring and Wash- preach the Messiah ing rived. | JcP-lt_ this “First-of-the-Summer”cut 1H47, Simpson, Hall Jc Miller, Towle of Island morrow morning. great price ington avenues. The grading On Tuesday the Cunarder Saxonla Silver Co., and Keed * Barton’s fa- is Rev. Dr. Fenn will lecture tomorrow avenue, Peaks, progressing rapidly sailed out of Boston with a which Sale. Every airy, fluffy, dainty, beauty style mous Hollow Ware. These goods of Woman to Wom- cargo and will be soon completed. The gutters evening on "A Duty aro the best quality, and our stock was 3000 tons smaller than she would that is the of Paris this are turfed aud some en.” tickling fancy Exposi- is very largo. Over fivo thousand on street being have had had she gone out from Port- is done. Mr. William H. Carter of Emery street, pieces. sidewalk repairing Icing land or Sew York, owing to the differ- tion visitors is here. represented to « The Isiw term for the Western district, Is very seriously 111 with pneumonia, THE ToaSets, $7.50 $30.00 ence In the depths of the channels. This Cake to at his new on Loveltt’s Hill. And these have but Baskets, $2.00 $13.00 sitting at Portland on the third Tuesday cottage uf temporary prices shows the lack of advantages the port LAWN Rogers Best Knives, $2.00 per doz to bo one of the heavi- Grave fears are entertained that he will of July, promises of Boston, and Is an object lesson to little relation to the of the mil- TeaSpoons, $1.00 number of not recover. elegance 11 est in several yenrs. A large those in the trans-Atlantic trade Desert Spoons, $3.40 l Heseltlne has received from engaged SEATS cases were transferred from the Middle Mr. D. W. creations. Tablo $3.00 The Saxon la Is the largest ocean liner linery Spoons, district sitting in Augus- his friend, Mr. E. A. Chose of Brown- and Forks, $3.49 to $3.99 term, recently making a port at Boston. Hats for 6.00 $6.50 Hats for 4.50 run far into Au- u handsome lake trout, weighing $10.00 In Silver wo lravo a ta. The term Is apt to ville, The steamer Breckfleld sailed for Lon- Sterling splen- about six pounds. It wus caught in did assortment, ovor three thousand gu-t. don at a PIAZZA noon taking large cargo. pieces to select from. These goods If the families in the vicinity of Hen- Schoodic lake. $ 9.00 Hats for 5.50 $6.00 Hats for 4.00 are from tire most reliable makers morning Mr. Edward A. ry street, will kindly nbstaln from put- Yesterdayj FAILURES IN MAT. CHAIRS in tlio Any article is Mr. Edward I. with country. or or other- Hall, son of Hall, $ 8.00 Hats for 5.00 $5.00 Hats for 3.00 and are e ting in coal beating carpets now their annual 023-1000fine, the designs Miss left for the require an unusual noise fur the his sister, .Ethel Hall, Paint in tiro latest and besf. Wo have 100 wise creating Than freshening. bright where he will stay for They Were a Little Large* $4.50 Handsome Hats for $2.75. dozen Tea bought especial- present on account of the dangerous ill- Rangeley lakes, reds or strong greens, Var. Spoons, an Was Kipecte*. ly for this sale, at $2.70 per set. ness of Kendall, it will be a very- several weeks, seeking Improvement nishes, Stains or ShelUc. ltalph The patterns aro the in In health. They will be guests at the just thing great favor to both iiutient and family. Sale begins this morning and continues and finish. Our Tablo and Mountain View house. New York, June 8.—R. G. Dun & Co., H- H HAY & Middle St. style Yesterday morning Ed Cucheran was SON, Desert Spoons, Sugar Spoons, and who will weekly review of trade will say: Failures all next week. before Judge Hill for breaking into the Cumberland county boys hundreds of other pieces will please of Maine In May prove a little larger than was ex- Btore of Kyan & Kelsey Wednesday graduate from the University you. Wo give 23 per c.nt oft from this month are: Wilfred H. Caswell, pected a week ago. The commercial list all these goods for IfO days, and re- night. He was lxmnd over to the Sep- Store open Saturday evening. Clifton 8 South Port- embraces 847, with liabilities of $23,771,- fund your money at once if you are tember term of the court in the Urldgton; Cole, Superior six months of the not satisfied. Von will surely fiud land; Julian 8. Dunn, Cumberland; 151 and only past sum of |60D. Young Hall, who was with Juno Wedding Presents to please I. Charles II. Lomtoud, Portland; John G. eighty have seen defaulted liabilities as ST. ALBAN COMMANDER!, was discharged, the county uttorney you, and prices aro the lowest in him, A failure ac- Lurvey, Portland; Frank W. McDonald, large. single brokage i r i irrv nn the for first class These a nol pros. XO. g. T. ■ ■ ■■ mm m mm mm m mm mm m city goods. entering for more than half the whole B, V Portland; Charles D. Porter, Westbrook; counted are sold only by Jewelers as For the past two days at the Eye nnd goods amount, and another followed with near- aro mado for the the examination of candi- Percy L. Ricker, Westbrook. they especially Ear infirmary Speclnl Order. trade. A wedding of Interest at Hampton, ly $1,000,080 so that the few failures of Jewelry dates for registration as dentists has been Sir In full nature were about 00 oent of the Kni|ki> Templar _ Jtk,, Mnlnn Knnnl Ikilltnl will be that of Miss A. that per Conn., Lucy CMlune will nieeinble al the to Mr. William E Shaw of Brook- aggregate for the month. The adjourn- Examiners. There were HO candidates Church Asylum Sunday Afternoon al ment of after a useful T. F. FOSS & from line, Mass., which will take place on Congress session, one o'clock to attend the funeral SONS, from different parts of the state and the toward In South Africa The Jeweler, June 14th at the resi- progress peace of our late Sir Knight Charles McKENNEY, other states. 1'fce result of the examina- Thursday noon, und the rapid adjustment of prloes here Complete House Furnishers, bride are deaf and Howard Peterson. has not been announced. dence of the They to a more natural level, all tend to bring MOVEMENT, SQ. tion yet Per MAINE. u.111 reside In Brookline. Mr. Shaw nearer the day of greater activity. order, PORTLAND, The person who hesitates about mak- P. HICKS, UUl jiiUKirns luta |uu« iavuj injnu HILLARD was formerly a citizen of Portland. ing plans for a picnic to bike place next and the yielding ot price* affects many Eminent Commander. A three weeks’ sale. Whist club a Thursday is wise. That is the day set The Thursday enjoyed only os a reaction, cutting off part of the Attest! WH.N. HOWE, Recorder. at the of Mrs. J. to hare been secured. for the annual cruise of the Portland picnic dinner cottage profits supposed JelMt The grows also that no ex- and with the of 0. White on Great Diamond, Thursday. Impression Yacht club, exception tensive changes In business are now prob- I Wm. H. Stevens ana Mrs. Oliver GENUINE the old fashioned Hnllockite quarterly Mrs. able until alter the Presidential election H. were the fortunate one3 of the coin- und the of trouble In China DR. GEO. BAILEY, nuetlng no movable feast is so certain Hay possibility has at least as definite an Influence on State of —Blddeford Journal. puny at the whist table. Veterinary Surgeon to bring rain. affulrs as In South of the events of the week American any change Halne. is found to the dute One pleasant oondltlon ORIENTAL It necessary change Africa. The unsettled of labor the twenty years.) Fully birthday party of Mrs. Lizzie (For put equipped and place of the annual meeting of the wus]fthe controversies, moreover, operates strong- (or the surgical and medicinal treatment ot nil of the was to limited of do- animals. Re.sidenob 47 Av- ^ Dennett. A feature evening for the time pension domestic Woman’s Board of Foreign Missions ly Portland. of the Ladles’ orches- mestic business. Yet the volume of busi- SNi'H, (Ward ». Deerlug district) as music by members Western Union Tele- from June 12th at Yarmouth, adver- ness Is so that a few months ot TEi.Erno.NK No. 10316. large Dcerlng. Me. Je Ddlwteodlm RUGS. tised, to June 21, at Portland, at High tra. waiting need not excite any apprehen- graph address, C-V H. W. went to Great Dia- street church. Mrs Bryant sion. for a week. Failures for the week have been 306 In LOST A HAND. is that we announce to that The ladies’ June mond yesterday It with great pleasure you handicap tournament, the United States against 161) last year medal will take Mr. Thiuldeus S. Iajwls of New York Frank Davis, a pinning machine opera- 9 holes, play, place and nineteen In Cunada against ten last be an exhibition and sale of a and a few at his former tor in J. H. Hamlin & Son s there will special large this afternoon. Filver cups will be given is spending days year. employed home. on Long wharf htul his for the lowest net and gross scores. A cooperage Bhops stock of Rare and Choice Oriental Rues at S. A. Stevens and went to loft arm In the machinery while complete large number of entries Is anticipated. Mr. family A SANTIAGO SUICIDE. caught their summer home at Pine Point Thurs- In hlB work about eight o'clock The gross scores will be counted in the Santiago de Cuba, June 8.—Dominican engaged our store under the personal supervision of Ibrahim Esbir morning. competition for places on the ladies’ club day. Limlenthul, the Austrian superintendent yesterday Mrs. Franols H. of ave of the Guama committed suicide His left hand was so mangled June and team. lloyt Doering mines, badly Ul-Khouri, 8th, continuing He lived In beginning Friday, uue left Wednesday morning for a visit of by shooting today. formerly that he was removed to the Eye aad Ear Next Tuesday the following members The oflioers of tno Cuban two or three weeks in New York and PlttsburgTPa. in Kich’s ambulance. It was for three weeks. of the fire department will go on two Steel Ore oompany there was no ap- infirmary say the hand at Buffalo. Mr. lloyt will join her in a reason for his taking his life. | found neoessary to amputate parent You are invited to attend this few days. the wrist. Mr. Davis stood the operation cordially extraordinary FOK BRYAN OF COURSE. Mrs. Rufus Hlnkley has returned from remarkably well and his condition lost sale. Juno 8.—The Democratic a visit with her son’s family In Boston. Denver, Col., night was very favorable. state convention chose at Miss Marion has to today delegates Uinkley gone to the National convention und in- large THE CENTRE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. A ORANQE EXTRACT I Northampton to attend the reunion of structed them for Bryan und the Chicago BEHOLD! her class at Smith. platform. In the next Issue of the Portland Sun- T. F. FOSS & SONS, That was full of Walter W. Jordan, who has been em- day Times, Mr. Nathan Goold will con- Carpet dust, cause*it ia made V EDWARD McBRIDE S DEATH. of the old and Preble Streets. Now it is / ployed as a checker at the Grand Trunk tinue his Interesting story Corner Congress clean; the faded and wharves during the ocean steamship sea- The coroner's Inquest In the case of Ed- Centre Grammar school when under It looked dull, L chemicals and -J to ward McBride met In the office the of Master Franklin From Nowit looks fresh and ff water, as are so n son, has gone Sebols plantation to _nf charge Staples. June 7th, 1900. bright. na- I has received a Portland, » many orange spend the summer. county attorney In the city building yes- Dr. Staples, Mr. Goold \ Bakmi's I attended vorin^s. Judge Sewell C. .Strout of Portland has terday afternoon. A verdict was re- complete list of the pupils who %h?j. srgvitifafiimtf an more and note tint" this ia not auction sale. and dusted on tlioir gone to Mooseheod on a brief fishing turned to the effect that the young man the school forty and years ago p. S. Please Ruga bought Treble Street, In the article Patent Machine, are all came to his death by being the list will be Included Carpel Beultnff 'equally P trip. Wednesday here arc to examination, as every piece is guar- with- W and all in Full Bottles. V master whom subject your thorough only one in the city), and steamed pure Measure Miss Allle Williams of Massachusetts, run over by a freight train of the Boston which will also tell of the 1 Yon can get them if you ASK for them. 1 out extra cost. of her to board the the loved and of the teachers who I BAKKR KXTRACT COMPANY. i Is the guest cousin, Miss Warren & Maine while attempting boys anteed. ]e»tin 202*2( of Newbury street, fur a few days. train. were his assistants. Telephone

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