fia pagesTj PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862-YOL. 38. PORTLAND, MAINE, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE », 1900.__PRICE LI how- guns on to Van Wyke hill oml two five way Athletic club tonight. A large condemned. The Tsnng Yemen, HIRCELLAKEOCB. tatter state- inc h guns onto the South WeftafU spur of _ crowd assembled to witness the contest ever, denies the truth of the GAS EXPLODED. Inktmvelo. Under cover of their tire, was offered that ment.” _ and even money Kenney HILLER MOVES. General assaulted all the five rounds FOUR MILLIONS. “Bnt the dentals of the Tsnng LI Yar- Hildyard today would stay of the between Botha’s Pass hod the In men are never convincing. If It be true, spurs Bergs Kenney advantage height and Inkewek>. The attack which was at as a the news must be regarded ns serious. and reach. Sharkey went Kenney well and OlfrM out the man “The American missionary conference planntd by Hlldynrd bulldog at a bull, and bigger for a to President Me with Immense dash the troops — by was on the defensive at once. Shar- today amt despatch put for and as- whom the mountains wen? too out- on and while the big fellow Klniey appealing protection steep, Coal Disas ter in key hung the mlsaionalrra at Pao flanked the enemy, who were forced to re- Mining tried to shake him off the smaller; man serting that Ting other are in extreme tire from their strong there with the of every muscle Fa and places very position. go power that the Chad mission has "I think we did not have casual' Ohio Town. in his and made short work of his danger Tung any body been abandoned, that have ties, and I hope I have obtained a post4 a right hand chapels every antagonist by landing and where been burned and that hundreds of Has at Taken tlon from which I can tender Isiings Nek smash on the It was Sharkey all Boxer Length jaw. Soeiety Large native Christians have lieen massacred. untenable.11 the Yank never exhibited any way. “The serious condition o( atfalrs In cleverness ami the Sal lor reached hint as GOOD ADVICE TO KRUGER. Pekin Is the he plenaed. a reacting upon provinces. Offensive. Powerfnl. The French minister here has receive il Lorenco Marquez, June 8.—United But a that the French eon Stat«*s Consul Hollis, who returned hero )f 200 Mtn Imprisoned All THE WOMEN’S CLUBS. telegram saying sul at ilong Taro and the French agent yesterday fn»m the Transvaal by special at Hun Nan Fu, have both been com- train, had a two hoars' Interview in cl«we Three Released. pelled to retire Iram their posts as the conference with President Kruger at The Selection of Odlcere Feature of viceroy announced that he was unable to Machadorp. Yesterday’s Convention. guarantee their snfety. Later the ltoxers It Is stated that Mr. Hollis was the yesterday burned a Hussion chujs'l at bean*r of friendly desjKitches from the Tung Tlngans, Hi miles north of Pekin. Secured Position West United States government, urging Mr. The Court Suppor ting The director of railways admits that Kruger to treat for peace. to Be Milwaukee, June 8.—The feature of to- the destruction of the Pekln-Tlen Tain These are Known LI of Nek. day’s session of the club women’s con- railway Is continuing, the Tsun Laing’s DEL Uprising. Yameu to It no PILAIt TAKEN. vention was the election of officers, the being powerless prevent Dead. "Sir Holliday MaeArtney, the English result ns follows: Mrs being President, secretary of the Chinese legation In Lon- A tirnrrsl the Kebeooa Lowe of Georgia; first vloe presi- don, says that the concert.si action of the Leading Insurgent Acts gently on save the situation In China, dent, Mrs. Charles Dennison of New powers will Captured* that the ‘end of the disturbance second vloe Miss Mar- adding York; president, Is In sight and that soon all will be June 9.—10.50 a. m.—General Kidneys, Liver It is Certain There Will garet J. Evans, Minnesota; reoordtng over.’ Manila, Quito Which lie Can Make Boers Plo Del Pilar the leader has secretary, Miss Emma Fox, Michigan; So Definite Sews As To Fighting By Filipino and Be No Other Fatalities. corresponding secretory, Mrs. George ENGLAND AND RUSSIA. been captured near Manila. Bowels Kendrick, Pennsylvania; treasurer, Mrs. Position Untenable. Yet Received. SCYTHIAN WAS ABANDONED. Emma Van Vrechten, Iowa; auditor, A Proposition That They Act Together r tmeX^vstem Mrs. II. Noyes, Wisconsin; direc- June 8 —-The steam leanses George In Chinese Tronble. Boston, yacht tors, Mrs. Charles K. Fairbanks of Indi- Scythian which was towed in Wednesday „ ana, Mrs Edward Mitehnlter of Ohio, after been burned ^effectually June 8.—Two hun- London, June 8.—The Spectator com- having )>odly interiorly Gloucester, Ohio, ,n rn. r\iiuio nci’i u*»iv>nviiuwi v»t when off Highland has !>een aban- menting on the Chine** difficulty, says It light, dred miners w ere Imprisoned early this Mrs. Mary I as'k wood of District of Co- doned to the underwriters. It is under- mine Mrs. W. J. Christie of Moutana. considers that If the situation becomes • stood she is insured for is morning by an explosion of gas In lumbia, ),000. Mrs. Lillian Stnvter of New Hampshire, acute the alternative to a Euro- more men were about “only Lord Roberts Gives Out No, as many just Mrs W. J. Coml of South Dakota, and Gen. Nieh Was Acting pean concert, which would be for Eng- to enter the mine for work. It was, Mrs. L. H. Prlddy of Kunsas. land and Russia to act In a defl- at first that the loss of life would The long business meeting which occu- together No News. thought * both the and afternoon was With n Ite '1 be but the work of the res-; pies! morning Energy. agreeinent. Waitt and Bond's UAt very large, devoted to in the by- PERMANENTLY that important changes The paper adds: oners wns carried on so energetically j laws growing out of the question of ro- “They alone possess physical power all were rescued by tonight except three. orgamxatlon. As to the side Issue of rep- the now read: near to the scene to be of inune- lCvun John McClelland and resentation, by-laws enough Joseph, less than BLACK3T0NES. for all elubs numbering utuiv line, vuuiu >u vino their That jjiigiimu ,T5B£^°,;>ects Aaron Swanson were killed and shall be through the BUT THE GENUINE WANT E> By fifty, representation her Indian troops.*’ bodies cannot be recovered to- or her representative only. Good probably president ! Continuing the Spectator strongly op- De- Tobacco, the mine Is still on lire. These For clubs nHollering between on and One Thousand Prisoners night, as poses any partition of China, anil think* 100 the representation shall be through Secret Order§ From Pekin Like With SyRVP© men were to watch the large It unsafe to assume that the Chines* Wine, Improves Age. ffo engaged the and one for larger (SURRNIA off all president delegate; soldiers cannot fight. It adds: ported From Waterval. »*• mine at and were cut from one shall t>e allowed for »•«««■ 7A'**. night clubs delegate Is most We havo tho cream of PIR CCTTlU Paralyze Military Activity. “The court of Pekin the kept fOa &JUX BY Au oljuOo RBKI meanH of and their horses perished 100 members. escape every Imbecile In the but It may find our Old ^ The office of state ohairman of corre- world, Fine Havana, bought with them. William Williams, also em- a Wallenstein who will not steal his Al>VERTT«KMii.NT8. I was done away with and presi- before the all HEW the had his broken spondence sold iers’ and then Europe will war, refusing ployed in mine, leg dents of individual clubs are no longer powder, The have a new problem to solve. offers to sell at a high price. and others suffered slight Injuries. j vloo presidents of the general federation. | were one We are now this explosion set the mine on fire and the A number of resolutions passed working of them the New Jersey feder- ADMIRAL lias been working with endorsing FROM KEMPFF. June 0—3.10 m.—Gen. stock, and if you are one of rescuing party ation's effort to save the Palisades. An- London, p. This a second re- taken the often the few who do not smoko difficulty. evening explo- other urgisl the protection of women and London, June 0.—Definite returns Has Bent For the Helena or Vessel Buller has at length a The sion occurred and shortly afterward children in the industrial world. the severe between the and he has secured Hlackstone it garding fighting Like Her, give, by manoeuvring Cigars, try one, of fans used Club Wompn of lloston was inode the third in which the systems Chinese troops and the Boxers that was a position west of Laing’s Nek, by is the best 10c on tho official organ of the hoard. Cigar fresh air in the mine was com- he can liuike the Boer to force During the day there were four inter- going on Thursday between Tien Tslng Washington, June 8.—The following which ho believes market. followed a reoelved at Tien he will pletely destroyed. esting sessions by big meeting and Pekin had not been cablegram was received at the navy position untenable. Presumably QUALITY COUNTS. The shaft is 126 feet deep and it was tonight. Tsln when the latest telegrams to reach department this afternoon: Immediately follow up his success.
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