rStallions defeat East Bladen in conference battle. rLady Gators sweep Fairmont to put season at 12-0. rRBR team ready to run at Martinsville. rWolfpack takes fourth straight league victory. rGators sufer loss to Tornadoes.

Sports See page 1-B. ThePublished News since 1896 every Monday and Tursday forReporter the County of Columbus and her people. Tursday, March 31, 2011 Tree more charged in Perdue talks Volume 114, Number 78 Whiteville, two murders issues with 50 Cents nSuspects charged with killing half brothers last constituents December while robbing them. By NICOLE CARTRETTE Next Issue Staff Writer By BOB HIGH Staff Writer Gov. Bev Perdue, on tour throughout the state, made appearances at both the Colum- Three males, including two bus County Courthouse and Vineland Station from Whiteville, have been Wednesday, sharing her position on issues charged as participants in the from education to job creation. murders of half brothers Lee Perdue said her decision to travel the dis- Otis Vereen and Jerome Wil- trict came about in her inability to “sit still” liams on Dec. 12, 2010 in the amongst “mischief going on in Raleigh.” Ridgeland Acres Trailer Park The Democrat has at times been southeast of Tabor City. at odds with the Republican-controlled House Ronnie Eugene Bellamy, and Senate amidst a budget shortfall of more Monday’s 43, of Bellamy-Gore Boule- than $4 billion that has led to cuts and rumors American Profle vard, Antwan “Twezzie” Omar of cuts that in some instances will abolish features “Te Ripken Wright, 22, of Stanley Circle, several programs. both Whiteville addresses, and Whiteville Mayor Terry Mann kicked off Way.” Baseball great Dryan “Drizzle” or “Boss” Ver- the town hall meeting by welcoming Perdue. introduces a new een, 21, of Tabor City, are the Mitchell Tyler set the tone of the discussion by generation to the all- suspects named in warrants introducing Perdue as a “strong leader” who American game. obtained by Sheriff’s Detective inherited massive financial problems when See Murders, page 5-A she was elected. “She didn’t get there by being a sissy,” Ty- DIDYOB? ler said of Perdue’s election to office and her demeanor in dealing with members of the Did you observe ... U.S. 74 legislature who may not share her objectives. Before taking questions from the audience, Jaret Whittington, 12, Perdue announced her support for a program speeders that will give high school students the oppor- hitting his frst home tunity to earn college credit from community run Saturday at a targeted college at no cost to their families. Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist Cerro Gordo baseball See Perdue, page 6-A nAttempt to avoid repeat An electrician and grip adjust a light and its flter during production tournament? ... Win- of last April’s highway of the movie “Hick,” being shot at Powell’s Dairy near Hallsboro ners in the Optimist carnage is goal of troop- and, on April 5 in downtown Whiteville. Club’s Oratorical ers, deputies, police. Faulk named Contest giving a shout By BOB HIGH out to Karen Hall, their Staff Writer Dozens hoping to land interim boss English teacher at Cen- Many lawmen from the tral Middle School? ... Highway Patrol, Sheriff ’s Of- jobs as extras in ‘Hick’ for county fice and several police de- Ricky Bradford of Caro- partments targeted speeders nFilming in downtown White- her children and their friends as lina Southern cleaning and those not using seat belts ville, originally scheduled for well as her vintage 1986 Fleetwood schools up limbs hanging over as they traveled on U.S. 74 this week, has been delayed Braugham Cadillac. nFaulk will assume the job on May 2, Wednesday and today (Thurs- until Tuesday, April 5. Toni Workman of Tabor City plans to apply for the permanent spot. railcars that Whiteville day). brought a group of children. She “We’re very mindful of said she had never seen a movie be- ofcials complained By FULLER ROYAL By FULLER ROYAL ing made before. See Speeders, page 5-A Staff Writer Staff Writer about recently? ... The kids with her said they were familiar with “Hick” star Chloe William and Rachel Scores of hopefuls turned out During its monthly meeting Monday night, Moretz’ films. Saturday for a chance to be cast the Columbus County Board of Education Hannah’s long row of Deborah Gore, Pamela Ward Police, fre as extras in next week’s location named Assistant Superintendent Alan Faulk and Eddie Ward, all of Whiteville, pink azaleas providing filming of the movie “Hick” in as the interim superintendent effective May 2. applied. “We thought this would be annual “eye-candy” for Whiteville. Faulk, who was promoted to his current job departments fun to do,” Eddie Ward said. They arrived wearing 1980s garb in 2005, will fill the shoes of retiring superin- U.S. 701 travelers be- Pamela said she had watched with a mid-Western flare – cowboy tendent Dan Strickland. list needs “Firestarter” being filmed in 1984. tween Williams Town- hats and boots. Strickland, who is headed to Marion Coun- “Firestarter,” based on Stephen The early scenes in the movie ty, S.C., to become that district’s superinten- ship and Sidney? ... nWorkshop a very early King’s book, was the film that take place in Nebraska. dent, said the board’s decision is a good one. preliminary to budget brought DeLaurentis and the movie People also brought their early “This should result in a smooth transition process. industry to Wilmington. 1980s cars – or photos of their cars. for the Columbus County Schools,” Strickland The previous year, a low-budget, Representatives from Fincannon said Tuesday morning. County Deaths locally produced film titled ‘The By JEFFERSON WEAVER and Associates, a casting agency Faulk will serve while the board conducts Agitators” had been filmed with Whiteville Staff Writer headquartered in Wilmington since a search for Strickland’s permanent replace- Hollywood veterans Vince Edwards Telma Lee Hinson the opening of the original Dino De- ment. and Richard Jaeckal. Produced lo- Whiteville City Council Laurentis DEG studios in 1983, were Faulk, who turned 50 on Monday, said he Clarendon cally, nothing came of that film. members met with police and on hand to collect information and is looking forward to the opportunity to fill in Walter Herman Cooper Fincannon representative Dan firefighters last week to exam- make photos of the wannabe extras. for Strickland. He said that once the position Esther W. Todd Cox said that even if someone ine ways to strengthen both Julie Lancaster, of Wilmington, is advertised, he will more than likely apply doesn’t make the cut for “Hick,” Hallsboro departments. read about the open call in The News to make the post permanent. their resumes and photos are kept Herbert S. Formyduval Sgt. Roger Palmer of the Reporter. A regular weekend visitor “Being the interim superintendent will Whiteville Police and Interim Chadbourn to Lake Waccamaw, she brought See ‘Hick’, page 2-A Gary Alva Shaw See Departments, page 7-A See Faulk, page 2-A John Wesley Campbell Mozelle D. George Lake Waccamaw Annette Inman Grainger Robot on duty at Columbus Regional Riegelwood By JEFFERSON WEAVER Stanford University for use by the military in per- Staff Writer forming surgeries remotely, even from miles away. Seth Hayden Beaver Researchers realized the machine could be used for A new surgical specialist is on duty at Columbus a number of commercial applications, according to Regional Health Center – but this operating room the manufacturer. Index worker doesn’t sleep, eat or go on vacation. While the da Vinci at Columbus Regional isn’t Editorials ...... 10-A On top of that, the specialist was originally de- operated by a surgeon in a field hospital hundreds Obituaries ...... 8-A signed for use on a battlefield. of miles from the battlefront, the surgeon has very Columbus Regional recently purchased a da little physical contact with the patient, thus reducing Sports ...... 1-B chances for infection and other problems. Crime ...... 4-A Vinci surgical assistance robot. The $735,000 robot, considered the biggest advance in surgery since The operating surgeon uses a computer to control Living ...... 1-C the introduction of laparoscopic surgery, is being the machine, which uses smaller incisions than even used primarily for gynecological and urological minimally-invasive laparoscopy. The surgeon sees procedures, but can be used for a number of health the process through a high definition three-dimen- problems. sional computer monitor. The machine is capable of Referred to as MIS (minimally invasive surgery) such precise work that a company demonstration initiatives, more hospitals are going to the use of The half-ton da Vinci surgical robot. video shows it making origami, the Japanese art surgical robotics for a variety of procedures. The da of folding paper into figures smaller than a penny. Vinci Surgical System, manufactured by Intuitive complications and post-operative infections; fewer “We are very excited that this is a part of our Surgical Systems, can provide hospitals with greater blood transfusions and less post-operative pain man- hospital,” said Terrie Priest, vice president of busi- productivity and operational efficiencies. The manu- agement, simpler post-operative nursing care. ness development and community relations with the facturer cites use of the da Vinci system in reducing The da Vinci system was originally designed at See da Vinci, page 3-A 2-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 Faulk Continued from page 1-A give me the chance to see if this is something I want to do,” he said. “Dan has been a great mentor. Being a superin- tendent is a team endeavor. We have a great leadership team here in the Columbus County Schools. Everyone has input in making the right decisions.” Faulk said when he started teaching, he never dreamed that he would have this op- portunity. “I miss the classroom, but if you are a good administra- tor, it allows you to affect so many more children in posi- tive ways,” he said. A graduate of Nakina High School and Southeastern Community College, Faulk attended the University of North Carolina at Wilmington before earning his bachelor’s Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist degree in science from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Outdoor work Faulk began teaching at the Film crews were hard at work in the frigid cold at Powell’s Dairy in Hallsboro Monday, working on the movie “Hick.” They are scheduled to flm old Hallsboro High School and in downtown Whiteville April 5. later at East Columbus High School. In the mid 1990s, he was named an assistant prin- cipal at South Columbus High ‘Hick’ Continued from page 1-A School. He became principal of Evergreen Elementary School in 2001. on file at the agency for po- Former superintendent tential use in future projects. Tommy Nance, who stayed on Fincannon was opened in since his retirement as a coor- 1983 by Craig, Lisa and Mark dinator of construction and Fincannon. maintenance projects, is leav- They have won two Emmy ing the system effective July 1. Awards for outstanding cast- The employment of Nance ing for a television mini-series allowed Strickland to con- or movie – HBO’s “From the centrate on curriculum, staff Earth to the Moon” in 1998 development and the raising and Showtime’s “Bastard Out of county students’ test scores. of Carolina” in 1997. A dozen Unless someone is hired to scenes from “Bastard” were replace him, his responsibili- filmed in Columbus County. ties will go to the new super- Cox said he enjoys work- intendent. ing on film projects in small The new superintendent towns. will also face the first year of “It’s not Los Angeles and county wide school uniforms, it’s not New York,” he said. the first year of the new Fair “This is the heart of Amer- Bluff Career Technical School, ica.” unprecedented budget cuts, the Cox said that downtown possible proliferation of char- Whiteville has a good look for ter schools and the possibility movies, adding that if more of school merger. building owners were to re- move the vinyl and aluminum facades added in the 1960s and Fuller Royal 1970s, the town would see an 910-642-4104 ext. 228 increase in film and television [email protected] productions using Whiteville. Whiteville has a long, nar- Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist row downtown which would Boston butt sale, lend itself to a wide variety Casting call of looks in films. Toni Workman, center right with baby, brought her children and their friends to Saturday’s open call for extras. plant swap at Downtown filing is slated for 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Farmers Market Tuesday, April 5. “Hick” is the story of wrote the script with An- Alec Baldwin, Jill Hennessy, beth: The Golden Age” and Cox said the film unit may a Nebraska teen who gets drea Portes and is primarily Emma Roberts and Cynthia “Powder Blue”) and Rory The Columbus County Com- bring in a new camera crane more than she bargained known for his screenwrit- Nixon. Culkin (“Signs” and “The munity Farmers Market is the studio recently acquired for when she sets out for the ing. Portes is the author of the Night Listener”). selling tickets for fully-cooked for a unique aerial shot of bright lights of Las Vegas. He directed “Lymelife” book on which the movie is The producers are Steven Boston butts for $20 each. the scene to be filmed. Director Derick Martini in 2008 with Rory Culkin, based. Siebert (“The Rookie” with Advanced purchases are re- says that Clint Eastwood and Charlie quired. “Portes’s chilling debut Sheen) and Christian Taylor The 8-10 pound butts may tracks a 13-year-old Nebras- (“Old Tricks”). be picked up at the Farmers ka girl’s hard-going life on Market on Saturday, April 23, Celebrate Earth Day April 6 the road.” Fuller Royal from 2 until 6 p.m. Leading the cast is 14-year- Patrons from the successful 910-642-4104 ext. 228 with SCC, fourth graders old Chloe Moretz as Luli Mc- [email protected] Thanksgiving Boston butt sale Mullen. Moretz is a veteran prompted the Farmers Market The public is invited to join pus. Representatives from the Environmental characters, of more than 30 films and to repeat the sale again on Eas- the faculty, staff and students N.C. Aquarium at Fort Fisher including Smokey Bear and television shows including ter weekend. of Southeastern Community will be on hand with live ma- Woody Weed, will delight and “Desperate Housewives,” For more information or College, along with Columbus rine invertebrates that make educate attendees about their Disney’s “Bolt,” “Diary of a County’s fourth graders, to many of the beautiful shells environmental awareness Correction to purchase a ticket, see any Wimpy Kid,” “30 Rock” and The snake in the photo- celebrate the 41st anniversary found along our coast. campaigns. Baked goods, pot- member of the Farmers Mar- “Big Momma’s House 2.” graph in Monday’s edition of Earth Day on Wednesday, A tree planting and dedica- tery, books and other products ket board of directors, call Other cast members in- of The News Reporter was April 6, from 8 a.m. until 2:30 tion ceremony will celebrate will be available for purchase. 840-6743, or email info@co- clude Blake Lively (“Gossip a timber rattler that was p.m. All activities, including the Arbor Day Foundation Harry Warren, director of lumbuscountyfarmersmar- Girl” and “Sisterhood of the released near Lake Wacca- a picnic lunch that will be designating SCC a Tree Cam- the N.C. Museum of Forestry, Traveling Pants”); Juliette maw, not a butterscotch-col- served from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m., pus USA College and the City will announce the winners of In addition, the Columbus Lewis (“National Lampoon’s ored cottonmouth. Wildlife are free and open to the public. of Whiteville a Tree City USA. the Earth Day poster contest. County Extension Master Christmas Vacation” and Commission Lt. Matt Long “We have arranged for an The ceremony will be held at All area fourth graders were Gardeners will host a free “Natural Born Killers”); released the cottonmouth in exciting slate of exhibits and 11 a.m. near the T-Building encouraged to participate in plant swap at the Farmers Alec Baldwin (“30 Rock” and Bertie County. Market on April 23, from 9 activities to reinforce this parking lot. creating unique posters to “The Hunt for Red October”); year’s theme – our magnifi- Southeastern was one of promote Earth Day. a.m. until everything has been Eddie Redmayne (“Eliza- cent ocean,” said Jackie Wil- two colleges or universities Winners will receive a $25 traded. liams of SCC, who is organiz- in North Carolina to initially U.S. Savings Bond. The public is invited to ing the event. be named a Tree Campus USA For more information bring seeds, bulbs, cuttings, This year’s exhibits in- College in 2008. Duke Univer- about the Earth Day celebra- Every Saturday... vegetable seedlings and other clude the N.C. Wildlife Re- sity was the only other. tion at Southeastern Commu- Select Group of Wines, Now 50% Off plants to swap. source Commission’s mobile Three additional institu- nity College, contact Jackie For more information con- aquarium, which features tions have since earned the Williams at (910) 642-7141, tact County Extension Agent two 300-gallon tanks that can distinction. John Robards, ext. 326. TWO GREAT REASONS Howard Wallace at (910) 640- simulate a mountain stream, Forest Management Technolo- 6606 or howard_wallace@ncsu. FRANK THEATRES 2 TO TRY US NOW... coastal river, farm pond and a gy instructor, and his students COASTAL STADIUM 10 edu. reservoir. A USDA airboat will were instrumental in earning 24 Hr. Movie Hotline: 910-754-7469 The Columbus County also provide demonstrations this special designation for the BARGAIN MATINEES Farmers Community Market in the pond on the SCC cam- college. All Shows Starting Before 5pm - $7.00 is located at 132 Government Special Surcharge is Applicable for All 3D Features SHOWTIMES: APRIL 1st - APRIL 7th 00 $ 00 Complex Road in Whiteville $ o sss • Fri - Sun near the Department of Social Visit for Advance Tickets OFF OFF Services. Now Featuring Any Any Churchwide Yard Sale Experience 1 3 Official opening day for the **Source Code PG13 Lunch Entree Dinner Entree 2011 season is Saturday, May 14, ~ to beneft our youth group ~ (11:30) • 1:30 • 3:30 • 5:25 • 7:45 • 9:55 Tuesday- Friday Saturday Only at 7 a.m. although early spring **HOP PG (11:00) • 1:00 • 3:00 • 5:00 • 7:00 • 9:15 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 5 p.m. - 9 p.m. weather may mean some local 3AT!PRILs  **Insidious PG13 produce will be available prior (11:45) • 2:30 • 5:15 • 7:30 • 10:00 to opening day. Western Prong **Sucker Punch PG13 Visit the Farmers Market Baptist Church (11:30) • 1:55 • 5:00 • 7:20 • 10:05 website atwww.columbuscoun- **Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules PG Limit 2 lunch entrees per coupon. Limit 2 dinner entrees per coupon. 167 Peacock Rd. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid with any other offer. for the (10:30) • 12:40 • 2:55 • 5:20 • 7:40 • 9:50 Expires 5/17/11. Expires 5/17/11. most up-to-date information. (Highway 701 N.) Limitless PG13 (11:15) • 1:35 • 5:05 • 7:35 • 9:45 The Lincoln Lawyer R Experience the difference... First 15 people for any 7:00 movie receives a free small popcorn (11:20) • 2:00 • 5:10 • 7:25 • 10:00 CINEMA III Battle: Los Angeles PG13 (11:10) • 5:00 • 10:05 Southern Kitchen Mars Needs Moms Paul Red Riding Hood PG13 • 2:05 • 7:30 HOP 1 • 4 • 7 • 9:30 Fri - Sun 1 • 4 • 7 • 9:30 Fri - Sun RESTAURANT 1 • 4 • 7 • 9:30 Fri - Sun 7 • 9:30 Mon - Thurs Paul R (11:15) • 5:05 • 9:50 7 • 9:30 Mon - Thurs 606 S. Madison Street • Whiteville 7 • 9:30 Mon - Thurs (R) (PG) (PG) The Adjustment Bureau PG13 • 1:45 • 7:35 640-5550 MOVIE LINE 910-642-6025 Daytime: $5.50 • Nighttime: $7.50 Rango PG (10:45) • 1:15 • 4:30 • 7:15 • 9:30 The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 – 3-A WTS to hold Girl Scouts to plant kindergarten pinwheel garden round-up Thousands of communities ment classes, safe date classes Williams Township School throughout North Carolina for teens, individual advocacy will host a kindergarten and the nation will plant pin- to adults as well as to children round-up for children for the wheels on Friday, April 1 to and teens, and once again we 2011-12 school year on Thurs- recognize April as Child Abuse are able to go into the schools day, March 3, 6-7:30 p.m. Light Prevention Month. and provide age appropriate refreshments will be served. Local Girl Scout troops will lessons to prevent violence, Schedule follows: pick-up plant the Columbus County bullying and positive relation- kindergarten registration Pinwheel Garden in front of ship building information for form, tour the school, visit the office of Families First teens and pre-teens.” kindergarten classrooms, Inc., 8121 Pinckney Street, In North Carolina, 123,734 meet the teachers, and meet Whiteville. They urge the pub- children were referred to the principal and other staff lic to join in the project, which Department of Social Ser- members. will last about 30 minutes. The vice (DSS) agencies for pos- pinwheel is the new symbol of sible abuse and neglect in state child abuse prevention, rep- fiscal year 2009-2010. In 2010, China Grove Included in the ribbon cutting to welcome Dr. Ronald W. Glinski to Whiteville are, front resenting community efforts reports of abuse or neglect row, left to right, Judy Powell, chaplain, CRHS; Annece Jordan of Carolina Urology to provide children with the for children for ages birth to to hold revival Associates (CUA); Debra Snider, director of the Columbus Regional Physician Net- safe, stable, nurturing rela- 17 years old totaled 329 in Co- China Grove Baptist Church work; Dr. Glinski, CUA; Henry Hawthorne, CRHS CEO; second row: Michelle Rula- tionships they need for healthy lumbus County, and already of Chadbourn will hold its re- paugh, CUA manager; Vema Green, CUA; Angela McPherson, CUA; top row: Rose- development. this year, 192 abuse and neglect vival April 3-6 with the Rev. mary Benton, CUA; Misty Green, CUA. The pinwheel represents reports have been filed in Co- Warren Hill of Whiteville as hope that all of the children lumbus County. the guest speaker. in the community have the Families First Inc. is a do- Sunday service will start stable, loving relationships mestic violence and sexual at 6:30 p.m. and weeknights at they need to become success- assault program committed to 7:30 p.m. Ribbon cutting held for ful adults. Communities that serving the victims of Colum- The church is located at 2903 support policies and programs bus County. For more informa- Old Stake Road. For more in- that encourage children’s tion call ther Families First formation call Karen McPher- Carolina Urology Associates healthy development in all ar- office at 642-5996. son at 654-3013. eas of their lives ensure their The Greater Whiteville future prosperity. Chamber of Commerce held “April is a time to celebrate a ribbon cutting March 15 for the role that communities play JUST Lowest Prices Guaranteed! Carolina Urology Associates, in children’s development,” IN followed by a Business-After said Vickie Pait, executive director of Families First New Shipment of Hours membership mixer. Tri Structural Guests were invited to tour Inc., a domestic violence and the newly renovated facility sexual assault program com- Rainbows Balance and also hear about the da- mitted to serving the victims Spray Wax Vinci Surgical System, also of Columbus County. “Com- known as the da Vinci Robot, munities that support policies technology new to Columbus and programs that encourage Regional Healthcare System. children’s healthy develop- Carolina Urology Associ- ment in all areas of their lives, #1 in Excellent Customer Service ates, part of the Columbus at home, in school, and in the Professional Discounts • Open To The Public • We Deliver “Partner To The Pro” • We Match Sally’s Prices - Bring Their Flyer Regional Healthcare Network, Guests enjoy hors d’oeuvres at the ribbon cutting. community ensure their fu- has recently welcomed Dr. ture prosperity. “Families First offers many Whiteville Beauty Supply Ronald W. Glinski, MD, back Isle Beach. tal in Detroit, Mich. services to help families in cri- 22 Hill Plaza • 640-3339 to the community to be in A native of Whiteville, Glinski is a daVinci Surgi- • M-F 9:30-6, Sat 9:30-4 sis,” Pait continued. “We offer practice with his father, Dr. Glinski is a graduate of Wake cal Systems trained specialist parenting classes, empower- Ronald P. Glinski. Carolina Forest University and earned and has experience in treat- Urology has two locations to his medical degree from Me- ing female urological needs. serve the citizens of south- harry Medical College in In 2010, Glinski was listed , eastern North Carolina, 720 Nashville, Tenn. as one of the top doctors for Visit Collier s Booth, April 7th, at the Jefferson St. in Whiteville and He completed residency in women by Minnesota Monthly 25 Union School Road in Ocean Urology at Henry Ford Hospi- Magazine. Bicentennial Bang at the Depot 11:30 - 7:00 da Vinci Continued from page 1-A dospital. can be performed through one ies, Glinski said. Dr. R.W. Glinski and Dr. to two centimeter incisions, as “I have heard and read Samuel Wheatley are among opposed to as much as an inch of some pretty impressive the primary local surgeons for conventional laparoscopic things being done by heart currently using the device, surgery and much larger for surgeons,” he said. “The big Priest said. Both of them have traditional methods. difference here is that you some experience with the da Glinski said the Columbus don’t have to crack the pa- Vinci, she said. robot has been used primar- tient’s chest to perform the “The robot has revolution- ily for urological procedures heart surgery. That’s a major Whiteville - Celebrating 200 Years ized some forms of surgery,” since it went into service here. advantage, and greatly speeds Priest said. He learned about the machine healing time.” • The manufacturer of the while in Minneapolis, Minn., In addition to speeding robot says delicate nerves and was immediately im- healing time, Glinski said, pa- around the prostate gland and pressed. tients report substantially less other internal organs are less “Complex procedures that pain than with conventional likely to be damaged during da would be virtually impossible surgeries. Vinci-assisted surgery, since using traditional laparoscopy “Any time you can help a the device allows for pinpoint can be done using the robot,” patient heal faster and hurt accuracy during procedures. he said. “It does its best with less, it’s a benefit,” he said. There is less organ displace- prostatectomies and hysterec- ment or potential damage to tomies, but it’s best suited for nerves, muscles and blood any kind of pelvic surgery. It vessels in surgeries using the can help the surgeon get into Vineland da Vinci, as opposed to tradi- places that would require tional techniques. much more radical proce- Station With smaller incisions and dures, and it only requires a Available for wedding less human contact with the ‘keyhole’ incision.” receptions & other patient, infections and other The daVinci will eventually events post-operative problems are branch out into other surger- 640-2030 drastically reduced, Priest FAP-1942G-A FEB 2011 said. The da Vinci can be used in surgery for treating gyneco- logic, prostate, throat, thyroid, kidney colorectal and bladder Be Tax-smart cancer; coronary artery dis- with Your Investments. ease; obesity, and a number of gynecological disorders, According to the Tax Foundation, last year it ranging from fibroid tumors to took the average American until April 9 to heavy uterine bleeding. earn enough to pay 2010 income taxes. According to the manufac- turer, even heart valve replace- This year, aim to be above average. Start by ments and other procedures evaluating whether you can benefit from The News Reporter tax-smart investing strategies, such as: (USPS 387-600) đƫ Tax-advantaged investments and retirement Published twice weekly by accounts (e.g., IRAs) The News Reporter Co. Inc. đƫ529 college savings plans 127 W. Columbus St. đƫHolding stocks for the long term Whiteville N.C. 28472 Keep in mind that tax implications should only be a Mailing address: consideration when making investment decisions, not P.O. Box 707, the driving factor. Whiteville, N.C. 28472-0707 Periodical postage paid at Call or visit today to learn more about Whiteville, N.C., 28472-0707 these investing strategies. Postmaster: send address Eric G Lanier changes to P.O. Box 707, EricFinancial G AdvisorLanier Whiteville, N.C. 28472 . Financial117 West Main Advisor Street Jim High, Publisher Whiteville, NC 28472 The TraditionContinues... 910-642-3001 Mail Subscriptions 117 West Main Street (Columbus County) Whiteville, NC 28472 $30.00 year Member SIPC Other N.C. Counties Member SIPC $46.00 year Collier’s“Whiteville’s Leading Jewelers” Home Delivery $40.00 year "7 /"7 Ê7/ 6 ÊUÊ/ , -Ê -9Ê,,  Out of State $55.00 year È{ӇΣnÎÊUÊÜÜÜ°VœˆiÀÍiÜiiÀðVœ“ ©2008, The News Reporter Co., Inc. 4A - The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 Crime briefs ‘Intruder’ killed near Chadbourn Tuesday Larry James Townes, 55, of the hall” and “appeared to have was in fear of his life, and shot needy families, particularly Again Shoplifers Chadbourn, was killed by pis- a weapon.” Townes, whom he knew, without those with young children, in tol shot to his chest Tuesday Brown produced a large-cal- A set of taillights from a Two shoplifting incidents in realizing his identity or chal- the Chadbourn community. afternoon by Michael Shawn iber pistol and shot three times. Chevrolet pickup truck were the Hill’s Food store along U.S. lenging him. Townes lived in the Vaught Brown in Brown’s Christian One bullet struck Townes in the stolen from John Donoghue 701 Bypass here were reported Brown was inside the build- Square complex in Chad- counseling business at Five chest and he died in the hall. auto dealership here last week- Wednesday. ing when Deputy Sgt. Dwayne bourn. Authorities are con- Points west of Chadbourn. There was no weapon found end – the second such incident A 15-year-old girl was de- Barnes and Deputy Brandon tinuing the investigation. An Sheriff’s reports show in Townes’ possession or near in two weeks – according to a tained and released to her Batten arrived, and Townes’ autopsy report is not expected the 45-year-old Brown, also the body. Brown’s weapon was March 28 police report. grandmother for stealing two 2003 Mercury was outside. until today (Thursday). from Chadbourn, entered inside his office building. packs of chewing gum, and Reports show Brown entered A decision on any charge his business about 3:55 p.m. Brown said he was not open Curtis Demetrius Gowans, 22, his front door, and did not close will come from District At- Brown said Townes, who he for clients, and went into the Reckless of Phillips Street here, was ar- it. torney Jon David, according believed was an “intruder,” building to check on items he Melissa Carol Ennis, 38, of rested for stealing steak valued Brown, a counselor at Chad- to Sheriff’s Detective Capt. appeared “around a corner in had there. He told deputies he Tabor City, was convicted of at $9. bourn Elementary School, aids David Nobles. reckless driving in DWI Court March 23, and a charge of driving while impaired was DWI dismissed. She was placed The conviction of Michael Man shot in chest on probation for a year, fined David Allen, 31, of Clarendon, Soles and ‘Frog’ $100, and a 45-day jail term was for driving while impaired was Accidental incident Tuesday morning suspended. omitted from a recent sum- Robert A. Matheson, 42, of was rearranging guns in his mary of DWI convictions. Old Stake Road, Chadbourn, gun safe and put the revolver Allen pleaded guilty on in Sunday fght apparently accidentally shot under his right arm to hold it, Cocaine March 9, and was put on proba- R.C. Soles Jr., the 76-year-old former state senator, and himself in the right chest Tues- and it fired. The bullet exited Eugene Craven Smith, 28, tion for a year, fined $100 and Allen Wayne “Frog” Strickland, the 19-year-old who is con- day at his home, according to a his chest and struck the door of of Donald Mercer Road, Chad- told to do 24 hours of commu- stantly in trouble in both this county and Horry County, sheriff ’s report. a cabinet and then hit a clothes bourn, was arrested last week nity service. He had a blood- S.C., assaulted each other Sunday, March 27, in Tabor City, Deputies Sgt. Wayne Clan- dryer before dropping to the on a charge of possession of alcohol reading of 0.11 when according to a police report. ton and Jason Soles found floor. The bullet was found cocaine on a warrant obtained arrested in February 2010 by a Police Capt. Dean Foley reported the following sequence Matheson on the floor near an beside his head. by Sheriff’s Drug Detective Highway Patrol trooper. of events: outside door just before noon. Matheson underwent sur- Aaron Herring. Foley was parked along East Fifth Street at 11 a.m. when Matheson told them he called gery at Columbus Regional Smith was stopped for a Strickland approached and yelled to Foley that Soles had 9-1-1 after he was struck in Healthcare, and was then traffic violation after leaving assaulted him, and Strickland wanted Foley to tell the the chest by a bullet from a .38 moved to New Hanover Re- a residence along Grist Road, Forgery lawyer to leave him alone. revolver. gional Medical Center, the Herring said. April Ni- Foley looked at the police department parking area and Matheson told deputies he report showed. cole Bass, 24, saw two Mercedes cars, one owned by Soles and the second out on bond owned by Strickland. Foley drove to the parking area, and Methamphetamine from two sep- Andrew Michael Hardman, radioed Lt. Ronnie Carroll to meet him. arate arrests Umbrella, biting Tabor man arrested 22, who has Chapel Hill and l a s t y e a r Wilmington addresses, was ar- Soles left the parking area, but returned as Carroll ar- i n v o l v i n g rived. Soles said Strickland “kicked the driver’s side of his rested March 29 for possession prescription Bass of “crystal meth” after he was car several times,” and caused damage to the door and the for stealing weapons medication, and another case stopped for speeding on U.S. 74 rear quarter panel. James Anthony that show Simmons of fraud, has been arrested north of Chadbourn. Soles told Foley the damage happened the same morning Simmons, 34, of is charged with theft for forgery involving a check Sheriff’s Drug Detective at Soles’ law office. Wright Road, Tabor of the Jeep, owned passed at Lake Waccamaw. Aaron Herring said Hardman Strickland said he kicked the car because Soles “attacked City, was arrested by Jonathan Jerome Bass is charged with forg- was stopped for speeding by a him with an umbrella.” Strickland also said “sometime Tuesday on charges Hardy of Tabor City, ing and passing a check for sheriff’s deputy who noticed last (Saturday) night, Soles had bit him and showed us the of larceny of two on March 26. $187.49, drawn on the account an odor of marijuana com- injury to his left bicep area.” firearms that were Simmons A Hi Point .38-cali- of Charles K. Williamson, ing from Hardman’s car. The Soles said Strickland “attacked him last night and in a 2000 Jeep that he is also ber pistol, owned by Hardy, and Smithfield, Va., on March 18 deputy summoned Herring to showed us a nasty looking welt-type injury on his right charged with stealing. a 12-gauge shotgun, owned by at the Dollar General store, the scene. side lower back,” the report noted. Sheriff’s Detective Rene Anthony Gerald, were in the according to the warrant ob- Hardman had a gram of Soles and Strickland were taken inside the police station Trevino obtained the warrants Jeep. tained by Lake Police Officer methamphetamine that Hard- and Foley and Carroll “listened to both parties further their Jeff Marlowe. man said he bought in Miami, claims. In the end, neither party wanted to pursue charges Fla. He was also charged with on the other,” Foley wrote. “Case closed due to lack of cooperation of both parties,” Bolton men arrested maintaining his vehicle as a Wiley Henry Webb i n g i n t o t h e o l d the report ended. place to keep and use illegal Marijuana Jr., 38, and Charlie Bolton Elemen- drugs. Otis Jerel Davis, 38, both of the tary School along Martin, 22, same address along Blacksmith Road, o f C e n t e r N. C . 2 1 4 , B o l t o n , owned by James Street, Fair Shoplifer in Belk here have been arrested D o u g l a s G i b b s , Deliver B l u f f , h a s H e a t h e r on charges of break- Webb and stealing steel been arrested Nicole Pen- arrested for felony thef ing and entering, beams valued at on charges of nington, 25, Alicia Kay Lovett, 29, of Sandra Faye Clemmons, 40, and theft on war- $2,500. breaking and of C.M. Car- N.C. 904 West, Tabor City, was of Whitehall Road, Whiteville, rants obtained by The theft took entering, and Martin trette Road, arrested on a felony shoplift- was arrested for aiding and Bolton Police Chief p l a c e M a rch 1 7 , Chadbourn, larceny on a warrant obtained ing charge here Tuesday for abetting the larceny. The re- Darryll DeCotis. and both are also was arrested by Sheriff’s Detective Scott removing anti-shoplifting port showed Clemmons would T h e t w o a r e charged with dam- Norris. aging the building. March 26 on devices from clothing in the select items and gave them charged with break- Davis charges of Pennington Martin is charged with Belk store, according to po- to Lovett, who would cut the breaking into Larry Dean possession of both crack co- lice. anti-theft devices off, and hide Hinson’s storage building in Car hits pole caine and powder cocaine with Lovett was also charged the items in her pocketbook. Cerro Gordo on March 26, A car driven by Adrianna Jury number intent to deliver to her boy- with assault on a male Belk A bathing suit, dress, hose, and stealing four Honda dirt Latreece Prince, 20, of White- friend, according to Sheriff’s employee who stopped her necklace and ring, valued at bikes, valued at $6,900. One of ville, cut a telephone pole in Drug Detective Aaron Herring. from leaving the business. $224, were recovered. reaches 10 the bikes was recovered in a half at 12:30 a.m. here today Pe n n i n g t o n w a s a l s o wooded area behind a nearby (Thursday), and Prince re- There have been 10 ju- charged with possession of church. ceived minor injuries in the rors seated to hear evi- prescription medication – Lo- Break-ins, thefs noted Martin was also arrested on The following were victims of a break-in and/or theft re- incident on Lee Street. dence in multiple mur- ratab – with intent to deliver. Fair Bluff police charges of ported on date shown: Prince told police “some- der cases against Danny The cocaine amounted to one possession of marijuana with s-ARCHn3UDIE'AIL7ALKER 'ORE4RAILER2OAD 7HITEVILLE thing black” ran across the Lamont Thomas, 38, of gram. intent to sell in a Dec. 16, 2010 – break-in, theft of Mossberg 12-gauge pump shotgun. street in front of her as she Durham, and a former She was leaving the area of case on a warrant obtained by s-ARCHn*ASON'AIL7HITEHEAD $OLPH,EWIS2OAD #ERRO drove south between Smith and resident of Chadbourn. “The Ponderosa” southwest Fair Bluff Police Officer Ricky Gordo – theft of Sig Sauer 9mm pistol, metal dog box. Wyche streets, and she swerved This is the fifth week of of Chadbourn about 12:30 a.m. Soles. Martin had 22 packets of s-ARCHn"OBBY%DWIN'ORE "IG!VENUE 4ABOR#ITYnTHEFT to the right. jury selection and prosecu- Saturday and failed to stop at the drug, according to records. of Homelite chain saw. tors and defense attorneys the intersection of Broadway s-ARCHn+EITH4YRONE"ROWN 0INE,OG2OAD 7HITEVILLE are examining people in and Dessie roads, the detective Not guilty of DWI – theft of microwave oven, Samsung TV, 2nd TV, Compaq laptop the third large group sum- added. Andrew Priest, 28, of White- moned. A fourth group computer, small freezer, PlayStation unit and games, VCR. ville, was found not guilty of Two hurt in wreck s-ARCHn3OLON2ICHARD7ARD !RN7ARD2OAD 7HITEVILLE will report mid-April, if Two Leland residents were driving while impaired (DWI) needed. Suspects arrested – theft of Reddy kerosene heater. in the March 23 session of DWI injured Tuesday at a three- s-ARCHn#HRISTOPHER&ITZGERALD2HODES .# 2IEGEL- Thomas is charged with Two Bladen County males Court here. vehicle wreck at 6:30 p.m. as wood – theft of metal camper shell. a triple murder in Novem- were arrested after a lengthy Priest was arrested last May they drove to the visitation s-ARCHn*2AY2EALTY 7HITEVILLEnTHEFTOF AIRCONDITIONER ber 2005 as well as a single vehicle chase Wednesday eve- by a Highway Patrol trooper, for wreck victim Seth Hayden from home along Prison Camp Road here. homicide two months ear- ning that ended when they and charged with being im- Beaver, 17, of Riegelwood, who s-ARCHn*ERRY7AYNE#ARTRETTE 0INE,OG2OAD 7HITEVILLE lier. bailed out of their vehicle paired by unspecified drugs. was killed Sunday. – theft of Tom Tom GPS unit. on Union Valley Road west Tracy Ann Barnes, 45, and s-ARCHn+EITH4YRONE"ROWN 0INE,OG2OAD 7HITEVILLE of Whiteville, and fled into a Joshua Barnes, 24, were hurt – break-in, theft of laptop computer, TV, 30 DVD movies, PlaySta- Cat, dog poisoned in Pireway wooded area. when Tracy Barnes turned left tion and 10 games, oven, mixer and TV with VCR unit. A man living in the Pireway community reported March 30 his Highway Patrol Trooper Lu- to enter the Riegelwood Baptist s-ARCHn!MBER!NNETTE(ILL /LD#RIBB4OWN2OAD cat and dog had died from poison, according to a sheriff ’s report. cas Hardee of Bladen County, Church’s parking area in front Chadbourn – break-in, theft of cash. assisted by other troopers of a tractor-trailer unit driven s-ARCHn*OHN+EITH*ONES .# %VERGREENnBREAK IN and sheriff ’s deputies, cap- by Ricky Dale Cartrette, 52, theft of medication. tured both suspects, who were of Chadbourn, according to a s-ARCHn"ELINDA#RIBB"ROWN 3LIPPERY,OG2OAD 7HITE- wanted for unknown reasons. Kevin G. Williamson Highway Patrol report. ville – break-in of unlocked vehicle, theft of notary seal. Attorney at Law, PLLC Man arrested for assaulting detectives, feeing Joshua Eli Thorp, 31, of tersection west of stated. “I was hitting and Thompson activated the China Grove Road, Chadbourn, Chadbourn. him with my baton, but electrical surge again, but it was arrested behind a home Asked for proof he wouldn’t surrender.” didn’t work. along Dolph Lewis Road near of insurance, Thorp Thorp had a pipe for Thorp ran to the pickup and Cerro Gordo Monday night produced some pa- smoking crack cocaine got in with Thompson trying after he assaulted two sheriff’s pers, but nothing that in his hand, and he kept to pull him out, and Thorp got drug detectives and fled in a showed he had cur- trying to throw it away, the pickup started and backed 1993 Ford pickup truck. rent insurance. and wouldn’t give it to the vehicle. The motion rolled Detective Aaron Herring Herring, at the Thorp the officers. The fight Thompson off, and both detec- provided the following infor- passenger door, noticed Thorp moved to the rear of the pickup tives ran to their car as Thorp mation: put something in his coat pock- and under the tailgate area. drove away. Thorp, who was arrested in et, and Thompson, at the driv- Taser shots They followed Thorp to the November for possession of er’s door, asked what he hid. Thompson left and got his Dolph Lewis Road home where cocaine, and in December for Thorp replied, “Nothing,” and Taser from his vehicle and tried he was cuffed. An ambulance assaulting Herring and Sgt. would not produce the item. to get a shot at Thorp, but his was called to the scene to treat t$SJNJOBM t"VUP"DDJEFOUT Barett Thompson, plus fleeing Fight begins heavy clothing – a thick coat the numerous wounds Thorp t5SBïD t&TUBUF1MBOOJOH to elude them, was seen at 7 Herring moved to the driv- over a hoodie and two shirts, had on his face and other areas. p.m. as he drove onto Grist Road er’s side and both detectives plus a pair of thick pants – Thorp led the same detec- t%JWPSDF t$IJME$VTUPEZ from Braswell Road. ordered Thorp to get out so he made it difficult. tives on a 20-mile chase for 30 Call or stop by for a free consultation No insurance could be searched. Thorp got Herring pulled Thorp’s coat minutes on Dec. 8 before be- Herring and Thompson fol- out and began wrestling with and shirts up to expose some ing arrested. The December 910-642-2515 lowed, and discovered there the two officers, and they fell of his skin and Thompson incident included dragging was no insurance on the pick- to the ground. fired the Taser, but only one Herring as he drove away from 101 Washington Street • Whiteville up. Thorp was stopped on Grist “He grabbed my pistol, but prong hit, and it didn’t go into them, plus trying to hit Thomp- &YQFSJFODF4VQFSJPS-FHBM3FQSFTFOUBUJPO Road at the Five Points in- he never got it out,” Herring the skin. Herring moved away son. The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 5A Murders Speeders Continued from page 1-A Continued from page 1-A

Sgt. Jeff Nealey. He served a term Vereen was also Dryan Vereen’s first felony what happened last year, and Wr i g h t w a s a r r e s t e d of 29 to 44 months in charged with armed arrest was for using a glass we’ve got special teams of of- County Fatalities Wednesday by Nealey. Dryan the shootings case, robbery in Septem- bottle to attack a man on Clyde ficers from the Robeson County Vereen is scheduled to be de- and was released on ber 2007 – before his Norris Road southeast of Tabor line at Boardman all the way To this date livered here today (Thursday) Sept. 15, 2010. He then arrest in the August City in May 2006. This case was to Delco and the Brunswick 2011 …………… 3 by Department of Correction began three years of shooting case. He was dismissed when the victim County line,” said Highway officers from the state prison probation. one of three males in didn’t appear in court. Patrol 1st Sgt. Terry Robinson. 2010 ..…………...7 near Elizabeth City. A “hold” Violent history a 2001 Ford, stolen Targeted officers There were six people killed Total 2010...... 26 was placed on Bellamy who is Dryan Vereen’s vi- Bellamy from the Whiteville He was also charged with in seven days during early Total 2009...... 28 in the Conway, S.C., jail where olent history includes Auto Auction, who firing a pistol at two Tabor City April in 2010, including four he’s being held on an attempted a case where he fired forced Echoe Bellamy, police officers who were chas- victims not using seat belts. A last year (2009) and the year murder charge in a Horry 22 shots from an ex- 30, of Longs, S.C., op- ing him and a suspect from a pedestrian and a woman who before,” he said. County case. tended 9mm maga- erating a moped, off Loris, S.C., robbery. The chase drove into the path of a vehicle “If people would slow down Canisha “Buckwheat” zine into a vehicle N.C. 904 at Shug Nor- went into Ridgeland Acres were the other victims. and drive defensively, the life LaPorsha Bell, 19, of Tabor on Aug. 30, 2007. The ris Road. Trailer Park – the scene of the Blanketing U.S. 74 they save might be their own. City, was arrested about two vehicle was driven Charges reduced murders of Lee Otis Vereen “Police in Chadbourn, Short of one of our troopers weeks ago on two charges of by Trendy Rayshawn Vereen H o w e v e r, t h e and Jerome Williams. Whiteville, Bolton, Lake Wac- going to your house and put- murder in the same killings. Hemingway, 20, with males couldn’t get Dryan Vereen was found not camaw and Tabor City, plus the ting your seat belt on, there’s Jonathan Dewayne “John Hemingway’s uncle, the moped started, so guilty of firing at the officers in sheriff’s Highway Safety team, not much we can do until we John” Gore, 22, and Jacques Andre Holden, 35, as one of them pulled a jury trial in early August 2009. and troopers make up what see you on the highway,” Smith Ali Vereen, 16, both of Tabor a passenger. a pistol and robbed Ronnie Bellamy also has we’re calling the Columbus added last year. City, are charged with being Four shots hit Bellamy of his cash. a 2009 case of possession of County Safety Team,” Robin- All of the deaths last April accessories after the fact of Hemingway in the T he attempted marijuana with intent to sell son said. were separate incidents. The the two murders by aiding the left side of his neck m u r d e r c h a r g e s in the Columbus County court “This week is ‘Operation pedestrian, who was killed on escape and providing an alibi and torso, and Holden were reduced to as- system. Slow Down, No Need to Speed’ April 2 last year, was the first for Dryan Vereen, according was hit in the jaw and Wright sault with a deadly Antwan Wright was con- and we’re blanketing U.S. 74 in the string of fatalities. A to warrants. neck. The shooting weapon, inflicting se- victed in 2005 of common-law from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for woman passenger, not using Dryan Vereen is serving a was reported to be from anger rious injuries, and the robbery robbery of a Whiteville man, the two days. The guys will be her seat belt, was killed in a term of 23 to 37 months that Vereen had for Hemingway charge was dismissed in Dryan and placed on probation. He focusing on speed and those two-vehicle crash the next day. began in January when his who “hassled” Vereen’s sister Vereen’s plea deal in February was convicted in 2008 of armed who’re not using seat belts or A man was ejected and probation in two attempted at a Loris, S.C., convenience 2010. He had a credit of 861 days robbery here, and served a child safety restraints,” the killed on April 4, a female murder shootings in 2007 was store the night of the attempted toward his first term of 29 to 44 prison term of 10 to 12 months sergeant added. driver not using a seat belt revoked. murders. months. in 2009. Troopers were bewildered died on April 5 in a crash, and a last April, and Line Sgt. Richie teenager was ejected and killed Smith expressed their frustra- on April 6. The final fatality in tion. the seven days was the woman Several drivers convicted of DWI Drive defensively who drove into the path of a “What we’ve had is people’s vehicle. Several drivers were con- probation. will be for a year with a $100 for a year, was fined $300 and total disregard for their own The six fatalities last April victed of driving while im- s2ANDALL,EE(ARRELSON  fine and a 60-day jail sentence ordered to spend seven days in safety. The troopers can’t un- raised Columbus County’s toll paired (DWI) in a March 23 of Conway, S.C., pleaded not suspended. He is to perform 24 jail. A year’s prison term was derstand the lack of seat belt to 13 for the year, with the final session of DWI Court here. guilty and was convicted. He hours of community service. suspended. use, particularly after we had count being 26 highway deaths, They included: had a blood-alcohol level of 0.09 s#HIQUITA0OWELL  OF s*ONATHAN,EE3UGGS  OF so many ejected and killed 25 on rural roads. s!LLEN$AYTON$EWITT  when arrested in October by a Greensboro, pleaded no contest Lillington, was convicted of of Tabor City, pleaded guilty, Tabor City police officer. and will be on probation for a having a blood-alcohol level of and was put on probation for a Harrelson will be on proba- year and pay a $100 fine. Her 0.11 when arrested by a High- year with a 120-day prison term tion for a year, was fined $100 blood-alcohol level was 0.13 way Patrol trooper in July. He suspended. He refused a breath and will perform 24 hours of when arrested in December was fined $100 and ordered to test when arrested last May by community service. A 60-day by a sheriff ’s deputy. She is to perform 24 hours of commu- a Tabor City police officer. jail term was suspended. perform 24 hours of commu- nity service. A 60-day jail term Yoga Mat Dewitt was fined $200 and s#ARLTON*ONES  OF #HAR- nity service, a 60-day term in was suspended. ordered to perform 48 hours lotte, pleaded not guilty and jail was suspended. s&REDI"UENO.UNEZ  OF of community service. Other was convicted, and appealed s0EGGY(OOKS3IBBETT  OF Tabor City, was convicted of driving offenses, plus a charge to Superior Court. He had Nakina, pleaded guilty to hav- having a blood-alcohol level of of misdemeanor child abuse, a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 ing a blood-alcohol level of 0.24 0.14 when arrested last month were dismissed in his plea. when arrested in August by a when arrested in September by by a sheriff ’s deputy. s$IEGO!RMANDO'ARCIA Chadbourn police officer. a Whiteville police officer. She He was put on probation for Men’s, Women’s & Kids’ 23, of Hallsboro, pleaded guilty Jones got probation for a a year, fined $100 and ordered was fined $100 and will be on up to 6 colors Sidewalk Surfer and was put on probation for year with a 60-day jail term probation for a year. to perform 24 hours of commu- a year. He had a blood-alcohol suspended, and was fined $100, Sibbett was told to perform nity service. A 60-day jail term 43 S. Whiteville Village Whiteville level of 0.17 when arrested last and told to do 24 hours of com- 24 hours of community service was suspended. SHOE FAIR 642-3664 June by a Tabor City police munity service. and to use an Interlock device officer. s"ENJAMIN-C"RIDE  OF if driving during probation. Garcia was fined $100, told Cerro Gordo, pleaded guilty. He A 60-day jail term was sus- to do 24 hours of community had a blood-alcohol level of 0.12 pended. service, and to use an Inter- when arrested last March by a s7ILLIAM(ENRY3TEVENS*R lock device if driving while on sheriff ’s deputy. His probation 60, of Chadbourn, pleaded not guilty and was convicted of having a blood-alcohol level of 0.08 when arrested in May by a Driver hurt as SUV fips Highway Patrol trooper. Brenda Latasha McDuffie, 28, of Chadbourn, had minor He was ordered to perform injuries Tuesday when her 2001 Ford SUV overturned at 5:20 24 hours of community ser- p.m. in the White Marsh just east of Whiteville, according to a vice, fined $100, and his proba- Highway Patrol report. tion is for a year. He appealed McDuffie was following too close and when the vehicle in front the conviction to Superior of her braked, she swerved to the left on U.S. 74-76 Business and Court. drove into the marsh and overturned. She was wearing her seat s"OBBY$3TRICKLAND  belt and was trapped for a short time. of Fair Bluff, pleaded guilty to Terry Tyron Powell, 24, of Hallsboro, was injured March 27 in having a blood-alcohol level of a 3:55 a.m. wreck on N.C. 211 south of Bolton. He drove a pickup 0.09 when arrested last March truck off to the left at 65 mph and hit a tree after traveling 241 by a Highway Patrol trooper. feet. He was using his seat belt. He will be on probation A Camp Lejeune Marine and his passenger were injured March 25 in a wreck on U.S. 74-76 east of Bolton. Kentarus Dijoun Maronie, 24, and Jacqueline Cash, 22, of DEBT RELIEF Greenville, S.C., were hurt when Maronie drove off to the right Bankruptcy at 6:40 a.m. into a ditch and overturned several times. They were Stop Foreclosures not wearing seat belts. Get A Fresh Start Woman loses $400 in telephone scam Attorney James A Columbus County woman fell prey to a scam recently and Robbins it cost her $400 before she realized she had become a victim. A person “with an accent” in their voice called and told her 922 S. Madison St. he was with Medicare and needed for her to verify her address Whiteville to receive a new card, plus the caller needed her bank account number, which she provided. The $400 was withdrawn from her account, which has been CALL 642-4860 changed.

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Gov. Bev Perdue didn’t say exactly what N.C. Museum of Forestry supporters wanted to hear, but during a meet and greet coffee and donuts recep- tion in the Vineland Depot Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist Wednesday, she promised that Gov. Beverly Perdue addressed about 100 people at Vineland Station in Whiteville she’s looking into keeping the Wednesday afternoon, commenting on her perspective on the state of the county and museum open. then taking questions from the audience. Some weeks ago it was announced that the local mu- seum, which is now closed Perdue for a $2 million renovation Continued from page 1-A with the use of a state grant, would not reopen for two years Perdue said students could and grow the economy. cerns about cuts to programs because of state budget cuts. graduate from high school “Let me just be direct – the that provide transportation to Word circulated that state with as many as 60 credits people have had a big change the poor, elderly, disabled and department heads were told toward a four-year degree or and they were tired of the working people who do not by the governor they must having already obtained a two- same-old,” Perdue said, adding have transportation in rural cut their budgets 15 percent Suzanne King of Whiteville delivers to Sen. Bill Rabon, year degree via the College that she was too, but the state’s areas. in order to balance the state Promise program. strong economic incentives Patton said while he knew above, and Rep. Dewey Hill, below, 1,000 letters written budget, and the Department by local students asking the legislative team to “Save Southeastern Community and public education should it was a critical time, some of Environment and Natural Our North Carolina Museum of Forestry.” People from College President Kathy Mat- not suffer. of the programs up for a 50 Resources chose to make the throughout Columbus County have rallied to save the lock said dual enrollment pro- Perdue, who said she is a percent cut “help the poor in cut by closing the Forestry museum since it was announced that it would close for grams has afforded students lifetime member of the NRA, this county.” Museum for two years. two years to help balance the state budget. in Columbus County many said proposals to allow guns in “I did not know that was That stirred the commu- opportunities in the past but bars disturb her. happening,” Perdue said with nity, many realizing for the when the cost was shifted to “I love guns ... but letting interest, pointing out that there first time just how much it students, high school enroll- a bunch of drunks have guns are many people in rural areas means to have a state mu- ment in such classes dropped in bars and restaurants is a who don’t have a car or money seum in Columbus County. by 93 percent. bad idea,” she explained. She for gas and do not want to be People began talking about Matlock said businesses added that at the very moment on public assistance and need the thousands of student visits and industry looking to re- she was addressing the crowd transportation to jobs. to the museum and the excel- locate to the county look at gathered at the depot the legis- “There are a lot of buses in lent exhibits and educational the education levels of the lature was “discussing wheth- urban North Carolina,” Perdue programs provided for them workforce and that even “some er or not the state should have said, pointing out that rural and adults. Residents became college” is attractive to indus- it’s own currency.” Perdue all residents have fewer choices. aware that many children and tries. but laughed at the idea and Another audience member adults might never see the Perdue said there is sup- insisted she wants the leg- questioned why the county had inside of a state museum if port from the legislature. islature to focus on jobs and two state prisons here. the Forestry Museum were not “That’s really important in education rather than social While Perdue said she sup- located here. this global economy,” Perdue and partisan issues at such a ported the elimination of six Others said it would de- said, pointing out that we are critical time. prison units across the state, stroy the museum to shutter it no longer competing with oth- Perdue admitted that she she was a large supporter of for two years, others predicted er counties or states alone for has had to make major cuts efforts to bring the prison to that it would never reopen jobs but also other countries. and consolidate 14 depart- Tabor City because of the jobs and the $2 million renovation “There are people in China ments into eight in order to it promised for local residents. would have been wasted. and India that want to eat this do away with unnecessary and Others questioned early The governor, legislators country’s lunch,” she said, duplicate positions. “You have retirement incentives for state and the 15 members of the reiterating the importance in to tighten your belt and do employees. Appropriations Subcommit- a well-educated workforce of more with less,” Perdue said, Perdue said she supported tee on Natural and Economic applause on two occasions on him. I think he always has the future. adding that in doing so “you early retirement incentives Resources House Standing while she was talking about our best interest at heart, and Perdue said after being upset some people.” for those close to retirement Committee were contacted the museum.” Sen. Rabon as well. elected to office and faced In opening the floor to ques- age to save the state money. “It personally and through phone King said she was encour- “Harry and I both felt this with $4.5 billion in bills and tions from the audience, Per- makes good economic sense,” calls, letters and emails. aged by the response from the was a successful mission,” just $226 million in the state’s due was asked several ques- she said, but that is not a policy Suzanne King and Museum local legislative team, Sen. King added. “We went on checking account, she made tions about education. that has been readily accepted Director Harry Warren took Rabon and Rep. Hill, when the behalf of the citizens of Co- every effort to cut and reduce Rosa Brown spoke about by the legislature. copies of 1,000 letters written student letters were delivered lumbus County, particularly spending. needed support for public At the same time, Perdue by school students pleading to them. for our children because it is “I did everything I could do schools and rising class sizes. didn’t think well-qualified for the museum to remain “Sen. Rabon said he didn’t such a wonderful museum. that was legal,” Perdue said, “It’s easy to increase class teachers or state employees open to Rep. Dewey Hill and think it was fair for the other Those who don’t know already but added that she believes size,” Perdue said. who brought special expertise Sen. Bill Rabon in Raleigh state museums to take a 15 per- should realize that the muse- in protecting and attracting Increasing class size by and knowledge to their posi- last Thursday. A few of those cent cut but the Forestry Mu- um is not just one exhibit; the jobs as well as the education three children eliminates tions should be forced out. letters were presented to Gov. seum would take a 100 percent exhibits keep changing. Harry of the state’s children from all 20,000 teaching positions Bill Memory asked about Perdue during her visit here cut,” she said. “I felt we also and his staff are continually backgrounds. across the state and makes it Perdue’s position on closing Wednesday. had a very successful meeting working to bring in new things “We need employment for attractive to legislators who the N.C. Museum of Forestry “I was comforted by what with Rep. Hill. I think he was and provide new educational our people or nothing else mat- want to make cuts quickly. in Whiteville. Despite a mas- she said here Wednesday,” really touched when he read programs.” ters,” Perdue said, and stood Perdue said she doesn’t sive renovation underway, the Warren said. “I am looking some the children’s letters. behind the state’s incentives want the state to become “a state budget proposal calls for forward to working with the Some were just one line, but Clara Cartrette for industry recruitment. poor Southern state” in terms a two-year closure. governor to find a remedy for the message was ‘Please don’t She said the state is highly of education. “I believe wheth- “We are working on getting 910-642-4104 ext. 226 our situation. It was encourag- close our museum.’ I felt that [email protected] effective in getting jobs and er you are black or white, La- it in the budget,” Perdue said. ing that she got spontaneous it made an emotional impact remains one of six with a AAA tino or rich or poor, every child “I love that museum, ..but I had bond rating. deserves a fundamental shot at to make a decision.” She shared the story of the becoming something,” Perdue Perdue said it was a ques- state’s efforts to recruit a large said, adding that is key in the tion of balancing fundamental company to Charlotte and classroom. services and that more than 100 Nurse Aide I class starts April 1 at SCC how her staff and others were Perdue was asked about her facilities were included in the The Continuing Educa- an admissions counselor in A- of $221.75, which covers tu- convinced the company would position on allowing the three- proposal. tion Division at Southeastern Building to complete the SCC ition, malpractice insurance, relocate to North Carolina. quarter-cent sales tax to sunset “I will help you solve this Community College will offer application and 3) complete student insurance and pre- In describing the competi- and other tax issues. problem,” Perdue said, allud- a five-week Nurse Aide I train- Essential Reading Skills (RED clinical requirements. tive nature of industry re- Perdue said she supported ing to assistance from grant- ing program April 1-May 5, 070) or received a satisfactory The required textbooks for cruitment she revealed that a a reduction in corporate taxes making organizations. Monday through Friday from score on a reading placement this course are Nursing Assis- governor from another state but keeping the three-quarter- Another individual ques- 8 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. assessment. tants: A Basic Study Guide and actually flew to Charlotte to cent sales tax in place was a tioned why the lottery was not This class prepares gradu- Registration will be held on the SCC Nurse Aide I Skills attempt to influence the com- small price to pay for educa- helping public education more. ates to provide basic personal Friday, April 1, 7:30 a.m.-8 a.m. Procedure Book, which may pany to come to his state. tion. Perdue said funding goes to care for patients, residents or in the Health and Human Ser- be purchased from the SCC “I don’t mind stealing a “It’s $10 extra a year” that school construction, reducing clients in various health care vices Building (HHS), room Bookstore. Costs are $21 and company from another state. Perdue said most people are class size and More at Four settings. 123. Class begins at 8 a.m. $3.50 respectively. You’ve got to do that. You’ve willing to pay to keep teachers programs, and scholarships. Before registration, the fol- Applicants should bring For information or to got to be aggressive,” Perdue in their children’s classrooms. The formula for distribution is lowing must be completed: 1) a current DMV picture ID pre-register contact Angie said. “I’m going to the bat on that,” “bias to urbanized” counties, provide proof of high school or driver’s license, Social McDuffie at 642-7141, ext. 335 She defended her decision Perdue said. she said. While it does help diploma or GED, 2) meet with Security card and class fees or amcduffi[email protected]. to veto the legislature’s bill She suggested as the econ- education, it is not enough, calling for more than $60 omy improves, the sales tax she said. million in Golden Leaf funds could be eliminated by 2012 to go toward balancing the or 2013. Nicole Cartrette budget. Columbus County Pub- 910-642-4104 ext. 225 “Rural North Carolina lic Transportation Director [email protected] wouldn’t have a shot,” Per- Charles Patton shared his con- due said, “without programs and support that comes from Golden Leaf.” She vowed she was not afraid to use her veto power in Get Outside and Enjoy the future to save teacher jobs SPRING Stop by today and see our great selection of . . . s#EMENT3TATUES s2OCKING#HAIRSs/UTDOOR"ENCHES FURNITURE DEPOT of Whiteville 723 S. Madison St., Whiteville • 642-6808 The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 – 7-A Literacy Council Abernethy book signing at Delco Saturday SCRABBLE By CLARA CARTRETTE poignant sides I want to see people live News Editor of being a mis- completely in the beautiful fundraiser is sionary in the reality that God is enough She was born in Burgaw rain forest of for absolutely any situa- April 28 and grew up in Delco, but West Africa in tion or circumstance.” she and her husband spent the mid 1980’s “In This Place” primar- The Columbus County several years as missionaries – before going ily covers the first four Literacy Council will host in Africa. to Africa was years of the Abernethys’ its second SCRABBLE Chal- Kim Lennon Abernethy, a cool.” 18-year foreign mission- lenge Tournament April 1976 Acme Delco High School The couple ary career. Kim’s second 28 at Vineland Station in graduate, and her husband f o l l o w e d a book, “In Every Place,” is Whiteville. Jeff were missionaries with calling from scheduled for release in The evening’s activities Baptist Mid-Missions, min- God in 1985 September. It chronicles the are designed to provide lots istering in Liberia, Jamaica to minister remainder of their time on of fun and will commence and Ivory Coast. Having been in the small the mission field. with dinner at 5:30 p.m., fol- evacuated from both Liberia West Afri- After graduating from lowed by a fun variation of (1990) and Ivory Coast (2002) can country Acme Delco High, Kim went SCRABBLE® game play at because of civil unrest, they of Liberia. to Peace College and then 6:30 p.m. felt God turning their hearts L e a r n i n g Piedmont Baptist College The event will bring to- back toward the United States. Kim Lennon Abernethy to commu- and met Jeff, who hails from gether corporate, business, In 2003, they joined the small nicate with Charlotte. civic, school, social, and but illustrious team of Cam- Highway East (U.S. 74-76). The the Liberi- They have been married church teams from across pus Bible Fellowship Interna- public is invited. She will have an workers 30 years. the county. tional and became mission- books available and they can in her jun- A lay counselor, speaker, Team members will be aries on the campus of the also be ordered from amazon. gle home to and Bible teacher, Kim enjoys challenged to put their heads University of North Carolina com. witnessing spending time with her fam- together, score big, and win at Charlotte. “In This Place” is a book the pain- ily, cooking, reading, working prizes while raising funds “We are in our eighth about the Abernethys’ experi- ful death in her herb garden and being to promote the efforts of the year in this ministry and ences about their initial years of a young a freelance photographer. literacy council. are thrilled to see how God is as missionaries in Liberia, woman in She wrote: “My heart pines The council is seeking revealing Himself to many col- West Africa. childbirth, Kim describes frequently for the sandy, pin- team sponsors, prize do- legiate seekers of truth from “From the coffers of very intense moments and seasons She reveals that there was ey flat lands of Columbus nations and contributors. all over the world,” Kim said. detailed journals came the of their mission there. She a time when she was weak County and the Cape Fear Individual players may reg- Kim has published a book, stories in this book,” she said. writes about her daughter fall- and lacked the faith to deal region.” ister and be placed on a four- “In This Place,” and she will “Funny, tragic, scary, and sim- ing from a two-story building with the everyday trials she member team or form their have a book signing Satur- ply overwhelming, it is a book experienced. “When we went own teams. and her husband’s illness with Clara Cartrette day, April 2 from 2 to 5 p.m. that portrays humor in the Lassa fever. There are exciting to Africa God continued to The Columbus County at Roberta’s Restaurant in midst of cultural faux pas and refine me. This is a story of 910-642-4104 ext. 226 Literacy Council is a non- times as the wife of a bush [email protected] Delco, 27415 Andrew Jackson also relates some of the more pilot in the Liberian jungle. how God became real to me. profit 501(c) 3 educational organization that has been helping individuals learn to read since 1979. Departments One-on-one tutoring ser- Continued from page 1-A vices offered by the council are free and confidential. Fire Chief Robert Simmons said, Whiteville has jokingly cars home is a major stum- Firefighters wanted three are full time firemen, To register for the event described two very different been called a training ground bling block, Faison said. De- The council also heard one is the chief and the other by April 18, please call the challenges faced by the depart- for other, larger departments. partments across the state from Simmons and received a is the city fire marshal. literacy council Monday- ments. In the past year, six officers and nation are struggling with quick primer on the benefits Based on Simmons’ esti- Thursday from 9 a.m. to 3 The police department is have left Whiteville for jobs what has traditionally been a of having more staff at the fire mates, Faison said, the city p.m. at 642-2442. struggling to improve reten- with other agencies. benefit to patrol officers, al- department. needs 10 to 15 paid firefighters, tion, while the fire department “It’s always been that way,” lowing police vehicles to be A number of factors, rang- along with a full part-time is searching for a way to make Britt said. driven home if the officer lives ing from fire insurance ratings complement. more firemen available in the Faison said the turnover within a certain distance of to federal workplace rules, af- “Right now we don’t always city. in the department is a major the station. fect fire department staffing, have 10 to 15 firefighters, peri- Juniorettes “We had a very positive, challenge the police and city Rising gas prices and other Faison explained. od,” he said. ”We depend a lot frank discussion about the are tackling. costs have caused some de- “The most important factor on the (part-time) volunteers slate spring needs in both departments,” “Sgt. Palmer showed the partments to cut back on the is safety, of course,” Faison to maintain the fire rating.” City manager Larry Faison council what it costs to train privilege. Officers say take- said, “but without a clear Faison praised Simmons said. “Both Sgt. Palmer and an officer, and then we have to home privileges also help pro- guideline, we have to try to and Palmer for their work on yard sale the interim chief did an excel- start over again,” he said. “We mote officer response in case define what’s needed through Tuesday’s presentations. Whiteville Juniorettes will lent job identifying their needs reviewed average salaries, and an emergency occurs during a variety of sources.” “These two professionals have a yard sale on Saturday, and explaining a lot of very they are comparable for some the policeman’s off-duty time. Occupational Safety and did an excellent job explain- April 2 at 103 Madison Street, complex issues they face.” positions, but there are some Driving police cars home also Health Administration ing what is needed and why,” Whiteville. The hours are 6 ‘Training Ground’ other issues to work out.” increases visibility for depart- (OSHA) guidelines must be he said. a.m. to noon. For years, Chief Jerry Britt Allowing officers to drive ments. met for firefighter safety, Fai- The manager said the meet- “Take-home policies vary son explained. The state re- ing was a “very early prelude” widely,” Faison said. “White- quires certain amounts of to the budget process. ville’s policy falls somewhere staff and types of equipment, “The council needed to City water in the middle.” as well as response times and discuss this now, rather than Mid-career salaries and numbers, in judging insur- later,” Faison said, “to have testing starts benefits are where Whiteville ance ratings. The ratings play time to study and get a better begins to lag, compared to a direct role in homeowner’s understanding of everything other area departments, Fai- insurance premiums. involved with both depart- Monday son said. Fire departments also ments. These things tend to get Whiteville Fire Depart- “This is going to be a par- strive to follow a national set lost later in the budget cycle.” ment will conduct annual ticularly tough challenge,” of standards set up by fire- No decisions were made service testing on all fire hy- he said. “We’d like to pay the fighters. Tuesday, Faison said, and none drants within the city limits officers more, but then you can The key issue with the fire were expected. beginning Monday, April 4. run into salary compression, department, Faison said, is “This was just for infor- Residents may experience a where a new hire is making ensuring enough firefighters mation,” he said. “It was a change in the color of their as much as a 10-year veteran.” respond to major events like workshop – just a start toward water that will clear up after Faison said he polled other structure fires. finding what our goals will be, the water runs for a few mo- city and town managers, and “The OSHA rules are basi- and how to meet them.” ments. Palmer assembled data from cally two men in, two men This testing will take two other similar-sized police out,” he explained. “If you to three weeks, weather per- Jefferson Weaver departments. The numbers have two men outside of a mitting. If anyone has any worked out about the same, structure fire, you can send 910-642-4104 ext. 227 concerns contact the fire [email protected] Faison said. two in. That’s really basic, department at 642-3112. The city is investigating of course, but that’s just one a possible scaled system by example.” which to raise salaries when Currently, Faison said, J.S. Mann’s funds become available, Fai- Whiteville uses a combination Your Tuxedo Headquarters son said, but the plan is in the of paid and part-time firefight- earliest stages. ers. Of those paid positions, The newest prom styles, and the hottest colors

Staff photos by Fuller Royal Careers galore Fifth-graders at Edgewood Elementary School par- ticipated in the school’s annual career day last Friday. More than a dozen professionals representing a wide array of occupations and careers were on hand to dem- Selection and Price to Fit Every Need! onstrate what they do and to answer any questions the students had. Customize your selection with Blood drive set at IGA April 22 over 200 vest & tie combinations. A blood drive for the Ameri- shirt, and are automatically High School Students: can Red Cross will be spon- entered into a drawing to win We’ve got you covered... sored by the Whiteville IGA a pair of round-trip tickets on store on Friday, April 22, begin- Delta Air Lines. s%AST#OLUMBUS ning at 10 a.m., and continuing Contact Jackie Shipman or s3OUTH#OLUMBUS until 2:30 p.m. Kristy Batten at 642-5568 for an s7EST#OLUMBUS Prizes will be given, all appointment to donate blood, s7HITEVILLE(IGH donors receive a Red Cross tee or for more information. s#OLUMBUS#HRISTIAN Academy s7ACCAMAW!CADEMY Spring Fix-Up Order early for best selection! 3TATUARYs"ENCHES Cook Insurance Services s4ABLE3ETS 'BJS#MVìt   Garden Seeds are here! ~ Fertilizer The Cement Barn Concrete Lawn Ornaments & Garden Center 703 South Madison Street #ERRO'ORDO .#s   910.642.5029 The NewsDeaths Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011, Page 8A DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE DEATH NOTICE women. She also taught Bi- ESTHER W. TODD HERBERT S. MAEBELLE WHEELER ble classes at the Women’s CLARENDON -- Esther FORMYDUVAL WEAVER Correctional Center. W. Todd, 87, died Monday, HALLSBORO -- Herbert WHITEVILLE -- Maebelle With two other couples, March 28, 2011, in Lower Samuel FormyDuval, 86, Wheeler Weaver, 95, died the Tuckers founded the Cape Fear Hospice and Lif- died Wednesday, March 30, Wednesday, March 23, 2011, Tammy Lynn Center for De- eCareCenter in Whiteville. 2011, at Low- at Shoreland Health Care velopmental Disabilities in She was born in Columbus er Cape Fear and Retirement Center, Inc. Raleigh. The center, which County, the daughter of the Hospice and She was the daughter of the provides educational, resi- late John Benjamin Suggs LifeCareCen- late Elwood Earl Wheeler dential, therapeutic, and and Rosa Ward Suggs. ter in White- and Harriett Brooks Wheel- family support services to Mrs. Todd was a member ville. He was born Dec. 22, er and preceded in death children and adults with of Iron Hill Baptist Church 1924 in Columbus County, by her husband, Richard special needs, has been a for 60 years and taught the son of the late Joy Je- “Dick” Weaver and a sister, SETH HAYDEN BEAVER model for other centers in Sunday school for 50 years. rome and Lillie Batten For- Eleanor Wheeler Stowe. RIEGELWOOD -- Seth the United States. She enjoyed being a home- myDuval. He was preceded Mrs. Weaver was reared Hayden Beaver, 17, died Sun- Irvin Tucker Jr., died in maker and loved to be out- in death by a brother, Wen- in Asheville and attend- day, March 27, 2011. He was 1998. After many years as a side working in her flow- dell FormyDuval; and a sis- ed Meredith College. She born in Burke County. He widow, Helen married Rob- ers. She was a loving wife, ter, Marguerite Borneman. worked for Columbus was preceded in death by his ert Gordon Smith in 2005, mother, granny, and friend FormyDuval retired in County Department of So- grandfather, Harold Dean Bea- HELEN TUCKER SMITH whom proceeded her in to all who knew her. 1991 from Federal Paper cial Services and was a life ver. RALEIGH -- Helen Tuck- death in 2009. Funeral services will be Board after 39 years. He member of the Whiteville Beaver was a member of er Smith, 91, author of Even during times of held Thursday, March 31, served in the United States Garden Club. Mrs. Weaver Bethel Baptist Church and Then the Sun Came Up, died personal grief, loss, and at 11 a.m. in the Inman Fu- Navy and the United States was secretary of the White- was a member of Kelly Volun- of cancer on Sunday, March illness, Helen continued to neral Home Chapel in Ta- Army. He was an avid hunt- ville Garden Club for many teer Fire Department. 27, 2011. act as a support and inspi- bor City, conducted by the er and fisherman. years. Final rites were held Born Helen Polston in ration to other women, es- Revs. Russell Long and Da- Final rites will be held at Mrs. Weaver was a Wednesday, March 30, at Rie- Raeford, and educated at pecially but not exclusively, vid Todd. Burial will follow 2 p.m. Saturday, April 2, at member of First Baptist gelwood Baptist Church. Louisburg College, she those who had been diag- in Forest Lawn Cemetery. Hallsboro Baptist Church Church, Whitevile and Burial followed in the church met and married her first nosed with breast cancer. Visitation will be Wednes- with the Rev. Barry Swain very active in many activi- cemetery. McKenzie Mortuary husband, attorney Irvin B. She never stopped learning day, March 30 from 6-8 p.m. officiating. Burial will fol- ties in the church. She was of Whiteville handled the ar- Tucker Jr., in Whiteville. and frequently enrolled in at the funeral home. low in Lake Waccamaw a member of the Chancel rangements. When Mr. Tucker was ap- continuing education class- She is survived by her Hillcrest Cemetery. Pea- Choir, pianist for many ac- Survivors include his par- pointed Assistant U.S. Dis- es and seminars, usually on husband, H.B. Todd of cock Funeral Home is han- tivities, a faithful member ents, Brian Keith Beaver and trict Attorney, the couple English and creative writ- Clarendon; two daughters, dling the arrangements. of the Sunshine Group, Veronica Mackey Beaver of and two young sons moved ing. Sonja T. Norris and hus- He is survived by his wife, and a member of the New- Riegelwood; a sister, Hannah to Raleigh, where they re- In September 2010, she band, James, of Tabor City, Jewel Smith FormyDuval; a ton Sunday school class. Beaver of Riegelwood; his mained when Mr. Tucker was diagnosed with lung and Meredith T. Suggs of son, Rod FormyDuval and Mrs. Weaver was a classic paternal grandmother, Helen went into private practice. cancer and, after a rapid Roseville; a son, Terry B. wife, Carolyn, of Hunt- Christian lady. She really Beaver of Wilson; and his ma- Then the Sun Came Up is decline, died at Blue Ridge Todd and wife, Sandy, of ersville; two daughters, enjoyed music, poetry, cul- ternal grandparents, Ron and the story of Helen Tucker Health Care Center in Ra- Raleigh; eight grandchil- Linda Heath and husband, tural activities, community Aleida Mackey of Wilming- Smith’s battle with breast leigh. dren, Kevin Norris (Mandy) David, of Whiteville, and events, and especially her ton. cancer that began in 1978, Helen is survived by her of Tabor City, Todd Nor- Cindi Owens and husband, many involvements in and Memorials may be made to a battle she had apparent- sons, Irvin B. Tucker III of ris of Mt. Pleasant, S.C., Jim, of Portland, Ore.; five with her church. the Kelly Volunteer Fire De- ly won. As a breast cancer Concord, and Larry Tuck- Kristen Todd, Kellie Bunn grandchildren, Amanda Final rites will be held partment or Riegelwood Bap- survivor, for many years er of Raleigh; two sisters, (Greg), all of Raleigh, Mi- and Grant FormyDuval, at 3 p.m. Saturday, April tist Church. she carried a message of Genevieve Polston Hart of chael Suggs (Carrie) of Casey Heath, Jason Ow- 2, at First Baptist Church, hope and courage to others Thomasville, and Jeanne Laurinburg, Sean Suggs of ens and wife, Bridgett, and Whiteville with Dr. Ron JOHN WESLEY with cancer and to those in Polston Greene of Yakima, Roseville, Andrea Eckhardt Chase Owens; five sisters, Hinson, pastor, the Revs. CAMPBELL the medical profession who Wash. (Chris) of Wake Forest, and Ruth Kelly and husband, Kerry Peeler, former as- CHADBOURN -- John Wes- treated them. Her influence Helen Tucker Smith will Marisa Johnson (Miles) of Johnny, of Charlotte, Glad- sistant pastor, and Eddie ley Campbell, 83, died Wednes- spread, not only through be buried in the Columbus Greenville; and eight great- ys Phillips and husband, Fort, minister of music, day, March her writing and speaking County Memorial Cem- grandchildren. W.J., of Whiteville, Mildred all of First Baptist Church, 23, 2011, at his under the auspices of Fo- etery in Whiteville. A me- Now that’s a full life! Southern and husband, Whiteville officiating. Buri- residence. cus on the Family, but also morial service was held at Memorials may be made Harold, and Evelyn White, al will follow in Hillcrest C a m p b e l l through her work with the First Assembly of God, to Iron Hill Baptist Church all of Winston-Salem, Cemetery, Lake Waccamaw. served in the Christian organizations. 3249 Blue Ridge Rd., Ra- 22247 Peacock Rd., Tabor Eudell Smith of Clayton; Visitation will be Saturday, United States Coast Guard. Helen was an active vol- leigh, Wednesday, March City, N.C. 28463 or Lower and a special friend and April 2, from 2-2:45 p.m. Final rites will be held at unteer all her life. She 30. Cape Fear Hospice and helper, Betty Baldwin of prior to the service. noon Friday, April 1, at Rose was founder and officer In lieu of flowers, friends LifeCareCenter, 206 War- Whiteville. Survivors include a Hill AME Zion Church, 2257 of the Raleigh Chapter of may make contributions in rior Trail, Whiteville, N.C. Online condolences may niece, Susan Stowe An- Peacock Road, Whiteville. Women’s Aglow Fellowship Helen’s name to the Ameri- 28472 A guest register is be made at www.peacockfu- twine of Charleston, S.C.; Burial will follow in George and the Christian Women’s can Cancer Society. available at inmanfuneral- a great nephew, John Stowe Cemetery. Viewing will be Club, and an active support- Arrangements by Brown- of Greenville; and a great at Peoples Funeral home of er of such organizations THELMA LEE HINSON Wynne Funeral Home, 300 niece, Ella Stowe of Little- Whiteville Thursday, March as the National League of WALTER HERMAN WHITEVILLE -- Thelma Saint Mary’s St., Raleigh. ton, Colo. 31 from noon-7 p.m. and Fri- Pen Women and the YWCA COOPER Lee Hinson, 80, died Tuesday, Condolences may be made McKenzie Mortuary Service day from 9-10 a.m. Viewing Encore Program, which CLARENDON -- Walter Her- March 29, 2011, at her home. through www.brownwyn- will be at the church Friday assists post-mastectomy man Cooper, 83, died Tuesday, She was born in Columbus GARY ALVA SHAW SR. neraleigh. one hour prior to the service, March 29, 2011, in Carolina County, the daughter of the CHADBOURN -- Gary at which time the family will ANNETTE BEST INMAN MOZELLE D. GEORGE Hospital Sys- late Seth Hinson and Annie Alva Shaw Sr., 80, died Fri- receive friends. GRAINGER CHADBOURN -- Mozelle tem, Florence, Jane Cartret Hinson. She was day, March 25, 2011, in Lower Survivors include a daugh- LAKE WACCAMAW -- An- D. George, 93, died Sunday, S.C. He was a retired professor at North Cape Fear Hospice and Lif- ter, Kay Campbell of Balti- nette Best Inman Grainger, 73, March 27, 2011, at her resi- born in Bruns- Carolina State University. e C a r e C e n t e r more, Md.; and several broth- died Sunday, March 27, 2011, at dence. wick County, Final rites will be held at in Whiteville. ers and sisters. Lower Cape Fear Hospice and Final rites will be held at 1 the son of the late James and 3 p.m. in the Inman Funer- He was born LifeCareCenter in Whiteville. p.m. Friday, April 1, at First Elizabeth Cooper. al Home Chapel Thursday, March 23, 1931 She was the daughter of the Missionary Baptist Church, Cooper was retired from March 31, with the Rev. Buddy in Wardell, Mo., late W.J. and Nellie Gray Nor- 505 S. Wilkes St., Chadbourn, Duke Energy and was a veter- Seay officiating. Burial will the son of the late Alvie and Passport Photos ris and was also preceded in with the Rev. Adolphus Law- an of the United States Navy. follow in Forest Lawn Cem- Cora Shaw. death by a sister, Carolyn B. rence officiating. Burial will Final rites will be held at 2 etery, Tabor City. The family Shaw served in the United Camp. follow in Belvue Cemetery. p.m. Friday, April 1, at Inman will receive friends one hour States Marine Corp. and re- The News Reporter A memorial service will be Viewing will be at Peoples Funeral Home Chapel in Ta- prior to the service at the fu- tired from the United States held at 5 p.m. Friday, April 1, Funeral Home of Whiteville bor City with the Rev. James neral home. Air Force. He was a former only $10.00 at Worthington Funeral Home Thursday, March 31 from Howard Nobles officiating. She is survived by four sis- town manager of Chadbourn Chapel in Chadbourn with noon-7 p.m. and Friday, April Burial will follow in Forest ters, Gladys Joines of Fay- and was a member of Old Zion Rev. Stuart Shumway officiat- 1 from 9-11 a.m. Viewing will Lawn Cemetery, Tabor City. etteville, Bobbie Purser, Betty Wesleyan Church. ing. The family will receive be at the church Friday one Visitation will be Thursday, Tedder and Margie Buffkin, Final rites were held Tues- Alex friends from 4-5 p.m. Friday hour prior to the service, and March 31 from 7 - 9 p.m. at the all of Whiteville; two broth- day, March 29, at Old Zion Wes- (one hour prior to the service) there will be no viewing after funeral home. ers, Thurman Hinson of leyan Church with the Rev. at the funeral home. the service. The family will He is survived by his wife, Kernersville, and Seth Hinson Billy Roy. Burial followed in McClellon Sept. 14, 1935 ~ March 31, 2007 Survivors include a daugh- receive friends at the church Mary Martin Cooper of Clar- Jr. of Florissant, Colo. the church cemetery. Peacock ter, Debbie C. Elliott of Lake Friday from 12:30 p.m. until endon; a daughter, Karen Neu- Memorials may be made to Funeral Home of Whiteville Waccamaw; a sister, Geneva N. time for the service. wirth of Wilmington. the charity of one’s choice; handled the arrangements. Allen of Little River, S.C.; two Survivors include a daugh- Lower Cape Fear Hospice and Survivors include his wife, brothers, Charles M. Norris ter, Sarah L. George of Chad- FB’s 2nd annual LifeCareCenter, 206 Warrior Vernice Suggs Shaw; three of Little River, S.C. and Wil- bourn; two sons, Roosevelt revival begins April 4 Trail, Whiteville, N.C. 28472; sons, Gary Shaw Jr. of Win- liam Roger Norris of White- George Jr. of New York, and or Beaverdam Freewill Bap- The second annual Fair nabow, Michael Dean Shaw ville; two grandchildren and Eugene George of Chad- Bluff Town and Commu- tist Church Ladies Auxiliary, and Alan Shaw, both of Chad- three great-grandchildren. bourn; and a sister, Gussie nity revival begins on Mon- 2665 Beaverdam Rd., Chad- bourn; a granddaughter and Memorials may be made to Langley of Durham. day, April 4, and continues bourn, N.C. 28431. two great-grandchildren; a the American Cancer Soci- — through Friday, April 8, at 7:30 brother, Billy Joe Shaw of fore Aug. 31 to be in kinder- ety, 3131 Wrightsville Avenue, Life is hard to those who p.m. daily at Butler Branch Ohio and two sisters, Dorothy garten. Wilmington, N.C. 28403. make it hard. Baptist Church. For more information call Shaw and Yvonne Shaw of Schedule of speakers fol- Johanna Stout or Avonda Phoeniz, Ariz. lows: Monday, Pastor Thomas Friendship presents ‘Girlfriends’ May 7 Pierce at 653-3618. ---- Register of Sandy Grove Bap- The luxury of doing good Eternally Wind Friendship Missionary fashion show. tist Church; Tuesday, Pastor surpasses every other person- Baptist Church will host Breakfast and lunch will be Neill Smith of Fair Bluff-Cer- Beneath Our Wings al enjoyment. -John Gay “Girlfriends” at the Lakeside served. ro Gordo United Methodist Loris & Kids, Tharon, Event Center, 2658 Chadbourn To register for this event Church Charge; Wednesday, Tammy, Latanya & Mark Highway, Whiteville Saturday, call LaDeen Powell at 642-2647 Dr. Nathaniel Scott of Olive May 7 at 9:30 a.m. Topics to be or Cheryl George at 840-5722. Grove Baptist Church; Thurs- discussed include The Total Registration deadline is April day, Pastor Charles Dudley of Whiteville, Inc. You, The Power of Choice, 23. There will be no on-site of Fair Bluff Church of God; “Service with Dependability, The Tenacity to Rebound from registration. Friday, Pastor Ervin Harper the Losses, The State of Con- Rev. Algernon W. McKenzie of Hickory Grove Baptist Distinction, and Dignity” “A Year” tentment, Beauty Tips/Fash- is the pastor. Church. It’s been a year since that day, ion Police, and Girlfriends We offer A year since God called you away. Network. There will also be a WCHS Class of ’71 TC Elementary to Pre-need Planning A year of sorrow and grief, to hold reunion EverReady Lodge hold registration and Insurance A year without you, a year of disbelief. West Columbus High School A year of thinking that 765 to hold dinner Class of 1971 will hold its 40th Tabor City Elementary we would all be together, School will hold its 2011-2012 Regardless of Age reunion on Friday, Sept. 24 at sale April 1 kindergarten pre-registration A year of promising that you will the Whiteville Country Club or Health Condition The EverReady Lodge 765 on April 18, 19, 20 from 9 a.m.- Christopher Hewett remain in our hearts forever. from 7-11 p.m. The cost is $25 of Whiteville will hold a plate 2 p.m. Highway 130 East, Whiteville A year flled with the question why? sale on Friday, April 1 from 10 per person or $50 for a couple. To register your child you A year flled with us being on our knees looking toward the sky. a.m.-3 p.m. The deadline to purchase tick- must bring: child’s shot re- Phone (910) 642-4055 A year flled with great memories of you, ets is Aug. 1. The plate consists of fried cord, certified birth certifi- Fax (910) 642-8535 A year flled with pain and feeling blue. For more information con- cate, Social Security card, and chicken (white or dark meat), Email March 30th makes a year since we lost a great friend, fried rice or potato salad, tact Bonnie Lee at 654-5220 or proof of residency (a current [email protected] Someone that we will remember and love always to the end. green beans, and roll for $6. email at [email protected]. water, cable, electric bill or (Bobby Hamilton) For orders call 207-3019 or or Danny McNeil at dan- lease agreement). The child Visit our website: Your friends, Bobby & Amelia, Matthew, Shaun & Lindsey, Cheryl & Ronnie 641-1730. Delivery is available. [email protected]. must be 5-years-old on or be- www. LaDeen Powell, C.O.O. The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 – 9-A Update By Sen. Bill Rabon

For the past two months, audiologists, and individuals I’ve been working tirelessly with hearing loss. to serve the citizens of South- I will also cosponsor legis- eastern North Carolina. Last lation on crisis management week marked the 60-day mile- programs. This legislation is stone of legislative days in designed to ensure that crisis Raleigh. management programs in This week in the legisla- mental health facilities are ture, the Senate voted to elect working for patients in treat- eight individuals to serve on ment throughout the state. the University of North Caro- This bill would direct the lina Board of Governors. This Department of Health and board is the most prestigious Human Services to conduct of its kind in the state. I am studies of these programs pleased that former Secretary and provide recommendations of Transportation, Tommy as to their effectiveness on a Harrelson, and CEO of PPD in regular basis. Crisis manage- Wilmington, Fred Eshelman, ment programs are important will serve on the board. because they allow people Harrelson is a Southport to get the help they need in native who represented Bruns- times of mental distress. It wick County in the House of is my goal to make these pro- Representatives during the grams as good as they can be 1970s and will be a great asset to serve our citizens who need to the University system in this help. N.C. This is the first time in Sen. Kathy Harrington of the history of the Board of Gaston County and I will co- Governors that Southeastern sponsor legislation during N.C. has been so well repre- this week’s session to protect Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist sented. Now our area will children on their ride to and Hallsboro Middle School teacher Donna Bullock looks over artwork at Celebrate the Arts March 27. have a positive influence on from school. higher education throughout This bill will require school the entire state. bus tire sidewalls to display Drought seminars begin April 19 I am proud to be a part of proper information about the extension of the Hearing their age and safety. While we With North Carolina again designed for utility profes- Loss Task Force. The mis- believe that school children facing the prospect of serious sionals and board members, sion of this task force will be are already safe on school drought, the Rural Center is elected officials, and technical Inside/Outside April 2nd to help elderly people receive buses, this bill will minimize sponsoring a series of half- assistance providers. 10:00 a.m. until treatment for hearing loss the risk for accidents. It goes day seminars on ways utilities The seminar schedule and to choose the best hear- without saying how impor- can use rate structure to en- includes: SALE ing aids to meet their needs. tant it is for us to implement courage water conservation. April 19: N.C. Rural Cen- The task force consists of at the best safeguards for our Topics include guidelines ter, Conference and Training Great Discounts! least six experts from around children. This bill is another adopted in November by the Facility, 4021 Carya Drive, the state, including doctors, step in the right direction. Buy Gifts for now State Water Infrastructure Raleigh. and the future. Commission. May 2: Old Rock School, 400 Vera (retired) The seminars will be of- Main St., Valdese. discounts up to Must check Leslie Newsome section open fered in three locations across May 11: Global TransPark/ 40% off it out! The new section of an this week, if weather permits. the state and will be led by Spirit Aerosystems Composite old Whiteville bottleneck Crews are scheduled to staff members of the Envi- Center of Excellence, Room ronmental Finance Center of 142, Kinston. Spring opened to traffic Wednesday remove the traffic signal at Scarves Outside afternoon. the south end of Madison the UNC-Chapel Hill School All seminars follow the Leslie Newsome Avenue Street between Shoe Fair and of Government. They are same agenda and will last Super25%Inside off Saturday between J. K. Powell Boule- Rite-Aid on N.C. 130 Friday. from 1 to 5 p.m. Registration vard (U.S. 701 Bypass) and Concrete islands for traffic is free. All Fashion For a program agenda, reg- Madison Street (U.S. 701 Busi- control will be installed to GIFTS & INTERIORS istration or more information Jewelry ness) opened around 4:30 p.m., change the traffic patterns in Breast Cancer 1017 South Madison Street according to William Marsh this area. Awareness walk visit 25% off Whiteville • 642-9881 of the Department of Trans- After the changes, motor- portation. ists traveling into and depart- Savannah Shipman and Asphalt paving will con- ing Whiteville on Madison Hali Enzor, seniors at White- tinue on Powell, N.C. 130, and Street should use the new ville High School, will hold a the older part of Leslie New- Leslie Newsome Avenue con- two-mile walk in downtown some Avenue as the weather nector, Marsh said. Whiteville on Sunday, April 3 permits, he said. “We just thank everyone for Breast Cancer Awareness. Further changes in the for their continued patience,” The walk will begin at 3 p.m. at intersection will be seen later Marsh said. the Columbus County Court- house, traveling down North Click Madison Street to the Cinema and back. T-shirts, koozies and brace- Parks and rec meets April 11 lets will be for sale from 3-5 p.m. Donations will be ac- The Columbus County Monday, April 11, at 7 p.m. in cepted. Parks and Recreation will the commissioners meeting hold its quarterly recreation room in the Dempsey B. Her- advisory board meeting on ring Annex Building. Lordy, Lordy Health check at Westside F ree blood pressure geant Major Preston T. Smith Robin’s 40! checks and a free meal for and Retired Command Ser- senior citizens will be held geant Major Kenneth Canty With the on Friday, April 1 from noon and members of the Western until 3 p.m. at the Westside Columbus County Regional Alumni Building in Chad- Bureau for Community Ac- bourn. tion will sponsor the event. Retired Command Ser- The public is invited. Right Car.

Heart and lung support meeting It’s Simple...It’s Convenient...It’s Effective The Heart and Lung Sup- in Lumberton. port Group for people with A healthy supper will be breathing problems or lung provided. disorders as well as those with Reservations are not re- Happy Birthday Advertise your used car or truck on COLUMBUS heart disease, will meet Tues- quired but can be made by April 2, 2011 day, April 12 at 5:30 pm in the calling Southeastern Cardio- at and in The News Reporter We Love You, CARS Assembly Room at Southeast- pulmonary Rehabilitation at for one low price until it sells!* ern Regional Medical Center 738-5403. Lori & Family #1866

El-Bethel plans April 8 service We are the Number One Only $ per car The pastor’s aid commit- tee will hold a service Friday, spot for dentures in 15 April 8 at 7:30 p.m. at El-Bethel Until it Sells!* Church, 415 W. Walter Street, COLUMBUS Whiteville. Guest speaker is Pastor Ant- COUNTY wan Bellamy from St. Luke Ho- liness Church of Fayetteville. New & Emergency Columbus Patients Welcome “Se Habla Espanól” Women’s fellowship Monday thru Thursday April 10 at El-Bethel 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Women’s fellowship will Every Tues. 12 p.m. - 7 p.m. Financing Plan be held Sunday, April 10 at El- Walk-In Emergency Call For Your Bethel Church of Whiteville, Patients daily at 1:30 p.m. APPOINTMENT 415 W. Walter Street, at 4 p.m. Today Cars Guest speaker is Minister Dr. Suzette Marie Stines Dora Jones from Mt. Zion AME 910-654-4235 Church of Elizabethtown. 711 N. Brown Street, Chadbourn, NC 28431 *30 day limit, some restrictions apply Editorials Te News Reporter, Tursday, March 31, 2011

Public notices The College Connection must be where By SCOTT JOHNSON SCC Baseball Coach people notice One of my favorite movies of all time is “Field of Dreams.” I In the fall, a Lake Waccamaw resident enjoy its classic lines and heroes called The News Reporter and asked a from the past, but the main reason simple question, “What is a septage site, the film makes my short list is its and why does somebody want to put one subject – baseball. My favorite in the Green Swamp?” line in the movie is when Terence Mann, played by James Earl Jones, The resident was reading from a legal says, “The one constant through all notice published in The News Reporter the years as required by law. The notice was the h a s b e e n only way anyone other than those inti- b a s e b a l l . mately involved with the project would A m e r i c a have found out that Waste Management has rolled planned to use a site in the environ- by like an mentally unique Green Swamp to de- army of posit treated waste from portable toilets, steamroll- ers. It has grease traps and septic tanks. been erased Now, a bill sponsored by House Major- like a black- ity Leader The point board, re- Skip Stam, built and likely at the Obscure and little-used e r a s e d Johnson behest of government websites again. But the League will not adequately al- baseball has marked the time. This field, this game, it’s a part of our of Munici- low people to see public palities and past. It reminds of us of all that notices that may have once was good and could be again.” Association Public opinion big impacts on their Even though the movie was re- of County leased in 1989, the quote still holds Commission- lives. true today. Baseball has remained ers, would ensure that every North Carolina constant and the sport has been give cities and counties the option to post Raise awareness parent and child can thrive. Rights denied an important part of the athletics their legal notices on their own websites. April is National Child Abuse Because child maltreatment I recently had to be in court and program at Southeastern Com- Currently, these notices are required Prevention Month and Sexual affects the entire community, witnessed a process that has for munity College for more than 30 by law to be posted in general circulation Assault Awareness Month. This prevention must be a community some time denied many rights. The years. Over the past four years, I newspapers. It’s been that way since the month has become known as a task. All adults in North Carolina poor almost never have an attorney have had the pleasure of coaching many talented young men from General Assembly realized that publica- month to raise awareness about have a legal obligation to report who will speak out against those issues that affect our communities suspected abuse. who would treat them wrongly. diverse backgrounds who have car- tion of government legal notices needed ried forward Southeastern’s rich to be in entities separate from the gov- and encourage our children and By doing so, you will join us in I would like to thank Mark Car- families. our work to give every parent, child tret for taking so much of his time, tradition of athletics. ernments that place them. Every child deserves a healthy, and community a healthy, success- and for two days, trying to get my In 2008, I coached my first season It should be noted that newspapers, nurturing childhood and the op- ful future. disabled husband free from jail. at SCC with 22 players and only including this one, gain financially from portunity to grow up to be a caring, Please join the Columbus Coun- For some reason, for two days, six pitchers. We had an amazing legal advertising, but the larger issue contributing adult. ty Community Child Protection the judge did not want to give my finish at our Region X conference is this: why have the fox guarding the Unfortunately, the toxic stress Team on Thursday, April 14, at 9:30 husband bail, but Mr. Cartret did tournament, second behind Lenoir henhouse? of child abuse and neglect can dam- a.m. on the grounds of Columbus his job. Community College. LCC was ranked number one There is a reason why the General age the developing architecture of County DSS for our Prayer and To know people like that, people a child’s brain. Abuse harms more Remembrance Service to honor the who help others less fortunate, is in the country and went on to play Assembly decades ago required legal in the National Junior College notices to be put in newspapers – because than just the individual child’s 17 children in the state of North truly a blessing. I do not believe he chances for success-it harms a com- Carolina who lost their lives to is a part of this system and hope Athletic Association (NJCAA), that’s where a great majority of people munity’s economic prosperity and abuse and/or neglect in 2009. that it will continue to change in Division II World-Series champion- get their local news and information. quality of life. 9OLANDA$ANIELS a better way. ship game. Putting this information on a govern- Through evidence-based family Child Protective Service 3TACY7ILLIAMS The 2009 season was even bet- ment website that nobody reads would strengthening programs, public Supervisor Whiteville ter. The SCC Rams won the Region greatly diminish the public’s access to and professional education, lead- Columbus County DSS X championship but lost to L.B. information that affects their everyday ership and advocacy, we work to Wallace Community College of Alabama in the southeast district lives. championship game. For the sec- Legislators also need to appreciate ond year we missed the opportu- that hundreds of thousands of people nity to attend the NJCAA Division don’t have a computer or access to broad- Is the economic recovery ‘normal?’ II World-Series by only one win. band Internet in North Carolina, which Although we strive for victory conveniently would deny them access to on the field, our team’s most im- "Y$R-)+%7!,$%. public notices. hold plans for an addition to their in North Carolina --in both output portant success is the academic N.C. Cooperative Extension home or a new home. Sponsors of the bill say it would save and jobs. In particular, technol- achievement of our student ath- Therefore, we usually see the ogy production is on a roll. But taxpayers money, but that would be hard letes. Most economists point to mid manufacturing and construction construction hasn’t been playing SCC provides a stellar educa- to explain to someone who one day finds 2009 as the end of the recession that sectors get crushed during reces- according to the traditional script. tion while also allowing young his family living next door to a landfill began in late 2007. This is because sions. Indeed, this happened this Residential construction and sales men and women to continue their that no one knew anything about. And since that date, the majority of time, with both sectors suffering are still slow and much below pre- baseball and softball careers after what about bidding for public projects? -- but certainly not all -- economic plunges in both output and em- recessionary levels, and construc- high school. Each fall more than One can imagine how having those measures have been improving. ployment. tion employment is still dropping. 50 students converge on Columbus documents on a little-used government Aggregate income is up, factory In contrast, businesses selling The reason has to do with the County to pursue their athletic output is higher, business revenues website could easily benefit contractors services or products that buyers unique feature of the recent reces- dreams. If not for the college’s ath- and profits have surged, consumer need on a continuing basis or for who are “in the know.” sion. It actually started in residen- letics program, many of these spending has grown, and even jobs which buyers have a difficult time tial housing, with the pull back Public notices need to be where the students would not have attended have increased. Remember, the making reductions, generally don’t in sales, construction and prices SCC or moved to our area. public notices them. That’s why HB 472 is end of a recession doesn’t mean decline as much during recessions. following the unprecedented boom Upon graduation, many of our a bad bill and another way people would everything is fine; it just means the The best example is health care. of the early 2000s period. Unfortu- athletes transfer to four-year col- be left in the dark on important issues. economy in general is improving. Most people who are injured or sick nately, the pull back doesn’t appear leges and universities to pursue So one question to ask is wheth- want to receive treatment. Health to be over. In many markets, prices bachelor’s degrees. More than half er the economy is on track. Obvi- care also is helped by the fact that are still falling, in large part due of these students receive baseball ously, the recent recession we’ve a high percentage of payments to the large inventory of homes scholarships and continue their Thumbs down endured is not the first time the are made by third parties; that is, for sale. athletic careers. economy has faltered. In fact, government and insurance. So a new chapter is being writ- In recent years, SCC players there have been 12 recessions since In fact, health care spending ten for this economic recovery have joined a number of teams in- s4OTWOBILLSMAKINGTHEIR World War II. continued to rise during the reces- with a common theme: uneven- cluding North Carolina Wesleyan, WAYTHROUGHTHE'ENERAL But there’s no question the re- sion, and even health care jobs rose ness. Some parts of the economy Embry Riddle, North Carolina !SSEMBLY THAT WOULD AL- cession of 2007-09 was one for the in North Carolina from 2007 to 2010. are improving and moving ahead; Central, Saint Augustine’s College, LOW CHARTER SCHOOL PRIVATE record books. In most categories it Military spending and the employ- durable goods manufacturing, Limestone College and the Florida SCHOOLANDHOMESCHOOL was only exceeded in severity by ment generated by that spending transportation, information and Marlins. STUDENTSTOJOINTHEATHLETIC the contraction of the early 1930s, also gained. health care are examples. Others My goal is that each of my play- TEAMSOF PUBLICSCHOOLS the so-called Great Depression. The flip side of these differing -- like construction, real estate and ers leaves SCC a better person. I !THLETIC OFlCIALS RIGHTLY This is why many economists are impacts occurs in the economic in North Carolina, nondurable want them to be successful not only SAYTHATCHEATINGBYGOOD already dubbing the 2007-09 dip the recovery. Manufacturing and con- manufacturing – are still stuck and in baseball but in all aspects of life. ATHLETESANDRECRUITINGSCAN- Great Recession. struction rebound strongly and slipping. That is why I have encouraged our DALSBYTHESCHOOLSTHAT Now that we’re almost two lead other sectors, while services It would be nice if we could get players to give back to Columbus COVETTHEMWOULDBEOFF THE years into the recovery from the like health care are more stable. all parts of the economy on the County, even though it is only a CHARTS!NDWHATABOUTTHE Great Recession, is the economy We have seen a strong rebound same path of improvement. But temporary home for many of them. ISSUE OF ENSURING THE ELIGI- following the pattern of other in manufacturing -- nationally and maybe this is a dream. Our players have been very sup- BILITYOF STUDENT ATHLETES post-war economic turnarounds? portive of Relay for Life in recent 4HENTHERESTHEMATTER As you might expect, the answer years, even wearing pink uniforms OF HAVINGONESCAKEAND is “yes” for some aspects and “no” during a charity game where ticket EATINGITTOO#HARTERSCHOOLS for others. proceeds were donated to fight ALREADYPLAYONANUNEVEN It’s “yes” in terms of how the cancer. lELDBECAUSETHEYDONTHAVE recession affected certain indus- Also, for the past two years, TO PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION tries and, therefore, how those the team has run an instructional OR LUNCHES WHICH PRECLUDE industries are performing in the camp at Cerro Gordo for local base- MANYKIDSFROMATTENDING recovery. Typically, recessions hit ball teams. The camp has been well 7ITHTHISPROPOSEDBILL hardest the industries making received, and our athletes gain as TAXPAYERSANDBOOSTERCLUBS products buyers can postpone pur- much from it as the kids do. WOULD HAVE TO FUND THE chasing. This should make sense. As the movie quote says, base- COACHES FACILITIESANDMAIN- If a business has seen a decline in ball “reminds us of all that once TENANCEOF FIELDSFORKIDS its revenues, it will save costs by was good and could be again.” I WHOATTENDCHARTER PRIVATE not upgrading its computer system encourage you to attend baseball ANDHOMESCHOOLS4HESE or buying a new copier. Existing and softball games at Southeastern SCHOOLS SHOULD HAVE THEIR equipment will be used longer. to be reminded of a decades-old OWNLEAGUESANDBOOSTER Likewise, households suffering SCC legacy that remains strong CLUBSIF THEYWANTSPORTSTO from a loss of income won’t pur- - student athletes who work hard BEPARTOF THEIROFFERINGS chase a new vehicle, won’t buy a on and off the field to chart their bigger dining table and will put on academic and athletic careers. 4HE.EWS2EPORTER 4HURSDAY -ARCH  ! People, Places and Things More Celebrate the Arts We need your input

"Y,%3()'( more challenging. Reporter readers was very 115 years. Editor The Internet has turned high, “even higher than that of Even though we’re going the news world upside down. The Times and The Wall Street through many of the same The News Reporter wants to Contrary to what many people Journal.” business challenges as every- hear what readers think about might think or hear, however, It was both humbling and one else, rest assured that The the job we’re doing, starting the Internet has not killed gratifying, but at the same News Reporter is going to be with a survey being handed newspapers. In fact, readership time, we realize – and the around and family owned for a out today and also available at is still strong, UNC folks have long time, in large part because a n d i f d o n e reinforced – that the community feels like they Wendy Garrell, who typi- right, the printed younger readers’ have ownership in it. So we’d cally sells 550 or more copies newspaper and a habits are chang- appreciate your taking time to on Columbus Street every Mon- newspaper web- i n g . We k n o w, go over the survey and tell us day and Thursday, will hand site should be for example, that what you like and don’t like, or out surveys with each paper. complementary gets what we might add. As an incentive, those who of each other, more than 40,000 The survey is fairly self- return the survey to Wendy by not competitors. unique visitors explanatory. For example, we the subsequent two editions If you take the every month; yet, ask how often people read the will receive his or her paper combined cir- we also know that paper and what the first four for only a quarter. culation of The The News Reporter things are they read. We also The other way to take the News Reporter is our bread and list 27 regular items or features survey is at, and the number butter and must be such as obituaries, weddings, where a link is easily visible of visitors at kept strong. and sports and ask if you read on the home page. these “Always, Sometimes, It is not a long survey and every month, our total reach serves a growing audience, Seldom or Never.” will take most readers fewer is the highest it’s been in the but there are still thousands of We also want to know if you than five minutes to complete. history of the paper. people who would rather read agree or disagree that gener- We haven’t done many The News Reporter is cur- the printed product, even if ally we’re fair and “get the surveys in the past because rently working on a project they have Internet access. Like story right,” if the paper is a typically the staff gets a lot of with the UNC School of Jour- me, they find that the printed good value for the money, and feedback about what people nalism and Mass Commu- product is easier to read and if we do a good job covering like and don’t like. Most of nication – arguably the top well organized. beats such as the schools and our staffers have been here journalism school in the world For example, they know county government, among for many years, often decades. – and two other like-sized where to find the obituaries others. Publisher Jim High has been North Carolina newspapers in and can scan them all easily We’re curious if you think here 54 years, News Editor Washington and Wilkesboro, and at once. If they see a story there’s too much crime news Clara Cartrette is approach- to develop innovative websites that doesn’t interest them, in in the paper, if you’ve had Kyrstal Hawkins photos ing her 50th year at the paper, that serve rural areas. a half-second they can turn luck using our classified ads Dan Biser has been sports One of the first items on the the page and find something or if you use advertisements At top, Shelly Cullipher and son Dylan show their hands editor 34 years; even I’ve been UNC agenda was to conduct a else. For myself and a lot of and inserts to help plan your after they helped paint the “Flag of Hope” at Celebrate here almost 28. There’s always large survey. other folks, there’s something shopping week. the Arts Sunday. Next, Alex Meares, left, and Luke Lanier been an open door policy for Typically, UNC deals with satisfying about sitting down Finally, there’s room to tell mix it up in a theater production. At bottom, Puja Patel people with suggestions or much bigger papers and media, in a comfortable chair at home us what we could do better and with her self-portrait, a “Best in Show” entry. complaints. so they expected more gloom with their local newspaper. what other features you’d like But at the same time, we and doom. Instead, they found While the staff is putting a to see in the future. realize we can’t be complacent. a remarkable loyalty among lot of effort into redesigning Surveys will also be avail- It wasn’t so long ago when the respondents for The News Re- to give it more able at the front desk for those newspaper business wasn’t all porter; in fact, Professor Penny features such as slide shows who’d like to come by and give that difficult, but the Internet Abernathy, who has worked and video, our number one us input. Age and the worst recession for papers like The Wall Street goal is to make sure that the Thanks in advance for help- since the Great Depression Journal and New York Times, printed News Reporter remains ing us learn more about how have made everyone’s business found that loyalty among News the institution it has been for we can best serve you.

At Vineland Station Diabetes support group meets

Ofce Professionals’ Day The Diabetes Community are held at 4300 Fayetteville Center sponsors a Diabetes Road in Lumberton. For more Support Group that meets at information, call 671-5595. luncheon set for April 27 5:30 p.m. on the first Tuesday Bosses and business own- tions, Lee Lee’s Boutique, of each month. ers can pamper their office New Directions Group Care Ophthalmologist Dr. Scott staff at the Greater Whiteville Management, Small Busi- Mouser will be the featured Chamber of Commerce Office ness Center of Southeast- speaker on April 5. Meetings Professionals’ Day Luncheon ern Community College, at Vineland Station, Wednes- SweeDeePie Cheesecakes, day, April 27 from 11:50 a.m. Waccamaw Bank, and the to 1:15 p.m. Greater Whiteville Chamber This event is usually sold of Commerce. out, so a limited number of tickets are on sale for $30 each or $25 each for three or more. To purchase tickets, call the Greater Whiteville Cham- ber of Commerce at 642-3171 or email: whitevillecham- [email protected]. Along with a gourmet lunch, guests will enjoy an entertaining speaker, Caro- lyn McLaurin, president of Car-Mel Communications. SPECIAL RATES FOR PATIENTS Sponsored by the Small Busi- WITH NO INSURANCE ness Center at Southeast- ern Community College, Lake Waccamaw Primary Care is a medical practice McLaurin is known for her dedicated to all your family’s medical needs. out-of-the-box motivational message. WALK-INS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. As an extra treat, McLau- rin will expand the luncheon We recognize life is busy and we guarantee topic in an extended session titled: “Verbal Yoga – Let NO WAITING!!! The Stretching Begin!” after For an Appointment, lunch from 1:30 to 2:45. Sponsors of this year’s Call 910-646-6617 event include: DNA Concep- 107 Church Street, Lake Waccamaw 12-A – The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011

Staff photo by Bob Morgan Chandler and Jenny Worley of the Cherry Grove community are shown in their 30’ x 200’ green house that could easily represent the future in agri-business in Columbus County. It’s “organic farming,” and produces the ultimate in naturally grown vegetables. “The markets we will be suppling require their food to be available fresh within a 24- Mark Madden, left, has assumed duties as city executive and manager of the Whiteville hour time period,” said Jenny. “This is a 52-week a year job, with no time off,” Chandler ofce o accaaw an Lori orris riht scceeds Madden as anaer o acca- commented. The group we work with is called Fresh Link and that’s the secret behind aws Chadorn ofce the whole idea, from farm to table in 24 hours,” he said.

Cherry Grove’s Worley Farms Madden is local manager of Waccamaw Bank Mark Madden, vice presi- Boulevard in Chadbourn. The Dream Center in White- dent of Waccamaw Bank Madden and Norris are ville, and is active in the Boy takes agri-business to a new level and city executive for the both members of the Chad- Scouts. bank’s Chadbourn office, bourn Lions Club, and Mad- Norris is a member of By BOB MORGAN they are exploring markets in who thrive on exclusive has assumed duties as the den is a director on the board Chadbourn’s North Caro- Washington, D.C. and other menus such as the ones with city executive and manager of the Greater Chadbourn lina Strawberry Festival A few years after the birth locations in Virginia, who the kind of naturally grown of the bank’s Whiteville Chamber of Commerce and board. of this nation, in the late cater to high caliber restau- food they will be supplying office, and Lori Norris, a 1700s, the Worley family set- rants whose patrons want them. bank employee in the bank’s tled on a piece of farm land in only naturally grown salad “Right now, we are pro- Chadbourn location, is the the Cherry Grove community greens and organic foods, ducing 10 varieties of salad new manager of the Chad- for girls of Columbus County, now without the high-powered greens and before long we will bourn branch. known as the Worley Farm. chemicals used in quantity up that number to more than Madden spent nearly nine Chandler and Jenny Worley grown vegetables. 30,” Chandler said. years in the Chadbourn of- and their family are now en- “These chefs we will be “At this point, we have two fice, and Norris has been in deavoring to take the historic dealing with will only want major markets to supply the the Chadbourn branch for old farm to a new level in agri- the freshest vegetables avail- Washington, D.C. and Virgin- seven years. business. able. Their goal is to have this ia areas, but hope to develop Madden’s office is located In recent years Worley special food on the table of more through the “Down East along U.S. 701 Bypass here, Farms has seen some major their patrons within a 24 hour Connect,” which includes the and Norris’ branch office changes, namely the demise window ... from the farm to Myrtle Beach, S.C. and Wilm- 43 S. Whiteville Village is located along Strawberry Whiteville of tobacco, the South’s major the table,” said Jenny. When ington areas,” he said. SHOE FAIR 642-3664 cash crop. asked how they would get it, The “Down East Connect” “This year we will not Jenny replied, “They will fly is through the Internet where grow any tobacco,” Chandler someone down to Columbus chefs view the products and said. “We are moving forward County and pick the organic call to buy. The restaurant Yesterday and Today... in a very new and different food up, then take it back to furnishes transportation for way, it’s called organic farm- the D.C. area restaurant for the products. “A big thing in ing and the products are all serving,” she said. this type of farming is the Celebrating Whiteville’s 200th Anniversary 99.9 percent naturally grown According to the Worleys, challenge to control insects vegetables,” he said. there are several restaurants naturally, without strong A CAD Production According to the Worleys, throughout the market area chemicals,” Chandler said. Bicentennial SNEEZING...ALLERGIES...HEADACHES SINUS PROBLEMS...COUGHING...EYE IRRITATION BANG WINTER xpo ess E - Art SUFFERING FROM SPECIAL in Str us o $500 OFF ll CRAWL SPACE B MOLD $1500 PROBLEMS? TAX CREDIT Excessive mold, mildew & moisture - if left untreated can have serious health effects for you and your family. Before After Thursday, April 7 Vineland Station Plaza and South Madison Street, Whiteville

FREE CRAWL SPACE EVALUATION Business/Historic Expo - 11:30 a.m. – 7 p.m. Our Services Include: With • Oer sinessoraniation ooths • Crawl Space Encapsulation • Vapor Barriers Photos many with historic artifacts • Sump Pumps • French Drains • Dehumidifers provided • torytellin y Lynda ohnston • • • Breathe • Replace Old Insulation • Clean A/C Coils, • istoric slideshow Clean Condenser, and Blower Motors Air Souvenirs Only Bronze Commemorative Bicentennial Medallion $10 We Offer Top Of The Line (as seen above) Mounted Commemorative Bicentennial Envelope $10 AIR DUCT CLEANING (hand-cancelled with historic stamp) Bicentennial T-Shirts (100% cotton) $10 SPECIAL INCLUDES: • 8 vents, 1 return • Single Furnace Cavity • Extra Vents $10, Returns Art Stroll - 5:30 – 8:30 p.m. $10 • Complete Inspection $ 95 • Written Estimates Madison t & Cols Co rts Concil • Workmanship Guaranteed p noy ehiits and perorances y local artists while 69 strollin down Madison treet etween iril & ecan ts CALL 1-877-800-3078 TODAY! p ine own eception eatrin wor y local artist Leih owler When it comes to your Family and Home Investment there is only ONE Company you can Trust. The Public Is Cordially Invited To This Once In A Lifetime Event Best Breathing ~ NO CHARGE ~ Certifed Mold Inspectors & Technicians • Locally Owned & Operated A CAD Production (Greater Whiteville Chamber of Commerce, Columbus County 1-877-800-3078 MON-SAT 7 AM-7PM Arts Council, and Whiteville Downtown Development Commission) Sports Te News Reporter, Tursday, March 31, 2011 Stallions defeat East Bladen in conference battle By DAN BISER retire the side with two strike- Sports Editor outs and a pop-up to second base to end the game. VINEGAR HILL - The South Columbus took a 1-0 South Columbus High School lead in the bottom of the first baseball team, bearing three inning when Logan Simmons ninth-graders in its starting and Tanner Duncan hit back- line-up, rolled up its third Wac- to-back singles with one out. camaw 2A-3A Conference win Simmons later scored from of the season Tuesday night, third on an error of a ground overcoming the visiting East ball by Godwin. Bladen Eagles 6-5. In the second inning, East Junior righthander Tan- Bladen’s A.J. McKoy doubled ner Duncan was the winning and scored on a sacrifice fly pitcher and lefthander Gray- by Hunter Long. son Bullock came on in the South Columbus brought final inning to record the save. across three runs in the third The win put the Stallions’ inning behind doubles by Bull- conference record at 3-1. The ock and Norris and a two-run loss dropped the Eagles to 2-2. single by Reno Duncan. The Eagles’ earlier confer- Bullock had three hits for ence loss had come at the the Stallions and Nathan Nor- Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist hands of Whiteville by an ris added two hits. Clay Rogers Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist identical 6-5 score. East Bladen catcher Cliff East Columbus softball player Danielle Monroe drives a hit “This is a big win for our Koenig had three hits, includ- past third base in the Lady Gators’ doubleheader sweep of team,” said veteran Stallion ing a double, and A.J. McKoy Fairmont Tuesday. Coach Larry Williamson’s ECHS squad coach Willie Gore. “We made had a double and single. RBR team ready to some mistakes tonight, but we Hunter Long was the losing is now carrying a 12-0 season record. were able to overcome them pitcher. He was relieved by and kept right on playing. Saquan Johnson in the third run at Martinsville “Tanner did a great job of inning. Lady Gators sweep Fairmont pitching and Grayson did an South Columbus center- The NASCAR Camping problem is that when some- outstanding job of coming on fielder Rontonio Stanley had a World Truck Series will be thing happens, you don’t have to put season record at 12-0 in the seventh to finish the job big evening, recording the first back on the track for the first anywhere to go to miss it. LAKE WACCAMAW - The East Columbus High School Lady for us." five outs by making catches of time in three weeks Saturday It’s just so narrow. You have Gators had no problem in taking a pair of Three Rivers 1A-2A South Columbus took a 4-2 fly balls to the outfield. at 2 p.m., at Martinsville, Va., to plot and plan how you are Conference wins over visiting Fairmont Tuesday. lead into the sixth inning, but The Stallions will travel in the 2011 Kroger 250. going to get around the guys East Columbus swept both ends of the doubleheader by East Bladen brought home two to play conference-leading The Cerro Gordo-based in front of you if they have a scores of 12-1 and 11-2, piling up a total of 20 hits in the two runs to tie the score at 4-4. Whiteville on Friday at 6 p.m. fleet HQ/Blacks Tire Service problem. five-inning games. In the bottom of the sixth Next Monday, they will travel No. 92 entry, operated by the “Hopefully we can qualify In the first game, the Lady Gators held a 6- 1 lead before scor- inning, freshman third base- into South Carolina to take on RBR Motorsports team and the truck well and keep out ing six more runs in the fifth inning, and in the second game, man Reggie Frink led off with 4A Carolina Forest. driven by Clay Rogers, will front of any trouble that oth- they held a 4-2 advantage before bursting loose for seven runs a double to leftfield. One out The South Columbus-East be among the field, having er trucks have on the track” later in the game. later, Tanner Duncan drew Bladen softball game was taken a third-place finish at Martinsville marks the Shanita Hampton had five hits for the day and Shana Cum- a walk and Bullock followed scheduled for Wednesday Daytona, a 16th at Phoenix fourth race coupling Rogers mings had four. Hampton had a double and a triple and Danielle with a double to score Frink. night. and an 11th at Darlington with the RBR team and the E. Bladen 011 002 1 - 5 8 3 Monroe stroked two doubles, Cummings also had two doubles. Justin Godwin followed with a thus far this season. driver feels that the team single past shortstop to make S. Columbus 103 002 x - 6 9 1 The 30-year-old Rogers, a is improving as the season Monica Revels and Kelsey Jacobs were the winning pitch- Hunter Long, Saquan Johnson (3) ers and Alina Freeman also took a turn on the mound for the the score 6-4. native of Hickory, currently progresses. East Bladen got back a run and Cliff Koenig; Tanner Duncan, stands in fourth place in the “Our confidence in each Lady Gators, whose conference record stands at 5-0. They will Grayson Bullock (7) and Jody Har- in the top of the seventh in- Truck Series drivers points other is going up,” he said. play host to West Columbus April 4 and travel April 5 to take relson. on South Robeson. ning, but Bullock came on to race. “I’m getting more accus- “I think we ran a very tomed to how they work and smart race at Darlington,” they are learning more and Wolfpack takes said Rogers, who grabbed more about what I like. We 11th place after starting in are just trying to keep our fourth straight the 26th position in the No. 92 communication growing, Chevrolet Silverado. “There and hopefully by the time we league victory were 16 rookies in the field so get to Charlotte, we’ll be at a we had to look ahead, see the point where we will not only DUBLIN - Justin White al- way guys were racing each be driving for top-fives but lowed six hits in pitching the other and try to avoid those for wins. Whiteville Wolfpack to a 5-1 situations. Saturday’s race will be Wacccamaw 2A-3A Waccamaw “We were able to avoid a carried televised live by the Conference baseball victory. couple of those, especially Speed Channel. The win put the Wolfpack’s early on and it allowed us to Martinsville Speedway is conference record at 4-0 and bring the truck home in one one of the oldest tracks on its season record at 11-1. Coach piece for a good finish. the NASCAR circuit and the Brett Harwood’s WHS squad While the race at Darling- .0526-mile course is one of the is carrying a 10-game winning ton was Rogers’ first experi- shortest. streak. ence on that track, he will Last year, the RBR team West Bladen saw its confer- take some past experiences took its entry to Martinsville ence record slip to 0-5. The on the track and Martins- for its Truck Series debut Knights are 4-7 overall. ville in Saturday’s race. with Dennis Setzer as the Whiteville scored two runs He made a Truck Series driver. However, rain wiped in the first inning, one in the start at Martinsville in 2007 out the qualifying runs, and fourth and two in the seventh. and he has competed on the the No. 92, as a brand new The Wolfpack had 11 hits in track in a Late Model event. entry, was not able to enter all. Chase Nye was 3-for-4 with “Martinsville can be a the race. a double, and Nathan Hood tricky place,” he said. “The and Jesse Simmons got two hits each. Hyland Tyler had a double Kelly Strickland having big season for Lady Flames While it was another im- portant conference win for the Liberty-Winthrop sofball game Wolfpack, Harwood was not pleased with some aspects of to be televised Sunday on ESPNU his team’s performance, espe- Tabor City native and for- cially its base-running. mer South Columbus High “We had too many runners School student/athlete Kelly thrown out on the bases,” Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist Strickland and the rest of the Harwood said. “We can’t keep Got’cha Liberty University softball making those mistakes. So team will be in the national many ball games are won and East Columbus frst baseman Ben Jenkins (7) takes a pick-off throw from pitcher Houston Barnes in time to make the tag-out on the Fairmont base-runner in Thursday’s television spotlight on Sunday. lost by what happens on the The Lady Flames will take basepaths and tonight we just Three Rivers Conference baseball game at the ECHS feld. Fairmont won 6-5 as East on Big South Conference op- did not execute that very well. Columbus saw its conference record slip to 3-1. ponent Winthrop University I believe in being aggressive on 2 p.m., at Rock Hill, S.C., and the bases, but some of the stuff the game will be carried live tonight was uncalled for. by ESPNU. "We’re happy with the win, Gators sufer 6-5 loss to Tornadoes Strickland, a junior, is now but we know there are things LAKE WACCAMAW - The visiting Fair- Gators. He was relieved by Houston Barnes in in her third season as a top we really need to improve on,” mont Golden Tornadoes pulled out a 6-5 Three third inning. Wayne and Barnes combined to hitter and infielder for Liberty, Harwood said. Rivers 1A-2A Conference baseball victory over yield six hits while striking out a total of eight which is located in Lynchburg, The Wolfpack will play host the host East Columbus Gators Tuesday behind batters. Va. to South Columbus on Friday a 10-strikeout pitching performance by Kyle Veteran ECHS Coach Karl Bracey said the She started at shortstop at 6 p.m. Britt. strike-out number was a big factor in the set- throughout her freshman and Kelly Strickland The two squads were tied at 1-1 after one in- back. sophomore seasons, but has Lady Knights win ning and at 3-3 after two before Fairmont went “Ten strike-outs means there were 10 times switched to second base due home runs at Liberty. She ahead to stay with two runs in the third inning. we weren’t able to put the ball in play,” Bracey to a nagging shoulder injury. made All-Big South Conference The West Bladen softball Fairmont added a run in the top of the sev- said. “In games like this, you have to up make The Liberty team is cur- Second Team honors in 2009. team took a 10-0 victory over enth before East Columbus tallied two runs in some good contact if you expect to do well.” rently carrying a 10-13-1 re- A 2007 graduate of South Whiteville in a game halted in the bottom of the inning behind a hit by Ben South Robeson holds a 4-0 conference record cord, including a 1-1-1 record Columbus High School, Strick- the fifth inning by the 10-run Connor to cut the lead to 6-5. Britt managed to following its 7-4 road victory over Red Springs in Big South play. land was the 2006 Columbus rule. retire the next batter to clinch the victory. on Tuesday. For the season, the Mustangs are Strickland has started all County Softball Player of the The loss dropped White- East Columbus got seven hits off Britt, in- 10-1. 24 games and is carrying a Year. ville’s conference record to 2-2. cluding two each by Connor and Hunter Smith. team-high .328 batting aver- She had to sit out her senior The Lady Wolfpack will Derrick Bracey had an RBI single as the Gators Fairmont 122 000 1 - 6 6 1 age with a team-high 22 hits, a softball season at SCHS with entertain South Columbus saw their season record fall to 7-4, including 3-1 E. Columbus 120 000 2 - 5 7 2 team-high five home runs and a torn ACL, received while Friday at 6 p.m. in another in the conference. Kyle Britt and Wilkerson; Forrest Wayne, Houston Barnes 14 runs batted in. playing on the Lady Stallion Waccamaw Conference game. Forrest Wayne was the losing pitcher for the (3) and Hunter Smith. Strickland has 23 career basketball team. 2-B -The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 High school sports schedule

THURSDAY, MARCH 31 GOLF BASEBALL Waccamaw Conference meet at Carolina Sands Trinity Christian at Waccamaw Academy, 4 (East Bladen host), 2

GIRLS SOCCER TUESDAY, APRIL 5 Trinity Christian at Waccamaw Academy, 4 BASEBALL West Columbus at East Columbus, 6 TRACK AND FIELD West Brunswick at South Columbus, 6 Whiteville and South Columbus at Whiteville at South Brunswick, 6 South Brunswick, 3:30 Coastal Christian at Waccamaw Academy, 4 East Columbus at Red Springs, 4:30 West Columbus at Fairmont, 4:30 SOFTBALL West Columbus at East Columbus, 6 FRIDAY, APRIL 1 West Brunswick at South Columbus, 6 BASEBALL Whiteville at South Brunswick, 6 South Columbus at Whiteville, 6 East Columbus at South Robeson, 6 GIRLS SOCCER Red Springs at West Columbus, 6 Coastal Christian at Waccamaw Academy, 4:30 Whiteville JV at East Columbus, 6 SOFTBALL South Columbus at Whiteville, 6 WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6 Red Springs at West Columbus, 6 SOFTBALL East Columbus at South Robeson, 6 MONDAY, APRIL 4 BASEBALL GIRLS SOCCER South Columbus at Carolina Forest, 6 Red Springs at West Columbus, 6 Lejeune at Whiteville, 6 GIRLS SOCCER South Columbus at South Brunswick, 6 East Bladen at Whiteville, 4 BOYS TENNIS BOYS TENNIS South Brunswick at Whiteville, 4 Whiteville at West Brunswick, 4 South Columbus at East Bladen, 4 North Brunswick at South Columbus, 4 West Columbus at St. Pauls, 4 South Robeson at West Columbus, 4 East Columbus at Fairmont, 4 East Columbus at St. Pauls, 4

Wolfpack Whiteville Optimist DYB Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist West Columbus player Kati Sutton (9) advances the ball in Tuesday’s non-conference Football Golf sets Opening Day April 9 soccer match with host Waccamaw Academy. Also pictured on the play are Waccamaw Academy’s Samantha Lane (left) and Lindsey Hilburn of WCHS. The two teams played Tournament The 42nd season of the will also include addresses by to a 1-1 tie. The Ninth Annual Wolfpack Whiteville Optimist Dixie local, state and national Dixie Golf Tournament, a fund-raiser Youth Baseball League will Youth Baseball officials. for the Whiteville High School officially get under way on A full slate of games will be football program, will be held Saturday, April 9, with the played throughout the day on on Saturday, April 16, at Land- league’s annual Opening Day Harritan Field and adjoining O-Lakes. on Harritan Field at Optimist Memorial Field. The event will have an 11 Park. The league consists of three a.m. shotgun start. Opening ceremonies will divisions -- Major (ages 11-12), Cost is $60 per golfer. For begin at noon and will include AAA (ages 9-10) and AA (ages $70, entrants can get a round the introductions of all teams, 7-8). of golf, mulligan, Red Bomb players and coaches. The event and put-off. Hole sponsorships are avail- able for $175 and Gold Sponsors Columbus County League can be acquired for $275. Registration deadline is Applications now being accepted April 1. For more information, con- for 2011 Dixie Boys Scholarship tact Jimmy or Vickie Harrelson Applications are now being To be eligible, a candidate at 642-5233. accepted for the 2011 Columbus must have been on a the roster County Dixie Boys Baseball of a team on the Columbus Dixie Boys meeting Scholarship. County Dixie Boys team, must set for April 5 The amount of the annual be a good standing to graduate scholarship award is $500. from high school and must be An organizational meeting The scholarship was estab- able show acceptance to a post- of the 2011 Columbus County lished in recent years to help secondary school. Dixie Boys (ages 13-14))Base- further the education of a A scholarship winner and ball League will be held on deserving high-school senior alternate will be selected. Tuesday, April 5, at 7 p.m., who participated in Dixie Boys Applications can be acquire at the Whiteville Recreation (ages 13-14) Baseball during at high school guidance of- Center. middle school years. fices or by calling Joe Hooks All coaches and other team The Columbus County Di- at 910-642-2250 or by writing representatives should attend xie Boys Board of Directors Columbus County Dixie Boys this meeting. will make he selection base on Scholarship, c/o Joe Hooks, For more information, con- scholarship, academic achieve- 110 Miller Circle, Whiteville, tact Terry Bell at 910-653-3810. ment, need, athletic and civic N.C. 28472. contributions. Waccamaw Academy goalkeeper Kayla Watts and West Columbus player Katie Strickland go for the ball in front of the goal in Tuesday’s non-conference soccer game at the WA fel.heayarrorsaaysaleoae. Central gets win Correction The Central Middle School In the listing of All-Colum- School, was listed with the in- baseball team posted a 23-1 bus County Girls Basketball correct school. Garcia was the Columbus County League vic- Player of the Year selections, first of three sisters who were tory over visiting Acme-Delco 1994 recipient Regina Garcia, standout WHS athletes in from on Tuesday. who played for Whiteville High the mid 1990s to the early 2000s. Grayson Bullock, Robert Powell and Taylor Smith com- bined to pitch a one-hitter for the Hornet squad. FISH DAY!!! Tanner Brown and Nate NOW IS THE TIME FOR STOCKING! Powell had two hits each and • Channel Catfsh • Largemouth Bass Zack Pait knocked a two-run • Redear • Bluegill (Bream) • Koi • Minnows homer. Central is now carrying an • Black Crappie (if available) • Grass Carp 8-0 season record an a 2-0 mark SCHS tennis Wednesday, April 6 from 2:30-3:30 pm in league play. The Farm Store in Whiteville, NC rec scores Soccer rain-out TO PLACE AN ORDER Whiteville High School’s Wednesday girls soccer game CALL 1-800-247-2615 Dixie Boys meeitng with North Brunswick was rained out and reset for April 7. FARLEY’S ARKANSAS PONDSTOCKERS, INC.

Prepping for show Gary Barkewich of Delco warms up his mount in the practice ring before competing in the Horseman’s Association of Columbus County Spring HorseSHORT Show held last weekend at the Lake Waccamaw Boys and Girls Home Arena. TheBROS. horse show was one of several that are held annually at the arena. RENT-A-CAR $ 95 SHORT19 DAILY West Columbus Alumni Baseball Game Hwy.BROS. 701, South of Whiteville 642-4175 WCHS Alumni Fundraiser Baseball Game - Saturday April RENT-A-CAR 16 Meet, Greet and Lunch 11-12 $ 95 Game Time 12 DAILY Home Run Derby after the game 19 Hwy. 701, South of Whiteville Donations are gladly accepted to support West Columbus baseball. 642-4175 The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 - 3B McDonald’s Presents Whiteville High School East Columbus High School West Columbus High School South Columbus High School

Sam Shanita Katie Tanner McCumbee Hampton Strickland Duncan SOCCER SOFTBALL SOCCER BASEBALL

A “true grit’ type player in three sports, The senior catcher/shortstop had eight hits Scoring two of her team’s four goals, the Every successful team needs a “jack of all the 16-year old junior forward scored both in 11 at-bats, including a home run and two WCHS sophomore wing helped give the trades” and that is what the 6-foot-4 junior goals in the Lady Wolfpack’s 2-0 soccer doubles in the undefeated Lady Gators’ Lady Vikings their second soccer win of provides Coach Willie Gore’s SCHS baseball road win over Lejeune Friday to run her three games last week. The 18-year-old the season over the 4A Purnell Swett Lady team. “He played shortstop and catcher for season total to 11. McCumbee is now in Hampton, a senior, has remained on the Rams in a 4-2 homefeld decision. Strickland us last year and third base his sophomore her third season as a fulltime starter for pace she was last season when she was began playing soccer in the Columbus/Opti- year. This year, we needed more pitching Coach Ronnie Todd’s WHS team, which is named the 2010 Columbus County Softball mist League and it is the only sport she has and he has stepped in to that also. He can now carrying a 7-1-1 record and is a strong Player of the Year while helping lead Coach played on the competitive level. “I love ev- play any position on the feld and he’s one contender for the Waccamaw Conference Larry Williamson’s Lady Gators to the Three erything about soccer ... from scoring goals of our best hitters.” The 16-year-old son of championship. “We’re still a pretty young Rivers 1A-2A Conference championship to being with friends.” West Columbus soc- Greg and Wendy Duncan of Tabor City had a team, but we feel we have a good chance and the third round of the state 1A playoffs. cer coach Adam Boyd said that Strickland big mound outing Tuesday in a 6-5 win over to win the conference this year,” said Mc- A standout in fve varsity sports (softball, is one of several Lady Viking soccer players conference rival East Bladen and his bat- Cumbee, who is also a standout on the basketball, volleyball, track and cheerlead- who are really striving to take the sport to ting average is above .500. “I’ve brought my WHS basketball and volleyball teams. Mc- ing) she is also the 2011 Columbus County a higher level at WCHS. “She gives it her pitching arm out of retirement this year, and Cumbee, the daughter of Lynn and Lyndall Basketball Player of the year and also the all,” Boyd said. The 16-year-old daughter of I’ve really enjoyed it,” said Duncan, who lists Strole of Whiteville and Tim McCumbee of reigning ECHS Homecoming Queen. The Michael and Michaela Strickland of Cherry math is his favorite subject in school. Duncan, Chadbourn, said that chemistry is her fa- daughter of Sam and Iris Hampton of Bolton Grove, said that biology is a favorite subject who is also a starting wide receiver on the vorite class at WHS and that she hopes to hopes to continue to play basketball in col- and that she hopes to attend UNC-Chapel Stallion football team, hopes to continue his attend East Carolina or Coastal Carolina. lege. Hill. baseball career in college.

Soon with Columbus Athletes two Whiteville locations to serve you 1408 1110 North Of The Week S. Madison St. JK Powell Blvd.

Softball mecca The Riegelwood Community Center Athletic Complex drew a big Opening Day crowd last Saturday for the Columbus County Dixie Girls Softball League. A total of 39 teams from throughout Columbus County opened their respective seasons as all four of the Riegelwood felds were utilized. Dixie Girls Softball consists of fve age divisions - Darlings (ages 7-8), Angels (ages 9-10), Ponytails (ages 11-12), Belles (ages 13-15) and Debs (ages 15-16). The 2011 District 9 Tournament will be held in late June at Tabor City.

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the questions shifted to how many races he’ll win done driving. Somewhat surprisingly for some- before he retires. one who has made regular appearances on TV How that turns out will have an impact at the talk shows like “Live With Regis and Kelly,” he top of NASCAR’s career-win list. seemed to be leaning toward a behind-the- Richard Petty leads with 200. David Pearson scenes role and one that involves racing. is second at 105. Most historians say Bobby Alli- “I love racing,” he said. “I love the business of son is third with 85, but the official record shows racing. I love the driving. I love the team aspect he’s tied for third with Darrell Waltrip, who has 84. of it. Racing is first and foremost for me. Then come Cale Yarborough and Gordon with 83 “I’m certainly comfortable in front of a cam- apiece. Since Gordon is the only one of the group era, and I’ve had a lot of experience being in still racing, and still racing competitively at the front of a camera [but] I’ll be honest, most of relatively young age of 39, it’s pretty certain he’ll the things I think about I’d prefer to be behind keep climbing the chart. the scenes, orchestrating, organizing and direct- “This is what I love,” Gordon said, when asked ing.” the career-win question. “You go for 66 races and Gordon didn’t rule out a second career in an- don’t win a race and you’re like, ‘Are you ever going other form of motorsports, such as sports car to get to 83?’ racing, where the various series generally run “Now I win one race and everybody’s, ‘Oh, you far fewer races a season than Gordon is used to can get to 105 now.’ running. “That’s a big number. I’ve always said any- “I like driving, but, even more, I like being thing’s possible. And when things are clicking and competitive,” he said. “If there was something the chemistry’s there with the team, you can click I feel like I could still be competitive at, yeah, I off a lot of wins. I certainly feel like I have it in me would do it.” to be able to go out and put multiple wins together He said he also has a passion for his foray this year.” into the wine business and for the work he does But he stopped short of saying whether he can with his charitable foundation, but there’s one wind up No. 2 on the list before he retires. job he puts above them all. “All I can say is I’m looking to get to 84, then “The most important thing is being a father try to look at going to 85,” he said. “You can’t look to two kids,” he said. “My next career might be AFTER GORDON’S LONG DROUGHT, A FUTURE AWASH WITH POSSIBILITIES ahead to what Pearson has done. That’s too far out seeing them pursue whatever their dreams are. Jeff Gordon is getting a different line of questioning in his media appearances these days. there to even be thinking about right now.” That could be racing or it could be gymnastics For a time, he had people asking him when he was going to win again. Then after he broke a Gordon did appear to have been doing some or who knows.” 66-race losing skid with a win at Phoenix International Raceway in the second race of 2011, thinking about what might come for him after he’s

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SERVING YOU OR WHITEVILLE FOR OVER BIG 50 SMALL WE RENT THEM ALL! BODY SHOP YEARS! “Equipment For Any Job” Auto Collision Repair We proudly sell s&REE,OCAL4OWINGWITH#OLLISION2EPAIRs#USTOM0AINTINGs4INT-ATCHING s(OUR4OWING!VAILABLEs7E7ORK7ITH!LL)NSURANCE#OMPANIES WHITEVILLE RENTALS Corner of Lee & Walter Streets, Whiteville All Major Credit Cards Accepted Hwy. 130 E., Whiteville Mike Spivey 642-3820 Jason Klara Phone: 642-6642 CRACKED OR BROKEN WINDSHIELD? 2-Wheel Alignment You have a choice...Replacement by someone you don’t $ WE LOAN MONEY $ WE CASH CHECKS $ know from out of town or....locally owned & operated $ WE BUY SCRAP GOLD $ 1134 S. Madison St., Whiteville • 640-3344 SPECIAL $39.95 CLARK’S AUTO GLASS Mobile Glass Service We Cash Tax Return, SOUTHERN TIRE & MUFFLER 123 East Commerce St., Whiteville, NC 4.BEJTPO4U 8IJUFWJMMFttXXXTPVUIFSOUJSFPSH (910) 642-0134 Fax: (910) 642-9716 Government & Payroll Checks )PVST.PO'SJBNQNt4BUBNQNt8SFDLFS4FSWJDF)PVST"%BZ Clark Dowless, Owner/Manager

Advertise your used car or YOUR HOME More NASCAR at truck on COLUMBUS CARS at and in AWAY FROM The News Reporter for the low price of only HOME sports/nascar $15 per auto until it sells!* Call 642-4104 ext. 236 or 237 for details. Check it out today! *30 day limit, some restrictions apply The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011-5B Parade will kick of Week of Young Child The fifth annual Tiny Tot Parade will be held on Sunday, April 10 at 3 p.m. Willa Brigham, Emmy Award-winning story- teller and host of Smart Start Kids, will be the parade marshal. The parade, sponsored by the Columbus County Partnership for Children (Smart Start), is the kick-off event for a week of activities in recognition of the Week of the Young Child. Other familiar special guests have also been invited, including Tig- ger, the loveable tiger, Eeyore, Goofy, the Fat Cat, Rocco the Ram, Rover Comer and Judah Lion. Children ages birth to 5 including wee, tiny and little royalty, Alyssa Graves of West Co- are invited to join the parade. Parents are asked to chaperone lumbus High School placed children as they participate. No cars or other gasoline powered fourth in the creed speak- vehicles allowed. Children may walk or ride their decorated ing contest at an FFA com- strollers, wagons, bikes, tricycles and battery-operated kiddy petition at West Bladen vehicles set on safe settings. Children must wear the appropri- Members of the West Columbus FFA Chapter traveled to West Bladen High School to High School. This contest ate safety gear. compete in the tools identifcation and creed speaking events. West Columbus placed requires creed speakers Following the Tiny Tot Parade, the partnership will host frst in the tools identifcation event. This contest requires members to identify 40 tools to memorize and recite the open house at the agency’s administrative office at 109 W. Main and determine their proper use. Placing frst in this event allows the tool team to com- fve paragraphs of the FFA St. and the Smart Start Resource Lending Library at 107 W. pete at the state convention in June. Members of the tool team are, left to right, Cody Creed and answer ques- Main St. in Whiteville. Jernigan, Cody Bullard, Wyatt McPherson, Garron Whitehead and Dustin Piurkoski. tions pertaining to the After the tour of the partnership offices, children and their creed. Judges were looking parents will be treated to a special Sunday story time with for poise, accuracy, power Brigham. Free tax service Greater Morning Star Baldwin Branch Male of expression and enthusi- For more information about these and the other events asm. planned for the Week of the Young Child, call the partnership for elderly, low, to hold Harvest Time Chorus slates 40th office at 910-642-8226. middle income service in April anniversary April 10 Zion Plain MBC to hold The Week of the Young Child is an annual celebration spon- sored by the National Association for the Education of Young The Baldwin Branch Male Volunteers with AARP Tax- Greater Morning Star pastor anniversary Children (NAEYC), the world’s largest early childhood educa- Chorus will hold its 40th mu- Aide are helping Columbus Church of Evergreen will The first pastor’s anniversa- tion association, with nearly 100,000 members and a network sical anniversary Sunday, County people with their in- hold its annual Harvest Time ry for the Rev. Mack Reed will of more than 300 local, state, and regional affiliates. The pur- April 10, at 3 p.m. at Baldwin come tax returns at no cost. services each Sunday in April be held at Zion Plain Mission- pose of the Week of the Young Child is to focus public atten- Branch Missionary Baptist A program of the AARP foun- beginning at 11 a.m. ary Baptist Church in Nakina tion on the needs of young children and their families and to Church. dation offered in conjunction The member and visitor Sunday, April 3, at 4 p.m. recognize the early childhood programs and services that meet with the IRS, the service is who brings the largest num- Several choirs and groups The Rev. Curtis Andrews available to taxpayers with ber to the services will win will participate along with the will be the guest speaker at low and middle income with a prize. A free dinner will be Rev. Andy Anderson, pastor the morning service. The Rev. House of PD to celebrate anniversary of Cedar Branch Missionary special attention given to served following the morning Weston Burgess Jr., pastor of The House of Prayer and Deliverance will celebrate its sec- Baptist Church of Loris, S.C., those age 60 and older. service. Mt. Seal Baptist Church of ond ushers anniversary Sunday, April 10, at 4 p.m. as master of ceremonies. It is the nation’s largest free, Reddgo Long Sr. is the pas- Lake City, S.C., and New Light The guest speaker will be Evangelist Renee Griffin. Barbara The Rev. David C. Camps Sr. volunteer-run tax assistance tor. For more information call Missionary Baptist Church of Powell is the pastor. and preparation service, and Elder Ron Curtis at 640-6046. is the pastor. The church is lo- Georgetown, S.C., will speak it is available in Whiteville at The church is located at 8038 cated at 4047 N.C. 242 Highway at the 4 p.m. service. Cedar Branch MBC El-Bethel pastor’s the Carolyn T. High Library Old 74. South, Elizabethtown. The Rev. Mack Reed is the every Wednesday from 9:30 pastor. to hold revival aid service April 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. through April Cedar Branch Missionary The pastor’s aid committee 15. Cedar Grove MBC WCHS Class of ’74 BBQ plate meal at TC Baptist Church of Loris, S.C., of El-Bethel Church of White- Daryl Patrick of Nakina, sets Joy Night plans 40th reunion will hold its spring revival ville will hold a service Fri- who heads up the local volun- Elementary April 14 West Columbus High School April 11-15 at 7:30 nightly. day, April 8, at 7:30 p.m. at the teers this year, said more than fundraiser April 2 A barbecue plate meal to Class of 1974 is planning its The guest speaker will be the church. 100 people were assisted with Cedar Grove Missionary raise funds for students will 40th reunion to be held in 2014. Rev. David Flowers, pastor of The guest speaker will be their tax returns here last Baptist Church of Whiteville be held Thursday, April 14, For more information Central Missionary Baptist Pastor Antwan Bellamy and year, and more are expected to is holding a Joy Night Service at Tabor City Elementary email Rodney Ford at mrrod- Church of Whiteville. congregation from St. Luke use the free service this year. on Saturday, April 2, at 6 p.m. School. [email protected], Ruth The church is located at 744 Holiness Church of Fayette- More than 32,000 dedicated to raise funds for members, The meal of barbecue, slaw, Minchew at ruthk56@ya- Cedar Branch Road, and Andy ville. and proud IRS-certified volun- John and Lillian Murray, vic- candied yams, and bread is or Geraldine Davis Anderson of Whiteville is the Elder Robert D. Williams Sr. teers provided tax assistance tims of a house fire on Feb. 21. $6. Plates will be available for Thompson at gerithompson@ host pastor. For more infor- is the pastor. The church is lo- to more than two million The Rev. Dr. John F. Troy Sr. lunch delivery from 11 a.m.-2 . mation call Cathy Myers at cated at 415 W. Walter Street. people last year at nearly 7,000 is the pastor. The church is lo- p.m. or picked up at the school Class members are asked 843-756-5869. sites throughout the United cated at 4604 N.C. 410 North. from 4-7 p.m. to provide their address and States. For more information, call For details or tickets call phone numbers. Anyone who has questions 648-5110. the school at 653-3618. can call Patrick at 642-7565. Do you Facebook or Twitter? So do we! Look how much you can save today with Let’s Simplify The News Reporter. Let’s face it, there’s a lot to remember when it comes to the internet. 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Call 642-4104 ext. 270 today and ask about our special subscription offers. The News Reporter 6B - The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 Sell it, find the Classifieds NOTICES 180 Farm Supplies AUTOMOTIVE 435 Water Front Homes 010 Found 190 Farm Equipment 320 Cars 440 Commercial 020 Lost 200 Computers/Software 330 Trucks 460 Lots 030 Personals 210 Heaters & Firewood 335 Vans & SUVs 470 Land 060 Special Notices 230 Miscellaneous 340 Vehicle Accessories 480 Farms WANTED 240 Produce 350 Travel Trailers 490 Auctions 360 Motorcycles 070 Wanted To Buy EMPLOYMENT RENTALS 365 ATVs SELLIn theYOUR classifeds... HOME 080 Wanted To Rent 250 General Employment 500 Houses SALE ITEMS 255 Drivers & Delivery MARINE 510 Resort Homes 370 Boats 085 Auctions 260 Health/Medical 520 Apartments 375 Jet Skis 090 Lawn Mowers 270 Employment Wanted 530 Manufactured Housing $ 95 100 Pets & Animals 380 Trailers 540 Condominiums 110 Appliances SERVICES 390 Motors 550 Rooms 120 Antiques 275 Financial Services 400 Accessories 570 Commercial Your ad runs29 3 times (twice in the News Reporter, and SAMPLE 130 Yard & Garage Sales 280 Child Care REAL ESTATE 580 Land once in the News Times) and reaches practically all the 140 Clothing 290 Business Opportunities 590 Equipment households in Columbus County. It’s working for others; 2000 Redman Silverlake double- 295 Schools/Institutions SALES 150 Furniture 410 Permanent Homes 600 Farms why not give it a try? wide. 1680 sq. ft. Wind Zone 2. To 160 Musical Items 300 Insurance 420 Manufactured Housing 610 Manufactured be moved. $30,000.00 or best offer. 170 Televisions, Satellites 310 Business Services 430 Resort Homes Housing Lots Serious inquiries 910-840-4107. 315 Farm Services Call 642-4104 Te News Reporter CLASSIFIEDS Simple To Pay! Don’t Wait To Call... CORRECTIONS "  Persons should check their adver-  All major credit cards accepted Monday tisement for accuracy the frst time it as well as Visa debit cards. appears in the newspaper so that any  "  Deadline: Friday, 2 pm necessary changes can be made. The 642-4104 newspaper will not be liable for mis- "  #!!!!   Thursday takes in an ad beyond the frst issue. Deadline: Wednesday, 10 am If a mistake is found, please notify  !   WANDA or HANNE at 642-4104.

qual- WANTED 14X70 OR 80 MOBILE THE WHITEVILLE SPRING SPECIAL HORSE BIG AUCTION ity coastal hay. $20 per bale. Call HOME will pay cash. Call 910-770- JUNIORETTES SATURDAY , 4:30 PM 100 Pets & Animals 540-5199. 0902 Furniture, tools, antiques & much are having a yard sale. more. $300, 2 April 2, 2011 6 am -12 pm WE BUY JUNK cars, trucks, and CKC MALTE-TZU PUPS $100 REWARD - LOST Tabby cat Cannon’s Auction House 103 Madison Street, Whiteville NC scrap metal! Call cell Randy @ 910- female, 1 male, Call 910-649-6454, with white bushy tail, female. Last N. Railroad St., Clarkton 337-1913. 910-640-6491 seen on Soles Rd., close to Fox NCAL 3877 YARD SALE SAT. April 02 7:00 am mix approxi- until. 668 Love Mill Rd., Whiteville. Girl 399 MASSEY FERGUSON TRAC- Estate. If found call Gradys McDowell WILL PAY 15 TIMES FACE VALUE Call 640-8465 FEMALE BLACK LAB Clothes, Plus Size Clothes. TOR with cab. Call 642-6501 or 625- 642-5657. for silver coins 1964 or older. Call mately 7 months old. Free to a good home. Call 516-2017 leave message 1189. 910-234-0228. FOR ALL AUCTION NEEDS YARD SALE SATURDAY, April 2nd, BRAND NEW KING KUTTER II four Jimmie Smith 8-12, 2488 Old Lumberton Rd House- GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPS, (2 left) ft. tiller. TG-48YK. $1,300 cash, firm. On The Square Auction & Realty hold items, entertainment items, sea- light golden, wormed & shots. $200. Gear Drive $1400 cash, firm. Call .#!,s   sonal items, furniture. Call 317-3161 or 207-6115. 234-5566 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT AUC- YARD SALE SATURDAY, April 2nd, TION- Wednesday, April 6 at 10 a.m., 7:30 am. Waccamaw Storage, Lake HARDEE SPRAYER on wheels. 196 Crawford Road, Statesville, NC. Waccamaw. Furniture, lamps, toys, Used very little. Commercial fishing ! BUYING JUNK CARS, trucks, vans Selling Several Restaurants: Good camping equipment, Dell computers, license. Call 655-9067 or 625-6494. also tractors. Any condition. Paying AUCTION- APRIL 2 & 3. Guns, Ole Dayz Diner, Fox’s Pizza, Nina’s monitors, etc. top dollar. (910) 770-3131*. Coins, Knives, Lighters. Estate Tex BIG BEFORE EASTER YARD SALE, Cookie Shop, others. Hundreds of HARDIE 5 FT. SIDE BUSH HOG. Tuttle (Deceased). 2 Days Saturday at Saturday, April 2nd Peacock & Rough YARD SALE, SATURDAY, April 2nd Items, 1950s and 1960s Car Front/ Motor head & pump completely 10 a.m. & Sunday at 2 p.m. www.lein- & Ready Crossroads, 7:00 am until. at 7 am. 3 families will have bargains *CATALYTIC CONVERTERS Rear Clips. www.ClassicAuctions. rebuilt by the Hardie Man. $2,500 firm. We also buy insulated wire, cop- for everyone at 50 Hillcrest Lane (off com. 704-791-8825. NCAF5479. CHURCHWIDE YARD SALE to ben- 10 ft. 3 point hitch bush hog. A-1 con- per, brass, aluminum rims, radia- #5969. NCAL5871. 336-764-5146. Old Lumberton Road) children and efit our youth group. Saturday, April dition $1,800. Call 840-6156. tors, batteries. Call 910-642-3560 STONEY BROOK NURSERY FARM ladies clothes, shoes, black leather BANKRUPTCY AUCTION: ASSETS: 2nd, 7 am - 12. Western Prong Baptist AUCTION. Tuesday, April 5, 12:00 loveseat, Pack n Play in great condi- Barrier Geotechnical Contractors, Church (701 N.) 167 Peacock Road. noon. Large 12,800 Head Capacity tion, children’s toys and misc. items. CORBETT TIMBER COMPANY Inc. Trucks, Mini-Excavators & More! Swine Nursery Facility! 5626 Willard Buyers of land and timber. We buy 4-6-11 at 10AM, 4214 Statesville COME CHECK US OUT. New Spring YARD SALE, SATURDAY, April 2nd, Road, Willard, NC. Johnson Proper- pine saw timber, hardwood saw tim- Road, Charlotte, NC, Ch7-10-33320. Collection. *Jewelry special: Buy any 8 am until. Baldwin Woods Wildwood FIREWOOD FOR SALE. $100. per ties. 919-639-2231. www.johnson- ber, and pulpwood - 5 acres or great- GARY BOYD AUCTION, NCAL#2750, chain, receive free charm. All other Road. Cancel if rain. face cord delivered free within 10 NCAL7340. er. Call days 642-2909. 704-982-5633, www.garyboydauc- jewelry 15% off. New Selection of miles of Whiteville or $5. per bundle Furniture & new items. Something for of oak. Call 910-918-2416 I BUY JUNK CARS. I pay $170-$600. 090 Lawn Mowers everyone!! We layaway. 100% guaranteed. Open 7 days a MAKE YOUR OWN “Change” With a Mon-Fri 10-5, Sat 9-3. BED 2 PC, brand new. Full mattress 230 Miscellaneous week. 910-385-8585 new Career! Auction School, Green- Worlmitt Variety & Consignment RIDING LAWN MOWER, weed eater, sets $99. Queen $109. King $189. ville, SC April 30th- May 7th -Space 5547 James B White Hwy S. TIMBER - WANTED TIMBER. Large electric motors, garden tillers for Can deliver. 910-794-4111. Dealer. is Limited- Call Now! 800-689-5654 2 1/4 miles past Walmart 640-2210 50 GALLON BLACK PLASTIC BAR- or small tracts. Please call 910-520- Lanny@SSAuc- parts, used furniture. 642-5187. RELS (pickle barrels) with lids for sale. BRAND NEW ASHLEY recliner. $325. 4728 day or night. $10 each. 840-1568. OUR CUSTOMERS GET RESULTS HUGE 2 FAMILY YARD SALE, Satur- Call 910-642-3243. by advertising in the classified. You day, April 2nd, 7 am until. 1601 Mer- 8’X16’ HARDEE TRAILER $3500. & COMPLETE CHERRY BEDROOM can too! 642-4104 ext. 221 or 237. ritt Rd.. beside Merritt’s Nursery @ 140 Farmall tractor $5500. Pro-form suite, oak dining table, miter saw, Big Red Barn. XP550 Treadmill. $300. Call 910- oak bedroom suite. 3 ton Ruud gas 646-4141. Quality Ford pack. Mint condition. China cabinet, INSIDE YARD SALE Sat. Apr. 2. Pro Carpet Sofas, recliner, end tables, dining appliances, gas stove, twin beds, ANTIQUE COUCH, $50, Brand new “We’re Growing And Looking For room sets, tool boxes, glassware. complete living room suite like new. electric stove, $200. Never been Cleaning 235 Creek Rd. Call for dir. 840-5356 Paints semi-gloss all colors. Com- used. Dryer, $100. 1200 old home Quality Sales People” mercial Chain Link fence, 200’ of 6’ movies original. 633 albums 40’s & $ MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE, Satur- rolls & 100’ of 10’ rolls. Call 840-4072 50’s. Much more. Call 910-918-0529 $1000 BONUS 19.99 day, April 2nd, 7:30 am until. Intersec- or 910-649-7904. ~ ask for details ~ tion of Pinelog & Slippery Log Road. PER ROOM / AREA Furniture, basketball goal, adults/chil- DISH NETWORK’S Lowest All-Dig- (2 room minimum) ital Price! As low as $24.99/mo plus PLUS: Commission • Bonus dren’s clothes, etc. **WILLIAMS PIANO SERVICE Tune “Clean Carpet At A Low Price” Free HD For Life! Call for limited time • Health Insurance • Vacation and repair pianos. Restore grand, bonus! Call Now. 1-888-679-4649 Owned/Operated by SAT. APR. 2nd, 8 AM UNTIL. 571 upright and self- player pianos and • Discounts For Employees Randy and Myra Williamson Lebanon Church Rd. Clothes, shoes, pump organs. We buy and sell pianos. FACTORY BUILT ROLL BAR for toys, bedspread, and lots more! Over 35 years experience. Call 642- New Holland Ford Tractor $300. 200 See Baird King 642-6888 Cheap prices everything must go! Call 3934, 9 a.m. -6 p.m. and 642-0264 amp. Service pole $100. Call 910- “Interviews Only” Mobile 840-2388 910-625-9425. nights. 207-7361. FOR SALE: PEDICURE CHAIR, Nail 1242 S. Madison St., Whitevilles642-7121 Table, Dining Room Suite. Call 910- 640-1993 day, 625-5386 night “A Career Not A Job” NOTICE COASTAL BERMUDA - Square bales. No animal waste. Horse qual- GOLF CART. Excellent condition. The drainage tile which was removed from the property on ity. Cerro Gordo area. 914-1777 or $1,000. Call 642-2600. MARCH 2011 POSTING OF JOB POSITION OPEN: Red Bug road was not abandoned. It had been a boundary 654-4025. WANTED 10 HOMES needing siding, POSITION TITLE: SOLOMON CENTER marker for over 50 years. Mistakes happen. Please return and HAY FOR SALE. Shelter kept. Call windows, roofs, or enclosures. Save 910-640-4818. hundreds during our show case home 1. RESIDENTIAL COUNSELOR replace the tile to it’s original location. It can be returned as search. ALL CREDIT ACCEPTED. 2. NIGHT COUNSELOR easily and quietly as it was taken. Thank you. SPRIGGING/PLANTING No money down. $89/month 1-866- of Coastal Bermuda grass. Call 649- 668-8681 Boys & Girls Homes of North Carolina, Inc is accepting APPLICA- 6145 or 770-0910. WHITEVILLE READY MIX CON- TIONS for the positions listed above. Both positions require a CRETE. NC DOT approved. ABC BA or BS in the Human Services feld or 4 years of work experi- Stone $15 per ton. Pick-up only. Call ence in residential or youth services. Must be able to perform Business Opportunity: 642-0426. TCI physical interventions - also pass both physical and written YOUR CLASSIFIED AD could be examinations for TCI. Must have a completed physical with TB reaching over 1.6 million homes across North Carolina! Place your prior to reporting to work. This position will provide care and su- classified on the NC Statewide Clas- pervision by implementation of treatment plans for all residents sified Ad Network and run in 107 NC in care at the Solomon Center. TCI, CPR-AED-FIRST AID, BBP and newspapers for $330 for a 25-word ad. Additional words $10 each. Call related trainings are required. Immediate supervisor will be the this newspaper’s classified depart- Solomon Center Assessment Coordinator. RESTAURANT ment for more information or visit Non-exempt, hourly, shift work full time position with ben- efts. EOE We are currently stafng for the following shifts: Residential Counselors: During the hours of 7 am through 3 pm FOR SALE Residential Counselors: During the hours of 3 pm through 11 pm Residential Counselors: During the hours of 2 pm through 10 pm t-PDBUFEJOIJHIUSBóDBSFBPG Night Counselors: During the hours of 11 pm through 9 am To discuss this AIRLINES ARE HIRING- Train for 8IJUFWJMMF high paying Aviation Career. FAA You can apply online at, by approved program. Financial aid if email at [email protected] OR by fax to 910-646-3609 and/ t8FMMFRVJQQFEBOESFBEZUPPQFO opportunity, call qualified. Job placement assistance. or mail applications to Boys & Girls Homes of NC, Inc - P.O. Box Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 877-300-9494. 127, Lake Waccamaw, NC 28450 - Attn: Tesa Bush, Human Re- t4FBUJOHGPS sources Manager. 910-918-3528 Avon t'MFYJCMF-FBTF To buy or sell. Start up fee $10. For questions, please call Tesa Bush at 910-646-3083, ext 205. Free gift at sign up. Call 654-2058. The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011- 7B


EVERGREEN BEHAVIORAL MAN- LARRY HINSON’S BACKHOE 2005 CHEVY SILVERADO XCab, AGEMENT, INC. is currently recruit- All types of backhoe work, lot clear- Z-71, 4x4 leather, 83k, $16,800. Fair ing for the following positions for our ing, sand, top soil and marl. Bluff Ford Mercury 649-7531 Whiteville & Lake Waccamaw loca- ARE YOU AN RN who is tired of Call 654-4503. tions: 2008 FORD RANGER XLT, XCab long working weekends and nights, or just ****Publisher’s Notice**** GORE’S LAWN CARE - Mow, edge, bed, 56k, $15,900. Fair Bluff Ford need a change of scenery then we Equal Housing Bookkeeper, Billing Assistant, and trim hedges. Call 910-918-1257. Mercury 910-649-7531 just might have the answer to your Opportunity Day Treatment Qualified Profes- All real estate advertised herein is problems. We need an parttime RN sional, Day Treatment Clinical DONATE YOUR VEHICLE Receive subject to the Federal Fair Housing 2009 Land & Home Pkg, 1/2 acre to work Monday-Friday. Apply at McPherson Carpentry $1000 Grocery Coupon. United lot. 3 BR, 2 bath. Take up payments. Supervisor, Targeted Case Man- Remodeling, additions, for all your Act, North Carolina and Columbus Heartland Home Care Agency Inc., Breast Cancer Foundation. Free Cheaper than rent. Call Oakwood ager, Intensive In Home Team home improvements needs - From A Fair Housing Law which makes it ille- 615 N. Howard St. Chadbourn, NC Mammograms, Breast Cancer info: Homes, Chadbourn. 654-4128 Lead, Community Support Team to Z. Turn key job. Work guaranteed. gal to advertise any preference, limi- 28431. Please call (910)654-1362 for Free Towing, Tax Lead, Part-time Pharmacy Driver, 25 years experience. Call 910-654- tation discrimination based on race, an appointment Deductible, Non-Runners Accepted, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial Pharmacy Technician 4920 or cell 910-770-1260. 1-888-468-5964. status or national origin, or intention 3BR, 2 BATH doublewide set up on AUTUMN CARE OF SHALLOTTE 1 acre lot, ready to move in. Assume Please visit our website at www.ever- to make any such preferences, limi- is seeking full-time Nurse for 11pm- RANDY’S LAWN SERVICE payments. Call Oakwood Homes, to apply. Mow, trim, edge, pressure wash, tations or discrimination. We will not 7am position. Must be licensed in NC. knowingly accept any advertising for Chadbourn, 910-654-4128 Evergreen Behavioral Manage- Excellent benefits: Vacation, Holiday Senior discount. No job too small. ment, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity real estate which is in violation of the Pay, Sick Pay and more. Please apply Call 642-6888. 1997 DODGE CARAVAN Everything ASK US ABOUT OUR LAYAWAY Employer, M/F/D/V law. All person are hereby informed in person at 237 Mulberry Street, SKEETER’S LAWN CARE & works. Asking $800 Contact 910-625- that all dwellings advertised are avail- program, how you can use this while Shallotte, NC 28459 5965 Selling as is. able on an equal opportunity basis. To you wait for Uncle Sam. Call HILLS FOOD STORES, INC PRESSURE CLEANING complain of discrimination, call HUD OAKWOOD HOMES Assistant Store Manager No job too big or too small. We can MEDICAL ASSISTANT NEEDED for 2007 FORD EDGE SE, auto 3.5L V6, toll-free at 1-800-765-9372. CHADBOURN, NC 910-654-4128 For Whiteville, NC Store busy family practice. Current Phle- do it all! Call 910-642-3070 or 910- 4 Door SUV, 35k. $18,500. Fair Bluff Full-time position with Benefits botomy, CNA certification and expe- 445-9507. Ford Mercury 910-649-7531 2 BR, 1 BATH cedar house on 3 acres HELP!! We are trying to sell our last Competitive Salary rience required. Mail resume to: Office THOMPSON LAWN CARE - tree of land. Priced below tax value. N rental property will take $25,000 cash Retail Management Experience Manager PO Box 325 Chadbourn, 2010 FORD ECONOLINE 350 SD, Whiteville. Call 770-2138. for home and land. It’s a 28x56 1997 removal, pressure wash, bushhog, XLT, 3dr van, 22k. 12 passenger Required NC 28431. mobile home wash. 910-640-6316. manufactured home on 1 acre land. Stop by Store Location for $18,500. Fair Bluff Ford Mercury Delco FSBO 2BR + 1 BR/office, 1 It has a big front porch and is a fixer Application or call 1-910-642-0220 WARD’S LAWN MOWING - Mow, 649-7531 1/2ba, CH/A, screened porch, stor- upper, but a great deal! It is located weed eat. Low prices. Call 685-3534. age bldg & shed w/water & electric- at 6452 Old Lumberton Road. Selling LEGAL ASSISTANT - Local law firm SERVICES 2010 FORD EDGE SEL, auto 3.5L V6, ity fenced back yard. County water as is. First acceptable cash offer gets seeking legal assistant. Good com- 4 Door SUV, 22k. $23,900. Fair Bluff & deep well 1.25 ac. 910-616-0935 it!!! I am a licensed real estate broker, munication skills, MS Word computer Ford Mercury 910-649-7531 but this is my own property. Dwane skills, and attention to detail required. Child/Elderly Care FSBO 3BR, 2 BATH brick house, 919-353-2315 Experience with real estate transac- one block from waterfront Lake Wac- tion preferred but not required. Com- LICENSED HOME DAY CARE has camaw. Large lot, interior complete LOT MODEL CLEARANCE SALE refinished. Call 910-642-7289 pensation based on education and openings. Located behind Wal-Mart. 2003 OPEN ROAD 5th wheel, 2 slide- Large selection of single wide, dou- experience. Call 642-6596 or 770-6596. outs, 32’ rear living needs TLC. Call HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER. 3 blewide and custom built modulars. Send resume to Box B-324, %The Serving Columbus Co and surround- TIMES ARE HARD but you don’t 843-254-9577 leave message. $9,700 bedroom house with 1.3 acres. Locat- News Reporter, PO Box 707, White- 2003 LINCOLN TOWNCAR 4 door, ing areas for over 40 years. Let us have to pay high prices for a lov- OBO ed on Highway 130 near Brunswick. ville, NC 28472. leather, silver, signature, chrome rims. work for you. ing extra grandmother for your kids. Possible owner financing. $45,000. Good condition. $6,495. Call 910- WE WANT YOUR BUSINESS. TOWN OF FAIR BLUFF Chubby Cheeks has openings $60 Call 770-2614. 642-6793. OAKWOOD HOMES, Chadbourn PART TIME HELP WANTED per week. Call 910-770-3225 2004 BMW 330 Ci, 3.0L, 6 spd man- LAKE WACCAMAW, 500 Lake Shore NC 910-654-4128 Public Works Laborer: Perform all 1994 FXSTC FOR SALE. 32,000 ual, black , leather. Nav. Fully loaded. Drive. 143 ft. frontage. .8 acre with parts of public works labor including MILES, GREAT COND. GARAGE MOBILE HOME ON 1 ACRE OF 61,200 miles.18” wheels $16,500. pier. $299,000. Owner financing avail- mowing, utility repair, maintenance, KEPT, LOTS OF EXTRAS. ASKING LAND. Nice yard with variety of fruit 642-1100 able. Call 770-1680. meter reading checks, street sweep- $8,000 OR OBO. FOR MORE INFO trees, grapevines. Garden space, ing, litter pick up, and other duties. ALL CASH VENDING ROUTE. Be 2006 FORD MUSTANG 2dr, coupe, CALL 910-540-2685. 12x12 storage building. Good loca- Approximately 20 hours per week, GT, Sport, 58k. $17,500 Fair Bluff tion. $35,000 negotiable. Call 910- your own boss. 25-machines/candy 1998 HONDA VT 1100 cc Shadow $8,00 per hour. Ford Mercury 910-649-7531 872-3345. Applicants should possess a valid NC all for $9,995. All major credit cards Spirit, 22k very clean bike. New tire Drivers License and be able to pass accepted. 1-877-915-8222. Vend 3. & battery. 910-445-1823, 640-3130 USE YOUR TAX MONEY for the 2008 MERCURY MILAN I-4, 42k V6, gift that keeps on giving. Buy your physical and drug screening. Apply THINKING ABOUT BUYING A spoiler, new tires. $13,500. Fair Bluff in person at Fair Bluff Town hall until BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY! The 2000 HARLEY DAVIDSON Electra own home. We have homes start- Ford Mercury 649-7531 Reduced! House for sale by April 15th. News Reporter and The Federal Glide Classic, blacjk, 26,000 miles, ing at $29,900 windzone II. Oak- $10,500. Call 910-770-2614 owner Country Club Estates, 3BR, wood Homes, Chadbourn, NC 910- Trade Commission, the nation’s con- 2008 MERCURY SABLE Premier, 4 2 bath. 1,700 sq ft. Excellent con- THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAR- dr, auto V6. 50k, $16.500. Fair Bluff 654-4128 sumer protection agency, say inves- 2007 YAMAHA YZF 600 R. Low- dition. $135,000 910-642-8393 OLINA at Charlotte- Operations & Mercury Ford 649-7531 Systems Specialist, College of Engi- tigate before you invest. Visit ftc. ered, 4,000 miles. Very clean. Call gov/bizopps to learn how to tell a neering. Salary: $72,180 $88,220. 2009 NISSAN ALTIMA 2.5 S, auto, 642-9830. OWNER SAYS SELL! 2 bedroom, 1 real deal from a raw deal. Closing date: 04/17/2011. To apply: 4dr sedan, black. 13k. $16,800. Fair bath house, updated. Detached living SHORT, position Bluff Ford Mercury. 649-7531 area in back. 1742 total sq. ft. #3990. AA/EOE 108 S. Thompson St. Whiteville, NC BROS. 2010 FORD FUSION SE, 4dr, auto, MARINE $62,000. Call broker: Julia Wayne ATTEND COLLEGE ONLINE from white, 29k. $18,800. Fair Bluff Ford. 910-840-7962 home. Medical, Business, Paralegal, 910-649-7531 RENT-A-CAR Accounting, Criminal Justice. Job C.A.T. HIRING CDL-A truck drivers placement assistance. Computer 2009 17FT. TRITON boat/trailer. $ 95 and owner operators from Concord, Camo with 90hp Mercury Optimax NC terminal. Great miles & benefits! available. Financial aid if qualified. DAILY Call 888-899-6918. www.CenturaOn- motor, trolling motor, live well, bench 1998 76X28 4BR, windzone II. 19 Must have/get passport and go to 2004 DODGE 1500 Rumble Bee. Hwy. 701, South of Whiteville seats, 2 pedestal seats, side console. Excellent condition. Canada. Out 12-14 days, home 2-3. Excellent cond. 78,000 miles, 3 years left on warranty. 910-770- Oakwood Homes Chadbourn, NC Pet & passenger policy. Apply www. $16,500. Kurt Best 910-641-1029. 3644(day) or 910-653-5546( night). 910-654-4128 642-4175 or 1-800-869-2434.

DRIVER- STRONG FREIGHT *** Dee Watts Backhoe *REGIONAL or EXPRESS lanes *F/T Service **** or P/T *LOCAL orientation *DAILY or Insured, tree removal, bucket truck, Automotive WEEKLY pay! CDL-A, 3 months cur- top soil, fill dirt, marl for driveway, John Donoghue rent OTR experience. 800-414-9569. land clearing. 640-2463 or mobile 770-0534. DRIVERS- CDL-A Flatbed Drivers Needed! Sign On Bonus! Start up to AC & J CONTRACTORS - Home $0.43 per mile. Lease purchase avail- repair, painting, sheds, decks, fenc- able. Experience required. Hornady- es, & pressure washing. Call 910- 800-441-4271, 642-6793. x NC-100 ATTIC CLEANING & ORGANIZING. DRIVERS- CDL-A. TEAMS NEEDED! Will haul away unwanted items. Free • SELECTION • SERVICE • PRICE • FINANCING Up to 0.50/cents per mile! Great pay, estimate & personal references. Call loaded or empty! Solos & CDL Grads 910-640-1475. Welcome. 800-942-2104, Ext. 238 or 243. Bobby Hinson Construction 11 Chevy Camaro SS 11 Chevy Cruze LS 11 Chevy Avalanche LT Lot clearing, pond building, bushhog- DRIVERS- NO EXPERIENCE, No ging, lots and hedge rows with mini Problem. 100% Paid CDL Training. excavator. Call 640-7606. 435 HP Was $17,190 Immediate Benefits. 20/10 program. Was $44,145 Trainers earn up to 49/cents a mile! Carpentry Work Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price CRST Expedited. 800-326-2778. Roofing, painting and wallpaper. No job too small. Workmanship guaran- teed. Call 642-4226. $ $ $ DRIVERS- REGIONAL VAN Driv- , , , ers. 35 - 37 cpm based on expe- 39 810 15 995 35 490 DOCTOR DRYWALL Having prob- rience. BCBS Benefits Package. lems with your joints? Call the doctor. Home EVERY Week. CDL-A with 1 Hanging & finishing sheet rock, sten- year experience required. Call 888- ciled & textured ceiling & repair work. 10 Chevy HHR 10 Chevy Equinox 10 Chevy Silverado Crew Cab, Z-71 362-8608, or apply at www.AVERI- 910-499-6253 or 642-7487. Equal Opportunity Employer. Duncans Electrical Service Was $21,485 Was $26,660 Was $29,465 TRUCK DRIVER with experience Full line electrical repairs. Whole hauling produce and traveling from house to appliances. NC licensed, Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price east to west coast. Call Marlowe insured. Work guaranteed. 910-654- Trucking in Nichols, SC 843-421- 1493 or 910-234-1724 6576. $ $ $ H & B CONSTRUCTION CO. , 21,995 , New home, remodeling, additions, 12 959 21 850 DRIVERS: OTR COMPANY Driv- ers and O/O’s needed. Competitive general repairs, shingle work, new Pay, great benefits, & weekly Home- and re-roof. Hourly rate or contract. Pre Financing As time. CDL-A with 1 year experience Prices offered. All work fully guaran- required. Call Epes Transport: 888- teed. Call Harold Bowen 642-6254, day or night. VEHICLE SALE 293-3232. Owned Low As 1.9% 08 Chevy 07 Pontiac 07 Nissan 08 Chevy 07 Isuzu 07 Jeep Uplander G6 Frontier SE Silverado Ascender Compass N O T I C E Ext. Cab Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Columbus County $ $ 8,995 8,995 $14,995 $12,995 $10,995 $9,950 RABIES VACCINATION CLINIC 07 Chevy 06 Chevy 07 Saturn 98 Chevy 07 Buick 07 Chevy Avalanche Trailblazer Outlook XE Silverado Silverado N.C. Statutes 130A-185 require that all dogs and cats over four LT, 4x4 LT, 4x4 Ext. Cab, 4x4, Z-71 Rendezvous Ext. Cab, LT, 4x4 (4) months of age be immunized against RABIES. Local Trade The following Veterinary Hospitals, during regular office hours, from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., will vaccinate both dogs and Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price cats, as a service to the public on Friday, April 15, 2011, at the $ $ $ $ $ $ reduced rate of $5.00 per animal. 22,950 13,995 16,995 2,995 13,995 19,995 State law requires that all dogs must wear collars displaying a 01 Chevy 08 Saturn 05 Chevy 99 GMC 97 GMC 95 Toyota Silverado Vue XE Silverado Sierra SLT Avalon XL tag. Fine is $25.00 if not vaccinated, plus $8.00 rabies shot. LS, Ext. Cab, Stepside 4x4 Ext. Cab, 4x4, Z-71 Sierra HD Dr. Tiffany Barnhill Animal Hospital South Columbus Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price Hwy. 701 S., Tabor City $10,995 $13,950 $14,995 $7,995 $4,995 $3,995 Dr. Jack Stih, Tabor City Highway 3522 James B. White Hwy. S. Whiteville, NC 910-642-2400 Dr. Nicole Martin John Donoghue Automotive Southern Veterinary Hospital *All prices plus tax & tags and $299 doc fee. 0% fnancing w/ 20% 800-280-7425 606 Washington St., Whiteville, NC cash down & approved credit with Ally Bank on select models. See dealer for details on all fnancing options and rebate requirements. (IGHWAY%ASTs7HITEVILLE 8B - The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011

2 BEDROOM, 1 BATH house for 2 BR, 1 BATH APARTMENT. $600 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 247, Page 555, Records of Colum- IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT rent in Whiteville. $325 monthly plus month available now. Call 910-840- NORTH CAROLINA bus County, and being according TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT deposit. Call 910-234-0659. 4734. COLUMBUS COUNTY to a survey by Robert S. Inman and TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOV- IN THE GENERAL COURT OF Associates dated October 5, 1970. ER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE N. MYRTLE BEACH OCEANFRONT 3 BEDROOM, 1 BATH furnished 2BR 1BA UPSTAIRS apt. $450 Appli- JUSTICE Being the same property to Maggie DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. CONDO. Upscale 4BR/3BA in central house, excellent neighborhood. ances/water incl.. Dep & references M. Thompson, by Deed recorded in This 15th day of March, 2011. OD. ALL new furnishings. Lazy River $700 per month. Deposit & referenc- req. Whiteville City Limits. 646-1049. SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION es required. No pets. Call 642-4923. BEFORE THE CLERK Deed Book 264, Page 606, Columbus SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVIC- plus many amenities. 1/13th Interest. BERRY COURT APTS.: A great way Use 4wks/year. $34,900. (704) 987- FILE NO.: 10 E 461 County Registry. ES, INC. 3BR, 2 BATH home w/garage, coun- to save money today!!! Units load- TRACT TWO: Lot No. 13 of Block SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE 9295 try setting near Whiteville. References ed with modern conveniences and In the Matter of the Estate of Robert 2 according to plat for Whiteville & sec. dep. $850 m. 304-224-3617 wall-to-wall carpet. You’ll love to call Hogan Pittman, deceased BY: Berry Court home! Designed for the Having qualified as Executrix of the Insurance and Realty Company, and Attorney at Law 6 BR, 3 BATH house rent to own, 3 elderly (62 or older) or persons with Estate of Robert Hogan Pittman, late recorded in Deed Book H-2, Page 1, The Law Firm of Hutchens, Senter & houses, 3 BR & 4 BR Mobile homes disabilities. Credit and background of Columbus County, North Carolina, records of Columbus County. Being Britton, P.A. LOT FOR SALE: Williams Township/ for rent. Also Lots: rent to own & land check required. Units designed for this is to notify all persons having the same by J.W. Bennett and wife, Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Ser- Mollie area. Large lot, nice commu- & lots for sale. Owner financing Call persons with disabilities subject to to Maggie N. Thompson, by Deed vices, Inc. nity. Call 642-2872 or 653-3582. 910-770-2227. claims against the said estate to pres- availability. Rental assistance avail- ent such claims to the undersigned, dated September 28, 1972, record- P.O. Box 1028 able. Apply today at 316A West Sixth PRIME LOTS FOR SALE , 3 miles BRICK HOUSE, 3 BR, 2 bath 1,600 Loula Bett Pittman, at 19 Daisy Drive, ed in Deed Book 267, Page 748, 4317 Ramsey Street north of Hallsboro. Owner financing. sq. ft. City. $725 month + security Ave., Chadbourn, NC, Mon., Tues., & Columbus County Registry. Less Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 Thurs. 9:00 a.m to 2:00 p.m. or call Flintstone, GA 30725 on or before Call 876-0084, 645-4752. dep. 336-870-2501. and except 10 feet on the east side of 654-4010 for more information. Equal July 11, 2011, a date more than 3 Housing Opportunity. Managed by months from the first publication of Lot No. 13 to Velma George by Mag- Case No: 1046799 Partnership Property Management, this notice. Failure to present a claim gie Thompson by Deed dated Octo- March 24, 31, 2011 an equal opportunity provider, and against the estate within the specified ber 14, 1972, recorded in Book 267, NOTICE TO CREDITORS employer. period of time will be pleaded in bar Page 639, Columbus County Registry. 345 ACRES OF LAND in the Pireway FREE TIME SHARE TO anyone that STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Section. $2,000 per acre. Will sell total of recovery of the same. All persons Together with improvements located will take over maintenance fee. Week COUNTY OF COLUMBUS acreage or in 20 acre tracts. Call 653- 52. 653-2742 or 653-9597. indebted to the said estate will please thereon; said property being located The undersigned, WILLIAM SHAN- 9936. make immediate payment to the said at 430 Ward Street, Whiteville, North NON BUTLER and SHERRIE JEAN Executrix at the stated address. Carolina. 2 & 3 BR MOBILE HOME in Guide- BUTLER, have qualified as Co Admin- This the 31st day of March, 2011. Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole dis- way. References required. No pets. istrators of the Estate of JEAN RABON Loula Bett Pittman Executrix cretion, delay the sale for up to one 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent. 653-2790, 653-9198 and leave mes- BUTLER, late of Columbus County, Junius B. Lee, III hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. Furnished. Nice neighborhood. Call sage. and this is to notify all persons having Lee & Lee, Attorney Should the property be purchased by AUCTION- APRIL 9TH. NC Crystal 640-8098. 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME for claims against said Estate to present 812 Pinckney Street a third party, that party must pay the Coast - 4 Spectacular Properties. rent. Stove, refrigerator & washer them to the undersigned on or before Beachfront Home, Beach Access Lot, 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT. No pets. Whiteville, NC 28472 excise tax, as well as the court costs included. Miller’s Mobile Home Park. June 30, 2011, pursuant to North Waterfront Lot & Marina Slip. 866- Please call J.L. Powell & Co., Inc. Call Tel: 910-642-3708 of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One 642-4049. 317-5259. Carolina General Statute 28A-14-1, 673-9270. Fax: 910-642-9058 Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required Mike Fisher NCAL8043 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME for by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). or this notice shall be pled in bar of 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT for rent. March 31, April 7, 14, 21, 2011 rent. $375 per month, $375 depos- The property to be offered pursuant to their recovery. All persons indebted ONLINE AUCTION- 54+/-Acres of No pets. Deposit required. Walk- it. References required. Located on this notice of sale is being offered for to said Estate will please make imme- Residential Mountain Land Divided, ing distance to Chadbourn Middle Gore Trailer Rd. No calls after 9 pm Notice of diate payment to the undersigned at Near North Fork of New River, Ashe sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, School. Call 654-4455. 910-653-3915. the following address: County, 4/4/11-4/13/11. Iron Horse Foreclosure Sale WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor This the 31st day of March, 2011. Auction, NCAL3936, www.ironhor- 2 BEDROOM UPSTAIRS apartment 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME for the holder of the note secured by the WILLIAM SHANNON BUTLER, with screen porch. Newly remodeled rent. References required. No pets. 11 SP 40 deed of trust/security agreement, or in a great neighborhood. References Call 910-654-4182 days, or 642-4073 both, being foreclosed, nor the offi- CO-ADMINISTRATOR REAL ESTATE AUCTION Water- Under and by virtue of the power of and deposit required. No pets. Call between 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. cers, directors, attorneys, employees, 3410 Old Hwy. 74 front ICW Home & Contents, 2865 910-640-7192. sale contained in a certain Deed of Chadbourn, NC 28431 Gangplank Rd. Supply NC. Satur- agents or authorized representative of 2 BEDROOM MOBILE HOME, East- Trust made by Loretta V. Troy to Paul SHERRIE JEAN BUTLER, day, April 2nd. 10:00 am Until. www. Cypress Village Apartments over Park. Call J.L. Powell & Co Inc. H. Swan, Trustee(s), dated the 31st either the Trustee or the holder of the 910-297-5045. 642-4049. note make any representation or war- CO-ADMINISTRATRIX 197 Orange St., Fair Bluff, N.C. day of January, 2007, and recorded 2911 Old Hwy. 74 LOW Reserve/10% Buyers Premium. 1 and 2 bedrooms. ranty relating to the title or any physi- BLADENBORO - RENT TO OWN. in Book 879, Page 731, in Colum- Chadbourn, NC 28431 Mbarber NCALB 7734 Free laundry room + Community cal, environmental, health or safety Brand new 3 bedroom, 2 bath single- bus County Registry, North Carolina, Williamson, Walton & Scott, L.L.P. room ****24 hour maintenance*** wide home. Located in family friend- default having been made in the pay- conditions existing in, on, at or relat- Rental Assistance Up to 100% ing to the property being offered for Attorneys at Law ly community. Limited pet policy. ment of the note thereby secured by P. O. Box 1467 Seniors 62 years and older $585 to $650 per month. Call 910- sale, and any and all responsibilities 910-649-7971 the said Deed of Trust and the under- Whiteville, NC 28472 316-9058. signed, Substitute Trustee Services, or liabilities arising out of or in any Hours: Monday - Friday, 8am-2 pm way relating to any such condition March 31, April 7, 14, 21, 2011 TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962 MOBILE HOME FOR RENT, 2 bed- Inc. having been substituted as Trust- expressly are disclaimed. Also, this Equal Housing Opportunity room, 1 1/2 bath, screened in porch, ee in said Deed of Trust by an instru- NOTICE TO CREDITORS ****Publisher’s Notice**** carport. No pets. 1st month rent, plus ment duly recorded in the Office of property is being sold subject to all STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Equal Housing deposit. $375 rent, plus $300 deposit. the Register of Deeds of Columbus taxes, special assessments, and prior COUNTY OF COLUMBUS Opportunity Union Valley area. Call 910-625-9875. County, North Carolina and the holder liens or encumbrances of record and The undersigned, WILLIAM W. All real estate advertised herein is No phone calls after 9 pm. of the note evidencing said indebted- any recorded releases. Said property PHIPPS, has qualified as Executor subject to the Federal Fair Housing is also being sold subject to applica- Act, North Carolina and Columbus MOBILE HOME INSURANCE Com- ness having directed that the Deed of of the Estate of JOE BARDEN EVANS ble Federal and State laws. Fair Housing Law which makes it ille- pare our features. Get a quote from Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned a/k/a J. B. EVANS, late of Colum- MADISON HILLS APT A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no gal to advertise any preference, limi- 206 S. Madison St., Whiteville, NC us. Oakwood Homes Chadbourn, NC Substitute Trustee will offer for sale bus County, and this is to notify all personal checks) of five percent (5%) tation discrimination based on race, One Bedroom Apts. 910-654-4128 at the courthouse door in the City of persons having claims against said color, religion, sex, handicap, familial ,AUNDRYFACILITIESs#OMMUNITY Whiteville, Columbus County, North of the purchase price, or seven hun- Estate to present them to the under- status or national origin, or intention USED HOMES We need used ROOMsHOURSMAINTENANCE Carolina, or the customary location dred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever signed on or before June 30, 2011, to make any such preferences, limi- homes. Trade ins welcome. Top Dol- is greater, will be required at the time tations or discrimination. We will not Rental assistance up to 100% lar. Oakwood Homes. Chadbourn, NC designated for foreclosure sales, at pursuant to North Carolina General of the sale. knowingly accept any advertising for based on income. 910-654-4128 1:30 PM on April 5, 2011 and will sell Statute 28A-14-1, or this notice shall real estate which is in violation of the Seniors 62 years and older to the highest bidder for cash the An order for possession of the prop- be pled in bar of their recovery. All 910 642-8883 law. All person are hereby informed following real estate situated in the erty may be issued pursuant to G.S. persons indebted to said Estate will that all dwellings advertised are avail- Hours: Mon-Fri. 9 am to 2 pm. County of Columbus, North Carolina, 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser please make immediate payment able on an equal opportunity basis. To TDD Relay 1-800-735-2962 and against the party or parties in Handicapped Accessible ROOM FOR RENT and being more particularly described to the undersigned at the following complain of discrimination, call HUD possession by the clerk of superior toll-free at 1-800-765-9372. Equal Housing Opportunity Weekly or Monthly Rates. as follows: address: Bedrooms furnished. No Pets. TRACT ONE: A certain tract or parcel court of the county in which the prop- This the 31st day of March, 2011. No calls after 9 pm of land lying and being in the town erty is sold. WILLIAM W. PHIPPS, EXECUTOR 910-642-4932 of Whiteville, Whiteville Township, Any person who occupies the prop- P. O. Box 35 Or 770-1140 Columbus County, N.C. and being Lot erty pursuant to a rental agreement Tabor City, NC 28463 entered into or renewed on or after ROOM FOR RENT with cable TV & #14 of Block #2 according to plat for Williamson, Walton & Scott, L.L.P. October 1, 2007, may after receiving internet service. Reference check. Whiteville Insurance and Realty Com- Attorneys at Law Call 910-356-4011. pany, and recorded in Deed Book the notice of sale, terminate the rent- P. O. Box 1467 H-2, Page 1, Records of Columbus al agreement upon 10 days’ written Whiteville, NC 28472 County; and being more particularly notice to the landlord. Upon termina- March 31, Apr. 7, 14, 21, 2011 described as follows: tion of a rental agreement, the tenant NOTICE TO CREDITORS Beginning at an iron stake on the is liable for rent due under the rental 1200 SQ. FT. OFFICE, Memory Plaza. North Carolina North side of Smith (or Ward) Street, agreement prorated to the effective Will up fit to tenants needs. Call 642- Columbus County it being the Southwest corner of Lot date of the termination. 5824. In the General Court of Justice #13 and being further located North If the trustee is unable to convey title Superior Court Division COMMERCIAL BUILDING FOR 85 degrees 15 minutes West 50.0 to this property for any reason, the Before the Clerk RENT with over head doors. Fenced feet from an old iron stake on the sole remedy of the purchaser is the Covey Run Apartments in lot. Near hospital. Call 640-8098. File No.: 11 E 143 North side of said street, the South- return of the deposit. Reasons of such In the Matter of the Estate of Hilda PHASE II east corner of Lot #13, said begin- inability to convey include, but are not FOR RENT Downtown Commercial King Smith, deceased Building. Spacious parking. Call J.L. ning stake being further located limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy Having qualified as Administrator of End of summer 2011 Powell & Co., Inc. (910) 642-4049. North 2 degrees 45 minutes East 12.5 petition prior to the confirmation of the Estate of Hilda King Smith, late feet from a nail in the center of said the sale and reinstatement of the loan OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. Near of Columbus County, North Caroli- Reduced rent based on Income. street which nail is located North 85 without the knowledge of the trustee. hospital. Call 640-8098. na, this is to notify all persons having degrees 15 minutes West 711.78 feet If the validity of the sale is challenged Handicap Accessible Units Available claims against the said estate to pres- SPACE FOR RENT - Retail space, from a nail in the West edge of pave- by any party, the trustee, in their sole ent such claims to the undersigned, Pickup application at office space & warehouse space. ment of Memory Street at its inter- discretion, if they believe the chal- Ernest Ray Smith at 5533 Morn- Fenced in area. 910-770-6029. section with the center line of said lenge to have merit, may request the Covey Run Apartments, 640-1656 ing Glory Lane, Ash, North Carolina Smith (or Ward) Street, proceeds court to declare the sale to be void 28420 on or before July 11, 2011, a or download application at Passport Photos from said beginning point with the and return the deposit. The purchaser date more than 3 months from the North edge of said street North 85 will have no further remedy. The News Reporter first publication of this notice. Failure degrees 15 minutes West 50.0 feet THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM only $10.00 to present a claim against the estate to an iron stake; thence with the line A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PUR- within the specified period of time of Lot #15 North 2 degrees 45 min- POSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION will be pleaded in bar of recovery of utes east 130.0 feet to an iron stake IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY the same. All persons indebted to the I Can Put on the North edge of a ditch, thence INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE Ask Us About Our New said estate will please make immedi- You In A New Home with the North edge of said ditch USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except ate payment to the said Administrator South 85 degrees 15 minutes East as stated below in the instance of at the stated address. 50.0 feet to an iron stake the North- bankruptcy protection. TODAY! This the 31st day of March, 2011. “LAY-AWAY PLAN” west corner of Lot #13, thence with IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTEC- Ernest Ray Smith, Administrator that line South 2 degrees 45 minutes TION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT Junius B. Lee, III Use Your LAND & HOME West 130.0 feet to the beginning, and OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A Lee & Lee, Attorney “TAX REFUND” being the same property described in RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PRO- PACKAGES AVAILABLE 812 Pinckney Street that certain Deed dated September 9, CEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN On A New Home. Whiteville, NC 28472 Manis Custom Built 1969, from Tillman J. Baldwin, et all to TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATU- Tel: 910-642-3708 Land-Home Oscar Edwards, Jr. and wife Gladys TORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR Fax: 910-642-9058 Packages Available. Edwards, and recorded in Deed Book INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND HOMES March 31, April 7, 14, 21, 2011 Harold Walker, General Manager WELLONTON Designs Up To 6,000 Sq. Ft. KENT SWANZY • Sheet Rock Throughout APARTMENTS • 9 Ft. Ceilings PLACE 200 W. 6th St. RIDGE • 7/12, 9/12 to 12/12 Pitch Roof Chadbourn, NC 28431 • 30 Year Shingles APARTMENTS APARTMENTS • 2x10 Floor Joists Family Households • 2x4 Interior Walls Bring Your Section 8 Elizabethtown • 2x6 Exterior Walls 1, 2 & 3 Bedroom • 2x6 Rafters • 2x10 Ceiling Joists Voucher Now! Apartment Complex • 16” Center Construction Apartments in Elizabethtown, NC 1 & 2 Bedrooms Units for Persons with taking applications on: Our Sales Staff Can Show You The Largest Selection of Renovations Scheduled in 2011 Disabilities Available 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units. Manufactured Homes In The Area - Singlewides & Doublewides Assistance May Be Available Laundry center, exercise Under New Ownership Rental Assistance room, computer room Available Mention this ad and pay no Water included application fees through 4/15. Please Call: Housing Grants & Call 910-642-8891 910-654-3067 College Grants, or visit us at TDD/TYY Children’s and Senior’s Programs Brad Walker Debbie Walker Harold Fipps Tammie Frick 116 Tram Rd., Whiteville 1-800-735-2962 24 hour maintenance available. Office Hours: Equal Opportunity Housing Mon. - Fri. 9 - 2 pm Taking applications on Provider & Employer Other times by appointment Tues. & Thurs. 4pm-7pm OAKWOOD HOMES “This institution is Hwy. 410 South, Chadbourn • Open Mon-Sat, Closed Sun an equal opportunity EQUAL HOUSING at the Construction provider and OPPORTUNITY EQUAL HOUSING EQUAL HOUSING DIAL OUR HOTLINE FOR INSTANT INFORMATION: 910-654-4128 OPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY employer.” Trailer on Swanzy Street The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011- 9B

shall remain liable as provided for Estate are hereby requested to make ment entered into or renewed on or any physical, environment, health Pursuant to NCGS 45-21.10, the Notice of in N.C.G.S. §45-21.30. By submit- immediate payment thereto. or after October 1, 2007, may, after or safety conditions existing in, on, highest bidder at sale will be required Foreclosure Sale ting your bid, you agree that the “full This the 29th day of March, 2011. receiving the notice of sale, termi- at, or relating to the property being to make a cash deposit of five (5) per- purchase price” shall be defined as Frances R, Ball, Administrator of the nate the rental agreement upon 10 offered for sale. cent of the bid up to and including NORTH CAROLINA the amount of bid plus the Trustee’s Estate of Donald Brooks Reynolds days written notice to the landlord. This property will be sold subject to SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS COLUMBUS COUNTY commission as defined in the sub- 111 Maplewood Ave That upon termination of a rental outstanding ad valorem taxes and/ ($750.00), or a greater amount if the IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUS- ject Deed of Trust plus the costs of Thomasville, North Carolina 27360 agreement, the tenant is liable for or assessments for the current year instrument so provides. Following the TICE the action, unless the Trustee agrees T. Scott Sessions, Attorney for the rent due under the rental agreement and subsequent years, prior Deeds expiration of the upset bid period, all SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION otherwise. For example, if the amount Estate of Donald Brooks Reynolds prorated to the effective date of the of Trust, if any, and prior liens, if any, the remaining amounts are immedi- BEFORE THE CLERK of bid is $20,000.00 and the trustee’s The McGougan Law Firm termination. and encumbrances of record. ately due and owing. FILE NO. 11 SP 20 commission is defined in the subject 130 Jefferson Street Said property to be offered pursuant Third party purchasers must pay the Larry W. Pearman, Substitute Trustee IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLO- Deed of Trust as 5% of the gross pro- Whiteville, NC 28472 to this Notice of Sale is being offered excise tax, and the court costs of For- P.O. Box 8178 SURE OF THE DEED OF TRUST EXE- ceeds of the sale, then the “full pur- March 31, April 7, 14, 21, 2011 for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS ty-Five Cents(45¢) per One Hundred Greensboro, NC 27419 CUTED BY chase price” shall equal $21,000.00 IS WHERE IS.” There are no represen- Dollars ($100.00) pursuant to NCGS Phone: (336) 294-9401 WALLACE L. JOHNSON AND WIFE, plus the costs of the action. A tender Notice of tations to warranty relating to the title 7A-308(a)(1). March 31, April 7, 2011 CHRISTI BENNETT (Wallace L. John- of Deed shall be defined as a letter Foreclosure Sale son being the same person as Wallice from the Trustee to the successful L. Johnson, Grantee in Deed bidder offering to record the Deed NORTH CAROLINA CHECK OUT OUR NEW “LOWER” PRICES recorded in Book 929 at Page 827, upon receipt of full purchase price COUNTY OF COLUMBUS Columbus County), Recorded in Book as described herein and listed in said 10 SP 266 935, Page 366 and recorded again ON THE BEST SELECTION OF letter. If the trustee is unable to con- In the matter of Foreclosure of a Deed in Book 939, Page 651, Columbus vey title to this property for any rea- of Trust executed by Annie M. Brown, County Registry PROGRAM CARS IN THE AREA! son such as a bankruptcy filing, the Divorced dated April 30, 2007 record- DEED OF TRUST BEING FORE- sole remedy of the successful bidder ed in Book 895, Page 399 YEAR MAKE MODEL SERIES MILES COLOR INTERNET PRICE CLOSED: is the return of the deposit. As to any Pursuant to Order of the Clerk of The Deed of Trust being foreclosed 2010 Chevy Malibu 4DR SDN, LT 34919 Blue $16,800 manufactured home, the following Superior Court of Columbus County, is that Deed of Trust executed by 2011 Chevy Camaro 2DR, LT, CDw/XM, OnStar 19945 Silver Ice $24,900 shall apply: Any not considered real North Carolina, dated the 24th day WALLACE L. JOHNSON AND WIFE, property is being foreclosed pursu- of March, 2011 authorizing foreclo- 2006 Chevy Silverado XCab, LT, Leather, 4x2 106,607 Black $11,900 CHRISTI BENNETT (Wallace L. John- ant to N.C.G.S. §25-9-604, if neces- sure, and under and by virtue of the 2010 Ford E-350 3DR EXT VAN, XLT, 15 Pass 22781 White $22,900 son being the same person as Wallice sary; there is no warranty that any is power of sale contained in that certain L. Johnson, Grantee in Deed record- 2010 Ford E-350 3DR EXT VAN, XLT, 12 Pass 22882 White $18,500 actually located on the subject tract; Deed of Trust indicated and record- ed in Book 929 at Page 827, Colum- and there is no warranty given by ed in Book 895, Page 399, Colum- 2010 Ford E-350 3DR EXT VAN, XLT, 15 Pass 23301 White $22,900 bus County) to Jay B. Green, Trust- the Substitute Trustee as to whether bus County Registry; and under and 2002 Ford F-150 RCab, 2WD, XLT, PWR PKG, Cash Only 246804 Red $4,900 ee, dated July 9, 2008 and recorded said home is real property or personal by virtue of the authority vested in in Book 935, Page 366 and recorded 2007 Ford F-150 RCab, 2WD, XL 32475 White $14,500 property. The sale will be made sub- the undersigned by an instrument again in Book 939, Page 651 in the 2008 Ford F-150 XCab, XLT, 4x4, with extras 40587 Green $23,500 ject to all prior liens, unpaid taxes, and default having been made and Columbus County Registry of North assessments, restrictions and ease- the said property being subject to 2006 Ford F-150 Crew Cab, 2WD, XLT, All Chrome, Low Miles 34227 Blue $19,500 Carolina. ments of record, if any. foreclosure and the holder of the 2010 Ford F-150 XCab, 4DR, 2WD, XLT, Bedliner, New Tires 30534 White $22,800 RECORD OWNERS OF THE REAL ADDITIONAL NOTICE: indebtedness thereby secured hav- PROPERTY: 2004 Ford F-150 XCab, STX, 4x2, New Tires, Tonneau Cover 91772 Silver $10,500 Take notice that an order for posses- ing demanded a foreclosure thereof, The record owners of the subject real sion of the property may be issued the undersigned will offer for sale at 2006 Ford F-250 Crew Cab, 4x4, Lariat FX4, Diesel, Leather, Loaded 113023 Red $22,500 property as reflected on the records pursuant to G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of public auction to the highest bidder 2003 Ford Ranger XCab, 2WD, XLT 84482 Black $6,900 of the Columbus County Register of the purchaser and against the party for cash at the usual and customary Deeds not more than 10 days prior 2008 Ford Ranger 4DR, XCab, 2WD, XLT 56675 Gray $15,900 or parties in possession by the clerk place for such sales at the Colum- to the posting of this Notice is or of superior court of the county in bus County Courthouse in Whiteville, 2010 Ford Explorer 4DR SUV, Eddie Bauer, 2WD, Sunroof 19770 White $26,900 are Wallice L. Johnson and Christi which the property is sold. Take fur- North Carolina, at 11:00 a.m., on the 2010 Ford Explorer 4DR, SUV, Eddie Bauer, 4x4, Loaded 24105 White Platinum $26,900 Bennett. ther notice that any person who occu- 14th day of April, 2011 the property DATE, TIME AND PLACE OF SALE: 2007 Ford Edge 4DR SUV, SE 35116 White $18,500 pies the property pursuant to a rental conveyed in said Deed of Trust, the The sale will be held on April 6, 2007 Ford Edge 4DR SUV, SE 44397 White $18,500 agreement entered into or renewed same consisting of property lying and 2011 at 11:00 a.m. at the door of on or after October 1, 2007, may, being in Columbus County, and more 2010 Ford Edge 4DR SUV, SEL 22287 White $23,900 the Columbus County Courthouse, after receiving the notice of sale, ter- particularly described at follows: 2009 Ford Escape 4DR SUV, XLT, FWD, Roof, Certified Unit 49115 Blue $17,800 Whiteville, North Carolina. minate the rental agreement upon 10 BEING the northern portion of Lot PROPERTY TO BE SOLD: 2008 Ford Escape 4DR, SUV, XLT, 4x2, V6, Moonroof, Sat. Radio 48555 White $18,500 days’ written notice to the landlord. No. 7 in Block 9, having a frontage of The following real property to be sold The notice shall also state that upon 50 feet on College Street by 140 feet 2010 Ford Focus 4DR, SDN, SE, Cruise, Power Pkg 22801 Black $12,900 “sight unseen” is located in Colum- termination of a rental agreement, depth on Memory Street and being 2008 Ford Fusion 4DR, SDN, SE, Certified, Spoiler, Alloys, 4Cyl. 61819 White $13,500 bus County, North Carolina and is Fresh Inventory Arriving Daily the tenant is liable for rent due under more fully described as follows: believed to have the address of 2070 2010 Ford Fusion 4DR, SDN, SE, Factory Program Car, 4 Cyl. 29678 White $18,800 the rental agreement prorated to the BEGINNING at a stake in the south- Otto Nance Rd, Cerro Gordo, NC 2006 Ford Mustang 2DR, CPE, GT, Sport, 5 speed 58861 White $17,500 effective date of the termination. ern margin of College Street at its 28430 and is otherwise more particu- This the 17th day of February, 2011. intersection with the eastern mar- 2010 Ford Mustang 2DR, CPE, Leather, V6, Premium 10632 Blue $19,900 larly described as follows: Jay B. Green gin of Memory Street and running 2010 Ford Mustang 2DR, CPE, Leather, V6, Premium 24763 White $19,500 The lot consisting of 0.49 acre, lying Attorney for Deidre D. DeFlorentis, thence south with the eastern mar- southeast of and adjacent to Second- 2010 Ford Mustang 2DR, Convertible, V6, Premium, Leather 14704 White $21,500 Substitute Trustee gin of Memory Street 140 feet to a ary Road 1401, and being as depict- 908 E. Edenton Street stake; thence eastwardly parallel with 2010 Ford Taurus 4DR, SDN, SEL, Leather, Roof 15809 Silver $24,900 ed on plat entitled “SURVEY FOR Raleigh, North Carolina 27601 College Street 50 feet to a stake in 2008 Mercury Milan 4DR, SDN 42734 Silver $13,500 KRISTY BENNETT JOHNSON AND Telephone: 919-829-0797 the western line of Lot No. 8, thence HUSBAND, WALLICE L. JOHNSON”, 2008 Mercury Sable 4DR, SDN, Premier, FW, Leather, Roof, Cert. 50503 Silver $16,500 March 24, 31, 2011 northwardly parallel with Memory recorded in Deed Book 891 at page Street 140 feet to a stake in the south- 2008 Mercury Sable 4DR, SDN, Premier FW, Leather, Roof 38165 Silver $16,500 724, to which reference is made for NOTICE TO CREDITORS ern edge of College Street; thence 1996 Mercury Gr Marquis 4DR, SDN, LS, Cash Only “Actual Miles” 81856 Burgundy $3,500 complete description, being the prop- Having qualified on the 29th day of westwardly 50 feet to the POINT OF erty conveyed to Wallice L. Johnson March, 2011, as Administrator Of 2010 Mercury Gr Marquis 4DR, SDN, LS, “Ultimate”, Leather, Loaded 21580 Silver $17,500 BEGINNING. and wife, Christi Bennett by deed The Estate Of Donald Brooks Reyn- Property Address: 323 W College 2007 Lincoln MKX 4DR, SUV, AWD, Vista Roof, Leather 45260 Black $22,800 recorded in Book 929 at page 827, olds, deceased, of Columbus County, Street, Whiteville, North Carolina 2004 Lincoln Town Car 4DR, SDN, Signature 78320 Gold $10,800 Columbus County. North Carolina, this is to notify all per- 28472 Included as part of the real property sons having claims against the dece- 2009 Nissan Altima 4DR, SDN, 2.5 S 13924 Black $16,800 An order for possession of the prop- is a 2008 CMH Vintage 23 manufac- dent or said Estate to present them erty may be issued pursuant to NCGS tured home bearing serial no. ROC- to the undersigned within three (3) 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser and 722078NCAB as more particularly months from the date of the first pub- against the party or parties in posses- described in a Declaration of record lication of this Notice, or this Notice sion by the Clerk of Superior Court of FAIR BLUFF FORD in Book 948, Page 942, CCR. will be pleaded in bar of any recovery. Hwy. 76/Main St., Fair Bluff, NC (910) 649-7531 • (888) 870-FORD the County in which the property is TERMS OF SALE: Please direct all claims to the atten- sold. Any person who occupies the Monday-Friday 8-7 • Saturday 8-2 Pursuant to the provisions of N.C.G.S. tion of Frances R. Ball, Administra- property pursuant to a rental agree- §45-21.10(b) and the terms of the tor, Estate Of Donald Brooks Reyn- Deed of Trust, any successful bidder olds, c/o T. Scott Sessions, Attorney, • • • may be required to deposit with the The McGougan Law Firm, 130 Jeffer- • • Trustee or Clerk of Superior Court son Street, Whiteville, North Carolina immediately upon the conclusion of 28472. All persons indebted to said the sale a cash deposit to be deter- mined by the greater of 5% of the bid or $750.00. Unless the Substi- tute Trustee agrees otherwise, the Vineland successful bidder will be required to tender the “full purchase price” so bid in cash or certified check at Station the time the Trustee tenders to him Available for 2011 NEW Jeep Patriot 2011 NEW Jeep Compass a Deed to the property or attempts 2.0L DOHC engine, automatic transaxle, 5 STAR crash 2.0L DOHC engine, automatic transaxle, 5 STAR crash test rating to tender such Deed, and should the wedding receptions test rating with side curtain air bags, speed control, with side curtain air bags, power group, speed control, remote successful bidder fail to pay the full & other events Media Center 130 CD/MP3 radio plus much more! start, heated seats, Media Center 130 CD/MP3 radio, alloy wheels, amount, then the successful bidder 640-2030 Latitude Package plus much more! 27 MPG 27 MPG Town of Chadbourn HWY HWY Public Hearing Notice

The Town Council will hold a public hearing on Tues- day, April 5, 2011 at 7:00 PM. The Public Hearing will 1 2 be held at: Per Stk# VUJ4219 Per Stk# VUJ4228 Town Hall $ $ Town Council Chambers 239 Month 299 Month 602 North Brown Street Chadbourn, North Carolina 28431 2011 NEW Chrysler 200 Limited 2011 NEW Dodge RAM Quad Cab The Public Hearing will be held for the following pro- 3.6L Pentastar engine, 5 STAR crash test rating with side curtain 20 inch chrome wheel and tire package, BIG HORN option posed changes to the following section of the Chad- air bags, GARMIN navigation system, U-connect voice command package, 4.7L V/8 FLEX FUEL engine, 5 STAR Crash Test with Bluetooth, remote start, leather heated seats, SIRIUS satellite Rating with side curtain air bags, power sliding back glass, bourn Code of Ordinances: system, 18 inch tire & wheel group plus imported from Detroit! SIRIUS satellite radio, trailer tow wiring plus much more! Case No.: TO-01-10 – The Proposed Utility Avail- ability Ordinance will require that the owners of developed and vacant properties pay a minimum bill 29 MPG 19 MPG to cover the cost of having those services available. HWY HWY This ordinance would be in compliance with North Carolina General Statutes § 160A-317. Case No.: TO-01-11 – Amending the Animal Ordi- nance. Town Council will receive public comments 4 3 Stk# VUC9689 on amending Chapter 10 – X (Animals) – Section Per Stk# VUD5883 $ $ or VUD5884 10-17: Dangerous or Potentially Dangerous Dog Ordinance. 338 Month 24,998 1. STK# VUJ4219, Sale price $18249, 75 months @ 4.99% fnancing @ $239.81 per month with 10% cash or trade down plus tax, tags and $289 DOC Fee. Rebate assigned as cash down. Subject to credit approval. Copies of the original proposed and the revised 2. STK# VUJ4228, Sale price $22520, 75 months @ 4.99% fnancing @ $299.57 per month with 10% cash or trade down plus tax, tags and $289 DOC Fee. Rebate assigned as cash down. Subject to credit approval. 3. STK# VUC9689, Sale price $24390, 75 months @ 4.99% fnancing @ $338.95 per month with 10% cash or trade down plus tax, tags and $289 DOC Fee. Rebate assigned as cash down. Subject to credit approval. ordinances for both will be available at Town Hall, 4. STK# VUD5883 or VUD5884 MSRP $32060 - Sales price $24998, all rebates assigned to dealer. the Chadbourn Library and the Town of Chadbourn’s website ( If you would like to provide public comments in favor or opposition to this request, you will be able to do so Vann Underwood at the public hearing. If you have questions about nderwood Chrysler Je nn U ep Do this application, you may contact Stevie Cox, Town Va dge Chrysler • Jeep • Dodge • RAM Manager at: (910) 654-4148. Whiteville, NC www.vannunderwood.comWhiteville, NC 910-642-2000 • 1-800-682-6835 Publication Date: March 24th and 31st, 2011 • • • • • • • VUCJD 10B - The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011

Notice of CEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN the sale and reinstatement of the loan the deed of trust, being foreclosed, 2011 at 1:00 P.M.. The highest bid- thence North 05 degrees 27 minutes TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATU- without the knowledge of the trustee. nor the officers, directors, attorneys, der shall make a deposit of 5% of the East one hundred thirty (130) feet to Foreclosure Sale TORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR If the validity of the sale is challenged employees, agents or authorized rep- amount bid as earnest money, which an iron seven (7) feet South of the INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND by any party, the trustee, in their sole resentative of either Trustee or the shall be returned in the event the bid is South edge of the pavement of U.S. IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT discretion, if they believe the chal- holder of the note make any repre- STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA rejected. The highest bid made shall Highway # 74-76 and sixty-five (65) TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT lenge to have merit, may request the sentation or warranty relating to the COUNTY OF COLUMBUS NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY OF THE feet North of the center line of Grant- TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOV- court to declare the sale to be void title or any physical, environmental, IN THE GENERAL COURT OF UPSET BID PROCEDURES OF JUDI- or’s railroad bed; thence North 85 ER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE and return the deposit. The purchaser health or safety conditions existing JUSTICE CIAL SALES. ANNOUNCEMENTS degrees 27 minutes West one hun- DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. will have no further remedy. in, on, at or relating to the property SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION ON DAY OF SALE WILL TAKE PRI- dred eleven (111) feet to the Point of SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM being offered for sale. Any and all FILE NO.: 10-SP-297 ORITY OVER WRITTEN NOTICES. Beginning; containing 0.3 acres and Dawson & Albritton, P.A. A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PUR- responsibilities or liabilities arising out IN THE MATTER OF THE FORE- The Columbus County Board of Edu- being shown on map from survey P.O. Box 6003 (27835) POSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION of or in any way relating to any such CLOSURE OF A DEED OF TRUST cation must accept and confirm the made by Lloyd R. Walker, R.S., dated 3219 Landmark Street, Ste. 4 IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY condition expressly are disclaimed. EXECUTED BY BONNIE HEDWIN, high bid at its next regularly sched- September 14, 1978, entitled “Survey Greenville, NC 27834 INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE This sale is made subject to all prior WIDOW, DATED JULY 3, 2001 AND uled meeting, which is tentatively for Charles C. Whitfield” and recorded 252-752-2485 USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, except liens and encumbrances, and unpaid RECORDED JULY 13, 2001, IN BOOK scheduled on December 6, 2010, but in Plat Book 27 at page 54, Office of March 24, 31, 2011 as stated below in the instance of taxes and assessments including but 657, PAGE 299 IN THE COLUMBUS which is subject to change, in order to the Register of Deeds of Columbus bankruptcy protection. not limited to any transfer tax associ- COUNTY REGISTER OF DEEDS effectuate the sale. In the event the County; which said plat is incorpo- IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTEC- ated with the foreclosure. A deposit SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE: Notice of bid is accepted and confirmed, then rated herein by reference. TION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT of five percent (5%) of the amount of Dawson & Albritton, P.A. the balance of the purchase price A nd being the same Second Tract Foreclosure Sale OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A the bid or seven hundred fifty dollars Pursuant to a Court Order and under shall be paid within one week after of land conveyed by Deed dated RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PRO- ($750.00), whichever is greater, is and by virtue of the power and author- 11 SP 39 the acceptance and confirmation or November 14, 1979 and recorded in CEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS GIVEN required and must be tendered in the ity contained in the above-referenced Under and by virtue of the power of the earnest money shall be forfeited Book 321, Page 34, Columbus Coun- TO YOU PURSUANT TO STATU- form of certified funds at the time of deed of trust and because of a vio- sale contained in a certain Deed of and retained by the Columbus County ty Registry. TORY REQUIREMENT AND FOR the sale. This sale will be held open lation of the provisions of said deed Trust made by Frankie Tonara Doc- Board of Education. This property is located at on Sam INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES AND ten days for upset bids as required of trust and a failure to carry out and tor and Audra Doctor (PRESENT The building must be moved within Potts Highway, Lake Waccamaw, NC. IS NOT INTENDED AS AN ATTEMPT by law. Following the expiration of perform the stipulations and agree- RECORD OWNER(S): Frankie Tonara thirty (30) days after the payment of The interest of the County Tax Admin- TO COLLECT A DEBT OR AS AN ACT the statutory upset period, all remain- ments therein contained, and pur- Doctor) to Paul H. Swan, Trustee(s), the purchase price; and the protec- istration is approximately $4,500.00. TO COLLECT, ASSESS, OR RECOV- ing amounts are IMMEDIATELY DUE suant to demand of the owner and dated the 2nd day of April, 2007, and tion of the school, students, person- The property to be offered pursuant to ER ALL OR ANY PORTION OF THE AND OWING. Failure to remit funds in holder of the indebtedness secured recorded in Book 888, Page 602, in nel and property must be assured in this Notice of Sale is being offered for DEBT FROM YOU PERSONALLY. a timely manner will result in a Dec- by said deed of trust, the undersigned Columbus County Registry, North writing by the purchaser. The residen- sale, transfer and conveyance: “AS This 15th day of March, 2011. laration of Default and any deposit substitute trustee will expose for sale Carolina, default having been made tial building shall be sold AS IS WITH IS, WHERE IS”. Neither the Commis- SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SERVIC- will be frozen pending the outcome at public auction to the highest bid- in the payment of the note thereby ALL FAULTS, and with no warranties sioner nor the County of Columbus, ES, INC. of any re-sale. der for cash at the usual place of secured by the said Deed of Trust and of any kind which extend beyond the nor the officers, directors, attorneys, SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SPECIAL NOTICE FOR LEASEHOLD sale at the county courthouse of said the undersigned, Substitute Trustee face hereof including the WARRAN- employees, agents or authorized rep- BY: TENANTS: If you are a tenant resid- county at 10:00 A.M. on April 5, 2011 Services, Inc. having been substituted TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND resentatives of either the Commis- Attorney at Law ing in the property, be advised that an the following described real estate as Trustee in said Deed of Trust by an FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR sioner or the County of Columbus The Law Firm of Hutchens, Senter & Order for Possession of the property and any other improvements which instrument duly recorded in the Office PURPOSE. make any representation of warranty Britton, P.A. may be issued in favor of the purchas- may be situated thereon, situated in of the Register of Deeds of Columbus This the 28th day of March, 2011. relating to the title or any physical, Attorneys for Substitute Trustee Ser- er. Also, if your lease began or was Columbus County, North Carolina, County, North Carolina and the holder Columbus County Board of Education environmental, health or safety con- vices, Inc. renewed on or after October 1, 2007, and being more particularly described of the note evidencing said indebted- By: Norris Ebron, Chairman ditions existing in, on, at, or relat- P.O. Box 1028 be advised that you may terminate the as follows: ness having directed that the Deed of Dr. Dan Strickland, Superintendent ing to the property being offered for 4317 Ramsey Street rental agreement upon 10 days writ- Beginning at an iron stake on the Trust be foreclosed, the undersigned March 31, 2011 sale, and any and all responsibilities Fayetteville, North Carolina 28311 ten notice to the landlord. You may north side of S.R.#1151 (S.R.#1151 Substitute Trustee will offer for sale or liabilities arising out of or in any be liable for rent due under the agree- having a right of way of 60 feet), said at the courthouse door in the City of Notice of Tax way relating to any such condition Case No: 1047613 ment prorated to the effective date of beginning corner being also where Whiteville, Columbus County, North expressly are disclaimed. March 24, 31, 2011 the termination. Foreclosure Sale the western line of Mace Wright lands Carolina, or the customary location Also, this property is being sold free The date of this Notice is March 23, intersect with the northern right of designated for foreclosure sales, at and clear of all taxes, special assess- 2011. way of S.R.#1151; thence from said 1:30 PM on April 5, 2011 and will sell Notice of Sale STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ments, prior liens or encumbranc- 11-014031 beginning corner and with the north- to the highest bidder for cash the COUNTY OF COLUMBUS es of record against said property Grady I. Ingle Or Elizabeth B. Ells ern right of way of S.R.#1151 South following real estate situated in the IN THE GENERAL COURT OF except as may exist under Federal IN THE GENERAL COURT OF Substitute Truste 78 degrees 35 minutes West 81.14 Township of Whiteville, in the Coun- JUSTICE Law, if any. JUSTICE 10130 Perimeter Parkway, Suite 400 feet to a point; thence continuing with ty of Columbus, North Carolina, and DISTRICT COURT DIVISION A cash deposit of 20% of the pur- OF NORTH CAROLINA Charlotte, NC 28216 the northern right of way of S.R.#1151 being more particularly described as FILE NO.: 10 CV 206 chase price, or $750 whichever is SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION 704- 333-8107 South 85 degrees 30 minutes West follows: COUNTY OF COLUMBUS greater, will be required at the time of COLUMBUS COUNTY 66.15 feet to an iron stake; thence Lying and being in the Town of White- Plaintiff the sale with the balance remaining 11sp49 March 31, April 7, 2011 North 6 degrees East 204 feet to an ville, Whiteville Township, Columbus IN THE MATTER OF THE FORECLO- Vs due to be paid in full by cash or cer- iron stake; thence South 84 degrees County, North Carolina, and being SURE OF A DEED OF TRUST EXE- LOIS WHITFIELD; UNKNOWN HEIRS tified funds at the Office of the Com- East 171.22 feet to an iron stake; more particularly described as fol- CUTED BY ERIN E. LOAR DATED Notice of Sale OF CHARLES CHAUNCEY WHIT- missioner within three (3) days after thence South 15 degrees 44 minutes lows: Being known, numbered and JULY 23, 2007 AND RECORDED by the Columbus FIELD, the entry of the Judgment of Confir- West 170.03 feet to the beginning designated as all of Lot No. Ten (10) IN BOOK 900 AT PAGE 91 IN THE County Board of E.D. WHITFIELD and JOHN STE- mation by the Clerk of Court. and continuing 0.67 acres. Winnie on plat of T.S. Memory addition to COLUMBUS COUNTY PUBLIC REG- Education of the PHEN WHITFIELD, Hearing before the Honorable Napo- E. Hewett, grantor in Deed Book 182, Patterson Park, dated July, 1961, by ISTRY, NORTH CAROLINA Defendants leon B. Barefoot, Jr., District Court Page 478, who reserved a life estate, John K. Burns, Registered Land Sur- Under and by virtue of the power and Residential Building NOTICE is hereby given that the Judge presiding for the Thirteenth died October 7, 1954. veyor, recorded in Plat Book 7, Page authority contained in the above-ref- Constructed by COUNTY OF COLUMBUS, as body Judicial District was held in connec- Referenced hereby made for a fur- 96, Columbus County Registry. Being erenced deed of trust and because of East Columbus High politic incorporate of the State of tion with the foreclosure on the 11th ther and more accurate description of the same property by deed dated default in the payment of the secured North Carolina, is exercising its power day of February, 2011 at which time said lot by map prepared by Robert June 21, 1979, executed by Danny indebtedness and failure to per- School Trade and and authority to assess, levy and col- the Honorable Napoleon B. Barefoot, D. Inman, Surveyor, on October 22, Soles and wife, Shirley S. Soles, to form the stipulation and agreements Industry Classes lect taxes against real and personal Jr., authorized this foreclosure sale as 1969 for Shafton W. Hewett and wife, Wanda Carter Herring, recorded in therein contained and, pursuant to property located within its boundar- required by statute. This the 17th day of March, 2011. the same being recorded in the Office Deed Book 316, Page 741, Colum- demand of the owner and holder of TAKE NOTICE, that Ken Buck, Direc- ies in accordance with the laws of the WILLIAM E WOOD of the Register of Deeds of Columbus bus County Registry. Also being the the secured debt, the undersigned tor of Vocational Education of the State of North Carolina and the Judg- COMMISSIONER County in Plat Book 10, Page 138. same property by Wanda Carter Bry- substitute trustee will expose for sale Columbus County Board of Educa- ment entered on the 11th day of Feb- 100 COURTHOUSE SQUARE For chain of title, see deed from ant and husband, Charles Wayne Bry- at public auction to the highest bidder tion, or his designee, on its behalf and ruary, 2011 and is foreclosing on the WHITEVILLE, NC 28472 Dewey S. Hewett, et al. to Ruey ant, to Ronnie Finch and wife Laura for cash at the usual place of sale at pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections 160A- following lands of LOIS WHITFIELD; TELEPHONE: (910)-642-3965 Hewett, dated February 2, 1948, as Finch, by Deed dated April 8, 2005, the county courthouse of said county 270 shall offer for sale the residential UNKNOWN HEIRS OF CHARLES STATE BAR NO.: 5901 recorded in Book 182, Page 478, recorded in Book 811, Page 639, at 11:00 AM on April 13, 2011 the fol- building constructed by the Trade and CHAUNCEY WHITFIELD, E.D. WHIT- Columbus County Registry. Togeth- FIELD and JOHN STEPHEN WHIT- March 24 & 31, 2011 Columbus County Registry. lowing described real estate and any Industries classes of East Columbus Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole er with improvements located there- FIELD in order to satisfy the prop- other improvements which may be High School, at public auction on NOTICE TO CREDITORS discretion, delay the sale for up to on; said property being located at erly assessed but unpaid taxes and/ situated thereon, in Columbus Coun- the grounds of East Columbus High STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA one hour as provided in N.C.G.S. 500 West College Street, Whiteville, or special assessments upon certain ty, North Carolina, and being more School, on Friday, April 15, 2011 at COUNTY OF COLUMBUS §45-21.23. North Carolina. lands. Pursuant to Judgment entered particularly described as follows: 11:00 A.M.. The highest bidder shall The undersigned, WILLIAM BRAX- Should the property be purchased by Trustee may, in the Trustee’s sole dis- on the 11th day of February, 2011, Lying and being in Whiteville Town- make a deposit of 5% of the amount TON WILLIAMS, JR, has qualified as a third party, that person must pay cretion, delay the sale for up to one William E. Wood has been appoint- ship, Columbus County, North Caro- bid as earnest money, which shall Executrix of the ESTATE OF WILLIAM the tax of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) hour as provided in NCGS §45-21.23. ed Commissioner with the author- lina, containing 2.17 acres, more or be returned in the event the bid is BRAXTON WILLIAMS, late of Colum- per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) Should the property be purchased by ity to sell the following land at the less, excluding the right-of-way of rejected. The highest bid made shall bus County, and this is to notify all required by N.C.G.S. §7A-308(a)(1). a third party, that party must pay the Courthouse Door, Columbus County State Road 1002 and being fully set NOT BE SUBJECT TO ANY OF THE persons having claims against said The property to be offered pursuant excise tax, as well as the court costs Courthouse in the City of Whiteville, forth and delineated upon a map of UPSET BID PROCEDURES OF JUDI- Estate to present them to the under- to this notice of sale is being offered of Forty-Five Cents ($0.45) per One Columbus County, North Carolina at a survey for Frank Hunter Wyche and CIAL SALES. ANNOUNCEMENTS signed on or before June 23, 2011, for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS Hundred Dollars ($100.00) required 12:00 noon, on the 4th day of April, wife, Susan Elaine B. Wyche, dated ON DAY OF SALE WILL TAKE PRI- pursuant to North Carolina General IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee by NCGS §7A-308(a)(1). 2011 and will sell to the highest bid- October 27, 1988, prepared by David ORITY OVER WRITTEN NOTICES. Statute 28A-14-1, or this notice shall nor the holder of the note secured by The property to be offered pursuant to der for cash, the following described B. Goldston, Jr., Registered Land The Columbus County Board of Edu- be pled in bar of their recovery. All the deed of trust/security agreement, this notice of sale is being offered for real estate: Surveyor, and being set forth and cation must accept and confirm the persons indebted to said Estate will or both, being foreclosed, nor the offi- sale, transfer and conveyance “AS IS, Being those certain tracts or parcels delineated upon said plat as follows: high bid at its next regularly sched- please make immediate payment to cers, directors, attorneys, employees, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee nor of land situate, lying and being at BEGIN at a point marked by a nail in uled meeting, which is tentatively the undersigned. agents or authorized representative of the holder of the note secured by the Lake Waccamaw, County of Colum- the center line of State Road 1002, scheduled on May 2, 2011, but which This the 23rd day of March, 2011. either the Trustee or the holder of the deed of trust/security agreement, or bus, State of North Carolina, and said beginning point being further is subject to change, in order to effec- WILLIAM BRAXTON WILLIAMS, JR, note make any representation or war- both, being foreclosed, nor the offi- described as follows, to wit: located on a tie line North 69 degrees tuate the sale. In the event the bid Executor of the Estate of ranty relating to the title or any physi- cers, directors, attorneys, employees, FIRST TRACT: 42 minutes 27 seconds East 474.10 is accepted and confirmed, then the William Braxton Williams cal, environmental, health or safety agents or authorized representative of Lying inside the city limits of Lake feet from the point marked by a nail balance of the purchase price shall be 437 Fairway Court conditions existing in, on, at or relat- either the Trustee or the holder of the Waccamaw on and adjacent to U.S. located at the intersection of the cen- paid within one week after the accep- Severna Park, MD 21146 ing to the property being offered for note make any representation or war- Highway # 74-76 pavement BEGIN- ter line of State Road 1002 and State tance and confirmation or the earnest Resident Process Agent sale, and any and all responsibilities ranty relating to the title or any physi- NING at an iron which is 8.5 feet Road 1538; from the beginning point money shall be forfeited and retained C. Greg Williamson or liabilities arising out of or in any cal, environmental, health or safety South of the pavement (this point so located, proceed North 03 degrees by the Columbus County Board of Williamson, Walton & Scott, LLP way relating to any such condition conditions existing in, on, at or relat- being also 65 feet North of the cen- 03 minutes 30 seconds West (pass- Education. Attorneys at Law expressly are disclaimed. Also, this ing to the property being offered for ter line of Grantor’s railroad bed and ing a point marked by an iron on the The building must be moved within 136 Washington St property is being sold subject to all sale, and any and all responsibilities adjacent to the old depot site in Lake Northern right-of-way margin of SR thirty (30) days after the payment of P.O. Box 1467 taxes, special assessments, and prior or liabilities arising out of or in any Waccamaw) and runs thence North 1002 at 33.34 feet) a total distance the purchase price; and the protec- Whiteville, NC 28472 liens or encumbrances of record and way relating to any such condition 05 degrees 27 minutes East twenty of 105.28 feet to a point marked by tion of the school, students, person- March 24, 31, April 7, 14, 2011 any recorded releases. expressly are disclaimed. Also, this a old iron; thence proceed South nel and property must be assured in (20) feet to a nail in the center line A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no property is being sold subject to all 79 degrees 33 minutes 30 seconds writing by the purchaser. The residen- of the pavement of U.S. Highway # Request for Bids personal checks) of five percent (5%) taxes, special assessments, and prior East 125.40 feet to a point marked tial building shall be sold AS IS WITH 74-76; thence South 85 degrees 27 of the purchase price, or seven hun- liens or encumbrances of record and by an iron; thence proceed North 36 ALL FAULTS, and with no warranties minutes East one hundred eleven ATTENTION : MBES - WBES dred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever any recorded releases. Said property degrees 04 minutes 08 seconds East of any kind which extend beyond the (111) feet to a nail which is two (2) Barnhill Contracting Company will is greater, will be required at the time is also being sold subject to applica- 240.77 feet to a point marked by an face hereof including the WARRAN- feet North of the center line of said be bidding on the following project of the sale. ble Federal and State laws. iron thence proceed North 73 degrees TIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND highway; thence South 05 degrees on April 12, 2011 at 2:00 pm. We are An order for possession of the prop- A cash deposit or cashier’s check (no 17 minutes 26 seconds West 371.56 FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR 27 minutes West twenty (20) feet to most interested in receiving quotes erty may be issued pursuant to personal checks) of five percent (5%) feet to a point marked by an iron; PURPOSE. an iron which is seven (7) feet South from your company on this project: N.C.G.S. 45-21.29 in favor of the of the purchase price, or seven hun- thence proceed 24 degrees 55 min- This the 28th day of March, 2011. of the pavement of said highway; WBS #43028.3.1 two foot widening purchaser and against the party or dred fifty dollars ($750.00), whichever utes 04 seconds West 317.94 feet to Columbus County Board of Education thence North 85 degrees 27 minutes with Safety Edge on SR 1152 (Pig- parties in possession by the clerk of is greater, will be required at the time a point marked by a nail in the center By: Norris Ebron, Chairman West one hundred eleven (111) feet ott Rd). superior court of the county in which of the sale. line of State Road 1002; thence pro- Dr. Dan Strickland, Superintendent to the Point of Beginning; containing County: Brunswick the property is sold. An order for possession of the prop- ceeds with the center line of State March 31, 2011 0.05 acres and being shown on a map Grading, Widening, Pavement, Pave- Any person who occupies the prop- erty may be issued pursuant to G.S. Road 1002 South 67 degrees 17 from survey made by Lloyd R. Walker, ment Marking, Matting for Erosion erty pursuant to a rental agreement 45-21.29 in favor of the purchaser minutes 50 seconds East 205.89 feet Notice of Sale R.S., dated September 14, 1978, enti- Control, Wattles, Silt Fence, Seeding entered into or renewed on or after and against the party or parties in to a point marked by a nail; thence tled “Survey for Charles C. Whitfield” and Mulching. October 1, 2007, may, after receiving possession by the clerk of superior continue with the center line of State by The Columbus and recorded in Plat Book 27 at Page This project includes opportunities the notice of sale, terminate the rent- court of the county in which the prop- Road 1002 South 68 degrees 21 min- County Board of 54, Office of the Register of Deeds of on, but is not limited to Hauling, Mis- al agreement upon 10 days written erty is sold. utes 35 seconds East 43.49 feet to a Education of the Columbus County; which said plat cellaneous erosion control items, notice to the landlord. Upon termina- Any person who occupies the prop- point marked by a nail in the center Residential Building is incorporated herein by reference. Signs, Seed & Mulch. tion of a rental agreement, the tenant erty pursuant to a rental agreement line of State Road 1002, the POINT And being the same First Tract of land All firms or persons interest in bidding is liable for rent due under the rental entered into or renewed on or after AND PLACE OF BEGINNING. All Constructed by conveyed by Deed dated November on any applicable portions of these agreement prorated to the effective October 1, 2007, may after receiving bearings magnetic North 1974. Ref- South Columbus High 14, 1979 and recorded in Book 321, projects or supplying materials for any date of the termination. the notice of sale, terminate the rent- erence is made to deed recorded in School Trade and Page 34, Columbus County Registry. applicable portions of these projects, THIS IS A COMMUNICATION FROM al agreement upon 10 days’ written Deed Book 399, Page 37, Columbus SECOND TRACT: are invited to contact us direct or by A DEBT COLLECTOR. THE PUR- notice to the landlord. Upon termina- County Registry. Industry Classes Lying inside the city limits of Lake phone (we accept collect calls). POSE OF THIS COMMUNICATION tion of a rental agreement, the tenant And Being more commonly known Waccamaw and adjacent to U.S. Phone: (910) 755-9978 IS TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY is liable for rent due under the rental as: 3068 Old Lumberton Rd, White- TAKE NOTICE, that Ken Buck, Direc- Highway # 74-76 right of way BEGIN- Fax: (910) 754-7179 INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL agreement prorated to the effective ville, NC 28472 tor of Vocational Education of the NING at an iron which is 8.5 feet An EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOY- BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, date of the termination. The record owner(s) of the proper- Columbus County Board of Educa- South of the pavement (this point ER EXCEPT AS STATED BELOW IN THE If the trustee is unable to convey title ty, as reflected on the records of the tion, or his designee, on its behalf being also 65 feet North of the cen- March 31, 2011 INSTANCE OF BANKRUPTCY PRO- to this property for any reason, the Register of Deeds, is/are Erin E. Loar. and pursuant to N.C.G.S. Sections ter line of Grantor’s railroad bed and TECTION. sole remedy of the purchaser is the The property to be offered pursuant 160A-270 shall offer for sale the resi- running thence South 05 degrees 27 IF YOU ARE UNDER THE PROTEC- return of the deposit. Reasons of such to this notice of sale is being offered dential building constructed by the minutes West one hundred thirty (130) TION OF THE BANKRUPTCY COURT inability to convey include, but are not for sale, transfer and conveyance “AS Trade and Industries classes of South feet to the southern right of way line Passport Photos OR HAVE BEEN DISCHARGED AS A limited to, the filing of a bankruptcy IS, WHERE IS.” Neither the Trustee Columbus High School, at public auc- of Grantor; thence along said right The News Reporter RESULT OF A BANKRUPTCY PRO- petition prior to the confirmation of nor the holder of the note secured by tion on the grounds of South Colum- of way line South 85 degrees 27 feet bus High School, on Friday, April 15, East one hundred eleven (111) feet; only $10.00 The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 -- 11B

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Your Ad Could Be Your Ad Could Be Here For Only Here For Only $28 Per Week! $28 Per Week! (Minimum of 13 Weeks) (Minimum of 13 Weeks) 12B--The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 Lumber River State Park April programs Nature Hike: April 2, Lum- pre-registration is required. gram about “The Snakes of ber River State Park is offer- Basic Bream Fishing: April the Lumber River.” Come ing a Nature Hike. We will 16, Lumber River State Park is out and learn some basics be meeting at Chalk Banks offering a program on how to about the snakes of the area. Access Area, at 9 a.m. All par- fish for Sunfish. This program This program will give par- ticipants need to dress for the will introduce the partici- ticipants the opportunity to weather and wear good foot pants to making basic bream look and discuss the different wear. This program will give rigs and how to effectively fish types of snakes on the Lum- visitors a chance to experi- for them. This program will be ber River. We will be meeting ence the natural beauty of the at Princess Ann Access Area, at Princess Ann Access Area, river. Bring snacks, bottled at 6 p.m. Participants should at 6:30 p.m. For more informa- water, sunscreen, and any oth- dress for the weather since tion contact Anderson at 628- er items needed for the Nature the program will be held out- 4564. Hike. For more information, doors. For more information Art in the Park Hike: contact Ranger Jeff Davidson contact Anderson at 628-4564. April 23, Come out for a hike at 628-4564. Walk With a Park Ranger: through nature to discover Canoe Trip: April 5, Lum- April 17, Lumber River State how art can be used to illus- ber River State Park is offer- Park is offering a program to trate the natural beauty found Staff photo by Mark Gilchrist ing a Guided Canoe Trip down the public for free. This will along the Lumber River. We the Lumber River. We will be be a nature hike through the will be meeting at Chalk Hard weather softball meeting at the Princess Ann swamp lands at Fair Bluff. Banks Access Area at 9 a.m. Parents and friends by the hundreds turned out on a wet and cold Saturday to watch Access Area, at 10 a.m. All We will be meeting at the For more information contact their favorite softball players as more than 30 teams suited up in Riegelwood for the participants must be able to Fair Bluff Boardwalk, at 3 Davidson at 628-4564. opening day of the softball season in Columbus County. swim. Program will take ap- p.m. Bring the children out Kayak Trip, April 26, Lum- proximately 2 hours. Bring to learn about plants and ani- ber River State Park is offer- sunscreen, drinking water, a mals of our area. For more ing a Guided Kayak Trip down Gospel explosion at snack, and any other neces- information contact Bowen at the Lumber River. We will be Study of ‘Te Inheritance’ St. Luke AMEZ sary items. For more informa- 628-4564. meeting at the Princess Ann tion or to make reservations, Tree Identification Hike: Access Area, at 10 a.m. All to start at two churches The St. Luke AME Zion Church’s ushers will hold a as space is limited, contact April 18, Lumber River State participants must be able to “The Inheritance,” an audio study of the Bible written by gospel explosion at Spaulding Ranger Brantley Bowen at Park is offering a Tree Iden- swim. Program will take ap- Beth Moore, will be held at two locations in Columbus County. Monroe Cultural Center in 628-4564. Due to limited space, tification Hike. This will be proximately two hours. Bring The first will be held each Wednesday at 10 a.m., beginning Bladenboro Sunday, April 10 preregistration is required. a short hike identifying flora sunscreen, drinking water, a April 6, at the Dock Baptist Association headquarters along at 4 p.m. Nature Hike: April 9, Lum- and fauna of upland and low- snack, and any other neces- N.C. 905 north of Nakina. Featured will be the Rev. ber River State Park is offer- land areas along the Lumber sary items. For more informa- The second begins Thursday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m. at the Du- Cleophis Wright and Chariot ing a Nature Hike. We will River. We will be meeting tion or to make reservations, lah Missionary Baptist Church in the 12400 block of N.C. 904 Singers of Hallsboro, Sisters be meeting at Chalk Banks at the Princess Ann Access as space is limited, contact southeast of Tabor City. of Love of Robeson County, Access Area, at 10:30 a.m. All Area, at 6:30 p.m. For more in- Bowen at 628-4564. Due to lim- No books are needed, and there will be no homework in- Chadbourn Gospel Singers, participants need to dress for formation, contact Bowen at ited space, preregistration is volved. Spiritual Voices of Praise of the weather and wear good 628-4564. required. For more information about the two programs, call 840-7766. foot wear. This program will Kayak Trip: April 21, Lum- Kayak Trip: April 30, Lum- Council, God’s Creation of give visitors a chance to ex- ber River State Park is of- ber River State Park is offer- Evergreen, Talented Voices of perience the natural beauty fering a Guided Kayak Trip ing a Guided Kayak Trip down New Zion MBC to hold pastor’s Evergreen, Rock of Deliver- of the river. Bring snacks, down the Lumber River. We the Lumber River. We will be ance of Lumberton, The Bald- bottled water, sunscreen, and will be meeting at the Chalk meeting at the Chalk Banks pre-anniversary musical April 9 win Singers of Whiteville, and others. Special guest will any other items needed for the Banks Access Area, at 9 a.m. Access Area, at 10:30 a.m. The New Zion Missionary Baptist Church of Riegelwood will be the Royal Lights of Dillon, Nature Hike. For more infor- All participants must be able All participants must be able hold its pastor’s pre-anniversary musical, featuring various S.C. mation contact Ranger Eric to swim. Program will take ap- to swim. Program will take choirs and groups, Saturday, April 9, at 6 p.m. Various choirs Donations will be accepted. Siratt at 628-4564. proximately four hours. Bring approximately three hours. and groups will be featured. For more information call Sis- Movie Night: April 9, Lum- sunscreen, drinking water, a Bring sunscreen, drinking The Rev. Clarence Ganus is the pastor and the church is lo- ter Patricia Lacey at 704-953- ber River State Park is of- snack, and any other neces- water, a snack, and any other cated along Old Lake Road. fering a viewing of the Dis- sary items. For more informa- necessary items. For more in- 1610. covery Channel’s “Nature’s tion or to make reservations, formation or to make reserva- Women fellowship WMU to hold annual Most Amazing Events.” The as space is limited, contact tions, as space is limited, con- Palmyra Baptist viewing will be located at the Davidson at 628-4564. Due to tact Siratt at 628-4564. Due to April 10 at El-Bethel meeting April 14 Princess Ann Access Area, at limited space, preregistration limited space, preregistration A fellowship service for The annual meeting of Co- youth to hold 7 p.m. Bring the family, pop- is required. is required. women will be held Sunday, lumbus Baptist Association chicken dinner corn, drinks, and bug spray. Turtles on the Lumber Lumber River State Park is April 10, at 4 p.m. at El-Bethel WMU will be held Thursday, Come and enjoy the final in- River: April 22, Lumber River located at 2819 Princess Ann Church of Whiteville. April 14, at New Horizon Bap- The youth of Palmyra Bap- stallment of the renowned State Park is offering a pro- Road, Orrum. The guest speaker will be tist Church at 7 p.m. tist Church in Old Dock will series for free. For more infor- gram about “Turtles on the Minister Dora Jones from Mt. The guest speaker will be have a grilled-chicken dinner mation contact Ranger John Lumber River.” Come out and Zion Plain MBC Zion AME Church of Eliza- Larry Osbourn with the Red on Sunday, April 3, beginning Privette at 628-4564. learn some basics about tur- bethtown. Spring Missions, and there at noon. They will take dona- Canoe Trip: April 12, Lum- tles of the area. This program spring revival Elder Robert D. Williams Sr. will be special music. tions to be used to finance the ber River State Park is having will give participants the op- Zion Plain Missionary Bap- is the pastor. The church is lo- The church is located along group’s mission trip in early a guided canoe program. The portunity search for turtles tist Church of Nakina is hold- cated at 415 W. Walter Street. N.C. 410 south of Chadbourn. July. canoe program will begin at along the river. There will be ing its spring revival. It began 9:45 a.m. from Stephens Park some hiking involved so dress Wednesday, March 30, and in Lumberton. All partici- appropriately. We will be continues at 7:30 p.m. daily pants must be able to swim. meeting at Chalk Banks Ac- Thursday and Friday. Bring snacks, sunscreen, and cess Area, at 9 a.m. For more The Rev. Mack Reed is the any other items needed for the information contact Davidson pastor. paddle trip. Contact Ranger at 628-4564. Ronald Anderson at 628-4564 Snakes of the Lumber Riv- Passport Photos to sign up or for more infor- er: April 22, Lumber River The News Reporter mation. Due to limited space, State Park is offering a pro- only $10.00 Living Te News Reporter, Tursday, March 31, 2011, Section C

Celebrate the Arts By FULLER ROYAL artists. Staff Writer Students in the Colum- Last Sunday, the talent bus County and Whiteville on the stage and in the art City schools had prepared displays at South Colum- for their parts in the event bus High School was more for weeks. than enough to counteract Their efforts culminated the wet, cold and blustery in works of both the per- weather outside. forming and visual arts. Between 1,500 and 2,000 Celebrate the Ar ts, students, family members which is often billed as the and friends spent a part of largest student arts festival the afternoon at Columbus in the state, is well into its County’s annual Celebrate third decade in an era when the Arts Festival, which most school systems across showcased the best in stu- the state do not offer any dent musicians, singers, type of countywide arts actors, dancers and visual event. Religion The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011, 2C will have these services: At the Chadbourn church: April 3: SERVICES Preaching: Rev. Bill Boykin, pas- tor, Whiteville United Methodist Agape Church of God in Christ Church April 10: A service of located at 199 Forest Drive in music by the gospel trio GLAD Whiteville. Dr. Bennie L. Benja- April 17: Preaching: Rev. Farren min is the pastor. Sunday morn- Duncan, pastor, Tabor City Unit- ing worship service starts at 11 ed Methodist Church. Special a.m. and Bible study on Wednes- music will be included at each day at 7 p.m. For more informa- service. All services will begin tion call 232-2955 or 641-0499. at 7 p.m. and will be followed by a time of fellowship and light Christian Faith Fellowship refreshments. Holy Week ob- Church is located in Brunswick servances will include Maundy across from the post offce. Ja- Thursday Communion at 7 p.m. son Nicholson is the pastor, Vel- at the Evergreen church and a ma Hilburn is the co-pastor and The Heavenly Light Holy 7 a.m. Sunrise Service at the W.C. Hilburn is the founder. Ser- Temple Church will have a Evergreen Cemetery. Locations vice times are: Sunday morning Pastor J.C. Sistrunk banquet honoring its Pas- of the churches are Old High- at 10:30 a.m. and Wednesday tor Dortha Ward Taylor way 74 in Evergreen and How- The Staffsmen of Whiteville will celebrate its rst anni- night at 7:30 p.m. For more in- Sistrunk to be ard Street at Second Avenue in Saturday, April 2, at 6 p.m. versary sing Saturday, April 2 6-9 p.m, at Northwood As- formation call 642-5624 or 642- at Westside Alumni Build- Chadbourn. The Rev. Dr. Milford 2882. guest speaker at Oxendine and the congrega- sembly Family Life Center, U.S. 701 North. Members of ing, West Smith Street, the group, left to right, James Harrelson, Rick Autry, and Chadbourn. Guests will tions cordially invite the public to Wednesday Nights at the Grove Spring Hill MBC join them in these services. Teddy Bullard. The Marksmen of Clinton will be perform- be Kingdom Impact Mime ing as special guests. There will be food and drinks avail- -- As a part of the Cherry Grove Spring Hill Missionary Ministries of Fayetteville, Baptist Church Bicentennial Piney Grove AME Zion Church able. Admission is free. A love offering will be taken. Baptist Church will celebrate Celebration entitled Celebrating Bishop Lonnie Nealey and of Clarkton will hold a spiritual our Bicentennial….200 Years its annual spring revival on his Praise Team of The church rally on Sunday, April 3 of Service to Our Lord….1810- Monday, April 11-Friday, April Heavenly Bound Church of at the 11 a.m. morning worship. Anointed Vessels Ministry vice. Elder J.C. Robinson is the 2010, a new program Wednes- 15 at 7:30 p.m. Lumberton, and The Royal Rev. Larry Campbell is the pas- will hold a play on April 14-18 at pastor. 7:30 p.m. nightly. The theme of day Night at the Grove is being The guest evangelist will Lights of Dillon, S.C. For tor. The Brunswick-Waccamaw started this new church year. be Pastor J.C. Sistrunk of Or- more information call Evan- the play is You’re Beautiful, an Easter drama to be held in the Woman’s Auxiliary Young The classes will be held each angeburg, S.C. He is the pastor gelist Mottaleen Rattley at Dinner will be served Sunday, Adult Department will hold its Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. of Beulah Baptist Church in April 3, at the Zion Hill Mission- new outdoor theater. The loca- 840-5843. tion is 3272 Liberty St., Ash. For 31st annual banquet Saturday, The church is located on Swamp Smoaks, S.C., and a graduate ary Baptist Church following April 30, at 6 p.m. at the Bruns- Fox Highway (Hwy. 904) be- the 11:30 a.m. service. more information call 287-4267 of Wilkenson High School Members of The Lord’s Chapel or go to the website www.anoint- wick-Waccamaw Headquarters tween Tabor City and Fair Bluff. He attended Allen University Building, 600 Pine Log Road, are on a mission to provide items First Missionary Baptist edvesselsministry. There is no For more information about Bi- Extension for Ministry, and Whiteville. Evangelist Ursula to the community, at a minimal Church of Chadbourn will host a admission charge and conces- centennial Homecoming 2010 is a veteran having served in Jacobs-Williams of Cary will be or any other upcoming special fee, from their year ‘round back- Housing Assistance Conference sions will be available. Please Vietnam. He is a third Degree yard sale. It is located at 2886 call for reservations if you have the guest speaker. The Christian or ongoing programs, call pastor on Tuesday, April 5, at 6 p.m. Brothers of Calabash will be the Josh Phillips or Tracy Phillips, di- Mason, musician, and gospel Hallsboro Road South, Halls- Representatives of the United a group that wants to attend. recording artist. There will boro. The shop is open Monday musical guests. Dinner will be rector of Youth Ministries, at the States Department of Agricul- Jerusalem Missionary Baptist served for a donation. For more church offce at 649-7307 or 649- be various choirs performing – Saturday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. and ture, Offce of Rural Develop- closed on Wednesday. Items Church will celebrate its pas- information call 770-4688. 7910, visit the church website at each night. ment will provide information on tor’s ffth anniversary, the Rev. or The Rev. Timothy R. Moss donated will be greatly appreci- fnancial assistance and loans to ated. Proceeds go to The Lord’s Jane Jones, on Sunday, April 17 e-mail any questions or com- is the pastor. The church is purchase a home, fnancial as- at the 11 a.m. service. The Rev. Candy Day Chapel. sistance and loans to repair and ments to cherrygrovebaptist@ located at 2871 Old Chadbourn Samuel C. Blanks, pastor of Lions Club Candy Day will Road, Whiteville. upgrade a home, fnancial as- Sandy Grove AME Zion Church, Avants Chapel Church will hold sistance to pay rent, mutual self- be held Saturday, April 2. Forest Lawn Baptist Church Sunday school at 10 a.m. and will conduct the 11 a.m. service. Funds raised will go toward help loans, broadband initiatives The Rev. Donald Thompson, presents Kid’s Club at U.S. 701 Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. worship service at 11 a.m. and and broadband loan program, providing glasses for the Tabor City held on the second Thomas “Tony” Ward Jr. is the Sunday night service at 6 p.m. pastor of Sandhill Missionary less fortunate people in the and water and waste disposal Baptist Church, will conduct the Saturday of each month from 9 pastor. The church is located at Wednesday night service will direct loans and grants. The community, and to help fund a.m.-noon., There will be Bible 6140 Honey Hill Road. start at 7:30 p.m. Mack Watts is 3:30 p.m. service. Dinner will be church is located at 505 S. Wil- served. Camp Dogwood, a camp for stories, music, special guests, the pastor. kes St., Chadbourn. Rev. Lionel the visually impaired. recreation, puppets, crafts, and Hallsboro Baptist Church in- vites the public to worship ser- E. Cartwright is the pastor. Union Chapel Freewill Baptist games. The club is for children Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church, East Mill Street, White- ages 5-10 years. For more infor- vice on Sunday mornings at 11 Church will hold its Joy Night an- SHORT BROS. a.m. Rev. Barry Swain, formerly Lenten Worship Services for ville, will observe Easter sunrise mation call 843-421-0895 niversary Friday, April 1, at 7:30 Whiteville United Methodist services on Sunday, April 24, at RENT-A-CAR of Edenton, is the new pastor. p.m. The praise service will be by Butler Branch Missionary Bap- He is the former pastor of Shady Church are as follows: Wednes- 6 a.m. Elder Perry Shipman will Hwy. 701, South Mt. Calvary No. 2 Praise Team. $ 95 of Whiteville Grove Baptist Church in Bladen- day, April 6, Rev. Judith Powell, be the guest speaker. Breakfast tist Church, 246 Carver Circle, The Rev. Darryl Hardy of St. DAILY Fair Bluff, now has a clothing boro. Sunday school starts at 10 director of Pastoral Care, Co- will be served following the ser- 19 642-4175 John Missionary Baptist Church closet for all ages for all purpos- a.m. lumbus Regional Healthcare; of Chadbourn and the church’s Wednesday, April 13, Rev. Sam es, free. For more information choir will present the “Give Your- call Deaconess Faye Miller at The DivorceCare recovery semi- Loy, Lake Waccamaw United nar and support group meets self Away, So God Can Use You” Methodist Church; Wednes- Whiteville United Methodist 336-1037. themed service. at Peace Baptist Church, 653 day, April 20, Rev. Warren Hill, “We invite you to worship with us every Sunday” Forest Lawn Baptist Church of Love Mill Road, Whiteville, each director, Columbus Baptist As- Tabor City is holding a celebrate Monday from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Joy Night will be held at El- sociation. The services are Sunday School 9 a.m. Worship Service 10 a.m. recovery seminar that will be of- Childcare is provided through Bethel Church in Whiteville from noon-1 p.m. Lunch will be fered every Tuesday night. Din- ffth grade. DivorceCare features on Friday, April 1, at 7:30 p.m. served at 12:30 p.m. in the fel- Minister - Rev. Bill Boykin ner from 6-7 p.m., main meet- nationally recognized experts Guest speaker will be Evangelist lowship hall. ing 7-8 p.m., small groups 8-9 on divorce and recovery topics. Delores Chavis. Elder Robert D. 902 Pinckney St., Whiteville • 642-3376 p.m. and Solid Rock Cafe at 9 Seminar sessions include Fac- Williams Sr. is the pastor, and St. James AME Church, 225 p.m. The seminar offers help ing My Anger, Facing My Loneli- the church is located at 415 W. W. Walter St., Whiteville, will ob- for the following: drug and alco- ness, Depression, New Relation- Walter Street. serve its trustee day on Sunday, hol abuse and family support, ships, KidCare and Forgiveness. April 10, at 3 p.m. The Rev. Ruth anger, food addictions, sexual For more information call Peace Antioch True Deliverance Pugh, pastor, choir and congre- addictions, eating disorders, Baptist Church at 640-2877. The Holiness Church will hold an gation of Mt. Horeb AME Church adult children from dysfunction- pastor is Chip Hannah. appreciation service for Dea- of Evergreen will be the special al families, physical/emotional/ coness Bernice A. Alderman, guests. Rev. Horace R. Law- GriefShare seminar and support sexual abuse. For more informa- mother of Bishop Bruce Alder- rence is the pastor. tion call Pastor Jim at 843-503- group meets at Peace Baptist man, on Saturday, April 2, at the Church, 653 Love Mill Road, 3699, Lynn Williams at 918-1845 Diamond Branch Baptist Church Union Chapel Freewill Baptist Whiteville, each Tuesday from or Timmy Lanier at 625-5239. at 6 p.m. Elder Ernest Porter of Church, East Mill Street, White- 6:30-8:30 p.m. GriefShare is a The church is located at 16025 Rochester, N.Y., will speak at ville, will celebrate its 56th an- friendly, caring group of people James B. White Hwy. this special service. niversary on Sunday, April 10, who will walk alongside you at 4 p.m. Pastor Robert Dennis Honey Hill Missionary Baptist through one of life’s most diffcult Lenten services will begin at Frink and Little Prong Mission- Church of Hallsboro invites the experiences. For more informa- Our youth raising money for our Pastor’s Discretion- Chadbourn and Evergreen ary Baptist Church of Ash will community to Sunday school at tion call Peace Baptist Church, ary Fund. Front frow, Nick and Sara. Back row, Tyler, United Methodist churches present the service. Elder J.C. 10 a.m., preaching at 11 a.m., 642-0251, 640-7237 or 770- at 7 p.m. On the following Sun- Robinson is the pastor. Carly, and Matthew. Sunday night at 6 p.m. and 1271. Chip Hannah is the pastor. days during Lent, the churches

Tis Religious Message Is Sponsored By Tese Local Merchants A Fresh EW Greene & Son, LLC VISIONMASTERS Collier’s Jewelers Heating, A/C & Electrical Service Full Service Optical Care “Serving The Area Since 1931” 17069 Peacock Rd., Chadbourn (910) 642-8688 coat of paint Whiteville’s Leading Jeweler 0H  s&AX   717 South Madison St. Dr. Thomas R. Kirby Whiteville • 642-3183 Family Vision Care EW Greene, Jr. (910) 641-0011 Whiteville Janitorial Supply Serving Area Churches With Complete Cleaning & Kitchen Supplies Hwy. 701 S. Just Past Walmart 607 Jefferson St., Whiteville Photo credit: ©CreativeFire J.K. Powell Blvd., Whiteville 642-1861 Whiteville • 642-3499 910-642-8141

neglected house in need of paint looks “You Bend - We Mend” tired and worn. Regular maintenance can Automotive Electric Ronald’s Body Shop A Tune-ups, Computer Tests, Electrical McKenzie Mortuary 24 Hour Wrecker Service keep it from getting to that point where the gleam Systems, 24-hour Towing “Funeral Service Since 1890” Used Body Parts - Auto Detailing 1933 S. Madison St., Whiteville 112 Jefferson St. All Work Guaranteed has dulled and decay has set in. A fresh coat of 640-2577 Whiteville 206 Magnolia St., Whiteville Monday - Saturday 7-5:30 Shop 642-8478 Pager 640-4405 paint is like a second chance; just a touch-up and Cell 640-0358 things look bright and shiny again. Our spiritual lives can fade, too. We need regular nourishment Morris W. Cartrette Ellis Meares and preservation to keep ourselves from feeling Construction Co. & Son, Inc. Fair Bluff spiritually neglected. Get a “touch-up” for your 3972 James B. White Hwy. North Hwy. 410, Chadbourn 649-7521 spirit at your local house of worship and you will 642-4902 654-5889 shine brightly. Weekly Scripture Reading To Display Your McDonald’s Habakkuk Habakkuk Habakkuk Psalms Psalms Esther Esther Ad Here “Your Community Involved 1.1-17 2.1-20 3.1-19 115 116 2.5-23 3.1-15 Restaurant” Call South Whiteville Scriptures Selected by The American Bible Society ©2011, Keister-Williams Newspaper Services, P.O. Box 8187, Charlottesville, VA 22906, 1-800-293-4709 642-6871 The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011--3C FUNDRAISERS GOSPEL SINGS Women of Hope Forum April 26 Oak Dale Baptist Church will Women of Hope’s next Live, cancer treatment. Attendees sponsor a yard sale on Saturday, The Corner Stones have a Laugh, Learn event will be a may submit their questions April 2 at the Oak Dale Recre- gospel jubilee every Thursday physician’s forum featuring to askthedoctor@womenof- ation Hut. The sale is from 7 a.m. night from 7-9 p.m. The loca- four noted Wilmington phy- prior to to 3 p.m. All proceeds will go to- tion is the second building past sicians, Greggory Bebb, MD April 23. ward the new fellowship hall. The Car City on U.S. 701 South of of Wilmington Surgical As- Live, Laugh, Learn is a recreation hut is at the corner of Whiteville. For more information sociates; Charles Kays, MD of monthly event hosted by Wom- N.C. 410 and Old Lumberton call Harold Register at 642-8979 Wilmington Plastic Surgery; en of Hope to bring cancer Road. Rev. Robert McNair is the or 234-5303 or Harry Batton at pastor. 876-3687. Kenneth Kotz, MD of Hanover survivors together for educa- Medical Specialists; and Pat- tion, support, and fellowship. A chicken dinner and yard sale, Laddy Cannon and Donna rick Maguire, MD of Coastal Women of Hope is a non-profit, sponsored by the Little Wheel Spivey will be performing every Carolina Radiation Oncology charitable organization of of Hope Baptist Church’s Tuesday night from 7:30-10 p.m. Center. Kenny Barnes Studios that building fund and willing worker at W.N. Railroad St. in Clarkton departments, will be held Satur- The Nelons will perform at Mt. Calvary Original Freewill This event will be held focuses on women with all at the “Jam.” Music played is Tuesday, April 26, 7–8:30 p.m. types of cancer and assists day, April 2, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. gospel and variety. The “Jam” is Baptist Church during its spring revival Wednesday, April at the First Baptist Church in providing for the needs of The church is located at 508 Old open to the public. For more in- 6. Revival services Monday through Friday begin at 7:30 Hwy. 74/76 in Lake Waccamaw, formation call 640-8465. p.m. The Rev. Buddy Seay will be the guest speaker, ex- Activity Center, 1939 Indepen- women with any type of can- and the Rev. James Fullwood is cept Wednesday when The Nelons perform. The church dence Blvd. There is no ad- cer as they journey through the pastor. Full Gospel Chapel sing line is located at 68 Mt. Calvary Rd., Clarkton, and the Rev. mission fee but attendees are the disease and survivorship. up for 2011. Schedule follows: asked to register in advance Women of Hope provides First Presbyterian Church Gary Bryan is the pastor. A love offering will be taken for April 15, Tribute Quartet; May by calling the Women of Hope education to women of all ages women will have cookbooks for the Nelons. 20, Joel and Labreska Hemphill; office. Physicians will answer about the importance of health sale for $10 each. The cook- May 22-25, Revival, Tyler Jerni- pre-submitted questions about awareness for themselves. For books are available at the church gan; June 17, the Viewmasters; Evergreen High School Class WHS Class of 1976 will begin located at 511 N. Thompson St., July 22, Palmetto State Quartet; of 1961 will hold its 50th reunion planning its 35th Class Reunion. the cancer journey, relating more information visit wom- Whiteville. Offce hours are Mon- Aug. 19, The Browns of Wallace; on May 21 at 5:30 p.m. at Ever- The reunion is planned for Sat- to procedures, new medica- or day-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-noon and Sept. 23, Quinton Mills; Oct. 14, green Woodman Lodge, 6857 urday, Nov. 26, at Vineland De- tions and improvements in call our office at 799-7178. 1-2:30 p.m. the Easters; and Nov. 18, the Haynes Lennon Hwy. For more pot. A social hour will be held information contact Rickey Wil- from 5-6 p.m. The meal and a Bullard-Dutton 642-5069/640- Cornerstone Original Freewill Nelons. All sings are on Friday liamson at 654-3607, Helen H. program are scheduled from 6-9 8080; Laura Pridgen Duncan, The reunion committee of Chad- Baptist Church youth league nights and begin at 7:30 p.m. Leggett at 654-3794, Horace p.m. Then there will be dancing 642-6060; Connie Baker, 642- bourn High School Class of will hold its grilled pork chop The church is located at 1010 Field at 738-8621 or Tommy from 9 p.m.-1 a.m. Suggestions 3099; Keith Watson, 640-3931; 1961 is planning its 50th class plate dinner on Friday, April 1 McKoy Street, Clinton. For direc- Fields at 840-0609. on the place, entertainment, ca- Curtis Watts 642-3036; Kenny reunion for this spring. All class from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Deliveries tions or additional information terer, etc. are welcome. Anyone Lee, 914-9665; Margaret Blanks, members should send email ad- are available upon request (call call Christine Kivett at 592-3356 WHS Class of 2000 is planning with information on a classmate 212-2721; Kenny Lee, Theresa dress to birdcage.203@hotmail. by March 25). Plates include two or 592-0161. for its 10th reunion. For more from our class is asked to con- Turner Clifton, 625-7161/648- com or call Ginny Powers Haley grilled pork chops, yams, green information email Ashley Brown tact us so that our database can 5208, Rita Collier Parker 642- at 654-5026. beans, roll, and dessert for $7 a Britton at ashleylbbritton@gmail. be updated prior to sending out 7387; Phyllis Griffn Merritt 642- plate. To place orders call Tam- REUNIONS com. Send her your name, ad- registration forms. Information 3619, Alex Jordan, 862-9357; or my Thompson at 642-5783 or dress and spouse’s name. can be emailed to: rhbdutton@ Deborah Gore, 642-7550. SHORT 770-0692. The church is located “WHS Class of 1976” at 8428 Hallsboro Rd. South, The 1977 Class of Acme Delco West Columbus High School The Nakina High School class is also on Facebook and Class- BROS. Whiteville. High School will hold its reunion Class of 1968. Anyone interest- on April 29-30 at the Kelly House of 1990 is making plans for its . The ffth planning 20th reunion. The class has set ed in having a class reunion call Evergreen United Methodist on Neils Eddy Road in the Acme meeting will be Thursday, May up a website for sharing an- Jewel Green at 642-4705. RENT-A-CAR Church will hold a spaghetti din- community. All members of the 5 at 6 p.m. at Southern Kitchen. nouncements and registering ner and cake auction on Satur- class, spouses and children are Classmates are encouraged to WHS Class of 1966 will hold its contact information at $ 95 day, April 2 from 5-7 p.m. The welcome, with food, fun, and fel- attend. Call any of the follow- 45th reunion on Saturday, June For more DAILY men of the church will be baking lowship. For information on class ing committee members, if you 11. Contact Elizabeth GIbson at 19 information call Sheryl Long at the cakes and will auction them members or other information have information about a class- [email protected] with infor- Hwy. 701, South of Whiteville 919-755-8914 or sheryllong@ off. Proceeds will go to the Unit- call Oglatha Brown at 685-3761 mate or would like to help with mation about yourself or class- ed Methodist Women. Donations or Lee Creekmore at 655-3258. the reunion: Rhonda Hinson mates. 642-4175 accepted. Columbus County Church Directory

How to Become a Part of Our Roman Catholic Church Church Directory . . . Sacred Heart of Jesus 302 N. Lee St., Whiteville Our church directory features a weekly include your church name, address, phone Phone: 910-642-3895 church profle, helpful information about number, pastor’s name, service times and Fax: (910) 640-1948 area churches, a devotional thought and web address. You’ll also have an expanded Office Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm daily Bible readings. church profle, including church photos, If you would like your church included run in the directory sometime during the Very Rev. Marcos Leon-Angulo V.F., Pastor Our Mission Statement: on this page, we invite you to call us to- six month period. We encourage you to providing catechism every Sunday day at 642-4104, ext. 237. For only $20 help make this directory complete by hav- “We, the parish family of Sacred for our youth and children. Bible per month (six month commitment), ing your church information included. Heart of Jesus, devote ourselves to refection groups for our adults we’ll include your church in this weekly proclaiming the Good News of the are held weekly. We have mem- directory, plus in our web version. We’ll Kingdom of God and to continue bers who are involved with the His mission to bring all to knowledge AFRICAN-METHODIST First Baptist Church Western Prong Baptist Church Knights of Columbus, one of the 412 N. Madison St., Whiteville of and union with God through the EPISCOPAL 167 Peacock Rd., Whiteville biggest men’s organizations in the 910-642-2139 Rev. Ronnie Wilson • 910-648-2744 teaching of the Church, celebrating Mount Horeb AME Church Dr. Ron Hinson, Pastor world. Te Lady’s Club, a parish [email protected] Sun 8:30 am Worship, 9:45 am 187 Otis Donnell Nixon Rd., Evergreen the sacraments and living the exam- Sunday School, 11:00 am Worship, organization, supports commu- Church Phone 654 1887 Sun 9:45 am, 11 am, Wed 6:30 pm 6 pm Training Union, 7 pm, Wed 7 pm ple of our Roman Catholic Faith.” Rev. Ruth Pugh • 910-483-7126 First Baptist Church of nity outreach. Te Conassian so- Sunday School 9:45 am White Marsh Baptist Church 341 White Hall Rd., Whiteville Sun Morning Worship 11:00 am Lake Waccamaw We are the Catholic Commu- ciety promotes the African Ameri- 300 E. Sam Potts Hwy., Lake Waccamaw Rev. Carroll Fonvielle Wed 6:30 pm Rev. Stuart Shumway • 910-646-3727 910-642-6459 nity of Columbus County since can spirituality in the Catholic Sun 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm, Sunday 9:45 am, 11 am Church, while the Pilipino and St. James AME Church 7:00 pm Youth Group, Wed 7:00 pm Wed 7:00 pm 1919. Today we are about 300 225 West Walter St., Whiteville families and our community is Hispanics are being incorporated Church Phone 642-8832 Macedonia Baptist Church FREE WILL BAPTIST 100 Macedonia Church Rd., Evergreen Rev. Horace Lawrence • 910-655-4620 Avants Chapel FWB Church in all our Church organizations Pastor Vernon Williamson diverse and multicultural. We are 947 Cedar St., Cerro Gordo Sun Church School 9:45 am Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am 2nd & 4th Sun, building our faith community by and activities. All are welcome! Sun Morning Worship 11:00 am Pastor Mack Watts • 843-756-0417 6:00 pm every Sun • Wed 7:30 pm [email protected] Wed 6:00 pm Nakina Baptist Church Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm 7883 Seven Creeks Rd., Nakina Wednesday 7:30 pm Fair Bluff United Rev. J. Darryll Hester CATHOLIC PENTECOSTAL HOLINESS AFRICAN-METHODIST Whiteville FWB Church Methodist Church 910-499-1598 419 E. Columbus St., P.O. Box 1406, Whiteville Sacred Heart Catholic Church Chadbourn Pentecostal Holiness EPISCOPAL ZION [email protected] 1030 Main St., Fair Bluff Pastor Danny Jeffers 302 N. Lee St., Whiteville 518 N. Elm St., Chadbourn Sun 11:00 am, 6:00 pm Rev. Neill Smith • 910-649-7749 St. Mark AME Zion Church 910-317-2461 cell • 910-654-5900 home Rev. Marcos Léon Angulo • 910-642-3895 [email protected] Rev. Rick Robinson • 910-654-4850 114 W. Virgil St., Whiteville Wed 7:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm [email protected] • Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am Daily Mass Mon-Thurs 8am Rev. Charlrean Mapson, Pastor New Hope Baptist Church Wednesday 7:30 pm Tues 7pm Bible Study Sunday 10:40 am, Sunday School 6-7 pm, First Fri Mass & First Sat Mass 8:00am Teen Worship in Sanctuary 6 pm Church Phone: 910-642-7327 252 Rough and Ready Rd., Whiteville Reconciliation before Mass or by ap- Whiteville United Sunday School will feature DVD presenta- Rev. J. Kenneth Byrd INDEPENDENT BAPTIST pointment, Holy Mass Sun 8am & 10am Sunday School 9:45 am Methodist Church tions by Beth Moore & John Ortbert 910-642-6345 Lynn Hill Independent English, 12 noon Spanish, Sun Morning Worship 11:00 am 902 Pinckney St., Whiteville Holy Day of Obligation 6:30pm English Wednesday 7:00 pm Bible Study/Prayer Service Baptist Church Rev. Bill Boykin • 910-642-3376 Sun 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm 620 Lynn Hill Rd., Whiteville and 7:30pm Spanish Tuesday - Noon and 7:00 pm [email protected] Nakina Pentecostal Wed 7:00 pm Pastor William A. Schalk • 910-914-0002 Faith Formation from Sept to May 11 am - 12 noon Holiness Church Sunday 9:00 Sunday School, 9745 Seven Creeks Hwy., Nakina ASSEMBLY OF GOD Peace Baptist Church Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm 10:00 Worship Service Rev. Ricky Nelms • 910-642-3922 653 Love Mill Rd., Whiteville Wednesday 7:00 pm CHRISTIAN MISSIONARY 910-642-7991 • [email protected] Abundant Life Assembly of God Pastor Chip Hannah NON-DENOMINATIONAL 5384 James B. White Hwy. S., Whiteville 910-642-0251 MISSIONARY BAPTIST Missionary Alliance Church Sunday School 10 am, Worship 11 am 516 N. Madison St., Whiteville Barefoot Church Pastor Jerry J. Spivey • 910-642-5003 Dulah Missionary Baptist Church Sunday Evening 6 pm (except 5th Sun) Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm 910-640-3223 28 Whiteville Plaza, Whiteville Wednesday Teen/Youth Group 7 pm [email protected] 12476 Swamp Fox Hwy. E., Tabor City Sunday 5:45-7:15 pm Awanas Clay NeSmith, Lead Pastor Wednesday Bible Study 7:30 pm Sunday 10:00 am, 10:45 am, 6:00 pm Tuesday 6:30-8:30 pm Grief Share Rev. Ragsdale Allsbrook • 910-642-7315 Sun 10:00 am, 11:00 am, Wed 7:00 pm 843-280-1270 • [email protected] Wednesday 7:30 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm Facebook: Barefoot Church Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm PRESBYTERIAN Monday 6:30-8:30 pm Divorce Care Twitter: @BarefootChurch Wed 7:30 pm, 4th Thurs Meal 7:00 pm, EPISCOPAL/LUTHERAN Sun 9:30 am & 11:15 am Northwood Assembly of God Why We Believe The Bible 7:30 pm First Presbyterian Church 2672 James B. White Hwy. N., Whiteville Piney Forest Baptist Church Youth Bible Study 2nd & 4th Sun 5:00 pm Grace Episcopal Church & Christian Fellowship Church 511 N. Thompson St., Whiteville 910-642-7654 4509 Andrew Jackson Hwy. SW, Chadbourn Youth Missions Wed Night 7:30 pm Christ the King Lutheran Church 5662 Sam Potts Hwy., Hallsboro Rev. Joshua Bower Rev. Willard McPherson • 910-654-5284 Children Ministry 1st & 3rd Sun 4:45 pm Sunday 9:30 am, 10:30 am 105 S. Madison St., Whiteville Bishop Henry Richardson, Jr. 910-642-2253 Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 7:00 pm Children Bible Study 6:00 pm Rev. Anne Natoli • 910-642-4784 910-646-3388 [email protected] Wed 7:00 pm Bible Study Children in Action Wed 7:30 pm Wednesday 7:00 pm [email protected] [email protected] Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am Sun 10:00 am, 11:15 am, Tues 7:00 pm First Missionary Baptist Church Westminster Presbyterian Church Pleasant Hill Baptist Church 505 S. Wilkes St., Chadbourn Sun Services 9:30 am Living Word Church BAPTIST 473 Midway Dr., Whiteville 307 S. Franklin St., Whiteville Rev. Lionel E. Cartwright • 910-654-3225 Wed 6:00 pm Communion, Bible Study 6374 Chadbourn Hwy., Chadbourn Rev. Hubert Herring • 910-654-4807 Interim Pastor: Rev. Kerry Peeler Calvary Baptist Church and Dinner Pastor Lester Holcomb, Jr. [email protected] Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am 910-642-2762 5028 Pleasant Plains Church Rd., Whiteville 910-654-4164 Sunday 10:00 am, 11:00 am, 7:00 pm Wed Noon Day Prayer Circle 12 noon, [email protected] Rev. Kenneth Barnes • 910-642-6904 Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm 6:30 pm Sunday School 9:30 am Sunday 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm METHODIST-UNITED Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church Worship 10:30 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Trinity Baptist Church Chadbourn United SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST 201 S. Thompson St., Whiteville 5548 Silverspoon Rd., Whiteville Wednesday 7:00 pm Pastor T.A. Lance • 910-648-2476 Methodist Church Faith Baptist Church David R. Crumpler, Associate Pastor New Life Community Church Seventh Day Adventist 910-642-7764 [email protected] 300 E. 2nd Ave., Chadbourn 107 Maultsby St., Whiteville Interim Pastor Rev. Robin Cox 1002 N. Franklin St., Whiteville [email protected] Rev. Dr. Milford Oxendine, Jr. • 516-2092 910-642-0130 Pastor Kenneth A. Lee 910-654-4550 Sunday 9:45 am, 10:50 am cell 461-7811 • [email protected] [email protected] 910-642-0698 4262 Rough N Ready Rd., Chadbourn Sunday 9:45 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm 1st & 3rd Sunday BTU at 4:00 pm Sun 9:45 am, 11:00 am Sun 9:30 am, 10:30 am, 6:00 pm [email protected] Sun 9:45 am, 11 am, 6 pm, Wed 7 pm Wednesday 6:45 pm Wednesday 6:45 pm Prayer Tues 10:00 am Wednesday 7:00 pm Sat 9:30 am, 10:45 am, Wed 7:00 pm 4C--The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 St. Jude Saddle-up REVIVALS Cherry Grove Baptist Trail Ride annual Easter Lilies to decorate beneft April 1, 2, 3 Cherry Grove Baptist Cape Fear Baptist Church of World Changers yard sale St. Jude Saddle-up Trail Riegelwood will hold a revival Cherry Grove Baptist Church World Changers is sponsoring Ride Annual Benefit will be on Sunday, April 10 at 11 a.m. a yard sale on Saturday, April 9 at the Strickland Farm Produce Church for the season held April 1, 2, 3 at the Lum- and 7 p.m. and April 11-13 at and Corn Maze beginning at 7 a.m. until all items are sold. All Cherry Grove Baptist Church’s sanctuary will be decorated ber River Campground in Ev- 7 p.m. The guest speaker will proceeds will go to help sponsor Cherry Grove’s World Chang- with Easter Lilies and palms during its’ upcoming Easter ergreen. be Dr. Dennis Long, director of ers mission trip this July. Individuals and groups are asked to season beginning with Palm Sunday, April 17 through Easter missions at Wilmington Baptist Weekend rates follow: $45 clean out closets, attics and storage rooms and donate items Sunday, April 24. Lilies may be purchased through the church, Association. Special music will per person, $15 for ages 9-15, by family or individuals for $10 each, in memory or in honor of to sale. Donated items can be dropped off at the produce stand be presented at each service. free ages 8 and under, price in- families, individuals, groups or organizations. The deadline for and maze anytime. A nursery will be provided. The cludes, trail ride, hookups (w purchases is Wednesday, April 16. Those who wish to purchase a Additional Spring events planned by the church’s vari- church is located at 2581 Neils and e)/bathhouse, campsite lily may call Linda Hilbourn at the church office and they may ous departments include Tuesday Night Visitation (S.T.E.P.); Eddy Road. and supper Friday and Satur- be picked up the lilies after the Easter morning worship service events for children, youth and college/career young adult; day, DJ and dance Friday and on Easter Sunday, April 24. Livingston Baptist Church, senior adults day trips to various locations in the surrounding Saturday night. Not included, Cherry Grove Baptist Church is located on Swamp Fox High- 4629 Livingston Chapel Road, areas and adult education classes sponsored by Southeastern stall rental $8, cabin rental way (Hwy 904) between Tabor City and Fair Bluff. For more Delco will hold its revival service Community College. Activities also offered are choir and mis- (call for price), breakfast and information about any upcoming events call pastor Josh Phil- on April 4-5 at 7 p.m. with Brother sion programs for preschool, children and youth, young and lunch on Saturday extra, day lips at the church office at 649-7307 or 649-7910, visit the church Bobby Roberson of Gospel Light senior adults. G.R.O.W. University adult Bible study is held riders welcome, $5 or dona- website at or e-mail any questions Baptist Church of Walkertown as each Wednesday evening with special programs and activities tions. or comments to [email protected]. guest speaker. Pastor Matthew for Youth, TeamKids and Tweens age groups. Sunday School Griffn is the pastor. Gates open at 10 a.m. Fri- classes for birth through senior adults are held each Sunday day, April 1, supper served at Ladies club to present Love Come To Life morning beginning at 10:45 prior to Sunday morning worship 7 p.m. on Friday with DJ and service. Also, Sunday evening worship services are held each Tour May 7 at Brunswick Community College COMMUNITY dance following. Breakfast Sunday evening at 6 p.m. Holden Beach Ladies Club presents Love Come To Life Tour served at 8 a.m. Saturday, trail NEWS The public is invited to attend all special events. Cherry featuring Big Daddy Weave, Chris Sligh, Luminate, and Simply ride starts at 10 a.m. (trails Grove Baptist Church is located on Swamp Fox Highway (904), JK at Brunswick Community College, Odell Williamson Audi- marked), supper served at 5:30 between Tabor City, Cerro Gordo, Fair Bluff, North Carolina torium, 1150 College Rd. N.E., Supply on Saturday, May 7 at 7 Second Chance for Indepen- p.m. Saturday with DJ and and Green Sea, South Carolina. For more information on any p.m. dence (SCI) spinal cord injury dance at 8:30 p.m. Breakfast meeting will be held at 3:30 p.m., upcoming special or ongoing programs or events, call Rev. Funds raised by the event will go to benefit families in need and cowboy church Sunday Thursday, March 31 at West Co- Josh Phillips at the church office at 649-7910, visit the church in Brunswick, Columbus, and New Hanover counties. Ticket morning. lumbus High School. For more website at or e-mail any questions outlets follow: Christian Supply Center, Whiteville at 642-3472; Contact Billy at www.lum- information call Sharon Lewis at or comments to [email protected]. Salt Shaker, Wilmington, 350-1753; New Life Christian Book 646-2079 or Shellie Britt at 642-, call Store, Ocean Isle Beach, 579-1759; Cox Christian Book Store, 0244 770-1159 for reservations, Wilmington, 762-2272; Odell Williamson Auditorium, 755-7416 Cherry Grove BC news 770-3375 Tommy for Carolina or 1-800-754-1050 ext. 7416; To charge by phone I Veterans of World War II are Country Horse Club, and 620- 1-800-965-9324. being sought to become a part Cherry Grove Baptist ership roles in their church 1066 Jene for Horsemans As- For more information contact Rick Perkins at 264-9429. Tick- of “Honor Flight #2” in Myrtle Church will host its’ monthly will have the opportunity en- sociation. ets: general admission, $15; at the door, $18; and air cir, $20. Beach, S.C. The previous meet- program entitled Come And gage in Bible study and fellow- ing was held last November and Find Encouragement (CAFÉ) ship for themselves. TC Elementary the next is scheduled for May Women’s Club this Saturday, Saturday morning CAFÉ Adult community play coming soon 25. All World War II veterans are April 2 from 8:30 until 10:30 sessions will provide break- School More-at-Four The Columbus County Theatre Association will present a hi- invited to become a part of the a.m. The CAFÉ is free and is fast. Additional winter events Tabor City Elementary is larious comedy, Sin, Sex, and the CIA. Jan Lennon is the direc- group by calling 843-957-8212 planned by the church’s vari- held the first Saturday of each now accepting applications tor. Play dates are set for April 14, 15-17 and April 22-23 at 7 p.m. or call Leon Merritt of Cerro Gor- ous departments include pre- month and is open to all adult for More-at-Four Pre-Kinder- and a Sunday matinee on April 17 at 3 p.m. do at 654-3210. women from the church, the school, children and youth garten for the next school This is a dinner theatre for evening performances. Reserva- community and surrounding activities, extension courses year. Children must be four Alcoholics Anonymous meets communities. The monthly through Southeastern Com- tions for evening performances may be made in advance by at First Presbyterian Church, event is no cost to partici- munity College, Tuesday years of age on or before Aug. calling Freddie Stell at 642-3982, Jodi Council at 640-1555 or 511 N. Thompson St., Whiteville pants. Evening S.T.E.P. Community 31, 2011. Come by the school Cindy Kirby at 840-1782. Tickets for the dinner performances on Monday, Wednesday, Thurs- CAFÉs’ purpose is to pro- Outreach, and senior adults office to pick up your applica- are $30 per person (catered by Hardwicks). Matinee price is day, and Saturday nights at 8 vide an outlet for women that day trips to various locations tion. $10 per person. The performances will be at Interim Center in p.m. A guest speaker will be at interlocks with the other min- in the surrounding areas. Ac- Whiteville. the meeting on the last Thurs- istries of the church without tivities also offered are choir Scholarship available Sponsors’ tables may be purchased to assure seating as fol- day of each month. The church ever becoming a stand-alone and mission programs for pre- The Justin McLaurin Me- lows: eight-seat table-front row, $500; eight seat table-second is located on Thompson Street in ministry. Its’ goal is to help school, children and youth, morial Scholarship is now row, $400-gold; four seats-third row, $300-silver; and name in Whiteville. young and senior adults. Bible women improve their rela- available at the Guidance De- program, $100-two seats. study and prayer services are Narcotics Anonymous meets tionship with God and each Several familiar faces, including Suzanne Hall, Jodi Council held each Wednesday evening partment of East Bladen, East Highest Praise Church, 109 N. other. Bible study and activi- with special programs for pre- Columbus, and North Bruns- and John Scott will appear in this production. New actors are Madison St., Whiteville on Tues- ties will be held in an envi- school, TeamKids, Tweens, wick high schools. Marc Edge, Larry Smith and Tammy McPherson. days and Thursdays at 7 p.m. ronment where each woman youth and adult activities. This scholarship is offered Mt. Pleasant AME Zion Church, is affirmed and valued, en- The pubic is invited to at- by Men and Women United for 15956 Old Lake Road, Riegel- couraging each other to serve tend these very special events. Youth and Families, CDC. wood on Tuesdays and Thurs- and grow. CAFÉ will also en- SHORT Cherry Grove Baptist Church days at 7 p.m. courage women to inhale and exhale the word of God in the is located on Swamp Fox BROS. RENT-A-CAR Al-anon meets at First Presby- home, church and community. Highway (Hwy 904) between Passport Photos Hwy. 701 Tabor City and Fair Bluff. For The News Reporter $ 95 terian Church, 511 N. Thompson Lastly, women who have lead- South of Whiteville DAILY St., Whiteville on Mondays at 8 more information about any only $10.00 19 642-4175 p.m. upcoming special or ongoing Healthcare, Education Center, programs, call pastor Josh Recovery (Christian Support Room 1A the second Thursday Phillips at the church office Group) meets at Forest Lawn of each month at 6 p.m. For more at 649-7910, visit the website Church, U.S. 701, Tabor City on information call Shauna Nobles at www.cherrygrovebaptist. Tuesdays at 6 p.m. or Sonja Green at 642-8011 ext. org or e-mail any questions or 9458. comments to cherrygrovebap- Diabetes Support Group meets [email protected]. at Columbus Regional Health- Compassionate Friends Sup- care, Education Center, Class- port Group (Grief group for par- room 2 the second Thursday of ents who have lost children to WT accepting each month at 6 p.m. For more death) meets at Grace Episco- information call Shauna Nobles pal Church, 105 S. Madison St., applications for at 642-9458 or 641-8208. Whiteville the second Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. For More-at-Four more information call 647-8401. Brain Injury Support Group Williams Township is now meets at Columbus Regional Vietnam Veterans of America accepting applications for the meet the frst Tuesday of each More-at-Four Pre-Kindergar- month at 7 p.m. at 1028 S. Madi- ten for the 2011-2012 school PREGNANT? son St., Whiteville. year. Children must be four years of age on or before Aug. We Can Help! Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 31. #8073 meets on the second Come by the school office to 642-2677 Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pick up your application. p.m. at 121 W. Wyche St., White- If You Want Your Message To Be Heard . . . Advertise In The News Reporter! “I never knew how many people read these articles.”

Since taking part in our Professional Forum series, Mark Brown, pharmacist at Tabor City and Koonce Medicine Marts has learned first- hand how many people read The News Reporter. After a recent ad featuring the benefits of chick- en soup for a cold, Mark said, “I’ve been inun- dated with calls about chicken soup.” If you’d like your message to be heard in Co- lumbus County, let us put your ad in The News Reporter. Our advertising representatives will do whatever it takes to meet your needs and get the job done right. Mark Brown, R Ph Tabor City Medicine Mart ÓÓäÊ-°Ê >ˆ˜Ê-Ì°]Ê/>LœÀÊ ˆÌÞÊUÊÈx·{nää Koonce Medicine Mart ££ÓÊ °ÊÇÌ ÊÛi°]Ê >`LœÕÀ˜ÊUÊÈx{‡{£™{ The News Reporter Call our Advertising Department at 642-4104. Education Te News Reporter, Tursday, March 31, 2011 -- 5C

The Williams Township Junior Beta Club celebrated National Beta Week by spon- soring a fundraiser for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The club collected a total of $336. The class with the largest collection was Melanie Capps’ second grade. They received a pizza party. Pictured are: Trevor Tyree, president and Tyler Chapman, member, presenting Capps with a check. Pictured below is Capps’ class.

Horticulture students at West Columbus High School have been sowing seeds, trans- planting, watering, fertilizing, and caring for plants in the school greenhouses all win- ter in preparation for the annual spring plant sale. Bedding plants, Wave petunias, geraniums, hanging baskets, tomatoes and peppers are a few of the plants available. The school greenhouses will open to the public on Monday, April 4, with sale hours 8 a.m.– 4 p.m. on regular school days and 9 a.m.–noon on Saturday, April 9. CSI, creative writing workshops at Converse Converse College of Spar- Participants will learn tanburg, S.C., will have two from professional writers residential summer work- through daily critique ses- shops for rising 10th - 12th sions, writing workshops, grade high school students, craft discussions, panels and to be held July 17-22 on the readings. The hands-on ap- Converse campus. proach will include personal Converse explores the instruction to help writers world of forensic science recognize strengths, poten- by securing a crime scene, tial, and avenues for suc- gathering clues and process- cessful writing, editing and ing evidence in science labs. publishing. Students will Participants will consider also give a public reading of Michael Tate Young is real cases and then work their work on the final day. the recipient of the J.L. with Converse faculty to an- Workshops are designed Young Entrepreneurial alyze similar evidence from as week long residential Scholarship for Ameri- fictional cases. They’ll hear programs. Tuition covers can Indian students. The from forensics experts and residence hall accommoda- scholarship was awarded spend an afternoon touring tions, all meals, materials on March 12 at the United the Spartanburg Crime Lab. and on-campus activities. Tribes Conference held in The workshop is limited Early-bird tuition (applica- Raleigh. Tate is a senior to 18 students to ensure indi- tions received by March 31) at East Columbus High vidual attention. The experi- is $675 and regular tuition School and plans to at- ence will develop analytical is $775. A limited number of tend UNC Charlotte and thinking and problem-solv- need-based scholarships up major in civil engineering. ing skills in the context of to $200 are available. The scholarship is spon- intriguing and sometimes Application deadlines are sored and was presented surprising evidence. March 31 for early-bird ap- by Pamela Young-Jacobs, The Young Writers Work- plication for $100 discount owner of Songbird Enter- shop is a community of on tuition; April 15 for regu- prises, in honor of her late intellectually curious and lar application deadline. father, Jimmy L. Young. motivated writers working Information, including an to develop talents in poetry, application, is available on- fiction, play writing and cre- line at ECU names students ative nonfiction. summerworkshops. to honor roll, dean’s Saint Mary’s School honor roll and chancellor’s lists Katie Ward, daughter of must maintain a grade East Carolina University Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Benja- point average of 3.5 or high- recently named local stu- min Ward III of Whiteville, er in at least five academic dents to its honor roll, dean’s has been named to the first courses while maintaining and chancellor’s lists. semester honor roll at Saint the status of a student in Students on the honor Mary’s School in Raleigh, good standing with the Ju- roll list are: Bradley Bab- The Williams Township Junior Beta club inducted 17 new members. Pictured above where she is a senior. dicial Board and adminis- son, Lawrence Edens and are: Gwen Buck, Anna Capps, William Cartrette, Savannah Elliott, David Friel, Mat- To be eligible a student tration. Jana Tyler, all of Lake Wac- thew Garrell, Megan Hinson, Katie Larrimore, Skyla Lovette, Chandler McLelland, camaw, Chantella Bryant Haven Nance, Savannah Norris, Savannah Seay, Joshua Ward, Kaylin Ward. Not pic- of Riegelwood, Ashleigh tured: Angel Russ and Mason Hewett. Cartrette and Rosheetia Liv- Whiteville ingston, both of Tabor City, Justin Cutrell of Fair Bluff, Local students earn City schools menu Demonte McCormick of Chadbourn, Samantha Nel- Menus are subject to change. Assorted milk is served with degrees from Western son, Leigh Smith, Michael each meal. Served daily: Fruit or Fruit Juice at breakfast and Governors University Spivey and Carla Stevens, Chef Salad or PB&J Sandwich at lunch. all of Whiteville, Richard Two area students re- MONDAY, MARCH 28: Breakfast - Assorted Danish/Sliced Simmons of Clarendon, Ca- ceived their degrees from Cheese or Cheese Toast. Lunch - Sloppy Joe/Bun or Chic Filet/ rin Stump of Cerro Gordo, Western Governors Univer- Bun, Side Salad, Mixed Fruit. Brittany Ward of Nakina, sity in Salt Lake City, Utah TUESDAY, MARCH 29: Breakfast - Pancakes or Cereal and Julian Williams of Rie- on Feb. 12. The university Bar/Cheese. Lunch - Beef-a-Roni or Corn Dog Nuggets, Green gelwood. recognized 1,922 students. Beans, Mandarins. Students on the dean’s Students were Heather These Central Middle School students became part of WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30: Breakfast - Blueberry Muffin/ list are: Brantley Barn- Garcia of Council, who re- Lesley Smith’s national Bullying Prevention and Nutri- Cheese or Pop Tart/Cheese. Lunch - BBQ/Bun or Hot Dog/ hill, Kammy Rothfuss and ceived her Bachelor of Arts tion Program by being interviewed during the “Sammy Chili/Bun, Coleslaw, Baked Beans, Apple Crisp. Chassie Simmons, all of Interdisciplinary Studies Snail’s” appearance recently. The students will be fea- THURSDAY, MARCH 31: Breakfast - Super Donut or Cereal/ Clarendon, Breona Bowen degree and Candy Smith of tured in worldwide presentations of the program. Front, Banana. Lunch - Smoked Sausage or Baked Fish Filet, Maca- of Riegelwood, Gabrielle Whiteville, who received her from left, Caleb Locklear, Corey Hines, Jacob Mitrious, roni & Cheese, Cornbread, Applesauce. Campbell and Brian Taylor, Master of Arts Mathematics Tychicus Brown. Rear, from left, Brianna Cedillo, Bri- FRIDAY, APRIL 1: Breakfast - Scrambled Eggs, Grits, Whole both of Whiteville, Ashlynn Education degree. anna Andrews, Keyshawna Gore, Markel Gore, Chasity Wheat Toast w/Jelly. Lunch - Sausage Pizza or Hoagie on a Bun, Faircloth and Susan Prince, Potter and Aron Harrelson. Oven Baked Tater Tots, Veggie Cup, Applesauce. both of Tabor City, Brittany Kirksey of Bolton, Stepha- nie Lane of Lake Waccamaw, Columbus and Anna Turner of Fair Bluff. County schools menu Students on the chancel- Menus are subject to change. Assorted milk is served with lor’s list are: Julie Daniel, each meal. Students may select one meat, bread and milk, and Lindsey Merritt, Tiffany a choice of two fruits and/or vegetables. Murray and Francisco Per- MONDAY, MARCH 28: Breakfast - Pancake/Sausage on a ez, all of Whiteville, Worley Stick. Lunch - Pepperoni Pizza or Baked Ham, Macaroni & Edwards of Chadbourn, Cheese, Green Beans, Carrots, Apple. Chilled Pears. Hannah-Jo Prince of Tabor TUESDAY, MARCH 29: Breakfast - Super Donut. Lunch - City and John Simmons of Chicken Nuggets or Barbecue on Bun, Baked Beans, Corn on Delco. the Cob, Orange, Fruit Mix, Roll. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30: Workday/Annual Leave. THURSDAY, MARCH 31: Breakfast - Cereal & Bug Bites. Viking Club meeting Lunch - Roasted Turkey & Gravy or Hamburger, Mashed Po- tatoes, Carrots, Orange, Spiced Apples, Roll. The West Columbus Vi- FRIDAY, APRIL 1: Breakfast - Chicken Biscuit. Lunch - Beef king Athletic Club will meet Taco or Chicken Filet Sandwich, Baked Potato Tots, Lettuce & Thursday, March 31, at 7 p.m. Tomato, Fresh Fruit, Spiced Apples. in the school library. The News Reporter, Thursday, March 31, 2011 release dates: March 26-April 1 13-1 (11)

TM Mini Spy . . . Mini Spy and her friends are listening to a poetry reading at the school library. See if you can find: sEXCLAMATIONMARKsMANINTHEMOON sCARROT sLETTER6 sLIMABEAN sTOOTHBRUSH sSOCK sSPADE sFISH sWORD-).) © 2011 Universal Uclick sCANOE sTINCAN sLETTER! sKEY from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick sCANDYCANE sLETTER( sLADDER sANT Are You a Poet? sPENCIL sRING sLETTER% sQUESTIONMARK You Know It! What is poetry? Poetry is not always rhyming words. But it always uses language in a remarkable way. Ancient people believed that because poets could build a story or a thought in an interesting way, they had more power than ordinary people. For instance, religious texts might be written in a rhythmic (RITH-mic) photo by Patrick Mullen, courtesy Library of Congress Congress of Library courtesy Mullen, Patrick by photo Blue Ridge Parkway Folklife Project Collection Have you and your friends ever verse. These words seemed inspired by These girls in Virginia are doing a hand- chanted this rhyme while jumping higher powers. clapping routine called “My Left, My Left.” rope? Even some words from the Hebrew Kids are natural poets IZYYn7ZVg!IZYYn7ZVg!ijgc Bible are written in Children make up rhymes all the VgdjcY! verse. For example, time, even using nonsense words. from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick IZYYn7ZVg!IZYYn7ZVg!idjX] from the book of That’s what makes poetry fun! i]Z\gdjcY! Genesis, chapter 8: Poet JonArno Lawson plays with TM IZYYn7ZVg!IZYYn7ZVg!h]dl L]^aZi]ZZVgi]gZbV^ch! words in his poem “Tickle Tackle ThisRookie Kid’s Cookie’s Mini Recipe Page ndjgh]dZ! Botticelli”: IZYYn7ZVg!IZYYn7ZVg!i]Vil^aa hZZYi^bZVcY]VgkZhi!VcYXdaY Orange Chicken Stir-Fry VcY]ZVi! 8]dbeVadbeVdbe]Vadh You’ll need: sponsored by Yd sTEASPOONSOLIVEOIL DIVIDED s3/ cup orange juice VcYhjbbZgVcYl^ciZg!VcYYVn X]VgWZgX]deVgdd# sCUPSRAWCHICKEN CUTINTOSTRIPS sTABLESPOONCORNSTARCH Kids are great poets, but most VcYc^\]i A^hiZcjeVcYadd`VgdjcYVcY sCARROTS SLICEDINDIAGONALSTRIPS sTABLESPOONSLOW SODIUMSOYSAUCE don’t even know it! The rhymes we sCUPSUGARSNAPPEAS sTABLESPOONHONEY h]VaacdiXZVhZ# i]^c`Va^iiaZ!idd# s1/2 cup mushrooms, sliced s1/ teaspoon ground ginger learn when we’re very young stick Not just religious Favorite poets sGREENPEPPER CUTINSTRIPS s1/ cup sliced almonds or cashews with us for years and years. This is What to do: People also made warnings and Some of children’s favorite authors 1. Heat 1 teaspoon olive oil in wok on medium heat; stir-fry chicken for 5 to 8 because poetry makes our words more minutes until cooked through. Remove chicken to separate bowl. memorable. curses more memorable with verse, are poets, including Shel Silverstein 2. Heat second teaspoon olive oil; add all vegetables and stir-fry for 3 to 5 such as this saying: and Dr. Seuss, who was famous for minutes until crisp-tender. Add chicken back to wok. April is National Poetry Month. To 3. In a small bowl, combine orange juice with cornstarch. celebrate, The Mini Page talked with GZYh`nVic^\]i!hV^adg¼hYZa^\]i0 nonsense words like these (from !DDSOYSAUCE HONEYANDGROUNDGINGER-IXWELL “Bartholomew and the Oobleck”): 5. Pour sauce over chicken and vegetables; heat until sauce thickens slightly. an expert about children’s poetry. gZYh`nVibdgc^c\!hV^adghiV`Z 6. Sprinkle nuts on top. Serve with rice. You will need an adult’s help with this recipe. lVgc^c\# H]j[[aZ!Yj[[aZ!bjooaZ!bj[[ from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick

from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick Meet Seth Green Seth Green acts as the model for the computer-generated Milo in the Disney Some Poetic Words movie “Mars Needs Moms.” He has acted in many movies, including When someone writes a story using Concrete poetry “Old Dogs,” “Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters prose (language written or spoken With concrete poetry, the author Unleashed” and “My Stepmother Is an in an ordinary way), the story is the might arrange the words and letters !LIENv(EHASACTEDINSEVERAL46SHOWS most important thing. even appearing on “Sesame Street.” He on the page to make an interesting co-created a comic book series and has also But when an author uses poetry, pattern. This is similar to visual

photo by Joseph Lederer © ImageMovers ImageMovers © Lederer Joseph by photo Digital LLC. All Rights Reserved created his own adult-level animated series. the way the words read or sound is poetry, but the picture doesn’t go Seth, 37, was born in Philadelphia. He has one older sister. part of the goal, along with the story. Their mom is an artist and their dad is a math teacher. with the poem. It’s usually just a Let’s explore some different kinds neat design. He fell in love with acting when he was 6 years old, appearing in of poetry. a play at a summer camp. By the time he was 7, he had landed a Sound poetry job in a commercial. He acted in his first movie when he was 8. Rhyme from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick This type of poetry uses noises that Most people think of poems as from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick sound interesting together but may TM always rhyming, but they don’t. Even NOTMEANANYTHING9OUCANLISTEN when they do, there are different to examples of sound poetry from kinds of rhyming. author Kurt Schwitters here: COPYRIGHT © Supersport: Aaron Rodgers sPerfect, such as moon and June 1974, renewed 2002 EVIL EYE MUSIC, Height: 6-2 Birthdate: 12-2-83 LLC. Reprinted sSight rhymes, such as though with permis- Weight: 225 Hometown: Chico, Calif. sion from the Poetry terms Estate of Shel In a world where everybody seems to be in a hurry, Aaron and bough. These words don’t rhyme Silverstein and HarperCollins Rodgers had to wait. Children’s sAssonance is a vowel sound when we say them, but they look the Books. In his first three NFL seasons, he was a reserve same on the page. repeated within a line, such as How QUARTERBACKWHORARELYPLAYED"UTHISPATIENCEANDHARD Visual poetry work paid off. Rodgers finally got a chance to start in 2008 for Green Bay sSlant rhymes, in which the last now brown cow? and turned into a superstar. consonant is the same, such as whip Visual poetry is meant to be seen. sConsonance is a consonant Rodgers enjoyed his finest hour on Feb. 6, when he led the Packers to For example, a poem about the sound repeated within a line, such as their fourth Super Bowl title with a win over the Pittsburgh Steelers. and top !ARONWASSIMPLYSUPER PASSINGFORYARDSANDTHREETOUCHDOWNS sHead rhymes, in which the ocean might be written in the shape Pitter patter. ANDEARNINGTHEGAMES-60AWARD4HATCAPPEDATHIRDSTRAIGHT beginnings of stressed words sound of waves, or a poem about baseball sensational season for the former California University star, who in six might be written in the shape of a seasons has the highest career completion percentage among Packers the same, such as pretty as a picture. 8VcndjjhZhdbZd[i]ZhZY^[[ZgZciineZh QUARTERBACKSPERCENT  This is also called alliteration. ball. This is also called a calligram. d[edZignidlg^iZndjgdlcedZb4

from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick TM

Poets and Their Poems All the following jokes have something in common. Can you guess the common theme or category? Karla Kuskin is Valerie Worth Shel Silverstein’s a favorite children’s wrote poems about poems have enchanted Paul: Which poet always did his work carefully author and poet. and completely? ordinary and kids and adults for Percy: Henry David Thorough! >]VYVXVi! sometimes small many years. Two \gZn things, such as bugs favorites are “The Petra: What type of poetry do aliens enjoy? hd[i and mud. This poem is Giving Tree” and “The photo by Larry Moyer; © 2006 Evil Eye, LLC Pierre: Universes! [Vi called “Stars.” Missing Piece.” Shel Silverstein photo by Julia Kuskin, courtesy courtesy Kuskin, Julia by photo HarperCollins Children’s Books \^kZcid\gggg^c\ photo courtesy Temple Studio 1930-1999 L]^aZlZ Valerie Worth This poem, called fj^iZhd[ian Karla Kuskin Pam: Who was the tallest poet? 1932-2009 @cdli]ZnVgZ 1933-1994 “One Inch Tall,” is from Shel’s book VcYeggggg^c\# :cdgbdjhhjch! “Where the Sidewalk Ends”: Patton: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow! Ha^eeZYd[[dcZbdgc^c\ [ndjlZgZdcandcZ^cX]iVaa!ndj¼Yg^YZV from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick I]VilVhbnXVi HZVhd[]ZVknh^akZg[aVbZ! ldgbidhX]dda# TM l]dlVhcdihZZc I]ZiZVgYgded[VXgn^c\VcildjaYWZ I]Znadd`Vh Basset ewsBrown TRY ’N V\V^c# I]dj\]i]ZnXdjaY ndjghl^bb^c\edda# The N Poetry Hound’s FIND >]VYVYd\! 7ZhlZei 6XgjbWd[XV`ZldjaYWZV[ZVhi Words that remind us of poetry are hidden in the block below. Some words are cd^hnVcYnZaadl 9dlc!VcY]ZVeZY! 6cYaVhindjhZkZcYVnhViaZVhi! hidden backward or diagonally, and some letters are used twice. See if you can find: kZgnXdaYcdhZ 8daYXgnhiVa 6[aZVldjaYWZV[g^\]iZc^c\WZVhi ALLITERATION, ASSONANCE, CALLIGRAM, CONCRETE, CONSONANCE, HeVg`h!^cdcZ “Stars” from “All the Small Poems and >[ndjlZgZdcZ^cX]iVaa# HEAD, LANGUAGE, MEMORABLE, PERFECT, POEM, POET, POETRY, ldcYZg[ja[Zaadl# Fourteen More” by Valerie Worth. © 1987, 8jeeZYeVab# 1994 by Valerie Worth. Reprinted by permis- POWERFUL, PROSE, RHYTHMIC, SIGHT, SLANT, SOUND, VISUAL, WORD. IgdiiZYdcZZkZc^c\ sion of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC. >[ndjlZgZdcandcZ^cX]iVaa!ndj¼YlVa` M P B E H E C N A N O S N O C djiV[iZgVeVX` WZcZVi]i]ZYddg! DO YOU WRITE Jack Prelutsky A E K V T E C P O E T R Y H I d[Yd\"[ddiZY[g^ZcYh 6cY^ildjaYiV`ZVWdjiVbdci]id\Zi POETRY? loves to have fun with R R M P L E G N O T G D R T M VcYcZkZgXVbZWVX`# Ydlcidi]ZhidgZ# G F W O R D R A A W H D A E H language. Here’s his 6W^id[[aj[[ldjaYWZndjgWZY! >]VYVW^gY! poem “It’s Raining Pigs I E X E R O N C U N E G M O T Wg^\]iWajZ^cVXV\Z Ndj¼Yhl^c\jedcVhe^YZg¼h L C J M G A S U N G O R I P Y hVc\l^i]djiXZVhZ and Noodles”: i]gZVY! L T N A L S B E O O N S F S H 6cYlZVgVi]^bWaZdcndjg]ZVY dc]^hb^c^VijgZhiV\Z# >i¼hgV^c^c\e^\hVcY courtesy Kerr, Skipp by photo HarperCollins Children’s Books A Z V I S U A L W S C A S U R HVidcbnh]djaYZg cddYaZh! Jack Prelutsky >[ndjlZgZdcZ^cX]iVaa# C Q N O I T A R E T I L L A L add`ZY^cbnZnZ ^i¼hedjg^c\[gd\hVcY]Vih! 1940 - Ndj¼Yhjg[VXgdhhi]Z`^iX]Zc hV^aZYdjii]Zl^cYdl X]gnhVci]ZbjbhVcYeddYaZh! h^c`jedcVhi^X`d[\jb# from The Mini Page © 2011 Universal Uclick VcY^cidi]Zh`n# WVcVcVh!Wgddbh!VcYXVih# NdjXdjaYc¼i]j\ndjgbVbV! 6hhdgiZYegjcZhVcYeVggdih >]VkZVa^dc! ndj¼Y_jhi]VkZid]j\]Zgi]jbW# Ready Resources VgZYgdee^c\[gdbi]Zh`n! Ndj¼Ygjc[gdbeZdeaZ¼h[ZZi^c[g^\]i! [jggnVcY`^cY ]ZgZXdbZhVWjcX]d[XVggdih! The Mini Page provides ideas for h^ihdcVh]Za[ IdbdkZVeZcldjaYiV`ZVaac^\]i! hdbZ]^eedediVb^# I]^hedZbidd`[djgiZZcnZVghidlg^iZ· websites, books or other resources that cZVgi]ZVjidhi]Vil^cY# >i¼hgV^c^c\eZchVcYe^X`aZh! :nZhl^aYVcY\daYZc »8VjhZ>¼b_jhidcZ^cX]iVaa# will help you learn more about this week’s topics. VcYZ\\hVcYh^akZglVgZ# COPYRIGHT © 1974, renewed 2002 EVIL EYE MUSIC, LLC. Reprinted with permis- sion from the Estate of Shel Silverstein and HarperCollins Children’s Books. On the Web: iV^aa^`ZVij[i 6[addYd[[^\hVcYc^X`Zah ]ZcZkZgl^aaha^edjiVcYaZVkZbZ# ^h[Vaa^c\i]gdj\]i]ZV^g# The Mini Page thanks Joseph Thomas sWWWSHELSILVERSTEINCOM Copyright © 1959, renewed 1986 by Jr., associate professor of English and =Z¼hhij[[ZY# Karla Kuskin. Reprinted by permission sWWWPOETRYKIDSCOM of Scott Treimel New York >hZZVhlVc!VhlZViZg! comparative literature, San Diego State VXadX`!VbdYZaigV^c· University, and author of “Poetry’s At the library: Add`[dgWdd`hVindjga^WgVgnWni]ZhZVcY >a^`Zi]^hhdbjX]WZiiZg Playground,” for help with this issue. sh+NOCKATA3TAR!#HILDS)NTRODUCTIONTO0OETRYv di]ZgedZih#A^WgVg^Vchl^aaWZ]Veenid i]Vcl]Zc^i¼hgV^c^c\gV^c# Next week, The Mini Page is about the Civil by X.J. Kennedy and Dorothy M. Kennedy ]Zaendj Copyright © 2000 by Jack Prelutsky War. sh0OEMIN9OUR0OCKETFOR9OUNG0OETS vSELECTED The Mini Page Staff by Bruno Navasky, published with the Academy of Betty Debnam - Founding Editor and Editor at Large Lisa Tarry - Managing Editor Lucy Lien - Associate Editor Wendy Daley - Artist American Poets


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April Community 2011 Calendar SUNday MONday TUESday WEdNESday THURSday FRIday SaTURday Narcotics Anonymous meeting, AA meeting, 8 PM, 511 N. Noon, 333 Jefferson St. Thompson St. 1 Every Friday 2 Every Saturday Youth League Bowling, 10 AM April Fool’s Day 701 Lanes, 301 J.K. Powell Blvd. Government Every Saturday Complex. Environmental experiences for Currently Closed early childhood workshop, for the Season. 9 AM-3:30 PM, $20 Will reopen 2nd Spirit Riders 4-H Horse Show, Boys Saturday in May. & Girls Home Exhibition Center Nature Journal Hike: Fire in the Forest, 3-4 PM, Lake Waccamaw State Park CHECK OUT OUR ONLINE CALENDAR @ FOR EVEN MORE INFO Velcro’s Birthday, 1978

Spirit Riders 4-H Horse Show, County School Bd. meeting, Lebanon Lodge #207, 7 PM AA meeting, 8 PM, 511 N. AA meeting, 8 PM, 511 N. Wildgame Cookoff, Boys & 3Boys & Girls Home Exhibition 4 6 PM 5 Alzheimers Support Group 6 Thompson St. 7 Thompson St. 8 9 Girls Homes Exhibition Center Center Col. Co. Bd. of Comm., 6:30 PM - 6-7 PM, First St. Paul Bapt. Church Every Wednesday Every Thursday 6th annual High School Honors Col. Co. Courthouse Annex Friends of the Carolyn T. High Mem. Earth Day at SCC, Soil & Water Bd. of Supervisors Jazz Band Concert, 7 PM AA meeting, 8 PM, Library, 5:30 PM at the library 9 AM-2 PM meeting, 8 AM, Cooperative Ext. Bldg., Govt. Complex Rd. The Dirty Dozen: N.C.’s most un- 511 N. Thompson St. The Concerned Citizens of Sandy- wanted invasive plants, 4-5 PM, Every Monday feld meeting, Town Hall, 7 PM Concerned Bikers Assoc. (CBA) meet- Lake Waccamaw State Park Take Off Pounds Sensibly) TOPS Chadbourn Council meeting, Town ing, 7 PM, 47 Mercer Rd., Chadbourn meeting, 5 PM, CRHS Room 1-A. Hall, 7 PM Narcotics Anonymous meetings, 7 Every Monday Vietnam Veterans of America PM, 109 N. Madison St., Whiteville & Zoo Lovers Day meeting, 7 PM, 1028 S. Madison St. Fresh Tomato 15956 Old Lake Road, Riegelwood. It was about 1500 B.C. when Queen Hatshepsut of Adult Mixed League Bowling, 7 PM Egypt built the frst zoo. Many private zoos were 701 Lanes, 301 J.K. Powell Blvd. Day Every Thursday kept by rulers in Africa, India, and China between National Chocolate F.B. Commissioners meeting, 6 PM 1,000 and 400 B.C. - and a "school" zoo was built Every Monday 6th annual High School Honors by the Greeks to study animal and plant life. But, Moose Day Take Off Pounds Sensibly) TOPS Jazz Band & Festival, 7 PM, modern zoos weren't deleveoped until the 1400's when European explorers came to the New World. meeting, 5:30 PM, Chadbourn SCC Auditorium. Festival pass $5 When they took strange animals back home with TV Guide’s Birthday, 1953 Pony Express Birthday Community Libary, 301 N. Wilson St. them, public display zoos were born. Every Tuesday Bicentennial Bang EXPO, 11:30 AM-7 PM, Vineland Station - Times Square Birthday Homogenized Milk Celebrate Recovery, 6 PM, Hwy. Bicentennial Art Stroll, 5:30-8:30 Milk In Glass Bottles Day, (In 1904, Longacre Square was renamed Times American Circus Day, 1793 Square when the “New York Times” moved its (First American circus in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) Birthday, 1892 701 Tabor City. Every Tuesday North Pole Discovered, 1909 PM, Downtown Whiteville 1879 headquarters there) Birds of Prey: Raptors City School Bd. meeting, Lake Wacc. Town Council - 7 PM Disabled American Col. Co. Theatre Assoc. The HACC - Hunter and around the Lake, 2-3 PM, 11 6:30 PM 12Whiteville City Council - 6:30 PM 13 14 Veterans (DAV) meeting, 15 presents, “Sin, Sex, 16 Western Show, Boys & 10Lake Waccamaw State Park The Compassionate Friends, 6:30 PM, 524 N. Lee St. and the CIA, 7 PM, In- Girls Homes Tabor City Town Council - 7 PM terim Center. Tkts $30 per person Exhibition Center 7:30 PM, Grace Episcopal Church Diabetes Support Group East Coast Hunters’ Association The Col. Humane Society, Inc., meeting, 6 PM, CRHS Educ. 34th annual SCC Foundation meeting, 6:30 PM The First Baptist Church, Madison Center Classroom 2 Dinner Theatre, 6 PM, Business & Church Streets, 6:30 PM & Industry Skills Training Center. Alateen meeting, 8 PM, 511 N. Scrabble Day Brain Injury Support Group Tkts $60. Honoring Fredrica Stell Thompson St. Whiteville Downtown Dev. Com- meeting, 6 PM, CRHS, Rm 1A mission Bd. of Directors meeting, Col. Co. Theatre Assoc. presents, 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM Col. Co. Theatre Assoc. presents, “Sin, Sex, and the CIA, 7 PM, In- “Sin, Sex, and the CIA, 7 PM, In- terim Center. Tkts $30 per person VFW Post #8073 meeting, terim Center. Tkts $30 per person 6:30 PM, 121 Wyche St. Tax Day - Monday April 18 Barely a wake: Canoe Paddle, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, 7 In 2011, Washington, D.C., will celebrate 9-10:30 AM, Lake Waccamaw State PM, 109 N. Madison St., Whiteville & Emancipation Day on April 15, a day ear- Park. *Must sign up for this event 15956 Old Lake Road, Riegelwood. lier than normal, since April 16 falls on a Saturday. Tax Day will be moved forward Safety Pin Birthday, 1849 Every Tuesday one business day, this year landing it on Monday, April 18. That’s the date your form Salvation Army Founders Jackie Robinson Day Thomas Jefferson’s Birthday, has to be either submitted electronically or (In 1947 Jackie Robinson became the frst African postmarked by for your tax return to be con- Day American in major-league baseball) 1793 Titanic Struck an Iceberg sidered timely fled by the IRS.

The HACC - Hunter and Col. Co. Bd. of Comm., Col. Co. Shrine Club, Lebanon Lodge #207, Col. Co. Theatre Assoc. 2nd annual Master Western Show, Boys & 6:30 PM - Col. Co. 7 PM 7 PM presents, “Sin, Sex, Gardeners Plant Swap, 17 Girls Homes 18 19 20 21 22 23 Courthouse Annex Greater Whiteville Cham- and the CIA, 7 PM, In- 9 AM-until, Columbus Exhibition Center ber of Commerce Bd. of Directors terim Center. Tkts $30 per person County Farmers Market Col. Co. Theatre Assoc. presents, meeting - 7:45 AM - 9 AM Boston Butt Fundraiser, 2 - 6 PM, Co- “Sin, Sex, and the CIA, 7 PM, Col. Co. Citizens for Better Govt. lumbus County Farmers Market, $20 Interim Center. Tkts $10 per meeting, 7 PM person for Matineee Col. Co. Theatre Assoc. presents, Greater Whiteville Chamber of “Sin, Sex, and the CIA, 7 PM, In- Commerce Bd. meeting, 7:45 AM terim Center. Tkts $30 per person Volunteer Recognition Come out of your shell: Spring Day turtle kick-off, 11 AM-12 Noon, Tax Day Lake Waccamaw State Park Kindergarten Day (The First Kindergarten was founded by Friedrich Revolutionary War Began, 1775 Froebel in Germany in 1837) Earth Day

Go Fly a Kite Day City schools Easter and Spring break April 18-22 Electric Mixer Birthday, 1918 Orienteering Egg Hunt: CCAC meeting, Arts Whiteville City Council - Greater Whiteville Celebrate Arbor Day: Southern Stock Horse Celebrating year of the Council Bldg., 5:30 PM 6:30 PM Chamber of Commerce 29Tree Hike, 6:30-7:30 PM, Show, Boys & Girls 24 turtle, 3-4 PM, 25 - 6:30 PM 26 27 Offce Professional Day 28 Lake Waccamaw State Park 30Homes Exhibition Center Luncheon at Vineland Station Lake Waccamaw State Park Stroke Support Group meeting, 12 - Kiss Your Spring Star Gazing, 7:30-8:30 PM, 1:30 PM, CRHS Educ. Center Rm 1-A Columbus Planning Board, 7 PM, Mate Day Lake Waccamaw State Park Col. Co. Courthouse Annex. Kiss Your Mate Day is a perfect chance to smooch with your partner. If you don't currently kiss your mate everyday, use today to re-establish kissing in your life. Here are some Kiss Your Mate Day tips and rules: • There is no limit to the number of times you can kiss your mate today. • There is no limit to the number of kisses you can share today. • It is highly recommended that you limit your kisses to just one mate. • If you don't have a mate, it's alright to kiss someone who is not formally your mate.... Hey, you never know. This day may be a begin- ning...... • You can kiss your mate wherever you want (location/place). • Giving candy or fowers is not required. But, we suggest that those who do, will receive more kisses. RELAY FOR LIFE Walter Lantz’s Birthday SCC, April 29, 12 pm until April 30, 12 pm License Plate Birthday, 1901 National Pretzel Day (Creator of Woody Woodpecker) County schools Easter and Spring break April 25-29 We’re At Your Service 24/7

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