Housing and Upgrading Branch

Objectives, Approaches, Functions, Countries, Achievements Strategic Plan 2014-19 Housing and Slum Upgrading

Objective: To increase access to adequate housing and improve the standard of living in existing in urban areas.

Contributing to the MDG on Slums Strategic Plan 2014-19 Housing and Slum Upgrading

Expected Accomplishments: •Housing reforms adopted and policies and programmes implemented •Slum upgrading and prevention policies and programmes implemented. •Targeted vulnerable groups’ capacity strengthened to improve their living conditions Policy Tools: Housing Profiles

• Analysis of housing sector. • Analytical tool for government and other actors. • Priority action planning in participatory manner. • Delivered in collaboration with Regional Offices. Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme in ACP countries

Presentation of Participatory Slum Upgrading Programme in ACP Countries 12 October 2009, Fiji Islands Phase I Urban Profiles

(Quick response to urban development challenges

Assessment Elements Gender Environment

City#1 Profile # 2 Profile City # 3 Profile (Capital (Small) (Middle) )

Slums Governance & National Urban Profile Shelter

Basic Local Land Urban Economic & Services Development Property

Flexible mechanisms for dialogue, participatory, rapid, action-oriented 6 Integrated approach


Housing Policy Risk Managment Capacity building Gender &Youth Governance Coordination Urban Planning

Basic Urban Services

Local Economic Development

Urban Legislation

Slum Upgrading Security and Safety


7 Phase 2 Participatory Slum Upgrading from agreed needs to action

Urban Profiles Formulation of action plans and programmes, capacity building and policy seminars for pro- poor urban development

8 Housing and Slum Upgrading

Housing Unit •Global Housing Strategy 2025 •Right to Adequate Housing •Adequate Housing for All Programme •Housing Profiling and Policy •Sustainable Housing Approaches

Slum Upgrading Unit + Focal Point • Alleviation Role for •Participatory Slum Upgrading AMCHUD, •Alternatives to forced evictions APMCHUD Special •City wide slum upgrading Rapporteur for •Streets as pillars of urban transformation the Right to Community Management Unit Adequate Housing •Community Development Process •Community Poverty Alleviation •Community Enablement for Settlement Improvement •Strengthening Municipal and Community Development •Peace-Building through Consolidation of Community Solidarity Geographical Scope

HSUB has and is working in 56 countries: •Africa (25): Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, DRC, Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mauritius, Mozambique, Niger, , Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia. •Arab States (11): Algeria, Bahrain, , Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, OPT, Somalia, Sudan, , UAE. • and Pacific (12): Afghanistan, , , Fiji, Indonesia, Nepal, Papua New Guinea, Pakistan, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Vietnam •Latin America and the Caribbean (8): Antigua and Barbuda, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Haiti, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago Various Publications Various Publications Budget 2006-2012 HSUB

Unit Total Budget 2011 Budget

Housing 6,484,402 2,946,880

Slum Upgrading 64,736,595 13,195,546

Community Managements 82,113,168 18,028,662

Total Branch Budget 153,334,164 34,171,088 Recent Results


•Housing Profiles in Ecuador, El Salvador, Ghana, Malawi, Nepal, Senegal, Tunisia, Uganda, Vietnam, Zambia. •Participatory Slum Upgrading in Burkina Faso, Cameroon, DR Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal, Tanzania, Zambia. •Affordable Land and Housing Series for Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe and North America. •Global Housing Strategy – 2025 mandated through a GC Resolution •Adequate Housing for All Programme inclujding knowledge products, guides and capacity development •Housing Rights work including Eviction Impact Assessments, Rights Based Approach for Habitat •Iraq Housing Policy and improvement of Housing Delivery system •Somalia Permanent Shelter and Social Recent Results

Slum Upgrading

•Participatory Slum Upgrading, in 30 Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries • Without Slums, Malawi, Morocco, •Slum Upgrading and Sustainable housing Development in Darfur, Sudan •Pro-poor Partnerships for Poverty Reduction, Bangladesh •Towards a Neighbourhood Improvement and Slum Eradication Policy, Costa Rica •Community-led Ger Area Upgrading in Ulaanbaatar City, Mongolia •Korogocho Slum Upgrading Programme, Kenya •Slum Upgrading and City Development Strategy for Nampula City, Mozambique Recent Results

Community Management

•National Solidarity Programme, Afghanistan •Learning for Community Empowerment Programme, Afghanistan •Luwana Lake Environment Improvement and Community Development Project, Sri Lanka •Peace-Building in Afghanistan through Consolidation of Community Solidarity, Afghanistan •Urban Poverty Redution, Housing and Slum Upgrading Branch
