City University of New York (CUNY) CUNY Academic Works Women's Studies Quarterly Archives and Special Collections 1976 Images of Women in Medieval Literature: A Selected Bibliography Susan Schibanoff How does access to this work benefit ou?y Let us know! More information about this work at: Discover additional works at: This work is made publicly available by the City University of New York (CUNY). Contact:
[email protected] IMAGES OF WOMEN IN MEDIEVAL LITERATURE: A SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY This bibliography focuses on images of women in medieval lit Pomeroy, Sarah B., Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and erature rather than on medieval women writers for several Slaves: Women in ClassicalAntiquity (New York , reasons. First, the study of literary images of women can pro 1975). Especially Chapter 6, "Images of Women vide a real sense of the climate in which the individual medi in the Literature of Classical Athens," pp_ 93-119. eval female artist might have lived, a necessary first step in Bibliography. evaluating her contributions. Second, the problem of iden B. Bibliography tifying the authorship of anonymous medieval literary works Pomeroy, Sarah B., "Selected Bibliography on Women is a large one. It is becoming apparent, however, that there in Antiquity," Arethusa 6 (1973), 127-157 . A use were probably more good medieval women writers than those ful annotated essay, with a section on women under few we currently identify-Marie of France, Eleanor of Christianity by Michael Southwell, pp. 149-152 . Aquitane, Margery Kempe, Christine de Pisan, the Pastons . Ill. Medieval Studies Sections I and 11 include a sampling of material on classical A.