Holiday Issue
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Newsletter for The Japan Exchange and Teaching Program Alumni Association, New York Chapter Vol. 13, Issue 4 FALL 2004 THE “FOCUSING ON WHAT’S IMPORTANT” HOLIDAY ISSUE What’s Inside?! Holiday Memories 2 Letter from the Editor from Japan 3 JETAA Society Page 4 Job Searching JET Alums and the Job Search Living in Japan gave us some unique challenges during our favorite holidays. But we know that’s also what brings the best out of us. Below are some of the ways your fellow alums celebrated the 5Fiction traditional holidays in Japan. Alexei Esikoff indulges continues the male perspective. Lyle Sylvander though it was two days after the real holiday, I had Thanksgiving at the ambassador's resi- we were all dying for a real turkey with all the 6The Dating Game dence with about 100 other JETS from the trimmings. The turkey was well on it's way in Karen Sumberg on how we find the oven brought in specially brought by one our jobs. Tokyo area. Ambassador Howard Baker, former Senator from Tennessee and Chief of Staff member and we all chipped in and cooked for under Reagan, and his wife Nancy Kasslebaum hours. Sure enough, two members of that 7Election Views from who was a former Senator from Kansas, town’s Board of Ed showed up uninvited while greeted us as we entered the door. It was a real we were cooking and asked if they could take Japan Thanksgiving feast with a choice of Turkey, home some turkey because they've never had Brian Hall takes an informal Roast Beef, Ham - all layed out in display any!! It was quite surprising not to mention survey for the Newsletter style. After dinner, we got to mingle with the embarrassing because we only had enough ambasador and his wife as well as talk with for the people involved, and the town's JET numerous marines who were also invited. The was not having it. She told them sorry, that it 9Where Do We Volunteer ambassador and his wife were both very down was all accounted for, and turned them away. What are your fellow JET Alums doing to give back? to Earth. We could also see the room where the Needless to say, I don’t think she was ap- famous picture of MacArthur and Hirohito was proved for much nenkyu that year! 14 Theatre Review taken. ******** Lyle Sylvander reviews the ******** Karen Sumberg Stephen Sondheim musical Nicole Hebert My first year in Kochi, I had the privilege of “Pacific Overtures” Saga Ken 1998-2000 working with a Japanese Teacher of English My most memorable holiday had to be Thanks- who lacked a backbone and chose not to giving. A group of us from AJET decided to put support me in times of classroom conflict. This 15 Top 14 List together a Thanksgiving Dinner just for us- the presented a problem since, at this point, my gaijin. We ordered food about a month in ad- Japanese was non-functional at best. It did vance from that foreign food shop in Kobe...or work to my advantage in some ways, I planned was it Osaka?? Surely you know what I’m talk- all the lessons and got to do what I wanted. 16 Nubus & Pint ing about. It was an ordeal to find a place in my Ibuki-sensei was a bright, but insecure city that would hold us all for some reason that Japanese woman with a serious Korean fetish had a working kitchen and tatami room avail- and boyfriend. She was also a proud Chris- able. Eventually, a JET in another town found tian. When I arrived at school one day, I found one through her Board of Ed. We had it all a man at the gate passing out copies of the planned out, how much was needed for the lot of us and it looked like had enough food. Al- (“Holiday” Continued on page 8) The “Focusing on What’s Important” Holiday Issue It’s holiday season, and as rai-nen approaches we often start thinking about what’s im- portant to us. For some of us it’s finding a job. For some of us it’s what we can give back to others. And for many of us it’s simply being grateful for what we have and re- flecting on some of our great experiences from the past. This Newsletter issue wants to help you keep the faith. There are still jobs out there, tough as the market may be, and there are JET alums out there willing to help you. Editor And whether you have a job or not, volunteering is a great way to expand your horizons Steven Horowitz and expose yourself to new opportunities while doing something beneficial. Not men- [email protected] tioned in the issue’s article on volunteering is JETAA New York, an organization that depends entirely on volunteers. We’re doing more things and doing them better than ever thanks to our wonderful leadership. But the growth doesn’t continue unless new Assistant EditorS people step up and get involved. It can start by coming to a happy hour, a business Lyle Sylvander & Alexei Esikoff meeting, a contribution to the Newsletter, or by helping to organize a JETAA New York event. There are lots of great ideas out there, but a dearth of people willing to organize President and see them through. We especially need people to step up now and help replace the Shannan Spisak current leadership as the prepare to step down in the coming elections. [email protected] So Happy Holidays and Rai-nen mo Yoroshiku Onegaishimasu. Let’s make a better Vice President JETAA New York in the next year. It’s all in our own hands. Rosie DeFremery Steven Horowitz [email protected] Newsletter Editor Secretary Ryan Chan [email protected] ‘Tis better to give Treasurer Jo Sonido than to receive [email protected] Social Coordinator Matt Jungblut Write for the Newsletter and [email protected] spread the shpilkes. Philadelphia Representative Therese Stephen [email protected] [email protected] Webmaster Scott Norman [email protected] Santa’s kind of busy DATABASE COORDINATOR these days. But you can Marc Carroll still get the Newsletter in [email protected] hardcopy. Please check out e-mail from our Secretary and the Just e-mail your web site SnailMail address to: for [email protected] updated announcements. All material contained in this newsletter is the sole property of JETAA New York, Inc. JETAA NEW YORK SOCIETY PAGE by Yoku Shitteiru In the Spring Issue (“Politics”) we talked with teer people thrown in as former JETAA Hawaii President Nadine Nish- well. There was no ioka who ran for a seat in the Hawaii State known nijikai, but the din- House of Representatives, 24th District. ner itself was tasty and cheap! JETAA glitteratti On November 2, Nadine lost her very first in attendance included election for a seat in the State House of Rep- Brian Hersey, Abel resentatives to incumbent Kirk Caldwell by a margin of 59.3% Vela, John Hyon, Lane to 36.3%. Rettig, Tabitha Tsai (her first JETAA event ever), JETAA New York is proud to have a fellow alum fighting the and vetran FOJ Nina Morgenlander. good fight. And something tells us this isn’t the last we’ll hear from her. O-tsukare sama deshita, Nadine. Kore kara mo ******** ganbatte kudasai! JETAA Treasurer extraordinaire Jo Sonido made a ******** surprise temporary visit back to the States (was he flown in on JETAA Airforce One?) just in time for a big Clara Kuhlman organized the most recent Nihongo Dake Hello/Goodbye dance-a-thon at S.O.B.’s on Brazil Dinner. This one went a little further off the beaten path, us- Night (a/k/a Saturday.) Is this the last we’ll see of him ing Rose of India on 6th St. in the East Village (aka Curry for a while? Say it ain’t so, Joe. Row) as its venue. Yoku Shitteiru heard there was a good mix of JETs, Friends of JET, and some New York de Volun- 858-832-1378 Effectively serving the JET community for over 15 years! “We look forward to helping you find the positions you’ve been searching for!” Our clients need your skills!! Contact us for finance, imp/exp, research, media, fashion and more. Be sure to visit our homepage for a listing of open positions at WWW.BREMAR.COM New York Office San Diego Office 420 Lexington Avenue, Suite 660 Tel: (858) 832-1378 New York, NY 10170 Fax: (858) 832-1379 Tel: (212 )661-0909 Fax: (212) 856-0989 NEED HELP? WHO GOT NEW JOBS? Need help and a little support in your job search? Here’s what JET Elusive though they might seem, there are jobs out there and JET alum Fran Bigman is doing to help. alums have found them. Here are three JET alums who have found good and interesting jobs in the past year. The JETAANY Job Group is a new Yahoo group founded for all JET alumni in the area to share information about jobs, career fields, and Kareem Hertzog interesting opportunities. My main goal in starting it was to provide a Inventory Analyst, Medical Systems Group support group for those of us who are job hunting, and I hope we can Olympus America use it for advice, encouragement, and sharing contacts. In other I'm a JET alum and I've been working for Olympus America since De- words, if I know you're looking for a job in publishing and I have a cember of 2003.