Bosnia and Herzegovina Prosecutor's Office Of
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ~ PROSECUTOR'S OFFICE OF BOSNIA AND HE ~O SARAJEVO ~'t"~~ • Case No: KT-RZ-91f06 ~ ~ 0 <:" Sarajevo. 7 July 2006 :;: ::; ~ 'i: ()~.... ~, ~,'S- 6- COURT OF BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - ,. <S- PRELIMINARY HEARING JUDGE- -s. ">", v S , ~o vI\' 80 Pursuant to Article 35 (2) (h), 226 (I) and 227 of the Grim ode 0 and Herzegovina (BiH CPC) ill connection with Article 2 (I) and (2) of the ["",,,,,,,oil Transfer of Cases from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia to the Prosecutor's Office of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Use of Evidence Collected from the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in the Proceedings before the Courts in Bosnia and HerzegoVina (Law on Transfer) and ill accordance wilh the charges laid oul in the Consolidated Indictment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Fonner Yugoslavia number IT -02-65 against Zeljko Mejakic, Mom~ilo Gruban, Du~n Flcltar and Du~ko Knefevic and the facts stated therein 1 hereby file this adapted INDICTMENT Against: Zeljko Mejakie, son ofBlagoje, mother's name Milka, born on 2 August 1964 in Petrov Gaj, the Municipality of Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina, formerly resident in the village of Omarska, of Serb nationality, citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Serbia, formerly employed as a police officer, graduated from Secondary School for Internal Affairs, married, father of 2 children, no previous convictions, no other criminal proceedings, deemed by law to have completed compulsory military service by virtue of completing Secondary School for Internal Affairs, no rank or decoration, held in custody based initially on the Decision of the Court of BiH number X KRN/061200 dated 10 May 2006, and presently on the Decision to Extend Custody issued by the Court of B iH, number X-KRN/06f200 dated 9 June 2006.
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