Regime Decline and Civic Alternatives in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Alfredo SASSO The ‘Bosnian Silence’? Regime Decline and Civic Alternatives in Bosnia-Herzegovina THE ‘BOSNIAN SILENCE’? REGIME DECLINE AND CIVIC ALTERNATIVES IN BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA (1989-1990) Alfredo SASSO1 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) Spain UDK: 32(497.6)”1989/1990” 329.71(497.6)”1989/1990” Izvorni znanstveni rad Primljeno: 15.01.2015. Prihvaćeno: 13.02.2015. Summary The following article aims to analyse the alternative, pro- Yugoslav and pro-democratizing options in Bosnia-Herzegovina, from 1989 to mid-1990, until the beginning of the multi-party electoral campaign. The article focuses on three initiatives: the reformist wing of the League of Communists (SKBiH), the Alliance of Socialist Youth (SSOBiH) and the Association for the Yugoslav Democratic Initiative (UJDI). Particular attention is paid to their proposals on the main issues of the political crisis, as well as their conflicting relation with the declining communist regime in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The SKBiH, notwithstanding its non-national and pro-Yugoslav stance, had a different approach on other issues, especially on political pluralism. The article points out that, on the eve of the 1990 elections, the competition within the non-national camp decisively weakened a pro-Yugoslav integrative option. Keywords: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Yugoslavia, non-national movements, League of Communists, UJDI, SSOBiH, Bosnian Initiative 1 PhD Candidate, Dpt. of Modern and Contemporary History, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) / Institut Català Internacional per la Pau (ICIP). I would like to thank Chiara Milan, Davide Denti and Edin Omerčić for their insightful comments and suggestions on the earlier versions of this article. 27 Časopis za povijest Zapadne Hrvatske, IX./9., 2014.
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