Law Enforcement, Judiciary, and Corrections 43 the Problems of Law Enforcement
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If you have issues viewing or accessing this file contact us at COMMUNITY· RELATIONS concepts third edition :3-d j-. tJ t-.! 'M' .. f /j..~;. ;, . '.~.. " . - m Denny F. Pace . -.,. ' ' .. ~.' ..•. ~~-:-:.- 1'-'- .---'~">~... '~. COMMUNITY RELATIONS concepts third edition Denny F. Pace COPPERHOUSE PUBLISHING COMPANY 1590 Lotus Road Placerville~ California 95667 (916) 626-1260 Your Partner in Education with "QUALITY BOOKS AT FAIR PRICES" Community Relations Concepts Third Edition Copyright © 1993, 1990, 1987, 1985 by Copperhollse Publishing Company All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reprinted or reproduced in any manner without prior written permission of the publisher; except for brief passages which may be quoted in connection with a book review and only when source credit is given. Library of Congress Catalog Number 92-085119 ISBN 0-942728-54-8 Paper Text Edition Printed in the United States of America. .., DEDICATION This book is respectfully dedicated to the thousands of professional agents and representatives of the criminal justice system who strive diligently to make the system better serve the public; and to those elected and appointed officials, educators, and public spirited citizens who constantly strive to raise the profes sionallevel of all the system's participants. It is the author's fondest wish that Community Relations Concepts will contribute to a better understanding and more effective operation of the system by both students planning to enter and those already engaged in this most challenging area of public service. D.F.P. 144616 U.S. Department of Justice National Institute of Justice This document has been reproduced exactly as received from the person or organization originating it. Points of view or opinions 5tat~d in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the National Institute of Justice. Permission to reproduce this copyrighted material in mi· croflche only has been granted by • h' Copperhouse PUn11S lng Company to the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS). Further reproduction outside of the NCJRS system requires permis sion of the copyright owner. CONTENTS Preface ..................................... xv Chapter 1 WHY COMMUNITY RELATIONS 1 High Cost of Crime. .. 2 THE MEANING OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS ....... 6 Crime and Contemporary Community Culture ....... 6 Community Reiat:o!18 Defined ................ .. 7 Community Understanding: A Key to Success ....... 8 THE PURPOSE OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS ....... 8 THE NEED FOR POLICE-COMMUNITY INTERACTION 9 Discretion by Agents of the System ............. 11 THE FUNCTION OF LAW VS. HUMAN INTERACTION. 11 Discretion as a Barrier to Community and Law Enforcement Interaction ............. 12 Law: A Barrier to Good Community Relations? ..... 12 Danger in Law Enforcement ................. 13 Authority ............................. 13 Efficiency . 13 Agency Collusion ........... , ............ 14 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF GOVERNMENT ......... 15 Politics: The Sharing of Power ................ 15 THE PASSAGE OF POWER TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ............... 16 The Right of Government to Exercise Power . 17 Need for Individual Responsibility .............. 17 MISCONCEPTIONS IN SCHOOL INSTRUCTION ..... 18 LAW ENFORCEMENT AS SOCIAL AGENTS ....... 19 A New Image-A New Role? ................. 20 OBSTACLES TO COMMUNITY PROGRAM SUCCESS .. 21 vi THE INVESTIGATOR AS A COMMUNITY RELATIONS AGENT .. '. .. 22 SUMMARy .............. , ................ 22 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS . .. 24 CRITICAL INCIDENTS FOR ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION . .. 25 Chapter 2 THE STRUCTURE OF THE COMMUNITY .......... ; 27 KEY ELEMENTS OF A COMMUNITY . .. 28 Geographical Limits ...................... 29 Demographic Characteristics ................. 29 Economic and Educational Factors ............. 30 Racial and Ethnic Factors . .. 30 Employment Factors ...................... 30 Ecological Factors ....................... 31 Life Styles ............................ 31 Language Groups .. 31 Miscellaneous Factors ..................... 32 FACTORS THAT MAKE PEOPLE DIFFERENT ...... 32 Societal Factors ......................... 33 Nationalism ............................ 33 Religion .............................. 34 Family Groups . 35 Ethnic Groups .. ... 36 Racial Factors .......................... 37 Caucasoid ... , .......... , ............. , . 38 Mongoloid ................... ,., ...... 38 Negroid .............................. 38 Other ......................... , ...... 38 THE AREAS OF CONFLICT IN A COMMUNITY ..... 39 The Black Ghetto ........................ 39 SUMMARy .............................. 40 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS .................... 41 CRITICAL INCIDENTS FOR ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION . .. 42 vii Chapter 3 LAW ENFORCEMENT, JUDICIARY, AND CORRECTIONS 43 THE PROBLEMS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT . .. 44 Cost of the System ....................... 44 Primary Role of the Community ............... 45 Deficient Patrol Techniques .................. 45 Force Needs to be Curbed ................... 45 Minority Recruitment ...................... 46 Better Use ofInvestigators .................. 46 Improving Administrative Structures ............ 46 Shoot, No-Shoot Policy ................... .. 47 Management vs. Dollars .................... 47 Preventive Patrol ........................ 47 COURTS AND JUDICIAL PROBLEMS ............ 48 Plea Bargaining ......................... 48 The Adversary System . 48 Failure to File on "Weak" Cases .............. 50 Court Delays ........................... 50 CORRECTIONS PROBLEMS .................. 50 Early Parole Release ...................... 52 Assignment of Prisoners to Work Units .......... 52 Under-utilization of Prison Labor .............. 54 Providing Inmate Benefits ................... 56 SUMMARy ......... , .................... 56 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS .................... 57 CRITICAL INCIDENTS FOR ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ................ 58 Chapter 4 THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM AND THE COMMUNITY ...................... 59 IMPLEMENTING HUMAN RELATIONS UNDER LAW.. 59 Ethnic Diversity ......................... 60 General Concepts For Implementing Human Relations .. 61 CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE COMMUNITY AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM ......... 63 viii Police Brutality .......................... 63 Is Police Brutality Spreading? ................. 64 The Media ............................. 64 One-Officer Patrol Cars '" . ., 64 Administrative Pressure ..................... 65 Increased Problems of Communication . .. 66 Increase in Litigation ...................... 66 PEACE OFFICER TRAINING .................. , 67 Attitude and Discretion ..................... , 68 Racial Prejudice ......................... 68 Minority Manipulation ..................... , 69 CRITICAL COMMUNITY PROBLEMS ............ , 69 Sex Crimes & Child Molestation ............... , 71 Incest ................................ 71 Rape. .. 72 Gang Violence and Vigilante Movements .......... 72 SOCIETY IN TRANSITION .................... 74 General Observations . .. 75 SUMMARY. .. 77 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS . .. 77 Chapter 5 MINORITY GROUPS IN THE COMMUNITY ......... 79 DISCRIMINATION, PREJUDICE, AND BIAS ........ 80 CHANGE AND TENSION: MINORITIES' STRUGGLE FOR POWER .......... 81 Search For A Scapegoat ................... " 84 Police Find A Scapegoat . .. 84 KEY MINORITY GROUPS .................... 84 The Black Minority. .. 85 The Hispanic Community ... .. 86 The Asian Community . .. 88 ECONOMICS: A DIFFERENT JUSTICE FOR RICH AND POOR. .. 88 Shift in Community Values .... .. 89 The Poverty Syndrome . .. 89 ix Poor are Susceptible to Police Contact . .. 90 How the Poor Fail to Get Equality From the Criminal Justice System . < • • • • •• 90 Minorities of the Police Subculture .............. 91 HOSTILE ATTITUDES VS. POLlCE MALPRACTICE. .. 92 Prejudicial Acts .......................... 92 Self-Concept . .. 92 Social Learning Theory ..................... 93 Stereotyping Self-Fulfill ing . .. 93 Black Officer Recruitment .................. " 94 OTHER KEY MINORITY GROUPS ............... 94 Correcting Social Inequities . .. 96 Shaping Youths' Values ..................... 96 Youth and the Law ...................... " 97 Hostility Modification ...................... 97 The Jewish Minority ..................... " 98 The Elderly ........................... " 98 The New Asian Minority .................... 99 SUMMARY . .. 101 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS . .. 102 Chapter 6 COMMUNITY POWER STRUCTURE ............. " 103 THE FORMAL POWER STRUCTURE ............. 104 Who Impacts on Crime? ................... " 104 Comparing the Formal and Informal Power Structures " 106 THE INFORMAL POWER STRUCTURE .......... " 106 Identifying the Informal Power Structure . " 107 Changes in the Informal Structure ............. " 107 APPLICATION OF ORGANIZATIONAL DISCRETION " 108 Controlling Individual Discretion ............... 109 SUMMARY ............................... 110 DISCUSSION QUESTIONS ................... " 110 CRITICAL INCIDENTS FOR ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION ............... " 112 x Chapter 7 SHARING POWER WITH THE INSTITUTIONS OF GOVERNMENT 113 BELIEF IN PERSONAL FREEDOM 114 Who Is the Criminal? ...................... 114 The Social Contract . .. 115 RESISTANCE TO GOVERNMENT CONTROL ....... 116 The Criminal Justice System: Representatives of Government ............... 116 TOLERANCE FOR DEVIANT BEHA VIOR ....... : .. 117 Political Spoils System ..................... 118 The Dispensing Of Justice ................... 119 SUMMARy .............................