Backward Christian Soldiers
,’ .,-, . \ ,’. BACKWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS? . ,, ,, -r ,, ,, ,- ,,1. .’ ,. ,,. ,’ ,. J, ,. Q*CT books by Gary North “ Marx% Religwn of Revolution, 1968 An Introduction to Christian Economic< 1973 .Vnconditiotud Surrender; 1981 Successjii Invest(ng in an Age of Envy, 1981 Th. Domitiwn Coven@: Genesis, 1982 G@rnmentB~ En?qg@~ j983 ! : ~ Th La@ Train Out, 1983 -- - 75 Bible; Qtiestio~:.Eu<[ @tTc[ors. < Pra~ ;,Eid’Won’t “Ask, 1984’ Coined Free@rn: +[din the Age;of -- “ the Bureaucrats, 1984 ~ Moses and Pharaoh, 1985 Negatrends, 1985 ‘ \ The Sinai Strate~, 1986 ‘ Unholy Spirits: Occultism and New ,Age Humanism, 1986 ~onspiracy: A Biblical View, 1986 Honest Mong, 1986 Inherit the Earth, 1986 “, Books Edited by Gary North Foundations of Christian +cholursh$, 1976 \ Twtics of Christzizn Resistance, 1983 / T4e Tbology of Christian Resistance; 1983. :-, ,, ,, .. ,,, ,. ,, ,’ BACKWARD, CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS? An Action Manual for Christian Reconstruction . Gary North * . ./. Institute for Christian Economics “! Tyler, Texas ,’ !. ,. .; ..: ,:. ,. :., ,. Copy~ght @ 1984 ~tistitute.-for..Christiari Economics ,. ..! .,: ,, %ond Printing 1986 , ,. .4 . .’ . ,, . ,, Published by -. Institute for Christian Economics l?O. BOX 8000 Tyler, Texas 75711 ‘ ‘, ,, . ,. This book is dedicated to ~ @n. Albion.Knight who has honorably worn I the uniforms of two armies, ,. Christ’s and the United States Army’s. - ., ,, TABLE OF CONTENTS , INTRODUCTION . ix Part I: THE WAR 1. Backward, Christian Soldiers?. ..’... 1 - 2. ImpendingJudgment . 9 3. Eschatologies of Shipwreck . 15 4. Fundamentalism: Old and New . 22 5. Why Fight to Lose? . ..’ . 33 Part II: THE ENEMY 6.1984, Not 1948 . .’50 ‘7: Capturing the Robes . ...\..... 59 8. Humanism’s Chaplains . 67 9. Humanism’s Accomplices . .83” . IQ. Subsidizing God’s Opponents . 91 Part III: STRATEGY 11. The Stalemate Mentality .
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