Performance Audit Report Royal Audit Authority
ROYAL AUDIT AUTHORITY PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT CHIPHEN RIGPEL PROJECT JULY 2015 The RAA would appreciate receiving detailed Action Plans based on the audit findings and recommendations on or before 31$ October 2015 with clear and definite timeframe for implementing the recommendations. We would also like to take this opportunityto acknowledge the officials of the MolC, NIIT Limited and implementing agencies for rendering necessary co-operation and support that had facilitated the smooth completion of the audit. Yours respectfully, (Ugen Cher,'llang) Auditor General of Bhutan Copyto: 1. The Hon'ble Lyonchhen, Royal Government of Bhutan, Thimphu; Z. The Hon'ble Gyelpoi Zimpon, His Majesty's Secretariat, TashichhoDzong, Thimphu; 3. The Hon'ble Speaker, National Assembly of Bhutan, Thimphu; 4. The Hon'ble Chairperson, National Council of Bhutan, Thimphu; 5. The Hon'ble Chairperson, Public Accounts Committee, Thimphu; 6. The Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Finance, Thimphu; 7. The Hon'ble Secretary, MolC, Thimphu; B. The Hon'ble Secretary, GNHC, Thimphu; and g. The Project Director, NIIT Limited, Thimphu. ::;ilrli;"ii"ii:"rt -uit tolve ro be principled. And individuals in position of responsibility must even strive harder" - His Majesty The King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck p.O. Box: ,f ,91, Kawangjangsa, Thimphu: Bhutanr Telz +'975-2322111 1322833; Fax: +975:2'3:23491 ,::: " '. ' . ,, , ,Websitq:,, w.&Irut4na*dit ggU&'fefi-a-il; irt& 8.4i& ,,.r1., Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigphel Project TITLE SHEET 1. Report Name : Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigpel Project (CRP) 2. AIN : 3. Executing Agency : NIIT Limited and DIT, MoIC 4. Name of Audited Agency Sl. No. NAME OF AUDITED AGENCY i.
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