Performance Audit Report Royal Audit Authority

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Performance Audit Report Royal Audit Authority ROYAL AUDIT AUTHORITY PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT CHIPHEN RIGPEL PROJECT JULY 2015 The RAA would appreciate receiving detailed Action Plans based on the audit findings and recommendations on or before 31$ October 2015 with clear and definite timeframe for implementing the recommendations. We would also like to take this opportunityto acknowledge the officials of the MolC, NIIT Limited and implementing agencies for rendering necessary co-operation and support that had facilitated the smooth completion of the audit. Yours respectfully, (Ugen Cher,'llang) Auditor General of Bhutan Copyto: 1. The Hon'ble Lyonchhen, Royal Government of Bhutan, Thimphu; Z. The Hon'ble Gyelpoi Zimpon, His Majesty's Secretariat, TashichhoDzong, Thimphu; 3. The Hon'ble Speaker, National Assembly of Bhutan, Thimphu; 4. The Hon'ble Chairperson, National Council of Bhutan, Thimphu; 5. The Hon'ble Chairperson, Public Accounts Committee, Thimphu; 6. The Hon'ble Minister, Ministry of Finance, Thimphu; 7. The Hon'ble Secretary, MolC, Thimphu; B. The Hon'ble Secretary, GNHC, Thimphu; and g. The Project Director, NIIT Limited, Thimphu. ::;ilrli;"ii"ii:"rt -uit tolve ro be principled. And individuals in position of responsibility must even strive harder" - His Majesty The King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck p.O. Box: ,f ,91, Kawangjangsa, Thimphu: Bhutanr Telz +'975-2322111 1322833; Fax: +975:2'3:23491 ,::: " '. ' . ,, , ,Websitq:,, w.&Irut4na*dit ggU&'fefi-a-il; irt& 8.4i& ,,.r1., Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigphel Project TITLE SHEET 1. Report Name : Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigpel Project (CRP) 2. AIN : 3. Executing Agency : NIIT Limited and DIT, MoIC 4. Name of Audited Agency Sl. No. NAME OF AUDITED AGENCY i. NIIT Limited ii. DIT, MoIC iii. MoLHR, MoE, RIM and RUB 5. Schedule of audit execution: 1st September to 30th November, 2014 6. Name of Inspecting team Sl. No. NAME DESIGNATION i. Kuenzang Wangchuk Audit Officer ii. Dawa Tshering Audit Officer iii. Leki Tshering Audit Officer iv. Jigme Sherab Audit Officer 7. Supervising Officer Sl. No. NAME DESIGNATION i. Tempa Gyeltshen Assistant Auditor General 8. Advisory Group Sl. No. NAME DESIGNATION i. Jamtsho Joint Auditor General ii. Prem Mani Pradhan Deputy Auditor General iii. Chimi Dorji Assistant Auditor General iv. Chandara Bdr. Gurung Assistant Auditor General 1 Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigpel Project PERFORMANCE AUDIT REPORT ON CHIPHEN RIGPEL PROJECT JULY 2015 DISCLAIMER NOTE The audit was conducted in conformity to the RAA Auditing Standards and Performance Audit Guidelines. The review confined to assessing the activities and operations of the Chiphen Rigpel Project. The audit was based on audit planning prepared by the Royal Audit Authority and the findings were based on the facts and information made available and accessible to the audit team by the NIIT Limited, DIT, MoIC and other implementing agencies. This is also to certify that the auditors during the audit had neither yielded to pressure, nor dispensed any favour or resorted to any unethical means that would be considered as violation of the Royal Audit Authority’s Oath of Good Conduct, Ethics and Secrecy. 2 Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigphel Project LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BoM: Bill of Materials BoQ: Bill of Quantities CICs Community Information Centers CRP: Chiphen Rigpel Project CST College of Science & Technology DIT: Department of Information Technology FRR: Financial Rules and Regulations MoE: Ministry of Education MoIC: Ministry of Information & Commincations PCC: Project Cordination Committee PLS: Playground Learning Station PRR: Procuement Rules & Regulations 2009 RAA: Royal Audit Authority RGoB: Royal Governemnt of Bhutan RIM: Royal Institute of Management RUB: Royal University of Bhutan TSP: Total Solution Project TTC: Teacher Training Center YDF: Youth Development Fund 3 Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigpel Project 4 Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigphel Project TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: About the Audit ....................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ............................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 Objectives of the Audit ........................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Audit Scope ............................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Audit Limitations .................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 Audit Methodology................................................................................................................. 3 Chapter 2: Overview of the chiphen rigpel project ................................................................... 4 2.1 Background ............................................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Payment Structure & Cost break-up of the Project ............................................................... 5 2.3 Implementation Modalities of the Project ............................................................................. 5 2.4 Final scope and deliverables................................................................................................... 6 2.5 Progressive Development and Implementation status of the project ................................... 6 Chapter 3: Common Findings .................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Inadequacies in the Master Agreement ................................................................................. 8 3.1.1 Unclear specification of goods and services and Bill of quantities/Bill of Materials .......... 8 3.1.2 Defective payment clause ................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Lack of Sustainability Plan ...................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Lack of clarity in setting of project targets and components ............................................... 10 3.4 Need assessment not carried out adequately during the conceptualization of Chiphen Rigpel project.............................................................................................................................. 13 3.5 Improper evaluation of the services rendered by the project ............................................. 15 3.6 Lack of ownership after the completion of the project components .................................. 16 3.7 Unrealistic cost prepared by the NIIT Limited and accepted by RGoB indicating no value for money on engagement of NIIT Limited ....................................................................... 17 3.8 Deficiencies in Infrastructure costing ................................................................................... 20 3.8.1 Non-utilization of Anti-Virus, Nu. 1.785 million ................................................................ 20 3.8.2 Inadmissible payment of Service Tax, Nu. 60.70 million ................................................... 21 3.9 Minimal involvement of the Private Sector firms in the implementation of the Project .... 23 Chapter 4: SPECIFIC FINDINGS ................................................................................................ 26 4.1 Component One: Enabling E-governance ............................................................................ 26 4.1.1 Lack of clarity on task analysis and curriculum mapping on enabling E-Governance component ................................................................................................................................. 27 5 Performance Audit of Chiphen Rigpel Project 4.1.2 Additional Courses delivered outside the final scope and deliverables ........................... 28 4.1.3 Ineligible participants for the training ............................................................................... 29 4.1.4 Government’s Contribution not recognized by the project .............................................. 32 4.1.5 Inconsistency in handing-taking of E-Governance Training Centers ................................. 32 4.1.6 Inconsistency in nominations of participants .................................................................... 34 4.2 Component Two: Empowering teachers .............................................................................. 35 4.2.1 Lack of facilities to implement the knowledge gained through training .......................... 36 4.2.2 Non achievement of the Target ........................................................................................ 37 4.3 Component Three: ICT to 168 schools ................................................................................. 39 4.4 Component Four: Enhancing Employable skills in a Knowledge Based Society ................... 42 4.5 Component Five: Reaching the Unreached ....................................................................... 44 Chapter 5: Recommendations ................................................................................................. 46 5.1 Need for a clear legal and policy framework for engaging projects that were within the capacity of government agencies/local firms ............................................................................ 46 5.2 Need for proper assessments to identify the actual
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