The best way to find out more about Jesus and strengthen your relationship with him is to read the for yourself. Here are some resources and pointers that may be helpful for you.

WHERE SHOULD I START? Try reading Mark, which is the most concise book that tells the story of Jesus, or ​ ​ Ephesians, which is a good summary of the Christian life. ​

What next? A good way to read through your bible is to rotate between different parts of the Bible and just take it at your own pace. The important thing is that you are sampling all the different parts of the Bible, rather than just the parts that are comfortable to you. Here is a list of the books of the bible, divided into five categories. Try rotating through the five categories.

GOT QUESTIONS ABOUT THE BIBLE? As you’re reading through the bible, you will probably be confused and have questions. The best thing you can do about this is to read the bible with a friend or a small group and discuss it. Also, here are some good resources that will help you:

“The Bible Project” Videos on Youtube ​ These short 5-10 minute videos summarize books of the bible and themes in the bible. Watch the video on the book you are reading and it will help you understand the big picture of it.

The ESV or The NIV Study Bible: ​ ​ ​ These are excellent study that will give you detailed study notes on every book of the Bible.

"Knowing the Bible" Bible Studies by Crossway These guides come with study notes and questions to help you work through a book of the Bible individually or in a group.