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Established 1865 LLanda-Milleranda-Miller MMemorialemorial cchampshamps ccrowned,rowned, PPageage 1122 JJudgeudge ssidesides withwith ranchers,ranchers, PagePage 2 PPushingushing ccross-country,ross-country, PPageage 1155 Implementation of fi rst Owyhee Transcontinental skateboarding grazing restrictions blocked for now group passes through county VOL. 28, NO. 28 75 CENTS HOMEDALE, OWYHEE COUNTY, IDAHO WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 2013 New fair manager has strong local roots A lifelong area resident will take the reins of the Owyhee County Fair after this year’s run. Fair boardmembers hired Gin- ger Loucks, a 2000 Homedale High School graduate and Marsing resi- dent, during their July 8 meeting. “I felt like I could be up for the Putting the “fun” in fundraiser challenge,” The women of the Highway 78 Community Disaster Relief test the durability and merriment levels of the bouncy castle for the Kids Loucks said. Corner during their trial run of the upcoming fundraiser. From left: Pat Shannon, treasurer; Denise Lacy, president; Laura Coontz, board “I wanted the Ginger Loucks member; Kathy Alden, board member; Sherry Jones, vice-president; and Carolyn Ingersoll (back), contributor. fair to be around when my kids are able to show there, and I Highway 78 Disaster Relief to host fi rst event –– See Fair, page 5 said Denise Lacy, president of Highway 78 infl atable bouncy castle for the Kids Corner Fair board won’t allow Saturday’s inaugural Community Disaster Relief (CDR). functioned properly. promoters to return with rodeo fundraiser to benefi t Seven women gathered at Lacy’s home “Only crazy people can hang out together Page 4 Thursday evening for a trial run of the because they accept the crazy,” said Maria needy residents fundraising event they have been working Richards, who helps CDR. on for months. County “I really love this group of women,” After verifying details, they made sure the –– See Disaster, page 5 crime rate Fed fellowship sends Oreana man to D.C. falls again by working energy customers to download Teeter to help put energy usage with the most energy usage information directly Owyhee County’s crime rate info at customers’ fi ngertips innovative from their utility providers thus dropped nearly 20 percent be- people in the allowing them to make informed tween 2012 and 2011, according Owyhee County resident John ond class of Presidential Innova- diverse fed- decisions on how to be more to an Idaho State Police study. Teeter has been selected to work tion Fellows (PIF), Teeter works eral agencies, energy-effi cient. ISP’s 2012 Crime in Idaho on a federal government energy on the Green Button Initiative. from Depart- Teeter will be part of a “Green report is built with statistics re- initiative. “I am both honored and awed ment of Interi- Button for America” team, the ported by law enforcement agen- The 13-year Oreana resident by this opportunity,” Teeter said. or, Health and other member of which will work cies throughout the state, includ- began a year-long stint at the Na- “These are 42 of the most focused Human Ser- from the Department of Energy. ing the Owyhee County Sheriff’s tional Institute of Standards and and talented people I have ever had vices, General A key goal will be to provide John Teeter Offi ce and the Homedale Police Technology in Washington D.C. the opportunity to work with. Services Ad- leadership to enhance Green Department. in mid-June. “Our charter is no less than to ministration (GSA), and beyond.” Button data consistency through As one of 43 people in the sec- bring into reality Government 2.0 The initiative’s goal is to enable –– See D.C., page 5 –– See Crime, page 6 Subscribe today Weather 4Sports 12-13 Get the news source of the Owyhees delivered Death notices 6Commentary 18-19 IInsidenside directly to you each Wednesday Senior menu 7Looking Back 20 Only $31.80 in Owyhee County School boards Call 337-4681 Calendar 7Legals 21-22 see changes Then and Now 7Classifi eds 22-23 Pages 3, 4, 10 Page 2 Wednesday, July 17, 2013 Scrubbing for cash Owyhee ranchers get reprieve — for now Grazing reductions suspended until Group 1 appeals are complete A federal administrative judge the Maestrejuans would have to has granted a stay on grazing spend about $30,000 in supple- reductions for some Owyhee mental feed to complete the 2013 County ranchers. grazing season. Administrative law judge Har- Additionally, Sweitzer’s ruling vey C. Sweitzer signed three stays honored 06 Livestock’s concerns last month after 06 Livestock, about BLM’s data and analysis Petan Co. of Nevada, Dennis regarding the impact of grazing on Stanford, and Teo and Sarah rangeland health and the agency’s Maestrejuan sought injunctions conclusion that management against the Bureau of Land Man- changes were needed. agement’s decisions regarding Sweitzer ruled that more in- their allotments in the Owyhee vestigation was needed on those Field Offi ce. points. The stays mean the affected Western Watersheds Project ranchers will be able to continue also sought stays, but was denied to operate under their current on all fronts. grazing permits as the appeal pro- Sweitzer did grant BLM’s cess moves forward. No appellate request to consolidate all three hearings are scheduled yet. appeals. The stays — granted on June The Idaho Cattle Association, Softball team earns tournament money 17 and June 21 — affect the Garat Public Lands Council, National Members of the Homedale SWAT, a 14U softball team, held a car wash Friday at Homedale High Allotment, the Castlehead-Lam- Cattlemen’s Beef Association School to raise money for their next competition. For more on the team, see Page 12. bert Allotment and the Swisher and the Owyhee Cattlemen’s Springs Allotment, according to Association also fi led petitions the decisions from the Depart- seeking stays. ment of Interior’s Offi ce of Hear- A Draft Environmental Impact Homedale event offers health ings and Appeals. Statement (DEIS) has been issued In winning the stays, the ranch- on Group 2 of the Owyhee Field ers proved irreparable fi nancial Office grazing permits. Public care information, screenings harm would come if they had comment has closed and a fi nal Saturday’s Homedale Farmers RehabAuthority, Treasure Valley World Report earlier this year. to abide by the new guidelines. EIS is expected later this summer. Market will have an additional Hospice, Horizon Home Health “We’re just trying to reach the Documents show that range econ- At that point, affected ranchers guest: health care. and Hospice, Absolute Home Owyhee County population so they omist Neil Rimbey demonstrated and interested parties will be able Six local offi ces will be setting Health Care, and the Idaho know where to go. It might not be 06 Livestock would have to spend to fi le protests much like 06 Live- up booths at Bette Uda City Park Department of Labor. at my place, but people don’t know more than $45,000 to buy hay to stock, Petan and the Maestrejuans to offer information about where “It’s for everybody,” Owyhee where to start, so it gives them a supplement the loss of pasture did for their Group 1 permits. to start looking for health care. Health and Rehab administrator focal point,” Cartney said. AUMs (Animal Unit Monthly). Some booths will also offer free Rich Cartney said. “There are The Farmers Market features Rimbey also pointed out that — JPB screenings for things such as people not taking advantage of local vendors and school groups. equilibrium for the elderly and the health care here, and we have Proceeds from space sales benefi t blood pressure checks. great health care available here.” the Homedale High School band The Farmers Market takes Owyhee Health and Rehab, and the Homedale FFA. Marsing man faces place from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. located in Homedale, was awarded For more information, contact Health fair booths will be the Best Nursing Homes award Denise Dixon at ddixon222@ for Owyhee Health and Rehab, for the state by U.S. News and or (208) 840-0440. fourth DUI charge An Owyhee County Sheriff’s Owyhee County Jail in Murphy. Offi ce deputy arrested a Mars- He was arraigned Monday after ing man Sunday afternoon and deadline. charged him with felony driving Smith has been found guilty under the infl uence. of three previous DUIs, in 2000, Deputy Terry McGrew arrested 2007 and 2012. Charles Smith, 63, near the in- Because this is his fourth tersection of Buntrock Road and alleged offense, Smith was East Thompson Road. automatically charged with a Smith was booked into the felony. VISIT OUR NEW ELECTRICAL SECTION FOR ALL YOUR HOME ELECTRICAL NEEDS! 4-H & FFA Discount on all Show Feeds! 025%44 Open 7:30 am - 6 pm Monday - Friday Lumber & Supply 8 am - 5 pm Saturday RIBS - FRIDAYS 337-5588 OPEN 11 am - 10 pm • 7 Days a Week Homedale • 337-4243 Wednesday, July 17, 2013 Page 3 Homedale High gets new principal Sauer said. Four teachers Dion Flaming’s last stop was leave district; new as Treasure Valley Community College’s High School band leader hired Equivalency Program coordinator. He previously worked as a teacher The husband of Homedale and dean of students in the Nampa District business manager High School’s student support district. Faith Olsen administers the oath specialist has been hired as the The Flamings live in Greenleaf of offi ce to new Homedale School school’s third principal in the past — Dion’s hometown — and their District trustees Dwayne Fisher, four years. son, Luke, attends Homedale center, and Shelley Shenk during The school board approved High School.