Extensions of Remarks E1433 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS

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Extensions of Remarks E1433 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS June 17, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1433 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS EARMARK DECLARATION Address of Requesting Entity: 150 William command of Marine Corps Base Camp Pen- Penn Street, Dover, DE 19901 dleton as he leaves to assume the prestigious HON. MICHAEL N. CASTLE Description of Request: $130,000 to be posting as Director of Commander’s Initiative OF DELAWARE used to upgrade surveillance and purchase a Group under General David Petraeus. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES system to coordinate dispatch operations with- Col. Seaton received his master’s degree in in the Capitol Police Command Center of the political science from Duke University and Tuesday, June 16, 2009 New Castle County Courthouse to protect the later earned a Master of Strategic Science Mr. CASTLE. Madam Speaker, pursuant to 1 million people per year that pass through the from the U.S. Army War College. Serving in the House Republican standards on earmarks, courthouse. many capacities over the years, Col. Seaton I am submitting the following information re- Name of Project: Functional Family Therapy provided support for our country in places garding funding for Delaware included as part for At-Risk Youth such as Grenada, Beirut, Japan, Southeast of FY 2009 Omnibus Appropriations Act, H.R. Requesting Member: Congressman MICHAEL Asia, the Western Pacific and the Indian 2847: N. CASTLE Ocean. In 2001, he reported to the 1st Marine Name of Project: Delaware River Enhanced Bill Number: H.R. 2847 Division at Camp Pendleton, California for Flood Warning System Account: OJP—Juvenile Justice duty as Division Inspector and Deputy G–7 Requesting Member: Congressman MICHAEL Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘Children before assuming command of 1st Battalion, N. CASTLE and Families First’’ 11th Marines in June 2002 and led the bat- Bill Number: H.R. 2847 Address of Requesting Entity: 2005 Baynard talion during Operation Iraqi Freedom. In June Account: NOAA—National Weather Service Blvd., Wilmington, DE 19802 2004, he transferred to Twentynine Palms, Operations, Research and Facilities Description of Request: $120,000 for sup- California for assignment as the Marine Air Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘Dela- plies and salaries needed to provide intensive Ground Task Force Training Command G–3 ware River Basin Commission’’ community-based counseling and case man- and was promoted to Colonel in September Address of Requesting Entity: 125 State Po- agement to youth ages 10–18 and their fami- 2004. lice Drive, Trenton, NJ 08628 Apart from his active duty service, Col. Description of Request: $200,000 for en- lies in all three counties in Delaware. The pur- pose of the project is to improve family rela- Seaton served as a political science instructor hancements to the Delaware River Basin’s at the U.S. Naval Academy where he received flood warning system, including: (1) upgrades tionships, increase parent engagement, im- prove school attendance, and reduce involve- the ‘‘William P. Clements Award for Excel- to the existing precipitation and stream gage lence in Education’’ as the top military instruc- network, (2) improvement of flash flood fore- ment in the juvenile justice system and recidi- vism so that youth succeed. tor. He has also been a member of the Coun- casting capabilities, (3) flood warning edu- cil on Foreign Relations, Pacific Council on cation and outreach, and (4) support of flood Name of Project: Mentoring Initiatives for At- Risk Children and Youth International Policy, Inter-University Seminar coordination. Following three Delaware River on Armed Forces & Society and other various main stem floods, the continued development Requesting Member: Congressman MICHAEL N. CASTLE military associations. of an enhanced basin-wide flood warning sys- Col. Seaton’s tireless passion for service tem is critical for ensuring that the existing Bill Number: H.R. 2847 Account: OJP—Juvenile Justice has contributed to the betterment of this coun- flood warning system is adequately maintained try. His decorations include the Defense Supe- and that technological advancements are con- Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘Dela- ware Mentoring Council’’ rior Service Medal, Bronze Star with Combat tinued. V, Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Meri- Name of Project: Chesapeake Bay Interpre- Address of Requesting Entity: Delaware Mentoring Council, University of Delaware torious Service Medal with three Gold Stars, tive Buoy System Navy & Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Requesting Member: Congressman MICHAEL Newark, DE 19716 Description of Request: $750,000 to create Combat Action Ribbon with two Gold Stars, N. CASTLE and the Presidential Service Badge. I am Bill Number: H.R. 2847 stable mentoring programs in at least four proud to call James a fellow community mem- Account: NOAA—National Weather Service school districts and ten schools throughout ber, American and friend. On behalf of the Operations, Research and Facilities Delaware, with at least five schools in the city people of the United States whom he has Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘National of Wilmington. The purpose of the project is to served with courage and honor, we com- Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provide stability in the lives of at-risk youth, memorate the service of Colonel James B. (NOAA) Chesapeake Bay Office’’ those living in poverty, and those facing sub- Address of Requesting Entity: 410 Severn stance abuse in their family, incarcerated par- Seaton III and congratulate him on his new Avenue, Annapolis, MD 21403 ents, or even homelessness. post. Description of Request: $350,000 to be f f used by NOAA to purchase, deploy, and oper- TRIBUTE TO COLONEL JAMES B. A TRIBUTE IN RECOGNITION OF ate a buoy and sensors on the Nanticoke REV. LARRY WILLIAM CAMP River in Delaware, which is the largest Chesa- SEATON III peake Bay tributary on the Delmarva Penin- HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS sula, and is identified by NOAA as a priority HON. DARRELL E. ISSA OF NEW YORK OF CALIFORNIA location for the Chesapeake Bay Interpretive IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Buoy System (CBIBS). The purpose of this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, June 16, 2009 project is to provide real-time data and inter- Tuesday, June 16, 2009 pretation to further protect, restore, and man- Mr. TOWNS. Madam Speaker, I rise today age the Chesapeake Bay. Mr. ISSA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to in recognition of Rev. Larry William Camp, the Name of Project: New Castle County Court- honor and pay tribute to an individual whose Pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Brook- house Capitol Police Command Center and dedication and contributions to the United lyn, New York. Lobby Surveillance Project States Marine Corps are exceptional. Our Rev. Larry William Camp, born in Brooklyn, Requesting Member: Congressman MICHAEL country has been fortunate to have dynamic New York, was brought up by his mother to N. CASTLE and dedicated leaders who willingly and un- cherish the educational and spiritual opportuni- Bill Number: H.R. 2847 selfishly give their time and talent to keep this ties of his childhood, reading library books Account: COPS—Law Enforcement Tech- country free and safe. United States Marine with his mother and attending the Holy Trinity nology Colonel James B. Seaton III is one of these Baptist Church under the late Dr. Thomas S. Legal Name of Requesting Entity: ‘‘State of individuals. On June 25, 2009, a ceremony will Harden and later under the Mount Sinai Bap- Delaware—Delaware Capitol Police’’ be held on the occasion of his relinquishing tist Church under the late Dr. Lymon Lowe ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:13 Jun 18, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K16JN8.001 E17JNPT1 tjames on PRODPC75 with REMARKS E1434 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 17, 2009 Rev. Larry William Camp received the call Congressman SAM GRAVES (MO–6) Depart- law enforcement agencies do not have the re- to preach at the tender age of seventeen, ment of Justice, COPS—$660,000 to the Clay sources to provide for a narcotic investigative began preaching in 1975, and gained valuable County Sheriff for Clay and Platte Counties unit, therefore NITRO provides a trained unit professional guidance under Dr. Curtis L. Communications Interoperability Project (Clay to the jurisdictions concentrating on drug traf- Whitney, who had succeeded Dr. Lowe. County: 1 Courthouse Square, Liberty, MO fickers and violent offenders. Rev. Larry William Camp assumed the 64068, Platte County: 415 Third Street, Platte The number one problem in Missouri is pastorship of the Bethlehem Baptist Church in City, MO 64079) fighting the methamphetamine epidemic. Due 1989, ushering in an age of expansion and One of the lessons learned from the tragedy to this problem, a few years ago I worked to development at the church, helping to pur- of September 11th was the inability of first re- get a DEA agent stationed in Northwest Mis- chase a new church van, to renovate the sponders and public safety agencies to com- souri. These critical funds will assist my pre- sanctuary and bathrooms, and to establish municate. To meet the requirements of the vious efforts and allow the task force to re- many new ministries, always with the theme of National Telecommunications & Information spond to regional emergencies, particularly ‘‘Building Great Minds for a Greater Witness’’. Administration mandated that Tactical Inter- when responding to methamphetamine lab Brooklyn owes a tremendous debt of grati- operable Communications be operational by busts. This team has been enormously effec- tude to Rev. Larry William Camp, a leader in 2012, as designated by APCO. tive in coordinating with local law enforcement As such, Clay and Platte counties in my denominational work on every level of govern- in Northwest Missouri and helps makes our congressional district have developed a Com- ment and an inspiration for many young pas- neighborhoods and schools safer for our chil- munications Interoperability Project (CIP).
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    VERIZON POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS JANUARY – DECEMBER 2012 1 Verizon Political Contributions January – December 2012 A Message from Craig Silliman Verizon is affected by a wide variety of government policies ‐‐ from telecommunications regulation to taxation to health care and more ‐‐ that have an enormous impact on the business climate in which we operate. We owe it to our shareowners, employees and customers to advocate public policies that will enable us to compete fairly and freely in the marketplace. Political contributions are one way we support the democratic electoral process and participate in the policy dialogue. Our employees have established political action committees at the federal level and in 20 states. These political action committees (PACs) allow employees to pool their resources to support candidates for office who generally support the public policies our employees advocate. This report lists all PAC contributions, corporate political contributions, support for ballot initiatives and independent expenditures made by Verizon in 2012. The contribution process is overseen by the Corporate Governance and Policy Committee of our Board of Directors, which receives a comprehensive report and briefing on these activities at least annually. We intend to update this voluntary disclosure twice a year and publish it on our corporate website. We believe this transparency with respect to our political spending is in keeping with our commitment to good corporate governance and a further sign of our responsiveness to the interests of our shareowners. Craig L. Silliman Senior Vice President, Public Policy 2 Verizon Political Contributions January – December 2012 Political Contributions Policy: Our Voice in the Political Process What are the Verizon Good Government Clubs? and the government agencies administering the federal and individual state election laws.
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