The December 1932 Ex the All -Wave Radio Magazine
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THE DECEMBER 1932 EX THE ALL -WAVE RADIO MAGAZINE The Last Word in Battery Sets Changing to the New Tubes Short Wave Stations of the World by Call Letters Wednesday Time on the Air for all Stations No. 64 DECEMBER 1, 1932 Reg. U. S. Patent ()Mee FRED CLAYTON BUTLER Editor and Publisher CONTENTS NINTH YEAR NUMBER 64 Frontispiece-Margaret Schilling, popular young soprano, a guest artist on radio programs Page The Last Word In Battery Sets, by B. Francis Dasbiell 3 A Real DX Radio Laboratory 5 Wins DX Prize In New Zealand 6 On Riding a Hobby, by the Editor 8 Editorial Chat and Comment With Our Readers 10 The Human Side of the Stars, by "Betty" 14 Sailing the Short Waves 17 First Aid In Time of Trouble, by The Technical Editor 20 Looking Over the Radio Market 23 Using the New Tubes In Place of the Old 26 Girdling the Globe With the Dxers 28 The December DX Calendar of Special Programs 34 What's On the Air Tonight? 35 Classified Index to the Chain Programs 44 Complete Index to Stations by Frequencies and Dial Numbers 46 Index by States and Cities With Key to the Map 60 Index by Call Letters With Wednesday Time on the Air 67 Alphabetical Index to Short Wave Stations of the World 74 Short Wave Stations of Canada by Provinces and Cities 79 The Month's Changes In Station Data 80 Published Monthly Excepting July and August See Subscription Blank on Page 24 $1.75 per Year 25c per Copy THE RADEX PRESS, INC. Publication Office, 404 No. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois. Editorial and Executive Office, 5005 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Entered as second-class matter November 7, 1932, at the post office at Mount Morris, Ill., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Printed in U. S. A. cfm mAN 13)**19 wum./ In business as in sport-the man with real, practical TRAINING wins. Now that business is returning to normal there's going to be a harder race to win prizes of big -pay jobs, independence and a future, than ever before. Have you the necessary TRAINIING to bring you in among the winners? Get Your Training for Work in Profitable RADIO -TELEVISION in the Great Cogne School in Only 10 Weeks Fascinating, fast-growing field. Thousands of jobs paying BIG MONEY -up to $50 a week and more. COYNE TRAINING fits you to be a De- signer, Inspector or Tester . Radio Salesman, Service or Installation Man . Operator or Manager of a Broadcasting Station . Wireless Operator on a Ship or Airplane ... Coyne trains you, too, for TALKING PICTURE and TELEVISION and SOUND WORK! Future holds marvel- ous opportunities for top-notch salaries, and real independence. Radio servicing LEARN BY DOING -NO BOOK STUDY Start right in doing practical, interesting work on the greatest layout of RADIO. TELEVISION and SOUND EQUIPMENT you ever dreamed of see- ing. Up -to-minute Radio Receivers, real Broadcasting Equipment, latest Television Apparatus, Talking Picture and Sound Reproduction Equipment, Code Practice Equipment, etc., here for you to use and learn by actual oper- ation, servicing repair. Previous experience or advanced education isn't Talking Pictures needed. Useless theory-the tedious book study-is cut out by methods. COYNE EARN AS YOU LEARN -WE'LL HELP YOU Many COYNE students make all or a good share of their living expenses while going to school. Our Service helps many to get spare -time employ- ment and I aid you in finding full-time jobs whenever you reed them during your whole life after you graduate. Broadcasting COYNE ELECTRICAL SCHOOL SEND NOW FOR H. C. LEWIS. President Founded 1899 500 S. Paulina BIG FREE BOOK St., Dept. 82-5M Chicago, III. H. C. LEWIS. President Illustrated with . actual photo- Radio Division, Coyne Electrical School 500 S. Pauline graphs showing how 'our meth- SL, Dept. 82-5M, Chicago, Ill. Dear Mr. Lewis: Send me your Big, FREE Radio Book, and tell ods TRAIN you so employers me how I can get the TRAINING that will make me a WINNER. are glad to have you. Tells ev- NAME erything about the tremendous RADIO FIELD-GET IT AT ADDRESS ONCE. Just mail the coupon l CITY [1] THE LAST WORD in BATTERY SETS By B. FRANCIS DASHIELL we discussed radio The inherent disadvantage of the ST month problem receivers designed to operate on battery set remains. The and B batteries must L 110 -volt direct current. Now of unsightly A kind of d.c. set- be met, usually by using a console we come to another there is the ex- the battery receiver. There are mil- type of cabinet, and listeners who depend pense and nuisance of replacements lions of radio factors are entirely upon battery operated sets, from time to time. These live in outlying re- inevitable if we are to use batteries for they either power is not gions where a.c. or d.c. power is not where other electric available, or they have no desire to available. change from old, but tried and true, Constant Voltage Necessary battery sets. radio sets were battery The voltages of all batteries must All original the correct require- operated, but the advent of more be maintained at receivers relegated the ments at all times for perfect recep- modern a.c. may be experienced, earlier apparatus to the limbo of un- tion. Distortion Then came the due to weakened plate voltages oper- developed things. a normal of low -drain battery tubes ating in combination with new types case it is advisable and a new type of long-life A bat- C voltage. In this of such an- to reduce the C bias when the B bat- tery, and the discarding normal as, WD -11, WD -12, -99, tery voltage drops below the cient tubes Failing A batteries -OlA, -12A, -22 and -71A in dry and battery rating. operated receivers. are quickly indicated by weak sig- storage battery cells in B batteries The Air Cell battery and the two - nals; defective of tubes rescued the by mysterious static and crackling volt "30" series by an improper set from certain oblivion, and, noises; and distortion battery B and C battery now, with automatic volume control, balance between spot and easy tuning, voltages. tone control, does not permit of the dynamic speakers, superheterodyne While space and pentode publication of the entire merits and and all -wave screen -grid sets, we and other features of a.c. qualifications of all battery circuits, to present the im- sets, there is little that the owner of have endeavored operated set does not have portant characteristics of a number a battery efficient receivers in the to satisfy his whims. of new and The Air Cell battery, with a po- following paragraphs: of slightly more than two The Midwest Radio Corporation tential new and guaranteed sets. volts and a current output of about offers two 6 -tube superheterodyne 600 amperes, a total of over 1200 One is a the use of many tubes (model B-6), and the other is a 9 - watts, permits receiver (model B-9). in the circuit-types -30, -31, -32, -33 tube All Wave other d.c. battery There is tone control, automatic vol- and -34. Some tuning, dy- mostly for automobiles, use the ume control, dual dial sets, speaker, and console cabinet. 6.3 -volts tubes-types -36, -37, -39 namic new battery sets The small set uses three -30 tubes, and LA. Nearly all sells from B battery and, in a one -32 and two -34s. It require 180 volts set uses separate C biasing bat- $22.50 to $49.95. The larger few cases, a -34s, and lists tery. four -30 tubes, five [2] from $29.75 to $59.95. There is a neon light is used as a pilot light. 30 -day free trial, but batteries are The compact table set lists at $68.90 not returnable. while the Console sells for $89.75. The Lincoln Radio Corporation has E. H. Scott Radia Laboratory fur- a new 9 -tube battery set (model nishes its famous All Wave Console SW -33) which is guaranteed All receiver in a newly perfected battery Wave receiver having an abundance model covering all bands from 15 to of power. It uses three -30 tubes, 550 meters. It uses ten -30 tubes. five -32s and two -31s in push-pull. It is of the same general appearance The price, with dynamic speaker and as the de luxe a.c. model, but lists deluxe console cabinet, is $129.00, at $80.50 for the chassis alone. This with the set broadly guaranteed for set is guaranteed to bring in 10,000 performance. miles distant stations and for five Stewart -Warner presents its new- years against failure. There is a est battery 8 -tube superheterodyne 10 -day free trial for testing and com- receiver (model 49), with electro- parison. dynamic speaker and console cabinet. The Radio Corporation of America Battery replacement is reduced to the has a new battery receiver (model lowest minimum and the set uses the R-71) that uses the -30 types of entire -30 series of 2 -volt tubes with tubes and Air Cell battery. It is an Air Cell battery. The price is $75.95. 8 -tube table type superheterodyne and lists at $62.75. Kolster Radio presents a new 9 -tube Console super- heterodyne set (model K-114) with their remarkable Rejectostat device. This set uses six -30 tubes and three -34s. Montgomery Ward's Air- line set in console cabinet uses four -32 tubes and one -33.