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PMSPB) SOUTH ■ m l -jV' .f 1 yj'

« . ; ;• / P l^e’s-ey^Viw o i S o v i e t ,


m / Wcddqr New ftiTci OltDER ALL DOGS Wm u Fier Crtnes Oeeu dm Reports That Ss HERE CONFINED Cwicctrf W tt II Husband Overjoyed Saucufrily — Flee CoopaiMi Was Carned and That He When He Hears News Thna^ Fwt ari Stems OfBpTweRaafits. OiArwk «f Rabies Forces WiiaAsiisdiigTheB. Far bars, She Repeitz New Tofk, May 21— (A P ) — ^viewed Miae Bazhart after die land- T ed.AeV Strict Riles To Be Issaed Boplwell. May 21.— (A P )—The Qeoega Palmer Putnam waa inform­ “Of courae, Tm overjoyed," Put­ Irrit h Ftitnre Otiale Derby. Coon., May 21.— (A P ) — that J < ^ Hughes Ctirtia’ ed by telqtonne from Limdon today nam said, “but we who know her Dr. Royal Ptoney, wealthy retired biti^ of Us astoUabtog lie mag^ito is with the London wdl were sure ihe'd do it. Irisyaician of New Haven, reported Bj Board of BeaUi. *8be has to o n calm oonraga than of Larieedniy; B ri Bri itadr have been falae to part, reeetV' that Anadia Earliart, to pottce today that two nweo had any person I ever knew. Please let ed poUce attention todiQr. to Ireland. The me thank the Aaeodated Press TreeMe Far Last Tea sMtieted Mlaa Afoea (XNeU, hta Action waa taken thia morning A portion of toe Nbrliidk^ told Putnam that ita corre- warmly for being the flrst to break CompanioD on an automobile ride, by the Board of Health of the Town boilder^a oonfessUm, that U a fider- gpondent' at Londonderry had inter- the news to me." after they had beaten hini aevere' of Mancheater to conitoe all doge to medtalioo to^ the Unffiwrgh baby Beers. tv town to kexmela or homes or leaah The phytidan, a reputed nttWon- case was a hoax lifoeady wpa oon- a f ^ told police the attack occttrred owing to an outbreak of raMea. The sidered disproved. That waa the CUmore, tnster, toetond; May 2L portion to whicb Curtto oqdatned U s a t '11:45 p. m. laat n ^ t when he situation became aerioua laat week CORPORATION PAID U.S. GOLFERS WIN — (A P )—Amriia Earhart Putnam, atciwed t i* machine on a aide road purpose to the elaborate lies was to when 11 treatmenta were given per­ the firft woman ever to fty the At­ to' Orange to enable hia companion sona bitten by a dog which waa get money by the sale at his story to H ^ t a dgarette. later kiUed and a poaitive report to upwep epers. FOR W A IM R ’S TRIP THREE FOORSONES lantic akoe, landed here this after­ Carry OC Girt waa given the Board of Health. The Police pointed out that the hoax noon. Culmore to five miles from The bandita, one of whom w m dtbreak b^an laat January when was .three w^pks old before Curtis Londonderry. armed, drhffed'Dr. Plnney f ^ a dew aifeeted with rahiea waa re­ arteamted to sen hto story; and that marine. bMt and robbra him of ported and four Paateur treatmenta even so, be could not hope to fim! Londonderry la the e ^ t r i of the any buyers unless he recovered- the hia watch and f 15 and then d ^ e given. , iWjm Letter ef Craiit M m o tl County of Lmdonderty to North away with Miaa OTfeil after th ^ Persona ntten stoton Gbiarlee Augustus Lindbergh, Ireland. . had thrown tom into a ' clump of Laat week another dog owned by jr.,-lw bld i he. must have known was It is situated on the Fogdf, five impossitd^ to aatoueb as U s nq;o- Handed T o r Hew York bualiea. . William C. Cben^ waa killed anc 8 miles above Lough Foyle and 128 Dr. Plnney aaid he walked to the the bead sent to the State Boan tiatkaa were not n^iotistions at alL miles from DabUn. main hifbnwy after regaintof con of Heaitb and a report given that Sene Other Motive. Mayer Before Jeoiey. mea At WeatVerdi Coarse The city has for years been an , fd6uanefi ADd waa pldMd <9 ^ * the positively bad rabi^. • An inquiry was^quietty under way active seiqwrt It was: a atroog- If motorlat wna i^rove him. to tiie Another dog is under confinement to foam if Curtto may not have bad hold of the Orangeites and in 1889 DtrbS^ police beadWoartera. and suspected of having toe dis­ some o th « motive,, ^ t e removed flnrnMT Enfl- m - v « held out successfully sgalBst the , Folk# aaid they had no New York, May 21.—(AP) — Wentworth, Survey, Eng,, n ay gg james H. ease. Three Paateur treatmenta froip the altie of Ue “story,” for in­ (A P )—The Hnited States temn [ due# aa to the whereabouta of Miaa have been given persona bitten by venting, the deception. It was re- Mayor James J. Walker's travels 21 (y s i a a ^ the.f^yaidan'a automo London, May 21 -^ (A P )— The the last one to become affected. Winding sinuous-atreama of bunaanf^* coh^rglM tn tjM that due to the *^deilcacy" of abroad in lO^^and to California to of women golfers today swept the bile. tha-tiegottotions. with a vessel at sea. Tom MoanesraintereBt last year, the three foursome matches with a Press AasOdatian reported from Dr. Ptone/a Up waa ba^y a ^ The treatments given the 18 per^ famous Bed Square, are strikingly shown to tUa Londonderry^ Ireland, this afternoon sons who came to contact with the ing the May Day demonstration in the Soviet AM he riigd. m y Coast Guard craft refrained from one all^edly^on a ^10,000 credit ^ t is h side to take a commanding by t ^ bandita and one of hia teeth letter bought by a bus corporatlm that Amelto Storhart. Putnam, solo three iBtoeted: dogs run over a peri­ tMseen an ^ e of the famoua Hremlto, and befbre iL toe T y to ^of Lfci ^ their usual carrtul patrUs in some lead to the team sertea.. She stoglea trans-Atlantic flier, had landed vha knocked'Out. od of wnrtaan days, a treatmrat watims, fearful of causing the ool- agent, the olheriBOt paid for as yet, with reviewing stands erected on gach side. r ^ t t o nuRtob^ win be playied this after- ti^re. . • He waa 'ejBeb daring that period, the ,St,BasiL. The lmlldlJK.lowegleft to a fb rm y y u rto and cooventtvuch li^se at n^etiations for the baby's brourtit a demand from the city In- Sdentie Seboot ofirale to iMBt vesttgiffoa comafittoe today that noon. Mrs. Putnam, the news agency afiTf'Trr^lV The eofta of the treat- now hOU0(M a htotorlcafnniseton and government ofUcy. *- -rtmabm. amA, was unhurt She had bad M a i Ve Steal ■/flt I. As. a result of this relazed vigi­ - - - — — tting^ chief niajgtotrate One Hole, Margin Or, Ptoney, a focmer In jliif” next Wednes- Mrs. Glenna Collett - Vane and ie with her exbsuiat maidfrid Aeto w m dtoto lance, m m rumfors were able tor had out doit, waa waiulv^^o chafnnan of Mrtk ' Era defeated Joyce Mbdre, ' aiy> and to toad 9«B!^ Welihar^and; Watida M organ-^ «Iob4 B edto yesterday ,_,^.yrttl|oHCnwUnt thP (tBedhny^-raBshl jpum tiet^ Federal ontft, ^ driving . • tMuU. («ith Domestic I poUtod dttt/ M »» W5* Stoto'CondUaaioBsr of W aUtiforii evidence j . B. Watspn'^two and one and- h i w manifoM) for about tea Anlmilto.tW.j^ leeal. Board of I Lawyer'Btogaged. p And srttti it aaAtodr document tend- .-^urean dreutt and Mto.~ L«ona the press associatioh;quotes' From NorfUk came word tlit an tog fo show that the debonair offi- Cheney defeated MoHy*,Gourlay and ____ Piitiuun “and for a lob o t tte fffS ? J ffa«rS d tiS?be laSv S Tbritate vHU attorney bad been engaged to defend tindtog parts and the Lido Ddrta Parte by one hole. way I was Itytog through stormaT- ^ U t i S ? ^ b ! o t hS? ^ e stim a te d I «tion « * with the town Board of Health Curtis from the charge of ohetruct- pensivp ptoiygrounds,;hadids, bad overdrawoverd Mra..Vare and Ito*. Hfll adopted mizt, lato and a llttie fog. within five d a ^ as required by tog Justice OB wUeh he' iaitiSld, to Ms credit 88,000 duitog the 40-di^ the atrat^y of stlcktog to Miaa “When Mrs. Putnam landed, tiie atatnfe. lieu at 810,000 hall, in Jail a^Flem- gojourn. ^ Wethered and waiting for the fa­ press associatioh said, she deeliuod: When toe atate take# charge of Seahury named J. Alton Snfltllj ‘Tve done it.” the rabtoa dtuqtlott M&t weak, the Mctiw&h AfTM That Re- D J ington, N. J. mous English star to . make arrora The Rev. H. Dobson-Peacock, then New York sales agent tor nn«« Wethered’B first serious lapse ‘T had to land here to the pas­ £ & 3^ ‘s r j53s area wtil be tooi^oaghiy toapected jM o t t , They'made a fruittoaa aearch whose^cohnection with Cbrtto as an Fageol Motors Company, a mldr was at the eighth where, she mlMed tures outside Londonderry,” die fS % S S ildtoito.tet^iActolty« and the order of conltoement ex­ SMorces of States Are ^intermediary" to the Utot for the west concern, as the ortgtoal pto- an 18-toch putt and Mrs. Vare cdntimied. tended to summnding towns if oth­ Br.: Fto»ey'f apartment'where the NT Lindbergh baby also to under scru­ chaser of the letter of credit Smith, squared the match. Not Injured %^lctoa ^ bdffratmet her. er cases are found. tiny, declined agato to come to New Seahury brought out also, gave his Mt>iz Wethered’a tee shot waa 'Tm not a bit hurt Snd I. think Effaetfve Today most E d aisted — U ftk Jersey to r quertlontog, even with the personal check to meet the over bunkered at the 12th and agato the the plane ta all righi 1 had trouble According to too order published police offemig to pay the .expense. draft The spedal Investigator ad with my exhaust manifold vdxicb id today's Herald the Board of h in royeiii^t of SibiatioiLi & Ait« Stndi ^ Oie He has offered to tra what he knows daced- the testitoonj. through Ri<^ (CoatinUed on Page Two) bad burned out. - Hfalto is acting under the provl- to a representative o f the police who ard R. Hunter, former vice-presi­ “In addition the gasoline gsi^c slohs of Section 2407 and Section will come, to Norfolk. dent of the Equitable Trust Com bad broken, probabty to the storm 3 ^ of toe Oeneral Statutes wUch DiiVa By W nin— She There have been no developments nany, and another witness. jjast night, and there was a Uttfo permits toe focal Board of Health Atlantic . N . J., May 21,— to the hunt for the man or mm who Had gie,0OQ Credit leakage so-1' decided to come .down; to take action to cum o f this na­ (AP)-^Iminedtoto Fedoal relief‘for IridnSp^and MUed the 20-months- Hunter testified Smith had the n LEVISION TESTS I landed hi an open flriDie..trip was> MUed , to Haattogs. American Business, pictured a* have' UeretofwiU- be paid,” the Senator “My first thought on . gettfog have'new been reduced “to stazva- m im She was a a l*'’*jBrt^ Uha eveiy :other MU I government interference, today w y tion level and will soon be ezhanst- ,Los Angeles, May 21.— (A P ) — J here,!' she said, "waa to caU^up, sfl held m charge that my safe landtag might be* offered a «flagnosto of ecmknUc Delegates Gadier b M3wan ed.” ; a.-y^tii^ .qlnfi^ J. J. nal TO; Ffier Tkat Lost (OaoMnned on Page Two) Trievlsion, off-sprtog of the radio, aches, together with a u g a M ^ “Thkty-seven of the largest ettiea VriU attempt a step today to match imown without driay." renu^aa, to leaUutiona adoptod ^ by to.the'United States report no signs OpvrigUi^':::" ^ •] ■ the wogreaa of its marvefooa father. The field hi which the lanring was the CSbamber of Commerce of toe kee For Natioiial Comren- ManlsFomnL From a radio station hrte, en- made is a mile or two firpm Xxmdon- of iin^nved-emplayment and one of " " \at*tlic station Uifited Statm. . them at the’ end of the-third,winter gUierts wffl try to trahimlt a plc- deriy, the ixess aeaociaticm said; Henry L Harriman of ^Boston, was tioii-"Seore Both Parties. reports ?T()0i()(W UBremptoyed,” ihd. nrisDfr -and was GOVERNOR B A i r a Ipxe to an airplane cruising about Ttte owner of it was the first to gtoen toe duty of dtosettoa toe recomihtodrtfohsetfdq^ ' ^tffv^hig oat Fairbanks, Alaidmy May 21. — five irilrt away atnh altitude of greet Hrs^ Putnam. } ^fifMhto^v^drfv- ' • Her Seeoed Croeetog^ ' cimtive trertmmt'aa , ' Six^Pe^'Plan..' ' s (A P )—Huge hfoCk letters to the proxlmatdy 6,000 feet. Sffw H. Straw of-CfaicagD as Tiie'Six point pdan, suggs^ad Communication experts of a l^ Once before, to June, 1828, the dent. WUwaukee, Wto., May 21— (A P ) ettones Goffe snow, “Q and S safe,” informed ways focused their attention u p ofilar n ^ . crossed,cnjBBcu. themo oceanwo»»i, to an alr- —Three hundred men and wommi Immbdtote ste]^ to the Adopftkm of resolutions and elec­ an Umpamved'- etotiomicfoxdn^ toom:' the state M ot Jerry Jimea- on a flight over the test for, if it proves socceasn^ j;^ f}iat time she waa a tion,of Harriman concluded toe who believe that the p rw tit econo^ • came - together, the Muldrow glacier camp of the titty .foresee a long stsp- -^ toward I -— . -»—> . » • « nfic disturbance is t y . tw iq ^ t of sents concrete propbeals to' tweqtfoth oonventiott at the *■-' a^iB rt;vofoed'^'^e hoiart'oe aa sttBctog the (hope coandc ray expedithm yeatei^ added safety ih Uto „ ilartUgbt. espItaUsm were assembled-tome to- the left day a Icoig-mtoring member had Hake Cron Chunnan tf M - .: The experiment win be un^ toe j .i,, go cbmpartaon: On ^Ihia for toe Natioiial oenvestidn of ____ tiiefo llpisoopal ined is were heasted; by de- for'a'^asU c refoito'to the reto1 been fomd. , . . ^ ^izaetiim of Marty 1^ j U i b ^ HiFtog low the vdiole ttsqe qmimIs Iqr demmrts for. govemnyit tin Sodaltot Farto. pnone pole n ie “S^ he said confirmed hto be- piCneer dev^per of tdesWwn s m ^ rriyJon myaeff. I am In ^ Milwaukee^ auditorium, as o f c a p i^ and labor. egates MQQOii^ sDd roBiov&l of Intawfcr* Speaking o f present ecoiwndc .con-. Uri after Bering three men at the *^?****®^_S**!?^^ cftald I am aMt d a a t After the of restrictive laws. ^ the meeting got under way, were ■ the' ‘fo m of impsMJt canqitiig Qwt- tha^ Nicholas Spade- Utorte, who h r i d a t a ^ M ^ t ^ l ^ ^ ^ fpar of the angtoe to say representatives o f SbifiaUst organ­ diti''uiupep|iartod for 12 days on aU1See(]uiin«L resototfon ^ t a committee w a p - ^ izations to 43 stated m|my of them _ tost B|e 'witoeesea a rotorn by toot thremgh the w U to- were iroung m u and vfomen Just nt.of the .Ghrtotton. standiwd ifototed to prepare a leferandmn on Ufa,” the seps^ report decla^ea;^!^ dincer' rnar drh^ig at a neea hra^ had ntuntod safely to ms to told oat wMt I . b i » the qiiertiim to the member organ- starting careen as party vrorken bor to an todhjMtidUe.partner, lii-ftiie starting print Hartford, May 21.— (AP) — Gov­ to P to S T o S S ldo.T she continued; “I think izatfona. and eager to Icmd - u hand to 'an at­ A ptob* fiown to the camp Thurs- tempt to re-shape Amertca’a social creation at v^th, yet- today we .UBeer was tUEen from the ernor 'W^hiir X. Croes haa the sup­ )Eie had wltlito tl»aaWir|go^to Lmid|m but Suggest fa c t that Bodety provides Repeal of provbdooa of toe Agri­ structiire. Some of them hitch­ (Oonti— ed on Page Ten port of the Rndth supporters, the trt-root<^ - ip-poam *Br I have with me are hiked or traveled to other preeattous no adequate ectmomie secuii^ itor controlling group among the Con­ Wertein Air Express monopfone, on me now, jand I h g y ^ . ^mnen cultural Marketing Act, under those vdiO hdp inodticei its wedth. which the Federal Farm'Board 4ms wkyB, to participate to tbe nomina- necticut Democratic convratlcK dri- frie^Uon recrivtog umatatoe srtiidi cash. tiOD at a.Sodaltot ctfiittdste' for Meanw^^, the .flhandal contool of egates, as -cbalrmBiiiof the delegates. Tmich outwarti agpurance "TH proh ah ty^ to jrtado% bmight and aoM eefiim o A ^ In ap- th e 'v i^ d la tending to be odheen- At a meeting here last righ t aup- wjijMS atabOizatioxi activities; vto* presldeut, and to help nudee the of a radio cabfaet but ‘tor the rthe week-end put partya jdaitforin. ' tra t^ to>jtito hands of s '^ r w h o porteis of tiie IBra prerideiitial zonnd, glass receiver, boQt vdiere Urhat iny huSbind demanded Adjustment ci the fe<^ therein - a ^ ' Ahib 'to haye Imnitiea «ra l farm loan .system, “to penmt Fliht CNd Purttae ]jiee unariinously approved.tite sriee- tbe. radio speaker orrinarSy ap- It to a convention without com­ whfle otfiira, aTO,to'want, and to ex- tton of tlfogoveraor, apd' also voted to harmony wtth credit co^ ezdae^dn^e power over -‘:thdr: lesd to simtort frtrier l^rtd JB. dttikms to areas serted,” wda urged petition between poeaWe noniliieiw. experiment | - MeW Yoric^ jL-r-(AP>r- ghneral treatment of^tojmred w w Borne del^athma ham.t~ eqmfWtol favraedledows.^ *t& tdred. FItaQerald'qf Hear ^Aven, candMath »>Win be o p e n ^ A q » e l l a k * i i r t » » t for Nationil rtmiiidttMpaBi aa rta»f reaHurii engineer of ' • waa approved, hut «a^ mnd pretoroces for ----- nome- indtvi-— - -•r— ______but the importapt eonaldera- For v e allertMlon ctf such a riiairinan. 'y* iiber frowned on lib y "unoa? needed to ^rtSm lien suffering no i ^ b t i ^ ltlens to delegates to aie.per1y p ty dttfoti' dhd ito^hetter eisodomfo' — . ^ , Kty. .' M.—iAP) —f .Gtoty'one. hriSbt tias Support of the f o v e r n » ^ _ ^ •dart' the vtoe^pcaaljientlal ouutt^ iiem war aervioe are reclpiente of I gram. That win be^ ttnaia pw| ^ ^tfons, .the-report aaka :the ;ConfaiH the mlnortty gisonp flworlng the. eaadl>' ■wiee 'to-recommend; date. MarttaL 1^.-Buren of Mew Di Roort^^ £ritawtoh]rictdiwrt - nmiqr inllBana.^offad, “A war without trace or om^ itaBt Damprtallir Hatiriiri CcoBven- Coiriltiona end caterrtlii- ’ Itiramtoe egalnst dd.-ijiirtieB:’' The 1— replacement o f the preac Yrtlc zaerived 2 ^ yotaa, Phfflp P. rribia ekperteA.y-* ent .peiiCT. o f - ftinplaimed, conigett- tfon' BMbdUf of* 40;: aid Rich- iJedaring. tiiifri.aiQiwt nrt coty tfzedqitMddanam^l^ :i^lWl^-|n •Mito "hEtden ey texapetif -waa , wa* I'lasw win uueiiy 1 it -trtia. ifar dUiiin&' the arfl.li. of fiiBlth aa---- *3-^^ an iiiiiieiitodTr ____ _ ecuacimy € ~ ' had -jKoaBce of...... rtrite e a ,; » Abort Idpr ffi S r v M O ^ tc 'w I ^Ifortto H D q ^ of _ tobiaM f S e fort rtuiee>1m __ V. of toe „ „,«egni«rtty : of. ^ , jobUj . _ ^ ^ :t h e ] ' fiiammfttee, to tei zM 'CTjrt' amijeqikinf' ^ndaukmc'ti iiHrerirtchV CBMlOCTlBg hia ‘ llnluri|Mr^ of thbaa^c,,,. S' PAGE T W O evminw oomdua^Atyi^uiiies

n m s B E E E ^ JENSEN AGidN HEADS (W coHHDNirram ShCTherd^Encamfimi it fc ^ '’ HLWiUHIOilDiUNED wiU hold its regular day'evatlag st^ Annual Meeting Held Last lows haU, after -wiiidl^ Bfrst irai.Be H di Temotrow Night In Sdimd Assembly shortcake wlB be served Bfre.EUsabatiiO.JQte At iitt Aftemten— •f; the first woman to fiy^ame^e HidU-Hold Vaudeville m ghi. babk toumamem wiU be Started. Mrs. Ettaabsth -C. Siiq* wife of CereiiHNV T a k « P h ce h Grand Patriarch W dter B:. Atalntic/ a distfiiettbQ''niie People ef Slate Charles L . Kingy o L 140 C h a r te r will be present. lime IS, 1928, wlMB dm Oak street, dleokat two Vdack t ^ , Officers elected at the annual from Tropfn^. Newfoundlaad. fo The p lai n t afterooxA meeting of the Manchestw Green Te GiniBeoiente life e( tporning at the Manchester Me­ pertr, m tenui* .bondudtel regnM'iiF lite'bliiM h Burtferd TUs MaruDC At the short calendar sasiicm of Bufypbrt in. the trt-motored morial hoepital after a two wedE*s CommtMty dub hdd last evening in motKqdaaa 'VMehdbhip,’' with W it e i ^ aqnwfiar bn th# kaoU ,at the the assembly hall oi the school were &e Hartford County Siqiezior Ooort ilhieea with a complication of OK SQotheaat'ooinwr of the Center park ■ re- mer Stdtp, . pilot sad L^iis Gordotii Geeife Waduagtea. aesaea. Mrs. m ng has been a resi­ ■■.am First Hass Here Smday. as follows: President, John Jetaaen, nioBhbnlg,. she also has «aade a win coinmstina tomorrow aftotnoqe who returns for his second year; _ o® dent of tUa town the p a s t' fo a r at 8 p. aoi. The Iwiid under the lead­ Jalfee trane-Cpfitlneatal round trip, la aa vice president, Egbert«Inman; sec­ y e a r s , - ership of David Addy win furnish and Nathan Marlow, was assigned autogyro, Rev. Paul B. Ward, aon of Mr. retary, Mrs. Florence ^ Hayden; W art^, May 21.—(AP) — ’The Besides her^usband she leaves a prelode to the program at 8:45 The i^ixe ^tealdte ceatete k M * for a hearing next Wednesday. Biim In.Kaaaaa threa small children, M w ^ Ludlle, and Mra. Daniel J. Ward of Marble treasurer, Aaron Cook. She was bom at AtUcaon, Kan­ people of Gonnecttcut today were and ]rite dmtog the service. conducted by the W. C>'T--4^ street, was ordained to the priest­ Executive board — Carl Stolten- caUed upon by Go'vemop WUbur L. and CSiaries, Jr. Sbe tdao Raves hw The sottfister brigade under the throughout the United Stalsa The Memorial Hospital quota of sas, in 1898. Her Hathar; B 4«^ S. fatiier and mother, Mr. and Mn. hood at St. Joseph’s Cathedral at feldt, Louis Moore, Cedi England, Cress td commsmorata In a flttiv batui of Fred ^ou$h VrlU sing duced a sectional, ehainfinti ymtt • 820,600 to nieet an antlct^ted de­ Earhart, is an attaros{V in Los An­ Henry Keatingi of Dover, N. H., and Hartford this morning, together Norman Adi, James Maher. geles. She has eia&r.^ the life of George Washing some of their piea^ig seleetimis nitet hr Betty Gdiahy. with eleven other young men. He ficit in operating sKpensea, was in­ am five brothers and three slaters. They Auifitors ^ Mrs. Howard Dowd, After giaduntlag from Hyde ton *nd his associations with the and thera win te nunihm:a by the daughter cf PrhHtpal^aBil:. arrived In Hartfdrd last nif^t and creased today hv 8M.8S, bringing are James J. Keating* Henry . Keat­ James Maher, John Hayden. the total cash * contributions and Park hvh' sdhool in Chidaga she state to the end “that George Wash­ ladies quartet anc the men’s quar­ Clarence P. Qultoby of ManChsetar was the guest of members of St. Reports of the various social and ington msqr^re-UVB In the loyal heart ing* Peter Keating, Keating, tOl pledges to $19,271.65. went tb Qgcnts sdhod.for l^ris in! tet Ensign (3eo: D. I^Uams will High achooL She is now tilgfhia . t o Thomas’ Seminary. flnandal activities held during the ^ Ufa of every Connecticut citi- of Dover, N. H., John Keating, of Philadelphia. Before finbanwg Jiir this town, and the three sisters are givo tte addreea:. enter the national finals at Saatlla, A large number of Manchester year wrere given, and Preddent sen." Wash., the first week in August W iliam Foulds, Jr., together wdth coursecon n she left and joined the Cana- Maty, Miurgiret and Loretta, all of The puUte is obfdiaUy l^yited to friends and relatives w ^ t to Hart­ John Jensen expressed his appreda- Tba governor made bis ameal ln The oonteat last aigM iavohrad ford thia morning to witness the Harold Norton m spandhig the dlan Red Cross in 1917 as a nurse Dover, N. H. V attend. / . tion ct the support he had received week-end at the Bnulds Cottage at and 1for war service. the form cf a mssaage, tba text of representatives of southern NeW>. ceremony of ordination. Father wbUe head of the dub, and hoped wbleh la as foUoWs: A funeral service will fie held at Fourth Lake in the'Adirondacks. I After A f the war die entered Co­ England and was held t o the Firap Ward will celebrate his first mass for a bigger and better year. 1 "A mnasBgn from the governor to HOUbran's funeral rooms here but lumb:lumbia Univerdty to take a pre- Methodist ohurdt at PlatovlBa. tomorrow morning at 10:30 o’clock Vaude'ville night which fOUowmd the people w Comuetieut. the date .is aa yet uncertain. Burial Walter Shea of Strant street and medical course and a year later BOLTON CENTER CONCERT Seven competed. Mias Qtoatiiy at St. Bridget’s church. A change the election under auspices of the **nie Congreas of the United wiU be in Dover, N. H. John A. Trotter of Bigelow street went to California. spoke on "Shall America Go Bate.” may be made in the Identity of the Community dub, wms a success .in States has requested all the states sub-deacon at the mass as Rev. attended the Connecticut chiqiter of Diterasted In Flying TO AD ) HOSPITAL HERE Her award was a dtatemd medal every 'way. The program wras one Bentley Alumni reunion held in of the Union to co-oparate m a bi­ brooch which was ptaaented Vy M rs. Eugene Moriarty, another Manches­ It'waa in CaUfomla that she be­ centennial study cad iq>preciatian of of the best ever presented 1^ all­ Waterbury last night FUNERALS E. A. Castledlne at Briatot The ter voung man. Is ill and may not local talent wdtbin the memberahip. came interested in aviation aa a the Ufo bf George Washington. other girls received whits pos|t*t- be able to attend. The acknow ledged headliner wms a recreation. She owned two planes "Bi aecmrdance with this request, Mrs. John Ainley and Y. W. C. The annual pilgrimage of the BOSS Florm ioe 8* T yler bboka and the Imro boy was giten Because of the large attendance four-year-old tot, Shirley CSemson, and piled up 800 solo hours; in her the Connacticut General ‘Assembly A. Gronp of Hartford To Pre­ Manchester Camp Woodstock Funeral services for Miss Flor­ a leather billfold. expected at the mass, arrangements niece of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin aerial pleasure jaunts about Los has appotntsd a atate commlasion to sent Mi^eaL have been made to have the center Alumni to the Camp will be made A ngeles. , ence Skinner Tyler, Sgi-year-old A year ago M3m Quimby won Spencer. Those who heard the lit­ a week from today leaifing the aid sveiy dty, town and school in section of the church reserved for While in Los Angeles she studied daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cgmis G. tle girl redte state that for memor­ YM .CA. at 1:30. All boys are wri- this stiidjr from February' to No­ the silver medal ocmieet tovolvtog members of the yoimg priest’s fam­ photography and in partnerdiip lyier were held yesterday from her Thursday evening* May 26, a Manchester conteetaats held here ising and expression, she wma the come. A picnic lunch will be car- vember, 1982. , concert will te given at the hall in ily, his. relatives and immediate with another girl, ventured foto the late home at Vernon, and at 2:45 at and in late June was the Eiartford best they ever heard at such a Hed. Those who wish nuiy bring Soggesta Dates Bolton Center imder the direction Mrads. The ushers will be William busineas. "It is suggested that local cele­ the North Methodist church. More county winner at BSlsabeth Back J. Shea and Edward J. Murphy. tender age. Marjorie Inman, an­ food to cook at the camp. All o f M n . John A inley, H artford xmi- other juvenile reader, gave a planning to go should notify either Returning east, she went to Bos­ brations be arranged fo r June 4, ..6, than 800 were present, to pay a for which ste reoelved a goM madat , No Sunday school will be hdd to­ ton, taught a university extendon final tribute of respect to the young siclan, and .a group of 35 young lengthy and humorous reading, and James McCaw,. Jr., or W. H. or 6th, under community auspices of women 'Tom the Hartford Yi W. Then in late July she woo toe paa>l morrow, as at theSrSO o’clock mass course at Lowell, then went into so­ girl who was a avorite with a shorter one with fine expression Petherbrldge as soon as possible. patilotic and civic organlxations, C. A. All are giving their sendees, or grted (tel medal in a eootast the members of the Holy Name So­ cial service woric. It was foom there and who had taken an active part in and gestures. preceding the state exercises to be and the proceeds of the con c^ will held at GA7 Orchards, Me., in Wktoh ciety. of which Father Ward was a that she appeared on the aviation all affairs of the church since child­ only Maine pSqple took p|jrt member, is to receive holy com­ "Schooldays,” the original Acetcb S t Mary's Girls Friendly Society held in Wethersfield on the afternoon be turned over to the Maneheeter by Mr. Spencer ddighted everybody. will hold its regular meeting Mon­ hortzbn as a trans-Atlahtlo flier. of June 7, In Hartford on the eve­ hood. Miss Quitohy is a junidr atudlWt munion in a body. Members of the The casket was covered with Memorial hospital’s campaign for Griswold Chappell in makeup and day evening outdoors, at Sunset The sponsor of the flight of the ning of June 7,yand during the ^lnd8. at Msnohester High and la Sunday school will remain only long "Friendship’* was George Palmer sprays of roses and ferns, and a in acting as the old-fashioned Hill. The members are requested to monilng of June 8, concluding with The program will begin at eight a college-course specialistoS' to enough t9 hear Most Reverend Rol^ Putnam, publisher. On Febrilary 7, profusion of beautiful set pieces schoolmaster could not have been meet at the parish house at 6 the interstate celebration at the o’clock, daylight saving time, and it She la a member of the ert Skinner, who will deliver a short 1981, Putnam an4 Miss Barhart ffom church organisations, former sermon. improved upon. He and John Boyle, o’clock and to bring their lunches Agawam-Suffield atate line at noon is believed many Manchester peo­ staff, debattog team, Bock aad:|Ni»> were married at ^e home of his associates in the office where she At the close of the 10:30 o’clock the mischievous boy of the class J«srith them. Ooi|ee will be turnishied. on June 8. There can be no'more ple will be glad to motor out to the kin dub and also is toe hlg^ atesel mother at Noank, Conn. was employed and floral tributes mass. Father Ward and the at furnished most of the comedy. Miss Margaret Stratton will be in enduring reminder of the (Seorgq Bolton hills to enjoy it and to help correspondent for the MiateMtar from relatives and friends were tending priests will be luncheon Two other short sketches frere charge of the ceremonial. In case of Mrs. Putnam’s activities in the Washington bi-centennial than in their hoepitaL ,The girls have pre­ Evening Herald. interests of aviation Include posi­ massed along the chancel rail. guests of Rev. C. T. McCann, pastor well done, and the chorus singing of it o the meeting will be held at the the trees which are being planted sented the entertainment in Hart­ of the church, at the Hotel Sheh- darkle mriodies by the school chil­ Usual time in the parish house. tions as vice-president in charge of and dedicated to his memory. Rev. Marvin S. Stockltei ker ford with good success. dan. Other close friends will also dren pleased all. After ice cream public *elations for the New York, "Aa we look back to the days of pastor, eulogised the i high ideals attend. and cookies m re served, general Helen Davidson Lodge, Daughters Philadelphia and Washington Air­ George Washington we raallsa more and fine Christian character of Miss OPEN FORUM In the evening from 7:30 o’clock dunning continued imtil midnight of Scotia, will meet at the South way, assistant to the general traffic clearly than ever before the great Tgder, and urged her associates to manager of the Tat-Maddux Air importance of the servicea he per­ carry on in the way she would have SURPRISE SHOWER until 9 o’clock. Rev. Ward will re with Fred Werner at the piano and Methodist church tomorrow morning IN MBMOBffilt eelve friends at his home on Mar William Munsle playing the violin. at $0:80 to attend the Brltish-Amer- Lines, aviation editor of the Cos­ formed for bis coqntry, both in war done bad her life been spared for ble stre e t ican good will service. mopolitan magadne and member­ and in peace. All through our war further service in the church she FOR MISS SHEEHAN (To Domenlo Bqtetrite) ships in committees of the Nation­ of independence he waa dosely asso­ loved. We little thought when he left heaM, Manchester High defeated West al Aeronautic Association and the ciated with Connecticut and with her Robert Gordon sang "Zn the Gar­ That he wotfid no mora retuR). ROD AND GUN a U B Hartfosd at golf this morning at National Glider Asacdatlon and civil and military leaders. He fre­ den," and "Some Day. We’U Under­ Miss Margaret Sheehan of 227 That he ao Boon to death uroUM POUCECOIIKT the Manchester Country Club. The other aviation organisations. quent^ traveled over our hills and stand,’’ accompanied on the organ Oak sereet who later thia month is sleep. through-our valleys, stopped at our by Mra. R. K. Anderson, to become the bride of James Bro­ And leave us here .tamouiku James Wilson, of 437 Center score was 13 to 5. H. Civello beat TO HEAR SUPT. CLARK PBEVIOVS FUOBTS. inns and taverns and conversed with The baarari were 0>rwln Grant, gan, was honored with a surprise street and Mrs, Sarah Lewis of 42 Lorenson 3 and 2 to win three By Associated Reee. our dtisena. Lawrence Paisley, Earl McGuire, mlscellaneom shower last evening at We never knew his time was near, Woodbridge street were arrested at points. Dan Civello lost to Besto 3 May, 1919—U. 8. Navy plane, NC- "It is most fitting that we com­ Curtis Bhaw^ Mai Levan and Ken her home. About 40 of her Mends We hever saw him die. Wilson’s home at 8:20 last evening and 2 and^he Civello brothers lost New Commission Head Also To to Lorenson and Sesto 8 and A Mike 4, Commander Read, Newfoimdland memorate this great American and netb (Thrlatensen. were present and spent a merry We only know he passed kway. Be Guest At Dinner At both charged with intoxication and to Portugal with atop at Aabres. his associations with Connecticut, to time. Misa Gladys CarUale played And never said good-bye; in court this morning Judge Ray­ Reardon beat Thomas 5 and 4 while Burial was in the Buckland ceme­ June, 1919T-Aloook and Brown, the end that George Washington banjo, niandoUn. and piano solos. Osano’s On June 4. mond A. Johnson found them both BSmer Hultine won from Cahapb^ tery. 8 and 7. Reardon and Hultine won Newfoundland to Ireland, non-stop, may re-live in the loyal heart and As Miss Sheehan waa uawrapp His cheery ways, his smthag t»ca guilty. They were fined $10 dnd 16 hours, 12 minutes. life of every Connecticut oltisen. numerous gifts of linen, silver, glass­ Arp A to a a a u re ^ recall. The second quarteriy n^Mting of costs each amounting to $19.82. from Campbell and Thomas 6 and 4. August, 1924—U. 8. Army Round- "Slim ed: ware, and other articles contsined.in He had a kindly word, for each, the Manchester Rod and Gun Club Wilson’s wife is in the hospital will be held at Osano’s cottage, Bol' the-World fliers, London to New "WILBUR L. CROSS, U. S. G O ifER S WIN a Targe ba^et, she wpl showered And died beloved by an. with a broken leg. Mrs. Lewis has York with stops at Iceland, Green­ "Governor:” with, confetti from a horn suspsmded ton lake, Saturday, June 4. Dinner a husband and two children. Oddly will be served at 6:80 p. m. The SUES TO RECOVER land, Labrador, Newfoundland, Nova Hartford, May 21,1932. from the,chandelier, A buffet lunch But God Himself will .teppty th e enough Mrs. Lewis entered her own ..^sotla and B o sto n .. THREE FOURSOMES was se^isd; the dining room decora- grace regular business meeting will follow complaint She called the police -May, 1927--Lindberfh, New York tiona w ere w hite UlacsK palma sad Tcr bear this awfunfiuKr.. ^ ' the banquet . ^ station last night to say that Vjnlfon A large a tte n d a n t is expiliotjikl a t $250 AF1ER CRASH) -o Paris, non-stop, 88 hourSrflS min- KOonttnoed freto Page .C oe). Plah; t e d green jyepe yapey^ , ,,,' , Heaven^ wa m ast t e t ' a g te i%i^'*'nttlng fresh.7 ^ She a tta in - jltiftSi ^ * .^ilPORATlON PAID 'the meeting due to the fact tlut Vwhen^ laa^tolavlte teto#. Arthur L. Clark, superintendent of work for Wilson while his trifq was Waltop Todford of Thia Towri June, 1927—Chaaoberlala and Le­ Engliuh p^r lost the hole. Miss the State Fish and Game Commis­ vine, New York to Germiany, non­ Wethered topped her brassle shot MISSMORIARTHPUPILS '■ .-W .’ i . in the honital. The arrests were Saos East Hartford CoapIe-~^ stop, 42 hours. FOR WALKER’S TRIP sion and Thomas H. Beck of Wilton, made by Patrolmen Cavagnaro and at the 18tb and Mra. Vare got away One Man Killed In Aocidenti June, 1927—Byrd, Acosta, Balchen » ____ chairman of the State Board of Fish Prentice. a beautiful she* ’The hole waa won and Noville, New York to Franco, (OoBttnned .vom Page One) - IN TWO HOUR PROGRAM and Game Commissioners will attend* In court this morning Wilson was by the Americans and the match The civil suit brought by Walter non-stop, 33 hours, 30 minutes. and will address the meeting. defended by Attorney George C. squared again. Tedford of 106 Ruisell street owe.” Soon afterward it was de­ Lessner, who also paid his client’s August, 1927—Brock and Schleo, The foursomes were- played on -Watldna Brothers auditorium was against Fred and Katherine Atten­ Newfoundland to Libndon, non-stop, veloped in testimony that four gov­ fine and costs. Mrs. Lewis was un­ the Scotch plan, the players taklag crowded for the redtal by the vocal borough of East Hartford was 23 hours, 21 minutes. ernment Uefia totalling $10,107 had REVENGE AS MOTIVE able to pay her $19.82 and was try­ alternate strokes. ~ pupils of Misa Aiiyne C. Moriarty 25c heard in town court this morning March, 1928—Koehl, Fltsmaurlce been filed against Hastings for al- Mlw Wethered again : missed a last evening and although the pro- ing to locate a friend. If unable to legeo failuip to pay his oomplets in­ pay she will have to go to jail. .before Judge Raymond A. Johnson.' and Von Huohnefeld, Dublin, Ireland, short putt on the sixteenth, which grani aaceeded. two hours evw y)^ Admisdoii New Haven, Conn., Mav 21 — Tedford seeks $260 for damages to to Gremly Island, Labrador. come taxes in 1922 and 1929. the Americans won and her third remained to its close. The ecuos of Day and NHeM (AP)—-Thomas Di Marco, 40, of his car. June,' 1928—Amelia Barhart, Seabury, by a procesa of examina­ shot on the last hole was bunkered Ben Radding* baritone, and Leonard Cambridge, Mass., was beaten and Evidence was presented showing Stults and Gordon, Newfoundland to tion of officials and others, had ji^n aft4r Miss Morgan had miuad her Ekcellente, the assisting artists, were shot, and his body thrown into New PUBUC RECORDS that Mrs, Attenborough’s car struck Wales, non-stop, 20 hou's, 40 min­ edging up toward the mayor day second, giving the Americans the enthuslaatioally received. The vdlce MARATHON Haven harbor by avengers of his the Tedford oar at the junctipn of utes. by day for several weeks, but he hole with a loose six and the match. p\q>il8, some of them only eight slain father-in-law, police believe. WilUams street and Bummde June, 1929—Assolant, Lefevre and had made no piove to call hlih until Miss Hicks consistently outdrove years old, sang exceptionally .wall. DANCE Warrantee Deed. ate in the day, when Mayor Walker Di Marco whose body was recov­ avenue which continued a short dis­ *x)ttl and American stowaway, Misa Wilson in their match and They together with Meads of Miss Thomas aniL Florence McCann of .nformed him a proposed trip ered from the harbor Thur i*\y was tance along the highway before Jchreiber, Old Orchard, Me., to d Miss Van Wle ably backed her up Moriarty presented her during the Palais Royal wranted in Watertowm, Mass., tor the Bristol to Jay E. and Clara J. Rand, Spain, non-stop 31 hours. .loxt week. On invitation of Mayor evening with several beautiful bas­ land and building in the Cobum tumiivg over. Judge Johnson reserv­ with'fine work around the greens. CAPilrOLPARE death of bis relative, Pellegrino July, 1929 - Williams'tnd Yancey, 1 rank Murphy of Detroit to attend See-Saw Affair kets and bouquets of fiowen, Green tract on Cobum Road. ed bis decision. Merullo. Twro Watertowm police of­ Old Orchard, Me., to Spain, non-stop, a conference i t officials. The third mateb waa a eee-saw ficials identified the remains yester­ Qultolaim Deed. The accident in question took Seabury notified him to hold him- 31 hours, 30 m inutes affair all the way with Miss Orcutt day. The Lomas and Nettleton Com place September 6 at the corner oi o:f tny readlnesa to testify before Sept, 1920 Costea and Bellonto. and Jlfa- Cbeney playing good and A man who voiced a threat in the pany, trustees under a mortgage of Williams street and Burnside Paris to New York, non-stop, 37 the committee on Wednesday and bad golf in spurts, first winning Herbert L. Fortune to John F. Sims, avenue in East Hartford. Louis mayor cancelled the. trip. presence of a detective, to kill hours, 18 minutes. ‘ Jit three straight holes, Itelng p i Marco in revenge for the earlier land and bUildlngs at 53 Mather Reiss, 39, of 52 Wetherell street, Tanunany Involved LAYTIMES TODAY Oct., 1980—Boyd and Connor, two. Miss Park drove into a deep slaying, is being sought, the Water­ Street. riding with Tedford, was fatally in Senator Hastings’ c'rplanation of jured. Tedford waa on his way to Newfoundland to SclUy Islands, non­ ditch on the 18tb hole to present Warner Baxter in **^ateiir Daddy** towm oiSicers said. They withheld now Smith came to buy the $10,000 stop, 24 hours, 10 minutes. the Americans with the match. Wm. Hainea in **Are You Listening?** ^Is name, but said they belie'ved he A company has been formed by Hartford to attend a m eetly of etter of credit brought Tammany Jiuwi 1931—Post and Gatty, New­ Tlie Misses Hicks and Van Wle prouid readily confess Di Marco’s the English milk industry for the the Nutmeg Pigeon Racing Qub. .nto the testimony. Smith, the foundland to mgland, non-stop, 16 bad the easiest sailing and played V knurder if captured. sole purpose of recover^ lost, ' The car vdUoh figured in the col senator said, desired to put.jilm- lislon waa operated by’ Mrs. Kath­ hours. 17 minutes. ' Di Marco’s death, an autopsy re­ stolen or strayed bottles and chums, self in the good gracea.of me ptesl- the best golf of the three matches. June, 1931-Himg^ and Hoiriis, They were never behind in their vealed, was caused by a bullet eind last year n early 8,000,000 b o t arine P. Attenborough of 896 Bum- dent at his trust company and ask­ side avenue. ^Tedford was opposite Newfoundland to Germshy, non-stOp, match with the British champion through the right side. When re- ties were found. It is estimated that ed Hastings to persuade the Mayor’s Sunday It'will rock your emotions; . Williams street when the crash 32 hours, 6 minutes.' and her partner and had a medal bovered the body bad been in the the company saved, the Industry party to use the Equitable’s facili­ this mighty portikyM of a occurred. Mrs. Attenborough drove July, 1931—Pangbom and Herndon, Monday water from twro to three weeks. $250,000. score of 64 for the 17 holes they had out o f the Bide street, fallin g to New York to Wales, non-stop, 31 ties. Tuesday man who found himself ttur< Hastings said he went to Senator to play. stop, it was allied at the time of hours, 42 minutes. victim of his wife*# the accident. The impact rendered July, 1931—Bkidrea and Magyar, Bernard DowUfig, now dead, but then the .Charge d’affaires of the . . . . it*8 a real ditenatde the brakes on tbeJTedford car use- Newfoimdland ' to Hungary, non*^ voyage and Dowling tiimed over to less and caused it to overturn. stop, 26 hours, 12 minute^ HOSPITAL NOTES Smith what the witness styled a Reiss was hurled through a side July, 1931—Boardman and Polan- “common fund” of $10,000, raised NEW HOTEL SHERIDAN window onto the street Tedford do. New York to Turkey, non-stop, by members of the party. He said D IA L 8673 was also hurled Yrom the machine 49 hoUrs,-(world record non-stop dis­ Mrs. Vera Hall of South Willing- be obtained the $8,000 to meet the hut was not badly injured. Mrs. tance flight) ton, Dr. Cieero Moore of Bristol and overdraft imd reimbureed Smith in Attenborough was quoted at the August, 1981—Captain Wolfgang M n. Charles King of 140H Charter SUNDAY MENU time fis saying, ‘1 hope the poor Von Gronau and crew, Germany to the same manhw. Oak street were admitted yeeteri It did not appear that a receipt FRUIT CUP OR SOUP man is not hurt 1 was entirely to Chicago with stops in Iceland, day. Mn. King died at 1:60 A m., #as passed for the money, Seabury He had two ROAST TURKEY DRESSING blame.” Tedford, however, was ar­ Greenland, Labrador and Canada. today. V _ ? DmighteTs were born at the free himself from toe rested and held on a chvge of developed MASHED POTATOES Smith shared a Broadway office hospital today to Mr» snd Mmr slaverg at thto wwaanl criminal negligence. PEAS with Senator Hastings. Harold Ambach of 168 McKse CRANBERRY SAUCE CELERY PRIZE CUP PRESENTED In repcAting progress in attempts street and Mr. and Mrf. Edward SUCED TOMATOES to aeours a bus frwcbiaa in New Gado of 20 Union Court FIND COAL TRESTLE TO HARTFORD COURANT York- styeets, Smith referred to the Carl Berg of 69 Doughs^ street ROLLS mayor as “fh* boy friend." was admitted today. CHOICE Hunter and ^ Hoffman, a APPLE PIE OR ICE CREAM TIMBERS HATE ROTTED Phlladelpbla, May 2L—(AP) — trust conqpanjr employe, told of TEA COFFEE MILK The Hartford, Conn., Oourant to­ their efforts to collect the amoimt of Salvaged Value of Materiali In day was in possession of ths cup the overfb^Mt / awarded annually by N. W. Ayer The le^ar of credit was dated Wreekad Straetnre Lesa and .Son, Inc., for. exceUcnOe m AUg. 9, 1927. On Aug, 10 the Than Expected. newspaper typography. mayor ^gne4 the bus franchise con­ The award was announced Apiril tract The state transit commission The brick building on Charter 25. The cup was presented last night intervened and prevented the bus Oak street owned, by Cheney Broth­ at a dinner in the Ayer gajiarles at compiuty from operating. ers and known as ths Gorman block, thfc second annual exh iu tion o f has bstn tom down and ths sits newspaper typography. Tba cup clsaaed up. This was one of three must bq won fhree timsi for perma­ and his struotures that the company cco- nent possession. Last year it was D O -t OVER OCEAN 1 . ^ NOTICE! traeted with the Hartford Wreck­ won 1^, the New York Herald Tri­ ing Company to taka down. The first bune. l^iw York, 21—(AP)-^ ^ e removed was a grain store building Wilfred W. Fry,president of N. Radio Marina <3c^. announo^ the Regarding Dogi OD Center' street Nest work wss W. Ayer and Son, nuklc tba praMu- receipt at $*.60 a. m., Bastem Btand- win fimUh tea lOMla . etartsd on the Gbafter Osk street tatlon. Henry H. ptiUinh- tr d Tim a todag^, o f thia JB*«*Mr* talnmeet thU'W eel

m O A T r<*. 1/ y, -

I,:.:- . 'f' . r.Kn] m unjm n o K j ki U iU lt EM t Tha ESAU 1NA9 THE bwnflBf -toatflasb wtaa S fla r»*<>* lAMon fsrliity n . A d ^ e V E D „ .to tlM -’g o - liiti; era'- to - PAftTV; THS o f toe Wnb M, OOtOf, D> D. EraatloB undar tba auspieas of tha C O N C Sm C f^ goods wUeh tt. oacriafl fid m «nHBB CHimCH af Wm Osngrsf s S s—Tlst wSQflALMOPT strdyedvaad toe track whs towed. (SSfMgsiloMl) W .t J*,C. a u b nast T h u r s ^ ava- n i ^ froiB 7 until 10 o'elook. SNTICeLVOW Moktojton. I was at top' point of death, ¥y# iOBie-, Tha racondUation of Jacob and It tovpo«toto;.tliat Mr. of tyotoer tout advantage of me. MondBf Wentalp, Tha Choir will maat for rahairsal He time Esau.______BBVh'n , Esau eacM lata, but It was StdUvan,,______avenue______win be dne__ would.glvs me nothing to bon y tb« nuilft«r. at tha cbureb Friday aftamooh at 4 vary effectual whan it came. (aypr bT, The- tine..liad CflMnM Choir ^&o€k. o X-aOM hhn my 'Urthrigbt be conae. Jacob'kttntoty;;lnwied;befip^ Probably it was made posstUa by mer and dfvoto htt energy, to 01^ - comes. 1 have become rich and Tbo moiic: tha fhet that both man bad grown Esfl^ and' BskneirtedfiiU 'iettdtiide-’i ' ^ •i;^''ftrdua» "P rolude in E Minor, SOUTH METHODIST vating a more - iffpfltable crop. iutere powerful than he. *Now I So; should eyetyohe’jR ^ tootoebt in wisdom aiid also in m c ^ out­ ahaR have vefigeaace. le that what Bsch. Rohart Ai OQlpItts, Mtadstar look' and eharaotar abica the day of httviner done wroBk, E m u said when ’he met' Jacob on to compensate tor aa uBjasit Jkfi -' Antbom—Ood it Lore, Roed. Darla M. Davis, A s s i s t when aiackness in the one man Antbam—ltojoiee in the Lord, Cal* : lie journegr? Far diflerrat was toe also should the InteHeiet,' htthhie ' and d u p ^ ty in Jha'other had feeitag. He ran to;ineet Um, em- 'kin, Dr. Robert 8. MoOra of Providanea brought triple separation be­ Itself before the iitterw of tM LdiA’# - will bring tha. massage at tha morn­ biraoed Uiii, fen upon hie neOk, merty and love. TTintlniiee ^ ead; ' Tottlude—Poottude in O, Read. tween tha brothers. . The oiHe of mehqliM SUarsky The Cburcb School, 9:80. daaset ing sarvTca tomorrow at tha South IdseedU a,' and w ' ^ Doubtless mercy made the fecoriisIHatiOB- fie* Methodist Church. Dr. Moore was On .the whole, the story of the which was to have bera before Jus- eato of ns haa b^;h ard fesfinga to­ for all ages. raoondliation is more ereditable lighiful.” Hityr goodaBd JbfPN bom under the AltiMi flag and la ' lee J. JoBes Monday will be ward some heutleeo offender; but ent It is'tor^brethrra tovdinu) to­ Men'a. League, 9:30. Leader, to Esau than to Jacob, and it does Charles Oliver. Speaker, Mr. Wood­ exceedingly popular among tha peo­ heard Mdnday'May 28. the eaiiae i n a ^ that traneformed gether in unity!” • > ple o fm s cburoh. He will speak on mtitii -to.restm .toe balance in acknowledgment of U s repent­ amUtion may bMpme a strong Robtert E. Fodto and E. W. BneU ruff. Topic: The Sermon on the estimate o f' toe character Beau caB no#- ntelt toe hard and Klsdness costs nothing. Its' re- International Good wlU and dai^tfa- aa^u and noUe-! chiuncted' when he is are suffering'with > attacks of Inin- frozdn heart wito kindness and love. tivna are . priceless. FOigtyraess Mount, of the who sold U s birth­ ance. The C tp au b, 6:00. President, tions from the various BdtiSh- Esau played a brother’s part. purged from U s meehiisss and bego. When' Jacob saw 'Beau coming cleanses our berate. If . ^ fnglve. Mildred Sutherland. Topic: Living Ameiican organisations will be right. There were no reproadhes. There duirimty; and on the otoer hand Mrs. EUxabeto ^ U s is ill and with four hundred hoTMiheiv hie con- the heavenly Father will forgive u s.. ipiests. , Esau. was the' aggrieved painty; was no unholy recoUection to mar a man whb. lacks ambition, who |s under care of D”. Frederic Wilcox edrace emote UnL He pr^>afed to Pictures from the Bible. Speakers: the concessions were almost en­ This He dora not as a batyatai, but Barbara Qttoby, Eleanor Sander­ The program under the the complete magnanimity of Us rather Slack and, indlftonnt, may of WflUmantic; assuage toe eotyratod w ra & He because as we forgive',, toe forgiving son, Dorothy Draton, Bertha^ Mc- direction of Mr. George Huntington tirely on his side. ' Jacob ap- action. He ran - to meet Jacob, become-a very gratis and . admir­ N d gbbd s Night wee observed at arranged sucoMBlvely - droves of Spirit of the Lord ^inflows, purges, Byles will be presented as follows, nroached their meeting with f w embracing him and kissing him, able ohmacter when he otders Us toe Grange nteeting Tuesday eve­ goats, sheep,' camels, asses, and cat­ and brings in the Librd’s love. Tbere Organ Prelude— "Carillon” by De- —a fear that was bom of a guilty while the two men wept, and then life aright, faithful U toe things ning. Members ^ of ten Granges were tle. so that , if Esau were not ap­ is nothing arUtiary from the Lord.. ' Tuesday, 7:00—Choir R^earsal. lamarter; Anthem—"He rm teh^ conscience. He knew and his con> as Esau lifted up Us wes and saw that are needful, but ratirely peased with toe first or the .second The laws of cause and effect, govern inon sense led Mm to expect a present Tbe attdidance was nlnety- ‘ Tuesday, 7rtX>—Troop 3, Boy over Israel” (Elijah) by Menddasohs the great .company with Jacob he from greed and ac^pilsitiveneee. one. Ice cream and cookies were group, he ndj^t finafiy be moved by as fuUy in the spirit as in nature. “warm” reception. Sbohts. and offertory Anthem—"Recession­ was moved further. The things The story is a record of^how served by toe refrei^ltment commit- aU. Humbly he plradk, ‘These are Give, and ye shall receive; but how Wednesday, 2:30—^Women's Fed­ al” by DeKoven. However, U s sUflshness and Us that Jacob had brought to win Us men of very. diverse natures and toe gifts of thy servant Jacob.” can one receive kindness and .become At seven o’clock the Epworth trickery. Responsibility ^ sp^ toe. eration Picnic at Clifford Cheney’s favor he refused to accept, plead­ characters may, tmder the oper- Mrs. Howato Ttyon of Glaston­ Et»u replies, ‘T have enough, my kind witoout being Und? or receive ;lNmgalow, Mountain road, Glaston­ League and People’s Evening Serv-. ered Um, and it was to Us credit ing that he had enough and offer- ation of right forces,. alike come brother; - keep that thou liast unto for^ven(^ without forgiving,- or be­ ices will be merged with th^ BSp- that he was evidently more con­ bury, Mrs. d I L. Budl and her son bury. Basket luncheons. Cpffee fur- Ing rather a present on his own to the better way at Ufe. And it Irving and Mrii. E .'W .'B uell vLfit- thyself.” Jacob urges. Esau ac­ come merciful without being merci­ niah^. Telephtme Mrs. J. C. Robin- worth League in charge. Miss Grace cerned for the safety of the wom­ reveals how toe finer thihgs of behalf. ed.thdr aunt,.Hattie saiis'at^Mte. cepts. Surprlaiiig are toe trans­ ful?' The Lord offers His llf^, His sou for transportation. Teachers Legg wiu lead the worship. Rev. en and Children than for himself. It is a delightful Interlude, or chuacter—fairness, courage, un-^ forming accomiHiidimenta of Und- intoilty to us. He can Impart to us will arrive in evening. ‘ Royal Gibson of the Hartford Sem­ A t any rate, he protected them selfishness and magnanimity — Gertrude H o u r ’s In Hebron Thurs: Myn»x, In the story of the two day aft^opn.; nessl all that we use,"but nothing other. Wednesday, 6:30—^Teachers Meet­ inary Foundation wffl b r i^ the mes­ and wont forward himself to meet brothers. The narrative lights up outlive all acUevements of ag- ing and Outing at Mr. Cheney’s sage and special mtude wUl be_pre- toe risk and toe possiUe wrath of ^essivenees and acquisitiveness. J. B. Jones , has bera notified that who; deiqfito all efforts to save his sented by Misses Lyllan Hutt, Ruth toe whole drama like sunlight that.he la to-4erve as Juryman at cabin in conjunction With the Fed­ U s brotoer. pouring tlmnigh the clouds a Men are remembered tdtimately honor, fallis. Defeated .at every turn, eration Picnic Meet at Church at Uppineott and John Hutt. A cordial He bowed himself to the for what they have been, rather the Federal Cpiurt in' Hartford Tues­ THEATERS he finds h liq s^ in a'tiuUUiig. climax invitation is extended to the entire dark and trouUed day. 6:00. Transportation furnished. Rtnind seven times in token of The man .of aggrdwive, selfish than for what they have gotten. day, l& y 24. ■ of great dramatic intensity, which Conimlttee: ^iix. and Mrs. St. Lau-v community to be present. U s humility, and pertiaps as an Rev. and .Mrs. Walter Vey at­ a t t h e STATE. exceeds in eihdtional powra, any of relit'M i’s. Sedrich Straughan. Church Sidiool meets at 9:80. tended toe V 18th annual meeting of i his past^pertorinahees. . “ Two Sec­ Two Features Today. 'Wednesday, 7:00 — In-As-Much Splendid attendance have enconr dd, V t, on Wednesday following a the Association of C te^e- onds” is a transition of the famous aged us, and special credit is due the Tuesday, 7:00 p. m.—Boy Scouts. week’s Illness. He b ^ not been ip "Two Seeonils” Tomorrow. drcle. King’s Daughters. Tuesday, 7 ;80 p. m.— son. of Jo­ Miss'pilye White who la recover­ Haines in "Are Ybu.Ustening?” .wfll inent In the cast are, Guy Kibbe, Monday—4:00, Brownies; 7:00, ly Candidates. people. Two plays, "Three in a Bot­ seph and patherine Dobosz, and ing train an operation at the Man­ complete^ their engagemrat - at the Vienne Osbon^ Adrirae Dore, Wil­ Girl Scouts; 7;46, .Epworth Circle Friday, 7:80 p./ m.—Confirmation came to Rockville with his parents tle’’ coached Miss Miller, "The Class for adults In the Rectory. ToDand Welfare Council chester Memorial hospital is able to State tonlgbt. liam Janney' and Edward ItCcWade. Willow Plate’’ coached by Mrs. Mc- with Florence Lewis, 182 .Pearl St. Lebbeus F. Bissell was re-elected at the age of 7. Tuesday—6:80, Cubs; 7:00, Boy Tuesday, 8:00 p. m.—Movies and ride out and hopes to return to her Another smashing '.double feature A distinctive -comedy is maintain­ Comb. Choit pumbers. Instrumental president^______of _ the Tolland Welfare Mr. Dobosz left Rockville 20 bill opens on Sunday .night .and will ed tbzoughout:the co-feBture, “Care­ Scouts; 7:80, CedUan dub. lUteriainment In the'Parish House years ago and was overseer in the home in a few days. music. Refreshments. Dancing. All to be given by ’Troop 4—^Boy Scouts. CouDcU at its annual m eeti^ held continue until Tiies^y night. Ed­ less lAdy,” m im Bennett and John for 26 cents. Children 15 cents. Ob­ Wednesday—^7:80, lOdrWeek Ser­ American Mill at t^^ooskt He Miss Lena Ellis and Kenneth Efils Saturday* 3:00 p. m.—Presenta­ at the Rockville Library hall Thurs­ are visiting relatives in Ithica, N ward G. Robinsra heads, the program Boles wiaTta an ideal team,, imd they ject: to send delegates to the Storrs vice, Rev. E. 'A. Speaker. day evening. Mrs. Le^ia (3owdy 'of leaves one sister, Mrs. Hden Gworek Friday— 7:00, Sea Scouts. tion Service for Church Schools, at Y". in his very latest Wt, "Two S<^nd$”, bid fair to rival any of the'tovorlte Conference. Christ Church Cathedral, Hartford. Somersville was elected vice-presi- Union street this ,dty; Saturday,-6:30—Choir rehearsal. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Foote and and Joan Bennett and -John Boles screen teams. \ The story deals in a The Junior <3holr will sing. deilt; Miss Mabel Sheriden of The body' of the. deceased was will be seed in the romantic comedy, speedy fatoloo w^h .-the (^ven^oa SECOND OONOREOATIONAL Drought to this city last evening and Mrs. D. L. Buen were -visitors in Frederick O. ADen, Mlhister. Sunday, Itey 29th—^7:00 p. m.;— Chester, secretary Aafi Mi*® Maude Hartford Tuesday. "Careless Lady.’’ For thie first time of a smaU town .u^y duckling Into a MANCHESn» LARGER PARISH Spectel preacher: The Rev. John Weyhe of this city, treasurer. Chair* is at the Burke Undertaking p^oto on bis screen car^r, Edward G. seductive dainsaL ' It takes a visit on Park street where last respects MElTfODlST EPISCOPAL Wilkins of Trinity Church, Bristol, men of committees iq>pointed were: Robinson will be seen as a lovra. to New Yolk, an arrest In a speak­ Morning worship at 10:45. Ser­ Program, Rev. Charles D. Kepner, may be paid until-Mteiday morning, mon by the minister, "Through Na­ Conn. Frogs, absorb , water through the Heretofore, he . has .been seen as a easy raid, a hasty trip to Paris and Marvln S. Stoddng, Minlst^ Stafford Springs; puWicity, Miss when services will be held at S t sUn; never .drink it. do not bard-boiled gangster, or newspaper an alias or. two to accomplish this, L. Tberon French, Associate. ture’s Window.’’ Gin: soloist, Mrs. ; Bernard’s Catholic church. Liter- CHURCH OF THE NAZARENB AtiTUL Wells, Somers; membersUp, breathe, but swallow air. When the but toe r e ^ t s .are most , entertain­ Taylor, and also the newly-organ­ ment will be in S t Bernard’s ceme- man. As John Allen, in “Two Sec­ H. B. Antiiony, Pastor Mrs. E. M. Yeomans, Andover. skin splits as the frog grows old, he onds”, he portrays a man who h ^ ing. The usual latort news.events NORTH MAIN STREET ized volunteer choir wUl sing. Tbe lery. It was recommended that a series pulls It off and swallows It. been double-crossed; by love, and complete'this exeelleht program. The Choir will meet this afternoon music is as follows: Sunday, May 22: of lectures on parental understand­ Congregational Womra* for rehearsal at the church at 5:30. Prelude: Cbnzcnetta ...... Langey 9 a. m.—^Prayer Service. ing be given In Tolland county.'.Rev. A t a recent meeting of toe Coun­ The Church School will meet for Solo: Still, Still Witt. Thee 9:30 a. fii.— Sunday School. CJlass- Moses R. Lovell, who has been in­ cil of Congregational Women hdd at ri«jM study Sunday morning at 9:45. Offertory: Andahtlnb ...... Franck es for aU ages. strumental in organizing "life ad­ the home of Mra. Walter H. Skin- The Meditation at 10:30 with Mr. Anthem: Conae Unto Me .. .Gounod 10:46 a. m.—^Morning WorsUp. justment centers” In Washington, n d of Talcott avenue, Mrs. Charles at the organ will be fol­ Postlude: Verset ...... Batiste S e r| ]^ tty the Pastor. was the speaker of the evening and Mead was dected prtoident The lowed by the . worshto service at Church school is hdd each Sun­ 6:16 p. m. — Young People’s dealt with marital dtiticulties, lack other officers are: 'tfice-preddent, 10:45. The hymns, ’’Joy to the day at 9:80. Prayer Service. of employment, mental twists, chil­ Mrs. George S> Brookes; secretary, eWorld," "See Israel’s gentle Shep­ enuistian Endeavor meeting at 6:80—^Young People's Service. dren running vdld, adults despairing Miss Marion Butler; treasurer, Mn> herd stand,” and "O Holy Savior, 6:30, In charge of Elide Newcomb’s 7:80 p. m^—^Ehra^clistic Service. Aaite^DickinBan; It a . A. L. Martin Friend Unseen,” will be iised, and of life and various other problems group. ’Topic, "The, Quiflities We The W w k met witb^l}'fiU IS ohdt'wwm at the hbjqfitality com­ tha dudr will give special numbars. Desire In Our National Leaders." Moaday,-May 23: ^ mittee; Mrs. Richard Blankenfaorg, Therd will be an evening service Nofes 7:80 p. m.—Chorus Practice. In Polloe Court John KaUowsky, 48, was in police chairman of social seirvlce and Mrs. held the-vestry at 7:30. Mahy Monthly at 7:80-r-AnrM6Tlchester 8:00 pi m.—Band Practice. Corinne Spencer, chairman of mode. 'Hie same standard of quality good hsrmns will be sung and the court on Friday morning charged Boy Scout Ckmrt of Honor meeting. Wednesday, May 26: Notes that made Sinunons bedding fam­ worship service will include an ad- Six reels of Boy Scout and scenic 7:80 p. m.—Mid-Week Prayer with flghing witoout a license. The Ttii^n told Judge John E. Fisk that The H. and H. Bridge dub hdd its ^thress ^ Miss Elsie Fuller, of Hart­ motion pictures. S«vice. ous, is now.^vailable in pqrch glid­ ford Theological Seminary. Miss he was out of work and he wanted semi-annual banquet at the Rock­ Tuesday at 4—Junior Endeavor. Thiursday, May 26: ville House onThursday evening, ers. Durable construction, com­ p u ^ r ls one of'the outstanding stu Tuesday at 8—Musicale in the 2:80 p. m.—Women's Prayer Serv­ to get something to eat for his fam­ turkey dinner was served followed fort, paramount style combined in L%nts in'the Seminary and is sure ily, so went fishing. He was taken auditorium. The Me|rifleld orches­ ice—To he held at the church. by bridge. Those present were Mrs. most attractive covers. i<8k?1^ve a very interesting message Friday, May 27: into custody by Game Warden for us. Come, yotmg and older, and tra, Chester Shields, cometlst, G Frank Flaherty, Mrs. L^ral Thomas, d e f Octet, locel niale quartet 25c. 7:30 p. UL—Class Meeting. Mr. R. Wralght. Mrs. Russell FTifiey, Mrs. Frank your friends. Buida, Leader. He was fined |10 and costs but be Junior Church School d u b Benefit Vacation Church school. Burns, Mrs. James Sheehan, Mrs. Wednesday ht 6:80—Married Cou­ due to the circumstances the judge Maurice Spurting and the Misses meet in the vestry at 7 o’clock remitted the fine and costs of the ples d u b pot-luck supper and pro­ CONCORDIA LUTHERAN Mary and Anna Halloran. :^ednesday evening. One feature of Ora Wbitor and Garten Sts. court, but Koslowsky must pay the : thfl['Evening will be the preparatory gram. Brief talk and games. S p ^ - The next meeting of Damon er, M. W. Norton, MJ). E. O. Weber, Pastra fees of the game warden, wUch Lodge, Knij^ts of Pythias, will be which will hold its fourth amounted to 82.15. .JjB^ting. Hand work, music and rec- Thursday at 8:15—Fellowship held on Wednesday evening In For­ meeting at the home of Mr. and Sunday School, 9 a. m. Nears Completton esters hall at 7:30 instead of 8. 'The rJ^andfon will be on the-program as EngMsh Service, 10 a. m. ' The gymnasium at toe Tolland ifniSl. Mrs. Harry Rylander on Grove P3rthian Sisters will use the rooms in street Hour changed to allow for German Service, 11 a. m. Coimty Home for'CMldren at Ver­ connection with their 19th anniver­ parents’ night at the schools. For the W e A : non Center will soon be a reality sary whidi is being hdd in an ad­ VERNON Tuesday, 7:30—Rehearsal for the Members of the American Legion ' '>The Quartet will meet for rehears joining halL ST. BIABT*S CHVSCa Cantata. who have been converting the barn At the last meeting of toe Cor­ al at the church at 2:30 Sunday aft­ Wednesday, 7:80 p. ul—Gernum Into a gym will complete that work ernoon; ' nelia Cfirde the followii^ officers Cktvered in a g^y sWoven stripe with metal frame inii^ple The Community Service will open Sunday, May 22nd—^Trinity Sun­ choir. today. Their services were given were dected for the ensuing year: Thursday, p. vn.—^Ladies Sewing gratis and funds for materials have green. L uxu rtou ^ .camfortab^, with, hew. tubular rod with class study at 3 o’clock. This day. Services as followiu President, Mrs. H. B. Olmrtead; suspension, coU eqoi^-seat,, and buttem t u f ^ C f l 9:30 a. m.— Church SctooL Men’s Circle. been furnished through the Loyal will be followed by the worship hour Friday, 6:16 p. m.—Willing Work­ vice-prtsident, Mrs. Charles Mead; tjuaWon, with contrasting weltihg. ^O 'raew V - at 3:20 with Mr. French in charge Bible Class. Order of Moose, Elks Club and Lions secretary, Mrs. A. E. Sperry; treas­ 10:45 a. m.—Holy Comimmlan and ers Society. Club. There is also some money and Mr. Stocking presenting the ser­ Friday, 7:80—English choir. urer, Mtk' W. A. Meteaif. mon. Sermon. Sermon topic: "Jereuinh. available for this purpose In toe Mrs. Walter Schook is seriously 3:00 p. m.—HigUand Park Sun­ Satiirday, 9-11—German school trealniry of the old Automobile Club, and religious instruction. ill at hd-homt on Gfove street WINDSORVILLE day School. wUch was organized in 1908. A large number of members of the The Community Service will be­ 7:00 p. m.—Evening Prayelr and A first quality maple fioor, 40x40, four companies.of the Rockville Fire STEAMER CHAIRS Sermon. Sermon topic: "Philemon.” ' ZION LUTHERAN was laid, J. Morton Webster, con­ gin at 10:80 Simday morning with Rev. H. F. R. Steehholz Departinent attended toe social time Mr. Wallace HaU in dupge of the 8:00 p. m.— Special Parish Meet­ tractor aiid builder, a member of the and dance given by the Tolland ; class study period. At the 11 o’clock ing. local Legion Post, supervising the Street Company of that place last The Week Sunday School at C:3p,a. m. Con­ work. Windows have been cut in worship hour Mr. Stocking will be firmation o f the fdUowing seven con- evening. Out Special in cha^e and will preach. Monday, 7:30 p. m.—Girls Friend­ the sides of the building and one firmands: Thomas H. Ragenow, Mrs. Fred Arit has returned to A plain chair, strongly built, The Vestry will be open for rec- ly Society. Leonard C. Nieae, Henry J. Schnetz, large and two small doors made. A her home in New Haven after fioor is being laid for the shower and spenAng a few dasrs with Mrs. M.' C. with attractive painted stijpe cov­ Frederick R. Schubert, Elsie If. ering. '■ TTatah, Eleanor R. Pallait, Gladys V. finishing touches on the window Wetstein of Talcott uvenue. Pallait; service in English at 9 a. m. casings, and moulding are being ap­ Chair .Ulustratefi above, aU hard­ plied imder toe direction of Cla3rton wood eoqstruction, with coBvenieht SW^ISH LUT^raAN ThralL arm rest Natural vanfish or The members who were active in WAPPING green. The Center Church Rev. P. J. O. Opnien, Paator renovating the Inillding are Roy (Congregatiimal) There will be no Sunday school Sanford, E. Obenauf, Albert Loef- ,Mrs. lincolB Rudolf was taken to Chair only ...... on ^ l e esara sessions tomorrow fler, Paul Lehmann, M. J. Webster, toe Hartford hospital last Tuesday Jacob Gworek, Edward Harding, Ira CHiair and footrest .... . $1V69 MORNING WORSHIP moriilng. morning for an opeimtiah caused' Ity Bowers, ^^Iliam C. Pfunder. Peter her teeth.' Her motoeri Mrs.. Peter Complete with fringed ' vFabric' Q>ring bPttoto; u^olstered. back, 10:00—A class of cUldrra win be crisp/gr^ imd wWtetvkter-wa^ pattern 10:50 confirmed and Rev. 8. C. Franxra Teabo, William Baer, Hector Blair, Hutchins, of Castine, Mhine, Is stay­ canopy...... $?.S0 George Brigham and WUUam Mar- ing with her daughter’s^fSmily dur­ on heavy-cknvas itack^ . wlU'be In charge. : Coffifort chair with padd<^ CHURCH SCHOOL AND MEN’S LEA6UB There win be no evening service. ley- s ing hOri^bience. 9:30 DOeneciiBelder Funeral Mr. and Mrs. Grover RobkweD and b(a^-in seat and ba^ sap-, The funeral of Charles J. DOen- On Friday evening of next week two daughters, who moved to Wil­ port. , CJpmplete with canp^- schnelder was largely attended at S t liam Fdt’a- tenemrat house last i^d fcK|^timt^natar^ CYPCLUB the regular montUy meeting of toA Bernard’s CatooUc church on Friday Suaday' jehodl teachers will be held spring, have moved t » Farmington, 6:00 mondngr when requiem high mass West Hartford, when NR. Rockwell d rv g P ^ : fimsh;...... $3|J5 at toe tourch. (F ot ToiRig Poo]^) wsa edebrated by Rcw. George T. has secured emplofyiBent. They Slnnott, pastor of toe church. As 8Wra>I0H ODNCBtBOAHONAL mo^sd'last ^esday. the boty was taken into ;.toe church, Mrs. Mary Foster of Westfield, An evoiiiig of entertainment by - Center Chiireh Mrs. Anna Mae Pfunder’saChg "Lead New Jenfey, is toe guiest of her son Garden Furnifo|&^. S. B. Green, Pastra Kindly Light” A t toe ' offertory and fSnfily, Mr. and Mrs. Walter N. . Metal ,chairs and; tedflea^i^ Toiing People Friday evening, May 27. Swediah morning wotaUp, 10:80.' Max Schmidt , rradered Gounod’s Foster.. gay stripsfi'.dlUQvM.-hfifittE ;re- Sunday aohobl, 12:00. uUnlBg (flMRs--otyir7toiiig'^'to ‘ tiumlSh' A Friendly Church "Ave Maria" and as toe body wae Mrs. Allee (Loomis) Barber aad a Youqg. People’s aarriee, 7.*80. heing carried from toe diureh he frlrad of ttraoUyn, N . Y.. arb « t toe 'toe out of dodrs. W;^eadity, evening aerrioe, 7:80. sang "What Could My ‘Jesus Do H «R y W. Loomis lioniOeteod, tor a ,7?ft:gufiito >bhttr411as Friilay' evening toe Lattes Aifi More?" Miss MSrgsret McGuane time. They-; came Friday. Her e • e.e • • • • * s society wm ifiMt with Mrs. AlUn wss at toe organ. ia^iKhter, Mlilsv Afigtt Barber, win Petenioa in TOlington. The bearers were Frederick DUen ooBie up also tor- toe w ^ -e n d to­ Schneider, Edmund. Shfito, Thomas day. ■ ■■ ?■';• ■ The eatboaated beverage indus­ F. Rady, Henry J. Rady, Patrick ^AD'^tos elttAteB et- the W ap p i^ try in tifis,country traces its origin Burke and Edward Burnis. 6urlal schobla the -torurth .grade Jty, South Methodist Church to n U ^e^ chemist shop In .FBllar was inftoe fttmOy |flot In S t Ber­ hfid then «si«:teattfirlsitTliursi8ay ddpUs, Seienee Service informs. nard’s bemetery. Ity Dr. PtohitokA fir Bsrttorfi. . B oboi A. Celpitts, Mbfistor. The 80^1 There frifit- juices were added to M te Nettieton Sails and MM. vFraitk HitehooOk srtl|flcany. dqfiMoeted water in 1807. Ifisa GOadya N r t t i e ^ daughter have m(ived;vti6^toB 'tsDownt lost and yeUow prlp* of Mr. and MriL Francla Netaeton, s 4 i^ of jolmDaldieriS'hoisM. oNthe aprlng bottqiBWM British-American Nattletra' to nw d mofiE of tha, r. , •, rr.- . -1 iV --JAr.- r yv* V.: -■ i'\ - • ' ‘ ■ V V - - • ■■ .» * . ^ « , • . ' PAfflsvoim ICAKOHBSnS EVBMniG fflBUIiI),v80tnTI ICAMCHBSRft. S^TOWiAT, U, i M

ilhwrl|»«t(t b ttIgh L . MSko, bdiavtaf la tte otndento n i tte ^ g n it pribHoMi fw ly tbqr w a t to ai HWULD INC. the niqniUlcaii party win. in the nqe ma msaka iM rti*---- ^ TBMIA0 9\ AND US to kety her face snABteiBBpn ▲ weak ago yaetarday The HecaM toned toiward toe ItondmiiaiHSi- ______rowmM O ffcay ». tlW ^rung aa Maa whteb. wirila pa^ besfon frontlet. There may ba no (MAPELATU ■Xl*<. pentad in good ftitb. it eipaetad but cengtoma In PbWMm« ■*!“"» **^?* B a b i r i K aaotfOM aao apHiiiy . BaMMOM f wotpid ba laughad at or ignond. We both countries are sudi as through- T- foot OCtM at aootfc MMaaaat D i i i M ctibij aa aMooOtttaaa Mail Matiat* baart no ja m bat nalBiar dM wo ont Wstocy have ‘ eventoaSy ^ Oaa Saar* t9 niall bear aajr worda of ^pprorak Tba I heir dimexee in armed strifo. far_MaaA ty m m idan was tba following: It Ja bdleved that Rnssla already Wm I# Malta ^ OtffraiaA ana aaar ••••••••••••ftaa Tba raaolt of tba (Ndo haa moved a very la x ^ number of in wlAcb paoiHMtlfln troops. Said to be a quarter of a mu- MBursa oF^jgj^aaioouTB* WM f wrfc^lmitipiw hm, in fo Eastern Siberia in antid- Tka AaaaaMtaa f^-raaa la aiaiaaivair MMidd giva tba laadm o f both aatitM la tka aaa far raaaMijMtiao g n a t polifical partiaa oooragn to Mtion of one o f Japan’s now ede- s : of all sawf dtapatakaa ataOltaa to M or aat ataanrtoa ara has disappeared as suddenly as a gwinunlBg has heeu enjoyed from would have the agreement embrace toe eariiest timee, and we have ve takan Mm to aavffnl dueters, poaa of getting into action the tbon> magician’s rabUt. In. fact, one ot, other controversial subjects besides the last tenants was said to be ^the BEHIND THE SCENK IN , , rectoda that show ua toera were d his- adenoida and tiaiffla rwr' aanda of mUltona of doUara of credit piobiUtion. Let us quote part of rabbit of an Itinerant conjuror.' swimmiag leasoha in the waters of amoved, which toe doctccs told me auppoaad to bare been m ated by the Luggage, once aoceided aa col­ toe NUa Thereis ah old E^„ptiaa was toe canae. He is ffieut 91 yshid Ida propooBl: relief showing a maa using an over- (fid, Ma wock is not barfi. ap| he Federal Raaam Syatam in the laat What a aiHendid break with tra­ lateral, came to have as tittle .value does not eat OB g o ttf to bed. What aa a gossip’s proffliae of aectecy. W A S t J N G I Q N hand stroke; alternatlBg the armi, three montha. dition it would maka if the twen­ so we can be m soaabiy aurs that should be done, as r a m afraid ho tieth Rtyubliean convention should Ck> one of the laat of the landladies, wfll he killed m a torouih the Tbarr are twelva vary important famed in song and story, found ber- tite "crawl” whidi is known os a * * V i^^Kdnt a committee o f con­ PRICE STABILiaSATlON Producers and debtora/Mruggled modern stroke is really about three window?*^ '' in tba group, which ia headed ference to-meet a like committee sd f in possession of one well worn Answer: Vour btotoer no .doubt silk, hat, a trick-bottomed trunk, a MEASURE IS NEWEST under* an ever-increasing' burden thousand- years-old. by Owen D. Young. It remaina to to be designated by the Demo­ DEPRESSION ’u a iia iT ’ as prices decUaed, the committee LeandOr, one of toe most fanwus suffers from todigeattcB foMnahttog cratic national convention • • « rabbit that had been fed from curb­ ba aaan whether tbaae twelve great saliC esserto>g that the . Reestve NEW ENGLAND CXIUNTBTSIDE ro ii^ tlc swimmers m history,, le the wrong kind of fttbd, or wrong and then take a recesa to await stone gariMge pails and an banks, by open market - operations combinations of food a t Ma 'Oyeaing man can do anything. ment of disappearing handkerchiefs. By RODNEY DUTCHEB (Fieni The ConniBg Tower) pictured m aa African moalac with the resulta! Suppose further that NEA Service Writer and use of the CUasa-SteagaU pro­ bis feqt m a craeri poffthm, and eza- meal. ,it takes about six hours. t o ' Thera ia acarealy an individual in aa a result of such conference visions to release gold ty using digest a weD'balsaoed meal, and,^^.^ Even when stage conditions were Among them all I do not find ploylng tha over-h i^ strffca the lot, whether ha ratea aa banker there might be substantial agree­ Washington—Once more we must government secuoitlea to cover It is easy to teach children toe art he is amkmg dietarie arion , h e ^ ment on the part of a majority of better, the barnstorming jugglers, part o f their currency, could put A mind that sndlei mto my mind, liable to have toe most trouble footo or induatrialist, who ia not eaoen- hoofers, and team acts were im­ caper about, clasp hands and ex­ of swimming, particulariy i f toe each of those two bodies as to claim, "Oh, goody!” nearly ' nine bllliou dollars 'toto plump and energetic. Ehren five to ten bofura affor eating tonnet*' tially a flacal technician. Perhaps declarations for repeal of the provident fellows-who paid if—and the market Or that odd look, tender and wise. idghtmares occur at from one —when. Often I have wondered why The nation is again to be res­ That marks an angel m dltyuiae,. one-year-old ffdldren can aomeUmes it nUty turn out. that the restoration Eighteenth amendment, to restore cued from the trough of depres­ But It W eik? \ be taught to sWim in toe bathtub. two o’clock m toe nmtning. after the federal goveniment to the the landladiee went on. The answer wm toe stomato has become ezbaUstqd of general buMnesa in this country was fairly simple most of them bkd sion. There does, however, seem to Or even that grin of good intent This gives them a healtofol cxerdae form originally established by the It’s the same depression. from wfaUe taking their bath. through hours at battling with tt- ia not cxactly a fiscal technician’a cmistitution and to bring the li­ been troupers once themselves* and be a sadly large doubt wheth­ Wont by toe simide innocent compatiUe food m lztw ea,. wanted the association Of their fel­ which -ws were rescued at the out­ er prices can be raised ty this One of toe Intneating phases of job. Wa don’t beUeve it ia. We quor tiaSle under effective puVli.c; set by a 9100,000,000 tax reduc­ this sport is that no mta la aver too regulation and contrOL lows. Often pictured as blondlned or ^ece of legislation.. Senator Car­ The honest ooimtry bxmapkin, known (Blood TTsarpafnaa) _ don’t believe that tricks of' bank tion, by the White House confer­ ter Glass a t Wrglnla, father old to leam it. ■ We have sonie I f there is any difference in these hennaed hardboiled and ence o f industrialists who promised Tp toe romancers, now i » gone; Qumtion; Mr. d Moir. ^ t e s : bookkeeping are major elamants in sarcastic of tongue, they were soft the Reserve Act, doiMBi’t think notorious examples of swimmers two piupoeals it certainly is not a not -to cut wages but to do busi­ over sixty years ffd who hava taken "My son baa twice VMA fu ’; the problem. We don’t believe that as Missouri mud* where hard-up they can. And I encounter m his place Mood transfusions, toe doctors vital one. We can fipd it in our ness as usual, uid by repeated u p ------swlmmmg, often to order to re- any amount of theoretical credit is show folk were coiRemed. official assurances that the domer . The Reserve Board tried the A sly, strangely unpleasant face. dues, and have become vmy fine claiming it. baa a nertffa .ntaBty/ They answered old - fashioned same thing last summw,. with no going to cure an Illness created by hearts to wish that Dr. Butler had had been turned. And, more re­ long distance awlmmera. that makes it valuable for to^nse. let his stand alone instead of tying doorbells in Mother Hubbards. Their cently, by the debt moratorium, results. ^Mce January it ha Ih e words I hear are what a snake Women are gmwrally conceded to Is this not bad for his health. Be ia*. too much credit. We can’t see this tooma were gaslit, thedr wallpaper bought up about 9^,000,000 Hisses before its rattles Wake, thirty years old and has never mem- it In with a wht^ prtytam o t prob­ the bankers! pool, the Recon^tnic- have the better struetural ftnm for proposition as a matter o f tactics usually-greasy; ancient odors had tioa Finance Oorporation, the worth, of goveniipent ^fMOuritles to swimming, diie to the natoral layer ;ed v«ry robust.’* ■ •'' ‘ , but rather as CL O. P. four ushers like the show better get to lending end busi­ “psyohologlcal” faotor, mvariably Idnanbur an They writhe in terror lest aosne RoeeStodJji^ The fact that Vermont RepubU- vinced, after finding ourselves in every night Can we have their ness men borrowing, retailers, swMsed prior to peat reaouOA PEEP VBOQ8 such emlnsnt bompany as Nicholas seats?” wholesalers and manufacturers thought (From The Now Yaifcec) have voted In oooventhm in There, are, hoaravtr, certUn Of truth M mercy should be brou^tht Of toa Murray Butler in the matter of the buying and everybody back at low-minded chanctarai kora .Who A flock of bella is sfiakes tosohib It you favor of a plank in the national Re- And George Washington turning wofk. mttite' to toe . , ^xdiiUtloB plknk deal? that our idea think toe Demoori.te inMitad on Into their small, malodorous pen. toe night. mystery yoani find tiiamo^' pubUoan plattorm pledging the party over ever so SUghtly in his grave, toe bin ao thty oquld ttta Hurried, confused, and shrill; to reaubmlaalon o f the Eighteenth was quite a long way from being a might be interested to learn that Price Decline Bemoaned TruMorafing them fo Uving men. piMsed tote toa 275 credit for any aueoeae that toe The eager music, thin had ailvm- readable pages o f th e/ T tm 8 b ^ amendment need oocaalon no sur­ loony one the Kenneth Murthison, who imper- It’s a credit Inflation—or "re­ Reaarva Bohrd’a plafl might hava. bright, ■wnatJiM. him in the ybi-centennial cel­ flation” measure — and sewns O f better hopes they have no gleam. Trembles hlong toe MHt of toe hmdtmgOk --Khtoaidnffi'^*/ by And that toa adtelhiatratloB op- What do thty draam, if they do John Braatand Bdittt,] . . prise. ebration hereaboute, haa appeared to have been ruahed throu^ part­ toa bill baeaima if ahythttg PCniOE FORCES in M*cir Sennett comedlee, has writ­ ly to stall off such demands es drehmt ’The toteraata^of too worlds- hfol Vermont tried prohibition all on ,oa bappana it wanta toa oradlt under toe stars toe endl«as.jin|dto8 of toe Ltodberi^. wem ohMCfo her own and she gave it a good try­ Meriden is il^ttinlng itself on the ten and produced a Broadway play toose for Inflated soldier bonue for its own aolf. Ahyway, toa files, and has evoi been a columnist, ib currency and kimetelHSia.. ■ The Perhaps of the great lighted city, poeed.lroin toe Jnatoi* thm & fact that it preserves a reasonable farm state members aU tdlad on TlMW alb m vrisdom and m pity. Tanffed to lovely sound. ^ o n a i oaUed to pelfon'* aty ^ out too—half a century. Then, be­ that of an architect and draftsman. House tte"ki"g end Currency with toe Demoorata and toayni be From every bog and marffi the degree of ordtt with a poUce force writers.- s. cause she became convlnoed that oStteTftyO rting It. truing their mortgagod oonstltu- Arthur Dhvldaon Fteke.' sweet bells rise perpetual hard cider and bootleg of S7 members while its peculation SMdie Foy, Jr., vdiose resemblance debts of the country couldnt be ehls ~about it tola suzamar ai The oonctoaion is not* to his famous father is often a bit P iiq unless the prtos level wee Pealing above tlm J jjAffi. ara nnmy o f foe facth is _ vrtilakey drunkenness were some­ is about 90,000, or a cop and a quar- foU. BUT BOR OURSELVES tbat araTdated Of torSoatom fj creepy, annuBJly -.meinoializes the ndsed and that imlesa it was It’s probahty toa lis t raacua to what worse than ordinary drunken­ tar to each thousand inhabitants, late wAHo senior at the LamVe ralssd "the busineBS c f emm- (int«B puetty) duettm. . while it takes three and six-tenths try Is beaded for inevitable bank­ be eotyeeted m tola saailnn of The hook xepounta 'toe ness, she gave up the long drawn dub gamhoL This year he gave an Oongresa. (From The Hartford Compat) to keep each thousand uf uncanny Imitation of his sire In tto ruptcy.” Not to sach'Otofc^'wili we say No matter what may btypen ttmt veratona of miht out experiment and adopted the local That .welmve beard it. hlnatety Mm ffi’ hiiht i Jersey alar’s peq^e on their gooc role OB “Ham’ et of Broadway." Such will tend ' option system. When national pro- fother-to-aon heritages are all too Nor oven to ounehres; toe abduction was. r To separate our ways; oir vtoat llfo world. With mom tiiKiHhn was put oveT, Vermont, behavior, Boston t h ^ and a third ram on Broadway although a few But it is toere. brings. HAYPRORELORRyiSIS 'Atwayn^-tn our ears the great and tbeto pttbUdier; fo o d u f o ^ ^ ttrtiiirtiig Uke a good many other and Chicago two—though, of course, follow In-the stepe of the parent YAU EirS PMV&TE CAR I promise you, my love will not p le t ^ events ‘ ** George M. Cohan, fo r instance, q i^ t murmur o f its folUng. descend states that that scheme might work the Chicago oops.don’t make out so The imieiin ram at our ttfo’s hmnu. and after toe very wen. The average for the I l f sought to keep hie son from Washington, May 21— (A P )— A Dito the Umbo, at forgotten thtoga. that to *tHresait adiere state prohibition' foiled, took tftVing up a stage career, I am told. WAS NEVER PAID FOR Waffled in am­ W6W toey do. ty t heiiOTaf f t y i!i thoussnd. - bition was to t a baseball player Vestigation.of htobyiati was'laid We will not say ever to ourselves As reSonvense for tonsty. : future ment. Now She has found out that New York, May — (A P )—The That.lt ia near ua-^- Mwi he made, good in a large way 21 fora t ^ Senate today; by Senator years. noard od. the nsthmal prohibition and state prohl- does very well, but where eh college t**m. Nevertheless, yypuM. of a pri^wte ca rfo r MayOT The UgbtiriBg spar, tha white and Wheeler (D.. Mcnt.) in the mldat of ^ twisted wires of peato; As "hining anuouT ’g a to a tti* Moak existeoea.'* bltlon work just, alike with the ez- does She get off compared* with he has twice appeared with George James J. WaUwris trip to Csllfor- debate on the tax bilL despair' , dew s are ceptko that, in her case, the latter Manchester? Here we have a tota M, in a dance roatine. And the iiia last fan in behalf of Tom Moo­ Nor that whiffi foPowa. v- That will be part o f alt. aty hepea Whaeler niuplini with his demand tb e kaig thondetHlram of aoraow to anottiar. hut. too i itinlfli' appeared pink at the ney has not been paid for, State a reacdution to^antoorias toe in­ and fears. Infficts a lot o f toughness on her of fourteen xegnlan on the payroll John A. Hastinga told the its wake. ' that state prohibition never did. She son’s dexterity. quiry. I - And should y « t ra iC JRto ^mrm, dnsioos. to look after tifiO O peo^e—just f foftrtaidtgr ItytdaUve . conuBlttoe . then you wSEiemr . OmMnenta of aome of toe import But for oursetvea wa ffiall seek out has been made a highway for rum under two-toizd> A t the Friar’s dub annuel ritow. today. -- leviea m toe revenue bm* have My love for yon aMhtRwA part « Ltody afffhir ndio made, the trip fo Some unknown dawn; runners and hi-jackera and her hill man to toe tooneud. Jack Oatet"nan opened with tUe. toiun there. Sema.ixeat and imdiaeovabd ffaar- ransom atm roads have been fiOed with a tfe- But o f Obnrae, Manchester m : "Yes, sir, Fm an old-timer. the. west with toe mayw admitted Wheder in a M e f atatement ax< No mattm what t.da or /»«« iumember way back when; 1. relactantly on the witness stand be- piajwitig the rseotntloB fie waa in­ s r ^ttiroogh an soy Bfa wdn r^ntatOe and deiverate brand of ftoirm are perttcdlarly nice people. played in the foDlee . . . way back fora the committee that hn had ar­ troducing raforred to "toe .'ieo«it A high nooB without pcaesdent: fflikp yiMt she hml *Mn before They Slay not end smite not and do when aegfold had money in his own ranged for toe trty in a private car N ot an our Uvea endara toe aumd to ttda. diaiga at toa PNttdaqt- that IcMty- o f tMa perpetual flffltag, . But as I pen theVonff^; afford o in an bar Ushwy. She hae had her not covet their ndghborsr gooifo Showa.” and that he received a bill frqmdhe Iste a n hsuntlBg thd haUs of OoMr ammet. ' i 'H id he PuUniaB company for* 9Sj00U4, oMy tlm fin o f the thing. Or, 1£ thty do, they take It out In gress. , ___ . broMm ciloada - sad I warn you, dsar, not ^ MABHEEFSMflE STAR which be haa not paid ilaapito re­ n ils ■mertlim of Mr. Hoover. Ub upOBitr . Vermont Is the most loyal Re- eovetoig-or aUn get the sd ih l peated efforts r* toe ecmpaiiy to mooB-wtda oarfh. aaentef raid and - atatemanta by Sena Josepbtoe W . JffmaoB. puhUcan 'state in the UMoo. CBia to ewapplBg antomohOee. Now Y o*, May 21—(AP)— Ub- ooUeet IL- ^ Reed (Rn Fa.),.and otbazo that io ^ tom nevaf^ given her vote td any ,AiijlMMr, Iforiden and every other Inr wrfiwe*. musical oomoty olngw, In addition to Hastings toe may^ hyfata ween tlu raw ^ aU thdr anA Bnitto Rtyholda. heir to too or waa- aeoontyonied OB the tito by A N OUD T IN HAT oOicr party aliice the R^ublican OaBBeeticnt>towB,haB got to cUiBb sure cB memhera of OopMread ReynddO’ tobaciw fortune,. have Xrank p ; WaMii and Aann*8hivin. ranted looldag.iMm -party waa organlaed in 18S6; waa way out ahead in ofder to Show Banmd Oeahuiy, cennaei to tbe Am old tin bat— been maiMed, tt waa taaaMd today. "1 toarafoth oiffir tola i v o lotVai W i«b ttto amia of war almost pMh the onty state east cf-the Eoddee to ManeleeUt toe roed in getting along tt wasxeportad tlMy weta s B ^ eominittaa hranght ont toa taatl- to iBvettIgato thaaa dmigea of moftyiaboot ton mtyoid .MU only K M in in Une hi the ddueto of in s . with a deparffoent tied seforal m W i^ ago,'^ after Rty- hyiala,’* be oca By tbef iqwtoigrown througi^ g if]* liflldi anA'hia fliit wifo, Anno Cato after atrm on a ]oppoaltlon. on -too An ektenff Ihmatigatioif of No doubt aba wfll g » Republican p v t of tba Pamomatle mamhan of .Map, ijMca dityroed^ and toah toty kUbyUtw waa ' aaida feyA u N to to j^ M ^ c f some oce- seat fan no matter W h a tc o m tba ■imiiA-Ji^AN wani to JRiceprfor a " ^ too committee. Haatoig oommittef in party takes aa to pwfidbltlfln* But with the miMtaifots op«d)r ffor llpocfty aftoaward. toBea Mfnaad .to anawer tinued ahottt tan to the ttty OB. the too maty, jtyHod *l ^ to ife^ tha niipiildiflana c f that state do not - •Omr eould nog he raadiad today tatlBgjIlw ftitora Japan f t P o i ^ atlelto .iMfltoandor hotoL ^ ^ iiadaratanil tba Mnd cC a * * * Ig A A id ' 'loyalty that imp tbini; 2SLIVBbww ^ ------^CMiA thwa ihovt a bi*- • i----^'-: '■;” ■J> •*<-1. * ” . St' ’ krsits?.'-s^J i' . ■ •• % ’ ■•9^.''.‘- s 'J •'*'7 ' ' " V.'•■ •■ / > ■ "■ . . • ' Vt'W.. / ■ v- - ' . /. -^- ^ Xs . r^ ’rA yp; *2^f ' i m ’ > , V ..< v r-^ ^'Ssldoii’' im m173fS 1|W» ;i TftrttiMia -^ivtford; Bi t . ■ ; tATUII^V.;IIAT t1. (■ • • Im StMdjiBd ^1bi») r’t - COnrngbciipeepeBpvK iptin} [VX'l ■ ■ ssoo->v»«|taios—vsM ta Qea L€aifc—4a§o S;lfr-^ddgs Oi» » • wkMbaa jri®wi p ^ wibewH WMin wgo '7 *lSi#sr _ wtea f«i wwQw ^ WPSwpt . wean wbp w te ia d t 0 - - f^ Mhsie. m weib vtla « n wfl SMBPiaar. l i s j n ^.-0»^-tfoth)aa Bkokepditasuv Kate'Sedm-iuMM 4:l6MBarhaira and fldriagipe, rocal par I wMbw w ta waaa W m n (||l;. S. T j . . ' - . • V ,«fi»p;>Iliert White, $iaalat ^ d#|n(B bwaoplfir. ____ -AIbd wile iriip Wjaa l Romd Eduios. 'w M wrva w ^ Fubk' and tia Ordteo- ^i:89r^,Oik^BBranIty Oenti^ Facnlw irtle wtas -iM IbiSpak'- -■ '* ■ to il. tn . Stms o f EU: Howard I^hgTebM would fpc^lbe -ttmntMAiUjdop .hoiMiDg wyiiB wwj.waal irt*e y d w wlba wcM w to _ w b 1^ 2d»r-^JLaMaciatd jS^aqelPifotegti^ iwhtiid«atAii-:| map wS m wlqp wRiwwnir wwd w|ar TMEif^'piattd'tsam. ' ' get. 1 9 ' afar .’ V wfl wfbrwrei awva w n ‘ weak ' Wl^ wtoe wsaa .tbUl •-Xv V.. Bondag I^daddiatBl...... Vi---' dbver Hhr. Thontyson Wlu 2:lS^^ddtsL ;C^ 2:30—Cbhimbia dinrdi o f the air. , qusrbd .fobnir Canhu- waal ehv rdbo wdaa ways wapd efeb 8:00—S^nB^honie Hour with 'Tos^ Ey -the ik|y hM^N^ognap iarao S"iMS^-SbWmatn 'wpkp 2:45— Bgaijos— Austin viES'dhl^' aevwal sdectlaaS;^ New York. May' Wbaoahae iw------l^ wlba waoa, wJta - cha Selddf, vialfhist at oooa a a ti»l tiealb^ it Is eon- N ^ Tbfk, Msy'^% wpg wean wbp wjaa iribw wmal wcao by Beptrioe HandNcp. fores alMiwa ase dim W-'anfvuAP'' wdl^ wade wbk wkm wepb wbt ,:S:8a-<3aQiedral Hour, Enisraible. fbiiod .now. t6 social event i.lS ’ Kdliluoatlan ■ blao wUe Srtl— ytnVyi^ ■ Salfy on the June’ cdSndw o^foaUon#^ A» bgaponald. Tuttle. ' .A BroibftRny neat k; hut iitfir h im wfte wre. w g -jitym, oirorano; .Norman !•. . SdbriMs, Orchestra. ^ to Biqmer aaVed'sa the doee of wbia arcaa wtaan:wwj waai ^ra» wpn rrssiirsuis^ai^^ ^ : 30—i^edai ptyn^e; Gaines ivot hti l^IhUMnt^^ tekn l^i^'Yodtoni toton pota^dnitfes-indfeate^ wWM fwla wja* wlod wfl» ___ _ woko wfbl wbae wkbpr wlu- "Min ''WiTO^ fn , dirpiator'' thqm s ^ waab wfaa wore wni''«Wra wbp wjaa granLi n - nerenee Bakv, daug^t^;^^ -lya^^Mprtiao and- difldraii: fores new htts in what ordh|iilly Spy Story-wdif wrtwBrt w^- ^eab lAte ^tpo Inciadbifi WJEBAF. md “ rSay NIoM CIp^-AIao arOe wUSr 5:80—Raiho Revn^ Orchestra, Mia. Gentg^. stajiBg with her^fi^mBts, Mr. and wbald be a dun apftoig'weifo. - .■ ---- wjar wcah im ww wep ed Btatjons). wcaa artam warj w w tfsf citgw S> woko WfM 3:80-rPatii^y Ilatinee— JiiUns Mystery DraiflA ^ Ifib liM'thaab^^ibQr s^;-Tbqr Thfler, son c# le a . M tk imthiiBy Vl^bnei fo r a time. A fter trying it but hi asvanl At-' Benea Haor—.Alao wtk wtais a ^ wbae wkbw ---- , _ a r^ waab |^Qn|iti|ii,;dre<^ '6:80—Cohhert Enp^Ue, Edward' ■ ■ I I ' . — I WC -T—»- ' « Br^ the wk Mr.-^^el. .aB ic ND& Iforth icia ihTery poior health teitte- seaboard towns,.' Jinn - Ooiil atjar w t^ l i i arfbr wre wgy wban wfaa wero^m wyan wly wWiu wlbw Jardon;' LoBer^W THbe.was^lsb’heardTf op phuM . ^ to the EpttoasOI chi aaff haft'tw leave; the city where they win bidiik her he^ play to W ^ wcaa i^ J araal larva arwne waaal.aPBkow&r wbah arbta wtoewl wmMP 430^?^ ien t. ' ' ardbo wdaa waya wapd efrb _ 4:ljJ— WlBliCv^mdironiaed -with .. 7:00—The World’s Biudness, / Or. A i^ J S . at St' -Jonnw of .^1 hnWh#en-lhdBK foT S#9retat months. FVirtiea on Tneeillgr-B^t. It la **A iS fcS & ^ O eh m ib o—Alae wtle 100)0—Badman Oreb^Alao woko wfM Julias Klein. X The CjJnd peograiu^ 'Suifh Tony Ti»rp w O l^ d;Bo^ and Giris* wbae w l^ wlba wdra amab ween WEAt'' on ]6M; k. c. WBAF Ldand, and the' t li^ Jime 18. Thonsand Sammeta,” authored b y wuW^aai wpg w w i wbp wjaa wlbw -wmal wego ;7:15-^€3iicagQ KdghtS. ‘ WoBs,'hfoPM DpwBsy and B w ardh “ '1 i Ctodfoifom ah ffibngtoh Friday and Menfll Rt^asr. 10:15^aaaa CraarferS—‘ Ute wtic weal for inngrain^ . ordiestxa^Miaa ^ ^ ,'2 8 for & laat wjar wfl w»o wla wtar wwra wean wWg wtoe woam 1:00 A- lA —Silent. , 7:80 — Mike F«dbipi and niS' The fortoieoiUng '^ E ^ ^ ^a^ Saturdlyi M fo aeqpeoted aeveral Miss Coed hlM surroimded bersUf 1«:ao—Hamp’a Orch-T-AIao wUe wpal wdbo wdaa wapd efrb Rhytbip. an^ektpiBoe. T w d ** no flrginatl SorSe Stow a t the'estote t e w tUs team wffl attend foe meet- wifo gn inqmeiag cast iridfo hn: - 10:00—Madrignara'a Oralb—Ate wpko , / ---. ' ' schedided retwh dass, fp' y e t tins-Ralph iSiLwy^ Ki Ropara Orch<— wbae inrbw wQia wdre waab wfaa wye . ijRBdsyt ^gpd I? 8:00—^Alez-Afez Haas1 and Us Gypiy of MI. and Mra Vlncfot ingB. eludes such tried' petftnmen ..as AUo wte wgy wban • -'1 wip>wfan whp wlbw wmal wtar -Ordiestra. . tEe Frince-AIbert progiam, with at Eaat NorwtcbpJune w 1 Mr. and l^ p . Lmifis Pbdps attend­ (hq^Md perUna, the managing edi- Oreh.-^lao artie WWW WMg wtoo woam wdbo wdaa I lOKlO— w n c Syjtdirenlged yrith OU HuttUi amd Afioe Jqy, is olt^tha ftM —Umb Qordoa WEAF on 660 k .^ (See WEAF 8:80— The HJsdi^y Traveter; attoacted the Interest o f th# Long ed foe Dfoaoeratite Oonfe roice -Mon­ tor of "Hfoe Front Page,” Franebot WTc wcaa wwj lim^Danea^uaio—Alao woko wfM Musical Travalc^rue. air. No plans hmm been-apnocihced Island Oolohy. A novdty wUPoe a day evening- and Tuesday^ in H i^-. Tone -and JoaqiiUne Hull, both o f ' M8.S—WABCXBS—MO wbae wkbw wean wnae wfea wpg won for program). for its retuiQ. > 7;00—End at l^mcliroaiixed pKH 8:45—dAngelo Patti, '^on r Chnd.” spodal daas tor famQy. chmiflieurs. ford. Mr. PheUs waa .one M|axd h. Daidannl enjoyed a ']^feaaBnf eViening. ;fpip wJaa w ^ wmal wmo wtar wdbJ wba wbam wkda wgar ekgw cfCf 110:30—Studio RedtaL H:80-^Eddie DneUn’s Ordiestra. tUng in being aUe to see most df| Mr.-and Alfred Csvagnaro Margaret Sullavan. wwra wWp. wtoc woam wdbo wdaa sno—Koaatner EnaemMa—Ate wbol Ifr. and Mrs. M. p. Thatcher have On 'Rnneday night is aehednled •»46—Merton Downey—Alao woke wfM wbam 11:00— Weather; A^antic Coast thb programs, while being broai^ opeiwd SbadowB’ ; ;ttotr Glen of Mast HUrtort have rmted foe Wbee war wlba wean wdre wnac wore 0:00—Firat Nlghten-Ate wbaJ wba Msrine Forecast cast, for nothing. It has bate de-^ ^ a d place. . They hatve v haff^ as tehembnt - isMitty vacated by foe firat of fo g intimate revne# of wcao wbp wjaa wcao wtar wdM _ wham kdka wgar wJr wlw U:02i^The Merry Madcaps—Nor­ MARCONTS AIDE SHOT cided to ebarge an artmiaskm. foe for] their guest Mrs. Thatdiec’s brother' Charles Friedrich and wffl move in summer. It is calle'^ ”Hey. Nointy wade wbk wkre weak wbt wbfs wtoo •dlO-Maledic Gama—Alao wbol wba Noanjr” , and was mostly written by waam wdaa wapd . wbam kdka wgar wjr . . . man Ctoutier, direetor; with the prtvil^fe ifoeiv the new NBQ- inJaw. Lord Esher, of England, udio foe first of June. rnp—Plane Team—Alao woko wbae OrlO—Snoop and Paap—Ate wjr afqt RCA bufbfing is completed,. A hovfi Dr. NUhaniel U ef . a t e la a dsntirt tiKgW Three Mod otters. Rome, May 21— (A P ) —The Mar- recently arrived from abroad. Mityi AHto Yeomans Is visiting Dr. arlbs wean wdre wnae wfaa wpc 1 ?:00—])Odn—Sflent will be heard, probaUy, from tb# and Ifrs. PleldUg WHUnson and what be can be lured away from wcaa wbp wjaa wlbw wmal ifaao wtar tte —Twenty Fingara of. Harmony — U to s e L ^ di Solaxi, r is ^ hand man Broadwty, and Ifike Ctoaxy^ n wdbj ww»a wcab wtoc woam wdbo Ate wbal whs wbam kdka^inar wJr dr ctugUelmo Marconi and a putici- theaters V these plans are carried | House partiee axe beiiig arranged other frienftii in New York. ways wapd efrb friO-McCravy Brothara —'Ate wbal out in the Matinecock, Lattingtown and Calvin called bn Judge song andUng mahman a t e ODee 7;1S—Lyman Oreh^Alao woko wfW wba wbam kdka pant in h** llrst trans-Atlantic radio played tacUe for W ea tJ teiL wgr wean wdre whm wean wjoa wmal lOno-Slumbar Mnale-Ate wbal wp toansmission in 1901, was foot to­ Nearly all the better hpown anr Piping Rede djstrtcte for gueets^at- SiiiDner in BbttoiL Sunday. wcao wade wbk Wkre wxya wm6 10:00—Piano Moedo—Ate ntel day by a disfoaxged emiioyee. He Bouncers bave, at some time or an^ tJtAiifag the wedding next Saturday Richer Craig aM Ann Seymour, 7:M—Screen ParaenalRIaa—Alao wfW IldIO—Jack Damy Orcb^Alao wtm other, been tradnedin music or-voice I bofo of whom a re. nm e wfdsty ’ war wnae weaa wjaa wmal wcao wbk 11:00—"DM Vtelnla Fiddlara*-4MiO UM not gravely injured. in St. Jofan’a ctovfo, of. lfias-Mar- w in wit wrea W B 2 - W B Z A win assailant was a telegnqiher cultnre-^(bow is tbatifor ai^itting | Jorle T. Kane, dafi^iter of Mr. and knowhlh vandeyOle, head the cast. whmn he discharged foe years ago. nfitdtives?) Mrs. John P. Kan^ and Mk Elbrldge PUice said the man was seeking re­ Wayne KSig, whom Walter Wta- T. Geny 2nd, son of MI. and Mis. JacUe Cteper, BoQywuod’a favor­ lU O W K ) ite youngster, is to make n venge cbeU helped along tbe road to tome, Robert L. Geity, of New York-and FIRST LADY GUEST 19M , . Three shots were Ored and all of bas s ig i^ a loi^'tenn eontraet to DelM, N. Y. sonal appearance here SomlBy NOTAPPR^ATED Time ttem effective. The Marchese was present Us orcbestra hi 'a* series of wight- He win make only one a ^ IP. M. wounded in the 'right arm, the rigbt Sunday brosdessts. pearance, and that at e benfet t show to. be given by theatrical -pteas U ie—Weather. fooulder and the right side o f the NEWWARDIVEKnON An income: yw never -be made AT GARDEN PARH Chicago Man . Invente Yard­ 1:06—Market Review. nOck. through gamUing. A' gamUer can­ agents. stick That Wm Teh the Age 1:10—Market R edew .. wiiA was shot toom behind as be NODGErtlRTDITORCB not ludd Ua^ winnings. H e most go George Gershwin is arriting o f a Child- 1:10—4-H Ctob. was entering Us oiQce. The three one. In going on,^ be inevitably 1:80—Farm and Home Hour. abots weip fired in quidc succession Schenectaity, Y., May 21 — fbr a iMW show to star'Jaibk Wadnglii^* FadsMaUes 2:80—Harold Itokea’ orchestra. and the Marchese staggered Bridgeport, Conn., May 21— (AP)—A voice was carried over —S .,Beach Chester, noted BUghfo anan. this faltr-^"Tbere’sy ------Always Cbicago, May 21—(AP)- — 2:40—OsCbeatoa. dirougb the door. ___ (A P, )—Among ____ _ divorces granted in light beam rfomn the diriglUe tos now "reformed.” Juliet”. fooner tUto ihpactod Bow is 44 inebee? 8:ie-rCbsinlmmedlste- -^CUef Justice Chattel Evans tlOTSO—Twento W hifersof Harmoinr. mated that its receipto woold bs up­ Mra Rose her bttfoaad need fom New esanaen, Oonneftieot, a White J0, . lanxnage before her dilldren, ea4 ty after the eaqimimeht: Hughes.- Honee gueet. ward o f OlO0,OOO,im and ^ WMt&er; 0porti Ra- burssmeats to meet interest due b;' weakneea was beatlDh -fir toffiroad this year would be aboui; Us wife. ' There was a mral note, too, in one Advance Giuurds U:10 -^ t4 )a U lca Jfoprs bulletins., 160^00,000, Now it appears that o f two big aifoirs attended by Mrs. 11:20—Or|foi-^tolaad Pomsrat, % nhODt 8100,000,000 would be re- Now they are talkfiigr ^xmt I Hoover dnrbv the week. The Tbofvti fuid Cnprten of 12:00—Jade Dsmqr's orebsstra. qnlred by tbe r Jlroads t o , med U - changliig the layrs to let the minorr Iowa Sodety^^to wUch both the Interest to Load SoMfen A .M , V corpmd- ity base more of a sayso’ hi govern­ tsscs^ Chargee, whU the 'M PresIdeBt aad Ue wifo befong, hon­ 12 JO—Tims. I toenk revemies woUd tobe- ment How abbot dianglity them to | ored her at ite annual batll She twem VSSfiOfiOO aad |6(^< r,000. gtm the majbdty a duutca fim.7 wae presented with a bonnaet o f eonr dowers, butterenp and ddpU- Private Watson Mbfssr collected ttoum after befhg greeted with the Us three years of servlcs Mity 20tb favorite Iowa mdodiee, ’*Tbe Iowa Com gong” and ’The little Brown sad was hcooralty disUiatyhd. CSrardi in the Vale,” Two U S D , Harold E. BQis of The eeeretary of agriculture and Rockville and Harman J. Langs a f tU r Mrs, Arthur M, Hyde entertained at a E B M U P A East Hartford hava baan auUatad 8H ..Re«d Trip, Sail on steady S.«. Pan America,-or #ls^ dinner in bono of Mr. and Mrw r, May SI Hoover in the Miqrdower Hotel. from tbs waitinf Hat to fOl ttaa va­ sUps Weetem World, Southern Croaa, or AtooUte Leg^ Aft cancies caused b jy a e c o t disoliarfis. (p . S .T .) airy, outside rooms. Sailtogs twice weOkty, haduding Saturday. One more man will ba tokan into tbs ‘ 1:00—OeoTfe Halra Orchestra. 5 otya, aU expenses, fOl, 7 days, f7E S. S. Pan Aassriea goto One at the mpet colorful lawn 1:80—Annaad Vocssy’s Orcbsstla. f etee of the week wae a charity ben- ifflit before the next drffl. The re­ dfrect to dock at Hamilton, Bermuda, thus saving toconveaieDce 2:00—Satonkty Synoopatora. of tranafsr .by tender. cdt at Eata Brook, the residence at cruit squad inctudad a total of Une 2:80—Odnmbto Salon, Orcbestra, Colonel and Mrs. Arthnr 0 3 t f«L men tUa weds; tUa ifiimbar fn- SftO^Hoaton' V a x l^ , dodety Issidsrs garbed in , fancy duded those recently eDUated to­ 8:80—BeaSbalL toavee va PUla- rural eostumee danced and enjoyed gether with the membera of foe d e lp ^ epedal entertainment foatores. walthig Uet. ! 5:00—Dance Farads. • SOUTH AMmUCA On Friday the faddbnaMes aaeem- Private George B. ’BmPtat. 6:80—Oaorge Hall’aOrebaatrs. Luxurtoua Munsopi Uners to Rto , BaTbadoa. Marttoqug TTimOhd' Brief atopovSr a t happoied to former yeara and what 10:40—Sfrset Stoger. each port Or you can stay 8 daya at^hote to toyhly happen tUs y ^ . 11:00—Pmi Redman’s Orehsstra. idl expena#a> El days round trip No r~ NBW PBB8IDENT FBBS1DE8 Transfer to toe Natkawl' Guard UraO^Bmrle Madrigasra’s Orehts- PiHs. May 21—(AP)—liie I W Tteeerve has been effected for Prl- Igntt 'Albert Lehrim presided today .. V 'Spailay,,li9y S t ' ehny t/ta first ooundf of ministeiH^ 10:90-i-dahmibls Ghurcb o f toe Air. :«is ^ f t e ^ 't o ’ a.hmuriqua ar'iiMeb Rreiider Andre Ihrdleii ■ Finest o f batotog, bbattog, ipcapacitated by rbenmatiam to the ------s#mi-trc^iiaft Brltlih cUonial at ___ and' wiMdw of the Interior Albert hkec. ,WUto he teUsto to-pet aiaitod ' ' "V W l^fhfed dn^nda measures for more ■ it. ia^lmpoeafUe for Um to dfllL isftif ■ over foreignefn in FHvaCrGtege na- , AQrlBsjNBto ____ leceBWify sn are- afeie to arm ^ week: m E liMitMakta aouad betwesp N#w salt 1 8S^!iLyyj^ PAGE fix W 4 uA sdsatsitti

WOOD’S NEW IknShun 4- i*-' .Afews CMinky m toil B a b i e s It aasma'thal ^ V, F. W^ia non- .araoa, N. F.: MnL A kiM computely Btttnam kept ior BulA**w Hi6 BoDtlln' 9otrd m Mamhera from this M at ewtandad beyioaiff’ a t 4:51 ..p. aa, E a ititn . tor Ms^Tfili- The naaim for this Is to sapAP « S S m M WadhaadayAt^t to Standart^Tlme; DO-X potoea otohiy hard. dsMo loo whleb without thin 4if tlagtoR and nwt all ' r eiudy momtog tahawtt.^'to latest Eqopieit Used h •ixtotlQB the loo would bo ^ to . Aa Bz-Ssrvifs Organiaittoiu. fioers. Last night aavaral m ■orea ’ ‘ the froosing propsm noara too o ^ ' ^ - * ' - — toads thd trip to UmoAvUia. UtoonvUla. etockholm: BMuger, m sM ktogi a tritte r „ tboao air jet pipes aro romovod. the aaid boya towagf oka to apito) n s eve* had kl6^800.00p « V; KsseH Street Factery; Jana . _ T'-^V I ; ; f v > V . romalnlag w a^ suekod out with a lAglow Motoa w ito' Tttdmr CmtenV* tteeo berimed hlmam, Invei^ip- .'iw . Tih" AA hoso and fiooh llltotod water tokos The regular monthly meeting of tha Iwtoy. aatobife- TIte ^ ^ poJtoe. .XJr^vUl( o n v m e ^ 'tora find." • 1-v tha Utot stoeaialyCUif^ all tha, Harbto: ^ {nsurgent aerify to <• R0D 8R!p)i Produces Pure, Hard Ice Its plaoo glifing you a poxfoetly maro theJ*QSt will be held at the State mambam and frt|gdi^fi<^the Uhtt •matt-"»ut hear^" oako of loo. Tko froosing tank is Armory, Mcqifiey evening at 7:80. Chairman ad Frastof aad Ray .northern Manohutia W o ith fit M tf y ------vtoo heteajl to make thtodrawtog a of Naticna ,obmaiAloB LAND' Wittofi Traces of Any insulated with 10 inches of granu­ The usual period of card playing great a&0ai|; : It was voted to Smltlr did A Mod jte deswratlag ______, not hM aeto Atooa Aka lated oork between the tank wans and refretomente will take juace make (tor tomal ya«r^ contribution iho watetoa Aotemo tetodnw. Afl projeoted trto there. le ft A thk^togiB r t ■totow and the walla of th#buildh.|r. tellowtog the-buainiBeB sasaloa. ^ (tenr who TtlttUCOa Every district to the department to the Jtedtortol S ^ te l 'r^^te^ Prt.four daya laM ^H n Las Chemkak Whatemi a ty water from ttoidi the lee Is Plana wato a Im laadt forAtt^idtog U was tee iMit aU-arouttd,otetootl0B made la aupbUed at 80 pounds pres­ has gone ever the top except New Church aarvloa on tha SMli aad^the of war. refica over oq' dtoiday to Ralees tunm buma -over SOQ acrea hear Ltom sure at BtsseU street but is reduced liOffAu’i in procuring their qimtaa town- the onlje thtofr missing was New York: Hafatadter (minmittee Maisapfisf and la teoui^t, under parada on .Memotfhl Day. Fcdtoifles told tv banker teat hua ipinpany •to to - by reducing valves to 80 pounds so for thh attoen’B Military Tratotog ^ maettog ACrdFlOBala Cgntog a aittt of armor from a 4Snl|At of coatrm near tee Ttogrimro Una The new ice makl-i^ plant of L. T. that It may be thoroughly filtered Camps this year. The surplus from ton and k«r ootoitottea :aarvto the Reimd Tdbla TbM)|a; . financed Mayw Walkerto tnp to 8 t Johnrbuty, y x . — Rdporfs la- Wood db Co. on B ia^ street pr^ before being used.' the other districts will however, atrawbwry shortcake'and hpttae. . Need I t la said teat ten PoM ax­ Fhnrape; Wauer readp to. 'tw ti^ eents the last word In nM>dem cni> glnutrin Hfstoasent more th u take up the slack to the On June 4th, Mrs.. LMitti . Wtl< i s ^ thetr teadka to the Auxiliary n « it WMk. Rsfrlgeratioa is supplied by two New London dismet^ Our local Washington: ^Hoover calls for n struction of this typa^uad w m lAiUt Haras, Nattooal P re se t j i t tha tdr te r tea vroik durtaf ten our- Frick compreaaon* op^ted by a Tg nan . Captain James H. Me- Auxifihry, will ba to^nuitord and rontm y ntoy S3 a~finn job Federal Rcaerve dtotriot commltteea -'4 -W by Gustave Schrleber dc SonSi. gen* and a 60 h. p. motor respective. In has done some verytSne woric and desewo credit for ten .Mieeeea throughout nation to pump new eral contractors o^thls tbwn. The wlU ba entMtetoad at a btaqqat gC fact, all equipment throughout the again this year. Fifteen boys have tha Hctef Garda to . thn^ avtntog. qf tea '92 eala Muy gradoa, credit into bustoesa channels. foundations are of concrete, the vdiole plant ls‘entirely motmlaed, been signed up by Jim and are now Mrs* T. 9^ Bronan and Mrs. Itrarett Oklahoma City: Acting Governor walls are of brick and all framing inducU^ the agitators in the brine awaiting , their totel pon- Buma lifts martial law rule from la of structural steel. _ , Keanadjf will rapreaent tha laoal * * ^ ^ r 'tee Wcirld War, Harry tanl^ the stacking nmehine to the ituladons captain, you have Unit on that avenoig.'. - ' 'LtodeQ,V a mainher of Anderson* oil fields ddltogabeenoe of QOv. As one faces the building, the 1m your share to putting the dls- Murray to New York. CariW. A ndersoil;i| storage section is to the left, the cold stoxnge room, the compressors, The concert We plank and mopped with hot asphalt of the most modem and economical Sunday, May 22th. Divine wor­ ,Capi.M6rtlmer H. O’Hara, State Chicago: Petrolle again beam and then the regular slag' roofing type. This Job represents one of the ship at the South Methodist church. ceived from this poppy sale to used to (AU are requested to m eet a t the Oottm t^er ^ the Veterans of For­ to h i^ tee aick and the needy. So applied on top. The Insulation is largest electrical power installations eign w ars, was the gdtet of Ander­ so arranged Uiat the side-wall con made to Manchester' to many years. Army and Navy Club not later than let’s help. Buy h poppy- S B 9 10:80 to march to the church to a son-Shed Poet at their meeting tost struction meets the roof cork in a Oontraotors Tussday Bight. It was Cbminaader We are glad to report teat Com tight bond which Insures a minimum The new i ^ t of L. T. Wood Co. O SiSw offldal visit-and he ad­ rade Victor Duke to atUl progreu- loss of temperature. The floor of on BlsAell sureet w as built by Gus­ Meremorial Day, meet at Charter tog m id ^ after hM operation. Vic­ Oak and Mato street at 1:80 to pa­ dressed the bpya on vartoui subjects this storage room consists of a four tave Schreib^ and Sons who had of interest to the welfiare of the tor eapeou to be out and back on 'foot fill of cinders -with four Inches the general contract for the build­ rade to the Center where the exer­ the job again In a few days. of reinforced concrete on top. The ing Practically all of the materials cises will be held. body. * Brittob War Veterans wm ba to-/ concrete was then mopped vrtth hot were furnished from local yards of The oomzfilttee from thto post terestsd to know th a t on May 15, 'Die Entire Electrical Installation asphalt and four inches of cork laid Q. B. lA^llls A Son, Inc., and The W. IN FIANDERS FIELDS wishes to thank thoss who helped to H. R. H. tee Prince of Wales un- G. Glenney Coi, constructl'in mata- Colonel John MoOrae any way to making the annual in the asphalt. The cork insulation poppy ccincert a. i^uccess. First to vellsd a heautifid monument to.the is protected by k two inch plank rial supply firms. The entin village of Thiepvel to Franca This floor of long leaf southern plne.^The trical tostallation Job, one of the In Flanders field the poppies blow the Salvation Army for ita fins itsm wlU^brtog hack miatortsa of For L. T. Wood 0>*’8 M ode^ I dimensions of this ropm are A2 feet largest that has been done to town Between the erotees, row on row. spMt to prpssnttof dno of the. beat Tbtopval to a good many w M ^ee X 60 feet x 12 feet high and win recently, was done by R. B. Hage- That mark our ptooe; and to the conoerta neaM to thhr^tdwn lA a long time. Again we wtoh to thank UMB who are now residtog to -Man* handle six tiers of ice in the else It dom, electrical (tontractor. Plumb- sky teeetw for it was at Thlep^ ttet comes from the freesing room. tog work to the building was done The larks still bravely stogtog fly. Mrs. L. L. Hobsnt^ Mrs. Ida WoodhoUse, ChairmtA. Rogers, and the famouA S8Ut DUitir /Division Refrigeration Plant Done 1 Refrigeration by Carl Anderson. Scarce heard amidst the guns, be­ touitet a vary hart, hirt* The refrigeration for this storage low. aQ meahafo of tea comtoRtoa room is provided by coils of pipe lalpadlaakA tke AvsBta Mtefsafsl suspehded from the ceiling. The W aara the deid. \ / \ OMk' * , • < • * p m tea tJtoter DMaton wanalmoat temperature in this storage room is OPEN FORUM Short daya ago we Uveqt, fiil^ijtova, i Metobsro of teto^popt will anywhere from 6 degrees to 10 de­ saw aunset glowy . Petoi^o in front of uo • bA grees below freezing at all times. HOSPITAL DBFEOIT ^ Loved and were lo^'and now we Navy Qub; Sunday momtog. May 29, to attend test Memorial ssrvtoes sBsihy's nai To prevent excessive loss of tem­ Ue 2,000 prtoofiers. Thto wm be tee perature from the main storage Editor, The Herald: In Slanders fields. to tee Soite Methodic, teurcto Thto to an aniuia) service and all mem­ Brtttoh memerial,to France room there is a snuJl adjacent stor­ Durtog the recant campaign tor _ on it' wm he tosorthed the age room with a full size door lead­ the Memorial Hospital I heard sev­ Take up our fl3^8 question—they slmiriy don’t know True faith with you who lie asleep, ble. Leta bring home that "mug” ^ y and naturally utoess someone With each a cross to mark his bed. agidn this^ear-w hatsay, buddies? Mere than 68 percent of its roads Shop*-’^240 N orth M ain S t in which are suspended 648 cans in WaRer BalcAto on a buatoess trip are hard surfaced; mly 20. percent which the ice is actually made. 'gives thsm the answer they will go Where once his, own life ^Ibod ran of tee roads tee United itates These ice cans are rectang^ar in right on not knowing and if they ted. ' • to MontreaL How about taking us to are Just the least bit human they’ll So tot your rest be sweet and deep to your pocket some time. Walt? are. shape and are arranged in groups , Manchrater veterandom was well of six andHn rows and covered by go light on aaUng why. In Flanders fields. « removable wooden lids, over which ^Of course tL^re ts an. answer, the represented^ tee tostiti^on of tee the employees may walk and do details of whldi you know much year not that ye have died tor Rockville AmdUary May 18 to G. A. their work. The process of making better than we da Actually our ex­ naught. R. Hall. Tbe boys and girls report ice in this room is as follows: perience with hospital management The Torch ye threw to us, we a good time and hope to have some Empty cans are filled at the west has proven it to be just as effident caught, V get-togetegrs. with our Iqom dty end of the room in batches of six at and to, a great many instances more a time from six separate measuring effident than a lot..of bustoees man­ tanks that fill automatically to the agement with which we are famil­ E.Willis &Son, proper amount and likewise empty iar. Modem hospital executives keep automatically. These tanks are fill­ in doss touch with every depart­ . 014 CompaQy’s Lililgb Coal ed with city water which has previ­ ment in their organisation. They Ininvaiiice Real Estatn ously been filtered. These batches of are familiar with yie work that to IPtJEL OIL, LUMBER, MASONS* SUPPLIES, PAiyT. six cans are picked up by an over­ being done and Juet what it coete head traveling crane of a ton and a per unit to do it It would be an ex­ Stnamnliip Tieknts half capacity, with special manual cellent education tor a good many controls that are so arranged that modem buetoari men if they could Tee, we idl all kinds of tosnraooa Houses, Farms, Build* the set of cans may be moved to have tbe oppottualty to etudy the tog Lots. Steamship Tickets taaod from every country where any point in the freezing room and coat accinrating eysteme of pome of steamshlpc go. lowered to the proper positiOD ac­ our good boepltato. curately. "Having been forced, to Itoten to a Removing loe great deal of this unjuet orltietom In making lee the groups of esns from toymen and fliuUng it mtber ROBERT that are finished are rslsed, taken difficult to aaewer their erittetom Phone M60-5746. loot fit > to the west end of the freesing eattofaetorlly we read with cdnsld- room, immersed in warm watw erabto intereet tbA paper written by that comes from the compressor Lewie N. Clark of m Oermantown Jackets, Just long enough to free Dtopenaary and HCfpital, Phlladel' the cans from the slab^d ice, ari phto, which appeared to tbe April lowered by the crane Into a toeue of the. Boepltal.’’ I f hydraulic dump which removes the you haven’t read'ttte artim It will cakes of ice from the cans, retains be well worth your while to do eo. the empty cans and sets them up­ Tbe compuiMn whleb Mr. Clark right again to receive thsis supply toakee between tbe coat per gueet UME of fresh water, K slow moving con­ per day»taken from a reUabto veyor then takes the cakes d t ice eourcA—for a lifffe group of Amer- and either sends them into the ice liAP plan boteli aiw th# eoat per And A Portion Of The patient oar day to a repreeantattve storage room directly or to the group of leepitalAWltli aiUttstmenta scoring machine which can be so to toterseiehariii denfiveiatloD and regulated ae to cut the cakes into N any desired size. This scoring nut- taxee to mako nipm eomparative to chine consists primarily of sets of certainly muintoatinf, to fbort saws that may be raised or lowered tiMN aro the IM tf. Iletel coete per CEMENT which cut furrows two toshes fUift per day HM, H ^ tai coete wite each other is the eakss as per pMCBt doy HM, From .tWe psss through. This means that to order to «Mwe a uied in the conitruction d L ' rthey can be stored whole hut irhenfair oom par^jirp Mould dedi^ being delivered, the ice d ^ e ir man sim] * ■ .T. Wood A (V f nev lee mSnif Long Leaf Southern Hne Siind^M §PHM m n t f fooM ta p them •ervtoe depa ^ Mf t r dutjm liiBt do- easily in to 'th e ' desfm d'slsss, Xad* facturing plant fumiehed by, iui4s8.ofiier lum bfr fl^ to M fim a fidsjri dentally the stoipfs room is em ^ pMtoMBlf, suAuliesa eem si, m m ; ped mth an Ise aUuMag m am toe SoilM , m idtoll' M fitoal elestrisally oparatod w m does m m /Bii, d ru p , modtoftf m f< ...... aw ay wIIb the hand tnaiwal labor r . W ( of stasktof thsfs ffilMf« The hr& adltittoii to tto las toali' MMtSSrfVmldf n t r tag tank is kaptn asastant agKa* tion by two w g $ pnlptOm slaaM ' ■*’1 i' sahy oparatod at opposita ands of •Btotouiy § t k S S S l m i '.V )/ I I f . \y ii.'i’-S lh a t& S. Tbasa propsnara hnra fas Tbo toowr wfiiBM N f i H w w . g . «■ tham wMsb ara v iM fid to avfb • faMos that they fcaap tha hrtaa - Cbal, F n e l ^ Lnmbeiv Hswsa’ to asBitant amtioB, Durtof tha ftafitef luMlMf Jfu fiita i iffaaatofifraatoflf pMiodpariod aasb aan haa n ia ^ r' • • fljnnnllgu fo im A U n iite # . /hnai MHia to lha f ‘y -i'A II . 1 . .

nAMCHBsnat innBinKa ...... ^ I .. •• ■■ l»*l ■—i

■* • w . V V / , *■• !''.'i'^:i’; >i >' "' .' i'. , . V ■> ,< r *- ■'• ,.! :'‘‘ . ■''' ' ■ K ? " ' *1 t ti'

o i-T r< “ .V fc- * » >t. • V Manchester's First


The artificial ice we are pro­ With this modem plant Ib- ducing in this modern plant is caj^ed in the heart, of the town purer than the city water you and capable of producing all drink for we use only city the ice needed by our custom­ water from the main that has been refiltered in our own ers at any time we will be able plant bef«re b^ing converted to serve you better thari ever into ice. The ice we are pro­ before. Our delivery Ibystem ducing has all the appear­ has been speeded up with the ances of h a^ , dense, natural elimination of former lon^ ice and is ab^lutely free from hauls from icehouses we impurities and contrary te maintained in and near town.'' rumor has not the slightest •For first* class service at rea­ taste of ammonia for thers sonable prices just call 4496. * can be none because there kf absolutely no contact betwe^ Lei us continue to serve you in the ice and the refrigerant an efficient and satisfactory, that produces it. way with absolutely pure ice.

This picture shows the Irbnt of our new plant fadi^r Bissen street In the center is the new main office, arranifed for efficiency and close contact'with the plant T5 the left is the loading platform where the trucks rec^ve their ice from the storage room. The two small doors just iffiove the platform lead directly ^ui of the main storage ro ^ . The larger door leads but of a sipidler storage room which is used for small deliveries. The platform is protecteif^rom the weather by the overhead hbod seen above. Tempera­ tures in the ice storage room are kept firom 6 to 8 degrees below freezing.

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Herewith is shown the pc^er plant that the work, if elec- This picture shows the ice making room. The large area in theneenter^ tfeie picture ly e^ p p ed throughout with electric mdtdfsrdoing all the wciric. lil^twO larte shows the tem of the freez^g tapk With the removable covers over the ice cans. At ono ihes inju theI.UC (center are the compressors end you see the automatic measuring tanks fbr fresh water, the automatic-dumper, the . ,v»og(/tiieae compressors are operated by 2800 ten and a half electric crane Uiat handles the ice canK khd to thb left rear the ice icoring machinery. Suspended from the crane is shown a group of six cans ready to go to the > ^ ‘ They are so arranged that one can-be antomatie dumper te be emptied of thmr cakes of ice. ’f' A rv,- 57 '■ 'y'in :ti..

I'/»»v' '


»» P O B fO U A T fT MtoaC^ I T i* I'SSfSS wahly< CAtURff Off BIOCPPS ARE M !• rsn ft tsy to UdaM.MItoOMi oeatir *fwmt. The tom, tore tntha scientist who knoWs _____ i to hmHkjg m a bay whoap ^^ddfoTto M ^loB iliy beeomlBg. two hoars after the ania) of all of tba possible rdattanskto* of hi hat eraier and 0^ ^ Dotek agenreum opii -aa— too UoRip aa nayntotom to various fathar to to,«*t Um od^ Nltor P rftqd tub. Mlk in n ^ t y dot V ping. Gid'loSokIhg modeni n to »- p b ^ . as weD aa panefea at dtoeasea, it constitutes a phenomena ode I.fold that the moat approved prioea-Ona wondenhoir it the out- “ a ea£ lT taa Inatota on many* pattern la blue and wMte to qn o f cqaslderable significance. istT^tortS* w» •opBomlenl < ^ o e . way to to scale, cut and wash tha •M Onfim aad Mto her it ivOI r w like in thb In a resent coneldefaticn cif the asparagus sod pimk in hot Jars after Dr. Chariee W. Mayo ^^jjob’e Hto M the mentoe hfn. Cotton mfili, pfqod dnd bcihag fiom 8 to 8 aehnriea. Pack This to no year flw ua to'skfle^t. Bnsn' ‘ire oool- ahd lovely for some, at the ways to which ropltod OB, eager to u ^ wtSgbt the anwragus or a i^ other green can be brought about. In vmtahle .in the Jar alkwtof one bufdfn torMH. ‘^en, that w m ^ a condderable number at to- hofsosa thaas to Uttio moMy ito i l f l l t . We tolked It over and he teaspoon e^lt to eadi apart of boil­ qpokl for anytofog but the bars ^ CHAPTER XLVI Style NO. xaayjm hrt to staaces it to due to ^ Infeetton ing water. FIB jar wlto- water to a ^ y t coTC aad I certdnly dmt. By Robtrti Bjuton fliaw 16,18 yean> *8, 86, 4 0 waAJ2 invdvteg the portion of the bndn eearitlea. After ffoweia anit flMt half inch from the top. Asparagua there are such hnrdy cards Id ;Am •ThmVt exectly But fodey Ida fathw canm to * Inohes bant. Htoei <8 reqairan 8 8-4 associated .with the stinmlation at m ^ be oven-canao^ atm tempersp’ llftod Mr. DuBtar. The tototeet me add Mid: be nifniBg hto s ^ s oontraetioD of the dia^uagm. and many peopla..' ER^' a yards 884nto with 1-8 ture of 278 degrees for .2% konra, oat of tha of refw t tinged 1^ iroic^ » t o » whole lire tf X laasried I t o ^ OrTEBEDPnONS ABB yard of 85-todi oontrnrttog; In such cases, he has. obaerved or caanod in the baQing water bath J a ^ silent. tuThaadB ^ TO nr ~ cards loar the m aikat' vetoe hroiw. ‘T 'I ■ the condition' affects chiefly men for toe sasae time. Green beans, theught that pleases TWier thih **8p. Her mind In w*™ ®; sort of>-fOt me: I don't know w h ^ Were you aver halfway there when more than 45 years of age and it carrots, beets, require toe same tiifne value the g ift i Teeterday everything had to do.” ■ you bad a Uow-out? Maoditstdr Benia tends to ftaffpol4e, some I gave Mm- a lot of Right here we come : up , T Outdoor.exeri^.to toe bMt totoff, tom perslats toera may, of oouriei overr ffomffoip former drsMis fo r chU- g^d flah, and saveral’aqMtfo plaajto. ■ tlon. She looked up, her eyes cloud about what I had to have b a ^ rd that theory of. ^"interrupted im­ ad with painful resentinent. of course, for bad dreulatioB that Wei I Abekltoot BVBww I be danger to life. In «uoh oasee dren. as weU as gfownups. pulse.” We know that ehudbreo ire t -t *T beg your pardon, rm afraia i settle down. HO took totoffs tot tag^jslrBff8PrtD« J^ver. toe eurgeoar may expose toe . I%3a&*toa*1ehF4ft>gaato^ and toe flint totiig I b n w h jd interfereid with too much anjdvpair- It phrenic nerve and aitoer out it or The (itorden dub to omitting tta flea doUare, oovariag eemeat; said, ' wasn’t listening.’’ n . But M erd d i^ln bro o m that to iun- SMtt, who dedgntofodgned toe new Btfat. gone off and teamed up with that enta are being warned about It. A ny and airy Ui not to to sneexed at. dace praiaure upon it aaaual May sale tola year, dmeea- cteetera.'* , t He said, 'T will make it worth oMld trying to work out an idea f c ^ MemorialIdltoeater Ttoeai vtodi haa ICART TAYLOR, your wUle if you let Ura go.” oth^ girl.” ^ One pnoaution. t f you’ve been jolt been opened at Skrattprd-oa- Thli will invariably oauaa tha tratiag on tot June- flower ebow. SUSM had been hstenlnrMrt^ should to allowed to carry his im­ iaay for bo long that your h w t hiccup to atop by interfering with The writer to eadeayortng to set u , "Oh!” AH the pain and wund Qusly. When Ray finished and pulse to a finish. Ayon. Mlie Scott had t l ^ honor The salary of tha Chief Juittee . ed pride of the girt surged to the thumpa exdtedlywbbB you-get live­ peiaonally'to preeent.toajtey to the the p»—*"g of toe stimulue from a dearlng bourn by putting pur- lapsed into a « of musing 8 i ^ It to an exoeUent idaa and full of ly, go easy at fint. But jmU’U to the Irrltaled center . along the ebasera in touch with garden mem­ o f the TTalteo States Supresoe O e ^ surface. She stood up proudly 'md truth. But when two truths clash buiidtogto toePrtneeOf Welee, who said, "Of course our problems •urprised'^how aoon that d d heart ^ nerve to toe dtaphragm- bers wbo have a aurplua of o m thtag to 180,800 a year. ^ menacingly. She said in a vUce aren’t at all toe sgme. I wouldn t they must make way for each other. opSined It. ^ that trembled, "1 think you’d totter youn will' ttjl to line and learn all mind being poor and Bob And these two truths dO dash. How over again how to pump and pump rogo before I say aoraethlng „ in r ^ What 1 want to to sure of to what is a child going to learn phtlosopMo gret After all, you are Bobs hard, without any undue strain. will make h^m happy?” acceptance of toe uneKneoted if He After you a n ittobohed aad Um­ tsthttr" ^ R sT ^rU . ”l’m tell^ you to Always allowed to o a r^ his plai^i He was won to reluctant adj^to- bered up, of a morhlnf, try tots. do?t be like that! Take your through without going "agin” as the Stand straight, ;br4atoa deeply, tion but he could not leave wittout chance and see what jmmes. You poem Mye about mice and men? swinging your .arms easHy fo your attempting to justify himself. His don’t whnt to to an old maid all When aeddents or tnterruptloni ddea Throw your arma back as far carefully moulded sentences floiyed happen we muit learn to lau|^ .and your life, do you?” tiy again. We are exeeUent exam- as you oan make toem go. Tha Idea on. Susan stared' at a point some The two glric, so a h s u r^ young, to to touch toe baoke .u ^ u r hands inches over the man’s head, expree* ea to our children. It seema to go both sobered at tha tto i^ h i famlUee. If toe bahy.pomea In aoreia your bhekbone. (Don^ wor* ■fonless, "Of oourse you don’t H»y yont ry jo ta of Id b i can't do I t ) “Don’t to afraid,” she said bit­ and mussas up the puxsle pteture on. "Then grab tUa hoy—I eBoh had half completed, don’t let a far baw podtloa, throw terly, "I shan’t do any< harm to know who he to but he must to o. him get mad. Say, ^’Bobby, remem­ your arms forward, aad aoroia each "Right this way,:, your son." . k. If you Uke him—before som^ other, hugging yeUredf and etntehp The man, a power in the down ber how D a d ^ jokqd lait night « > thing' happens. We’re aU such, when Snubhy wdked over the tog them a i far ae you oaa. Then town world of affairs, departed v m tt throw toem baob a ^ Bspeat a tociing somehow humiliated and foeSs,” tald lUy wistfully. •'Ufe to floor ho had juat painted. L a i ^ so short we have to take toaneea now and go at your punle afhin,'*^ doiea timei or aa .Tma to,o®e of too. routed. ’□rat’s the omy to find out It payi. Such tratntng^ll . save beat and eadeatef ^ dreulation ex- erdses. ' ' Susan fought a battle with her­ ^ t Ifs all atout" Bobby a .mUllon worries that may She gathered up her gloves. W otoerwtoe take ten yean off hto Now try Vhla: Take toe deepeat if you please, sir!” self that morning. Bob was to oome breath you oaa, boM tight onto ton at eli^t and through altehiate sighed, "Whew, tote to a warm d ^ life. ' \ for March!” She was trytog to back of a aubetaatial obalr or tot ♦ Cb)tvr| , , pyiw Half an hour later over Do you keep m r ooohto Jar muehe^ ^ square, white-topped taUe In a filled -T-or go :ifoi,fogi. that you sdeet Sh(q> Ray , stared at Susan caanot afford ^ 'a a e e M s r y time? with frank Interest. It doea taka snafo fiaelona time “Come Into money or some-> ad- to foD and’ dyt cot ooqlriea, but ‘,1 thing?” she wanted to know. Susan tkeiM are ^toartef- awtooda that tiled to explain. Her aunt had foko ffoaa enagtfdX. ta .oaa-fiftb vance what the i i r . b ^ m. die said vagitoly, aad ^ toeTtinw a M sawn :1m saertfiee: of h A been needpd at homa R i^ quakty; ■etoied mtlslled with thi« answqr- Ona matood la to for timey yon can do yonr jdiq^ “Say, the new girt In BOarti’s ton dartgk Inta.A relL toUl office sura to • lemon,” Ray con­ It- with, a the newai^idpcd^h^qre y^ tinued. "She looks Uke something i: slMretar the cat dragged In.” ______In T Susan smfled.- She had heard ffoktt advettliniientB/.. ,^e edteand the! «gout M*— Smith from Jack War- tof «bOt R^r'e description seemed vaduly bandL •:aot4m- ««nie old man’s gene away, I Atona eriS |dv^sem ei^;v^ hear.? Ray ’ rambled on. ”What do kaaa you feiow nbont that?” .., _ . ■to-' Susan ihtthad. ”He was tolktag nflas'aild'- time gbntt fftyfctog o tofp before I left,” die sslil iiaastlltr x k n ^ X ahnyo bind be y m r aiM X ^ . bvt m r i t t m Rsy toe talk -'t-'l ''t-k yi

■. r - . - ■m. -:r-‘ 'A‘ ^ 7 ■ 'iV 1 i m a n c h b s t b b w®nNO »TO i iJ^cmafnat c6w^ 8A:i?gPAT,^y ^ « V.—- ‘IT- ■w-i.vr'Ar-

l‘ A1

A* 'IT??! Aces-Stafford Springs TRADEDEFEATS Hitthome Is Favorite fLOOSED IN FBtST STAFFORD, 2118 In State Track T M U H Playing Here TonMNTow MODDBATIU THSAFIBROM New Haven. May 21 - - (A P ) - ^ f e v e r , ^ W g j j t o * ^ HUUqBUSs B Ifli iSeheel atUetas from oua eoanalltiDr has likswlss Buffered ‘BAT’ AT this d V ehteSed'.tos fourth annual s loea to tha. daath- dC Dominic H w ir i kftm A lw t Erin; With Gems At R a d ^ , ANGLO-AMERICAN Almost 40 Hits Made b Free Cooneetteut Xottraebotostio Athlsiic Squatrfto, sprint and shohpot star to an ao to rn o ^ Aoddent last C t m U t w aastt today fuvority to Rtcbri Habwd u i Lee West Side Gune Will Be Scoring Shgfest At Staf­ retain Ihelr cha^^toW l^ to spits cf Mtech, Miwebeiter fradwwaw. ^ hotfwl Bitiiir hdm TEAMS IN ACTION too loss eC two stars. ^ tanoe runner Is enpectad to hrtnff » REDSRDSBCUBS Tweaty-bns schods «tered fw flret place- to the mOe and to add h U iiid y r t. Lone Baseball Attradkm ford Yesterday. boys to tos mast Ths prellmtaw«« materiaUy to his team's total to Gnw Bit Cnak N i^ were sdMdulcd for ten a. m^ Jritb other events. Agatoat tbta threat, INTHENATIONAL In Town Sunday. Vare-Wsthend GoK Match Is the fioala at 2 p. m-, on Tala fidd- toe New Hanm odiod^ ^ Ski n i Factef Fteer The Maacheiter Trade MeCoy. a qnarter.ina^ w d Mo- baseball team played toe Stafford Nul^, a star of tba niu-> dual track engaganwat opened A WHh Eager In- house t a ^ are todiffific. How* toe atadinm today with- the Crimson •f Fargi Eipnis; R «A The Ace , C., compoaed of «B High school to a retom game at too Yirin tty Sentert 6-3 Tt home dependtog on her ItreA runners and local playera, wUl oP«“J ** . _.no Highland Park groun^ yesterday toe blue on her fine field perfonn- Muon tomorrow afternoon at s .w teresL and won by a score of 21 to 18. The ers. Regua U ii.b Anerieiir hEiiU BitW iisTiilk o'clock at the Weat S ld e ^ d play- BoQore looked even before toe ink Stafford Sprlnwa. The Ace a, game proved to be a regular plu|:- *go fest with toe mechanics having the meet began. Nrithar was strong to a few yeara conaldered ^ BIJLUETIN tbe aprtota and toe dopattera loric- Otter Rtnlte. By Wifilam Weeks ^ the atrongeat younger t e a ^ in the Wentworth, Surrey, Bngn advantage, coUeettog 24 hits for. a High School ed to the breaks to dedde mattera. Chicago, May 21.— (A P ) — B A . state, have banned together moat Bley (AF)-»Ira. G k^ total of 35 bases. / BattAino ought to ba about realty all of their old atara and a few new Harvard oentered ber hopes Collett Vare and Mra. Opal Hin Stafford started a murderous around Chme Record and Pen IW - (By AeeedA ed Press) to admit that BUly Petrolie e a » ^ onpa and thla year toey ^ v e a of the American women’s golf barrage to toe second toning neoes- Ipwril set her t#o Intercol- Tbe Onetimatl Reds fig^xUng to ationger team thap they had a few tA»m today defeated Joyce Eighth Game In Row Tke former world tostberwright sitattog toe removal of Lminon yeara ago. . ^ iM^gte champions a hard te*b .She maintain a feotbold In the MatieitA W ether^ and Wanda Morgan from toe slab to favor of Kovls. Ko- looked'to Record and Haliowell for ■ "• — ------^ ' I V64«MII|nw«cluunpieo. AVBteiiiWiifortified with W6«a« noaterare sbter-. "Lefty" Wiley, one of the b w of the Britiah team by one hole vls flnaUy stemmed toe mad rush of 20 points—from Record to the high League’s first dtririon are giriity qge. etooa In-toe ring In tbe Chi- nitchcra ever produced at M. ^ to toe S n t of toe Scotch fonr- toe invaders but not before they put toe pass setting Chicago Cube one eago atadlum last nl|ht^ Aid traded 8., and Caiariie Varrick, laat y ^ a and low hurdles and^from BaUoweU dugs with the Ad Thurgo MHoee atarting a day of play across a commanding lead of eight Benff A im Eut Hartford la the milt and balf-mila runs, of toe grandest battles of toe young ace for Mancheater Green, between toe two team*. an^ even knocked him dawn tof, been obtained aa pltchem. With runs. From this point on until toe Local Sport TheCrimsen «qpected the brilliant season to tbslr series at Redlaad count A nine la tbe ftest 8th itining the fighting Staffordites auterxnetoter to Uva,un. to bto vault* either of theao boya on the n » ^ Virginia Water, Surrey, Eng. Six Hite As L tca li Wio 9 Field. But after It waa all over, and Kloeha or Sondrowaklo, Stole were held wrell to cbeqk. In the tog reputation and it heq^ had earned a ten round decMdn, May a i ^ ( A P ) —Featuring renewal meantime not to be outdone, toe For two straight days tbe stu­ Trtuls scliool jrt®r estcherj dcbido of toe golfing feud between Glenna Chatter to A Kuebn would repeat bto fine except for the firA and the bat. It will be a hard Job for any heavy guns of toe mechanics got to To 4; Rantnborg Koops performance at Prtocaton to .toe dents of Bpndey and Honiaby have rounds, Battaltoo took a derisive Collett Vare and Joyce Wetoered, action driving toe pill to all % m erf Manchester High la copp^tog to gona Into extra tontogs to settle in the atote to beat the local the Anglo-American team matches jump and shot YAe put Buekay beating. of toe' lot and sending two of toe toe annual a t i^ blgd^ seto^ cham- Boyd and Bob SpoAnd Into tbe toeir bitter dispute, and mitber side In tbe middle A the firA round, a brought together a doaen rantong pionabip maet at New Ravfn todqy. could cteim aa advantage today. *” ^Sed" Hadden, former Weat ado fnmtfitno stars of toe two nations opposing pitchers to toe showers. Ifittini. ' sprtote to their search fov potote wUstitoff Ha book landed smiarsty player, wffl be on llrat baae wito In toe 8to inning toe score was ^ t b loan of Oeineato Sqiiatrito, afid Fates, toe Ett’a biqdltof atar. Tbe Rede pulled a 8 to 2 dedrion reidaced him and p l ^ A cStoxbridge Wednesday and Ted Lee of YAe has repeAedly 0 triumph over the PhUUea "Buck" *°^eney-Orcut± vs. Gotirlay-Parlt Dobtoiss rf ...... 4 3 2 1 did modi better. Mancheater apade Harvard returns ths favor at Provi­ yeQed for Billy to knock out tbe FUUER DEFEATS ^ topped the IS feet 6 1-8 toehee rec­ Bette, the Braves’ SS-year-old reeling Bat, raly tP see the Batt- The feature stogies match bro^h t Lennon, p, 3b . — 5 2 3 0 only stx hits, and was helped im­ dence Decoration Day. together Miss Wetoered and Mrs. ord set by Sabto CMrr of YAe and "rookie”, ylAded five bite to win­ fbrd Italian rally and win tbe laA Hines, If ...... 1 0 1 0 mensely by East Hartford’s erratic ning hie fifth straight. Wee Schul- B E R G N T T H ^ Vare. ’The American Brewer, If ...... 0 0 0 0 it was almoA a certainty that Lee round by a handsome margto* been able to beat the great British heading. A1 Lupien’s batting average has would ralae toe height before toe merich hammered two hoine runs F^troQe fougiit a careful, method- 48 21 24 24 5 6 The fleldiiig gen. o* toe game was dropped some to the past three meet closed. Yale haa now 23 of for the winners. icA fi|tot after tbe first round, held contributed by Rautenberg, when "^ th e r singles p d r i ^ sent MIm Stafford High (18) giuhes to which the Manchester l»y toe best meets. Larry French provec thA Steve BattatoiO even to tbe bccond, moved he caught a long drive from tee bat New Yorii, May 21.— (A P )—^A AB R H PO has "MX** three hits to 10 times at Swetonic is not the only pitcher on sllghtiy ab*od in the third, tocreased Hicks against of Cbopuf to the sixth. The hit look­ (Jedsive defeat of JackJaca (IQd) Berg. w ie agatoat Mias Morgan; Miss Lapinski, p, rf .. .5 2 4 1 bat. Wednesday against Bates, the 1 Pittsburgh’s staff whsn be blanked hla margin until there was no British whiriwto4 ^ Plahwlck; Mrs. M i ed jifce a sure triple. Incidentally, Harvard drove to four runi I the Cardnals, 6 to 0, on two ecA- Irioubt A hie superiority. Dempsey, c f ...... 4 3 1 1 CiSiaptis also pulled down a line SHAMROCKS WIN stocky little Sainmy against Iflas GOiirtay, and Mrs. Che- Dadalb, ss . , -----4 2 1 1 with a double and atogfe as hla team tered hits. His co-star was Paul He cleariy eAned a shot at Tony drive near toe left field foul line, Ctenaoncri’s Hg^twelght title, If the tOD into toe forefront of chsUengw | nev »«tagainst o a t Mrs. Watson. Squire, c ...... 6 2 3 9 won 12 to 1. He went bltleas to toe Waner. who divested himsalf A four I for Tony Canwmeri’a lightweight Wentworth golf course is not one that cut short Manchteter’s hectic 8-2 defeat' by Georgetown, and got The Shamrocks dAcAed tha WcA rousing doublea A the esrorase A staAum is Ade to arrange the Lorenzett, 3b ,...3 1 1 2 champlonAiip match. title. ^ ...... of the recognised Britidv to s ^ ilo ^ PUcin, 2b ...... 5 3 1 1 rally in toe third. Lupien contribut­ one sln ^ as Harvard beat P en ^l- Sides 6 to 2 to a YJi.C~A. t w i li t Derringer and CMrleton. The Now | F illip may not get the title Ship layouts but offers ptoty o< ed two splendid throws to the jdate rania 5 to 2. His average to'still lwuw»h«ii league game A tbe north York (Bants climbed into fifth place J. Panders, if ,. .5 1 1 0 ^ laA toSit. "Woody" WAlett, , NATIONAL "shot” immediately, this depending scope for display of women a * 1 * ^ Y. Panders, p . .3 1 2,1 from right thai cut off runs. very Ugh. they battered Vance from the on Whether Madison Square Ctordm The course is 6,113 Rautenberg*s two hits boosted his pitched for the witeto” - ^twaara- ^ to the eighth and dAeated (By Associated Press) N. Panders, lb , .4 1 1 10 nounced that R. K. Anderson has' (Including yesterday’s games.) goes through with its plana of pair­ srito par of 70. K ** » season’s average to .484, which Mancheater baaebAU lovers will BrooAyn, 9 to 4. Zainichie, s s ...... 2 1 0 0 donated five dollars for the firA WatWiiff—^Hafey, Reds, .411; P. ing him off with Kid Chocolate, course ahieldad from “ g * Piorek, 3b ...... 8 1 0 1 gives Miw tbc Individual batting find the Trinity-Harvard gams June LAty Gomez pitebed cteadly .ball Cuban phantom, to a final "elinnim- home run of ths'league season. LaA Waner, Pirates, A82. w S ta that so often have Palizari, p ...... 1 0 0 0 leaderabip of Coach Tom Kelley’s 18 a real treat toaamucb as not to the ptoches to beA Washtogtoo. tioo” before the to d w capped American golfers to this steadily improving outfit, which has night’s bummaxy: 6 to 8, and keep the Yankees on top Runs—Kleto. PhlQiee, 88; CteDtos, only does a. lecat boy captain the Sbaimreefcs (4) closes. But It seems ^ 45 18 15 27 4 6 yiet to meet dafaat this seastm. Bob­ to thq hot American League race. CartBnals, 36. country. Par Harvard ntna but a Mancheater , AB R H PO A E Runs hatted in--Terry. (Rante, toe Boston scrapper wfll be f a c ^ Yards Bcore by innings: by Smith, filling Squatrito’a place young man to also coach A Trinity. Tbe Yanka sewed it up In the third for tb6 ctuunploiiilup m * 385 4 at first, went'11111688 for toe first ZapA ka, ...... 4 J J J ® ? round wben they tagged young SO; Klein. PhilUea. 27. 4 Manchester Trade 226 012 68x—21 He to Gilbert V. W i«h t, former star ^raorTsb ...... 4 1 2 2 1 0 Hite—Klein and Whitney, Phil­ fore the summer season closes. 415 Stafford High ... 180 000 158—18 time this season. His work atifirat M. H. S. atbleto who later became Mrate Weaver for four Mta and aa He fought s coolly calculating 4 SU John, A .... 4 1 1 1 0 0 Uea; Herman. Rede; Worthington, 343 Two base hits, Lapinski 2rBydre, was a bit shoddy, but should im captato of tbe Springfield c o U ^ many runs. . battle g a li ^ Berg before a dim 186 3 WAlett. p ...... 8 0 1 • 1 0 Braves, 44. J. Panders, Magnuson 2, 'Senmow- trove uqdar Kelley's guidance. His Trinity has nbf^ been having Browndl, 8b . •.. 4 ® ^ ® Tbe Atbleties ran up their fourth Double#—P. Waner, Pirates, crowd to tba Garden last pifflit. If- 825 4 straight victory and Robe Walbetg 4 ski 2, OrlowaW, Sdbek, Hovla, bitting has baan one cf the out- as succeeefUl a caxapalfD as it did lb . 3 0 0 2 0 HAey: Rads, and SteidMaaoD. Cbihs. Bortog Bstg** Ufbt Laps complstely 368 ftandtog features cf tha sea hla firA at tbe season A Boateo’s 3 Hines, Lennon; three bass hlto tost year w lm 11 out of IS games Hleksy, I f ...... 1 1 ^ ® ® 12 Fuller waded to close and belted the 286 Spencer, Kovls; bits, off leiinon 6 jimfida OTisary was a bit off form, expense, 6 to 1. Jinmy Fonx again . Briton’s body with savage left 480 4 were tinmd into victories bot»tba 7 W r i ^ r f ...... * 2 - 2 2 0 Triplen-Kleiii. PblUles, 5; Hsr- 5 in 2 innings, Kovls 5 to 5% tontogs, three , errors at third, am to 1 Iziuntpb over Wedtyan Wed- Nieholaen, c .... 8. 0 0 11 0.0 led tbe A ’a attack wltii two doqblea isn. Rads, Va&gksn sad Snhr, ^ hooKe through 12 rounds of furious 515 lis misfortune continued at bat , and a stogie. WeAey FVrrpO ebook trHtitwg' n d settled definitely toe - --- Rossi 4 to % toning, Y. Panders 8 needty dld'oonslderabla to gain back retee, A ^ i n n t o g ? L a # ^ 8 to 8 to- where he -wte U t twice hsrpltchec 81 b 1 1 off the hoodoo tb A traOod Mm question of which of the two was .3J02 35 some of Trinit^s tsntyorarily lost Totals ...... 28 Hesse runs—Terry, CHantne.^: Total Out otogs. Palizari * to * balls. Tba fleldtas of "Cwidtie" prestige. W eA SMea threuAi tbe east as the CSesreland CbUtos. Cardinals, 8. -f toe better man. They had battled to Hole Yards stolen bases, Manchester 10, Staf­ AB Tndi%*e outslugged St. Louis, 11 to a lO-mind draw to toe Garden re­ 148 Btotto and ^ S S S r Kerr around Stolen heeee Frisch, Cardinals. T ford 10; left on bases, Manchester the keyatone aadk wae a treat If ____ 4 T, Tbe crack rigtathandar bad to cently. 498 5 8; KM b. Fbfflisa. 6. 3 6, Stafford 4; base on balls, off L e ^ watch. This diminutive pair showed MeCpnkey. 3b . . . 3 bays reUA but'waa credited with AMERICAN When the fight was over one 147 Hsddon, A ..... 3. judge voted for Berg but the 389 4 non 1, Kovis 2. Rood 2, real haaehaB sense. CORNELL FAYORTTE the victory. B A ttor-F oxx. Athlatlea, . 0 ! . Lapi"«kf 2, Palizari 1; hit by pitch­ Sendrowebl, e .... 3 Detroit’s Tigers goi to ViaFraalar judge and the referee cast todr 289 4 Meedwter High (f) ^ DldKey.YaBkaes.J96. . r i a b . r . h . f o . a . b .*| Hedlund, 2b .... 8 ballots for Fuller, The Associated 355 4 er. OriowsW. Sdhek, Dadalb: s ^ c k for two ring*— and Jonathan Stone’s R x ^ F r it x . Athletics, SS; Myfr* out by Kovls 6, Roaal 1, PanelM Kerr, ss ...... 2 2 1 0 4 i OVER YALE CREW I Farr, ...... 8 bome-ruB to the eleventh Inning to Prem score-card gave Fuller nine 462 5 ’nerney, l b ...... 8 Senators, 80. 3 4, Tr*p<"xki 8; time, 2 hours, 80 mniT C. Smito, 2b ....5 1 1 4 4 0 acore three runs and beA the .White Runs batted in—Foxx, Athlftfea, rounds and Berg two, with qqe 197 Ithaca, N. Y„ May ffl— (A P ) — Frazer, rf 8 even. Fuller wdghed 138 pounds; 431 4 utes; umpire, F. Busch. Mahoney, I f ...... 5 2 0 0 0 0 Sex, 8 to 5. 86; Avarin, Indlaiis. 8L . w ' O’Leary, 3b ...... 2 0 0 1 1 * Y a h ? s b ^ A wteitaff the m ytu- i Hewltti p ...... 8 » t e —Fozx. Athletloa, 86H AvedPr Berg 138%.______• cA eastern aptiat rewtagtitle were ,2J11 85 R. Smith, lb ...,S 1 0 9 1 0 Totals! .....27 2 6 21 7 1| ledtensi 8L - 'ii; . Lupien, rf ...... 8 1 0 1 1 l In tbe bAence as tha- TOls ___ DeuMi#- H a , WMte ■on gfA ' Ciorndl’s U i ^ touted tight 6 ^ * Score by tontogs: .6418 70 Yesterday’s Stan Rautehberg,-Cf ••412110 haanbeks .... 2 0 0 0 2 0 Csmpbdl, Browns,!!. ’ Grand Total vastly totyKoved PrtaoeCoa beatload The Chicago Cuba cAled off neg*^ TliptoS^Myw. BenstoTO. 6; NEW ENGLAND MEET Batkave^ e ...4 0 0 10 8 0 IWeAMtei...... ® 0 0 0 0 2 0-^1 tiationa f i» tha P*w***«? By the Associated Freas. Berger, p ...... 4 1 2 l 2 0 sari, Y u k asi, and FAX. A f ^ k t ^ ^ L a k T c ty u g i^ S ty ^ ' STwo ® w S t Lbits. * & SHedlund 5 S E 2,XenS* I t SaCTamento* soutbpnw, Providence, R. L, May 21.— (A P ) lYALE-HARYARD Larry French and Paul Wsner, 82 9 6 27 17 8 *'uom$ runs—Foxx. AthletiQ•,^^^:^ — Holy CtoM, rated as an underdog A Pfrotea—^Former held Cardinals to EaA Hartford (4) *^'**P*Y*“v*S*eomyetttlon ware------.— 5»taned mm as mtorlQea Mte, MoCmihey, Tl^j|ht» Mine iraimA Oekland and w b A do Ruth, Ynnkato, ad-. today went into toe finals of toe two hits; latter equalled M a jo r .l^ AB.R.H.PO.A.B. Stotan bMao-rfftoA White New Englimd Intercollegiate track IN 17 CONTESTS digbt fkvorttii over Ysle with | uxffpireo, Edward Ooiainan and Wok M ^ tU n k , Mr, Wriglty. you. ooA4 gue record by clouting four doubles. SUfkus, 8b-C ....8 1 1 8 8 1 7; aliiiBA Browna, 6. - ,v and field cbainpionabip meet with Prtoeeton ttM third dmtoA , ^ Angelo. b ^ him BOW? Huck Betts, Braves—Beat MeOor, 2 b ...... 8 0 0 2 0 0 - - the largest number of qualifiers— Ciambridge, Mass., May 2L— Wrsy haa five vAarans A laat 10-0, on five bits for fifth straight Troex, 2b ...... 1 vaarTn bla boA’and tha Gonsil out­ ■ ■ , • A m twelve to number. (AP)—Harvard meets Yale to 17 victovy. New Hampshire, winners of a athletic events today with m w Cbtynis, tf ...... 4 fit of 1981 wao xegardad to a«oe Andy High, Reds— His deventh FOMhak, A-8b ..8 year ago. and toe University of than 300 Harvard athletes partid- irminy triple with two on beat Cube, S quarters aa tbe beA In the east. Fresher, n 8 0 1 l 2 YAe eo flur has beaten M- Y* M P O > f o u Maine, followed dose bditod with pating to toe competition. Ninety- 8-2. / dgbt Harvard men go to New H ^ Cavanaucb, lb ..4 1 1 9 0 du^i regatta and Columbia and 10 qualifiers each. Boston CkxUege raon H*lr N. D., oQ^Mtotad Bat BattiJtoo, strudi ont, by P n g a t 9. PAtett 1, (SutoOlb J H ld - ... Hartford, Conn., (10); TWiy Rloksy 2; 'tbne, 1 hour, 40 mto. Dm- lefiflMA^ito iito fbo A d cela. Tainpa, Fla., w tp fd sM ' M plre. J. OXeary. No. 1-BtHton (SI) th# W R k «» l^tahiM A on# mOs at Wlatort, CUcago, (6 ); Iflokasr Marsano>6. » 6 , 6-4- . Bstowik: Aeloty ws6 rick, cailcagD, stopped Larry Udill, ------Hobouplty woMkr^MW tb' 'Aberdeen, 8. D., (8). tL ^ l.T 4 L N rw YoflE—Sammy Fimw. hunOh tel. tba K Oatuclty ' Tik - '-YSnrs. Wlte Wheda tie Extra. ton, outodiiitad Jadt> ‘ (Bid) laRrothsr Joe," mkad oM of Rntb. b#df teEm muM tBbtem rts. INCLUDING SUNDAY BI0RNIN6S. England, (12); Baby JOa Angelas, stafpad B y P tamonA I iSe.rlgl ton, (7 ); pamtoy Dertmae.-'^Nar York, and JOey Costa, Jarasy C l^, (•)* _ /. - r * ‘ ■ iki* . PAGE TEN

i s n n q o n H R ead th e vVjj M J« IL». - ^ ^ ‘-W C la s s if ie d

• i AOTOMOBIUSS FOR 8AIsB 4 REPAIRING 28 APARTMENTS—FLATS^ m T B N B M E ^ ^ 93 HARANON DANCERS A i MGWfeRS SHARPENED, key nak- FOR BAUD—1837 DODOS Sedsa. tag, vacuum olsanar, took, gun, FOR RENT—THREE ROOM suite, Queer Twi»t$ isOlNG’^ ^ Temueo, Chile, Mey Manchester C&ssp. Tfluphoiie 3047. . dbbk repairing. Braithwalte, 63 new Johnson Block, all modem F)f|^. men Who‘have, haa^lmi ' , PsSrI atreet \ Improvements, n o n e 8736 or jani­ In Day’s N«w$ ed m the^KM. tU ^ ;, tmu^Begfl Evening Herald FOR S A L S - PACaCARP touring tor 7686. Last night was a hectlo one for here for t&ree 'flqye,. ioU(^mrf% car. A-1 oondltlqn. Privately own­ the marathon danoem. Everything landsUde still w ^ iffiebnefol^^ CJ4ASSIFIED ed. (Plunie 6444. COURSES AND CLASSES 27 FOR RENT—4 ROOM’NEW. ji st seemed to go wrong with them. One Detroit—A **whiepering cam­ •ad deader hopes'were hdifetttm aDVERTISEMENlS complete, also 6 anu 7 rooms, partner would find foult and would their rescue. BEAUTY CyLTURB—Earn while 818-836.00, 6 Walnut street near paign” hM been drowned out by the wiant a different parfoer, another (Oonltimed fciim Page Om ) Count ^ AUTO^ ACC^BSORBfilS— learning* Detalla free. Hartford stem voice Of the law .. Hjrmle Can- The force of foeouers t ^ 'have Pine street Inquire Tailor Shop. wanted to sleep on. his paz^er’s worked three days , hbir laltlnlB. Bombon »ad BbbroTlsWM TIRLS 6 Academy o f Hairdreaalng, 693 5080. tOT came into court to complain shoulder and the lady would object. old Llndberidi child the night of MOb 'count M • word Bad BompooM Main street,'Hartford. that his brother-ln<4aw, Moe Dia­ March 1 iMt. landsUdea, falling madhfoeiiy, .ddd words as two worda Mlnlnmiii oo*i 19 Then' a fight would start keeping weather, torrential rains, prlco ot throo lino*. SPECIAL TTRB SALE FOR RENT—4 ROOM dOwnstalr mond, talked about him all over the the judges on the go every minute. Dr. John F. Condon/ the "Jafsle” Lino rntoB por day ior tmamoM 2 TlrealFOr Ptlce Of 1. Details At tenement, all modem improve­ store, "knd as if that wasn’t It Is beginning to tell and from now of ransom nego^tlone, picked the today.: jahdng. away at the mud- ■d». . ___ AGENTS WANTED 37-A enough,” complained Hymie further, picture of Gharthe Whitmore from banks, even m hope faded, . UootlTO Marefe if. M«f ^ _ MANCHESTER TIRE. CO. ments, and garage. Inquire 115 on anyOlng might happen. Caab ChaM Center and Trotter Sts. FAiSTBST SELLING NOVELTY— Eldrldge street ”he punched me once in the fUm- Phil Mun>hy had to put on the the Mount Vemim. N^ T., Revues’ Shortly before midnight the p«^ ( Coniacuttvo O ^ . ..| J Ota • we siee.’ ' The court would be enlight­ show himself last night and was Gallery yesterday and said, "that pie were thrilled when a meieag* Runt Ashtray, puts cigarette out ened ”ln the lingeries department,” I Cobi^uUoo Oaya ..I • *2 with .water. Make 80-40 percent­ FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement equal to the bccaslun. Phil recited, looks Uke the buelheBe agent of the wM received from the tunnel saying 1 Day> Ota If we with all improvements. Inquire 131 explained Hymie. An injunction kldnapere.” wM ’praleeif iMt night ai: of the men were rescued ^ e All ordora for lEravqlar teaartloM BtJSlNfi^ SERVICES sterling Art Metal, 290 Jdikson was ordered. sang the latest song hits and finally .will b'a charead at tbo aaa timo rata. OFFERED 13. Ave., Long Island City, N. T. Spruce street did get the dancers *to put on a by Col. Henry . Brehkenridge, Lind message came to a newspaper ' 're 8poS^M___S^m I ja ratea a a * P a forMM lone A W A V l tone OTory Oulpepper, Val.—Sheriff Perry W. musical revue. The show was a bMgh’B frioid and eomuM. by telephone aad was oonfl^ned by ay advortlalne elTOB npoe rMOOK AT NEW LOW RENTAL, modem Hatcher and D. D. ifiller pro rate Ada^irdorad t.or‘ throa or alx ASHES REMOVED by load or jdb; scream and the spectators were in a "The doctor is a-very active and the postmaster general, but later it POULTRY AND six room flat on Henry street their shoe bill. Sheriff Hatcher haa wonderful man,” Breokenridge said. developed that watchers at the &nd stepped Psfors the third or orth also light trucking done. V. Bu m , Steam heat screens, h«^ wood only a r^ht leg and MiUer only a fit of laughter all during the show. day wUl.'bo obacfod only tor tba ao- 116 WeUa itreet. Telephone 614$. SUPPLIES 43 ■The marathon Is being run along "It Is too had'half the people In the Svone had misinterpreted the words tuM oumbsr of tinos tbs m oppoor* floors, spacious lawn. R. T. Mc­ le ft They wear the same size shoei strict rules and no one is being country are not just Uke him with o f . a man who came running from od. chargrine at tba rata aamad. bet REDBIRD FARM. S. C. R. L Red Cann, 69 Center street Phone 7700. Buenos Aires—^If Cotedor wins the same measure of Integrity and the tunnel and flashed the falee no allowanca or rafnnda ean ba mam her next race at the Palermo track, shown any favors. All are treated OB alx ttma ada atoppad attar tba BUILDING— chicks, unequalled for high produc- FOR RENT—4 ROOM flat with all alike and the one couple that fin­ high resolve.” news. flfth day. , , . ■ . ^tlon, else, and vigor. State tested it will be just another horse race for No "till torblda"; ulaplay Unaa eat CONTRACTING 14 modem Improv/sments and furnace. her owner, Carlos Lombardos. His ishes last comes in for. the prize •old. for B. W. D. Amadngly low prices. Must be seen to be appreciated. In­ creditors obtained an order from a money. The Madison Square Gar­ Tba Herald will not bo raaponalbla BUILDINa- CONTRACT^fG, stone 98 percent livability guaranteed quire 285 Center street bankruptcy court allowing them to den 350,000 grand prize is really the BOLTON tor more than one Ineorraet Inaertloe mason work of any kind. Stone for three weeks. Catalog free. Red- enter the mare and apply the win­ mark the dancers are plugging for. RECONDITIONED CARS ot any advertlaement ordered tar fire' places, cobble work, founda­ bird Farm, Wrentham, MAss. There will be plenty of sore feet be­ more than one time. . 6*ROOM TENEMENT, aD Improve­ nings, if any, to Lombardos’ assets. The following pupUs that attend The Inadvertent omlaalon ot tneor* tions, repair work. Mason work of ments, steam heat garage, good fore that Is reached and dancers 1980 Oakland 8 Sedan ____ $475 Leavenworth, Kas.—Geneva L. Mancheater High school were on 1928 Oakland AA6 Sedan...$275 ract publication ot advartlalnf; .will ba any kind. Work by day or contract. FOR SALE —ROASTING ducks locaUdn, rent reasonaUe, 82 Walk­ Coon couldn’t have done any better from all over the world will com­ rectified only by eanoaUatlon ot tba 28c. dressed; alive 22c; also baby pete. the Honor list: Freshmen A honor 1928 Oakland^AA6 Sedan . .3235 obargra made tor tba aarvlca .-andarad. Big or small job. Charles Ander­ er street Inquire SO Walker. In high school if she wanted to. She roll, Ruth Fish, B honor roll, Bar­ son, 1016 Middle Turnpike, E. TeL ducks. B. T. Allen, 37 Doane 1930 Pontiao Sport Coupe . .3375 All advertlaementa muat oaefonB finished the course with grades of bara Fish, Sophomore, A honor roll, 1928 PuiGao Lmidesn Sedan $195. la atyle, copy and typograiptay w l» 4978. street, telephone 8887. FX>R RENT—5 ROOM .tenement 100 per cent in all subjecli through­ regulationa enforced by the publlab* and garage. Ihquire 13 Moore Pearl Dnvm^, B honor roll, Edna 1929 Whippet Sedan ...... ’.3150 era and they raaerTO the right ta out the four years. DEHEH MERRY MAKERS Carlevars, Sam Sllversteln, Angelo 1925 Peerless 8 Vlotorta___3125 edit, revlaa or raject any copy ooe- HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 street after 5 p. m.^ New York—Marcus Daly m , Junior, B honor roU, eidered objectionable. FLORISTS—NURSERIES 1$ grandson of the Mountain copper Elvelyn Fish. BARGAIN SPECIALS .v CLOSING HOURS—Oaaajfied ada ta FOR SALE—30 GALLON Everhot FOR RENT—BRIDGE street four king, will have to scrimp along on AT RAirS THIS EVENING be published same day muat ba ra- ANNUAL FLOWERING plants 15c rooms, first floor. All improve­ Mrs. Elsie'Jones, local 4-H Can­ 1 HupmobUe Touring ...... 334 cetved by It o’clock nOon; Satnrdaya automatic water heater, rug and 336,000 annually. His mother ning dub leader attended a meeting 10:t0 a. m. per doz.; salvia and ageratum ' ga.1 stove, almost new, prices rea­ ments. Inquire 71 Bridge street. thought 343,781 was the least Mar­ 1 Essex 4 Roculster...... 335 plants 25c per doz.: potted plants V Telephone 5977. , Bill Dehey and his Merry Makers in Columbia for local leaders in the 1 1926 Chandler Sedan ...... $75 TELEPHONE YOUR sonable. Telephone 8207. cus could do with, .but his legal will be at Rau’s, Crystal Lake, Sat­ various towns in Tolland county. lOc each and up; hardy perenials guardian said his ward ought to 1 Oakland Sedan...... |35 WANT ADS. and- rock garden plants 50c per POR RENT—6 ROOM tenement learn to save money. A surrogate urday night, May 21, for their first Mrs. Dakin gave a talk on cann^ Ada are accepted over the telephone dbSen; large ornamental fiowerhig with all improveOnents, screens, fixed the amount. Marcus who is engagement of this season. The goods and also had a display of 1 1927 Pontiac Coach ...... $100 at the CHARGE RATE given above MACHINERY AND TOOLS 52 Meny Makers have been the best canned products. aa a convenlanca to advertisers, but shrubs 5 for 83-00; violas 3 for 25c; and storm .windows. Apply 97 11, has an income of 396,500 a year the CASH- RATES will be accepted u FOR SALE—32 VOLT farm Ught Ridge street from a trust fund left by his grand­ liked band at Crystal Lake the past Mr. and.lfrs. Ralph Long and Galliomla privet hedging 33. per two.seasons and should draw a capa­ family and^Mr. Feldom of Rockville H. A. STEPHENS FDIJ. PATMENT It'oald at the busl- 100; evergreens 25c each; daphnes outfit; also Marine engine with father. Pontiac Dealer ness office, on or before the sevapth POR R E N T ^ r o o m s WITH all Philadelphia—The 36 a week Mrs. city attendance this coming Satur­ were recent guests of Mrs. Myron day following the first, insertion ^ 15c each. McConvUle’s Greenhouses clutch and reverse gear. Call Man­ Improveinents, hot water heat, ,at day night. Sparkling dance rhythms 198 Center St. Dial 7289 each ad otherwise the CHARGE and Nurseries, 21 Wlndemere chester 5303. Daniel Martin earns doing washing Lee. RATE will ba collected. No rasponsl* 168 Oak street Telephone 8241. has been freed from an attachmmt. will, be in effect with sweet, soulfifl Elmer Finley of New Yoric is blllty >for errors In telephoned ada street, Manchester. saxophones and torrid trumpets vl- spending a few weeks at his home POR RENT—SIX ROOM tenement Her husband had her Into Domestic will be assumed and their aoenraar WE HAVE A COMPLETE line of ROOMS WITHOUT BOARD 69 Relations Court, charging that she bratfog an enchantment that wlU here. cannot ba gnarahteed. with all improvements. Apply at challenge you to sit out a number. Mr. and Mrs. Glovel Rockwell n^tde up pans, baskets, etc., for 21 Russell jstreet owed him 386 imder an order en­ INDEX OF Memorial Day. Annual flower TWO ROOMS, light housekeeping, tered last fall which required her to Judghig by the opening attend­ have rented their cottage to New AUCTION! CLASSIFICATIONS plants by the thousands. Also or slngde room With board and pay 33 a week toward his support ance lEust Saturday night, it should York people. The private collection of Bariy FOR RENT—FIVE ROOM modem be a very successful season at Rau’fi. Births ...... A hardy plants of all kinds. Large garage if desired. Private family. flat with garage. Wm. Kanehl. because of tils’ age and Infirmities. Those interested in joining the American Antiques belonging to B&999Sm6DiS e fiteek—Vehicles 4f Agsbts for- l5UMtfd r - VhB -- •srvics,- - So. Main StrMt, Globe Soda Shop. Hartford, May, 31.— (A P )—The ed paid to the govenmient Penltrr and Supplies ...... 4l Other resolutions urfed action on Wasted — Pats—PeultiT^teck 44 one of' tbs M leadingleadiiv tong' distanoa FON RENT—6 ROOM lower flat, all offiCM of the C a w lio Transcript at The dally average crude oil pro­ Pet SMle^ mssstlnnsf s movlDiig oompaniis. oompaniss. Pflons 3033, 785 Asylum AySnus, were visited by railroad oonsolldatlon; .ooDdsmned Artictlei tor Sale Improvements, garage. 36 Benton govsrnmsnt eompstitlon with duction In Califonda“ 'tfonSa for April w m 8360,1334. StrMt. Ready June le t Near bUTfuri late Priday night or early 617,481. barrels, comypared with this morning. The door on the safe steamship eompanlM; recommend­ 602,449 bierrele. In March, occordlniordlng CARLSON A COMPANY Bsprsm. ^ l^ t Center strM t Can 8143. B. ed an International silver confer­ Beneon. was attacked with sledge bamaier, to the Amerieaa Fetroleum Ineti- Daily ssrvlcs to Hartford and eorew driver and ehlMl and |66 ence; termed amendment of anti­ tuts. ' Fuel and Peed ...... SpriMflild, and nil Connsetiout, trust laav neeeeeary "for the na­ Garden — Farm—Dairy PM uets RENTS—DON’T WASTE time look­ stolen. fT O Q V ^M A L COCHRAN P(CTUQE84>^ipp?! Kouiebold Goods and Maisacbussttf pointa. Loads ing for a mat Well get It for you ' Entrance wae gained through an tional welfare/’ , u i^ freeing re­ QUAKE BEOOBOBD Haeblnory and Toeli ...... art loads sMPid snywbsrc. without eharfo. R. T. MeOaim, 69 unlocked window. It was reported tail mercheadlelng from discrimina­ TfaeInMfon, May 31,—(AP) — A tturs SMving. Tslsptaons Msn- tory laws, regulMion 'o f foo-eharg- miee aaa gtere_Eguipneni ...... Oeuter street PbOBO 7700, that only cash w m taken. severe earthquake, Mtimated to be fpeolals at the Stores ebsstsr 3334.' Rsrtmxl 34339. ing employnMnt agenclMr considera­ 1,860 mllM from Waeblngfoii la r Woarlng Apparel—Purs ...... Springflild 6-0891. / FOR RENT— 4 ROOM teuement tion of enmloyM’ retirement an­ southwesterly direction, w m record WanUd^o guy ...... wltk all Improvemente, beat and nuities and toe repealing of. laws Beeuis BeatS—Hoteie ~ FRANK V. WILL141IS— Osnsrsl ed today on the Oeorgetown Unlver garafo, 169 Summit strM t Phone regarding malntenanhee o f exlitlng ^tv m m ibm m o Il Beetamnuts truekisf, csrlot ttsmbutfon, fsr- limitations on ^rifM for pttblle oomi Without Board ...... tUissr sad tobnsSe dsttrsry n 3937. Taken by virtue of aa eseouttoa OfHdiSiisiiS their oonmtatlone ■ jar^rs^wante^^._waated_.ranted ., ...... i ..,.,. to 8M directed aad will be Mid at work, placed the dleriirbaaM mther In lountry -^ B oa rd«“^ei rd -^ sorto______...... s g i^ t y . Rates raasonabls. TA. FOR RENT—6 ROOM teBsmoftt Cotel»«>lleitattraatir-Reit .. publlo vendue to the bigbeet bidder, Mexico or Central America. Xt be- Vented—Iteomi-^ard ...... all ImprorcmoBte, and f aragc, Xn- at Fotoy’e fltorebouM, on PumeU a a ' at 6113:04, Baetem Standard Heel Bjrtnte #er Bent qulre at 34 Bldridge efoeet. PlaM, m the Town of Maaebaeter, THOHASMAYHEAD fIBM, and entered a eccend phase Apartments, Plats, Tenementa . . at' B:30i4 y \ luslsess Leeati^ for Soit ... rAL FOR R B N T -^ ROOM teBOBMDt 14 daM after date whiob will be on rouses tor Rent ...... 22 with flntshed room is attle, ^ tbs 4 a foy of June, Jl D. 1983. at SOCIAUSr TICKET nburbas tor Stsat ...... 10 o'elook m tba.foreBeoB, to satisfy MBATBi LAST t t io K B i^miBsr Ksmsf for Rsat ...... modemm iBrnroremaute,iBmrori Inquire Detrdit--Cimt Herbert W, Em- Westsd to Rent icAiSA(9i ssd Arek StrMt said axsoutiott and .aqr. fSM tbareon, Real tba fMlowinf daeorlbed proparfo to obo rifb, 60, master of the freighter (Oo&UmmdlSm rnfo ) l^ h and OB the Great LakM for FOR r e n t - 4 ROOM teDomant i& wit; Qno< sfoall"s6fe, ona r ^ l^ desk, one flat-top GeSk, one tna- eeldentlal caadldato In 1933, w m 30 years. ' aMUent desditlMi, Middle Turn­ MB Fraadeco—EfflIIle Melville. pike West, Bsw 33urags, fumsM, writer desk, nine ehaire, one table, Erorod by rnany to'lead tlie party gUiiir cabinet. . again* A .movement to nonnate 33, doyenne of the American stage. B S F A liiW e u largs fardan, rant 336. foquirs W. Mlnaeiq^olie—Dr. William Defoh- w »u m », U Vinsstrsst Dated at Manchester this 31et Mrs. Meta B « ia r , widow o f fleelal^ WANTED TO DO I, sbiag- day of May, 1933 A. D. let CongrsMfoan, l^etor L., Berger, man, 31, vice prerident o f the Usf sad f sttsnl also FOR RENT—6 ROOM tssimast os AttMt: ' ____ for the vlM preefdeacy gained favor. American Natimopatb Aeeociatlon ¥ •y POM arbors built, hour. CsU Oastsr sirsst with all iatprovs- JAMBfl DUFFY, Other cindldatM wiU be nominated end president of the Minneeota 3673. amats. A pp^ 313 Osatsr stw st Constable. tomorrow. ' . Stote Society of Naturopathe. VI

ByFBANKBECK GAS BUGGIES-Oti Seem d ThoM dit r O O L O K 'fiB M out- and snapped, deon t b ^ heaedi flieilo o f tlM ^ e y tbat m e ^ i I glllKlllIJi man’s enoree. "B o aofo w m t i t ^ " 1 wantM ta|te a PiVt pdflir POUR sold Soottty. "Wo kBd boot loavo "Wo bavo no ~ HIM I ru . MMPfr' W A K f UP. t fo r m JMII flJir.AMV, tVB 8B|^ Um alooo. I WbOM TO o r r m o t h b r ' MeMRN^^UFP •lABVil ^ HIM...THB ’Mo eaye tbeeWi Botttaff IMM to find. 1 tMAoal H ItP, I CAh/r^ look ^ QAIflBO A T fw n s EBTTINQ A W M P ilA M OPyiNEt sooforouad tUe pfooo.. It aoime to ____b K WoVi ABLBBP^^ AND I PUB1^ ,.m A FTiR TMB kOOM FAM Ity you om m

.? t - . *■ ••

->T«en«nlBe iM ke .^PndsiMfb^ n ......

^;^i«2-?.v.;' \ n .^ t . 'ABd>a0ki« ltW»^«i«dQ^ We- demand the best “ TOMBOV’ TAYM and help create new ^ Hi* «ld'iMgro frbiatB «h6w wbw H O T i| .g lW ■A':. ^ ------.. .t-V . . i K Mdd: |pT ^ r iii* ^ «ra«ld T^md ^en kick about h i^ taxlifc p« 4 IQOM « s r M t r ..... a you wotUd 'know whethdr ' a- ZM ___ man’s schema, is .honorable, ask hbd , M o m , how is whether he .{myed over it or con­ AAl^ M lrf A#/ ------^ in oro^ - sulted a lawyer. / v d ik f J0UT. MASrf CMbJSdiiBiJrf , ltoie-4m A M M . tbSQki. sah; TBR A 0 -A- hut bo«s, y& a h c f is csrslsss wif Wife—How do you like me'ln my VQiiii; dunfipAV! w ^ JO* IMetldBS. new gown, dear? I got it for a A ^ 6 ^ ridicmOua perloe. ' . ^ _ SSoa HAD d « is i M t ' RastuB White—{Jflrhtuin* nebbah Husbaiw-—You mean you got it D A ^ B S R v W ^ s b ta twlee in ^ same spot for an absurd figure. M3S iSF Soa ^ .M4 MAJ/ ! Sanibo Johnson—Ah knows it — ‘AS' tfFFiSR- 'MS A _ w H r fd -s 1 AU" (dat mwt am gone. F irst Sbrnot Cloanor—I hear yon made a kilUng in the stock market? r Jl A but it doesn’t scare me a b it 6 PARIS RAIDS © It has about reached the point in this country where you can get On the night of May 81, 1818, about everything on credit except German aviators made an air raid 0 . money. on Paris.- Bombs were dropped in parts Wife’s Mother (to gardening-son- of the day, causing 18 deaths and w . ' in-law)—1 hope you’re being care­ P K ^ d a m ^ . ful when you dig up a worm, Rich- roads north'and northeast of Paris aiV. Remember it &n feel, and think were also attack ^ , but the bombs \AeS PDOM VIEW, AMD NASH hNO t Ta e r e . I thing tender about him, especially wear and still ttlnk she’s Umlting legal tender. herself to the bare neoeesttlef: SHOUT VJJVTH JOV. TH6V ARtYdfE, TVC FIX m * BULV- TO SE POT ASHORE NOHJ iMPOSLlSLe. a T?^’ NNOOOS. w e n — H E LOOtdB S O ------T M E P E .1 3 »p4 FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS « iE» i n ; p e a s o m i FOODSH RiOHrr B y B l o s s e r 1 OOn V BE.URV/E Novu . t h a t , r F \M OiGrKnTV— >NOoLO PPETTV n e a p p a w IH4M MCWSy UP Z POKtT.'«5~.1U m MAR T 0 E c 6 x , vn h rLi LMMT AMCVHSR Bsgi4 BSAu wot) bo LO^E -Tt> <50 ASiquKib- Q f j *ntgiR. 1HSr80U»JpV« MSARO M M xyintffr CAtJOi-9, PttmekojgS. WOWR piONnwo LOCWiMv A UrTtlS Z*WISH ViSP AKUflTX n s t j A BA cuioiH g M O F * ^ Q I- POOUSH AtJLiH' hMNSR POVbJD SOOtJ hams AAOQt>l -Ml \ LOOKE> AS, ^»sdE.,-ib We e p *TUIS Ot-D FPONI tOOWivj* C ^ i ! UlSHT A K T ---^ f o o l i s h . SOMP6 nrm ^ iP .w i M f F b o u ^ FxncKkns.


IWR x « rv s L c t r D ig CIMBSCAM fSA nift iT/eusi>j ou r Of t*// p o ew tU ^ - -THE BU5r Lvi bHEN LiSTEN. SOP^^EBiWY iS PRpHJUNE OPOP. \ r AWPOMP THEIR HiPiHdr PlACg. a a s S S i g ^ i


\t-Jly jl ISr Saudi SALESMAN SAM Strong Gnr! % • y

WiAM?W«Ct,DO*^ I K im p\yto V/,';o5nr ' 5CE X ltos* FOUR s_ OP WiTW O M E «A M O ; c m WA/ OUT CP*n4AT«.VWy OiOMT OMfx A B T ' -'a*' w s m a goMSSooy eio>AuTbs coeiiN' ii0iM«,A*/M0iopy eowai/XM'tfSMT loiewB vfl WSM tfOlMg'DO 1M#AC « ^ BKFIRM1MB CSMS r iiJsM -BBM IN fyB WMOW w rm tL u WWBBWE ACS [’^^55Ssy/ “ ' B d to cif turned wbso the petrdmea left'AS NiltlMr RndrvIBe Nor S W idiO ’ n aia esfunifle be th o fe a t tka win aMde a t p a t- PMIcci Ab^ T O B gD A l kT tA 8 F. M. ststlng in this dengeiwni e m t id li : ha M e. •tad linnighont the dqy.'iite > WDUarn Cammm o l 20 Adanw coorta are used to a great aztent so CENIBI CHDRffl MEirS Attend S. M. E4 Cenfinnp street, Wattham,' Maas., la. believed Sunday by penona who have do AiMHJTTOWN to have been the. driver of a W U ppet permita. nid the courts are greatly, asdan which waa wrwked m the abqaad ia a leault It to expeetad ______L. C. CUflord, Jr., OUTING ON TUESDAY tieo At Swefish Lottenm. state UglnraylntSritoetleD near the that thla trouble wIB be eHmtnated 6M Cantor'•treat, who haa been ffl Goat Farm JM necth of Taloottvllle with the r^rular issuance of poe^ early this morning. nrits for Sunday tennla fo r BOtae time with a sevarf attack Win "Be Held At Hebron Game of branehItiA to showing gradual The program in Iqeal churches to­ ’ The car, owned the ShOD Gas improvement. Chib—Cars Leaye Temple ^Company, was apitarently coming At 4 P. M. and 5:15 P. M. morrow to headed by the Good WiD down the road from Vernon Centtf service to be held at the Sputh The American Legion rifle team and went off the jx>ad in rounding will meet at the State Armory at On Tuesday evening. May 24. tlm Methodist church at 10:40 o'clock, the comer toward H artford-^ point D o l i g h t e d ! 1:30 o’clock this afternoon. Cen^ Church Men’s Lea^e wiU to which various British-American udiere numerous accidents, some of mem fatal, have occurred .rince the ii hold an outing at the Hebron Elrii organizatians In town have been in­ vited. The speaker will be Dr. Rob­ new road was eaed last year. Group 4 of the Memorial Hospital and Game Qub with games, camp- The JVhlppet ploughed through Linen auxiliary, Miss Mary Hutchi ert S. Moore of Providence and hla ’flre stories and refreshments. AD subject WiD'be "Intomatianal Good three fence posts and was badly son, leader, will meet for work damaged. All glass except the Monday afternoon at Center Church members and others Interested are WUl.” urged to avaU themselves of this windshield was broken. The driver House. At the Zion Lutheran church on opportunity for an enjoyable spring Cooper street, a class of seven chil­ is bdieved^not to have been injured. Rockville and state police denied A month’s m*"*! mass will be held outing. dren win be confirmed at 8:30 Cars win be leaving the Masonic o’clock in the'morning, and at the knowledge of the accident which oc­ ' in S t Joseph’s Cathedral, Hartford, curred about 1 o’clock this morn­ Monday morning, at 8:30 for Brid­ Temple, between 4 and 5:15 p. m. and Swedish Lutheran Church a class ing. get Breen by Rev. John Kelley. all wishing transportation Aould be win be confirmed at 10 o’clock, in there as early as possible after 4 charge of Rev. Carl S. Franzen. The Ladies Missionary Society of p. m. Mira E3zie FuDer of the Hartford the Swedish Lutheran church serv Theological Seminary will apeak at TO USE 9TH DISTRICTS ed a supper to more than 75 per the evening service at 7:30 o’clock sons last night A short prc^fran ANOTHER SURPRISE at the Norm Methodist church. TENNIS COURTS SUNDAY was presented, including a group a HYGEONIC songs by Miss Eflsie Beiggren, read­ Dry Geansinsr ing's by Miss Marion Olson, and a GIYEN MISS DAVIS UimERAN YOUNG FOLK Permits To Be Issued Through report of the conference at Worces­ Concessieek A full dress rehearsal of the Doris M. Davis, direetdr of young' Due to the fact that the Recrea- tioh -Centers are closed on Sunday HYGEONIC costs no more than 'patriarchal degree team of Shep­ people’s work at the South Method­ ’The Young Peo{de’s Society of the >rdlnary Dry Cleansing. only herd EMcampment L O. O. F., win ist church, was held last nij^t at Concordia Lutheran church enter­ and that tennla courts are in great be held at 7:30 Monday evening at the McCormick cottage on Coven­ tained the New Britain and Terry- Any plain -DRESS Odd FeUows haU foUowed by try Lake, attended by about 45 ville Leagues In the church parlors or COAT Baby’s or strawberry shortcake supper. members of the Elpworth Laague last night. A fine pit^rram was LEATHER SOLES and ' Any Man’s SUIT and their frienda Miss Davis, w|io given by the Ooncon^ League RUBBER HEELS or COAT Nelson S. Kingsbury, street com­ terminates her service at the local which included a tiq> dance by WU- your own missioner of Hartford, will be the church next month, was presented Uam H. Geas, a mgnol<^e by MU- For Ladtes' A ^ A A Bring your garments to our dred Weber, novMty piano selectioa Dry Cleansing Dept. principal speaker at the meeting of with a purse of money. Refresh­ andGents A/\I the Manchester RetaU Credit Asso- ments were served, including hot Fred Werner, soprano solo, "Deep ' elation to be held next week Tues- dogs, sandwiches, coffee and cake. Ih My Heart” from the “Student day evening ht the Hotel Sheridan. Prince”, by Anna Gluck and “Bobby RUBBER HEELS Mr. Qngsbury is extension man- Stutters” by Eknest Tureck. There PHOTOGRAPH ager of the Hartford Better Busi­ were refreshments and games. ness Bureau. It is expected that Local league member^ wUl motor 25c practleaUy aU members of the local Manchester’s to New Britain this evening to at­ SELWrrZ SHOE Here’s your raportunxiy to have-your ido- organisation wlU be on hand to tend the annual bowling banquet of REPAIRING hear the Hartford man speak. D a te B o o k the state Luther League. W ALTER ture, mounted m a de luxe ftdder, for only Sehrita BnUdfaig, Main and Pearl 85c. Beginning Monday mmning an ex­ FREE Maty McGuire, William B rt. 1908 Griffin and Mathew Merz head a T od i^ . R. HORRT pert photograidier will be in our store to To each m other.... committee from among ’'he men ChUdren’s program at- Center BRIDGE-WHISr-SETBACK take photogriQiJis of everyone wee a .mirror vrith the church at 3 o’riock p. m. CONTRACTOR and women of St. Bridget’s church Baby Brother to Grandma and Grapdpa. lactuie of her baby in charge of a bridge, whist and ■ Next Week. Mmday, May 23, 8 P. M. ESTIMATES ON ALL You do not have to buy anytiiing rise to setback party Monday evening at Wednesday, May 25—All-mem­ AND .on the back. bership meeting of Chamber of St. Bridget’s Parish HaD ELECTRICAL WORK take advantage of this offer___ and you 8 o’clock in the parish haU. The And Bepairiag Given BUILDER usual prises, refreshments and a Commerce at State Trade schoid. Prizes! 'Hefreshmoits! can buy as many as you like___ one or a Friday, May 27—Entertainment 35 cents. Free o f OlHirge. social time will be had and the An Jaba Onaraataed. R^air work of all kinds. Also dozen or more... .at the low m ce of 35c STUDIO HOURS general public win be w;elcome. at Center church b7 young people's AH Players Welcome! each. groups. hoosepainttug. 9 a. n . to 8 p. at Saturdty, May 28—Dedication of EUGENE MYERS A pubUc setback party for the 456 Main St. TeL 6777 • PHONE 5773 benefit of the D^^ee of Pocahontas LdtliDanian *«aii on Gplway street. win be held Monday evening at 8:30 Next Month. at the home of Mrs. Michael flts- Saturday, June 11—^M. H. S.-Brls- Y 7A ’$ ''M 1 N S BR€DTpEERS, nve. gerald, 46 Pearl street. The usual tol basebaU game at West Sitto play­ David Chambers prtoes win be awarded and refreab- grounds. nients serv^ Tuesday, June 2L— M. H. S C ontractor graduation. AU members of the British-Amer- Friday, June 24, — Opening of and Builder Special Notice icah club are requested-to meet at two-day state conventlaii and. field ■Sib the clubrooms at 10:15 tomorrow day of Loyal Order of Moose hmre. morning to attend the British-Amer­ Saturday, June 25.—State Masoo' ican Good-wm service at the South ic Veterans at Tenqde. ELECTROVITA Methodist church, in celebration of Opening of two-day sessions ol Ehnpire Day,.May 24. Dr. R. S. 16th annual coaventi^ of ttie New SEE THE NEW Artificial Mineral Water Moore of Providence win be the England Conference .Luther League guest preacher. at Swedish Lutheran church. EASY WASHER Can be obained at the The H(dy Name society of St. a t Bridget’s ^urch wiU, receive com­ munion in a body tomorrow ihom- Place Orders Now $ 5 9 . 5 0 ing at 8:30. A visiting priest will New agitator, balloon type be at the church this evening. ridls; new ti^ new beaoty, MIDLAND FILLING STATION For Spraying Fruit 311 MAIN ST, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN. only |5 a mouth. Daughters of Liberty No. 125 are and Shade Trees W. S. GRANT, LOCAL DISTRIBUTOB. requested to assemble at the South AD Types of Tree Trinmoing, K E M P S , m e . Win dettver, or ^ edal price at station offloe. Methodist church tomorrow morn­ Surgery and Flaating Done. ing at 10:30 to attend in a body Free Home Demonstration. Station Phone 8961 Henso Phono 9988 the British-American Good-Will ser- •vice. Harry F, Sweet Forest and Tree Ehqiert ' Officers of Temple Chapter, O. EL Ebounined and Cectifled By me S. win meet tomorrow, Sunday eve­ State of Oonneetleiit. ning at 7 o’clock at the Masonic 1 Franldln St. Fheae 7587 Temple for a rehearsal of the me­ morial service. A Dress G. E. Willis & Son, Inc. CHENEY CHIFFON 2 Main S t, TeL 5125, Manchester 1 W Lumber—Mason*s Supplies can cost you O t l — ^ o u l He Wis feed oThort^ Caimel Coal for Firei^ace Uae. imde 25 ycaafs.kge^.i^.M a Less Than $6.00 ^ifldr-4o boiM- w a^^ for •' PCTltnii e Including Cutting, Fitting and Basting Wkien his was We Can Save You Money » KMiey for dkii die oonesf On ; iiobilebi^ db IF YOU BUY ANY . t(ie old gentietiM:'lit^ ftikd to cliaiige lus wuL DAY NEXT WEEK yoor owtt ’^ ^ t o d a t e . Aod ♦ , ' ' PAINT when yon a re jiiiiid ^ doo*t • 1 9p9dil nriMaa BMIim prk9 May 28-28 ineluaivD tbe ^ law N WINSALL tegk cjacpocfte cacoiibi^ to 8etrie yoor $1j 50 Per Dress cMace. t Sm M 8p^ busioai. . A Pore Linseed Oil Paint $2.00 For Dress and Jacket $2*^ gallon CSi9B9y Brothan win p«9: xumal&der of regular f99.

An Coktra.

CHIFFONS REDUCED DURING WEEK • The W . G. Glennty Co. Cnt LUMBiS, SM Nwtk Hrin Stc^ Td.U4t, ~ 'Hartford Road, South MiHriierter, Ctann.

'm . E'C.'.'