Husband Overjoyed W Hen H E H Ears News *T&Tdred. S'
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V*‘- ’•A-.- f-. ■ :^' * ■V.*??F.'f tv4.-' rr,V^ • t l ^ , i->- PMSPB) SOUTH ■ m l -jV' .f 1 yj' « . ; ;• / P l^e’s-ey^Viw o i S o v i e t , G R L THEN KQ)NAPED m / Wcddqr New ftiTci OltDER ALL DOGS Wm u Fier Crtnes Oeeu dm Reports That Ss HERE CONFINED Cwicctrf W tt II Husband Overjoyed Saucufrily — Flee CoopaiMi Was Carned and That He When He Hears News Thna^ Fwt ari Stems OfBpTweRaafits. OiArwk «f Rabies Forces WiiaAsiisdiigTheB. Far bars, She Repeitz New Tofk, May 21— (A P ) — ^viewed Miae Bazhart after die land- T ed.AeV Strict Riles To Be Issaed Boplwell. May 21.— (A P )—The Qeoega Palmer Putnam waa inform “Of courae, Tm overjoyed," Put Irrit h Ftitnre Otiale Derby. Coon., May 21.— (A P ) — that J < ^ Hughes Ctirtia’ ed by telqtonne from Limdon today nam said, “but we who know her Dr. Royal Ptoney, wealthy retired biti^ of Us astoUabtog lie mag^ito is with the London wdl were sure ihe'd do it. Irisyaician of New Haven, reported Bj Board of BeaUi. *8be has to o n calm oonraga than of Larieedniy; B ri Bri itadr have been falae to part, reeetV' that Anadia Earliart, to pottce today that two nweo had any person I ever knew. Please let ed poUce attention todiQr. to Ireland. The me thank the Aaeodated Press TreeMe Far Last Tea sMtieted Mlaa Afoea (XNeU, hta Action waa taken thia morning A portion of toe Nbrliidk^ told Putnam that ita corre- warmly for being the flrst to break CompanioD on an automobile ride, by the Board of Health of the Town boilder^a oonfessUm, that U a fider- gpondent' at Londonderry had inter- the news to me." after they had beaten hini aevere' of Mancheater to conitoe all doge to medtalioo to^ the Unffiwrgh baby Beers. tv town to kexmela or homes or leaah The phytidan, a reputed nttWon- case was a hoax lifoeady wpa oon- a f ^ told police the attack occttrred owing to an outbreak of raMea. The sidered disproved. That waa the CUmore, tnster, toetond; May 2L portion to whicb Curtto oqdatned U s a t '11:45 p. m. laat n ^ t when he situation became aerioua laat week CORPORATION PAID U.S. GOLFERS WIN — (A P )—Amriia Earhart Putnam, atciwed t i* machine on a aide road purpose to the elaborate lies was to when 11 treatmenta were given per the firft woman ever to fty the At to' Orange to enable hia companion sona bitten by a dog which waa get money by the sale at his story to H ^ t a dgarette. later kiUed and a poaitive report to upwep epers. FOR W A IM R ’S TRIP THREE FOORSONES lantic akoe, landed here this after Carry OC Girt waa given the Board of Health. The Police pointed out that the hoax noon. Culmore to five miles from The bandita, one of whom w m dtbreak b^an laat January when was .three w^pks old before Curtis Londonderry. armed, drhffed'Dr. Plnney f ^ a dew aifeeted with rahiea waa re arteamted to sen hto story; and that marine. bMt and robbra him of ported and four Paateur treatmenta even so, be could not hope to fim! Londonderry la the e ^ t r i of the any buyers unless he recovered- the hia watch and f 15 and then d ^ e given. , iWjm Letter ef Craiit M m o tl County of Lmdonderty to North away with Miaa OTfeil after th ^ Persona ntten stoton Gbiarlee Augustus Lindbergh, Ireland. had thrown tom into a ' clump of Laat week another dog owned by jr.,-lw bld i he. must have known was It is situated on the Fogdf, five impossitd^ to aatoueb as U s nq;o- Handed T o r Hew York bualiea. William C. Cben^ waa killed anc 8 miles above Lough Foyle and 128 Dr. Plnney aaid he walked to the the bead sent to the State Boan tiatkaa were not n^iotistions at alL miles from DabUn. main hifbnwy after regaintof con of Heaitb and a report given that Sene Other Motive. Mayer Before Jeoiey. mea At WeatVerdi Coarse The city has for years been an , fd6uanefi ADd waa pldMd <9 ^ * the positively bad rabi^. • An inquiry was^quietty under way active seiqwrt It was: a atroog- If motorlat wna i^rove him. to tiie Another dog is under confinement to foam if Curtto may not have bad hold of the Orangeites and in 1889 DtrbS^ police beadWoartera. and suspected of having toe dis some o th « motive,, ^ t e removed flnrnMT Enfl- m - v « held out successfully sgalBst the , Folk# aaid they had no New York, May 21.—(AP) — Wentworth, Survey, Eng,, n ay gg james H. ease. Three Paateur treatmenta froip the altie of Ue “story,” for in (A P )—The Hnited States temn [ due# aa to the whereabouta of Miaa have been given persona bitten by venting, the deception. It was re- Mayor James J. Walker's travels 21 (y s i a a ^ the.f^yaidan'a automo tn tjM that due to the *^deilcacy" of abroad in lO^^and to California to of women golfers today swept the London, May 21 -^ (A P )— The the last one to become affected. Winding sinuous-atreama of bunaanf^* coh^rglM Press AasOdatian reported from bile. The treatments given the 18 per^ tha-tiegottotions. with a vessel at sea. Tom MoanesraintereBt last year, the three foursome matches with a Dr. Ptone/a Up waa ba^y a ^ famous Bed Square, are strikingly shown to tUa Londonderry^ Ireland, this afternoon sons who came to contact with the ing the May Day demonstration in the Soviet AM he riigd. m y Coast Guard craft refrained from one all^edly^on a ^10,000 credit ^ t is h side to take a commanding by t ^ bandita and one of hia teeth letter bought by a bus corporatlm that Amelto Storhart. Putnam, solo three iBtoeted: dogs run over a peri tMseen an ^ e of the famoua Hremlto, and befbre iL toe T y to ^of Lfci ^ their usual carrtul patrUs in some lead to the team sertea.. She stoglea trans-Atlantic flier, had landed vha knocked'Out. od of wnrtaan days, a treatmrat watims, fearful of causing the ool- agent, the olheriBOt paid for as yet, with reviewing stands erected on gach side. r ^ t t o nuRtob^ win be playied this after- ti^re. • He waa 'ejBeb daring that period, the ,St,BasiL. The lmlldlJK.lowegleft to a fb rm y y u rto and cooventtvuch li^se at n^etiations for the baby's brourtit a demand from the city In- Sdentie Seboot ofirale to iMBt vesttgiffoa comafittoe today that noon. Mrs. Putnam, the news agency afiTf'Trr^lV The eofta of the treat- now hOU0(M a htotorlcafnniseton and government ofUcy. *- -rtmabm. amA, was unhurt She had bad M a i Ve Steal ■/flt I. As. a result of this relazed vigi - - - — — tting^ chief niajgtotrate One Hole, Margin Or, Ptoney, a focmer In jliif” next Wednes- Mrs. Glenna Collett - Vane and ie with her exbsuiat maidfrid Aeto w m dtoto lance, m m rumfors were able tor had out doit, waa waiulv^^o chafnnan of Mrtk ' Era defeated Joyce Mbdre, ' aiy> and to toad 9«B!^ Welihar^and; Watida M organ-^ «Iob4 B edto yesterday ,_,^.yrttl|oHCnwUnt thP (tBedhny^-raBshl jpum tiet^ Federal ontft, ^ driving . • tMuU. («ith Domestic I poUtod dttt/ M »» W5* Stoto'CondUaaioBsr of W aUtiforii evidence j . B. Watspn'^two and one and- h i w manifoM) for about tea Anlmilto.tW.j^ leeal. Board of I Lawyer'Btogaged. p And srttti it aaAtodr document tend- .-^urean dreutt and Mto.~ L«ona the press associatioh;quotes' From NorfUk came word tlit an tog fo show that the debonair offi- Cheney defeated MoHy*,Gourlay and ____ Piitiuun “and for a lob o t tte fffS ? J ffa«rS d tiS?be laSv S Tbritate vHU attorney bad been engaged to defend tindtog parts and the Lido Ddrta Parte by one hole. way I was Itytog through stormaT- ^ U t i S ? ^ b ! o t hS? ^ e stim a te d I «tion « * with the town Board of Health Curtis from the charge of ohetruct- pensivp ptoiygrounds,;hadids, bad overdrawoverd Mra..Vare and Ito*. Hfll adopted mizt, lato and a llttie fog. within five d a ^ as required by tog Justice OB wUeh he' iaitiSld, to Ms credit 88,000 duitog the 40-di^ the atrat^y of stlcktog to Miaa “When Mrs. Putnam landed, tiie atatnfe. lieu at 810,000 hall, in Jail a^Flem- gojourn. ^ Wethered and waiting for the fa press associatioh said, she deeliuod: When toe atate take# charge of Seahury named J. Alton Snfltllj ‘Tve done it.” the rabtoa dtuqtlott M&t weak, the Mctiw&h AfTM That Re- D J ington, N. J. mous English star to . make arrora The Rev. H. Dobson-Peacock, then New York sales agent tor nn«« Wethered’B first serious lapse ‘T had to land here to the pas £ & 3^ ‘s r j53s area wtil be tooi^oaghiy toapected jM o t t , They'made a fruittoaa aearch whose^cohnection with Cbrtto as an Fageol Motors Company, a mldr was at the eighth where, she mlMed tures outside Londonderry,” die fS % S S ildtoito.tet^iActolty« and the order of conltoement ex SMorces of States Are ^intermediary" to the Utot for the west concern, as the ortgtoal pto- an 18-toch putt and Mrs.