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7-4-1915 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 07-04-1915 Journal Publishing Company

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demanded Then I w.i- - guarded i K War .1 prisoner who had not given based, Summary of DEFEAT HUE Til IS ON my BOMB PLACED IN J.P.MQRGANS DECISIVE loon !t. windows of house New of Yesterday HI guards iniKht wateh me and m -- lo listen i" all I had le sa la m friends and in m family even Agents ap-- IS MORE ARRESTED I" d from time to time in my house GAPITOL By MAN BUTMOTFATALLY Of RUSSIANS in Seer of those that would arrest." ItiU; r IgBtasM I t Huert - eve Hashed as lit lui ... I In PLAGED II JUL WHO ATTEMPTED TWICt Of MA Si LIKELY UNLESS t luni or his family, high position. ' con III BORDER CITY Of TEUTON BLOOD ALLIES ASSIST my daughter and IB Former Presiden 0 Hope fur Slavs

Again Taken in 'tthout espionage. I an mi i i! my family b) Hi Is" in is shamed - Pre by Italians Held Def. i, on iii which l .mi placed," iV Would- ie Huerta erith Ixcd BdwaTd 1 UOO Bond on eput) United States marsh ti.it he termed "ussier vlgilan rr having Riven bond. "Had plneed in the eiretinistat AUSTRO-GERMA- ATTACKS WIRES CHIEF JUSTICE ceil FEARFUL WRECKAGE IN CONFESSES PUTTING BOMB BECOME MORE INTENSE OF U. S.'SUPREME COURTi SENATE RECEPTION ROOM IN NATIONAL CAPITOL r " i ill. I not disclose tin of tiiis. declaration. Later Is eraatlon Huerta aald thai His ni-j- stubbon Heavy Artillery Engagements h is aroused when hi IKtle son. pushed from the running hoard Ait' in Prom ess in France Officer; ... automobile by Urvnnt ns they in Region; Biit-is- Differei and Vosges h From Remarkably Quiet, Would Him, the first tmii l have i t. mper to run awas v

prtalnti to Wai BV MnANINlS K.tmNiL I'lCUL I.IIIID :m MOItNII.Q JOUNNAL . P I m cinco. lav mo Al- - d at tin customary m the Julv (III Jt I1 Wash i the rentifUos her,- Wl p he letreuiinx Ruaaahn artntei of , ;in which mtlltarj experts - gl'railv . loiimn,...... u vwi m oi ine r.i.i, sl.il tiisnlerial us it to he vlr- le.lllieu ' t'" i Mexl il in the county Jail I from ihe i, or, ler oast and weal o Kit"' I,,' the iroWlnd Impetus of here late today. Incarcerated with Patio Indicated unueunl activity. There ,0?iB. '','' Herman advance is such In j . ItttVe itu-su- i, dete.it seems him were Ignaclo Bravo j was a marked Increase automobile ((( no bei ii especially si vei and Bduardo t according lo military ex-- a g the border roads andi ni where hjs inevltahti fan., former Mexican federal eener- - Uttk fureal h i , b, ss he wers mi , . was noticed that manj ot the ,, nit is in com man pi mi entente i i i i i , r,- - 11111 pi inre uih on 'i a .lose mig;i ,m. . i ;a f , . i, - 1, ,i i on i j led Mexla Tlno. ' ii lie pnwi fui diversion also hail he fori s The Press ,1 i, n ikfasl ner Enrique (5 ,..,1 he in i. in or the western front. and of reports have Inflicted hi i - Washington Mill- hotel. to Ike of i hail been rearrested in h Neither north vas timt he se iall ia. nor i.i ihe southeast In mite Yah n t i ppeer to be trying t ifl'el warrants issue uted dion Hi l serimis resistance, but unlee Mt. Anoth il plann eX - lforeed ihi charging in- consi aimeil the nil.- - a i a - in Wareaa are to be ni utected. tuilllin ) ohsi rv en Hi. iii Ni. Indus til nut and fours of ilia ml Imke M fighting over lutlon in Mextci procure!' Mill in is Italians cm oon do some stubborn III KRT.VH I M i: UMTRVS ithi i ii Poland frontier M bile hta m:,. nun I ,adv gain uki bond of in tholrl m must match Hi MI sxtrems left nalrolsi Imprisonment. in rapid rrlireineiil if II Is to .ul, l iiml peim him-- Ihil while being se .iv, mi a critical predicament. "K. Peai niH stors from il to Lieutenant M . hallenberger, Todsj official slutenieniH aothlnai provost marshal a purse mt. Vienna and Berlin uhrontcki Inn suoceaeeg for their arms. pt ISO in Wash nigton yes obeblj i iday'a battle In Iteitte sea ban i night in the Dardti the Hve tiiis to r .Mi d la: .ii hi have lieaten nmii. nil down to an etirounlrr in ird tin Hwed-is- h rli en," saiil Himtln "Von a - e- allegg were for l.cttii- r ni-- su-i- ir what ihs Hermans lob of them." the territorial waters, between Hue-ala-n Bravo Wave- - Wroth. itu leers and Herman nine "Had anyone told me a mat d the r.iiiish lutes has layer. he locked up In t! e IihImI The llrllish front m l''landerii re a liearlnv, without ii, .ii had Moruati hoi m him, Thi soon ob" main', remarkably quted a fee' which hi ofl tl knocked heed i Ills hi mil uiiun. they w serted. presage some Important neve smW, Krcm h ei'ai Bravo while bei search hi ro s death . ment on either The end tme for Kadi to statenu it ii. I changed m pinion.' I in have lefed eombTnaUon. ii thai i lo rmiiiM are a Kt lps ngttln the pi salohe m prepared bj Hull formality concluded, planning unot i tlffOnne iTKlmi and elsewhere that they are lei man; t: I.UV-le- l, locked up in ihe hot cells i they I" w ollhl sui, IuhmviI 10 WllMllll i V U Head lulu ,n and asks that million In liusslan r oeace who bad era w i iin of the juil. haeU to .Mexie,, tol positive lank two Tui iHce ihe and sent ie, ied lb,' The hearing tor the si men was reuuesl rends: iioit aald I I.I.I, The lit Ml ' set for July h dgte ei whl-- h il) events in n e sllfu III' " ill IIM'IM I'lttMHtl SS "The ul." sould. .It Hall urn Tr illld llll.O'.l. II' General Ruerts is under i. M,.,, rr February 9 116,060 to appear before ihr Kurop in, i July :l t via London, BiM Olivero. I 'nited Stales con Tin following Austrian offi-a- r m an to USi rilPj ' manufacturers of stateineni wo- - i., n mil here .1 today: ' Kraanlk-Ihe-g0mo- Ii was recalled thai Huerta and his well-kno- in the battle on the qunlly thai Ho former generals tonight were Imprls-j- : of tin Ie1 GREAT SURPLUS ,lth fronl (southern ittmsian Po- - of wherel' he overthrow oned within sijiht Juares rnmenl of Pri sldeht Mi Luni t attack Is pmgrsaslniT. At th Muden rought about by lenerali several Important points the Buasian Mm defenses alread) have been stormed, ill bail,1 Mpu placi d Mi .mil M n Oy "On Ihr lower ilnilu livel chlmba S HELD BY BANKS I He la) the defeated Run hoard mi i' iki se. (eastern (la window ho are still pursued by lienentl von Mm itu I. use- - Temper. by the ilnslngen's artny, since he Ihe lust lime mllita itnj "The situation on the Dniester river final iiiller Btartl eh ts unchanged, fOR INVESTMENT iiw.n ii, let "in the Italian theater renewed 'a-- 1 the lower taon was n vestii Italian attacks against lui be ao river have been repulsed with Millie and there an u ei ut ye heavy enemy limm.." ousness In IiIh manner and sp ech, w in ii in, nt ti,, slaughter uf He emphatlcallj as he voiced spoke oi ta;ii.M s t!i;iMMn ii in- - protest aKain.-- t the surveillance ol the assaseinatioi ands bj UAiiTIC si i K.nr the civil and militarj guards, il president am fed- of these men lliougb Hie bond, required by the ii Mdr p. furnished. prosecuted l"i it Mr Berlin Jul ! " in. London. 10:41 eral authorities, bad been r the 'v heel i a by (let" ng h against thi Mei in statement Issued the Huertn's manner was earnest i h.i e en ,, n,e tn ni an admiralty today relative to rrl blown aimo.-- t Into P . In the Baltle sea, tor Generals Mondi u i ugagetni ul Dlax, clviliai Bxperts declared inflrmi lhc report that the Herman that had the I I'nlted States and declared Hon would have be i onhl not do. in. layer Albatroea was forced to il not been for certain rirruinstanrrs, reception room bee ii any-,u- i ,i ' to his shall' in aground on ihe coasl of ihr "I would have Hhnt him, referring iton but a window Was participation States deputy live .,t uothland, and states thai Edward Bryant, IThlted veil opposite end of the ,,f Kut npeanii and tod of new were killed in the Subsequent) Huerta ex- - ,ni, her marshal. leading lo the senai of III. jhi and twent) seven were wound-- i. (l i sngcr was known, ll hit his arotisea withstanding this ou Monran The Whatrose w;us run aground pushed a bpJ througl it i lecuuse Bryant had explosion, i Of the i Ion after of rom running board of an auto- - Venustl ..,(, mi nndli hours the of the 111. bed rrihll wtv flghilng Willi four Km, si. in ib.-- tor the goverm -- started feoerat ri, i n inches drop lullding. the oih''r. n birf e. Protests The d s leading I I , III M II liMM MH II In a teleuraiii sent to t hut .1 list : aereeent-at-arm- the i l if thi' I ' Il it oil Stales supreme ""i l ii MJ.IPOM OI Ml court, Huerta protested against what! portei he Hilled "the undue vlKlltnce" of the I adds: federal authorities and asked that an a ;.. in. Hid, commander of order he issued l" leave him ami nis pedii lonary (on e at the family unmolested. iaa i n wounded and The developments of Ihe afternoon Pi ance, Tins announce-i- n earl to- ihe l'Teiirh offlolsJ overshadowed the discovers to rep mi r,pi day that General Pascual iroaco had hospitality saved rom omi r,i tain which adds w here al. whn received his In escaped froni his home here entertaMnei because i lu we lie bad been under civil and military fastenings which was guard. Although diligent search uf the explosion. continued all day, no trace of Oroaco II general was found and tonight was "HREE DEAD AND TW ly believed that he had succeeded in Into Mexico, crossing the bound. in ARI A A Ires hlof Justice, actlvltj ) the artillery or the .lust before he left his home with l partisan wl ', paitniilarh in llrlgium. in a tele- ,glon Neuvllle, Mcurie and the officers Huerta dictated . all the Ami "f I ,,,, , th gram to the chief Justice of the nlted announced profi Tacoma, Wa on the front from meseage I states supreme court. Chi lilanqtiel. FellX ions ill'., dead follows: be dying In T to you "ii "I have the hoasj' Inform 'lilt of a v l ' ii the following affairs: Thai Lhc Milwaukee A Of the Judicial depart-men- t then recites city The arrest ' of the governnie this Huerl i's alleKed attempt i ighl 'II ignu, on the have, without .hint reason, molested mov ait axaln m Bl Pa mm" hi il. ininm opti"" me n,y Rurally. "" ' " and charges he woqli der arrest hoi, under certain i M't i l IRHJ IS I M i i TI l I s I Mil Mtlwauk ni ; ; S, cannons then huv T respectfully n"k an order from your court that four repreeentativei here be Instructed t" tell me oi ths duties i am to perform and thi con- duct I muni puffUe In order that henceforth they may have mo and Seven others are badlj my family WMnoljited." a Northern Pai Iflc Hunrti reiterated and added i" this protest when he appeared before I 'mu- - as- ft, Crawford, I i miasloner Oliver, E. Will Willi-- . MO.IMW ' from the sale states district attornej j iph in sistant unitoii nt i in Kt I P.VHO weakened the had Just asked that I Inert a 's bond " The engine, 116,000 for ew It fixed at lltO.OOO and N.w Yml At lenera) and a da) defendants, Huerta i of tin niher when H P III L. breach, The pi asked to be heard. I I -- l til i il l I R1 I IRK "While 1 rPSP'CI the laws of ties V ashlngti ( IT M l s IttIN HI of country," x.tid ihe former president ii George inpointod t' Mexico, must protest again-- ! the I.- Vfa "I telegram asking Ha nta e , July - ... n used here hls wife received a ai qi methods that have he at Bl Paso iu been i olnted poet I gave bona thnt $:'ii.uuu wired him sine.. I was arrested the Immediately, which rtqueet, It was s.iui, was compiled wiiii. Members oi mm, I h,u o.i.olv ami A V.. Italner. hi- - 'on all oi Itorl. . Manga.-- . - S oi i :i i Moulder, Ci ncbanged. The artil- w i t i f..i..i,,,i iis.-- late here, said in Jui th it in i: oiti vht. inisiiiess ' e - did reason foi So. orro eount lis, ontlnued, ne k in th, h in tuts ' e nature, sen-th- Washington .lul I. X"W thett they so know the - mil-- unleSSJ some 0 d willing to day killed .in I', molar. works al Malbor- 01 ludy Bundny; i Oeneral Huerta's request for mot Partly Baroon, mi tnd waited several -- iii- - Mi Hal in i sr t ve us post mi luppiies nave severeii Injuri lis I. causing " lolls dam south eel nrtlen. Palr l it pocefhle," said hV and the pad."' burled i exploskina. "tiiitt be might be contemplating uu 4 Two.) change of bondsmen." i af tl.

trp- - u where thi "r in m, " as ""'i."?,i" evai . enchr foon lr ti e, dies. uatr T" """Mh and - " "fori JWO ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 4. 1915. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 4. 1915. THREE

loooooooooooooooc )OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO CONSISTENT INCREASE lOOOOOOUOOOOOCv 0. JOOOOOOOOI Jlt'.'UUUUUUUl'OUUOUUUUUUUIJUU 00 oo DEFECTION M COWPUNCHEEl TO oo j( oo IN METAL OUTPUT IS oo oo oo oo SHOWN BY NEW MEXICO oo oo oo oo DO YOU WORRY? 00 00 BRYAN CRUSES HAVE REUNION II OO JO TH! St'tl oo oo ha Upon iih .III oo oo M Taft t. live Up h the 00 00 when 'le r,n ley 00 00 urn oui at th, 00 oo FEAR FRIENDS VEERS NEXT YEAR Vl oo oo R OO 00 0 on vthieh harlt' 00 oo Um a. oo oo It .tut .ityrlli' oo oo oo Bryan t.-- le. .IVillH oo CO 00 OF oo oo oo PRESIDENT oo 00 oo oo 00 oo oo 00 oo j DTOfeseed to It.' greatly pleased ilh 00 oo oo Bank ;tt it attil lilt' whci oo oo i their ti.rn i; is possible that oo Kctp dt line t . unite ...,. uamzati oo oo an .V..,...... 1 rtoi t .was oo Is Not Believed That tui-..i- l,..llllllt Iltttir lit. Ill n hi It !tt bet htown iiisi oo oo hi-liit- .. HW 1, avily iin d h.pn 1 0 ro .lepan fttCIB MUMt Tli. J - oo oo amber- copper ore tirryti oo oo Can Prevent Nom- M) havi eoiimatuluteil him 01 ii his jous i.ittl oo oo stand ana nisi war. but in this they have been made t'i om the Uo oo 0 0 no I oo oo it! district. Orant countj sou. oo of Wood row Wilson m.i haw been premature, as the , oo oo ination SPICIAL DISPATCH To A Nl JOURNALl I hlch-sTra- de gold oo licanmi hi' Ocrmun note the ni v, UossUly tret OO the Las Vegas, M :: Tin oo 00 day it nut mean war. East Jul, in- n shlppeo irnm t'tnos ami oo oo Standard Bearer, showed that tihl I'm urgaaata- - oo as If mans to Mr. in.ition of a permaaenl china Copper eompany, win oo oo 00 poisons wrote a tin The oo oo it i Citizens Bank protest-in- s tiun. making that duoed pound of o pper in oo Bryan ongmtUsatMg him on - 5,MtT1 Its, M. TO oo oo cowboys' reunion iii be an sstabllsli- y 4 in low pi 00 noi a war against that they afterward l twtth a normal ductton I' oo oo oo id l.as VegM alia i. wi s one of the in the last quarter of i ielded j liilorc-- in nor Hart OO SINGLE TERM PLANK suw was aboilt to happen only in Mr, day of Itlt oo l 00 Bryan' mind, they must have cooled principal features ol the thud l I.7J2.50I pounds In the first quarter t oo ttflcate oi Depu oo oo tin I, le lri.- whit h '.. is Vegas is now and with or in- - oo oo oo NOT REGARDED AS BAR consult rably when they learned the enjoying, of lilt oo oo The meeting at which the i a setl production .ml 52 00 organisation was Formed teas held w ill oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouo Uom - BeaM of snpnin. quarter, product OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUOOOOOUOOUUUOUUUUUWUuwwv this evening, and It waa decided that 111! more Mr. Bryan Rotten of than Since then has the reunion should be held in l.as the last half of It' I Executive Has Never himself into mi tmharrnssin position Vegas again next year, -- fust half of 114. the ,i . i - by defenillni: the shipment of arms gradually worked il-l iT !J i - . - - The reunion has one-h- al WATER .1. ITTT juiioiuv-ii.i.i-a,-.oii-II II' in u about equal to APPLICATIONS UlUalCU ri.Hell It: while talking peace This lias ,,,, , a Climax, with the result that yield for element output The tended to split the Herman tudui was tin- miisi iceeeful of the quarters oi can lastly surpaai FILED WITH ENGINEER Himself Bound by Expres- a great of till which hailed his resignation as three that have pawed Hundred the first two quarters, with n cession to their strength because visitors from all parts ol the state ar- qttent yearly production sion at Baltimore, they mo-- l energetic ill last night this morning, but isessisfc meestes to mi.mM joummali are their rived and for 1!H4 on vvhll.' the biggest - I'c. .Iil! lb affile nl arms shipments. the crowd was thai I. shipments from dis- Bant the to ac- tad Km, in. . v ap The other issues which Mr, Bryan La Vegas has ever undertaken ounty, and in M igda- - State James French, - trii t. Luns TO w i am- commodate, was no In the plication for MS second feat from S9SCIA1 CORHtflfONDINCI I4O.NIN0 JOURNAL! ouiii nai f in uring lino ine there hitch tana, Bocorro county, hi off. :;. i paign if it. woman suffrage j facilities lor entertainment, ami ever) Washington, July 'oineident he entered Increas I shipments High Honors t are pi m the best ay h Martin de with the reports from Lincoln that the and prohibition, are both anathema to visitor was taken bonale and zinc sulphal nermun-Amerl- -i of . Oalfax i out latest home inminK of Uryan was coltl most of the have i n made from lie. Tins aXCtting eventl w- re Mining compatt) if Mogollon compared with his triumphal can voters. The president could hotdl afternoon zinc tii-- i let I Qallinaa park. Hoping con-- portani county, toda) ipplled I'm' n the story is sprung here that most of the democrat on the old Ideas held al Hanover and Cook Awarded t to - up for mining an, i:i van contemplate! opposing the re- renrdlna these issues. though In, tests ainl races in. ate ine piogiam by storage M t li in- Wilson, us-- ; lieutenants atlmil there has been a A remount relay race ol two mil's urposes n and Thomp nomination of President OLD-TIME- (40-ya- rd R ONCE MORE ex- -' a horse race wer It asked leal io appropi Inn the single term plank as his Kie.it adv. lin e toward prohibit! in even and iati j among the most interesting feature, of spring rising mi thel list- Retting into the campaign. in the democratic party. ira lor lit is being given over to an VISITS STATE MUSEUM a reservoir fa Mr. Bryan's oloaMt friends here I 'ear I fleet lit Nb. i toned Jamboree, tin- object five in it s add) th ny that there was any intention of a it is I The long and short of tr very pod j to enjoy himself i president in his resin- - e iln aih on it bleak with the the president's friend tear that ii own w the j lo the unit in his tier nation from the cabinet or that he had coming into campaign. Tl Santa l''e. .lull - an is the meetin tor organisation informal in mind except disappoint- to . ( born, of Portland, 0 nnvthina under no illusions with regard pa i through i in st it tin- cits . , . , 1 tad 1, i t over the failure of the president r his , 1. Palace the last menl I.iyail. lie lias uii In Id .i tut the enl peace no- ru- sii'iu'ett live ami, when in tiillow nis ueau.s in friends before when the;, gat in nisi'.t.in jollity fun eats Food say and ex-- sldent ns with Oatmany. They that way politically. He feels himself to 1. gi en to l 'ri The events tomorrow tin- applying Rrvan ami the president parted dgy the evangel of a new and greater of tl inter. was during admin methods, what has bean "tie i. Wa (I fri ds aver idea um he ever had before. H delightful e tin a ice, owever, than estlng and pels nal I'l that sees in the president a man who clings' history i"f l.as Vegas. in ittca in s Products Bhyan is t. slay in or that tu the old ideas nil this tll III i w c it a n i stances n lie. lit arise which probably lias in mind thai mh, id make anothi r ly at the nom-intai- n sary to wipe Woodro Wils LOS ANGELES GETTING to his po- l Inatton desirable n man who has had hi chat ee to ist Panama-Pacifi- c sltloQ as a leader. In lie plane and failed Mis Walk bi READY FOR THE ELKS H. an official pol-to- it ,t the White le i liir done. Mr. Bryan Wl ll Icy is to say nothtnf Bry. n, to him if he can. IBPtCIAL COMMISP1INOINCB TO MORNINd tnllHNAl. lllllt II. II him have all the in- need and Bui the presidents mends I. us Angeles, Calif., .1 Exposition I,, await the reauli h equanimity, wiped 01 idea that he ran be itlon on a largei m ml BUICK 1916 SIXES The president's poa l before the Bryan a m fear Mr. can raise ire nttempte th and country today is sli ,'. but it is a bte obstacle to the president' MEET ALL DEMANDS The l.ibby Exhibit at the Panama-Pacifi- c kind that pre. hid tin president nl tion than to his renom (nation inn does Exposition embraced almost every conceiv-i- ) ling into politics. rite be another .if Tafl an i: i"i Mil, fill noi feel that he ci veil wiih this difference, t dgc in th. lundlm iU- variety oi prepared foods. It was in i speech. Muct Taft was almost universally food While Mr. Wilson at the Mi direct Competition with the toremost sy with one time almost universally appr d, purveyors of the entire world, and won the; Ill x t i lull in Brian Incursion Feared, lest fraternal assemblage in history, erson, wen following verdicts on 101 varieties. SCHOOL STATISTICS ni-- Unofficially and privately thoae a midsummer floral dream and I Miss Ilea the president fear a Bryan Incur- legorical page. nn. a mammoth openi hu Was he near FOR SOCORRO COUNTY nights, Prize Libby' Canned Meats sion. They do n 't fear thai tiny will air dancing party for two an! iother. Mrs Grand in lights G.'i 'uri(ifl be beaten by Bryan, but they rather electrical pages nl depleting drend the disruption of ties thai would FACIAL DISPATCH TO MOBNINO JOURNAL) the flowers of tin- state, exhibition Grand Prize Libby'a California Asparagus Bry-.11- concerts, follow nn active campaign of Mr. 1 Santa 18, Jul The drills, massed band drill lln cans) ed parade, trip tu tin- beach i nn s, against the president, They have of education today annoum tiams Medal of Honor l.ibby' Vegetables confidence the administration has year's statisties for the rural SChl orange grove and tnauntaln and that la Will fill the Week. (In csni) rsrlillss tin- wi ii in hand. The per- - uf SoeotTo eoliiity. Although the mil features situation n city elaborately deco-- 1 ponal Brvan following lias fallen off est county "f the state, it has The is being Gold Medal Libby' Evaporated Milk o general committee, I, he ceased tu h Id fifty-tw- district, nn lu rated The 111! Plshli I' considerably since - . It an organisation of j I. Libby' Salmon (In iin- stage, corporated town dUtrlct. has fort! Mrs. Bratney, Gold Medal cn) whole democratic lr one-roo- i"-does- .ens list year The single term plank does BOt l flVe DUUuingS, live formed n one thru- room, ami amusement ir touriats bOthCf the president at all. It buildings, Gold Medal Libby' Mince Meat foiir-- r lunlilini; or life nuiui- - present year, s assisting imt blnti him in any way, and the nie nun thirty-nin- e by tip' preparing f" the annual pie theiusi Ives will say whether I, ate owned riots. th,. antlered ' nl. Brookllne, v,,"l Gold Medal Ubby' Pickles wan I the president to explain th before The total ministration thm. Ii Wi ih grat itiidt Ml an fo: 4.44 i. of la iiiniitinus Gold Medal Libby' California Fruits As to tutpi iient. 18,480, ma if it Imltti l In cam) ' Mfcll stand at Baltimore, if school properi ' full, il docs not weaken the president, lit they mu- :ire two school Highest Award Imported Spanish Olives lie has done everything thai i'.'-'i votum upon good for the lint. with tually agreed was Eights tlll'i-e in1 until tsw. her Traveling Man' Experience, Washingti T foreshadowed by country. They never differed w h i wenty- - liese awards have been thr ...... up. mi. t eillplol ntenl of the summer anil Winl' tin uerman matter came tiw averag 'in M. Qf the American public which, for belonged to no males. The y severe attack 0 Roman Hlxet verdict tntire was something that year a: l Las cruet It.i party and as the responsible o physicians wori knot more than a ".cnerution, ." rpled the name platform, j eight 11 iiv lav entirely with the president, lb' fi "Libby's" an a national utanduid of highest Of ll hers, th hs th tifieate , have professi it xpeel m ti t h iood quality. four I grade; nine! telegraph foi unily, Ins Take Lime for Tuberculosis twenty-fiv- e doing so. I gave the hotel poll SANTA FE PERSONALS. c Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago The school i eiils and told him hiiv nil i In- "f th amerlesa Medleal in Jaarasl s lu t ween lb of Chamberlain' Colic. I'lmlt WU, lBge HH), De.i 4,1 fill i Ussetattea i.ini.v una 2i being niali l Remedy, ami lake no t Hi ;n ilarrhoea I MtSMSPoUs, held lliiit s m 1,1 are Btitti Cnginc I. llineii. uf Spanlh-A- trlcan, while tut,,, i took a double dosi aei ol ding Santa Pe July a, ' - e Ua ii "dsgelsaej uf ealclnsi" (list) - resMini-hl- American, ihowed to the direction and wen to kleepl Jiimes A. t 'ench ' i "ti thosel I' 'f fur iin- - sbaalesl raadltlssa ahlrh I.SIO bins after tin- second At iv,, o'clock and Mora Who Says - doe. lie a meri- j i county in tasereatesls, "unit ifi ii" enrolled. ' the next morning was ca led by mj with DelStl was gom iit ali , resls mi tbh ne attenui f order a nd look a t rain to r my nexl inui McBonald has One uf the ressiini f" Hi female. of the point, a well man but feeling f'art'iz so for a few day to look Alter, topping sun sss ..f BckRisn'i tea on V nilietet'li WI urn Ih Bevi rlty of his t o ch Interest, Mis private in s un ir ;i,:n enrol l ather shaky the in. in tubereulosUi iti twentv-st- x in l.uui.-ever- y gone to 111 tenth grade, the II Ireland, retary. Miss Oh son, has his del loll in v sontsil sail the ittack," writes sixty three m the eighth ft ti, visit net sister, Mrs. YOU i 1. n tt n ,'ttluable ninth grade, ilile, Ky Obtainable her uch ii ti'in ull ; by i he alxty-tnr- ei In seventh iih nl.--" Mra McDonald, ucents us i" in en-l- b SSSlRlllSteil grade; the and e, gasLgVBlK .Ilgsa averags persoa. Ma u esses to hs n the sixth; 333 lu the lllllt; mo '" K. nig her da lighter ai i 441 in NOTIt .i It'll tu it. 'the fourth; in the third: Having sold my saloon, the each. Wi- Risks I.I.", in first ; HI in M R, Wi ed, at a" .. the second the First, to is. Ueorg slb I. nl prefer ft i. kinder- - vue Bar. :!l" South Earn that in Can't and five tin' July 1st, :ii say other pr Bonaguldl company mi fljiS9KnaF luins no oplatsi narci net slnill pay all bills and colled II a IKK llriIKH, It Is nr.'. trt utlM rPAllll counts prior to this date. Journal want lirlnf I li: rwuti the JintrniAl. E, BBRTA reesiSSgpuMegigili lilBss. 1 kiiiuii l.alinriitiiri .a. 'i'l' sisiitiadr en of till More? Inn mission committee oi hi Banti I'e reshvterv. i week goi ,1 in harge of Or i'i. a i, ai Carrlsi mici tally t i.iinei men tun int. Mr. Napp v lane rtgun and then wil never be a time when you can FIRST Dot earn more if you mak' lo Boswel lu Furl Si yourself worth more. Y lU n ligman ac get thisspei ial training qui' Id; NATIONAL and easily in your j tura lime Big I'm; wittwul lea ing hi me t n pay OFFICERS Alii both Santa I'e, July inj; more than youf pressn There's time for I )nu COMUlt iug en-- i earning will ird BANK sends word th ' I The oution below w ai A POR WORK A N ) A TIME New .M. xp o oxh I'B nan THERE'S TIME expos invitation irniu the INTER President California CORRESPOND il the NATIONAL El IR PL W piesst with you trial possibilities ENCB SCHOOLS fw STATEMENT OF CONDITION ha interested a i can qualify yot Y.hi nn in the i !amfteld Increase in When Cook has a: I, ratively snt i. . rrcshic.t 2XXD, 1918 gas and I t JUNK ' pUbllrlty '.""lit ibstacte that m Inspection of l 1'l.ttl KN an vou back an of Our Modern Gas a in pt if One Hull III itself WOt finiti'l for ei en cenl tli Vice rrcsitleu, RESOURCES what i ireumstani i or hie To mark and Ranges ' ,to,i,:,ts ( - upon lake, but a Loans and Discounts $2,975,183,08 Druuglil .1.1- SIllH'lllllll. Let ii how yoti how yoti can take a vacation trotn ganta Pe, Jul) I Tin drou h ime and cost but 4,925.04 a iisiiip one of our latest model Gas Overdrafts HUSl il BUCh a h. al. i". tatze. M." kitchen drudtrerv lv CMhlw Bonds, Securities, Etc. 105e81.53 reek, Oram I OUtll " s-- wcKAnn and Furniture 50,500.00 Banking House it, many improvt pdsier and better United Bonds 425,000.00 I, gold sin iBttrnniimidl CMVHaiafntt MUM n States " cooking and mor al inn pleasures. issistani cashier casn Exchange 018,884.72 addition t. ib.ii made by Box as, Si rantoni Ps. and id Hllllmon h lalted lb . risaM .ii. ten, wi re.ut I in pick p, I'.iri, soe ' M qsilli wl ti" We've :i flange' Step and r, harbis I'l'ilcillun win Ii ti e ma I X $4,480,174.37 n tl I al Wtrefiiaii one fur voiin tlacli-nill- h a Wound uloinolrtle HuniitnK letrt li I I. tfi. al njutt' t S. C I'otiltiv armilltf la l''e. July A. nub' llookk. . pi t Mei liann PrafttWM -- i 11"! Mi l haii.lt at I tii(lii.r cai LIABILITIES .1 black Santa Pe StennK'apli af v i c E Man I i (.pit I 'pen AT VnHk it 'h Show ( aid WiMHig Malinn-ii- I ".: ' s I gfiHla ' nt;, guccumoe WlllJl'W'.''I II Mannfsi luilni u"'" $ .'00,000.00 it ffer Capital ( .him, m ial liltialrst. Civil 1 nfflw m id from the h loansaiflal I'eeittnniic llnildtiihl .ontrat tor Power Co. t Albuquerque Gas, Electric Light & Surplus and Profits 69,603.46 PI u I. in it Ii In Am h total Draft Ad liilr. Ii (...eMlilSt ( SpSM.ah oik rata ' 'onutnt i the grand PtuSHblStg, I g 300,000.00 I antn.igi'g Strain Circulation is pleads self- - lefense. hanking .it man Mill) I OFf Ml HI It il.a Mint nt Prions 98 Deposits 3,H10,r70.91 ilSi Big sale of - $4,480,174.37 Ke, Jul) I. Th llhe Willi" Total Ranci ompnny has Uougtil from Teel While, of Hope, Kddy I broth' h and 100 rang co at uu avrag' MORNING JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS. tins : 114,

Mlui.lHl lit r.,.Hi nillfHr. f was so j -- 'iireeii,,,, aa n as I"' ,,,,,;: rz sn iii.,i "" lley, u,,u , A,'.L1 FOUR ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. JULY 4. 1915. STANDING OF TEAMS. Riviera Clever CHARLEY WHITE BEATS EL PASO BATSMEN TIGER SLUGGER PIRATES SPLIT AUTO DRIVERS TO IM PMrtlv. KU PHAMPinW RIO QRAXDE ASSOC! TIOV , , . ' w w j j i mini I w i w W v. L Pet. Santa re Boxer short bout in gotham FIND RUSSE LL FDR DRIVE 3 HURLERS ni. EVEN WITH CUBS TONIGHT July :!. r.iail. White itpoir.p ii Prcddb Welsh. N XTIONAL, i.i..;i I ..'-.'- L Pot i. H ut iii open ai the 8 HITS AND WIN FROM THE III DOUBLE BILL FDR POSITIONS i, ii rate t:a. k tonight, weight were Whit,

-- rouna, Duke Southpaw N u F, Be ninK With liiii sponsible for K Mill DC AMI CM V I I M.I I. Victory;Six Eri Contt Pit )le-hea- n;,

uted to Defeat -- fifty Bas Mechanic - ernl uppa routa ove t was toreed into his To MoMNtwa MOBNINI WW MOSMJMa .USNAl. aea. ftririki muhLi IT 'OUMl " :ii iitunwiaij Tht ii h i hi- fourth, two Ol White' I cars will. Kl Paso, . 3 Kl I'HN. Illis Detroit, Chicago, 'Inly - j i Tfl Jlll Moii. Jul) I. ''till mkii ami Pitts- i land m: on his opponent t .ii fcftHW'Jon gave the Duke he woist sixth inning of tlx)! I burgh I'i'okf even In a double-head- er First blood vas draw i A,;,"lli"' trimming of the .i roatlntc the k no. ki d on threi i ll today, ilw taenia taking tin- - firm, ; In " automobile ran- will le when a straight lefi lam unci i ii" '.l 4 VI v.ini,. ih-- v hart Ihr M I. 4 to tonight. At a meeting of mis, Tin- - latter. huVev I I I I ,4lcid1 "IWly" i tk J Kti ftgaaUaUMf Score I KDI I! M 8 FlnM Kami' R. H. E. I drivers, merhau Irian race officiate IMmmM i,v i Cfck ago W. I. passing Mackmen ih Pittsburgh mm tftl in olumi An-- , '$0 - , If officiala of the Albuquerque lam limt-- he on tin- mound Detroit Kans ' iix--- 1 lypMWl .... ''u"u -" HI o in loi'ioiiii,. Racing association tonight at - I - m io against tin- locals. '" 'he it. Batterlet Cooper, Conselman and j the Commercial club the. iimcrs villi Hi. Dake again today. H Wolfgang am Pittsb (iibaon; La--1 alkwd ,! Humphrlei Htandridie, draw numbera designating their poal- -l c 'III. aixbN i In!.- - while lit- - visit. r wi-r- n ml Bkl vender and Archer. Iticn Numbera already have been as-- . KhIIIo. Itus-eH- I Summary - Nrwa nummary: Two-ba- a ..ll.fHni, aivrn off Raj hit Vtoat. alted but they signify nothing a i Una, i '. alone, h.iftrvii mi MM aWfponei" Roth, IZimnn rtn.iii An hi'i Tliri-- i Imso hitx i omiIoh AH aum lnr bel ween anil tile fur i hi- l'ffx(. Ha MIuhhh run Weaver In nihil i'onl iiIit; Pheuui, CoMeiio, Double play Mi may be first off I KM Roland io rta lliii ii i i errors l" I Colttna to .so n kaaai mi bull-- ! lonel Sellers, preaidenl of Hie as- -' - i Frank Hiii'lsmim appears in be rc- in Burn fist j oaptr, "nns' lnia n, 3 I .ti, IM..W Hits Off or, n, wns informed by th Socorro 2; off Cavei III III. TIII.V IOI.AV i 1 I vertng his hutting ye i'le lonnaai 'ooper, ii, l' innlnga; si iin in. 1 ct mmlttea last nigh I thai drivers Kiift-- i Off Hllssa-l- HI n ( iniiinK; " i ; 1 .I mw more ii it in Inning Humphi lea, in 3 would not b permitted to take ga;m-1-- 1 I Kin waarwtnthai ik, GOttV J Horn' off la Grande - tn-min- ny other Alhuiineriiic pluier Ii. "ii Inning Rtnndtrhlge, 3 h hi- Hue, oil or water ilurinic (he -l I III hi' made his first rrrnr of Hie IIKIIIIU llll i miius. Lareitdwr, nont in i Inning. ute control there on th downward :: i fi, I : ft' Cavoi ii Inning; H In n j THE WM. FARR COMPANY in thi' gaum stnlu . of Imruck out By ii in p by n ip. The Socorro alao I!- i; committee told w nga. out : i who wan il ll up lii'ii ii' Sirink M'onaelman, , 'ki IIiiiiiiiIii ' I IA in Blandrl i. I'M bmi been raised there Wboleaaln and Retail Dealer In Wolfgang i ' t rtniki ngiie. Mi Roland in i" Iplrea Kiiisli'-Brore- Hair ,,f ihi.- - is- go w in io itir nkl.i.. io num. iK' Linn, at iii' iiinai 'Kbni and amount in Into the nUCSH AM SALT ktKATS Mi fmli-i- l to , 'on noli j and Walla re. purs,, of Vhf AliiKi team, taburgh ni ' hi' ago Hecond same: M. main 11,84 The uther half K&tism;( a Kpei'iallv. hit. hx did Krfnrit and Harriott i,l'iltNlllll'Kh no nil I lo be splii $'i0 ami for Urn ran for CMUe ami Hoga the Hlggcart Waahingtoa - i i ... til Ii , a ork Chicago O- l' making beat Alba-- 1 M i i l: i: II lawn nnn i ragm. 000 101 OH- the time between Uarkct Prli ce Are Paid, Mev Voi i., .lui, New Yo ami querque - m hi phj if. i i i I Butter tee: Adams ami Bchang and Socorro ami the car mak- aghlngton i - ia Ing ngnond .MrN'lli, ss I n I 'n !i'ii lion.. in Him Breanahnn. th,. time. . bl I'll- in i j llni'lHiiian. ; n Ii nil toiiin Wanhlngtnn Summary Two-hat- w hiti Bgird, The Socorro ommitlec lias made' if.. I tghlng thi- nrsl an eleven Inning flood, -- Wag- complet preparation for th Harriott, H I I t 7 Parteral i cagwa, Pheian, Three bast bit control BALDRIDGE I to ,. gnd thg ifankaea tin- atop bel terg nek, ;ii ;t o m I atruggie, 'i" ner, ttasea on balia ff SSabel, :. there ami whit might fi'atim; tin- ..nil. I to I. LUMBER COMPANY If I " John mi in off Ada ma, 4. Struck out --By hazardous under other circumstances HI M RIVIERA, Imvla. ' ami. Si n II. K. S. I with iime-keeper- s PaUe. 31, :; i a a Plral (ama mpii '.- Klom ml Kiiislie, the competent force 'f Wuhington 4 ' osq "lui hi i the Socorro people radngl PAROID ROOFING with II-ye- ar r . a 1 N and llnfilil I' (few mm US" mi nol i; ii p. Vork mil I.' I Roston I ".: I'lnlaili Iplila associatiop have keiected there is linn, i n - Boehling, kyera, HftNlaJ a j puwlblllty of confusion at thai point.!' guarantee g Philadelphia, Jal Philadelphia ' Johnaon Hi Warhop, Kmwn.i Every car will be sent out of Socorro 'Ii.l a In . ami nu and Ronton split even toda before thai I exactly minute after us It I I Haao MoHale, Cotiretl ami Vumi ker, Breakfast largest erowd if Lh mnaon, tin- for- tin arrival i in re. i HummHr' Two iaai hli iroater, mer Witmtng In i, i,i , ltniir rl tin ami he 'I ham ., In' fart (hall the Overland ear Pendleton, k Thre litla fcitlamlil, Flp. Hellli' Me 'sitnrs the sei iinfi, ii, finch vic- he, i mum I tvtu tn drive la broken down Cubit I, htathea, iii Roone. v, ktliuauah ami tory was niio lo the aterllns Work of al rrm- ' r dhaidv 1 l i n- l'ri ime. I'll. 5? II 'Bouthpa Rlxej Philadelphia In i Hudson for Signs j III.- Thompson, i opener ami T In lor RnatOn in the Inaittg : Duddy, tontnt, ( b n, i is ,i in n -' I' ii. tomorrow BUaa, ENTHUSIASM. nie ist tniin i: II. k '.ilinger will drive the Rutck. Boston lno lino ooo l I Pfli ii rr, ir. Caniawentlng an the grakakUIti ef a 111 Wall Paper nog I Word was last night ib' hi Inning Mill . oov 0 rcIVBl p . aivrld'e ekamgleaalilp Philadelphia noj joo i I" Knlllo. 2 inning nil aertea ketweea Patsy tlohtales, mechanician loi Cha Bnehll ia,- ii- - ,,, BudoliE aad ii,iii ,,i ir llatterles; Davia ami Davidson, of the Find Na s, lloWdy; tlxey K fllfer. lj drivrr Hill Ihc fuel tll.lt the Total If tt II It U I wtiufri eaaleniiNi avlteai "it is ami was atraaded In the Beta note vaHt unseed Bummary : Vwo-bgi- e cai battle, ami go'ry, HUDSON Kmr.' Innlnga atari dai at Ike ball parfcSa hit Gilbert, M..I..P.-tr,.n- I I .1 ...... l I, Oh,,, ... for Picture i ia- - ' 061 mm streets, ,,t agertlng keadf narteesa Three-bas- e hit Kllllfer. lion-- 1 ,',s(,., ,,, ,'. :,' ... Bchaefer ami Toi res Ubuquerque III urn ,...,,,.' in , 1. j doubt. Kl F'hbo III 1 reatanranta una atreel ear. iys Rudolph Muranvlll to (i Framet IN '': Mi II. Beehleg a gummar) gtoien Davia lafermatleai attended It; Itatfcroft toNtehoff to ludr- - ,: jr bari ' 0f giiver City drivi kail game, .1- X HIIps i, Thompson Two-ba- a ii tra seated anraell eealda drua (tthaaalated) Baa on I,a In t', n, ',. St. ii' lilts m Pnrth anil Copper Are. atraager, aad, in tfc eaarae at ttme, HJxey i - -- Matin k, Knlllo Thrci- Inis,' lilts iff lh ff flu- j leal '. Day, bammed him h arrived her night. U HIIsm H:n a rr watek, Hat lag ' in 7 innings: i in Mill In s. 12) rlfli hits VVasliinuli Ik ls' flallup, drlter Of the Ford No. 9 ah a eatakllaked dlnteiaatie retntlena, a: mil "'ttiiu ttfoffa Pendleton, Maihi-- Kalil . Struck we Stunk udolphj cam, They have n over the rout KmJ drifted late reaversatten, a is, by mi m Main., 'i; io nnaaeii, naaea a "do yeu I. Hall, i Wht," asked, think i Several fun accompanied him - i ti tlglrr ami art on kails- iff Kalllu. 4; off RiMwell, Henrj aboul tin mii uatlon Hit batamen Bj Kail In, Tim of Hecond nm Southern Association. DRUMMER ALLEYI Silinin ir mat iii,, tkla." hr replied, garni i If I'mplrea Kim'' audi " I tmberg i ben ad la fall wltbla afOR I'.- - klnpi 'hr b KXKHCISB Uuigl) ni H kenra, 1ha tke tlrrmaaa Atlanta. 1'. N w i leans. I 'I' n lcr ami WliainiL' i,. in, nun C "in ia kaek br Utl le Rock, -- Ueniphla, Xo matter what yon want it will Try Game of Ten Prenek and re and KtBlfer. Pin. klek th akalatke eat at Chattanooga, :.: Nashville, B, aye you money if you use SL0UFEDS ARE AGAIN i.aiuwen : hit .ii.iinon l, tins orr: tkent, fur enatantlaopleMM baae hits Jfii hmldt, i time and 101 West (iold In ! Blrmlnghum, i; Mobile, 0 he afaurnaPfl want culiimns. fnhnaon innings, off Hooper Mm w hud fled. Making ear wnj ler Mum t Hume run IN LEAD OF LEAGUE: none in it ,' I. nil R) ike street as e iieath. ltusts mi hall Tyler, i "m Ikreank armi nil L'aldwell i. b) n Piiiwrd ball gam - shewing merpbaatsi ne off Chalmers, I. Hits t'hal- . . . . I . - nai oil AAAAa.aa.aaaaaaaAAAAAaA.Aka a a a a . a . . . . . GIVE KAWS BEATING Hhiii-- uipn ti'lyoaabUu amij iiiniii a , iiii n nga npneaeed If pas is. 11 in 7 Innings licmui Hlhlebrand fcnmna latelllaenee, innlnp HI ruck mil "Wlm," wo you .. .. ,., asked, "do tli.nk iiplr! Itiglci ami II IPfriAL l'bdaib liliia Boatod kboul th sii an i ion " Ht) Hi. laml won Uoaton, :l V Philadelphia "ll'a lusl Ilka- Ihla," hr a.'llll. "If Ka. city, s io 7. today Jul) ili Sew ni'k mi anf .' 1 ilia ksata Okrsgea It all pounded oit a to vp'tnrv In tltel off mltk iklvn. Bih ' HI .' in till' Fi ib ml IfhgUe inn Kggata (all ll' (list gam today, tin itiii lp lurnftli aeMnaei it la kaid MW V n'li (Midi .1 ! : I Ms II aa- iii,' liblef in Hi. aneorid ami! l t'lt and Ike minis - IB 11. II K. lam alar war en " her tmlni i.' li.'ilriis won lln 11 11 BtHffll i ia! in eleven Itakoalataa, Hire ft K 'at inns while h land ii,-- , fit si, to t. alii vv no as I'ity Oil Oil) 2 Mat ir hsd i. Klaterlag ii sport-li.- K f wpftrnpY rmw t Otlt il tiragg held Hi Athletii'" aiiMnslea. r.- a ,uil-rr- between Smith and Btr I. firm n both " Bt ouii . inn ooii on) II llrndguarfrrs, hi' a gap .w. V Urowell pitched n In ' head) nam thej an gran " ' " " iCT nw7SV ' aaa pr- - t Ratti rbi Ilinnlna and 111. In hit the I" ' si oonttnt, a ahd I i a 1" - lahnl vi III ga Igamcwen to 3, after terlyi flroom, Cranrtgll and iimi- Q, arletSI hr all "I'll icdianii M Ik or Kiist Rama: II. K Io- JJlJr I' hnar a ghaH snld, rlaglng 'ha pi in ii. Philadelphia 1911 III" HI lain hits, alfkengh i,r in ameked ii Cool tyuston ii jo ouii tiui- a, Clothes Selling niiiihliiu Imii eiitaenk $1.25 nttatmrgh iii- - ago S. alar. YJJ Raftr(H CrowMI and I. CSllCggA, .Inly :! .lark LaWll Hi' b"s, Leunnrd ami Thomua, m,m-- ' -- in alghth iii ii a mL. ..,!;';: ? pi the iiik lib tin Two-b- a hlti ktur-- n iik, "'"I . ..J& ghv a I u In Sk BMW illlnd Pittsburgh nig Double playi n flic 'i v mil Victory oet Chicago today to rfohllt) Kupf nln'l inn It In' nny ri .'m ' Boor i: clnnia; Upp to Mi In Ihc ii I n I mi ;t L I n i Hili'l MMcmllitu Pittsburgh "" III :" alia i ut Colli in ". ntTj nil i :t Chli ago . oo ooo i i lifiliU iiiitiiiiil mill III 'rowel! 0. Hit n ! I N Batterb Rogg and Bel i "iin, on iin mill rill up nil the h Nd .... wa i mm i .. ss. wlit-r- ilu on it s.. I dl an. 'n. the ci ki (Iff" Mill wv nlnga hml llril. Vr lln t hi lt Raftata Raltimore I. ,eona il (iiillliiu mi file frcil hiiu fn tiiNfiilii nni iltHllli, t it ft i Intik BaitUnor, Jul I Walsh's i Nalllli ni' f ft rem I ii ut ii ti t mill Imm'ih mi icrwjuit tin- Ihisi-- s ft Had tin1 gcoi s', tun with in tilth Mtf mi (lie t Ifori. i ing Inning lodaj ggvr Baiti Phllatlelph m lint, b Kkl J, ilu uu think four-ru- n lead Bugga, however, of tin- iltuatfon' i i mo I,,,:,: Ii m Buffalo "M hint iii til...' iM- rvplivft, sun ami I. Ktiy cnnifw In, luoka M i i lln ariirr Bngi kl goi home runs. ami Cad, ciitll mill "HllH U (Im- niiiiit- - Sum inn i ' la I Hill f" Itims. " 'nf im itnoil t, hut fhr iWUoll Knclliih mniioM tthmpt Ma.1 Rattriee Kinnp h "Hr Inula, nl nil klnil of luiini mi it IJuiiiu ami Jhi kill " Ii hh.imi IIiiii U hr llimniif t k In i iiiKc " iff) mi,1 I an 'lint fhr RltMlaa oninr In flitr.' "lit- - llillkni nf lilt' klllil iiunlii mill My a I 'lltiM nri iii, fir- - ! maa i V 11 Ii ini iMiiiimn list " ' nf irri KMI lit till HH I n), 'linf flu- I tt'iich fidil m fine.' Mr uc I a lit Hint til a tuiiifl IiIiih fu BACON AGAIN; 1,111,1 - me In llntt'li nnil (I nm ttv (luce Ihmr nn I friln' in halp mui ii i iisliMiit'i , jiml hr - " lint t lnul llrtt. I ii I ch Int.' i atfri'rf cm mi ihc run. W tlniiu bial ti BREAKS :r; 1 1 RECOROH la tiri-iit- i, tfl'f nlitnH IIUp tn nit 'S braille n I Mia ticitttii. In hiirh laara If EDDIE l IHlMtalllll' f I RICKENBACKER ft pill It lllll Ml lltlll it ftp II I. in mIi in hi- Hun Hall M Dor Kr WINS SIOUX Hi n Mr t in H In Wk NS CITVS fo a IJI a at . . . 0 i.ii-i.- - In inv a . 300-MIL- E AUTO RACE

"I I 'm VI lilMI l Im $8.00-$8.5- I M l Irr 0 and Hilt" ii ii a hr I ii i i I ht lfly $10.00 it. .In. I nalt ill tt imIiiiI lln i Hut hml tlttl y eadlaa .nn n. i.e o ,i rd li, aar flaall, iilla't .eral tpa atrd Ik reaflae el in ei i rim. i ,,i. i th,- nilaaua 'is S "li's jiii oi l Ik ." -- in rrpHed, Fen graataf in-- kaaa ai an Odd Palm Beach h,-,- li rlka im.i ,,iu real al hsU- - . mid Ik -- Irak I. ,.,i,i nll ia i, ..utl- -. d a., lak no- is er kae a i hniilln . atgfcl nnil ia kaeat a n irii,llal lha- aflrn ,h, m , am ii ii I i iiiiii t i ulit tl

i tin Mined lis lh,,l ilia- - t atarlat' rkampleaklp erle ketwaeM the Western League. fii aad nan,- a la palpltallag CHICAGO IS SENIOR IP liiililli ka o,i. W mar aalii,-- , . ,i, la dtaeneaed eveei ,ina al ih, loan aerksa mi ike afreet, nl i. in Wv lui CHAMPIOM OF C. A. A. U. kaarttsg keadaaartefSa la 'I'tiv K. i rstaraai Tp'ka mi mi ?rei lao. in m, i -.- i ,nd evei iih ni,, no anytktag , met wit j' ' t, '..! l when ." rtnpli hi and am o i ii : " Pacific Coast League. nshtu unci 't lh. in- - .tun mil iSH tnds . Sa i. (afntckl tw ' Venii'. - Pi Ubirrlioca Cared ' SaH i aki i.,,- - About two years ago 1 hail a ervere JsMM Orders Delivered Free mklan I. ... I'ortln Hack "i diarrhoea which lasted for icr a week." writes W t' Jones. Ilu- - irn, i. i became weak that American Association. .mil,! ii "i si in. i upiigiii drugglat ware nlxtraoi Insi present,-,- i v I recommended t a Coii. In hr met The - 'ha mberlaln u AvuDiiDKi nn tie LlniVft Diarrhoea Indianapolis. 7: alt 'f Chli ago, w Cholera and Romedy Th. lii l ist .Ii.-- ,. lelicwd m, ami within twt Mtaneapotla si held, ware light i ,lai I wns aa '' a I well :u i,i.,i Kansas City, . .Mlh mat k wa rc set u eeeeei eaeeeee ,,,t. Att ALBUQUERQUE MORNiNG JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 4. 1915. FIVE NOR TIM Fort lit WE TO LIBERTY BELL TO Stomach Trouble CITY'S NEXT STEP BE STAR FEATURE 5TARTT0WI0RR0W Solved jrn



tBecause Reporter Has Not i?i "In Will Le Dutch" ivotution i i?fL Good 'Round Had Time to Transcribe and Jen e Haggard Har Will Beein Eighth ar.d Most the Year Notes Time for Filing Trans-scri- pt ing to the Water Wa: Hazardous Trip; Elaborate ALWAYS READY TO TAKE Is Extended 90 Days. Will Brine Up Reai, Arrangements Made,

Oil. 'It Jolll II. w. I'ptMi tii spplicstion iif city Attn ney T. N. Wltkerson th 'Uv, lie-- j hp niM ., lludelphi July leiuluni i the i.rought iiv At-- 1 ' ''i i (ppdo dti rn, as granted an addition-- 1 Ulori revnlut lit MoT d.r. Mi ninety days ' 'f eighth from what was lohaveKet ''' tt jmirni ip union, Atlanta .in the return date l l ile its trail-- 1 the sid. vv a !k i hunt Id oi lock and it was I; Charleston expositl was signed by ! I script. The order Judge take slant at the i.it; parade w hi h ise of he n. K. Etaynotaa of the district eoart, ,, scene the feat tvit u s at ball The plea (or extension f tine was the the Pant b ity attorney upon parade aril I he a cla 4 made the the i IUtr i ui i i; si i ground that District Attorney Han hut the ehHdren will t.-- i hii with the wan v ist,- grasses oi '. owen, who was court reporter ; DUKE CITY ill ION FOR II ERTA Cleaners-Hatte- rs OT TO RF HnMHRF the city the liatrici court, ii. ai t afraid ..f getting I'l an is 111. leaed the building wned bj him. haa i.lea whatevi III) VcRl I.. I.I I, lie H tormerl) occuplod : city hall, was ln,, , ,, neutrality damaged during the o-- i cupancy, The building stands at Fin w Wilson. . Grand avenue. be net wl CHICHESTER S PILLS m in: mi. a State National I am al Aik . Ii Judgment was grantet tade f. Hi. ng m m ritz 4 hri cr I ll. I'll lea Mi It J m I h Natl ,i Shanl and 4l.l lulo fiti olhtr Itnt tf four lrMgtUi '4 lf KM IV wl 11 HI. MI I'll. I " lag and the (I "Tlpperraij i oftener i ha n lt J., i. il want ads. I; costs. sary. and tin eome the i in. MHOBY DRUililSISlViKYnHIKl Go it today. r Judge Raym part men t, w l will put out in them If, Sheridan h reafter to pa) his of enthtiKiasi that threatens in alimony to ll wife's District Clerk; fire to the so minding iiinidiiu ling .lis I' on Til. .mas Iv. 1). Maddison, llis former division of w bile the M oil Special Will sup ii. ita. his Glass-Pai- nt wife, Lena Sin rldan, had applied lot sisl . .f tni demon a et ing requiring pol cross tin t will hi from Hu the court for an ordei him El lea and the Knigi whet "Ida. Cement-Plaste-r to show cause why he should not la. wh prom is.-- their bun- - LUMBER have mpial punished for ontemiu tor failure to hand: off each oth. Ret n pay installments of Imony, Bherl- - lie to th mid. will os- - Albuquerque Lumber Company dan was ordered to ia Mr. Maddison illajp ClU-up- s. Phlladelphia 423 First arreoges a ill North Street araoutatlnK Tin laion following consist nia railroad thereafter to pa him Of ii the village til comadinni on .1 special m decree, on . Ill-I- ll In the the vho will he clad such I ca r. Th, Philadelphia month. way ;i everybody who looks make City cavi niaatlon es- - According to the dei fee In thi at thi under how they managed to George s. KBock, trustee, curled r Wasl of rt. mythology and history fundi, Phitadc against Luis Maples, . t Hi, The itaackad for sui Je ts for Ft, Wells and Trim). I, T. Wells the make up man for thi part if In ' not entitled tii share Proceeds parade, .1 ' aesar, smoking re; of the sale ot certain lun g stogie mi can Ing a r Klock and i leorge Blmm breila to sh 1,1 him from the ,1 01 rcoyi the am lllll tneir V have march side side with II, tl three si, judgm ,. is granted oil vv ho will p receptl of guests Announcement w h defendants i M,- i t the to II w ,f cross -- com-m Hie la h arc to pa) the the line oi plaint. The deci affect that lol celebrities the W have hi to it. st tints. fhr public wants Buick Sixes h was "block I, l'li Whii Then will des. who Hags wa v fl the l reat-- u ro f mi there will i conveyed it to Mr. Klock. trustee, II i n cage , of of American ol, so many them that secure an indebtedness $1,400 due t j anlmule rounclimnnlc Sililins. on C mtinent, seen the American I c hat gi PI0NKKK BUILDERS Koslington's Immunol Sustained. IIIOIIS ported tor this occasion al 'i ha The court sustained the demurrer i VALVE-IN-HEA- shall build nothing expense to the iniilliij This OF D we of George Roslington, receiver, to the. Albuquer-- heasi is perhaps the moat remarkable Intervening petition or the j yet been cx- - Light Powei Co., specimen! that has ever MOTOR CARS. que Gas, Electrli eve He is u ,t like lation al Night. Savings Hank; hibitad to human else in 1916. in the 'asc of the Firal the laughing hyena, who real) hain't traversed In the night X X- Trusi Co, against the Albuquerque a glimpse , f the relic, a sys-havi- eompany. Rot anything to laugh about when Traction of it. II a se- tern if illumination been de J yester- - you come lo think He Judge Raynoldl announced v ised V v ,, blase ot light arguments oi rious anil solemn object, and it thai thro dnv after hearing the - on 111. hell i O'Shet) divorei all of Mr. Martin'- skill tfl th attorneys In the This fea- darkness would grant the decree; make him behave himself. case that he ture will be shown absolutely without Shock aP; ori.ers nave Deen installed lo Mrs i I'Shea. money and without price, and more OB Hie Hat car lo k. ep the bell from William U Clarke was grniuen gen- helnsr lolled Tin crews will be Mignonette than anything else evidences the train decree of divorce lioiu people in barge of lin- specially pi, ked for their arc fulness Marl Clarke is to support 111 Ml' erosity of the ing show the main tent In starting mid stopping tiains The , Desster, paying $H under i.iid. Cecil ul" the piogrnm, speed limits a.-- oss t be oitlnent w ill until he is is yeaTi Old or mm Tile nexl feature month er, indies and Rents, will re Professor not be less than eighteen miles in l i. s. was d Hated to have Clarke Rapier and Professor Ralph hour in interest in i"ts 15 and Is. bloc Nicholas up tire K. Hutchinson in the most Wonderful The 24, perea addition. - ntemplific rtental dan es ever so that ciovv. Is mav not he kepi vvnil- n .,ih, r staR e. This ing beyond tl I time appoints I for the ROAD MAPPING PARTY irlce of ad mission. train lo go th 'OUgh heir cuii ii unit lea, . It d i from the fun of Amu her ni Olute rule the commll HERE GATHERING DATA thing scribed, lee has madi is that the bell will mil the any lie l if yo miss Ni, k and Hutch you under circumstances taken ' but FOR NEW ROUTE BOOK w ill always regret It. from the car for the purpose of pa- it sin-- Many A craok drill team .f the W, alinen rading through the is. of he World Will fo ifl, which municipalities have been advised to i K H i: hn v l.o, ke and some SUtl l. A for bUild movable platforms the height of mappers, arrived v will come road the occasion and led by I He the flat car with un incline ill each portion of till go up from the southeastern j Tlnn, way back in the rear, will end aim so that childr may state on one of their mapping tours Hag- one Incline, pass b touch ii if l come the water wagon. .Hire the which are to form the liasis ot a oad they care to s down the M r. gard, with a pair of crutches, will be and then man ill near fill II if - hook the I,, serve as a horrilile example Incline at the other ei the plat- $985 mapped the on , i ,.L-.- is the man who rides uncertain form. Where thee platfoi two y irs ago. putilisn-- ; iv rhj man that that Ai Itona roads Vehicle Jerre is still ding on, but provided the railing on one si, ing the Aral aouthw stern stale road (he value he uses his crutches I help him in car will be removed. Regardless of the car you buy or price you pay, nowhere can you get greater map inortiy auer. During stops, i klets ci Is Ii keeping ins balam Th. nrcsenl tour I All who loye a ii time, and all the history of the hell, card .v... i.r.uiu oi' a mull book soon (hi buti who want to help Hie baseball club picture of r.lic and ,'iiidiiiiiiii ii . to Sixes, Two chassis, Sixes, with , I "Auto Local Tours. I'lii'iiint' steel, I'our (fives lxth issued, calb it is in. are urged containing a picture of the will deal with a great num- out of the hole that is Ijodits, This book be Commercial club tomor- the American flag, will be ill filiate,! It' '.Ml till' II workmanship, the idea roadster, ton ring car, coujie, sedan The Six has xbort tour routes in southern to at the ber "f ..! row afternoon at o'clc k Ii Will not to children. II lake hundreds of been made because m the tlx.' Valve New Mexico nd West Texas, sonic to supply dominate an intlustr standard Sis in The edi- interfere with the auto race, lor the thousands of these ouvenlri which are based on KI I'as... demand. To the govern. us and ilc.'nl idefl lias its greatest opportunity for service. ".1)0(1 is ex- gain, ai Hopewell field will he over in the is to he one of and In- being limit than ever tion general wave ,,r lenty of time to gee Ho finish of the mayors, the history of bell in pected to aid ill the a volumi i i.e pre-- is grow- first car returning from Magdalena. small hound ii is rntercsli remember t Li.it the distinguish Rood roads sentiment which nen ted, Governors have been Invited ing in New Mexico. to journey with the bell through their aracteristlc Bnick. i LOCke and Itinehalt, oil Messrs. D respective states. I tour, came from El Paso bj way i lead np 'In cr isinck nixes, this etc., and READING GROU No Official Souvenir. of Koswell. Vaughn. Kneinn. There will be no official souvenirs over portions of the I'aiiha ndle-l'ac- il c Locke last of the journey except those distributed and Abo highways, Mr. free by the escorting committee, The night stated that he "as surprised al form for the Valvc-hnV-He- ad typi Never Upon committee also refused to make an) results attained i Valvc-in- -i the excellent IS SUSTAINED 81 concessions lo moving picture c..n- - to 1907 he Buick these roads with a comparatively before has the Valve in Head idea had said that people cerns virtually ever ait.rpi Ise two cylinder engine. Fn iin small expenditure and in tin country bavini: appli, d for told him many car such attenuate materialization, M.uig Hie roud privilege of Si I'll M4 four cylinder dominated nnu travel-sin- s ii wcalWUvd to trip. Tl Valve-in-Hea- in, the the Buick tl i ,, Helen, where they connected nd 1916 Vtita . o ,c llm RmVl iel,,, v i ,i...1 one or the FEDERAL COURT purchased a ('amino Heal and i lated other tvoes. The Buick anto routes. machine for own the western i be taken Ihr igli i films will hi fn in PATRIOTIC PARTY IS schools wit hunt expense MORN, MO JOURNAL RICIAL ISASID WIM1 the City council has pin tmni'il ENJOYED BY CHILDREN Philadelphia, July a The United ha n upon ofnmerclallsn SIXES States COurl for the eastern district lion with the trip of Pennsylvania, decided today that The a n will arrive In 'he 'It a number of Hub ft Reading group of corporations, co Friday night. July r.i i un iu v, lepenciabjlu y a the if tertalned yesterday afternoon at Railroad company of New day, July 7. will be LHh Hell given by .Mrs. Ida the Central Exclusively l'Mii Buick Sixes justify patriotic party" , the Lehigh Coal and Naviga- at the exposition. Early Donovan at her home (12 Keleher ,nd subsidiary and al- itlg the relic Will be co Virginia Lee tion company ire than ever. Studj the ..eo.,,,., r.,r he.- daughter. are not leagued to place in the Pennaylvanis usual children's lied companies wiiieiMwo.. The , gether In an unlawful comoinattiin Hie exposition grounds 191 id whv, lilaveil. llCll. WllltC BRI dielmmc that tor vou'll sec ..or..... v.e.e ii ml do not restrain ClSea Will he held. colors, and patrlotii therefore blue were the youngsters commerce In the pro, in, Hon, sale or The bell will Pmvo Si songs were sung by Hie oal. in November will re turn by out II transportation of anthracite and Tl. color scheme was .allied Tin- government will, b route, WIND-- little tot federal southern through Lol Angr tli Icon which even I A o v curs ag,, Hun Diego. iiv till. V ilke-i- n Head no, I,, ittng vv'.oe Invented in oiiRht the sun nearly Arizona ami T.A.I Th. the best ever alleg ombination buy. ssls WHRK1, HAHIO 115 and IIIHVia mid control, Qui, h K vir- - in dismember the details of return trip cenl.r The Riiests wet c Beulah ihnt, cer- - - hosting, - Into separate units and t., nullity been completed, hut irlu ai,i:h- lieiiuiiie inn in I'PHOt.STKRlN'd Cine BOiia Kahili Condi, M' Alii sler, PJIlsa- .n tain agreements und leases, wins a lain that the speck ir drive IlKAK 81'RINOH 0 McAllister, Prank Storts ray BODY tills, beth point ill that the colli l suggested that through SI. Louts, liill stream strong. Evelyn Wearns, Marie Mearns Coal Gale Heckman. jibe Lehigh and Wilkes Halle Cincinnati. Adele Mearns and puny be dtvoi ced 'mm th. Jei isy 0n-- t After each return ..r the heii tin tral railroad be subjd t "f this has been a movement SOCIALISTS THREATEN particular separation was nol argm d vent the pre, oUI iin ta . court sug-- in the trial of the cai the the city again. The ci F. Ii '.lb 'MIC, TO GUILLOTINE ENEMIES Rested it for the onsldeiation of been slowly extending PRICES 0 counsel w hen thi- scope ,,f the decree has been fear that in i The Heading hell might spilt In two. ARID W.Rtl Hues l.i he dctermin (Y MORN. NO JOURNAL RICIAL Li ownership if the Jersey Central raji-- its leaving the city on this trip to i t Mexico City, June 30 (by Courier t I, inside property road is not dilturbed. The cm culled hitter III ety COUnellS voted that Veracruz, July I.) Private t , objection belonged foreign proper- attention certain other to the Amerliaii people and and In some Instances of nature, which, however, did that opportunity lo view it should be ty although I bit- a minor is being confiscated, not general de, iscm given, whenever possible. ing now seems to hgVC disappeared. affect the committee The decision haiulid down today re- Expensive Trip, The International relief that the Reading Sending the bell to the Pacific coast giving the poorest families corn and fused to declare a company, a holding concern; the win cost the cltj "i Philadelphia has sufficient supplies to distribute company Albuquerque-Buic- k ami Reading 175,009, The escorting committee of Co, Philadelphia quarter a million of rations. of Philadelphia and Reading twenty-si-s councilmen will pay their Auto the resi- ami the Much apprehension for company, separ- own expenses. of city arose as a result of Coal and Iron either dents the individually, wer. a combina- The policemen who will con- STATE DISTRIBUTORS a socialistic meeting last Sunday. A ately or four anti-trus- t law. guard bell were of public safety was orga- tion in violation of the stantly the ipaclslll committee rall-wa- v picked is (TACOH KORBKK & CO, Ptottru'lors) nized with Soto Gama as president, The COUrt also derided thai the for their fltmss Bach more to begh) work today Snm-mar- v company and the roal and Iron than six feel In height. The head of which was cor- police ponlshnienl and the gillotioe npany were h gaily separule the department in designating was advocated for the enemies of porations and thai the railwivs ill! the four men called them to the front revolution. Apparently there are no n it violate the commodities laiisc in and Impressed Upon them the follow- prospects for the immediate transporting the anthracite of the coal ing dun ts of telegraphic service. and iron company. Don't taste any intoxicating .

'I'lllllll-- I i mill Ti,n,i.L , --" r.lrols vm' 0UJ ll i,T.i, UISSU, - " .R. O i"'- elera Ull0 SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 4. 1915.

tlx Hlrtuiucrouc Indirection Ke ;OCTORS morning journal


WflfH H,pri.ltla t . J HON. Marqartl llnilUiBS. ( klraga, DL

hiiM-- HrpiwolOlra, HM.I'II K Mill MAM, M Trk K..W. New Wk. I Ml ll'il I III I II I

THfaI nr.) Rltl

In Niw M. Kill " iMtl TEHMH on-- griiscHM'' Dal'r. by carrier or mall, on


v ill 1:0 in .11 JOI HN Al. lakM 4 priBla v THE huara hinI llilrly mla- - uf llila I r9 lawaail wtrarl aarOoa ra,U weak. N vlhar awautiar hIIIbIiinI la New vi. .. takaa u thaa la mil lour h..nr ol AaaorUlaa) Prraa trtilrw during Ilia waek.

M lilll I I M. I III) III I HUM

IStMtl) b) u li i ht ell' operated lon ' uf your i


trawled into i pert) ctly Btlll The Public has Stampeded i( tin- hand t ii damned V, tosMmWil Warning Signal rTTHOUSANDS of motorists (2000 every day) are 8 discarding "bulb" horns, "buzzer" horns and "motor-driven- " i in mn..s in sri; horns and buying the Stewart Warning Signal operated tpiti easily by a touch ol the linger. Nothing to get out of order. Outlasts the car. Pro- tect yourself and your family and warn all others by With Scissors and Paste having a Stewart Warning Signal put on your car. Clear, long, penetrating signal Makes them pay intention. THE BUOTIM li or rill TURK. By investing a $.S hill now. it may save you all kinds oi tfoubk ea r noi how man iu hlr an-- . and hundreds ot dollars any day. It may save your life. .!i I'ni mi iu live. mtnuUv Inatallad ; km po .in, Adami li i Hi, in as.- iiu ii Phono ii." Auto Service Station us w . ( enirnl

ii in s mm si ii' i hi i ii Getting thore is one thing. Getting V then without trouble is anolhe. . If you want to avoid trouble on tho journey go on Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires." Mister Squeegee 1)1 s I I

www Some people think the import- Aftermath of Gettysburg ance of their work is gauged by the noise k)J 11)11 I I they make. I I I III i II l III Ml VI nlil in Mtl Id Mil I IKON MOM Ml NT Other men do big things without bluster or ostentatious effort. ' I IC I IM I X I' I Oil I 1 N I I I I If the noise he makes over it were the true measure of the importance of a mans work, Grant and Dewey would have been dismal failures. Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires are going right along about their business, giving wonderful road service and justifying the wide- spread faith in them, without making it necea-sar- y to keep up a constant commotion regard- ing their merits.

I I II V I IU)SS w II l x IK ) I Is HON III IXIKI If you wish to know how to secure mileage economy and freedom from tire trou- bles just ask anybody who is using Diamonds. You will not have to look far.

I ill M Diamond Squeegee Tread Tires arc sold at these (T. l.ntllt "FAIR-LISTED- " PRICES: o id I) I Ml i II 81a jgggffS. Size 30x3 $ 9.45 34x4 $20.35 30x3' 12 20 36x4' 28.70 32x3' 14.00 37x5 33 90 33x4 20 00 38x5' . 4600 PAY NO MORE N Ol It I KMiiN I' I Mil: MM


Results From Morning Journal Want tin- - pO'Rt Ads ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY. JULY 4. 1915. SEVEN 1

DEMING MAN COMPLAINS STOCK EXCHANGE :: TO STATE COMMISSION f Bin i Wwd L lOHIttNWI TO MO H N Nil Tei fl Btroib Ike JOIHRHAIL CMSSffiFD) C0L11M a IV. July 3. John Hyatt, f g, with Um Mat Nwpwni" SHOWSSTRENGTH: .nimission a t i ti t that he had lire.1 twentv-fiv- e ir: tot shiB-- h it r- h Put th his in. st had not FOR SALE J vi I'rr-hlr- nt R. T. MOOKK. - MoitKI. i , 1, v un. in.- n Five-roo- frlai7 i.'ini'ti"i railroad '.- frame, bath, barn, A xmsk j vi Minna a4 Maiscr. tii, othei band. replying tint it had PuilCtS HOLD UP chicken houses, shade and fruit tarnished the tars as per order. trees, lot IdtrltX, 1th ward. J- m. m COMPANY John BjrTOes. assistant passenger tt.'.O" 21 acres of Bm land, neulv xm it in. mi iiign of the Santa Ha sys-ter- n all cultivated, t U Bailee from town. mm LOAKS l lass. IMSOTSJeKCE ,ii LtM Angeles, advisee tin- - good l state house, or. aid, outbuildings. IQCARI IKA1. corporation i again lestns that In th. ru-a- i- I2.7SS- - btick. modern, large! ijiiiik. Valencia .ountv. will Influence of Attempted Assas- basement; ll.ghlands, close in; easy' IMMVm cott I Save Tear MOSey and H lurr n hlgl pi ir m th.' local Lout's and Umt terms. bultdinga main Froposn tons. SU ' oi eh no,. Pies, fares ! kg l horged from Q sination of J, P, Morgan t,tH Four healthseeker's out int. r f vs a I he llllld i riRsr com-pletf- lv ga den Owner b f ymr .,n-rr- t l trad "f Lacuna. Cottages on two efo01 bts, Uicatlun an.t prlcra right Quickly Aft furnished, gloss In nine, $j6 i mly f WOK!' villi II v UF v. Rg car. a.tj.ilnlsg Itl.h.-v- t Ka. li I,.- en Mi- -. MVaeuerM Green Dtrnrre per PJMMtllj a fine investment. Blurhrl aarii.'.ii in vall. hair si 0 and allh fma " ut rssdi I" bear. We Hill Intel (ur Banta Fe, .luly I. --Judge E, C. Ab- - Opening Session. $3,000 frame dwelling, mod- - THAXTOM co. mitl a en nrti- - vniil .i a pur.'h.'r ,tt to lav granted divorce to Marv ern. fine shade, good outbuildings: sli epini poi.h nit n buffet; V itrl.-i'- r..-.- Wast Uold Avenue. BTHHTI MODERN HOMR f y.n want a leasts h..ma. mee McConftell from Chalmers l, 3rd ward, close in. good h ill. ui. Iiiu home. Pries til I.K'atien. atth .ut thi w.,rrv of buiMins. let us of L'aited $1,000 4 room I' I:., ' . i ,it.i,l. ,' m the states forest MOWMNC JOURNAL ICIAl LCtfO WHI, brick, bath, wash right Wedding is ni.- f t rvice Th. of Ihe VOUSg New Ye k. July underh lag house, chicken yard. North Fourth 1JIVI Natal las Lof Casss Lsege sf oni S.The t. Author, unt Kit. Local"! tx S.ilns.-rilll- , uipb a year ST more apo arotWSjd strength of the financial was street. Willi nol. fr.iii situation 4 Arm utr the Oeaei IIKhway. aut.. r..a,l M Hi" in b interest allium; the Ottttg folks again Py IS, 0 room frame, modern, com rltlit teM demonstrated today the man- Aim Sireama all with It 'itt wtl,l an, I vrry Banta as both were popular in ner In pletely furnished; large chicken .r luik.v ir mif 't, Which the slock market with- asm net frW Kit ahi sad Use r,amliis ih Plat FurniahsS younge set. Mrs. Mct'nnnell is stood the attempted of yard, good outbuildings: 8. Edltn an.l est oauaodats dsese psseeg Judge Mrs. It. assassination it daughter of and M. J. P. Morgan, For a very brief pe- street; close in. .re. city. ..1 E8TATE-FIU- F. It A R( AIM 0 fine valley "f this ri. macs wavered from 1 to i points ItKAl. 1NSI'UANL'E acres but made almost complete recovery LOANS. land, i Kill ) room gdobe bouse, lit - . acres alfalfa, in iiimal lioiini before th close on assurances that Iians Firr Insurance ten balance IV, July i: Scot . of W. f cultivation, Ail fenced and un- Santa 1 .. the financier's injuries were not se- 111 Smith Fourth Street. 225 CUEAM AeT THE ACME Coyote, today brought In s large wild rious. iter dm it. fit lo pellet Til re. E. IXHtBAR CO. MI 1. a wagon t"i a piu me i phone cal skiii and three coyote pell Ii regular tendencies' prevailed at miles from l iv-- 1 a , lalm bounty on iii-- m. the opening, l ire tut' Money to bOM mainly because of fur- 1.. II. t II IN A ther selling of yesterday ' FOI RENT IMBERl OO. - st. Pan!, Suito Whiting OR SALE. 3T- feature, who h - i a lluil.lins recorded loss of aiiev land, all under -- p..inis 1. v 'i to it, us low quotation for KSTATK. llivii, loivs, $10,009 Worth In- years, I VII of BUSINESS manj IS SlIl prov emente. truder Klephanl An I loom modern bHck Warn News of the Morgan came l shooting fesatals Iti for Butte dam. water i igbts sigm d o i one ol (be best stteels In midway m af- the brief session and W B. ownrrn; their ImoiliefcH I.m.U.mI up i one-ha-lf town Will give special puce for 21 fected MdmUOM in. ami nillea from the industrial group mote than nfler unit ...illeltrtl. f'hiuip stu railroad station. Full cumple- - Itiiek sale. other issues. I nil. States Steel. With I'll AVest Uold. gaeal el 20-AC-F IFAWM COLLEGE ITEMS which the name ol Morgan is so close- eluded A modern brick, good ly identified, fell off 1 to ."., while own r anvbtUH to sell and i w M i i Price location; American Can, many spe- ll kl I.WK sIMniiM', ill r v v . 1 of the War ill sell cheap "I Ni ni. Pourth Rtreat, ,,n good cialties and motors sagged from 1 to M,.l.. A special class in stenography has N ::. TI soil, tree in alkali; lit acres now Supporting any fork, July I'll. ' tvv. le spe- - Ml. orders overcame i lien organize,! and will make a ditl ii f el' nig lions tanks and WAKTKI Kxpi'i'teiiml Wiiiitehs, i nil u ated, N pi oduc! Ive land. threatened liquidation. Before the ai II S AI. cial study of the of . Bnpioreieal Aiaey, i n ,s,,uiii I room bouse, bai u . i recommendatlona close market absolutely trust m panics for tin k shows talrd ml htcken i h Xation u uk- - the showed strset, Phoee Sot. all. f m es. Shorthand Reporters' no trace of thai the? hold $1$,$S,100 reserve in mi farm Implements, soclatiOBi Some ago. disorder. i.i sail) t.i.oi, v . ow, . t w three veal's this With its excess of legal requirement Til is Is horse, elth Ihe actual loan expansion of i, i organisation appointed a .stand. irdiza- - a deereas. e of 181,110, 939 from last that will lot. si Bll I'lti'i Price, Including house, tm- - IM, ib,. lo.ai bank statement 'S necessity, vv H Mi ill dltCh, and lion committee and the report of that ,e, W cek. writ pb tie ul- - and slo, k. lino no per plainly reflected the shifting of mon- street, Washlngtu i In-- . I committee has been embodied in this Thi state! railroad rum thru igb in SCI e, eys Incidental to midyear interest ami i.i im per course. More than 10 per cent "f the tual (111111111011 dividend disbursements, it is nol Im- 1.1 .11 e I pe members of the Reporter1 ftpst Hon probable, also, foreign 1. oans, el, $$,&&$, 3St, 990 crnr are writers of Pltmanlc shorthand and thai sales of co our sc. to II rsaltt organlantlpn used system untie nl rilniti'd the MMHilln s .'mi Phone 77li ihe thai ai increase. 'asp $26, ii i i'.UP' .AVJWVJi UUK it. si. busts Cor a stand rd system. loss exi ded f. MOO, wit h a . 'Jl'. ii"", 00(1 Whiting llttlbl friends In this city have received i: sen reaerai reset-- . !. iters front Mr Herman Raff, a grad- 1127,244,900; lecrease, $4,84 "lilt Bun .ni. Ufaahliistun, POR RAIJD Bead I siaie. uate from 'lie gommerciul di partment, moderate foreign Reserve in tther deposits lllillr rKOFKSSIONAI. CARDS In .states he $34,000: Increasi 11,681,000, m nt-- IttMKIia. Ht BALK pun which be thai likes his par value, Twi net loll eaded t'v A 1, $I,4J.',,0" v on i : us u ij r ii ii ii position as bookkeeper Will, Nil demand ieposits, hltniln Inn blncks tram ar line tall Assoelaueai for Ihe mi United Slates bom Co.. Ninth. li.ea. H. retary. lg IIIIO; ervic Suite as II N Pii.'tirit li.itrnal .iffte. Mercantile company, mid getting im lease, B,J 11 during tile week. vv v ,o I' - t 2 I in, lllilf. along well, Mr. Ruff completed his Net time deftnsits, Fed Compsto Pqfl ItBN tlt itti'hi'.l with iMtssiei ..i: IAI.K lit Closing prices; hoasework, tnph Wn I". I'lilll Hll.l ' In $ T I 7,000. "i'i" I'I "H'I t . UENTISTa, .nurse ist five and onchalf Alaska Col,) ease. te. Ill ll Hll .'.'t months. Circulation, $.17, a un It KM M.. tern rovmSi SO al, a. litiiVi titnnteetila i ImlK N"lll Amalgamated I'opp U A vv. "I Vlll Hi. : un. j. k. hit VI l' ( ? 1,090. Nil. rBni ni; p mi Miss J J nyee base lias accepts American llesl Sug pom. Icals si tl Snrgr-- Otl , kti". i" Im i' le ma. ideal (B), of which $81 ,000 is specie. VV, ,;. i" oiimai Hi position ai stenoi rapher with Ihe a merles n 'an . day, hi l Bkrsrtl u rnnns 714 Aggi cgate reserve $091.4 1,000. k. (limit hallillsi una II rlvei-a- hiuiueroAto Electric Ugh I Amer. Smell Fti a itii.ti.iii p let urn ducatlonsl ili intntiasnts Made hi m.oi. I.. Excess reserve. . 163,94 Power Co. Amer. Smelt. Ai unnece I' MIC I ltd urease, tiett... ttlMiie.i housakerphis, m li.'ll I'll! Ml s AMI NI IIOI'IINN. Monday-Mr- . Sugar Rei $29,310,110, lansrs, PToda American as i th, I'll HAI.K Summary of '"'i sins OLOMOM I p. ha- - Tt I. & T stati st Louis fi in it tun. M. William Horeefield, h American New "i autunmhlle it wanual iilllea in at VV KH atrl for ha k. on Hi s rmss-fsaee- d Ptoststsn mill s.i L' "ii been employed as stenographer ln the American Tol M ieneril $11 Mlnull fntltll) Osll bn nig .lav i al rhoae iion. tt Biris. forestry office, A Ibtl- - a naconda Mill rishl ami United Slates oentrsl; aflei o'ului u salh t" tltriM. Atchison boa lis. tors) im yaui IK. T. '. TAN N IIS querQUO. and who has also pal $1,294,1 oo s.'iuit w.i iier or shoas IS37W. A rtx, United Elates fores! clerk exam Baltimore Suri'lilll-- I In I if, h ir. Ni, "..I II". has been appointed to a rest nslbli Brooklyn Rap Snnla Ta, N. - i lolifornla position with the United State fores- I'd DM I IIAKI.S try service at Magdalene a $: Canadli Pacific ll, i to r o, r.ar, at I' liottaekeeplng I'm llwlied Viaa aaS m H Central Leather t'l'it ukn roama nm year Increase salary, Mr eottageii ilespisg sueeheaci Iti i. I'll, A.- thi' N 1 D 6n at.. field will mil In a stranger in Mn sapeake w Salesmen, vv. nt coal. National Itank Bills. Chicago a tea I Wei In It B.N 0. A Chli ago, .Mil. & St, I'aul Hanks' mi: Thi stile im.. lull POM BAIil BoekMB, mi rkANfl 21, ii Ul ulna iractAUBT, Chicago .V N'orthwci pi". nit HA LB HP nli .111 v "'Ill TlinOA t ami i.usns. ('him Copper bungalow ..it j prt n mini Phone KI7II iiarn.it nuts. i. prim Colorado Fuel & Ito Colorado & Southern Ii MIOKI'I.IC. M. 11. mercial mi nl Fe lALhW MAN I'.oiili'l. .I qtpurl of tin Santa .v;- BOSTON WOOL. Prsrti. .' null. t.. 1 no. ri'ul. ma. Denver Mo Grand Hi Staplii Ion high which gill Ik tl " Un' vx.'i'li! Ill II. Ft in I,, i 1 scbMl, Denver a Bio Qrandi II.. I. lltillilioiila cart I'linns m fteptewtfeer. Mtsi . :'.'4', W.at c.ntral Avanua. Distillers' Sei-- iti. Ri I'nlt - .lull t h. inn I.. ,'ii o p." ehss. hsssmsni os car a in nils .. aii. in ni. i, ,ii,. Sanitarium Psoas ill. teacher Hull tomorrow .'is South WHiti.r, pi hi, line; class in. Addrmia c 11. hill. ami took he in; I t it rendered vrriliet till i ii VOH HA Lie-- MutltTn I iii huuaa I'HK Ml HI'IIKV HAN ATOKU'M m neral Electric POR RBN vi'"i furnishftd r in, with frutna hoo and during si prices at week at . atri-e- l i (real Northern, pfd. till" Hali'ilt slssplnfl nrehaa IllM Bast niral in Hlghtsn4a "ii car Una, sloSS to Tabercuieels id tin. TatfWfd sad l.unsa. Ml a Berry a in the d: f anil lie ! loeallosl Knvlj Olt Offles, Avanua. student Is the sale at flaa. m mr - vi,',. ennl Hsnl Ps ah..p; Ideal ltH W.at Cnlral .rea' .Northern Ore Iicvr- miKltrn alar pins :i acc 1.1 111. ....I h.i.nah,.ni. Two seiuhsi, Offiea Itoiirsi I a. m p. ountancy department, has been recalled its confiib pec in Mil It U'"H'ic II. M r eteeaM t" ii t" i in. apj '.yggenheltn JSnplon I ion wojid hat j '' 'i'mnina, pob t.i ahupa lit, iit"M.iwn pointed auditor of the Albuquerapsen the of the wool market, Bales ;:.' mi vrsfkiy ti r espjM Mrgh sbeegh fur bags, 1eegi reisoaisli PI i Itli lanatoriuis Phoee aai. future illl-'-- Won BENT Modern furnished rooms ale-n- ii W. M 'las. Electric Light d Power Co., and have been larger and prices ar, wi'lrj 1'iliiipHiiv. in. intra an qnnih Hl.loh atraal T. Murph.v. D., Uadlosl IMrectnr. here i tant Mtni'iiinK poroh, ooavsatssses, 4W will begin bis new duties July 15, decidedly firm, while buying In the 'lev pliilnl, till iShhi tVnitai Phona I ixilt I Pi ami l'.ggs. M. Miss Anna Myers, who for aome vv ek'S prices. There t W. SHERIDAN, M. D. Internal Ions I larvesti west held last WANTED Agents, sl time lias been employed in the office has in en an Increased quemtlty of do- i r; l!li ft: K le Pfa ottOS l.lmltad Kansas city Southern l III . "i ib,. Xeu- Mexico cuttle sanitary Uehigh Valley mestic Wool BlOStl! territorial board, accepted an appointment In of the business is Ill I'lte. Genilo Urinary Diseases and hH l .ouis tile .v. ashv ille moved but the bulk the UnlttNd stales forestry office. Mist again in foreign wool. Mi'llllX vi! l"." l; M cxica n Petroleum . Skin, .Niyei's was one ..I the lour A. Scoured basis: Texas Fine twelve- Brows Laghores sad Diseases of the Miami Copper tuna. Brer tlari for aala graduates wh eased th recent civil it" mi b", 66 C'l 68c; fine eight inonl lis, vary ileal ra Ida i ha Wa.ai and N. an. hi Taetll Missouri, Kansas Tl For KENT Purnlahed una an ll. A. f, III ' ' raisns rvice and her ap Int-tre- t- s ,,s 'u 10c. bedr a, pHi rersatl "i mi" A it ii ii lit ored. examination, Missouri Pacific larfa frohl Mo (sillily. M m ill came as no surprise but ii (hiutti Wiiii. Phono liiiw ciueai Ids National BaWMltl Terril I'll 10 V LAY, i.iv, thst'l by many friends. (1 11 111 Alhttiuariil.. med her National Uead fine tm shoiigh to it Nm buiiji M r, ii 66 fj ti cli HUNT-llwell-lnga. laea Btanlej Strong reports thai clothing tine medium POK i gga P'.iii- Nevada Copper TVTIKIV -- null bshj ohloki otaas 11 I I HIV tllV I III l.l.(JKM. lit position bookkeepc Ing, ; ii half-bloo- d combing, i his new as New York Central li.o Malik try Tarda, ,i :u at lv. ii lit,, Al I eighths-bloo- Carthage M ili pi v n. ll. ru 70( thre d comb oil. in. reeoi N M s I'' V I'M KIIINAIIV i i H .i.ioi ;io lo aliui Hi.pl. al- Hartft Poll bi:N .7177 la I in.nl rn fiTrn Ii - Is or. i 0 7c f i. io Kanty a pi) it k Ll N'i pritfasslun ollari aipial iippori u & Western . .1 v p. ha bn ah Norfolk 70c; AA. ti, ia:i Waal atareuatto, luqulro - nil v PalStng free It Ki ls but " I Pulled extra, 86fl 7ft oantl n r ai ulna Panep ori'il ni". Prsilaeai mil Pacific ', in 1 Northern ". .ti ;;iismuiii PI rat. Mol Han wele es a Id liums. A, ii 'a 0 0' supers, 0:: fj 6C WANTBO of .1. Huff Orplnstun aggi ll par ssttlggi Slash itraeti PVaaoltco. letter 38 fine Yuuns lauman roflflainenl iTToT- tut-o- Pacific Mail Threi"r."'iii iiuTuaiTI - w. Miss Helen i ippenlieimer is le f U alraa pttaRlua na hnuaaksepor for vi r f ull llBNT Mil It i" i n im.,; rail at ml North Tel. . . 29 i -l PadfiC Tel. i :, saiow, aioi.pi nx porch, Iron l Hi i ii nuts e- addition to the office fore Hu C1TV BtlAliO III l it Mil I wo in opts in' journal. sad leal I'lilii "i i'i HI, Pennsylvania 106 M KNSS purohpBi alii. ti.- otegn, Una saadsi so cbiJd-- r. New Mexico sanitary beard, - A Jul., by'cHpao Is anil rallabla an a;s t in i n v v VIII Hits. l i BATTKNIKIIU cattle Pullman Palace Cai WtT;i- ii In:. t II. miii. ISII ('ceding .Miss Anna Myers, win Is ii man, ll yrnra nf aghi Anv propoaltlun la the raaord uf Osntrrvl III vv a Hold Pie inn llg, Ray Consolidated Cop . a : i i.OSl.li i ll it.ll sH 'I' I... .I'.lll tml. While r 'as. Bahy chioksi 111 mi psr sinned this week to accept got e room brick, mnilein, i'".il tiinl Beading ' " lioij gtia ranK.a, nm let il' Ih.'H .he n inn! men) appolntmi nt. a .VNTKH BxpurleilLoil ateniiKiHilr nin.ii.w nil lii Ural elr Mil s.M IKINfl ha saedaa olsaa cnnilltlhai P. Ill AlhUQSSI Mr. Kay u n u.b- dealrea i Mtbui wiirkad in bank and I. K. 113.10; I'rvei'. bo has phtniy of aha. nl Satll paid, W'AN'I'BU i i a ni raaaonable le.lel.Kle K in el a fill - mnrkabty fin, ll in the i.rri'.s. liilin iiuln vp" iioaii. ti l iilt'i. p. illMieil. I'll. 'lie t;l::. in''" ail Son as Imitiliii Central uvrnua. e a school, has ac position iV-- St, LOUlS San l''ran.. Jtl pfd. . l is WANTED tiv com pot etit wmnan wltli two houlh Iiijltniis. 'I'lir hi"') Hun retary to Bupt. K. Summers, of the i oc ; PI1ISON M. Southern pacific ohlldren, pneltlos sa houaokaapar; ivll HI" noil ..iv 'I'll lln.Ml tabls b'wl ami Santa I'V, will in Mi Sum "'ii l I and travel go i .wo. Ad- - v mi Southern Railway ..in uf Rsfcrinrai aschangad. liiii. chleka, II" iwvk v ih bf i" ivatt detseircei Iliers' private ear. 7 i, Ten nessee 'opper ii arena A. v.. cara Journal ii; II" H"''l It Sr .Ill ll ., e.ill ., J., i. rsa l:. "ii. I mi. purtloa avftdeaei "t- - :ic-- ii ihadtiwedl fetinhie Mr. Lawrence Van bus itlsl ( ni- Tine 'ornpany I28H vv with aiperlanrii Morgnn a. -' - Texas vvi rir taarhrr muuli MiahiiiiiiU. m, talnsii Southwoatara Mstvollvs Burvlcs. pled a position With Web b & Tits- n a ibuqui rqua n. i ' I'nion Pacific -7 im, sotnl refaraneaa .vunta Uustlos sal mth ti"" '.' AlhuqusreMa vorth, of I'apittin, N. M Mr. Van Tine 111. IN I.I I I I It. 8. vviut.- nit RSJNf M I'nion Pai iflc, pfd 80 fsmll) govarnaaai AUdread Hrt. LAlilBM Vh. ti delayed or Irr.iular, uaa bad tin- distinction of being ihe only ."''.,r, head lies Kslrfss strtat, tleavar. Colo. I'lii'ini tm or United States Steel -- Triumph Ptllai iiwios douahdabla, "We III. I illy ;i. i IOK SMI lliesloeh. i Taos representative In the business United states Steel, pfd inon Butter, ult HRNT 1 i and in .' Hr- - ii' .mil particular! ru e Writs Null. .mil ' ol lege last landavCi Bdlth. M.. it. 'id p., 'linn.., alllwaukwt, wia. winter. Utah Copper 07 South Hi VLB In d le i. nun h Mr. 10. M VRKKT l .1 (Tt M rpTTTTioH. (', Udir lias left for a M v RgiNT i ly r nm ilo, N Aid, rHAMKH, In Wabash, pfd tinl vv VNTKLlllJiiiI)',i. :: K'"1nk prctfrrrad. nut """a shd l.alli, fur li.riiat fir,, our v re-- .i.e. isii in Rnnfe, Ti He w ill ! v blahod, 401 Hi Ii phi.iti 10 (ur UH 11. .1,,.- - aoM W'esiein I'nion 6'i'a .v.i. s. h Q"K m, city til Ant", HJI.I. Putt HA 1, hasp, good aaildla oi drlvlm lit will l.e turn In full up Hie Study Ni July 8, Our..' foi oharsaa aiilaaa r.i b) July the and take ( l full ItM.VI' n Ule I" in iie..- i' iii'i.iii I'liniiiiu aonipsnr. sailed is. Wcstlnghouse Electric !is't Altl'KT l.KA SlS'il, .iilreva i tVi cent, , f iil'MlMli il tUBI itt- - Manna I una I14M Vntral. of shorthand. Tola sales. 190,000 shares. per. per rapslrlng, w. a. noil Pboss III. lll.'el mi iiek. lint HAI.K vi suction in ri. nt illy Tislt -- The employment department, has Sterling Slats da ii" mill Houth Bdlth, ,i t I.. luly nth i "iiiilt MONI'V TO ''en rushed with call having filled! MMt TBADE. demand, $1. 70'".0; cal 14)11 MlepBiianeow, nl! It KM No.iv furulahad 'iitnl nuns Ik.i.i r.OA. CHICAGO no (ii' ' hai.I'; tin positions during Ihe past ten days liar silv or, 41 o mi" lly iiumI. iti. tllnaa alet POH ' B A t off.' ray Unit .tiari' I. l"'i ml had several oal are pehd-ffi'- e Chicago, .luly "Hedging on a Mexican d .14 I' .ri IIU "I "til Waller. in I ha aerates sosoh inn. The denial help has somewhal broad scale to anticlpatei Qovernme ttfcNT 'l l. hi i. furaiahad rini A im.'.r, Nn. tfflj al.'' II a all! til' 111 'vie Willi .ICi'lilllg , tl by A moor and ItandSfd benn steady am available new Mtpected by .mis eas i.i; HnSSfhnli lint fur liberal crop arrivals I'll"! II .III). Coatral. Phauvlh, im weal Cantn placed Tuesday gave a downward swing to- Ill LIVI09TOCK MARKsaTt, on HA LB N.-v ., piusansor htudahukoi FOH RHlvff Nifty Ihraa-rtio- Biodara full HALE I: v M il. it'll, 1, 10 I' l: v MS l.iirs". W AM I ll Moiicv. day to the wheal market here. Prlci i ll' I tnnilrl. at red . a pi ten. Phnhf s 'l hung.ilew. 1 H. till. I.lahl ami watai amonth range raised, i losed heavy al l to 214c under laat paid. I22D Booth Rdlth, Phnns Hr,2W shsmplohahlp III Allan iiie Fi'iiil Chicago Jveatoek, d: PALB leiule drli'lns n- asddla ppny, night. Corn suffered a loss of '." to for fttritn i u.r ai IlilBT IX .. Chltago. .In Hill It l.nl lien, an" bwsfj 1004 l'"l l full i avinu". 'lain at, mi "a "i :1i e ni l, and nuts of 'n ". hassmiint, laiie- - VKHTMHNT i" ion. Mark i steady. patl -- Usdarwood typewriter. S""d drraa, Kalaon, a He, The finish in provisions tanged; 491 Mouth lliuh ' i w oraar. 11a. lir. HSennd alraal Ph..n. .'71 r, , a steers, 6.l ii 8.90 astern steers, . Yk B ri'i.'i'ni from IJU-- decline to rise of ' 1. ti ii .n $ 7 2 r. Cf S. FTTit" ...-.- in... 1m la; cows ami heifers, l::.J.ii'i 1 , I Wheat began to recede in Value al- hussy aai,1"" ";s I. I'.reh; log aluvk, hi 9 r,0- ,.... - s un. and calves. 17. 10.60, I .I...I. h. - lira. t'.iti most us soon as trading began and did !.'' . ' lanae. I, Have. UK Henlh II. all Hlnal" any show decided power She i; tls llllll MHt'Ket stresi - Mtiltl en nut ut time -l n- - In stead) la nibs. I'nl: SALE Bust) an" hymeaa I" X'- hST a ' "' '" Ihnl to rally. was lem.rleil I i m Threshina $ 7.01) ij lent .ii.iiii. .11. ,vii.ii .;.'.! N'ortll Eighth ''',","',',,' u',""' hoy Bs ' llli- - i,!"'., " ' have become general itbern atresi Jl '" "' ''' '" " iriom n .1 1. i IIIHOV. run K HANTS rc BAIL- - I were predictions thai 7:777: , , ,.' : T. . ,vJili IIIONT I'm nlli.-.- 11. vvllh I mils and there Denver Lfvestook, rT: FOlt lw.. WAV o if 111.' weather held goo,) Ihe amount I'll VNI'KS Waath be lienver, July ::. Cattle I.iiiillt. Ii. linn. It S'nittl VVilU. No. Class, of offerings by Tuesday would 'v....'e. H'.illll lloalilniiy. ... , S., ssw.v Arrn... Depart! v loo. iteady, plats.wwnvswmoliuB how, 1. likely to swamp dealers, similar Market i glfiA't plciura Palirornia Bipiseg ..... Tillp i:!iap I i HAlI Model h I' id niadatar', . " rtmsvir . ep Kei elpts, none. 'll , epaiatini vanlogs. Mu. i M it"-- I Callfnrnls Limited nu 1 :iea in regard to Indiana counted Sle '" "rl i1 forecast modal K lluick. lll. st man Han Morula!, N M 4 Hogs Receipts, 100 larket psaaanir ' ' 7. Kaat Bnpraaa ,a in further against the bulls, in addition, ilt.y A nt" r.,mp.n, " lie lower, few sobl at $7. ,10. r.'liw havo dl.U- - a Kail Mall II SOp l!:Ng prospects were sani i" be flattering KOD ihaflog .ll.ti 'lU-v-- I crop SAI.B Ulaclll. in :h llaue fnrnlaH- - ,a 11. is 1. ui. (Thursdays),., iisse i.eea for a big ield in the spring "i n " area ' pi aciieuity , ,1 ftir-- parrolstor " r i,tiii, Unit j Nootliboiind. beii. were made, t"... MOWING DOWN PRICES i" ' In an Waal Iron svanui Vlaao-amU- 11 RI Paao Announcements H i a I .la ulna di rrli an """ tot li II. lit I , ... HI Unit a Baltimore exporter was em ll'iill HAI.M Sle.lvinu ei.oiitnla. ah. itt riiara. i o. .h.o.. lira 111. Paso Ksnreae I:lla celling purchases, ami thai as much ON FABER FURNITURE lelrlgerator, r..le.l top des naan rcslalar I funinliad aiib llssptna poreli Inu "' l,, ' Ul"' '"' SM I n at. oons. lUelf" 10 press "US 880,000 bushels had been resold and varli'iia ..titer natures M'I'l. tilth i a I MM. i Ailantlo Rt ' ' '" s" I. POaitern Kipreaa : 1. "t I n bis account. Heuiii .trrrrr: " r"r cur. usasrsi. a 4. I:4lp "Op sale Ihe bankrupt slock HA LB .4-- am. .mini, pistol 't;ii i" poultry ranch t'atlf'.rnla l.tinSad Reductions in premiums for cash 'Ihe of FOh Colt'i hall Pi 'O .VP I. K. a Chios (O lOip TlISp Is v SUM Hi f- -i Fill I" Nas v i. acrra flea In i' wheat were so sharp as to attract eon-sub- id the Albert Paber furniture store SIT: m in llaliin lie hei esrblna M: Sri.al furnlahad huUaal stfaira. i'i K ' ' Da Luxa (Wadnsedaya). llltip P i g.i.,.1 t .."dill, n llliit lioiU. IS M. Wea' Hold " " """ 'urBtSHeei laying it. able As compared With intituling will) un leased sabs every It. ..Ih in l.Hiald '. 'I'. ih attention. ' '" ","1"1' From v -' "hi-- .. I.;. r,Ti. j ; ' - No. J luird lav, Messrs Alalia K Vait'.w. H"""" i'du AVSi .,' i,;"i z lh; 7 ooa the .inly price, the rate for and rain ' ' " ' 111. Ranaaa t'lty Chlotgo.. BALE Oomplota of John I. Blod porch bath I'h Mr, 'Vi.m'v '.."' e.Ti'rtlili.n ill'", I was fully 4c lowei than yesleril.iV .who purchased the itoi k are rhOIC sal alaaa.jileapliia in a v u, lit. aoA I'hloaa" 10 In No. :i equally dl m than Mlcsseri with the sab's allendy Za7a7jk M "" 14.OIO.H0 CSall - Oil THE Transactions red ...b. ,, ii, ,1 navar ... Summmi u .. . . l. i a iiiiuIp. ihey offer, mark- V. i svvr.ia i u. Bo Albuquar- - ..iisti.iled thm recent fear of threat- Tic bargain j 145 00 Will ikhiiiib nun owni, IP to in plain figures every piece of 'I'-- herp ed .. ened shortage in supplies hud mi aell It taken al ..nc. A.l.iH'.. I. I. ,cn . .. .,, ' re- or s list 'tl HIOHS awav. tods, me an ok as to people, ' ' a great oxtepl already faded draw '." " """ ' rlghl before you all the time at crop re- gardless thev wan! to OrVTAE-Oa- .'nt"; '" ' y"rnln, II Favorable weather and of whether 'a' library "table, laather' I'".' ''"' the same n l, to FtTfl 'J!!SSS!SZ1 old stand, makim? ihe ports tended lo eas. off the, mrn in put. h.ise or nt Ihe Paber store. aeatad rockarn chain piano bench high it B.N T iloml w.u vanlllalatl rooms, yollVJ"JJBMIOH nml Hulphur Spi WI PBRN DKtOlvl rEl BilRAPU CO. lust bread Amer- Icet. Some notice was taken also of and once inside the. ere almost com- Chair, Pfanck plale mirror, ruga, tin" cloaa In, IIM per week- board ir dealrod. Uanla. I2SI N.rih I aireet Pkoae . from the hcsl nn f season pelled 10 make some purchases, so suaetar brass irork in Ida, i Weak IS4 Hi. nth Killih. ,,,',,; "irrfS r. TT ican flour, ih, chance surplus this ., . ft.io I tl Orl.k it's the same kind of le t Mae co All pro. j . . , - - follow. Ihe goods down i"i' flam. ta H N 'f i It f nt n tidied v eil venn lat- - I f - in lb'- southern stales, 'hits cheap are marked . nt h ulMlna r ally Xo I'h.uia oirn'of si'v'.' bread that our forefathers made ih,. ictlon of other grain, News from 'Ihe slock um ci l.e obi. as the pro- !. ill. e.l roam with bosr.1, aaeallant for aaraga S.-- 'Viii' u o' r' HALK Waablna hina. wrlnget - plaaaant room Mia i)....d ;- - . - I'A'I'liVT Th IllNrlY. t" feed the army of Independ- the harvest fields was optimistic, bar- prietors will nol cOntiaUS hi lb busi- ni: .r dlnina - - T about condi- ness a time, so If you are ence. Every morsel has nec- ring few complaints after certain the in Illinois. In the market lor good fumltureand u essary tions n.u'ili "..f' ., ' n App.y Mi "SBhirmjPIMp'll'-- sustenance. Provisions averaged lower with till kinds of household needs al i.fri.aa. I' in.. All milk, eraam anil eaa. pr.'.lii. ..ii i" i. a WW WI WTI) . JH . Ms ilbaa. 1, hogs ami grain. Lard especially was slaughtering prices see Haharam yMZmjLV! allLiltheigi without ule plate support. VaHOW before it is loo late. mil if In ii-- Closing prii s: town people are urged to send ., - Mr.. W. It ii L:"'" 't9. tiher..,., rnal iivffta, I""""""1 a mV,,a- .' Pioneer Bakery Kept . 11.08 Wheal July. ll.Wj ots-i-- -i . m MPS V1ROI.VIA HlltlHt II, r.irmarly .. ,,,. . S,.aiillc laemaa. 8BJ 207 South T4 VJe; Sept.. 72a'-- ni'HH ItlTlltS i First Street. Corn July. avvwvAAAyvvvAMMwvMva. var ay, aliri'"inei that aha hn. locatail I ItlONT v . M nl: Anavrinieiils. o. I Oats Julv. Sept.. 37Hv ALL KINDS, both naw and nd hand. a high clasi bearding and r .mlng eatah- - i BlvNriaiti. ill woaiwaria l SHJ .. WASH11v.fl)H 111 F V I PorkJuly, 4c:8if.7Si Sept., piT.wS. h.'tiKht. SSIg; renf.d and pspslead, o ll.htnartt at ?tl s nth Wilier alreel. ami la Knit ci II it... r.. f u ' ta.). .a flat. I OlFICf si aiaanhai. H I.'ird July, $14.86: Sept., $8.45. Typawrliar I8ahaaga I b n HI. ci i.rf.i tha rin.it tula, board "'.I. tt gKmmmmmmmmmmmmgtmaagmJR l par Talephona InnuU-- i h ) Hibs July, 110 32; Sept., 110.80. Ill S.uib Batumi atraaL Ida city st day ti2W. Sixth vw,anv..)- tel.

" g were amnatl "pre the French I '." ""r """"'hes ' troni 'n lt ireiahee. ev' EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, SUNDAY, JULY 4. 1915. w f

Crescent Hardware Co. GIRL IS BURNED DUKE BLOWS Rangra. Karnlnhlng Toola, Honda CollrTf. Iron Ml, VaJfi F im i 1 iici. i i Mil i: PASTIME THEATER ml I nline, Plumbing, limit 'Ml. Hu and topper Work, W ( I ITS A I. U K TELEPHONE WHEN PINWHEEL FEEES FINE tit til 3 KODAK H TODAY and TOMORROW FOR YOUR PICNIC OR LU NCH AND FILMS I' GWiTES LOOKSTHE PHUT VAN CAMP'S PORK AND BEANS I 4 Ht ol It l 1 I - NOTHING EQUALS THEM mtmissioner of Publicity, lust "' '" ' I "i ooest BOND CONNELL SHEEP UNO WOOL COMPANY Ml t Die til KM' AM) WOOL. HlltKM AND KELTS I Office and W arehnuar. Ttjcrae Avenue anil Railroad Track m

DHIG GOVERNOR in j California expoattion, ntherwii A LARGE VARIETY OF Hltb II on ICED BERRIES the ins th i kin- - ha mis w here CAN T BE BLAMED III I loll I'KH I

2 Boxes for 25c Rider nui mi,, rot a Mini: on Hi i Pt FOR NO t. rie declared dp,- MMarawtoM return Maada) night Tllng out it Sun ' inlnloiiiH-- . Mini ii' ameai wax 1 Mexico :s gettUlg t alii"! lllil 1 1 Mll- - I tti dai hi Ihr marriat th.niigh llir no - i i N ( iil - Alexander foi marly oi ind Tin- Ihe in n loin F ih oi il the fair than 1 Jul a, ' bl, m hel ' I'm ' v t i, Bhm oiouh un.mi-- M IHS I ', eell,, S oil Ml ,1 ",,k-- 1 ain in nnj other N( ' I V ; Reason He Was 'I '',' itrkM i t'f'H in, in ,.f .in' -- n. V on Jiiiir LaSt!''' lire swarming 1" i.i i i;h i regulutlona hi tin- poliei ile- - mi wio , Fourth ii hi r Owen, diati r for' Is Ml pou'lll- - j Sunday That sale llUtlili Imllll. tin rountii i of .i i. iniv iiim t Uvea nt I nf Pun nlair mhIi Sierra, who i i ing vviiti ,,t New Mea-- n ' hi- - hafe reaterdi on bun aiei oix rcei ami advantages im ., few hour a Chief M, Mil - I,, I 1. mi. is ti nfter tteat the Interest thai being muni .ok fill Women ol State, im ii. 'i announcctl the sun- .,"'1 aane Our uikun nu n it III mil ll riKhii- i , im ix .j hint orders Molnhiv 11111 nrniu. Shi am ml,', - tin- mad leal nssooln- I... LK.I..I .... i : . . If.. 'II '..... , A l nr MJm our ilellwiv hilling; : , i , a ill i loo i.i s.,. i.', ,u, .. i. ,wi ,f,..i ...... i iiei, i . iv, i, ii. v.,,, u, ,v nf .... . :. " ' ,1, mmimr ii win more is ,,n flying trip, lM a. in. vi tied Ban Diego and Loa Angela, Ohio, recently cancelled arrangements I'nlted State, II' itrlngant than e THKI). RAHA, THE VAMPIRE WOMAX, In w i ii oi tht World will iiieet .'" '' I'"'"''!'!' t"'it which would eflp platoia mas gj I, al Woodman hall ai i o'clock thii ?2 j u i ' no under ban l l .. ... DEVIL'S i noon to ''iiii in,' l inn u nl r alien, evnlosi, :i ml In "THE DAUGHTER" i' ' -- eunei ittempted hit life. He arrive I iiiilv W I li:i 1, 'I'll,, ni.ili.rm' "" " :i le ii'.imiii. Ill irtrldgea, togethei vvitii nthei Iti i.iiiiriele D'Annanzh), Vuthor nf "Cabirte." mv v t i i "l Iv I'll return trip lost night and wi WARD'S STORE i h iik Ii re4uetad in report m mil- - laker and Kraworki liable la Ban Dleg flyer William roi Prodwthw of the Moal thiiutlfnil) Wicked iires Wllllu u for th, Ih , rea, will be prohibited ihu on I iii ih in ii Brilliant Drama, n r ii I , deal, selllns them or tins TIME i. 1:30, a, ;. h. in p. in. A ttt-tt- nulled iiii, the will or sllows t:i5, if., and Marble e "i hmh l Heritor I I s, lit ,i ipeclal leaving Co I PI SPECIAL , lults. in Children, S truin Baje tlMIH10 (vat: wnta n AiiKiiKt II Tin- Bird 'or Swaai peaa. Orderi taken I HOMICIt II. WAItll, M(r. Ii, aanr Fourth Idea 4 to ecllpae everythlni In tha The hu advtviMM, thai Chief Mi Millin belli v ii It I A ii, tint Ills l,ie,i UiIm Hit) ORANDK IN 'ST ti .nui Sl'lldlil. PISone 1541J. A eio.se "nil'- -' b'l, I'M it lit II', iKbt ear So eon i. in, 1,1.,,, mi down i, 1 VUDOR PORCH SHADES niiuiii nil in ii train naai Buwunaa, i aftar nil. !,,, the tail lew -- REWARD -- nded uoon, tit, n $50 $50 Kiir no: nun ii OMNU , "TELMO" THEDA BARA IN 'THE ilher Fog Information leading in ROSENWALD'S fgrl objm'tlon-Irework- i or Ilia arreal ami con ieli, ,n a, is no tins morning on t in Hunt,,! from Vtf-tlni- tin thai DEVIL'S DAUGHTER' hai been offered f,,i I' THEATER BUT THIS It A N I) or of any pcrgOfl or penona de where in- raeentlj wag awarded! facing;, deitroylng;, removing tin- degree ,! bachelor of law ul ?, " morei nere gi CANM.Ii GOODS AN! YOD ponte gnoa or taking up our roed'tnark-- Wiisiiiimiun .iihI Lee unlverilt Mi "Tin Devll'i Daughter" Ploturliedl HAVK THE IIKST. placed on any of Hie in ,,, Beat Khuw ei's. pru.iiei a foi Willi Pox, fi i o ,. , , ..mi .,. III public roadg h.v tho f: the Stale. """l'"' III, si ,'Xoll, iiml ilia '.v.ill. .'..I... . - ,... .,, ,... mMmmm lllllilos 1,1,11i. 111 ,,1111, OIIII ', ,, ,1 I Dr, !J. Strong BrothcrH Kaiter, lha the world wn la Ii a (llllll.r: ,ll(1(.s friv. BUTLER AUTO CO. ' ,,,, , ,, iw'tw ' ,,invi,,v no ov i" ii, I,,',, ,'l, to US ItlUe .11111, TODA- Y- Undertakers Mr, K iisie i arrived her,- yeaterday unforgettailj powerful In Ita liepki Mverv aaddla hortag Trlmbli I ifth and Copper mornliiLi li nn California, sue, it nf 1 ,. aad Y. W. C. A. Ihe tin,, an nvlllu hauntirui ..i,,,'.. "Bl Mil I I II' nl OIX" I'llOMIT Nl It Il PHONl ,1 Hen- nnil li fi liul iiikIiI Hu ovei like the Utniiu of iinelenl llreek m . I 7ft. 111,11., ( I I Thu-- i SIS South Third sn eei KI'ltOMi nl It Helen f tur their horn at To-- J tholofy, la half aerpant and half w,,m feature AMI KIM OMl. pggg, Kan, in her nature. Even PAY YOUR ROAD TAX DIMM, ROOM roll MEM M hu ifD'Annun WOMEN It. wns nT-- 1 ,i eol-,ni- i i ; it Pollock whn in Calif hmi no! insist, ,,n ihe famgfl ii is goi the road board or tux .i nil in it n PARTY" ! Excellent Home Cooking and win. Mis Pol luck visit,,, i ihelThedi Barn, the "Vnmplre Woman" tec tor 'g daalrt to' bring suit ggatnst Hani I urn,, Iv ex i, i, He nt Man Franc! aco ami Pan of the Theater Antolne, Parla. being thoaa who have failed to uay their TWENTY-ON- E Mi:l.s. tt.00 ' m cltj i returned ihi yeilerday, call for the pint before he would idxn rnad . therelnee tn ,kis Mis. Pollock will return this morning, the film rtgntl ovei to Williuni V t. embarraaamonl Dav v,,ur lax without IIIK ItllKSMN HMJRT" LOCAL I t I ,1 TAXI M VI TO DAY NIGHT. ITEMS li,v ',,,' ,,'MIO ii tint, ll'inie. M It Is ll, il In II .invuli.,. "ill will he hroiiirh1 extern III, iixrn ill Al I PHONES 04 VND 10S0. lEgTICB U,si Ttjerai avenue at tragi roiitd h'tvt been found, exoepi win, fn ii to pa v prompt ' hattkuv station. Or iJVTETtEST M KM.K- 25C Hut , In, riced, repaired mill ixeg ad Mrs. ,i m. Carpintri und ion, Henry,! WHe- Rara, poaaened if the febrlle ml rtlOH F, WATERS, irrles inf AM.I LO PARENT!. HeCLOgaUOt Al CO., 41m w. i up.r left lust night for Bgbingl, HiniHtei requtglti pur-- I Coll.', t,,r i p.m. i hi t in ii io w I i ill i: REPORT, Bocorrond beaut in oi,,,, in show a county, wiiei, thej w hi ipend thetraji The heviis Daughter." Mim 1 . V COPPI 4 I',. ,,r .iiits th,- pflBarn'g In, I'ol Hie IWelltv Ii, iiiih with ramtlvaa work in parti of tins lypt fullt nun atftiBI ' v I " , Mr irpenlei Tluv will Isil 111, if CO World frOBkgUl'h W il- - at fi ulln, k s e, fi e enllili. IM Ian I PHONE 23 aevi i.ii towns gdjaceiil la dablnul, and Ugtn fog production! h "The Clemen eaaaaaetaaa liaairaum lamperature, degreei t legpeel (D return home TUetdg) ei ", TAXI H ACTO. minimum, lo degreei range, II de mi fane,'' Pool Then Wag," et' eeeiff eiflf ffffIfIftlfIII - h I, Hnv nuil Night. giees Tempiraturi ,i I n m,, M Mr. iiml Mr- J, i; Wheeler, nf ''"ch nf wbh the French lldlnil ft i A. i ii tit n y t mi w .i who Woman in the putt of a II. ItAt'A green, nnilli wltnls partl) el Iv loured tin fuiclnallno I I 1916 Studebaker Cars 1'aclftc coaai atalea and took in the, j diabolical lemptraai haa wvjii Interna- - GRYSTALMATINEE I x - m NUTR IJm t III .1 ..U ...... , . 111. I i " " ieii iii ii- yeitar- iiuuai iiuue hiimn ne ru hii iKiug ami l.nlllll....-- """-ilavlilt II lose, le upend Hie III as Hie mi, sts nf lieiiinlful fupi Ins been . ulled '"I h i.i rber .tiriiiH i ill he a Al 9:910, --more POWER Hi it, peaon 5, 8:18 ami ions .'nil itrawberrj loalMri r Hiims mi Weil Sliver wlckedeel In the World lii I'olock a. in.. Monda.i Juh cream Km emuiv si,.i, liiveniie ti,, vutltori contliiueil on eull i lev ll'i i luughter" she portrit) --more K00M Join, T klarahall, oi lileta, ipentjlaal nmiii character even more insinnaiiniri W iTEB TAX DUE AND PAT- - i: AT i " F1CE nl'' ATER CO fT ID -s- HIGHER QUALITY li s SECOND till i nth of Mi., 1, ii m .Mr ami Mrs II in -a- LOWER PRICES dayg in H Fox, at s.,,1 Fernando, ra- - condg h ill, not a l nd lanu i'. t'alif, have written oo LATE To CLASSIFY l s nuil 1:12 A Ueana to mgrr yeiterdg; ilulneil lo Hi,- clll v, nfleliu ill Unit inure suhlh this wi I nil I llll l ull Monti l ull Strcainlliiu It.'iiv. ls gad I" Jacob I ii 1, or. Ml, u .iier i SIX, III- - im uriil Viola A 'I'll.. mi s. hi, All, ii 3 lilgll Ih I'ilssenui f quern.ua Is ol i in ,ev ii i laughter open Ith vlKlbk I The Chrlittan Bndravoi loclity ,, (be tiu tt if i.., aiaoond&'i beautiful b Lugl a ih, I'., si, Men., i, 1. 1, win hold llWell former lnvei while "THE TAINT" resiit',1 huilneai ami ioi ml i itln WOMAN IS STRUCK BY I III HI I oi THE si so tomorrow iiiuhi at th, church parlori Price $1150 United states Dlitrlit vttornej sum RUNAWAY HORSE: HER ffe, Hons Lugl leave n note telling "Sunny Old New Mexico" I',. LB1'Q1 ERQl E i he the I' Well l.o tuatt Hurkhart, Mm. liurkhaii am that has Itolen out A cl Feature f vengeance gag i.i-a- i, ,r Misi, I'anonit If ft fnil nlghi for in INJURIES NOT SERIOUS and aha will never 15c st sensation nui, AuiiuunccincntH. Im i ' ii upper I'eeos .oneiiv t,, rennln t w ii sin .a ii niin the Knurs will He Vnllonncad .lul I.Mh. w paa BALDWIN PIANO VXD Siii!" (tup- lull in of I' lblM In lull null nil Ion iv ., ,i While vi ii. i b il., sin- ri, men, m niin l.er earlv h Inlms. A COMEDY Co. '''' South Flrat Itreet Mis "Froln now on mv heart is ov, my REEL Albuquerque Motor Lii&k i I'UtrarU will, the Ch Ht I.I '''sal "ii LET US SEND A MAN tin; oiil, 'l'i i i ii l sir, To Itc-plac- Hint Hruken Window -- 'i 'in i, ii'ini-rrn- Qlggg i e '"'ii ii, in. in nine ineaiet imiav ami VVCUUC NgcttrOoM - k r , Viler tirUst I'lrnl, lh mill Central Nei nuil Bi",,k- ,v,i,,, i Kin,, hei me, Ileal Special Adulti, m i i i . at Mayo ittintlon idmlMlon: nnta; urn yi mil cMtim 1 onaratlon perfnrmed MlB, , Admission Oc.Children 5c scribe Station, p ' Whltakei wat with Mis King cW n centi COMPANY brother! noapllal Itmheitei Minn , , idenl hui wi ... . ., ,, . .. N. ' Phone 42i 42 Ptrat raturnad yeaterdas Mi-- Marncti hai ,,,, ', i, - !' aaaiaaa

. i nkiml ,, i, nil. MimiiIi) nlgtit. o oooo o oooo i3 o o oo i ,, .'., Merchant Police Services oooo ooo focio i x j' - Co. iiecttratra. tdmdwdon oi MORE ICE CREAM- IT s Spi'inge. Transfer bull, sin, I.I I I lt V Gallnp NPii g Children's Chautauqua , I'll, me ItOfi Thmindmi :;::rr.'HAHNcoALCo Cerrillm Ht, m w I I ti II II wis 2 TomsHau Q n m 2 ... "" Unchaon at I'HONK ii. a flnnnc BUSIEST BECAUSE BIGGEST licntlsl a j U VMv O viUUUTi 1 id nil u ,1.11 Huoml no .1 3. w buing liiiiidina. nuni y nauis u.njij.ut; diiu , ,Kr,pl, , -" ANTIIH ACITK, ALL SI,ES, HTICAM COAL Corner He, nmi Yes tlWl gll AND BEST ond Oold nllmr Ihinnr Dlinn QTQ J GRIMSHAW'S Coke, Mill Wood, Factory V.ood. Curd Wood. Natlte Hlndilng, Ume. I'll, Hie No 4 uilll-- l lillliyo. lliilll JvJJ. OO0OOOOO0000OOOOOOOO000O0O ,i ami Centn Our Great

Begins Thursday Morningy July 8 The Bargain Event of the The Bargain Event of the Season Season I'hune 2Hi 13-3- 1 5 West Central I Society MORNING Comic Section ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL. Page ALBU JE, NEW M


Ju:v 4. 1915 IrtaU P.'i' Kettrretl The Original Katzenjammer Kids N DISS (55 MY UMCLE. YN YOU DlDNfT-- S: W0B1 k . YOU GOT TO f IHfVDVAjNCe ft, HE (SS IN eye I 2 NE&R der - k COME FOR LUNCH ) Yell ms VUNCLE V!f H HAD Afn rurc urv ) S-- v in SIGHT UND HftRD UF HEftfttKJG y -- rf-lJ- v"t U r K C IF YOU UND SOFT IN DER NOODLE ' AfH MC SWSOMCriNG.V ' " rfe Jfc " PcMn ftl'T Mi f Bf V' ItuNCH I VfS A r-r-i 1 VET ! ' BOYSVlLL MBC wiffi. i Yr CL t ' ' 'N ' Pir,iPr UITF 6bS GET SOME - 1 1 IYvly - y .

TP Vj 1 L 1


1 . -- H ( DISS rr Z iSSMH.UND x

who. Dill tNHOTEn ; ( ' 1 ) . Jfc fNCHISS i ric vncNii.tNtr,i,A(ND IT . V poute boy rA DEW PLEASURE ) I Ukt Vf rm-,!,- L 'vfc- -- v C -- Srv or iss RfeA I I5SNIUWL'

7 7" 7Z" HO! Ho! Mr) - VOTISSDOTFOR f- j - )P LOOKS I.IKE S dm MOP I -- DtD YOU SAbflMGDING! f TABLE MANNERS? Youcahain! Vvl YUU GOT TO DOT fCJ SPEAlf A AIM'D DER VAY j I fliirxr-- n it-- Ki t V GOT MY EAR TRUMPET ACM ' "Dib I took Vour plme by mistake ; YOU GOT TO EXCUot!



' ( I S(V! DOT MR.UNDMPB VKH m HofditterU " ' TMTrciuiccc Afr MK1 , uss


ilnus V. I the three e is to be has nil ii ud i rtinute. But jnia Ke with pwi red hop.iea, its fori ata and

l Ml IW 11 written with I ill M kltE tMIX Mltv. w iih fi nmls I, IHHtW BY PANDORA. It .mis apart f B, ... lTIITlS. Mm I. I'riee, of By I'an.. is is-- " J Wednad and Tlmraday after-- . ititm her pm. tits, Mr and .Mrs' Kdgur j noons, lira Tnomas Dnrnn entertain- - elBaaa "i 717 Smith Rdlth street. leg at bridge. .Masses of pink n,s,s Tin Othvr Side I'ln Women'a CaHRMk Order of .11 t. I I Foresters will meet Iii regular aeanion Mis. Mi ra arli off the in The Plying i" ranch waa torcad to !ln Odd Fellowa hall Thursday even. ii- - lux stand liii'M Floreuci Hind al : Jt o'clock. There WHI be Huilniuii Mont a ul achooj loinpuiiy soeial and t ants after the meeting ill'l.i I v e.li ami fa to. ,,, t: !,,. I Ah, I hlli pi ' Hluehei s orchestra will '.a rti,.r n. ii'j. ig n ii on Ita range, furnish the In Willi m mi graalng .she mia-- in lisle. diiiiiKs. Powm&n, Halt, ncrj all i Kohn, Davis, libit' tna elharacter of Andy , i ru hai Mis. A. I' Keith iii Open a . lass ry preparation h am in. wi 'tiham. Burrows, Atkin- - tlroea gnd tried to awgggi him to dancing ei ;' V eon, spitz. Qardesk I hi' in about the middle nf .iut show - .i gi an Cook, oi the i abpul the isiiiu ' anxioua aettleri iniuirlii ami will instruction in epoch I'arinst. Asphtnd it soils and wutei, IMtead whu h 6ia h tt dancing ami in varieus mw d I - ' niiurvwH, ru ln Andy ami the other boya in the hapUj ill.line ill vviiiiuau, hi i Mm r :i now is rogut at the tublonabie call- - twlttlti, tveltmer, Rargeant, Town-sen- d, family put in tin ir t i nn s final no at dance ai to the Warn-i- Ervien. Qolmoiir, McMnaua, hi eurrouno tna ranch. Their eft.,rt; the t Hoi m. g' Iil.il grgge e the re. tirmshee. riacn. wit v,.i. , i" iheir i.itil. and kWB Off I mil in, in, wna in two, elhim-jumpe- have ie "i ra fr. ahn i'.n itsoir I, w i H hind by nofenci lililtiilc hen lo didn't whoii, in ' j tiraca furnish many lively I . gave y paife, huni ni'MM i r saw Itf Brit h Al m lot d , headed lo ' '"I' tin a apadoa of lb" "kid, ' Santa Fe Ih'VV li iK I j hiaxtoti h it no i he boat ni i Spciety J AII'IHIIII'IM'I'' iMI " rli hoy of aix whoa vocabulary and! if tha greatest Ill, I hi-iv- maatt lb foe'i lannn ,,l arnu nl milnees has ore result of his dayi .' lib the come her wuy, bow, .it tlx Ha ron d thi i .i itii; Delaware, Notes lint' men an his fathor'g ranch, gaaiai in n- - An all of you well aware hhf mnai ')'! them, tin tin ii uiini complhttla The well wham In r Inti matins. she relied to advance known people the Plying 0 I Imirj Mar eats sotnswhera else, h tf are Till Nit k.ytv. lLiy wa ir ml hert Chip, (lie Uttle Doctor, Plnk.l i w liti i bought several huodreil mall-tow- n editor ttraa today, Irian, iiin Medicine ami lb het It it on I sa me suafcy "I II II 11 ni In h. Iia I he old Waj anif in with appetltles and boyi i ami the gtnr is aiive with ru mirror ihowt d it Hi Will out Willi li gii'nliln III, I. - hi g eui n in balanced w.a no. is ami brecg) il thi plain iilrnnly been tuM In the columns o( hem tain ive to n atmoeuhei mill iiiihiesseii by hair the daily Ami lest o.ii sw ei i v ni la Ulfl demeanor that each successive hat nwi. To thi credit of lh ild year Ki'i-- ; iy year surmount im 11 town be it wild that Albuqueruue Should make some less Tli on.' didn't to IM had Thle Holldaj wait told IHI sh ; III H i:-I- I . N up II Ami glorify ti Ul.lllllM. imbued thing" Rht realised al ., The fo low ing, from W imi oantaod vim Jmr It snyhody the dnnta once ami admitted before a a Kvening Journal, publlahei luid a (4ian ,i to tell her about " "' fi da v hi fol'e wedding Hut two aides to every the of Mis' there ore . j tie Heaven lo Mr. 1). J. Ueegun question, gaieftlona ' "r and in aonie Iheri i,e pf Interoat tin- mo mr. n to many trier few lire five or an allien 9ft have the bride In thla city: feel proml of laal to in wh$l happened i U , , . "Ai o lot il OOd han hall mill, i M II I tomorrow mornj And i. in sent-- ii Siilorday night. lm n tin' oihei hand ami III In her Hon iii Ii ane tiaa ieen ing of loud heudgi H 'Jlpt, Vlbiuim's chapel i Go Bhoouina With a there la no une to iut on an eltrg dr no OIIIC ue. t had Ho iweooga) no n.is open al Cathedral aanlla lens I h Iii i , ine Angelea, Myrtle ue en a i he ni Miss Allfa Heaven, Will me a i COM1TM0E TO thlrk root of wiekeloth and union. l church mil is a otiin'. woman ,,, ' lumeone like HOI MllA ana I ,'"u Mr' ' lohn s 'm fi gr The editorial special --about thirty wanted, hut aha linked the Hub Of man iDlial nta hlah id, ala " t'd buy a young man'i Biattaf il i.eaven "I .Mi.iniuei t) u , lid n StraVW 'li'lnflfi Alfi)iilf?TlfFMr!?r''ir -- i of the lee. tsh,. ' Mexii'.i.jA per rent editors at Ivt d al an hour IbOUSbl ami woirthy of all In 1'iiod wlir.ks lies her ...... , . . .e with modish eu ' ould tij ii a no a ita i .it i; eon I ll f Sacra-- 1 Which when there was Uttle that we lonhl gel wiiii i.i hat Ing thi mail, friends in. iv hi low ilium her...... "'I''a? turns an old man to a n lulls i in ll H do for Tin' a ere I rn vol tag In harged, but that alwa) The the youngest son of lb "i Ilaskins m New Voik S timii. I." will iii - three section, each urn p win, h had iilisilllslai lm v wuy if d III;- bualn eaa Ml ..i ... vc.a. ra, i limn wel- Mn Flnall) bad in tuk he 11 iii Ik HO 11 :'' xl; I'.. IXiV'K dining facilities. Most fulka get their in., if .a Kansas 'fl '!"' ,"", i11"1"'' TIIK OP PICTURES, "'. 11 wh ,Bn" evening meal before 7:40 o'clock, the face gnd adwli lhal all th IMlll. 'In colli e class r Al- - IS " l""",w' " ign '" minting that the fin liail in i ii4. ' time when the Hint geotlon resetted eo ulna, tin uush moal da thoug mi visited to Mini - ""' wurtewi, find their highest and it the HgliUiii henutfullj appointed In Albuquerque, and there was reason to dreum querq ,v tlmi he has' won IV" bridal time moat popular exfireaslon Ho- i in iii fluali if Hie egcl II ,a believe that the editors, who are uiant ll int. ,i ai, V .1. ? - "t,,, account lor ill. fact that Hi last a In! i v to eat lima gel I funds) of ninth all. lih I h fury tu' enough families ami a few in rhanre, would he w II Mb .1 to blaiiu ul friends Indue ant, 'iin bride will wear h they landed on our ahmei Tie n seriiiig hla leant rial Ing i 04 , liliu , I Iuiih nl dal blue, a committee could not foresee t lm t the with "hrnaklni item ,,l i A. bright. the temerity this week TIE 0LA i II lull, tin-an- y i i v. i Officials , the association would tell tM Kami' had hia ml h ii in recclvui line were Dr. and Mr in hlbltgi I Ine nf Hi d l h0. the railroad uutliorii U "the in xl eats du dollara owiiik Hum Hon lirlght, Mr. un ,1 he I 'hi. BgU a n V '"' l:' bare, are on Alhu'iiicrqiu ," uiol , I"m. Hu aourGc hatavar ai III! Mr. Thornton Hriah Mary "own mi.v ii da ami yet was h, i !. Mia. .Men eould m i now Podlng iin ii nUttb m Mm ii. do m.i hi if Iii in, Mi ii h i Rummer nlred by hundreds t.t people. Of courae, we might have arranged tiatanl would detei mul w Inli wni Helen's Drlentn M i ii a I'i 11 1. Ie lleitiover a, In- to have eome celebrities bii, h as Wil- action Mm. likely they a mid toko decorutlim, u iiiin' pulor in hn j"s'''''' i'i,it is prominent lb ho Culm mi' KxM I Ihhih-lluth- u jimmv. a salve Persplralion Bernlce lliisl liam JennliiKM itlog of dynam Its mul H Ing i i brought llryon in Hcnatoi .ii led mi , and d,,wn from it a w auwed-ol- f II I', .ran ted with the fedeTa Velvetoie I'm " 1, to them, but Ml Br in ahotffUn and i;o aftei The, nutting oi ii "7 e of beauty i hat ev one entertnln ' rj ly wiih. mi waiting tor judgi ni- mail service u. Bnoramentn whnr .he Hlmkhead lh wim busy somewhere ajat and Heualoi i'i. in lm di d much I mderatand, that Is, every one Dandruff Buster I I sign Hie J,oung will make their h Airs Hurleigha ptoi Rarth, fort ii tin v . out of papi ,,h gtrophled as to have in whs vvi ''"'i." ""'i'' lost love Prlacllla Pimple i am b pti i )U ii, an bow, we tun a "him 'Iii" for the uiarilaKe weii' hurriedly 'n Nail Bleai ami Wi town We l1 have dmi" better had oui blia threw hit ' it 2 . com ph d, ii Pace Powder llernhar by tin to wr did, but everybody's it lusted And goW in niUgl pity for liavlnn heeti originally they unite lo than I create the aubiimest our run, iW H i, i A I lee himineaa win, nobody pnalltf eg. and Tomori ii Mr. a in Ju card li ft Monday Pi land apes in (be gOUthwei t. There thing went ths Unit alwayi thur ITaeger, tsrne u night ih ll wi ie nine large canvasses, the) i"i ir A x from which epared by any housewife in hei mi BOUthard U US a ll n 06tvhen i hm in tha oaae and few id lh. lor AueiiN ... tooseu aown Die iii nuns peak, Hie own kl nallg are required. faithful, atage g Hi Iiiiii Iii " Many of Hit I would a whole lol worm, win iuK inow which ' haperlto ridge, is- - Ingredb id II fed ovr their file Hutu fields at Iris ami liters tan readily be out'. the mutter If the visitor hud acted will hr worth anybody' money, with a where Mr ami J'i.r "' " pinnacles piercing chased View In ' uttrai la differently about II Tttoy tlldn'l Millie Up "Id III minis nf the lleuln.re i in. a the hluest of skle Mr. Mllleson pal ing hii.-- i m us ' 'hall club ' show any debt m y ny ,li it of con lib a lew in paying M ..in I. Vltltor al Hie meeting of the bills. lur mn iuii s, they hnvi luiiut rti ' clang aideratntn uny sort of good fi llow Thr heme i ni the summer school on ribbed up la to ollll t it ie" L loe 4" ship or amiability. Tin name In, enough make i Navajo win Thyredaj afteri , ai which Carlos t aquaW ll on r ttaggerty i looked around lm bine, in eal down the Mm, ami laugh vierra told of the motives the tech- - 'UUP.! I 111 in i m li to gome tim ni didn't find it hi once began to death t inn. will be j nldUe .Hie hit vt i and thing every a' mi nts of the al ly tell im whut the Wiii U'Oiii; to ,1" I" doinfl mlnuta ol the tltna, doesn't bnrk Italian urtlati Mr, Mllleson left for Inn li mill If you mn: il il will he own I VOW IHiN the town wh.ii Hon Kol to their ym win ii I his Chicago home on Ptlday evening (tun tall gee I varloua editorial Kitncluln Tliev subl Ihiiili In llm The second exhibit, that' ,,t water thev ii Ah atuted batore, tills bjn'i tha gport T colors, by '. didn't muni " much for thm I I I i i t s Ktuwb s, a Bantu Fe III Mill sn it w , , a 1. ail yen, hut llu wen uWlulK Morryl Ml ', as much gi oii might think n sing ii nrtlst, will remt ip m w i until Wed- for UK, mill Hie wu llo'j ml li Hindu from Hie foregoing, Hui gporl mid ub in ins mother nesday, it shows tfew t Mexico from gociaty 1 i t In i ell That ere tia hIiiioni fee sorry tot puraelvea n might) loaa lugi In a vim know are gone, Jg different aspect than that nf the T1 Arm wna you thi man itiiiiu ir thti kind th I'H in ,i,i Is loot high just like when ak i Sierras, Mr. Itawles goes to the mpmj agnr of the Know for a pan and ha las smitl dun. s. the yellow Alb m mesas. the turn win dawn mill you toll him what in tit i: I'll .i it bleak foothills and there finds sanctu- yOU are gulug to do In hi old outlll iweryrioU) wlm knows gn aries, mission churches, minim homes UN anon iin you get hurl, to I In nluii. i ai inur i'i. n is goh op A It was had enough, I. "til l,i,i. wa, by tha imma ok'i". nveri It hilt It IIUKht hi e hi an " 'I ' Iton Ii i b) em i h i is to lose Arthur Craegcr guei II fleorge Aile In .nld to have In w in mn i there baa bee ti nilig Tlie d Mr, lleorgc itawi Irodiineil a apeaker ,il n hmi'iuet doing in Albuuurrque Arth i'raeger Th Mopill. ither fields All Cats look Mmishil'i. I, Mi grey by remarking: lias peon aomawher ' a OUhU, lh has "Two towna in Indiana lnv n prominent in hm.ltn i a lull a, latin In tin. holioi of Mi Klunk h hul h . birthplin e." i a pauae, during with at Night!" ' uln.li Mi HI;, ni, it rove in look lauppi ti ii ll T . aeaiMii ' todoatly depreciating i Wuraaw bualn 'aa man Mr, ami Mis I.. W - i mill at ftog- j t'ST Rubber ami (' atutcH (hat he was born in Koko- been ongplcui Third reel, motored in - other two weeks when II will he box ei LiM inn. Hint Koki'ino liii...is iliat Ihfl ai;rlli ing any ti Uisi week, returning Monday. land shinned i.,,. ,11.1,1,,. ,,, ,.:,' any printed uior mat m honor balongl to Waraaw " R Nolmdj hi. it Thev w m pan led by Harold J a a Arts him,. nl San Diego, it swu- - a think:! the Man who bill ervhnily'a. fpr ii Riling M ami Edu tint ami .lean wieKiiain. liollges, hi t h So think-bi- leei oenrlv ha I M. I,. Mr-- , I 4 held, Missouri, nil hull and h'allurino pictures thus far made Ihe sunshine s Pnetutlu ll- -l MM I i h gva iii a Ii ' "ertlg w In spirit ,vn i elebrat married last Thursday the mystery, the oi New Mexico out cotnpaj is "-i- s''1"11 A Thin tti ,!Uit ;i In,,, pane, hut blaiuea Mi I'i Calil The bride is the especially nf pic-- a n.i on Ihe land the byways ami iuvttt iyut toti , go til. all. Hut a : w i I 'laughter will known laiaehall luisi tangled up I'll Ihe I, Isn't ith a dinner h Hull. contractor turestiuo nooks of ggnta sur-tjn- d t'l'ionie III, Fe ami s think with aoclal atfafra daring lh laal i"vl lie In I A l lm I'l of thi. Hie groom w as in j rounding Several new , ,,., canvassea who buys in weeka Unit llieie in in, BeparatlRff business Albuquerque until recent were yesterday, of spring I " i ' Mis'. y. i ,. Dealer, the them. Hlik ii n . innllv m. Si butt will make lies in hm l, m, h ,,,i ,, i Aiihai loodell, . l,..t . V - u lie are Car Own "il,, rr,i ' ' " on which tli cat l.iilidolf i, Arlluii I'l n Ri I md town in ' ,' " "' '" ubr nndacapea on dlnier MlM the road I "'"':;, ....,, to 0 HOHM other aocial Uadera have gone out to Combs Ruth Iltcld returned Inursday to the cliff dwellings, !i 'h. fmir.'l!, all sunremeh . UK. r Do" rr iir, lb. in well iii yelled holes n a banquet deco- iimu neueaity, a:ai ill spend the la a utif ul possesst'il e fn and siireari ami the table and of mm h in iii. s, than do the Owners oi their lungh for the oma taam, whit my llth altm rated wiih American beauty rages, A summer with her parents, tier sister, tlstlc merit, other - Cars driven with equal care, women po less protninenl In vanlt) tempting repast as enji red by nil Miss Ueatrlce, vlaltlnu with friend a a a under equiva- 111(11. II I .1 I Ih. A It'll- - ' lent road conditions. fair niiva gtood "ti gtreel corner nut it 1IUI and the euaal of honor w ilnK i ..nut 'in ...si ami will It turn to Till-- I'l.lt ir'll y Tin marring! Ute . The type tanged paaaera-h- to ralaa funds lo of M" I. ul h Bi ght ..I among othei tosata being the ue lattei pan of th Btanl l,'., ,,....1, ...... latter of Owner is apt to earry Hul Ml 1' Ft! luw tug A I a 11 tm iier I conclude oflliuud (from tha gmiie through. place "In ni' all Ilea ul lumen ami tamtiy W,h delight to the pa ih his own experi- Mondaj ...... ,m a , Tag daf last Haturdii) v an a glutei afterm ni k In ami ih,. brldl eat near h tun m se ,.... ,.., ence) that n Tires must be Short-live- d . aiii'i-eaa- Hie weeks ing M lag ll.nl 1 M .nnhll the Lead lm ihurch American He erai through tna ft iWsliilU win I1.1t- and Tnsuli ifactorv , time visit In the eapital sn Misses fIriinsfulil fi-- Ui-- Tin' Inn h wit fill. ,1 park. ln.ll.i- s I" hill on the day of Hie ftegtS ll I' pt I. it Mlag hUeu leoige 1'iitridge. ami un iiumher ,i "'' .Mini a, Vajughej will an affair lotallj in charge I I o( the H. ,1 I vtee whs said h , ditj lm- 1. os Angeles, other lair flllllltli wol l,i In il In inh if omans Hnard of Trade, ami i, iiial Resilience of different off glmogt, ami i, i, n, fa thi r "i Hi. rid''. IIHHlsled ii r partj dancing romp utKa the summer cuurae al " year brands "f mid mi. ami runs more to the carnival osuect Tins, whi ti tile ftKti an-- than anybody po 0. lh veiling' m rvutorj of music ,'l. M. . - investigated, tboiiKht wai entertainment was on , . mi'- TucBaay, lor inslame. and proven through s'.n-Vcc- Arthur Praeger tin- - lo M g mik iwd as had innltai t proct sslon of gtrla gnd boys in spaii- - g The I tltcre is difrerence between the Color of ehiirge. and it'a ptty Unit In lunl In M HI ll MCI III! ish ami ni till I'l lllil; Iv iiumes other nations. C it-s- u In 11 viewed by give Up about half oi wh. v.. orated mlel null imsii hit. gii Is ItayliulU. a ' ' tlowei wlm dispensed i.- I ill ,U I I Until th. it It, Hi count of In the Kpbbell 'i'liis - to inform thai R11I1-lii- di' lo prevent a oung lol " ,,,., death family. hp,ti .hui corsage boquets. him three r weie, limning i .. , Factories at the jmtk the neat day was host .1 n , usinr precisely i d v .1,111 " o I'i si e e I si id the '.une Allnmin nine has heen iln utniiu ul 5? 81'vn"Tu esday night In honor booming plants in weremtid' quantity gnd qualityo! MatcriaU might ii, .i Vaughy' IJmW,b ,',. mul ig S h1" There was a vaudeville tent with' sontetitues do, produce (through the rhati vs fUfference tn ,' , hissi- - their Rubber ! Florence' 1, gns- ';,d"' cave EXPBRIKNCR - ' am! efficiency methods) 'll ttatawSE ', admlrn Tires of such Jlm."fed, miss a Stern. Miss Annette , w f" idelv different Uiltagt- - Rctidt as Imiuedlati b p Weinman, Miss Kebeccn Horner; I to aver well and a fish Dond' mmlM h 11 age .iiik lilies, WOO Miles r'hin) I) Mi U T, 111 east H. .Miniir Joe tin. .dell la ,l,lt and i'laeiti. fortunes; hand and orchestra.- - " fr' MiKs respectivelv-un- der Halph Kateher, Artbut Slsk ami in dune- 'n' j1"' ig in the cental of the Plata mi Lg ii Bokll ll Hi xi, s Mff. .i n,.,n.f-i- ,i as, .0, ...on, ami nihi il goodies n him Im gf s ' M Inli . Urunsfeld, Mis Hilda ilrunafeld MJsa rtimnmgv'sale ''l','"'v mri of produrtum Is ;. ;;'""," "'"'f-b- i ami Mm a.h al, ,.;:,. the irXZ therefore he UShl l j (tOBi anide to the Mikuqt 11 , i iTn, rlasa ami Hit Mil TAIINT A PIT D w nl ' ""' Palace were ami Resilience ron lonald '" "' ' i illtii Ml Iv ill which can be " Ued at night tile lb- r bonoi n M Hi .Ml. IIOI .IliM' I IV . , ,, and Iut into slab a sal ;aul ii' hi lei m .Ills. i,l liei . "tenitict hi s placed ir-'- lie hi Id, wh w a their mental" product us "ie of pink Hie w the Ruuijer iu a dh-- What Is ladies bo per-- maay w taffeta .with a gnd Mrs K p, Mlsk, Mr. Arthur Slak. 8,mU ,,,', 1'ueutnatic 'i ire, Friendship In:.' ... Sll'dllse, III., m hits tulle hi t on led w ill! luul, ss neo n .won '! ie lours Ami, though The ;. g d Hie Amerie boy and about ll . an readily be r. OooilrichCo weet p. as .1 11 il lx hi itOIUt t nf lofi yesterda; auto tor Klephant ran, and does, seen how llch an It gtg put the WOSf J!i!, igc per ink sweat s. I 111, :' Butti w ill tomorrow, annual Bracelet nil with took Tbi'v return there ma a iXillar invested by the User, mi Year iftor, mis William Oliberi of j Mttrdi area or Into Good- Little Itatel Strong carried the La Junta, Pri ill I. rich Safety-Tras- d To ' rat As it is. Tires, they fjo lateadune Ube itti ti tuns .1 beautiful while Iih. Colorado, wlm has been the guest oflthe w.. not iti. l'rli'nd-h- i. leruret this as a Beaceiei ahyill pre. in w r Mrs reason why they should ale entered bud ith bet l.l Frank Summers for annum, ol hi a sent a lir-- -- li - hand ol rAuryea higher price, .., i link in start Hie hni.t Mi Thoi nlon Itrlahl Mm Us. I. It Wed.,, day for herj ,n, ,k devoted to include in. 1. 1 t .i wlm hale d uie more m a lo Un ni Hu h, Udies win. I' lu'iue i ivie Premium which would place tbeir wivl, a I or- - in Sim HeoiUji lluk lira, t e Mn "" '"I re loan nit oihei Adjustraewt Bants'' beyond the safe Mb mnMsing ganlaatloaa taken togethgir not tnd in mn' stare no lm ,1,, a Dow bin.' Oret n, Ken tut gy, t ami reasonable mmtnwm that Had ub fitfully fi.i a tew ., (em Roads and loit nib. of lull In!. f frll Ddj for "ie summer years da's Careless lriviug make ueoeaaary. The links .in- Niorliue at most but da) in ami dav m,t sjlicr or gold of Ih . .HI. , a Mrs i:.ilh II t i:l r tan lie, Because of filled, 2m a I , , ,,,, lor ad iu stonuficturine h mi, to apt a few d 13 it Thursday mi Ativaniages, u Meth-yd- mm u rare gm .,1 u n, ( i,,,- ,,, oe tolgllt freettimt s, friends before going in Callfi llor.il, Waste-reducin- 'art banouhl in gpl Plaxa. might Keep and g Ptxx- - Vimr mao, nun her mot In M i s. W V W Only 5 Plus t this s ll for (resulting (rom , friends will i,,iihi, dollali eat h a Hag will nlw.ivs ',niee beautiful, III - take ii.s lrgi ywM 1! 111 link to ImMi laaiplcii n i d, t ""'' and its afili, IvXI'l'RII'XCK ,0 Was Mr, MM Huh, i R, I ted, Non-Ski- the Wilrkitm , and Best d kuhU-r)- , grate iiuHal- - wiih.,m ,.,, of The B, 1 l.os till, ug w ill gn t.v. i laml t tkaxlrkfi , lit, lid lo s, frbwali tilp link i,i .1 i, .. n,-,- . ' " spend a lllnlll ll a Hu ll' t... can nfford to and duet, oti , . lam - Ilie rage In all He l.u t m, 111 v M I Jtei5',f8ifiP uniprlir Sflasi. "A," tin- ryceofeat . bis Tesuque, Mi and n Mileage in j 1K-- w i ' lP"-'""- .,t Ml s mi ti ' , w Wl rilOUNK ? " ' luur WiJ.h iolJ lowest ill Mr Mrs Non-Sk- id I the price Mil, . ,11 i I I 1. take ami liar ilea: per ii. ,1 snap-- 1 lit Jamison as their guents. It sells thestundord gr de f I to seize he ? hit 'J itberj in gnd xn 1., m, g t t heart OTHEK ('"KKlrielt 'i Nature Size MAKi.S Salelv Tires at 10',, to bftft..' iasa of returned truin a lengthy visit gala. S.l.lj fSTD m TirW I ' th'"1 other t tiled live.. In Washington "A" "B" "C" fkid "'""i 4t .,,,,1 Oreg brands which "Guarantee" 11" lea of a - Hi t Mis onaon ri ul net 303 510 95 l6.3sltiS.lt gr de: Mv.. bu, ,, 12.20 13 35 1420 21.70 ucfii-- ry o( , .1 III. II ., 23.M j.'t jij , j Ihl. 3 I'. .I"1 I54U I63U j, .l a ninenl Ml 22.85 25.30 actual us, 1 M .'u it .MM) 33 55 W . not Mi- - lohn 311' In gaj M. H , ,,,, ,,, , vbdln 3i4 33 Ml 41 M 41 4u Inner tinis u i U j7i5 4 1. ao 4ar UM I". f UOODliU'U safety VGoodrich i ikES ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY 915. THREE

Rosenwald's Rosenwald's


THAT ARE ON SAL- Semi-annu- THAT ARE ON SALE-HUND- REDS E- mm11 begins our al July Clearance Sale. This sale is without cloubt the HUNDREDS OF OTHERS ALL OF OTHERS ALL one great money-savin- g event of the vear. In times past a clearance sale OVER OUR STORE OVER OUR STORE meant for the merchant to get rid of any surplus merchandise that was on his shelves. The day foi that

all-lhe-vc- S7;oe Trees --Wort has now changed, and the clearance sale of today includes his entire stock of staple, ai -- round mer- tghants Worth 15c per pair; spec 1 100 prd; special 10 chandise, well season's latest and fashionable whims up-to-d- ate Snap Fastt ers Special, 3 as as the most in good, serviceable and kick Imported Ginghtmf dozen fur We merchandise We firmly believe, with the preparations we have made, and the quantity and carefulness Regutor 25c values, spe- --Special, each 40 cial 15) Acme j tpt Special, per with which we have been choosing our merchandise lute I'lnuties, ct Worth box 100 15c yard : Special 9 Fancy Hoi Ornaments Worth Sale Begins Tuesday this season, that this is yositively the greatest sale wc Sale Begins Tuesday 36-w-fi Crept 4 CMnes $1.50; HTial 59c Morning, July have people of Morning, July Worth 75c and 85c per ladies' h tial 11and kerchiefs 6 ever given to the Albuquerque. 6 pard; special I9e) Dress Goods Worth to $2.00 Wnrili SOU per dozen. at 9 o'clock For quality giving and profit sharing, this is the one at 9 o'clock pei yard; special H9 special 490 defies ladies' Worth sale that all comparison. Come early and Men's - -' Worth $1.00; 50c; special 290 Everything Musi Go take advantage of these opportune prices. Everything Musi Go r 12.19 Ladies' Boudoir Worth Men's Work Shirts Special, 75c and $1.00; special.. 49o Nothing Reserved Nothing Reserved each 39? French fvoty Fans Worth Men's CWarj Special, per 50c; special --9c Genuine Clearance Specials dozen 25 Hand Painted French Ivory XTRA SPECIALS FOR XTRA SPECIALS FOR Men's $5c Spe- Four Worth $1.00; special from our cial, per pair 19 at 59C Tuesday Only Wednesday Only l.iclit Weight I ndernvar AW W al Silk Glows Worth Ready-toWea- r orth $1.25 RftMCnti sc-ci- special fV'J SPECIAL QUALITY SILK 89 $1.50; 990 LADIES' HOUSE U Short Silk Gloves Worth Section PETTICOATS 60c; special 39c Neatly made, worth $1.50 fill. .1 pair for i25( Oriental and Chantilly FlounC' each, special only Tuesday Waste Paper flaskets Worth 50c; ings Worth from $1.50 to from 9 to 1" a. m., each. . 49 S9 special I9 $2.50 a yard; special 69C Granite Wa to 50c: Allover Laces Worth 25c and FANCY RIBBONS MASON FRUIT JARS lal 15 35c per yard; special Ladies' Steel Drip Pans Special . . .9 ...lie Sold reeularlv for 35c a yard, ' 17-inc- Noodle ( h PlouHC- - r special onl 'utters Worth 75c; Embroidery spenal on, pints, ings Worth $1.25 per yard. icsdav from 9 to It special 49 to 10 a. n Dresses H Worth speci 19c I9r ammocks $1.50 to $1.75; special Embroideries Worth 10c and ALUMINUM SAUCE PANS, LADIES' LEATHER 99 at Pillows $1.00 each; 5c per yard ; Special .... 5 Worth FRYING PANS. ETC. HAND BAGS (19 Hair Brushes Worth 35c. special special 19C On sale m Va Turkish TowelsWorth 15c Hair Brushes Worth 75c. to 10 2 for 15c mm and 20c; special, for. . .25 and $1.00; special 390 $ .95 II cdncsday, each BVf Turkish Towels- - 'Worth 35c SILK GLOVES ami 50c special, etch . .125 Nail Buffers Wortli "5c and LARGE BARS OLIVE AND $1.00; special Cnftan Materials--Wor- th tip 390 Sold regularly at $1.00 per PALM OIL SOAP Toilet Soaps Worth 10c per k 10 iv yard; special .... 129 cake; special, 7 cakes for 25c Worth 75c a bar, special only Bed Spreads-Wor- th $2.00 Combs'Worth 75c and $1.00; Wednesday, a liar 290 and $2.25; special ,...91.48 P 590 Bed Spreads Regular price special 490 LADIES' SILK $1.25; special 89 Sanitol Preparations Worth 42-PIEC- E COLONIAL DINNER material In Mack, uhiie and popular Lace Curtains Regular price 25c ; special, each 130 SETS i rs. w ' nii SI. 30 a $2.00; ipeciaJ 10-o- c. Talcum Powder Worth LADIE 990 l.incn Table Pa mask Reg 25c; special 10c A regular special value at 90 Epsom Salts Special, per $10.00, on sale only Tues- ular price $1.50 per yard; Ih 60 day at ...95.95 DRESS GINGHAMS special 99 $3.95 Mercer ed Table Linen Re- - Diamond Dyes Special, per Thai sell regularly at 10c and 50c SIZE THEATRICAL ular p package 70 LADI1 I mailt 12' ic a yard; special only RESSES special 19 Writing Paper Worth 25c COLD CREAM Exquis Wednesday, pei yard per box; special 9C On sale only Tuesday, per vntt II LADIES' GINGHAM AND PER- - Special Jewelry Items Ladies' Union Suits Worth cm 250 CLEA $5.95 CALE BUNGALOW t- Regular 75c and $1.00; special . .49C Sif- purr 50c; special 190 Children's Ribbed Waists SILK PARASOLS LADU DR Special only Wednesday at LADIES' Brooches and Pins Reg- Special, each IOC each . . lS."f liar ular $1 values; special Children's and Ladies' Hose . . 10.00; EC! M, LADIES' PATENT COLONIALS Worth to 35c a pair; spe- - CLEARANC $7.95 Coaster Sets Regular price Tuesday, each BLACK AND TAN OXFORDS 0; jpei ial 190 sial 19C fl.80 ES iJkl.SSh.S, mai ladies' Hose Worth 50c and FANCY TOP Silver Plated Bon Pen Pish- - HIGH GRADE SILKS Crepes, Imported Voiles, etc es Regular prucc $1.00; 75c; special 390 Paten! ranging in price C1EARANCE VI, vafflps, - - SPEC1 penal J590 Children's Coals- Wuh tip to In Messalim ;. Taffetas, etc., in from $3j50 to $4.50 a iair, Oxidised Copper Pern Pish-- .. $3.50; special $1.95 fancy stripes, cliecks, and LADIES' DRESSES, conn tpecial only Wednesday at es Regular price $1.00: Children's Fancy Presses .. a pair $1.95 special '...'I90 Worth $2.50; special . . 890 ways ready sellers at $1.-- 5 LITTLE GIRLS' DRESSES Silver Plated Casters- - Sold Boys' Overall SuiU Worth and $1.50 per y:ird, on tale regularl) ai $2.00, spei ial 75c; special 490 only Tuesday, per yard. AND BOYS' SUI1S 790 090 t Put- u fonts' Hoods Worth to up to $35.00: C $13.95 Hand anned Bread and ter A value $1.25; special 49C 12 c QUALITY NEW Plates good at Boys' Knee Fonts Worth to "5c: special .. 39 OUTING FLANNEL J 7 each !9f SI 00; special 490 sts DRESS SHIELDS A Big Corset Value Children's White Dresses.. Laaies only Ladies' Corsets Worth to Worth up to $3.50; spe- n up to ; l Icaranc pecied Wedmsday at .390 .' tx .1 a pair . ..,,94 990 cial $1.69 7c ih itn ...79)

$2.95 Xtra Specials for Thursday Only Fancy Dress 00 Xtra Specials for Friday Only Clearance 84.95 GALVANIZED BUCKETS SHADOW LACE CLOTH, VOILES AND ORGANDIES Thursday 9 to 10 a, m., each lOo Special only from Regular Seller al 2d pei yard; special only firiday at, yard 110 LADIES' SILK WAISTS WITCH SoM regularly at $3.00 each; tpecial only Thursday, each ....$1.39 LARGE BOTTLE HAZEL al r bottle; tpecial only Friday at, per bottle, ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS Sold regularl) 0 pi 250 Thursday at Sold regularly up to $1.50 per yard: Special only GREY ENAMEL DISH PANS per yard 390 Special only Friday from 9 to 10 a m, each 150 HAND PAINTED PLATES Ladies' Suits Cheaper Than Ever Before DRESSES Worth 50c; special only Thursday, each 13r Every Suit in the House Included in These 2 Lots BATH MATS Sold regularly to $4.00 each; special onlv Friday, each 950 Worth 50c each; sftciat Ottlv Thursday, each 19 .,,, HUCK TOWELS HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA fcggj T":.':::r"r:..$8.95 at regular special onlv Friday, 2 for A regular seller at 2Sc per bottle; special only Thursday at 70 Worth r prite; 150

On Sale Tuesday Only from 9JoW a. m. On Sale Tuesday Only from 9 to 10 a. m. LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES Doors Open at 9 a. m. Firhl Come, Firsl Served ALUMINUM SAUCE PANS, FRYING PANS, ETC. - SI o each; special Tuesdaj only frOrtl 9 to Neath- made w rth ii day, from ' to 10 a. in., - tor . 15o 10 a. ,', ,7. 490 SILK GLOVES FANCY RIBBONS t . only Tue regularly for 35c p $1,00 pei pair special f :m per pair lu a. m.. yardi Rosenwald's 590 r THE ECONOMIST ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE 1 Commences TUESDAY, JULY 6th 8:30 a. m. YARDS A "Statement of Facts YARDS 2,000 2,000 of of Guaranteed All Silk Each year at this time we hold our Semi-Annu- al "Clearance Sale" and it has been J qui- - earnest endeavor to give the public extraordinary values in order to make room I REMNANTS for the coming season's goods. This year owing to the peculiar conditions, t COTTON weather H c PONGEE 3 I J and to the fact that we have a larger stock than is usually carried at this time of 1 Oceans of Remnants comprising pieces from to 0 yards each and con- m in for of Lawns, Batistes. Satines, Draperies, Ratinees, Cheviots, I This unrivaled Silk was imported its original package "The Economist ." the ear we are Bering greater inducements to make a General Clearance I sisting Galateas, IS full an d 34 inches old regularly at 85c a yard, and many other materials; values from 8c to 39c the yard. This is our and we ask you, one and all, to pay us visit and examine the many bargains and will be sold during our Clearance Sale a annual Remnant Clearance of Cotton Goods. A that we have assembled for your inspection. Respectfully, at less than the cost of cotton materials. On yd. f limited amount to each customer. On sale yd. Tuesday, at 8:30 A. M. 39c THE ECONOMIST. I Tuesday at 10:30 A. M Sc t Weinman & Lewinson l Underwear Specials Silks pieces 01 1 "I Laces, Embroideries i,uuu i.aotes . 69o Cambric and Jap Cloth, consistii 36tnch Wash Silk, value sl., special 85c Special 25c and Trimmings Covers, , Princess - - a I'aiuv Waist nig and Trimming Silk, sp 880 i Lace and Embroidery i broidery trimmed; values to $2.5 extra quaiitv Silk Mescaline, special... 75 o 12 pieces 32-in- ch Striped Poplin, special . 49C vard 30-inc- uction. Corset Cover Ei 36-inc- 20 h Ccepe, 17 h Chiffon Taffeta, special 95c pieces Jap social .... c Special 95c 30-inc- Flouncings, Ii tions and all our handsom re included CD 98c 20 pieces h Serpentine Crepe, special 12 c c in this sale. broken lots of Val Laces ctra Special CXI 1 40-inc- 1 h All Silk and Wool oplin, sjet 95c 19c Heavy lisle, tape top, special 32-inc- reductions for quick clearance. lr 15 h 40-inc- pieces Kindergarten Cloth, spe 21c h Silk Creie de Chene, special.. 95c 2.500 Val Laces Insertions, special 4C yard lace trimmed, special 231 32-inc- yards and .. 50 pieces h Scotch Gingham, special 12c yard Suit. tiht or knee, special .. 29c 9c ' 50 pieces Fancy Dress Braids, special 4 c 81.38 Amoskeag Checks, sjecial 7 C yard Suit, silk finished, dm-ahie- : special 17c All Calico and Prints, special vard 10 pieces odds and ends in Fancy Veiling', special 10c 5c 42-inc- Suits for children, special l 81.G5 6 pieces h fancy Dress Nets, value $1.00. 33c 1 0 pieces I XL, C reje le .Meteor, s!ecu SI. 88 11 other Knit I ndcrwear greatly reduce Surprise Special ringham and Chambray Rompers, ski 48c Bungalow Apron, best percale, special 13c 5 of Wash Materials, in Poplins, Figured Tussa Figured Xovt gham and Percale Aprons, special 19C Dress Goods All other Aprons greatly reduced. 35o- - L Ribbon and Handkerchief Wool G': values to 43c Specials -- l Jserge, vain 43c Special 13c Our entire stock of Fancy Ribbons lot numbered for quick Golfine Cloth 88c clearance in this sale Hose Specials 19c, 25c, 29c, 35c, 39c. 50c Children's guaranteed uuderhose. Special ... 2IC Special Ladies' plain hemstitched Handkerchiefs, special 4C Children's Black IXI Cotton Hose, special 12C Surprise Table Linens, Towels Quality A A Ladies' Linen Handkerchiefs, special Children's extra quality, best wearing Hose, special I)r Goods in many different plain 8c ... 19c rber Towels. 14x24. special 49c Embroidered corner all linen Handkerchief, specia 40c Ladies' Black or 'I an Guaranteed Wunderhose, box of ached Turkish Bath Towel-- . 18x3. 1 79 social 14c Ladies' Longfellow Initial Handkerchief, specia 2c 6 pairs, special .si ::: .ached Turkish Bath Towel-- . 20x42. special 23c An immense assortment of Ladies' Plain and Fancy, as Milady Silk Lisle Black Hose. Special 12C eached Turkish Bath Towel. 22x42. special 29c well as Initial Handkerchiefs, values to 50c: special .. 19c An Silk Hose for Ladies, all color-- , special 25 ick Towels, plain white or red border, spec: .oo $1-2- Surprise Special SI Children's Handkerchiefs in fancy boxes, special 49c Heavy Art Silk Hose, all colors, special, 3 pan - for . . .' (Inrb T, ,iwt. u--rtI 25 pieces Dress Goods, comprising plain ami novelty am k,r.1.r. i'vU, 12 c Miti's large size spotless Handkerchiefs, special 40c Heavy Pore Silk Hose in a complete assortment of cold Series. Wool Crepes, Gabardines, Checks. Plaids, etc.; values 15c infrs. the very best silk: hose sold in the United State- - fo Si 50; widths 4o to 54 inches; special, yard 98c All Towels 10 Off Notion Specials Other A large assortment of Jewelry, consisting of Hat Pins. Special 96c l Special sjK-cia- Surprise I fuck Toweling. 39c Brooches. Pins, Buckles. 'Novelty Pins, Cuff Button.. eck 50 pieces 50 to 56-inc- h Dress Goods, in plain and novelty Toweling, special lie weaves Poplins, Gaberdines, Broadcloths all the new suiting' Crash, special 41c Gloves and Bag Specials materials so much in demand at all times; values to $2.50 Kayser's Chamoisette Clove-- , wrist length, special 25c 41C Special 9c and 19c , 64-inc- G. G. Close-- h I .able men, special . . Kayser's Chamoisette wrist length 39c Special f pieces half bleached I. 55c A beautiful assortment of Fans, special 20',; OFF $1.48 72-inc- Kayser's long lisle hl.uk and white Cdoves. special 4 pieces h Table Linen, special 47c mercerized 55c Soft, pliable Chamois, all sizes, special OFF 72-inc- 20 Kayser's long finish Gloves, spe ial 5 pieces h Linen, specia A leather Chamoisette 59c heavy mercerized extra 65c Extra quality Hair Brush, value 50c. special 72-inc- 2oC X . 5 pieces h silver bleached German Linen, specia Kayser's long heavy guaranteed Silk , special .95c All Wool French Serge $1.15 Shure W hite, for cleaning white , special 72-inc- h bleached Table Linen. s;ecial 81.15 7$ few pieces 66 and 70-inc-h Lmen, value $1.2: o ial 95c 33V3 Off On All Hair Goods Silver Vanities Special 39c All Napkins 10 Off Special 48c and 98c Ladies' Waists and Parasol and l a 20'; i Fancy Cotton Dress Goods Bam -- si fc. h Unwed Crepe, special 9c i4J- i rr. i. .1. ,..;i 8 pieces Jwiich Cace Cfoth, special 10 anil ,i ym,- i TH" 15 pieces Colored DottetfSilk Mull, special 190 An aw, extra wv white hemtne special, $1.98 6 pieces 40-inc- h Satin Stripe Crepe, special 19c Values to $1.25, special, 59c Values to $5 0 special, $2.98 Dorset Specials 6 pieces new Voiles, tans, browns, etc.; special 2oC $1.29 Each Value3 to $1.50, special, 98 Values to $6.50, special, $3.98 nds in Brassieres, values to 4 pieces 32-inc- h Stripe Wash Silk, special 44o All Bed Spreads 15 Off Values to $2.00, special, $1.39 Values to $7.50, special, $5.98 39c, 69c and 98c 10 pieces Embroidered Crepes and Pique, special 48( Other This is the time all Parasols must be close out and they 4 pieces 40-inc- h Flowered Silk Web. special been 44" have priced accordingly. $L50 Values, Special. 75 $ 5.00 Values, Special . $3.98 Values to 75c. special 59 Values to$ 4.00, $2.98 $2.50 Values, Special .$1.98 $10.00 Vain,- -. Spccal. $6.98 Surprise Special Values to $1.35, special Values to 4.50, special $3.50 Values, Special. Sahlin Waists, Special, 50 White India Linon 98c $ $3.48 $2.48 95 pieces Wash Material. Flowered and Striped Rice Values to $1.50, special Values 5.00, special Special reduction on all Gossard Corsets. Cloth, ie thin $1.19 to$ $1.28 Cloth. Voiles, Lace Cree and Fancy Organdies, in all Values to $2.00, special $1.60 Values to $ .5 Children's Knit Waists, all sizes; Special widths: values to 50c $4.98 23c Values to $2.50, special 1.98 Values to $ 8.50 $6.98 A hi-- j line of Dolls, all sizes; Special 20'; OFF Special 25c Special 5c Yard J A Values to $3.00, special $2.69 Valuesto$l special $7.98 A big hue of Infants' Novelties, special 20' c OFF L A A AL PONGEE SILK REMNANTS, CHOICE Worth 85c yd. 39c yd Values to 39c yd. 5c yd See Window Display c See Window Display Ready to Wear" Values Ready to Wear" Values

All CO Ladies' Wool Suits Ladies' Wool Suits Ladies' Wool and Silk Other Suits c ocr In t! Suits m JO - a grani opportunity to buv a Suit for little l s than t o Special $4.98 the ?kirt alone. Bargains must le seen and examine Special $17.50 Special $6.48 Special $8.98 o Wash and Lingerie Dresses JO Ladies' Coat Special ( )'ld and Ends of slightly soiled and mussed dresses, canted by handling', in Lawns, Crepes, Batiste, Picnics, Ratines, Imported O Bargain Square A Bargain Square B Ginsrham. etc.: values in this lot m to S12.30; and i)i O Special $2.35 JO Skirts. Petticoat?. . Children's , Auto Coats. UaUie Walk-i- n all Special $5.00 Bloomer Dresses, Ladie- -' Coats, Etc.: Values to S5.00; r Special 98c Special $1.98 Silk Dresses o s -- White Dress Skirts White Dress Skirts C Skirt Specials Velvet Corduroy with Patch Pockets Special $4.98 and $6.98 Velvet Corduroy Skirts with Pockets ither Silk Dresses greatly reduced Special 83.15 Special $3.15 Specials crt Special $3.98 A Silk Petticoats Silk Crepe & Lawn Kimonas ZOO Heavy S: k Mescaline Two-ton- e and Solid Color Petti- - coats, double seamed and well made; Value $2.50; Special $1.69 Special $1.19 Special 69c Children's Dresses $3.80 20 S5.98 Art Goods L .Matinee 'JO Infant's Wear Specials $2.00 ; Lining Special Mermen's and Colgate's Talcum Special 98c Powder 15 Special 1 Off L 9c Per can, 0 cents


a prompt and efficient manner, giving to each and every DIM receive'



H'wttlurJ I mm rjtr T WAY TO MAGHINE


OTHl i: PARTI MlK lira. Jamea v m pvenlni u . i n Militdiy Experts Think Pres netl th- ent War Is Likely to Bring About Complete Change in Aimine of Infantiy. I halmers

highly probable th, areaenl war will tm th wm ..r ih.- - riR aa ihc .i im - 1916 Aeeordlng to (It rman ag nta ih.l-latt- d Here in Cars tha Oarma.il arm? t rapidly men armed with in.n inr WI in P rlflea. M. n a armr-d- . ip.d pnili" bf in t work mil fta rntaaaglemaMa cm hni,i ..ff a AstounfJinralues-Astoundinglrice- s Thiii h. nil V, t iIihmI.iv c ll 111 i (ha Get-- dinner nt the mi af tha bactnnhtf af war, I main wii- - i I MMMMJ W Ti mib (nn .Inhnpon i IP Rai with havnm Dr. ji.hn a. Hornbj .,r hie mm ami Hi ' I Hull Ol M ..! A n miller Chalmers Motor w ith factory a tlM Company, its new organization, even greater niKbi umi ii g aoa aaeerled thai ilia niimiii r additional buildings, more men and still more capital, and with a rhuratlny h ai uaad mi tha various h.imiuil i TH1 rovere for eighty were laid, arm frniiis i a k that total. is ' a (barman iej production bringing out the season 1916 a series cars the i tha DeVargaa hotel In hoaot egenj Rotb rdnm for of of tat 1 i it i in ins s i naa aa follow; ifiiitiK Cleveland, Ohio, leach i equal cfwhich have m i er hem offered Before Among tha local people who "Military ei'lence develop an rap-iiii- y llhd Upon fOf tOaaU Wirt- N"'- in tlmaa at actual war thai n today la 1 is at Matt Antonio Lucent, Su of sunn diacardad nmt he Chalmers Company the only leading manufacturer that is offering a new car Pabilo annethtng better taken np The trr-;- i t iiii.nt of natruetloa cmi medium-pric- N aaaal (larmany poaaeaaea Ik Iht for 1916 at a new price in the e class. Wlntr, Mr. I. C. Colllna, ability lorn Dunna, Mm n i. vrlhma in aea ahead and make tmluy ihn waapon of BuperlntendeM John V Con-i- t tomorroai Itilh- - ii IVUah Others have either put a new car at a higher price, the old .i kttmbar of other out same car at the same "Willi tha i a i Ida it f noon, Mr C h iii niv, ihf nfii Hurt r af fi ii' h Tha (rafliah old price, or the same old ear at a cut price. ii rtii Unit II"' Wi'imi n'x V nl ara highly tha yirat Preehy tartan church i lab 'i i.t . auac tha w.ii rau ihown that tlajfr man van ahool Six-4- ii Km labia, W ii troy ed one atrabThtar and This new Chalmers is the 0 It shown below i . the astounding price of 51275. i i at moat enjoyable affair of tha 'ini' r han In b in. i i lltUa caaaa fm triumph. A larga part I Light-Si- of tha tin:.- ap. hi in training l hair he x and Master-Si- x are continued in improved models lower prices. troopa Ib m at ft ii mil in ten. hum tin m iin-- onatruotiun an . aaa o tha rlfk whlla M J i ; Mmi it hikI iiuntfi i.t niir man are bftng taught to imn-ill- i Such prices .n higher quality than before only made possible by I ha ever are cutting out haw in New In iniiii n in mi,! aervi. tin- machine Mra Morley'a nana. iruu grandfather, r. h "Tha praaa nt war in aaa ttta and middleman's profits, buying lor cash on definite specifications, urili.injr new methods of tat r in mean a hib the iiiiiiinii ihr of mani thlnga .im It hua api i, tha birth Muiiiv houga hn Men tented to uf many thlnga, and, although the rt manufacture and administration, working on smaller profits and greater production. Theodoi i Ra ml w, Ruvei Mr fir may peaoa m not dlaappaai bafora ll havtna takan apartment! .ii ignad, Hi-- doom aa tin principal arm WuKliiiiKti n, Hie The Chalmers Motoi i. r, with mother of mi. mi i j la aounded inaugurated a new Chalmers Service Plan a later, v and aa hla aelenttfii' Work kerpa in n la M any Mrand by I In- . aru means of which w e gratis him in miilniiiil ii i manl agalnai tha gtadual (ubatltutlon to every new Chalmers owner service Mr. unit Mr" Ktinim Niixabautl, nf in,, iighi mm nun for rlfla? dtuighter Nellie tin' in the form of an inte, oupon booky good tor a definite of and ton John, hue After nil a Maalm im meral) an im amount lefl fur Loa Angelee, Where Mwk Nuae. aravad auttmst. rtfU with a watar work at Chalmeri ' (iiv u t i i in ii in ipai is in nit bpi in i n ki i a man wini could fire a hool

' " efrorl Via i noi i"M i hat '" old iIhvm tin mi' in ruled fb inn K c, tt. Mi i Mi fudge Mil... no. inan a aeore 'if ru n Ml. hnrlea v. ttafford, Attorha) A faetive range? On n anohan, returned loduj from Tlarra un would hava wloai mil i ii in win hi im imn baan aquadron itiadati fnr t'liff. waaka "in modern warfari W It Pope nrriv .1 "ii Krldn fmm tu rtv- In Hi in h ararfi Phlladalphbl m i mil In ' i' "i tu, ., ara I Judge Pope rantea ava opponi nt'a t ut , hancaa of oml B1 nf i ;, hool rman i oldb r i mi Thura mm in (ha rifle it i nablea him til Kit if area i'i' iinu ii i timfnitiii ly ami aqulrl III .till A I. i - Ki.l. tin ll.ii i.i aciantlat, at tin. fm' .i- aajaltifd 11 win. ii exi avatlng tin' ..i.i is i in nr. i haaa, umi u u htm Hi'' hi.inrli wlilf ttti Pss uparlor wrapt Orlnl if . it muat, of tin- go it.' fiuhiitiK mm That Piatiatira, mbniltati You'll laarn no tha morrow rod. tun. have quaffed Horn Ii' nl nvldautnmer Communion irvlca. h oiii be ii. in i,i t aa in

With In r ii ifllt- rin .i t; ntnl Ami ahall hid you atHtj aorta atiggeetlon o an Amu Ki mn m i in i roay and tn Imn Pourl h nt .1 nl' ithav fin. an da I haa, got Hun day jahool nt I IB a m .I., rtnrlman, Tin' lunloi i ' K mealing in a.. .n n. in in ii 30 p n fnf i he aumm1 Sunday Services lead "i Mun. in ay onlna, tin at the Churches pimst prtKKnYTRiti n iit it ii Corner Mfili atraet ami Htlxor nvpiiua i 1; i t m t m i :. tut i.i it. mm' mm sot III. I'liini-- i iiiii.il .iv.ii.itt ii till Aruo S( t i. i .nil. in- a, Paator. - Sunday achool, 8 II a. m. V Six- I'i. . nil. t w in, i'i m hea ip.w m 40 hi Hunday m hool tnaata at tr, u. This is i1k ' most remarkable moto is and so miles an hour at ever been otfered for ,SI27.v It is t! 1 t ucl!", of motor II IM) rMltlsn rut in ii Kl I car tfpatalte, Public l.lbr.iiv. pt which Chalmers qualitj has ever novn. iii It is the only Aincrirnn stock car he car instant get away, ovtrhrrtd fiead cam shall motor, the t) p rir it power and economy. vas working on when war stoppet I M,I III II II I III II Pullman. I HI IK H It is this of broke i type motor thai r nf BtUth Hti'i,,. i and n t i ir r tit tint. cars that three years ago n . im.' it. 500 mllesal hot!, C Indianapolis and f'IU IOI 53000 irer. Be sure to come in n lln- Ubrari imlldlna. I Ivay races, going at the terriffii bpi t

i llltlNl I S si II I vl il II .r aaaWW i Jii una JJaW ;. . '; ;x; "JngriS

BARBER ARRANGING Blf. Chalmers Six -- 48 Chnlmers "Master Six" atoi-r- e III IK it 1916 BUSINESS dirrn Seven - Passenger $ 1 0DU gti 43350 This is the 191(5 leries of the popu these are the magnificent Master Sixes declared by which thousands of entl haw stood all tests of performance, appearance, be the moat satisfactory motor car they have quality and upkeep. Peopie who demand the owned. It is light where it ran be, Strong wh utmost in a motor car will find that the 1916 should he. Ir is the most economical Ci "Mastcr-Six"measur- es I llN'l l M'l V I ,l If Chalmers up to the highest America in upkeep cost and admittedly the standards of automobile construction and still within car made $500 of its price. remains within reach of the average nurse These models ure on exhibition now in our salesroom. First orders will be filled from stock. SOUTHWESTERN AUTO DISTRIBUTORS Co.

I I l 504 West I'AI lH M.I Ii Mill Central and 103, 105, 107 South Fifth it.. lit III II PHONE im. More Tbaa gfcta Paaak 710 utifui woman ilaraya ha good "ii If uiir (lii.il,.n Ik f inltv, lerlaln'a Tableta will do you viiumaliiu v,iiwUic Let r Next Cu SEVEN '

. sh.i" hat. although, aft-- one cos I "tattooed" tan. she has liarnsid to MANY SURPRISES the hrirtl of the hit;. dire. I USRER SAYS RIS true aboul th' trast with th, domestic silks and Ainell.'ail M


DURING SEASON most expensive long-vam- p pump MISUNDERSTOOD with curv.-.- It. . is and large square Colonial buckles or broad Instep-- very d.itfc navy Mm leather Is featured m a smart tipleas, side- - Professor Denies He Ever In In the Lig Actual Alii and Rnallah eoldi Fashion imated That lean food and b l (.1 Ti; "8 RGGfa. grweher, cleaner, l. n, r. Kvery Extras andled, tl imped and guaranl Firestone M by Isffa Malm. HswWlns tl help the all The already actln Y New .li ly of many at rprl es. new fushl' n i( da only a cm f or the Style prooei .! i lution, nh fancy other, wnleb ia utrj thf lmldi.. I'i that I K in m I ai it it chains f fashion not only an the th.' garden" . and, here Missal state I'm i States wei we find snrh feat I srican people ha' been duped, ral than thou I - lars. nanlltl' uff . hoodwlnkt d, the Tath- the considered completely tips1 ii dance wi of natal ii.-l-n d atyli tal as they b The soft, I'm d edictlon after t

en, By th tlr high MKJ"s',ON,:. collar, "THE most brilliant writer . that farced ill! lnflx American w in America the artists " by tamt . ' Net Prices i.r.il oas "comics" nt ' 're,on" prising the i whose cartoons and 1 Cat Owners 11W j, . to th " BtOk with 1I1 make the nation laugh are deep-point- I i(t 1 IVjl&tnlw ' h less' r working exclusively for M In ',. ","iV:1'.' ;:.',.! '"' jtvr3 Tii T,k these two. a """i y IMS for the wan ' rf,.:,' t" 11, I '11 j If yon in dn wen V unit T tin iii to your . nil 'ti'il nauntlet" t ut the ial America's Cleverest Weekly IQ; " "i'l V gents Wl Everybody Loves Puck morrow, when Its a n, b) t In III to he ' "lit 11 nil ' off by aearing, it - hat Is thi ir purpose? To roil Just for I'mi ttf the tegular n the n people and prepare he rlt id mi years this paper with the organdy upon for a bn h with the oiteil siat For 40 it'; pi..,ilinti CUffa 111 t mat Ii bould Ihe ovei mm nt de m n wi has ndained Puritan collars at as tli bte.t all 'ron nd bI t v. Hi humorous periodical in tho & CO. s it show t rinoline Again ppnr QUICKEL AUTO SUPPLY lite Influence country. It i'. Poller now sleeves of taffeta, cm iii a New Model with 'lath la tin 111 ; Ni.irts mark tin Coalee ami Organdj Hklrt, igh land, by repeating Ih.in at any tir.it d mode, 'fin a 'i 13 lour having beet career. ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. ia shlon, and dit t everything;, excepi 10 hs u copy them. Open-fro- er than tin- found: w in re, the press camp AskVour Newsdealer purpose. QUICK RESULTS. with, and fly bai street , its MORNING JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING show bright inside tin inns. Full drei Nothing enduf

urned nk le of B I IOK Our Big Bankrupt Sale of the Faber ffli volumiuoliH rul'fleil Kklrl tmil InB am Is In Full Swing ' Furniture Stock Ik ffi Get In Line Before It Is Too Late

ST'WZK. , : s 'HI1 Kl ylTiy A .L .1

We Will Not Remain In the Furniture Business. Everything Must Be Sold Quickly

A Striped Voile Ikrow) With Quaker Collar, liannttrt Cliff ami t neven l.nwi'i' Hdgc, carpels, rugs, draperies, ranges and linoleums at such a price hut no onje wohM ever accuse the silk We bough! this fine slock of furniture, coatee and cotton .skin ..i being u car-ry-o- te cost. up-to-da- less r from luai season. us to otter you new merchandise at cost and than Desplta the present popularity of which enables plain, dark blue ami black taffeta, there is ii growing tendencj toward One price to all. You printed silks checker-boar- d patterns, his or her ow n saleseman. Goods marked in plain figures. sprinkled with roses, Wlggly Stripe Every customer anti broad inns-- prominent in black on offering. The econom- white or gold backgrounds. original price and the bankrupt price, and what a great saving we are The warm weather brings an enor- can sec the mous showing of cottons, too, They of the opportunities which we are offerings come with ecru and white grounds ical will appreciate, and the thrifty quickly avail themselves printi. tl with large dots, formed of flowers, or embroidered with coin dots and in salmon pink, bine ami i.iirr. These and lawns duplicate the niks iii patterns, all tending toward a stiffness and fixity of design. Japan- - II is,- ercpes Ki even farther than Ihii silks ami now show love scenes- - Ori ental figpres in Oriental gardens, II Printed i" black, giving a wlerd look to the full skirts of the met- j iii sages. The newest hats, for o nlii' t s alt. puraty, are made of tllk or even! velvet, & These come in sailor shapes, Yanow with crowns lower and Prim Wider Maraham than in tfcg early season, The hiue taffeta is combllll tl With w hits kid and 213-21-5 the block velvet with white straw or WEST GOLD wiiitf flowers, However, the tad ofi inter hats summer-tim- e is noi tak- - I Ing t.i the extent thai it did lasl sum- - EIGHT ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. SUNDAY. JULY 4. 1915.

in Mil- !rn, althnuah novation DPG STARTS



In both i ae. ,1a-- 1 en the Qtnin consul is Ml CITIZEN RIGHTS Will lea coltsliti an "The imperial cttam el indidtr. with Ihe rimwni of US" j Council, thai persons wl '5

on In Hi. I', i I'r.itu Ho (! i' mcnt of ttecfcsfM an American rttlnm voipl itry fnuu service In the army of Italy he-- 1 Make Arrangements Now for Your Summer Outing Mu th It.ih. in la a docs tli. i .laimll y Have him In neither .iim.ir. doeilt m. nth. NEARLY ALL RESIDENTS OF THIS SECTION ANTICIPATE VISITING THE VARIOUS CALIFORNIA PLACES OF INTER-ES- T the department take it sliin tipOH foreign land may acquire naturaliza- the ...nst it ot tonal rlxht of i t ir.cn tion therein without KlvillK Up his THIS SUMMER. READ THE FOLLOWING ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CALIFORNIA'S LEADING HOTELS, APART- of the Putted Mates Bmu i.atioii.iiny tialeai the laws oi I Ml Ik l - Niiluiiiliitti.ui I ni that country require the renuat la-tt- HEALTH. BEACH AND MOUNTAIN RESORTS AND MAKE EARLY ( MENT HOUSES. RESERVATIONS. H W M allegiance. . - ROOSEVELT AND LODGE n Hi. out r.ir ret rj Ho ior the sins ipliciily dc. lares, hin lc Her in ,... ..f the United st. lies rewire in- 10 il appinant aiiy (,, HOLD VIEW kMlCI I.oilK' Ilnii "OfeViMMRP ch siccifn renounce FREE INFORMATION BUREAU AT OFFICE OF THIS DISSENTING Importeat" Dm the department, in and aiijiire his forWMr allegiance, this PUBLICATION dealing with the ease of u ei who paction could not apply to applicant .. Imrn in this l ounlrv if an Italian for admission lo American citizenship nnd Massa- father, to ascertain whether Ma father providing they were actinK in good Former President had previously a. ntiirtd naturalisation ' III. .i i m.i. in., chusetts Senatoi Hotly As- M I Itlsen of the Pnite.l Klutctt. The loan in extent to which thla WflBiBl may The iiii. in explanation hai Birth go. any the secrcinry, and the uritu-nienl- lli.it the pin. is on Is int. nded mils fur 1 sert Under Stars and i -- -- IBi LIT-- which It may imp In the actual Hie In nefll of ;erinaiis t csidini; .11 ill . -- ! valat r IIw av protection of persons who wen horn (or lag n il- who h extend tna fran t In the I nit til HI. ilis of alien fathers chise, the right to hold real property, may H in- - only to A I ' -- mid who be molested Whlli e. Hour CttlMM Well in tlrlrKiA cnilTUtllW TAI ICflDN ori-- formed QarmSH lu re dei l mm jioiarily vlsllini! the Oountrlei lures that' TIIK LATEST WTI KM. AMI SOENTIMC ;SICIL uHIIIOOHt.ll.CI TO Ml, gin of the latter, necessarily nil the new provialong were neceesitated HKTHOIM I si n, Massage, ineliulliiK gwedbab Oyaaaaatle, m oi'I upon Hie particular fact and i I'm- - oj Hie experience of (iermans In Oitiieiiathjr. ' hlrepiaetle, In all its liranclies, OrlbsaiiallJ flai If. sta in es of each use Kussia, one of whom, I'm example, gr MagalrWatl) iMaated kelaieea latalaa nn.l se.i. .lut a fen miiuitrs g h eaer HrdfeMMnmabri Raelap. I..UI-- "111 or i nn-il- ie Lei W I un-s- i rllmale. Rates Mpeelal weehli Prienitr. no i.ise, in the al h. nee nine heir lo attain pn ipartiei In ria fr.un baa i:iicie tM a, g n mam -a gehrotb, Kahae, Meoielnai Balhs. inehulinK i I nreprael Karepeaa sbta. r..r lay our new h rcla if state, : entlonal arrangi menus, can de-.1- 1 that country to nrhich ha found he and BlaaUdl r..... ibaatmeii Immil its Herbal, Mad, ami Naafcetai Hnthp, Sun .1 . . I, nil-Il- ilwlalaO, H rile li.r lusiklrl. He, in till del lilS' IISSIl.ll pun mcnt assure hip h prsnns id eoiild hold no legal title unless he I rxeellelil t i." el. nmi Air Haiti. Patlaats' riH.iiia are outside anil lo I - sumo ami are strum lieute.l. important stil of I In- - m ra a ItiiHsian ( dull M Villi, e Dial Ry B ill got l.e r i id citizen. liRWH IVi: lt IVitse ItiMir. rif'OI IK :U Corner. II. I II I It I IP- - t f, , i i i ' I w j i in v Tha oioio struck lire DTK i Tin- near let In Is oteworthy '''' Ra 111,1 Aag, lle, under Hie laws nf other null u s man iiiimtminawaaa niiiifairai siiaaaiiaajmiiirrfMitM ' lllllgafaMfiriMlfflflTI"'"''''''"''"''' i:uu i.i is ptipiant a hnweyi in it - Itr. f url gfSOlll, Pres. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA article in popular i olli el in it. till' the p. it.. in. nce of making "ir I l n line: "When Is an mi lea public at- - iniiilt persons to aaauRia a dual 11.1-- 1 ' military or other seni' an Aiio'i li an ? In' lung lo cillenship." iiiiiiniity oi thai? own v llliuii. Mi IH I ' ,' IH i'I'I IL us w is a dlMciissloii of (he case of I.llll-l- ll lies III lim it c- - 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Lolong of Latlong w-. Km Orleans 111,1 ill in -- . M o o 111 ln support ins position, -- 1v hum lite l.iteii SI lies, lint his "f more ti ppt nprial ... .everi less, the yiLS-- 1Ui"V. U o Sing gtool ii lid tt was French. Mi .i us inn. g itlole:4 .lohti Itassett law has been studied with puialed o gator, li.ol winicii to linn that he Kiihu Root as raooajtiltlng the astat Iciest in Mil COUPtiy. o the mute o Was horn With a dual mil li.hu lit i '' enre of dual nationality, ami ha bacgnaa a section nf tha new act particularly af o and that "the department cannot ites ihe atatemenl yen.es 1111 older policy ami pro 0 fore giv you mis assurance that Hamilton Kisii, while secretary of that paroana who already Spruce o have Lodge would not he held llaMe for Ihe state, Hi, 11 the same principle on their Onmhn rtaihMlty itii'mgh 0 irmance of toiln.it s servli e In which children born bare of alien par may, o residence abroad tot ten yean r it mm Rpp 8 o ice should ou ii ii tn i pla1 jciiis are heiu ii.y us to ne citizens aI with. mi returning to Germany. o' !lim 1.1 - 'Mil 'I self within French lurlstiu lion." the lulled Stalls applies Ihe child- their original nationality, welve miles r1 o lii his latter, wiHi h is dated April tin d! American rathen born without Thus it would i"' legal! possible, ns above town of Pecos. nasiily 0 1 a Hi, Covnaalor Uwatnn quoted tha the lurtadiction ..f tha United State. i n Oorman law is concerned, for o grttoa Qerman-Amerlca- of the civil ''ode which rin grgumrnl of Mr Lansing la ih" n ritisem uf the accessible bv Rates ble. 0 per-11- auto. 0 n ,1 reasona Inns ns h'feni hlliun "every purer oi ii ;ii charat tar and, escepl ITnited stalls in resume their German o lioi n of a r! r man in r'ranci' as illtistt .it.il in the I in Ptato case. citxenahlp thould Ihey core to do so o 01 liroad, until 11 m no suggestion that th( slate as some might in Hie event o war. o loliel llooscveli liiltclly allacked daparttnani is willing in adopl a pot A t, cumin writer explains thll Ihl doctrine and declared that 11 was lay which shall declare that a bona vlsiuii. however, b) saving that It - ' Write or Phone S "dangerously close to trensnti In the ride American clUMn possesses righta lets cspei lally In eprcsental Ives Wm nlled states that men born here of as such which cannot !" alienated by commerce, to mombei if he m foreign mi rentage, men who havp tha laws ol'any rafabjra country. mini communlt) in Palaatlna 1.1 n aervad la the mllltta this country, posi- Btongrlea, "f Tin difference between tha and in general lo pels, 0 Whfl vote and hold office mil exercise tions of and Se. by h. lug eapeclally active In tha ill Senator ttdga iitaiy 1 g CBOSSERMAN: till the nfflv BxtXMltion S other rlKhls of liizenshlp Lanatni is thai nf in aonatructlvi terlna of Herman Intereats iihro Wht'n You Visit the San Dieiro Valley Ranch, N. M. should be hJendfy Informed by the tataaman with ih dapartmentitl (aw ami pgrtlcuhtrl) by maintaining Qer : W a id, i ! state daparUneni thai tr ihey visit yet ihis wiih mi Intention to reflect man ichoola and churches, perform the countries In f wiilcli their piirelits Upon of bul a Worth) sen 'I'lie law is In - A k 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 tha n retarj state i" icc. uai awMfi m m mrrMm i m m mI m m m ' f 'afm were Ho y COB I'e iulilsh-e- Tiljr f 's horn 11. It scimd, put tl'.Ht I In one in willing to mgh. tt is expln iiieil In pet mil m A--i W m1ju pulnl w a I M-- j I e e VJV M. A. M. I V M.f M for evasion "I iniliiun duly or tin- Inatltut-- or Dermana 1I1 j M 1 MM.f f MM t " accept reaponatbillty for retnatatameni and Hade to sen In the fi , , , . ,., l1 111" il iirini. tm: 1111 Aim II all pOllO) .mil Hi. Otb daaoendajita who have acquired u o in .ii l Ii Colonel .Rooeevell pointed out thai Ign citizenship. limilHl mivnui It CoIomI Qoathaia er has contented himself with quotlnt went to Holland the statutes. The new law allows (Iermans In 01 Admiral! nst. rhau tad Hchroedor The poaitlon ni Senator Uodyi Ii tain uertlflcgtea nf expatriation up io narmany, iiu-- i rnlffhl in. seized for gppllontlon, except, generally Cheap Rates to beat attttad In his own Inngunge. His ipei All military service in those countrlaa II Ing, .111 ll Iter III lull is HH fOlIOa II those who liable for Hie pi the doi'tiliie reriignlied lii ('ounsclor ? "Kahant, Mass., June III, 'I t Formance uf mllltai aai irloa, i Mi Dear Mr. hecrt tarj Mourhoj infers thai theae provlaii ' "I Held IB -uimIi ina i. unit with ill snln e. rliilitli- iin.ui lliest reiistiilulile rules. ZZl-- entered the "I youi ure luiciiitiii oni) in enaoie a ersoiii a 11 hove received letter of lunt Eastern rati and in, a) j ic ouraa 11 s ii s. uun.iKiiia wreeter, Points iith in reply in mi letter i.wim before leu nil lerrnan in obtain .iui inn in lorial rot 11 it.ni ni salon hill nf heulth, so In ip .il,. ai t0 his' ffm (went: ream auinaaer ol Bottl It n p i,.iw . tg ago to up you tin onea pf iTaa Da I'ri who lake with tin Id mtlltan llahlltts statt di partmeni the aae of n.. Da has bean l. Inr sei lea in iio rttti How I "" - THiring ihp summer month there ale t( it ii skeil the aws stnnil. g . - cheap rates all J'rato, who was horn In Itoeton Bub. A T T w-- W W T Tt war s-- w ... me pronl ol Ins ll III Ihl: "111 i of Secretary i m a a a Ia 'mia a a w a a a aa a a a ma t-, a cast ern onus, are on s ,Muy 1 ep- - eeipii tit to Ins fathei I nut n m I1r.1l inn, inr The atatemanta iiuxsi l 'a t r in .! gl th to hut who had been forced into the tri aubaequenl lo 11 ii ui aii ion Lansing, which cannot be quoted In limited to return in Octobei rlilaen, 11111 ur t I'.'i .11 tin wlnl. 1st ixl v 11 k ,11 . his father as mi American nmi nere, ami tna writings uiiuiei hil. III I ill i ti in mi i.i im. gta., ins i. allowin The following is list of t Ii 111 Hiai seal Mm pin. .is both nf ihe father'a noaasvelt and Senator Lodge make fPi ins lute country, Tha "iug man Pwi"lllO potntgi M a- ' I. n In do- UJiUJi ,..,,, I I Portant - Mil .111 Vim .11. ,. ii in... ii naurallaatli and of the aon'a birth reasonably clear the laws, Imth Urr k(ni oniral irk. i.tv modera aeeawauidatleai ' lllxen-shl- p f.o'i'-li.'- .l I pe-- W , ihe uf Boaon These facta clearly ttiest in and foreign, governing 25t tCb?!l tfJiij'l' I"" ulisolulfl e.Hiifurt; larne loliblea uli, private Barlors, ll"lll ll.lh had II.. ": ll.le lo llll iiii in ai,,, ni $fifi.90 St. Paul, Minn. The depart meal admitted Una fact took the use OUI Of Ih'' plinialnnH nf ami Hie issue upon w lm h his two "oCs." ".'i K. IIKKF.N, " Kanaaa ily, Mi . J44.40 American the Italian mile, Inn yum Intimation, orltlcs would hove Secretary i.ansing - Maaaser. ,n,vrr' ?M, nnd dirroted the ambaaaa. 'WT l. Coll $ 1 Bt. . 11, Louis. Mo. .Jf.LMO d..r Home to 1. 11 tin- - as understand thai if theae facts take his itand, Tin legal position " " i ai ask Immedi- '..Lira. I.. I'l'i ni'.'. t'".i. $ .$79,110 nte . h as,, of Pa PfOta report had no( aaiatad nnd ir young Da i'ra-to'- a in the stale department is ami Montreal, Qua 192.10 . 1X4.05 tin results. father had not been a eltlsen "i cleat enough, United stales is p td JL V- -. I ' SmfMSS.,w Wiiet.ee. nil,, j i'i i:, m;i iram In lln , nurse tip. - Hie United Stales, we ihOUld tin willing t" M governed bj the laws nf nf iiirespoiul- hive J Washington, C 574.75 Cincmn, as,,,. I. r ... It .(flX. . rThVkW P. tin. ,,.,. ft,.. 111 - Claim I'm use, led In foreign nationa, bul is Incompatible ' ., ,,. I..1IISOIL! a ui- his tel. me make A jOMvMm '' hWftR'Sc, Bvanavtlle, iml $:,7.7ii Cleve land fihio tor t.. Bsnator Uodge touched upoolaome obaervatlona of a general har wiih ihe duty "f tha secretary nf Jt! ''M; t.jjtfm.g Louisville, Kv $0.10 Snndi laky, Ohio , . 171.0b the gemriii queatlon nf dual nation laater nnd in rary general larmaon tha si, ii. us (he colonel nnd senator nee f.&!f Me t.SO 11 Portland Toletl ',, Him .tea. 85 allt) mid of the or I theory of cltlaenehlp, it. is suggested that thii eituatlon VJrrAi iighis oeraona ortnlnal ) Kullimure, Md delphla, 7I.60 a AHi''I . ,C J74.75ll.hila Pa. nrn in mis country, ana nnaiii pre As until. inrse am Eafflil reveali tertlle field fur the actlvltlea :J4nIVi fbXm.IS I : ;." villi Huston. Mass $:. LO l'lttslmrKh, Pa. J74.25 aared a forma,! in which lar u 111. M of Ihe lus snli nf an International court uf law whan -- iV I 11G latter fla1l$,;'l VVn, Mmneapnlis, Minn $.;h.'io ORilen, . . .$42.fi0 Ihe parliament nf Ihe " M&iLvl' If it" Utah he diMcuaaed the Leiongcaa nations. dream , WriWZ "!; lUl1U"gMl Milwaukee, Wis Jtll.sU Salt Lake. UtaJi .42.60 and rlrtualli replied to the iiiilenis of poel and statesman alike is ,, p - Bll")!! jM$ ';' ' ' of Rooeeveit laws, winch has bean Hie aubjecl of tabliahed thing. Tin pn Hi. lis . lli-i- i, Sell.lt.il much learned dlacuaalon and which P. I oiigi had botn Informal, hut upon exists in regard 1,1 other matter as J. JOHNSON, Agent Hi. intimation of mi lonelno, who well as in regard to cltlaenehlp Bul ipiei .... i meantime bad aocome sacretar) ol the fact 'hai there is conflict af lawn $fi,f, i nob n mi, thai the is ni. latter rerj different from admitting thai -- should i.e made public, he .1 w prepared ihe law in conflict mi inn own ta,nkerjkifriv brief i"ii pungent reply m tin ..isu-ment- valid. II rii use Italy, or any ulhr , ( L05 ANCEI.FS rmmmm--tsmmM- m --mm ol tin formal Lanalng latter i country baa a law which conflicts with JlOoI a aaM L gl 111 ih ll M nil r nun m w AT si; UfTn New Tin center .if .Impiilng, Tht IW'il Were i'ii, 11 mil exico Retweea ti nu.i nth litiKlnrM lo anil llimlrleul ..... t'uuvra- - tha Mgta iiepui in. nt tins lent tn 11P Uaea, waehi 6f.1 H.i.iais - All ra ' W , ,, with prliale listh. , bill he lUbit SO t, III, lie CO a mill miisiile iiii in Would iO iiii uf laws het au Ceavealaal lu all .... - I 1,1 ru.iins ,iP II State li.lll. Kit, up. Kiiru- - charaelel that the daily praga University lieu a ni :i it. nnd 'in We should then submit in the law yeea piin. Naw anil " onfuaad 01 f 11 11 1 1 91 nn 3 iiiiinuKeiii,.nt : ""i the a nut her ountry m l' ad nf maltilal kiim new fllliliiir r.iniu: neu kllehrn. 11 VI 1. nils,. 01 l.nln iluriiiK 11. in poadeiu 1 Perhapn noi much 11 Mill 11 itgl lu I'm "The 1,1 f u 11,1 , . lug ..ur w .1 aae like lhai V, II inniferl Purple nillllllk. lesser. tan he given here, nevertheless llie I I - itsiuM I,, long, tin Ifttl Of IllW.i Weil rri- Mi- l- VI... All I r um, W 11 Peaks .i.. I. MAM It. KLOOD, tin.', distinguished gentlemen among b 'hi Mmiunrr. arise ) t In Ii dh I'liuiri' and Hall. ins. is have raised .in issue Which tin re I.. n doubi tit Opens Tuesday, il.ii .ni whatever Inarms under Hie fnUI ti n! ii amendmi nt ill e,. Hied 11, When ' t . he i eiutii: is cttiaan August 17th t I 'p. .1 IKl wa r R M s 11 III I HMO idle FAYWOOD HOT SPRINGS ' Nearest Cfote The I nlveralty First For ltlieumatlBin, Trou-ble- a, Instill ftOBUMSh ronc maintain Kidney Alluieiita, InflanimA-tlun- a, Hotelto Fair Gounds totests spit, Iaico-niot- y Arterial iiardonliiK. Ataxia, Nervous ltreaking, r t nee an etc Perfect Trcaiment. Perfect t ONROE areonourwafo the United i tu ii, r your en W eilmatu, Health, I'lcaaure, Large Ihe United IS JllSt .'III SACRAMENTO ST. NEAR VAN NESS AVE. Moderu lintel. B iioklet. in 1 .sn Mtadace l,liu,n men an ectetary Fish, high 1. whether rt I jljf homr dutiich ii It amend such children .11 to '"' determined T. 0. McdlMtMtrTT, S WNUTES ii the future, ii KayuoiMl, N. M. l duty Inform younxdi an nil IVrtrrt beM witfl ntetr inaag. ni Iwm eaalura. USiHitsdrtuiiiir ,Hiii ai lay lwn l,.r ilnUin MsattiaB, I UKifWU Pha l 'ill .,! p. Atwiuan aHornia5 Ins gNQKUOr Plan $t iOan.1 up. W iil lot Jrs tsinuJiL I I I iieti.. I ',, .uHving in LIMDIM. ItN isll It APAHT. San l.anriK-- lake ( ahl.iniii DARKEN G allot In Count uf w Inch his .f." iii'tii ('.,'. aJCg i a.m. .i w,. ,n : mi pp. n KRK1 not brown ,,,";.;! lilt M WM VL KSIM Nsi; iooe Bsedera aparhMaMa, to ten mnlilh. pf PI It 'TI DENT, no ll:, At Walking Dtatnacw which is correct In, so little It Is spiikcn ol as Wrlie aj f"r C.'ltlll'iMlii et. "O" WKSL1 HttBERTN and th reanltB ioy 0;l .1.1 tnilinw look AsU foi Wealei llulierls III. Ik mill MuUl gad antlatacto; . . Panama h, 1 may van M Ust if Mala HiH'i I'lmnes OOliAt. lirnul want ads. loaa 'mi mislead .111 1,111 have l,u

ll n ml. Ml d W Id R, 111 11 President positions t.iiii Hair to .1 ..tt ll. n it s.11,1 St. Mary's College and School of M llful dun, shade. Mexlio US1C aU ' ' I Irl atea rAtouJd nev r, 'i Sound interesting, doesn't it ? etop and f! 'I m this tunc ahnuld Just Hi 7 him I) Its duty t thoa nder the auapii think that you can visit a big forest ot petri f f lltUtlon and laws t'HKSlDKNT ii tied trees thousands of years old. All Uf. or full In Mip-I- HERCELENE boarding and daj one APTS. I s A i colors ot the rainbow arc represented we have eslal'-ml- t lent mil mn Intellectual in. i phyatcul .i vale them I., he In in a Bewea w. Anaeie. iii oi lln ittdli ill isl a limited n the tlmty trunks; rparkling chips of re Under th O01 I.uviii inuslv furiilslicd;i. a hitch boarding depurtme blue, grecn and Twenty-sevent- purple are scattered .is promulgated, 1 staniiarii of ear ituei Modem; arenee-- h ye about a fitting introdus-tio-n ISH. We have a nient nmi lull,, ,,i rooms, clival, ,r nil italoguc dd to the law liiterurbaii .or s,Tl.s' at J r.L --I i i i I That does not I, ,,r v,.r) - ininrr aionu ana thj dream lawt but sir Two nmi three room wn- eatabltah snltre tie Dean. St. MiU V olli D. 1 eitie- at San Francisco and San Diego. ' It, - h scalp, ' which, aa you .tinhle rates th,. week ur uias, ta.s mntuh. ,i. Ut tn. (iv , , c.y ot our pfi,J (a j , is: in our ju.d.-ho- F,, lii ri inws and Ih, iknn "To Califonu iSt S..U I rail 0r t Our !.,.,., (oljar, will lc .(at tr.a. l rater, 1 Ron. tlu Santa 1 it bc aiy lu tg both Lpo.i- - Albuquerque Foundry SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY peaa mm ly and thai no one in nil it has bt LODGE.1 FOR MEN AND BOYS' ed. l ut attclc) or iii. f nahlty law t. Machine Works I Learn aulumuL.lc And - 1 - .1 n I ., .1. i i reDaum dalaiM nn .KMIN'SdV. la ra ed ll !:;- - - a. ',' ,u rt. nee refers i i aaj Pottle only i.o prm .1 .inio.s s I uiindcrn Vn. lilulHta irt: .Im eleitr.citv: in the bnl.Mi.im, P.... aVn HI I It lit nt Hit . I ii,, I Im Alii. nun ra Caatlnga in Iron, Hrusa Hi unite, tprt Inatructorv Room nd boaid vhile learning ita liromulKn- - Aluminum. Electric Motors, oil Kn- - Mnr poilionnecurad. Catilojue (rae. Special ISI4 gines. Punipa (or lalei and Irrlaatlon. blHHR. Eanonii.in months L ' - ' Works Oldi rU ' and Uflne. Albuuiieroua. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF ENCINEtRING 10 2 WEST it 7TH. LOS ANGELES jMORNING JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS.