1 00 Books on Alchemy to Find on a Bookshelf 1
1 00 Books on Alchemy to Find on a Bookshelf 1. Baopuzi by Ge Hong 1144 by Robert of Chester to, late 13th century, (Written in the 4th3rd as The Book of the originally Latin, On the Use century BC, originally Composition of Alchemy, of Fire to Conflagrate the Chinese, Book of the Master how Morienus in the 7th Enemy, or Book of Fires for Who Embraces Simplicity, century learned the secrets the Burning of Enemies, 35 Chinese alchemy, elixirs, of alchemy and introduced it recipes for incendiary demonology and into Islam, reveals the weapons, fire and immortality) secrets of the work of gunpowder) 2. Zhouyi cantong qi by Wei alchemy) 12. Cyranides (Compiled in Boyang (Written in the mid 7. Turba Philosophorum 14th century, Greek, second century, Chinese, (Latin, Assembly of the magicomedical works, The Kinship of the Three, in Philosophers, circa 900, magical properties of plants, Accordance with the Book of based on Arabic texts, a animals and gemstones, an Changes, English translation discussion between nine encyclopaedia of amulets 1932, cosmology, Taoism Greek philosophers who and the history of western and alchemy, especially adapt Greek alchemy into alchemy) internal alchemy) Islamic science) 13. Aurora Consurgens by 3. Chrysopeoeia of Cleopatra 8. Liber de compositione Thomas Aquinas (Attributed by Cleopatra the Alchemist alchimiae by Robert of to, author now unknown, (Written in 3rd century Chester (1144, Latin, The 15th century, Latin, an Egypt, the original is an Combination of Alchemy, the illustrated commentary on illustrated single sheet of first European book on the Latin translation of papyrus on goldmaking) alchemy, translated from the Silvery Waters by Senior 4.
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