Theological Education Incarnating Globalization in ATS Schools: Issues, Experiences, Understandings, Challenges Volume 35 Number 2 Spring 1999 ISSNi 0040-5620 ii Theological Education Incarnating Globalization in ATS Schools: Issues, Experiences, Understandings, Challenges Volume 35 Number 2 Spring 1999 i ISSN 0040-5620 THEOLOGICAL EDUCATION Volume 35, Number 2 Spring 1999 DANIEL O. ALESHIRE Executive Editor JUDITH A. BERLING Issue Editor NANCY MERRILL Managing Editor MARY McMILLAN Production Assistant Theological Education is published semiannually by The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15275-1103. For subscription information or to order additional copies or selected back issues, please contact the Association. phone: 412-788-6505; fax: 412-788-6510 e-mail:
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