CONTENTS. VVE Congratulate The
CONTENTS. 260—being established in 1820, and the second—the Leinster, No. 266—in ¦ ¦ L EADERS 4a CORRESPONDENCE (Continued)— 1824. The third—the Australia , now No. 390—emanated from the G. Lodge Supreme Grand Chapter 46 A Question of Custom 31 land in 1828, and then other lod ges were established outside S dney, Consecration of the Old Westminsters' The Domatic Lod ge Ki of Eng y Lodge, No. 2233 46 Notes and Queries , 51 one at Paramatta, in 1834, and the Lodge Australia Felix, now Consecration nf the Onslow Lodge, No. R SPORTS OF M ASONIC M EETINGS— 3334, at Guildford 45 Craft Masonry 51 No. 474, in Melbourne, in 1841. From these small beginnings the Craft The " Grand Lodge MS." (A . D . 1583) 48 Instruction $1 graduall y extended itself over the Colony, or Colonies, as they were suc- Ancient and Accepted Rite 48 Royal Arch H Royal Masonic Institution for Boys— Mark Masonry 57 cessively founded , with the result that at the present time there are as Financial Table, 1SS1—1SS7 48 Ancient and Accepted Rite ;8 Xhe United Orders of the Temple and Kni ghts Templar 58 regards those of Eng lish Constitution alone, 76 lodges under the District Hosp ital of St. John of Jerusalem 49 Entertainment at the Royal Masonic Bene- Grand Lodge of New South Wales, 8 lodges under that of Victoria 28 Centenary Festival of the Industry Lodge, volent Institution $8 9 , No. 1S6 49 Obituary 58 lod ges in the District of Queensland , 6 lod ges in Western Australia, 8 CORRESPOND ENCE — Masonic and General Tidings Jq Festival of the Girls' School <i Lod ge Meetings for Next Week (10 lodges in the District of Tasmania , and 86 in New Zealand and Fiji , 81 of this last group of lod ges being distributed among five Dist.
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