Laurieton Police September 2020 Station Open Helping Local Domestic Violence Support Services Community News Local services, -Hastings Homelessness For Business Support Service for Women and Mid Coast Women's DV Leslie MP Court Advocacy will receive a funding boost Williams The NSW Government is continuing to honour its of $153,560. commitment to ensure the safety and wellbeing of police officers and the community with the upgrade of Laurieton The pandemic has increased the potential for domestic Police Station as part of the $15.9 million Regional Small abuse in homes across our community, so we want to Member for Port Macquarie Police Station Program. With Minister for Police David Elliott and officers Mick Walker and ensure help is available and accessible at this crucial time. Deputy Speaker Paul Fuller The enhancement of Laurieton Police Station includes This funding boost by the State and Federal Government upgrades to electrical, plumbing, air conditioning, data and will ensure local support services have the resources they security. A van dock has been added to the exterior of the The updated Laurieton Police Station will help our police better need to respond to any increase in demand. station with connection to the charge room. serve the local area and continue to drive down crime. With Liberty Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Services This latest announcement is in addition to further funding CEO Kelly Lamb grants of $68,872 to support the delivery of Community Partnerships Against Domestic & Family Violence Program COVID-19 Local domestic violence victims-survivors will have as well as $73,630 for a Men’s Behaviour Change program. more access to vital help during the COVID-19 Stimulus Boosts Local pandemic, with two local services receiving funding If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic or A message from Premier NSW Plastics Plan as part of the NSW and Federal Governments’ recent family violence, please contact the Domestic Violence Line Gladys Berejiklian Economy and Housing $21 million investment. on 1800 65 64 63 when it’s safe to do so. Earlier this year the NSW Government unveiled NSW is at a critical point in our fight against COVID-19 and the NSW Plastics Plan. we cannot let our guard down. Thank you to all of you for The NSW Government’s Social Housing playing your part. The Government have been seeking feedback on Maintenance Stimulus Program is delivering its proposal to: multiple social and economic benefits for the It is important we continue to work together during this time to Port Macquarie electorate. 1. Phase out key single-use plastics Emergency Services Levy Funding Boost keep NSW safe. We urge people: Local tradies, tenants and businesses are gaining • To get tested even if you have the mildest of symptoms and 2. Triple the proportion of plastic recycled in NSW We must however also keep an eye on the future which is direct support thanks to the NSW Land and Housing isolate for the full 14 days. by 2030 why we have recently released a NSW COVID-19 Recovery Corporation’s prudent roll-out of the $47 million 3. Reduce plastic litter items by 25% by 2025 Program, announced in the NSW Government’s For Port Macquarie-Hastings Council • Socially distance 1.5m from other people no matter where Plan to ensure we remain resilient and support our you are. economy. $2.3 billion COVID-19 stimulus package. 4. Make NSW a leader in national and international Port Macquarie-Hastings Council will be able to direct an • Practise hygiene by washing your hands regularly. This includes a infrastructure pipeline; new research on plastics. This timely investment has seen $760,535 committed $100 billion extra $324,396 into frontline COVID-19 response efforts skills programs and developing local supply chains. towards spending on important maintenance works The NSW Government is strongly encouraging greater use of and core community services thanks to the NSW and upgrades to social housing properties in our masks in high-risk public settings to help prevent the spread of The plan will create jobs and improve the quality of life for Government fully funding the local government increase in Why is this important? local area. COVID-19. the people of NSW. the emergency services levy for 2020-21. • NSW consumed 1.1 million tonnes of plastic in These benefits include external painting, fencing, roof Staying on top of the virus means protecting jobs and So please stay safe, follow the health advice and help us The NSW Government’s recent $395 million local government 2017-18 improvements and tree trimming and removal to protecting our economy. save lives. economic stimulus package includes to fund improve the liveability and standard of local social $32.76 million • By 2050 there will be more plastic by weight in the this year’s increase. housing properties. ocean than fish Our emergency services have long been funded through a Local businesses and trades are directly and • 99% of plastics is made from fossil fuels cost sharing arrangement between insurers, councils and indirectly engaged in doing this work which has given the Government. • In 2018-19, 60% of all littered items were made our local economy a critical boost while improving from plastic social housing, to support local tenants. While we all acknowledge the importance of supporting our Deal To Seal Local Roads emergency services workers, local councils simply cannot afford this financial impost in the wake of COVID-19, bushfires and drought. Work will soon start on a number of important local Both Highfield Circuit and Toorak Court in Port Macquarie will This funding injection will allow Port Macquarie-Hastings road projects thanks to both the NSW and Federal also undergo much-needed repairs as well as an asphalt Council to redirect funds to critical core services and deliver Governments. overlay with an allocation of $305,000 from the Fixing Local Roads funding program. financial support to the local community. Funding for the upgrades has been secured through the Coopernook War Memorial To Be Restored Australian Government’s allocation of $191 million to build on the NSW Government’s $500 million Fixing Local Roads The Coopernook War Memorial has received $6,840 program guaranteeing even more regional communities reap funding from the NSW Government’s Community the benefits faster. War Memorials Fund to assist in the restoration of a Leslie Williams Member for Port Macquarie Deputy Speaker significant plaque. The allocation of $17 million to seal Road linking Port Macquarie and Crescent Head is welcome news, as is the The Coopernook War Memorial is an important place for the [email protected] $3 million committed to the upgrade of the Hannam Vale to local community to remember service men and women who email website Waitui Road in the Manning Valley. fought for , and sacrificed so much for the benefit of address Macquarie Business Centre, Suite 6, 27 Grant Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 future generations and they should never be forgotten. For many years locals have been advocating for these roads to phone 02 6584 0977 fax 02 6584 0978 be sealed and now their wishes will be delivered. I look forward The funding will allow for repairing or replacing lead lettering, to both Port Macquarie-Hastings and Midcoast Councils cleaning and waxing the bronze plaque and removing pointing. Authorised by Leslie Williams MP. Printed by Chrysalis Printing, 7 Chestnut Road, Port Macquarie NSW 2444 using Parliamentary entitlements starting work on these important projects for the community. With community members of the North Shore. Improving Tidal Pool for Oxley Beach

Road Safety The much anticipated Tidal Pool for Port Macquarie is now Sporting another step closer. The Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack recently visited with the Member for Cowper, On The Pat Conaghan and I to unveil the concept design and location of the pool. Clubs Kick The State Government allocated $50,000 for a feasibility study With Camden Haven Show Society President Sean Gleeson Pacific Highway which has now been completed with the Federal Government promising $4.5 million to build the project to be located at the Driving along the Pacific Highway at Herons Creek northern end of Oxley Beach. Funding Goals With Port Macquarie Surf Club members Rick Rolff and Peter Fox is now even safer with the installation of rumble strips as part of the NSW Government’s economic I congratulate the Tidal Pool Committee for their ongoing efforts Kendall stimulus package. and for reaching this significant project milestone. Twelve local sporting organisations have shared in • $8,500 for the Lake Cathie Tennis Club for a storage $4.6 million of grants across NSW to purchase shed and coaching equipment Stimulus funding from the $2.3 billion NSW The Committee has worked hard to carry out a range of environmental, geomorphic and site studies and continue to equipment, improve facilities and increase Government COVID-19 package announced in • $5,000 to the Port Macquarie Cycling Club to subsidise Showground liaise with a range of stakeholders including the participation opportunities through the Local Sport March has allowed Transport for NSW to bring Grants Program. uniform costs and host a tour forward and deliver projects in addition to its planned Aboriginal Land Council. program of work. The State and Federal Governments have invested in this Sport is a vital part of our community and these grants • $6,000 for the West Port Tennis Club to install an Gets Stimulus will provide essential funds to help our organisations on-line booking system The audio tactile line marking known as rumble strips, With Member for Cowper Pat Conaghan and Deputy Prime Minister project because it will be of enormous benefit to our local Michael McCormack community as well as being a drawcard for tourists. increase participation as we slowly ease restrictions. is part of the $3.3 million earmarked for this busy • $5,000 for Port Macquarie Rowing Club to purchase a Upgrade section of road through the NSW Government’s Safer Some organisations will buy uniforms for participants to shipping container for storage Road Program. relieve financial pressures on families while others will focus on increasing female participation and leadership • $1,800 to Port Macquarie Bodyboarding Association The community will see more improvements to Speeding and fatigue are both major causes of crashes in sport. for a surfing rescue 24/7 course the Kendall Showground following the along this 15 kilometres of the Pacific Highway, so the announcement of $98,505 in funding as part of installation of rumble strips and wire rope in the median This year’s recipients include: • $5,000 to Lake Cathie Bowling Club to purchase 10 the NSW Government COVID-19 stimulus means safer journeys for motorists. sets of junior size bowls and carry bags package. The funding will be used to demolish Laurieton Wharf • $4,000 to Hastings Orienteering Group to purchase scoring and timing equipment the existing grandstand and the construction of • $2,000 for the Camden Haven Junior Rugby League a new concrete viewing area. New Bold Street Project Completed • $14,545 to Port Macquarie Surf Club to install solar Club for training for coaches This investment by the NSW Government will panels and purchase oars and equipment for youth • $3,740 for the Port Macquarie Rugby Union Club to provide a boost for the showground and the programs Construction of a new unloading wharf for commercial purchase uniforms and training equipment. community by supporting trade work and suppliers Pedestrian Crossing fishing vessels including a scenic dining area for the • $1,580 for the Laurieton Swimming Club to purchase and strengthening showground infrastructure for community has been completed at Laurieton. the future. heavy duty shade shelters Proves Popular The $428,000 improvement project was funded by the NSW For further information visit: Congratulations to the Camden Haven Show Society Government under the Coastal Infrastructure Program. • $15,000 to Western Phoenix Football Club to upgrade for their continued efforts to make improvements to Local residents have welcomed the completion of lighting at Charlie Watt Reserve the Kendall Showground. work on a new pedestrian crossing in Bold Street The new mixed-use facility is providing local commercial fishers at Laurieton between Seymour and Tunis Streets. with a safe and easily navigable facility to load and unload their vessels and catches. Local residents can now cross Bold Street safely at this busy section of Laurieton’s main street. It will also provide a new location for scenic dining alongside the for both local residents and tourists. The mid-block zebra pedestrian crossing includes This is helping to boost business for the Fisherman’s kerb extensions and additional street lights and Co-operative which leases the waterfront location. $4 Million Stuart Park Sporting Precinct Upgrade planting. This important infrastructure project was funded $30,000 To Meet Climate Change Challenge through the Stronger Country Communities Fund with the project being managed by Port Macquarie- Local community group Port Macquarie Hastings The IRCC community grants will help communities to: Sporting groups and those looking to enjoy the great Hastings Council. outdoors have a new destination to compete and exercise, Sustainability Network has received $30,000 from the • reduce the impacts of climate change through with the multimillion-dollar upgrades to the Stuart Park Increasing Resilience to Climate Change (IRCC) practical action; Sporting Precinct now complete thanks to the NSW community grants program for a multidimensional Government and Port Macquarie-Hastings Council. climate resilience project titled Head, Heart and Hands. • foster partnerships between community groups and regional stakeholders to increase their resilience to The project was jointly funded with $3.192 million from the The grant was from the $615,658 in IRCC funding shared climate change impacts; and NSW Government through the Regional Sports Infrastructure across 23 community groups in to help Fund and Port Macquarie-Hastings Council’s investment of manage the local impacts of climate change. • generate and share best practice approaches to $800,000. community driven adaptation. The $30,000 local grant will help build climate change This major upgrade to Stuart Park has significantly improved resilience and adaptive capacity through a series of These projects range from regenerative agriculture sporting and recreational opportunities for local residents as experiential learning workshops, a regional health and techniques to building the resilience of refugee and new well as for their four-legged friends in the new dog areas. climate change summit (HCCS), a mentorship program migrant communities to extreme weather events such as With Mayor Peta Pinson and Chamber representative and online resources. floods, storms, bushfires and heatwaves. Congratulations to everyone involved including our local tradies John Saunders that have contributed to make this sporting facility one of the With Councillor Sharon Griffiths, Leon Anderson, Mayor Peta Pinson best on the coast. and Jan Harris With Cody Weston