TideTa ble For Dec. LIGHTING-UP TIME High Low Date Water Water Sun- Sun­ am. p.m. ajn. p.m. rise aet 5.43 p.m. 7 8.59 9.11 2.27 3.32 7417 5.13 8 •1.40 9.53 3.09 4.12 7.08 S.13 9 10.22 10.40 3.53 4.55 7.09 5.13

I VOL. 33 — NO. 280 HAMILTON. . MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 6D PER COPY BIG 3 WIND UP TALKS HERE TODAY; REPLY TO RUSSIA ON BIG 4 {MEETING FINALISED Eisenhower Flying To New York For U.N. Tomorrow; . pitfitt? tiitiif i Laniel 111 Over Week-End

President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill held a meeting vesterday afternoon and will hold another tomorrow at which they will discuss Far Eastern problems, according to an official communique issued last night after a 2£-hour session. [ The President and Sir Winston met for the third time yesterday as the Foreign Ministers of the United States, Britain and France prepared a final reply to Russia's offer of a Big Four Berlin conference on Germany. M. Bidault talked with them, deputising for the second day for the ailing French Premier, M. Joseph Laniel, who is still confined to bed with a chill he caught on Saturday. An official spokesman said the three heads of Govern­ ment will meet again this morning. Ahd they will get to­ gether for the last time in the afternoon. The spokesman also announced - that President Eisenhower will address the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday. Tactics For The ^j His address, entitled "Perils con­ fronting the world in this atomic age," has been approved by the Meeting With British and French premiers. The speech will not be a report on the Bermuda conference. Russia Planned Mr. Dag Hanmaiskjoeld, tbe U.N. Secretary-General, asked the Over the week-end the Big President to make the speech last i Three planned their tactics for LEAVING SERVICE. — President Eisenhower, accompanied by Friday, the day Genei«l Eisen­ the meeting with Russia early Colonel Peterson, Kindley Base commander, and Lt. Baldrid.ee, hower arrived in lformuda. next year. They directly related Kindley chaplain, leaving the Base chapel after attending a service General Eisenhower will fly {pom their discussions to the future of j there yesterday morning. Bermuda to New York tomorrow.' tne projected but still-faltering The lagging European Army European Army plan. plan was the top item scheduled There was no doubt in diplo­ tor discussion by General Eisen­ matic quarters at the Castle hower, Sir Winston and M. Harbour Hotel that Mr. Molotov Eisenhower Joins Church Bidault yesterday. Thfee power j (Soviet Foreign Minister) would { agreement on the six-ration army j sharply attack the proposed re- plan, recently under heavy attack armament of. Western Germany in the French Nation*- Assembly. • within the iCuropean Defence Service At Kindley Base is regarded as an "ssential pre­ Community in the opening stages PRESIDENT WAVES. — Waving cheerfully to crowds of American servicemen and their families after attending morning serviee at liminary condition to any lour.'-1 of the Big Fear Foreign Minis­ Kindley Base Chapel yesterday, President Eisenhower prepares to leave in his open car to resume the Big Three talks at the Mid- power talks wife Russia i>y ters' meeting. President Eisenhower a diplomatic quarters here. / The Western Big Three were | Ocean Club. nd M. Georges Bidault, the The communiqs* issued/ after to make a preliminary attempt to French Foreign Minister, toe) k time off from international yesterday afternoon's parley saidjU^fag. hiTexpected charges by affairs yesterday to attend c hurch — the President in the "The three heads ol Government j^ngiy denying, in the note white-painted wooden chapel of the United States Kindley and then^foreig-- nuniste^ con-1 they are to send to Russia in the Air Force Base and M. Bic lault in St. Theresa's Roman yiinued their disc'Ssion. gS Europ­ next day or two, allegations Special Stamps For Conference f^J^S Church in Hamilton ean question and will pass against E.D.C. contained in Mos­ Even during 'Sunday devotions, tomorrow to consideration of Far cow's note of November 26. however, neither was permitted to Eastern questions. In one. respect the Western Printing machines of the Ber­ talks are taking place and second- "Three Power Talks December "M. Bidault made an explana­ The second guest house to be forget completely the critical powers left themselves wide open muda Press, Ltd. were busy on j ly to choose stamps that can be 1953" in two lines directly over j offered for sale by public auction tion at the heads of Government the map of the Islands. For the I importance of the Big Three Con­ to a Russian onslaught against the week-end overprinting used for air mail postage to the in the past week went unsold on ference which brought them to NATO Observer meeting of the French position in E.D.C. by hinting in tbeir invita­ thousands of 3d and 1/3d" stamps ; countries of the three participat- the European Defence Com­ Continued on Page 9 Saturday when bidding failed to Bermuda to confer with Sir tion to Mr. Molotov that a four- to commemorate the Big Three j ing powers." reach' the reserve price. munity." power meeting might discuss the Conference being held here. The ! Winston Churchill, the British Arrives For Big EDEN REPORTS Both the 3d and 1 3 stamps future security of Europe. Re- stamps will be on sale from to­ show a map of the Islands of Mr. Myer M. Malloy, the Prime Minister. The British Foreign Secretary, duced to plain terms the Russian morrow morning until December Bermuda. The 1 3d stamp is the auctioneer, was unable to coax a Sitting five rows from the front Mr. Anthony Eden, at General retort is "How can you talk about 31, or until stocks are exhausted air mail postage of a letter to the t large enough bid on the Summer- | in the plain servicemen's chapel Three Parleys Eisenhower's request, reported on maintaining peace in Europe — whichever is the sooner. j United Kingdom, the- l/3d stamp side guest house in Somerset. i President Eisenhower heard the an earlier meeting between him- while you continue to plan The only bid submitted for the ! chaplain, Lieut. Gale Baldridge, Lord Ismay, the Secretary "In choosing the stamps to be and a 3d stamp represent the air 1 pray for world peace through a self, the U.S. Secretary of State, rearmament of its historically overprinted," said the Hon. W. W. I mail postage to France, and two main house proper, with all its General of N.A.T.O. arrived on Mr. John Foster Dulles, and M. most aggressive state?" fittings from goblets to a Hillman ; successful outcome of the Saturday afternoon from New Davidson, M.C.P. (Colonial 3d stamps can be used for air car, was one of £ 10,000 voiced by conference. Bidault yesterday morning, when i SAFEST WAY Treasurer), "we tried to meet mail letters to the United States York to be an observer at the Big they conferred on preparation of Mr. W. R. Henderson. Father Robert Dehler, in St. Three conference. two objects. Firstly, to represent of America. Theresa's Church, referred to the a reply to the Russian note. Nothing would suit the Western or depict the Islands where the The overprinting consists of Continued on Ptf e 7 Lord Ismay, who left Paris on The three Foreign Ministers book better than to be able to rail. I conference in his sermon, saying Friday morning, told reporters at yesterday finished discussing face Mr. Molotov across tbe table that critical international prob­ Kindley airport that he would Russia's offer for a four-power Ber­ with E.D.C. an accomplished fact. lems had momentarilv "broken attend the meetings purely as an lin conference on Germany and are They are strongly convinced a the quiet of this placid island observer. He said he had no right consulting the West German Federal Germany Which daily Colony." Father Dehler, Ber­ to commit any of the 11 countries Chancellor, Dr. Konrad Adenauer continues its phenomenal return muda's Canadian-born Apostolic not represented at the conference before drafting a final reply. to prosperity cannot be left in a Prefect, welcomed "some of our and any views he would express Continued on Page 11 Continued on Page 11 . friends who are attending the Big would be his own personal Three Conference." opinions. No special arrangements were "I have 14 masters and I have made at either church for the come here purely as an observer. important visitors, the service in Nothing that I say will commit Anglo-Persian Hes Resume each case being that for any those 11 nations who are not I normal Sunday morning. bere," the tall, burly N.A.T.O. 1 At Kindley President Eisen- expert said. } bower arrived in an open car and Lord Ismay was met at the But Not Oil Settlement made an inspection of the area airport by representatives of the with Col. George W. Peterson, the British, American and French Base commander, who met the LONDON, December 6 (Reu­ delegations and by the Colonial President and his party at the Secretary, the Hon. O. R. Arthur. ter). — Britain has officially 22 PERSONS KILLED main gate. The car conveying the thanked the United States for He drove to the Castle Harbour U.S. President arrived at the Hotel with M. Herve Alphand, the the "good offices" of Mr. Loy BY TORNADO IN U.S. chapel, following the tour, at Henderson, American ambassador 8-.50 a.m. for the 9 o'clock service Continued oa Page 7 in Teheran, which helped make and was greeted by Girl Scouts possible a resumption of Anglo- Centre Of Vicksburg Is and Brownies outside the entrance Persian diplomatic relations, dip­ and across the street. ITALIAN GOVT. FACES lomatic quarters here said today. The young people hailed Mr. B Mr. Anthony Eden, the Foreign Wrecked By Storm Eisenhower when he got out of MAJOR STRIKE THREAT Secretary, expressed appreciation the car. He waved back to them for the Mr. Henderson's efforts to VICKSBURG, Mississippi, De­ and oalled out "Hi!" Mrs. R. L. the Secretary of State, Mr. John cember 6 (Reuter). — Twenty- Cox was in charge of the Foster Dulles. Both Mr. Dulles two persons are known to have contingent. Cabinet To Try To and Mr. Eden now are attending been killed and about 200 injured The chapel service was open to the Big Three conference at Ber­ in the vicious tornado that struck all base personnel and every seat Prevent Walkout muda. Vicksburg last night. was occupied. With the President Britain and Persia announced The city is slowly recovering j in the fifth row from the front ROME, December 6 (Reuter). yesterday that-they had agreed to from the tragedy today, but were Col. and Mrs. Peterson, Mr. — The Italian cabinet meets to­ resume diplomatic relations, search parties are still climbing R. B. Streeper (American Consul- morrow to deal with a strike broken off 13 months ago, and to wearily over mountains of rub­ General), Col. Irving Shearer threat which may mean Italy's exchange ambassadors without ble, fearing that at least seven (Base executive officer) and Mrs. biggest labour stoppage for at delay. more bodies are buried in tbe Shearer, and the wife of the least three years. ."The Foreign Office declined to debris. chaplain. The strong Communist-led Con­ discuss a possible solution or Hie Governor of Mississippi, SITS AT AISLE federation of Labour has called on I negotiations of the 30-month-old Mr. Hugh White, and civil defence | a million Government employees, officials are' trying to organise President Eisenhower sat at the Anglo-Persian oil dispute. But end of the pew near the aisle. including about 150,000 railway- authoritative sources here said emergency aid for the' 28,000 men, 100,000 postal, telegraph and people in the city. . In the sixth pew were Lieut- Britain would begin oil talks Colonel H. Draper (the President's telephone workers and 300,000 whenever the Persians were Army and National Guard municipal employees, to stage a engineers estimate the damage Air Force aide and pilot), Mr. r^ady. James C. Hagerty (the President's 24-hour strike next Monday. ^Britain is prepared to recognise caused by the 15-minute tornado Communist and Christian at $250 million. press secretary) and the Base file principle of Persia's national­ adjutant. Major Richard Sipes, Democrat labour leaders bave cal­ isation of its oil within the frame­ During the short time it lasted j and Mrs. Sipes. led oij, six million Italian indus­ work of arrangements which — it shattered Vicksburg's business trial workers to strike for 24 section for 12 blocks, started fire Mingled with American service­ on tbe basis of "justice and men and their wives and families hours on December 15. This equity" — satisfied both sides. in a dozen places and caused, a strike was described as a war­ cinema to collapse with 73 persons in the church were members of Both tbe British and Persian the President's Secret Service ning to be followed by an all-out —including 34 children — inside. labour offensive in industrial Governments are confident that Tbe storm also flattened a day escort. America's No. 1 citizen with goodwill a solution could be smiled at children who passed him centres if employers do not grant nursery, killing two babies. their wage demands. reached which would reckon in Electric power lines were blown in the aisle, and he listened the national aspirations ot the down, natural, gas supplies failed f GOVERNMENT HOUSE DINNER.—The Big Three sf the. Western Powers, Sir Winston Churchill, President Eisenhower and Premier attentively to the choir of 10 girls Christian Democrat leaders will Persian people regarding tbe and telephone lines in the business Laniel of France, photographed with Bermuda's Governor (extreme left) to the dinner beid at Government House on Friday night and 10 men. The group had been not decide to support Has first Cont in Led on Page 3 area were hopelessly tangled. ' for members of the visiting delegations and local officials and legislators. Continued on Page ? Continued on Page 2 » / Page 2 THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 variors parties and individuals to barrassment when the results vote »|i«run trgm**m*mM**+mm*m**mmtm*$- are made known. define toei* position by • -r • Churchill's War Memoirs EXPECTED ELECTION VICTORY I am flighted to tear toat toe Published Daily I am led to believe that toe President contemplates two pr Incorporating The Diary \\ present Government will obtain a even three weeks, as I think itjof The Boyal Gazette (Bat. 1828). * majority, but, as toe President the uhnost importance that, The Colonist and Daily New* \\ knows, electioneering is full of whatever happens in England, (Est. 1908). Fateful Milestone For Mankind: surprises/ Jt is most unlikely ia toe conference should not pe of any event toat I should resign on hurried. B was somewhat abrupt­ an adverse declaration of toe ly curtailea in toe Crimea. We Samuel Pepys Teueer \\ poll, unless it amounted to a very have here to try to reach settle­ extreme expression of national ments on a great number of I The Iron Curtain Descends As questions of the greatest conse­ displeasure. •8M_NNB*«NINN*MMMMM>MM*t***$* quence, ahd to prepare tte'way OM. Mid Canada Representative: I- should await the result of a for a Peace Conference, which S. il. Koppe & Company, toe Saturday, Decethber 5fh. confidence vote in the House of presumably will be held later ih i 630 Fifth Avanue Meeting an old and valued, Armies Of The West Withdraw Commons on toe King's Speech, the year or in toe early spring. Hew York City friend yesterday and he does in­ and take my dismissal from toe House. This would enable me Continued OB Paf* 7 United Kingdom Representatives: deed speak me fair, albeit he Merlin was chosen as a meeting- Baltic States, Poland, Rumania, Vienna, only referring to their Gov­ British Armies began their with­ Africa & Colonial Press Agency. Ltd strongly disputes my claim to be place for the Three 'Allied and Bulgaria, have been reduced ernments such matters its they drawal to toeir allotted zones the proudest grandfather in the 8 Red Lion Square leaders. The Prime Minister to satellite States under totalitarian were unable to resolve themselves. followed by masses of refugees- London, W.C.I. England. world. He, too, has a grand­ Communist rule. Austria is denied This struck a knell in my breast. Soviet Russia was - established in daughter, • tender girl of eight was unable lo. persuade Mr. all - settlement. Jugoslavia has But I had no choice but to submit. toe heart-trf Europe. This was a Proprietors: years, who already shows pro­ Truman to advance the date broken loose. Greece alone is It must not be overlooked toat fateful milestone for mankind. LOCAL FORCES BOARD THE BERMUDA PRESS, LTD. mise of being not only a wise of the conference from July saved* President Truman had not been * * * woman but a witty writer. concerned or consulted in toe Beid Street. ______Uton 15, 1945, to tn id-J u tie or the Our armies are gonev and it will While all this was paasing I was She was present one day when be a long time before even 60 divi­ original fixing of the zones. The plunged toto the turmoil of tte To All Employers Editor: E. T. SAYER an old business associate came to beginning of July. sions can be once again assembled case.as pr'esehted to him so soon after his accession to power was General Election, which began ia Manager: FORD BAXTER «ee her grandfather after an ab­ The main, reason why I had been opposite. Russian farces, which in earnest in toe first week of June. The responsibility for payment of all members sence, of many years. whether or not to depart from, and anxious to hasten the date of toe armour and manpower are in over­ in a sense repudiate, toe policy of This month was therefore hard to of Local Forces during the present embodiment Subscription Bate*: Not noticing that the child was meeting was, of course, the im­ whelming strength. This also takes live through. Strenuous motor 1 Tear __7. ». • £7. 5 • the American and British Govern­ is the responsibility of the Bermuda I interested in what the two old pending retirement of the Ameri­ ho account of all that has happened ments agreed under his illustrious tours to toe greatest cities of Eng­ • Months 3.15. 9 3.18- 0 friends had to say, the two dis­ can. Army from the line which it in toe Far East. Only toe atomic predecessor. He was, I have ho land and Scotland, with three or | Government.' f Months ... S. •• • 2.2.0 cussed business and family affairs had gained in the fighting to* tte bomb stretches its sinister shield doubt, supported by his action by four speeches a day to enormous j R. C. EARL, 1 Month IS. 0 15- « j at great length "Are you still zone prescribed in toe occupation before us. bis advisers, military and civil. and, it seemed, enthusiastic agreement. crowds, and, above all, four labori­ Secretary, Local Forces Board. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1963 ! with So ahd So?" asked tbe host The danger-of a third World War, Bis ' responsibility at this -point of his guest "No," was the reply, I feared toat any day a decision under conditions at toe outset of ously prepared broadcasts, con-1 11.544 tn was limited to deciding whether sumed my time and strength. "I am my own boss now." might be taken in Washington to grave disadvantage' except in this circumstances had changed so It was then the two men yield up this enormous area — 400 new terrible weapon, casts its lurid fundamentally toat an entirely dif­ All toe while I felt toat much we' Big 3 Were Only realised that the young girl had miles long and 129 at its greatest shadow over the free' nations of tte ferent procedure should be adopted had fought for in our long struggle been listening. "Yon are your depth. It contained many millions world. Tims in toe moment of 'vic­ with tte likelihood of having to face in Europe was slipping away and own boss?" she said, "why .1 oi Germans and Czechs. Its aban­ tory was our best, and what might accusations of breach of faith. that the hopes of an early and- last­ To The Ladies ond Gentlemen, Big 2 Yesterday thought you said you were mar­ donment would place a broader prove to have been our last, chance Those who are only wise after tte ing peace were receding. Tte days Pembroke . ried." gulf of territory between us and of durable world peace allowed event should hold toeir peace. were passed amid the clamour of Poland, and practically end our composedly to fade away. * * * multitudes, and when at night, The Big Three continued to bo An on another occasion, when power to influence her fate. tired out, I got back to my head­ VISIT OF HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN the Big Two yesterday as Premier the girl had been present at a THE IRON CURTAIN (Tke Prime Minuter persuaded Mr. The changed demeanour of Truman ta suggest that Allied quarters train, where a consider­ Joseph Laniel of France remained tennis game, she noted that one able staff and all toe incoming' tele- confined to fais room with a chill. of the players was bald, but spor­ Russia towards us, toe constant Op June 4 I cabled to toe Presi­ garrisons should be admitted to On behalf of the Pembroke Parish Vestry, He is being attended by Lord breaches of the understandings dent these words, which few would Vienna, and an Allied Commtttton ; grams awaited me, I had to toil ted a fine beard. So during an reached at Yalta, the dart tor Den­ now dispute: for many hours. , I wish fo thank all those who were kind enough to Moran, Sir Winston Churchill's interval in the play she asked him set up in Austria at the same time personal physician, and Dr. Harry mark, happily frustrated by Mont­ I am sure you understand the as the troop movement* in Ger­ Tte incongruity of party excite­ a serious question: "Why do you gomery's timely action, the en­ provide articles for the decoration of, and who Curtis, well-known Bermuda doc­ wear your hair upside-down?" reason why I am anxious for an many. ment and clatter wito tte sombre tor and medical officer of the croachments in Austria. Marshal earlier date, say tte 3rd or 4th He himself wrote to Stalin asking ; background which filled' my mind assisted in making the Arches af Lane Road and Bermuda Rifles. As my old friend observed Tito's menacing pressure at Tri­ lof July). I view with profound was in itself an affront' to reality when he told me the stories: Out that the British Zone ia Austria North Shore Road, such a splendid success. A six o'clock bulletin issued and este, all seemed to me and my misgivings the retreat of toe should be evacuated simultaneously. and proportion. I was glad indeed signed last night by the two ot the mouths of babes and suck­ advisers to create an entirely dif­ American Army to our line of Stalin's reply follows.) when polling day at last arrived 3rd. December, 1953. doctors stated: lings . . . ferent situation from that in which occupation in the central sector, and tte ballot papers were safely And from another source I the zones of occupation had been thus bringing Soviet power into STALIN'S EXCUSES sealed for three weeks in their "ftemier Joseph Laniel has had prescribed two years earlier. boxes. £ a chill. This has been associated heard a very different story, one toe heart of Western Europe and Marshal Stalin to Prime Minister A. R. MERCER ' with a high temperature and in­ I would scarcely have believed Surely all toese issues should be the descent of an iron curtain be­ 17 June 45 A few days later I sent Halifax a Chairman Decorating Committee, fection in the base of one lung. had it .not come from a vary de­ considered as a whole, and now tween us and everything to the ... I regret to have to tell you cable on details about which the Pembroke ^Parish Vestry. The temperature Has fallen but vout R.C. was the tone. Now, While the Brit­ eastward. that there are difficulties in the President and his colleagues might the signs in toe chest have not A noted painter -was lying nigh ish and American Armies and Air I had hoped toat this retreat, way at beginning toe withdrawal be glad to be informed. 111501 tra. cleared. His present condition is to death when tbe priest visited Forces were stQl a mighty armed if it has to be made, would be of the British and American Naturally I am looking forward satisfactory." htm and administered spiritual power, and before tbey 'melted accompanied by toe settlement of troops to toeir zones and of intro­ very mud) to meeting toe Presi­ Earlier bulletins told how the comfort. , away under demobilisation and the many great things whkh would ducing British and American dent. Ihe political members of heavy claims of toe Japanese war French Premier, who was in ap­ "Have- courage," he advised, be toe true foundation at world troops into Berlin on June 21, in the British delegation will quit parently good health when he ar­ —now, at the very latest, was the peace. Nothing *really important that from June 19 onwards Mar­ toe iPotsdam) Conference on "you will soon meet your time for a general settlement. rived last Thursday, had been Heavenly Fattier face to face." has been settled yet, and you and shal Zhukov and all our other July 25 in order to await tte poll 1 I will have to bear great respon­ commanders in tte field have irtrtrkfr with a chill on Saturday Though the painter was indeed EUROPE'S FUTURE AT' STAKE in England. This will avoid em- morning as he was taking weak of body, the artistic spirit sibility for tte future. I still hope been invited to Moscow for tte a stroll over the Mid- was still very strong. A month earlier would have been therefore toat the date will be ad­ session ot toe Supreme Soviet, Ocean golf course. This did not better. But it was not yet too late, vanced. . and also to organise and partici­ "Father," he begged, "couldn't pate in a parade aa June 24. prevent him from lunching with (hi toe other hand, to give up toe I reinforced this argument by President Eisenhower. But im­ you arrange toat I first see my whole centre and heart of Germany Ttey will be able tp return to NOTICE Heavenly Father in Profile?" referring to tiie high-handed be­ mediately after lpnch he retired —nay, the centre and key-stone of haviour of toe Russians ia Vienna Berlin by June 28-30. It must also to bed. * . * Europe—as an isolated act seemed (where Marshal Tolbukin ted be borne in mind that work on He was unable to attend yes­ Reading my morning paper. to me to be a grave and improvi­ ordered the AUied missions' to clearing Berlin of land mines is Paget Parish terday afternoon's meeting of the But Lord! there is so much news dent decision. If it were done at all, leave by June 10 or 111. On June 12 still not complete, and that it leaders but sent M. Bidault to I in it that I am at a loss to know it could only be as part of a general the President replied. v—• may only be completed t«-wards speak for him. He might partici­ where to begin or when to stop. and lasting settlement. tte end of June. The Annual Meeting of the GOVERNMENT NOTICE No. 456 — 19S3 pate m today's meeting. He said toat toe tripartite agree­ With regard to Austria, I have But I was indeed glad to know We should go to Potsdam wito ment about the occupation of Ger­ duly qualified Parishioners of NO OXYGEN TENT that the Big Three are happy in nothing to bargain with, and all toe to repeat what I have already many, approved by President told you about toe summons of Paget Parish will be held Special Overprint of Postage Stamps to commemorate the A French spokesman yesterday toeir work, prepared to reach prospects of toe future peace of Roosevelt after "long consideration morning denied that an oxygen | useful conclusions and, more im­ Europe might well go by default. Soviet com manders to Moscow add detailed discussion" wito me and tte date of their return tp on Wednesday, 16th Dec. Three Power Talks in Bermuda, December, 1953 tent had'been rushed to the Mid- portant still, are delighted to be Ihe matter, however, did not rest made it impossible to delay the Ocean Club. He attributed the in our lovely country. with me. Our own retirement to Vienna. It is also necessary toat at t pjn. i withdrawal of American troops in the very near f u tu re the Euro­ cause oi the chill to tbv? air-con­ the occupation frontier was incon­ from the Soviet Zone in order to It is hereby notified that a soeiial overpj nt of toe 3d and l/3d ditioning of tha cli^bS. Premier And it was good to learn that siderable. The American Army pean Advisory Commission denominations of postage stamps to commemoiate the Three Power ! some awkward questions have "prate''the settlement of other prob­ should complete its work on AT THE SCHOOLROOM Laniel is not accustomed to was three millions to our one. lems. I Talks in Bermuda will be placed ore sale at all lost Offices through­ this, he said. I been properly and skilfully an­ establishing the zones of occupa­ adjoining the Parish Church out the Colony on Tuesday, the 8th .December, 1>53, and will remain swered hi our Ancient and Hon- AB I could .do was to {dead, first, The Allied Control Council could tion in Austria and Vienna, He admitted that fears were for advancing the date of toe meet­ [on sale until the Slst December, 1&53, unless?the stock becomes first felt that the Premier might 1 Durable Housfe of Assembly and not begin to function until ttey left, which is still outstanding. For the purpose of electing a | that, for a time at least, peace ing of "toe Three," and, secondly, and the Military Government exer­ exhausted before that date. be suffei-iig from pleurisy and when that failed, to postpone the In view of the facts presented Parish Vestry, Overseers of \ said that he was given will prevail at that contentions cised by the Allied Supreme Com­ above, I would propose to post­ VJ A. MANUEL, centre. withdrawal until we could confront mander should be terminated with­ the Poor and Parish Officers aureomyecin. M. Laniel spent a all our problems as a whole, to­ pone the withdrawal and replace­ Ctionial Postmaster. quiet Saturday night during out delay and divided between ment hy toe appropriate forces for the year 1954. gether, face to face, and on equal Eisenhower and Montgomery. He in the respective zones until July General Post Office, V which histemperature went down. terms. r.th. December, 1953. Yesterday Lord Moran, ac­ had been advised, he skid, that it 1, both in Germany and in Aus­ By order of the Vestry, Bow stands the scene after eight would harm our relations wito the tria. Further, as regards Ger­ companied by Dr. Curtis, visited years have passed ? The Russian KATHARINE RICHARDSON, him. THEY SAY Soviet to postpone action until our many and Austria, it- would be occupation line in Europe runs meeting in July, and he according­ desirable to establish new toe Parish Vestry Clerk. By Command. Three Canadian-born nurses from Lubeck to Linz. Czecho­ from the King Edward Memorial ly proposed sending a message to zones of occupation for toe Paget, _ Bermuda, By A. M. PURCELL slovakia has been engulfed. The Stalin. , French troops. . . , O. R. ARTHUR, Hospital are looking after the 4th December, 1953. French statesman at the Mid- That true to form a big confer­ K FATEFUL MILESTONE Colonial Secretary. ence held in Bermuda is likely DISMAY AT U.S. PROPOSALS On July 1 tte United States and 1153'ltm tu,15 Ocean Club. The hospital auth­ Colonial Secretary's Office, orities declined to release their to be a complete success. That the Speaker's dinner should This document suggested that we * * • • be more significant than ever 5th. December, 1953 names. this year. should at once instruct our armies The first statement about That this in spite of the very ser­ aaa to occupy their respective zones. As Premier Laniel's condition was ious nature of toe .subjects dis­ for Germany, he was ready to ltsasta. given on Saturday night. It stated: cussed. That one change is noted. order all American troops to begin "At the end of the morning * * * * * * withdrawing on June 21. The mili­ Premier Laniel felt unwell. After That Bermuda doesn't lend itself That black ties are to be worn. tary commanders should arrange O. E.S. lunch (with President Eisenhower) to acrimonious disputes. * * * for tte simultaneous occupation of he had to take to bed. Lord Moran, * • * That this has no relation to toe Berlin and for free access thereto personal physician to Sir Winston discrimination charge. by road, rail and air from Frank­ That that is except between furt and Berlin fbr the United Churcbill, has been called and * * • noted that Premier T-ap'el was run­ 'Mudians. States forces. * * * That an eminent scientist has ex­ ning a high temperature. He pre­ posed toe flying saucers as wild In Austria arrangements could scribed he should .stay in bed." That it is hoped that the charge NOTICE of racial discrimination has rumours. be completed more quickly and Tbe second statement, issued at been disproved. * a a satisfactorily by making tte local If 10.30 a.m. yesterday morning / * * * That he also wants to revise the commanders responsible far defin­ noted: calendar. ing the zones both there and in f^Ses^ "Premier Laniel spent a quiet That public policies are not de­ First meeting on bulletin, read termined by colour. * * » night. His temperature went down. That he would divide the year in­ GOVERNMENT NOTICE No. 455 1953 He was visited this morning by * * * to four equal parts. Lord Moran and by Dr. Harry Thai the trouble is that so many 10th think tbey are using zeal. * • a Curtis of Bermuda wbo are con­ That most people thought toey NOTICE Not 12th The Defence (Local Forces) Act 1949 tinuing tbeir examination. A aaa were already equal. .bulletin signed by the two phy­ That they really use angry pas­ sicians will be issued at 5 pjn. sion. * • • Registration for Military Training. Premier Laniel will not take pari * * * That an accountant could easily Tbe Annual General Meeting SECRETARY. prove they aren't, in the Sunday afternoon Big Three That then logic is impossible. of the. Qualified Voters of meeting." l_<5Mti The Local Forces Board draw the attention of all persons con­ * # * WARWICK PARISH cerned to the notice published by the Board on the'Sth August, 1953. That until recently women did will, te held at the Italian Govt Faces Major not have the'franchise. Bermuda Conference Under the terms of that notice every male British subject who Strike Threat * * * PARISH VESTRY HALL is ordinarily resident to Bermuda' must unless he is an "exempted That when they got it it was A PRATER person" apply to be registered for military training within seven days Continued fnom page 1 never argued that since they after he attains toe age at 18. strike until the outcome of to­ were in the majority they on Friday, 18th December should have more members in •Our Father hear, we - Christmas morrow's cabinet meeting is at 8.00 p.m. known. toe House than men. beseech Thee, our humble Application for registration must be made in person and the The • Christian Democrat rail- petitions for the leaders of the place and times for registration are as follows: — waymen's Union*has decided to nations — especially we pray To elect a Parish Vestry and Shopping Edition join the strike in any case. This is at this time for the leadens other Parish officers for tte Place. The office of toe Local Forces Board in the ARMOURY, expected to mean an almost com­ REID STREET, HAMILTON. plete 24-hour stoppage of the "na­ THE MARRIAGE ACT, 1944 attending the Three Power year 1954. To consider and tion's railways. Conference in Bermuda. Give Times, (a) on a week-day, except Thursday, between the It has not been thought likely them grace to seek wisdom approve membership in Parish The Annual Christmas Shopping hours of 9 a.m. and 12.30 pan. here that the Government will Notice of Intended Marriage and guidance from Thee, that, Vestries Association. find any means of warding off the Edition of The Royal Gazette will be (b) on a Thursday between the hours of 9 a.m. and industrial strike, climax to a upholding what is right and published on Wednesday, December 16, 12 noon. „ / month's official,mediation which The persons named and following what is true, they By order' at toe Vestry, has ended in failure. described hereunder have given may obey Thy will, and fulfil 1953. The deadline for advertising copy 2. If any person is unable through absence from Bermuda or illness Government spokesmen have X. H. BARNES, notice to me of toeir intended Thy divine purpose; Through to appear in this issue will be Wednesday, or other unavoidable cause to apply to be registered as set Out claimed that to meet Communist Jesus Christ our Lord. Vestry Cleric. above, then that person must apply to be registered within seven demands for state and municipal marriage, namely:— December 9. days after he returns to Bermuda er after the termination of his employees would cost about £ 115 JEWELL GERTRUDE RICHARD- illness or other disability. Bullion a year, nearly one-tenth 11983tm..ii.w .hf «. ' 1153Stm_7m 14 w.l« of the country's budget. ' SON, of Devonshire Parish On Thursday, December 24, a special 3. Persons who fail to register hi accordance with the Board's (Spinster) and issue of The Royal Gazette for inclusion notices are warned that they will be liable to prosecution under ERIC PERCIVAL GIBBONS, of e- the Defence (Local Forces) Act, OLD EAST BERLINERS Pembroke Parish (Bachelor) of messages and display space containing s To whom it may Concern: Christmas greetings will be published. R. C. EARL, v GET U.S. OTTER GIFT Secretary, Local Forces Boarfa. Any person knowing any just The deadline for such copy will' be BERLIN, December 6 (Reuter). cause or impediment why this AM from December 1st, 1953 — More than 200,000 elderly East marriage should not be allowed Thursday, December 17. Berliners collected more than should enter caveat forthwith in 220,000 pounds of free American HORACE M. BROWNE By Command. butter in West Berlin during a the office of the Registrar General. 10-day distribution scheme which Dated 2nd day of December, 1953. became a member of the firm known as: O.M. ARTHUR, ended last week. The Royal Gazette Colonial Secretary. The batter was paid for by the THE BERMUDA CIGAR STORE Colonial Secretary's Off ic^ American-sponsored Ernst Reuter M. C. BELL, Reid Street Hamilton lid. December, 1953. Foundation and toe International Acting Registrar General. 1'imttu.ei-*. Rescue Committee, an American 11412ti. lUSStm. welfare group. 11321tfm. _*__

Bj unMgmg ••y^3i_Wff'li»i»» ^•m^^

"The Runs Afoul Of Home Anglo-Persian Ties Resume Letter To The Editor of Security At Big (Correspondents an reminded that letters must be accompanied by the names and addresses ot the senders, not necessarily for publication but as proof ol But Not Oil Settlement tho writer*' bona fides.) Better 3 Parley Site Cherry Hfll Park, After the end of the war in Paget. every corner of London the great Cleaning" . . . Continued From Page 1 Ihe Editor, cry was "disarmament." So, in Mr. James Morley, a Hamilton country's natural resources and announced as yet. The Royal Gazette. 1939 we were invaded more than Phone 2104 bartender, will not forget Sunday, which would "safeguard toe • The charge d'affaires, accom­ Dear Sir, ever — and until Alamein how panied by a small staff, probably SERVICE GUIDE December 6, 1953 for a long time. honour and interests of both I was glad to read in The Royal many' fives were lost? These SUNSHINE CLEANERS parties.'' will leave for Teheran soon. Gazette of toe 3rd what Monsieur people actually saved toe world. I It was the day he got caught up Diplomatic quarters here warn­ TEHERAN, December 6 (Reu­ Laniel is offering to discuss at I was told by a British soldier Rainbow Taxi Service flfHJJL in security arrangements for the ed mat although relations had ter). — The Persian Premier, the conference. who was in toe* invasion of Big Three Conference at the been resumed they expected ne­ General Fazlollah Zahedi, said in I hope that he will be success­ Normandy that "If it had not been . Hamilton — Phone: 1048 a broadcast here last-night that Mid-Ocean Club. gotiations on the oil dispute to be ful and toat the situation of for the underground It would Ladies' 15 jewel long and harjl. Persia had resumed diplomatic re­ France will be understood. One have been extremely difficult to Sandys 24 Hour Taxi Service It all began about midday with The first move wiH be for the lations with Britain because toe wonders. Last week I was in a have gone through with toat Somerset — Phone 8256 8 a.m. — 11 p.m. Swiss Watches a mysterious phone call. Mr. two nations to get into direct breach had toiled to solve the oil certain shop and the news was on. invasion." Maybe that assistant Morley, who is employed as a touch with each other on-the oil dispute. I was listening anxiously having believes like toe author of Phone 837S 11 p.m. — 8 ajn. runner by a press correspondent question. He said jao progress had been been worried about Monsieur "Odette" toat every Frenchman from £6.0.0 $16.92 at fhe Castle Harbour Hotel, was The underlying consideration in made in removing Persia's pre­ Laniel's' decision to come or not. should be "Anglophile." Why not waiting around to the stables the oil talks, diplomatic quarters sent differences width, Britain's An assistant who knows that make it that every Englishman (Clip out for future Reference) 17 jewel which have been rigged-up as here think, will be toat there is Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, and I am born French mentioned that should be "Francophile?" Then temporary dark-rooms for toe use no great and urgent economic that toe breach had created "other "After all what have the French we might keep peace a little from £7.0.0 $19.74 of photographers when he need for Persian oil; that the main difficulties" which were under­ longer. answered the phone. ever done?" That was not immediate reason for restarting stood and which he would not courtesy. There is no doubt looking round "Is Jim Morley there?" asked its flow would be to give stability mention. ' This letter might make people the shops that Germany, Italy and The Shirt Shop a voice. Mr. Morley replied that to Persia's economy. General Zahedi said toe Bri­ understand why Monsieur Laniel Japan are producing full scale it was in fact he and received Mr. Herbert Hoover, Jr., oil ad­ tish Government had given as­ is demanding. In 1918 after the and a danger again. Is France Phone 4780 the answer: "Morley, if you want viser for toe United States surance it would "show under­ first 100,000 troops which England going to be exterminated this a good picture come up to toe Government, discussed several standing in solving the oil pro­ sent over, bless them, it was time? ll*_5tm. Mid-Ocean gate." The voice possibilities during toe past two blem so that a reasonable solution some time before an army could And are men going to die ia added the information that toe months in London and Teheran can be reached." He added that be raised to come to help—so toe picture was of President Eisen­ vain again since the vanquished but has offered no definite plan a reasonable solution was Persia's rich Industrial part at France was have gained everything? I do hower playing golf. (It was for salving the problem. And national aim. destroyed. POTATOES hope and pray that the Big Three denied' that the President had diplomatic quarters said no plan Ihe decision to resume relations played golf here.) taking into consideration the will see their way to agree and 10 lbs. for 4/- about the form of a settlement wifik Britain was made in the in­ give toat peace of mind which we After mentioning toe fact to a has been agreed upon by Britain terests of international peace and principles of reciprocal honour — Sweet Potatoes Id. lb. to have friendly relations wito all require to make the world Jew people' there at the (dub's and the United States. cooperation, he continued. He happy again.. main gate Mr. Morley was about said he was hopeful his country ail nations, except in the event A Foreign Office spokesman that there is proof of aggression Thanking you,.Mr. Editor, to enter his car when he was told could net say today when the new would be able to present its oil Yours truly, Everybody's Market by a sergeant-major of the Ber­ British charge d'affairs would go products independently to tiie against the interests of our East Broadway muda Rifles that he was under to Teheran and when toe new world market. country," he said. SUSIE KERLEY. arrest. An armed guard was British ambassador to Persia "The Persian Government and Note New Business Hours: called. They entered the car and would follow him, nor have the nation have no enmity against any went with Mr. Morley to the Mid- names of the two diplomats been nation. They desire — while Daily ... 8 ajn. to 7 pjn. Ocean Club. Thursday 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. There he was seen by a major : Saturday 8 a.m. to 9 pjn. in the Royal Welch Fusiliers, questioned and made a statement. He was then released and re­ Stay a day or two turned to the Castle Harbour stables. But toe mystery was only be­ longer in ginning. Another phone call Announcing... summoned him to the main gate at toe Mid-Ocean Club., Report­ ing there, he was told to wait and was eventually seen by a police inspector who took another Our New Address W signed statement. "They treated me like I was a Communist," Mr. Morley pro­ _. tested last night. He added that The only daily service t he thought he was the victim ol a hoax. from Bermuda to La Here comes Christmas! How right that you should t Said a military spokesman later: 5 Vallis Bldg. "We have handed toe case over give cigarettes in the gay scarlet pack! t to the Bermuda Civil Police to Guardia Field N.Y. r investigate and until we get toe Bermudiana Road fall report it is difficult to say V what toe correct version of the only £18.19.0 ($53) o/w fe story is. Dial 2071 — 4071 duMAURIER "The long and short of the (tourist Fare) f Brighter liffit matter is that there was a com- I THE EXCLUSIVE FILTER TIP CIGARETTE plaint that Mr. Morley had been • Complimentary meals — trying to get hold of some photo- j 4/6 for 50 £ —longer 5 graphs that he thought had been Bar service available. • CORSAGES • PLANTS • FLOWERS AAAAA k taken by military personnel on JO/P w££ ** *-*-*-*^ duty. On hearing this I saw him — he was never arrested — and COLONIAL AIRLINES after hearing his answers I told him the matter would be investi­ or your nearest travel agent The Bermuda Florist MASTERS LTD. gated by the Civil Police. So far 105«ttu eitpj It Pays To Advertise as we are concerned it is entirely m___twuBJ6m,7 a matter for toe Civil Police."

wiifAHOTMBR **' Don't wait —/ NOW IS THE TIME So Easy TO START THAT Christmas • JP io USE! Paint-Up! 6-Piece Place Settings of At MASTERS Ike Arabia Ware China £1.19.6 Italian Compact and TOYLAND SUPER KEM-TONE Lipstick Case You'll find the Biggest and For a Super Job! Costume Jewellery Best Selection they've ever Terra - Cotta Figurines Priced Af had and with Christmas only from 24/6 three weeks away it's time to Silver Lighter Case 45/- 14/6 Qt - 44/6 Gal. DOLLS — DOLL HOUSES £? Brighten up Musical Beer Steins DOLLS' COTS — DOLLS' You con have a "new" room 37/6 and 75/- CARRIAGES — JEEPS in a day with S| that Kitchen RACING CARS with TRACTORS. Hundreds of MECHANICAL TOYS Dresden Figurines 34/6 both large and small. AIRPLANES and AIRPLANE KEM-GLO Hand - Painted Cigarette Boxes w xp • KITS— HOPALONG CASSIDY SUITS—SOLDIERS THAYER ENAMEL French China Jewel Boxes —See the complete set of "Changing of the Guard" * Super durable, super washable; 12/6 Pint CUDDLY TOYS for the * No thinning—just stir and apply dries to one hour. Limoge Miniatures Let the Kiddies thrill * Luscious pastels, high-fashion deep tones, gorgeous inter* 22/6 Quart Wee Ones and many mediate shades. to a ride en the * Easy to apply—over painted walls, wallpaper or plaster* 77/6 Gallon BEAUTIFUL many more! Santa and MUSICAL EVENING and his Reindeer with For that Bathroom — Kitchen — Utility Room or Play Room MERRY-GO-ROUND! SWEATERS Use SHERWIN-WILLIAMS at % off SEMI-LUSTRE and many other Delightful Gift Hemfr Gives a Satiny Semi-Gloss Finish! Complete Stocks of Accessories - - - Top Vallis his helpers too are Building BUY ON Drawer' ready to greet you at BRUSHES — SANDPAPER — SCRAPERS! MASTERS TOYLAND STAR !C_0DOS—Don't forget to post your \ PAINT DEPT. - MAIN FLOOR MASTERS LTD LAY-AWAY letters to Santa or put them in his *M Second Floor mailbox.at Toyland! •* 3? front Street PLAN 39 FRONT STREET TODAY! Page THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 i*/< What to see Where to Dine r and do in p Www hr h-WP"^m Mm*m^ JPI •• _•*__ mm and Dance in ; Bermuda /^ # /7#_»W 1" ll Bermuda ta- 7 M* -*- JF^ __*^ s * _Jr _#rW&L " •__• ___• %^TM^* *>£-• >?>£. v>:^.;. TB*

Junior Chamber Is To "SALAD CHURCHILL" AT Boost Xmas Decorations THIS WEEK Personal And Social Permanent Decorations DINNER FOR BIG 3 1 Volunteers from .the Bermuda A feature of the menu at the At The Junior Chamber of Commerce Mr. and Mrs. John F. Block of become so popular and so many dinner party given for the Big m are to decorate and put up Maywood, New Jersey, announce reservations have been made that Three leaders and members of Christmas trees on lamp posts in the engagement of their daughter, the committee asks that all per­ For Hamilton Streets? their delegations at Government Bermudiana Theatre Front Street, Hamilton, a week Joanne, to Mr. Edgar C. Wilkin­ sons who have reserved tickets House on Friday night by the special presentation of or so before Christmas. son, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Camp­ pick them up between 9 a.m. and Governor was a "Salad Churchill." The committee has also de­ bell Wilkinson ot "Sea View," 5 pan. on Wednesday at the Hamilton may have some permanent form of street The menu was celery and cided to help the festive spirit Smith's Parish. Smoke Shope on Front Street. decoration. At a meeting of the Corporation on Tuesday the radish, green turtle soup, filet A Pageant of die Nativity further in Bermuda by encourag­ Mrs. John S. Gladwin, deputy Mayor (the Wor. E. R. Williams, M.CP.), who presided, of English sole tout Paris, prime ing the community to decorate Miss Virginia Frith, daughter of chairman of the Pembroke com­ club steak with mushrooms and with a large local cast homes and lawns. Letters have Mr. and Mrs. Comad Frith of mittee for entertainment, in reported that many people had commented favourably on .the bearnaise sauce, new green peas been written to the parish *es- "Brightside," Paget, left yester­ making the announcement added city's appearance during the Queen's visit and had suggested a la Francaise, long branch Thursday, Friday and Saturday tries and to St. George's Dinghy day by P.A-A. for Boston, Mass. that tickets not claimed on Wed­ that some of the decorations be allowed to remain. potatoes, salad Churchill, baked Club, and it is hoped that they Accompanying her were her nesday wfll be reallocated to per­ a a y eeSeS Wlth at 8.45 p.m. will give their support. sister, Mrs. T. S. Murdoch, Jr., sons on the waiting list. Tte city engineer (Mr. G. Bird) was directed to prepare bacon 'and de_S tasse Merchants are being asked to of Paget, and her aunt, Mrs. John an estimate of the cost of placing three-flag decorations on xhe wines were Tio Pepe W. Ferguson, the latter being en all street light standards. The estimate will be presented in | sherry, Johannesburg Hoiie, Vive Tickets on sale, at -Harnett & Richardson, Front St., introduce special Christmas Mr. Conrad Engelhardt, general 10 - and 7 6, children half price. All proceeds to window displays. route to her home in Colunibus, manager of the Belmont Manor Cliquot Champagne and an 1845 Ohio, after visiting relatives and the New Year. Hotel, and his family, arrivefi The Mayor also reported that approved and the city engineer brandy. S*. Paul's Paget, Organ Fund. friends here for several weeks. o home on Friday by P.A.A. after the departure of Her was directed to have the necessary . ^ HSMtia. Miss Frith will be married soon «• * * in the United States to Mr. Paul Majesty on November 25 he was signs painted on the sidewalk. R-47 JET BOMBER SETS Dalrymple, son of Dr. and Mrs. C. Mr. C. S, Mott of Somerset left called.to Government House and The street committee recom- , on Friday by P-A_A. received a signed photograph of mended that when the sidewalk NEW ATI ANTlf RFfflRH -* y^m^, *®&. O. DaJLrymple of Port Clyde, J11L| Maine. the Queen and another signed on the northern side of ReM | " ftl^rUHH* IUA/UHU mmfjf !**£ i Also leaving cm Friday was photograph of the Duke of Edin­ Street, between Parliament Street On Thursday night, at "Bright- Mr. Bruce Yorke of the Ber­ burgh. These photographs were and Court Street is being repaired, TAMPA, Florida, December 6 side," Miss Frith was honoured at mudiana Theatre. accompanied by a letter firom the it should be extended southward I Reuter).—A B-4T stratojet bomber a miscellaneous shower given by Queen's private secretary request­ by one foot. This was agreed. flew from England to MacDill Air MPS. Murdoch and Miss Eliza­ aaa ing that the photographs be hung Force base here today in the re­ Mr. Terry Ryan of the Castle Other recommendations of this beth Jack. Between 35 and 40 in the City Hall. committee which were approved cord time of eight hours, 53 iujj&j relatives and friends gathered to Harbour Hotel returned on It was^lfecided to have the were that a sidewalk immediatel minutes. The old record was nine Thursday by T.CA. from the congratulate the bride-elect Her photographs immediately framed east of Messrs. J. S. Vallis and hours, seven minutes. gifts were presented to her in a I south. as a temporary measure and Company Limited's building on The swept-wing bomber was one large basket— dark green trim­ Councillors F. L. R. Selley, Front Street West be cut away to of 45 planes of the 305 Bomber med with lighter green — with Gilbert A. Cooper and E. Graham make an entrance for the Wing which had just completed a bougainvillia twined through the SETE, France December 6 Gibbons .were appointed a com­ company's roadway and that one 90-day training mission in England. handles. Mrs. Frith and Mrs. (Reuter). — Dominique Torre, 45, mittee to go into the matter of a hour parking be established in Fifteen erf the bombers returned DANCING Allen* Jack served coffee and tea. tried to kill himself last night by: suitable permanent framing for front of Messrs Masters Limited's yesterday and 15 today. The other * * # one, slitting his throat with « both photographs. premises on Church Street West. IS are due tomorrow. "Christmas Crackers," the re­ razor; two, sticking a knife in his On the proposition of Alderman Both recommendations followed In setting the record the bomber in the vue to be presented on Decem­ chest; and three, beating himself Chesley E. White a motion letters from the companies covered 4.480 miles. ber 14 in the Bermudiana Theatre I over the head with a hatchet. expressing appreciation to the concerned. Hospital doctors said today that Mayor for the excellent way in the Bermudiana waterfront be by the Pembroke Parish Christ­ Plans approved on the recom­ repaired was approved. JOLLY ROGER ROOM mas Seals committee, has already I Torre's life was in no danger. | which all details in connection With Her Majesty's visit had mendation of the property com­ OUTSTANDING TAXES mittee were those of Mr. Donald I been taken care of in the city, The secretary (Mr. G. R. Mac­ to the Music of land the manner in which the Shanks, Esso Standard Oil Leod) submitted a list of out- Was she throwing away her Mayor had obtained suitable Company aad Sir W. J. Howard I standing taxes and it was directed ! consideration for the city's Trott. Approval was given for that immediate steps be taken to THE TALBOT BROTHERS you Hi? ! representatives, was unanimously the pent house for the elevator collect. Lovely Lisa Evans was a approved. shaft at Crawford House owned Those present at the meeting slave to perfection ... defender CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS by Mr. Russell Eve. Other plans were the Mayor, Aldermen C. E. Alternating wijH Wie of her boss . . . and the loser A report of a meeting held on approved were for the Brunswick | White, W. J. Richardson and November 17 at the. Visitors' Syndicate and Estates of W. S. L. G. B. Powell; Common Coun- at lave. Service Bureau to discuss Christ­ Fisher and R. C. Crawford. cfllors W. E. Cooper, F. L. R. Princess Ho+*l Orchestra Read this true-to-life new mas decorations was considered The property committee's Selley, William Frith, Gilbert A. Anne Allison novel starting in and the proposals regarding recommendation that a cottage on Cooper and E. Graham Gibbons. decorations were approved. The Royal Gazette After Mr. Williams had stated 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. | that the verandas at the Cable I TOMORROW Office, the Smoke Shop and the premises of the Bermuda Chnreh J Society were not a credit to the THE city it was d irected that these three proprietors be written to, o&2 Caravelle asking when it is expected that j I S LAN D the verandas will be repaired. Le Restaurant de L'Elite On the recommendation of the sewerage committee it was et directed that a legal opinion be junefeM THEATRE obtained regarding the levying of L'Elite des Restaurants SHOW PLACE OF BERMUDA taxes for capital expenditure in HOTU» COTTAGES AND REACH CUM la lump sum. Tel. 3819 The Corporation upheld a INTERCONTINENTAL HOTILS CORPORATION 1 recommendation of the property 2.30 M5 9.16 i committee not to approve a plan Lunch - Dinner on the waterfront terrace garden of suggested development at Wesley Street submitted by the Bermuda Gas a n d Utility I Company Limited. The com­ mittee ' made tbeir recommenda­ THE CORONA CLUB tion after consideration of a letter, (Formerly the Civil Service Social Club) dated November 30, from the company, and an accompanying will be having a GREGORY" plan. BERMUDA GENERA A letter from the Bermuda Air j Tours and Flying School, dated CARD PARTY THEATRES November 27 and agreeing to the conditions of lease as set forth AT THE OLD COLONY CLUB ~f in the Corporation's letter of A November 20, was considered. It LITTLE THEATRE PLAYHOUSE was directed that Bermuda Air TONIGHT | Today 3.30 — 7.30 — 9.30 fc Tours and Flying School be in­ at 8 o'clock Tonight at 8.30 formed that they can proceed to Courage wins Love and order and install the pump men­ em tioned by them, and the city Bridge, Canasta, 500 and Whist Honour in a Land engineer was directed to proceed Tickets at 5/- each may be obtained at the door of Mystery 1! with tite building work. M-G-M presents It POLICE PARKING CORRECTION. The card issued by the club on the A verbal request from tbe 2nd December to all persons eligible to membership Commissioner of Police for the I parking of two police cars on the carried an error in para 1 as the entrance fee is stated Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lucic-Roki photographed at the reception at I eastern side of Parliament Street, to be 19/- instead of 5/-. Coral Beach Clnb following their wedding recently. opposite the Police Station, was "Rogue's March" JIGGS By George McManus starring JEANNE *"'"' MBHAEL PETER LAWFORD RICHARD GREEN and GRAIN RENNIE JANICE RULE NEW OPERA HOUSE:- Today Double Feature The Best .Korean Wax. Film to Date S Victor H MATURE O KjL-f* W Has I /^m^ /•' One of N His G _„,"!_G^"' • —^amm^' -^ SUOOESTKINS 1 BARBARA PA.TON - WARD BONO Si"«.._.«.. ^ Finest T 1 -_._ •BGROOH DOUGLAS ESSST""-*" Roles O | ttam tha Mtna) ta CmaAat *M_p_n,Wiim • Mwit gf Frwtt Wmqm D m .. A1IJJJU_CA.NE.P_OO. O*™M_O_.WA_NERB_0J A "Glory Y Ernie Buthmillei Brigade" 2.45 SOMERSET 8.15 NANCY and Jeff CHANDLER 7.45 Faith DOMERQUE Also — 4.15 and 9.15 — "Sailor of the King' Great Sioux Uprising and BAILEVS BAY THEATRE .- TOP HAT, Southampton , George MONTGOMERY ... in J Doris DAY ... in * The Longhorn "FORT TT | "APRIL IN PARIS"

ST. GEORGES — 8.15 SANDYS THEATRE SOMERS OPERA HOUSE St. George's — 8.15 Ann SHERIDAN Tonight at 8.IS Sterling HAYDEN "This Woman Is "Mr. Scoutmaster" Dangerous" Take Me To Town and and and "Arena" Rosalind RUSSELL "Apache Countey" Paul DOUGLAS PLAYHOUSE: — Thursday, Friday and Saturday Susan HAYWARD and Robert MITCHUM Never Wave at a Wac "WHITE WITCH DOCTOR" 1HMtm. in - Technicolor THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 Page 51


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easy for you to choose for your family and friends. But time is feme. IS44 EK fleeting. Better make it soon ! CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HOURS: Leatre Daily (except Thurs.) 9 a.m. — 5:30 p.m. Thursdays: 9 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. I of hSfativity last Saturday

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«wr IBEACH CLUB IRPORATION Still undecided? A Trimingham Gift Certificate will solve that problem with no worry on your part — much pleasure for the recipient.

ERAL s Help Fight TB A handmade Philippine Blouse Furry Spaniel — completely Rayon Satin Crib Comforter, beautifully lAYHOUSE captivating. 60/-. Other cuddly quilted. In Mint and Maize 50/-. HUB — 7.30 — 9.30 for the "little lady". Hand embroidered. Sizes 1 to 6x — toys in clipped wool from 3/6. Others in dainty Cotton Plisse with 18/6 and 27/6. Wonderful stocking gifts. rosebud print. Buy Christmas Seals


ay Double Feature Im to Date S H {*W i o lW f w li * I N ba_ ^ G T o D A 2.4Y 5 Igjgl and 7.45 lor of the King* J French Nylon Crepe de Chine Camisole I I HAT. Southampton J^. and Half Slip, exquisitely frothed wi*H Handsome Handbag and Doeskin Gloves. Suede Jerkin — velvet soft in glowing ris DAY ... in C J pUL IN PARIS" [mjt all-nylon lace. A truly important gift English, of course, because she deserves shades of Guardsmen's Red, Gold, Indian Madras Vest — dashing, tS OPERA HOUSB' jj duo. Camisole £4.0.0 — Slip £10.0.0. the best. Bags from 75/—. Doeskin Purple, and Grey haze. £6.0.0. Waist­ I George's — 8.15 debonair gift for the man who lis Woman Is Other half slips from £5.0.0. Gloves from 20/—. coats, too, at £7.10.0. Dangerous" wears his clothes with am air. and lache Country" . Seasoned visitors know they can "Christmas Shop" more leisurely at Variety of colour combinations. Trimingham's . .. choose quality gifts . .. and save money on them as well. \y and Saturday £5.0.0. MTTCHUM PTOE" .S^^i^fiS^StS^fi^^?;1^^^ '0$j&#. * &*<>?1rfA^3fcmi$'. '^^^^M^^^^^M^^M '^W&& . _;, mm?mjmmw^m^%mm w$m^m m Page 8 THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 ware of all types, plumbing NIXON WARNS AGAINST NEW HARDWARE STORE supplies, household! items and electrical goods and appliances. Two To One Support For SOVIET COLONIALISM OPENED IN HAMILTON Making the first purchases in the new shop were Mr. Joseph The Standard Hardware "Cap" MaKirea, managing director U.S. Vice-President On Company, a new store in thean d general superintendent of; McCarthy's Tough Policy Crawford Building, held its official works for G. H. Burland and Co.' opening on Saturday morning. ; Short Visit To Pakistan The shop was formerly known the builders, and Mr. Danny as Harold Aitken, Jr. and was on Augustus, superintendent of the 1 WASHINGTON, December 6 (Reuter). — Sentiment is KARACHI, Pakistan, December Serpentine Road. It sells hard­ building. I Jj A 6 (Reuter) U_S. Vice-President J running slightly better than 2 to 1 in favour of Senator Joseph Richard Nixon praised Pakistan's McCarthy on the basis of telegrams sent to the White House opposition to "Soviet colonialism" in response to the Senator's appeal for public support for his today on his arrival in this strate­ "get tough with our Allies" demands. gic nation near the southern rim We put our heads together . Latest information from the — ~ of Russia's Asiatic empire. White House disclosed that so far immi/vr mir _i i cv IO "The old colonialism is not 4,348 telegrams and 1,500 letters INDIl 1 ADLE lAjfc lO wanted back and you also do not want any Soviet colonialism," Mr. have been received dealing with .•.._».—..«*.-. ... „.,„M,n the Senator's demand thlt the ADIOI RNFI) N SANDYS Nixon told tiie Prime Minister, administration should cease aiding HUJUUIUltU Mr. Mohammed All of Pakistan, allies of the United States which and other high' Government of­ trade with Communist China. ficials who met him at the air­ Another 3,500 telegrams have Theft Of Cement By port here. piled up at the local cable office. He said Americans admire the White House officials said 2,992 Track Driver Alleged people of Pakistan "because you of the telegrams support Senator are a people who cherish your independence and your freedom." McCarthy and the rest oppose Alleged stealing of cement from him. "And you realise tbat in order letter to keep it you must oppose any Senato»_ssft.=s__Jr McCarthy hotly coni­ I ^rts-^i-saB s sforce s that would take it from tested the White House figures and indictable charge on Saturday in you," Mr. Nixon added. said that by late yesterday Somerset magistrates court The Vice-President arrived morning 8,427 telegrams had been against Herbert Brangman, of from Kabul, capital of Afghanis­ Timing delivered and another 4,000 to Sandys. The hearing was tan, the independent Moslem na­ Watches: adjourned for further witnesses. tion northwest of Pakistan of DOESKIN 6,000 were awaiting delivery. He For Athletic Races did not say where he got his •Brangman,^ defended by Mr.Russia' s frontier. His visit tr Earl Seaton, pleaded guilty. The Football Games information. Kabul followed a- tour of India. Senator McCarthy urged his accused's employer, however, had The far-travelling Californian Deckle Stationery Yacht Racing supporters to write or wire the nothing but praise for Brangman will leave here on Wednesday l/5-second Tinners White House after President as his truck driver up to Novem­ morning for Teheran, capital of Eisenhower and the Secretary of ber 13, the date of the alleged Persia, on his goodwill tour ot 1/10-second Timers offence. Men's Pocket Watches: State, Mr. John Foster Dulles, had Asia. criticised him for demanding no Evidence was taken before the Mr. Nixon said he will discuss For a lovely and practical Gent.'s Gold Watches more aid to Britain — or any Wor. L. M. Minty. Inspector John matters of common interest with Filled Watches other ally — that traded with Brown prosecuted. Pakistani leaders during his visit Stainless Steel Watches Communist China. Albert Alexander Simmons, of and will make one radio speech Christmas Gift Observers believe the Senator Church Hill, a carpenter, said he to the nation. Men's Wrist Watches: is prepared for a "bare knuckle" ordered 12 bags of cement from He did not refer today to re­ Wrist Watches of all kinds fight with Republican leaders on Pearman, Watlington on October ports that the United States is Dove Grey Chronometers the issue, though the President is 31. He received a yellow receipt negotiating for military bases in hoping to avoid a direct clash in slip for presentation at the dock. Self-Winders Pakistan. Reports that a bases Powder the interests of party unity. Simmons said he had Brang­ deal is being planned have drawn Water Proofs 71- man truck the cement but that Russian protests in the past week Calendars LAUDS EISENHOWER Brangman did not return the but have been denied by both the White Per Cabinet Alarms Senator McCarthy today praised invoice. American and Pakistani govern­ ments. Seamasters General Eisenhower and denied Det.-Inspector Swainson pro­ there is any basic conflict between duced the invoice and testified Earlier this week Mr. Nixon Luminous Dials them on the issue of Communists that the number "12" had been said he knew nothing about such Black Dials in Government. changed to read "60" (bags of negotiations and nothing of the Bermuda Press Stationery Store Visible Movements He told a radio-television cement) and that the number of sort had been under consideration REID STREET audience: "It is not a question of the invoice had also been marked when he left Washington. Ladies' Wrist 'Watches: whether there will be Communists over He and Mrs. Nixon drove with l»l_M7fw sun m. The Smallest Watch Made in Government in 1954. The A statement Brangman made to the Prime Minister to the resi­ Diamond Mounted Wrists question is-do you want to go back the inspector was read in evi- dence of the Governor General. Gold with Bracelets to a party represented by Steven- dence. Ghulam Mohammed, where they son and Truman v ho as of today „ „„. „».„ will stay during their visit. To­ Gold filled with Cords are still defending how they kept ACCUSEDS STATEMENT night they dined with the Gover­ Stainless Steel with Cords Communists in Government? In it Brangman said: "I didno r General who has just returned Why Not Give Her "If we go back to that Admini- get the cement and I signed for from a visit to President Eisen­ POCKET AND WRIST WATCHES FOR THE BLIND stration, we can assume that they it. The boys on the truck, hower in the United States. J will reinstate their Communist Simons and Thompson knew friends whom Eisenhower has got nothing about it. I sold it out of the Government," be said, to Stines, Laing and Burt. They "For that reason I think it will gave me an order for cement and The Watch House be an issue for a long time to I received money from them. They FRENCH PREPARE FOR come regardless of how thorough fdid not know it was 'hot'." or good a job the Eisenhower One of the boys on the truck VIET MINH OFFENSIVE Administration does." with Brangman, Reginald Leroy Senator McCarthy said talk of Simons, of Scaur Hill, said HANOI, Indo China, Decem­ a rift between him and the Brangman gave him a free ride ber 6 (Reuter). — French Union | President was started by some to town on November 13. forces holding the important columnists and reporters "most of Said Simons: "I went to Num- mountain and valley stronghold i whom supported" Mr. Adlai ber Seven Shed where Brangman of Dien Bien Phu, on the Tonk­ Stevenson as the Democratic picked up 60 bags of cement and ins-Laos border, today dug in for j presidential candidate last year, signed for! it."' a Viet Minh Communist attack, | He did not name them. He said they then -picked up expected this week. At his new conference last Earlston Thompson (helper on the A French High Command I Wednesday General Eisenhower truck) after which they loaded I said in a statement: "I repeat my more freight and headed for spokesman said today that a Viet previously expressed conviction Somerset; Minh division had reached the that fear of Communists actively On tbe way, Simons went on, area of Sonla, 65 miles east of undermining our Government will they stopped at Ernest Albert Dial Bien Phu. after a three- not be an issue in the 1954 Laing's bam and left him 20 bags week march along the rim of the elections. of cement. The same thing Red River Delta. A spearhead of "Long before then, our Ad- happened at the places of a man the division is believed to be less ministration wiH have made such named Burt and another named than 30 miles from the strong­ progress in rooting them out Stine* where 17 and 20 bags hold. under tiie security programme respectively were left. The spokesman said the rebel developed by the Attorney Replying to the prosecutor division's advance had been slow­ General, Mr. Herbert Brownell, Simons said he did not see Brang- ed by heavy bombing attacks by | that this can no longer be con- man receive any money. French Air Force planes. I sidered a serious menace." Thompson testified he counted The Viet Minh defeat at Dien __^ 60 bags of cement on the truck. Bien Pru two weeks ago has been followed by rapid mopping up I They were in tiers of five and were 2 iier operations by French forces in SALZBURG, Austria, December j ****** I *> *>« recalled. DISH*A*MATIC 6 (Reuter).—A six-year-old Aus- He knew bags were left at the the Thai country of northern trian girt was cured of whooping Places Simons named, but he did Laos. Electric Sink Dishwasher cough after a mercy flight in a not recall how many. The French have driven two U.S. Army plane here last week, L«ing gave evidence he wascolumn s north from tiie Laotian it was reported today. Ava Maria building a house and was short of royal capital, Luang Prabang. i Markl's doctor had prescribed a cement. He said he asked One, driving up the Hou Valley, Uses Only Three Gallons of Water I plane flight at an altitude of about Brangman to get him some, about is less than 30 miles southwest of 5,000 feet. 20 bags. Biniphu. The otber, which is To Wash And Rinse. "He brought them in the truck scouring the hills further east, . I and left them at my shed," Laing today received 300 Thai villagers CtmfW*g\*g )i»iyrvrir. went oh. "I paid him £10.10 on who put themselves under French WITH THI FIRST, THE ORIGINAL protection. OV/li W Ulrlr JtiO delivery. I did not ask him where BUILT-IN ELECTRIC HOT WATER he got the cement. There was Tbe French Command said I»1r_r\,KT»_r,i nri rrF_r»-r» more aboard •* the time." heavy fighting was continuing at TANK THAT SUPER-HEATS WATER various points in the Red River IONIC WATER ORDERED 20 BAGS delta. TO 180° FOR HYGIENIC WASHING Jos Market, Nigeria, West Africi Rudolph Harcourt Stines, of Ely's Harbour, testified he too AND RINSING AND DRYING. The world's finest tonic water was building and ordered 20 bags LONDON December 6 'Reuter). from Ingham and Wilkinson —Ankara Radio reported tonight about the middle of last month. that three Turkish Air Force Give your kitchen the modern look ... and do your dishes He said he asked Brangman 'to pilots were killed while trying to the modern, automatic way with the efficient new Apex deliver it to him. crash-land their planes in a thick Best in Every Way • • • John F. Burrows ft Co., Ltd. DISH-A'MATIC Dishwasher. Combines famous DISH»A« The accused later told him he fog which has blanketed Istanbul Agents had done so. The witness said and western Anatolia for the past MATIC dishwasher with beautiful sink unit. Built-in 9036f IM eitp he did not ask Brangman where three days. An unidentified Greek monel water heater maintains a constant supply of 180° the cement came from and thetanke r ran aground in the Mar­ 'Arcon' structures are designed and manufactured to latter did not tell him. mora Sea after losing her bearings, water for hygienic washing and rinsing. You'l! be con­ Economy "I did not pay him for tbeth e radio added. vinced of its time-saving, health-protecting specifications that ensure that the finished building is cement but 15 - for freight," advantages when you see it demonstrated! Thoughts of Stines went on. Adaptability capable of fulfilling your most exacting local require­ Calvin Ascot O'Donnel Burt, of Christmas Scott's Hill, a mason, testified Scotch Wool Sweaters AHX WASTI-A- MATIC Available with Dis H-A-M ATIC ments. They are easily transported and quickly erected Brangman brought bim 13 bags sink. Ends forever the messy of cement; he asked for 20 bags. For Men ILICTRIC GARBAGI job of handling garbage. Ease of Erection He did not enquire where the DISPOSER Sanitary, efficient, economical. by unskilled labour. Already they are giving go id service cement came from, nor had he Camelhair slipover 4R/- $5.64 told the accused where to getCamelhai r pullover 60/- 8.46 in seventy-five different countries. Why not ask your it. Burt said he paid Brangman Sold and Serviced by Ease of Transport £7.3. Angora slipover 47/6 6.70 local Representative for fuller details? Leon Reginald Smith, of Somer­ Angora pullover 75/- 10.58 set Bridge, Brangman's employer, praised the accused as a trade Angora reversible 70/- 9.87 Burnaby Cycles driver but testified the only entry in Brangman's account book Burnaby Street Hamilton Drop in and see relating to deliveries on Novem­ The Shirt Shop llSQfftn. ber 13 was one for 20 bags. 1M54tfli tu.w th f « sun,- the beautiful ARCON STRUCTURES assortment of By Fred Meagher Italian BUFFALO BILL Christmas Cards AND HE'S GATHERIN' FIRE-) WOOD WHILE YOU DO 77 NOTHIN' BUT POUIR Y as well as BUFFALO GREASE•O N Jl TAYLOR WOODROW (Building Exports) LTD a wide selection VOUR FIRE OF HATTPE ' SI. LONDON • ENGLAND of Exquisite Gifts Write to your local Representative: at the GARDEN

Messrs. Pearman, Watlington ti Co. Ltd., Hamilton. GlfT SHOP . Foot, of-tha Lane 7 906 turnip. THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7,1953 ChurchillYWar Memoirs Eisenhower Jains Church

CeBtiaueJ from Page 2 He replied next day with the fol­ Service At Kindley Base ALL | lowing telegram, which shows how wefihe understood the Washington Continued from Page 1 N$T0 Observer .Arrives view. •t July 45 practising constantly since hear­ tor Big Three Parleys THIS WEEK ... I am sure you will find ing that their President would ORLON Truman most anxious to work attend the service. with us, add fully alive to the Hymns included "Oh worship Con'inued from Page ll is so long-range implications as well the King," "Oil for a thousand French ambassador to N.A.T.O. as short-term difficulties of the tongues" (dedication) and "Oh and the French Government's de*- wonderful for decisions we have to make. I Jesus I have promised." fence expert. judge that American tftiYfl with The resppnsive reading and Mr. Robert Barnes, who is on the Russians will be to display at Scripture reading were taken by Lord Ismay's* staff, arrives in SWEATERS! the outset confidence in Russian the Bev. E. __S. Rule, of Christ Bermuda on Friday night from willingness to co-operate. Church, Church ef Scotland, New York. He left Paris with I should also expect tiie Ameri­ Warwick. Lord Ismay on Friday. cans ia dealing with us to be The congregation followed the The British delegation was more responsive to arguments President and his party out and represented by Mr. Christopher No tub trouble with based upon the danger of eco­ he was given another great Soames, the Prime Minister's nomic chaos ia European coun­ ovation. The President con­ parliamentary private secretary these sweaters . . . tries than to the 'balder pleas gratulated Lieut. Baldridge on the and his son-in-law. The Ameri- ahoiU the risks of extreme left choir's singing, saying "It was | can delegation member was Mr. they're Qr.k_n, the Governments or of the spread of very nice, very nice." Livingston T. Merchant, a State Communism. They showed some M. Bidault also Was accom­ Department counsellor. M. magic synthetic signs of nervousness in my por­ panied at . the service in St. Alphand was present from the trayal of Europe 'whatever the Theresa's Church by his wife. He French delegation. fabric that blends facts) as the,scene of a dash of arrived 15 minutes late, dis­ The first to greet Lord Ismay I ideas in which the Soviet ana appointing Father Dehler and a was Mr. Soames who was followed washabiMty with Western influences are likely to crowd of a* hundred or so who by the Colonial Secretary, M You can save up to £4.0.0 be hostile and conflicting. waited briefly outside the church Alphand, Mr. Ifierchant, Mr. John a wool look — and AMERICAN SUSPICIONS to greet him Fountain, local manager for At tte back of their minds M. Bidault was snatched back B.O.A.C. — a B.O.A.C. Conste_U so warm! on the cost of a new suit, there are still lingering sus­ into his role as active leader of lation brought Lord Ismay to picions that we Want to back the French delegation tte moment Bermuda — Mr. J. H. Bonham Our soft 'n pretty Right Wing Governments or mon­ the service ended. Reporters in Carter and Mr. Barnes. if you buy here and NOW! archies for their own sake. Una the congregation asked him about Mr. Soames immediately asked Orton cardigans does not in the least mean that M. Laniel's progress in recovering Lord Ismay to dine at the Mid- they will be unwilling to stand up trom che chill which made him Ocean Club that night where the come at a practica with us against the Russians miss Saturday's meeting with British delegation were giving a When necessary. But they are President Eisenhower and Sir dinner for the Americans. Lord price . . . £4.0.0 likely to pick their occasions with Winston Churchill. Ismay accepted. Save £4! Care, and are half expecting to Tte Foreign Minister replied' ' (Lord Ismay was incorrectly The cardigan glittered play, or at any rate to represent that M. Laniel was feeling "very described in The Royal Gazette themselves as playing, a moder­ much better," but other French Weekly as a member of tte with jewels £6.10.0 ating role between ourselves and spokesmen said tte Premier British delegation. He was in­ £13.10.0 SUITS for £9.10.0 the Russians. > would not attend yesterday's vited by Sir Winston Churchill, Sixes 32 to 40 meetings. with the acquiescence of President • WHITE «MINT "BLUE • PINK A few years later it was Britain - Despite the new responsibilities Eisenhower and M. Lartiel, purely Gabardines, Worsteds and Western Europe who were thrown on him by his chiefs ill­ as an observer for N-A.T.O.) urged in many quarters to play tiie ness, M. Bidault is reported to be —o THE Not all sizes , "moderating role" between the looking for a spare moment to in­ The only baseball ever bit out of U.S.A. and the U.S.S.R. Such are dulge in his chief interest next Griffith Stadium in Washington, the antics of fortune. to foreign affairs — mushrooms, j D.C. was socked by Mickey Man- Town House | M. Bidault's hobby is tte study j tie of the Yankees on April 17, 1953. l 1 Front Street West Copyright in the British Com- ^?*1_™ $P___i grpwtiis and te has {The ball travelled 565 feet. monwealth bar The Daily Tele­ asked local officials tor literature Save £2.10.0! graph, ia (te U.S.A. mTT Tkm Newo n tte 365 fungoid varieties York Times, and in all other coun­ cultivated in Bermuda. tries by Cooperation Press Ser­ o vice. Second Guest House Fails £15.0.0 SUITS for £12.10.0 World Copyright reserved. Re­ production, even partially, in any To Make Reserve Price \ language, strictly prohibited. Exclusive rights in Bermuda Continued from Page 1 Destined to be the pets of held by The Boyal Gazette. The auctioneer, after remark­ S.B. Gabardines ing with a wry' smile, "Mo sale your off-duty wardrobe — it is estimated that the United means no commission for Malloy," States produced- 2,291.997,000 bar­ presented his clients' reserve rels of crude oil in 1952. price of £30,000. But there were N no takers. The property for sale was the SLACKS Save £3.10.0! large house, Which has accommo­ dation for 24 guests, along with a fairly large plot of land. A tailored-to-a-T in grey flannel, £18.10.0 SUITS for £15.0.0 BE AN EARLY BIRD _ package offer including more land and four cottages on the property was made also, but or that popular mixture of Gabardines there were no bidders. Last Thursday the 18-room o r I o n and wool that's Regular sizes Smithfield Manor guest house in Warwick Was up for auction but was withdrawn wten tile bidding washable as your stockings. fell some. £2,000 short of the reserve price of £26,000. , DO TOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING EARLY' FOUR THUNDER JETS You'll get the picH COLLIDE AND CRASH Sizes 10 to 20 of the crop at LAWRENCEVTLLE, Georgia. December 6 (Reuter).—Four F-84 Thunderjet pilots, making a week­ £5.16, 0 QUEEN STREET The Yankee end instrument flight, crashed to Beid St. Store their deaths last night at Dobbins Air Force Base near here. HAMILTON l_S30tm._itp. Tte planes were returning from Miami and preparing to land wten they evidently collided and fell from about 1,500 feet. One ef the falling Thunderjets chashed in a small unoccupied bouse. The other three' fighters fell nearby. Air Force officials said that all the men were experienced jet pilots and they knew of no reason for the collision. An investigation is under way. o LONDON, December 6 (Reu­ Here's warmth — ter).—Naval fire-fighting squads mmdaSK o put out a fire which broke out to­ day hi oilskins drying aboard the | j corner of Reid Street and Queen Street 1,710-ton British destroyer ] Hamilton P Cambrian, moored off Chatham' for wintry nights dockyard. No one was hurt. (Also at 554 Madison Avenue, New York)

Our range of blankets should Keep the kiddies satisfy every sleepy-head, from cosy for Christmas the Spartan who is content with BLANKET Single Double one light blanket ... to the To help ward off the winter chills White AM Wool with green or from your youngster ... these warm sybarite who snuggles beneath blue stripes 50/- '65/- wool coats and coat sets from England -*» Rayon/Cotton/Wool mixture flannelette, wool and a soft-os- smartly styled, moderately priced — rn Blue, pink,green — 55/- our Baby Department. Warm-air comforter. Witney Rayon/Wool 55/- 65/- For 4 to 6 year olds BOYS' COATS 85/- Gl RLS' COATS85/ - Romsbury Pure Wool 60/- 80/- LINEN DEPARTMENT Witney Pure Wool 90/- 110/- For 1 to 4 year olds

Extra Wide INFANTS' COATS 4*/- 130/- COAT-and-HAT SETS 70/- fr 75/-

FLANNELETTE SHEETS 14/6 27/6 COAf. HAT, SLACK SETS 90/- fir 95/- COMFORTERS: Cotton parsley £4.10.0 JUiA Strttt, HMMtlOA Satin £540.0 R*ia\ Street, HMMuoti l'M*9t«-

___ Page 8 IHE .ROYAL IGAZE-^K, MONDAY, BJBCEMBER-^993 St. George's Continue Climb, JDefeat B.A.AJ GreenC 4-2 HAYWARD!SCORES THREE GOALS Mid-Ocean Notch Single NATIONALS WIN 5-0 Final Bridge Session U.S. Navy Ibid B.A^. Enter IN SOLID EAST END TRIUMPH Point Golf Victory OVER SPANISH POINT For Title Tonight Mid-Ocean Golf Club yester­ The final session of tiie Ber­ day beat Riddell's Bay Golf Club All Gods Come In First muda Bridge Club Championship wiH be held at the Club rooms Finals Of Nicholl Shield Play by a single point — 30$4 to 35 % — in their annual inter-club this evening .with play scheduled Kirwin Converts Two Penalties Half Spell, Four From Wall to commence at 8.00 o'clock. There match held at the Riddell's Bay The United States Naval ter, Harris, Thomas and Roberts. Two tries were made in the course. will be 14 contestants in tills game, one in each half. Jones Nationals increased their B.F.C. session playing 26 hands. Statical and the Bermuda Athletic Tbe referee was Mr. Charles Teams and scores. "A" Division lead to five points Association entered the final of Pantry. {finished off a loose movement for For Greens' Only Consolation Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pearman a tfy with Vallis not converting. (Mid-Ocean names first). . by defeatin g Spanish Point 5-0 have established, a formidable the Nicholl Shield Rugby Com­ The second game proved an __—i.— Ed Keating and Ford Hutchings In the second half Cornaby stored St. George's followed up their Cup triumph over Nationals at' Cox's Hill Field yesterday. lead over the earlier sessions with petition fbr the championship of even harder played 'match and got 1 point, R. H. Scott and T. C. Freddie WaU smacked home the a record of two first and two third Bermuda, the semi-final matches, some good rugijy was witnessed. from a three-quarters movement by a ou¥i_tcing 4-2 victory over B.A.A. Greens, in an "A" Smith 8. first four from centre forward to places to their credit; They wtil which were played yesterday, B.A.A.'s Tying play was held to a after a concerted drive brought League game at Garrison Field yesterday, in which "Easter" George Wardman and Jim take his league total to 16 and be difficult to overtake in tbe producing two of tiie finest games minimum by good tackling, while the ball into scrum near the goal Hayward backed up solid team work by a personal triumph Pearman 3%, Art Mills and give him the goalscoring leader­ final session but keen rivalry is to be witnessed this year. the quick kick and follow tech­ line. George Tully 5%. ship, but this feat apart, tiie anticipated for second place In the first match, fiie United nique was exploited to the full by Again the kick failed. in snoring three brilliant opportunist goals E. Hetland and H. Linquist 6% game held precious little interest The difference in the result win broke clear hut bis shot was honours between Mr. and Mrs. W. States Navy, fielding the only Cordon. Vallis was especially The teams: J. H. Smith and G. R. Holmes lor the spectators. G. Rosser; Dr. G. Lucic-Roki and U.S. Navy rugby side, defeated good ih his position as full-back. between these two hard-fighting cleared, a free kick by Swain hist 2%. \ The Canaries ran up their five 1 B.A.A. — J. Vallis; Lusher, rivals was simple. St. George's outside the penalty area failed Mr. N. M. Bach and Mr. Malcolm the Welch Fusiliers 12-3 in a For tbe Navy, Nicholas was Bud Galles and S. Outerbridge goals in tiie first 37 imputes, and Martin and Mr. Victor Broom. hard-fought battle, while in the good as full-back and tbe scrum- Younger, totwaby and Jones; Cor­ played an open, long-passing game and another movement ended in it looked like another 12-2 don and Bunn; F. Vallis, Lawton, ranging.. from wing to wing, Swain shooting wide. 7, G. MacRonald and E. \McCal- The 'present percentage scores second, a much more even con­ half, Lt. Cmdr. Baird, captain of ItBn 2. \_ hammering at this stage. But of the fourteen pairs who will test, B.AA. defeated the British the team, played an exceptional S. Minugh, J. Walsh, Henderson, defence to forward — and it At the other end a cross pass then tiie yellow-shirted smooth clicked. Greens persisted in their Brock Park and R. Tucker 7, compete in this final session is as Navy 6-0, the Navy playing for game. D. J. Williams, Sheehy and from Aldrich was headed over by M. Cox and R- Selley 2. attacks fouled up and Spanish follows:— most Of the game with one man DeMoura. . ll*':' usual stylish, short approach play, Whitehead, fallowed by a brilliant Point massed in tiie penalty area Unfortunately for file Navy, one building up from man to man — J. Tucker and Sir E. Triming­ Mr. and Mrs. 3. E. Pearman .. .590 short. • save by Flood from Aldrich. ham 2, G. Peniston and S. Smith after the interval to bodily repel Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rosser . . .555 ,'of their number, in a head-on Royal Navy—Nicholas; Stewart, and it didn't. St. George's were Bardgett*s smash was saved at the every assault hurled at their goal The victory of the United States collision with a team - mate, Mellor, Peacock and Millard; more solid but Greens tried and expense ot a corner and another 7. Dr. G. Lucic-Roki and N. M. Navy marks a new high in their Pothecary, Baird, Barnes, Loudon, N. Hutchings and Bud Milani by an increasingly perplexed Bach J! .543 'opened a cut over his eye and was kept trying for 90 minutes. shot by the same player was and deteriorating Nationals team. rugby career, for should they win 'taken to the hospital for treat­ Cunliffe, Haynes, Seager, Mocatta, cleared by Flood. 5%, E. T. Moss and D. C. Smith Malcolm Martin and Victor . the Nicholl Shield, tbey will be- Thomas and David. Feature of the game was a clash 3%. Stanley Lewis turned in a hard Broom .....' .Ml ment. The Navy played for the between two veterans, Larry Kirwin's cross pass to C. De­ corrie the first U.S. team ta have majority of' the game with but The referee was Col. R. W. W. Freisenbruch and R. Beatty 90 minutes of full endeavour at Mrs. I. Lusher and Mrs. R.' won trtg Bermuda championship. Swain and Syd Butcher. Lar­ Silva after a wing run was turned centre half for Point and It was Lines S3S fourteen men. Sanky. ruping Larry turned up in about into a wide shot, DeMoura's back 4, B. Smith and Norman Frith 5. They bid fair to do just that There were some excellent largely due to his stopped methods N. E. Shrubb and P. J. for the Navy team are in excel­ every position en fiie field and had heel to DeSilva was passed in but that there were no more Nationals > Willcocks -..,... - J»ae v practically played himself to a Wyman's shot was wide. scores throughout the day's play. lent physical condition and have The best total was turned in by T. ¥»oals in the second half. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Eve .519'/2 standstill at the finish. No less SLOPPY CLEARANCES made tremendous progress as ^re­ Christopher Smith, president of FEW EARLY PROBES T. F. F. Wyatt and A. Russell gards learning the game. Yester­ eager to explore every part of the Both attacks were gaining open­ After a few early probes from Bell 507V2 territory, Syd, in less than one tite Riddell's Bay Club, who re­ day although their threes were ings through sloppy defensive corded 89. Spanish Point's forwards, Mrs.- H. Dickens and Mrs. H. not talcing file ball at full speed, minute, headed away from his clearances and two goals came Nationals settled down to lay L. Ingham .507 NOTICE own goal line and finished off a Riddell's Bay also held their and their forwards were not get­ suddenly for this reason. Swain December Mug competition yes­ seige to Barboza's goal. The first Dr. R. Spurling and F. B. Clark .S04 ting their full share of tbe play run down the left wing by a shot lobbed the ball from left to score came in the 17th minute, Mrs. N. M. Bach and Mrs. L. just over the bar. The 90-minute terday, the best two returns being in the lineouts — except in fiie middle, jt was immediately' kicked from W. R. Heatwole (SB) and Freddie WaU taking up Ferreira's . Lowry ..; 500 second half, the U.S. Navy team M. C. C. TOUR play ot these two ''old gentlemen" back and Hayward followed up pass to race in alone and beat must have given many grey- H.»W. Relyea (59). Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Townsend .. .481 li were tackling well, marking well tbe bounce to beat Flood with a Barboza. Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Cooper .. 489 li and kicking beautifully. haired spectators quite a lift. rising shot. Two minutes later Two minutes more and it was Mrs. F. G. Gosling and Rev. Persons wishing to. secure concessions THREE CHANGES MADE McEwan half cleared to the 2-0. Spanish Point's defence was R. O. Walker 487 Most of the Navy gains were Three changes were made from middle, again the ball was lobbed way upfield as Atkin and Wall made through -kicking, but they for' the sate of refreshments on the advertised line-ups. Flood re­ back, Hayward seized cm it and Spanish Point And Panthers broke away. Despite offside MASSED DEFENCE could have exploited their running Premises of The Somerset Cricket Club placed Wirthlin in goal for scored the second goal with a appeals referee Gosling allowed Nationals took up where they attack more profitably had they Greens and C. Brown appeared ground shot.' Draw Junior Game 1-1 play to continue and as Barboza left off but they'ran slap into a got it started. during the M.C.C. Tour should apply to at right back and Aldrich at out­ Five minutes after resumption, t came out forlornly the winger's massed defence near the penalty BETTER HANDLING side right for St. George's with Hayward completed his hat trick, Spanish Point drew 1-1 with pass was slid in by Freddie. area. -Countless corners were The Fusiliers' ball handling was the Secretary of the Club before Bardgett moving inside. taking a forward pass to work Wall completed his hat-trick in forced as goalbound shots re­ better and their threes covered Pembroke Panthers in a Junior more ground but they could not Saturday, 12th December. Flay opened -with end to end through and fire in a cross shot League game at Cox's Hill Field the. 32nd minute. Atkin's flag bounded ahd deflected frorn a movements. TSTyman -DeSilva's that had Flood helpless. Ten kick was* returned to him and barrier of bodies. shake 'nose the Navy tacklers. The yesterday. Point went ahead game was played hard and fast and run on the wing was wasted, a minutes later Whitehead took a through Flood but Brewster from the wingman's second Tiie Canaries did manage to beautiful passing move between corner, tiie ball swung back from centre Nationals' captain rose pierce Point's defence' in the an unusual incident took place The Secretary equalised from dose range be­ high into tiie air to head a which pointed up file amount of DeMoura and C. DeSilva ended the extreme wing, his shot from fore half time. The referee was 75th minute when Atkin's low The Bermuda Cricket Board of Control. in Constable shooting wide, Kir­ ah acute angle curled in to the beautifully judged gold. cross was driven hard past rugby that tiie Navy had learned. L. Pedro. Teams — *}• FREDDIE'S FOURTH Barboza by Wall, but the referee Poring the second half, one of the ll.S2__t.ai. Spanish Point — C. Madeiros; Two minutes later came the adjudged the- centre forward off­ Fusiliers tackled a Navy man when L. Moniz, M. Panchaud; B. Soares, fourth score, again from a move side. the Navy player did not have the D. Botelho, F. Pimental; K. built down the left. Ferreira Barboza made amazing stops ball. The Navy player immedi­ Soares, F. Lines, E. Simmons, G. passed to Atkin, who pushed tite from shots by Perreira and Wall, ately turned and asked the soldier Flood, Leseur. ball down the.;wing to Perreira and hard as they tried, Nationals why he didn't learn the rules—a Panthers — L. Madeiros; J. as he switched across from the simply could not get another. refreshing change. Mathias, C. Soares; E. Jensen, C. right. Renato's low centre found Tbe line-ups: The N.O.B. side opened their Rebello, G. McEwan; D. Madeiros, Freddie Wall and again the ball Spanish Point—L. Barboza; G. attack early in the game and in Drink *£ D. DeSilva, D. . A. Brew­ was in the back of the net. Baron and S. Wright; C. Imerson, four minutes had scored a try ster, M. Pimental. Gibbie Ferreira got the next S. C. Lewis and C. Stovell; C. through Bridges who finished off goal at the 37 minute mark, Matos, F. Mullin, L. Lewis, W. a good forward movement. The MILK STOUT receiving from Mello to score Sawley and H. Fox. . kick taken by McAdoo was sot good goal mouth, and although Mc­ with a lob shot which Barboza Nationals—W. Adams;. Ervine and N.O.B. were ahead 3-0. Ewan cleared the ball, the referee allowed to slip through his Faries and W. Wall; R. Adams, W. They came close to scoring an­ For Your ruled a goal. hands. Mayne and D. Mello; R. DeCouto, other three points on a penalty The bedraggled Greens, now Halftime came with the.score R. Perreira, F. Wall. (captain), goal but McAdoo's kick was sliced four goals down, were being held I 5-0, and more | goals seeming a G. Ferreira and R. Atkin. just wide of the upright. HEALTH together by • the greathearted I foregone conclusion. But it was The referee was Francis ''Just before half-time, Smith Swain. Tbe St. George's menace not to be. Gosling. carried fiie ball over from a loose was coming from nowhere, simple scrum for a 9-0 score, McAdoo's long forward passes being eon- kick again failing. verted into dangerous attacks, Pierce scored a penalty goal for while the Greens, with much the Fusiliers in tbe second half to sweeter style, were telegraphing give the Welsh side their only their short approach work by rot points of -file game. Shortly using variety. afterwards, McAdoo followed up At this point DeMoura switched one of his kicks, and when the Special Prices to the Trade to the wing with Kirwin going to Callback fumbled the ball, centre. ! fastened on to it and scored. FIRST GOAL Again his kick failed. ' Sgt. Bridges finished off a good Greens notched their first goal three-quarters move but hi try­ Buy after thirty minutes. Wyman ing to take the ball behind the DeSilva was fouled in the penalty posts for a better kicking angle, you've got something there BY THE CASE area and Kirwin scored with a stepped over the dead ball line and dice to tiie side of the net. Ten and the try was disallowed. minutes later Kirwin shot wide Bermuda Goodwill Tournament Lombardo finished out tbe scor­ You've got a Van Heusen "Collarite " Shirt, a linen j SAVE from a free kick just outside tin ing for N.O.B. when he inter­ penalty area, and just under five cepted a pass and ran through for collar-attached Van Heusen. That's why you're so cool minutes later, he converted an­ at the final try. No conversion was other penalty, for hands, with a made of McAdoo's kick. aad immaculate. You believe in comfort, don't you. You I rising shot. These penalties were The teams! unfortunate .as the game was N.O.B. — Browns; Barnes, like Vaa Heusen's wide range of colours. And hard-fought but cleanly played Riddell's Bay Golf Club Chambers, McAdoo and Bridges; throughout. Horton and Calle; Smith, Torres, between ourselves you don't object to a fern*] SIMONDS Hayward beat three men to Lombard, Majhre, Barrett, Tojek, shoot wide and at the other end Members are notified that the course Davis and Musselman (captain). Butcher cleared a dangerous at­ Fusiliers — ftichards; Maj. Tol­ admiring glances from the fair sex, eh ? • tack in front of goal to reappear wil! be closed ior play Friday, hurst, Williams, Woen and Whit- 0 a moment later at tiie other end comb; Samuels and Pierce; Shape, •itilfWO MILK STOUT on the left wing, to shoot, block December llth, until 2 p.m., but are Evans, Bullock, Griffiths, Car pen- the clearance and just clear tile Available in Pints and Nips bar with a rising shot. invited to warn the Tournament play. Referee: Mr. Joe Ferreira. BAA. Green Beat Van Heusen • The teams: 1 l'452tm _. *&___ Bermuda Agents St. George's: Oatley; C. Brown Whites In Jr. League and G. Brown; Outerbridge, Blee and Dale; Aldrich, Bardgett, Hay­ B.A.A. Greens defeated the Gosling Bros., Ltd. ward, Butcher and Whitehead. B.A.A. Whites in a junto League Tel. 2141 B.A.A.: Flood; Souza and Mc­ match played at the B.A.A. field Ewan; Adcock, ; Dunstan and yesterday afternoop. Thorne scored Came to FRITHS on Reid Street] 11465+m. Swain; C. DeSilva, Constable, De­ for the Greens With a solo effort Moura, W. DeSilva and Kirwin. in the first minutes white Morris for Bermuda's finest stock of nit one in from a scramble in the twenty-fourth minute for a 2-0 DUTY-FREE LIQUOR PACKAGES half-time count There was no further scoring in A/hether you require a regular straight, five-bottle package or a the game. special assorted one, you'll find it to your advantage to select tf fro*, The teams: aur famous stock af world-renowned brands—many of them exclusive B.A.A. Greens—D. DeSouza; E. with us. bermuda " -jp CRICKET"! 7£ ' Johnson and B. Johnson; L. Cohen, A. Lopes and R. Morrison; D. Some selt-cMons from our IN-BOND PRICE LIST: reservation KODAK W BROWNIE CAMERAS Morris, D. Thorne, R. Pedro. M. Davis and G> DeSilva. "Club" Package . $14.00 No. 6 Pockage ,-, $14.00 bureau KODAK StiU AND TfovU FH.MS 2 White Horse Scotch 1 Dewar. White Label Scotc? M. C. C. v WEST INDIES B.A.A. Whites—K. Hayward; D. 4 Canadian Club Whisfcy ACCESSORIES Dunstan and D. Tatem; J. Cabral. 3 Seagrom's V.O. Whisky F. Smith and J. Gullon; S. De­ "Asa" Package $1440 Ha. 3 Package ... 1 $24.50 Silva, H. Marirea, R. Bailey, R. 2 Cherry Heering 2 Drambuie Liqueur Tbe M.C.C. will play Five Test Matches, each of six days Adcock and J. Smith. I Harvey's Bristol Cream Sherry duration, oij their tour of the West Indies Mr. Harry Bridges was the ref­ 1 J. Walker Red Label Scotch 1 Chivas Regal Scotch, 12 yrs. eree. ' THE YANKEE STORE 2 Seagram*" V.O. Whisky I Glenlivet Scotch, 15 yrs. First Test Match commencing 15th January at Kingston, Jamaica -tar" Package _____ $14.99 No. 8 Package „____„ $21.50 1 White Horse Scotch i Drambuie Second Test Match ~, „ 6th February at Barbados photo shop I Bisquit *•• Cognac 1 Chartreuse (Green I After shaving I Bacardi Blanca Rum 1 Grand Marnier "Hurd Test Mateh „ 24th February at Georgetown, British Guiana Reid Street Hamilton I Seagram's V.O. Whisky. 1 Benedictine "O-OiHtr refresh your 1 ! Old Forester Bourbon Fourth Test Match „ 17th March at Port Spain, Trinidad .. .1 Bisquit EXTRA Cognac skin with... I FIVE-BOTTLE | Fifth Test Matcb „ 30th March at Kingston, Jamaica PACKAGES OF: Ambossador 25 yr. Scotch $35.00 Seagram's V.O.-Whisky - $13.50 Humphreys Vat 69 Scotch __ 14.50 Canadian Club Whisky _ 13.50 Everything Photographic Wjk The Antiquary Scotch — 17.00 Cherry Heering _____.. 14.00 A limited number of seats are available at First-Class and Air-Tourist rates WITCH HAZEL Old Forester Bourbon .__. 15.50 Grand Marnier . ,,. „,, 18.0b between Bermuda-Barbados-Trinidad, and at First-Class rate- between OM Fitzgerald Bourbon -. 19.00 Myr'c Bum • *juw>, ' 10.06 Tingling as a cold shower! : Bermuda and Jamaica, if you are interested in enjoying "a week ef flint Booth's Gin _,:.«_ 8.50 Hennessy **• Cognac 17.00 * _ Ita pleasant stimulation class cricket" contact us immediately for details of reservations, hotel DEVELOPING SETS FROM 40/- Woe a complete range of straight five-bottle packages accommodations and sightseeing in the West Indies If ares your face feeling . Please place orders early fresher and softer. You'll find WITCH HAZEL is perfect for FRITHS LIQUORS, LTD. To start tbat Boy or Girl en a useful I scalp massage, too. Buy BERMUDA RESERVATION BUREAU A bottle of marrelous Wine and Spirit Merchants rant street Reid Street Corner Front and Parliament Streets Call 2535 -1915 Hobby •*$* i HUMPHREYS ^ITCH Mangrove Bay ST. GEORGE HAMILTON SOMERSET ll!4Wta4k HAZEL today_ *un. l

He handed her a piece of copy paper. "This is the shortest column I, Special Stamps For Conferenc ever wrote. I want you to read it. If you approve it, I'll call Rusty cm Continued from Page 1 the copy desk and it goes in the paper. If you don't approve it, tear 3d mauve stamp tiie printing has Postmaster, Mr. W. A. Manue it up and we'll forget the whole been done in Maltese blue, and is arranging for two booths o thing." for the l/3d blue stamp in orange the veranda which will sell onl AuiOSf A \jatW embossing ink. the -overprinted stamps and s Vi took the paper and read: "The dramatic story of Jolting "Overprinting of stamps is avoid tbe queuing which occurre for the Queen's visit 'issue. Al •a** .a\ 3V&W— Jed Lorca's 35 second knockout of agreed to only in exceptional cir­ a mighty tough state champ ap­ cumstances," Mr. Davidson told though all'the stamp windows wi CHAPTER THIRTY-SIX "Ia 35 seconds of the first round" athletic board. In a few moments, pears elsewhere in this section to­ The Royal Gazette? "and this per­ sell the new stamps he hopes tha he screamed, "The winner, and the Jed' came in 'with Buck, a group of day, along with tiie story of tbe mission has to come from the those requiring the overprint An ear-splitting roar reverberat­ sew champion JED LORCA." newspapermen, including Cliff courage and integrity of a young Bermuda Government who issues will, use the booths, leaving th ed through tbe arena. Milly was Someone tapped Vi on tiie shoul­ Craine. The office was packed. woman who inherited a fighter, the stamps." stamp windows free to transac wildly pounding Vi's shoulder with der. "Mr. Maybro's manager is here, and lived up to all the finest tra­ normal business. her handbag. Over tiie maelstrom l'Tm sorry, Miss Stanley," a we!H proceed without Maybro and ditions of tee boxing game. He pointed out the rarity of that rocked the place, Vi beard her cases ef overprinting, apart from Stamps which philatelists woul policeman said, "I'll have to ask his trainer," toe chairman said. "This brief column brings you a like to get their hands on ar name called. you to go to the office witb me." "Til state the nature of the in­ couple of exclusives. the Royal Visit and the Big Three Slowly she dropped her hands Conference. "It may be years be­ those which were used for ex Puzzled and frightened, Vi and vestigation. Just 24 hours before to­ "No. 1—VI Stanley is retiring periments with colours before th from her eyes. Leaning over tiie Milly arose and fallowed the officer night's fight, Maybro, the cham­ from tiie fight game. Jed Lorca fore .we decide to overprint ropes above her, Jed was shouting, through the cheering crowds. again," he added. overprinting began. But specia pion, was a two-to-one favourite. In will be purchased for a record precautions are being taken t as Buck mopped tbe blood from his ' "What's it all about?" Milly a matter of hours, Lorca, the chal­ .forty thousand dollars, by Royce face, j Stamp collectors the world over ensure that none escape the vigi For Your Convenience asked anxiously. lenger, became aa odds-on favour­ Ungar, local sportsman and capi­ will be "anxious to obtain ex­ ite. Under such circumstances, if lance of the Treasury and th' "Vi! I did it far you," he bel­ "I wish I knew," VI replied. talist, and a group of boxing mana­ amples of this batch of overprints Customs. lowed. In the Arena office, they found a is necessary for the Commission to gers. The joint owners already and especially those carrying the Vi saw Maybro stretched out on portly, moon-faced man behind -a hold up the purses until an investi­ have him set for a bout in Madison It was officially stated that th* We will remain open date stamp of tite day at issue. 16 stamps replaced by Bermuda' the canvas, a physician bending desk. Several ether men were ia gation is made. Square Garden. This kid is going There was no time to arrange foi over Mm. The timer was wildly the room, too. Vi was introduced to "Would you state, Miss Stanley, places. latest pictorial series have al special franking for first day been destroyed by the Govern clanging the bell for silence, as the the moon-faced man as the chair­ what instructions you gave your "No. 2—Vi Stanley is retiring as covers. until 5*30 p.m. announcer waited at the micro­ man of tiie State Athletic Commis­ fighter and trainer, if any?" Vi Stanley. She is about to become ment. The remaining stocks wen phone. sion. Two of tbe others were on the "Yes, I wiB." Vi said in a clear, Mrs. Cliff Craine the wife of a A heavy demand is anticipated burned either hi the incinerato firm voice. ""There had been ru­ notorious and much unbeloved when all the post offices in the of the Currency Commissidner Each Evening mours of a fix: I told Jed to win the character who will never be- good Islands open on Tuesday morn­ or in the boiler-room of the Kinf An,war pu fight and win it in the first minute enough for her, if he lives to be a ing at 8 o'clock. At Hamilton the Edward Hospital. CROSSWORD PUZZLE *•*-*•"•»"•• "«« and decisively, if he could. I want­ thousand years old. And that's 30 ed to remove any doubt that I was Now Until Christmas ACROSS 42—Prefix: not T R I IS! A R EA C o P for tonight, friends." 43—Recreation 0 E SlEL # E AM A p E party to tiie fix. He followed my Vi finished reading. A red tidal I—Pierced 45—Country ff 1 E L 1 orders, as you saw." 6—Growing out of bumpkin __iM* E V l_ wave rushed over her face. 11—Beach a 46—Cry of goat o K MS\A N E Jf H 1 N E The chairman smiled and called destination 48—Steeple on Maybro's manager. The man *Why you cheap chiseler." she IS—' hats 50—Man's cried as Cliff backed away from MODERN SUPPLY CO. lt_-Note of b .ale nickname --tanas oaara al stated he had told his boy to win, IB—Take off El—Slave nothing more. her. "You're not only selling my East Front St. Phone 1174 17—Pound down 53—Tiny opening boy without my permission, but (ftaaljmm %\wm\n* ll'502+m. 18—Hostelry 66—Trade Union mm raasu acaaao "How about you, Jed?", the Com­ you're proposing in public before a 20—Weird (abbr.). missioner asked. 13—Title of respect 66—Planted aaa rascal grass "I can explain the change in odds million readers of your no-good, 24—Old 69—More unctuous very quickly" Jed\said. He stepped stuffy column." 26—Citizen et 61—Cubic meter asms H_3aMa Ham Borne 62—Aches SJ 1E forward to the desk, clad in a Slowly and deliberately she tore 28—Compass point __ heavy robe, his hands still taped. the copy paper from top to bottom. 29—Prophets DOWN ' 11—Afternoon 1—Farm with tte As he started to speak, two officers Cliff was crushed. His face was performance buildings 6—Put oft came in with three men. One was drawn and pale. And then she 53—Profound 2—Conjunction 6—Printer's 35—Apportion S—Free erf measure Plato Harris, wearing dark glasses. smiled. 86—Dinner eourse 4—Cry of 7—Symbol ter "Last night that man. who just IS—Boyal nickel > "I had to teach you a lesson," Vi Bacchanals 8—Siamese cola entered," Jed .said indicating Plato said. "And I wanted ybu to know 9—Afternoon Harris, "came to see me. He want­ / 2 . 1 s _ 7 9 1 IO receptions how I felt when I read in your M—Weasel-like ed me to take a dive, throw the column weeks ago that tiie fight had it 13 animal fight. He had ten thousand dollar been fixed. Now who can patch up a tl—Assumed name bills in his hand and offered me IS—PrunkeR this crazy stuff?" she asked hold­ i* w Ib 17 carousal - that amount to quit." ing out the torn copy paper. 1«—Preposition "What did yew say?" the Com­ 7777A 19—Wants "Rusty!" if '4>g lo V 22 li missioner asked. C—Mohami»__ui Cliff screamed sp loud, everyone 7/f M priest "I told him I'd been training for in the' sports depart merit turned to u IS lb tl 28 22—Diner most of my fights in Korea. That look. Rusty came running. 25—Garment you didn't learn to take dives 2>0 at 7 27—Potassium "What's wrong, boss?" V) 'A « nitrate there." % 11 TL__lifcs "Nothing's wrong, Rusty. Noth­ » 3. 39 through "What else?" ing you can't fix With a little paste. % S3—Sovereign gg "I also paid him my respects. I Patch up this column and 'stick it 97 M to tl ' Abyssinia gave him a left jab in the eye, but **- W , 34—Support J in a tube. 3fi—Coinr didn't want to hurt my hand so I "By the way, Vi and I are getting W. Wtt US 37—Wipes oat made it rather easy. He dropped 1 38—Journey hitched." ''"W7 m 7 46—I_es..ens the bills and when he stooped to .k "Oh, no! Not you! Hey.' ' he pamper him a bit this ti *t #? So 41—Nocturne! pick them up, I let him have a \% We mammal knee where It would do the most shouted to the sports desk. "Get a ft $2 53 5V SS 44—Company good." photog in here on tiie double." 7/77/, 7 47—Dillseed "I forgot all about Milly. I guess Christmas with ST S* ko 49—Silkworm "That's a He. He can't prove it!** » vt <>9 63—Dutch town I'll have to send her away to 54—Man's name Plato shouted. school," Vi said. cashmere sweaters gifts that Ul tz 57—Teutonic Jelly "Take off his dark glasses and •A—Prolix: down "No you won't," Cliff insisted, ga—Preposition see," Jed told the chairman. "Well send her." are luxurious An officer pulled off the glasses. "That's sweet of you," Vi told Plato had a beautiful black eye. him. New Shipment ... By Air as well as "Arrest that man," the chairman The photographer dame in and said. "We'll file charges later. It they posed, one standing at each From Scotland won't be necessary to hear from end of Cliff's desk." • practical . . . Maybro. Tbe club physician says "Nuts with-that pose," Rusty be was really knocked out. There said. "This is no divorce shot. Get English was apparently no fix on his part. together." Beautiful cloud-soft, full-fashioned luxurious "I give you a cheque, represent­ They did. Suddenfy Vi was in Cliff's arms. The photographer cashmeres in a rich palette of glorious colours Flannel Robes ing the purse. Miss Stanley, and shot four flashes before Vi pushed congratulate you and your fighter Cliffs lips away from hers. and trainer for contributing to the in bold block good of the sport in this state. The "What do you know. Rusty," she Cardigans £7. 0.0 or $19.81 fact that Jed took such decided and said, "Hurt's the first time Cliff aggressive action with Mr. Harris ever kissed me." design or the The copy desk head cast his Short-Sleeve Pullovers £5.10.0 or $15.56 caused the odds to shift, when the cynical gaze over Vi, as she stood gamblers learned no fix could be there, her eyes ,-sparkling. her smaller gun-club arranged." cheeks flushed, Milly's favourite Vi looked at tiie cheque for dress clinging fo her magnificent check in navy and twenty thousand dollars. Flash figure. bulbs were lighting the room, when Rusty shook his head in amaze­ white or maroon and white Cliff got to her side. ment. ®iy iEngltalj &lpip "Vi," be said earnestly. "I've got "Inate to tell you this, boss," he a whale of a lot of work to do for said slowly. "You're a pretty Front Street' West — Corner Bermudiana Road ... also in authentic tartans the next two hours. I'm going to smart operator. But about some ask a big favour. Come to the things—you're awful dumb ! " (Open during lunch hour for your convenience) in a choice of six office a little after midnight. I've (THE END) got something to show you that will 114719 tm. mean a,tet to you. Will you do it?" clan plaids . . . Vi said yes before she thought. Cliff was gone, caught in the stam­ we have his size and pede of reporters and cameramen rushing for telephones and news-, paper offices. your selection is priced Three times Vi went to her apart­ Don't Be Like This , ment telephone,, after returning modestly at . . . home, intending to call Cliff and See The ELECTRIC OIL HEATER At break the date. Three times she sat down without telephoning. A' £7.10.0 little before one in tbe morning she walked through the Star city room The Bermuda Hardwares Ltd. into the sports department. Oiff was in his office. MtfSStj-. "Thanks honey," he said. "I hoped you would come." for timeless classics FURNESS BERMUDA UNE £7.0.0 pajamas — Schedule |Jl made in England IMPORTERS kindly instruct Shippers to reserve cargo space this 3-button style of the finest on specific sailings comes in - poplin in solid Embarkation Time 1.30 p.m. Sailing Hour 3 p.m. colours or with contrasting collar Leave New York Arrive Bermuda SHIP Leave Bermuda An. New Fork and cuffs . . . Dec. 5 Dee. 7 OCEAN MONARCH Dec. 9 Dee. 11 HONEY • BEIGE (Hamilton) blue, grey, cream, Dec. 11 ' Dee. 14 OCEAN MONARCH Dec. 16 Deo. 18 green . . . 65/- (Hamilton) i •/ POPPY RED lustrous looking Dec 19 Dee. 21 OCEAN MONARCH Dec. 24 Dec. 26 (Hamilton) ALPINE ROSE and definitely luxurious Dec. 26 Dee.. 28 OCEAN MONARCH Dec. 29 Jan. 3 stripes in grey or blue (St. George's) (via Nassau) Jan. 4 Jaa. 6 OCEAN MONARCH Jan. 7 .Jan. 9 ;y . FERN GREEN and white . . . 95/- (Hamilton) -» •Jan. QUEEN OF BERMUDA Jui. 6 Jan. li Sleepcoats are knee length and can be used as 4 Jan. 6 (via Nassau) sizes 12 to 18 dressing gowns, colours are grey, cream, blue ... Jan. 11 Jan. 13 QUEEN OF BERMUDA Jan. IS Jan. 15 Jan. ^55/- Jap. 16 Jan. 18 QUEEN OF BERMUDA 18 Jan. 23 (via Nassau) Jan. Jan. 23 Jan. 28 QUEEN OF BERMUDA VI ' Jan. 29

Jan. 23 Jan. 25 OCEAN MONARCH Jan. 25 Jan. 3ft (St. George's) (via Nassau — St. George's) Jan. 30 Feb. 1 QUEEN OF BERMUDA Feb. 1 Feb. 19 (Via St. Thomas, Martinique, etc.) Jan. 30 Feb. 1 OCEAN MONARCH Feb. 3 Feb. 8 (Hamilton) Feb. 8 Feb. 8 OCEAN MONARCH Feb. 8 Feb. IS & Sons, lid 6 Sons, Ltd. (Hamilton) (via Nassau) FRONT STREET STORE reid street store Subject to chance without notice Men's Shop . Second Floor M>481tm. WATLINGTON & CONYERS Agents PagelO THEJrR&YAli|M^ZETn_, M®NP--VF. VECEmsmi?, 1953 CIVIL SERVANTS TO 1.1 Here's a BETTER Lawnmower aAaWWQkW Wvkv ENTERTAIN FUSILIERS 1 The J$0 men at the Royal By LUCRECE HUDGINS BEALE Welch Fusiliers who have been - "SUFFOLK" AP News, eafo._• acting as security forces at the Mid-Ocean Club tor the Big Three Conference, and who creat- SYNOPSIS: Henrietta's father I ed such a favourable impression • British Mowers • Advanced Designs lets her keep Willie, the little dog with their polished display of she found, because Christmas is military precision at Kindley ' Dependable Service pear and Henrietta is happy with Field last week, willv not leave the pup. But Willie eats so much, the Islands without knowing that and causes so much damage in their job of work has been much ll", 14", 16" and lg" Cuts the house, Henrietta's father de­ appreciated by tile people of Ber­ cides the family can't afford to muda. keep him. He takes him out of the To show this appreciation to house while Henrietta sleeps. some small way the Corona Club CHAPTER THREE fformraflY the uWil Service Club) ' WADSONS with the backing of the Trade THE HUNT fOR WDyLB^ " Development Board and the Cor­ WHEN Henrietta ^oke the next poration of Hamilton, are plan­ Front St. Phone 1025 morning the first thing she did ning to entertain the Fusiliers to l'MJltm. was reach out her hand for Willie." a dance in the Hamilton Hall on "Wpien wufi the grocer." SAFB . NON-POISONOUS HENRIETTA and the father rush­ DOBIN'T PAIN . DOISN'T STAIN ed to the grocery store but the DICKENS I&rthenware Series grocer shook his head. "That dog Agents: % % PURVIS * CO. LTD.. Hamilton % TRAYS MUGS BOXES j PLAQUES BUGLE SOS HEARD 4i- 10/- 10/- 10/- BY THE RIGHT BOAT Each piece decorated with a Dickens character TYNEMOUTH, England, Dec. 6 (Reuter).—One of Ave fisher­ in beautiful colours. men aboard a disabled motor fishing boat drifting towards a rocky coast today blew an SOS A delightful gift at reasonable prices. cm a bugle. The call — three short, three long and three -short blasts — Ladies' Slacks was heard by one of tbe crew THE SMOKE SHOP LTD. of the Tynemouth lifeboat which was returning from an exercise. IH Front Street West Tha lifeboat took the vessel in tow. Grey Flannel The man who names his whisky is wise: and wisest Slip into a pair of these of all is he who chooses White &| The Headquarters For^Jf superbly tailored Slacks Horse. Every drop is whisky at its and relax — especially finest, distilled as Scotland-rand only Scotland—knows suitable for cycling and how. To appreciate this noble Scotch shows wisdom: to Photographers In Bermuda for sports wear as well. ask for White Horse by name reveals the connoisseur.

FILMS — PAPERS — CHEMICALS Priced at only 75/* WHITE HORSE and in waist sizes 4Lt ie 32 World Famous CAMERAS such as The linen & Scotch Wool Shop ASK FOR IT BY NAME ZEISS - LEICA - ROLLEIFLEX M*S3tm. S.A Distributtri: FRITH'S LIQUORS Ltth may be purchased at remarkable savings Professional and Courteous Service at all time> MARK TRAIL By* ED DODD W jiDAVip KNUDSEN. » THE CAMERA STORE FOB THE BEST RESULTS — SEE US FIRST! 9"oeen Street Hamilton

S4«T__._p. 11 I THE ROYAL GAZfETTE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 Page 11 Russia for friendship. The thought Tactics For The Meeting of a pew Soviet-German alliance AMERICAN MANNERS lawyer Among Week- is the West's most dreaded night­ Big Three Wind Up Talks Hare Today With Russia Planned mare. SERIOUS WEAKNESS PRAISED AS HEARTFELT End Accident Victims Continued fram pafe 1 -UJ_* prolonged French hesita­ Coatiaae- fr*mt*t*l "One Minute From The Ship" state of' unarmed neutrality in tions about the European Army LONDON, December 6 (Reuter). In a series-ef week-end traffic Unless the West German Ministers,, who reported their incidents, a lawyer, Ronald Bar­ the middle of Europe'. They still plan are a serious weakness in the —Lord Harmsworth, noted British Chancellor objects — which seems findings to the top-level con­ believe the safest way to allow Western front but all three portrait painter who has spent nard {Wl. at Point Finger Road, unlikely — the Western answer ference of President Eisenhower Paget, was admitted to' the King English china, Danish porcelain, Germany to rearm. is within a Governments have accepted the many years in the United States, to Russia's proposal was expected and Sir Winston with M. Bidault. grouping of other Western armies fact that the plan cannot be said here today that American Edward VII Hospital wtth lacera­ to be dispatched to Moscow today. Yesterday morning's meeting was tions to the face following a mis­ which wfll check ber if there are furthered until at least one more manners are among the finest in President Eisenhower, Sir the third meeting of the Foreign signs of a return to earlier attempt -is made to reach a the world because toey are heart­ Ministers since their arrival in hap with a motor-cycle late on antique and modern glass, choice Winston and M. Laniel, had Saturday. hostility. settlement with the Russians. felt. already seen and approved a Bermuda. The meeting was at­ The Atlantic Pact's tte mili­ Much of European opinion stiH tentative draft of tile reply note tended by the United States As­ Mr. Emanuel Correira, employ­ "Ih toe - matter of , manners sistant Defence Secretary, Mr. ed at Pembroke, was taken to tary advisers are adamant in their clings to the hope that Stalin's America could look down on some and had left their Foreign Minis­ 18th century furniture, antique insistence tbat Western 'Europe death may have opened the way ters full authority to finish the Frank Nash. hospital with lacerations and cannot be defended against Com­ for East-West accord which would other civilised nations but she shock during Saturday night but doesn't—that would be bad matter, an official spokesman said TJse meeting opened with a no details were available yester­ munist attack without the half make the recruitment of Ger­ manners," he said. V6stcrcie.Y. resolution wishing a quick re­ chine, silver and Sheffield plate. m|llion German troops -who are man soldiers unnecessary. Word that the final stage of covery to M. Laniel, who missed day as to how he came-by his in­ due to join them under the Euro­ The belief is not shared among He was commenting in a letter drafting the note had been Saturday's top-level session after juries. pean Army plan. top Western statesmen. Even Sir to The Sunday limes on the reached came in a brief statement being stricken with a chill re­ Mr. William Gosling, of Paget, But even if this is not so the Winston Churchill, who holds opinion, expressed by a corres­ yesterday morning after a two- sembling influenza. A French while riding a pedal cycle along / Western powers would be bound mare hope of possible peaceful pondent in Ale paper last week, hour meeting of the U.S. Secretary spokesman said M. Laniel would tbe North Shore Road at Shelly to press ifor the fulfilment of coexistence with the Soviet Union toat certain spheres of American of State, the British Foreign not be aole to return to sessions Bav, came into collision with a their plans. It is too late to turn than most of his fellow statesmen, life displayed bad manners, though Secretary and M. Bidault. tomorrow. tar-spraying machine parked at back tbe clock, they say. To tell is determined West Germany's the same was brae of Britain and The statement Aid: "The three Before the meeting Mr. Eden the side of the road. He suffered a federal democracy they have rearmament must go through — neither was typical. foreign ministers have concluded and Mr. Dulles went for a-swim. slight injuries and his cycle was' WM BLUCK & CO damaged. carefully nurtured during tiie if necessary through N.A.T.O. "Tbe only manners other than their discussion on a reply to the Mr.DuIIeir later met briefly with past four years that they no longer instead of E.D.C. charming (and I include the New Soviet note and are consulting Dr. President Eisenhower after the Tbe police during Saturday ESTD. 1844 need its potential military The three Western powers, I York cop) toat I have experienced Adenauer." President had returned from afternoon and yesterday had church at Kindley Basel. They strength would be a rebuff with therefore, are expected to —*"refus~e in America were at the hands of A spokesman said that a tenta­ several, reports of vehicles being Hamilton St. George's immeasurable consequences. to abandon their plans when thev New York immigration men in the tive draft of the Western reply both went swimming on Saturday involved in slight accidents and At tiie best it would bring angry meet Mr. Molotov. They will early 20's (they would have curled was being sent to the West morning. there was a report of a motor- disillusionment to the German insist E.D.C. is a great safeguard the hair of a Commando) and some German Chancellor for his com­ Sir Winston spent yesterday assisted bicycle belonging to Aria people. At the worst it could for Russia too, backed as it will more immigration men on the ments. But he stressed that this morning attending to State papers. Bezzobs. ai the girls' dormitory, lead to West Germany turning to be by a solemn non-aggression j Pacific coast in the late 30's was only a routine move in line The Western powers got down Elbow Beach Surf Club, being declaration by nearly all toe with 'previous Western policy of to hard military facts on the stolen from outside a restaurant Western nations. consulting Dr. Adenauer on Defence of Europe against in Queen Street, Hamilton, late One of the biggest problems matters affecting Germany. potential Communist aggression.- on Saturday night. Boatmen claim which faced the Big Three over same time rally the French .FINAL DRAFT TODAY The discussions are preparatory people's support tor E.D.C. or an A car ran into tbe back of a that it is the best the week-end was how to present A delegation source said the to the NATO Council meeting in car belonging to Mr. S. Kemsley, their case to the Russians at the alternative method of rearming ministers hope to have Dr. Paris next week. of the T.C.B., while it was parked flung they ever used! Big Four conference and at the Germany. Adenauer's comments in time to The first question to be in Church Street, Hamilton, on 1^ Price send a final draft of tiie note to answeretr'to' whether the present Saturday evening. Moscow today. rate of armament production of NATO countries can be stepped An autobicycle belonging to Mr. The contents of the note will Jack Foget, employed at the RAWLPLUG probably be released in London, up without unduly straining their economy and resources. Princess' Hotel, was extensively Washington and Paris after the damaged by a car backing into Russians have received it and had/ The second is how far the stage it outside the staff club at tiie TOY SALE time to study the proposal, the reached in the production of Castle Harbour Hotel on Saturday Plastic Wood source said. atomic weapons calls for a basic night. Full ratification of the European adjustment of long-term NATO Used like putty — but it Defence Community Treaty which and rearmament planning. hardens like real wood. would permit the rearming of NATO forces now are pre­ West Germany within a European dominantly armed with conven­ 5Wow On tional weapons, though some 'Obtainable in Tubes Army is a related matter facing No rust or dust . . President Eisenhower, Sir Win­ atomic artillery has been sent to and Tins ston and M. Bidault. Europe by the United States. No weor or tear Both French leaders are handi Though America is not planning I Sleep on reductiol, ,ln of ler f cc capped by strong parliamentary I Bl(1I™ f » J „ « " Export Agent opposition to Frfnotification I ^^ Defence Dunlop.Ho ofthe E.D.C. Treaty. But the 15SP5S??* th™ksthe same battfc Western leaders are directly con­ effectiveness in Europe can be The original Foam Rubber achieved with less manpower if W. H. Speyer necting the six-nation army plan Mattress to the projected four-power con- atomic weapons are taken fully Buy Your ference with Russia in their talks.lmto •'K2^*!2. *•£•*• P1*™""* A third question to be answered Hand, Arnold, Ltd. 101 Baker Street Diplomatic quarters hoe em- n Next Airline or Steamship Tickets I/IUIVJ-WUC UUdlWll 11C1C rail— 1„ !,____. .«H fT_U x .j. . ,1 phasised that the Western dele- *• h£?J" H°i*ed States •« «* Distributors London W. From Us And Obtain gates must be ready to talk back 5? 8tefifd Jg.to «»»P«J-«*« ** Front and King Sts. Phone 4371 Reid Street 0 together to Russian attacks on the ™ I?f? £at f ? E^^Pean Pbone 4203 l'TU>t«. The Benefit of Our ntn apal ea haVe r h i E.OC. project, and such attacks £" V^t P fJ? ^5 ? are regarded as certain at the pro- J^,™1*!* their caPacity *° p Travel jected four-power conference. nriVM J-r'' __„ „ . John F, Burrows The Big Three leaders are re- ^SSl' G*"%?7',.Dece_?b£. J Service liably retorted to have agreed on i^***^", I?6* ^J6^ Hig^ , Berlfn as the conference site, as Com n««tonerI M ^dre Praw^ I & Co., Ltd. You 'll Receive suggested by Russia, and to favour £££?* *"'«"„ *» «•» w«*t St Fwnt Str-u* • Experienced and courteous service some time after January 18, 1»54 I %%™3LCb?nCen°T' *?' Konl_ad as the date of the meetmg. hil^.^0"^.40 £kJor Now Open ; f&Sk Br»nche*: Quean Street, • Personalised attention Lord Ismay, secretary general ^^^"H. 0n_ the f,1^*-"* Corner Shop. Pag.1 • Delivery of your tickets by hand ganisation, attended the Foreign Ministersof the Nort' meetinh Atlantig cyesterda Treaty Ory- ^i£!tonight.5 y to RuSSla> USU__Uy J*" Package State, St. George > There is no charge for our services morning as an observer. A 1 FOR W. BERLIN informetm md r sources8 ma said here ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS TELEPHONE 4333 spokesman said that Lord Ismay \ .lS JtSf ^ i?* *e-t ete"- advise•_-.„;___.d. the______m_ _»_on. i_oc«_.Wester_n ____f_>r,_^ithadefence t while his Government wel- Standard Hardware Supply Co. and our representative will call on matters. comes four-power talks in Berlin, SCOTCH WHISK) you at your convenience The spokesman indicated that it hopes they will be held in West Cutty Sark ...______$14.50 the three foreign affaire chiefs Beria_fff<7.n*sa With Teacher's 14.50 avoided discussion of tiie E.D.C. He has maintained his stand on Bermuda Holiday House plan's political ramifications but tiie .old order of priorities for Highland Que-n ______13.50 did discuss military problems «ac- i 2"2"| U^Sll:«free a*^1™"1 Grant's Liavemr . . 4.50 in_ g. -*_._the. Wesu.™*t IEuropea. ..!»______n. nation_._..___...s, I ???_"elections_ , _-formation of an ail­ ^t HINTS.. King William Y.U.P. _____ 12.50 lastly involved ia-Ute proposed pact. I negotiatioGerman nGovernmen of a peace-treatt andy with Long John ._.______.-. 12.50 WESTERN DEFENCE that Government. He has also Lauder's Cream ______12.50 Further discussion of Western made plain that he feels Germany m Reid Street Hamilton defence was expected at an after­ should receive priority treatment RYE WHISKY noon meeting of the Foreign at the "Big Four" conference. Canadian Club ._.__. 1 3.50 LONDON, December 6 (Reu­ Seagram's V.O. _ 13.50 ter). — Tass, the official Russian news agency, today filed abroad Schenley Reserve , , , ,,",,- 9.00 »:£«s!l)E3lgSf_i »i!K_KSIsil5 s£s«sslli»s Slisttislssll: illsiHsr-llisll: SssKStlsiKills i^^sHSSflisis »iillE!is3!g its first report on the Big Three _n» !fH conference in Bermuda. BOURBON Wm 1 It said ip a'message received Kentucky Tavern, 86 proof _ . 1 5.50 Wm here that the foreign ministers of Gooderham fr Warts 13.50 Visitors To Bermuda! m the United States, Britain and You'll be surprised at the many things Wm France have agreed "to the Soviet Charter Oak, 100 proof 17.50 This is just a sample of our IN-BOND package list. w. proposal to hold a four-power Electric we have all ready for yop in our new w. m conference in Berlin;'' RUMS Wm w. Most of the report stressed "the Percolators store . . . Gifts galore and all those Bacardi Blanca • - 13.00 FIVE FIFTH CASES OF: differences of opinion" between w. the Western statesmen. Myer's Planter's Punch 10.00 w. "necessary" supplies regularly demanded Wm SCOTCH WHISKIES CANADIAN WHISKIES Barbados Mount Gay _____ 4.75 m by homeowners. We invite your Wm Norwood's I $12.50 PARIS. December 6 (Reuter).— Ambassador, 25 years old $35.00 w. General George Marshall arrived Pop Up BRANDY W. Red Hackle, 12 years old 21.00 Canadian Schenley 11.50 here hy air tonight en route to inspection and look forward to being of Wm Toasters Hennessy * 17.00 Bell's Royal Vat 20.50 MacNaughton's 11.50 Oslo, Norway where he will re­ w. Wm real service to you. 20.00 Campbell's White Heather 15.00 ceive die Nobel Peace Prize. Courvoisier Basket w. GINS The former U.S. Secretary of Martell * * 17.00 Mackinlays V.O.B 15.00 Wm Nicholson's London Dry .... 7.00 State was greeted on arrival here w Scottish Cream 13,50 w. by General Alfred Gruenther, ASSORTED PACKAGES w. Grand McNish 15.00 Curtis London Dry 7.00 w. supreme Allied commander in Deerstalker 12.00 Gordon's London Dry ...... » 8.50 Europe. No. 1 w. General Marshall will be General Food Wm BRANDIES m Gruenther's guest until Wednesday, 3 Bets Canadian Club BOURBONS when he leaves for Norway. Mixers Special 20% 2 Bats Schenley 12.00 m Remy Martin VSOP Cognac 21.50 Wm Wm I. W. Harper 100 Proof ...." 20.00 Remy Martin VSOP Cognac W. Wm I. W. Harper 86 Proof 18.00 2 Magnums 20.00 2 Bots Keig Ancient Age • 16.00 w. IMPERIAL TYPEWRITERS Wm Remy Martin 3 Star Cognac 16.50 off 3 " Canadian Club 14.00 Old Hickory, 7 years 14.00 Wm Wm Armagnac, 10 years 17.00 Feature No. 3 Wm Waffle w. W 1 Bot each: Teacher's Scotch Irons for Canadian Club, Walker's w. W ' Bourbon, Schenley't Wm Wm Rye, John Haig Scotch — 15.00 Wm m cash No. 4 m ^iwWINESA & SPIRITS Co. Ltd. Grills 1 Bot each: Grand Marnier, Wm Benedictine. Cos— a de Front Street West, Hamilton • - - Phono 2972 Wm Cocao, cherry Heering, opposite Bonk of Bermuda m Hennessy • • • 17.00 m Standard and Portable ASSClRTED FIVE-FIFTH CASES No. 5 w. Models Deep I tat each: Teacher's Scotch, BERMUDA SPECIAL w. Fryers Schenley Rye, Garden's SIDECAR PACKAGE w. JOHNSON & COOPER, Ltd.) "Madeleine" Gin, Kentucky Tavern No. 36 $16.00 No. 2 $15.00 Wm Wholesale Distributors Bourbon, Hennessy • * • 13.00 3 fifths Cointreau 2 fifths Canadian Schenley Rye 2 fifths Remy Martin 3 Star Wm Washing Machines Nt. 6 2 fifths Henneseys *** Cognac Cognac Wm 1 Bet each: Teacher's scotch, 1 fifth Mackintey's V.O.B. Scotch W. SOUVENIRS Hot Bacardi Blanca Mini, COGNAC PACKAGE Wm We handle a complete line of L.Bert Brandy • * • POPULAR PACKAGE No. 63 $21.00 Native Cedar Work Plates Schenley Rye, Wolhaf'a 2 fifths John Exshaw Napoleon m Bourbon _, . 14.00 No. 10 .„ ;...... $13.50 (40 years old) m BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Wm PLAYING CARDS No. 7 4 fifths Canadian Schenley 3 fifths John Exshaw V.S.O.P. Bermuda Scarves Electric 3 Bo»» CanaanM Club 90-9 Proof mM w. PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES and Handkerchiefs 2 Bots Kentucky Tavern _ 15.00 1 fifth Cherry Heering ASSORTED LIQUEUR PACKAGE Wm Grills Cocktail Napkins No. 8 HIGHBALL PACKAGE Ne. HiS. $17.50 2 Bars Haig 1 fifth Cointreau POST CARDS Standard Hardware 3 " Seagram's V.O. „.... 14.50 No. 34 j|jg| »?ip_ S12.50 i f*Hlfc Benedictine D.O.M Jewellery, of Coral, Ivory Electric: No. 9 3 fifths Canadian Schenley 1 fifth Remy Moiftin V.S.O.P. Cognac Irons 1 Bot -each: Seagram's V.O., Amber and Crystal 2 fifths Bell's Special Reserve t fifth Cherry Heering Teacher's Scotch, Cour­ I / It.', . foJ|- W^' Scotch Whisky 1 fifth Grand Marnier KODAK FILM voisier V.S.O.P., Ken­ Please Place Your Orders 24 Hours Before Departure Corner Church and Washington Streets Phone 3905 tucky Tavern, Cherr* neose noce wour uroers At nours oerore ueporrure •!' _ Heering i_i__ 18.S0 j -__5«n3f!3I« p-RaRaffisnS IRSBSSlS-nR SBSfKj ffSinSiiSan SIS3R •(_••"« •BSSfS^Sm 3RSVSSB5SI5SVS •__»___• !VS_1S>fS Page 12 THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MONDAY^ DECEMBER 7, 1953 Pa HIRE A CLASSIFIED AD TO SELL FOR YOU Bttj* JRngal (&w&ttt WANTED TO RENT FOR RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE NEAR HAMILTON for white gentle­ FIVE BEDROOM HOUSE Witt- full man taking employment in Bermuda, southern exposure on Great Sound. Garden Supplies approximately January. Write Box Memorials Real Estate Livestock Hardware CONDITIONS OF ADVERTISING 3 bths, 2 lavatories, maid's room and 3568. Bermuda Press. gOT-On; dock and sunning beach; land­ 1 It is a condition of acceptance FUr Marble MEMORIALS of beauty TWO BEDROOM COTTAGE near Long WENB CHICKS all breeds. Shipment METAL MOULDINGS—Stainless steel EXOTIC FRENCH ROSE TREES book j at advertisement orders that the SMALL COTTAGE or APARTMENT scaped grounds; beautifully furnished and distinction, contact Mrs. Jama this week. Call Sandys Brokerage ins orders now for Autumn delivery r and equipped. Good oook and maid Critchley, phone 2204. Bay, Warwick. Newly built, Reason­ Co. Tel. 5001. aad aluminium for counter kink, Comdr. Bowie Reid Hall Building. I publishers of The Royal Gazette and . for business lady. Reasonable Rent. available. Bint rent January and able. Bermuda Tourist Bureau. Phone table. Jeffrey g* Sons. Tel. 2971. The Royal Gazette Weekly, do out Write Box 3564, Bermuda Press. February £142 ($400) per month. Call 5344. DUPONT'S SULPHATE of AMONIA j guarantee tbe insertion of any 3559 or write P.O. Box 53, Hamilton. Builders' Supplies Sporting Goods 22%, 200 lb. bags, £3.5.0. Availably particular advertisement on a specified FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, % acre, near Office Equipment at Verdmont Florist. Phone 4612. J date or at all, although every effort WANTED TO BUT «—— — Ord Road, Warwick. Reasonable. RILEY'S "HOME" BILLIARD will be made to meet the wishes of FRITHOLME GARDENS, Paget West. Bermuda Tburist Bureau. Phone 5344. TABLES. Russian Billiard Tables advertisers; further, tbey cfi» not Two two-bedroom furnished apart­ CUT DOWN BUILDING COSTS by Second Hand ELECTRIC CALCU­ FRUIT PICKING and other ladders j accept liability for any loss or damage SECOND-HXND HILLMAN MINX ments with telephone. £45 and £40 using Terjilock Ceiling Panels. For TWO BEDROOM HOUSE, Garage, two and "Championship" Table Tennis LATOR, £125. Phone Mr. James aluminium are light. Strong ar caused by any error or inaccuracy SALOON. Good condition. Phone per month . respectively. Also two information, Ambard & Company, East tanks, quiet neighbourhood near Tables. Contact Norman Sumpter. Worthington. 4167. durable. Many types available. In tbe printing of any advertisement. 7336. one-bedroom apartments, unfurnished, Broadway. Hamilton. Bermuda Tourist Bureau Richardson, South Shore, Paget. with telephone, £25 each pear month. COMBINATION CIRCULAR SAW and Phone 5344. CASH REGISTERS—Ohmar; Sterling OLD CHINA. Silver, Pewter, Brass. Long lease extended to local persons. joiner, jig saw, skill saw, band saw, Household Equipment models ia stock. Dollar models The "Colwood" ROTARY C»|/riVAl CLASSIFIED BATES Old-fashioned Jewellery, Prints, etc. Vacancies immediately. Enquiries. drill press, large heavy shaper, port­ MODERN FIVE BOOM COTTAGE, quoted. We service. Sunshine Supply TOB is a real labour saver in any able sander. Above machines com­ "WHITE STAR" REFRIGERATOR, Minimum rates for 15 words Phone 1104 before 10 ajn. Little Dial 4404. South Shore Road, Paget. Reason­ 6>_ cubic feet, in perfect condition Co., Reid Street. Phone 2103. vegetable garden. Ask for a demon­ /additional words 3d. extra per word); Dorritt. plete with accessories and spare porta. ably priced. Bermuda Tourist Bureau. stration. H. Richardson "Shenorock,', Contact Mr. Alfred Rego, 3rd Avenue, Phone 5344. with four year guarantee. Phone 3644. One insertion, 4s.; two, 3s. 9d. each; FOR RENT: Waterfront apartments Cavendish Heights, Pembroke. After YOU CAN OWN A TYPEWRITER for Paget. t7W7> three. 3s. 6d. each; toast, ga. 3d. each; and cottages on the Barbour Paget. 5.00 p.m. STUDIO COUCH; Tappan Gas Stove, very little cost. Second-hand port­ Ave, 3s. each; six, 2s. Sd. each; seven FOR HIRE Available until March. Daily and NEWLY BUILT HOUSE with view apartment size .complete. Cedar ables and Standards. Purvis Limited. RA - PID - GRO — the miracle plan 2s. 6d. each. weekly rates. Phone 1374. over South Shore, Harrington Dining Room Table. Can be seen at CaH 1251. food. Wadsons. Insertions must be made within STORE FURNITURE WITH US until Hundreds. Bermuda Tourist Bureau. Bermuda Transfer and Storage Co., Radio LADYBIBD ELECTRIC LAWN period of one week. Special reduced your home is finished. Bermuda Fhone 5344. Dundonald Street. ADDING MACHINES "Plus Rapid." t prices for multiple insertions for Transfer and Storage Co., Ltd. Phone FURNISHED HOUSE. Pitts Bay Rd., PORTABLE BATTERY RADIO, £8. A fast, dependable machine from MOWERS are •*fQ*it u economical extended period*. 1434. Three bedrooms, two baths, living Ideal for car. Phone evenings 2342. MODERN FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, SERRATED STEAK KNIVES and forks £22 10s. Tbe Sunshine Supply Co., easy to ' use. £24.10 with 100-ft room, kitchen, and dining room. Call large tankage, verandah, on Shelton — set of eight. The perfect "take Reid Street. cable at Young, Trott _k Co., Ltd. 3074. Road. Bermuda Tourist Bureau. back" gift. Astwood - Dickinson Co., Richmond Road. Bicycles Phone 5344. Ltd., Front Street EXTRA LARGE NATIONAL CASH Modern BED SITTING ROOM, fur­ REGISTER. Electric and capable of nished. Separate entrance, facilities LADY'S BICYCLE. Good condition Newly built TWO BEDROOM COT­ WE MOVE, PACK, STORE, SHIP handling six independent cashiers. Boots, Motors for breakfast only. Ideal for one or with dynamo light and reinforced TAGE and Garage, Ord Road, Paget. FURNITURE safely. Bermuda Good'working order. Price £'50. Can two, near John .Smith's Bay. Phone rear wheel. Phone 7404 after 4 p.m. Bermuda Tourist Bureau. Phone 5344. Transfer & Storage Co., Ltd. Phone be seen at A. S Cooper 8z Sons Ltd., ROYAL ENFIELD, three-gear, £7S| I 7913 evenings. 1434. Furniture Store, c/o Burnaby and licensed aad insured; three montha MODERN FIVE BOOM COTTAGE, Reid St. old; may be seen at Bermuda Motors! HELP WANTED large garden, near Middle Road, BENDIX-W ASHING MACHINE, four Church Street. SEVERAL unfurnished and furnished Devonshire, Bermuda Tourist Bureau. years old; just completely over­ FOR SALE cottages available now; various Phone 5844.-ISfe".: B-S.A. AUTOBYCLE — year old; com! localities. Apply Rego Agency, 4374 YOUNG MAN to work in Surveyor's hauled; can be seen at Bermuda Trans­ Miscellaneous fer & Storage Co., Dundonald St. £40. pletely insured to October; perfect and 3836. Office. School certificate mathematics HOUSE SIX'ROOMS, two bathrooms, running order; £75. Phone 1112, Mr In Lovely Tucker's Town [ • , and an interest in drawing preferred. garage, Richmond Road district, HOUSEWIVES, defrost your refriger­ PIANOS. Spinet and Upright Pianos Jillsort. J CO TTA OB ACCOMMODATIONS Apply in writing, stating age, salary £7,950. Bermuda Tourist Bureau. ator while you sleep. Automatic by "Brinsmead" of London. Guaran­ availab'e isreezie Brae Inn, Paget required, etc. to Box 3562, Bermuda Phone 5344. ; Defrost Clocks at E. D MacRonald teed solid mahogany and full tropi­ ONE 14FT. INTERNATIONAI Near beach. Also guest rooms witb Press. Ltd. Phone 1101. calised. F. V. Anfossi, phone 2431. DINGHY wito aluminium spar ant, breakfast. Near beach. Call 5297. . MODERN FIVE ROOM COTTAGE I two suits of sails. Telephone 2109. 1 "Morningside" GROUNDSMAN for Serpentine Road Cedar Hill, Warwick. Good condi­ IRONING BOARDS on folding stands, FIREWOOD. Cedar sawmill slabs, all Private COTTAGES and APART­ property of Bermuda Electric Light tion. Reasonable. Bermuda Tourist complete with pad and cover, 67/6 you can truck away, £1. Also I LAUSON OUTBOARD MOTORS: Air MENTS; maid service and utilities Companv. Must be reliable and ener­ Bureau. Phone 5344. each. Chesley E. White 8c Son. 4371. chain-saw rentals. Phone 1550 or 5370. cooled, 4-cycle, 3 h.p., £50; 6 h.p. „_* > included; daily rates. Phone Bermuda getic. Permanent position for suitable £70. Buy yours now at these reducec well located between Cottages 4027. candidate. Please apply Mr. A. L. THREE BEDROOM HOUSE AND NEW APEX WASHING MACHINE UPHOLSTERED LOVE SEAT, £ 10. prices. Wadson's. Cooper, purchasing officer, head office GARAGE. Morgan's Road, War­ with automatic run-off and wringer Girl's American Bicycle, £4. Two building, Bermuda Electric Light Com­ wick. Convenient to schools and attached. Phone 7332. burner Oil Stove. £4. Pnone 1437. MOSQUITO MOTORS and spares r Castle Harbour and South Shore pany, Serpetine Road, Pembroke or ferries. Phone 5344. Italian precision made — your finest dial 2111, extension 124. STEP-LADDERS of aluminum are A LIFETIME XMAS GIFT for the Bermuda buy. Hercules Cycles ANNOUNCEMENTS TWO APARTMENT HOUSE and light and easy to handle. Various family. A tropicalised Strohmenger Queen Street. EXPERIENCED BUTCHER. Apply garage. Recently constructed. Ord sizes. H. Richardson, South Shore, Piano. The Little French Shop. j ATTENTION PLEASE! Do you know Gibbons Comany General Office, | Road Paget. Bermuda Tourist Bureau. Paget. An all weather, all climate, outboana COMPLETELY FURNISHED that The City Cleaners & Dyers still Reid Street, Hamilton. Phone 5344. ALUMINIUM LADDERS of all types, motor. British SEAGULL OUT­ have a Pick-up and Delivery Service? IRONING BOARDS on folding stands, now in stock, light and durable. H. BOARD MOTOR at Holmes, William! If you wish the man to call. Dial IMS. YOUNG MAN as salesman. Whole-1 VIVE ROOM COTTAGE, no modern complete with pad and- cover, 67/6 Richardson, "Shenorock. I Paget West, & Purvey, Ltd., Serpentine- Road sale Commission Business, old es- conveniences, Shelly Bay district. each. Chesley E. White & Son, 4371. Paget. ATTRACTIVE, inexpensive luncheons tablished Bermuda Firm. Apply in £2,950. Bermuda Tourist Bureau. with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, living room, offered to members and friends writing. Box 4698, Bda. Press. I Phone 5344. COTTON BROADLOOM CARPETS, GALVANISED PRESSURE TANKS j 12.15 — 1.45 p.m. English Speaking beautiful colours, mothproof aad 80 gals. £19. 120 gals. £23. 10. 0 Union, Cedar Avenue. ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN for Spare washable. Custom made. CaH 3777 220 gals. £36. G. E. Roaster will cook dining room, entrance foyer, kitchen Parts. Apply Young Trott & Co. to view samples. a whole dinner. Reduced £ 9 10 0. Ltd. Showrooms. REAL ESTATE Robert D. Aitken, Queen Street, Tel We offer ALCOHOLIC INFORMATION CENTOS HAIR BRUSHES — Shampoo, com­ 1127. open daily 10-5.30 at Room 317, YOUNG MAN as' salesman. Apply in For prompt and efficient service la plexion, powder, tooth, nail, floor Very reasonably priced to approved purchaser Hamilton Hotel. Inquiries confidential. writing to John F. Burrows & Co., your REAL ESTATE PROBLEMS. brushes. Also mops. Fuller Brush NEED A NEW CARPET? Invest in Phone 3951. Contact Mayne A Company. Happy Store. Phone 5233. Cotton Broadloom. For beautiful FOR SALE Front St _____ Valley. Phone 4152. selection of samples. Call 3777. ATTENTION LADIES! Contest open VENETIAN BLINDS. Mede la Ber- in that delightful TRADE SERVICES Wanted for PROSPECTIVE PUR- muda by the Globe Venetian Blind 25 BABV CHICKS, your choice with to Join and win <_t Ideal Beauty 25 lb feed waterer, and feeder, only [ [ Salon. For appointment phone 3996. CHASERS. Reasonably priced Co. Telephone 3971 tor prompt ser­ residential section known Don't wait until moth have damaged Houses, Cottages. Building Lots. Ber­ vice. T.iree days from order to ln- 85/-. Reserve now for December . BON MARCHE has moved ga a it. Have it mothproofed now. Call muda Tourist Bureau. Phone 5344. ! -lanation. delivery. Call 5001 Sandys Brokerage as Jennings Land, temporary location in tbe Steede DURACLEAN SERVICE 9328. Company. Smith's Parish, M. A. GIBBONS, LIMITED | Building, Parliament Street, Hamilton, i •'PAN__i-VIE" — Mooern piaauc laole CEDAR FIREWOOD. Cut to fireplace PIANO TUNING. Any part of the aad counter covering; many beauti­ an attractive EDUCATIONAL ful colours. Jeffrey & Sons. tel. 2971. length. For "further particulars. Phone 1261 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Central Island. Call Kingsley A. Swan, Phone 1049 between 6 and 7.30 Group. For information, tel. 502S. Devonshire West. Prompt service. I.C.S. HOME STUDY COURSES tor VENETIAN BLINDS: New low price. evenings. High quality. Phone Irving Lusher 1 OPEN MEETING — ALCOHOLICS MONOGRAMS on all household linen, students unable to attend school 1MS91 abroad. Avis M. Vokes, representative. Ir., 3135, for free quotations. BERMUDA CHRISTMAS CARDS — HOME ANONYMOUS. Every Sunday at towels, sweaters, scarves, etc. Trous­ Seven attractive scenes, suitable for i 8.30 pjn. LMy Hall, Church Street. seau estimates given. Phone 3312. North Street. 1 personalised greetings. Bermuda Information, uhnne 1875. Wearing Apparel Press, Stationery Store. with the following INSURANCE accom m mini ion: HANDICRAFT LADIES PLASTIC RAINCOATS 25/-. ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS—Mullard. YOU'LL SLEEP BETTER at night if Archie Brown's Shop. 40, 60 watt, 1/6 each; 75, 100 watt, vour boat ia Insured. Consult! 1/9 each. Special discount to the Living dining Room Harnett and Richardson, Hamilton. PERSONALISE Your Christmas Gift SEE OUR NEW LINE of dresses, suite, trade. Young Trott Ac Co., Ltd. 1 with a Monogram. Phone 3312. coats, wool jersey blouses, skirts. combination with PLATE GLASS INSURANCE protects —— H. S. Critchley, Vasco da Gama, Bldg. MATTRESSES, Single Bed, 40/- and fireplace, very well you against loss from breakage. 1 GIFTS—Hand tooled (ran finest Bar- SS/-; Pillows i leather) 5, -. Two Consult Bermuda Fire 8*. Marine I muda Cedar in all varieties. John SALE NSW ON. Substantial Reduc­ wicker settees £6 each; Draughtsmen appointed kitchen, Insurance Company. Davis, Cedar Shop, Somerset. tions. All lines. The Royal British, supplies. Tbe Bargain House, Reid Front St Street, Hamilton, phone 4273. three bedrooms, tiled bathroom, garage. You will always find the Grounds that have an area of approximately "WELCOME MAT" out at three quarters of an acre are well land­ THE RE€K) AGENCY CO; scaped. and extend a cordial invitation the next time Do You Have Enough Available Furnished that you are in town to drop in for any £12,000 information you may desire on problems you may have pertaining to: Insurance Protection? Unfurnished £10,300 RENTALS and Hotel Accommodations «£-" for appointment to v_ w INSURANCE apply: TRAVEL TICKETS REAL ESTATE Flitcroft & Company Consult Us Soon! A little insurance is not enough. Don't Mercury House, Front St. Hamilton Phone 2953 Rego Agency Co. Are privileged to offer the following leave any weak spots in your plan for THE REGO AGENCY CO. lLSUtawi. excellent Buys tn Burnaby St. ' Hamilton Phones 4374 and 3836 insurance security. Be fully covered for maximum protection and enjoy real peace PROPERTIES and HOMES of mind. Your few shillings invested in enough FOR RENT FOR SALE Insurance may save you many pounds in the event of loss. Let us help you cover We have the following •- w •"» EASTBANK u Soulhvale Cottage your Insurance needs at lowest possible selected houses avail­ located on the Tankfield Estates located on the South Shore in Warwick cost. a Brand new House on a % Acre Lot able at different This new home contains 2 bedrooms, Phone 1276—there is no obligation for our help periods during 1954— containing 3 Bedrooms, Kitchen and Large Living room with Picture breakfast nook combined, Large attractive to Bermuda Window and Fireplace, Dining Room, THE BERMUDA FIRE & MARINE INSURANCE CO. Living Room, Tile Bath, Garage, Modern Kitchen, Bath with sunken visitors ample Tankage. Front Street West Hamilton tub, fully furnished and with water jiff' rights. Specially priced for quick sale. Attractively Priced 'HIGH TIME7 £6,500-0-0 The Glamorous Christmas Gift Attractive 2-bed room:__ . "INDIA HOUSE" J. E. LIGHTBOURN & CO. house on the waterfront a 2-storey House located in Cavendish "Eldrine Villa" IN BOND PRICE LIST in Southampton Heights consisting of Living Room, Dining A Cottage Homilton St. George's Room, . Kitchen breakfast nook, 3 located in Cedar Hill, Warwick "Spithead and bedrooms and 2 tiled Baths, Basement containing 2 bedrooms, living room, } * SCOTCH WHISKIES Cottage" and self-contained garage. Dining Room, Kitchen, bath with bot and cold water. . Singly Assorted Package ..... f 14.50 Ballant*»_ $14.50 Desirable waterfront Perfection 14.50 Ballantine Scotch Price £8,500-0-0 Vat 69 -. :_„ 14J0 residence in Warwick Price £4,000-0-0 Perfection Scotch Black & White -.• 14.50 tt •rt Wat 69 Scotch Grand McNish '. 14.50 A FINE COTTAGE Spey Royal Scotch Gilbey's Spey Royal , ...... 13.50 "GROUND SWELL" on 2nd Avenue, Cavendish Heights 44 A Large House• » consisting of 2 Bedrooms, Living Room located in a desirable neighbourhood GALLON CASES OF With 2 bedrooms — south with Fireplace, Dining Room, tiled in Pembroke shore location — adjacent Bath, Kitchen on % acre Lot. Lord Calvert Rye Whisky ...+13.50 Lightbourn's Barbados Rum $5.00 containing 3 Bedrooms, Living Room, Seagram's V.O. Rye Whisky 13.50 Goddard's Gold Braid Rum 5.75 to Crape Bay in Paget Price £7,500-0-0 Kitchen and Bath, hot and cold water, Canadian Club Rye Whisky 13.50 Cockade Barbados Rum ...... S.T5 large Lot. Z Mine's Five-Star Brandy 17.00 Myer's Jamaica Rum „____. 10.00 1 MarteH's *** Brandy . '7-00 Gordon's London Gin 8.50 *X*TH£D STUDIO ' Old Grandad Bourbon 18-50 Cherry Heering Liqueur 14.00 It* Price £6,700-0-0 "A 2-Apartment House' Walker's De Luxe Bourbon 13.50 Jameson's Irish Whisky 12-50 Suitable for two la Smith's Parish with a magnificent Four Roses Whisky 13-00 Old Bushmill's Whisky 13JO On the water's edge — Hennessy *** Brandy 17.00 Booth's House of Lords Gin 8.50 view of the North Shore We also have a good selection of Courvoisier Brandy , 17.00 Bacardi Blanca Rum 13.00 South Side, Riddell's Bay Upstairs apartment contains 3 bed­ Boulestin *** Brandy .15.25 Bacardi Oro Demijohn . 13.00 rooms, Living Room, Dining Room, Choice Building Lots "Whale Island House" Bath, Kitchen and a Games Room. FOR SALE Gallon Packages of Assorted Liquor Lower apartment — Large Bedroom, In beautiful Ely's Harbour Bath, Living-Dining Room combined, "Twenty-One" Package containing "De Luxe" Package containing some of which are located on the . 3 Fifths Canadian Club Rye 3 Fifths Seagram's Rye A Gem in the West End Kitchen, 2 tanks and a Well. finest developments in the Colony 2 Fifths Bal Ian tine's Scotch 2 Fifths Black & White Scotch Neckldces... Earrings... Bracelets $14.00 $14.00 Reasonably Priced All Reasonably Priced Each United States Citizen or Resident is permitted lo take any of Contact: Rhinestones Silver Gold Colour tha above gallon packages into the United States free of duty. Norman Collier . For Detailed Information and Appointment to view Call Novelty • Rhodium Finish for Extra Lustre Prices quoted are U.S. currency BENJAMIN REGO or EDGAR WILKINSON Orders far all IN BOND Liquor Packages must be placed at M. A. GIBBONS, LTD. REGO AGENCY CO.! The YANKEE Store least 24 hours before rime af departure. Phone 1261 Hamilton, Bermuda. Burnaby Street, Hamilton Phones 4374 — 3836 Reid Street M<4,85t__. MS»ta_s. UlTlf-tp. TH£ RQYa&i G/^pTTS", MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1053 Page 13

THERE'S NOTHING BETTER. A RONSON LIGHTER with bis than a subscription to The initials. The ideal Christmas Royal, Gazette or The Royal gift. Cigars are always appre- Gazette Weekly. ciated. Pitt & Co. PIPES, POUCHES, Cigarette ^fifeftn^Si Cases and other smokers' articles BOX OF CIGARS. We have his MATCHING LINKS and tie clips make ideal gifts. The Bermuda favourite brand. Pitt & Co., AMERICAN TURKEYS, Capons, in gold and sterling. Masonic Front St. LIQUORS FOR CHRISTMAS. Ducks, Farine, Nuts, Fruits, rings in gold or onyx. R. D. Cigar Store. Chestnuts, Puddings, Marzipan, The finest selection at Burrows Whitter. INITIALLED LINEN HAND­ & Co., front St., Paget and St. Bermuda Lemons and Grapefruit. The -ideal gift: MILLERS FALLS Moniz & Rego„ Front Street. KERCHIEFS, hand worked, George's. A SWISS WATCH. Guaranteed MILLERS FALL TOOLS to please • HAND TOOLS. Christmas I 7/- and 10/-. The Irish Linen 15-17 jewel movement, beauti­ him at Christmas. Screwdrivers, wrapped. Bermuda Hardware | Shop, Mangrove Bay. Gifts for the AMATEUR PHOTO­ SPECIAL for your Xmas Cooking ful, practical, from £5 15s. up. Guide to planes, etc. Frith's Hardware, Ltd., Front St. Phone 4251. GRAPHER. See our wide —dark and light brown sugar; T. M. Doe and S6n. ' Front Street. assortment. The Bermuda Cigar PIPES, pouches, cigarette cases, MASONIC RINGS and signet sugar tablets; farina 1 6 lb. WOSTENHOLM KITCHEN JAMES "CADET" — Three-speed Store Everybody's Market. _*? GOOD GIVING and other smokers' articles rings for men. The perfect SETS to bring joy to any motor cycles. Specially priced make ideal gifts. The Cigar Christmas gift. Astwood-Dickin- housewife. At Friths Hardware, for Christmas. £115. Wadsons. Store. son Co., Ltd., Front St. TAKE YOUR OWN PHOTO­ Front Street. GRAPH at Christmas. Camara XMAS TREES, turkeys, hams, and Films. All sizes. The roasting chickens. Fresh Ber­ A GIFT OF BEAUTY — A Gift Camera Store, Queen Street. muda pork, raisins, Xmas nuts, Certificate obtainable at the mixed peel, suet. Handy Market, Harper Method Beauty Shop. OLD FORESTER BOURBON Court St. Phone 4325. WHISKY in a handsome de­ THERE'S NOTHING BETTER canter bottle. A gift that will be TURKEYS, chickens, ham, pork, than a subscription to The Royal there's an air of distinction appreciated. At Friths Liquor: beef, farina, nuts, mixed peel, Ltd. Gazette Weekly or The Royal High quality RELIGIOUS BEAUTIFUL ANNIVERSARY I dates, figs, table raisins. Piggly Gazette. CLOCKS, £8. The Little Wiggly Market. * CHRISTMAS CARDS. Beau- FOR HER AT XMAS a lovely fully designed. Reasonably priced. French Shop. FOCKINK LIQUEURS are Hol­ Bible Book Room, Church Street. in our three-quarter length land's best. Choose from 21 pair of Cocktail Custom-Built CEDAR CHESTS, Coffee Tables varieties at Goslings. Shoes by Cangemi. Available at WESTCLOX CLOCKS, watches and many other genuine Antoinettes. and wrist watches. The best Bermudian gifts at the Island- LOVELY LINGERIE—A pleasure money can buy. Frith's Hardware, Maid Studio, Serpentine Road. Front Street. to give, delightful to get—slips, SCHATZ 400-DAY CLOCKS. An panties, nighties, from Margaret's, TO ENHANCE the appearance of ideal Xmas gift. In brass — Reid St. your watch at Christmas — a black — maroon. Vera P. Card SEWING MACHINES, Scissors, beautiful expansion band from Ltd. CAMELHAIR COATS T. M. Doe and Son. Motions. See the amazing ELECTRIC and OIL HEATERS, "Neccfat** before you buy. Cecil MELODY MUSIC SHOP, Reid St. • fire screens, end irons, Cape Cod Harris, Church St. Xmas records. Everything lighters. Bermuda Hardwares A RONSON LIGHTER with her musical. Ltd., Front St. Phone 4251. • initials. Twenty-four models to HUMMEL FIGURES — see our RONSON TABLE LIGHTERS in choose from. The ideal gift. Pitt new selection of these famous & Co. six different attractive models. We now have a collection child studies. .Vera P. Card Ltd. Pitt & Co. of magnificently detailed A CARTON OF CHESTER­ CJVE SPORTING GIFTS: Foot- GUEST TOWELS, tea towels, FIELDS is always welcome. balls, tennis, golf, baseball, luncheon sets, tablecloths and English tailored three- Pitt & Co. fishing, games, and many other matching napkins, etc. Irish Linen inexpensive suggestions. Sports­ Shop, Mangrove Bay. quarter length camelhair SEE OUR wonderful values for man's Shop, Burnaby St. Xmas, including woollen jersey GIVE YEARS oi enjoyment this coats in black and blouses, sweaters, costume Goslings will have LIQUEUR Christmas—Pye—better radios, jewellery. H. S. Critchley, Vasco CHOCOLATES for Christmas. Wadsons. neutral with sloping raglan da Gama Building, Reid St. They're popular gifts. SPECIAL XMAS TERMS—Small shoulders and satin lining. FOR THAT PERSONAL GIFT: STERLING SILVER IDENTITY deposit secures gas range, 11 BELFIELD-IN-SOMERSET Give perfume. Peniston-Brown BRACELETS for Her or Him j electric refrigerator, washing j I Also from England, other Co, perfume specialists (3 stores and enera ved in any style. machine. Phone 2012, Bermuda I in Hamilton). Kempecraft, Walker Arcade. Gas & Utility Company. short coats of luxurious Comfortable. DISTINCTIV E YULETIDE A BRIGHT SPARKLING NECK­ CARDS—To greet your friends mohair in sky blue, coral, LACE — earrings—bracelet — at Christmas time. Mac's Studio, Quiet Tel. for her Christmas. The Yankee Burnaby St. off-white and tan. Store has best selection. Christmas 882$ THE SPECIAL GIFT — An Air BEAUTIFULLY HAND - EM­ Travel Certificate usable at any BROIDERED linen blouses. time, from £ 5. Bermuda Vaca­ Shopping Several distinctive styles. From tion Service, phone 1169. 88/-. The Irish Linen Shop, I. . ._- SILVER SPOON & PUSHER in grove Bay. NOTEPAPER — Five attractive case, 86 6 or Danish pottery shades, ' gift boxed. Com-: plate, bowl, mug and egg-cup for second floor • GIFTS I pendiums and cabinets, from 1/9. 23 6. Wm. Bluck & Co., Hamil­ Bermuda Press Stationery Store. ton and St. George's. • TOYS RALEIGH — "The all-steel bi- HANKSCRAFT automatic ' cycle," 3-speed models; junior electric Baby Bottle Warmers • LUNCHES models and other models now in and Vaporisers, 21 -. Electric stock. Wadsons. Light Showrooms. • TEAS RALEIGH TRICYCLES — ex­ ceptionally well made for years • DRINKS of safe riding. Wadsons.

11107+m 4th Dec. 7th Dec. 11th Dec. SLIPPERS, football boots and cowboy boots bring smiles and j smiles. W. J. Boyle & Son. open during Hie lunch hour



We don't all have the power to see into the future and that's just the point! You can't know what will happen tomorrow, but you can be pre­ It's The Choice Of 7,000,000 Housewives! pared for it with adequate insurance For really clean washings, life-long faithful service, coverage. See us today about our New Parker "51" is recognised complete-coverage low- •as well as economy in the use of water, soap and ...WITH THESE NEW throughout the world as the finest of electricity, insist on the genuine Maytag Washer. writing instruments. PARKER FEATURES Only the Parker "51" Pen has the fa­ • INK-FLOW GOVERNOR Available in 3 Models, including the Spin-Dry Type mous Aero-metric Ink System. Filling is • PU-GLASS RESERVOIR easy, clean and certain. Writes instantly. • VISIBLE INK SUPPLY . Remember, the Maytag Washer is the perfect year after year Make your gift the New Parker "51" Fer twit r««ulti In thl$ and all Pen. Now available at all good dealers. Christmas Gift! other pent, use Porker Quink with tolv-x Kitson & Company, Limited Prices: 184/- a** ltl/- Distributors and Repair Service Station: Insurance Brokers Pearman, Watlington tfc Co, PURVIS' LTD Ardleigh Cottage Tel: 4333 Household Dept. 2nd Floor Phone 4141 Hamilton - Reid Street, Hamilton M484tn mmmmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmmmkmmjau*.m\maa Page 1| THE ROYAL GAZETTE, MOJfDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 Soviet Look At Bermuda WESTERN ENVOYS SEE GUATEMALAN ENVOY Reservation Save on this Famous Razor YUGOSLAV MINISTER CALLS KETTLE BLACK Bermuda Propaganda Anns At Wedge BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, Dec­ GUATEMALA CITY, Decem­ Bureau ember 6 (Reuter). — The Am­ ber 6 (Reuter). — The official Don't miss this opportunity erican, British and French am­ newspaper Diario de Centro bassadors today met with the America spread on its front page to have one of these fine Between U.S. And Allies Yugoslav Foreign Secretary, Mr. today a recent statement by 2)o \You Weed Koca Pop vie to discuss Western Guatemala's ambassador to the English razors at our low LONDON, December 6 .(Reu­ conditions for the proposed five- United States that "Guatemala is Hotel Reservations ter). — A "let's be nice to the power conference on the Trieste a victim of a campaign by news­ Bermuda price. Precision British" campaign has an im^ ENGLAND BASKS IN Free Territory. papers and other media of infor­ or portant priority rating in the Tanjug, the official Yugoslav mation in the United States." made of the best materials Kremlin's propaganda department SPRINGLIKE WEATHER news agency, said the ambassa­ In his statement in New York, — you can count on a at the moment. dors themselves requested the dated December 3, the Ambassa­ Travel Advice? Soviet editorial writers have in­ meeting. dor, Senor Guillermo Toriello, Rolls* Razor to give you a structions to' soft-pedal existing 86 Degrees Recorded At Though no official announce­ named among others as taking Anglo-Soviet differences but to ment has been made it is thought part in the "campaign" against or lifetime of shaying pleasure build up real or imagined -'dif­ Brighton On South Coast that the Big Three have proposed Guatemala The New York Times, ferences, between • Britain and turning over to Italian authorities The Herald- Tribune, The Wash­ Are You Interested America. LONDON, December 6 — Bri­ more administrative posts in- the ington Post and Star, Christian In this present phase of the tons, floating towards Christmas Free Territory's Zone A at the Science Monitor, Wall Street Soviet "peace offensive" Britain with spring in the air, were same time as their conference Journal, and Time magazine. In Sightseeing? is treated as at least a potential with Italy and Yugoslavia is con­ El Imparcial, largest indepen­ wondering today what on earth vened. friend: so too is France. The "war­ could have caused the week-end dent evening newspaper publish­ mongers" and "the enemies of December temperature of 86 de­ This move is calculated to be ed an editorial en the subject last If So Consult Us 50/- or $7.07 peace" apparently^ are all situated grees recorded in the sun at acceptable to Yugoslavia and also night. in the United States at present —- Brighton. an indication to Italy that the The paper cited Communist and with the exception of the "mili­ Big Three seriously intend to Government publications here At The tarists" behind Dr. Konrad This Sunday again being .as * We are the agents for Rolls Razors mild as an April day with tem­ carry out eventually their Octo­ which "lambast" the United Adenauer's West German Govern­ ber 8 decision to turn over tiie States continually" and para­ Corner of ment. peratures around 58 degrees in- entire Zone A to Italy. stad of the normal December 46 phrased the biblical quotation in Front fir Parliament The Kremlin line on the Ber­ advising Senor Toriello to "do to muda conference is that it is a degrees, Britons wrote to their Streets newspapers asking why Santa, others as you would have them "separatist" affair, and obviously do unto yourself." Russia cannot approve of that. when making his rounds, will KUALA LUMPUR, Malaya, or Nevertheless Britain and probably see primroses and daffo­ December 6 (Reuter). — British Phone France are pictured as approving dil spikes and trees in bud instead security forces killed five Com­ "Brassard" which now refers to | the idea of four-power talks with of snow and slush. munist terrorists in Malaya yes­ a badge on the upper arm original-1 2535 — 1015 — 3928 take back French perfumes Russia* Official Washington is Officially the warm days are terday, an official communique ly meant a piece of armour for the | 0246fm tp. portrayed either as actively hostile reported to have been brought said today. upper arm. to the idea or as being dragged from tiie North African coast by unwillingly into It by her Euro­ a southwesterly stream but this for Christmas pean allies. explanation evidently seems too The Soviet thesis, echoed in tame. Communist China, ia that the A trio who had their weather "warmongers" reacted coldly to talk recorded in a Sunday column CARON the latest Russian note, which attributed the mild days first to finally agreed to four-power the atom, then a wrong turning *CARVEN talks, because on principle they af tiie Gulf Stream and thirdly her Christmas wish come true.. CHANEL oppose every move to lessen in­ to nothing on earth — to flying ternational tension. saucers. CIRO FEWER ATTACKS Other spring snippets of this A "Soviet desire to be "nice" to British Christmas in the papers CORDAY Britain has shown itself in several tell (tf lambs gambolling down at ways. There have been fewer, Dyrham in the usually snowy Cashmeres DANA and milder, attacks by press and' west and of freshly gathered 'FATH radio recently on Britain's ad­ irises and other spring flowers by m ministration in the colonies. gracing mantlepieces with the LANVIN A movie producer, Georgi Alex­ first Christmas cards. androv, one of the leading mem­ General British comment on LENT^ERIC bers of a Soviet cultural delega­ the weather is the word "balmy" tion now concluding a month's — which means both "deliciously LUCIEN LELONG- visit to Britain, wrote in Pravda mild" and "daft" MILLOT on December 1 a long article say­ The weather is blessed by some ing how nice and friendly he and cursed by others. Coal PATOU found everyone here. stocks have risen two million tons "Wherever we went in England, as a result but many market gar­ VIGNY Scotland or Wales, the British deners expect their worst slump For her Christmas give people received us with great wtflL. for 20 years because of premature her a Braemar* cardigan warmth and hospitality," he said. crops. Clothing stores are dis­ WORTH Previous Soviet visitors to Bri­ mayed at rows of unsold winter selected from our full tain have usually written scathing tweeds but extra supplies of soft articles about the horrors of life drinks are being rushed. colour and size range in under "capitalism" on their re­ The weather men predict more classic or new dress maker turn home. mild, cloudy days early next Perfumes are easy to pack., easy to wrap and when In Moscow recently a "British- week with perhaps a little fog. styles . .. our latest features Soviet friendship evening" was you consider they are generaHy so much less here recently held under state auspices. a mid-day neckline, open- It was the first time such an even­ ing had been held for many years. BRILLIANT PIANIST throated collar and a deep than in the U.S. they certainly make wonderful NATIONAL HERO band of ribbing, worn During the past week Moscow DIES FROM POISON gifts to take back. Listed are only some of the Radio has been stressing the Bus-; outside to give the long sian regard for poets like Byron LONDON, December 6 (Beu­ torso look . . . gifts of long famous French names from our unsurpassed and. Shelley and for writers like ter). Noel Mewton-Wood, 30, bril­ Dickens and, of course, Shake­ liant Australian-bran pianist, was lasting perfection she'll speare, who is almost as much found dead at his hornet in Lon­ selections — so we suggest you try here first. a "national hero" in Russia as he don last night. always treasure. is in Britain. Death was believed to be due Behind Russia's present tactics to poisoning, but police said are believed to be these • major there was no suspicion of foul second floor aims: 1. A desire, where possible, to play. drive a wedge between the United Mewton-Wood, after Eileen * Exclusive with US States and her European friends, Joyce, was the most distinguished and to prevent a 100 per cent pianist that Australia has pro­ united front by the West in the duced. He made his London de­ event of talks with Russia. but at the age of 17 with the 2. A desire to expand consider­ London Philharmonic Orchestra. ably trade with Britain and other Dame Myra Hess, premier Bri­ non-Communist countries of tish pianist, paid this tribute to Europe. him in London tonight: "His ver­ Russia, in the'1 throes of her satility was staggering. He campaign to raise living standards, could dazzle one with sheer bril­ needs bigger imports as well as liance and move one deeply by increased home production. She his sensitive poetical qualities. could with profit import many We- can ill afford to lose such a manufactured goods which have richly gifted musician. His death no strategic value. is an irreparable loss to music." The Kremlin is aware that to o many British businessmen the PHILADELPHIA (AP). — The prospect of opening up new mar­ sign on the back of a Philadelphia II490+m. THE FINEST kets behind the iron curtain is truck: "Dim Dem Dam Lites!" not unattractive. MME. LANIEL CANCELS English Bone Chinas FLIGHT TO BERMUDA Superb qualities and values PARIS, December 6 (Reuter). — Mme. Joseph Laniel, wife of the French Prime Minister, who was taken ill yesterday during the Here in a charming setting Big Three Bermuda talks, can­ celled her intended' flight there directly opposite the today after latest reports said his « British Topcoats condition was "excellent." covered pier where the o TR --VIGUO, Italy, Def ember 0 (Reuter). — Homeward-bound Furness ships dock, you passengers on a slow 'Workers' Ours are superb coats — made from train between Mifan and Venice the finest material woven in Scotland will find a wide and won­ rebelled when the stationmaster here had them shunted onto a and tailored to perfection in.the best derful collection of English siding to give priority to an ex­ press. London manner. We offer them in a They invaded the signal house chinas. There are excellent and forced the signalman to shunt choice of models and in complete size them back on to the main line selections in dinner and and halt the oncoming Turin- ranges. To any judge of quality thfe Venice express. The express had to wait an hour prices on our coats' will be most tea services — many at Traviglio until the workers reached home. appreciated. attractive Christmas gift items . . . all priced advan­ Closing Exchange Bates * Lambswool, Shetland or Harris Tweeds tageously. Come in and at the Bank of N. T. Butterfield * Son, Ltd. £24.10.0 or $69.32 see our latest imports. on Saturday The English China Shop BANK OF ENGLAND OFFICIAL * Pure Natural Camels Hair RATE FOR UNITED STATES Front Street EXCHANGE $2.811875 $2.81125 from £37.10.0 or $106.12 Bank buying rate $2.8250 $1.00 equals 7/1 Bank selling rate $2.80 $1.00 equals 7/2 open during CANADIAN FREE BATE London $2.740625 $2.739375 the Lunch Hour Montreal $2.74125 $2.7375 Bank buying rate .: $2.7550 $1.00 equals 7/3 ST. GEORGE • CASTLE JIARBOUR Bank selling rate |2.72 $1.00 equals 7/4 144941-1 The foregoing are yesterday's closing prices. =3