TideTa ble For Dec. LIGHTING-UP TIME High Low Date Water Water Sun- Sun­ am. p.m. ajn. p.m. rise aet 5.43 p.m. 7 8.59 9.11 2.27 3.32 7417 5.13 8 •1.40 9.53 3.09 4.12 7.08 S.13 9 10.22 10.40 3.53 4.55 7.09 5.13 I VOL. 33 — NO. 280 HAMILTON. BERMUDA. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1953 6D PER COPY BIG 3 WIND UP TALKS HERE TODAY; REPLY TO RUSSIA ON BIG 4 {MEETING FINALISED Eisenhower Flying To New York For U.N. Tomorrow; . pitfitt? tiitiif i Laniel 111 Over Week-End President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill held a meeting vesterday afternoon and will hold another tomorrow at which they will discuss Far Eastern problems, according to an official communique issued last night after a 2£-hour session. [ The President and Sir Winston met for the third time yesterday as the Foreign Ministers of the United States, Britain and France prepared a final reply to Russia's offer of a Big Four Berlin conference on Germany. M. Bidault talked with them, deputising for the second day for the ailing French Premier, M. Joseph Laniel, who is still confined to bed with a chill he caught on Saturday. An official spokesman said the three heads of Govern­ ment will meet again this morning. Ahd they will get to­ gether for the last time in the afternoon. The spokesman also announced - that President Eisenhower will address the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday. Tactics For The ^j His address, entitled "Perils con­ fronting the world in this atomic age," has been approved by the Meeting With British and French premiers. The speech will not be a report on the Bermuda conference. Russia Planned Mr. Dag Hanmaiskjoeld, tbe U.N. Secretary-General, asked the Over the week-end the Big President to make the speech last i Three planned their tactics for LEAVING SERVICE. — President Eisenhower, accompanied by Friday, the day Genei«l Eisen­ the meeting with Russia early Colonel Peterson, Kindley Base commander, and Lt. Baldrid.ee, hower arrived in lformuda. next year. They directly related Kindley chaplain, leaving the Base chapel after attending a service General Eisenhower will fly {pom their discussions to the future of j there yesterday morning. Bermuda to New York tomorrow.' tne projected but still-faltering The lagging European Army European Army plan. plan was the top item scheduled There was no doubt in diplo­ tor discussion by General Eisen­ matic quarters at the Castle hower, Sir Winston and M. Harbour Hotel that Mr. Molotov Eisenhower Joins Church Bidault yesterday. Thfee power j (Soviet Foreign Minister) would { agreement on the six-ration army j sharply attack the proposed re- plan, recently under heavy attack armament of. Western Germany in the French Nation*- Assembly. • within the iCuropean Defence Service At Kindley Base is regarded as an "ssential pre­ Community in the opening stages PRESIDENT WAVES. — Waving cheerfully to crowds of American servicemen and their families after attending morning serviee at liminary condition to any lour.'-1 of the Big Fear Foreign Minis­ Kindley Base Chapel yesterday, President Eisenhower prepares to leave in his open car to resume the Big Three talks at the Mid- power talks wife Russia i>y ters' meeting. President Eisenhower a diplomatic quarters here. / The Western Big Three were | Ocean Club. nd M. Georges Bidault, the The communiqs* issued/ after to make a preliminary attempt to French Foreign Minister, toe) k time off from international yesterday afternoon's parley saidjU^fag. hiTexpected charges by affairs yesterday to attend c hurch — the President in the "The three heads ol Government j^ngiy denying, in the note white-painted wooden chapel of the United States Kindley and then^foreig-- nuniste^ con-1 they are to send to Russia in the Air Force Base and M. Bic lault in St. Theresa's Roman yiinued their disc'Ssion. gS Europ­ next day or two, allegations Special Stamps For Conference f^J^S Catholic Church in Hamilton ean question and will pass against E.D.C. contained in Mos­ Even during 'Sunday devotions, tomorrow to consideration of Far cow's note of November 26. however, neither was permitted to Eastern questions. In one. respect the Western Printing machines of the Ber­ talks are taking place and second- "Three Power Talks December "M. Bidault made an explana­ The second guest house to be forget completely the critical powers left themselves wide open muda Press, Ltd. were busy on j ly to choose stamps that can be 1953" in two lines directly over j offered for sale by public auction tion at the heads of Government the map of the Islands. For the I importance of the Big Three Con­ to a Russian onslaught against the week-end overprinting used for air mail postage to the in the past week went unsold on ference which brought them to NATO Observer meeting of the French position in E.D.C. by hinting in tbeir invita­ thousands of 3d and 1/3d" stamps ; countries of the three participat- the European Defence Com­ Continued on Page 9 Saturday when bidding failed to Bermuda to confer with Sir tion to Mr. Molotov that a four- to commemorate the Big Three j ing powers." reach' the reserve price. munity." power meeting might discuss the Conference being held here. The ! Winston Churchill, the British Arrives For Big EDEN REPORTS Both the 3d and 1 3 stamps future security of Europe. Re- stamps will be on sale from to­ show a map of the Islands of Mr. Myer M. Malloy, the Prime Minister. The British Foreign Secretary, duced to plain terms the Russian morrow morning until December Bermuda. The 1 3d stamp is the auctioneer, was unable to coax a Sitting five rows from the front Mr. Anthony Eden, at General retort is "How can you talk about 31, or until stocks are exhausted air mail postage of a letter to the t large enough bid on the Summer- | in the plain servicemen's chapel Three Parleys Eisenhower's request, reported on maintaining peace in Europe — whichever is the sooner. j United Kingdom, the- l/3d stamp side guest house in Somerset. i President Eisenhower heard the an earlier meeting between him- while you continue to plan The only bid submitted for the ! chaplain, Lieut. Gale Baldridge, Lord Ismay, the Secretary "In choosing the stamps to be and a 3d stamp represent the air 1 pray for world peace through a self, the U.S. Secretary of State, rearmament of its historically overprinted," said the Hon. W. W. I mail postage to France, and two main house proper, with all its General of N.A.T.O. arrived on Mr. John Foster Dulles, and M. most aggressive state?" fittings from goblets to a Hillman ; successful outcome of the Saturday afternoon from New Davidson, M.C.P. (Colonial 3d stamps can be used for air car, was one of £ 10,000 voiced by conference. Bidault yesterday morning, when i SAFEST WAY Treasurer), "we tried to meet mail letters to the United States York to be an observer at the Big they conferred on preparation of Mr. W. R. Henderson. Father Robert Dehler, in St. Three conference. two objects. Firstly, to represent of America. Theresa's Church, referred to the a reply to the Russian note. Nothing would suit the Western or depict the Islands where the The overprinting consists of Continued on Ptf e 7 Lord Ismay, who left Paris on The three Foreign Ministers book better than to be able to rail. I conference in his sermon, saying Friday morning, told reporters at yesterday finished discussing face Mr. Molotov across tbe table that critical international prob­ Kindley airport that he would Russia's offer for a four-power Ber­ with E.D.C. an accomplished fact. lems had momentarilv "broken attend the meetings purely as an lin conference on Germany and are They are strongly convinced a the quiet of this placid island observer. He said he had no right consulting the West German Federal Germany Which daily Colony." Father Dehler, Ber­ to commit any of the 11 countries Chancellor, Dr. Konrad Adenauer continues its phenomenal return muda's Canadian-born Apostolic not represented at the conference before drafting a final reply. to prosperity cannot be left in a Prefect, welcomed "some of our and any views he would express Continued on Page 11 Continued on Page 11 . friends who are attending the Big would be his own personal Three Conference." opinions. No special arrangements were "I have 14 masters and I have made at either church for the come here purely as an observer. important visitors, the service in Nothing that I say will commit Anglo-Persian Hes Resume each case being that for any those 11 nations who are not I normal Sunday morning. bere," the tall, burly N.A.T.O. 1 At Kindley President Eisen- expert said. } bower arrived in an open car and Lord Ismay was met at the But Not Oil Settlement made an inspection of the area airport by representatives of the with Col. George W. Peterson, the British, American and French Base commander, who met the LONDON, December 6 (Reu­ delegations and by the Colonial President and his party at the Secretary, the Hon. O. R. Arthur. ter). — Britain has officially 22 PERSONS KILLED main gate. The car conveying the thanked the United States for He drove to the Castle Harbour U.S. President arrived at the Hotel with M. Herve Alphand, the the "good offices" of Mr.
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