The Northmarsh of Somerset, the Low-Lying Moors North of the Mendips
THE E€ORTHMARSH ,f TOMERSET trHILIP ffi E I S LY % Tup NORTHMARSH OF SOME,RSE,T TuE, NORTHMARSH OF SOME,RSE,T Philip Beisly l7eston-super-Mare Heritage Centre, 3-6 N7adham Street, 'Weston-super-Mare First published in 1996 by the'Weston-super-Mare Heritage Centre, 'Weston-super-Mare Civic Sociery 3-6'Wadharn Street,'Weston-super-Mare. Copyright O Philip Beisly, 1996. A1l rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, storied in a retrieval systenl, or transnitted, in any fbrm, or by an1, means, elec- tronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, r'vithout the prior permission of the publisher and copl,right holder[s]. The author has asserted the moral right to be identified as the author of this rvork. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library rsBN0951036823 Cover picture: Congresbury from Frost Hill ,frJ,"' AIAN surroN-" and surrc)N'n'are the \$l,/f trade nrarks of Sutton Publishing Limited Typeset in 11 / 14 pt Sabon Typesetting and origination by Sutton Publishing Limited Printed in Great Britain by Henry Lings Limited, Dorchester Contents Preface and Acknowledgements 6 1. The Northmarsh 7 2. Before History 14 3. Invaders 21 4. Medieval Life 35 5. Managing the Marsh 45 6. Churches 52 7. Houses 77 8. New Land and New Men 90 9. lmprovement 99 10. The Modern Age 115 Select Bibliography 133 Index 135 5 Preface and Acknowledgements This book is an introduction to the storv of the Northmarsh of Somerset, the low-lying moors north of the Mendips.
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