There Will Be 14 Authorised Mental Health Beds in Broome Regional Resource Centre
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US Ie STANDING COMMITTEE ON ESTIMATES AND FINANCIAL OPERATIONS QUESTIONS RELATING TO 2008/09 ONGOING BUDGET ESTIMATES DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 1. HON. HELEN MORTON MLC ASKED- Page 556 1.1 How many mental health beds will be built in the Broome Regional Resource Centre, and how many will be secured beds? Answer: (1) There will be 14 authorised mental health beds in Broome Regional Resource Centre. (2) There will be three secure beds at Broome Regional Resource Centre. 1.2 What is the Broome Regional Resource Centre, and what will it comprise? Answer: The policy framework for country health services involves a regional network model, based on the concepts of service integration and strategic partnership. The regional network model has five interrelated elements, as follows: Regional Resource Centres. Integrated district health services. Health services for towns. Health services for small communities/settlements. Partner metropolitan health service(s). As the largest town in the Kimberley region, Broome has been identified as the most appropriate town for the regional resource centre. As such, it will provide services and support for the following resident specialist and regional health care programs for the Kimberley: Aged care/rehabilitation. Anaesthetics/high dependency. Dental health. Emergency. General medicine. General surgery. Visiting specialist surgery. Medical imaging. Mental health. Obstetrics. Paediatric. Population health. Estimates and Financial Operations Committee Page 2 1.3 What specific initiatives will the $12.5 million for the redevelopment stage 2 of Kalamunda Hospital be spent on from 2009 until 2013. Answer: Planning for Stage 2 of the Kalamunda Hospital redevelopment has not commenced. Funding of $3.2M has been allocated to the refurbishment of the theatres at Kalamunda Hospital. The remaining $9.3M will be allocated once the Midland Redevelopment Business Case has been finalised. Page 559 1.4 What specific service initiatives have been plannedfor Indigenous mental health, by location and by cost? Answer: The Statewide Indigenous Mental Health Service will continue to consolidate its statewide role of providing consultation and liaison support to public mental health services, community controlled health organisations, and other non-government health service providers. Cost: $459,000. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the W A Perinatal Mental Health Unit, Central Midwest Mental Health Service and Carnarvon Hospital for the development and establishment of an Indigenous Perinatal Mental Health Service for Carnarvon and surrounding districts has recently been agreed. Cost: $124,000 annually over three years initially, with the possible extension on a two yearly basis. The new Acute Community Intervention Team will be operational at Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) from the end of July 2008. This team will appoint 1 FTE Aboriginal Health Worker to facilitate access to and provide clinical support to the aboriginal community. Cost: $70,000. 1.5 In particular, what new funding has been applied to initiatives at Narrogin? Answer: The Great Southern Mental Health Service is currently providing support to community members and has safety plans in place for family and community members identified at risk as a result of the recent suicides. The Narrogin community mental health team will continue to work collaboratively with the community and other services, including the Wheatbelt Aboriginal Medical Service, Holyoake Drug and Alcohol Service, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministerial Council for Suicide Prevention. Page 562 1.6 Does the readmission rate of1.5% estimates for 2007 -08 include re-admissions to mental health facilities? Has the readmission rate for mental health patients reduced from 8% of last year? Answer: (1) Yes. Estimates and Financial Operations Committee Page 3 (2) Yes. The rate for unplanned hospital re-admissions within 28 days to the same hospital for a related mental health condition for 2006-07 is 5.3% for the State. 1.7 What is the readmission rate in 2007108 for each authorised mental healthfaGility in WA? Answer: This information is not available for each individual hospital ward including authorised mental health facilities. Page 568 1.8 Have the remainder of the Ward 9 beds now opened and ifnot, when will they? What strategy has been employed to recruit staff? Answer: (1) Mental health beds in the John Milne Centre (Ward 9) will be open when staffing is available. (2) Shortages in nursing staff are being addressed in a number of ways, including advertising both locally and overseas, recurrent overseas nursing recruitment drives and the development of the Assistants in Nursing Program. Page 572, 1.9 Can you please provide a breakdown of the times patients are now staying in emergency departments, by hospital? Has this improved in the last 12 months? Answer: The following table presents median ED waiting times and attendance counts for May 2007 and May 2008 (latest available data) for Metropolitan public hospitals. Of the ten hospitals listed below, median waiting times were lower in May 2008 than May 2007 for seven hospitals. All ten hospitals reported increased numbers of attendances, with significant increases in percentage terms occurring at Princess Margaret Hospital, Joondalup Health Campus, Swan District and Fremantle Hospitals. Estimates and Financial Operations Committee Page 4 Median waiting Median waiting time time in in Minutes, . all Minutes, all triage triage categories Attendances categories Attendances May 2008 May 2008 Hospital (% change on May (% change on May 2007 May 2007 2007)1 May 2007) Royal Perth Hospital 29 4841 40 (+37.9%) 4915 (+1.5%) Fremantle Hospital 43 3710 34 (-20.9%) 4066 (+9.6%) Princess Margaret Hospital 29 4124 34 (+17.2%) 4878 (+18.3%) King Edward Memorial Hospital 45 929 39 (-13.3%) 998 (+7.4%) Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital 40 4296 36 (-10.0%) 4329 (+0.8%) Armadale Kelrnscott Hospital 37 3436 50 (+35.1%) 3701 (+7.7%) Swan District Hospital 37 2561 36 (-2.7%) 2815 (+9.9%) Rockingham K winana Health Service 43 3459 40 (-7.0%) 3680 (+6.4%) Joondalup Health Campus 46 4486 36 (-21.7%) 5024 (+12.0%) Peel Health Campus 36 2556 34 (-5.6%) 2661 (+4.1%) Total Metropolitan Hospitals 37 34398 37 (0.0%) 37067 (+7.8%) . Note that percentage changes m medIan waItmg times have been calculated from the rounded whole number values for May 2007 and May 2008. 1.10 When will mental health liaison nurses be located in the Emergency departments, at Broome, Kalgoorlie, Northam, Port Hedland & Peel hospitals? Answer: All regional resource centres are planning to employ Emergency Department (ED) liaison nurses. Currently all community mental health services provide in-reach and consultation liaison services to all EDs in Broome, Kalgoorlie, Northam and Port Hedland. The availability of liaison nurses at Peel Hospital is subject to DoH contract negotiations with Peel Health Campus. 1.11 Is funding being made available for the appointment of these positions in the 2008-09 Budget? Answer: New positions will be funded from within the WA Health budget allocation, with the possible exception of Peel Health Campus which is subject to contract negotiations. Page 581, Major Initiatives - Aboriginal Health, 1'1 dot point 1.12 How is the strength of this partnership being measured? Answer: The Office of Aboriginal Health, the Office of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health (W A Branch), the WA GP Network and the Aboriginal Health Council of WA, as a collaborative group, have commenced work on reviewing the role, responsibilities and operating protocol under which this partnership functions with the view to strengthening the governance and strategic directions that the partnership takes in the future. The review will assist with improving a collaborative approach to policy, planning and program servIce delivery for the Indigenous community. Estimates and Financial Operations Committee Page 5 Page 587, Major Initiatives, liz dot point 1.13 Please details the vacancies in dental care by location and worker type? Answer: DENTAL OFFICER VACANCIES Metropolitan Liddell 1.4 Swan 1 Armadale 1 Joondalup 1 Rockingham 2 ADO (North 1) 1 Country Fitzroy Crossing 1 Derby 1 Community Dental Unit 2 1 Area Dental Officer (Albany) 1 Area Dental Officer (Goldfields) 1 Bunbury 4 Geraldton 1 Newman 1 DENTAL THERAPIST VACANCIES Metropolitan Lesmurdie 0.2 South Thornlie 0.2 Guildford Area 0.5 Country Tom Price 0.5 SouthIPort Hedland 1 Carnarvon 0.5 Kununurra 0.79 Jurien Mobile 1 Mt Barker Mobile 1 Bridgetown Mobile 1 Mandurah 0.6 Girrawheen 1 (from 23/6/08) Kinross 1 Quinns Beach 1 (from 16/6/08) Yanchep Mobile 1 Karratha Mobile 1 Allendale 1 Estimates and Financial Operations Committee Page 6 DENTAL CLINIC ASSISTANT VACANCIES Metropolitan Warwick 1 Liddell 1 MtHenry 1 Fremantle 1 Lockridge 0.5 Edney 1 Westfield 1 Bandyup 1 Willetton 1 Relief 8.6 Warriapendi 1 SwanGDC 0.6 Bannister Creek 1 Margaret River Mob 1 Special Needs DC 1 Swanbourne 1 Morley 1 Girrawheen 1 Country Hedland 1 AlbanyGDC 1 HedlandDTC 1 Goldfields 1 Community Dental Unit 2 1 Fitzroy Crossing 1 Carnarvon DTC 0.5 Karratha Mobile 1 Derby Mobile 1 Bridgetown Mobile 1 Newman 1.6 Estimates and Financial Operations Committee Page 7 1.14 How many clinics are currently closed or curtailed as a result ofreduced staff? Answer: Dental Therapy Centres Currently Closed Quinns Beach Closed June 08 - August 08 Yanchep Mobile Closed June 08 - August 08 Ocean Reef Closed for June 08 only Bridgetown mobile Dental Therapy Centre closed from 9/612008 until further notice Allendale Dental Therapy Centre closed from 3/6/2008 until the end of the year Dental Therapy Centres Currently Curtailed Byford (Closed Friday) East Maddington (Open 2 days per week instead of full time) Gosnells (Open 2 days per week instead of full time) Lockridge (Open 2 days per week instead of full time) 1.15 Has the recruitment problems increased waiting times for patients? Answer: In the General Dental Service the waiting time for care in the metropolitan area has not increased overall as there is an ability to utilise the participating private dental practitioners to provide emergency and general dental care.