Copyright © 2007 Ned Chapin. Published by the Society with permission.


Ned Chapin, Ph.D. Information Systems Consultant InfoSci Inc., Box 7117 Menlo Park CA 94026-7117, USA [email protected]


While the number one goal of a human crewed Mars exploration mission may well be to assure the health and safety of the human crew, the number two goal is most probably to return to Earth a lot of knowledge about Mars, i.e., data. Such data acquisition has been simulated in part by activities done at The ’s analog research stations. The crew members on actual Mars missions will be applying their expertises in multiple science disciplines, and combining their observations and insights with already known data about Mars, and with the data gathered on-site by the use of tools and automated aids, such as rovers. Even here on Earth, each source, discipline, tool, and aid used tends to acquire, generate, or provide data in forms and media that are often cumbersome and incompatible. On Mars (it’s paperless), such characteristics will be costly. For example, a geologist and a biologist describe differently in data terms what they observe, even when they are both observing the same entity at the same time, such as an oddly colored rock. Usually, their choices for data representation result in needing to use different data-handling equipment. This report sketches some of the ways on Mars exploration missions that the integration of the data at its origination or capture can be done. These ways facilitate rather than hinder the varied work of the scientists in their various disciplines thus making them more productive, reduce the weight and volume of equipment and supplies taken to and from Mars, and improve operational simplicity on Mars. The net result can be more and better quality data about Mars returned to Earth by crewed Mars missions.

Keywords: Data from missions, improving science data, acquiring data on Mars, information systems use on Mars, analog research station, paperless operations


William J. Clancey’s presentation earlier in this Convention has provided some welcome groundwork for this more specific presentation.1 After covering a few of the expected goals of crewed Mars missions and some of the key circumstances of the crews’ work on Mars, this presentation covers some ways of facilitating the prompt integration of the research data generated on Mars from the science work of the crews. Let us start with some overview of some Mars goals.

Goals of crewed Mars missions The common view for any crewed Mars mission is that the prime goal is to provide excellent crew health and safety.2 All of the human crew should arrive back on Earth at the end of the mission is no worse health or condition, mental and physical, than just before their departure from Earth for Mars. As Burt Rutan reminds us, the risk of NASA space flight related death thus far from going beyond Earth suborbital space has been about 0.014 per person per flight.3 Our historical Mars mission success rate has been worse than the average of space missions from Earth. Since for a person to land on Mars and return and land on Earth involves at least two space flights, each person on a crewed Mars mission probably faces at least a 0.028 risk of death, based on experience thus far. The potential hazards to crew safety (accidents, radiation exposure, etc.) have lead some people to question the value of sending crewed missions for Mars exploration when robotic Mars missions could be sent at less cost. This presentation does not discuss the many pros and cons surrounding crewed vs. robotic Mars missions. Instead, it addresses a secondary goal if crewed Mars missions are sent, what can be done to improve the integration of the data generated by and during the mission.

The value from any science exploration missions to Mars is the data obtained. From crewed Mars missions, the data return can be increased by enabling more of each sol’s activities to be devoted by the crew members to doing science exploration. Also, the data return can be increased by making the science activities be more productive. This can be done for each individual science activity, and as focused on in this presentation, by enabling better integration between any specific science activity and relevant other science activities. Those other science activities might be from other science disciplines being done at the time or those done earlier. For example, for examining in the field a piece of rock on Mars, the biologist sees it differently than does the geologist, and both capture or originate different data about that rock. But how then (at the initial examination) can those different sets of data be integrated to aid subsequent science activities more effectively, such as in organic chemistry and mineralogy, and tied to the subsequent geological and biological science activities, both in the field and in the laboratory?

Some major impediments exist to people’s doing science effectively on Mars, and have been described in prior Mars Society Conventions.4 The natural impediments include dust, a toxic to humans atmospheric composition, extreme cold, very low atmospheric pressure, skimpy natural radiation shielding, and close to nil humidity and surface water. In addition to such natural impediments, people will import additional impediments. A major one is the traditional paternalism of the scientific disciplines, in their practices, approaches, techniques, and terminologies, especially where they overlap, as in organic chemistry and microbiology.5 Related impediments are the commonly used tools, techniques, and methods for data capture and recording. The laboratory notebook with its ink entries is an example. Another related impediment is the common practice in exploratory science work (as will be a common variety of science work in early crewed Mars missions) of producing diaries, field reports, and periodic summary reports. The experience of the personnel in the Mars Society analog research stations has been that doing these is a drain on productive science work time for the personnel.6 A related drain but less complained about, has been time spent in searching previously acquired data for specific content. In this presentation, the focus is on data integration to reduce for the personnel on Mars the effects of the impediments on productive science work time. As has been noted at these Mars Society Conventions for some years, the science work on Mars will be best done in a paperless environment, with no paper, no pens, and no pencils—a working environment that thus far has not been simulated in the activities at the Mars Society analog research stations.7 To better assess how data integration could operate to improve the quantity and quality of the science work achieved on Mars, this presentation first sets out two general circumstances, and then looks into them individually.

Overview of circumstances

One general circumstance is work within a where the personnel will not be wearing Mars surface (EVA) suits. Another general circumstance is work outside of a Mars habitat where the personnel will be wearing Mars suits. The Mars suits limit physical dexterity and precision in human movement, but enclose the wearer in a human compatible atmosphere similar to that provided within a Mars habitat.

A Mars habitat is expected to provide a “shirt sleeve” environment for human living and working, similar to enclosed usual sea-level conditions on Earth, such as in homes and places of work. In a habitat, people can move around although the quarters will seem cramped, do precise or delicate work, hold face-to-face meetings, converse, and do laboratory and bench science work including working over field-gathered material. A Mars habitat will normally be stationary, but an enclosed rover may be able to provide a limited temporary habitat environment for its few occupants.

Outside a Mars habitat, a Mars suit will provide each wearer with his or her own individual human-compatible atmosphere.8 Wearers can give verbal commands to a computer just as they can do in a habitat, but all conversing and interpersonal communication will have to be carried out in a manner similar to using a mobile Blue-tooth telephone. While fine finger movements will be much restricted by the Mars suit, gross movements such as head turns and bending down to touch the ground surface will be somewhat limited and require additional effort. Outdoor use of science tools and instruments will tend to be cumbersome and take longer to do than on Earth.


As has been noted at prior Mars Society Conventions, an information system to support personnel doing exploratory science work, should make a permanent record of all science-related data.7 Some of those data are likely to be expressed in off-duty unpreplanned informal conversations among the crew members. A strict implementation of the recording all guideline also keeps in the record a lot of informal chit-chat and personal comments (like “I’m bushed!”). To ease privacy concerns, some editing might be done, or at the cost of losing a minor amount of science data, the guideline might be to record nearly none of the chit-chat.

Less controversial is to record all talk at the bench and whenever someone commands the information system to record. The usual criticism of such a guideline usually centers on the forgetfulness of the personnel about when to start and stop the recording. Some science data are likely to not get onto the record, as when a person while changing out of his or her Mars suit discusses some aspects of a field activity with another crew member.

Still less controversial is to record everything for the record that is said while putting on, wearing, or taking off a Mars suit. This is not burdensome since the Mars suit is automatically included in the Mars information system. Also not controversial is putting into the record, as by deliberate dictation or by “talk it off,” informal and formal reports, such as about a person’s science work accomplished thus far in a sol. The person who created such material can have the full amount or selected portions played back in audio form upon verbal command, and can it displayed in text and image forms on appropriate information system gear. Editing old versions of previously dictated documents, and creating new versions incorporating any revisions, deletions, and additions to any prior recorded dictated or “talked off” material also would be recorded in full. Group meetings, whether informal or formal, would almost always be recorded. A common concern in all science-related recording, is to be clear, complete, and accurate about events, things, places, samples, times, activities, circumstances, interactions, and relationships. Some science work on Mars will be done solo in the habitat. A prime example is at-the-bench work, such as done by a biologist in attempting to characterize possible microscopic evidence of extremophilia. All at-the-bench science work should be put into the record as the person talks his/her way through the work as it is being done. All instruments in the habitat, such as a microscope, need to be equipped to capture in digital form and insert into the record, every action or result or image produced, and link those data to the record of what the person was saying and doing.


Outside of the habitat, an important science activity will be gathering samples and recording verbally, often with supporting images, the sample and the context in which the person chose the sample. The provisions for providing and maintaining the integrity of a gathered sample is not part of the information system. The exception is the labeling of the sample. That will probably be usually done by applying a pre-numbered adhesive label to the sample or to its container for identification. That number should be read aloud immediately to place the sample within the record of the sol’s activities. The more full and detailed the description of the sample and its context, the better usually is the quality and usefulness of both the sample and the field data captured.

The variation of sample gathering depends much upon the kind of material being sampled and the criteria used by the personnel in deciding upon what to sample. Many subcategories will be recognized within such gross categories as plasma, gas, liquid, solid, radiation, etc. Sample gathering from a rover has the potential to enrich the variety of possible samples. The integration of data about samples is expected to be much the same when the work is done from a crewed rover or from a habitat, because the access to the information system will be similar. However, if the rover is far afield and out of contact with the habitat, then the recording of the data will be little changed, but immediate access to previously acquired data will usually not be available, or be much more limited. The use of temporary and permanent communication repeaters may partly ease this rover-associated restriction, but the specifics will be vary with the circumstances. The consequences of the restriction can be eased a little by putting emphasis on the quality of the sampling work rather than on the quantity when operating from a rover.

While sample gathering and observing the properties of Mars will be a major part of the science work in exploring Mars in crewed missions, doing experiments will also be important Some experiments will be devised by the crew on Mars after their arrival and done on site on Mars by the crew. Some experiments will be part of the mission plan. For them, the equipment and instrumentation will be sent to Mars either with the crew or in advance for the crew to work with after they arrive.

For pre-arranged experiments that are part of the formal mission plan, the usual sequence of actions on Mars to do them will consist of five major steps. First is selecting the location suitable for the experiment. For example, a solar-powered weather station has different requirements than a battery powered ground water assessment. Characteristics of the siting for the experiment will have to be recorded in detail so that the data the experiment generates can be reliably captured and readily accessed by the crew. Second is the deployment. The experience in setting up the experiment should be recorded for comparison with the setup plan that was prepared on Earth. Differences can affect the results of the experiment, and may affect other science work on Mars. Third is the trial run or initial testing of the experiment. Included should be an integration test to verify that the data are generated and stored reliably and accurately, and are easily accessible to the involved personnel on Mars. Fourth is the regular routine operation of the experiment. This may require periodic cleaning and maintenance checks, and changes and adjustments as circumstances change. These can critically affect the data provided by the experiment, and data about them need to be documented and clearly linked to the experiment generated data. Fifth is the shut down or decommissioning of the experiment. Because of the possibility of a later reactivation of the experiment or a move to a new site, what is done in decommissioning should be made a matter of record and that record should be kept accessible.

For conceived and executed on Mars experiments, portions of the five steps noted above will be needed and should be made a matter of record. However, a preliminary step has to be added. That is documenting a plan for doing the experiment, describing the intended why, what, when, how, and by whom of the experiment, as well as how it fits with the official mission plan. A key consideration is how the data are to be generated by the experiment and recorded in order for them to be useful, accurate, reliable, and accessible. Of the five usual steps, the third typically is the most difficult to acquire data about because the testing may result in redoing with changes some parts of the prior steps. However, such changes are important and reflect some of the vital contributions that human beings can make on site on Mars exploration missions. Hence, the third step should be comprehensively documented with the aid of the Mars information system.


A Mars exploration mission can be regarded as an experiment, with two major parts that generate potentially useful data. One part is the science exploration as noted above. A second part is the human life support with its associated utilities and activities. The steps in the “Mars exploration mission experiment” are much the same as noted above. These steps take personnel time on Mars to do, and can make use of the Mars information system. It is helpful for Mars mission planners and managers to have a detailed record of what was done by the crew on Mars in supporting themselves in that on Mars environment. One example is the infrastructure and the crew’s activities in setting up, using, and maintaining that infrastructure, including any rovers and habitats. To capture those data and store them, the Mars information system can be used much as it can be used for mission activities. People are expected to talk about what they are doing, how that is going, what the circumstances are, and what they have and have not accomplished at relevant points in place and time. The information system records what they say, and makes the record accessible. The major parts of the infrastructure (such as the gray water system) will be instrumented and generating data in real time that will be stored by the information system. Such data as well as environmental data can be accessed by the crew members to assist them in their work on and with the infrastructure.


For a concluding summary on increasing the integration of the Mars data produced by a crewed Mars exploration mission, some highlights and sequiturs from prior coverage in this presentation could be helpful for use in the Mars Society’s analog research stations. The capture, generation, storage, and use of data on Mars should be done in ways to avoid single points of failure. The most difficulty will come in the capture or initial generation of the data, for there, the role of the crew member is critically important. A misused word spoken or a measurement misread, to cite but two examples, become errors in the record that are subsequently very difficult to detect. Some generation processes can include built-in detection of potential errors. Nearly all storage and use of the recorded data automatically include error detection and avoidance as component processes. Multipurpose gear used by the personnel used for more than one purpose can provide data in a consistent manner that facilitates their storage and later retrieval for use. Personnel trained in specific disciplines (such as geology, biology, hydrology) may find they can use a tool that others can also use, as for example in identifying colors and quantities. Then instead of the personnel in each discipline using a different pair of tools for such purposes, they unite in using one tool for multiple purposes. Since data can be handled and used in a variety of ways, the equipment for data input and output used within a habitat should enable at least two different ways of handling or using the data. Of most concern is the interface between people and data. Some examples are audible, graphic, textual, and tactile. Since Mars exploration work will be paperless, for protection against possible equipment failures, in the habitat all data should be stored in at least two different media and kept in at least two different physical locations. Science equipments used on Mars should include as their default operating mode, the creation and communication of the raw results of each instance of their use. For example, an item of equipment on a habitat laboratory bench that measures the temperatures of liquids during experiments should provide frequently sampled or continuous readings to the Mars information system each reading each time it is used. To facilitate the generation and use of data, the same voice command, voice recording, and voice playing implemented for use in Mars suits, should also be implemented for use in Mars habitats. As noted above, within a habitat, such an implementation should not be the only one used, even through in Mars suits, only one can be implemented because of weight, bulk, and power usage. Just as people have distinguishing names, each capable object or item of equipment or data file will have names. An item of equipment such as an atmospheric composition sensor in some part of a habitat can then be interrogated by a crew member in more than one medium, and that item of equipment can respond via more than one medium. An equipment requiring special attention for increasing data integration is a crewed rover. At a minimum, a crewed rover has to be able to act as a mobile communications relay with real time transmissions between it and the habitat. That requirement effectively places a distance limit on how far and in what directions the rover may be used. A rover can be used outside that coverage area if it be equipped with store and forward capability. That introduces delay in the communications and adds some restrictions on the personnel’s access to stored data. If a rover also be equipped with copies of some of the data stored at the habitat, then some access to prior acquired data may be available. For example, suppose a geologist while doing field work from a rover asks for a search of prior acquired data on Mars about ankerite bearing argillaceous open breccia invaded by extremophiles. The stored files in a rover or (more likely) at the habitat may contain relevant data that could be communicated to the geologist as the person is doing field work.

Increasing the prompt availability of the data gained from Mars exploration to the personnel on Mars doing the exploration work, can enhance the quality of the work they can do. But to achieve increased data availability, the exploration work done by the personnel on Mars has to be done in a way that well integrates the capturing, recording, and storing of all the data from the various science disciplines as the data are generated during the Mars exploration mission.


1. William J. Clancey, et al., “Power System Agents: The Mobile Agents 2006 Field Test at MDRS”, in this volume.

2. This position is implicit in the literature on crewed missions to Mars. See for example the three volumes of Proceedings of the Founding Convention of the Mars Society, Univelt, Inc., San Diego CA, 1999.

3. Jack Hitt, “The Discover Interview,” Discover Magazine, October 2007, pp. 30–33, 87.

4. For examples covering a three-year span, see On to Mars: Colonizing a New World, Apogee Books, Burlington ON, Canada, 2002, 264 pp.

5. Boleslaw Domanski, “West and East in ‘New Europe’: The Pitfalls of Paternalism and a Claimant Attitude,” European Urban and Regional Studies, 2004, Vol. 11, No. 4, pp. 377–381.

6. The most available source has been the Mars Society Web site that provides access to the reports from the research stations. The URL is: http://www.marssociety,org

7. Ned Chapin, “Information Systems Gear in Mars Analog Research,” presented at the 2003 Mars Society Sixth International Convention, and published in On to Mars2: ISBN 1-894959-30- 2, Apogee Books, Burlington ON Canada, 2005, pp. 212-216.

8. Ten presentations were made on Mars suits at the Ninth Annual International Mars Society Convention in 2006, some of which are included in this volume.