
OT SERIES  LESSON #201 – The Fall of 41-52

TO HELP US STUDY 1. Jer 42:7 How long after Jeremiah’s prayer did God wait to answer?

2. Where were the of told to go?

What destination would lead to destruction?

3. Jer 44:4 What did God do again and again?

4. Who heard the prophesy of destruction in Jer 44?

5. To whom did they burn incense in Jer 44?

6. Who defeated whom in Jer 46?

7. What nations were marked for destruction in Jer 47-51?

8. What “gods” were debunked in 47-51?

9. Jer 50:4-7: The lost sheep wandered and forgot

10. Compare the number of exiles in Jer 52:30 to 2 Ki 24:14 – why might they be different?

TO HELP US REMEMBER: :4-5a “Again and again I sent my servants the , who said, ‘Do not do this detestable thing that I hate!’ But they did not listen or pay attention…”

TEEN THOUGHT: The lost sheep wandered and forgot their own resting place, the Lord, their true pasture. Have you ever felt that way – wandering, alone, lost, restless, anxious? Isaiah 53 says we all have wandered from God like sheep, but Jesus is our Good Shepherd. And like Psalm 23, he can lead you to the still waters and green pastures. Trust in him, and rest in him, and have peace.

TIPS FOR TEACHING – Some topics for potential study from the text: 1. Jerusalem plays a special role throughout the – literally and symbolically – take a look. 2. The End of Act 2 – review the flow of from captivity in to captivity in . 3. See Teen Thought

FOR ADULT STUDY: Is 53:6; Psalm 23:1-6, 62:1-8, 91:1-16; John 10:1-16; Heb 13:20-21; 1 Pet 5:4; Rev 7:17; Is 40:11, 49:8-13; Mt 5:4, 11:28-30; Col 3:15; 2 Cor 1:3-5, 7:5-6; Gen 22:2, 14; 2 Chr 3:1; 1 Chr 21:14-22:1; Gen 14:18-20; Heb 7:2; 2 Sam 6:12-18; Heb 9:7-12; Rev 21:1-27.

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